The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 11, 1891, Image 5

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Jl'LY 11. 1801,
TLo Oregon State Fair.
The prospects for good State Fair were
never to flattering a- they are thin year. Tbo
premium list ha been revised aud in ninny
uiporluut point ilio prizes have beu iu
i reused. The entries in lie speed depart
ment ar the lurgi Bt and hi nt in lbs hidory
of tbe (air. Tbo state fair in under Ibe
nisnagenieut of tbo State Hoard of Aijricul
turr. mil over $15,0('0 in cusb ii offered io
premiums (or exhibits ol block, poultry, ag
ricultural product, fruit, eto , work of art,
fancy work, and for trial of speed. Tbe
Board it making every preparation fur a
great meeting. Mnny valuable improve
ment have been madeacd tbe ground have
liecn cleared up and greutly beautified.
EUctrio and horse oar liuci now run from
Hulem to tbe ground. All persous wishing
a premium list for I8UI, can obtain
it by addressing J. T. Gregg, the Secretary,
at rorlliiud, Oregon, or Geo. W. Walt, as
mntiiut Secretary Bt Sulem, Tbe fair be
gins on the 14th of September, and will last
uue week. Bend for a premium list and
prepare something for exhibition this year.
Off for Foley Spt iuirs.
Mr. Kent Thomas, Ming Caroline Gage
nud Wm. Leovd, of the Guge company, Mfi,
S. 0. Jobnsou, of Portland, J. Ii. Rhine-
hurt with Mis. Lillian and Master Eugene,
Jim, Hoffwuu aud wife, Miss Edith Hoffman
mid lilnucbe Straight, left Thursday moru
inti (r a three or four weeks trip to Foley
It ii reported that on their return Messrs
Thomas aud lib intbart will proceed with
the building of a beautiful theatre building
in Eugene, cue that tbe people may be
proud of.
City Board of Equalization.
Not lee in hereby given tliitt the Isiiird
oruuiizntion, in ami for the eity or
Eugene, will meet nt the eity hall on
Monday, July 13th, lHHl, to equalize
the assessment roil of said city for the
year 111. Tlie board will eontiinie In
session from day to day until the roll in
completed. Tux payer are hereby no
tilled and requested to appearand have
all errors or excessive valuation of their
iirojierty cornn'ted, if they know, or
bave reason to liellevc, the valuation in
too high or that errors exiHt.
Heeordcr's Olllce, June 24, 1801.
H. F. DoKRis,
Letter List.
July 10.
Babcock.J F Bandon, W M
Carll, W E ('arrey, Miw Annie
Cane. Joe ( 'larno, U W
t'ranilull, Rev Chas Faeeman, Minn N A
Gassell, V Williams,
Gaines, Dick Oilman, E J Stvley
(iunter, Mrs Eliza Hendershott, James
Hull. Lulu Kelly, K M
Moll, A 3 Moore, C K
Montgomery, V L Pratt, Geo C
Piano Mfg. Co 1'aKo, Wm
Perry, L N Alstrom, Oscar
Hnckwell, E B Tannery, Harry
Thurston, Eugene Tlmleson, Eicb
Wilkes, W W
A charge of one cent will be made on each
letter given out. Persons culling for letters will
pleuse say wneil ailveriiseo.
Ten Days. James A. House was up
before the recorder Wednesday on the
ehanre of drunkenness. He made a
plea that he was overtaken by the
tempter, and after paying a portion of
the costs and agreeing to leave the
city, was lilierated. But Thursday he
was again up before Recorder Dorris on
a similar charge, and claimed that he
was sorry that he had "fullen by the
wayside." but it would not work a
second time, and he was sentenced to
aolier up on the streets for a term of
ten days.
Only Kinb TxAcmcRS.-Albany a town lo
cated down tbo valley, will have nine touch-
erg employed in her publio school next
tary. Eugene will have sixteen. And still
that town claims to bave more inhabitants
than Eugene. Too tbin.
Dkibino Mowebs. Ligheat running ma
chines made and lowest prices. F. L
Call a Halt Tbat tired languid feeling
means that your system is in a state to in
vite disease, and Wright's Compound Ex
tract of Sarsaparilla is what you need at
once to expel impurities of the blood and
timid you np. sold dt an druggists.
Geo. W. Kinsey, Auctioneer.
When you want your goods, household
furniture or luud sold at auction, call of
I Geo. W. Kinsey, the pioneer and most suc-
; oeasfnl auctioneer in Luine UonnlY. no win
: attend to all sales on a reasonable com
' mission,
Wbeu wanting cemetery work go to E.W
: Achisoo 4 Co., who are prepared to furnish
' all kimla at Inseat nricea (or first-class work.
' Our Portland cement walls (or enolosiDg
. xmuuturi, Inta ara tliA finest Vet Dllt UDOH
the market, and are furnished at about half
. tbe cost of stone. Call and see our beauti
ful TWr. uv.tprlv cranites and best
crudes of Vermont marble. Offices at Al
: bany, Eugene and lioseburg.
Very Respectfully Yours,
E. W. Acbinson Jfc Co.
Unkavorablk Skasok.-Oo account of the
Ute season G. Bettman will sell aU bis sum
mer ffom such as straw hats for ladies, chil
dren and men, parasols an i dress goods re
gardless of cost, to close out Don t miss the
opportunity. Call on lkttman before you bay.
Sheep Inspectors Xotice.
All persons in Lane comity owning Bcab
by sheep or sheep afflicted with other dis
eases, are hereby notitted that Mid nbeep
must be thoroughly dipped, sufficient to kill
said disease, forthwith. .
Any person failing to comply w ith this no
tice will be liable to bave his sheep dipped
by the Inspector at said persons s expense.
Take notice and save costs,
Dated June 5, 1831.
Gio. FtsHEB, Sheep Inspector.
Wood fob Sal.-I have for sale a . luanU
ty of good fir wood on my p ,
from Eugene, which I am selling chesp for
cssb C. C. Shepabd,
c8a loth street.
WasrrED.-100.000 lbs. of good Willamette
valley wool.
Smith k Haix.
r The cheapest place to bay your bidders
hardware, tinware, gla., rope, and all kinds
of machine oils, Ac, is at .
Vasdixbcbo k Kmapp.
Ma-onio liuildiog
$500 Keward.
n. : - CVIO Inr a WA'bing
r e win u j - , ,
rn,mi .h oa elenn at cm U ira n
h- t,m. rniiired of the old
Boca k Wnxui".
Lcmbsi Xon I.-GO to tbe Depot Irnnbei
Trd lor cheap lumber.
be un.lersoin
Fabmebs, Attsitiioj --All kinds of ma
chine oils at btd rock prices at
Vabdctbcbo k Kapt
Hollowav-Watchw, Clocxs, Jiwu.ii
Csnvni shots at O. E. K's.
Walton k Bkipworth, Lawyers.
MeJforJ flour at SUdden & Son's.
Choice lot of oranges at D lion's.
Fine line of oignr at Dixon's.
Go to 0. E. Krausse for loot weir.
Call on Caswell for sidewalk lumber.
Rublier bottom shoes at O. E. Krausse
sheet uusio at Patterson k Christian's,
via oi.
Money to loan on farms.
Enquire of Judge
Hot and cold baths every day tu the week
t erry xiorn s oarner mop.
Carpets, carpets, all new styles for spring
iruun at uay a uenoerson S,
lor fine suits made to order and ready
maue doming, go to td Uaoson.
bee tbe new invoice of oak furniture, all
new patterns at Day k Henderson's.
24 dollars will buy a solid, antique, oak
oen room set at uay & uen lerson a.
C. Mara, Barber Shop and Bath Booms.
First door north of Dunn s new block.
Blink deeds, mortgage deeds and chattel
mortgages lor sale 1 1 ljw oiaoe.
$5,000 worth of ladies' shoes to be sold at
or below coat. J. D. Matlock
Mr Geo F Craw has the sole aency for all
Dramu oi tne celebrated ianau runrh Ciffars
Before storing or selling your oats see A
v. reters. Clean cnevauer barley wanted
E. C Lake, marble cutter aud dealer in
monuments, shop on Eighth street, Eugene,
Remember that Hanson 4 Son have the
best selected stock of clothiug in town.
Bring your old scrap cast iron to the Eu
gene Iron Foundry where you can dispose
oi it.
Sixteen-inch seasoned fir wood for sale at
cost by S. Meriau, corner Oak and Sixth
Eugene Flour fl.35 per sack. The Eu
gene Flouring mills make tbe best quality
oi roller mm uour.
Just received from Bontbern Oregon, GOO
I0S tins fresh lard, guaranteed. $1.25 per
tin at A. UoIdHmitb s.
If yon are getting ton old for yonr spec
tacles, or if they do not exactly suit you take
them to watts and bave new lenses fitted
Best line of plush and light weight cloth
wraps from 10 to 35 dollars south of Port-
land, now on exhibition at A. V. Peters.
Dr. O. W. Biddle may be found at his
residence on Olive street, between Fifth and
Sixth streets one block west of the Minne
sota Hotel. lie is prepared to do all dent
al work in the best manner.
The best family remedy is undoubtedly
Pfunder s Oregon lilood Purifier. Harm
less, it accomplishes relief where many oth
er medicines fail to do. It may be safely
given to tbe infant as well as tbe adult.
Peddlers are like the Irishman's flea, and
often irresponsible, so buy an organ of a
reputable house, and that will not fall to
pieces with the first damp weather. Call
and see Holloway'g.
Henderson, dentist.
Oxford ties at 0. E. K's.
Fountain pens at Watts'.
Overgniters at O. E. K's.
Job work at tbe Guabd office.
Tennis goods at O. E. K's.
We lead, others follow. O. E. K.
Wigwam slippers at 0. E. Krausse's.
Russet shoes at O. E. K's.
Day board at Dixon's Restauraut.
Go to J. E. Bond for your straw bats.
Go to Smith & Hall to sell your wool.
Dixon's New Restaurant for best 25 cent
Go to Goldsmith's aud gut prices on bacon
and lard.
Selette Plush Jackets ouly 10 dollars htJA.
V. Peters.'
Men's patent leather shoes at 0. E.
Blank deeds and mortgages for sale at the
Guabd office.
Goldsmith pays the highest cash price fot
country produoe.
Try soma break fast bacon from Southern
Oregon. A. Goldsuitb.
Forest City Dongola shoes ouly $1 SO a
pair at A. V. Peters.'
All kinds of mill saws aud files for sale at
Richard Mount's saw shop.
Remember the $1 50 Dongola shoe, good
value for $2, at A. V. Peters'.
Smoke Helms & Beavenue' Queen Re
gent lOo cigar. Best in town.
Tbe best assortment of children's shoes
will be found at O. E. Krausse's.
When wanting a nice tie or anything in
tbe furnishing line go to J. E. Bond.
Blank notices fjr the location of quartz
mines fr sale at the Guard office.
For all kinds of farming implements call
on J. M. Hendricks on Ninth Street.
W. Sanders sells logger shoes, best grade,
with straps and lings, for )3 per pair.
Screen windows and doors, glass, sash and
doors at Bioalow & Kusktatbicc.
My entire stock 10 per cent, disoount for
cash. D. Matlock.
J. E. Bond has just received the finest line
of summer clothing tbat ever struck Eugene.
Sugar-cured hams, breakfast bacon and
shoulders from Seutbero Oregon, at Uold
smith's. If vnu want to buy a magnificent organ
from S5U to $75 cheaper than peddlers can
sell you, go to W. Hollowsy.
W. Sanders will sell bit entire stock oi
boots and shoes at less tbsn wDniesaie
prices. Give him a call and be convinced.
W. Hollowav has iust received a consign
ment of new organs, without doubt the tiu
est toned instruments ever brought here-
Call aud i-oe then).
A larse assortment of wall paper just re
ceived at the Eugene Book Store. Call and
see it.
Itangs'McKenzie Springs Stage Line.
Eli Bangs is now running his stage line
np the McKenzie river to the roiey ana
Belknap spring "uu iuwououibw yvu.
The stage leases tugene on aionaays.
Wednesdays and I ridays returning a ueruave
days. The trip win o maue in iweive
hours. For tickets and further i nformation,
call at the Hoffman House stables on Ninth
Looi Hxeb Gibls Watts has just re
ceived a nice line of friendship rings, ootn
gold and silver.
What It It?
Tl,i rroduces tbat beautifully soft com
plexion and leaves no traces of its applica
tion or injurious effect? Tbe answer, Wis
dom's Botwrtine accomplishes all this, and
is pronounced by ladies of taste and refine
ment to be the most delightful toilet article
ever producea. nsmomu Dnwm sun
matchless. F. M. Wilkins, agnt, Eugene
There is no dang-r of a eold resulting in
pnenmouia wnen inauiornam s xmuu
Remedy is osd as directed "for a severe
eold." It e ffectnally counteract and arreaw
any tendency ol a eow io reams iu pneu
mnni Thie fact was fully proven in thous
ands of eases dnring tbe epidemic of infln
rnza last wiuter. For sale by F. M. Wilkius,
Don't Believe It
When told that F. M. Wilkins, th druggist,
is not selbng "Wisdom's Bobertine" for the
complexion, the most elegant and only reeJly
harmless preparation of iu kind in the
orld. and (pviog a Leauuiui picture cam
with every bottie.
The Kitflit Kind.
Mr. P. D. Gilbert lute of Marceline, Mo.,
has taken charge of Bunch k Willisms
interest in the "Pacific" Grocery Store, of
Fisber, Bunch k Co.
We clip the following from the Marceline
Mirror, which needs no addition) com
mendation: "Bound for the Slope."
"P. D. Gilbert, tbe best grocery cleik iu
Marceline, as well as one of the first, will
soon leave the city to accept a position
tendered bim by J. N. Bunch, of Eugeue,
Oregon. "Pete," as be is popularly known,
is one among a thousand, thoroughly honest
from the crown of his head to the sole of
his foot, and recognized generally as good
mun to tie too because of his well-known in
tegrity and unswerving fidelity. In addi
tion to these very important moral attributes
he is a combination of "bale-fellow-well-met,"
without indulging in any of the com
mon vices and irregularities which many
suppose to be a natural consequence when
this term is applied. Taking it all iu all,
Pete can hardly be improved upon as a thor
oughbred in bis line. Always friendly,
considering his employers' interests at more
important than his own ease or comfort, he
has always been considered a model em
ploye, a position wo venture to predict he
will not always occupy. His business
iustincts were bnught out in all their
brightness by Mr. Btiurh, for hoiu he
worked several years iu Marceline, aud it
should be with prido that Mr. Gilbert
accepts his former employer's fluttering
offer from half-way across the continent.
Tbat the combination of Bunch and Gilbert
will prove a finaucial success on tbe Pacific
coast goes without saying. The musses of
buyers hunt such people out and will trade
w ith them, whatever competitors may do to
divert trade. Success to Pete in his new
sphere aud may he soon bring his own
family and that of his principal bai-k to
Marceline where they will bit heartily wel
comed and made to feel at home in tbe
busiueas circle the) formerly ornameuted'"
Quite Complimentary.
HfAtHjeAUTKH-t Co. H, 2d. lieg't, 0. N. G., t
Salem, Dr., July , lKUt.
Wbekkas, We, as a company, wishing to
show our appreciation of the many acts of
kindness and courtesy shown us during our
recent encampment; therefore,
Resolved, That we extend a most hear
ty vote of thanks to the kind citizens of
Eugene, who labored to in ike our visit a
pleasure aud success.
Resolved, That these resolutions apply
especially to the ladies who served us with
refiesbments on the 4th, tbe young ladies
and members of Co. C.
Resolved, That the above resolutions be
placed upon the record books of the com
pany and a copy be forwarded to tbe Eu
gene Daily Guabd for publication.
Dean Clink, 1
Fhkii IUkkh, )
Commit t,e.
H, B. Fihkk, Capt
R. H. I.EABO, 1st Lieut
Cham. Muui-hy, 2nd Lieut
Hound Over.
Deputy Crouer arrived on tbe Tuesday af
ternoon train from Salem with Wolter
Huckens, tbe boy arrested lor the theft of
the Indian puny stallion. He
was taken before Justice Kinsey ami
waived an examination udmiltlnir Iiim
jruilt, when he was placed under bonds
of fiSO, anil U'lng unable to nil so the
amount he was incarcerated in the
county jail to await the action of the
grant! Jury.
We, the undorsigned, sgree to be ready
(or woodsawing at the following prices per
cord: All split 4-foot wood, twice in two,
CUo; all 4 foot oak grubs, 75c; all long
wood, tl.
Wm. Hohk.
I Lotxari),
A. G. Davis.
An E.vonMoi'8 Pukmu'm. The di
rectors of theHulcm lUiililiiiganil Loan
Association met Inst night ami matlu
the regular monthly limn of money.
The result was that $4100 was loaned
$1000 at ninety-live month's Interest in
advance, $:UK) at eighty-six month a,
$1600 at eighty-eight mouths, and $13)0
at seventy-eight. The stock was ad
vanced fifty cents per share and no
premium will lie added for another
month. Of the stock of this associa
tion 1410 shares are sold, and as a re
sult of the loans made through itahotit
forty new house have Ihvii or are
being built in tiulem. Statesman.
Darixs tor Faib Wsxk. It is generally
understood tbat Co. C, of Eugene; E, of
Hubbard; F. of Albany; and probably II, ol
Salem, will issue challenges to Co. II for
competitive drill for the medal, the drill to
be made at Salem on tbe fair grounds dur
ing tbe state fair this full. Such being tbe
case, there will be a new and attractive
feature for tbe state fair this fall. Hucb be
ing tbe case there will be a new and attrac
tive feature of tbe state fair. Salem Statea-
Inhani. It certainly appears that Lane
county lurnihhes its full quota of unfortu
nates for tbe insane asylum. Tuesday Digbt
Lottie Miller, sged 13, stepdaughter of Burl
Conger, who lives on tbe Upper McKenzie,
was examined by Medical Examiners Drs.
McKenney and Brown, Judge Scott and
Prosecuting Attorney Condon, snd was pro
nounced insane. Deputy Sheriff Cochran
took the unfortunate girl to tbe asyluui at
Salem Wednesday morning.
Sheriff 8a lkh. Sheriff Nolaml
had two Bides of personal proja-rty
Tuesday, first, lie sola the one-ttnru
Interest of J. K. Huird in the Eul'cIic
Shingle Mill to John Clayton, for the
sum of $210.63. He next sold a liuinry
Is-loiiginif to Mrs. Mattie Carter, to
Sherwood llurr, for the sum of $50.
Judge Kinsey acted as auctioneer on
txitn occasions.
A Nabbow Escapi Miss Ada Brown, of
Spencer Creek, bad a narrow escape while
out walking the other evening. She
stepped on a large rattlesnake, which at
once seized her by the dress, and would
have bit her, bad it not been for a power
ful blow tbat lore tbe rattler from her
clothing. Miss Brown says she will not
take any more walks without a body guard.
Hon. Ad
Ivices at headquarters this
morning are
that WM hops are declining
hiog 20 to 23 in New York.
If tbey go
lower ii will sueci lue
crop of lf)'-l.
Makkied. In Portland, Oreiron,
July 7, Hid, by T. L. Kliot, Mr.
Charhn May hew and Mix Sadie lU-n-shaw,
all of Kugvuc, I-une county,
To Tkaie. A fine new organ for
lumber. Apply at this office.
l'leasaut Hill Items.
July 7. ISM.
Tbe Daily Gcabd Is a necessity. Loug
may It wave.
Mr. Giles Fowler bas returned from east
crn Oregon.
The West Biothert bave purchased a new
steam thresher.
Mr. P. N. Shelly aud family, also W. P
Martin ami wife, bave returned from the
Kitsou s Springs.
Mr. William Miller aud wife are here on
a visit from I'matilla couuty. They will
return iu a short time and engage in teach
ing a nine mouths' school.
S. Haudsuker returned from a trip to the
Muslaw tbree weeks ago, wnitber be bad
been on a tour of observation. While in
tbe vicinity of Florence, be fouud what he
considers a real nice borne situated betweeu
Clear and Ten Mile Lakes. He has bought
the former owner's right to the improve
ments, and returned (rota Roseburg last
evening, where be bsd goue to eutvr a
homestead on the same. We won't repeat
here the glowing description of what he
flutters himself will soon be his home, but
we all will make bim a visit later on.
Some of the neighbors are wondering what
has caused our postmaster to make so many
trips to Roseburg recently. Upon being
interviewed "I'ncle Sam" gives an account
of himself about as follows: Wbeu a real,
dent of Douglas county, more than thirty
years ago, he bought some school land, but
from some cause or other the deed (or the
same was lost before it Was placed on
record. Certain luudgrubbers undertook to
eject the present occupant and "I'ncle Sam"
bud to deleud tbe title. Sufficient evidence
was (ound iu the records o( the school
Hiiperiuteudent'sofllce showing thai tbe deed
hud been given, aud the jury decided iu
favor of tbe di feudant almost witbout leav
iug their teats.
O. K.
llig-h. Hank Happening's.
Julv 8, 1801.
Miss Larimer, of Eugeue, is sojourning at
Mr. Aruiitugts.
Mr. John Suckow is visiting bis daughter
iu I'ortlaud at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Withers Sunduyed at
Oscar Campbell's, near tbe McKenzie.
Misses Alice Kintzley, llattie Benjsmine
and Lula Uobisoo, of Springfield, were here
Mr. Gassitt and family, who have been
living on 11. I). Edwards' place, moved
down uvar Spriugfleld, last week.
Mrs. Gager and Miss Emma Edwards,
Fraukie Hamilton and Nina Gager, of Eu
gene, were at 11. D. Edwards' Suuday.
Jasper Hills reached Spripgfield this week
with l.UUO.OUO feet of logs for L. F. Wheel
tr. Riuclab.
A lllue River Ouarti Mill.
A recent dispatch from Brownsville says:
The prospecting milt for the Brownsville
Mining Company nrrived hero from Port
laud lust Mouday evening, aud three teams
took it to tbe mouth of Blue river, where
it will be immediately taken up into the
mints and put to work on tbe Poormsn com
pany's cluitu. The people will soon have
the pleasure of hi Bring a report from there
in the shape of gold bars. The sight before
lust Superintendent R. M. Bradley arrived
home from tbe Poorman. He reports
everything now ready for the mill, aud ex
pects to hsve it in ruuning order in about
thirty days. The lodge is some twenty feet
wide now between walls, and tbe ore pans
out well. Iu fact, all reports from the cuuip
are very favorable.
Our Foreigu Cattle Market.
The extent and rapid growth of the couu
tiy's export trade iu live cattle are seen by
tbe fact that the shipment within the
lust yeur amounted to upward of (33,000,
000 in value sgaiust (31,000,000 in the pre
ceding year. Of lust year's exports of cat
tle 131,000,1100 in value or upward of 1)7 per
oent, was shipped to Groat Britin and Ire.
aud alone.
A Gallery.
A gal lory of distinguished celebrities,
stutesiuen, judges, criminals and others who
have become uotorious, is now on exhibi
bition neatly framed in tbe Court House
hall. The pictures of these oelebrities it is
said by some, bear a resemblance to promi
nent citiiens of Eugene, The aforesaid
"prominent citizens however, deny the
fancied resemblance.
A Hbavv Li'ADino MiacuiNT. The Eu
gene Register reiently got out a 4th of July
edition, or rather one was gotten out for It
by a stranger, and a man from tbatoity tells
us there is a general kick among the mer
chants who invested in It. Among other
tbiugs it speaks of , a loading mer-
chuut who carries a stock of (10,000, whose
auuual sales are $30,000. Whew a heavy
leading merchant for a eity of so much pre
tentions. Probably, as a matter of fact,
not half of the leading merchant there, and
not a third of tbe figures thst can be given
in Albany, Albany Democrat.
While the above does appear in tbe edi
tion, we can inform the Democrat man tbat
several of our merchants carry stocks of
from (20,000 to (40,000, and transact an an
nual business of from(H0,0e0 to t'JO.OOO.
Freiobt Wbkoi. The north bound
freight train was subjected to a wreck near
Springfield station Wed. morning at 1 :30
o clock. It appears that tbe drawhead of
one of tbe cars pulled out, thereby discon
necting tbe air brake, tnui stopping tne
cars with a crash, which were ruuning at a
good rpeed. Two cars, losded with rail
road iron were amasbed Into Kindling wood,
besides several others were somewhat dam
aged. Railroad employes immediately
went to work and succeeded In clearing the
track by 7 a. m. Mr. Ralston, of Roseburg,
bad five cars of cattle and sbeep on the
train, but luckily tbey escaped without
injury, aud happening to be on the front
part of tbe train, succeeded in leaving here
at 5 o'clock. None of tbe employes were
DeatuFboma Pin. The death of Miss
Cora Boone, a young SuUni lady, this fore
noon ironi the effects of swallowing a com
mon pin is some wbst a remarkable case.
Tbe first known of the accident by tbe f im
ily was tbat she was tukin with terrible
vomiting spells, which lasted five days snd
nights, ouly ending with her death. The
pin lodged in her stomach penetrating the
abdomen, producing teelous inflamatlun.
Salem Journal.
Filling Up. "We are nearly full. Three
more men exhausts our capacity, and we
will have to ask the courts to tend no more
convicts here," says Supt. Downing. It is
not to be assumed tbat tbe large immigra
tion to Oregon bas anything to do with this.
Salem Journal.
Social Pabtt. -Tbe "Kindergartens"
were tbe guests of Miss Kitty Watkins at
the residence of Mr. and aire. S. Munra
Mondav evening, in honor of Mr. Ned
Johnston, of Portland. A pleasant, social
evening was spent
Mabbixd. At the Catholic Church in Eu
gene, Oregon, July 7, 1S&1, by Rev. F. S.
Beck, Gregory Burbacb and Margaret Kos
ttrmann, all of Lane county, Oregon.
Mabbiko At Junction. Oregon, July
8, 1MJ1 al 3 o'clock p. tu., Mr. Frank Good
man and Miss Fannie McMnrtry, all of
Eugene. The happy couple will return
here on to-night's overland train.
Tbi Carxxbt. Wednesday the cannery
put np 3,000 cans of Royal Ana cherries.
About fifty bands were employed. Satur
day tbey will again run on cherries.
Tumps, pipe and gas fittings at Miller k
Cook stoves from (I. CO to i'a) at Miller
k Long's, Dili street.
Nice assortment of burjware at Miller k
Milh r k Long is the cbi'upcst pluce (it
stoves aud tinware.
Staver k Walker are Laving largo signs
paiuled on their new quarters.
K.ep saying over to yourself, "I cun get
hardware at Miller k Long's."
The best buggy made for the money, Is F.
L, Chambers (lib pleasure wagons.
Attention Farmers. Call on Miller k
Loug for Stoves, Tin aud Hardware,
Carpenters and contractors will save mon
ey by getting turning and plumbing from
Miller k Loug.
Tinning, plumbing and lob work of
all kinds done cln ap und on short notice kt
Miller k Loug.
Miller k Long aro sole sgents for the cel
ebrated Gold Coin aud Gordon Stoves and
Ranges in Kugeue.
Repairs for Deering, McCormiiek, Os
borne t Bailey aud Champion Mowers and
Binders cau be bad at F. L. Chambers
Hardware Store.
Wild blackberries are mining into the
market. Tbey are excellent.
Pavls has reduced prices aud will
make suits at prices that will astonish
the people.
If you want a stilt of clothes or a pair of
pantuloon go to Davis, the tailor. He guar
antees satisfaction aud low prices,
A few days ago the llarilslitirg 1uhi
ball chili defeated the Tangent chili ly
a score of .'io to I).
Preston Hargvr, who was badly hurt
by n runaway mvldetit on the rotirtli,
is now Improving gradually, W-Ing out
of danger.
The galvanized iron eornioe for the Chris
man building arrived Tuesday n'glit. Work
men are now plaeiug the joists for the seo
oud story in position.
Davis, the tailor, has Just received
the largest consignment of goods in
his line that ever arrived iu Eugene.
Call and examine them.
Mr. Kculicn Smith, (ieo. Smith, wife
and son, relatives of Win. Churchill,
arrived iu Kuirene Tuesday from Il
linois on a visit, aud witlt u view of
locating In Oregon.
The Albany Democrat is right when it
remarks: Sevcrul of our exchanges cuius
out in red. white and blue. These are
splendid colors for the American Hug, but
they muke a botch of a newspaper.
Prof.Thoa. McClennard, of Tabor Col
lege, has been elected President of Pacific
Uuiveraity at Forest Grove. Tbe proposal
to mske the charter congregutiuusl was not
accepted by the Board of Trustees.
Crops In linker county never were
more promising, and the range, too, is
In tine condition, says the linker City
lXmocrat. Tills fall will Unit cattle iu
splendid sli:iH! for market, and as
there is n scarcity of meat both east
and west the demand made upon the
huncligi'usH hills of Knxtcm Oregon
herd owners will realize handsomely.
A correspondent writes to the Long
Creek Eagle of (irant county: A few
ilaya ago while at work In lccp creek.
Tom Sinyler unearthed the largest
iniL'Lii that has Uen writ since the
carlv mining days. The nugget was
six Inches In length and would average
one-half Inchest in thickness, weighing
36J ounces. Value, (litk'i.
A eity must lie a great one where It
will not receive Its own script. The
l'rlnevllle News says: "One day tills
week Mr. Kd. N. White implied to our
eity recorder for a license to sell spirit
uous and malt liquors in this town lor
a period of six mouths, oM'ering town
acrlp In payment therefor. The scrip
was refused", and Mr. White was com
pelled to pay (UK) in cash, which he
did under protest."
The agent for Foiepangh'i great circus
ill be here iu a few days.
Tbe loose gravel ou Willamette street is
being raked together and hauled away.
Quite an improvement.
We are pleased to learn that Rev. J. 0.
Richardson has so far recovered that be is
able to be about his rcsidonce.
A number of Eugene people are praying
for warm weather to come so tbey will have
an excuse to go to the mountiiius nud sea
S. It. Atwood. recently from Iowa, has
purchased a lot iu College Hill Park Bill
will build a combination residence and
The Seatllo Press-Times charges that
Collector Bradahaw, of Port Townsend, bus
within a vear need (100,000 of publio mon
ey for private purposes.
ror a cut, tuKe nowuereu rosin,
jsiund It very fine ami spread or sift It
over the cut. Wrap a piece of soft
linen n round it and wet In cold water
quite often. This will prevent inllani-
mat Ion ami soreness.
An attempt to enforce tbe Sunday clos
ing Isw in tacoms aud Spokane caused Ibe
saloon keepers to declare that if they can't
workon Sunday aud earn money, mat cler
gymen, barbers, milkmen, editors, base
bull players and others who earn money on
Sunday must also quit work ou tbe first day
of tbe week,
A number of psrties will start for the Mc
Kenzie Springs and the Blue River mines,
during the next few days.
Tbe railroad surveyors are rushing the
work on their return here. It will take
about twenty days yet to complete tbe work.
Following are some of tbe lowest bids for
supplies for tbe insane at Sslem: Meats,
6 to ii'4 cts; flour' (1.45; vinegar, 14 cts.,
a gallon; butter, 30 cts., 300 pounds per
The Ilev. llerls-rt Johnson will
preach at the Knptlst church next Sun
day morning: at 11 a. iil and in the
evening tit 7:30 p. m. Ail arc cor
dially invited.
Tangent correspondent to Albany Demo
crat: "Most of our Tangent people spent
their celebration in Eugene and all came
home satisfied with tbe celebration. There
were C5 tickets sold at Tangent."
Slienherd. the mun bitten hy a dog,
got on a spree Wed. night and landed
up In the city Jail. Ho kept the resi
dents iu the nclililMrhood of the cula-
lsHise awake the greater jsjrtlon of the
night, by his drunken yells and
moans, and many of wild fat-holders
thought that the dog did not do the
Corvallia Times, July 7: The gov
ernment snag boat went up us far as
Harrishurg yesterday and w ill do ser
vice Improving the channel from there
down. Capt. ItiuiUf has been pluced
In charge of the anag puller for the
time being, as lie is more familiar witli
the upjK-r river, aud Capt. Short will
handle the rudder on the Iloag.
CoiiiB'i Imphovkmexth. A fine
Cumberland Preshyteriun church Is
being erected in Cohurg. It w ill Is? a
credit to the town. A largo livery
stable is alno being built in that place.
I'oiniiilloiiers Court.
Met at the Court House la Eugene, Ore
gor, Wednesday worn lug, July 8, lS'.ll, at
10 o'cloi k, a. in.
Present Judge Rodney Scott, Commis
sionrrs Parker aud Hylund, Sheriff Nolnud
and Clerk Walker.
The following bills were ordered paid:
TJBitrg (I" 00
J F Wick 21 0
W A 1 1 uvea 26 60
It liobii'ison 0 10
W It McCoruack 22 20
J II lltsu 2ii 0
J 1) Unwind 26 HO
O E Powers 3 CO
J S Cnstii 16 00
WCInuiuu 26 HO
W M Flak 26 CO
J E Larimer 30 00
Henry Carter 16 00
Junieu burger 26 00
J 11 Inwuli 13 10
11 N Cruin.... 24 20
K C l'.ruttuiu 23 20
John lilumo , 11 00
G W Roberta 20
Siduev Horn 4 20
M rt Hubble 'J 20
John Whisuiun 4 20
KS Hicks 4 CO
O Circen 4 30
0 Marx 4 20
V V Close 4 20
Geo Smith 14 CO
J Seott 16 CO
J A Stevens 21 SO
Fred Dillurd M 30
UCVeutch 16 4(1
J E Kennedy 16 40
(ieo Yuinell 2d 10
J T Wbitmore 16 00
J W Majors 21 Ktl
Hurt Kclsay 26 00
J W Cox 21 00
II D Paine 28 00
J 8 lliggiu 4 20
J E Eblwrt 4 20
M Levinger 4 20
M A Veutch 4 20
DHColemuu 4 20
Henry Mutthnws 4 20
A W'Willism 4 20
John A Isham 4 20
C II Calloway 4 20
Flovd Vuughu 4 20
G 11 Pur. buse 2 20
J S HiggitM. 4 20
John Holland 4 20
L W Brown 4 20
Henry Welder 4 40
SDGuruer 0 00
S Duel 10 CO
JDMuddou. 7 20
EO Potter 4 20
llattie Diililou 0 40
Oseur Vuugbiiu 0 40
,1 F Whiting 18 80
Dun McLiiu SCO
J S Prcbl.le. 2 80
Hurry Huff. 4 20
Clint Withrow 4 20
J W Major 0 8J
M O Dnpp 4 80
J V Emery 4 20
J K Sellers 4 00
It G Culliuon 6 40
A O Woodroi-k 4 20
Mrs III' McOornuck 2 20
tleo jlushey 6 00
ltobt Jobusou 4 20
t'luct'iT court wiTNKsiisa.
0 N Martin
Linn AlriiiiiiliT....
Hurry Hull'
W F Reed ,
Hurry Harris
W 11 Pursous
JT Witter
Wm O Mulley
John Holluud
J 11 Wilkiusou
H L Curler
,lus TrehO r
I)r Mi'Kiimey
JT Witter
A L Vuugbsu
H Mcpherson
T 0 Stearns
Mary F'uerty
Emmctt Sharp
Angio Wallace
Milton Cttinger,...
Jo Fay Matlock...,
Charles Hudlcy
Charles Riter
Jus Truster
J L Mad Jell
SM Wood...
11 C Humphrey
('buries Riter
W T Pcet
Cbnrles Cronor
Wm O'Mulluy
W TEukiu
Guy I luff
Itoy Jones
Hurrv Huff
0 NMurliu
Jus Tresler
E J Mc.Clunahan.,,
Fred Wall
Win Luster
Hurry Huff
Linn Alexunder
John Inwull
Churles Hud ley ....
Ziich Moore
Mrs WTEukin
M 0 Dripps
John Bunch.......
Cardulia Yuughun...
Juduh Coo ley
GeoF Crouer
H Buudy
Linn Alexander
OL Ileum
Dr Smiley
D II Trestcr
L M Duel
Elmer Dinges
M L Wilmot
W II Baugbman...
EJ MuClaiiuban...
Fred Wall
Ill McCornack....
James Levenger....
Linn Alexnuder.
Hurry Huff
Cbas Ititur
Hurry Harris
Cbas Riter ,.
Geo Iltishey
Clint Withrow
Dr J Smiley
J F Ktuury
Henry Hurris
John Hiugiiis
C L lleums
John Holland
Orange Csllison ...
WT Peet
Wll Baugbman....
W O Yorau
D H Tresler
Jo F Matlock
John Higgins
Rufus Callisou ,
Deunis Mulkey....,
1 L Campbell ,
0 L Reams
Oscar Parsons
D H Trester
Ina Callisou
Cbas Lewis
4 20
4 20
4 20
4 20
4 20
6 20
4 20
4 20
4 40
4 20
6 20
4 20
4 20
4 20
U 00
0 80
6 80
0 40
tl 40
7 20
6 00
4 20
4 20
4 20
4 20
4 80
9 CO
4 20
4 20
4 20
4 20
5 00
5 00
4 20
4 20
4 20
4 20
4 20
4 20
4 20
4 20
5 00
4 20
6 40
0 20
6 20
4 20
4 20
8 40
6 20
4 20
6 40
0 40
8 20
4 80
4 20
4 20
4 20
4 20
4 80
10 00
4 80
4 50
4 20
6 00
4 20
4 20
4 20
4 20
4 20
8 20
6 20
3 20
4 20
3 40
4 00
4 20
6 60
2 20
3 20
4 20
4 20
8 40
6 00
4 20
4 20
4 20
3 20
8 40
7 20
4 00
Change In Little Fall Creek road; G. W.
Guiley, David Jucoby and Henry Mitchell
appointed viewers and C M Collier, survey
or. The R. E. Campbell road; this petitions
for a oounly road, starts at tbe Rock Hons
and runs entirely to the Foley Springs road,
bring on the line of the McKenzie toll road.
Geo. A. Dorris sppeared for tbe road com
piny and L. Bilyea for the petitioners.
Ordered that the petition be not granted.
School District No. 69 established as fol
lows: Commencing at the a w corner of t
15 s, r 4 w, thence north one mile, thence 1
euat to the Willamette river, thence ap laid
river to its intersection with the south
boundary of said tp, thonce west on tp line
to '-wila west of the soutb-eait corner of
sou 33 iu said tp, tlionco south Y, mile,
thence west -mile, north -mile to tbe tp
line aforosnid, thence west on fp line to
the placo of beglning.
Coulter road; continued.
Application of Pork Ins k Brown for tbe
improvement of Loo a or Triangle Lake;
Application of tbo Mill Creek Improve,
ment Company, for the improvement of
Mill Creek and Mokawk; continued.
Application of Lewis Bailey k Co., for the
improvement of Siuslaw river and Wolf
Creek; continued.
The Jones road; W, F. Smith, John
Moorehoase and Joseph Parslow appointed
viowers and 0. M. Collier, surveyor.
Road Districts No 25 aud 73; ordered that
tho donation land claim of Stephen Jenkins
be taken from District No. 25 and added to
District No. 73.
Alpha Itema.
July Cth, 1891.
Most of tbe energetic farmers have their
bay iu the barns.
Mr. C. A. Potterf has been quite sick for
tbe past two week but is improving.
Alpha uow has mail on Tuesdays and
Saturdays of every week, which Is a boon
to this news loving vicinity.
Wn have lately organized a Sunday school
which is well attended, and which we hope
will continue to grow both in attendance
and iullueuce for good.
School iu the "Fern" school bouse bai
been in progress for three weeks. The at
tendance is small; but tbe interest mani
fested in tbe work is a joy to tbe teacher,
and enables ber to any with truthfulness,
"Blest me, this is pleasant teaching publio
We would like to ask a certain young
gentleman If he Is still fond of catching
trout? We understand he enjoys tbe sport
so much that be speuds most of the night
dungliug a hook nud line. And usually bis
efforts are attended with great success. He
has been known to catch as many as eight
during one week.
The good people of Alpha celebrated the
"glorious fourth" by having a picnic,
which was a very pleasant affair. About
fifty were present, who enjoyed an inter
esting programme and partook of a bounti
ful dinner. After dinner the time was
spent iu visiting, playing games, swinging,
etc. Along with tbe excitement two young
ladies fell out of a swing, which frightened
the young gentleniau who was swinging
them, so badly, that it took him about two
miutitos and a half to collect his reasoning
faculties enough to help them np. About
fivo o'clock all gathered around the organ
and after singing some hymns, dispersed,
fueling that they had spent a pleasant day.
Tin Ali-ua Bkuo.
City Council.
Connoil met In special session, Wednes
day, July 8, at 8 o'clock. Present: Mayor
J. II. McClung; Counoilmen Griffin, Page,
Dorris, Preston, Walton and Osburn.
Tbe following business was transacted.
Tbe ordinance granting to I. K. Peter
and bis associates the right to construct,
operate aud maintain a street railway pro
pelled by steam, electricity or cable, was
referred to a special oommittee to reportat
the next meeting.
Counoilmen Walton moved that the da
ration of the franchise be limited to fifty
Special committee appointed were Wal
ton, Tage and Osburn.
Councilman Walton made a motion that a
warrant be drawn for (196, the amount bid
for the Brannan property.
Mayor McClung, on motion, was author
ized to eurreudor to H. W, Holden bis
check for $1,000, deposited a an evidence
of good faith for the building of the street
On motion adjourned.
Real Estate Transfers.
W II Kellogg to W W Sharp, lot 13, la
block 10, In Soott's addition; 1350.
J F Brock to I M Francis, lots 4 and S,
block 28; Packard' addition; $300.
rhoebe B Klusey to J F Brock, fractional
lota 3, 4 and 5, block 28 in Packard's addition;
Fannie G Lockwnod to Chas Waeblte, lot
4, block 1, Soott's addition; 1215.
C E Robertson to Wm Cayzer, 8.07 acre
la T 17 9, R E W; 1200.
W W Neeley to Geo O Knowle and 0 Get
ty, lot 7 aad 8, block 0; 1100.
Geo O Knowle to Cha Getty, Interest
of lots 9 and 10, block C; $412.
The Engineer Badly Hurt.
The south bound overland express, No.
16, that passed Eugene Wed. night at 14
o'clock ran into a slide in the Cow Creek
oanyon, badly wrecking the engine and tbe
mall car.
The engineer, Richard Morris, was ser
iously injured. Tbe passengers were shook
ap but none Injured. Supt. L. R. Fieldi
went south on the afternoon' local to the
scene of the wreck. The overland from tbe
south may not be on time in the morning.
Obkooniah Railroad The Woodbum
Independent says: The Woodburn-Spring-field
branch is now graveled between Co
burg and Waldo Hill. Between Woodbum
and Aumaville gravel will be hauled from
Canby to ballast the track. Another gravel
train will be pat on in a few day and the
work of putting tbe road in first class con
dition will be pushed. Business on the
branch 1 growing. The new extension
from Coburg to Jasper will be opened for
traffio about the end of July, when a regu
lar passenger and freight train will be put
on to accommodate the increased business.
An exchange says: J. H. Proctor, a
blacksmith, formerly of Harrisburg, dis
appeared from Marahfleld several week
ago. The remain were found in the wood
by some hunter last Sunday partly eaten
by wild animals. In tbe pockets ot his
clothes were found half a dozen means of
identification. He waa a drinking man and
shortly before bis disappearance hi wife and
her children left bim and went to Cottage
Grove to ber parent and it is believed he
committed suicide.
Bobm. In Junction, July, 6, 1891, to the
wife of J B. Morio, a son.
To Lrr. Two furnished room to let
Inquire of Mr C. C. Crouer.
Local Mabmt. Wool, 2CfV?21c; eggs,
20c; butter, 15oj 25.