in J KtTlBLISUEn fOB TUB OIME.mTIO!, OF DEIUCRAT1C FKIMCIPLE8. AND TO 112.1 11 HO EST LRUS BY TD3 SWEAT OF OLB BROW .OL23 EUGENE, OR., SATURDAY. AUGUST 15, 1891. NO, 43 nn 171 .El am c TY G ARB ii (JuflfM City tel ,1- JHLI8BED EVEBT 8ATUBDAY. ). I CAMPBELL, ; ublinlivr ana Proprietor. 'ICR On th East side o( Willamette i between aevemu ami Li(nui nwwu. TERMS OK 8UBSC1UPTI0S. iBinn.... joth.... months.. 2 00 , LOO , .78 OUR ONII :K3 OB ADVERTISING jrtieetueuti inserted M followi: - UM linaa nv Imu nn InanrtioB .bsequent Inaertlon tl Cash required euWertisert will be charged at the ol ! rates: owe three months u jar six month 8 - . ...A wsaap li jitmt notice in local oulumn, 20 cent , tor ach Intuition. ; artising bill, will b rendered quarterly, ;. J t..b work mint be paid roaon delitiht ; CEO. B. D38.IS .Cidrney and Counsellor at-Law. ,1U. PRACTICE IN THE COURTS i of tli, Second juuiciai uimm , t:IU attention given to ooIIecMoBS sad cr in probate ' 0. WOODCOCK, Attoniey-at-Lawt CITY. - - - OltEGOh tiFFICK-Umim 78 McClaren Building, -SiMjcial attention given to Collection! ,,1 i'robate businese. hymour W. Condon, A'lTORNEY-AT-LAW, DUNN'S BUILDINQ.- E. 0. POTTER, Attorney-at-Lavv, EUGENE. - - imnuiwi. Orno- Room In Connor' Block. CEO. M. MILLER ':ricy and Ccunsellor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. I'GENK CITY, - OREGOX. Ofilee) In Masonic Temple. T w uykendall & Payton, riuslclans and Surgeons, Rooms Over City Drugstore. L E. GALLAGHER, AUorney-nt-Laire JUG ENH CITY - 1 OREGON. iwinl .ttmittnn iriven to I'rol)t buslnea Li Attract of Title. Oreicx Over Lan County Bank. DE. J. 0. GRAY, Z3DENTIST. DTFICB UPSTAIRS IN YOUNG'S block, oppoeit Goabo office. All work arrsnted. Laughing gaa adminlitared for palnle x ncrio, ot teeth. MOORE & LINN, :::eetakers and embalmers Cou and Casket alwy on hand. Pre ying and Embalming Bodie a Specialty. Night Mil prompty attended. EHicleno. second house south ol Metho- fist CUaroh, Willamette street. B. F. DORBIS, 7J.UNCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. tHAVS 80ME VERY DESIRABLE Farms, Improved and Unimproved Town jroparty for aale, on easy term. Rented and Bents Collected, t To, Insurance Companie I represent er, Hon j th Oldeel and moet KelUble, and in k i ilohi-j andEQUiTABtl adjutment of then i.a Hrivn Kmnirn tn Vow. A hire of yrar patronage i solicited. OoIB City HalL ,. B. F. DORRIS. At. LACtm, PAEfT. W. t. MCT, CASHIIB THE lugene National Bank EUGENE CITY, OREGON. fAID TP CAPITAL, jt KPLUS FUND. Trituwot a general banking baainea. Boaid o DiMcrow: b r ... i t c R Iff foran, J M Hodtnn. C Laner. J E Dti. AUMINfcTRATOKB SOTH.'K. V. t'. (. v.v. n R n.rri. ha appotuu-4 Admiuirtoro( Ihe eui I V:lam ('alne.d.VMaal.bvttMl'oanivloun i.i, fy.ontr. owion. AU pfreon naiin, i m:iiim wld etwie are beirby notlBfo lo V'wiil ilia ftamr 10 the admlnUirauir. at ol- if, Orrcon, wlibln tlx montn. trom tb, nl th . aotm. , Wi m i, iAh day ol June. A. P W. U. K-HAKKIfl. AdmlnUtrator. -BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 18 YEARS.- Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry & Musical Use IU Select U Soulh ot PorU Special attention given to Repairing ani Engraving by two first work warranted. E. E. LuckeyMo. DEALERS 2JV DRUCS, PATENT MEDICINES, xoiiei; Piracies, rainis, uns, Brushes, Etc., Etc. Prescription Department in Competent hands. University Bookstore. McClarens Building, (Oppoeit F. M. Wflkln' Drnir Store.) Ha an eitentive Stock of 8TANDARD, MISCEIXANE0U3, COLLECE AND SCHOOL BOOKS, Mercantile, Fncyand School Station ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc. t70rder for Book and Subscription! to Newspaper and Periodical promptly at- ttode to. tuo' Trnnble. and Cramp. Colic or any Internal or External Pain. Ak your drnggiHt (or it J S. LUCKEY, lAtBB 19 Clocks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc xveDu'rink; rruiuiJii ikacvuui Work WarranU4.jC9 J. S. LUCKEY igene BDOESIOR E. SchwarzschilcL Prop. (8ucoFwor to Geo. Celller) BOOKS, STATIONERY, MAPS, GLOBES, SPECTACLIW, WALL PAPER & SCHOOL SUPPLIES. nli hr mail Dromutlf atUnJed to. Ad- dre Lock Box 119. , Cask, k Prices, AT CRESWELL. From and after Feb. 1, 1891, my terms will bo strictly cash. Prices Put Down to Bed rock. I will Not be Undersold. Highest market price Paid for Produce. If not all traded out will pay balance in Cash. J. H. Whiteaker, Cresweil, Or. 3 Manufacturing ZEIS. t'iZXT'l'jT! M-TWEtE iKXiirx jfcx-x k x XJEX an Jeweler. Instruments. - class workmen. Al R. II. Cochran & Son, Real Estate Agents. Eugene City, Oregon. Will attend to general Real Estate limine such tl buying, Belling, leasing and renting farms and city property, eto. Office on south que or Mntn eirwt. Tbe Eugene Cigar Factory Koops constantly on hand the finest brand of home made, domestic, and Key West cigar. Charges the lowest price for chew ing and smoking tobacco. Sell at retail and wholesale. Give Them a Chancel That it to say, your lungsi Also all your breathing machinery. Very wonderful machinery it is. Not only tbe larger air passages, but the thousands of little tube and cavitie lesdins from them. When these are clogged and choked with matter which ought not to be there, yonr lnngs can not do their work. And what they do, they cannot do weel. Call II roM, cough, croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of the family of tbmut and nose and head and lung obstructions, all are bad. .All onght to be got rid of. There is just one sure way to get rid of them. That i to take Boa che' German Syrnp, which any druggist will sell yon at 75 cent a bottle. Even if everything else baa failed yon, yon may de dena upon this for certain. I have a cousin who i a printer, say Ex Mayor J. C. Lough ran of North Dei Molnea, la. Some years ago b was employed in this city where they were printing circular for Chamberlain. lie had a deep seated cold and terrible cough, and while setting np copy be made up bi mind to buy a bot tle. It cured him and that was tbe first I ever knew of Chamberlain' Cough Remedy. I have been strongly in it favor ever since. Mr own experience and that of my family convince me that thi remedy 1 tbe belt in tbe world. Thai may be itrong language bnt that ii what I think. For tale by F. M. Wilkin. Druggist. MlDfOEB Fujcb. A. Goldsmith ba re ceived another car load of tbe celebrated Medford flour. He will keep this excel It nt brand of flour lo stock at all time hereafter. Wben Baby wa lck, we gave her Castorl. Hmo ah was a Child, he cried for Cator1 Wben she became Was, she clung to CasMrla. WJno she bad Children, be gft Uua Castori. "APHRODITINrsM I Bold o A POSITIVE GUARANTEE to core tor form of nervous alMwe briar disorder ol th, f enerativ or gans of either sei, whether arlilu fnimth.MriMii.j BEFDRF UMof Milmulauu. AFTPR Tobacco or Opium, or throurb roulti ful lodlseni- tlon, over inuuiftenre, , surn as Lms of ft rain Power, Vikeriilaras.Buarltifdoira i'alnsluth bars. Seminal WeDres,Hrri. Nervous Pros tration, Nortnrnal Btntsalous, Le'icorrhtra, lils (InrM, Wrak Memorr, Urn of power and Imno tenry, which If nnlcted often lradlo prematura c:a are ana initniir. mri a Dos, buie lurl'iOO. fient hy mallourwrlr'tof prir" A WRITTEN OC ABAilTKB Is riven foe ererTloOorn'errwftlvrd, torrftind Ui money If a f.raisrat nn Is Bol efTartrd. V. bav, thonvndsof iwttroonlIs from old and young, of both sexns, who hare bem permanently runsl bytbeoseof ApbKMiun. iirraiarirwa, Addraae THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. Wten Branca, Bui 27. Poitluu, Qa. Sold by E. B. LUCKEY A CO., DraggiaU eugwa, uregoa. B .. flV Y Fall Creek Notes. Fau, Ckkkk. Or.. Auk. 8. 1SD1 Mr. I, HinK'liiH, who haa been living on the liitrbree pluee, han uiuvihI to iiih new noiiieon I-oel liwk, IMm1, at the nwldemv of her imrentM near Ug Fall t'rwk hriilK', or scarlet jever. uHH siary Meltee, hhI 17 yearn The iNreavetl family have the Hymia thy of the entire eni'iiniunlty. There h conHidenilile Bleknetw in thin iwrt of the wmntn this auinnier. Mr, Melki'n family am nearly ull siek with searlet fever, and eonHltlemlile fear in exprttwdl liy some that the fever will becMjne eplilenile. Mr. A. Wheeler lifw still a largi ervw ioKKUik uiuicr Jlr. J. li. Hills. Tlicv arv now euttlmr on O. W. Dnirv's plaee, and the wootU rlngr with the stuMy stroke or the axmen and enwh of fallliiit tiiiilvr. Mr. lltlLx infonns your correapondent that he expeeU to uc ueuny a monui yel in (n'tting out tne amount of tlmlH-r aotight. On hint WtHliuiHlay evenlnir oulte a stonn paused over thla jmrt of the country. The wind hlew with consid erable foree and a heavy dtwh of rain followed, accompanied hy conslderahle hail, some of the stone belnar as linve as nmrbles. Conslderablo damage waa none to HtaiKiing grain hy breaking It Hat to the ground. The Owl. Handsome Exempt Certificates. The Euwne Fire Department haa received two hundred very handsome exempt flrenien'a certificate from Han rranciMco. I liey cot tlie city I'M) anit exprcNa charges. It Is a beautiful de sign, and presents a handsome appear ance when framed. The center panel haa the blank ccrtitlcntc, and ttclow a tire In progress and a hook and ladder company and engine company fighting t lie same, un the right ana left hand panels arc the university buildings; ust alaive the right imnel Is a correct engmvlngof the Ueary acluxil house, while on the other mile Is the city hall. with firemen and apparatus Htauding in lmnt or it. rite ton is surmounted with the word "Oregon," and a lire- limn being crowned with honors. )-.. . .. Again Insane. O. C. Shepherd, who lives on Fifteenth street, waa ar rested again Niturday afternoon on complaint charging him with being insane, lie was examined iwon. nioni' Ing on the charge before Judge Kcott, Medical Examiners Dm. Gill and Har ris and Prosecuting Attorney Condon, nd was pronounced Insane. Deputy Slierlll' Croner ttmk the unfortunate man to the asylum on the local train He was committed to the asylum alxiut six weeks ago, but the superintendent dischanred hint after ono week's treat ment as cured. It apcara that ho Is subject to spells of Insanity and threat ens at sucn times to Kin ins wne. When he gets in the asylum he Imme diately recovers. At the examination this morning he claimed that he made the threats and attempts merely to scare his wife. Pleased at Florence. Geo. M. Miller writes the following etter: Flobkncb, Or., Aug. 8lb, 1891 H. Fkikmdlt. Edoink. Or.. Dear Sir. When I arrived here last night th Board of Trad wa already assembled in regular session and when tb telegram from Mitchell wa read they gave three routing cheer for Dinger Hermann and oho II. Mitchell. There were over two bnudred present at tbe meeting. Resolu tion were voted thanking our public servant and congratulating Lane oonnty pon it narrow escape from the grasp of Bymooi. lours, uio. ai. uuxia. Co. 0 Elictiom. Saturday evening ex- Cspt. Bladden turned over to Lieut. Yoran II tbe company property of Jo. U, O. . O , hi term of enlistment having expired. It will require an election oy tb company to fill tb vacancy, Tb order for an election must be mde by Col. Lovell, and tbe call ill probably be made for soma date in September. At Worn Dai add Nioht. The oompa- ny.who are developing the quicksilver mine on Coast Fork, have a day and night force of men at work. Tb mine I evidently meeting th eipectation of tboe interested a they are developing it Terr fait, and will aoon put on an extra Toroe of men. Will Mors Htai J. W. Hanson, of Fairbaveo, Wash., will oon move to Eu gene, bringing hi large ttock of clothing and gent furnishing good wltb bim. He ill enter into a partnership wltb hi broth er Edward here, and they will carry a first clai ttock of good. B. F. Finn 1 postmaster at Ihe Gate Creek poatoffloe. L FOR PITCHER'S CtMierls promote Dtrewtle. and ovarcouiee FUluleucy, Constipation. Sour Stomach, Diarrhcea, and Ferarlahne, Thus th child is rendered healthy and it sleep auktanrml, Casrtoria contains DO Morphine or other narcotic property. ffeMAri la M Mil AA.wlmA n t,htA PM IS I recommend a a superior to any pnwcrlpUoa knows to dm." H. A. inn, at. V.. m ForUaad Ate., BruoUra, W. T. 1 na, Cutoria la hit nrartJt. and find tt apedauy adapted to arsctia ot childrao." ALU. Hrmatncm, js. v., Wbl ad Avaw. Mrw Tort Is Cdtaob Oo, TT Murray BC, K. T. mm BURGLARY AT HARRISUl'RU. The village of Harrlshurg, IS iiiIIch down the truck from Kugcuc. was tin scene of tt neat ulwe of hunrlarv Auir, 7,about U'o'cIik k, midnight whereby () w. liniiiili'iiliurg is loser tothetunouiit oi atioui uioo. Mr. Uraiidcuburg has his lewelry store In one corner of May & benders' general merchandise store, and prevl ous to nml night carried a good uk In Ills lino for a small town. .Now the burglar carries the stock, or most of it Every evening Mr. ltrandeiiburg placed the more valuable part of It ii iroods In a small safe. ihe bunrlar or burulars gained ml mission to the premises by cliiulilngou top oi tne uuiuiing, a one story nricK aud cutting out a hole through the ti and nsf sutllciently large to admit the body or a man: then they fastened hummock which they had stolen 1 the vicinity uiul slid down it into the store room. A drill, which they li lt behind, was then used aud iniwder in troduced, when Utcsitfcdoor was blow open, fcieverul purtles heard the eX' plosion, but paid no attention to it, The burglars, it is thought there were two ot them, then emptied the sale and show cases ol all their contents. The oulv article luisM-d from the merchandise store waa btowu v lis aud It is probable thut the tbiovi loaded tbe plunder into it. There was about $100 in coin in the tale, S07 of which Delonged to a poor widow woman, who bsd been saving a long time to secure that amount, and who broke iuto tears when m formed of the loss to which she had bt eu subjected. llarrubura hns no tiiuliUstch aud Ihe burglar worked witn but but little uhauce of being detected . WomI was fouud ou the jigged edges of the tin uu evidence tlml oue ol luein bad cut bis baud. tk-veral atrauue men had been eeu in aud adjuiuiug tbe town the day previous to tne roDuery, out wboever tne liurulunt were they lift no clue to tuuir ideutity. Wanted to Die. Albany Democrat, Aug. 7th. Shortly alter o'clock liujt eveuiug Mis, J. U. Cherry on goiug to the room of her daughter, fctha, fuuud ber lyiug on Ibe bed with her eyes rolled upwards aud a it iu gouy, A bottle of carbolic acid wa on the stand beside her, and a note by it, stating that ou acoount of unkind treatment she wanted to die and hence had oouoliuled lo oomiuit luioide. A doctor wa called ud an emelio administered. In the uieautiuie the eutire neighborhood had been aroused and great excitement prevailed aa it was thought the child would die. it wa a gu nine .uicide soene. Miss Elba didu't die. Th fact is she bad not even taken the car bolio tcid, there being no eigne of it iu her moutb, nor absence of It from tbe bottle It is possible the bad intended to, and Ihe matter had worktd on her mind so much that she may have imsglued she bad. Of course, she came to all right aud didn't die. Mia Elba, just previous bad been with Ihe orowd at Leak' car, and wa talking with a young man when her father came up and told her it wa lime to go home, which Ihey did, and immediately alter reaching home tbe affair happened. Some ot the young men intimated the Intended luioide was caused by jealousy. Klht undoubtedly bad naa been treated well by ber parouts, io that the affair presents some complicated aipeot. ine real cause we are informed, wa because ber pareut very properly re fused to allow her to go wilb all the boys tie wished lo. HOHfsEN IN TI1K MKWi:it. Wid MeG lice's team fell Into the sewer last Haturduy, on Pearl street, near the residence of William I'resum He was scrapiug the dirt back Into the ditch, when by some means one of the Horses sh'piied Into the sewer aud pulled the other in on ton of him. The sewer at this point being some ten feet deep it took aliout a dozen men to lift the horses out. They were only slight ly uruiHcu. A man uy the name of Jones, who was aiding in lifting the horses out of the sewer, received a kick in the fore- heuu rrom ono or the horses, cutting the. skin sliirhtly. This Is tho oulv sewer accident thut has hapiH'iied. It created conslderablo excitement for a few minutes. Aix a Divoaci. The partiei in tbe fol lowing report, taken from the Oregonlan. are well known in Eugene: "Minnie Ilick- etbier ttks for a separation from Gustavut II. Hlckethier to whom ihe wa mariied at Eugene in 1881. Sh allege all manner of ill treatment from bim, such a pounding her with a broom, hitting her with bi fist, kicking ber and beating her with a chair. olten resulting in ber being confined to her bed for day at a time. lie haa, also, called ber tb usual list of obroene epithets. She ayi (he hat bought and paid for the furni ture of their home at 3CG, 0 itreet, end bat for a long time inpported herself and chil dren. She claims that liicketbier own Ihe marble work at Washington street, and is worth no let than tY.OOO, Including bi book account. Bhe accordingly pray for a divorce, luitabl alimony and lha custody of their minor children." Ntw Bairoa Nksdid. Cottage Orov Leader: A new bridge is badly needed np Coast Fork, neir Taylor'. Th bridge at this place washed out a year ago last win ter, and 1 vary much needed to be rebuilt, especially in the winter a the river get up so high itoiu't be forded. This mat- trr should D attended to it once, as winter will soon bj ber. Tbe road commission er of that district should apply to th county commissioner, for an appropriation for this purpose. Osi Township SuavxTXD.ColtueGrove Leader: Mr. Bert Collier returned from lb mountain Monday, having just finish' ed surveying one of Ibe township of bis contract. II will return in a few day to commence on the second one. Mr. W. M. Bushby who baa a contract for on town ship there, alio came down, and went to NVbama. Mr. B. ay it will Uk bim two week to finish bit contract. IIoiikmia Mines. The old Knott mill is being moved and sot In (xwltion for business, nave Murmey went up from Cottage (irove Monday with Dr. Taylor ami will siiiicrihtciid the mov ing of the old mill, which they exjs.-'t to have in running order in a few weeks. They will work the ore from the "Annie"' mine. Junction Hotel. Hriek Is being lelivered on the ground for the new Junction hotel. The numons com menced work on the building lust Tuesday uioruiiig. Dr. Oglettby is erecting a neat resi dence at Cottage Grove. For Sale. A good (even room ho nee; hard finished la good location. For particulars inquire at this office. Real Estate Transfer. r.i'uiNi Issue Hrittot? to E J Frasier and T Kerry, 240 lots iu Fiaaier & Uy laud's ad union; s, JO. E J Frnlipr and T 11 Berry lo Mablf Berry, 10 lots in Frimier & Hvlaud'saddi lion; folio. Juri'tta A Lowery to C II Lowery, lot f nun iu, uioot ii, in 1 ackaid I addition TGHetidrlcka lo Ma B H.ndrltks, It 3, and 40 let I on south side of lot 2, iu fractional block 2. iu Whiteaki-r's addition and 7 fi'el along west end of laid lot ; tl. air At K t ik to K J Fras er. lot 1G. block 111, iu Frasicr A Hy land's addition, WW Moore to M A Uunsaker. 100x105 (cot on Soulh Willamette itreet; f 1 500 COCNTRY. V S lo Virgil VV Uarhbamer. 89 teres in tpltl i, rlw;$200. Urnnt Harrison to W E Coffin, vi aorei In tp ui s, i , w; l'j,r)l. O A 0 It H to L W Tost, 40 acres In Tp iu n iv i vr ; iu. iNtini Ediuinson to Eunimma F.ilmin- son, i,o iu acres in rp u o H 4 w ; f ;ri,uoo J b Poland, Kueri tt. to E C Smith 30xM) feet on Ihe corner of Oak aud Seveutb streets; $1(1. w C Mattiu to Jatuei M Martin. I acre In ip .ii,ij w; flu. Urnnt Uarrison to A McN. Harrison. 80 acres in to vu . r 4 w: fsoo. J 1 liarbro to L A llarbre. 201. G5 acie In ip in s, r l w; i:)bO. Jut M Martin, Adtnr, lo W 0 Martin. 80 acres in tn il s, r 3 w; f'JoO. Asel u Patterson lo E J Fiaaier. 207 aores III l) 13 I, f II t; foOOO. A Union Endeavor Meeting1. A union nieetliiir of the Endeavor societies of Eugene was held nt the .Meiiiotiist I'.plscoiml church Hundnv evening to listen to the report of Miss ;ioertn Miciion. the de eiriito to the national convention recently held nt MinueaiKills. The church was crowd ed to its utmost limit. Miss Shelton occupied aliout an hour recounting the work of the convent ion. giving iu detail the plans proposed and (UKciiKscu. i ne undress was listened to with marked attention. Hhort addresses were made bv Itev. N. M. Allev. of tln Dii-lullim r' l, endltev. D. A. Wattera, of tho M. E. hurch. The niiislo was exivllcnt. the choirs of the several churches having Joined one grand choir of one hundred voices. ISo services where held iu the other churches. Runaway. While driviDB down Eleventh street Friday, August 7tb, Major L. D. For rest horse became frluutoued at a itreet oar and ran awar, throwing Ihe Major out aud bruising him up somowbst, but th home etoaped injury. tHtBirr'BALi.BberitTNoland Sat. af ternoon at at I o'clock sold at HheritT' sal tbe W. G. Purkerson farm, consisting of ,0211.82 acrui to Ballour. Guthrie A. Co.. Ibe judumeut creditor!, fur the turn of $9,102.22. AaoTnKR ADDrrtoH. We understand that Dr. T. W. Hhellon intend platting the soulh lide of hi Skinner Uutte property in iue near luiure, Ovsa 2.000 liuHHKLs, We uud e r s t a n d that Jsmua Luper, near Irving, has already threshed over 4,000 bushel of grain, it yields well. D. W, Eaves of Eugene ha been ap pointed a uotary public by the Governor. The body of Miss Nellie Boise, who wa drowned al llwaco, wa recovered Saturday Prof. J. A. Sibbitt of Juuotlou City, ha been engaged as teacher by Ihe Gervais band. KoHcburg has adopted plans for a sew r submitted by Joseph G. Kelley. of tins city. Tho frame of Hcnator Veatch'a flour ing mill at Cottage Grove haa been raised by the carpenters. Tbe Douglas County Farmers Alliance ha passed resolution denouncing proposed improvement to th county court house. Good weather stain snd the farmers are busy In the harvest fluids. Monday heard Ihe hum of many threshers and before many day tb golden grain will begin to pour into Ibe mill and warehouse. Floyd Vanuhau brings ua apecltnen of white Canadian barley raised by bim . It I n excellent producer snd io demand for brewing purpose. From two bushel which fa purchased for f 4 he expects to thresh nearly 100 bushel. Hpokano Ilevlcw: In Kittitas county tho range Is almost exhausted, and ven In the mountains the lurge flocks of sheep are rapidly destroying the lusturnge. ine nope or tne country is n reclaiming: the land thus left iiructl- cully desert by Irrigation. Statesman: F. J. Miller, clerk of th board ot railroad commissioners, is busily engaged in taking care of the mass of pa per whieb bav accumulated In that oflice urlng Ibe last Ove years, t'revlou to thi there wa no lyttem of filing tbe pa pers, aud tbey wire scattered here and there, without any attempt at keepiug Ibem in order. There is considerable good lente In th following which we dipped from a Kansas exchange: "A real estate agent at Topek ued (or commistion ou a sale he brought about. The jury were evidently men that understood business, as tbey brought In a verdict against him on tbe grounds that be bad uo advertisement in any paper and had no priuted letter heads, cards, eto., he wa not a real estate agent." Union Soout. It Is rumored that the railroad eating tation will be removed from Siason to Dunsmnir, o gain time, ai tbey have to top is minute lo change engine, snd then 25 minute al Siason for dinner. By aviog tbe eating bouse at Dunsmnir they ill gun io minutes. xreia union. Ashland Tiding: Boadmaster Lawton. ho wa up tb road last Sunday, reports at tbe railroad folks arc contending with big slidn about two miles and a bait north West Fork, that keeps 100 men busy to prevent it from covering th track. There are tevenl acre of tuna that are inclined slide and ol nnkojwu depth. However, ere is not much danger of the train being clayed by it, but a 100 mn is all that can be worked at a lime, it i giving them somewhat of a steady Job. Tb Bible contain 3,5C6,480 letter. 773,705 words, 31,173 verse, 1,139 chap ter and 66 book. Tb shortest verse it tbe 30th verse of the lltb, ebsplerof 8t- obn. The word sod occurs 46,276 time. The word Lord occur 1,855 time. Th word Reverend occur but one. The l vers of lb 7th chapter of Ezra eon- tain all lb letter of th alphabet except J. The longest verse U thetfih vera of 8th chapter of Esther. Tbere are bo word or names of more than six syllables. Assignment and Salaries. ' Tbe following are the assignment and sala ries of teacher in School District No. 4: D. V, S, Ueid, Superintendent; salary, f 1,1)00 per year. CSNTBAL BDILD1NO. Salary per Grade, Teacher. monlb. Kirst, Emma Chase. t.r0 00 Woud, Jeuni McClure 60.00 Third, Anna Tavlor.. 60.00 .... 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 fourth. Osie Walton fifth , Carrie 8. Hall Sixth, Augusts Patterson Seventh, Sue West OUST DCILD1NO. Grade. Teacher. Salary per monlb First, Mar K. Peterton. ... ..I.V00 Secoml, Jennie Anderson 40.00 fbiid, Eugenia Johnson 40.00 Fourth, Ada Sharpies 40 00 Fifth, Mary E. Poller 40.00 Sixth, llattie Dickinson 40.00 Seventh, Anus Whiteaker 60.00 Principal, Jos. Widmer CO. 00 TKltM OF WHOOU The directors have decided to open school for the year on Monday, bep tcmUr 14th. Ir. MclUurlry Uead. After weeks of snflVrintr. eudured Calient- ly, Dr. W. T. McMurlry expired at hi home on Olive Street In Eugene Sunday afternoon about 3 o'clock. Several montbi siuce he became aware Ibat pitiless cancer was eating iuto tbe base of his tongue. Lit tle hope was held out by the physi cian of Eugene, and he concluded to go lo Portland and have an operation per formed. Thi wa done but the relief waa only temporary and he came home to die. ! or several week past It wa with great difficulty that he could swtllow. Death win dually caused by tbe eating awny of an ar tery, tbe hemorrhage that ensued lasting sev eral hour Wore death supervened. Dr. W. T. McMurtry was born in liar monsburg, Crawford county, Pa., June 8, ibj(, and at tne time ol bis death wa M years, 2 month and 1 day of age. He lerved wo year in Ibe federal army during tbe war of the rebellion a aurgeon of tbe llllh Pennsylvania volunteers. He came to Ore gon four year ago locating at Sellwood, near Portland, where be practiced one and a half years since which lime he ho resided in tiiiene. la lS'JO be wot the Deniocratio candidate for coroner of Lane county but wsi defeated by a small majority. A wid ow and a ilep daughter are the only rela tive living here. Dr. MuUurtry was a genial whole souled gonllcmen devoted to nil profesilon, and those with whom be came in contact will always remember him with kindly feelings. ibe remain of Dr. W, i. McMurtry were interred in theMatonio cemetery Tues after noon with tbe impressive A. F. A A. M. ceremonies. Tbe pall bearers were: Drs. Pain. Shelton. Kuvkeudall. MoCornack. Prentice snd Harris. Drowned M l lalsop. Mn. Jennie M. Parker, wife of P. M. Parker, proprietor of the Astorlan. wa drowned at Clatsop Beach Sunday while bathing in the ocean. A big excursion came down from Astoria in the morniug, and ful ly 1.000 people were present a moment after the tocident happened. The drowned wo man's husband and family weie on tbe beach at the time of the drowning, and teldom is witnessed a (adder light than that which threw a gloom over the beholders when Ihe news was conveyed to the father and moth erleuohildron. Mr. Parker had just oouie out of a bathing tent, preparatory to joining hit wife in the mrf, and when he learned the dread new he seemed itunued and dated and bowed down with a sorrow tbe greatest that mortal ever knew. He walked to and fro on tbe beach, looking oat on the oruel waves that had tuken from him a wile and helpmate of more than ordinary worth. Mrs. Parker bad been a resident ot Astoria for more than nine years, snd bad a boat of frleudi, who will mourn her lots. The liody f anaa. Astobia. Aug. 10. Th bod ot Mn. Jennie M. Parker, who was drowned at Clatsop yeiterday, wa found at 10:30 this morning on the rocks that jut out from the hore below tbe oove at tbe Seaside bouse, over a mile from whire h sank from light yesterday afternoon, by her husband who had kept eeaaeles patrol of the beach . The body was tenderly lifted from the sharp rooks, which had bruited and disfigured the floe, and conveyed to Austin's, and in tbe afternoon brought np to this oity. Mable Parker, the 18-year old daughter, who was on the beach and witnessed the drowning, ba been leemlngly insensible linoe the tad affair, and rocki to and fro with an awful expreesion on her face, It is feared her reason has been dethroned. Lightning' Deadly Flash. The detrucllv work of the lightning was felt Wednesday afternoon at Monmouth, when it struck and set fire to a barn be- onging to Juue Heluike. The lightning struck the building in the top and in a few momenta the entire structure wa in names. Tbe mow contained forty ton of hay which wa consumed wltb ill other content of th building. Wben tbe lain was pouting down i s hardest, a young man, named Dolmiter. rode into the barn on a horse. He bad no sooner got inside the door than the build ing wa struck. Tbe lightning stunned him but he recovered himself in time to get ont of the way of tbe fire. Tbe horse did not get away and wa burned with tbe barn. Lots rooo. AkTicus or Imcobpoiatio. Article of Incorporation were filed in the Count Clerk's office Monday afternoon by the Springfield Improvement Company. Capi tol stock, fllOO.OOO. Incorporator!, W. J. Piogra, O. W. Larrlson and A. O. Eckle son. Location of principal office, Spring field, Oregon. Object: To engage and deal in ail kind of real estate, personal property; to own, ran and lease water power; operate, build and control eaw, ibingle and plan ing mill; to manufacture all kinds of wood en ware; tooonitruot, operate and maintain street oar line and railways; to own and deal in timber and ail kind of teriala; to own, build, lea and rent build ings, bouses, store and hotel. At thi Caxkmy. Workmen are busily ngsged putting In the evaporator at the Eugene cannery. Over 6000 feet of 1 Inch pipe will be n led for the eoil through which the it am passe, to produce tbe hot air. A wooden conductor about 60 feet high for tbe eecap of tbe hot air after nae l being built. Th 10 horse engine now in nse will be exchanged for a 25 horse io famish the additional power required by tbe evaporator. A fruit aaaorter ha been purchased that will do Ihe work of twenty persons or ling fruit. It divide tb fruit into five grade. Peaches are expected in about 10 day when everything will be run to tb full limit. Elxctid Ttrtoa. Mark Bailey, Jr., of thi oity, ba been elected tutoi of the State University of Washington, at an annual salary oi $1,400. r4,. i