LJ CITY AND COUNTY BATUKDAY AUGUST 22. 1S9I. The NlsUe I'nlveraily. .' The ti port n( the Hoard p( Regt-uta o( I be Stale University HI Eugene, wbicb baa ro submitted to Ciovrriior t'eiilioyt-r ly lion M. P. LVedy, tbe President, slmwa the uf In in of that iiitliiniion to ! iu a ptosis our condition. Th report show tint ilur- intf the lat b(tstio year tne uuiverMty nuiuberwl MtmlrnlM on iu roll. Uf tlieae 217 wer id tba cliMical department. ihirtv-ix tn Ibnt of lew, twenty in th mod- ii-al and Diufty-ODa iu lb department of music Aluiont all Iboa biking tbe class! ml conre wer Orf-gnuiaus, only fir being frra Wabingtou. The fncnltv arai Jnbn W. Johnson, A M .. professor of etbic and Littin; Murk Bailey, Ph. d.. professor of malheroaiica mid astronomy; i roi. i nomas uondnn, Pb. d . professor of history geology aud nut oral science; Benjamin J. Hawthorne, A M.. professor of ruftit"! philosophy and En- clih literature; Goo. H. Collier, LL. D.. profcaaor or chemistry and physics; John Htranb, professor of Greek and modern lan gusges: Lnelln 0. Canon, professor of rbn'ono and elocution; Samuel fc. McClnre, A. M , tutor. Those of tbe school of law: Bicbaid 11. Thornton, profeesor of tha aci ence mid practice of law and v idence; Lewis Li. MoArlbur. pleading; C. I). Del linger, equity. Staff of the acbnol of med icine: Dr. Bingswanger, chemistry; Dr. MoKeuzie on theory and practice of tnedi- icine; Dr. Bull, materia medics, Dr. Strong. KyuaeeoloRy; Dr. Say lor. clinical surgery. Dr Niino, auatoiny; Dr. Jose phi, obt(tiica; Dr. G, Wilxon, oparalivt miiL'ery; Dr. Flinn, physiology; Dr. Eaton. tbe eye and ear; Dr. G. Wells, diseases of children; Dr. oiesy, bygiene; Dr. W. Jones. clinical dinguosis; Dr. J. Wells, general pathology; Dr. Bevan, clinical snrgery; Vi. lion, zymntio diseases; Dr. alackey, mierosenpy. ' Tbe HnuDces of tbe university are in flourisbiiitr condition as are ita academic sff iirs. By tbe reports tbe total receipts amount to $27,996 12; total disbursements, $'25,3fi8 .2(1 leaviug a halanre on band Juno 30. 1891, of $2027 92. Tbe report from the land fund shows a gain of $7814. St during tbe year. At tbe annual meeting of the regents tbe degree of master nf arta were conferred rtron Henry F. McClnre, Robert Collier, A. 0. Woodcock, It. F. Reaaoner, D. W. Bass, W, C. Cardwell, Jennie McClnre, and Eta Roger. Tbe degree of bachelor of law was also conferred on Charles . Lockwood. The mm nf $800 was appropriated for the school nf law. aud that of KMX) for the school nf medicine, together with $100 for periodicals. An assistant was given to tbe janitor at a salary of 3U0. Mr. S. E. McClure and Mian Philura E. Murcb, tutors, each bad their salaries in creased $100 for the ensuing year, Dmployrs Kluil Be Paid. Ai.ua xv, Aug. 18. The hearing of the petition of the employes of the Ore gon I'ai'illc railroad for on order of the circuit eourt directing the receiver, T. E. Hogg, to jmy them the nmouiit due for services since February 1, was hnd at Corvullix today before Judge Pipes. The employes were represented by At-torney-Geiicml (ieorge K.X'hamlierlaln and i. K. Wetitlierford. An order was issued by the court directing the re ceiver to settle with the employes on or before August 31, and einixiwering him to negotiate his certificates to raise the necewnnry funds. It Is thought the money can be raised In this manner by the time named and that the men will Is? paid. Should the receiver fail so to do, he will lie required to show cause to Justify disoliedienee of the order of the court. WiTkR Co 'a , Wkll. The water aupply t tbe well now being dug for tbe Eugene Water Company promises to be excellent. At one point in the well they are down 15 feet without striking water.agood indication that when water is found it will have no connection with surface drainage. In tbe cisterns on Willamette street, water la found , at leas than 12 feet from the surface. Tbe well is through o oontinnous bed of gravel. Fkom Halt Lake. Three families arrived here last night from Bait Lake, Utah. They brought with them sev eral head of horses, a cow und all their household effects. They have already rented three dwellings and gone to house-keeping. They expect several other families in a few days, being rel atives. The Weekly Gcaud now goes to preaa earlv Fiidty nmrning. Advertisements or locsU for the weekly should b bunded in l.y Tbntsday ereniug For tbe daily by two o'clock of the afternoon of enc-h day. Call a Hall Ttiat tirbd languid feeling means that your system is in a state to in vite disease, and Wright's Compound Ex trad of Sarsanarilla is what yon need at ouoe to expel impurities of tbe blood and build yon op. 6old bv all druggists. Geo. W. Kinsey, Auctioneer. When yon want yourgooda, household furniture or land sold at auction, call of Goo. W. Kinaey, the pioneer and most suc cessful auctioneer in Lane County. He will attend to oil sales on reasonable com mission. s Notice. When wanting cemetery work go to E.W. Achison A Co., who are prepared to furnish all kinds at lowest prices for first-class work. Our Portland cement walls for enclosing cemetery Iota are the finest yet put opon the market, and are furnished at abont half the coat nf stone. Call and see our beauti ful Burr 4 Westerly granites and best grades of Vermont marble. Offices at Al bany, tngene and Koseburg. Very Respectfully Yours, E. W. Achimoh k Co. Ukfavorabm Siasox.-Od account of the late season U. Bettman will sell all his sum mer iroodi such a straw hats for eb" dren and men, parasola and dress goods re gardless of cost, to close out Dont miss the opp-wtunity. Call on Bettman bafore you bay. Sheep Inspectors Sotice. All persona in Lane comity owning ecab by sheep or sheep afflicted with other dis eases, are hereby notified that said sheep must be thoroughly dipped, aoffiiieol to kill laid disease, forthwith. . Any person failing to comply with this no tice will be liable to have bis "heep dipped by the Inspector at aaid persons'! expense, fake notice and aave costs, Dated June 5, 1891. Gio. Fishm, Sheep Inspector. Waxtid 100.000 lbi. of good Willamette talley wool. Smith k Hat. The cheapest place to boy yonr builders hardware, tinware, glai. rope, and all kinds of roach me oils, 4c, is at VANDKXBntO k Kxap. Maoonio Bnil i '! $jU0 Keward wVwallpay -jffa waahing that we etc not mZtfn arf.am ht vahid in .w. : i i ,ki--nU washboard " '." w--- I l.e Lcusia Nottci.-Go to tne uepoviu yard loi cheap lumber. Andrews will not be nivieriold. FABMitaa, ArraxTioa --AU kinds of ma ehit oils at bed rock price t Vasdobcio 4 Kjapt Brevities. Hollowat-Watchbi, Ciocta, Jiwii.it OPBeTACLBI AND MUSIC. Canvas shots at O. E. K'l. Walton 4 8kipwortb, Lawyers. Me.lfi.rd flour at Sladden 4 Sob's, Choice lot of orangca at Dixon'. Fin line of cigars at Dixon'. , Go to 0. E. Kransa for foot weir. Call on Caswell for sidewalk lumber. Rubber bottom shoe it 0. E. Kranase's. Bbeet masio at Patterson 4 Christian's, 9th St. Money to loan on farms. Enquire of Judgt rvaiton. Hot and cold baths every day in tb week t Jerry Horn i barber ihop. CarMts. carpets, all new style for spring trade at Day 4 Henderson s. For fine suits made tn order and ready made ololhing, go to Ed Hanson. Sea tba new invoice of oak furniture, all new patterns at Day 4 Henderson's. 21 dollar will boy solid, antique, oak bed room set it Day Hen terson a. C. Marx, Barber Shop and Bath Booms. First door north of Dunn's new block. Blank deeds, mortgage deed and chattel mortgage for aal 1 1 llni Q' (5,000 worth of ladies' shoes to be sold at or below cost. J. O. Uatloce Mr Geo F Craw has the sole agency for all brand of th celebrated TansU foncn uvrar Before storing or selling yonr oata aee A V. Peters. Clean tnevalier Parley waniea E. C. Lake, marble entter and dealer in monuments, ihop on Eighth street, bugen. Remember tbat Hanson 4 Boo bavi tbe best selected stock of clothing in town, Bring yonr old scrap cast Iron to the En- gene iron f oundry wnera yoo can oupose of IU Sixteen-inch seasobed fir wood for sale at cost by 8. Meriaa, corner Oak and bixtb streets Euoene Floor 1.35 per sack. Th En gene Flouring mills make the best quality of roller mill flour. Just received from Southern Oregon, 500 101b tins fresh lard, guaranteed. !.' per tin at A. Goldsmith's. If you are getting too old for your spec tacles, or if tbey do not exactly snit you take tbem to Watt and bave new lenses mien. Rest line of nlush and licht weight cloth wraps from 10 to 35 dollar aonth of Port- tuna, now on exmuiuuu ha. t . wi. Dr. (I. VT. Diddle mav be found at bis residence on Olive street, between Fifth and Ritth streets one block west of tbe ' Minne sota Hotel. He is prepared to do HI dent ll work in tbe beat manner. Tha heat familv remedv is undoubtedly Plunder's Oregon Blood iuriner. Harm less, it sooomplishes relief where many oth er medicines fail to do. It may be aafely given to tbe infant aa well as tbe adult. Pftddler are like the Irishman s flea, and often irreaponsible. so buy an organ of a reputable house, and that will not fall to pieces with the first damp weather. Call and see Holloway'a. Henderson, dcntiBt. Oxford ties at O. E. K's. Fountain pens at Watts'. Overgaiters at O. E. K's. Job work it the Guard offloe. Tennis good at O. E. K'l. ( W lead, others follow. O. E. K. Wigwam slippers it 0. E. Kranase's. Russet shoes at O. E. K's. Day board at Dixon's Restaurant. Go to J. E. Bond for your straw bats. Go to Smith 4 Hall to sell your wool. Dixon's New Restunrant for best 25 cent meals. Go to Goldsmith's and get prices on bacon and lard. Selette Plush Jacket only 10 dollars atJA. V. Peter.' Men's patent leather shoe at O. E. Krausae'. Blank deed and mortgages for sale at th Goabd office. Goldsmith pays the highest cash price foi country produce. Try some breakfast bacon from bootnern Oregon. A. goldsmith. Forest City Dongoli shoes only H twi pair at A. V. Peters.' All kinds of mill saws and nies lor aaie ai Richard Mount ! saw shop. Remember the SI 50 Dongoli shoe, good value for S2, it A. V. Peters'. Smoke Helms 4 Beavenue's Queen Re gent lOo cigar. Beat in town. The best assortment of cniutren snoes will be found at O. b. Krsusse s. When wanting l nice ti or anything in the furnishing line go to J. E. Bond. Blank notices fr the location of quaiti mines for sale at the Guard nttice. For all kinds of farminfi implements oall on J. M. Hendricks on Ninth Street. W. Sanders sells logger shoe, best grid, with straps ind tings, tor J3 per pair. Screen windows and doors, glass, sash and doors it Bioalow 4 Kimpatbicx(. My entire stock 10 per cent, discount for cash. D. Matloci. J. E. Bond has just received the finest lin of nmmer olothing that ever struck Eugen. 8u?ar cured hams, breakfast bacon and shoulders from Southern Oregon, at Gold smith's. If yoo want to buy magnificent orgin from $50 to $75 cheaper than ptddler can sell you, go to W. Holloway. W. Sanders will sell his entire slock of boots and shoes It less than wholesale prices. Give him call and be convinced. W. Holloway baa just received consign" ment of new organs, withont doubt the fin est toned instruments ever brought here Call aud see tbem. A large assortment of wall paper lust re ceived at the Eugene Book Store. Call and see it. Banjr8'McKeuzie Springs Staje Line. Eli Bangs is now running bia stage line np th McKenzie river to tbe Foley and Belknap springs aud intermediate points. The stage leases Eugene op Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays returning alternate days. The trip will be made in twelve hour. For tickets and further i uformation, call at tbe Hoffman Hons stables on Ninth street. ' Loo; Hxbi Gils. Watts has just re- oeived nice line of friendship rings, both gold and silver. What It It? That troduoe that beautifully soft com plexion and leave no trace of its applica tion or in iuriou effect? Tb answer, Wil dorn' RoLertine aocompliahe ill thi. and ia pronounced by ladie of taste and refine ment to be tb moat delightful toilet articl ever produced. Warranted nannies ind matohfea. F. M. Wilkins, agent, Eugene City. Tber is no danger of cold resulting in pneumonia when Chamberlain1! Cough h.mxtt ia need as diverted "for I lever cold." It effectually counteract and arrest any tendency of a cold to resolt in pneu monia Thi fact wa folly proven in thous ands of ease during th epidemic of influ enza laat winter. For sale by F. M. Wilkin, Drnggist Don't Believe It When told that F. M. Wilkina, th druggist, ia nut celling "Wisdom' Robertine" for tb complexion, tb moat elegant sod only really harmleaw preparation of it kind in tbe world, and giving a beautiful picture card with every bottle. High Bank Happening. August 20 Thrashing is In fu'l blast this week. Z. T. Kintiley, of Springflold, was bore Sunday. Tbe hop grower rejoiceth to tbiuk tbat tne lice are last disappearing. Mr. Gager and daughter Miss Niua, of Eugene, are here wito relatives this weei Mr. and Mr. Armitage, from near th MoKeuzie, visited here last Sunday witb their son. Work is progressing nicely on th new depot at Springfield, wbicb will be, when completed, second to none In tne valley. Mr. Dave Daily returned from Southern California, laat Saturday and will soon leave tor his home on the Sound. His wife and sou will remain here for some time. Waahburne 4 Sons, of Springfield, bar received from Norddyke 4 Marnion Co., of Indianapolis, Ind., tbe machinery for their mill, which is tb full roller process. Tbey re now prepared to receive wheat and w as soon as tbe machinery is arranged be ready to grind the aam into floor for which tbey will bave capacity of 150 barrel per day. After i brief career tbe Advance has ceas ed to advance and the editor folded their portfolio and like tb Arab "silently stole away." Thus tbe Advance ceases to ilumi- nate the literary horizon and to vibrate on too still ind pulseless air. Last Friday we perched ourselves on the lence, on a euarp rail, and gazed at some object which at first we thought might be one of the Mt. Carmel, III., air ships which bad cotton away and was coming west, but thia conclusion was soon expelled end we sat there in tbe hot sun speculating whether or not It was an ad for Sella isrottiers snow, but, a it rose above the tree tops, and on discovering it to be balloon, we "came down off tbe perch" and gazed Intently off in tne distance and aa near a we oouid de scry it was headed toward Fairmoant. Rxuclar Suicide at La Grande. F. L. Boyer, real estate agent of La Grande, committed suicide Saturdsy, by banging himself. After breakfast Saturday morning be told young lady to whom he was engaged that be was in trouble and left the house. Abont 6 o'olock in the evening a man called at the bouse to aee bim on business, and the sister went in sea rob. She found bim in bis barn in tbe eastern part of tbe city, baiiiiina tiy Lis neck trnm a raf ter. He bad faatenod a pair of reins from a rafter, placed the loop aronnd nil neci, and dropped from a beam iu the upper part of tbe barn, i be body was cold wuen taken down. Indications are tbat be must have committed tbe act early in the morning. He waa about 20 years of see and had been in La Grande nearly two years. Partial in sanity is thought to be the cause. Recording: Railroad Patents. Patents numbered 3 and 5 conveying to the Oregon 4 California railroad company. by the United Htatee about 150,000 acrea of laud In tba Willamette valley nave been received for record at the county clerk's offloe. A largo amount of tbe land is situ ated in Lane county. The entire patent must be recorded in every county in wbicb single tract of land described lies. They bear the recording certificates of a number of the county clerks down the valley. This is the hrst record mat nasoeen made of any lands granted in aid of the construc tion of the Oregon 4 California railroad, although the railroad company has sold and deeded away thousands of acres. It i pre sumed the delay in plaoing tbe patents on record was prompted by tbe desire to escape as far aa possible payment of taxes on the lands. Board of Equalization. Hon. L. Bilyen Wednesday received his appointment from Governor Pennoyer as the member of tbe Stale Board of Equali zation for the 2nd judicial district. The members of the board ire ippoiuted by judicial district in accordance witb law passed by tbe laat legislature, and will hold their positions until the next election. Tbey will meet and organize in Salem about December 1st and are allowed $10 per day and mileage for a period not exceeding 30 days. T. R. Sheridan, of Rosebnrg was first appointed for this district but was un able to serve. Tbe First Hops. Stephen Snieed, of Waltervllle, brought In the first hops of the season Wed. They were of an early variety and amounted to 23 bales. They were picked from two acres and went nlsint 14(H) nounda to the acre. He ships them to Milwaukee. Mr. Hmeed expects to commence picking his other hops Monday, Au gust 81. He Htiroyed his yard twice and It will not be affected by the hop louse. Stkkr Clear. A canvasser for a purchasing association is doing Eu gene. An initiation fee is charged for niemliershlp and It Is represented that nieinbers can purchase goods at cost. It la unnecessary to repeut the warning heretofore given that such schemes are only calculated to take money out of the pockets of those who are so credu lous as to invest. You can purchase f;oods cheaper of reputable dealers at lome than of lrresionsible parties abroad who cannot give any guarantee of standing. That Fruit. After string the Leak car advertising fruits from Placer county, California, Mr. Kettlemler, of Woodburn, said: "We can easily lieat anything that they have displayed that we raise in this county. I can even beat their peaches, and so far as cher ries are concerned, we wouldn't think of picking such little things." Married. In Eugene, at the resi dent of the bride's uncle, Tuesday evening, Aug. 18, by ltev. I). A. Wal ters, Mr. It. H. Buck to Miss Anna Taylor. Mr. Iluck is a menilier of the Journal typographical force, while the bride is a teacher iu the Eugene public schools. Lane Leaub. The stnte sujierln tendent's ofllce has total returns from all counties, showing 1747 organized districts in the state. Lane leads with 132, Clackamas lot. Linn 108, Marlon 101. 132 new school houses were built laat year. FaixCrih Bbidoi. Th coonty court Invites plans and specifications for bridge across Little Fall creek near Tay. It will be about 90 feet long and be supported by k.,... A Xtnmm Imu im nraffcrTMt- Rids will be opened Thursday, September 10, it Fwid. A logger by the name of Dave Pollock waa arrested Wednesday on charge of being drnnk. Recorder Dorri Tbnrsday gsv him flv day In tb county jail to sober np. I Brians W are informed that it did not rain at Junction Wednesday, and tbat tb threshers in tbat vicinity worked all day. Her it rained quit hard. Look Oct. It would b well for th peo ple of Eogtne to fasten down their window od securely lock their doors tonight ind tomorrow nlgbt, a tb circus thieve! will b abroad io tb lind seeking very vain able tbat is in sight. Th large gravel are being raked and hauled from tbe street car track. COUNTY AND STATE Apportionment Ren))! 1'uods sstr suii Amount of county funds on hand for distribution. f7.3tKJ.5l). Toeaon sciioi ar. $1.2.'). Amount of state funds on hand for distribution, fS,470.0O. To each scholar, f 1.4a. LIST. I LIBS COfSTV. STATS. I 1 T 1'alln.m I fJO iO IW'JO 1 James I'arker 75 t S STL Kelly TS til .IS tleo K Craw WM Hl 7U i Ml Htlleaas ! I0 6 M II Harlow W 74 7 J U Stevenson ( " M 8 Win Welch M) t T Kemhaw 7 W V 10 4 N Keunts 3 50 '2 N II Sanfoni skinner W U Ha) IJ Hermau Miller 73 U II f Keener '7 ' 7s ;W 14 J Dlloaard "0 lO l!V JasKl 7S 16 KOanml WO 117 70 17 T P Ailmrv W " .'O 7. 11 O A t'ainidwU '74 iU :B 1 A W liiiuau SUa Wa M i S 11 am u i iW -" W J I J C JennliiM .'"74 t.H l. ii 1 M llvarhart I 7J 7 74 1 A ltond 7 M .') :l James Mnebaugh 24 X W White U W W M ! DWIIanlln W V ('rata Hayes . 4i '.M M li. Krank Hartley W P S Shelley SO BSHylaiid Ill J W Seat :tl Ueo 0 Knowlus .11 (ieo II Hale 34 J l Smith :t, T 1 Hera art II Wtngard 37 N K Crow 35 Jeue Sorerit ;) S It McKernan 40 John W stoue 41 Noah Huoy HUH Kaxtvr 43 J li Wllnou 44 K H naves 4.1 James Hemenway. 4 Thomas Huiinakiir 47 I N Hemline 4 H W ltaleock 49 11 l W hillock .WAS Powell M Minnie Belshaw !i U ( l.mM 43 S U Dudley 44 K F Clock V. KW Taylor M K It Payne 47 KiiireueVtiin 4N ('has lla.ll.-y 4v J M Ted row i'O J T Donalilnon til W in Jones 1:1 .Mary S Smith 63 A w' Moore 64 Johntiacrle AS James O'Hrlen IM orrll Fisher 67 Quo. M. Kcot fit (I. II. Kcnfrew Htt J.M.Helieo 70 S. K. M.-Hce. 71 M. A. lhlHlid 7'J Kll I'ui-kina 74 M. A. Vouch. 74 T. J. Illakeley 76 W. O.ShoitrlUgo 7H A M Mcclain ,. .. 77 Sctli llarpole 78 W. II. Hill :7 :o 31 oo 31 ti., ;m i'. ;W iS 4.' tt' W 00 31 NO l 74 : 14 2.1 74 27 .VS ;1 Ml til) wl 43 74 ft! a J3 " 4 V 44 : oo 4s oo 41 :0 40 :io M CO 10 Ml 3S 74 44 77 Ml SO 00 lol i4 2i as m : t o oo 2lil k. '20t 44 ,'sl 24 ' 04 li 76 (W 16 62 40 0 W 24 00 W 00 til 24 71 (V 87 40 1 ! 65 00 03 SO 11 24 13 04 44 00 42 20 63 00 6H W 67 40 66 70 71 26 S J 64 47 !) Vl 10 66 20 63 N) 31 24 36 24 22 40 26 10 Kl 74 07 14 24 00 20 00 73 74 S4 44 61 60 60 00 IS 76 'Jl 76 06(10 6.1 NO 'J6 00 W 00 ll 16 246 06 61 '26 60 46 JO 00 23 SM 63 76 80 16 MM t 46 'Jll 25 60 46 SI 60 17 70 IS 76 'Jl 76 41 'J6 47 S6 SI J6 4 66 83 7 80 16 70 NO II. II. Martin SI K. H. Kelitay HJ Johntinlloy 83 ('has. Kissinger.. . ... S4 J.l.Doml N4 John F. Wilcox art J. M. Kitchen H7 A.J. Harlow SH N. Peterson Ml J. L. Atkinson M) Jonas Dnimt 91 Thomas Pope M J, II. Feriruson H3 John kirk 04 J.H. lllae HI II. W. Jones m J. V. Ilolbrook H7 (). W. Hnrd IM Win. l ane Ml K. II. Mills . 63 76 63 16 M '26 80 46 '26 26 Ml 46 46 00 62 20 16 (XI 'JO ( H 76 44 66 77 60 HO 00 83 76 B 16 41) 110 46 40 13 76 II 76 '26 SO W OO SO 110 '21 '20 83 76 80 16 82 60 87 70 61 26 71 06 26 00 BO 00 80 110 84 SO Ml 00 104 40 20 Ml US '20 6 IM 5 NO 111 18 06 46 26 68 66 26 00 '20 00 '28 76 27 66 80 00 '23 20 28 76 27 64 60 (U 60 60 II 60 14 60 86 00 40 60 2H 76 88 81 80 00 84 HI 2S 76 82 86 1SJ W. T. Cornelius im K. P. Walte 10-J DhvIU ttiulth UU V. It. Kelley 104 ('. A. I.nnm-r HA K. M. lioaan list ('. A. McMahon 111? Mrs. A. It. Smith m V. W. Hales 1MH J. 0, Phelps 110 J. II. Htarns Ill J. CiwlM-er Ill C. A. Piittorf 16 00 17 40 Ill KrniHt IU Kll ID 7ft IS W 114 Ho Keport ' lift (. F. Kennedy 11 SO 14 60 llrt I. V. Moltltt 81 U W 116 117 W. II. Kanoff 4 (10 17 40 118 n II Lyons Wift , SU 49 1111 W. A. Kelley 41 M 47 HS 11 I'liaa. Seliaue i w it 111 J. Salsman 41 47 an m A. J. Anurson W 1 lit J. W. Wyooff S3 7 S!l 16 144 Dennis Bayaw TO 76 78 H VH W. S. Weatrope Jl 16 24 fift I'M W. II. Ilayaen 41 1 47 Sft in li. it. na ... . . 1SS (ieo. T. Seara SI 0 37 70 in J A Hurnette 16 (W 17 40 130 C urtis Balrd 1 6 IS S3 131 Itlley Klnfrey IS 00 17 40 13'J J. W.Coi Jl 74 m J, II. Pratt iu w li w Kugene, Oregon, Aug. 17. 1N9I. a. n Pattkhsoh, County Bupt. His Neck Broken. Pendleton E. O., Aug 17. Li Rov Itose. i youns man quite well known lhroubont tbe county, met witb sudden death Saturday evening about 8 o'clock at Jas. Cargill'i place, ten miles nortb of Pendleton, llose wa going out to Cargill's farm from tbis oily on horseback, accompanying John 11. Mitchell and bia daughter, Mias Ella Mitchell, and young man named Culver, wbo were riding in a buggy. There are two gate in th road leadins to Mr. Carulll'i house. Tbe first Jiose opened for the buggy end then said be would ride on eueaa. Tbe second sate, i barbwtre barrier, bad usually been left open, and Saturday morn ing was open when Hose went to town. When tbe buggy came up, liose was louna lylnjt in the road inside the sale while hit borse galloped away. He was gasping wbeo the party arrived, but soon ill ngus of life disappearsd. It is supposed tbat thinking lb gate waa open be roaa against It at a gallop, and tbat bit bora turned i somersault and fell upou bim. Ills neck waa dislocated by tbe fall. Bose was sbout ibirty-four years old, strong ind healthy ind In tbe prime of manhood. II leaves mother, three brothers, sister ind two little children to mourn bis untimely death. Ilia wife, daughter of Mr. Mitchell, died l yen ago. . Notice of Est rays. aTunm tk . TfitniaiM lllMaa hilla cast of Cresw ell on the 8d day of Auir., lnui, one roan norse i nanus mgii, u-i.lipl.r ttlifiiit. 1SMI nrtiimla. hi-Hnilmi fin riKht thlirh n. White sisit In fore head ami white spot on left side of nose, Isith hind feet white, left front Tool winie, aooui o yeurs om. true Mini horse about 4 years old, welgbt 1-MUI tumndu fnano tilwul mII round, tall Isibbed off. The owner of le aforesaid ueseritied animals win lease call and iret them and nay ex inuiui 4tt uti iiiu ilt fjllilfiinffci laid III in'lim n - i s uv breacby and held iu my bam 8 miles east of L'rcswell. DaU-d Aug. 14, 11. V. E. Cornx. Notice to Contractors. Nolloe is hereby given that tb County Court of Lane coonty. Oregon, will receive ealed plans, specification and strain dia grams, and aio dios tor in construction, according to tbe said plans, specifloationa and diagran.a, of briilK aeros Little Fill Creek it a point near Tay. Said bridge to be set on bents and requires kbont 90 foot ipan, Ilow Trns prelerred. Bid will be opened at 10 o'clock a m., Thursday, Sep tember 10th. lWI.end mar be filed witb tbe County Clerk of aaid County np to aaid time. Tbe Board reserve tb right to reject any and all bids. Dated Eugene, Oregon, August 19, 1891. Uodit boorr, County Judge, T.t Cmmrm IJnlna sold out. wa will A, anjwial nt r inr the neit 1(1 dava I nntil September lat) on all groceries and crock ery, uon l mis mi ensno. Dbaiwn n aon. Boaa. -Ia North Engeo precinct. Aus- nil 17, mi. to tb wif of C. H. Belahaw, ton, weight, 12 pound. Hit E VITI t:J. Pumps, pip and gas fittings at Miller k L,ong. Cook atovea from (4.G0 to $G0 it Miller k Long i, Din street. Nice lasortiuont of hardware at Miller k Long's. The highest market price paid for egg nd poultry, it tanir & Uivs . Miller k Long is the cheapest place for stoves and tinware. K.Hp saying over to yourself, "I can get Hardware at Miller X Long s." The best buggv made for th money, 1 F, Li. Chambers fou pleasure wagona. Attention Farmer. Call on Miller k Long for Stoves, Tin and Hardware. Carpenters and contractors will aave mon ey by getting tiuning and plumbing from Miller A bong. Tiuuing, plumbing and lob work of all kinds done cheap and on abort notice at sillier & Long. Miller k Long are sole agent for the eel ebrated Qold Coin aud Gordon Stove and Ranges in Eugene. Kepair for Deering, MoCorruack, Os borne k Bailey and Champion Mowers aud Hinder can be bad at F. L. Chamber Hardware Store. We have several pounds of old type, which Is much better for babbiting machine botes than tbe common babbit metal and will be sold for lesa money. Hon licking will commence at Pres ley i iiesinre s yam August aisi. . Frail jar guaranteed by Bladden k Son. Low prices Sladden k Son. Fruit jar guaranteed by Sladden & Son. reaches, gropes, melons, sweet potatoes ana lomatoes ai oiauden son. For bargains In crockery ind grooerles ee Sladden A Hon. Jamea Woods, formerly of Eugene, Is running barber shop at Antelope, Oregon. It is said that milk is made especially nu tritioua if it is pnt in l jar and atood in l moderately hot oven for eight or ten hours, It it then celled "baked milk," and has be oome thick and creamy. Prineville Review: Everything at lbs Deschutes brewery is now iu shipshape order. The new brewer is making lots of beer, and of Ural-class quality. As to tbe quality we are able to vouch, for the pro prietor, Mr. Woods, donated to this offloe a aample keg, which is go.nl enough to satisfy any connoisseur. Jaa. Warnick la slowly recovorine from the fall of 18 feet, wheu be alighted square ly on bis feet, nil feet and anklea are black from the injuries received, ind although no bones were fractured, he is unable to bear any weight on bia feet. He movei about the nous on bis hands and knees. Mr. J. Powers, a carpenter woiking on i new barn being built for Dr. Sharpie on his farm, fell (rom the building and sus tained internal ininriea ind fractured bis collar bone. Dr. Brown was called to at tend bim. Tbe Eugene cannery has secured some very attractive and showy labels. One of them isafao simile of tbe birdaeyi litho graph view published by Geo, M. Miller showing the town, University, McKemie mountains and the Three Sisters. The name of tbe brand is "The Three Sisters." The bulkhead and filling at the mouth of tb sewer are completed. An sutomatlo slanting gate will close it tbe moutn oi tbe sewer In case of very high water to prevent baok water from oomini into town. Tbe work ia substantially con structed and ia creditable to Sunt. Kelley and the workmen employed In the oon struotion. Young; grotiso are bclnir brottirht Into the market. They are about two-thirds grown. J. C. Qoodale has just finished aeeiuina bli last run of logs, 3,000,000 feet, in th pond at Coburg. The locircrs have lust finished n Inn drive of McKeuzle logs to tbe lianis burg sawmill. A marriage license was issued yes terday afternoon to C. H. Frank and Lizzie Alacnaw. Accordius to the Btate School Fund Ap portionment, Albany baa 1,0'Ji pupil while Eugene has 1,100. German preaching, Sunday, 33d. at the Court House at 11 o'olock. All Germans Invited. 0. Wiiulti. P. If the merry-so-round stays hen much longer tbe juvenile portion of tbe communi ty will go "dead broke." The ooili of pipe for the Eocene Can ning Co's. evapotator ire abont in place. Over 6000 feet of pip waa used. A party of three from Monmouth pissed through Thursday on their way home, after a sojourn of three week on th Mo Keuzie. There Is considerable in wlr tl these days, particularly when blowing from i tie norm, 'mat means good weather for harvest. The usual numberof thieve and gamblers will be with tb circu today, and w would advise our readers "Never to buck it mother man'i game." Gcs Will Fiuiit. A Portland ex change of the 17th says. (Justave Hicketlieler, tlio Washington street marble cutter, ronocs to contest the divorce suit recently Instituted against him by his wife Minnie. lie filed his answer yesterday. In which he denies seriatim all tne allegations or ttio plain tiff, and avers that within the year nreceeding her application she would frequently taunt him with her Inten tion to procure a divorce, and extorted money rrout mm, saying siie would leave him and take the children and f o duck jmimi to ner urouicr. lie denies n toto that he has ever ill-treated her, and avers that since the occasions on which. In her complaint, she alleges he abused her, she has cohabited with him, and that whatever difference they may have had she has thereby condoned. He therefore prays for a denial of her application for a divorce. Bouoh Tuck. Very frequently, of late, It baa fallen to tb lot of tb newsgatherer to bave to chroulcU delay to traits on tb Southern l'aciho, ind in nearly every in stance lbs earns cans la responsible for tb dslay, vis: disabled engine. Tbe real cause, however, if old railroad men are to be believed, la in the rough condition of tbe track, which wears tbe engine out quickly. The Impression seem to prevail tbat tb v. at U. na too lew men on in sections. Thee section will verse seven mile In length ind on torn of them tber are not over four men. otatesuian. Wheat Storage. Store your wheat at tb BprlnKfisld Mill, where you can get th highest maiket price at all time. Wtbav plenty of aacki on band to supply our customer. Hop Spraying. Hop men will find the "Fleldi Hpeo Ul" a new spray outfit Just received estiectttiiy adopted for nop, urn aud examine at F. L. C'HAMlif K. Cemetery Work Cheap. Parties wish lag to purchss mocomrn or beadstoiea, tuber of msibl or Kisnit and those wishing to enclose their cemetery lot with either Portland cement, eel stop coping, Of iron or "ire fence, will find it to tbeir advantage to call it E. C. Lake's mar bl shop, on Eighth St., few door west of Lane County Dank and gel pnoe. Oats bought and stored by the Eugen Milling Co. 40,000 bigs to loan to thote wbo dealr to tore their wheat In tbe Eugen Mills. Remember that tb Eugene Milling Co., is buying oats, and storing tbem also. Lib eral prices offered. We bav 40,000 wheit sacks to loan to those storing their wheat with us this year Give us i call. Ecqini Mux Co. If you want suit of clothes or pair of pantaloon go to Usvls, tbe tailor, lie guar antees satisfaction and low price. To Trade. A fine new organ for lumlicr. Apply at tins oiitce. rieuty of watermelons In the market. The Portland lumbermen have cut the price of luinlx r to S per thousand. To nuvt this competition tho Van eouver mill has cut still lower and sells himlx-r at (7 per thousand. Tuesday's Albany Herald: Mr. ind Mn, S. 8. Train and family, Miase Maggie ind Nettie Whitney ind Mist Dell Brum ley, of Eugene, returned yesterday from up the bantiam. They brought back with thtm pretty spotted fawn captured above Hal atead by Mr. Lorin Laughead. Watermelon time. Low price Sladden k Son. For bargains In crockery and grooerle see Sladden k Son. Mia Dor Scott has been acting as dep uty couuty oleri tbls week. 8. M. Titus has built sidewslk west of l porliou of bis WilUwett street property. Hii passengers from northern points left on Wed. morning's stag for tie Foley Spring. Two car load mor of tiling for tb wr arrived on Woluesdsy freight, from San rranclaco. A Pendleton darkey secured t2,500 credit nnd was arrested when attempt ing io ski p. From all appearance! the rain iiover. Tbe grain will thresh easier for th (light wotting it received. Thanks to Frauk J. Miller, Clerk of th Bailroad Commission, for lohrdul sheet ind report! of laid body. Dayton. Wash., had a 125,000 fir Mon day nigbt. Iusuraoe, $14,000. Fir sup poses to have been of iuoendiar origin. Valley wheat 1 quoted In Portland it 91 65 per cental. That would make the price in Eugene 63. leu the aioki and storsge. llev, Sam M. Driver has been ippoiuted Presiding Elder by th Eastern Oregon M. E. Coufereno. n i son of Be v. I. D. Driver, of thisplace. W. Uollowsr is gisding his lot on Ninth street sdjolning the mill race. Tbe surplus soil is being scraped into tbe raoe, wbloh will be filled to tbe channel about 30 feet from th present bank. Dr. Patterson Is of the opinion that tils hop yard of 40 acres on the island near Eugene will produce one-third more than In any previous year. Hop nee are present, tiui in far less numbers than several weeks ago. Tbe worst street at present In Eugene 1 Willamette, tbe one most recently "Im proved" at i large cost to property owner. Horse a well as pedestrians suffer. Their boot become ciouged witb tbe putty and they (lip and slid as they travel. Salem Journal: Captain O'Brien at lb head of th Oregon federated trsiles 1 it tbe atate printing offloe. He tayi tbe antl boycott law oases will go before the Brand jury. If an Indictment il found a demur rer will be entered ind tb law will be test ed in th court. Tb great queation in volved I whether labor union hai a right to us lacts ana trui statement or not to protect labor. Tbe floor in th lower story of th Chrl- man block ar laid and workman in engaged on the upper Boor. Thi wires for tbseleotrio light hsv been run beneath the floor. Roaoburg Plalndealer: All along th railroad from Eugen to Drain th fields rs filled with shocks of wheat and oata, eioeptlng where the grain ha been bsuled aud stacked or threshed. A more abundaut orop ha never been bar vested in Oregon, It. L. Hennlniier, a farmer flv mile north of Salem, record! a feat tbat will in terest those stock growers wbo ar liking note on tb problem of ex la bleeding. A tow has brought litter of eleven femsle pigs, no male. Thi I a wondarful occur rence in tb sunsls of bug raising gener ally tb ei ii vnly divided. Artoslau water, lhat baa a dally flow of 250,000 Ballon and rises forty leet la thi ir, wis struck in the north Vskima conn- try last week, at depth of 400 feet. The people up there tbiuk tbey bave solved tbe problem of irrigation for hundreds of tbontsnds of sores of land, practically valueless without water, for anything ex cept piaturi. Ths sewer masons are working between Willamette ind Oik itreeti. tim ti n. nui ni ,!, it,. w...t icbool bout below Coburg next Sunday morning ind evening. Service 11 o'olock and 7:30. TM I ll. ilm ! It - It la ..14 wben th Chinaman I greatly agitated about tbe devil, and ha bia band! full In keeping him iwiy. A Glenada, Oregon, CDrresoondent haa th following to tay about a former oiliten of Eugen : Spenoer Miter spent om dav at Glenada this week. II ii enthtuiaetio over bl reosntly acquired Green Mountain property, and i ur tbat immeua wealth will reward futur development of that erst while favorlt quarts ledge. Mr. Bayard Handy, the well-known sketch artist and compiler, i In tb city witb i view of publishing paper or pam phlet descriptive ind illustrative of Kose burg and Douglas county. If he luooeed In obtsinlng the co-operation of our busl net men th work no doubt will be condu cive of much good. Uoaeborg PlalndaaUr. W bop tb work will glv better aalla- faction than th Eugen production did. Sudden Death. Wednesday' Rosebnrg Plalndealer: Tb visit of Mrs. J.i. Cometock ind ber mother, Mr. Rebeoci Bodley, wbo bav been tb Suet of Mr. Butch and family line Satur ay, culminated in a vary lad manner by tb audden ana unexpected oeatn oi tan. Bodley it 130 o'olock this morning. Th lady bad been feeling slightly 111 for two or three days but no Mrioni mult wsr entertained nntil laat venlng, when a physician wa summoned. Bb had reoelv ed a sudden trok of paralysi ind was beyond human lid and death odd bar sufferings tt tb hour named. The reaaains were taken to ber horn it Portland on th local thi morning, aooompanied by Mr. (Jonislock, nr. uuicl inn kit &t Snick. Tb lady baa many trkead la Eugene and Lane county wbo will b sauch pained to learn 01 ner sudds (VstUM. 5otie to Hop Plckeri. f will anaimiuta ntfiklnff tinna .1 Ik. Presley Comegy hop yard on th McKenii river, iBunaay, aug. tiiu. rioters want- to. U. AJSTlkLfc. Hop Picker Wanted. I will commence picking hop on my bop vara near eprtugneld, Monday, August 31 P ickert ir wanted at that lim. Wat, Kan. Joseph G. KslieT, civil engtaswr foe the Eugen sewer, left for Bo it City, Idaho, Thnrsdty morning on a busl trip. BEHEADED! A Han Beheaded by Last Nlffbt'i Over land Train at Harrkibarg-. The south boand overland Tour, night beheaded a man at Harriaburg, tb bead having bean entirely tevered from tb body. From all ippearanoe tb person was a tramp and b bad either gone to sleep on tbe track or had committed suiolde, lb Ut ter being tb view most generally entertained. Beat Estate Tranaten. rocirrar. U. 8. to the Oregon A California R. R. Co., land; patent. Another Astoria Bailroad. The Statesman of Ang. 19th isyit On February 33d, last, th following artiole of Incorporation wer filed witb th secretary of date, but they wer not published at th time, aa th incorporator requested that tbey be withheld from tbe pre, for pur pose (ptrbap right-of-way,) batter known to tbsmtelve. And now after to long a time tbe company haa don nothing, llsr li i return of the object, (to., of th cor poration, which took for lit nam tbat of tbe Pacifio k Eastern Railway Company. Incorporator, Frank J. Taylor, M. J. Kin ney, II. G. Van Duten; principal offloe, Astoria; capital stock, $10,000,000, divided into 100,000 thire. Tb declared object of the company I to build a railway south from Astoria to and np th Tillamook river; tbsn across tb Coast ring to thi head water of th Yamhill river and down laid river to tb east side of tb Coaat mountain; theno aouth through tb Willamette valley to Springfield; thence easterly, crossing tb Cascades by way of the middle fork of the Wiltamett to eaat of the Cascades; and thence eaaterly by way of Barney, Lake Valley ind Eastern Oregon and through Southern Idaho to Salt Lak City, Utah, also a line from Astoria to Portland and thence south through the Willamette valley to i practicable connection with the main line. Thle piece of railroad "new" it now given to tbe publio for tbe first time. . Tbe prospect of a good itat fair war never to flattering aa they ar tbi ysar. Th premium list bat been revised, ind In many important points tbe prize bav been iuoreued. Th entrie In th speed de partment ire the largest and beet in the his tory of th fair. Tbe atate fair 1 under th management of th Stat Board Agrioulturo and over (15,000 in cash la offered in prem ium! for eiibiti of itock, poultry, igricul tural products, fruit, etc, works of art ind fanoy work, and for triili of ipeed. Tbe board I making every preparation for a great meeting. Many valuable improve ment hav been made, ind th grounds hive been cleared np and greatly beautified. Eleotrlo and horse-car line now run from Seism to th ground. All person! wishing a premium list for th fair of 1801, oan ob tain it by iddreuing I, T. Gregg, tb ieo ret try it Salem. The fair begint on tbe 14th of September and lull on week. Send for a premium lial and prepare tome thing for exhibition tbii year. Jcario thi Taaos. Roteburg Plain- dealer. Aug. 18t H. Anthony, employed by the railroad company as trick inspeotor between Oakland ind Yonoolla, bad an ax perlenoe with a railroad veloolped yester day tbat he will remember for many day to oome. While crossing a treatl north of Oakland and going it rather a high rat of peed b attempted to bring his tnachlni to i itop, but unfortunitely bl efforts were unsucoeaaful, for Instead of decreasing tn speed the velocipede careened to one aide and lift th track, precipitating Anthony to thi ground below, a distano of about twenty feet, when he sustained a double fracture of tb left arm, on near th wriat ind thi other near thi ilbow, U wa brought to Uoaeburg yesterday ifumoon where Dr. Ozlai dressed th Injuria, and thia uornlng'i overland conveyed the un fortunate man to the railroad hospital at Portland. Almost a Burnous Accident. While Thoa. Hunsaker and family were coming to town from their home at Dexter , Thursday, when near the Kellv mill at Lost creek, they were overtaken by a runaway team belong ing to A. V. iivianu. mey ran into the hind end of his hack and broke the hind seat, on which his wife and daughter were sitting, to pieces. By some fortunate chance they escaped being Injured. One of the horses junied on tne hind wheel and struck the front seat with his fore feet, knocking Mr. Hunsaker's hat off his head. With good grit Mrs. Hunsaker caught the runaways by the bits and held them till Mr. Hunsaker oould straighten them out It waa a close call, me team nad oeen icn standing and got frightened at the planer In the mill. A BrirooraLD Foldib. Th Spring- flald Real Eitat and Improvement Co. has just issued a handsome 13-page folder, detoriptiv of lb town of Springfield ind vicinity. It bis a well written description of th town and lection; a plat of the town- site; a map of th slat mowing tbe loca tion of Springfield and proposed railroad line to it aoross the Mo&enxi and Middle Fork route, to Coos bay and tb Mohawk valley, betide connection witb tbe South rn Pacifio; and a bandsom blrdsey view of th town. Rsciiviso Gain Th Eaeen flouring mill up to Thursday had reoeived about 3,000 bushels of wheat. Th fanners bave only got just fairly started threablng ind thi rusn ti tne mm wiu os wnn tney ax on ishing. The grain Is of exoellent quality, but carries Urg amount of wild oat. Sold Oct. Sladden k Son have told their grocery store, on tb corner of Wil lamette and Seventh streets, to T. A. Hen derson, wbo ill formerly In tbe tin busl. nes In thi city. Th new proprietor will take charge of th business on September Id. Lam Csuicoa. Having sold out we will mtk specisl prion for th next ten day! until Sepl lit) on ill grooerle ind orock ry. Don't ml thi ohino. Diusn c oon. Tdi rVnmA rvnwm Wrtrk An th Coburg Cumberland Presbyterian church 1 progressing rapidly. Th fram of tho diflotiinp. It la expected to have it ready fo oooupancy by October 1st. MitajK). In Eugene, Oregon, August 19, 1SJ1, it their residence, on Tenth street, by Elder i. 0. Blohardaon, Mr. O. 8. Frank to Mr. Lixzia Machiw. Th Guam offers It snnsratulation. The Local Market. Th fallowing quotations for th local market are of retail prion only. Tbey ar corrected weekly, and will he found as accural a such renort can bt made: Whsat Net market Arm $ Oava- l"er busbel, net Floub Per luu DM. W TS so m as 1 TO 06 (9 10 06(4 10 vstti io 14 10 12!4 13 ! 40 & M a 3 500 tOO 401) 06 40 twj sir Per Ik. , MurroH Per B hist Per n VsAb-rwft Haas-Per IV SaouLDsaa Pat ft Sinas Per ft. Uan Pat ft. Bvrriar-Par rU (J tkt.) Eims Per down Chu:uuis Spring, Per do Uldheut,Prdo... Rlaji ft ... Pomtoss New ft BuhtL HUIIA Dry granulated, kl ft... KltraC, V Bl, Uotdan, II ft Corar-(.'oMa Hi oo best V ft... KtoVIk .... Javay ft Tn-f. ft Sua rs Per box, 3D bar CHtts l'tr ft Oi i3 m a 26 75( u 1 eo !