The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 27, 1891, Image 1

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VOL 23 EUGENE, OR., SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1891. NO, 34.
Zit (Sugrnt CClty Guard.
rublUlier and Proprietor.
OKFICE-On tlx East tide of Willamette
f treet, between Seventh and Eighth Streets,
l'r annum W M
Six Months LOO
Three mantbi 5
Advertisements lnurted u follows!
Ons square, ten Unee or lea one Insertion 13:
Kh subsequent insertion $L Cash required
'irne advertisen will be charged at the el
lowing rateis
One square three month WW
One square six monthi , J JJ
Oneequareone year........... "
Transient notioet in local oolumn, 20 oentl
fler lias lor esch Insertion.
Advertising bills will be rendered quarterly .
All loh work must be ram foa OS paxrvtBT.
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law,
of the Second Judicial District and In
he Supreme Court of this State.
Special attention given to collections and
oiatters in probate
ttMKKB CITr, - - - OREOOli
OFFICE-Rooms 78 McClaren Building.
lltrSpecial attentioa given to
and Probate business.
Seymour W. Condon,
Uiigiiic, - - Oregon.
E. , 0. POTTER,
Omoi- Room in Conser's Block.
attorney and Ccunssllor-atrLaw, and
, Real Estate A$ent.
Onice-In Marouio Temple.
-Kuykendall & Paytdn,
Physicians and Surgeons,
Rooms Over City Drug Store.
Special attention given to Probate business
aud Abstracts of Title.
OxKlfl-Over Lane County Bank.
Physicians & Surgeons,
Office 9th St, Opposite Hoffman House.
DR. D. A. PAINE, Residence corner 10th
St.. between 9th and 10th, Eugent
. traction ot teeth. J
NigWlU prompty attended.
Residence, second house south of Metho
dist Churoh, Willamette street.
I "km Iirpved and Unimproved roWB
property for sale, on easy terms.
Prapert? Ecnted and Eents fcllociei
Theln-urancs Company l fT-,'!
amWth. OMeat aud mort Reliable, andin
HZ? and Egt'iraM alju.t.t of their
Oo.-Ia CitV HalL a , TjORRIS.
Dr. Jennie S. Barnard
Regular Physician,
Will.ri.ll " DUMe ' W0
Boom 1, Dnnn s Block.
Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewel
' ry & Musical Instruments.
Ik Most .elect M South of Forlland
Special attention given to Repairing and
Engraving by two first-class workmen. All
work warranted.
E. E. Luckey
Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils,
Brushes, Etc., Etc.
Prescription Department in Competent hands.
University Doom
McClaren s Building,
(Opposite F. M. WUklns'Dnw Stow.)
Has an extensive Stock of
Mercantile, Fancy ind School Station
ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc.
tyOrders for Booki and Bubscrlptioni
to Newspapers and Periodicals promptly at
tended to.-. v ,
Bowel Tronblee. and Cramp, CoHo, ot
any Internal or External Pain. , Ask your
druggist for it
Clocks. Watches, Chairs. Jewelry, Etc
Reoairino: Promptly Executed.
TA II Work WarraBS4UM
E. Schwarzschilds Prop.
(Successor to Geo. Collier)
Orders by mall promptly attended to. Ad
dreas Lock 3o 119.. . -
Low Prices,
From'and after Feb.!,' 1891,
my terms will be strictly cash.
Prices Put Down to Bed
rock. I will Not be
Highest market price Paid
for Produce." If not all' traded
out will pay balance in Cash.
J. H. Whiteaker,
Creswell, Or.
Having purchased the
Grocery Store,
we call the attention of
the public to the fact
that we will keep on
hand a
stock of grocerieswhich
will he sold to our pat
rons at the lowest rates.
R. B. Cochran & Son,
Real Estate Agents.
Engene City, Oregon.
win tnit in n.nornl Hl Estate bnslnea
suck as bnyiaf, selling, leasing and renting
farms and city property, etc. Offloe on south
ids sf Nlntk street.
Tbe Enj-eue Cigar Factory
nn hand the finest brands
nf koma maA Hnnimitic. and KeT West
cigars. Charges the lowest prices for chew-
, j i.r... .i iL.ii .ot.ii .n4
lUg BQU awUSluy iuiauwi uvu mw .wmm uv
Give Them Chancel
That is to say, your lonesi Also all yonr
breathing machinury. Very woaderful
machinery it is. Not only tbs larger air
naasaees. but tbs thousands of little tubes
and oarities leading from them. When
these are clogged and choked with matter
which ought not to be there, yonr lungs can
not do their work. And what they do, they
cannot do weel. Call it oold, cough, croup,
pneumonia, catarrb, consumption or any or
the family of throat and 'noes and head and
lung obstructions, all are bad. All ought to
be got rid of. There is jut ons sure wsy
to get rid of them. That is to take Bos
ohee's German Syrup, which any druggist
will sell yon at la cents a doius. tr.n u
everything else has failed yon, you may de-
dend upon this for certain.
I bsie a cousin who is a printer, aars Ex
Mayor J. 0. Lougbrsn of North Des Moines,
la. Soma year ago he was employed ia
this city where tbey were printing circulars
for Chamberlain. II bad a deep seated
cold aud terrible cough, and while setting
up oopy be made up his mind to boy a tot-
U I, Mitu4 him mnil that wis thm firat f
em knew of Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy.
I bare ceen strongly id lis iTor .r.r iocw.
My own eiperiencs and that of my family
convince me that this remedy is the best ia
the world. Tbal may be strong language
but that is what I thiuk. For sale by t. M.
W ilkins. Drogglt.
Microno Ftoca. A. GolJ-mith has re
'eeived another car load of the celebrated
Medford floor. Bs will keep this eicelUnt
brand of floor ia stock at all times btreaftsr.
1 11 HI
Circuit Court.
Jans Shelley and Mary 3. Elder Iuis
Bundy; partition. K O Potter appointed ref
eree to make sale.
Chrittine Clayton T John Clayton; divoroe.
Alice Miller vs Henry C Miller; divorce.
Carrie Gerhard vs Leo Gerhard; divorce.
K E Johnson vs James J Johnson; divorce.
Btate of Oregon vs. Oscar Parsons,
Chan. MuCowen, Fred Koams and t'.
L. liaras. Gambling. Jurv svUvted:
llort Kolsay, J. D. Howard, NV. C. In
nian, J. E. Larrlmer, B. D. Paine, H.
N. Cruln. J. A. Stevens, O. V. KoU'rts,
Sidney Ilorn, M. 8. Hubbel, John
WhlMinan. This ease, by BKreeuient,
was tried with eleven Jurymen. Ver
dict of not guilty.
State v wiihrow A Hadley. Pi-r-niittUiK
gambling in their saloon. Dia
mliwcd on motion of Prosecutlny Atty.
SteteolOregan vs Peter Weaver, libel;
jury impanelled Friday morning as follow. i
H N Crain. J A Stevens, James Barger. W
A Hayes, J D Howard, J E Larrimer. W 0
Inman, J W Cot, 0 Green, Chris Marx, 0
W Koberts and E E Hicks.
Tbs jury at 1 o'olock Saturday returned
a verdiot of not guilty and ths defend
sot was discharged from custody. .
State ts J. 8. Preble. Indicted for
gambling. Dismissed on motion of prose
cuting attorney.
Allis Etsds vs J. B. Evans. Divorce.
Fsony Howard vs B. D. Howard. Di
voroe. Continued.
Jnlis Couch vs S. B. Couch. Suit for
divorce. Granted.
W.F.Oray vs Cynthia Gray. Suit for
divorce. Granted.
John J. Thomas vs J. C. Goodals. Dam
ages. Dismissed at pltf's costs.
Court mads ths followiug allowances st
this time: 8. W. Condon, district sttorney,
35..50; Chas. Kissinger, bailiff. $36; E. L.
Hows, bailiff, 3ti: 0. W. Kinsey, bailiff,
Daniel Hsrklns vs B. E. and B. A. Camp
bell. To set aside deed. J. J. Walton
appointed referee to take testimony and re
port at neit regular term.
L. L. liuiMctl vs. T. . Ruaxell. Hult
for divorce. Taken under advisement
by the court.
Court adjourned Saturday at 6 p. m.
The Kncajnpment.
Col. Lovell. of Salem, of the Second
Regiment, 0. X. U., spent Monday
night in Eugene, returning on this
morning's local, lie selected and had
surveyed the camp ground on the Jllnlr
rarm. 1 lie tents will cover atwui euu
feet square. The tents and other camp
equipage will probably arrive hero on
tonight's freight.
The Colonel says that the Monmouth
Cadets have concluded to take part in
the encampment. This will make
twelve companies of Infantry, Intildes
one company of cavalry, that will take
part in tne encampment.
Swindlsss Absoad. Complaint has
reached this olfioe that some traveling fa
kirs srs working Clackamas oountv for sub
scriptions to s very cheap, . trashy book,
which thsy sell sll ths wsy from il to $10,
adding as so inducement that a subscrip
tion for ths book entitles them to member
ship In sn association, whereby they can
obtain all kinds of merchaotab Is goods st
wholesale prices. After they have paid an
enormous prios tor ths book, tbs suckers
discover that ths purchasing association
is a fraud. Farmers will And it is better to
patronize legitimise merohanta. Oregon
City Enterprise. Ws nnderstsnd that ths
ssms rsoket is being worked in Lane coun
ty. Fin id Fred Beams, convicted of an
assault on Zaoh Parsons by ths Circuit
Court, was flued $50 and costs, Friday
morning, by Judge Pipes. Thus snds a
brawl that has cost ths oounty seversl
hundred dollsrs.
Keams paid his fins to-day at 1 o'olock
and was discharged from onitody.
Dun. At 81lvsr Lake, Oregon, Jons
10, lH'Jl, Douglas Porter, sged 21 years:
Hs was formerly a resident of Coltsgs
Grovs preoinot, where bis psrents restds.
Loos fob Coavaixis. Ths 2.000,000 feet
of McKenzis logs for Msz Friendly, of
Corvallls, era to-day passing into ths Wil
lamette river. They srs a tins lot of logs.
It will take about twenty days to run tbem
to Corvsllis.
E. J. Fraaier returned from Florenos Fri
day evening. Hs reports times lively on the
Biuslaw. Jiemule A Stevens, tus urge
mill owners are dealing ths groond for s
125,000 feet per day sawmill Just stove
Florenos. Ths machlnary bss been or
dered. I ... Tim. ns.irvr rVilt.n. Arnva
Leader: Mrs. J. V. Thornton met with a
painful aocident Thorsdsy svenlng. She
was walking across the brings by Thomp
son's when her foot caught in a crack in
tbs walk about two inches wids, dislocating
her right snkls. -
Railroad Pat Day. The Biuslaw
and Eastern Railway and Navigation
Company paid off at Florence Tuesday,
making uveiy tunes in mat town.
Over $U000 were disbursed during the
P.r. Fnriv hai nf .ttla halonslns
in V P flnUm.n naauul t hroneh here en
nnti tn hi. farm Inta. Ha had iuit
puroDAsea iusm oi irana uauiej, u
.. . IS I. TT.JI-- I
lives on epenoer ureea. iney were a an
drove ol came.
Mrs. Geo. H. Park has returned boms
from a visit to tbs East. Bbs reporU that
many people in tbs sections sbs visited in
tend coming to Oregon. i
to curt
Wf m 99 mm rirun'irJi
Is Bold os l
toenraanv lona
ot nervous diwaM
oranf disorder ol
Uie f eneratire or-
whether arldu,
fmm thawaaal a
BEFORE naeol StimaUuts, AFTER
TobaroorOlluni.orUirouth vonilifulmdli
lion, over tndulceoca, Ac , aura as Lnaa of Brain
Power, WtkefnlDram, Bartn(dowa fains In ths
Wk.gem!salWenMa,ll;Mria, Nervous Pros
tration, Nortanial Imlialooa, Lmflorrlioa, Ms
slneai,Wrak liemory, Loatof Poweresid Impo
Unrj, which If notlertad often lead to remaiurs
old sre sad Iruanity. Price 11.00 a boi, boxes
lurli'O. Hefltbvnallenirer.intolBriea'
STery.'i.U)OferreeIVF4.lnrrfi,n4 the money If
a Pernaaaal eura Is ot arTertfd. We bar tMtiaioalals from old and voun(.
ot bothatxM.wbobarbem Mrmancotlreuml
byUMUMoUphrodiUa. Clrealar Ira. Addrae
Western Branch, Dos 27, PoaTtuio. Oa,
Sold by E. B. LUCKEY A CO., DroggisU
Kugeoe, uregon.
Crop Ecports.
From a number of farmers ws bars inter
viewed ws can say that the crop
prospects srs excellent. The late heavy
rains bavs caused some of the fall and
winter wheat to fall badly yet if tbs rain
quite now it will not be seriously dsmaged.
Winter oats bavs also lodged to some ex
tent. Spring grain of sll kinds is looking
splendid snd promises sn sbundant yield.
Ths oontinued rsins have damKd the
bay orop to some eiteut. A great rival of it
is ready to cut, snd some have tried cutting
but with poor success, as It would not oure.
The yeild will bs large.
Gardens are excellent and there witl bs
no scarcity of vegetables.
Hop lice are reported in almost everv
yard, on the vines, willows and other brush
adjoining ths yards. The growers
generally are purchasing sprayers and
making preparations for war on the pest.
With the exception otthe lice the yards
srs in splendid condition. The rains have
slightly damaged the cherry crop yet there
will bean ample supply for all focal de
mands. Other fruit show well.
Florence Notes'.
Tbs West, June 19.
Master Honry Marx of Eugene is visiting
for s few days in Florence with his youug
friend, Master Norman Gray.
Psymaater Frssier of Eugene made Flor
enos a visit this week, loaded to the neck
with gold "shiners" for ths Siuslsw &
Esstsrn smployes.
One hundred snd eight skiffs were lied
nesr ths wharf Sunday mostly owned by
people up the river who were in attendance
at Children's Day.
Portland merchants are now securing a
good trade in Florence. Ths assurance of
receiving freight via the new steamer line
soon alter its shipment, bss brought this
Ths tlds turns them this wsy. A sailing
orsft is onl st ths buoy opposite the mouth
of ths great Sinslaw river awaiting the re
turn of ths Lillian to tow her in. The
sailer is expected to losd lumber for San
W. F. Stevens arrived in Florence Tnp
day, snd to demonstrate to a certainty that
hs iutends erecting bis saw-mill, at once
let the contract for getting out the piliug.
More men like Mr. titeveua is what the const
towns srs looking for and wht they really
It will bs a subject of general uewa to all
people on tbs Siuslsw to know that ths
steamer Cbanos is to niaks bi-weekly trips
to Florence. She will connect with the
Wilmiugton, which plies between Coos bay
snd Portland. Upon the day following the
Wilmington's srrivsl st Coos bay IheChancs
will leavs that point lor ths north, stopping
st Umpqus, Biuslaw, Alsea and Yaquina.
Upon her return trip sbs will stop in st the
Siuslsw. This will glvs Siuslsw people the
benefit of two visits from tbs host each
week. Ths boat will carry passengers ss
well u freight.
The New Game Law.
Ioaitnncb as there baa been many inquir
ies concerning the provisions of ths amend
ments to lbs gams Isws passed by tbs
legislature, the act is presented as folows:
Section 1. Tbal section 4 snd 6 ot sn
sctsntitled so sot for protection of fish
snd gams, approved Ootober, 20, 1882,
being identical with seotlons 1933 sud 1935
of ths general Isws of Oregon, compiled
snd annotated by William Lair Hill be
amended so as to resd ss follows: '
Sea. 4 (1933.) Every person who shall,
within tbs state of Oregon, between ths lGtb
day of March snd tbs first day of Septem
ber of each year, take, kill, injure or des
troy or bsving in possession, sell or offer
for sals snywild swao, mallard duck, wood
duck, pidgeon, teal, spoonbill, gray, black,
prlgtail or canvass-back duck, shall bs
guilty of a misdemeanor.
Sec 6 (1935.) Every person who shall,
within tbs ststs ot Oregon, botween tbs
fifteenth day of November snd tbs first
dsy of September of ths following year,
take, kill injurs, or destroy, or having in
possession, sell or offer tor sale sny grouse,
pheasant, Mongolian ' pheasant, quail or
partridge, exoept for breeding purposes,
bsll bs guilty of a misdemeanor.
Eocene In the Lead.
Ptfwi ..! UfaHhaara haa almllf Anm.
Dieted ths sssessment of ths oitv of Eugene
for tbs yesr 1891. Tbs roll shows $1,710,-
771 ot property suoieot to taxation, co
gens is by far tbs richest city In Oregon of
its size. Whst place on ths ooaat with
4,000 people can show ths smount of
property subject to taxation mat is re
turned here? Eugene is a livs city snd is
increasing rapidly in wealth and popula
Junction Hotel Contract Let.
Ths contract for ths building of tbs Junc
tion City botel wss let last Saturday after
noon to Wbitoomb ft Abrsms, of this city,
for ths sum of $13,000. For (bis sum tbey
sgrea to eomDlets the entire work. As
vet. thev bsvs not sub-contracted sny work
We can assure our Junction friends tbey
will get a good job, as tbs contractors, sre
honest, reliable end IDorougn meensmos.
Niw Max. Ths Calnpools and
Blus Biver Mining t Milling Co., bsvs
purchased st a cost' of $1000, a porlabls
stamp mill, wbiob will bs put In operation
upon tbs Poormsn claim during ths com
ing month. Tbs mill ia of two 1000 pound
stamp capacity, snd csn bs set up snd oper
ated In a short spaos of time, or carried from
plaos to place, for prospering purposes,
snd when taken apart the heaviest piece
weighs bat 300 pounds.; . is conveniently
operated by steam or water power-
Brownsville Times. '
A Lass Codntt Bot. A Washington,
D. 0., dispatch, says: Jacob L. Wortman,
s former student of the Stats University at
Eugene, Or.r bas been appointed to the
chair of paleontology In Princeton college
Hs is s son of Jacob Wortman, of McMino
vllle sod formerly lived in Junction, Lsnc
oounty. He bas btn in Washington for
several years past. Before settling down st
Princeton bs is going to take a party out
to tbs Big Hora country in tbs Bocky
Chas. Martin, wbo was arrested last
week on a charge of sodomy, will be com
pelled to lay io jail nntil the next term pf
Circuit Court. It was impossible to have
got the grand jury together and to bavs
bled lbs esss at tbs term.
' Goshen Items.
Juns 18, 1891.
Assessor Mcrberson aseaed our preoinct
this week.
Bay Kueney, of Eugono, is visiting rels
lives near Gorbeu.
The farmors of this section will soon en
gsge in bay-makiug.
Dr. Thompson went an to bis ranch on
Fall Creek yesterday to Bring down some
household effects.
Mr. J D Hampton recently received s fine,
buggy snd harness as a present from his
son Frauk, of the Dalles.
Bev Jacob Bremser and W B Dillard
have gone somewhere tip the Columbia to
attend a conference of the U B church.
Henry Gniley has bis photograhio gl
lory In Goshen and would be pleased to
make a lew pictures for the natives rounda
bout. '
G W Dillard, Will Reed. Bert Parker snd
Ira Stewart started last Monday to asaint
W J I'engra over ths momitiilus with the
Caughtin drove of cattlo consisting of
about (iOO bead.
We are informed that Goshen's ons little
bit of Sunday school bida fair to become
two, owing to some (iissniiHtsciion on tne
part of somebody. What will become of
sinners if Christians can't agree?
The dedication of IT. B. chnrch here Sun-
ilav whs lamely attended. Rev BixhoD J
W Hott, of California, delivered ths ded
icatory sermon, be also made s short lec
ture before the Sunday school in ths alter
Again we saw s rood many hones taken
down Tuesday to offer to L Senders snd his
man, and in the evening saw tbem sll re
turning. Verily we believe the time will
come wben this gentleman's call for bones
will not bs so readily responded to.
Camp Meeting.
Creswell circuit M. E. church will bsve
its fourth quarterly meeting with a camp
meeting, commencing July 2d, 1891, and
closing on tliellllli.
'fyriie meeting will be held two miles south
esst of Uoiilieu on the Military Uosd on the
euxt bauk of the Coast Fork.
If those com ing from a dUUnce by rail
will notify na by mail ol day and train, we
will meet tbem with a conveyance.
Thero will be no stand or hoarding tent
on the ground.
Come snd bring in your tents and sll nec
essnry provisions, and ramp with us, calling
on the name of the Loid; looking for bis
e expect s number of preachers snd oth
er Christian wnrkors to be with as.
Rev. T. L. Joues, P. E ot Orsnts Pass
District will be with us and hold ths Quar
terly Conference on Saturday, July Utb at
3 p. ni. Sacrament administered Sunday,
12th. W. J. U.bdnib, l'sstor.
It Is with regret thnt nmnv friends
of J. K. lIiiiiHtou will learn that he
died this morning at San Dcrnurdino,
iiuiornin, or cotmtitnptlon.
Kilwaril lloiixtim wnri n mntlimnn
of noble feelings aiwi i generous impulses.
for ninny yearn lie was a prominent
citizen of Junction, where his brother
Rev. Win. Houston, and brother C. P.
reside. Ills father was at the dvlmr
bedrtidu of his son.
In IhhI Mr. Houston ran agnlnst in
Inellilo Joel. Ware, for noiintv clerk
and miido the clones t fight that veteran
ever hud since t he days of U raves and
Ventcli, being defeated by less than
usi votes.
For iiuiny years ho was a prominent
Good Teiniiliir. luwlnir belli tb ntllctt
of Hccretiiry of the order until compell
ed ny in neuiin io remove u Cali
fornia. A Heavy Transfer.
Hon. II. J. IVngra Informs us that
he lias tmrcliiiHcd tint cutlm nronertiea.
consisting of lands, water rights, etc.,
rrom the Hpringllekl rower anil Invest
ment Company, for himself and East
ern associates. They propose to devel
op the projicrtv and place the same on
the market. Mr. Pengra says great de
velopment will lie given to tne public
in a few days through the Uuakd.
As AcctDSNT. Sunday afternoon, Tbos
nunaaker, while driving along Eleventh
street was thrown from bis buggy, snd
his scalp out in two or three places slightly.
In soma manner ths linoh pin gave away
and the front wheels separated from the
others, thus throwing Mr. Huossker to
the ground. He prevented ths bones
from running away.
PlnviBTV Rn, n aflavnAnn
Auctioneer Kinsey sold tbs property be-
Innallio bl tiia Mra V. Hnnll'a aatul In Ihl.
city, to the following parsons: Ths lot on
Aievemn street, iiuxiuu leet, to tietcser
Linn fur $GtK). Ths bouse and lot to J. W.
Eagan snd W. J. Fox for $U23. Ths prloes
owaineu were satisfactory.
A Cobbsction. Tbs name of M. H. Cleek
appeared in the delinquent tax lilt, as pub-
nsoeu, lor tne sum oi iji.bu. it wss ins
negligence of the former Sheriff in not
crediting the payment on the books. Mr.
Cleek pays his taxes piomptly snd therefore
is entitled to tins correction,
Tus Canhmiy. A car load of fruit cans
58,000 has arrived here for tbs . csnnery
sud been unloaded, dix men will also
oommence making cans Monday. Ths in
stitution is now prepared to oommence op
Two Team Asrubxd. The Lebanon snd
Junction hose teams have already notified
the Fourth of July celebration committee
that they will contest for the hose prizes
offered. It is expected that Balem, Albany
snd Corvallls will also accept. The prises
will be bony coutosced, snd a good time
may bs expected.
' Cocnty A&manck. The County
Fanners Alliance held a meeting at the
City J lull hat. arternoon at 1 o'clock;,
Among other business transacted. V.
M. Nighswaiider and W. H. rtnaueh
were elected delegates to help orgunlze
the (State Alliance In Portland on July
Psaches I'dbcbassd. Ashland Tidings
Mr: W, N. Luckey, who contracted for part
of the peach crop of Messrs E K Anderson,
Tennessee Smith and F M Stewart, for the
Eugene cannery, ' says the cannery bas
bought all tbs crop of oertain varieties In Ibe
orchards of the geutlrmeu named. The can
nery takes al I the middle crop of peaches
including the Mnir some of the Crawfords
and other varieties which ripen in the
m lust ot peacb season.
AsoTHxa DspuTt Assessor McPberaon
hss appointed s third deputy, Mr. Stephen
Millage, of Hermann precinct. 'He will
assess the precincts of Hermann, Glenada,
Lane, Lake snd a portion of Uaplelon.
The Eugene Cannery will cenia
menre Operations the tk-It
will Pnrchaas all Thai
Is Offered.
A reporter of the Guard dropped
into the building of the Eugene, tan
ning and Piieklng Co. Tuesduy morn
ing and found the genial superintend
ents, Messrs. Unions and Luckey, and
their workmen busy in completing ar
mnp'incnU for the opening uay. which
will lo Thursday morning. At that
time It Is proioMcd to commence can
ning cherries that are otic red, although
It Is not expected thnt the company
will reallzo any profit. They only
desire to get the working force in order.
The power is furnished by a 10-horss
ongineiwhilealboileris In plaos with a 40
horse capacity of steam. Ths furnace is
constructed so that a small amount of foel
generates tbs steam for power and cooking
Workmen are engaged making tin
cans, the best machinery obtainable
be! ig used. A car load of ready made
cans were received the other duy. For
soldering fires heat Is obtained from,
gasoline conveyed to thediflerent parts
of the cannery from nn outhouse in
small ples. The Jet is but little larger
than the point or a needle.
Tables and trays for the handling
and assorting of the fruit are ready.
Water Is carried to the tallies rrom a
:,(MH gallon tank in the garrett. The
syrup to lie used will tie manufactured
In a large tank, a perforated steam
hie furnishing the dissolving power to
the sugar, which Is drained into largo
cans, Plis convey the syrup to the
tables where it will be used in the
The basement will bo utilized for the
manufacture and storage of boxes,
which will be mado of first (iiiality or
sugar pine. The company proposes to
make its lintels, tsixcs and goods at
tractive, licsldcs guaranteeing a first-
lass quality. ,
Largo boxes are made for the steam
ing of the fruit. Into these an iron
age Is (Implied and the steam turned
Into the water. A traveling crane lifts
the cage with its load of trays out,
when t lie final soldering is done.
An elevator run by steam power will
convey the fruit and other supplies
from the basement to the first and sec
ond stories.
Work will commence Thursday on
the canning of cherries, for which 3
cents a pound will be paid. A btrge
amount or iiincKbcrrieg nave been en
gaged for 8 cents a pound. From
100 to 150 tons of peaches will bs nsed in
season, brought from Ashland at a oust of
cents per pound.
Tbs fanners and growers now bavs sn op
portunity to raise and dispose of vegetables
and fruits. Ths cannery company will psy
lbs highest prios for their products war
ranted by ths state of tbs market. Tbs far
mers osnnot expect to realize peddliog prioes
for their truck. Ths company will take it
II at reasonable prices, psylng cash ou de
This is ths experimental year. By tbs
next growen and cannery will bs prepared
for tbs work.' As sn indication of the good
this may accomplish Mr. Luckey Informs
os thst a cannery in Bonecla, California,
which bs visited and no' larger than ths
Eugens one employed 700 bands in season.
A Pioneer Dead.
Hon. 8. B. Cranston, ona of Lane
county's pioneers, and ons of ths early set
tlers of Lake county, died at his residence
In Linkville, on tbs 17th. Mr. Cranston
formerly lived at Junotion City, and was
State Senator from Lane ooanty in 1804.
On tbs organization of Lake oounty, and
tbs establiubment of a land offloe in that
section, bs was appointed register. Since
bs bss retired from offloe, bs bas been prac
ticing law. Us was a man wbo bad many
friends, and was a good oitizen.
.,,,.. . i i
Bbick Basi. -Cottage Grovs Leader:
Tbs Commercial Bank bought a lot of H.
Thompson In east Cottage Grove this week
snd will soon oommence work on a brick
building to bs nsed for tbs bank. They will
bsve a large vsult in tbs bank when com
pleted. Hinar ,w Ttin.wAT Woai. the anrvevors
on the Siuslsw A Eastern Railway havs
completed the work of running lines for
switobes for tbs sawmills ana siuetrsoss as
Florenos and Aome. On Monday they
start on their return to make the perma
nent survey.
Special Taint.-The Asbland Tidings
of the 18th ssys. Ths 8. P company bavs
promised a special train from Asniana to
Eugene to take Co. D from Asbland, Troop
B from Linkville and companies a. ana a
from Coos county who will teks passage
from Boseburg snd Drain. Capt. Mo Con
nell, of D Co., baa received ordera from
headquarten to take charge ot both the
Linkville snd Asbland companies and em
bark tbem here, and also to eaaums oom
mand of K and I companies until ths arrival
at Eugene.
Two Mobs Cabs. The other two oars of
the street railway eomp'y arrived by Monay
nigbt'a freight. They are as handsome as
the others and will be unloaded to-day. It
ia expected that tbs oars will bs ran regu
larly over tbs traca Dy nexi oaiumaj.
Eugene will look quite metropolitan.
Qi,DvvT-rMnirri' AppoTMTtn. The axeca-
llvs committee of the Board of Regents of
(ha RiaiaTTnlvArsitv at a eeaajon Mondav an
notated W. U. Alexander, Superintendent
of the repairs to be made on ins university
buildings, walks, etc. Contracts will soon
bs let for ths work ordered.
k T.T.TA VPM OannnzED. F. M.Niuhswan-
der this week organized Farmers Alliances
st Leaburg snd Mobawk. He will perfect
tbs organization oi fcimira Aiuanos on uie
fourth Saturday uf this month.
Obi ah. r Impbovsd. Oakland Or., Ob
server: Sines ths Eugene Ucabs com
cemend the publication ot a daily editioo
the weekly has been greatly improved.
vaM.rni. nivrvn A nanafnn haa been
unntiMt In R. J. FotbflS. of LanS COuUtT.
Or., a veteran of the Mexican war. He wilt
get t$ per month and about f MO back pay
ana a warrant tor iou acres oi ibdu.
OmcsBa Elictid. "C" Co. Second
Regiment, elected the following officers last
Saturday evening: L. H. Johnson, Secre
tary; Al Hampton, Treasurer.
At Hons. 0. D. Combes brought bis
wife borne on Monda afternoon's local. She
is quite weak yet, bot is able to walk
about a little.
Prineville News: The month of June,
1891, in this county will long be remember
ed as a perfect sample ot W.bfoot winter.
How it has rained, anyhow.