The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 22, 1891, Image 1

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v'(L23 EUGENE, OR., SATURDAY, AUGUST 22. 1891. NO, 44.
ZUt gugciu City Guard.
lublihr mud Proprietor.
OFFICE-On th Eut side of Willamette
Mrm:t, between seventh and .IgbUi btreeta.
i'or nnum
Sii Months......
12 00
, .75
Three monins....
Advertisements inserted M (ollawi:
' etch subsequent insertion JL Cash required
in advance.
Time advertisers will be charged at th
lowing rnwii
I toe aiiiare three month.
Hue square elx mouths
Due square oue veer. ..
' Transient notice, la local column, 20
I- - L U I J
to 00
8 00
12 00
iter use iur wvu mm hm
. , t 1 -11 Ml L i j , -
All lob work muit be paid roi OH bkiiviar,
CEO. B. D32RI3
: Attorney and Counsellor
V of the Second Judicial llirtrtct ana
i. i r Uriid
Social attention given to oollecHont aid
maiten in prooaie
i AUoriiey-at-Law,
'm; :HXK CirV. - - - OREGON
: iiKFlCi! It'nii 7 & 8 McClaren Buildin-,
' nrSiecial attention given to Collection.
aud rrotiiite Business.
Seymour W. Condon,
I.ulmim, - - Oregon.
Attorn ey-at-Law,
mm EVE. - - OREGON.
Ofkick- Room in Conner's Block.
ittornoy and Ccunsollor-at-Law, and
Real Estate Agent.
Ofl Ice In Maonio Temple.
Kuykendall & Payton,
Physicians and Surgeons,
v Rooms Over City Drug Store.
Special attention given to Frobate business
OfKici Over Lane County Bank.
DR. J. 0. GRAY,
block, opposits Guabd office. All work
laughing gas adminUUred for painless ex
traction ot teeth.
Coffin, and Casket always on band. Pre
paring and Embalming Bodies a Specialty.
Night oalls proropty attended.
Residence, kwdiI bonne south of Metno
dial Cburcb, Willamette atreet.
Farm., Improved and Unimproved lown
property for aale, on eay term,
Proparty Eented and Beats Collected.
Tbe In.umnos Companiea I represent are
among the Oldest and most Reliable, and la
the Prompt andEgurTABt-i adjustment of their
eases Stand Sccond to Noss.
K (hare nf toot patronage ia solicited.
OlIioe-In&ityHall. n, y. DORRIS.
C81. LACka, PatST. W. t. HIT, CAHHIM
Eugene National Bank
r-AID UP CAPITAL, 50.000
Trnct, a general banking boaineaa.
Boabd or Dimctom:
t B Dnr.n. F W Oborn. i C Chnrch. 8 U
toran. t M Hodwrn. C Lawr. I E D4ia.
Sotlre 1. herrhy f1en ihal P. R- nrriaha,
ri dul. appumu-d Adminutralor of in "
of William Paine,dl,bTtb'oaniTliHiri
f Um eoonty. irtm. All p"'"
cUiav wfHtin id Mia are hrrrby ooUBa xo
p-'f-nt the mat to the a.iminutrtor. at tow
t'" Gnrr. omron. within mi month, from me
clay of tht. DOtlC.
itd Ihl. lh day of Jan. APHgI3
Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewel
ry & Musical Instruments.
Ik Most Select Stock Hi of Forty
Special attention given to Repairing and
Engraving by two first-class workmen. All
work warranted.
I R Luckey
Toilet Articles, faints, Oils,
Brushes, Etc., Etc.
Prescription Department in Competent hands.
A Bookstore,
McClaren s Building,
(Opposite F. M. WUkina'Druu Store.)
Em an txtentlve Stock of
Mercantile, Fancy and 8chool Station
ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc.
nOrdera for Books and Subscriptions
fo Newspapers and Periodicals promptly at
tended to.
TnnliUi. anil Pnimn. Colic. Of
any Internal or External Pain. Ask your
draggist for it
Clocks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc
A1IWrk WarriBUi.8
E. Schwarzschili Prop.
(.Qucceeeor to 'ieo. Ciller)
Order, by mail promptly attended ta.
dreai Lock Box Hi
Cask, k Prices,
From and after Feb. 1. 1891,
my terms will be strictly cash.
rices Put Down to Bed
rock. I will Not be
Highest market price Taid
r Produce. If not all traded
out will pay balance in Cash.
H. Whiteaker,
Creswell, Or.
. -m
aB. aim .m m m. m a ..m
R. 11. Cochran & Son, '
Real Estate Agents.
Eugene City, Oregon.
Will attend to general Real Eetnte buaines
such as buying, Boiling, leasing and renting
farms and city property, etc. Offios on south
iid of Ninth street,
Tlie Eugene Cigar Factory
Keeps constantly on band the 6 nest braods
of home made, domextic, and Key Went
cigars. Charges the lowest prices for chew.
iug sod smoking tobacco. Bell at retail and
Give Them a Chance!
That is to say, your lungsi Also all your
breathing machinery. Very wonderful
machinery it is. Not only the larger air
passages, bnt the thousands ol Utile tubes
snd carities leading from them. When
these are clogged and choked with matter
which onght not to be there, your lungs can
not do their work. And what they do, they
cannot do weel. Call it wH, oongb, croup,
pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of
the family of throat and none and head and
lung obstruction, all are bad. All ought to
be got rid of. There is jut one sure way
to get rid of them. That is to take Bos
chee's German Syrnp, which any druggist
will sell yon at 75 cents a bottle. Eron if
everything else has fsiled yon, you may do.
dena upon this for certain.
I bsTe a oounin who is a printer, says Ex
Msyor J. C. Lougbrsn of North Des Moines,
Is. Some years ago be was employed in
Ibis city where tbey were printing circuit
for Chamberlain. lie had a def-p sested
cold snd terrible conch, and while setting
np copy be made up his mind to buy a Lot
Us. It cured him and that was the first I
ever knew of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
I have been strongly in its fsvor ever since.
My own experience and that of my family
convince, me that this remedy is the best in
the world. That may be strong language
but that is what I think. For sale by F. M.
Wilkins, Druggist.
MiuroSD Flocb A. Goldsmith baa re
ceived another car load of the celebrated
Medford flour. He will keep this excelltnt
brand of flour in stock "I all limrs lureafter.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Caatorls.
When aha was a Child, ahe cried for Caatoria.
When she became Miss, abe clung to Caataria.
When the bad Children, abe gar, them Caatoria.
The elelrated Freuch Cor,
Is Sols o a
tocuraanv form
craiiv disorder of
the (enrratlre or
gan of either kx,
wbether artuajr'
BEFORE tweo! 8iimuuu, AFTER
Tobacco or Opium, or throurh yontti till lrwiirr
tlon,overlnduiwce, Ac , cur b a Luatot braia
Power, WakFf-iiiiraa, rWarii.fdown haJnflotl.e
Wk.Hemlnal Weoirjine. Hysteria, Nerroui hme
tralion, Nurtsrnal Kmlaaloua, lyrocorrho-a, L.a
slaeea, Wrak kemory, Lomo( foweraod Imiv
Irnrj. whlrhlfn!erted often Irad to premaiar,
old are and Imasitv. Prtra II jo a boi, Sbox
lorf. 'V rnt hyna!1mirMtitnf prtre
A WRITTF t ,l ARABT Urlveafir
erpry liiuo order re-elTrd,Viirfanl th,moner U
a r.rn.u.1 nire I. tit efTertnl. V. h.'e
thowaiul. ol tMtlmoola'.e frota old and jmnf.
o both whohere barn prrmanntlr rtirwf
tr theuMol AptiroditUM. CUraiartra. Addrees
Weatera Branch. but 73, foanAjia, Oa.
Sold by E. R. LUCKEY k CO., Draggiels
Eogeae, Oregon.
Cottage Grove Items.
Lesder, Aug. 15th.
Editor Chausse is spending tbs week at
tsqu ma nay.
Hon. R. M Veatch and Mr. F. Whipple
win v. u jirBut vnp iu lun uiouuiaiu.
above Rou.e's mill lat week, returuiug
Sunday. Mr. Whipple caught 250 trout
and btnator eatch killed -bear."
An acciuem occurred at ine ilome .aw
mill Thursday. An employee by the name
ol iiurcbsm, bad hit loot crunbed by the
carriage, causing a painful but not serious
wound, tie returntd to nis nous at Can
by rriday morning.
Mr. A. H. Spare is erecting a large res
deuce on his farm adioiuiug town. We
understand he haa bought a sewing ma
chine too Aleck, this looks su.picious for
a oscneior, out pernsps uacnelor lite
getting monotonous. Wonder who the
lucky one is?
Lock wood k Walker lat swek sold
sere, l the Neace farm flvs mile, from
town to S. Bun-ham, who will set out
fruit orchard snd improve the same in the
near future. Thev alm sold five acres of
tfte Uowdy tract to T. J. bhepard, consider'
stion soo per acre.
Rev. Blair, of Eugene, recently from
Kentucky piesched here last week, snd
went op Bow river to hold meeting this
week, lie Is a very eminent gentleman
anj delivered some interesting as well
instructive sermons. The people here all
seemed very mucb pleased with nim
Joe Prrkius, of Row liver, who broke
ail here a few months ago, came down
Wednesday and took the tram from the east
aide of the railroad track for Eugene, re
turning in the eveniue. lie kept clear ot
the city limits sod no doubt it is well thst
be did. ben a man breaks jail and leaves,
toeeospe his junt dues, he surely should re-
tene um rewaru wueo ue next visits lown.
1.S8I weea a suiiscriDtion paper was
drawn up to raise money to build a road
to ttoneuita. vt. 11. t . llatiiell beaded the
list with a subwription of f '200. This road
is very Dadly needed aud a. it would be
very much of a benetit to all of Laue oouuty
It enoiild receive Hie attention It deserves.
The road could be built for about CIUOO
aud kliould be rained without any difficulty.
Florence Notes.
The West, August 11.
Bulmnn are being otiiiilit right plentifully
tnese times,
Just as soon as those John Chinamen get
here the canneries will open up for buai
Mr. Leman, contractor on the lighthouse
road, arrived iu rloronce tins week with
xeveriil men and teams, all of which ate now
being engaged preparing for oouinienoement
ol work ou tue roud. Mr. Lenisu nss er
pressed a di-Biro to engage all the men he
oan gainer tip around rlorouoe on this
work. Home oi.e has told ns that he Is go
ing to pay from 11.75 to S2.G0 per day for
laborers bosrd given in all esses.
Wednesday forenoon of this week while
aKMHiing iu clearing ground tor tue new
Methodiat church iu Uleuada, Rev. Thomp
son met with an accident which will cripple
nim lor life, lie was Iiard at work lolling a
tree aud bad juat struck the Iset blow with
bia sx and as the tree began to fall be step
ped back to keep from being struck by it,
but uufsrtuuntvly and inadvertently in the
direction of where Mr. Henry Nelson wss
sIho telling a tree, and directly in. tbe pstb
Air. saloons ax, wntcb wss being
brought downward with tremendous force.
I be blade of tbe ax struck Mr. Thompson
about eight inches from the point of the
eft shoulder, cutting a deep gnah In tbe
flesh about six inches in length and severing
tbe point of tbe radius elbow joint of tbe
left lore arm. 1 be ax was a very sbarp one
snd bad it not struck bis arm it would
doubtless have buried itself in his side.
Tbe gentleman was at once tsken to Mr.
Browu's residenoe in Florence. Dr. Cloyd
wss called and the wound was dressed. The
severing of tbe bone will necessarily stiffen
the arm.
The Nate Would NotOpeu.
Salix, Or., Aug. 13. Two and a half
weeks ago the ssfe in Lad J ft Bush's bank
here refuted to open, and since thst time
experts have been laboring with it. Both
the time lock and the combination refused
to operate. After sixteen days' steady
drilling ths safe was opened today, over
100 drills bsvmg been broken snd a dozen
worn out in the operation. In the safe
was over $125,000.
A well dressed womso stepped into a
Colfsx store a short time aioce, picked np
a psir of boxing gloves, tried them on, and
to tbe aatooiahnieut of the proprietor, chsl
lenged him to a boot. lie could not well
refuse, snd the ronnd opened with tbe
sidewslk crowded with wide-eyed specta
tors. Tbe latter were well rewarded, for
tbe poor proprietor didn't Istt hslf a min
ute before tbe well directed blows of tbs
female athlete. She fsirly blinded bim
with her onslaughts, and then deliberately
knocked him over the counter, threw down
the gloves snd walked out.
Asaessor Mcpherson assisted by his
wife has commenced making the amendment
roll of Lass county for the yesr 10'Jl.
Caatorlm prompt IHf Hew, and
overoufuea flatulency, Constipation, Boor
Stomach, Diarrbcra, and Feverish neea.
Thus tbe child Is rendered healthy and IU
sleep mataraL Caatoria contain oa
Morphine or other narcotic property.
Caatoria la eo wefl adapfd to child mi that
I recommend It aa aupmor to aov prracrlpuua
kauwatoue." H. A. Aacaaa. ILL).,
81 Portland Ave., Bruualra, K. T.
Caatnrla In my nrnrtlm, and find it
specially adapted to aTKtiuos uC efaiMraa."
ALU. Kiftcwrarm, M. f.(
; sd Are.. Hew Tort
Ta CswrAn Co, 71 If array Bt, V. T.
A Cruel Husband.
The Harrl.burg Courier has the following
conoeruiDg the scandal iu which one of the
prominent citizeus of thst town is iuvolved
If Hsrriaburg is not booming in tbe sense
ot iucresiiug population and multiplying
her numlier of new iudu.tries, it it booming
siul boomiuu sod booming high too, wllb
excitement. The ttaiuinillity of our little
city was considerably disturbed Wt Tlmrs
day evening by Geo. Howard compelling
his wife to march through the middle of the
streets at tbe poiut ol a abot gun, tuerrtiy
proviug biuiaelf to be as ignorsut as he is
oowsrdly. U mid be bad found bir wile Iu
an altogether compromising position with
an ex-representative of this couuly who is
now a citizen of Harriaburg, but whose
name we shall refraiu from publishing be
cause we are informed that heretofore hi
has boms a good reputation. Howard took
his wit, to the hou.e ot the honorable
f;eotleuian aud informed him that lie would
rave the woman under his care aud protec
tion until lurtber developments, which he
did. we do not know wbelbor or not tu
accused couple are innoceut or guilty, nor
do we preteud to say; ws endeavor, not
judge the case, but to give the Iscts iu an
impartial manner. Oue thing ture is that
slier so fsr forgettiug biuiaelf as to so iu
buuisuly treat his wife, Mr. Howard can
expevt no sympathy from the people. If he
was indeed wrouged be sbould bare de
manded justice in the oourtt or else attended
to the matter on the spot. In this he
would have been uphold, (but to come
marching dowu the street as he did several
hours later, puts an end to any svoipailiy
that might otherwise have existed. District
attorney Condon came down Katuiduy to
enquire iuto the matter, but it is not sup
posed that auy arrts will he made. While
the attorney, Howard hi d bis wife were in
consultation at the hotel, Mrt. Howard got
up and wslked out and bsa not been aeen
siuoe. Borne ssy she has gone to California
but it Is not known poullvely,
IjATKs. Muce tbe sbore wss nut In type
Mrs. Howard has returned and has lieen re
instated in tbe home of her husband, while
the Hsrrisbura man who is accuaed of
sdultery hss been arrested. The esse will
be aired at Juuotiou City Monday.
KiifliHli Sparrows,
Mr, Editor: The newspapers ot Oreeou
nave usa good ileal recently to say con.
oeroiug tbe English sparrows now liumi
gruting iuto this state, borne people seem
to regard tbem as a crest nuisance while
others look npou them as rather a blessing
and extend to tbem a hearty welcome to
Webfoot." While making my recent visit
in tbe "States" I had manv oiioortunitiesof
observing those little feathered inhabitants
ot all tbe towns and oities, which I visited
east of Minneapolis. Tbe first that I no
tioed were in Hurlincton. Iowa. Thev were
to tie seen in tbs streets, on tbe sidewalks
inat before, and ImmnilialMltf ludilnd vnn
They seemed not to tear the ulnae approach
oi norse or carnage, street oar, pedestrian
or oicyoie, out tney always managed to keep
irom ueiug run over or tramped under loot
by the surging mssses which oonstantlv
crowd tbe streets and sidewslks of those
great cities. The people seem to psy as
little attention to the biids ss tbs birds do
to the people. Notwithstanding there were
inoussuds ol sparrows In tbs streets, I nev
er saw a man, or even a boy, so much ai
fling a stone at one of them, nor molest
them in any manner. But both people and
birds appeared to bn busy, attending to
their own business. Tbe sparrows mar in
trnde upon the rights of Hardener aud fruit
growers to a limited exteut, for all that
know; but tbey are certainly pretty good
scavengers, and also destroy tbousandt of
insects waion intest gardens and orcbsrds
observed them oonstantlv at work from
daylight in the morning until the darkness
ol nlgbt Interfered wltb their labors. Upon
tbe whole, I am iuclincd to regsrd them as
useful, as well as ornameutal, and shall not
worry because of their advent iuto Oregon.
House Burned.
The rapid rinaino of ths fire bell aroused
sleeping oltizens Sunday morning about
o clock. The fire department responded
promptly but for a time were at a loss to
hnd tbs Ore which was finally located In the
bouse on the corner ot Mill and 15tb streets.
The premise, were owned by Sidney Horn
having been purchased by bim under a
sheriffs sale a few days sgo on a Judgment
againai jouu and ranny Builth lor fvoo.
When Brat ditoovered tbe interior of the
bouse wss stirs throughout. Tbe lire de
partraentcounected wltb a hydrant on Hit)
street but lacked a block of boss to reach
the fire. Nothing could be done to save
tbe property and it burned to the around.
Mr. Garrison's residence distant 42 feet was
saved by nsing buckets and blankets. Ths
beat was intense and cracked some of ths
indow psne, in the Garrison bouse. To
sll apprsranoe tbe fire was of incandiarv
Tbe property was Insured for 1700 In tbs
Uslilornls, ol Hsn Francisco, for the benefit
of Mrs. tennis Smith. Geo. Craw is the
local agent tor ths Company, and his books
bow tbst tbe policy bod been assumed to
Mr. Horn, but there It no Indorsement ot
tbe same on the policy.
From tbe Slnslaw.
Boseburg Review.
Voltaire Oorney, who ia now a resident of
the Siuslsw valley in the vicinity of Ten
Mile lake, was in Rosebnrg a couple ot dsya
lart week. Ue states tbst this section ot
Douglas county is rapidly settling up, but
there is still some government land to lie
had there. The soil is rich snd productive
sod the land ia easilv cleared for farming.
A road is being conducted into this region
(which lies between tbe I'mprjna sod Sius
lsw riven) from Gardiner, and another to
Florence in Lane county. Ten Mile, Five
Mile aod Clear lake, are large bodies of
freeh water, the former belig shout 100
mile, in circumference, snd tbe best agri
cultural land of tbe valley is situated on
their borders. They are almost connected
with each othir and furnish an esy mode
of communication between the settlers.
Mr. Gurney states thst Florence is grow
ing very rapidly probably fifty bonus now
being io course of construction Glensda
juat opposite on the sontb side of tbe river,
and a new townaiu. is also improving and
there are thirty or forty, including
a floe pew hotel in the place. Time, area
little dull at prewnt but prospects for tbe
future sre good. Work on the government
jetties will be eommeocrd at once and t-iO.
000 ex nded on Iheio this lall. An ap
propriation for a ligbt bona and life sav
ing itation hss been made by Congreaa, but
from actus cause no work has yet been done
00 either.
While Florence- is their neermt (lading
roint, Mr. Gurney, saya that tbe people of
is section have ho desire to be cot oil Irom
Dooglas county aod aided to Laue.
Poatsl Clerk C. A. Hermann, st tbe meet
ing of tbe Postal elerks association at Port
land Ut week, was elected to attend tbe
National asaoeialion ol mail railway elerks
st St Lome tbe 19th of this month, and
will attecd if he ia able to secure leave of
t bee nee from bia ran between Portland
and Ashland. Tidings.
Six prisoners are now quartered In tbe
The merry-go-round captures all the 10
cent pieces that tbe little oues can scrape
aud save.
The town papers of McMitinville are now
earnestly sdvocatiug the building ol a sewer
iu that place.
Some fields of fall wheat are not turning
out aa well aa expected ou account of too
many wild oats.
The young grouae are ripe. It It also
hinted that Chinas sre meeting pheasants
with sudden death.
Workmen are excavating lbs 20 foot cit
tern to be used by ths Euaene Water Co..
as a pumping station.
A Umatilla farmer near Athena insured hi.
wheat field the other day for f '20,000' esti.
mated one-ball tbe value.
Day Henderson hsve Perfected siranue.
ments whereby hereafter they will have the
aaw ilnst from their factory, burned iu their
lumber kiln.
A combined harvester and thresher that
cuts aud tacks tbe wheat and which ia drawn
by twenty-two horses, is one of tbe sights
iu au o-'o-.cre union county grain Dsld.
Tbe New York World ia an editorial
urges Cleveland to accept the nomination
for governor ot New York this vear aa a b.i
of his ability to carry the stste in the presi
dential year.
A sensational diapsteh from Cape May
anietti that President Hsrnson will before
the next Republican national Annvenlinn
declare over his own signsture thst he will
not be a candidate to renominstion.
The Corvsllis Gszetle. after nnMI.Mno
the item about the arrest of Vernig, In Eu
gene, says: "Vernig was formerly a resl.
dent of Corvallis aud was brnnoht twlnm
the court several times while here for best
ing his wife.
Jacksonville Times: Tbe earliest neaches
are aootu gone, and those now coming iuto
market sre ot a better quality and largo in
size. They compare very fsvorsbly with
tbe best California products, finding a ready
sale iu Portland.
Artiides of incorporation of Ilia "Tlnrrl..
burg Water Power Company" have been
duly sigued aud forwarded to tbe Secretary
of State. The principal Incornoratora are
rv it a w. . .. I.
it. ii. a uavis, .V May, Damon Smith,
n. ii. upmoyor ami ferry ilyde.
llenton county advert set a vr lame
eiinqueni tax Hat and when It Is all na 1.1
the county will be out of debt. Most of
the property has never contributed a oent
to (lis public excheuner. Man nl ih.
deeds were not recorded snd no assessment
ooui.i ue made, but hereafter tbey will be
made to psy tribute in proportion to other
The government is now bulldina a 10.000
ton cruiser at San Francisco to be called
"The Oregon." She will oerr a orew nl
400 men aud will in all respects do honor
to our state being as modsrn at tbe latter
part ol the nineteenth oentury can make
her. She will cohI, according to contra ot
Tbe day of the circus and red lemonade la
near at hand, and w, wish to warn the un
sophisticated youth beforehand to be on tbslr
guard and steer clesr ot ths usual hoard ot
gamblers, thieves aud uountebankt who
usually sooomnsny those institutions. Tske
our advice and when you get ready to go
uuuio you may nave money enough, 10 your
pocket tu psy fare.
Tbe city papers are all right If you want
iiiein, uui it is me local piper tbst advsr-
uaea your tin. mens, your schools, your
cuurcues, your numerous sonietles, synipa-
nines wuu you in your aiuiotion and re-
olees m your prosperity. In short it is tbs
local paper that mentions the thousand and
one items in which yon are Interested dnr.
ing the yosr, and which you do not find In
tue city pspers.
The West: It Is curious how full of si.
peuients is usptaln symons when improv
ing ths baibor at Cost bay. It was not at
all difficult for him to borrow a pile driver
a mo luouiu oi in, (joiumote river and
transport it to Coos, thus saving an expense
snd delsy In tbe work at that place.
Either Symons Is full of resources to save
money for the buildins of letties at Coos.
or be desires more money to build a long
wharf over Mud Flats at' Yarrow down to
deep water, knowing tbst he would fell
beir to this valuable improvement when
ernes were completed.
F. C. Vlerllng, eChlosgo alderman, In
an interview in rortisnd regarding the
World's Fslr said: Tbe committee Is now
working (or a rate of one oent a mile over
II the railroads for the round trln. That
would bring you Portland Deonle to Chlnum
and carry you back sgsin for 1h. Anotb
sr thing we Intend to do, and that I to
bring the New Yorkers, who have an far
done all tbe kicking, for 110 and tin
tbe round trip. The main oolnt we are
lining at now is to get the round tilo rates
uuru io i oem mile.
J . - r
At.RKADY lUlHKI). The fluker
Hindi', in riMK.rtlnir tho rwtint election
irriillfl olllivrn iifeliM A. ft IT v
ut Mctorla mivh: "The srrund fon
mini. ii. J. JIuwtlioriit', of Kuirene. we
inn rviiiciniMXor nuviiijriii'itrd orbu-
m nut, jii(iiii)f irotiitiio good Judg
Mnt exhibited In the choice ot other
llleeni, we tuke It that he Is a rlslriir
yowiK iimn. j rortuMor Jiawiiiome Is
olio of the bent educutont In the stiitn.
- . .. II a- '
mid occupies a prominent chair in the
HtuUj UiiivcrHltv ut Euirene. Hurna
Hkwkh IIoxi,-Tho sewer bonds
wcn;hlpH'd from New York for this
ity huiiiluy inornlnir. bv exnnns.
As wmiii um they arrive here and are
executed the money will bo forthcom.
In If. Jt uptieiirH tliut the cause of the
lelay wits the fault of the lithographer
not printing-' the bonds as soon as
Los Adjcstid. Tbe loss on the John
Smith bouse, which wss burned Sunday
morning, waa adjusted Monday evening
by Mr. Watson, ot Portland, and tbe full
amount of insurance, $700, wassllowed to
Sidney Horn, who carried tbe insurance,
and ha purchased ths property at Sheriff s
sale. O. H. Park made the sstimste on tbs
eoat of tbs building.
Jctxib Pipks Hon,. Albany Democrat.
Ang. 17 1 Judge M. L. Pip., of tbe eireult
court, of Corvallit, waa in Albany this noon
on bia way home, and bepce will be In tim,
to attend to theO. P. ca-ie to com, up to
morrow in that city.
Disd At k'armingtoo. Wash , Anirast
15. IS'Jl, Mrs. W. M. Stoops. She was a
daughter of Mrs. A. Haneon, of this eity,
sod was well known ta Eugene and Laue
litre hivts Woai At a meeting of tbs
ireetora of tbe Bine River Mining Co..
Id Moodsy, It was ordered that work
be continued on the claims of ths eompaoy.
An aaseMmeot of 3 cents per share wss
levied to psy for tbe work.
For Sale.
A good s;r?a room ho ss; hard finished
In good location. For particulars inquire
at this office.
The CotumlHMlou'g Bates.
The ratet fixed for the Southern Pscillo
railroad by tbe Oregon railroad com mission
are aa follows for Lane county points Io
Portland on grain, flour and millstuffs,
cents per hundred pounds!
Junction City, 11.7; Lupers, 1 J O; Irving,
12.0; Eugene, 12.0; Henderson, 15.3; Gosh
en, 15.3; Creswell, ltf.'J: Walkers, 10.2;
Cottogs Orove, 17.1; Lsthsm, 17.1.
The present tariff is as follows:
Jonotio.iCily, 15; Irving, 10; Eugene,
10; Henderson, ID; Goshen, l'J; Creswell,
20; Walkers, 20; Cottage Grove, 21; Lath,
am, 21.
Corresponding redactions are msde on
freight tariffs ol (ruits. veselablet. wood.
shingles, lumber and live stock.
The company proteats sgsinst the reduc
tion aud lbs courts will hsve to decide the
A Tin Foot Counts. Or egonian: Dr.
William McLean, the well-known veter
inary surgeon, who is snendins a lew weeks
i uirj ririiia wiiuQiswue, recently
covered himself with glory by killing a
large cougar that measured ten feet from
he eod of his note to tbe tip of hit tail.
Tbs cougar had been committing depreda
tions iu tbe vicinity for several months,
and finally a party of gentlmen organized
a cougar hunt. Dr. McLean was among
tbem, and It fell to bis good lot to suonre
the prize. He shot the congsr through tbe
front shoulder and he will bring tbe skin
hack with him aa a trophy of the cbsae.
Foley Spriugs are located in tbe Cascade
mountaius, about sixty miles from Eusene.
L-l U..l .!. t :t.
snd a great many Portlandurs sojourn there
daring tht bested summer months.
From Bldi Rivis.-H. V. Falrres. of
Portland, lbs machinist and engineer em-
loyed to set up the quarts mill at tbe
'oortnan mine in tbe Blue river nilnino
district for the Brownsville Mining Co.,
came down on Saturday's itse. Tbe
mill, which Is a two stamp oue. wss in
operation and was apparently saving the
gold. Blankets were used to catch ths con
centrate. The proprietors are eoiifidenl
that paying wage, can be mode with the
mill smalls it is. The entire plant cost
only 11,000.
BpaiNortki.o Baipos.-The County Conrt
has ordered that th, law be enforced pro.
bibiting the driving of horses over the
Springfield bridge at a greater rate of speed
tbsn a wslk. The penalty Is a fin Irom
$10 to f 100, and costs. Alresdy two psrties
hsvs been arrested snd fined (or suob vio
lation. Ths Justice ot the Pesce ol Spring,
field precinct requests that this notice be
given, aa ths he does not dssiie to have to
ne persons tor the same.
Pdt is Cattlb Guards. Tbe farmer
along th line of the Orcgotiian railway,
formerly narrow gauge, are complaining
wltb caussof tbe negligence of tbe com
pany q not keeping up the cattle guards.
It appears tbst when ehaogiug the gauge
the cattle guards thrown out were not re.
rilsoed, and that the farmers' fields were
sit exposed to the depredations of stock
running at large. The matter should bt
look sd alter immediately.
An AtaoNAtn. Prof. Carter gave a suc
cessful balloon tsoeuaion snd parachute
lamp Friday, August U. Ths bslfoon was
inflated on tbe vacant lot back ol the Minn
esota Hotel, and when probably 3,000 feel
high about over tbe publio square, he out
the parachute loose, gracefully descending
to tbs ground near F. B. Dunn' reiidenoe.
The collection wss small compared with th
danger of th nndertaklng.
Bouno Ovts. The preliminary examina
tion ol J. P. Schooling, charged with adul
tery with Mrs. Geo. Howard, was held at
Janotion Monday. The stste wss rep.
resented by Prosecuting Attorney S. W.
Condon and tbe defendant by Hon i. K.
Weatberford. lie ws bound over to await
the aotlon of th grand gory In th sum of
11.000 bonds which hs promptly fur
nished and wa set at liberty.
Disd. In Eugene, Oregon, August 17,
W'Jl, at 0 o'clock, at the family residence
on Seventh street, of consumption. Mis,
Mary Ann Saunders, sued 20 vsare. The
young lady ha been ill for quite a length
of time Irom the dread disesse and her
death has been momentarily expected for
sevsral weeks. The funeral w 111 tak place
Irom her late residence to the Matonlo
cemetery, Tuesdsy afternoon, at 2 o'clock,
- . . .i
Hop Lioi. Charles E. WoJcot. of the
Eugene Improvement Company, this week
visited thirty bop yards in tbs eastern pert
of tbe county, tie found only two or three
yards that were badly affected. Generally
the growers were of the opinion that they
would have al least seventy-five oer
cent of aa average prop. .
Baixoom AsckMsioM. "Prof." Carter cava
a balloon ascension and paraobute jump at
College Hill Park Sunday afternoon at 6:00
o'clock. The jump was a good one being
about 2000 feet in height and gar generul
atlsfootlon. About 600 people saw ths bal
loon go np. Tbe street oars, were bnty dur
ing the Blternoon.
Rssoi.tmons PisaxD. Tbs official bosrd
of the Eugene M. E. Church hss unani
mously paased resolutions asking tbe M. E.
conference, which convenes in Salem next
Wednesday, to return Rev, D. A. Walters to
the charge in this city.
To CiLiroaxu. Judge Bcott has sent
at the county's expense, llees Banghmsn, a
super from Pleasant Hill, to California, on
outlay's train. II gcai to a brother who
agree to keep him until be recover or
Laioi Bash. -Dr. A. 8haiole is build
ing a barn on his stock rsnch. six mile.
south of Eugene, thst will be one of tbe
largest In tbe county. It is 00x100 feet. Mr.
Thorns is doing ths work.
Runaway G. M. Winters milk wagon
team ran away Saturday evening, having
been frightened by the cannery whistle.
Tbey went to Fslrmount and succeeded in
wrecking lb wsgon badly.
Wosa Commskcxd, W. H. Fenton'a
crew of carpenters commenced work on tbe
Springfield railroad depot last Saturday. It
will taks shout Ihrse weeks to complete th
How is This. We were shown today
soma timothy beads, that were grown on a
Kenxie river farm, that measured 12
inches inleogth. Who can beat it.
A CosskcnoN. The Oregon isn claims
that a Dr. McLean, ol that city, recently
killed a cougar near Foley Springs. This
is a mistake. Jas. Hoffman killed ths cou
gar, collected tbe bounty, and is now bay
ing tbe hide tanned.
lloR.V. In Eugene. Oregon. Monday
evening, Aui?ust 10, 1M)1, to the wife of
f rank (smith, a daughter.
Born. Ia Eugene, Oregon, Sunday Aug
ust 16, 1891, to tbe wife of Mr. Barrett, on
Eighth street, a daughter.
Tbe Salem Board
ot Trada has 21 oenlt)
ia th treasury.