The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 21, 1891, Image 3

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Aifliaaf1 lanill ! 1 1 1 Iran
I?:8Mubineica river Uuk. which glva
. ... nl malar a Impregnate Ih
t"n' .1 .nnhnith bv tl
.ml are ihu" -.'- j
!nDmvlded wlih any adequate safeguard
gDpn'i" VmI inch it
? fketo remedy or to prevent, pure In Ita
Jltueiiti, nd the profensloualljr roeogulied
ind safeguard, foremost not ouly as an au
ui mala"' "'"7 1 " ., ,
-moving- dywpl ul1 relieving eonstlp
Ur allmeiitaand nervousness. Among In
j .i muniB knu . i . .. . . .. " n - .
,it It takei the Brat plane, aud U alao a superb
Did yoa lit In the stalls at the opera?"
WM 'Way apstalr In the Oierattlo."
. l.A nu TWkhlna V.otr1n
mow " v
juirn wewa v" " '
heir ClUMICa UU .......pj...., Mill IV bllQ
-.,n do the work. Did you ever try it I
If not, do to next Monday sure. Ask your
Kiocer lor lu
To t landiman It would seem that a cutter
Homo mi -
AS Article of Truk Merit. "Brown't
Bronchial I rocnes are every wnere popu
lar as a cure (or throat diseases and
fouphs, and this popularity Is based upon
real menu ,
A drowning man will grasp at atrawa. Bo will
a thirsty man, 11 there In a mint ulep In light.
ffe offer One Hundred Dollan' Reward tor any
mm of Catarrh that cannot be eitred by taking
Hall catarrn una. r. rf.vni.iiai a tu.,
n Proiw.. Toledo. O
We, the ndeiilgned.bave known P. J. Cheney
for the last lo yeara, and believe him perfectly
honorable in all busine transaction and finan
cially able to carry out any obligation made by
their nrm. nr.oi a ikuaa,
Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, 0.
Wholesale Druggist. Toledo. 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly uwn the blood and mucous surfaces of
7. DalA IT tvtnt. nnr tvittla UnM few
all aruggisu.
II takes two to make a bargain, aud frequently
a third party must come in anu pay tue duis.
For nmnv years past the knife hasliad
an almost undixpntetl ewuy in these din
easi'9, especially those, of a more serious
nature, removui oi tiieorgans oeini? oiten
the onlv thinif that would cure the suf
ferer, but at the cost of the los of her
gex. Of late years, however, in Oennany
and France the nroL'resa of electricity
has changed all this. In these countries
uterine polypi are removed by means of
the galvano-caustic battery without the
loss of a single drop of blood. Uterine
...... i ' 1. M 1 ;
fiuroiu tumors, which ionueny necessi
tated one of the most dangerous and
bloody cutting operations, are operated
upon by means of the electrolytic bat
tery, a treatment which instantly stops
the bleeding from them, and will dis
solve and bring to absorption tumors
weighing twenty pounds and more with
out causing any loss of blood. Cancers
of the womb are removed in eitner way.
Now located in the Washington building,
Portland, Okkoon, is the only sur
geon in the Northwest wlro operates by
electricity, and has studied it during a
four years' stay in Kuroj. Ho has in
many cases removed such tumors, pol
vni and cancers without loss of blood,
where others advised dangerous cutting
operations. But also in the less danger
ous diseases, as inflammations, ulcers,
wrong positions, etc., electricity is of
great value, ulcers oiten Deing curea Dy
one bloodless operation that under the
old treatment would take weeks or
months to heal. Thus dangerous cutting
operations are replaced by electric ope
rations that in experienced hands, but
only in those, are perfectly harmless.
Takes iooo people to buy
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy,
at 50 cents a bottle, to make
up S500.
One failure to cure would
take the profit from 4000
Its makers profess to cure
"cold in the head," and even
chronic catarrh, and if they
fail they pay $500 for their
Not in newspaper words
but in hard cash Think of
what confidence it takes to
put that in the papers and
man it.
Its makers believe in the
Remedy. Isn't it worth a
trial ? Isn't any trial prefer
able to catarrh?
After all, the mild agencies
are the best. Perhaps they
work more slowly, but they
work surety. Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets are an active
agency but quiet and mild.
They're sugar-coated, easy to
take, never shock nor derange
the system and half their pow
er is in the mild way in which
their work is done. Small
est, cheapest, easiest to take.
One a dose. Twenty-five cents
a vial. Of all druggists.
Mrs. Sarah M. Black of Seneca,
Mo., during the past two years has
been affected with Neuralgia of the
Head, Stomach and Womb, and
writes: "My food did not seem to
strengthen me at all and my appe
tite was very variable. My face
was yellow, my head dull, and I had
such pains in my left side. In the
morning when I got up I would
have a flow of mucus in the mouth,
and a bad, bitter taste. Sometimes
my breath became short, and I had
such queer, tumbling, palpitating
sensations around the heart. I ached
all day under the shoulder blades,
in the left side, and down the back
of my limbs. It seemed to be worse
in the wet, cold weather of Winter
and Spring; and whenever the spells
came on, my feet and hands would
turn cold, and I could get no sleep
at all. I tried everywhere, and got
no relief before using August Flower
Then the change came. It has done
me a wonderful deal of good during
the time I have taken it and is work
ing a complete cure."
G. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr.ffoodbary.X.J.
Ji. F. U. No. 379-8. F. N. U. So. totf
TFhen from Dm dewy ptuturt of th night,
like enrly waking flock, the Mara arias,
And Tuuih, one by una, lo brllifnlnir akka,
Aa forth tbey puture towunl tlio roy light.
Oh, then I lure to walk, aud thluk of Uies,
Sweet Murgeryl
Had I tlie liquid touiriwe of aoarlng larka,
Or e'en a thrunh a mift and nolwr Mute,
I'd Join tlie bint that 1'uikUu bright uluta,
And liytnn my love, who at her lailkn harka.
Sue la the aun tliut briKlitutt atilutw, to me
Sly Margery)
Ob, when ehall timid toneue of mine niak hnM
To plead the love that eweetrna every thought!
ou hub am 1 ane aotn disdain me not,
Tl pamuiK atranm my pawlon ue'ur waa told.
Yet I am dumb h-n the rare face I toe
Of Margery.
Ihliday, If onurage fail not, I will go,
And at her fwt my heart' libation pour,
Then with fast klnne stop the roay door,
Until he doth dmpair to aay uie no,
Tbeu ahall one blush, cotueut and ever be
My Margery I
narper! Weekly.
In the gloomy recesses of the primeval
forests still to be found In central Africa,
there Is a vast unexplored field still
stretching forth its unmeasured space to
the hunter and the naturallHt. To those
who Know the face of nature as It Is bo
fore the corrosive band of civilization
sweeps across It, there U little ground for
wonder that the two are almost alwavs in
a greater or lesser degree united. Occn
sioually, then, even the most ardent hun
ter will lose the blood instinct that ani
mates him, and, lowering his rifle, per
haps in a moment of great personal dan
ger, will forget his long and laboriously
sought quarry to watch some new trait or
fresh instinct in the animal that, uncon
bcIoub of his presence, gambols before
him. It is of such an episode that I now
My guide and I had been for two days
alter big game with but little success.
until shortly after noon on the second day
we struck what appeared to be one of the
dense patches of iuipenetrnlla that cannot
be described, but must be seen to be un
derstood. Behind us stretched vast ave
nues of trees, the height of which was
lost in the leafy clouds which shut out the
fierce, burning glare of the sun, and ren
dered even the terrible noontide cool and
pleasant In front of us came the closer
stems and thick, intertwining growth of
vines and creepers, with stunted bushesand
long pendant masses, impenetrable save
where some gigantic brute had crushed a
passage through, leaving bis tracks in
broken branches, crushed bushes and
thickly scattered twigs. Birds of gor
geous plumage, with harsh, dis
sonant voices, peopled the trees, the
chirp of a grasshopper, the sharp
hiss of a serpent, or the shrill sound of a
locust rose from the matted grass, with
occasionally the hoot of an owl or the
chatter of a stray monkey, which sounded
strangely in the peculiar silence of the
forests. As we advanced alon g the track,
slowly and with great difllculty, we
seemed to leave them far behind, and en
tered into a region of semi-dnrkness, a
faint greenish bljick light, as though the
glorious sunlight overhead, balked in find
ing a direct inlet to the ground, had been
filtered through yards of close growing
green foliage, and, unconquered by all
the forces of vegetation, had succeeded in
sending a faint, subdued semblance of it
self, like that found in some vast cathe
dral aisle. My eyes struggled with the
gloom, and seemed to have an instinctive
power to dilate their pupils sufficiently to
magnify or condense the attenuated rays
until they were able to illumine the sur
rounding Plutonian depths.
My guide suddenly paused and made a
sign to me with his open palm, which, in
the langunfp of the huuter, said that be
had struck a trail, or heard some token of
the proximity of game that had escaped
my less acute powers, l cautiously ad
vanced to his side, and following the di
rection of bis finger peered through the
brush, and saw t hat we lay upon the edge
of a small clearing overshadowed by an
enormous tree, whose foliage, without
really admitting a greatar volume of
light, seemed to equalize the gleam, and
so render objects at a distance of thirty or
forty yards perfectly perceptible.
Hlirlit opposite to us, with his buck
against a tree, was the sleeping form of a
huge gorilla, his hands hanging down by
his sides, bis legs crooked in front of him,
and his head listlessly lying sidowlse on
his shoulder. Some distance from him
was the female, apparently busily en
gaged in gathering nuts, swinging from
tree to tree, now disappearing Into the
surrounding forest, but ever and anon re
turning to keep watch aud ward over the
sleeping lord and master. For some min
utes I hesitated as to wnai course io pur
sue, whether to attempt to get any
closer, as the distance was rather a
long one, in such a light, to attack an
animal like the gorilla, who, if only
wounded, would, in all probability, witn
the female, charge right down Into us; or
if I should take all risks and rely upon
the second rifle of my guide. At last I de
cided to take my chance where I was, but,
nnon raising my rifle, I heard a scream oi
agony from the female, which caused the
sleeper to rise to his feet, and as it did so
the female literally fell from a tree on the
edge of the clearing down to the ground,
uttering the most piercing cries that hu
man imagination can conceive.
Then a terrific roar that shook the very
ground broke upon the silence and told
the history of the female gorilla's fright.
It was a lion, and at the sound or bis
voice she again fk'd Into the trees, while
the male uttered a deep, savage, hoarse
roar that was the answer to the lion's
challenge. Immediately a crashing sound
was heard, and a lull grown lion oounuea
into the open, and stood, his head erect,
bis mane bristling like the hair on a cat,
the very personification of brute strength
and courage.
As his eyes ligntca on me gunnn uu
tail began to wave to and fro. Wider
.ml wliler crew its sweep, until at last It
struck its ribs, first one side and then the
other, with resounding blows, while roar
upon roar gave token of his increasing
rage and anger. The gorilla placed bis
upper hands upon tnegrouna aim uuuuucu
ir,in t,. nir fullv six feet, alighting on
his four hands and bounding up again and
again, seemingly for the purpose of en
raging the lion to the greatest possible
Tin then rose to his full height
on his hinder hands, uttering tremendous
roars and beuting bis breast witn nis greui,
fist, producing sounds like those mode by
heavv blows upon a bass drum. Then he
dropped upon all fours again,
perfectly motionless with the exception
of his eyebrows, which worked up and
down with lightning speed, givinrf au ex
pression of ferocity to his face that is in
describable. ... j
Fascinated at the sight, my rifle dropped
from my shoulder and my guide and I lay
flat upon the ground, mute witnesses of
1,. trorwlr shout to be enacted. Sud
denly the lion uttred another ear split-
fine- rmr and bonnded forward. A few
short steps, a tremendous leap, two or
tnree short, sharp growls, and both com
batants were In the air logeuier, me
gorilla having leaped hlfh and straight as
linn r-liHrzed. In midair the lion
tnrned and struck apparently vainly at
tue gorilla, who, as the lion fell on his side
upon the gronad. alighted on him. struck
him two terrific blows and bounded away
with a sidling run to a dif.tanee of several
yards. I could now see that the gorilla
... .Tn.l wounded on the bead and
side, and that the lion had a fearful gash
In his side, for surely bis ribs could never
nave withstood those two tremendous
A soon as he regained his feet he
charged at the gorilla agala and agsia.
fiuned eery time, it being al
most ImtMissible to follow their rapid
movements in the half liht of the clear
ing. At lat the lion paused, and as lie
did so the aie dashed at him and, strlk
him a Kttitiiiing Mow on the side of the
head, completely rolled him over. Again
and iiu'ain the charges were renewed, and
at every pause the gorilla returned the
charge ami knocked tlie lion tldewise.
There blows seemed to daze tlie great cat,
and h lie rose he more than once stag
gered and fell, the gorilla meanwhile
daiifinu' with a veruiar bolililng move
ment around and in front of him.
The lion now lieau to make feints to
draw his adversary within range. At
last, Mopping in a mad rush, tlie gorilla
struck short, the Hon rushed In, turned
tiHin his bii k anil received the gorilla
with teeth and claws, (i row Is, snarls aud
Mars pealed forth from a whirling moss
of leaves and dust; limbs aud bodies
strangely mingled were dimly seen
through it, us though twenty beasts in
stead of two were engaged In one con
glomerate death struggle. At last there
was a sickening crash, a horrible crunch
ing of bones, a demoniacal yell of pain,
faster and faster whirled the mass, then
followed a pauc. mid I saw the lion was
uppermost with the left arm of the gor
illa In his powerful jaws; his claws were
fixed In the ape's shoulder and he himself
was 0110 mass of gat. lies and rents. The
right hand of tlie gorilla was fixed in tlio
lion's side, and both his hinder hands
were drawn up and seemingly Imbedded
In tlio lion's rilis.
There was a moment's pause, ns If for
breath, and then the gorilla suddenly
twisted his head under the lion's throat,
the hinder lmmls straightened out with a
nauseating sound of rending flesh, as with
one swift, stroke he completely disembow
eled the Hon. There arose a terrible cry
of anguish, a sudden swirl around, several
strokes of brown paws and dark, hairy
arms through the cloud of dust, and then
all was over. Tlio whirling leaves set
tled, and there in a death grip lay the
two mighty monarclis of the wilds. The
lion was utterly disemboweled, his en
trails having been seized by the prehen
sile hinder hands and literally dragged
ont by the very roots; while the Hon, by a
last dying effort, had succeeded in getting
his throat freed from tlio gorilla's teeth,
and with otic powerful blow had smashed
the dive's head, as a hammer does a hick
ory nut. There they lay, motionless, and
aud there wo lay, too, fascinated, en
thralled nt the strange spectacle we had
Just witnessed.
Presently a figure moving on the edge
of the clearing attracted our notice, and
we saw the female gorilla peering out be
tween the bushes, with an agonizingly
human look upon her face that was dread
ful to see. Slowly and cautiously she ad
vanced across the open spare until she
reached the bodies; then she touched first
one and then the other, uttering plaintive
cries of grief that were touching in the ex
treme At last she managed to disen
tangle the body of her mate, looked into
the eyes, examined the wounds and, still
crying, took it in her arms, and, labor
iously uraggiti!; it across the open space,
disappeared In the forest beyond. Sho
was safe from mv rifle. I would not have
shot her for $1,000,000, and it was with a
strango feeling of depression that I turned
my back upon the clearing, and following
my guide left behind the scene of ono of
the most Interesting and vivid experiences
of my not uneventful life. W. P. Pond
in New York Star.
Will 1888 be a Year of Wart
The present year is the fifth year of
modern times In which tlio aggregate of
the figures is 23, and there will be but
five more years in which such a combina
tion is possible prior to the year 2501).
Probably but few have ever heard of the
old prophecy, which runs ns follows:
In every future year of our Lord,
When the rum of the liunivs is twenty-five,
Some warlike kingdom will draw tho sword,
llut peaceful ualiou in uce will tluive.
Students of modern history will readily
recall how faithfully this prophecy has
been fulfilled in the four previous years to
which it applied.
In 101)9 Kussin, Denmark and Tolnnd
formed the coalition against Sweden,
which Inaugurated tho great war that
ended in tlio disastrous defeut of Charles
XII at Pullowa.
The year 1769 will ever be memorable
on account of the breaking out of the
French revolution.
Seventeen hundred and ninety-eight
witnessed the campaign of Bonaparte in
Egypt and the formation of the second
European coalition against France.
In 1870 war broke out between England
and Afghanistan, followed by the invnsion
of the latter country by Uritish troops.
In what manner the prediction Is to be
verified in 1(588 remains yet to lie seen, but
the present condition of Europe seems to
promise an abundant fullllllnicnt of the
prophecy. Philadelphia Inquirer.
"Codes of Health."
Tn ivuIa nt health, lust nnblished. il
this rule: "Never begin a Journey until
the breakfast lias ucen eaten." inis is a
tifTirnatlnn to tha siihnrluin citizen to see
""nr. - -
that kindling for the cook stovo has been
prepared the night before, anu mat tne
alarm clock in the kitchen girl's bedroom
i. in mviil .mlnr A nnther ruin is: l4Kever
take warm drinks and Immediately go out
into the coiu." niereiore rne coueo
afcnntd Via tnknn fold' otherwise, sit
around the house after breakfast until
after train time. Still another rule Is:
"After exercise of any kind, never sit
nnnr ihn window nf a ear for a moment."
There might be some difference whether
the window is opened or ciosen, out uie
rule is imperative, and says violation is
"dangerous to health, or even life."
Therefore, let your fat neighbor take the
risks of the window seat, while you per
iwa flnA nrin t. tiv the liL'lit sifted through
him and his newspaper. Creot things are
these coues oi iieumn
A Stuttering Lawyer's Arfume tu
Senator Vance, of North Carolina, Vlli
of a stuttering friend of his tn AahevUla,
a lawyer, who had for a client a man that
bad been accused of selling liquor without
a license. The prisoner bad a decidedly
al co hollo appearance, in fact hla not
might have done service aa a beacon near
Cape daturas on the darkest night The
testimony was taken and the case went
on until Mr Vance's friend rose to make
his plea
"Y your honor, be began, "l-I-Iook at
the J J Jury O entlemeo of the J Jury
I look at bis honor V your honor, I look
at the p prisoner P p prisoner. 1-look at
his honor Q g gentlemen of the jury,
l-look at the p prisoner D d doea be look
as if he'd s s s-seli a p p pint of Uqnor to
The argument was Irresistible. The
nose of the accused outweighed all other
testimony and Senator Vance's friend
triumphantly woo his ease. New fork
She SorTrrvd from Hcglaet,
Nurse surprised at little Beaale'i end
den appearance on the front stoop) Wall,
now. young woman, who dreamed yon. and
where are you bound for. fd like to
Little Beanie Me d'eased tneaef. do
did Me tired stayln' homo Mamma
goes to eookin school oVy b'eased day.
Susie goes to aewtn claaa tr j b eased
day Daisy got to art school 'y b'eased
day. papa goes to doctor ev'y b'eased day
since mamma begun to cook I deaf I Tl
go out an sea 1 1 tan buy a now dofgto.
1 put Fldo to I'erp In tba kitchen surra,
an bo went and burned all up. Plttaburg
A Practical llluilratloa,
While Duller u governor of Maauicho
setts be waa retained a enunnel for a young
man wbone wife had nied him for divorce on
ground of cruelty The wronged wife's
sister, a young giri of ', waa tlie prineil
witneas for the proeeeutmn. and Uen. Butler
succeeded in robbing ber utory of It drnlrad
affect by a ahnrp and Irritation croaa-exam-lnation
After many Interruption tba wit
ness said that the defendant had been aeen to
"shy a book at bl wife' head."
"Shy Shy a book Whut do yon mean
by that! Will yon explulu to the court what
the word "shy' uieaiuf
The young girl leaned over the railing and
aaked ber suiter's counsel for a copy of "Cuh
lug's SnnuoL" which lay on the desk before
him. 8h burled the volume at Uen. nut
ter's bead with all the force ihocould com
mand. It was a good (hot, and bad not the
governor divined her pun"" in time it
would bar undoubtedly bit the mrirk.
"i think the court now understand the
meaning of the word hy,'" said the judga,
and tbe girl was allowed to finish ber tmti
nony without further Interruption. Mow
York Praia,
Turning the Tardea,
That Rwordflih.
Although our early Instructor do their
bent to teach u the diftenmce between "sub
ject" and "ohjort," it seems that one is likely
to become confused on that bead, even after
he is old enough to "speak In meet in'. The
following anecdote, told by acouutry "char
acter, f urnislie one of many point of inter
art in "Five Hundred Dollars:"
Uncle Ccpha Bascom wo a shoemaker,
and be never went to aea much, ouly to an
chor bi skiff in the narrows abreast of bl
bouse, and catch a mess of seup, or to pole a
load of aalt bay from Sanquitt Island. But
be used to visit bis married daughter. In Ver
mont, and up there they knew be came from
tbe seaboard, and they used to call bltn CapL
Bascom. Boons time when be was there,
they bad a Sabbatb school concert, and
nothing would do but Cnpt. Bascom must
talk to tbe boys, and tell a sea yarn, and
draw a moral.
Now, Uncle Cephas was rather pleased
with his name of Cupt. Bascom, and wanted
to Justify ft So be tried to prepare some
thing that would sound nautical. It seenu
he bad beard a summer boarder talk in au
batb school at North ha vea He told bow a
poor boy minded his mother, and then got to
tend store and then kept (tore himself, and
the speaker added:
"That poor boy now atand before you.
So Uncle Cepha thought biin up a similar
yarn. He bad never spoken iu meeting be
fore, and be bemmod and bawed some, but
got on quite well while he was telling about
a certain poor boy, who, wben be grew up,
was out at sea in an open boat, aud saw a
great swordtisb making for the boat, and
bound to itave right through her and sink
her and bow this man took an oar, and
gave it a awing and broke the critter's sword
square off, and then Uncle Cepliaa he wo a
little flustered by thi time atopped ihort,
and waved his arms, and said:
"Boys, what do you thlnkf That sword
fish now standi before youl" Youth' Com
panion, Would Improve with Time.
An agent for tne sale of some household
article attempted to mount the steps of a
house recently, but a dog came around the
corner and took half a yard of cloth from the
back of hla coat. The man was sliding out
when the owner of the house cntne and asked:
"Did doze dog bide you;" "lie didn't bite
me, but be ruined my coat," was tbe reply
"My goot friend, excuse doze dog if be didnt
bide you. He tab a young dog now, but by
nnd by be shall take bolt of some agent und
eat der pone ride otid of dum. He bide a
coat now, but be shall soon do palter. "New
York Commercial Advertiser.
At the MuMura.
"Well, Bobbie, did you enjoy your visit to
the museum P
"Yes, mamma."
"Do you remember any of the ale things
you saw r
"Oh, yes, I remember lota of them."
"And can you tell me what they were
called r
"Yes; most of them were called 'Hands
oft' "Detroit Free Press.
Aa Intimate Acquaintance.
Spindel 1 lent young Overdue a little
money last night. Jack. Do you know him I
Jack Do t know him! 1 wiab 1 bad as
man dollars a 1 know falm. The Epoch.
A Wonderful Effect.
He takes a long smell at the wrong bottle,
vita this resrul the next room I ne Ufa,
Destroying VVrrda With Vitrok
Where such plants as dock, plantain or
dandelion are growing In lawnH, they may
be effectually destroyed by the applica
tion of oil of vltrol. The vitrol should be
in an old bottle with a wire around the
neck to hold it by, so as to keep the lin
gers from the liquid. A stick long enough
and thin though to go Into the botlle is
the only other necessary, tho stick should
be (lightly cut at the end to allow of Its
holding the vltrol better. One drop of
vitrol off the end of the stick dropped into
the center of the weed should destroy it
at once; one dip ought to destroy three on
(our weeds.
A Crystal of rtilloaophy.
In a recent critical article by William
Winter in Tlie Xcw York Tribune this
crystal of profound philosophy shines like
a rich jewel in an Ethlnp's ear: "A
woman may sometimes easily make
fool of a man, but she gets Into deep
water when she undertakes to make
fool of another woman," Exchange.
That I'octora Never Agree-flow fan
I her t-I her Hate No Hmleiu to tio
Ht-lt 1" liu a knu rienae.
8KATTI.K Wn-h., IW. 11. 1HI.
Dr. J. Ewjrnt Jordan, prut tin Wiirh.
11l K Sir : One year ago Inst October my
1 1 lie girl nan vaccinated ngaliiHt my
wishes. Her arm waa iiillniiicd for seven
weeks. Afier that her head broke out In
terrib e s iren discharging pua and never
dialing until spring. Mid had such ter
rible pain in her head that II drove her
alinoM Insane. In August she received a
fall which made her much worse, and she
waa taken with aplnnl meningitis in its
worst form. She grew constantly worse,
and the d.iclora could do nolbina; for her.
She was Just aloul dying, erfeetly speech
less, almost blind and sullVrlng Intense
agony. Wu had given up all hope, and
would have been glad to see her (liu toeu.l
her terrible millering, when, learning
through Mrs. Ale l)ngal of Dr. Jordan, we
sent lor you. When you came, hlsnit 0
o'clock In Ike evening, you aid he was as
low as a child coulil possibly Iw and bo
alive, but that the lllMtogeticlie Medicine".,
If used ai cording lo directions, would cure
her. We begun giving her tho medielnes
at 10 o'clock the saiuo evening, nnd she
never bad a paroxysmaftcr that. Previous
to I hla the Hpasm would come on alsnit
this lime in the evining and continue
without intermission until in the morn
ing, during which time we had lo hold her
in hed to keep her from Injuring herself.
When the struggle was over alio would lie
more like a corpse than a llvingchild. As
you said would he the case, the cure wan
alow but sure, and she la now perfectly
well. 1 cannot sufficiently etpren my '
gratitude to you for what the 11 Ut 'genetic
Medicines have done for our child. 1 re
main very sincerely,
Mn. Owkm HflKV,
Taylor's Mill, Lake Washington.
Dr. Jordan's ollice is at the residence
of ex-Mayor Yesler, Third and James.
Consultation and prescriptions absolute
ly HtKK.
Send for free book explaining the Ills
logenetlc system.
Caution. - The Hlntogentlc Medicines
are sold lu but one aiieucy in each town.
The label around the botlle bears the fol
lowing Inscription; " Dr. J. Eugene Jor
dsn's Hlstoirenetic Medicine. Every
olhcr device is a fraud.
The man who sells Is'er by the schooner Is the
one exeeWlou to the rule that no man can serve
Ur. Wallace Elvhas removed hi office to 215
Powell sireet, Hail Kranelseo. t'al., where he con
tinues to alvv iee!i attention tn Kidneys, lllad-
der, Prostate lllauu and all diseases arlsluu there
from. Diabetes ami Hilnlit IMsease ueausi
aisiinllinr to the latest antirnved method. Most
eaes can lie treated siiei essfully by correspond
ence. Consultation daily from 10 a.m. I. He.
M. Wai i.u k Ki.v, M. II., Jlft Powell street, four
door from Ucary street. San Francisco, Cal.
few 1
Hamburg Breast Tea
v?s. V t Aimhiiritii mmftffitf)
At Untwist and Pealers, nr
" sent by mull oil receipt of i ct.
(J packnges t l.uu) In tam.
At Ttnnrclst end Penlcra, or
sent bv nmil on reeelptof ! els.
si not li, alum,.!. Ham-
pie scut free on receipt ;of 2-ccnt ump.
This Trade
Murk It cn
Tic Best
In the world.
SmrtfSflftntrlnHVtl-ptf. f"l-
3'. Hf- .
How many people
there are who regard the
cominfT of winter as a con
f n
stant state of siege. It seems as if the elements sat down
outside the walls of health and now and again, led by the
north wind and his attendant blasts, broke over the
ramparts, spreading colds, pneumonia and death. Who
knows when the next storm may come and what its
effects upon your constitution may be? The fortifica
tions of health must be made strong. SCOTT'S
EMULSION of pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and
Ilypophosphitcs of Lime and Soda will aid you to hold
out against Coughs, Cclds, Consumption, Scrofula,
General Debility and all Atlantic and Wasting
Diseases, until the siege is raised. prevents wasting
in children. Palatable as Milk.
BPI'.CIAU-Scntt' Emulsion I min-:ret, and la prescribed by th Medical Pro.
fcil..n oil over tl.a world, U-c.-iu ie its Ir-irredienta ora dcntlflcally combined In uch
roaniKT as to tfruatly Increase their rvmediul value.
CAL'TIOM.--Snolfa Kinulaion Is put up In sulmon-enlored wrappera. Be aura and
get tho genuine. Prepared only by Scott llowno, Manufacturing Chmlsts,Ksw York.
B.,ld byo'l Dmcnista.
A'ill munmeriil themselves at once to oat-of-towa eonsumers, who have not tba facilities of visit
ing our establishment and making a persoual aelet tiou of anything wanted.
Sample, with rtilee of sell-measurement, will be sent on application.
Dr. t.a (Iranre wlhe to make known hi AVu for tlie -lire of all dlkeanea of the Kya
Cataract, ivrrflif IVti'in, InftnmmatUm, eU!.,
wliiiniit Operation or I'aln. Tlie remedy eau be
applied by the patient, and I Iniple. Mfe and
ure iu it rttis'U, ttrenstheiiliig the niunelea
ami iiervi i of Uie eye, removing palu almost In
itanliuieoiiaiy It In a marvelous discover; and
a lilelui tn the ulterer,
Kor turl her partieular addreu with lamped
emrlnpe H. J. 1.4 (iKiNiix, M. II., ih rowell Bt
fourth disir Iron lii'ary, nan rreucUco, L'ai.
Olllee houra II till .
The trouble with mint of our gift lo the poor
U that we cheek them up a loaut to tbe Urd.
We positively cure rupture and all rectal dl
easu wlthuiit paiu or detention from biulues.
No cure, no pv; and no pay mull cured. Ad
dress for tmmphlet Urs. rortertleld A Losey,
Market street. Sail Kranelseo.
Husband tn Wife I must remind ynu that our
failure Is too rceent to allow you to wear till
diamond necklace.
Beware nf Imitation of the celebrated Boat of
north Carolina Plug Cut Tobacco.
ThT Okrmka for breakfast.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
nnd refreshing to tho taste, and acta
5;ently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
jivcr and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures liabitun
constipation permanently. For sale
in bwand $1 bottles by all druggists.
loumviLU, nr. new tow, n.r.
Osnsral and NEHVOUS UKUlXlTYi
Iwssaas or Body and Bum, Mixta
nf Errors or Eiosasss in Old or Younat
kbl S(j aMHMllftally MralnrrS. Mow Is mUr awl
S,rflSM.Hrik,t illk'KUII'1""' I..'.'1UTN0. SOIIt
sbwiiii (iii-s iiuaa inuisut-bmsm ias,
1,1 leant? ham so NUIM a rrlfB CmmiHm. Writs Ura,
IhMrlslhs rlwh, ripUMtlUoBsS prssft) wall (wrUs) trss.
Rochs Harbor Lime. Portland Csmsnt, col
der, dale and Utah Pinter, Hair, Fir Brick
and Firs Clay. LAND PIASTER.
IO North Front Street. Cor. I,
U.iii olslliis. Hpucial atli'tltlon ltru
t.i tlitislKiire. NhiIimii lllekfnril,
H ilk'U. ( elaluis, Wsslilniikiu, I).
" I, ILifMrwiiMM la lilt
Htste. Hums ami mioriusnon iro.
Will have ro other Jobacco
WKo orxce tries
Plug but
Jhis Is the secret of its
Immense sale.
1- V r
af a , uUtM'J 01
J of lufniK V and chllilhooil, whctiier lortur-
liuf, dLMxurliiK, ili hliiK, UiriiiiiK, m aly, crusted,
Imply or blotchy, with loss ol hair, and every
I ji i ll rl i v of the blond, whether simplu, scrofu
lous or hereditary, Is speedily, iM-riuaiieiitlv and
economically cured by the I'l'nn ki Kkhkihks,
coiikMIih ul Cl'TKTKA. the unit "liu cure, U-
TK'i asaosr. an eUlslterkln purl Her ami heart
tiller, and ( i tii l'H Kksoi vnt, the new blood
and skin nurlHrr and urenli'st of hiuuur reme-
illes, when the lct pliyKiclans and all other
remedies fall. Parents, save your children years
of mental and physical siillcrinir. Ilculn now.
Delays are diiKerous, Cures madu lu childhood
are permanent.
Hold every here, l'rlre, CtiTlct'SA, fsVj Hoap,
2fr'j Kkmilvknt, II. Prepared by Poller lrug
and t'liemical t'orfioratloii, Huston, Mass.
Hciid for " How to Curo Wood aud hkln dis
eases." BB" ltahv's skin ami scnlt, iiurlllcd and IfeTi
ST- iM-aiitllled by Citk liu f a p. H j
Kloiiwi psiii., imo kaclie. and miiaculap
AsXrheuinatUm relleve.1 on one minute by tho
celebrated (JUTUi ha Amti-pain IXASTtai!.
Cuns, Ammunition,
t'iNiiittu tackm:, i:tc,
S First Street, Portland, Oregon.
Get one of thecclehrfttod t. A. Iomtn' Doiiblrv
Bkrrrcl, Hn''h-lttlliiK HhitunnB, Top Huap
Httr IxN'ka, I)nmHCuii Hnrrclx, Fmiry LStm-kR, l-'ii
tol ilrtn fttid unwuer Treble Wolge Knut, vi Guge,
He tit hr exnroM with 2S Rrn Shclli and Rv
lomllitf 'hmIh imh.1i riMflpt of price.
IIHOOHI.VM IIOTM,. Kuh Kt, M. Mt.ufc
11 Kiimwy A HaaiiMini, H. K ; cuti1uU'tl vu ox Ui
Kuntisfnn ami Anif rinui itlnn I hi Hntt-1 I uiiilt
the nf t'lmrlm Montuoinrry ml U tli
wi fmnliy and Hufli)fMi Mt iii 11 tfl In Hun Kmrt
olaoiv Mnme ooiDforU, chIhIii um-xrlli-i, tlnUrltut
MrTlof, hiiilimt iUmluit f rrmrtl'iiiiy gnantnUHKL
tuvktxl ami nmm xx liny, x m u uu; nxiiu, mi
pcnutoal.uupvrulutiti, V'tv oimch lo ami ttm Uia
K'uresallimnstiiraldlsrharireaof men
I IrfillM A no mailer or how Ion. huuuIiiik. Prv
I llllnili'veiita stricture, It being an Internal
rennilv. Cure wlnn every thins: el
haafHlieil. Irlcr. S.(Ml. nreularnn
kppin'Hiloa. Holilliy PriiKKistmracul
on ri-lpl oi pritw ny i nw . rH-uuen-helt
MihIIcIiio ., Han Jiw, IW.
Cbczpsr than Wiakilli
Alonys reudy. No Boiler.
Noliio. No? No
Re in. No Ann'". NoKn
(jlnrer. No Pnneer.
Yiiior K11.4 luo Co.
2,3 CA:iroie;ii st
Ran Prsuclsro, California.
Will nnalttvelv flnn Nervou.BM. I is of Man
hood, lmpntency, lama bvk, Khematla
Dyspepsia. General Debility, etc
' Trlrsi, 10 and T5.
Also Drug, truitss. Crutch, Elsitlo llecklng.
Ihouldar Bracts, Electric Insols, Etc.
Bisie Afent for Halsey Ilroa,' llomeopathlS
Bemedlea. bend In jour order.
Third and Taylor. Portland, Or.
IMtatlou uu paper.)
Tan be mmleeaslly by
raising chicken. Our
lame 82 pSKe lllus
trsted ealalogilt toUs
all about
Brooders, what to feed
chickens, lu fact all
tlie seerets of the
chicken busfnes. If
yon only kup ball a
uoi.n nens, yna ueeu
this boon, il irive
more Information
than many nf the
Ixh.ks sold at Sfi eenta.
Vi e scud It free on re
ceipt of 4 eeuis In
FIR ONE DOl.LA It sent o by mall, we will de
llvor, free of all eharire, to any person In ths
llnltel Htatoa. all the following artlclv carefully
Sacked in a neat box:
ne two-ounra bottle of Pnre Vaollne...lO cts.
Oue two-ounce bottle Vaseline Pomad...lft "
One Jar of Vaseline Cold Cream ..1S "
On caka of Vaseline Camphor Ice-.....-..10 "
Onecakaof Vasellae Hoap, uns'eiitd....lO '
One caka of Vaseline rxiap, irenieu....
One two-ounce bottle of White Vaaelluei '
II 10
Or for stamps any ahi artiole al the price named.
... .l,.n a., um Vu.-lltia In anr form be
esreliilU aoM onlyavnuln. iinola put up by us la
orlslnsj paokmn A .real nmnv ilnns-tos are Iryln to
pnmuvle Imyers so was v rtnr.i.tnr. y it""1
Natw yield lo such persiiaslna, as Ui. artlols Is an UiUtay
i.A li l,..,,t wuliui will not a-tvs vim His reaull yoa
liwet. A bottls of blu IsW VawUn. is sold by alt
(IniKKISIS ai HI ornia.
Cbesebrougb M't'g Co., 21 State StNew Tort
to send yon
their catalogue
of cash prices
to consumers
Address a above.
Muutlon this paper.
VTVn Tsay coral do tins mean mmly lo t'P tha
foraiiiMSudlhealiara Um nHum in. 1 ie tn l
rti.l sore, JbTmailntlirl.iotHTS, t.VUr
PMf Of KALI.INO blt:aiNl!..-4llte-l" I
irarrmnt my remedy lo ones ti. woral cases. lw.:uasa
thlifilUisnorasonftir a. au rsssnjraa a
enra. r-'nil lm. f.U a tnyHianSD afr It.lti
rrf n.y InfMlihle remeriy. Ci' Kipr. sn.l P. Oil
U.iiUu'i'sU.C-.liil'etti-l!(.ew iw
STEINWAY, Gabler and Pease Pianos
w l at.. HU Duaa Uinl avnrl I ivas f.ayrrritam
ohnaper Paoa; all Miuuoal IimtnuiirDiii; Imniii Hun-
niUMi; larKe kpcb h nmri ..v. " """!
SiMaad 4 Prt HtfMt; MnniAi Ukat Co. tili
ami m our aaw rotmM an4 now vkuok.
eejdlv made bv aiMreslng
J. P. Parker. S1U California
street, eau yianciaco, Cal.
Fit p.mph pLuMsi.