n ljrim 1 OJCj 1T TY r1 F " ARB. U ii i 1 1 i i I ii UMYCj miBLISUEf) FOB TDK DISESIIiTIO OP DEXOCBATIC PBINl'IPLES, M TP E1P..1 H HONEST LIVING BT TUB SWE1T OP Ol'B BROW VOL 23 EUGENE, OR., SATURDAY, JUNE 13. 1891. NO, 32. 2br tfugw (City ffiuard: (PCHLI8HED EVERY SATURDAYS I. L CAMPBELL, publisher aad Proprietor. . .i.'Ti-'l'nn ths East lid of Willamette U"!"" o .1. .,! VI, AH, S. trtt, between oc " TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. k... .nnnm w ,4 Ml niree menths II MoUlnS iiMoth.- i. muBthl J OUB OKL1 kATKS OB ADVERTISING. I Advertisements inserted as foUowt: 1 (in. kiiiui, ten Hues or lees one UUeraoo -; Ulu.nt insertion IL CMh required ?..JvD.?.rtir.wlllUchredt th. I- w2Di5'"thr,,ino?tlu 2 ), square six month SAdvertieing bills will be rendered quarterly, I AU lob work mmt be rup rot o DM-iviat, CEO. B. DORRIS Utorney and Counsellor- nt-Law. riLL PRACTICE IX THE CDUHTS if ot tne oocuuu - 1 Supreme Court of thii Stat. 5sl'ial attention given to collection, and iatters in prooaie L C. WOODCOCK, I Attoriicy-at-Law, IjKXaCITV. - - - OREGOli iFFICK-RonM 7 8 McClaren Building. -Soial attention given to Collections i, l'rotiate dushios. cymour W. Condon, AITORNEY-AT LAW. DUNS'S BUILDINO.- Sugfiie, - wrcRon. . 0. POTTER, j Attorney-at-Law, I'GENE. - - OREGON. LrcK- Room in Conoer's Block. CEO. M. MILLER torney and Ccunsellor-atrLaw, and Real Estate A$ent. fJGENE CITY, - OREGON. Ofllce-ln Maaonio Temple. i luykendali & Payton, Physicians and Surgeons, Rooms Over City Drugstore. i. E. GALLAGHER, Attornejy-at-Lu.v. h'JiiENE CITY . . OREGON. t .tuition dven to Probate bueinen .Abstracts of Title. Orma Over Lane Couuty Bank. Ws. PAINE & M MURTRY, lhysicians& Surgeons, illBca 9th St., Opposite Hoffman House. R. D. A PAINE, Reildenee corner 10th 1 High 8treeU, Eugene. OR. W. T. McMURTRY, Residence Olive 4 between 9th and 10th, Eugent t- )E. J. 0. GRAY, DENTIST. Office upstair in young's block, opposite Guabd office AU worlt ranted. . . Uughing gae administered for painless ex traction ol teeth. MOORE & LINN, "JDERTAKERS and EMBALMERS Coffins and Ctskets always on band. Pro Idling and Embalming Bodiea a Specialty. Night calli prompty attended. Residenoe, aecond house south of Metno- 4 Church, Willamette street. I . BF. DORRIS, l DURANCE AND REAL ESTATE ., ACENT. T-HAVB SOME VERY DESIRABLE I- Karma, Improved and Unimproved Towi i roperty for sale, on easy term. I.tjperty Eented and Eenta Collected. The Iuurano Companiee I 7"'.? theUlde-t and moet Reliable, and in ti.e Paourr adE4urrALi adjutnBt ol tneir 'e Staxd Skohd to Nom. . K .hare of yonr patmnagf ii eolldted. o,-ieit,H.iL KrmVOKBm. Dr. Jennie S. Barnard Regular Physician, EUGK5E. OREGON. Will epeoully treat all Dieae of WO KEN AND CHILDREN. Loom 2, Dunn'i Block. -BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 18 YEARS.- Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry & Musical Instruments. The Most I:!::: U Si of Portland Special attention given to Repairing and Engraving by two first-class workmen. All work warranted. I E. Luckey DEALERS 7JV DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Etc., Etc. Prescription Department in Competent hands. University Wore, McClaren s Building, (Oppoeite F. M. Wilklna' Dru Store.) Haa an extensive Stock of STANDARD, MISCELLANEOUS, COLLECE AND SCHOOL BOOKS, Mercantile, Fancy and School Station ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc. yOrdew for Booki and Bubscriptions o NewsDapem and Periodicals promptly at tended tn. ii Trnnhlee. and CramD. Colic, or any Internal or External Pain. Ask yonr druggist for it J S. LUCKEY. CALEB IV Clocks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc . . , i i7 . ,i Keoa'nne rrorapny aieuuicu. efA II Work Warranted,! J. S. LDCKEY m E. Schwarzschild, Prop. (Successor to Geo, Collier) BOOKS, STATIONERY, MAPS, GLOBES, SPECTACLES, WALL PAPER 4 SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Order br mail promptly attended to. Ad- drew Lock Box 119. ' l r Prices, AT CRESWELL From anil after Feb. 1, 1891, . i ,1 1. my terms will bestneuy casn. Prices Put Down to Bed rock. IWUliMOtDe Undersold. 3i:E Highest market price Paid for Produce. If not all traded out will pay balance in Cash. J. H. Whiteaker, Creswell, Or. Manufacturing :t ar ix mm w 1. Jeweler. Having purchased the Matlock Grocery Store, we call the attention of the public to the fact that we will keep on hand a FIKST-fXASS stock of groceries,which will be sold to our pat rons at the lowest rates. FISHER BROS. R. It. Cochran & Son, Real Estate Agents. Eugene City, Oregon. Will attend to general Real Estate buainea each u baying, Belling, leaHing and renting farms and cilv property, etc. Office on tooth side of Ninth street. The Eugene Clffar Factory -Keeps constantly on band the finest brands hnmi m.fl flntllAMtiC. SnJ KeT West cigars. Charges the lowest prices for chew ing and smoking tobacco. Sell at retail and wholesale. Give Them a Chance! That is to say, your lungsi Also all yonr breathing machinery. Very wonderful machinery it is. Not only the larger air paxsages, bnt the thousand of little tube and cavities leading from tbem. When these sre clogged and choked with matter which ought not to be there, your lungs can not do their work And what they do, they cannot do weel. Call it cold, congh, croup, pneumonia, cHtarrbj consumption or any of the family of throat and nose and bead and long obHtructions, sll are bad. All ought to he got rid of. There is just one sure way to get rid of them. That is to take Bos cbee's German Syrup, which any druggist will sell yon at 75 cents a bottle. Even if everything else has failed yon, yon may de dencl open this for certain. I have a cousin who is a printer, says Ex Mayor J. C. Longhrao of North Dee Uoines, Is, Some year ago he waa employed in lbi city where they were printing circulars, fur Chamberlain. Us had dwp seated' cold and terrible cough, and while setting up copy be made up his mind to buy a Lot tie. It cared him and that waa the first I ever knew of Chamberlain's Congh Remedy. I have been strongly in its favor ever since. My own experience and that of my family convince me that this remedy is the beat in the world. That msy be atrong language but that is what I thiuk. For sale by i . M. W ilkin. Dmggmt. MinroiD Floci A. Goldsmith haa re ceived another car load of the celebrated Medford flour, lie will keep this eicelUnt brand of floor in stock at all times hereafter. IT ftCo. Groceries Hoih Infested. Stephen 8meed, of Waltorrille, wut la town this morning to procure apparatus for the spray iug of bin hop yurd. He iuforois as that the hop lice have already umde their appearauoe in his yard in considerable numbers, and that he is satisfied thut if let alone they will devastate it, wheu the warm weather comes. In England, he say, the kerosene cmulsi?u is the system used, and that the same most be thrown on the under aide of the leaves. For the benefit of the hop growers of Lane county we herewith give the above re ceipt for spraying, and will also state that It has the endorsement ot the United Strtes Entouiohmical bureau: - It requires slmut ted gallons per acre for sprsylng once ligntiy ami twice iuorouBuly duriutr tho season. The following is the remedy for the hop louse, reeommendud bvthe department of agriculture: A . . - Kerosene oil (coiumon grade),' 8 plutsj Water 4 pints ; soap, l, pounds. Dilute for use with 25 purls ol water, inarease eacn ingredient for Urge amouuta iu twine pro portions. The soap need msy be made ns follows: Leon Hindi's Crystal potash lye, 1 pound; fish oil, 3 pints ; soft water, 'I gallons, ins solve the lye in water and when brought to a boll add the oil. Cook about two hours. This will make about twenty-five pounds if filled np to make the evaporation by boiling. SIl'SLAW & EASTERN RAILWAY. Reiiortof Hie Mei'tinir Held Last Sat urday. By call of the executive committeo a meeting of the stockholders and directors of the Siuslaw & Eastern lUilwsy and Naviga tion Co. whs held at their office in Eugeue, Saturday, June Gth. After the transaction of routine business, the meelina was ad journed uutil Saturday, June 20th. wheu it is expected tuat tbo survey ueiween r.ugeus and Florence will be completed, and that important business will then be considered. The officers of the company as elected by the stockholders are as follows: Geo. 11. Mlsliiiry, 1'resueni. A. G. Uovey, Vice President end Treas urer. J. M. Hodson, Secretary. Iiaao lirittoti, General Muuager. C. B. Reynolds, Attorney. Executive Committee Geo. H. Ellsbury, Isaan Britton, J. M. llodson, E. J. Frasier and A. E. Gallagher. The General Manager appointed tue Ml. lowing working loroe, and the appointments were confirmed by the board of directors: E. J. Frasier, Auditor nuJ Laud tommis- sloner. T. R. Brrv, Bnperiutendent nud Chiel Eiigineer. A. Gallagher, Assisimc Aiiorney. W. A. Cox, fund agent at Aome and Flor ice. Daniel Hawkesworth, riht of way agout. Charles Gray, Engineer in charge of lo cation. J. C. Berry, engineer iu oharge of land department. ! Alfred rurwami, assistant. L. P. Urouse, draughtsman.. A HKOl'K 1IIIU .X. Editor mrColluiii, Formerly of Junction, Worsted. Saucm, June 8 Editor McCollum of the er.aia Star formerly of Junction City. and Scott Taylor had lively kuock down fight this tuoruing. jsiouoliiim got tue worst of the fight. Both were fined. Acboss tu Rivjcn. An Oregonian Rail way engine with a full train of loaded cars crossed the Colmrg new railway bridge last HaturduvatU:30a.m. The bridge stood the tost without a quiver. On the train, among others, were Jasr A. Stevens aud the two Misses Hporoi, three of the first people In ih.it irieiniiv tn erosa the river at tbat point in a boat. The tracklayers are now nearly to Geo. H. Armitage's residence, and are progressing rapidly. The Baker Cily Daily Blade has dUooa- tinned its presi dispatches. Don't Believe It When told that F. M. Wilkins, ths druggist, is not selling "Windom'a Robertine" for the complexion, the most elegant and only really harmless preparation of its kind in the world, and giving a beautiful picture card with every bottle. . ttult That lon.nfi,! fnollllO vail m . ut t"i -u.w means that your system is in a stuto to in- Vlte disease, ana nrignis v.ompouuu ki- . . I Un.nA:ils U naAil at (ISVI U l P.IM1IAIIII. HUH JWH Ul. once to expel impurities of the blood aud build yoa up. eoiu dt an aruggisis, Geo. W. Kinney, Auctioneer. When you want your goods, household furniture or land sold at auction, call of Geo. W. Kinsey, the pioneer and most suc cessful auctioneer in Lane County. lie will attend to all sales on a reasonable com mission. What It It? Thot produces tbat beautifully soft com plexion and leaves no traces of its applica tion or injurious effects 'f The answer, Wis dom's Robertine accomplishes all this, and is pronounced by ladies of taste and refine ment to be the moat delightful toilet article ever produced. Warranted harmless and matchless. F. M. Wilkins, agent, Eugene City. There is no danger of a cold resulting in pneumonia when Chauiberlaiu s Cough Remedy is used as directed "for a severe cold." It effectually counteracts and arrosts any tendency of a cold to result in pneu monia. This fact was fully proven in thous ands of cases during the epidemic of influ enza last winter. For sale by F. M. Wilkins, Druggist. The SeteLrated Frenclt Gore. "APHRODITINE" ZZSSL Is Bold OS i. POSITIVE OUARANTEE to core sot form olnervun.dlwaM or any disorder of the generativeor- ganaoieiinernes. vhether srnlnx fnimtheexreMite BEfORE tueol Btimulanu, AFTER Tobacco or Opium, or throuk'b youthful lndlr tlon. over Indnlri-nce, Ac .urn s. lmof Urals Power, Wakefulness, Bearlufdown fains In the bark, Hera I nsl Wesknrn, Hy.teria, Nervous iTns trstlon, Nortumal Emlulous, Leaeorrb'ea, Lila llnns, Weak Memory, LoMot fowerand lm tency, which if neirlectedollen leal to premature old sir and Imanltv. l'riee I1.CH a tx.i, e boxes lor .i 'A Hent t.y mall cu rerelt ol prlee- A RITTr.N lifARANTEK Is ajlven tor erery liU) order reelred, to refund the money If a F.mas.st core I. not elTwted. Wi have thonoarvls of u-rtlmonlala fmianld and yrmnr, of both sexes, whohav been pennanently eon d by theUMof aptarodMne. Cln-slarfroa. Addrea THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. Westers Branch, Bux 27, foaTuuib. 0a Sold by E. B. LUCKEY CO.i DruxgisU Eugene, Uregoo, Circuit Court Convened at the Court House Iu Eugeue Monday, June 8, lS'.U, at 2:30 p. m. Oflicets present Judge M. L. Pipes, Proeecutiug Attorney 8. W. Condon, Sher iff J. E. N'oland and Clerk W. R. Walker. The following bailiffs were appointed: Q. W. Kiusey, E. L. Howe and Charles Kissenger, tho former being designated as grand jury bailiff. Graud jury drawn: J. II. Inwall, fore man, II. C. Yeatch, J. E. Kennedy, II. L. Kennedy, II. L. Carter, F. B. Dillard, i. T. Wbitmore and John Bluuie Tin1 following-JuryiiH'ti wore tivm'iit mill luiswi'tvil to tlicif ilium's: J V W'tfkH, Crvswi'll. John Sttitt, " W A lluvitt, Hpx'turr. T J ltnrK, V (' Innittn, " (ieo Hinlth, Suitll Ktlgt'lli'. HNt'rtiin, " It ltoliiiiMin, SIiihIiiw. W It McCoiiutck, North Kniri'tu. J H lline, t'hcshtT. Win Kisk, " J D Ilowitrd. Jtiiiction. J W Mujors, (' K 1'owvrs, Wlllmni'lto. MHHklniu-r, " TIioh Hurler, " .1 S Cusli!, Itii'linrilson. J K LnrrhniT, Middle Folk. IWrt Kclsuy, " " llciirv t'urtiT, Full I'nvk. It I) 'lllth', " " J W Cox, " " .1 II Iiiwnll, Irvinir. F, (' Hnittnin, Camp Cnt k. John llliinit', l'lciisiint Hill. ' J A Stevens, Springfield. Fred Dlllanl, t ,ohell. II C Venteh, Cottngt' Grove. JamcH Kennedv, " " (ieo Yurnell, Atohuwk. T J Whit more, " V V. Powers and H ItolilnsonexetiHeil for the term. Record of cases acted upon: 1 Slate of Oregon vs. Annul Lurch, ohtalniiiK money timler false pretenses; continued. 2 Slate of Oregon vs. Aaron Lurch, forgerv; continued. Mate of Oregon vs. r A. (teralil, foi'fjyi'y; eonfimicd. 4 State of Oregon vs. Fred Hoed, olitainlng money under false pretenses; ontlnuetl. ft State of Oregon vs. Fred Cooper, litirgliirv; continued. G I ilinoit A. Howard vs. S. JN. Howard and Irn Allen, for ihisschsIod if real lirotHTty; K. Jl. Skinwortn i- poinh'tl rcfetw. 7-L. Ii. Kusscll vs. T. V.. Itusscll, suit for divorce; A. K. (ialhiKher, ref ent'. 8 Carrie ( lerhanl vs. Leo (icrlnird, for divorce; M. S. Wallis, referee. II Ida Spiegel vs. C. 11. ami David II. NatwicK, foreclosure; ludirment by delimit. 10 Maggie McMurry vs. M. YV. Mtv Murrv ami J. H. McMurry, for divorce and to wt aside fraudulent conveyance; K. It. Skipwortli, relent1. 11 Fanny Howard vs. It. I). How ard, divorce: A. K. (.iallaghcr, referee. VI Julia Couch vs. o. ii. coucii, di vorce; K. It. Skliiworth, refem'; report tiled. 1:1 John C. SiniDson et nl vs. ('bus. K. Simpson, for sale of real proiH-rty; report filed. 14-T. J. Hlack vs. J. H. Smith, to re cover money; continued for term. 15 Lewis & Jturkliolder vs. Allison and Taylor, to recover money; on trial. IU John Stewart vs. jmvki Mine and I!. II. Natwlck, foreclosure; dls- niiHHtil. , 18 II. Ittiudy vs. 1). M. Iluiuly, UI- vortv; continued. lll-T. A. Million! nml W. II. HofT inan, exwtitors, vs. Win. V. Kdwards ami Isiuie N. Edwards, to recover money; Judgment before clerk. 1!0 I). M. Osborne & Co. v. J. W. Smith, to recover money; settled. I'l JimicH Sanford va. Win. II. Walker et al, eontlrmatlon; confirmed. Si l). M. osisirno i;o. vs. pt. u. Lockwoodand ItoU-rt (Irltlln, to rer cover money; Judgment for tH4:i.75, In terest and $70 attorney fees. iU (Jeorge Fisher vs. John H. Whls li inn und Joseph P. Wlihtma.i, to re cover money; dismissed. 1!4 Duncan H'ott vs. J. C. (hsidale. ai)N'id from Justice court; set for tilal Wednesday. 1MJ J. II. McCIung et ul vh W. H. OiKidinan et ul, to recover money; Met tled. 27 K. J. McCIunahan v David BlmeandC. H. Natwlck, fortt'losure; settled. 'JH 1). M. Oslsimo & Co. vh Joseph Cole et nl, to recover money; default; Judgment for 1207, interest, $W utt'y fees aud order of sale of uttuched proji erty. 30-Kll.alH th Y. K. Wunier vh J. A. Straight, to recover money; settled. ill ri. II. Friendly vs J. A. Straight and Mary Straight, to recover money; settled. M Chas ISaker vs David Hline, to recover money; continued. IV) It K Johnstjii vh Jas J Johnson, divorce; default; E () Potter upiolntcd referee. 37 Ida Spiegel vh David O Hline, confirmation: dismissed. :ih Harry Thompson vh J T Card well, to nitiver money; settled. 4o J I Jones vh E J Sherwood, to recover money; settled, 44 W II Halicr vs J K Parker, to re cover money; default. 4.V- Jlcttmaii VHJWSmlth, to re cover money; settled. 40 Alice "Miller vs Henry Miller, for divorce; default. 51 M E liutler vs D L Hutlcr, for divorce; default; E It Sklpworth np silnted referee. 62 Catharine A IVrkitm vh Knrah E Cochran et al, U reform dd; default. 54 H II Friendly vs Joseph Cole et al, foreclosure; delimit. 65 A W Patterson vs L N Thoiii sou et ul, for sH-cllle M-rforiuauiv of contract and to remove cloud from title; decn-e. 6h J H Cartwrlght VHThislore Eln fcldt, to n-r-over money; settled. 5! I M Francis vs " olney Hc-meti-wiiv, for damages: dismissed. (A 11 C Huiiiplircy vs Alex A Fos ter et al, confirmation; continued. fi.V-Suuiucl D Holt vh (1 F Kuiinllig et ul, eoiillrmation; confirmed. Mi A P Churchill vh Juiik-s (I Iteu nett, eonllnnatioii; continued. (17 Jeff Myers vh W A Craton, con firmation; confirmed. (J Meyer 4 Kyle va tlu- South Bend LutnU-r 'Co, continuation; eontlrined. m Christine Clayton vs John Clay- tu, divorce; referred to E H Skij)- wortli. 70 Hovey. Huniidirey & Co vh J It Haskell, et al, fonrlostire; default. 71 Allie Evans vs J It Evans, dl vortv; dt fault; L Jlilyeii apsdntcd referee. The l'lalnlllt Loses. stepped to the front of the bench, bis face pale and his voice bosky, and Mid: "My lord I have to ask yonr protection. Yes terday sir Edward Clarke thought proper" here Solicitor General Sir Edward Clarke apraug to his feet and eiclaimod: "I ask your lordship tbat Gen. Williams should not be allowed to make a ststement, as be is not privileged to do so." To this Gen. Williams hotly replied; "I was with considerable warmth; I cannot hear auy statement from yoa," and immediately commenced his summing op, while Gen. Williams retired frowning, and greatly disconcerted. London, June 8. -The announcement of verdict for defendants was received with hisses from the galleries where the ladies con gregated, and in other parts of the court room men in sympathy with plaintiff, cursed. Court officers had some difficulty suppressing these marks of disapproval of the verdict Tim iHilitieul situation in Port land is rather mixed. A citizens ticket nominated by those who were in favor of consolidation in divided ctiutillv between republi cans and dcinoerutn. This ticket was indorsed by a domoeratio con vention. The Btriiight-republieiuiH will nominate, a ticket. To a man up u tree, it tippum that tho consolidation ticket in mado in tho best interests of a pure municipal government, while tho to Iw repub lican ticket will bo under the dom ination of one or tho other of tho corrupt factions that bus ruled Portland for what there was in it. Astorian: Three months ago the New York Recorder was started. It had flO, O'.0,000 behind It and in it. The editors wore diamouds, drank champagne, and wroto with violet Ink and gold peua on scented paper. The reporters rode in car riages, and the compositors set silver type in gold sticks. Everything was marble, rosewood, plate glass and nickel plate. On the 2d it quit; the expense was too much. On the same day the Alts, a respectable bat misguided journal, quit, after running and occasionally walking since January, '49, There was a lime when the Alta oloared 3,000 a day, but that was before the South ern Pacific got their damps on it. ' A Harrlsburg dispatch, May 13th to the Philadelphia Ledger, says. "Baroum'i Circus destroyed the efficiency of the Leg islature to-day to such an extent that it waa thought wise to adjourn the House this evening to permit the members to go to the show. It was felt there would not be a quo rum present at the evening session, aa the olrous was the topio discussed during loll calls aud Ihe reading of bills. The after noon session was alimly attended, and, rath er than meet with the certainty of empty benches, (he House abandoned the evening session." The lluley irrigation Law has aroused seri ous (ears of the otter drainage of Goose lake, to the consternation of all who now rely opon it for their water supply. Dr. Loomis, agent of the Interior department, recently came out in person to investigate a remon strance sent lo Washington, in the hope of preventing the big water company recently organized from oarrylng out their plans, and that gentleman expresses, the opinion tbat the question will involve matters coming within Ihe province of interstate law. Chemawa Indian School has just perform ed a noble act of charity, as reported to the Journal. A man living on French Prairie lost bis halt-breed wife the other day. She left him a family of nine children. Their Iudiun blood eutitlea them to asylum in the government Indian schools, and they have promptly been adopted Into the Chemawa home where they are cared for as well as tbey would be in any borne. Salem Jour nal. Corvsllis Gazette, May 29: On the last trip np from San Francisco the steamship Willamette Valley beat the record from San Francisco to Ysquina City, the time oonanm ed In making the trip from dock to dock being just 4tl hours. The steamer arrived at Yaquina In the evening and nu loaded ber perishable freight during the night, and it arrived in Corvsllis the following morning in lime to catch the river boats for Portland and way stations. T),.iuia,Mri o R.umnirr. Mr. Wheeler; proprietor of the Springfield sawmill, pro poses lo comply witn ine law tnai prouiuiw throwing sawdust lulo the streams of Ihe state, lie has bailt a large stone furnace above ground, and into it the sawdust is conveyed and burned. An engine has been placed in lbs mill, furnishing the power for thj planer. The Rosoburg Review thus remarks: The Reflector, published by' the students of ' the Oregon State University; asks, "Why can't we have a college yell?" Probably because yoa failed to buve the legislature make an sppropriation for that purposs. And K is altogether too bad tbat lbs youth of oar fair state most finish their education and go out into (be cold, cold world lo battle with the realities of life and not be able to make a distinctive college yell Judge Sbattuck, of Portland, has decided the Agricultural College case, of which so much has been said, in favor of the II E Church South. This will cease the return lo tbat church organization of all the land that msde np the Agricultural College farm on Feb. 18th, 181, unless reversed by the Supreme Court. - OsiToa. Hon. 8. W. Condon has been chosen as orator tor the big Eugene Fourth of July celebration. A good selection; Canipmeeting; There will be a campmeeting for the Cottage Orove Circuit, commencing Jane 26th. To be held one-half mile south of Latham, on the Coast Fork road. We will have the following ministerial help:. Bro. Potter, of Dexter, Bro. Waiters, of Eugene, Bro. Taylor, of Drain, and Bro. Aldrldge. Besides Bro. Oardner, and 'perhaps others will be there, more or less. Everybody in vited. Come brethern and work for Jesus, bring yonr tents and provision, for there will be no bucks leri on the ground. This is a beautiful place. Come and come to slay. Persons coming on the oars will get off at Latham. W .A. Kixr, P. E. Cottage Grove Circuit. Alliance Lectures. F. M. Nlgliswander. county lecturer of the Farmer'a Allium for Lane county, will Jeeture as follows, meet ing to Iw held ut 7.-00 o'clock In the evenlna;: Thurston, Monday, June 15. Ix'abuiy, Tuesday, June 1J. Camp Cat'k. Wednesday. June 17. Mohawk, at Stafford school house, Thursday, Juno 18. Sprlngtleld, at Simmons school house, Friday, Juno IU. A county meeting of the Alliance will lie held In Eugene, Saturday, June 20, ut 10 o'clm k a. m. ClIUKC'II OllOANIZKO. IU-'V. O. A. Hlalr organized a Cumberland Presby terian church at Colmrg last Sunday at 11a.m. with 19 members. J. Phene ger, H. 11. Tliomiw and John Holt were elected ruling elders In the church. A suitable lot upon which to build a church house was purchased and paid for and a building committee appoint ed, consisting of J. C. Uoodale, Anion Wilkins, J. Pheneger, W. Vanduyno aud Mr. Springer, who will push the work at once. I lock la now being hiui led for tho foundation and a bill of lutnlier is lielng made out. Telegraphic Brevities. A Washington dlsnatch savs ths U. 8. gov ernment has notified all agents at the seal Islands tn stop the killing of sesls by the North American Co. when the number reaches 7 500. A wholesale massacre took place June 1st at Port an Prince, llayti. The followers of Hlpp-ilyte shot and killed those who were suspected to be In sympathy with Legitime to the number of 1300 during the time from May 28 to June 1st The Brand iurr at Walla Walla has indict ed seven soldiers for the murder ot gambler Hunt. Rupt. IHcElrer I nconclous. BaXEM, Jane 0. State Supt., ot Instruc tion E. B. MoElroy continues unoonoious. A oounoil of physioiana was held to-day and decided that a blood vessel had buret at the base ot the brain. Thrown from at Horse. Saxim 0b., June 9. Rube Bontin a horse dootor from Antelope, Oregon, was thrown from a horse to-day and sustained serious injories. He may recover. k Bio Institution. Dr. Harry Lane, who was In Portland on Thursday, says that the patients of the insane asylum nearly seven hundred In number will be fed daring the season with ten tons ot strawberries, raised on the state grounds, and tbat within a year the Oregon asylum will be one of the most complete establish ments ot the kind in the entire woild: Welcome. IatPHovrNo. A report haa been going the rounds of the state presa that Shannon Conser woald lose his leg that was broken in the Lake Labish railroad acoldent. It waa given oredenee In yesterday's Ooaao. Dr. Maston of Albany hi authority (or the statement that the report Is not reliable. He says that Mr. Conser is doing -well and that the leg Is gradually improving. A Nambuii.-A short time sinoe an heir blessed the household of Mr. J. N. Bunoh. He named her Nina Cator, the last name from an old friend Dr. Cator, of Marsaline. Mo. A few day alnce he received from the Dr. a handsome gold riug with a diamond set for the little Miss.- - - Contract Lrr. J. 0. Watts yesterday let a oontraot for the building otan addition to his residence on the corner of Seventh and Pearl streets. It will be two stories in height and of a handsome design. 8. 0. Garrison secured the oontraot. ' Sold. Junction City school distriot baa sold Its old school house and grounds to the town of Junction (or 12,600. II will be used hereafter for the housing of Sre appo--ratus and city ball purposes. . ' - WrraooT Salasi.-R. M. Day haa kindly consented to serve Ihe . Eugene Canning & . Packing Co. as secretary without compen sation. ... , 100 Tons. While in Southern Oregon, E. B. Luckey contracted for one hundred tone of peaches (or the Eugene Canning Co. Quite an amount of peaches. Mabiiid. In Eugene, Oregon, June 6, 1891, by Rev. D. A. Watters, Mr. C. A . Mo- Mahan and Miss Maggie Bennington, all of Lane oounty, Oregon. Kiwspatis Chanos. J. A. Douthit has sold a half interest in the Prioeville Re view to Dayton Elliott. : " Itev. Q. A. Blair la In Cottage Grove .. helping to secure the means to com plete the new C. P. Church In course of construction at that place, but will r e turn and All his pulpit next Su nday evening at 7:30. All Invited. - . An Eastern gentleman has erected a new store building at Florenoe and will open a general merchandise store there in a short time. ' Rev. ii., D. Blulr will begin a series of niet-tlngii at the Wood school house ' next Sunday a II a. m.' McMahon'i circus is now in Eastern Ore gon.' '' ' .The students will give a dance Jane 13.