The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 11, 1891, Image 1

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    j X Bunoh
VOL 23
EUGENE, Oil., SATURDAY. JULY 11, 1891.
NO. 35.
ZUt 0ugrne (Cltu (Snarl
Publisher mikI Proprietor.
OlTK'E-Ou ths East M of Willamette
Mivnt, between Seveulh and Eighth Streets.
12 00
, .75
I r annum
lit Mntb.
Ihre months
Advertisement. Inserted ai follows!
isch subsequent insertiou L Cash wquirad
'"Tim sdvartiaers will 1 charged t the
InWllljf ran". M
. . . i dm tlirtM month. to
i ' u t" : .
8 00
I me huj
ner in tor tn insem. i
"Advertising bill, will b rendered quarterly.
All ion wora miiat oe ram .wuu .. ..
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law,
iV - .. i t...i:.. .1 1. -fi-iet .rutin
f ol tut BMona nuuiim
h. Supreme Court of this State.
Social Attention given to collection.
ratter, in probate
.n i'irv. - - - OUli(iON
nFFICK-Uoouu 7 & 8 McClaren Buildinjt.
rSpeclal attention given to Collection.
.ml Probate imsmosa.
Seymour W. Condon,
r.iiiic. - - Orcson.
OmoK- llooui in Conner' Block.
Attorney -and CcunsaUor-atrLaw, and
Real Estate Agent.
j Ofllce-ln Masonic Temple.
iKuykcndall & Payton,
Physicians and Surgeons,
I Rooms Over City Drug Store.
! Attopiiey-aM-av.
f Special attention given to Probsts busincw
and Alwtracta of Title.
I Omcu-Over Lane County Bank.
iPhysicians & Surgeons,
I. OlBce 9th St., Opposite Hoflinan Home.
DR. V. A. PAINE, Rosidenes corner 10th
and High Street, Emrenft .,
' DR. V. T. McMURTRY, Residence Olive
8t., between 9th and 10th, Eugent
DR. J. 0. GRAY,
block, oppoeite Guabd office. All worn
Warranted. , , i
t Laughing ga administered for pa'"'994 '
traction ot teeth.
't Coffins and Caskets slways on band. Pre
paring and Embalming Rodin. Specialty.
Night call, proiiiply etteuded.
! Ueiudenoe, aecond houne houlh of Mctno
di.t Church, Willamette atreet.
. - vnirvn
X Kanrw, Improved and L'nimpnvel I own
property for wde, on y terras
Prcpertv Eantcd and Eents CJlocted.
Th. In.urnn Cmtni I n-prent are
theOl.le-t aod o..t K1"1'1;
th. I'KoiirT a..dEyriTB!;i lj.i.tmi.t nl their
Sraxrt SavuWi to No.ii.
K .ham .4 y Mir' lwIteJ.
ClttrUU. BrI(KRBi
Dr. Jennie S. Barnard
Regular Physician,
Will .peullr trt all Di-ac of WO
Boom t, Dunn'a Block.
ZS ..t Ji A.-mJ wAi
Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewel
ry & Musical Instruments.
h Most Select Sloe!: South i: Mm
Special attention given to Repairing and
Engraving by two first-class workmen. All
work warranted.
I E. Luckey&Co.
Toilet iirucies, rainis, uns,
Brushes, Etc., Etc.
Prescription Department in Competent hands.
University Boo
McClaren s Building,
(Oppoeite F. M. Wilkin.' Droit Stow.)
. -Haa an extensive Stock of
Mercantile. Fancy and School Station
ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc.
rOrderi for Books and Subacriptions
(o Newspapeta and Periodicals promptly at-
tinri4 to.
Bowel Troubles, and Cramp, Colic, or
any Internal or titernal ram. ah your
druRRist tor it
kaler iy
Clocks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc
Repairing rromptly Executed.
II work warraniea.jsti
E. Schwarzscfiild, Prop.
(Succeiwnr to Geo. Collier)
Order, br mail promptly attended to. Ad-
drw. Lock Box 119.
Cash, fc Prices,
From and after Feb. 1, 1891,
my terms will be strictly cash.
Prices Put Down to Bed
rock. I will Not oe
Highest market price Paid
fur Produce. If not all traded
out will pay balance in Cash.
J. H. Whiteaker,
Creswell, Or.
Having purchased the
Grocery Store,
we call the attention of
the public to the fact
that we will keep on
hand a
stock of groceries,which
will he sold to our pat
rons at the lowest rates.
R. II. Cochran & Son,
Real Estate Agents.
Lunelle City, Oregon.
Will attend to general Real Estate buaines
such as buying, selling, leaning and renting
furmsand city property, etc. Office on south
side of Ninth street.
Tbe Eugeue Cig;ar Factory
KefDs conxtantly on bund Ibe Uncut brands
of home made, domestic, and Key Went
cigars. Charges the loweat prices for chew-
ing snd smoking tobacco, bell at retail and
Give Them a Chancel
That it to say, your lungs: Alio all your
breathing machinery. Very womlerfnl
machinery it i. Not only tbe larger air
paaaaees, but tbe thotieand of little tubes
and cavities leading from them. When
tbeae sre clogged snd choked with matter
which ought not to be there, your lungs can
not do their work. And what they do. they
cannot do weel. Call it cold, cough, cronp,
pneumonia, catarrh, conHnniptiou or any 01
tbn family of throat and noae and bead and
lung, all are bad. All ought to
he got rid of. There ta juxt one sure way
to get rid of them. That is to tike Boa
c bee's German Synip, which any drnggiat
will sell yon at 75 cetita a bottle. Even if
everything el has failed yon, you may de
dend npon tin. for certain.
I have a con-in who I. a printer, aays Ex
Mayor J. C. Lonttbran of North Des Moines,
la. Koine yar ago bs waa employed in
Ihl. eitjr l.e:e Ibey were priuring circular,
tor C'banjiteiluin. lie hud deep sealed
rold and terrible rough, ol while aetting
! np co'J be mode up In mind to tiny a Lot
! tie. It cared biui and that w,ia the firxt I
ever kn.w of Cb.mbcrUm'a Cough Uemedy.
1 1 be been atrongly in ita favor ever nine,.
My own experience and that of my family
I ennviucr. rue that tbi. remedy i. tbe beat 10
Ibe world. That miy b .Irong lnriii.Ke
but that w what I thick, lot sale by Y. il.
Wilkin.. Drngit.
MsKroto Flocb K. GoIJniiih haa re
ceived another car load of th" celebrated
Vedford floor. Ue will keep this excelhnt
brand of floor U stock at all times htreaftsr.
The Races.
The ftces given by the Lane County
Driving Association, July 3d, were largely
The judges were: T. W. Harris, P. K
Wutteis, G. K. Chtuuisn sad Mr. ('line
Tuner: It. It. Hates snd M. Levinwr
let beat won by LyllA P.ipooe by C
Second beat wou by Wilhrow's Bingo.
3d " ' "
Time, 50 snd 1 5; 52 snd 3-5; 53 snd 3 5:
Ituning )4' mils dash. Won by liel
linger' Billy, bealiug Harry Bluff a link
Time, .24; Cricket, thild.
l't mile and repeat trotting and parinc
race. Waller's Captain Mount be.t Lytle's
Duiiioituder, laltrou s lony sua Mewsit s
Walter. Time. 1:3. Ul.
Y, mile trotting for road lioises, wou by
Jl irrit Julia LOmatnck, Watt s Nig !2il,
liayea ftelllf, 3.1, Lralg s Maggie, 41 II
ZiimwuU's Kitty Bell, 6th. Time, 1:41
A Dlautruus Illaze.
Just after tbs celebration of lha Fourth of
July Siitarday, a fire broka out in the hotel
at La Grande, Or., sn.l a large amount of
property was destroyed. Tbe eulire city
was, for a time, threatened with destruction,
Tbo Iohs will be about S125,0OO, with iusur-
mce ol about $10,000.
Iu addition tbe louaes through damage by
removal au J of personal effects were latge.
Among the latter, were a fGUO diamoud
necklace and gold watch of Mrs. Senslor
Dolph. A Urge number of visitors from
Baker City and other (owns, were in tbe
city for tbo purpose of attending tba bull.
A number of ladies who were guests at the
Blue Mountain house lost valuable ward-
Tuk Hop Lodhs.. -Philip Noia, tbe well
known bop buyer has beeu here aud made
an examination of a number of yards. He
says that it is tbs genuine hop louse that
infests these yards. His brother, Wm.
Neis, who bus a yard a short distance above
Springfield, picks the leaves from tbe vines
to the top of tbe poles, which are sbott,
twine being use. He will spray.
A Qi'ahtz Mill. Tho quartz mill
for the JlrowiiNVilli! Minhur nml Mill
inn Company, of the ltluv Klwr Mint-,
has nrrivod nt Hliio river. It will Ik
carrli'd into the inincH by pack horses,
H. F. Finn IiiivIiik tin contract. No
one piece of the mill weighs more than
IKK) 1 1 in. It is a two-stamp mill, utul Is
VMiartintccri to do tlrst-class work.
e undcrNtiind that It will lie mil dav
and night.
Ths Srwkb. Work on tbe lower end of
the sewer Is progressing slowly. The cut
is deep and the water from the gravel in
terferes with the workmen. It has bcrn
necessary to plank ths sides of tbs out to
prevent caving. Mr, Bellman, the con
tractor for the brick work is busily enga
ged. To got rid of the water that flows
freely through the gravel, lines of 4 inch
clay pipe are laid on each side ol the sewer
on the bottom furnishing a drain.
A Kind Act. Salem Hose Team, No. 3,
on the Fourth, procured Nina, tbs little
daughter of F. M. Willi inn, to ride on their
bone csrt in ths procession. Imagine tbe
surprise of tbs parents when tbey whoeled
tbe little girl home, and ths Foreman, in a
neat speech presented ber wilh a handsome
gold watch, inscribed: "To Nina; fiom tbe
Salem Hose Team, No. 3-1891." Mr.
Wilkins in a few appropriate words extend
ed the thanks of himself and Mrs. Wilkins.
Dcbt. Friday evening, July 3rd re-
turning from the exercises at Camp Grant,
and while near his residence, tbs borie
gave a sudden lurch, and threw Rev. J. C.
Ilicbardson heavily to the ground upon bis
head and left arm. ne is badly shook up,
bnt not fatally injured.
Junolion Pilot: Several of tbe officers
and members of our Sunday school organ
ized a Sunday school about two miles east
of bore Sunday. The following officers
were elected: Mrs. I. C. Edwards, super
intendent; Mr. I. C. Edwsrds, assistant;
Mrs. 0. A. Vitus, secretary. It Is to bs
known as Itiverview Sunday-school.
Don Killkd. The Chinaman's dog,
which bit ths man Shepherd through tbs
band on tbe day ot ths Foil rib, wss killed
this morning by Marshal Eastland, by order
of Prosecuting Attorney Condon. Corroct.
Maebiid. At lbs residence of the offi
ciating minister, Elder N. B. Alley, July 2,
18'Jl, Mr. V. F. Lyons and Miss Eunis Pit
tenger, both of Lane county.
For Sale.
A half-Mood Jersey cow, wilh young
calf. Apply to N ousts Uumi-uiikt.
A Gooo Baboaiii. Largs 9-room boue,
seven furnished, in a fine neighborhood,
street graded and sidewalks, younz fruit
tree; only 3 blocks from bnslnesa center.
Price (2000, hslf cash. Apply at this office
W.rTEDted(APURnniTINF" ormoner
tot nr. ni iinvinii retuuuea.
U Bou A
to cure any form
or any disorder of
tlie feDeraliv.or
gum of sitherarx.
lither arlrtus' a
BEFORE ueol timuiut, AFTER
ToUkco or Opium, or thruuxb youUilul Indian.
Una, over Inifulsenee, Ac . lui-h u lmol Drain
f wer, W.kef'ilneH, Ileari n down falnslntha
bai'k,Semin.lWeineM,Hrrtrt.,Kerrous Prisv
tatlon, Norturnal Emlwioua, Letioorrhu-., Wi
ll new, Wi-.k Memorjr, l.of fowerand imo-ten'-y,
whlrhlfneirli-rtHofttn h-lto prem.tur.
t 'l ami Inianlty. Prlr. 11.00 boi, Shulus
Jjr ."). Int t ymalloiirwvli.tof prte.
every f iUU order rer-elred, lorfn4 th. money If
S FermsnrBl cir. It But efferiM, W. b.v.
thouaandinl lMrtlmiml.1. (".moid .nil jonns.
1 both aei' trn prmwMmtly enred
Lj theuwolApbrcsliUoe. ClrraUrlnM. AfMrea
tcn itnoch. buxa,l'oaTLui.Oa.
Sold by K. K. LUCKEY CO., IruWuU
EutreiM, Oregon.
Full)' 2O.0H0 People Celebrate In
F.neeiie on the Fourth.
The celebration hint Saturday wss the
grainiest nil air of tbe kind that was ever
held iu Ibe Slatoof Oregon, oulcide ol the
city of 1'orllaud. and we eviillji nliully l
lirve that more teoile attended Hie Mini)
It was estimated that between lN.liWI and
JO.tKS) weie present. The best ot order was
aiaiutaiued, only three nrreats Doing m-nie
during the euliio twenty tour hour. Will
amette street, hetwueu Seventh and Ninth
wa kept clear of teams during the entire
day, which was a great cobveliietu-e to all
those celebrating, as the uiaiuof people was
forced to USA the street, Ibe sideaalW being
too uarrow for the occasion, The weather
wus beautiful, and aeenied specially pre
pared for tbe occasion, being neither loo
cool or too warm, lly six o'clock iu the
evening ol the 'Jrd our atrrvts were tlllul up
wilb btonle aa much asou au ordiu iiy cele
briillou, but tsulutdity morning tin. people
began arriving from the turronding country
iu all kiuils ol vehicles by hundreds, Tbeu
the traius brought full load, the special
alone that arrived at 11:33 wilh 10 cars and
1,000 people.
Coiiiiiieuced forming at 0:110 o'clock iu the
moruinii. At 10:30 a. m., it moved In the
following order
Necoud llegtuieut lluilil.
Second Uecimviit. O. N. O.
Firat carriage l'rvaideut, orator, reader
ami chaplain.
Second carrmce Jluyor auduouurn
Third carriage Faculty of Stale I'uiver
Martial bund.
J. W. Geary Pint, O A. U.
Marine Cadela.
Liberty car.
Corvallis Mariuebumi.
Salem Hone Team.
Corvallis lloso Teuiii.
Eugeuo Hose Team No. 1.
E. 11. & L. Co , No. 1.
Oregon Hoae Team.
Kugeue Kugiuu Company, No. 1.
Kugeue Hose. Team, No, 'i.
Kcscuo Hoso Team, No. 0.
Pioneer emigrant train and their success'
ors in lS'Jl.
Citizeus iu carriaucs, vto.
The Second Ucuimcnt turned out nearly
400 men and they received Ibe attention of
all. The Grand Army turuod out 71 uicu
and presented a Due uppcarance. Both the
Salem aud Corvullis bunds discoursed most
excellent musio. The Marine Cadots 6'J
atrong under command of Captain Sachs
were iires v admired t'V all. ami it was
entertaining lo see Ibem keep alep aud go
through the manual ol arms, 'lhetireuicu
iu (heir bright red shirt added immensely
to the procession. Iu fact u Fourth of July
wit tout the uremen would ue n very coiuiuou
and tamo sllair. 1 heir apparatus was ilcco
mled iu Ihe beat of style.
Procession wus the feature of tbe occasion
that called forth Ihe applause and enthuse
asm of tho peope nt every point. John
Whiteaker the first governor ol the slate ol
Oregon, clad iu duck shirt, blue overalls,
straw but with a cob pipe, puuebed and
auided tbe three yoke of oxen from Chap
man s null, as be did others iu ihiu across
the ulains. The waimne conveyed pio
neers, among them being M. Harlow who
atldreaseil Ihe peoplo along ths tins of
proceisinu. Mrs. Elizabeth Ponidcxter
basilv knitted on a varn stocking. On the
aids of the wagon cover was the placard "As
we came to Oregon." After tbemcauie two
wauona wilh tattered wuuon sheets, drawn
by burses, filled wilb a representation of
families, the beads of the bareheaded hoys
protruding through rents in tbe sheet. J be
oxen could not travel ss fast as the procos
iion aud were a little tale in reaching the
speaker's Bland. As they came the ruilitia
drawu in hue on Ihe south side of Eighth
street, received them. Gov. Whiteaker
made a nest and facetious speech from tbe
standpoint of a newly arrived einigtunt re
ceiving amilauso many times in the course
of his remarks. Al Ihe conclusion Hon. E.
P. Coleman after a neat and fitting speech
preseuted Ihe ex-govurnor with 1 fine gold
beaded cane as a mark ol the esteem of
many friends. E. J. McClanaban was the
active manager of that part of tho day's
Hon. Geo. D. Dorris iu sppropriato words
made the introductory remarks. A med
ley was played by tbe Coavallia llraas Hand.
Rev. fi. U. Alley, of tbe Christian church,
mads an impressive prayer.
Hon, S. M. Yorsn read the Declaration
of Independence, after which the oration
was delivered by Hon. 8. W.Condon. The
address wss carefully prepared snd reoeived
the plaudits of the assembled people for Ibe
practical and patriotic, remarks. A Fourth
of July oration, is not easy work, bnt Mr.
Condou by bis treatment of the subject,
interested aud held tbe atteution- of his
auditor! to tbe end.
Tba programme was interspersed with
music by the bsnd. It was impossible for
thousands to get within bearing of the
After one o'clock tbe people lo all sorts
of vehicles, on fool and in streol cars began
to make their way to College lull to wit
ness tbe sham buttle between tbs militia.
Tbe street cars were crowded to their ca
pacity, platforms and slslcs being occupied
by standing men, women and children.
Uronnds more appropriate tor in purpose
could not bava been selected. The move
ments of ths troops could bs witnessed
e.sily by tbe multitude assembled, esti
mated st over 10,000 people. Tbs troops
were divided, infantry batteries and Marine
Cadets taking their position on tbe crest
of tbe bill while the attacking forces with
the cavalry were below. Linns of battle
were formed, attacks made, flank move
ments executed with varying results until
it ended in tbe planting of the flags of the
attacking forces, fcfier a hand to baud con
flict, on the enemy's ground. During the
exciierjient of Ibe (ray three men were
powder burned, one of them of a Coot
bay company, rathef narrowly escaping
ths loss of his eyes by opporliioely turning
his face from the guu. Cspt. Sachs ol tbe
Marine Cadets had ons of bis bauds burned.
'1 he surgeon bad his headipiurters on the
top of Ibe bill snd cared for tbs injured
men by picking out the grains of powder.
After the sham battle tbe troops marched
back through Willamette street presenting
a b.ndsoiue appearauus. It Call b said
lhal Ihe mililia dipluy in procession and
battle was Ihe most prouiiutnt datura of
the day.
iioss mcr.s
Tbe hose races announced for 0 p. m.
were among tba most elating umu-ement.
of lbs day. Tbousuds gathered along
Eighth street between O.k and Pearl Street,
to witness them. Ths teams entered were:
Junction, Eugene No. I, Eugene No. 3, Cor
valli., Salem ami Albany, Ihe Lbhjuou team
(ailing to materialize.
Sbenff Nolaud who bad Ibis contest In
charge appoiuted Ibb following parties to
oficlale iu tbs same:
Timers E. U. Luckey, Mr. Warner, of
Albany, and Mr. Kemp, of Corvallis.
Judges Jobu bbaefer, of Junction; Sher
iff K. at. Croissn, of tUlem; Wm. Prtalon,
of hugene.
Starter-It. E. Eastland.
The ilrst team called was that of Junction.
Tbey msdii a good run lo tba hydrant, but
had foigot to unstrap Iheir reel, beuce got
uo water or time.
Next came Eugene No. 1, who made an ex
cellent run and made connection to tbe hyd
rant, but ihe lio wss pulled off of ths
hydtaut, snd beuce no water was got. This
was supposed to be tbe team thai Eugene
had to win wilb if they were "in it." at
all, but that proved to be a happily mistak
en idea.
Then came tbs strapping big team of
Corvallis foot racers beaded by tbe well
known sprinter, Cameron. Theynisde tbe
fastest run of ths day but their work at the
hydrant nml nncouiuiug hose wss not good
Time given: 37 andSi-oth aecouds.
The Salem boy's luru then cams. Tbey
made s (air ruu, aud got water in 3t!'j sec
onds Then the Albany boys dew down tbe
course, makiug an eicelleut run and good
connections. Hut luck was against tbe
boys. Akmk was iu the hose aud the
trainer threw it oul, sbich was a violation
o( the rules, hence they were recorded as
having uo time.
T. en osinvs Kescus No. 3, of Eugene.
This learn was known us "The Kids."
They were all quite young men and their
tire company bad been organized only
ab mi! a month. At ths craok of ths pistol
they undo their run, made connections, etc.
I ime, JJ secouiis. Liigune wss isiriy wuu.
Cheer after cheer rent the air. Tbe Hook
aud Ladder Company were unhoused, each
ot the "kidi given a brjoui, and they wera
rolled through the streets the vast as
semhliuie uiviuu the winners many cheers.
The judges awarded tbe first prize ol 1150
lo His liescues o! Lugene; ths second ol
(73 to lh Tigers ot Salem; and Ihe third ol
J.'o lo the Corvallis toaiu.
Thus ended tbe hose contests. Sheriff No
laud, who miiuuged the affair, and who with
Chief llcllmao raised tbs money tor Ins
purses, is certainly duscrviug of niaoh
credit for tbe ublu uistiuor in which he car
ried out the piograumie.
A walking match look place on the Stow
art race track, oue ipiarter of a mile, for a
purse of 100, between Wm. U. Dey and
Walter Ioniser, ol the ucftenzie, tne
former winning by a few feet. Ths same
psrlies have ruitdo a match for $100 a side
to take place hers on the first Saturday in
A larue assemlilacs was preseut to aes
(be display ol fireworks. Whils the display
was small, It gave ox.-olleni satisiaotion.
W. I, 0. DANCK
Given iu the evening was liberally attorn!
ed, and the ladies united nuile a neat sum
from it.- All bad a good time tripping the
light (untsstio too.
The kIiihh bull Hhootlnir took plueo
near the Wliltnev nhice at 2 o'clock t.
in. Those participating- rciMirt one of
the nn is t (iioasaia inulelies ever iiiui
First mate h V. K. ItoliertHon. 8: C,
II. Paine. II: A. II. Johnson. 0: II. W,
Jones, 7; it. 1). nunc, in; vm. urion, u;
W. T. I'eet, U: Kkl Mock, 15. Meek
won 1st pri.e, Jl. i). l'tilno .ml, ana u
II. Paine aid.
rVcond niiiteh Meek. 13: L. N. Itt-
a..... II. ' II B.iii..t I'lsllissll Ills If ills.
erlson, 7; feet, I-'; u. A. jiickh, t;
Jones, it); j. leks. u; ii. l. 1'aine, to.
First prl.o divided lietweei! hKl JdevK
nml C. II. ralne; 2nd, W. T. Peet; 3rd,
li. I). 1'iilne.
Third liintch-H. 1). Paine, 10; liol.
ertson, 10; lul. Ilowen, U; Meek, 14;
Ptrt, 12; Jones. 7. First, Meek; 2nd,
l'ect- 3rd, divided between Robertson
ami is. ii. l'aine.
Fourth nmtch-n. D. Paine, 8; H. J. .l.ikt..... U. r.u.l 111. Widu.tuilll
7; ftowell, (1; Peet 0. Mwk, 1st; Peet,
.'ml;()rtoii und ii. i). l'aine, urn, di
The entire police foroe did good work.
Andrew llahb la hero to Hpend tho
Lunch stands were plentiful. Also va
riety stands. ,
"Hurrah for ths Kids" wal a popular
ory after the hoso raoes.
The usual plug uglies did not appear this
J. W. Bennett spent the Fourth in Port
land visiting bis family.
Ths street car did a lively business, es
pecially during the sham battle.
Fifty-five noonls were counted on one of
tbs street cars going to tbs sham battle.
It is estimated Ibat 150.000 were spent
hers during encampment week and tbe
Hons. It. M. Vestch, E. P. Coleman snd
A. Bond were among tbe visitors in Eugene
on the Fourth.
Chief Iiellman is deserving of praise for
tbe manner in which bs tntertsined tbe
visiting firemen.
Tbe business man of Eugene osnnot com
plain of ths fluaucial results of the Fourth
of July celebration money.
Mavor D'Arcv. Ex-Oov. Moody, of the
Dalles, and Sheriff Croisan, of Salem,
were among tbe hosts in attendance.
The committee on celebration, bad soma
50 more rooms offered than weie used by
ths gueata. Eugeue can accommodate a
big crowd. ,
Colonel Lovell left for his home In Salem
this mornius. He made many warm friends
here while among our people. Tbey wish
him well.
Hon. S. li. Eakin deserves special notice
for Ibe efficient manner in which he per
formed ths difficult duties of chief marshal
in tbs narade. His aides were well selected
and they maintained good order.
The committee on celebration aie deserv
ing of the thanks of every citizen of Eogene
for tbe able manner in which they oonduot
ed the greutest celebration ever held in the
State outside of tbe metropolis.
The ahum buttle on College Hill haa
Ihs ii named "The Rattle of Dok-Kuii."
At the time the battlo waa in tirogresa
it dotr wuu seen runnliiK all over the
Held, lu-nee the appropriate name.
The Murine Cadets were present at
the leaving of the Is.ys In blue Kundav
niiirniiio; und evening, tirinir a farewell
salute. The Cadet are entitled to tne
thanks of our citizens generally, and
should I ntiniiiK-niied,
An Englisbmsn who witnessed tbe Eu
gene celebration on ths ttb with a strong
prejudice .gainst Yankee ways, aaid at its
close: Thai bs had never seen a great
crowd of people so well dressed, so sober,
quiet, peaceful, orderly and patient in no
country. And that tbs throng waa handled
by tbe marshals with tbe perfection of
well drilled army. And that the manea
vres of ths O. N. G. would tell any foreign
erwby ths U. 8. was so hard lo whip, lor
no country could take their citizens, liks
Ibis, and st ths snd of fortnight have
them metamorphosed iuto veterans.
The rnnrnlna of the 3rd th Water Com
psny tendered to ths celebration commit!
free ns of water for lh sprlnkline cf Hi
rnnt of procession. Th enmmltt '
copied Ihe ns of th water, snd had ths
r"nl thnrnnffhly wet down. Th lirmr
s'ltv of th Watr Company on this occn.
sion wss spprcclatsd by onr citizens.
Real rotate Transfer.
J F Athertnn to Jswh Mitchell, loU 11 snd
12, College Hill Park; JUKI,
Samuel Handaaknr to Sarah J. Handuker,
114.54:acre. in!Tpill);S.,R 1 W; 81000. .-,.
Mo hk Anon Hop Lick. Salem
Statesman: (l.''K.',('lmiiilcrliilii, tho
hop bnver from New York, wants to
1st uniferstiMid as having said, at the
hopgrowcr's inectiutrthe other day,
the hop louse Is more liable'to do dam
age after July loth than previous to
that time. AHhls timu Mr. Chumlicr
lalit svs the'emp in no immediate
ilnngvr from dest met loll by this pest.
He says in New York, with ten times
the miiiilKTof lice we have here Iio.v,
the growers are not ulurmcd. Mr.
ChanilsTluiii reports the yards of this
imrt of the country practically free
from lice.
Tub Sun Man. A stranger was on tbe
street ihe other day with a long telescope,
and for ths price of ten csnts allowed peo
ple to look into it at tbe alleged spots on
tbe sun. Ths spots appeared to be there
all right but lo the unscientific eye were
shout as edifying as so msny lly sKts on a
paue of glass. But to compensate for lack
of merit of tbe maiu show, persons were
permitted to look iuto a microspope under
which a drop of water and a drop of vine
gar were shown. Scorpions and water
makes! what a spectacle fur a person ad
dicted to tbe use of wat r.
Dkci.aiiid Insani. Miss Anna Hanson
waa exsniluod before Medioal Examiners
Patterson and Brown. Judge Scott and
Prosecuting Attorney Condon Mondsy
evening snd found to be lusane. The young
lady was quite sick at the lime of her fath
er's desth aud it so affected bor that her
mind became unbalanced. She was taken
to Ibe asylum on Tuesday morning's local,
by ber brother, Ed Hanson, and Deputy
Sheriff Crouer. It is sincerely hoped that
a few months of medical treatmeut will per
fectly restore ber mind.
now Tuki Lsrr. The first train load
left on the special the evening of the
Fourth at 7 o'clock ; then a large number
went on tbe overland the same night, a
number of extra cars being attached to the
same. Sunday morning the-soldier boys
loft north on a special, and the local of
.oven cars were completely filled. Sunday
evening the Ashland and Llnkville Com
panies ivlt on ths overlaud. And still,
Monday aioruing nearly 200 left on the
Rebiubnci Bobnicd. The Burns Herald
of July 1, ssys: Ths residence of Al Hem
bree, five miles northeast of Burns was
destroyed by fire last Siturday evening
about dark. Tbe firs caught iu the kitchen
from a lamp, while tbs family was out some
distance from tbe house milking. On dis
covering the fire Mrs. Ilsmbree and her two
small boys (the only onus at home) ran
immediately to the bouse and succeeded in
saving a part of tbe beddiug and furniture.
The loss la about (750, insuranoe $100.
Sbvibelt Injdbid. As Mr. Preston
Barger and wife were ooniing to the Eugene
oelebrstion on Ihe morning of the Fourth,
while near tbe Coryell Point four miles
north of this town, ths Roseburg local came
up behind them. The horses ran away
overturning the vehicle in which they were
ridinf. severely injuring air. liarger In tbe
back. Mrs. Barger fell heavily on top of
him. A itretcber was Improvised aud he
was taken to David Eby'a residence where he
now is in a precarious condition.
A nANDsom Pbxsbni. Friday ever log
tbe officers aud men of the Second Regi
ment testified their appreciation of Col.
Lovell, the commanding officer, by present
ing bim with handsome Elgin watch
suitably engraved. Tbe oot was fl50.
After the presentation it took the Colonel
several minutes to recovorwhen he respond
ed in fittina terms, alluding to the harmony
and good feeling between officers and men
and the different companies during the
Uobsb Tbikf Abhihtbd. Walter TJuck-
ens, the man who stole the Indian pony
stallion, from Mr. J. I. Phllllppl oi Wil
lamette precinct, about one uicutb ago,
was arrested at Salem Monday, by Sheriff
Croisan of Marlon county. Depoty Sheriff
Croner will bring bim np on to-night's over
land train and he will probably have pre
liminary examination Wednesday.
Bittin by a Doo. A man by ths asms of
Shepherd was bitten by a dog belonging to
a Chinaman, Saturday, through the palm of
tbe hand, inflicting a severe wound. Tbe
Chinaman has sgreed to psy the man's ex
penses until he is able to work. The dog
is ssid to be a vicious ons, having attempted
to bite children heretofore. Tbe city au
thorities should see that It la killed.
A A nnmlu. . nil VOIinif WlStl
J 1. i. v. - J o
inteod organizing a brass bsnd here. They
were practicing lor an uour ur i.u uusu.j
evening in tbe oounoil chamber. The citi
zens should give them all the necessary
encouragement, as it ia a shams for a pro
gressivscity liks Eugene, not to have
good band. At Salem, the people support
their bsnd, psying the entire salary of tbe
Vvi TBTPn Vn rim Informed that
three persons enlisted 1n the regular
army here Monday, under ine uireo-
tion of JL.leut. Itotley, u. a. a. uu
of them waa from Douglas county and
the others were from Lane. The of
lleer would not make public their
Mcrr Pat Up. Tbe leading business men
of Cottage Grovs bsve formed a branch of
Ths Busineu Mens Association of tbe Psci
a. . ...I I,. nl.rwt thsmselve. nnder
uu w.h u r . , - . -
bonds of (30 to not credit any delinquent
debtors until me, it aoouuui .is pom.
Competitive Drill. After a dresa
mrmle of the Becond Regiment of the
Oregon National Guard Friday even
ing the competitive company drill took
place, comjianleti H, of Halem, E, of
Hubbard, and C, of Eugene, entering
the list, H tuklnx the first prize, a flue
gold mcdaL E was second. There
waa a large attendance on the grounds. At the Hoffman Honse, by
N. B. Alley, oa July 4th, 1801. Sherman
Cutlip. of Cooe eounty, and Miss Laura
Smith, of Lane.
ATTACH III, ieputT tjui.u - -
dsy evening, attached tbe property of Z. C.
Potter on the order of Comegya & Gray, for
the sum of 13.20.