The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 15, 1891, Image 8

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    Everything Exquisite in Imported reriumery, coi ,
Toilet Articles Also a complete and delect stock of 1 ainte,
Oil.. VarnWieH, brushes
. rW.bTth.rtrrrto(o0r. J- "rffSprti. on ell good. .
The Sri Known Brocer in lip
Has a LARGER stock of Fine Groceries, Chi u, Glafw, Crock
erv. Wooden and Willow Ware than ever before.
Pays Highest CAbll price for
iiiues, wooi, laiiuw, wv.
Orders filled promptly, with toe greatest care.
Al) Goods sold as Cheap as anyone in Eugene.
Call and be corteously treated.
Faber's Golden Female Pills..
For Female Irrcirnlnr
nil the market, finer
fall Hui'reulullTUWjd
bjr prominent ladle
monthly. Uiirnlced
to rollcve mipiirUMtl m.
rioti't hn tiumhnnred.
Save 'lime, Health,
Rent to stir nddre,
lav tnatl nil r
celptnt price, fiiXl.
' Addreaa.
Weitero llraucb, Box W, I'OHTLAKD, OB
For Mule by E. It. I.ICKEY 4 CO., Eugene.
. . ..LIulManaHMTIvllh
ft I n.vv Dcrn iiuhuku " . ". ,
' dlataa of tb. kidney. and tried
many oinerem rm ,7
ought id from different
u.r ah,...t ih tithof ADrtl
Wlinuui , ,- .
1 w.. .uflerlne; from wry violent
ttack that nlmoet prortraled mi la
men manner n
When 1 lit down it w. .Imort lP""8 for m
to up ion., or to put mrcMj1rh,f!
kind Providence wot l)r. Henley, with th
OKKGON Itiwni "!
hotel I Jmmedl.teljr commenced
uainf tht ten. It hd in lmat
utraculou effect, nnd to tht ton.
Uhment of nil the (uet nt the hotel,
in n few dny.,1 em B.ppy w w
thai i new man. i wu
recommend tht ten to nil affl
u I hav been.
0. A. TCrPKR,
Proprietor Occidental Hotel,
neuin now, wu.
Ftnrt Urain on tlit unwt favnrnhlt t.rma.
Vht revrinl. nf any warelnniM north of Kit
ven., iMierly anitined, taken in tiuliauyt for
t Imir nr r ed,
X3T I iuVeiit CKh I'riee I'aid fr Wheat XV
Cigar store,
Kugene City, 0'n
Too Much Lioad
On the Liter will lirvak down til the
emeirgiea of life, anil un6t you for
Work, ISusinraa or l'liure.
Indinraliun, Conati.tion, Slefplcaa-ni-M,
BiliouatieiM, are th firat altrtui
nature) kound to warn you of danger.
Moore's Revealed
U Klnr of the Blond. Liver nd
Hnndreib nf tntlmoniaja likt U.Ui
J. K XI ill w A.... a. -.1. .r.
M oi Mvtr Uvtr and tUuod troubl.'
ATSold by aU drnvW
71 -
Ictedl 1
Drugs, Pharmacy,
Physicians Sup
plies, Surgical Ap
Country Produce, Furs, SUds,
Brick. Brick.
wi.n.n.h jt Alimmii. enntrnutora nutl
builder, bare plenty o( tba bent quality of
briok nt their yard i nine ram m iwn,
and will aupply lb ilewuud nt reonbl
price. Tliey lo contract for all kind of
brick work and guarunlee aaiiafnetlon. Will
deliver brick on order to any purt ol town.
How to Break up a Severe t'old.
From tlit) Virginia City, Mont., Madison.
Ian: Wben we llud h imdiciiie we know to
poHM H genuine merit, we omiaider it a ditty,
and we take pli-amne in tellimi the publlo
what it wn. Suck a iiiedtciu we found
Chamberlain's dumb 1U m. dy. I'y the nut
of tbi njrnp we buvt- rflifvi-d, in few
bourn, w-veie ci'lds hiI in tbe courae of
two or tbree l.iM, I'liiireiy bruknu tbeiu np
an he aeveral "f i'iir fri. ittN In nboiu
have r ooiniuMii'.i d it. It i all it w ropre
'tiled to I b !' itiHiiiifui'iunr. If you
have a coniili kuI w a r.t I" il. Cbuiler
Inili tloill'li llennil) will tin the work. Kot
wile !) t. il. WIIKiim. UiuHkl''
Notice l hereby given that tlio liiuler.lKiH'd
hn. Imm'II iKliiU'd admliiiKtmlnr ol the e.tate
ol A. K Hrntlnim, dcevnwd, by theeouiilyenuil
ol I.Hlif t'nunly, Oii unn. All IH'riliill" ftuvtliH
claim, aii.liixt the hIiI v.tate are lirrcby imhI
did to prctt'iit the .nine In the nid ilinlnltrH
turnr bUalluriicy. wlllilu ttx uiontiu Iroiu tbl.
AugtutS, W
AI.KItKH MAHON, AdinlnUtratnr.
Walton & Hklfwnarn, Atl'j. lor e.late.
Xntleit I. huri'bv nlvi-n that the uiiiteinlmird
ii.i miniilnii'd Hiliiilnl.tnitiir of the emate
ol Kdwanl Winnnirlitl dw'd, by the fouiity
t'cmrt of l.ane Cmnily. (ircumi. All armiii
hilliiiK ciainiK niiMitini tne miu emaui are ncrt
by nntllli'd In prwnl the aame to Hie Mild ad
inliiUlrHliir nr hl atUirnvy. wlllllll lx iiiolilb.
frnin till, il.le.
Annual H,l"'.d.
DM). W. lilNKIIAItT, Ailmiiil.tiator,
Wilton Ii hkipwhutii, Altncuoya,
A. 0. IIOVIT, !
II. C, UunrHkiY,
J. M. Abhak., I
: : Pnutdont
! : Caahler
Awlilaiit Caahler
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Without Health can.
not bt eiuoyed.
It ll the beat nclprr to Inallli and IheuiATil
curt on E.rtli. l ac it in time kr .11
tht Stomach, l.lver, Kidney, and Skin. It
cure. Kheum.tiam, M.l.ri., Coaled Tongue
and Headache, relieve. Conitipation, Bilioua.
nea. and Dvaiirpaia, diivea .11 inipuiitleaoutof
the Blood ami liu a up old Sore.. The Businea.
men buy ll, the Woikhixmcn uat it, the Ladle,
take It, the Children cry lor it and the Farmer,
aay it I. their beat health preaerver.
Sold everywhere, Ji.ou a bottle, ail for fvoo.
Cental, Cold., Influent., trtaehllli.
HtaratMit, Wfktonlnt Ceuok.Crau..
Sort lartat, Aathaa, and .very .ffcvtioa of tin
threat, Lengt and Cktlt, includmf Cta.ungllea.
laawtljraMiuannaaaM. auuM(Md"A tAtuj.
Will keep euoaUntly oa hand a full aupply ol
Witch they will tall at tht lowtat market pr
can, A fair ahart nf tht public, patron-
V. yrlll'i-e II t hUheat raarket priot lur Tat
CattK lioKt and 8otp.
UttU itllrtnd to any part of tht oity trtt of
Lane County Bank.
Wheat Demand and Supply-
Tlie countries that will have to
import large quantities of whrat
are: Great Britain, 100,000,000
buHliels; France, 80,000,000, and
Ilflgium, Austria, Germany, Italy,
Holland and Switzerland, the re
(luirements ranging from ld,uuu,iwo
to 33,000,000 bushels. Besides
these, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Den
mark and Scandinavia will bo lm
tiortcrs in larger quantities.
The chief exporting countries are:
The United States, with an esti
mated surplus this year of 150,
000,000; India, 44,000.000; Russia,
60,000,000; Hungary and South
eastern Euroj. 80,000,000; Turkey
and Algeria, 25,000,000, and a few
other regions in lesser amounts.
The estimated requirement for
the importing countries, above their
own productions, is 400.000,000
bushels; the surplus of the coun
tries exporting is nearly as much.
These figures are all approxima
tions, of course, but such as they
.a tiiav inrliVntA a remarkablv
close approach of the actual demand
to me possioie tjuppijr.
Besides this, rye, which may be
orwl n n nnnsiderable decree is a
substitute in European countries
... . i' n
for wheat, is a very ngitw ""p
Russia and Germany produce about
tpr.fiiirl nf thfi rve croD of Eu
rope, Russia about half; but the av
erage nroduction this year will be
comparatively small.
The grain gamblers will have a
difficult job in controlling prices
nil Tilundnrini? farmers this year.
as they generally succeed in doing
t i
yery reauny.
Pleasant Hill Item.
Arj 10. 1KU1.
Mr. II. O. Fowler will ruov to kit ruiicb
ou the SiunUw tbi fall.
Mr. and Mr. Tittf. of Enoene. me
pending tbetr lime nt Treut.
Mr. W. M. Miller and wife will start for
Gilliam oounty the aiitb tuet.
Mr. A.J Cruz.ui killed n eood aized
' rattler" when coming to lowuon Satnulay.
The tbreHbliiu in IbeKe uarl will bciiiii iu
a lr (Uy anil will lieiloue uinatiy nyauniu
po wer,
Mr. 8. F. Mulkey from McCoy, Polk
o uuty, U visiting bi-i tuotber, Mr. M. A.
Mr. J S. Oruznn and fumilv were viit-
ItiK at W. H. I'atkvr' at Dt xler on Su ur
d.iy IhhI.
Mr. O. W. II tiidiiir m l f iuiily of Cu-
(Jfiie, whk tHilinK frh hd here null nt Dtx
ler 11 we k.
Tbe pMiulHiii.u mI I'rent i on tbe in-
rmiKt'. Ii'h a iliKhwitHln r ini'l I'uiiumt'i
K' lli mi l ( bh' lb'-r i'ipi.'tii.
Wn I nintiiPii Mr. Jiihn. K. Scll.r'', bin
binlher. CbnibK mid M" Itimv will Mlntl
fur Silver lj"ke tine il.i) lhi wiek
Mr Jnbli Hliki-ly f"iui the Middle ik,
Hil l T II Met 'I nil. 11 .vln " at ll,. I
U ll. Il'ii I'Mirie, w. r luff Ml lilly.
Mr. J. U. N Ih in lo l.nildini; n Ii.iIikc nnd
lull h on the miiiiIi "I the DilImiu luce.
Mini wm in- u.'.ir ueiub ir t" Mr. ud .Mtn.
tS I). Uiirni.
Mr Will HiiNtiiAr iinil wile, of Eiueuc,
wie viciiiut! hire tlu Urt purl ol hud
h, k. n luriiiiiK nil Siitunliv. ll 1 ril
inured Ibrft lb"V will reittrii here Dim nvt-k
lu iihIIi , hii.I will bike ciiHric-nl 8 lUlid
n .ki t' eline, which will lie uinveii inutn III
i be ui nli r nf the vilinee.
M Lnrri'ti E,lwrd while hhwiuk o.d IhhI Mou. lav, caught hi ii-ll
baud in tbe raw eviriii ntie titiKi r nud
lacerating the other very badly.
The linker City flourinir mills were
tloHtroyeil by tire the morning of Aug.
4th, Htipuosetl to lie the work of sn in
eenillnry. ItKK) liitrrtds of flour, 3D,(KK)
IHiunils of limn and $4000 worth of now
machinery went up in the flumes.
Loss, 17,000; insurance, f 17,000.
Telegram: J. O. Hanthom, one of
the prominent salmon packers of the
Columbia, enmo up from Astoria lnt
evening, nnd Is at The Portland. He
foes home this evening, He states
lint the salmon pack will lie much Ichs
than Inst year, probably at least 1 per
cent, below 1S1K). As for his company.
they will lie over 6,000 eases short of
last year.
Tfiiii,w YF,tH,l,1 A n, 1. lii.ii..
..,....,.....,,, mi. ,.v IV.,,,
throtiirh lr, P. Cheeney, who came In
aft.,r Ir. Ashfortl, that a dlfttculty oe-
etirretl on Silver creek j'estertlav be-
i i'il,i - . i
u.altii iti-tirve milium nutl vius nun-
in wnien inc former iveeiveti n
Httklw g'ven by llurlliert with a sharp
nolote1' The chanieterofthestalw
,,,1,1 not le definitely determined
until examined by the doctor, who him
not vet ivtumcu-
r- f'id T- Ii-cmiti: Th nmW nf
the Oreunn Paeifle ri'lrnnd hire h"ii"n
crnt riHnee and mnitcMtlnn In wilr'no
lx reonlh. wphnnt nr II d"n'i'fnl
writh"r hee Tif'nn he been enr'M
evn a little fnn fir P-rhre It wwild
have been be'ter tnr Henilwt anil h
mad, too. If they hd lniled en mnn'hly
pavmen' The cornr-ine nncht to nM
eo eff..,a M ! h mnnee neire finch
delny alrrot a public evil Tt crmv in
liipnnTenienee a gf t mane Innneeni pi
Ilea healde tbe partle "o whom the money
I due.
CVhw B'te Nw. Angn.t Rih: TT-'r.
mn i1Ik1 on of the l"TC"t
bt eTer k tiled In the rati on tTxrnei
Innyh. It weeV The hear had len
killing hofa In that nelnhherhiwl and
when overladen abnwed DpTtt H'inan
ah"f him aeeeral ilmea and then had to
etimh a tree to kf. ont of hi wy. the
animal ahnwlnff a dlermaitfnn tn f ght o a
8nlh nt e'oae rans. H flnalle pnl a hn.
let In the rlcM rilae and bruin'e dav were
nnmbeeH When .dinning him be fonnd
three old hnllet wnnnd In the Oaeeaaa.
and part nf nn foot va ent off. a if the
animal had been enncht In a ateel trap e
long lima nefore.. Th aid I nearly a
big that of an ox.
A rkeerfal Llai.
Th tng arna nn thick reeentlv that mllllnna
of wild rVeam bewlMered nnd lit
In ft.rtle'e meaitnw, where they were enncht
hv the ckfnl The fop w. m thick that
a man 'a hand eonld nnt tw. aeen hefnee hi.
fare, hut eTervhodv eannht larv nnrubera nf
fee helne attraetnt In thm by lha namlne
of the eihana'ed hinl By evening a eoM
nap neenrwt, mil next mnrning tht a
were fonnd In aa qnentltlen, their feet
frok' n tn veneen r, ee , nn whir th
h'H bad lit Jerome BaHle nnd Une'e
0rtr Cny ealmatei they had nine m Ilea
of fencing henltn nWn by the weight of
the Be. MeClond River Pioneer.
Tluw Coon hnyt are aim wanted at
Ortkland, Cl., for pawning bogu colna.
It i nitld they troctveded In n-ttlnr rid
of toOO in the nound cltlee. The edms
Pt-rtalnlT niut hav lvn a clom-r Imi
tation than those naened In Southern
Oregon. Ex.
Btard of Trade Meeting.
At lh ell.l weeliuK 'f EUK "
Board ol Thuiad.y, Aug. 6. the epe.'.
UI .o.i.mittee ou the Hiu-law upottrd w
Ecoxhi. Or.. Ann- 0, Wl.
The Eugeiie Board of Trnd iu apecial
ae.ion couyene l S.turdny evenluK, Aug.
let, oonaldend the report of tapt.
Hynj'.ti relative U tbt Bm.l iw harbor, and
alter bearing tbt report ol the lion. Binder
liermenu ol the reullol hi peraoual ex
amiuatiou of tbe name, appointed a ipeetal
committee to orbt tbe jnmdlU com
uieooemeut of operation, for be faltblul
expendilnre of tbt appropriation of f M.
000. made at the lat eion of Congreaa.
I he apecial conirailtre uptem-ed the feeling
of tbia bord io au appeal lo our repreneu.
tatlve in Connre which wa don iu tb
following laURUge to wit. ,..,..,
(Webav herelolore publiithed tbe lei-
'"ibTkhpou to tbia .ppeal Senator
Mitchell and Bepreaentntire Herrnann
telegmphed Ibe war di-parlment st Wa-h-liiKtun
the full text of tbe appeal the
people a repreteiitcd in lui" rd and
iecured the reverottl of the reoomuieoda
lioti of Cpl. Symoii. end an order nr
tbe iuiiiiedite ciiuiuieiiccnieul of the wotk
which ha been eniuuinuleaied to thi hoard
Iu Turinue teicKrm which may be miued
up lu effeot by qunliuu the ielctrui Kent
Aug 6th from the Secretary of wr to
Cent, hvuion which i follow:
tbt ieeretary ol wr approve tbe pro
onreuient of neoKry plant aud oommeuce
mentofdyk work nt the mouth of the
Hiuilaw, a propoted by tbe board. You
will proceed to atari tht work aooord.ngly.
Therefore, Beaolved by tbe Eugme
Board ol Trad in "pecinl eeion Aug. tl.
1S91, that the thank of thi bonrd be cntu
municub d to each of the Oreg n de!egliin
in Congre for the prompt aud efflcieut
manlier in which they have reeponded 10
Ibe appeal of our people nud that we ex
pre to tbem our great gralittcation for
tbe uccetj whioh i about to urowu the
effort: ... , ,
Beaolved further, that we believe that
tbe future importance of the 8iuUw a a
harbor, that will ultimately be tbe mean
of developing a oommerce that will exert a
beneflciaf influence upon every industry
of our oount) , and prove the meant for re
ducing the coat of exchange of product lo
a tninininui figure aud tbu aetile the vexed
queutioo of rale for trausportalion
Bunolved further, that it I the purioe of
this bonrd to toiler and .incourng every
legilimute enterpriae both cn'P'rte or pri
vate that may be undertaken (nr the devel
npuient ol the vat reaouroe ibat ate with
in rouuty. end i f ein-y tori to the
right kind ol eiilerprie wilh i-onmge and
capital eniuiuennirme wilh the opportunity
thiil ia ottered.
An Old Odd fellow Dead.
Tin- veteran Odd F. Ilw, Father Arm
lMllgp.ei to lb li-yuiid ( inill'lte-i
iilier'2 ii'cliii k Tit' moruliig hi
inS. in. H. h id b en c , mined m h1
bed fnr about three meek, during which
lime he grhdimllv rew weiker ami the eud
came quietly. Il emu- " lb "peiweful olime
lo a lung di'ij. H lept hi" life out, hv.
iug been niimiiM iou fnr tteverHl houre
pieci.dmg bin 'I' nth
Win. Armstrong was born In Au
burn, N. Y., Jan 1, 1S02, and was ini
tiated Into the invHteries of the I. O. O.
F. nt Bulliilo, X. Y., In SepteinkT,
It hits Is-en conceded for many years
that Father Armstrong was the oldest
living Odd Fellow oldest both In
iMiint of years of life ami years of iiiein
liershlp In the order. For more than a
half century he wiw a regular lodge at
tendant, itntl none there were who
could wrest the honor from him.
Wn.L Xot Strike. Albany Demo
crat: A meeting of the employes of the
0. P. whs held hint evening at Yuquina
City, when It was decided not to strike,
but to place their claims In the hands
of Attorney Oeneral Ueo. K. Chamber
lain for collection, who will use every
effort jKissilile to get their money for
them. In this way they will get their
money as quick us if they made a
strike, If not quicker, and at the sume
time retain their positions. The em
ployes of the road are peculiarly men
of good character and sober judgment,
and they do not propose to do any
thing that is not for the best Interests
of everybody concerned, ns well as the
community' at large. Our merchants
should stand in with them.
Samc Blown Opkh Dram Echo; The
a-ife nf Perkin 4 Bridg. wn blown open
WeilneMlny nitht. The burUm entered at
a rear window. The tlriii having made
xotiie femiltaticea WtduemlH), there wm but
a nmall nuioniit of nvney iu ibe aafe. The
liamugi- lo the wife in nwre Inn than tbe
tnouey tiiken l'i r-oim ideppiiig over tbe
ntore did not hear the i xpliiamu. Mni-t of
Ibe tool it-ied by the buralur were Ml near
tin Mle. Th thieve are .upp.M.d m have
elllereil Mr. A. W II irl'a reililclice tn get
Htiinellnng In eat.
lli.w Tn Kii.t, 'tKmieo. Mr. J. W, Green
iiBVr the following receipt for cxt' tmitmi.
iug bed Iiuvh: four n ti'Aiuiitiil of Hiilpliur
over a l.'l id live immIh iu keille. I'lace
the kettle in the rO'ilil, Inking care In top
upcrnck nud kybnee. I In rhould be
done iu tb looming al 3 or 4 o'clock
in the iifternonn you onn open tbe nx.m nnd
nir it nut. Iu tbiee ilnj repent the done.
I'll n la lor killn g any oils that amy
hutch to the menulime. Albina Courier.
DkF 'T BclNkMa.--Aieul L. G. Aibdr in
fnriu ii that there ha been no aliok aea
on for bunineaa at the depot tbi iitnuier
an i u.uilly the oaa. During the lat
eleveu dny the receipt hav been over
Th FHrminglnn. Wash. Newspaper
Hpekiii.,. nl S. Il'a Urn, rirou at tbit plaot
aay: Due ciuiueiiilli leuture of tbe nhow
wit th- entire nbnence nn tbe ground of
the arinv of (kir and eure-tbiug uatuliler
and tlii. ve which have alwaya before in
tbi couutry inft-.u all circn grntiud.
rtdibing th utianphialimted aud nnuoyinu
.v.rjb 'dy.
H-creiry Bu-k a.iy Ibe ooudillon ol
crop alioid will eauMt a large demand for
our wheal, aud the foreign Hbipment may
be th Urgent ou record. Ktnthuto nhow
an iucreate of aoreage here enmparvd with
laat year of ten per pent
A party of Oreuou I'ity Dhwtiectnr lift
E lueue Aug. 6, for th Blue Btver mine.
Ibey purcbaned their ailppltea iu thin city.
Th Baker City Democrat npenkt iu very
compliimotnty teriui nl th performnncn
of Belle Broa.oircua at lUt place.
Tht propoaed echool hoUK. nt Junction.
v- tr tnfornied by on of th director,
III not D DUIlt Uulll otil auminer.
Tbia le Ibe enolent lunimer. tnkru a a
whole, eo far, in tb memory of the oldeat
eetllert ouly two real hot d iya yet oth. r
wiae, atove in demaml.
"Your letltra do not teeui to bright and
intereating at they uatd to be." h wrote
reproachfully to her youn man, nd the
man mu.l auftlv to himaelf: "Thal'i
atrange; they umtdtoU perfectly atida
lory to th other girl."
The Yale Ganll oitvi tbe Inllowiuir.
and after rending it, it mate to predict
who will win ihe law uit njeulioneJ:
'La! nerk Cha. Becker w i U'uinj
from BekerOity tb oondaolor aakxl him ft r
llta ticket, wberrtipna bt taid be hod given
It to him, but the oouilurtor utid n..l and
Bker iuitMl ea tin tb euudnelor
Mopped Ibe train ami (.lit bliu off. t r ahich
hi ank tbe iwul lu pay b m $JU,la Tht
eondurtor'a at.iry mv dilt.r truiu IhckerV.
TLe "ilalheur . :le king" aft- rwatd. found
that he ti I ba,l II. krt in hl Wirtei Ul
thai ibe ooLductur ainipl) utnud him in a
cuaiolEarj manner."
Met in lb City Hall, Monday vming,
ARK.yor MuChing; Councllmen
o..-. p-Ue. Walton. Dorrii end
F.IIIITU, . in"'"". - (
Griftin . . I
Miuuie ol previout meeting WW ana ap
proved. BILL PAID.
Th finance committee reported favorably
on ihe following bills, end warrants ordered
drawn for Ibe tame
Pratt & Heller.
8 75
3 60
..... w
.... 65 35
29 00
1 25
2 40
29 00
6 60
62 00
3 62
37 30
U W Kinney....
Hltvt Jones ...
Jo J Kelley
B Mouul . . .
Chan Baker....
H ll Kiucaid . .
C M Collier . . .
W h Dy linger..
11 V Dorri
W B Walker
1 Ou
t it waiaer ,
BEEtlaud "P?.
JRDixaon .i
Electric Light Co .. - '
Eiig-iieLuiub.r Co "
V W L Ann'U C " B
Uiu Jc I'aiu- !"
J'diu to
Jck Uetleme , .
The bill of Latie ontinty tor t.IXe g.iinl
theHri u.ii pr.-p.rtj, rel.rnd to Couucil.
ui.u Walton.
feiitiini for tb xtn'a of Linooiii
ureel from 8lh lo 11th, re.d aud referred
to tbe itreet ootumiite.
Ordinino lioeuing ihow. olrou and
parade panaed. The otdiuaoo doee not
obauge :be lioenne for ibown, etc, but pro.
vide that all circu', tioupe or oompauie.
who do not take out a boue, ahll pay the
um of 150 a a lioenie fee for paradea
upon tbt ciiy'e tret. For violation of
tb law e fine of from 1100 to 1150 i pro
vided. , ,
Ordinance e-lablinbiug the grade of cer
taiu elley referred lo tbe rommitlee
on ntreel.
An nrditiiiiioe to regulate Ihe wllb of
tire of truck and draye paaneci. It pro
vides that all dray and truck bnll have
tire four iuche iu width, iid Ihnt the
i..ii I., iff..l 'M d iva after il
urniiiuiivo .u.,i - - , -.
I bv the Mayor. The Manual is
retpiired to luapect all such vehicles, and
nrrcnt nil violaior. The penalty is a fine
of from $20 to !50.
Bill read aud refered to tb finance com
W II Dunn
$ 74 00
. 39 00
E It bkipwnrtli
Gen Wbllle-ck
U W li A'u
Cbaa Baker ,
DrJ Smiley
OWL Aia'n
It Monut
B McNetd .
G N Fmzer
G II Forrest
T M llniniltnn . . ..
Ettifene L'gbt Co
Beg inter
Kiigeue Flnnritig Mills
EdFeiiliin . ....
Yirml Kiiwliiiid
. 20 7
. H!4 16
. 8 30
4 511
. 2 IXI
. 4
. 1 50
. 4 15
. f 2
. 4 07
. 7 2i
. 2 la S3
. H 50
. 41 fiG
. 3 50
. 2 2ii
C M Colli. r
3.1 00
Ci'Uii. il .nli "irned (o meet Moody night,
Angun 17. IH'.U.
Spend Yum' Money at Home.
Tin- Ml 'Wing finni Ihe Riiaeburg Pl.iiu
l.iil.r i-tiiu.'l.t
A iii'iiib-l iiigued individual wn wnik
ing B . Lu i k hint Monday etidenvoriiig !
btniti cn-tiiuier for s piirchnniug agency
o uic-rti in Portland. His pUn wa to col
lect live dollar a tnemberbi-ip fee fur cue
yenr, during liifh time the eulMcriber fo
the acheiii wn gunrnnteeil ibe privihgeof
purcbnniiiK any mannner of good-i denired
tlirouiih the ni'dinm of the agency nt the
loweKt h. deal price. It is an old dodge
for wonpitig iu the ahekels ot rum I reni
denta, nnd baa been commented nrxn (o
milch by tbe pre that it leema utireanona
hie to mtppime any ont wonld hike stock
in it The a(et, bent and rao-t bntinra
ble way i to let such achetue alone and do
your trading with the local dealer. Then
ylii hiTe the double aummuoe of getting
the vnlne i f your money and knowing that
jour money goes into a legitimate htiBiuea
channel. If yon want to injure tbe town
of your adoption, send looutnide points for
your gnoiln. but if ynu desire your town to
grow, keep your mnuey at home. The clans
of uieu who bile at inch aobemes as
the oue iu qneetiou are those who run
credit account at tbe itnrea, and when
tbev have any r ady money they aend to
Portland or some othei plaoe and buy their
good of Ntranuers
Nkw Htiamki roa Sidlaw. Laat Tburs
day'a Coon bay New nays: Tbe steamer
Coos ntarted for tbe Siunlaw, Monday, in
tow of the tug Hunter, which was to take
her within a nhort di.lnnce of tbe month of
the river, nud atand by till she bad otoiwed
in, no a to render enaiatH0ce if neoennary.
Cnpt Denbaiu, Capl Boht Jone and An
drew Hull, engineer, were ou board the
Coo. It i Ibe iutention to run her a an
opposition lioat on th Sntslaw.
The atennier arrived in tbe Siuslaw river,
wa are informed laat Monday eveuing, all
safe and nnund. She i a aide-wheeler
utid has oommodioui cabin.
Unfii roa Usk. The county clerk ha re
ceived the bl.iuk aaaemment roll fnr 1801
from the Secretary of State. They are nut
suitable lor the purpose intended and Laue
county will have to bay other rolls.
A Heavy Fall.
Saturdny.i.t H o'click a tn, Jam's Wnr
nick lecelved a (all that proved 10 be quite
lucky considering everything.
He bad jtlHI nxcelided a ladder to Ihe root
ol Geo Flber'n baru on High street, when
hy nume meau be (ell to tbe ground a dis
tance of about Mite, u feet, alighiiug on hia
hi el.
lie '. taken tn hi borne iu a hnck
and Dr Hirrin cull, d, who reported that
io Innien w, f broken, and thai Ihe ooucu.
niou to the joint ol the limbs wa tbe on
ly ii.june received, anj tbat he will toon
U aiuuud agnin.
Theatrical Syi'AU. Oregon
City Courier: The Harry Keene com
pany is evidently seeking free adver
tising. On Tuesday evening the wrists
of the heavy villalu of the play were so
securely fastened hy the handoutts that
he could not get his hands free till next
morning, and before the play began a
man and woman belonging to the com
pany had a lively spat. These by-plays
are captivating.
The report that Forepaugh's circus
would not exhibit in Eugene Is eon
finned. It exhibits in Portland Sept,
14 and 15 and goes east over the Union
Pacific railroad, showing at Baker City
on the isth. Sells' olrcua will be the
only one to visit Eugene this season.
Aitomoi Tbe work on the end of tbe
jetty nowawuin.tadiSnreul aspect. Tbe
imikw ,y i. inid lo n i otot 300 feet from tbe
tnd. nnd now n,.tb-r trick is to be added
to ihnt tht big pile of rock which is to be
put tt tb end co be properly placed. This
pile will extend eeventy-fiy feel north and
noutb. nud threw hnudie I feet eaat and weet,
nd ill be built of mmhty boulder torn
frtn tb savage ninuuuin'a rugged bren.t,
Th pile will riw abort high water mark,
ln it a be .e will b place.!, nnd in lime
Maine all mm -Liberty En lightening Ibe
World." oa Bed'oe'i bland. New York, will
grac ihe -on: her u entrance to tbe Columbia
with it gigsntie presence.
Tbe rambler of PortUn.l ait.
among themaelvre. The polio take action
omy wuen come gunoier swears ont a war
rant for his feUoit,
-r i t
nd rret MORE
and use LESS WATER
Writ for onr New Illuitrated Catalogue of 1S01.
nVEgicliiiie Sliops.
G. N. FRAZER, Proprietor.
toils, v Store V
Glva me a trial. I guarantee my
Eighth street and miUraca.
From the Cheapest to the Best at
prices according to quality.
From the Cheapest to
be suited either
11 8 mm
Our assortment is Complete, from the lowest Price up to
the Finest; can suit you if you give us a cai II.
sFrcc New :ml St j lisli.g;
Look as over; if we do not save you ruonny, we will make koiiik one !
sell to you low.
Boot & Shoe Store
A. HUNT. Prop.
Will hereafter keep a complete atock of
Ladies' Hisses' and Children's SHOES.
Slippers, White and Black Sandals
And in fact everything in the Boot and
Shoe line, to which I intend to devote
my eHK-ial attention.
And itnaranteml aa represent!, and will
b a. 1. 1 for th loweat price tliat'a fct"d
arUcl can be afforded. A. HUNT
Important Hie.
My Patrons and the public
are notified that I will sell all
Goods and Merchandise at
Creswell :-: Store!
Lowest Cash Price !
Will pay the Hi;het Market Trice forFann
Produce. To redim mir Urce atock will
tar I'mluc.
Sells the Celebrated
Fronts V and v Engi
work to Rive satisfaction. Shops, fornw of
the Best. All parties can
as to Price or Quality.
F. 15. DUNN
Willamette Street, het "th and Ml.
Sportsman's Eporiuffl-
rntotieal Gunsiiiitlii
Piwlrrs in
Pihinx Tsfklf sml Salerialt.
Sew I n ir narlilnp) and eedle,l
All Hindu Fur Kl
Reirini dim in the netet tyle and
Guns Loaned it Ammunition Furnish on Willamette treet
From a terrible death, 1. ht o many ;! '
heiiiK cured of catarrh by using t,iJV U
P.itive and Negative Eleetric.UnlB
never fell to cure Kbeumatiam, "'arr,'jl. .
Back, Throat, Headache, iuo. -
Ttt It
h!ch In t!.i city over Syatem BulMw
evrrytly ia nmir it (or l etarrh of tne -w , M
livapejuia, ( oii.tiimtton, Impure lo ,.
blind uu their ayatein. Try it and "J-td
(rieiids aU.ut It, a it mnt poci e0"""
merit wheu all auralt veil of it.