The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 15, 1891, Image 7

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J. K. Sullivan, Herniary of the Amateur
Athletic L'niun, President of I lie pattilne
Athletic l.'luh ami Athletic hliior of TSr
tifiurtiiiQ Tiinrt, w riles:
"Kor year I have been actively eoiiune,l
with athletic aiiortH. Jluriua; my active
tiariiciauuii m neiu aorie i always loum
it to my amaiuuKe to Use. n . l',,a
I'lastur while in truiiiinie. a they imic
remove soreness ami stillness; and l
attacked with any kind of pains, the result
ol eliKlil coins, I always uwl Aurn. '
with henelicial result. 1 have noticed tlia
must uthlctea of the lireaent day use nut li
i i itr eliie but Al.uoi Vn I'lasti."
JsifStiii he has fiiuiul mure ru,
III rimer man iu weeu.
l or throut diseases. ciiuiilia.oiiliU.etii
ellcciive relief ia foitml in the tine of
-lirowm Ittune Im rorarj," Hold only In
boxea; '.!. cent.
One reason lit some hii1i- are lint mi wiekeil
an omen i ueeue iue ueu t nail m rimhI
Bessie Hellwood, who lived a lung time
wiiu iBcuiuii, muiiui'viiiv, wiio inarritHi
. . . ' , ,
Aunt) i iio oi jew i ore:, ii aDutit lo sue
hint, now that he lias Income Duke of
MitnihfHter, claiming that he owes I
An imitation of Nature
that's the result you want
to reach. With Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets, you have it.
They cleanse and renovate the
whole system naturally. That
means that they do it thor
oughly, but mildly. They're
the smallest in size, but the
most effective sugar-coated,
easiest to take. Sick Head
ache. Bilious Headache. Con
stipation, Indigestion, Bilious
Attacks, and all derangements
of the Liver, Stomach .and
Bowels are prevented, relieved,
and cured. Purely vegetable,
perfectly harmless, and gently
laxative, or an active cathar
tic, according to size of dose.
As a Liver Pill, they've been
imitated, but never equaled.
7Vi Ptt'ili'hrrt: Itelative to statement from
I lir,,iiiili. IMitilUhlntr I'nlnluiMv. tte relterMle
what we have liefnrestateilojieiilv ttiHt wehave
no fears of himnnilile mm iculliniHte Ciiiix'll
ti.ui: tt helj nither than hurls biiKtnewH.
We simply warn our uitnue aitiiltiftl heliiK tie
relveil hy iiilnreim'Hetitatlini 111 patiDiilliiK lar
tlea who, wlllimil the alinhteal idea of eimtlini
In In theatixillnry ihiuIIkIiIiik biisiueas, huviiiit
neither the necessary exnerleuee. uliint or fnct 11-
ties for so doltiK, endeavor lo niHkeciiituil of our
wnrnlnK to our luitrnim. The Intention of ic'ilnii
Into business lo be " bought on"" In of Itself, as
In also tlielr Htiiteiuent, a unique method of
blHOkuuill, to whleh we retime to aeeeilu. We have
had occasion to warn our patrons several times
before In reliitlou to mien concerns, w none uni
on" proved our Imlirment to be cirnct.
Ia the imlillhherof a ileeaylnir weekly paiier,
who starU'd w ith everything;, the only iier in a
iinwjicrous community, ami w no ends w un noin
inir, not even a paper w orthy of the name, a lit
nliltwl t fnrniHh uiiYllliirv orlntK for other llllb-
Ushers? TIiihmvIII tell. Valeh their enreer ai d
Jinlie for vimrselvea. We hiive dune our iluly lo
ouriiatroUK. S. 1'. NKWSI'AI'KK I Xlo.N.
This is the query per
What Is petually on your little
boy's lips. And he is
It For? no worse than the big
ger, older, balder-headed
boys. Life is an interrogation
point. " What is it for?" we con
tinually cry from the cradle to the
grave. So with this little introduc
tory sermon we turn and ask: "What
is August Flower for ?" As easily
answered as asked : It is for Dys
pepsia. It is a special remedy for
the Stomacn ana uver. XMommg
more than this ; but this brimful.
We believe August Flower cures
Dyspepsia. We know it will. We
have reasons for knowing it. Twenty
years ago it started in a small country
town. To-day it has an honored
place in every city and country store,
possesses one of the largest manu
facturing plants in the country and
sells everywhere. Why is this? The
reason is as simple as a child's
thought. It is honest, does one
thing, and does it right along it
cures Dyspepsia.
G. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr.Woodbury.N.J.
Werthan anv houw Kaat or Went. W rite for
diwoiiiiu. All late atylea of Type and Prlnten
Koveltlen iu utook.
Cor. Alder and front 8t., Portland. Or.
STEIN WAY, Gabler ind Peiu Fltnoi
Miaau tha BekT PliKO MABa, and Iba tffwrk
pm Piaim; U Mustotl IumnxmU; BaodJBor
i-li larn Moek 4 HbM Maue. fcTiiaWAT Ball
i and M Po Httnt; Maithiab Ouat 0x Ual
korl M mi -tm rrtnm ftrd B
ffsu rriirn cured 10 itay cureo
lt.ll rLItnw.-am
ih name and ad-
lof errry tufferer in the
f. I OTU M R V. S and Canada. Addrew.
N"r HaU in. More and lamer pretniuma ofrerwl
th rmt for exhibit of a k. aarienltural pmjl
' .' Iruit. flow en, mineral, meehanlea. ori
"t art and f.ner work, ct.lei.dld -ir. ea' b
dT. The Pavilion, linhted by eleetririt). ul
lr.ia lour nichta and a band eonrert eiirB
ti:rhi. Kedu.e.1 ru on all tmnjrUlion Moet
fi.d to J. T. (.KfctHt, ceeretary, Portland, lor a
pit-wium !!.
ld Gold a4 H'" tV "JTZjH rfjf
UTand al JSlS
or nail Ux aaak. aoanadiaa o aar;
a A aiXiam, will raaara faid.
Ita Huaaaa War Uaarfy. aalld ttrael-
raa aad Kaallr Pulled Uowa-Tha Cll
1 atala Thaa Waa Culdar aad Mora la
t aaarabla-Paailna aad Pntllaac.
Wbo can rebuilil befor the eye. of the
Blind t tingla ordinary dwelling of the
famabed London of the middle of the
Thirteenth century It aa a dwarttali.
nalid itrufture of anch crazy ouaab
lUntmlity that, with itotit iron crook
and two itrong corda. provided by the
ward. It wiK'b be pulled down and
dragged oil apoedily In caae of fire, a
itructnre of one itory jutting over a
low ground Boor with another jut of
eave above, ita roof perchance eugrailed
with gables, iu front bearing an odd re
emblunc to the back of a couple of
huge itaira. and the whole a moat rick
ety tumbledown, lop heavy fitutaatical
thing Cbiuiueya were fairly in vogue
then, to tt bad them aquat. dinare.
wide mouthed, faced with while plaster
red tiled or gray pebble work.
Ked tilea covered ita roof Ita walls
were rough planed plunks or wooden
framework filled with a composite of
straw and clay buttretwed with poets
and croaaed this way and that with sup
porting beams, the whole daubed over
with whitewash, of which the weather
soon made graywaah. In front was a
stairway sometime covered, aoiuetuue
not or a stepladder set slutitwiae agaiiiHt
the wall for an entrance to the upper
The doorways were narrow and low
the windows also, and the latter, dark
ened with overbrows of wooden shut
ters, propped op from beneath and
sticking out like long slender awnings,
were further darkened by aaabes of
parchment, linen or thin shaved born,
for glaaa came from Flanders, and was
costly and rare.
Such, joint and seam aud tile being
loosened into crack and cranny and crev
ice everywhere, was the dwelling of the
London citizen as the eye might see it in
the middle of the Thirteenth century
Multiply that dwelling Into a tortuous
and broken perepectiveof like buildings,
some joined by party walls, some with
spaces between, all pent roofed or gable
peaked, heavy eaved. stub cbimueyed
narrow latticed, awning shuttered, stair
cased, post buttressed, beam crossed,
dusky red roofed, dingy white walled,
and low under the overhanging vastness
of the sky. and you have an ancient Lon
don street, which shall be foul and nar
row, with open drains footways roughly
flagged and horseway deep with slushy
mire, overstrewn with ashes, shards and
offal and smelling abominably
There were indeed at that period.
thinly interspersed here and there,
bouses of somewhat better description,
solidly built of stone and timber, though
at beet strangely deficient in comfort
and convenience, at rding to the fash
ion of that most inconvenient and un
comfortable age. Here and there, too.
for those were the times of the feudal
soldier and priest, rose in dreadful beau
teous coutrast with the squalid city
the architectural grandeur of church
and cathedral, or the stately bouse or
palace of bishop or earl But all around
stretched dwellings which our poorest
modern bouse excels and on those
dwellings all evils and discomforts that
can befall bad their qtiurry
Light came dim and sunshine dimly
glimmering into their darkened rooms.
bummer beats made ovens of them The
old gray family of London fogs rose
from the marshes north of the city walls,
from the city's intersecting rivulets.
from the Thame below, and crept in at
every opening to make all dark and chill
within. Down their squat chimneys
swept the smoke, choking and blinding.
Rains such as even rainy Englund knows
not now soaked them through for weeks
Cold such as English winters have tot-
gotten now pierced with gnping blast
and silent sifting snow to their shiver
ing inmates, r'oul exhalations from the
filthy streets bung around them an air
of poison, or rising from the cesspools,
of whlcb every bouse bad one witnin.
discharged themselves in deadly mala
dies. Lightnings stabbed their roofs or
rent their walls, bunting for those they
sheltered. (Jontlmrration. lurking in a
spark, npspread in dragoouisb flame and
roared through them devouring
Whirlwind swept through them howl
ing, and tossed them down by fifties
Pestilence breathed tbrougb them iu re
curring seasons, and left their rooms
aghast with corpses Civic right or in
testine war stomed often near them and
brouKbt them death and sorrow fam
ine arose every few years and walked
through them on bis way to England.
leaving their tenants lean and pale, or
lifeless. Often into them broke the
midnight robber singly or in gangs
often to them came the gatherer of
taies or of tithes upon theiu bung per
petually all the bloodsuckers every
vampire which an age of ignorance and
tyranny could spawn. Mid in them
Herded fiendish bigotnea crazy super
stitions brutish illiteracy am', all that
darkens and depraves the soul
For that was the mournful midnight
of our mortal life centuries ago I he
old. sad stars that governed our con
ditiona still Kept their forceful station
above the brawl of brutal and internal
dreams and one alone, now risen from
Ueber's east, hung dewy bright with the
world s hope and promise, while science.
nuiider of life that is boiy Deauimu
and gay waa bnt a wondrous new born
child in Roger Bacon s cell, dreaming of
things to come. -Atlantic .-uonimy
Drawing tha Una.
a nariva New Zealander was induced
to Wear a shirt, a paper collar, shoes and
a oat. and be almost concluded to eat
with a knifa and embrace LhnHianuy
n tha aaked bim to wear susuenders.
and be went out and hanged nimself It
was pushing civilization too taau 1
troit Free Press.
A Lurkj lluj.
A lad at Annapolis waa lying on a
readmit a novel, wben a bullet
firwi a anartrr of a mile away, came
tiirnmrh a door, fell upon his chest and
slipped down into bis vest pocket, where!
he found it hair an nour later, tie
thouirbt bis brother had bit him with a
spooL -Detroit Free Press.
Tna Praraillag Canal.
"You look tired."
-1 am."
"Too many social dissipationsT
"Sa Not euough."-PucJL
A right ttllli a Red.fcla Not hroalt lad la
K hoot HUlorlea.
Wliil wa aera Ivinjat Fort Laramia in
ISCi a Kiowa Indian from Kanw raine mi
to act aa KoTeriiim iit u-nl. He could tpak
Eugluh llrt rata, aud hannn lind ainmig
the ahltm for yean li had picked up a food
nuwiy pointer. eu Icni unl auioiii; other
thing that ba could "(nit up biaduLiV'm
flrt rata at; la. In fact,win put ak';iiut
uur lat man, "J.," aa tha Indiun waa
lined, knorki-d liim out in tlieeveiith round.
Wa put billion to a few extra dialgaa, aud
then waited for the fruit to rqwn.
Troo were louring in for the Indian war,
and uioat of them w era old veta from tha
Army of the rtomae. Mt of tliea were
i b a (.'rent hurry to knock over ail Indian,
aither with flu or bullet, and tha half dnieo
rnlkiui alx'Ut the fort bad to bulle to lave
I tln-ir ttcon. On diiy when tha ign waa
i rii;lit, we ti:i;i'il Jw out in true Indian at y to,
' gave ti i in bit cue ai to how ha should act,
; and m-iit liim doaii among miiii I'enii) Ivania
trooiia. They mi. .ttol bim for a acalp raiar
at once, ami were Im.Ilinx him armmd, when
e aiiircil and demunded fair play. Tba
leader of the liuiler waa a tug corporal of
fltic fame, and llieunnule It waa proposed
to fyi up a mill between him and tha Indian
be juuiK'd clour tf the ground and yelled:
"Whoopee! That liita inel I've been lay
ing for au Injun ! I'll give you my head If
be atunda through the flrat round!"
An uiigcmente were soon made. We went
out where the wagons were rked, cleared
a sce, and the priuciala were soon ready,
Joe waa aa calm as a May morning, having
little to any, w bile the corporal waa all "gab"
and excitement, and kept calling out:
"Watch bim, boya, and dou't let bim run."
We bad six ounce boxing gloves, aud it waa
to lie Qucenidicri'y rule. When Joe waa
ready, every one but the corporal could sea
that he had "tievu there;" the latter was iu
such a burry "to punch an Injun" tbut ba
overlooked i ticulura. lie weighed at least
thirty pounds the mind, and there was a grin
of delight on Ins face a the call came, lie
went In to secure a knock out blow, but sev
eral turpruea awaited him. He could no
more bit that Indian than a buy could lao
a weael; and wheu the Hot round clomd ,
bis grin had given place to a look of anton
Ulimeut. I
Wben round second opened we gave Joe
the wink. He made a dodge or two, feinted,
swung his right with a smash, and the cor
poral uttered a yell and went to earth to
snore like a borne for five mliiutm liefore be
ciime to. It was aa clean a knockout as any
one ever saw, and bo wits man enough to re
alize it. When he could keep his feet ha
reached out bis bund to Joe and mid:
"Don't set me down for a fool. I am sim
ply froh too fresh. This has suited me,
however, and if you'll como around to the
tent I'll divide bulf and half with you, and
then give you a revolver w hich I raptured in
Virginia to It-am how to get that sw ing with
the right," Sew York Hun.
Why Don't They Proposer
"Why don't the meu propose?' That
is the problem which is agitating large
numbers of young women.
"I don't know," replied one pretty
girl to whom 1 propounded the conun
drum. "Only they don't. Here I am in
uiy second yeiir in society and I haven't
had a single offer."
I wish to say that the young lady
whose remarks I urn quoting is not only
pretty, but she is also of good family, of
first class position, is highly educated
and accomplished, is positively known
to have brains and an amiable disposi
tion, and will ponscyi a considerable for
tune. Iu short she is a great catch.
"Not a single offer of marriage," she
continued. "Not even a single avowal
of love. I don't know what to make of
it, for I don't think I am wholly unat
tractive. I am not the only one. Of
course, some girls get miirried, but they
are very few compared to the vast num
ber of eligible young women in society.
What is the matter with the men? They
are perfectly willing to flirt all day long,
but none of them appears to want to go
any further. There is something wrong.
Is marriage, after all, a failure?"
Chicago Post
Characteristic Even In Her Dreams.
A lady who is known to be au ex
tremist in many of her views gravely
told the following dream over the coffee
the other morning to the great amuse
ment of her husband aud some friends,
wbo declared it essentially feminine and
characteristic of her sex.
She dreamed that she had died, and
in the interval before the freed spirit
made its way heaveuward she was an
nnseen observer and listener to all that
took place in the room in which the
poor cluy she had so recently inhabited
lay. She was touched with the devotion
of her mother, who, like Mary of old,
was always first and lust beside the body,
soon to find sepulture, also intensely in
terested in the arguments fur or against
cremation (this having been her own
pet theory), which her friends held forth
in the presence of her disembodied spirit,
aud longing to depart with the celestial
throng awaiting her. yet mortified and
thrilled on the threshold of heaven by
the fact that, graven on her casket plate,
her age was given as forty-nine instead
of thirty-two. Utica IJerald.
Do Women or Fashions Changet
In an apothecary's window in New
York is a heap of the vinaigrettes that
were in use four or more years ago. Tbey
are of cut glass, from twelve to fourteen
inches long, an Inch thick, and of the
weight of a policeman's night stick.
They are eloquent of the eccentricities of
fashion, for whereas women paid many
dollars to get one only the other day, so
to speak, no lady would carry one the
length of an avenue block today for five
times ax much money. The same moral
is pointed by a picture that was famous
sixteen years ago. It is Arthur Lumley's
sketch of two rival schools meeting on
Fifth avenue. The beauty of the school
girls In that picture gave the picture
great eclat Today tbe girls look like
dreadful guys. Their queer hats, their
waterfalls and their balloon skirts con
demn the work asa picture of something
preposterous. San Francisco Argonaut
Old Cities of Earope Changing.
Said a woman returned from a trip
abroad, which was by no means her
first: "I have discovered that the his
toric monotony of even European life
can change. When I first saw (ihent.
ten or a dozen yearn ago, it waa a pic
turesque walled city: now 1 find that
much of its wall has gone into ita fine
quay. So with Brngw. which all guide
book used to delight to remind you bad
not bad a bouse built within its limit
for an extraordinary length of time a
hundred and fifty years at lcat. I was
there recently to discover some marked .
CBangea -some aiuioei uiouero uoum
and others altered in a uauner wuicb
baa done away with a degree of their d
lidous antiquity." New York Time.
Oa tba Y armada.
He Do you object to my sitting beret
Hoe Hot at ail, sir; I ta goug im.-Tas
NFaiivors rron.E.
The Man Wbo I Uara III Threat I'ulllug
at the M oil ache I. at hlaijre ol .r
ton Aflllcllon Trlrk of a Victim of
In oau ula.
"What do you think of nervous tricks and
babiu, doctor f naked a rertr of Dr.
Charlca 11, liughca, at the physician's orti.-a.
"Their serious coiiKidcrution would till
your iar," be aiiawareiL "But of what
nmy tt be character m-d aa tricks and petty
nuiiinei'isnia M-!icd by ao miiiiv people, I
would say that they are only too often tbe
precumini of a graver nervous condition;
the initial warnings of nalinv, as it were, of
tbe diection in w Inch the svKtc m ia teudiuir.
Often, to I sure, those ImliiU never become
won, the condition of the nervous system
giving rio to them recovering through some
fortuitous circumstance. There are sudden
starts, the pttticiit is easily frightened, dis
turbing the motor area of the luaiii an I giv
ing riw to aviiil-ii!.!U'tic actiona. What
physicians cull tbe inhibitory power of the
brain to arrvat morbid iullueiic-ea becomes
Impaired so that w hut the mind would usu
ally restrain pu into action. The mind
baa the ability to enforce such rcNtraiut, but
action alTords ao much relief that the suf
fervr acquiesces, aud nervous bubita, ucw ly
acquired, are the result,
"We have ail seen the practices into which
nervous eople fall. There is the man who
cloars his throat or coughs, wben ho has never
the sign of a cold, or w ho yawns when ho hue
no reason whatever to foci laired. Others
will twitch their beard or mustache, pull ut
their clothing or buttons, or pick and bile at
their finger nails until tha blood runs. Then
there am other such familiar evidence of
embarrassment as the continual shifting of
the Kwitiun when in cinnny, and this, to
gether with a tendency to automatic and ab
sent minded actions w hen not dondeiit on
profound mental preoceuncy, may be
often taken as indicating the approach of
nervous prostration. Wheu one gets very
nervous, marked habils of irritation appear;
familiar aud naturally agreeable sounds
such aa the prattle of children become an
noying. Insomnia will set in, the repair of
the system tx-comc unequal to the daily de
mand, and the result is seen In Irregularities
of regulated movements. Homo people will
jerk and twitch their bodies w lieu they fall
asleep, from an irregular expltadon of motor
norve force, the energy of a spiual cell becom
ing suddenly liberuUsl This same condition
of things higher up iu the brain gives rise to
Inopportune and Incomplete idoulion, disturb
ing and comfort leas dreams, when the natural
cacity of the brain to secure ita own timely
reoao is iuiuirvd.
"In still graver states of nervous troubles
may be observed morbid fears, some of them
most wculmr. There are eople afflicted
with monophobia, or the fear or being alone,
which ia a most culiar eonditiou of tha
mind. I knew a lawyer who would never
dure to apaar in court for tbe purixwo of
pleading a cose when unacconiiauied by hi
wife or some other ineuiUr of the family.
Wben so supported he would argue well and
at length, but otherwise au iudetlnuble terror
of something that might bupjam he knew
Dot what would seize bim aud render him
powerless. Then there ure victims of claus
trophobia, or the fear of going through nar
row places, and I have known vople to be
lu mortal terror wheu proceeding along any
but the broadest thoroughfares, lest the houses
should close iu on them uud crush them. Au
throphobia and gynephobia, the one the fear
of crowds and of men, und thu other the fear
of women, are not uncommon. These and
similar troubles, ass anted with morbid
aouuds in the cars, are symptoms of w hut has
been termed American nervousness, or neu
rasthenia, it being llrst discovered by Amer
ican physicians. Again, wo have vrversion
of smell and taste, all local causes being
abseut; caae of eople v. ho smell smoke when
there is none at hand, and thu predilection of
school girls for chalk anil ground slate icnciis.
The liking for alcohol la often a matter of
the nerves and even acquired taste for
various articles of food and di ink way b
traced to the tamo cuuse,
"On of tbe saddest symptoms ot nervous
ness, and one which In many Instances murk
tbe last (tags of tbe aftliction, is the Indecis
ion of men previously remarkable for vigor
and the rapidity with which they grasaid
conclusion and acted on their convictions.
But perbai the moat characteristic of all
nervous trouble is the fear of iwrsonal con
tamination, which appears to have develoicd
moresiuoe tbe advancement of thebascilii
theory, and which so affect some persona
that they will not shake baud or otherwise
come into actual contact with their neigh
bors.' In connection with this lust a certain gen
tleman well known in HU Louis, but now
dead, may be recalled by many lu whom was
doveloped in a remarkable degree this feat
of contamination, lie wore gloves, and not
only would not shake hands, but bad thf
greatest aversion to touching any one sitting
next bim in a street cur. Many xople there
are wbo have someone nervous alllietiou that
never develop Into anything worse, and
whlcb ia merely a source of annoyance to the
afflicted. One gentleman found it Impossible
to sleep at times, and after chasing imaginary
sheep over lmagiiiury fence without avail,
bethought himself of tracing the figure
on the ball of bis thumb with the forefinger
of the same baud. This intricate process at
tained the deairud end, but unfortunately be
came such a matter of habit that it was con
tinued In waking hours, and when last heard
from tbe victim was unconsciously laboring
to lull himself asleep iu the day time.
These are but a few of tbe many tyie of
nervous men that every one encounters.
That tbey could be reduplicated by the scor
goes without laying, but lest the reader b
added to the long list of unfortunate, it may
be just as well to let the mi-dicul books toil
the rest. 61. Louis Republican,
Very Sallsfactorjr.
air. Levi employs two clerk In bis retail
grocery. One is a young man of the sam
race aa hi employer; the other tsa lurg
limbed, black bearded Yaukoe by the nam
of Hick.
Mr. Levi Is a very excitable littlo man and
whenever young Uoaes get In lute swears at
him fearfully.
The other day, after a prolonged "cursing
out," Moses meekly remonstratod:
"Mr. Levi, it Is all right; you can cuss mt
w'enefer you want to, but I notiab dat Mr.
Hicks git in late and you don' say nothing tc
"But, meln Ootit man!" exclaimed Mr.
Levi, "you don't know wliat kind of a tern-
dot man luck 1 gou Detroit tret
linking Ilapldlr.
Rnbinaoo-Hello, 8inithl Olad to see yon,
back. How did you leave Jones)
Smith-l'oor fellow I Tbe last time I saw
bim b was sinking rapidly.
RoUiiaoa-lndeedl What wa tba matter
wilb biml '
Bmltb He fell orerlsard from tbe steamer.
- Burlington Free 1'rete.
Ra Mrnor for Trifles,
World's Fair Boomer In Washington) Ah,
my dear general! 1 in glad to see you. You
remember meet in; ma wben yon war In HL
Louis, I am sure!
Pan-Aiwrii-au Delegate (slightly puxxled)
I remember your foe very well, sir, but I 1
bav forgotten all about BL Louia, What
Is ltf Chicago Tribune.
Did Not Spar tha Bod.
Squire Rawbuck (of tbe school commit tea)
I've been taikin' with tba Da schoolmaa
ter. Smart maul
Dearoa Homespun Ye; what branch
due b seem t' kneosr tba most abeoutl
"Wal, from his talk, I should say he kaew
stoat atawut Urea BTaanaaa"-
And HI. loir. Nrldoiii Krrlu. Will Ks
I'linl ou raa or Sat;.
On the one side von huvr the obi schools
of medicine, horn in obscurity and reared
in ignorance, wilb whom imifiocrit v ranks
as genius and fossilized conservuliaiu is the
ai nie ol wisdom. 1 hey are (lie product of
i u parched iniuginulion and u stunted Intel-
lc l. They are the result ol the dark ages
I und the thumbscrew of myth and mystery,
, of ulrology und alchemy, i heir great
Ih.ii-i is antiiUity - but the title is disputed
by Huhiaiu's uss.
On the other side stands the llisiogcnelic
I system ol lucdifiiif. It is Ike ollspring ol
I miHlern thought, of modern iiivealigation,
i of modern experience. It is the result of
I research, the triumph of reason. Like Mi
nerva, it sprang from the bruin of iniHlerii
Jupiter- science, lis challenge is investi
gation ; Its pussport is truth. Which side
will win 1
Skuti.k, Wash., June II, l'l.
Our baby was very sick, and we tried
several phvsiciiiu in turn. None of them
j seemed to know what the mutter was. She
rouiiiii t stand; couldn t pluy, It was dim
cult lor her to get her breath; she bud
choking spells from the time she was 4
mouths old; would choke every live min
ute during the night, uud was subject to
convulsions and muscular contraction. Wr
IimiI ttl.nlt irieitii ill, ItaiiiM ol li,,p illin
. ..- p...,. .... ..--, ... .... p.
well, when we took her to Dr. Jordan, ami
iu u very short lime she commenced to im
prove, until ull these symptoms have die
upH'ared entirely, and she bus not hud a
sign of them for some time.
it gives me grcut pleasure to make this
statement, so that others who have chil
dren t hut ure ill tuay know w here to lake
them tor treatment.'
Mas. ( ihkiks It. Hkykmam,'
Third street, between Hell and tllunchurd.
Dr. Jordan's office ia at the residence of
ex- Mayor Yesler, Third aud James.
Consultations uud prescriptions absolute
ly fVre.
Send for free hook explaining the llisto
genetie, system.
( action. 1 lie Jtlstogt Bono Medicines
are sold in hut one agency in each town.
The lala-1 around the bottle hear the fol
lowing Inscription- " ir. J. Kugene Jor
dan, Jlistogenetio Medicine." Kvery other
device is a fraud.
In sleeping ears (here is generally room at the
I'T- t
We positively pure mptHre and all rectal 41s
oaiw without palu or detention from bualueaa.
No cure, no pav; and uo pay until carud. Ad
Ireaa for pamphlet lira. PorterHeld A Loser, W
Narkst street, oau Fraaclseo.
Dunn-You'll go to the devil,
come alter you.
Hall He'll
hi in ( i uk roit rn.K.
Hare care for blind, bleediug and itching Pile.
One box has eared tha worst case of teu years'
ttaudiug. No one nerd snnYi tea minatea after
ahi Kirk's Uermati Pile Ointment It absorbs
tumor, allays the Itching, acts as a poultice,
gives relief. Dr. Kirk's Herman pile Ointment
is prepared only for Pises aud Itching of lh
private parta, ami uothlug else. Kvery box is
sold by llnurglst aud sent by mall on receipt
of price. 11.00 per box. J. J. Mack A Co., Whole
sale Agenla, Hau Frauoisco,
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and l'astry, Light Flaky
Biscuit, (Jriddle Cakes, Palatable
and Wholesome.
No other baking powder does such work
I'm iil mul. Orriron. A. I'. Arni-lroin, I'rlo.
Rrnnrli rVlnNil: Capital lira. Cm.i.ruic, Httltm. Oregon.
Mint cuuntM of Muily, miiis ralM of lutlion.
Huslness Shorthand.
Trfrtvrftmf, i'mmaniki, mud Engitik tmrlmtmts
'aisjrln rfwion UiMMiKhiMH tlit rmr. Htutlrim lmll
ImI t mjr liuit, lu)ufu frutu fltlMr actooul, fnt.
Mrmtlfiil mnUiHtitthfiii "tlf nnr llitrilv. Kxjit"niNH
hn rfHWHiNtilf im Hiiy othrr limlllutloii or li'Mniingj imi
tlit CimMt. CtMrwIctil, Mttrary, HtlHiillf1i TIsHtToff-u-hI,
I'rt'imrnhtry, irnmi mimI Hunliit. ('ourwii.
Hlmlf 11 tn of nil KrtvltHt wvlvdl. CitrHfiil oventlKlit
Miitl lir'tloti tf 1 vii l4i Mil liii1iitM. iMtiUm bmrilin
littll iini)4r Ht iHruntl HtiiMr'itliii. l'nfHwMini til
xc.'llt'iu fM-liuiHrNtii) rihI nun h HiiMrliiri fin
iiluvtHl. For inliiniiHtliMi Kiltln'Mi'. i nTHA'ITo.N,
b rmMHiu.nrTHtM. VA.N'OV, l. H.Jhwii
uf ('iiUrKH, hirtlHiiil rnlvHmliy, hirtlmiil, Or,
Portland! Oregon.
A HoardlUgf ""f flrhiHtl for OlrUi
Koiiiiilfti. IHH! thm hltfttt Kt. H.
UUUr MuriU 1. I., Kmitor
Tlinmiitfti iiiHlriicldm; ft lurKf mmi rart fully
tH'ii vtrm of tfisyhHin; nt tM pri'imrtMl foniil
lt'f; Mfw .iihI wlt'KHiil biillillitK III tlit iiiowt coin
iimnilhiK Htxl lHmiilliil jmrt of tlit tty. Vor vnttv
loKHfitiMhlrfWi thf MIHHKH IMDNKY.
roiiutTfd inn.
ArsvlPinlr, 1'rfiiAmlury ftii Frliiiary
f N'imrt iiiiil. Klv rfKiilar courws., tu
cliiihiiK th vonutnTflnl m thn Artulrmlc
lH'iinrtiunt. If lM't phn not httrwh, hut
Hlrfft No hud boy sv1iiiI(1h. Kftr with
conlt(linrt to p iron a mini puplU tlirotmli
out Ui NorttiwMt 'imnt. 'il trwhrni, tM
rftoVU, 17 KrniliiNl4M Itvit )fr, Kourliitti
ynriin(lpr (irftfiit niftntM('niiit will tw
irl n, I A, ifwi, Kor fthi(iii iid otht-r
liiformaitioii wMrcM j. w, IIII.L, M. II.,
I'riiH-liNil, V. a, Jrwtr 17, 1'urilntd, Or.
furesallnnnatiiralillwharsvaof mn
vnilUrt no mailer ol how luni ianliii. Vrr
I Mil ill venu urk-iun-, Ii ImIii ii Internal
I wwua reiueiljr. t lire whfn evHrvthlna Uw
asptti 'hrjM. Hreularos
nlrNI IMli'0"n rt..l.l ljr Iminlauararnl
III t. II 1 m, rrc Ipt of prior br Tli A. Mrbuao
Ihrll Mwlli'lne l , Man Jose, al.
d Tl V. -A.T K B 'J
Ta'raat A f AlrLrit I. iik Klllet
Ak your dealer for It, or send lor Kra Circular t
Pttaluma Incubator Co., I'ctaluma, Ca!
llamluMiieal Wheel in the market, mrietljr lllih
i.raile In eterv iartlrular. ruihlon Tire. Tau
aeui h,iie, from u ! It. Heud d.r lllu
Iral-l I alalosiir, frrt.
l-n llw Ciawt Asu., U first m., naa Fraiw-iaro, Cal.
rr lou it riiyso ai'aooui
isiiuiiiiii issii-iiii
of Irrrr Ii 01 f Tsaaa.
I, atji.lBiiiv ruin aoi.ifSanBTso aoav.
ini. ' ?;"T".'T -"'' ..
11 ail, nwMHWP pw..'"'"w"i"w
MltkuiOA. 60n aHirr ALO, Mm V.
a fr a - m i si
Bv liKal ailiealluti, as lliey euuuut rusrb tha
iIim-skhI imrtloii ol the ear There is only our
Hay lo rure deahu m, and Dial is b eniiMllii
llniial reme.llii. la-aloi- Is csued by su lir
rlameil rolidltloll ol Ihe llilleou llliina ol tile
KufeUrhlsu 'I il Im'. hell tills llllaf aeu iliflsllled
ion lisie a riiiiihlliia' Miiind or luiRTk-vl hrar
lua, and a tn-il II I elillivli cIomiI, liealliew I
Ihe hiull, and uuli1 Ihe iiillniiiiiiatioii fan be
taken oul and ihu lube ri-Kiirel to Ii normal
eoiidllliiu, hi'iirliii: will lie ili-.ln.M-d lon-ter;
little I'hm'i, out of leu are eauieil by miarrh.
hli h I imlhlua bill an luHamed eoiidllliiu ol
the iiiiiiiiiik kiirisi e.
v Kill utxi one Hundred INdlara lo. aur rase
uf iH-alneMi feauiMl b) ealarrh) llmt aa laiiuol
eure lo uWn, llall l alnrrli l ure, fn-nd tor
eirvulars, Iree. K, J. I IIENr.Y Jk ru.,
Toledo, U.
Mold by druKilt: 7.'reliui.
Kvery man liss Id prlee, bill bride am flten
Mil. I ION ir MONKV.
There l lulllioua of moni'v In aud around Ne
York riti Mekliia luetnieiil. If you have a
fnrui, rtinrh, mliio, vie eaii probably ell II (or
von. If vtiti baviia merrautlle hiui'uriui for wile,
r if von mihiI a tmrtuer allh eaidtal (or any
leultllnilti' hui,u-i,. He enll helo voll. Addn-a
J. A. I'KAIU K ik ( i)., llnuiduai. New York.
Mitbi-ii.vt Il.trvi 'I'lilr.! m tl wl r.wil
Portland, Dr. Kirsl-rluss iimuiiiiiodalloiis.
Kale, II loSl.,xierluy. Jat'oli llaaa, prop.
Dsc Kuamollu MtoT follsh; no dost, do small
TlY (Ikkmia for breakfast.
Both the nietliral anil iisulta rhn
Syrup of Fig ia taken; it U pleasant
nuu reiresQing to tne taste, auu icu
cently yet promptly on the Kidney,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colJs, head
icheg and fevers ami cures habituM
eonstipation erniaiiently. For sale
in 60c and $1 bottles by all druggists.
s mnasco. cu.
touwiui, nr. fy raw, .r.
Our do li o( ilolug hui.iiies I to sell everybody
on the iMitne IniM; 11 one istsoii buys esrload
and another single items, of eourw, the larae
buyer saviw in Iheimtof hHiidliiiK, but Heniake
the same ar eent, of mttl as on tbe one w ho
iqieiiilii a alnale ilollar Willi us. Iloth art- our
friends and eoually aeleome.
by shouhl mall buyer Ive rharxeil inon
llian orumilallous, assoeiations, eoiubliisllon
and iiKKreaalious ol eapital etei'pl aa lo quail
And thine Hho look out for your Interests ill
mall or ureal innllera, aud yon w ill iirotlt by il.
Ak (or our list of in.issi arllele Ml wIioIi-smIf
iirli-es (Inv), SMITH'S CASH STORE, 418-41.
Front Strsst, Ssn Francises, Cal.
rtwlllv ly OnriI with VublRiiidla
I Inv on mm! thouuiHtH uf raMitt. flirt vm$m pni
BdUiioml Iimim3m br ihyarlnt Krom ttnldttM
yniptoun dlmipirfMr: In ton iiyllnm two-ih mil
tllnymptottif ri-niHTeil. 8' ml fur fre book Utlnio
ntftli of nilrftf'itloii run. Tn iny' tmlnifnt
frte by mail If you onlur lrll.iMnrt ilk. In Uiuiw
Ol pftT pOHUtftt. ItK AMllhrt,AHillU,(i.
If you ordurtrUI rptnrn thl ftdvrtlwiuint to ut.
Pishing Taekle, Kt". Oreat Varletjr. Low l'rli-ea.
Olitll"iiiai"ii In inula. Henri (iir OaialoKiia. 11 HO.
W. HHHKYK, Kearny Ml., Baj rrauelauu.
Raeht Harbor Llmt. f trtltn Ctmsirt . Sal
an Gils an Utaa Platttr, Hslr, Fir brick
60 North Front Htraat, Cor. D,
Willistzxis cStv Groat,
Nos. 0 and 8 North Front Street, Portland,
Woodworking, Saw Mill, Flour Mill Machinery and Supplies.
PlftO'tJ KKMtUY KM UATAKKH. beat. JSa1
rat to use, Cheapest. Relief is Immedlat. A
cur is certain. For Cold
It is an Ointment, of which
loth nostrils. Pricfi0o.
mall. Address: E. T.
k should nmke their houses look
. TT
iry aco.Ke inyournexr
GonntraJna many peopla to hide the dirt of their kitcheni. They make
the kitchen secret chamber, into which it ia forbidden to enter; but half
the trouble which they take to hide the dirt And the disgrace which it en
tails, would keep the kitchen dean, and all iU pota and pane bright at
dollar, that la, II they use r
Buy Tour Own Goods if Tour
Cbaealeal Fire Inilnes am Ixtlnmlsher. Vlra
Maehloary, Purapaol all kiwi, Brass Uoods, Flpe
tamrif an tin, firanciMa, uibncaani Olla, Cbnrrh, Hrbooi and rana Bella. Enrlneol Hollar,
larknalt Mils aad brfa, Suaalea, Sarrls, sprint and Eiprasa Waajona. the lanreat m iilsiaasl
at Can la racUaad. iNsalara. vrlss tor arte, far (unaar lasiarauttoa call aa at addnaa
AVIIKRE" marluof a'wnlrdr
fur pain du avl
Kl" T) conalrt In lis Uln
Jt J lV Li, aa food lor relief.
other remedle. but
In tha fast thai II I better. In beluf nor
irouipt and sura, aad Ibanfor lh best ror
h sovcIHe purpiaw. It la not su ull cahio
lino Ibat ttrUss tha tjt Ibua:
II Is tho best cur ft all ache and pains,
sod It bold
To this sped do (act Archbishops, Blsh.
ape, Clarnrmaa, lawyer, Doctor, Oo
ernora, (laoeral, Senator, Member of
Coat-rase aad Lag Mature, P. 8. Consuls,
Army and Nary Offlear Majors and
OBI rial, (ratify tod Otilt In Hjini; "We
suffered pain;
and 8t Jacobs Oil cured promptly and per
lanentlr " For Ihe same reason
(ads what be seeks and need, Is not deceive!
and will bar It at snj prlc.
Fabcr's CoUsq Female Pills.
For Fern! Irregular
Itles: nolhliisjllkeiheia
on the market. Arrrf
oil HUii-eslully uied
by nruinliieiil ladles
montlily. Ouarauleed
to relieve suprsMl
Bon't be hnmbime.1
Hare Time, lleallh,
aud money , tale uo oth
er. Rent to any address.
secure by mall on rt
oelptof price, lOU.
rTestern Branch, fiuXa7,f UUTLANU. OB'
Sold by Wisnoa Dane Co., Portland. Or.
BROOKLYN HOT : I.. Rush Rt.M. Moot.
ranvy t Hanantn, S f ; eowlued ua buik the
ttiuovoui aud Amartoan plaa Ihb Hoisl la aBdr
lh aiiiaaKiiil ol t'barlM Mtfunwri tnri la the
bna ramlli aud HiutuaM tail flal In Ha Prui
.ul II, mi sumtorla. euUlna uiwiorllwL InliUas
nrrlos, hlshaat aUuitard ol mtanUUllty (iixaaul.
Rear uul nxaa par Oaf, SI B to t uu; aiii ruiaa, w
ini u SI OU par alglil, rne euaaa lu ana maa wa
Don't cheat yourself
out of a good smoke by
taklngapoor imitation
for the genuine Seal of
North Carolina Plug
Cut Tobacco.
Best in the World!
Get the Eenume!
Sold Everywhere!
nt ai i tha nnwlMiraol
laillii( ramxly tor all ilia
unnatural dl-hareja aad
prlTaladlwaiuiartf men. A
eartala our lor Ibr dabllh
talln waaksess pecullaf
II M""a 1 fV. In neommaoduif U SB
Mcmsll,0 1T .iV,u?Tnfcn..- k.
- - 1-aiis.a, e..
In the Head it ha no equal.
a small particle is applied
Hold bj druRgisU or tent by
Haziltimb, Warren, Pa.
Dealer Ooes Not Carry Then.
farht ciets aid eoid wigohs,
and Cheapest In the World.
Carts, SIS Op. Wagons, S50 Up.
Bnaa and DaMrtaenl Sarollea. Staass laandrr
and rttinra, Baneoek Inspirator, Marin Wort
f li.MMSMS
I I wa StfUUM.
I airaaoiy