Real Kstate Transfer-. lots 1 U and .t W Kavt. ilyleuUa audition; F A Itankln to t.. bluet -U lu FreaU-r A tolftfl T t n Everything Exquisite in Imported l'eriumery, ooap, anu TniW. ArtifW Also a complete and select stocK 01 lainis, Urn1ifls and PainteraTurnishincs. AVYebur th. greater part of our good. Heat. By purchasing In tern utltlN .....fhillamunta we are enabled In give our cuswinier. . m. f.. a -- Braced I In a Twill appointed Urug Store and Klrst-Claee relut end " OBURN & DeLANO, EUGENE, OR A. GOLDSMITH, Ml Brick, firirk. ta ni Ul UJb. 1 JIilIIlIUl, wiiiicwub k Abrama, oi.ntractor and M., v, ..'... L. builder, bv I'lwilT or lilt. best quamy oi lyMfMllH JllS I.,,,. .1 v.r,l iV. mile east ul lowu. 7 I ' . i I H .1 Ma till I li. llrifTT W AJ V r "t aud will npply tb. .teiuau. hi ;-!""; i , ; 7 , ,k 17 ,'n(j ita ia Medicines, ? i., n- or . kd. y ft, Vata., a ' l,ei,k work and suarnu oe satisfaction. Will , v i,,,.,,,.', ... , i,.w 71v0 feet. 1 Jiysicians Sup- ,1'w ' 00 ' y p T.lina Siirmpnl An- iow to Break np a Severe ( old plianccs. oor- (Jo M Miller to Andrew Harrit, hits I ii l.l,L, a K.wn! Mind: Slssl. Mil' I utuvK 0. ll 111 1 1 r i - ... v 'i i. ' ..I., 1 ii ul 27. blk f..- U.H Mliann. . .I'- ?I 'T.rr' " ' ' rrom u in.iu wi., ....! I JU. In r ll addltl'in. e . . .. Un- Whan wa And med tclD w KDOW 10 . il. ... , I) lotZH. tK poaarsa goooio Bern, we oonmaer nauif, jo y 4 H e addition, and we take plcanur. io telliim Ibe public what it m. Knch medicine we found Chamberlain'. Conub ltrnirrijr. ifj Ibe an o tbin oyriip e bare rolieved, in luw huu. evrrt ciM", ni in me courne ui two or Ibrxr duya, futlroly brokeu tbeui Dp aa Laa Ken rul of Olir friend lo bon- bare rKouiuended it. It ii all it i repre aantrd to be b tbe tnauofaclurrri. If yon hava a oonuh and want to Hop il, CbauilMir- laina Coueb Kemedy will do tbe work. For ale by F. M. Wilkiui, DruggiKt. irn m Eugene E::i hn Brocer in Has a LARGER otock of Fine Groceries, Chi n, Glass, Crock- ery, Wooden and Willow Ware than ever before. Pays Highest CAfeH price for Country Produce, Furs, Skins, Hides, Wool, 1 allow, die. Orders filled promptly, with the greatest care. I DON'T BOAST PRICES. AH Goods sold as Cheap as anyone in Eugene, Call nd be corteously treated. A. GOLDSMITH. J 53 ii nm AltlVM EUGENE CITY MILL CO PATTKRSON, EDMS Si CO. YI.DUfaot.ra-- Bcs. Grades Family Flour, future Grain n the int faenraMe tvrini. Whrat rnodota of any warplloiiat mrth nf Ku- ne, riwrly kmignrd, taken In eiulmnife for 1 luur or reed. tr-nift-beet Cah Price Paid for Wheat tT" Boot & Shoe Store A. HUNT. Prop. Will htreafter keep a complete itock of lies' MlnHPg' and Chlldren'i SHOES. BUTTON BOOTS, Slippors, WUta and Black Sandals FINE KID SHOES, MENS' AND BOYS' BOOTS & SHOES And In fact everything In the Boot and Shoe line, to which I lutend to devote Wf eapecial attention. MY GOODS ARE FIRST CLASS. And ipiarantewl ai reprwwuUd, and will b. ilil for th. lowest price, thata ffwi artiole can U atfordL A. HUNT T1MUKU UNU NUTICK. I). & Uhd Ornn, Hiwlmrn, Or., April Tib, l'JI. I Nolle. Ii h.rvliy alven that In compliance with the proviiluna of III. act ol cohhivm of June 1, 17H, rutltlfd, "An act for the talou! ttuibrr lanila In the niatoi of California, Orriiou, Nevada and VmIiIiikIuii Territory, "Uooriie Rail, ol U'lur. Ouulyol Lane, ataleof t)ion, hMthil day Kiwi lit Dili uOlce hU iworn tatciutMit No for the purrhawiuf theNUuf N' and HVi of NW ol Hec. S. and HKU of SK', of hw. i7, In Tp. i 8., U. 6 K.. and will olTcr proof to ihnw that (he lnndamiiihl It mom valuable for Ita timber or einiir ilmii for agricultural puriawa, and to ci tiibllah hie claim tu wld laud hvlorv the KciiUlcr a id UXYlvvroi IhlaoltU'U at Itowbuia, lr'on, :i Kalurdny, the Ji'tli day ul Jimp, Iwl. He naUHK aa wiluuwa: Mllllam Kll'fc, John u, Ht wcll Hinlih and IVIIIIam rimari, all of I'abiii, l elic (Hiuiiiy, Urrnon, Any and all itoih clnluilhi advern-ly the t'tuvc diwrlbc! iHiidn aru nniuciiUil lo Illit thtr Olalumlu llili ollice un or brloro the aald .VI h dav of June, IM1. JOHN II. Hill TR, Kcejielvr, US Klderto Amanda G Aldrlch, lot S, blk 1, Scott'e addition, H'0- . . . . J V Atherton to Lulu DorrU, lot. 7, 8 and 9, blk a), in CoIUkc Hill Park. -w. OOVIITUY, (A M.rl. I. AJ Habb. bil 9 acre.; 1 ttl ilJ, (inb, ru. Wallilte. 20 acre; ,'i00 J J Walton, (iuanllan, to A W Patterwin, 15 avrea; to correct deed- , , (! (! Il,,m,.hr.v i,. K H Hull, claim in Jo- liamfa i,nn.. AVM). State of Oregon tn Ue Uamforil, 80 acre, fiuu. I H In H H llw.H I. ml H1U. Huuh il'Kfr hi Dundee Mortgag-. Co., quit claim ur.d to laii'l, tu , Geo H and H H Barrett to lio a. VOiier, lot 7, block 111; 1100. OXINAPa. Bute of Oreiron to K O Collier, 100 acre.; I2U0. Florence Notes. Tbe Wet, Juue 12. Mr. Wm. Kilria. of Eueene. ii HopplDfl with ber huibond out on tbeir raooh tooth of Gleoada, Wm.N. Suavely, of Woodbnru, Oregon came ip on Weilncwlajr'a boat and la flgur 10E 00 going mio uueineaa iu riuiFut.1 T. B. and J. C. Berry left to-day (Friday) for Chehalia to tattle eome baiinen con neoted with their lately deoeaaed fatber'a eatate It ia reported that Knisely, the Michigan aw-mill mun, baadecideded to put in a mill at lha Lake croek with capacity of of 150,000 fuet per day M. E. Lucaa came over from Gardiner yealerday and li looking up our aawmiu faciliti'!. He wax formeily bead aawyer in a big mill at Giidiuer. Mia Mary WbltiK T of Euitene baa been 0DBind to teach our eummertorm olecbool aud in now in Florence in wailiug to begin action Monday morning. On tbe 20th of (hit mouth there will be nieetinu of the ilireotom of tbe RiunUw & k Eatern Railway nt Euuene aud a nay or to tbenafturthev propos to muke trip over IIih line to Floreuu. With tbeaeseii tleuieu will comecontruclora for u rude work and it ia more than probable grading commeuoe in a few week, after tbe cop tracts re let. For tbe pimt few day unrveyora have been at work anrveyiug and pluttiug Coz'l addition to Florence. Yeiderday niornitig gnng of men, with J. A. McCouuell in charge, were put to work clearing away log and cuttinu nnderbrilili. Anew aidewalk ill lm put down from the cjrner of Jrtier- hoii and SI iin streets to the wit mdu of the new addition. Thin addition Is west of tbe orii.iual tovn site and in A part on wnt,.r front. Ttu re ia a ahole drove of bIhsuius bead ed fur Florence on the Great Siualn The Wrtst acribe bus ennuht onto the follow inn boutx which arc billed tn arrive at Ihia port within the next few iIhvm: Chance and H'irrion, from Portlind, Mitchief and one otb'rthe name of which we did nl.l i4t j. pa AAA . not eel onio-irom oan rrauoisoo. ii ih PaiU UD CaSIl UPltal itOO.OOO -rVr'ci Tattoo lad iW Jtaf.d that W. F. Steven, the ... mill KlimllN ftnil Profit S.10 OOfl w w vw man, ia on hia way from Shu FraucUco, FISHER & WATKINS, PROPRIETORS. Will keep oontUntly on hand a full aupply of BEEP, MUTTON. PCJIK AND VEAL WLIch th.r will aell at the lowett market prl i, A fair (bare of the publlo patronage eo UciUd. TO TUB FARMERS i We will pay the hlvheet market price for Fat tattle. Huge and eneep. SHOP ON WILLAMETTE STREET, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. Meat delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Lane County Hank H0VLI HUMPHREY 4 CO. A. (I. Hovky, : 11 A: llum-iiaiy, J. M. AaRAMt, ; : President ; L (ahler Aaalitant ( anhlor Transacts a General Bankinir Business. EL'URNK, ORKflON, V'- mm G.HkitnkicM, President a. u rmipi wn. C'uhler, hi Mm Of Eugene. Too Much Load On thf Liver will break down all tlm enomipg of life, and unfit you for Work, BuHinem or l'li'BHurp. InclieHt ion, CotiHtipution, ISIecplcKS- . , . i ni'M. tsiUOUHnciw, ar mi nrnt Aiarnm nature oundg to wain you of danger. Eugene City - - Oregon. A iieu.ral bankinii bunlneae done on reaaoti. ableterma. Hight drafU on NEW YORK, UHIOAUO, BAN FRANCISCO and PORT LAND, OUKUON. Will of .ichami eoM on fore lira ooiintrlea, lieiHMlU rroeiyed .ubleot to check or oertiti- oate of deiMiait. All collection, entniaed to ui will receive prompt attention. ciiaa. lacxb, rsnrr. w. t. mrr, cahhiki THE Eugene National Bank EUGENE CITY, OREGON. Remedy Is KIbk of the Blood. Liver and Stomach-It has Never Failed. PAID UP CAPITAL,... SURPLUS FUND, I'mJ.OOO . 10,000 Trauaaota a general banking buaineai, Boaid or DikKOTona: F B Dunn. F W Oaburn. 1 0 Church. S M loniu, i M Hodaon, 0 Lauer, J E Davli. GEO. F. CRAW, POSTOFFICK CTAIVI Knveiie City, Oregon Cigar Hundred, of tmtlmonial. like tliia: J. K. Miller. Astoria. Or . write.: "It cured me of a aevere Liver aud Wood trouble." rSold by all dniitit. Fabcfs Golden Female Pills. pv For female Irrciriilar xr.-tnL'll'rv Itlee: iiolhliKllkethem X ou the market. Merer Jail, riuccesilullyiuod by tmimluont ladle, monlhly. Uuaraiilecd to rullcvo aiipjireiied nionttruatlon. fUREISAFEl CERTAIN) Don't be humbunred. Have Time, Health, andmoneyitakenooth. tr. Pent to anv addrma. aecure !r mall ou ra iCelptnfprlce.UOil. Addreit, THE APHRO MEDICINE COMPAfir. WetUraUrauth, Ilox27, fOKTLAMD. Olt KorBale by K. R. Ll'CKEV A CO., Kineue. with n large .team tug aud two achoonera ladou with mill ruaohiuery. One of the San Francisco boat, will loud out of here with lumber from the Siualsw Lumber CoV, mill.. Tbe Cbuncecame iu yesterday loaded with machinery for David A Sou', .ash and door factorv, aud merchandise PottmaxU-r Kyle will commence tbe erection of a Rime little dwelling-house on Washington atrcet, the same to be used by Dr. Cloid aa cilice and residence. Circuit Court. 10-MiiifgieMiMurry vn M W Mt Murrj' and J 8 McMurry, for divn utid tom t wildo frauduli'iit onvi'vunii', Attorney flnldied n-adlnir Utlinony Monday ewnlnjc at 8 o'clock, l ie cms wan taken under udviia-ineiit by t7J-C;fo,d i Fuller t. GeoC WbitWk. To recover money. Judgemul for pltffor $500 and coat, and for execution. 33-Joaeph Lane, executor, va Louie O Loretk. Ftrecloure of mechanic, lien, JJiamUafd at plaintiff. eo.te. 47 and 48 eoiiBolidutcd-E P Coleman v. John Loiik, to recover money and for duiniiKe; Jury eniimneled a f(d Iowh: (ieoKmlth, W C Iiinian, JI J Cmin, T J Hurif, ik-rt KeUuy, J 1 nine, J E Larrimer, John H;)tt and (leo Varnell, J VV Majom, B JJ l'alne. Jim BurifiT. The caw win on irmi from Thurwlay mnm io nuiur.iuy mornini? at 10 o'cl(K-k, wlien it wan irlventothejury. AfU-r due (leiitieru- tion tliejury onHigiii m iciu,v, ,. the plulntiirfor 1173.55. itlTiiirir,ii A Howard YUBA How ard and Ira Allen, for poiweHHion of real property: contlnuexi. 61-M E Butler villi Butler, dl- V(fAW Howe v W R Gllfry et ul. foreeliwurej Judgment for nUihitiH of f 2,637. 10 and tl"5 attorney fees; alno for H. H. Oilfrv. BuliHwiuent J N ' - . . ' creditor, for f,88 with 10 per cent m tertut: and Judgment for Jaa Chen iiwvl li fur :i7tl.8.r). 63-tieo W Welder v J li llanneii ei al, forecloHure: JudgTiietit for piaintm for .XH.0Z allU MU attorney ifVH. State va Chaa Hadley and w wimrow, Hxllins intoiicatiuB lluuor to Guy Huff, I minor. Diamlaaed on motion of rroea- outing Attorney. Heme Indictment no a; Insure Against Five With one of the Leading Companies. For Insurance in any of the following standard Coiu.,., Mw Zealand, Capital Stock '. $5,OOO,0q0 Phoenix of London, 3000,Ooo Hamburg Bremen, of Germany, 3,000,000 Apply to E. J. FKASIER. Agent, Eugene, Oregon. Foi Real Eslate Bargains in Farm and Cilj Properly tall Lane County Land & Loan Co. ma'LEFFE plead not guilty. arraigned and Plea of not Same fndiotment No S. oniltv. hanie indictment no niea 01 not uulltv. B . ... ... m... State va reter weaver, ooanuai. riv of not anilty. state of Uiegon va frej lteama. aj- aiult with daoiieroua weupou. Plea of not cuiltv. State of urecon nul ami r iea rteumn, Jaa and D H Trester, Oscar Parsons ai d Chas McCoweu. Plea of not guilty eutend Catharine A Perktna va 8 irah b Cochran et al. To reform deed. Rolief cranted aa prayed for. ' ...... ... . n . At Ei Money v. w ami c rore. ion firniatiou. Confirmtd. Kuuawayg. Kiectitrlx' Notice. Notice ia hereby Iv. it liH the county Onurt 1. 1 1 .sim cuiinty, Oltou, haa duly ap pointed Hoi A Ma)a, rkccniril of tbe re tut-of W E Mava, d.oiHned. All pvraoua havii'K claim, against .aid eslate are berbj Bolitlxl io pres. nt Hie aanie al thf law oltloe Of L. Di veu, u LitHcue, Oregon, duly ver. llied, aillilu aix uioulha from the data here of. Floia A. Mita, L IIilvxd-, Ally. Executrix. Dated May 1(0. 1891 NOTIlK KliR PfHIJCATION. Lkt (Iran I at Koeim au, okeooh.i Notice It hereby I veil that the fiilloa May '.M, pwl, vltv alvvn that th iulltiwli,tf.ntn. 1 lltrr hat Hint uollce ol hli Intcniioti lo Biakv dual iinsif lu luiiisirl of hli claim, and that Mtd prool will ta niadv IwioM the Judta or Clerk of the lounly l oiirl of lane l ouuty, Orv- J ou, at Kuavur, lin-.on, ou halurdey, July 11, S. U . Hsr.liWrK.T, prpruipllon II. H. Ku. i.'.il, for tliv S'. ol Ui MC'i of Kfu. .V, Tu. IU kH. 1 W., . M. lie naiiiM the follow tug wilnpaare to prove hit Continuous n ildcnee uum, and cultivation of, aald land, via: Jease lllaa, of liatad, lane rouu- lane loiua. ly, inc., m; j. ii. nnitmurr. ul hiotcim. ,'uniy, or'on; Wm. McDonald aud aud In on UHNH. tlll'I'K, Register. Jlvau, ol Isabel, Uni i Sale of Real Estate. V OTICE IS HEItEUY GIVEN THAT JLt by virtu of au onter of the County Court of Lan. ('ountv, (heyon, I will idter lor sale Ui tii. higheat bidder at public auction at tli. Court House dssr In Kuirena, jjine Ownty, Uwn, on th 27th day of June, UV1, Ui fi.lliialiig devilird rval pr .party, io-wit: Jletiinniug at a point on WillaiueiU Vtrtet In J.uena. Unvxi, ft7 let north id N. W . crner f a tract id land aold and tnveyel by Nirie Humphrey In f P. Cram, Mid del being iwta.l in deed tasik M, patf 147, Lanr ('.Hinty Keoorta. theuce runnlUK aorlb 67 fart. eat 100 fret, faith 57 lent and week aui iet to place of iHmaing, In laai County, Omroi., to eatisf y the claiuia aiainat th. nut) of Kllea llrannia. Truu of sale, cauh; aal ti OLBimcDc at 1 o'clock of .aid day, JOSHUA J.. WALTON, liuardiaa. Important lis. My l'atrons and tlio public anniotiliotl that I will sell all (looils ami Merchandise at mv Creswell :-: Store! FOR THR Lowest Cash Price! Will pay tli Htitht Market Trie forFann I'rialuc. To reduce our lary itock wili lv. SPIH'IAL lNUUCEMKNl'S for Caah or rnsluc. L Dj SCARBROUCH, CRESWELL EVERETT LINN. TURK ''. Cold Inllu.nia:. Brenchlllf, VUfiLO Nearttatta, Whoopln( C.ugh.Crega Ijra IKreat, Attkma, and vtry affection of Hi Tarett, and, including Ceniun.f loa. w EALTHV I Without Health can. not be enjoyed. THEREFORE USE VIv ncALin ffcSTORtR. USEIT! Mocr lo llt-allli and ll,F .iu,cVm cur on Earth. Vtr il in lime for all discamof It U th best iwlprr to ll. alil, and I fir ' Jv i hill in blomach. Liver, kidnevi and Skin. It cures Rheumatism, Malaria, Coated Tonsue ana ncaoacne, relieves Lonstlpation, Villous net. and Dyspepsia, drives all impurities out of In Blood and dries up old Sores. The Business wen ouy ii, ine woikiugmen us it. the Ladie. lak It. the Children crv lor it ami th l',rH.rt aay II it their best health preserver, bold everywhere, fi.w a bottle; tii for va Ice FnrnUhed. PortlAod lo delivered lo order by Croner 1 Klir. Loave oidan witbOeo. Craw at Jtagtoffict). I will stand th stallion Eeerttt I.inn dor. In th. aeaaoa of IKyl, at K. Hang.' .table la every day during the week. DESCRIITION. hverett I.lon.1 a hay. yr. okl, .wha i,uo to lew lias and i a litt more thai 16 PFP1GHEK. Everett Linn waa slnd br Mrry Maeoa, an iiiiixrtnt I'lyU. Hia dam wa aired by lien. Kleurr, ao Imported Perchcroa. I'ncl Jimmy had at on tim concluded not to keep a hor tbla araaoa, but eon Id not kp hi health without work. Farmer and lusstmrt an rqimltl to call aad etamin nil iora iwl f making ountnet for breed. iair, and lesun tertua. til take evrr poaaihl car. to Be east ae- cueau out wui aot be rtepoosiM f,ar any. JAMU BATES. CRY OF MILLIONS! OH. JtY BKCKl TOP IT NOW, BOON IT Will OK TOO LATE. I hav been troubled many year, with diaeat of th kidney and hav tried many duTereiit remedie and kav ought .id from diDereot phrskiane without relief. About th ih of Aprd I was aunerlng from a very violent attack that almost prostrated m la Buck a manner tnal 1 waa bent over. Wkea I tat down k su almost bnpoaaibl fur m to get up aloac, or to put oa mv clothe, when kind Frondeac seat )r. Henley, with th OAKCON KIDNEY TEA, to my aotcL I immediately commeaced asiu th tea. It had aa almost miracaleu effect, sod to the astoar tatUMaiefaUth guest, at th hotel. la a tew oars,! ant happr to I was a aew maa. I tmca4 th tea to all aa 1 havt beta. O. A. TtrrBt, rropf ieior Occidestal BotcL kaata aoea. OO. wuiAct amirtrfl I Wria'ht'a Kd Croat Coturh Cnrs nmssbi I five aatiafactioa. Will our aa? 'H ol oua or eold. Sold by all cWiattravta, Friday, June I .'th. Our neighboring town of Springfield was thrown Into a fever of excitement lust night mid tills morning by the nl- st'iice of three lxyn, Alva Mcl'lienon, Hurley Miller and Allen Cochran, the flrst mimed alMiut 17 years old and the other two about 12, as they hud hint lieen mt'ti near the river. Search wiih made for them ami the people hud nlHHtt come to the coticlitHion they were drowned, when it was learned that they hud been wen iiUwt five o'clix-k in the afternoon near the railroad depot. A telegram to lloseburg brought un answer that they were there, having gone nouth on the freight. The minds of parents and relatives wnv relieved, but it Is safe to say Hint the Ihivm will Hurt with a warm welcome on their return home Died.-in rortluiid, Juue II, 18UI, of consumption, Mrs, Carrie M. Oroa, axed 33 year and 6 month., Ibe lady waa the wife of Mr. Eruest Bros, of tbe OreRoninn ataff. She foimerly lived near Sinitbtb Id this county, near which place ber parent. .till reside. Fliad Guixtt.J. C Mtillignu, in Cir cuit Court. Sxturdav, plead guilty lo aiiuple assault and wa fined f ."U aud ooata, for au aasault upou Tboa. Steams some time aiuu. llrmNO IltM Habd. Marshflcld Mail: A contemptib! apeoimen of Ih human brute in the ahaue of a woraau beater bm been making himself obnoxious about town foradnytr two and uighl befote lust be coutamiuated the cooler by being lwked therein. There wua talk of giving bim a ooiit of tar and fe libera but people bated to touch tbe diHtfUstinjj pup aud be wua lul ya with a fine from the recorder Tut Riilkoad. Thi railroad track waa did to the edge of the city limit, of Spring field Saturday evening. The engine will arrive in thai city to day. We ci Dirratu. lata our Siaitr City on being connected with the outside world with band, of ateel. CoKTALua Baud Enoaoid The Fourth of July committee haa made airungementa with the Corvalli. bran baud lo furnish music uu the occasion of th celebration in Eugvue. The bind baa an eicelhnt repu. Uiioii fir niiiki al talent aud wilt foitu an imp rlai.t put in tho d.iv'a nruo, nlino-i. B O.g Hl'NUHkO Tb-re Tv How over ol . d ui nera aud prosp, dots at woik in Hi.- Hi, s Uir r mine., and within one uiout i over Jim aiiuert will tie in tbe di-t i.-t. L k out fur rich developmruta beluia tin- Minnuir ia over. FELL TWENTY FEET. . ScafToldinir Given Wuy aud Precipi tates than. Davis and Mr. ytiintell to the Ground. Chailea Davie and Mr. Qtiintell fell a dis tance of twenty feet from a barn tbey were building for Or. Paine Monday uioroitiK at 7:30 o'clock. Tbey wen working near the comb of the roof when the faulty scaffold ing gave way precipitating tbem to the giouud a distance of twenty feet below, Mr. Davis fulliiig ou bis head and Khouldera, Mr. Quiutell lauding on his feet. Mr. Vn via waa picked up aud carried iuto Dr. Paint's residence where be waa treated by Dra. Prentice and Puiue. After about an hour he waa removed lo bis home, cou acionsneaa having returned. No bouca were broken though be uudobtedly ia se verely injured. It will tuko several bonra to fully delermiue bi. exact iuinriea. He oomplaina of bia back a great deal. Air. uuinlell waa bruised and bad v .book up, but ia not hurt aeverely. Mr. Davis has now about recovered. TO THE PEN 1 Devlin, Snow and Wild, Sentenced to the Penlentiary. June 12th at 9 o'clock waa tbe time lot for the aeutencim of three of the tramp. who had plead guilty to penitentiary ofiencna. The sentences were aa follows: John Divlin, who stole an overcoat from Baker's Hotel, waa tbe first to stand up. He said he bad been aick for two month. and asked for the mercy of the Court. He gel oue year. H. A. Snow and Oscar Wild, indioted jointly for burglary iu the residences of Dr, McCoruaok aud Herbert Eakin, completed tbe morning's list. Snow said it waa bia flrst offence, while Wild bad nothing to aay The Judge gave tbem two year. each. Tbey were taken to their future home in the penitentiary at Salem, on this, Friday morning'a local, by Depuly Sheriff. Geo. Croner aud W. F lteid. and get MORE POWER s and use LESS WATER Writ for our Naw Illustrated Catalogue of 1K0L. THE LEFFELWATER.WHEEL&ENGINECO. SPRINGFIELD, 0.,U.8.A, Wi Hi) m i ii' jft S $ t$t ffttJ to. ina k Eugene Foundry -AND Macliine Sliops. C. N. FRAZER, Proprietor. -MAKES ALL KINDS OF Castings, v Store V Fronts V and .7 Engiaes. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY A SPECIALTY. Give me a trial. I guarantee my work to Rive iatlafactlon. Shops, corner oi Eighth street and mill race. O, N. JJBA2B& NEW GOODS. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS From the Cheapest to the Best at prices according to quality. a uood raius u is reported that tome huyera are offering to contract '!H hops at ci'iiiK a potiud half cai-b payable when .1 ....! , . m. . . iun emu i act is miuie, iuis is a u'oo.l price but lew irrovftTo nro likely to contiai't even at such fi.iiie. Tli report, of the appear slice, .1 iter in ll,c vanl ciifiiiiiu In come in. Without dmiM every yard iu Orcein shims stuns ot llie aiipeaiai c of hot) lies, The dniu ige likely tu result catiiinl be esti mated, lor bop lu-e are n new thing for Ore Kn. LukI year waa their first appearHUOe, aud I lie damagu was but slight. Statesman Si.ntknokd Geo. William, and Thomas Martin, the tramps who broke tutu a car at the depot annie time .nice, Sat. afternoon plead guilty to tbe charge of burglary, und wera i m-li seuteuced lo two yeura in tbe penitentiary. Tbey will be taken below Monduy morning. The Hop Pest. The hop-vine aphis, aaya Profeanor J. L Liulncr, ia a European pest which waa first observed in 1803 iu tbe Uu te I Slates. For a long time it haa lajen allowed to work ita ravagea in tbia country in years of tta abun dance without effort made against it. Quite different haa been the course run sued iu England, where nn hop-urower ir .nines to grow a wop without bit regular "hop wash ings Mr H ill, of the firm of Smith .6 11,11 left for Roneburg and Southern Orevou! where be goea tu invesiigsta the ruiidilion of the hop omp. Mr. Hall baa peranually investigated a number of hop yards in Lane county, and rxprreac. the opinion that tbe gir.weia are uudnly frightened over Ihenpoiicd bop lice Iu several yarda where Ibe lice had been reoorted ha waa unable lo find auy trace of ibe peat. Hop dealer, all over the Uuited States are anx ious about thu Paoiiio Cast orop and constant innmrir are teiun made a. to ita couditiou. Princville lu-vlvw, June 13: Sum- nienllle Una. iu.smh1 through town last Monday with 400 youngsteem that they brought from Lane etmnty. They are driving their cattle to the south fork of John Day river, there to la? turned kouw on tlie range. State f e lator J. . Broome ot Florida ba juat canvassed the legislat re of that slate with I ho following result ; Grover CleveUod D. B. Hill. L. L. Polk .'. No prefer, uc eV-Bator P liuer ', G iv. Caipiel B-iijaiiiio Harrison '. The Floiid legislature ronsiat. D mocrata and 1 R-publionu. ...." ....35 ...IS .. . 5 . .. a .... 1 .... I ot 99 A enva- male by th Iudianapolia Journal, (Rep.) give, the .pnikeiship of h next boats to Congressman Mill, by safe plurality. A LARGE STOCK OF From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties can be suited either as to Price or Quality. Our assortment is Complete, from the lowest Price up to the Finest; can suit you if you give us a call our sto"ckis fcFrcr ISew siikI St)Jisli.J&J if we il,-, not hkvs voii money, we will make wiine one il Look us over; hull tn yoii low. -A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES F. 15. DUNN STA-RR GRIFFIN Sells the Celebrated NON-RUSTING Tinware, GKNERAL DEALERS IN HARDWARE, STOVES ETC EUGElSTt-J, - OREGON EXCITEMENT Runt high In thlt ultv over Bvstem Builder, aa everybody la using it for Catarrh of the tftoniach, Dyspepsia, lonttipatlon, Impure Blood and to build up their system. Try it and tell your friends about It, at It must poetess wonderful merit when aU apeak well of It. SAVED From a terrible death, 1. what ao many y after uvms imi ui cakarrn DT US) n ine lauioruie Positive and Negative Electric LtiilmxnL It never falls lo cure Kheumatlsm, Neuralgia, Lame Hack. Sore Throat. Headache. T.ailiach. JLn Trv It. JAMES McCLABEN, CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS and CIGAR Willamette Street, bet 7th and 8th. WANTED. WOOL, HIDES AND FURS AT- COLDSMITH'S. A GP.EAT MISTAKE It ofteu made In not using the California Poai tlvs and Niitatlve tltric Cough lure for Boughs colds, crvup, coiisuruptlnn, ssit It the only cough cur in the United Stales that it free ruiu upiaica. fine lor children. Try it aud Sportsman's Eporium. HORN it PAINE, Practical Gunsmith a. . IJealt r. iu GUNS, KIFLB Fiihinj Trk! nil Sattriak Newloa; narhlns and Set-dlr1 All Kiada Fr hikle J Resirinf don ia th neatest style ud " ranted. Guns Loaned St Ammunition Fum'rinw Store oa WiUatiMtU street