EUGENE CITY GUARD. i, 1 CAUJPBUJ frepruur, EUGENE CITY. OREGON. CONQUERING AN OBSTACLE.' fjaar Ooe Boy Who IVaa Small Sneeeeda' In life In Hplte of III Oafec. Tom Pippf t wiu always a little fol low; so small that when lie was In the senior ehv In college the smallest boy in the preparatory school "looked down" bpon Win In a literal sense. Every boy who bin himself a physical defeat can understand how mighty a matter this lack of size had seemed to Torn. For some years of his life it was to Wm the most important thing in the world. There were snch groat deeds to be done, and he felt that he could do them, only he etood but five feet In his boots! It wu hopeless to try to bo a hero! Bin name, too, was unfortunate. The boys changed it to 1'oppct, to Pipes, to ripkln, to Pint. It was easy to be witty at the expenso of the little follow. One day an old professor, swing him ilirlnk at some gibe, said to him : "Tom, there I a somrtliing within you with which your littlo body ban nothing to do. Show that to the world. Ignore and disregard your size and you will teach others to ignore and disregard it." Tliis kindly word was the pebble wWch turned the stream of Tom's life into a new channel. He had thus far lolled from very despair to try to make something of himself; he now began to study vigorously. Ho was a born ora tor and his voice wm fine. The class soon began to bo proud of bim and to boast of his slse as another reason for their approval of him. When his small figure appeared upon the platform on commencement day, the storm of ap proval which greeted him was due as much to his triumph over this physical tWect as to the actual work which he hod done. At the bar In the town in which Tom practised as a lawyer ho was known as "Little Webster, " so accurate was his knowledge and so effective his elo quenoo. The civil war began, and Tom, with thousands of other slncore men north and south, runhed to the battlefield. Ills men followed their littlo captain as eonfldontly as though he had been even feet high. Ho was badly wound ed at Chnrieellorsville and sent to a hospital, whence ho was discharged mi nus a port of two limbs, He had been engaged to a woman whom he had loved for years. ' "Tell her that sho Is free," he sold to her father, who camo to see him, add ing, with a snd sinilo, "There never was much of me, but now I am only the wreck of a man." She wrote back, "if there Is enough body left to hold his soul I will marry hlm.M They wero married, ond Tom became a useful citizen in tlio community In which he lived, lit) acquired influence and prox'rty, nnd used both to noble Snrpose. When the great disaster at ohnstown occurred, Tie hastened to fllie place mid worked among the home less, stnrvlii',' people, surroiuidod by thousands of unbiiried dead. Ho went home worn out by lalxr, and died, strong, bright, cheery to the last. Is thero nothing In this truo story of a true life to help thoso who have some bodily defect which seems a hopelsi obstacle In their path? Youth's Com panlon. A t In Oonjurlna. The most remarkable conjuring trick I ever saw was done in Calcutta by an Arabian. Spreading a white cloth on the floor he sat down with his bock to the wall, and, turning to a member of the party, ho asked for the loan of a rupee, which ho requested should be given to one of tho Indies present. This done, the conjurer told the lady to hand it back to tho gentleman from whom lie had taken it The gentleman took It, and then the conjurer said to him, "Are you sure that it is a rupee f "lies," replied the gentleman. "Now close your hand upon it," said the Arabian, "and think without speak ing of some country in America. Now open your luuid and tell mo if the coin is not one of tho country you thought of." The gentleman opened his hand and found a Mexican dollar. He said Uiat ho had been thinking of Mexico. He was about to give the coin to the onjurer when the latter declined It, requesting himto give it to another one of the party. He gave it to me. 1 looked at it closely, shut my hand tight, thought of Franco, and found it had turned into a five frano piece. "How do you suppose that was doner . "I really can't tell," was the reply. "I wish I knew." Interview in New Tork Times. A Road Hear! ner. There is In u.e in London a machine known as the macadam scarifier, which poMscssce great advantage over hand labor in the breaking up of roads. It Is operated by a small traction en gine and will do from 2,000 to 2,500 superficial yards of road in a day, the depth of the work being entirely under control and varying as desired from one and one-half Inches to three Inches. It also enjoys the advantage of being able to be operated at night, when baffle does not Interfere with work of this character, a tiling practically Impossible with ordinary labor. Philadelphia Beoord. Tk EtIU of Tmnrtf. Small Boy (after a visit from hi rich uude) How much Is that candy I . Confectioner Fifty cents a pound. ' Small Boy How much is all in th asef I Confectioner All f It would b worth thirty or forty dollars. 1 6umU Boy (gloomily) CboVs only fare me t dollar. Ufa. The German police have surprised gang oi connlerlt-iter at iVitira in 1 nit sisn Poland, la the strul that fol lowed a police detective ss killed Counterfeit cunvnrv representing 75.WX) silver rubies was !'unl, srei t diin Of the counterfeiters er arrested. HIE PACIFIC COAST. The State Geologist of Washington Makes His Report. Under the New Vagrancy Law of California the Records of the Police Stations Show Many Entries. Rogus II pieces are plentiful in Wash ington. lnrt Tnwnsend it to hsve a telegraph fire-alarm service. Hun Dieiro reaped a winter crop of $1&0,000 from vb-itors. i v...t onn !, nf snirar beet have been planted near Ontario, Cal. v...ik Votrln.u liaa derided to ifSUe $(10,000 in bonds for a sewerage system. i. .i I .!.!.,..,. .an thprn will lie no cut In rates In flour to Japan and China. Bait Lake has voted to Issue $300,000 n bonds for school sites and school- houses. rri ITn.atllla.rHlwrvation lands llir dhio ui .......... l... hMim at Pendleton. Or., and will continue about forty days. The projected dry dock at Vancouver will tie built this summer. It Is intended that it shall receive the largest vessels atloat. u l Onnltiern Pacilic have rillYryumui m ., , , i .i.i . Una nl a nuor maillieil slonif nnu urn, mo - - i - the mesa at Yuma above Hood height. Work will commence snoriiy. ti ...i:.a,,n,lav (inloon Association of 1 IIU BHW -ijiiiimj - . Tacoma failed to secure convictions of saloonkeepers whom it caused to be ar rested, and was forced to pay the cost. ti. liinli mam iivim bv an Al- buqnenpie (N. M.) paper a month since, to the ellect thata number of Chiraeahua Apaches had been quietly removed to Arizona from Alabama was untrue. turn ft (v.Ava mi leu nf Olvmnia is a tin mine, which promises to develop into a valuable property, ji county near Hhelton. The ore has been tested in a crude way and louna to ue rich in that metal. The snow has none from the prairies i L ...,... iw.,n Kn atiek In niuk of has b!en lost. The grass is good, and the prosecis iorBuunann;rwwiD-i i.nHiiiHinir. The bunch-uross folk will U prosperous this year. Under the now vagrancy law of Cali fornia, which went into effect last week, the records oi tne jwiice siauons snow ,rto,l Him rwlieA will soon raid the well-dressed vagrants WllO lniesi me more irxjuuhvcu Tl, fl.wllno nl null 111 MBrlll rOllntV. MU ,.U,..B ... --, , Cal., does not cause a furor in ban Ka fael, as it has been generally known for years back that coal veins of some con siderable siA) exist along the bay shore of that county. A re-examination of the veins may cause a development that will prove oi vaiuu. Tl.o oliu'lrip liwera at RaiTBiiiontO are being removed from the streets, and i i.Al ..I....A liiliiraufHiin nliin of in nirii iit.o ...v......-. i - electric lights In a line along the middle of the street is being substituted. This will prevent footpads hiding in the shad ows cast by the leaves of trees from the light ol the tall towers. f l.,. ,,l,liul,.ul lulumant. flint Italian fishermen in direct violation of the law were shooting and killing the seals upon u....l .....l. n kl..., L' la fmiiwl ntmn pt'nl luva nfc tii mninv. . " . :.... 1. ,n ....1.1,1 I,,, Ilia Itnllun I Inn. lllvt-oliKiu iuii iiiikiw ' " sul and sIho the Kllce to tie untrue. The shots fired were at sea gulls, which were wanted for bait, and were tired by some (iernmn crab fishers. 1 uSua.n itlu,iiitih lava tlm saw mills aro preparing for a large output of lum per this season, anu severm now inn id are in process of erection, and steam wagons are in use hauling logs. The timber land is nearly all taken up for forty miles by a syndicate. The contem plated railroad from Mott to Modoc coiintv is opening a large suction of country. It was half a century ago that Willam ette University was removed to Salem. says me wait man. it was in urm hhwi-u near where the Chemawa school now stands. There was but little discussion over its removal to Salem then. Every body wanted It to come. 1 he school is now to be returned north, but will be .,.,.... 1 ,i,ll. (mm (fa onrlv all. when it was merely a mission school for the In- (linns. 1 1 1i1tntiu fifnla fiiinliKytat IWMK.O n iirviiiiiivi has made a very complete report of the i i ..ll.., mineral resources oi h ubiiiukwiu. facts regarding every mining district, every mine of promise or prospective ui.vvll, uirum tiulilali-tnl uml flllllllliri'lal l,UIl)VIDIj .U.II.V. .... " enterprise born of the mineral develop- . I -11 ...... i, .!.,..! nieni OI mo country nnu u ki-uiuhuui formations indicative of the existence of merchantable metal iu Washington as i ar as snow n. A report comes from Carson report comes iroin lamou, wr,, the men employed in the Holmes i ut uii.l.ilanu liui-A aiilTitrmt fni-rl that miiio 1 lv from the ravages of la gripiie. Out of I IWUI ...,.n n,...l,..wl In n 11,1 nll,lllft itlA UlrVI llll'U rill'H'y HI !. lt' 1.,a ....m l,u.i Alt lm ,fi liAan nr.ia. Illlliv llllilT hiiiill -wi'vi im,v 11,11 trated. and something more than UK) have died. Work in the mine had to be practically altandoned. There has been m an aoatement oi tne disease wiinin me last few days. A new tantr schedule has been issued tne ,orincrn racine to operuie wun . II....4 ........... .,.,.1. Tl. 1Q J unit pDlc-lll UI iiimin. aiiu jviiii heilule makes a new promotional rate . i i .1 .. t : .1.4 .1 1. '2.4(H) pounds and over from all Klnta .!. V.,.,l,.,.n l...lll.. XV. II,, la I I'll biiu iiui iiivi v msi- tion to lUuner Junction. im-Uulinff bU lionn on the 8tK)kine tails and Llano ( tlie Ontrul Wftnlunk'ton, m intiton. The ratoi rail for 00 cent per lutiiiiilau lian aliitkiiimita A ilatail t iiaiil vt o( Chicji and St. Inid. and av .. K ... t. U'tuk.: lmil at Northern racitlc loaned tine. TIiaPIumsmm nimvliMnla nf Run Fran ci(KH at a incvtinn held ivcvntly aKeed Utor at Watthintcton protwtinic in the unmj u iim vjiiiivinj vi fan f.iontat Siiulnal tliak A t la ml fl I 111 a n f rtf AV. iu i ii tea iapt i im mv myjvn i-t x Senator Henry V. Klair as Minister to in.; i ri.inA.A rt.. miri I'l Mif( iiifai ist-i n v t -in twit of the l'resident of the United 8tatet. The Chinee merchant state that 8ena- L).i. i.. lU s.v.ttM lUtlanln tor the iiinii iisati puiin ia itiMnt'iiivui ai a ir rare, and thst their irotot is made lilais aliAH-H Bltlil .all 1 Bill 1 fAta-Smv! on trial BivNnnt 1 ntv iiitcMnrti rSn aUr Ulair will not be received as United States Minister by the Chinese) govern iiitrtiv tur v uiiiriu iwmi tun in e siieeeh made before the United States . . . 1. . I . . .!: n.a TK tfKlnakataa aau-t 1m a r-iiaiv wiuic iuo laiv n-Biriiiiun ai-t it mm under disenraion he declared that " he would rather see a shipload of vellow fever subje-U land in the I'niteil State than a raruo of ("liineae UlKirers or word to that effect. That in his inter views published In papers recently he is opposed to Chinese, and that be ha . ,LI . - i I 1 t I 1 J nowung wj iui owes ! ok rwrora. I EASTERN ITEMS. Illinois Sheriff Works the Gallows as a Ten-Cent Museum. Annual Report of Glbler-Pasteur Institute Shows That Not One Patient Has Died From Hydrophobia. The farmers are organizing unions in Canada. The Indians at the Carlisle School have 111,000 on deposit in bank. A ivimmnniiv of Renedictine monks is to be established In New York city. About forty-seven of a class of fifty two at the Naval Academy will graduate in June. The carpenters and joiners of St. Louis will make a demand for 40 cents an hour on May 1. It is said that the consumption of im ported beer in New York city has greatly increased of late. Work has been ordered to commence at. Portsmouth on theoutllUof the cruis ers and gunboats now being built. Ttm Arkansas Ieilature has approved a joint resolution favoring the election of United States Senators by the people. The United States steamer Galena, which went ashore off (iay Head, Mas., has been floated and taken to Vineyard haven. M iMinnaira IWripn trim WAS recently abducted at Detroit, has offered 3,0l0 for the arrest and conviction oi tne ao- ductors. rinirorniir I III nf Kow York has signed the bill appointing police matrons in all rides of that State containing over 2ft,- 000 inhabitants. Tito Biinrmna Pnlirf nf KoliriMlIrA bfts adjourned without rendering an opinion In the case of ei-Oovernor Thayer vs. Governor Boyd. Pittsburg has been chosen ns a nucleus I, it Ilia uiirlit.liiuir movement in the building trades, to extend all over the country, in May. T'utor Mi-riHllnml. Jr.. has won a suit In the United Slates Court at Waco, Tex., which gives him property in the town worth loOO.OOU. Tlia annmil rpnnrr. nf tlm (iihier-l'afl- teur Institute in New York shows that 828 persons were treated for dog and cat lutes, riot one patient uieu. Tf la afutiiit nf f nilliiniinnllfl flint illA grand jury has found an indictment against the Uig Four road for violation of the interstate commerce law. Contain I Inn Mr E. f!ntlev. Kerand In fantry, has been acquitted by the court martial at Omaha. General ltrooke, it Is said, disapproves of the finding and acquittal. Tlm RlntulnrA Oil rVimnnnv has re- ilneeil tlm tiricp of fuel oil to 20 cents a barrel. Una IB the beginning oi a war of endurance with the Manhattan OH Company. Tliera Is a rennrt In New York that Count Karolyi has bought off the young woman to whom his son was married, and the young Count had returned to liuua-restn. Tho ollli-iipif nf k'ru-li'a Ivmilh hna liann aniepH4fiillv ileiiiniitttrAted at San An tonio, Tex. It is claimed that twelve lives liave undoubtedly been saved py .i. i me reuieuy. Tlinmaa H WnnAiimlfer. ann nf the riiHiiiiAHter-ltRnera . denies tne w all- street report that the Vanderbilts have liought his father's interest in the Read ing syndicate. The will of Lawrence Barrett bequeaths to ins wnu an ma luruuuro, iiii:tuii-o, I.!- .:r.. l. i clothes, tilate. china, iewelrv. wines and household stores, and the rest ot the property in trust to his three daughters. It is believed on Wall street that a new syndicate of American and Kuropean capitalists Is being lormed lor tne pur- none of stnmlvinir funds to aid in the completion ot the Nicaragua canai. . .. ' i ... , Major Estes G. Rathbone of Ohio, at present chief postotllce inspector, has been tendered and has accepted the of- llce of Fourth Assistant l'ostnmHter- General, created at the last session of Congress. Secretary Noble Btates as his opinion that the Cieur d'Alene reservation in Idaho is now open to settlement and may be entered under homestead act upon payment of $!.()() per acre, half ot which b to tie paid within two years. The Illinois Sheriff, who a few days admitted the public at 10 cents a head to see his gallows, sold a loot ol the hang ing rope tor f 1. Una was a lancy price, however, becauso the piece had bloixl on it. I he people talk ol having him in dieted or removed from office. The appeal of the Catholic Bishops of Canada aktaiust the allowance ot the act passed by the Legislature of Mani toba abolishing separate schools In that lTovlnce has created (liiite a sensation in political circles at Ottawa. The an thority of the provincial government wiu not oe (piesiionuu. Van Home, President of theCanadian Pacille, Chauncey M. IVpew and Waller 8. Webb have completed a deal by which the New York Central lets the Canadian Pacific bring its freight and passenger trains Into ;sew torn over the "est Shore and Central with as good facilities as the New York, New Haven and Hart ford gets. A sensation has been caused at the Treasury lWartment at Washington bv the discovery of a counterfeit $' silver rertitlcate, so nearly perfect as to be al most impossible of detection. Paper with a sua thread throush is lorthebrst time almost perfectly imitated in the counterfeit just discovered. A new se ries will have to be instituted. At an enthusiastic meeting at St Johns, N. V., the agreement of arbitra tion between Great Britain and France was condemned, because it makes no provision lor the termination of the French treaty rights, and no arrange ment would ever be assented to unless it included the entire abrogation of these rights, which are inconsistent with the progress of th colony. Chief-Justice Fuller in bis decision in the case of lHincan vs. The Sheriff of Bixar county, Tex., says: "The State of Texas is in full possession of its facul ties a a member of the Union, and its Legislative, Executive and Judicial IV partmenta are peacefully operating by orderly and aettleil methods prescribe! by fundamental law. Whether certain statute have or have not a binding fore is for the State to determine, and that determination in itself involve no in fraction of theConstitutionof the United State and raise no Federal question giving thi court jurisdiction." FOREIGN NEWS. Count Tolstoi's Socialistic Colony a Failure. Proves It Is Rumored In Berlin That the Kaiser Is Showing Continued Evidences of Insanity. Gcrmanv'i population by the recent census is 49,420,842. Ever trade in France is being organ ized for a general strike. TharMlian government is planning naval operations in the north. iiu rw.iiu Frunch Ambassador at Vienna, will probably succeed Herbette at Berlin. tf i. -oiH Vmnprnr William has deeply offunded by his arrogance nearly all the German Princes. v.iyimn nf Chili has issued a pastoral condemning the strong revolu tionary sympathies of the clergy. v. ,..-; i.., rownt census numbers 6,58,3H2 inhahitaats, the female exceed ing the male population uy iui,.wu. There aro indications that the Czar . .l.n n 1 ..... rti,l fill. sassination of Stambouloff at Sofia. ma tint unaware oi wiu "v a aiiliiiinrina inn sunk to a depth of 350 feet in Lake Como expelled a brojec tile with sullicient force to Bink a boat. .nn unnd authority from Rome that Monsignor Charles Ldward Fabre, Archbishop of Montreal, will be made a Cardinal. fjnwmnr Costa has ioincd the Roca- Mitre coalition, thus settling the Argen tine political question. The elections passed off quietly. if la pafliiiated in the Allahabad Pio- .. . .1 . J.lln In Tnilid nttr that tne irea-mru ijiuj in the shape of hoards or ornaments mounts to l,3oU,00U,00U. Him nf Meissonier's suuuestions to the ii'ronpn govern ment is about to bear fruit in the shape of the establishment of a grand military museum in Paris. The Tone has re-established the dona tion of the astronomical observatory at the Vatican and declared that he is so licitous for the interests of science. TiaIv. while not takine part officially In the OhicRiro World's Fair, will give every facility to those artists and manu facturers wno uesire to exiuuu wen works. A new departure in cremation is re ported. A patent has been taken out In France for an electric furnace for the rapid incineration of human remains. The Salvation Armv. which has flour ished in Berlin onlv a short time, has already drawn members of the nobility to its ranks. The Baroness von Lillen cranx is now an officer of the army. Tlm movements of Russian troops near the German frontier and the evidence of cordial intimacy between Russia and France have caused much anxiety in lierlin. At Moron, Argentine, during the elec timiH 'INI voters attacked the police, and general tiring ensued, which lasted two hours. The killed and wounded num ber twenty. It 1b rumored in Berlin that the Kaiser is showing continual evidences of insan ity, and the Ru-sian Ambassador is said to have declared that his acts ought to lie treated as those of an irresponsible person. Rumors are current in Europe of the probable abdication of King George of (ireece. ins son constantine. tne mine of Sparta, will assume sovereignty if ab dication takes place. Buenos Avres has been wildly excited since the dastardly attempt to murder the Minister of the' Interior, General Ju lio A. Roca, on February :0, and a state of siege lias been declared. Sergeant Meyer of the German reserves has been sentenced to sixteen years' im prisonment for inciting men to Socialism and disobedience of the orders of the Emperor during the maneuvers near Berlin. The London Timet published a long article on Congo matters, and warned King Ix'opold not to unduly extend the Belgiah influence in Africa, lest the Eu ropean powers partition the Congo State among themselves. The Council at Calcutta has passed the age of consent bill and the factories bill. The latter prohibits the employment of children under U years of age, and estab lishes regulations to govern the labor of children under 14 and women. Public opinion in Rome.goes to show that no sympathy for the lynched Mafia is manifested, the excitement over the first news having died away. Many Ital ians say it would lie well if other mem bers of the Mafia were treated in the same way. Minister von Boetticher is about to take a leave of absence from Germany, and will lie away till autumn for the sake of his health, and he will then resign, owing to the recent unpleasantness aris ing from the supposed borrowings from the Guclph tuna. The Netherlands-American Steamship Company, owing to the unsettled condi tion of affairs in Buenos Ayres, has de cided to withdraw its fleet of four ships plving between Rotterdam and River Plata and put them in service between Rotterdam and lialtimore. Certain Austro-Hungarian railroad trains are to be lighted bv electricity. Tudor accumulators ate to lie used for the purpose, and the system is for the present to be confined to express trains. 1..... 1. 1 Mu..ltM tiMt.a .,;afd.. CH'IUIH lUU ivnuna I'li'.c wuipim wi i , however, the electric light will be usea on all the trains. Tho Socialist colony established by Count Leo Tolstoi on the estatn of a wealthy man in the neighborhood of Charkoff, Russia, ha been broken np. The owner of the estate gve the colo nists every opportunity to fulfill their ntopian dreams, but the continued quar rels prevented it. A distemper which has recently ap peared among the peasants of the Rus sian province of Kazan is attributed b the medical authorities to be "the bread of poverty" which the famished popula tion eats". For want of rye, wheat or potatoes they bake bread of acorns, which produces colics, swelling of the limbs and distension of the abdomen. The disease is fatal in many raw s. It is said that the Empress Frederick of Germany is sorely hurt by the disas trous result of her visit to Paris. This complete failure, the first time that she has been admitted to any participation in her son' plans, is doubly annoying to her, because it gives herenemies a chance to lauw'h at her. Prince Bismarck is said to have more fun out of this incident than anything else that ha happened line hi fall from power. PORTLAND MARKET. The Flour market il firm with f a r demand both local and foreign. The OaT. market is quiet. Receipts and con- SJm are sLll. &P"gJKli ami trade is mostly local. MilWufliwe steady, and the demand is fair, .the PotVto'market is weak, and the supply is in excess of the demand. Other eg etables are in fair supply. 1'e about out of the market. Apples are scarce and higher. Oranges and Lemon are firm. Poultry is scarce and a little hiirher. Eggs are more plentiful, nop are dull nd very little trading go ng on. There are no changes in Hides and V ool. F'loub Juote : Standard, f 4.50; nana Walla, 4.15 per barrel. Oats Quote: 0c per bushel. HAr-yuote: 6'Wlrton;IB(a10. MLurrum - Quote : Bran, 18(19 . Shorts, 19f20; Ground Barley. Chop Feed, 25 per ton; Barley, fl.- 1.30 per cental. ' BurrKB-Cjuote: Oregon fancy cream ery, 87 HcTTancy dairy, SOfle: fair to good, 23(g274c; common, 20c, lali fornia, 2ic per pound. Ciikesk (Juote: Oregon, 1415c; Cal ifornia, 14 16c per pound. , inf- Oreaon. 18c per dozen. Poultry Quote : Chickens, $0.50(3 7 not Ducks. 10(il2: Geese, nominal, $12 per doren; Turkeys, 1415c per VMBTABLES-Quote: Cabbage $1 JS03 1.75 percental; Cauliflower, 1 2o 1.60 per dozen; Celery, m per dozen; On ions, 4c per pound; Carrots, l.O0 per sack ; Beets, $1.60 per sack ; Turnips, 1 per sack ; Potatoes, 0075c per cental ; r:,.afne(i 2.:,0 ner box : Sweet Potatoes, 4ifoc per pound; Asparagus, 7 He per pound; Parsnips. $1 per sack ; Le Mace , i!025c per dozen; Squash, 2-'c per pound; Green Peas, 10c per pound ; String Beans, 17C per pounuj nuuu.u, 2.002.2j per box. i-minw Mnitn. I Anireles Oranges, 12(32.25; Riverside, 2.252.76; Navels, 4.50(a 4.75 per box; Sicily Lemons, uig n ro. rnlifiirnia. 485 Dr box; Apples, ti iv!ij no. tr box: Bananas, $3.00 4.00 per bunch ; Pineapples, $u.008.00 per dozen. . r K.vra Oiiote: California Walnuts, ml. Hii-korv. 8'ic: Braiils, 18c; Almonds. lt)17c; Filbert, i:i14c; Pine Nuts, 1718c; Pecans, 17 18c; Cocoanuts, 8c; Hazel, 8c; Peanuts, 8c nor nniltifl. r . ... vr ! II.. 1B39TIA mi lloi'S yuove; nuuiiiiaiiji i9 r.., r..-i.. Wlllnmotfo Vallav 1fl on-. walla Walla. l4(SI7cper pound, Hipeb Quote: Dry Hides, selected nriitiP sraKUc. Wc less for culls; green, selected, over 65 pounds. 4c ; under oo pounds, 3c; eneep reus, snun ww. rt50c: medium,080c; long,90e$1.26; ahwu-linM. 10(ct20c: Tallow, good to choice, 33)0 per pound. Tha Merchandise Market. rvw. fin OnnfA! tl. 05 ner case. Ricb Quote: $6.006.75 pe" cental. Honey Quote: One-pound frames, 17c . . . Cbanbkbriks Quote: tape vou, " per barrel. RiiT Onota: Liverooul. 116, $16.60, 17; stock, $10.50 per ton In carload lots. CnrvKK uuote: ijosia Itica, Rio. ZTc: Mocha. 30c: Java, 26)c; Ar- buckle's, roasted, 27' per pouna. Bbans Quote: Small Whites, Pink, 3c; llayoa, 4?ic; Butter, 4$c .imaa 4i.c ner Dounu. Suqabs Quote: Golden C,5c ; extrs n rt.'e: dry granulated. 0c; cune crushed and powdered, 6&C per pound. Dmitn Kanrrs lhe marxet i unu. Onnte- Italian Prunes. YlMfiX Ve liiu ami fji'Tinan Prunes. 10c ner pound Raisins, $2.25 per box: Pluminer-dried Pears, 10(dlllc; sun-dried and factory Plums, ll(iilzc : evaporaten reacnea. ipvs 20c; Smyrna rigs, aw; vjauioruia rigs, 9c per pound. , C ann an Goo ne Market steady. Quote Table fruits. $2.25, 2s; Peaches, $2.50 Bartlett Pears, $1.90; flums. ai.oo Strawberries, $2.60; Cherries, $22.60 Rlaeklierries. 12.50: Raspberries, $2.60 Pinnannles. H2.75: Apricots. $2.00. Pie fruit: Assorted. $1.50 per dozen; Peaches, $1.50; Plums, $1.25; Blackberries, $1.H6 per dozen. Vegetables: uorn, (oil.60, according to quality ; Tomatoes, $1.15(93.50; hugar reas, si.woi.ou String Beans, $1.10perdozen. Fish : Sal nion. $1.25(41.50: sardines, 75c($1.50 lobsters, $:'C3; oysters, $1.60(t3.25 pel dozen uonuensea nniK : tagie nranu, S.10; Crown, $7; Highland, $.75 Champion, $ per case. Nails Bane quotations: Iron, 6teel, $3.10; Wire, $3.90 per keg. Shot Quote: $1.75 per sacs. MO) The Meat Market. Beef Live. 4c; dressed, 78c Mutton Live, 4 V 4.c ; dressed, c, Hogs Live, iQic; dressed, 78c, Veal o(48o per pound. SMOKED MEATS AND LAHD. Quote: Eastern Hams, ll12c Oresron. 10lCitl2tc'. KreakfaMt ncon 10I2V; "ther varieties, 9104C Lard, OQUc per pouud. They Stole a Freshman. A dispatch from Ann Arbor, Mich. says: The city is thoroughly excited over aa abdnction that took place last night Frank J. Evans is president of the freshman class and toast master at tbe clua banquet which took place to night Last night he was missed from his accustomed haunts, and inquiry de veloped the fact that five men hod seised him on the street and hustled him into a hack, driving rapidly away. Meetings were called, and searching parties were organized and sent in every direction. One party traced him to Mooreland, six teen miles from Ann Arbor, where, with the marshal and police force of Saline, they found the party lodged in a hotel They formed a cordon about the house and demanded his release. The party refused, and the Salin marshal threat ened to charge the hotel with his party, numbering thirty-two mea Then Evans was given up. It was found that the ab ductors were five sophomores, who had rnn away with Evans in the hope of breaking np the freshmen event When they reached Mooreland with Evans they had put him to bed and hid his clothing. It waa 4 o'clock thi. morning before the party having him in charge returned to the university, and some of the boys did not get in until noon. A crowd of twenty freshmen have acted as hi body guard all day, and the banquet cam off to-night a advertised. Th faculty will take action, a the the ab ductors are all known. His Speech Cam Back. Fred Couch, who suffered as accident in Ansonia, Conn., whereby be lost all power of speech, ha as mysteriously gained it again. He was riding on the car to Great Rirrington, Mass., with his wife and child, when h felt a pecu liar itching in his throat A the train neaxed Great Barrington Conch looked out th window, and, turning towards hi wife, exclaimed: "Mother naed to go by that roadr These were the first word, he had spoken sine tbe accident He continue to improve. Philadelphia Ledger. GREAT SOCIALLY. at II O.U B.,o.rl tfc. ' Quarter to wae .. . knnnlns down saasa- An om negro .-rr . i,t. tm sprouu in a fenc corner, when a wbiu man came along and aski: , 'Can yon direct me to CoL Phil Hender on'sbousef' . . m. N "l uld do It. san, ti i uu uc "- - bad the tlmef" the man - elalmwL . ttr. lnln' "V aah:rinaaaoum : wVte.y, an'I c,uldn.twork wrfTm' now dat I ha got at hit, w y I batter make d. lick, count "That's a strange luea. uu - - it take you to tell mef" "...,i ..k if. iia w wid me: I km Ulailialong in d. ttW " fmnlile. ies' ke t am er humu j r.i I Blnter togiv . ur er place, w'y 1 git ter stuO Urin', an' It take, er powerful long Jiime ?' " "f rrt" da l tain;t rT' longXrdi . man U dun gon.l Iw. mtr. a ulkln'an'er losin' my mighty yaluable time." ' "I never heard of anything like that be fore," said the man. . . "So, sah. 1 reckon not, an' de doctor demwfs say dat it U mighty cu'ls. n Try it now and tee u you cau v w 'Dar ain't no use'n tryin' it, sab, 'case I know, my 'fermity. Like mighty well ter 'blige you, but uen I . got r in i-,r vaniler In de cabin an' el 1 doan work, w'y da' gwine sufTer, sho'." "Vou can tain au nguv iu way.canyouf" ..,11. i fine ex a fiddle den. No body kin beat me in de sociable. Folk, comes fur mile, an' miles ter yere me talk In de sociable, but de doanaxme tor gin '.inded'recksbunetcrerpiace. "Well, i there not some way by which we could turn the giving of directions into a sociable talk," . . "Lomme see. I wonders now ef dat tacK couldn't be doner Oh, yas, Ps got it now -Ies' happen to ricollecK tlat aar ain v notuln' dat meek, me feel so sociable ex er few dlmes-ay twenty-fl' ceuU." "Ail right, here i a quarter. Now, which way must 1 gof" "Wait er minit," said the old negro, taking the money. "I haster wrter feel my way er long, fur die U er sort o' er splryment after all." He looked up and down the rence, wipeu u uiuuiu, vu .... 1.1a liniUlF lln and worked it around. vui "rt' --r . . , and then said: "I 'gratulates you, sah, dat this un'ertakin' U gwme oe er success, uo right down dar ter de eend o' de fence an 1.L-A .1a li.r nan1 road hot' on. sah. You tin am de house frura yere. Yandor it is ober on d hilL"-Arkansaw Traveler, Tbe Good Man's Good Deed. trmntriin Mnmhv brouKht sympathetic tears to the eye. or u is nearer, at uieuiu ner of the Leather Manufacturers aasocia iinn hv ruliit.inu a story of benevolence. A friend of his, he said, wa. walking aown to business one morning when he saw a minor u-niiuin with a baby in her arms sit- iinii nn ai-hnrvh stcD and weepins. The man, whom Mr. Murphy cauca jonea, was touched by her apparent mstres. ana asaeu kM urhnf. W1IB f llfl PMIlHe OI IL. "I walked into town," she replied, "to hatra mi nahv bant zea. ana now it wiu ivmt. n tit have the service performed. 1 haven't the money, and I don't know what to do." Wall fhnt'a a small matter." said Jones. "I haven't $3 in change, but here's ten dollar bilL Take it and I'll wait for the change." The woman returned In a snort time ana handed Jones $7. Ue patted the child's hniiH and u-nt down town, reioicins in his own goodness. He felt good all day and bis countenance shone wltn an unusual hrlirhtnena. Hi. associates all noticed the change, and finally one of them asked him the cause of it "I am hannter than usual today." said Jones, "and the reason of it la that I did two good things on my way down town this morning." He related the occurrence, and wound up by saying: "So I performed a deed of charity, and got seven good dollars iora couuteneit ten dollar bill." Newark Journal. III Anxiety. TTIa mannpp waa nervous and Dreoccu- pied; he said little and his thought, seemed (ar away. "Georire." said Mabel, "have you any thlnirnn vnlir nilndV "Oh er no that la, nothing in partic O 4 ular, i assure you." "But vou aeum to be thlnkinot." "I often do. The fact is, I was about to ask you but what', the user You wouldn't be at all interested." "Oh fiAnrtR. I'm anna I wnnld.w "I was going to inquire whether you couia' "Yesf" "Tell me what tbe score is. I haven't bad time to look at an evening paper." wasmngton rosb Awful Conaequenees of Impetuosity, "Emerson ia, my daughter," inquired th stately matron, "why did Mr. Brodweigh leave so early last evening? Have you and he quarreled?" "tammo." mntlad Mlaa Hnwtnmea "Mr. Brodweigh kissed me last evening with such unseemly vehemence that he disarranged my spectacles. I have dismiss ed him forever." And the proud Boston girl, pale but sternly resolute, turned again to her vol ume of Aristotle and a deep, decorous, classically Bostonian stillness pervaded the apartment. vmcago inoune. An Appropriate Mam. "Why do you call thi 'Riddle Uml' " . Cot- "Because tenant giv It np every year." narper Bazar. They Let th Train Proceed. The Conductor (to train robbers) Boys, there's no money in thi. Job; the Pullman Dorter ha. jumped off the train andea- pad. benboer Mamurin. From anthropological measurements made on Cambridge student, it appears that their head, continue to grow after .1 . . n m , , , . . . cue a e oi iv. i nose wno nave noLaineii high honor have bad, on the average, consiaerauiy larger brains than the others at th age of 19, the predominance at that age being greater than at 23, a fact which U held to imply precocity as ao llement in the ticci of high honor men Sig. Campanini has had a tumor re moved from hi. throat, and he ha strong hopes that the surgeon', knife ha re stored his long lost hija C. The Br A ot aa Anuj 0(t u'u-iinM -":iiuicn bcttm, the United States troops and tbj i dians, a correspondent of the JJ Transcript mentions an act of bra performed aomo years ago D. Powhatan Clivrk. a ViriIhl,. 3 troois were having a terrible tlio wJj the hostile, when young Chi,, ... - a bk one of his scrgeiints a block tug. 1" the way wounded and figlituiigii perntely and surrounded by l,, In an insUnt young Clark dashedlM. the thick of the fray, fought off assalluntsand seizing tlio servant 1 the body lifted Win bodily tnJ homo that waji staggering underadoa, wounds and brought ldiu off in safet. It was a feat that required not oil amiuing courage, but great bodili strength and presence of mind, vl Gen. Miles made Ins report of th, campaign to tho department, he aaJdit was difficult to select especial caw-1,. commendation among officers and mi where an snowea uie most splendid courage, but that this uistanc oj young Clark's, and that of a certain l..A 1)A ITkllTl aA a . iri vuwj Dviuiui, v wi44 nut iorbejj -.ailing to the attention ofthedeout. ment Yet how many people, knowin. nothing of tho army, and caring lu Imnfino that such A thins eonU a ,J v in what they consider times of pro. . . rwl nafinat Tha Stage Ilero' B00U, The stage hero always wears patent leather boots, and they ore alwan notlesslv clean. Sometimes he ln.rU and lives in a room with seven doorito It, nnu Ul oilier iniii-o ue is starving in a garret; but In either event he ttill wears brand new patent leather boot lie uiignt raise at ieimt inree and lit nenee on those boots, and when iu I baby is crying for food it occurs to 01 that itwouiu oe Dcttcru instead, of praying to heaven lie took off his boou and pawned them, but this does not occur to nun. j 10 crosses tne Atricat desert in patent leather boots, does tin stage hero. He takes a supply titk hiin when he is wrecked on an on- inhabited island. lie arrives fron long and trying Journeys; bis clothes are nigged ana torn, but his booti are new and shiny. lie puts 00 patent leather boots to trampthrougti the Australian bush, to fight Is Egypt, to discover tho North Pole, Ue goes boating in patent leather boots, he plays cricket in them, hi goes fishing and shooting in them Sometimes he is a gold digger, some times a dock laborer, sometime 1 soldier, somclimes a sailor, but what ever ho is he wears patent leather boots. Jerome K., Jerome in Stan Land. To Aid Ills Memory. Herr Lehman had a very short mem ory, and he never dared to leave the radway carriage at an intervening sta tion because he would not have been able to remember the number of hk car. One. day he complained of this to an intelligent traveling business nan who sat opposite to him in the coupe. In sympathy his fellow traveler gan him a clew by which he might remem ber. "You must remember the num ber of the railway carriage by a date it history. For instance, today, as yoa see, we are traveling hi the car num bered 1492, which is the date of thi discovery of America. Do not forget Overioved at this newly acquired re minder. Lehman left the car at the next station to refresh himselt At the rineinir of the second bell he hurried onto the platform to look for his ear, but his memory had again tailed mm, and in his fear ho turned to the Snt nassencor he saw with this pitiful que tion: "Tell nie, for heaven's sake, when was America discovered T' Exchange. Care of the Eyes. Said an oculist: "If you aretroubW with your eyes it will not be sufficient for you to have your eyes carefully ei amined by a specialist, and then fl your classes and think that you are al right You may be careful to ; glasses whenever you are using job vm hut this is not enougn. i" must, in order to keen them in condition and to be able to rely npoo them, have them examined as oltens vnn Hn winr fnef.h. "No sensible man thinks that b a geod dentist has put his teeth in or der he has nothinir more to fear. H goes to his dentist once every year, pec haps oftener. And so with his oculist He should consult him at regular in tervals. If his eyes have not grow weaker, or if they have not changed in other ways, he is assured of the fart. ml mow iida flmm it ititnrA i ntrl V. If the turn luu; mow iiiviu " n . 1 slightest change in glasses is requuw he is warned of this, and is ame a new evil in the bud." 'ew Tort Tribune. Economy. Friend (leaving the oulce wun w ' ker) I say, old man, you didnt kx your safe. rtrnlrirTn- I nerer do. It Cost f- and I don't want burglars to spoil it W the little I've got in it. Chatter. VEGETABLE PANACEA PREPARED FRM ROOTS Be HERDS, FOR THE CURC Or mm AND ALL OTHER DISEASES DISORDERED STATEottheSIDMAC11 OR AN inactive: live:b raw sale bt DRUGGISTS ft GENERAL DEALER r 1