The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 14, 1891, Image 7

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the Balds are all nrent wtta bay,
Bitarrt'- are 411 With. IU eoef,
the adrw rose itarlands awar.
OwTolrulia elm-" hrol .
iaakoelan. nd tattered, and pwtfi
HeelnifSi along.
A Uiniah from 7 b0"O'
far awaj In tba wool a dure;
But ba pomr with anewling brow.
fliair metaline onoa ha was wont ta lawaj
Ha haU them now.
gatee all; aere the ibrUarlna nltfH
Wben under a bank ha creep.
And Squalor If out of abtht,
And Uunirer Ha dHUncel keeps,
Aid unmockod by lha Wrda and tba naadaw
Oil nuaary sleeps.
-Mow Tori Trtboaa,
Am AffMHac iMldant.
Te conflagration of the scaffolds in
landed for fireworks for the celebration
f the marriage of Louis XVI U gener
ail known. AmidBt the distracted
mmltitude preening on eTcry ride, tram
pled under the horses' feet, precipitated
into the ditches of the Rue Royale and
the square, was a young man, with a
girl with whom he was in love. Bhe
waa beautiful; their attachment had
lasted several yearn; pecuniary causes
had delayed their nnion; but the follow
ing day they were to be married. Fora
long time the lover, protecting his be
trothed, keeping her behind him, cover
ing her with hi own person, sustained
her atrength and courage. But the tu
mult, the cries, the terror and peri!
every moment increased. "I am sink
ing," ahe aiiid; "my atrength full. I
can go no further."
"There ia yet a wayf cried the lorer
to dcapair; "get on my shoulders." lie
feels that his advice baa been followed,
and the hope of aaving her whom he
lovea redouble his ardor and strength.
He resist the most tiolent concussions!
with his arms firmly extended before hl
breast be with difficulty forces his way
through the crowd; at length be clears
it Arri vod at one of the extremities of
the place, having set down his precious
burden, faltering, exhausted, fatigued to
death, but intoxicated with Joy, he turns
round. It was a different person! An
other, more active, had taken advantage
of his recommendation. Ilia beloved
was no morel New York Lodger.
Jaat an Ordinary Woodehuek Log
When I was a boy my fathor had
line field of clover, and he discovered
that woodchucks were making and havoc
with it On the field was a log, and
new the log the destruction waa the
greatest My futhur told me I must kill
those woodchucks. I went to the field a
iiumbor of times, but could not get a
shot at them. I came to the conclusion
that I must use a little strategy! so one
morning I went to the field before light
With my gun both barrels loaded with
heavy charge of DQ shot, I got in a
position where I could take a range of
the log lengthwise.
As it begun to grow light the wood
chncka began to gather for their morn
ing frolic. They mounted the log, sat
up and looked around to see there
was nothin;; to disturb them. When I
thought the luff w.h nearly covered with
thorn I pulled both barrels at once. Ths
gun kicked me over. When I got up
there were no woodchucks to be seen. I
went to the log and picked up fourteen
dead woodchucks, and it wasn't any
great log for woodchucks, either. Bos
ton Record.
Bui Offloa Cnta Are Vary CacfoL
We have editod a newspaper for sev
eral years, and in that time we have re
ceived propositions to advertise goods on
slum, to advertise and take the pay in
pills, in trees, in flowors, io free tickets,
have even had opera house managers
demand advertisements as matter of
news, and then demand pay for admis
sion or no go; but it rtmaiuod for an
enterprising merchant of Temple to oap
the climax with his proposition. He
has lot of strayed animals, and after
hinting around aud suggesting "news"
items that would contain some reference
to the lost animals, he finally proposed
to advertise for them if we would take
the pay in cats. Temple Times.
liar Brgard for Troprlaty.
A gentlemau on a 'cycling tour staid
I night at a prim old lady's cottage, the
tuns being full He was very deaf, and
took care to Impress the fact on his host
ess, with instructions that some one
must enter his room to wake him at a
particular time in tho morning. Wak
ing of himself some time later he found
that the old lady, with creditable regard
for propriety, had sllpicd under his door
a note inscribed:
"Sir, it is half-past 71" London Tit
Hta. f Inpla tafagnarda oa Kleetrlo Railway.
M. CL Sullivan suggests in The Elec
trical Engineer that a very wise and sim
ple precaution will be the supplying to
each car operated by electricity of a
pair of rubber gloves. Insulated pliers
and nippers, and aultable Inscriptions to
Indicate their use. These may possibly
be the means of preventing delay aud
Inconvenience, and of obviating serious
results in case of accidents.
The greatest measure of variability in
he matter of lopped ears is to be found
among dogs. Spaniels, setter, pointers,
bloodhounds, beadles and foxhounds all
have long, peudulon ears; bulldogs, ter
riers, collies and greyhounds droop ouly
the tips of their ears; the spits has erect
ears, while mastiffs and many other
breeds have short pendulous or semi
pendulous ear.
The elephant probably came of an an
cestral stock that bad erect earn, but for
gee past there has been no creature
powerful enough to cause it alarm, aud
for want of exercise the niuacloe which
move the ear havs lost tone and wasted
away, leaving the ear to lop or kuuig
Directly on enters a room there is a
sense either of cheer or the reverse.
ajwc leaving me apartment one may
ftot be sue to teU bow it was furnished,
but every one knows the effect cre
luul4 ImUwUu
New Girt An' how long should I leave
this thing call.-d a "t.lower" liut up
Kin Uie open lireplaceF
ExiwifiK-rd tw-rvant Lava It until it
do I hot oj oti;;!i to t urn the alia ! y
tin Ti l:t :i e touch it Thin hit it off.
uiUtiiitiiii fkvunL
German Government Reduces the
Tariff for Inland Telegrams.
Experiments Made at Lake Como With
Submarine Cannon King Otto
Approaching Death.
The tithes bill has passed to its iecond
reading in the British House of Lords.
Vienna Is to have a lW-mile electric
road that will make eighty miles an hour.
The sewerage system is ttrMting con
siderable attention in London and IJerlin.
The plot to putCelman in power in
the Argentine has been nipped In the
The Paris police have removed the
statue of Marit from the park In which
it stood,
An outbreak of malignant fever has
cauMHi ",M,v :t
i - ...vii. is fiinrmiii v duiwiis
European population on the weei coast
of Africa.
The French tactician, General Bolt
dclrco. says Emperor William avowed to
him We French had the finest army
in Europe.
The proposed visit of the young King
Alexander of Kervia to the Cur will
probably take place in the course of the
present year.
..... t . .Lltni ti have found
sirs, dunirw" " - . ,
evidence in Zanzibar, throwing entirely
new light on the quarrel ihw
son and Stanley.
Lord Randolph Churchill U going on
a nine months' shooting and prospecting
tour of Houth Africa. This is taken to
show that a general election Is not Immi
nent. The Oerman government lias reduced
the tariir for inland telegrams from 1
cent and 4 mills per word to 1 cent and
i mills, with a minimum charge of 10
General Da Fonseca, who was chosen
i :.,i,..,i pruuMi.nt nf ltrazil at the
timo of tho overthrow oi me empire. ..
Is-en formally elected President oi the
James Fits-James Stephen, the Eng
lish Judge before whom Mrs. May brick
was tried, has broken down. It has keen
evident for some time that his mind was
giving away.
Emperor William is grentlvdisplcascd
with the recent speech made by the Hec
retary of the Committee on Naval fcstl
mates. It is said his resignation has
been asked for.
The Conservatives and National Lib
erals of Dresden are urging llerr I lul to resign his seat In the Reichstag
so as to permit of Prince Iiismarck being
elected to his place.
The municipal authorities of Berlin
have decided that no more concessions
shall be granted for elevated electric
street railways or for electric ruilways
requiring overhead conductors.
The Pope contemplates making a large
accession to the Cardinalate earW in the
coming summer. The death of Cardinal
Crlstoforl leaves thirty-two Italian Car
dinals and twenty-eight foreign Car
dinals. " The threatening state of affairs In the
Charlerol district, Belgium, caused by
the workmen's demand for the passage
of a universal suffrage law, has necessi
tated the holding of troops in readiness
by the government.
M. de Frevelnet. French Minister of
War, is contemplating a scheme for the
most extensive army maneuvers ever
undertaken In time of peace. He will
mass four army corps in the Department
of Haute Mame.
If Parnell decides to send delegates to
America, they will represent his iwrsjmal
policy, and the funds they collect will lie
subject to his control in furtherance
thereof. He is being strongly urged by
friends to send such delegations.
A dispatch from Massowah says a body
of Italian frieiullies under Captain Pi
nelll In revenge for a raid on the Italian
frontier surprised and attacked (HKI Sou
danese near Iiuri, and routed them in
two battles, killing i!00, including the
leading chiefs.
There Is reason to believe that, with
the completion of the railroad line from
Julia to Jerusalem, and with the con
ftrurtlcn of other new lines, Palestine
will attract far greater multitudes ef pil
grims than have been seen there since
the time of the Crusades.
An official dispatch to the Chilian le
gatian at Iindon states that the revolu
tion in Chili is confined to the rebel
amiadron nd the troops at Tarapaca.
The greater part of the country is quiet,
and the regular troops and tho national
guard are supporting the government.
English brewers give as a reason for
preparing to take an active share in the
next general election that candidates for
Parliament court the favor of teetotalers
because the latter are so well organized.
Ilrewere now intend to show that they
are more of a power than the teetotalers.
King Otto, the crazy monarch of Tta
varia, is said to be approaching death.
Kinir Otto's uncle. Prince Ltiitpold, who
Is now ltegent, is next in succession to
the bavarian throne if the King's pres
ent failure of vitality should prove fatal,
Prince l.nitpuhl carries nis u yearswun
vigor, and Is an able man.
Experiments were made two weeks
suo in Lake Como with a submarine
cannon. The unit can le lowered to any
depth desired and remain quite invisible
when tn the water, us projeciues may
be discharged at will with most destruct
ive results without the use of electricity,
The gun is destined for the defense of
porta, bay and gulls.
Liebreioh's new methixi of treating
tuberculosis waa described by the dis
coverer the other day. The substance
used is cantharidate of potash, which is
administered in solution by systematic
lnleetions under the skin. Clinical ex
iHTimenta seem to prove it is remedial
in tuberculosis and other diseases. Lie-
hreich ssvs he is still earn ing on inves
tigations,' and the announcement is made
On the (mention raised bv the District
Attorney ol Siskiyou county, Cel., as to
whether railroad lands ana ismis soiu
by railroads are assemble, and that
railroad companies and purchasers from
them, holding lands, could not be assessed
because no patents have been issued for
them by the government, Attorney-General
Hart haa decided against the rail
rinds. I' ulcus overruled, this decision
w ill compel ths pavmrnt of the taxes on
liHski.taM acre of land in that State,
much of which is worth 5 an acre.
Taxe thus gathered bv the State and
resctiv counilea will aggregate,
ou) per annum.
Sureties of Arkansas' Treasurer
Make Good His Shortage.
Wages of the Illinois Steel Company's
Workmen to be Governed by
Price of Steel Ralls.
Alabama is building 500 miles of new
lwnn unions oppose biennial
The population of St. Louis Is officially
i.Wpat 4M.770.
A Fourth Judicial district for Utah is
nrnnosed in Congress.
iii;,.i nrmtfiHMi to compel fire insur
ant nolicies to be paid in full.
Grand Master Workman Powderlv de
nies the rumor that he lias resign.
in tl.A Indiana Senate the World's
Fair bill passed with the appropriation
cut down to izuuAiuu.
The revised official count of the census
returns from Kentucky makes uie pou
lation of the State 1,6,H.
Now York will elect a Governor this
year; so will Iowa, Ohio, New Jersey,
Massachusetts and a few other States.
Kearney and the adjoining counties of
K..lirska are now able to care for their
destitute residents without outside as
sistance uu,..inr Mohlnrof the Kansas IJoard
of Agriculture, reports that winter wheat
looks mticn in-uer now vuiu u. v
any season for several years.
The Postofllce Department is anxious
for bids from reswnsible parties lor
transporting mails from San Francisco
to Sitka, Alaska, and way ports.
Vn.,1,'. did not kill J. K. bins,
a Kansas 'City consumptive, who had
been inoculated. An autopsy showed no
bad results from the use ol lympn.
Sir John Macdonald thinks he has un
covered a conspiracy to force t.anwia
into annexation with the unuea oiaies.
He is making a strong ngni in una cam
The Arkansas Htato Treasurer nas re
nted to the legislature that ex-Trea-
surer W ooii run s sureties imvn emu mm
f(i$,740, the full amount ot woouruu b
Donifhertv. the insane lover ol
T . ( - will. ..1 n
Slary Anderson, who biioi aim u
Unvdofthe Flatbnsh Insane Asylum,
has'been sentenced to Sing Sing State
Prison for life.
have alreadv been sent to Jap
an, China, Algiers, South America, Mex
ico, and to different countries in the
Orient to arrange for exhibits at the
World's Fair.
Tho Nnrthern Pacific Directors have
declared a regular quarterly dividend of
1 percent, and have decided w resume
work on an projecieu caioiibiuuo uu
push them to completion.
The statement issued by the census
Department lor Alaliaina's population
.' I 1 mil nli At ll,tj num.
gives me Knai as i,oio,un j m mm huim
iHT8:k),71Hlare white, UH1.421 are colored,
750 are Indians and 40 are Chinese.
Tli lntn (Wretarv Windoin's will has
been tiled for probato. The gross value
... . . t m ,uui 1 T IUU1
ot tne esiaie is irom fi.w.isiu iu
When the debts are paid the estate win
yield a revenue to the family of f 5 C00 a
k linn nf steamers between Baltimore
and Rio do Janiero, ltrazil, to lie known
as the Maryland Line, has been put in
service liy the coniineniai ram rn-ium
Line, which operates over tho naiiimore
and Ohio.
The tin mines discovered in Jalisco,
Mexico, ten months ago are sairt to De
Inexhaustible. The mines are 100 miles
distant from the nearest railroad and
consequently there is great difficulty in
getting the ore to market.
The following coiillmations have been
made: Lieutenant-Colonel A. K. Arnold
to be Colonel of cavalry: lieorgo Stone-
man. Lieiitonant-Colonel (retired), io oe
Colonel of infantry: Kdmund Wells,
Associate Justice of the supreme lourt
ol Arizona.
Tim whl'cs of the workmen of the Illi
nois Steel Company at Chicago will lie
governed by the price of steel rails.
When the price goes up uie wages oi me
men will le increased, and when the
price goes down the wages will lie do-
reased eorresioiiuiiigiy.
The Indian depredation bill goes to
the Conference Committee. It is ot
great iinortance to California and the
Pacific Northwest, as it contemplates
the speedy settlement of all claims
against the Government, some of which
have lieen pending for years, on account
of Indian raids and encroachments.
Senator Jones of Nevada stated before
the Silver Pool Committee that he was
not personally interested in silver specu
lation during the present Congress, and
knew nothing whatever of any silver
pool, combination or organization. He
was well acquainted with the silver men
and was quite sure if there had been any
pool he would have known ii.
1 he census bureau has announced that
there are 1M7 irrigated farms in Arizona,
having a total area of t'i,:!21 acres. The
average cost of the land, including pur
chase price, fencing, plowing and wat
riirht. is l(i V2 an acre, of which 7.i
represeute the eosi oi wiuer ngni, ami
the average valuation placed upon the
land bv owners is f 48.03 per acre. This
includes the buildings. The average an-
mini cost of water is wr aciv. and
the average annual value of the products
is ti:(A2 (er acre, ranging from $0.20 in
Maricopa to $:U in Yavapai county.
The acreage now under irrigation au-
nroaches the maximum possible with
the present water supply, and the meth
otis of utilization, but conversion of Hood
waters that now annually run to waste
would largely Increase the area suscept
ible of successtul cultivation.
The opponents of the Pacific cable sub
sidy scheme have a new weapon to use
in their fight against the subsidy act.
Another company has appeared which
nroiioses to omld a longer came wunout
subsidy. The Pacific Cable Company
asks the government to give them 13.'
000,000 to aid in laying the cable to Hono
lulu, a distance of' 2.000 miles ; the other
company proposes to build to Shanghai,
0,5(10 miles, and asks lor nothing nut a
ivl nf liiu charter irranted to it bv
Congress, August 15, 1S70. and which
expired in lS7t, no cable having been
laid. This old company was formed by
Celso I a-sar Marino, and in It were Sen
ator Leland Stanford, J. C. Flood and
several other California millionaires
Thev were promised a subsidy of f 1,000,
000 by the Hawaiian government as
ism a the cable was laid. The capital
ist did not see sufficient and speed v
return for their money, the scheme fell
through and the charter lapsed. Marino
now rvpreent to Congress that the
company is ready to go ahead without
any snlisidy if the charter is revived.
Opposition to the subsidy idea is very
strong, and to defeat it an extension of
the old company's charter will be urged.
Woman Suffrage Bill Introduced in
the Nevada Legislature.
A Pot-Pourri of Occidental Happenings,
Reaching From Alaska to the
Mexican Frontier.
A bill is to be Introduced in Nevada's
Legislature licensing bare-knucke fights
in that State.
The Montana Senate has passed tho
House bill repealing the conspiracy law
against organized lalor.
A aaan, Avina ft flroves has Introduced
a measure in the Nevada Legislature
providing for woman suffrage in tiiui
it u ..1.1 that the Oregon Pacific Com
pany is asking for bids for a contract to
i..r..i.i. nii no,i more ties, to be used on
the roae this summer.
Works for the refining of crude petro
leum are about to be constr icted at V en-
tura. Cal. They nave a cnj.ii7
from thirty to forty tons a day.
The first of the long-threatened rail
road condemnation suits ngiunst obdu
rate land owners in San Luis Obispo
county, Cal., was filed one day last week,
and other suits will immediately follow.
The Duke of Westminster, the wealth
iest of the English noblemen, is engaged
in a sqnabble in the courts with a sur
geon named Surell over the cost of em
balming the Duke's son. Lord Robert
Urosvenor, who died at Constantinople.
In the suit of Mrs. Jane Clark against
the Southern Pacific Company for $20,
000 damages for injuries alleged to have
been received in the railroad accident at
Lake Labiih last November a Salem jury
awarded the plaintiff $2,000.
Th mmniission of fifteen members
created by the act of the late Oregon
Legislature to make and maintain a per
manent channel of twenty-five feet depth
from Portland to the sea held its first
meeting in Portland one day last week.
Plans are being drawn for seminary to
lie erected by the Sisters of the Good
Shepherd at Ballard, Wash. The build
ing will cost about $100,000 and will ac
comodate 500 pupils besides quarters for
the Sisters. Work will be commenced
early in the spring.
The police of Port Townsend are look
ing for a man who fold Max Nathanson
a check for $100. He signed his name
"E. A. Johnson," and the check, which
was drawn on the Griffith banking house
of Seattle, proves to be a fraudulent one.
Johnson has no funds there.
The erection of an olive mill at Pa
lermo. Cal.. in the near future is an as-
Hiired fact. There will lie enough trees
in that vicinitv come into bearing next
season to keep a factory at work during
tl,u ...miin nml in n few vears the olive
indu-try will be one of the greatest of
the place.
A regular exodus of Mormons from
tTijih to Mexico is taking place. The
Mormons have a tract of land in Chi
huahiia. which thevare settling up. All
over the territory they are preparing to
go south to " live their religion.- ine
head of the church is said to be encour
aging emigration and putting up funds.
It is estimated that at least 2,000 will
leave this summer.
The nalaee being constructed on the
Island of Corfu for Empress Elizabeth of
Austria will contain 128 rooms, and there
will be a separa e building for the serv
ants. There will De a parg nuu oui in
Viennese fashion. The pulairc and the
ark will be lighted by electricity, and a
lighthouse with electric lamps will fling
its light over the sea. The establish
ment will cost l, 000 00U.
The contents of the stomach of Mrs.
Greenwood, the lady who was drugged
and shot by robbers near Napa, Cal.,
have lieen analysed and prove to contain
both chloroform and arsenic. The quan
tity found was sufficient to have killed
her. It was noticed when she was dis
covered that no blood came from the
bullet-hole in her head, and it is now
evident that she was dead at the time
the men shot her.
Senator Dolph of Oregon has intro-
luced a resolution calling upon the Sec
retary of War to give all the information
now in his possession reiauve v ine
work at the Cascades, and whether there
is any information to the effect that the
work will cost more than the former es
timates. The resolution was introduced
on account of the reported statement by
Ma or Hanburythat the estimates would
have to be increased for this purpose.
At Tacoma Indian Agent Eels has
swore out a warrant for the arrest ol
Koliert Alland, proprieter of a rail
road lodging house, charged with
S'dling liquor to Indians. This is a test
case. Since Judge llanford's division in
the United States Court, that Indians
might drink in their own houses, similar
asca have lieen dismissed. Agent Eels
will endeavor to prosecute under the
State law and will carrv the case to the
Washington Supreme Court if necessary.
Tacoma lumber men are again devis
ing measures to maintain uniform rates
and prevent the disastrous cutting in
prices winch has lieen going on lor some
time past. At a meeting held at the Ta
coma Hotel most of the mills in the city
were represented. A plan w hich seemed
to find favor was to pool the output and
engage a manager to make a air niBtn
button of orders and sales on the basis
of production. This question, however,
stood in the way oi immediate action,
and it was referred to a special eonmiit
tee to prepare plan and report.
News from Tia J nana show a disaster
greater than was at first reported. The
people housed in the schoolhouses are
almost naked, and neighboring farmers
have used up all their supplies of food.
The county now takes charge of their
immediate necessities. A stream UK)
feet wide bv 18 feet deep fiows through
International avenue, the current being
so swift that rowlioats cannot be used to
aid the people. IVbris covers the town
to the depth of six or more feet. The
people will rebuild on the highland back
of the oi l site in the spring. Three lives
have been lost.
loHMdcranie satisfaction is felt in
France over the coolness with which the
IVpe treated the Duchess D'l'xes, the
noted friend of (General Iloulanger, who
In her own Pehalt and that ol the Count
ot Paris supplied the General with funds
tor his conspiracy against the Kepulmc.
The Pontiff, it is stated, hardly noticed
the Imeheaa when she visited the Vati
can, and accorded her such scant cour
tesy that ahe haa been buried in morti
fication ever since. It was the object of
the Ihichess to influence the IVpe to
turn from his attitude of friendliness to
ward the French Republic, but she was
not given an opportunity to say a wonl,
the Pope immediately pissing on to the
other visitor.
Wheat Firm, with good
nm.rinirs nioaeraie
11.30; Waiia "" 'Vliif-Walk
f i.-m.,aOuote: Standard, 4.00; Walla
c. .. n- avi onai
Walla, 13.86 per barre
Quote 6ran. f 18W;
HbSoWflW; Ground Karfey, -(
W ; Chop Feed', $25 per ton; barley,
1.36f8lil percental- .
... .... (.Uiifiuv mr uunuoi.
Hay juow. e1"1' K", n
VaorrABLks-Quote: Cabbage. 11.00 cental; Cauliflower, $1 25
I . . sr,
per dozen; Celery, wc f , .
k ; fets $1-60 per sack ; Turn pa,
fT peTsack ; Potatoes, 7076c per cental ;
,n,or.. DiUr.i,lo fL50(t2.75; Navels,
HWper'box; Sicily teinon.VMM W;
California, $45 per box; Pears, lc
L ZnJ : Applet $11.50; per box ;
bananas, $3g4 per bunch; Pineapples
aVr..vU .ne li'wn.
Nuts - Quote: California Walnuk,
.ii.. nuirnrv. B':c: Brazils, 22c;
Almonds, WgWe; ' Filberts, 114c;
inn Nuts. 17ffll8c: Pecans, 17(ftl8c,
tocoanuts, 8c per pound.
Buttkk Quote: Oregon fancy cream
ftrv. 40(42Wc: fancy dairy, ac;
to irood. 274(2c; common,
20 25c;
California, 3035c per pound.
Ciikkbb Quote: Oregon, Mloc; U"
f,,rnio lllfTrlXr ner pound.
Kuus Quote: wregou, iui-.
dr?MiV v Quote : Chickens. $5.00(3
6.00; Ducks, 8(il0; Geese, $9U per
drawn: TnrxevB. iiwiw l' c""
" ' 1 ! . OO. nam
Hoes Quote: nominally,
Wool Quote: Willamette Valley, 16
(320c; Walla Walla, i4(l7cper pound.
v. . - . ft IIS, la. ma Ionian
nri intV HtoH1! Wc less for calls; (ureen.
Rfi nounds. 4c : under 55
pounds, 3c: Bheep J'eiis, snort w..
Ah. medium-OOfasOc: long.90c(g$1.25;
.v,u..1inc 10rtf20c: Tallow, good w
choice, 3ig3c per pound.
Tha Merchandise Market.
CoALOnv-Quote: $2.20 per case.
Rice Quote: 5.75U.OO per cental.
Hcklkb Quote: $1.50 5s; $L333-i.
CBANBKRRiits Quote: Cape Cod, $11
'"sai.t Quote : Liverpool, $17, $18, $19 ;
stock, $1K12 per ton in carload lots.
Cofkkk Quote : Costa Rica, 22 Wc;
Rio, 254Cj Arbuckle's, roasted, 20ic
per pound. ,
Bxans The market Is firm. Quote:
Small Whites, 8c; Pink, 3c; Bayos,
4c; Butter, 4c; Liuias, be per
"o ars Quote : Golden C, 4c ; extra
C, 6c; drv granulated, OJc; cube
crushed and powdered, 0c per pound.
Dkied Fkuits The market is firm.
Quote: Italian Prunes. 12c; le
tite and German Prunes, 10c per pound:
Raisins, $2.25 per box: Plummer-dned
Pears, lOrailc; sun-dried and factory
Plums, llcai2c: evaporated Peaches,18
20c; Smyrna Figs, 20c; California Figs,
9c per pound.
Cannxd Goods Marketsteady. Quote:
Table fruits. $2.00, 2s; Peaches, $2.50;
Bartlett Pears, $2.25: Plums. $1.5;
Strawberries, $2.60; Cherries, 22.60;
Black lierries, $2; Raepbernes, $2.55;
Pineapples, $2.75; Apricots, $2.00. Pie
fruit: Asortd,$1.50perdoien ; Peaches,
al-fin: Plums. 1.25: Blackberries, $1.05
ner dozen. Vegetables: Corn, $1.25
ol m. according to Quality; Tomatoes,
1.153.50; Sugar Peas, $1.401.0;
String Beans, $1.10perdo7.en. FiBh : r-al-
mon, $l.zo((.? 1. 00 J Baruines, oociati.oui
lobsters, $2C3; ovsters, $i.f0(ff3.zo per
dozen. Conjensed milk : Eagle brand,
8.25; Crown, $7; Highland, $o.(&;
Champion. $H per case.
Honkv Quote: One-pound Irames,
Nails Base quotations : Iron, '00;
steel, $3.10; Wire, $3.90 per keg.
Shot Quote: $l.7o per sacx.
Tba Heat Market.
The market ia steady.
Heef Live, 3(4c; dressed, 7u.
Mutton Lave, 4V(34c; dressed, 8'
Hogs Live, 4l(4;4c; dreed. ti
Veal 5ii8c par pound.
iiw.e: Hams, 10 ; lireakia-'t tacon,
iwllc; Sides, ma lux-; Lard. 9?c tier
pound. '
From out eternal fiienco do ire come,
Into eternal cilenco do wo go;
For was thero not a lir.'.e, and swift or slow
Mast come apalu, wlico all this world's loud hum
Waa naught to us, aud shall attain grow dumb
TbrouKb all eternity! Between two low,
Dork, stony portals, with much empty show
Of tinkling onus aud aouudiug life aud drum,
The emllesa caravan of life moves oa;
Or whence or whither, to what destiny,
But lie who dwells beyond the farthest dawa
Knows, yet reveals not, evermore even lie
In silence wrapt, for all the thunder's roU,
Bar for Ilia doathlesa mensage to our soul I
Htiuut Sterne la The Century,
Walking Stick.
Nowadays there is hardly any limit to
the kinds of material used iu walking
ticks. Formerly only a few native
woods and some foreign species were
used. Innovations in the styJe of walk
ing sticks and umbrellas have been con
stantly introduced during the last forty
years until their manufacture has be
come quite an art and business of con
siderable importance. Natural sticks,
that is, saplings of trees and climbing
plants, whose roots will form handles or
knots, are most used. They are some
timee mounted with pre&ous metals,
enyx, jasper, marble, precious stones,
ivory and horns of all kinds. Youth's
Companion. -
Tha Grral Actor'e Methods.
Clara Morris, m speaking of actors and
acting recently, said; "The really great
actor must be capable of doing something
more than to merely touch the biggest
fool of the audience. He must make his
audience absolutely fortretful of itself and
be himself the direct and not the indirect
cause of the emotional state Into which it
la thrown. To do this the actor must be
himself a person of Intense feeling and
must for the time at least experience the
emotion he la seeking to portray. Really
great acting Is a mutter ot feeling rather
thiwi of rrasoulug Intelligence, and I
doubt whether an actor who studies and
puszlea over the subtleties ot the author's
meaning is not In danger of checking the
manifestations ot his own histrionic sense.
No amount of art can make up the want
of one real touch of nature." New York
The Toaa.
A capital story was current hi Dub
lin at the time of the foundation of
The Nation newspaper by Duffy. Davis
and Dillon, 8ouiebody asked legal
luminary of Unionist politics if he could
tclljilui "what was the tone of this
new journal f "The toue of The Na
tiont Wolfe Tone, sir!" waa the angry
reply. Nothing could have been apter
in substance aa in form. Academy.
. ... ...ii. in, rtriin.iii"--' j
i ii.'W sivie
woman wno iubhk -
drew- . . it m. Eliza-
I ,11.1 not even """-,- RnM.
h,.il. Miller, a (laugliicr vi
u the first lady ho wore u.
ruic-ruuiu, ... . ki ziibein
1 nnl HvlllL'
unu u .,,.,
n.,.tt, uimitiiu lived.
Where am.
but Bhe is en'
dres into circulation, as It wereiiu
Mromher. A few day. af e Mrs
Miller's piiearanM in uort
trousers, Mrs. Stanton had a s M' ,
tun- JfSo.
h r. Vreat wlille-posslbly not
e"L ?. two vears: but I wore mine as
thU i wore the costume for six years
for two years In Council Bluffs and, if I
had not reared to private life might be
wearing it yet. It is a very comfortable
own r . onnettrance in
wrs. ' . .,,,. a writer,
SVentTtr n'eTer did er
SreTw "editing, paper there at that
time and took up the suggestion In a nip
pantway.Vnd treated the subject rather
K?.V?i?;.nd facetiously. The unknown
writer of the other paper a nswered me,
.1 .a r .n.wprpd again. So when Mrs.
" i ,h..i,nrt skirt and trousers,
juilier tumciii v- , ,
aT.dafU.r Mrs. Stanton and myself had
adopted the garo, we paper. -,.;n..n.liiliout
tried to make fun of us,
and culled us
...U...1 ... 'niiuiniprltcg' and 'I31oom-
era,' aud so ou.
llence the name, 1 sup-
. tl.n ilrvRa for a
nose. lucy dioiio viwiw -w - -
while, but gave it up because she thought
It attracted attention away from theaub
i,.tti.mnerance and woman'a rights
.. aha vrns lecturing. I w
niy costume and lectured in it In all my
. .. ... 1. ...,rlh and u'lSt.
tour ol tnecuiesui mo -
j x o. tha flmt to make such a lectur-
lngtour In those cities. I was the first
woman who wore the costume in public
'no! !tu wherever I went the dress
HpjlI of attention. It
. urirMit. and a (treat many people
came to the lectures as much to see it as
to bear what a woman nuu w
u' WMimrs were Quite a curiosity.
too, In those days. I used to notice that
oftor i hml finished my talk, whether on
women's rights or on temperance, a great
many people, women especiuny,
,min .nri come uoon the platform, os
tensibly to see me, but really to inspeet
Mrs. Bloomer showed tho reporter a cut
representing herself tn her younger uajs,
of her noted costumes. A
i,rt .birr, rpochlnir to the knees, bnggy.
very baggy trousers gathered and frilled
.. n.o .niiln: ft straiirht brimmed sailor
hat, set weU back upon the head, made
up the Bttirefroma masculine point of
view. Female observation might have
disclosed that the skirt and waist were ot
one piece, and that the sleeves of the waist
were full aud slashed, and gathered and
f,.ni,wi of. tlin wrists. Close scrutiny and a
reversal of the picture might possibly have
led to the discovery that a bustle was not
part of the attire. This point, however,
can be left to those ladies who have been
accustomed to calisthenic exercises and
surf bathing. Omaha Herald.
galea of Talent Medlclnea.
Proprietary medicines spring up by the
dozen every day, but you seldom heur of
any outside those manufactured in your
own section of the country. Every prepar
ation is born under a lucky or uulucky
star, as they seem to succeed or perish
regardless of the energy or money pos
sessed by the men who are interested in
pushing their sale. Noue succeed without
advertiing, although millions have been
spent In pulling medicines that never sold
the original stock shipped to wholesale
druggisw. It is a game of chance where
you cannot estimate the risk. Results
cut very little figure with the salesmen,
for if the stuff will sell It will go off their
hands with scarcely an effort, because
their best customers are the chronic In
valids, who are thicker than flies around
molasses cake.
Nevertheless, I would prefer to take a
new medicine out on the road than handle
any ot the old ones which have beeu ad
vertised from the cliffs otthe Pacl'lo coast
jne rocky banks of Labrador.
cans are experimentative, and will buy a
new nostrum without any recommenda
tion, for the simple reason that they have
heard nothing against it. St. Louis leads
the country In sales of quinine, malarial
specific and bilious antidotes, and some of
the local manufacturers will clear millions
from two articles that originated here
within the hist two years, but which are
already beginning to elicit notice. George
Besulta nf Overtraining.
There is one aspect of the Sullivan
Mitchell fight which is so far devoid of
brutality as to be of public interest; this
is, that a man seemingly In superb physi
cal condition may, iu reality, be so far
overtrained, as it Is termed, as to have
been deprived of his staying powers.
Nature supplies to us certain quantities
of adipose tissue, which may seem to the
critical eye of one who looks only at the
outside to be an incumbrance, which
should be reduced by careful training;
but it may turn out that In thus bringing
the human organism down to a mass of
bone and muscle the trainer will deprive
the body of the food that it needs to make
good the waste of physical energy. A
man thus prepared may be well fitted for
a spurt, but entirely nnable to keep up
under long continued physical exertion.
Boston Herald
Children's Undergarmenta.
For undergarments, the best houses
show a little woolen knitted petti
coat, which has a waist like a corset
cover, and this buttons closely around the
body, and Is being knitted very elastic
and warm. Those who do not care for
the petticoat can find little knitted
chemises, which are long and double
thickness over the stomach and abdomen,
and every child should wear these at all
seasons of the year. Elastic suspenders
for the stockings shonld also be worn in
stead of fastening them by any other
means. Shoes for small children have no
heels, though they have what tbey call
spring heels, which do no injury to the
tender bones and muscles. Olive Harper.
Japan's Ferel(-a Improvement,
The regeneration which Japan has la
recent years experienced, through the In
troduction of foreign improvements, is
credited to the United States. While
eminent Frenchmen have been called in
to organize the army, Germans the schools
nd English the nary, to Americans have
been given the snpervision of the depart
ments of finance, pustoffice, telegraphs,
railroads, telephones and lighting by
electricity, embracing the r. ewer and more
progressive arte. American institutions
are in high favor in Japan, with the
possible exception of modern politics and
, baseball. Cincinnati Commercial Ga-
I sell.
the fcvea,
ttftinti tha eves are treated fnlH. .l
re strengtliened, not weakeiibi,
work, say an article in a London loui.
naL Juntas the arm of blackuuUj
crow the stronger for his trade, iu
eyes of watchmakers, who work unj
healtny wniuui"u, m7 iuuuu io ij,
prove, and not deU'riorate. In viRor
quickness. It Is the abuse of tlie.
not incir uw, n jc avoiji
If a man la aware cither that liken,
need no artificial correction, or el ha,,
receivea mo ni"--i "junuiieiimnj u
his work, whether liter-ry or niechan.
icni, Is done In a light both stead, in
sufficient, and witli a due regard a fa
ordinary sanitary rules, ho may fwl,.
that ne is ireni;"ii-""iK " eyea, 00
weakening them, ny uuru work. M
of IntcllectuuJ pursuiu aoinetimes ar
afraid of losing their mental power ia
old age, bocuuee they have drawn w
much upon ll wnen young, luerevena
is nearer the truth, and if they bav
not overtaxed their brains, tlte fear a
absolutely groundless. The man hos
intellect goes nrei in om ago is gcnerallj
anme farmer or hilxirer, who has
strengthened and Invigorated it by me-
not the politician, me lawyer, or the tnaa
of letters. So with the eyes. Those who
have strengthened tneir eyes by usIm
them properly keep keen sight longe,
than those who have never trained them.
In the case of the man who has neglected
to give his eves their full development,
they will fail In power along with hii
other bodily functions. When, how.
ever, the man who, born with goodeyo,
has kept mem ui connuim nura work,
and yet never strained them, reaches old
age, be may find them capable of pen.
forming meir luiicuuna uiwr man ant
other organ ef his body. In short, 4
people will only learn to use their ve
wisely, there is no reason why mankind
should not increase rather than loeetheir
power or seeing, u, nowever, we are to
make this possible, we must lose no timo
In savincr the eves of the present cenen.
tion. Boston Herald.
The Hindoo Magician,
Keller, the prestidlgitatcur, speakfnr
of the famous Hindoo magicians to a re
porter of The Buffalo Express, said: "A
trick which puzzled mo for a long tuna
was making a pineapple grow under i
handkerchief. The juggler lays a hand
kerchief flat on the ground, and then be
gins to sing and beat on the tom-tom,
when In the center of the handkerchief
something begins to stir and rise In pyn
mldol form, diluting until just about the
size of a pineapple, when the conjurer
inserts his hand under tho handkerchief
and pulls out a ripe pineapple.
"I watched his trick several times be
fore I could get a clew to it The motiot
of life puzzled me. But one day I took
position on the side tho conjuren st
on one side of a circle, making the spec
tators form the rest of tho circumfer
encewhere I could see the juggler'i
motion more clenrly, and I noticed that
one of the confederates put a bag, like i
sailor's bag, near the conjurer's haodi
He sat there tailor fashion, and as be
spread out his hnndkerchief on the
ground I saw his hand make a trip swift
as lightning to the bag and backundet
the handkerchief, and 1 thought I sat
something like the tail of a snake
coni pany it. I nat gave me an luea, am
afterward, by pretending to understand
the trick, and by paying one of the Hin
doos four rupees, I got him to conies
how the trick was done.
"The conjurer does take a snake froB
the bag placed conveniently athiselboi.
When the cobra Is put under the hand
kerchief, he naturally coils himself tip;
Then the conjurers begin their muse
and the cobra raises his head, and tha
gives the lifting motion to the handler
chief. One of tho first things a cobn
does when excited is to swell out bi
neck and this ninkes the pyramidil
shape. When the juggler puts his haul
under the handkerchief he takes withi
a hollowed pineapple and removes lb
cobra Inside of it, concealed by his hani
That Is one of the cleverest tricks 1 mi
in India."
Telta In a Legal Tender.
From 1774 to 1784 the territory w
known as Tennessee formed a part of
North Carolina, and in 1785 the Ten
nesscans, becoming dissatisfied withtbeii
government, organized a Btate goven
meub Limit. i u iu uumo ,
which was maintained for some yean
Tim atntn nftnru-nrds disbanded and ter
ritorial Tennessee wns again annexed t;
North Carolina, The following v
among the laws passed by the legislate
of the state of Franklin. We cony it
found in a speech by Daniel Webster
the currency of 18mj:
Be it enacted by the general assemN;
of the state of Franklin, and it is her
enacted by the authority of the saw
that from the 1st uay oi January,
the salaries of the oflicersof the con
monwealth be as follows:
Ilia excellency the governor, per
num. 1 .000 deer skins.
Ilia honor, the chief justice, pert
num, 500 deer skins.
The secretary to his excellency, p
governor, per "annum, 400 raccoon stio
The treasurer to the state, 450 racoWj
skins. . .
F-iMi xnnntv rlnrlt. 8f)0 beaver BK
Clerk of house of commons, 200
coon skins. ,.
three raccoon skins.
Justices' fees for signing warm
rmn nwiKkrnt RkirL
To the constable for serving a warnH
one mink skin. . J
Enacted into the law the lStndaH
rWnhor 17KH nnrlnr the CTeftt Be"!
the state. Buffalo News.
Never Ont After Dark.
Tho gas furnished the city of San At
nio is of a very inferior quality.
consequently the streets are very I
lighted, but the street lumps are alio"
to burn after d iy light, A stranger a
a prominent druggist: ..
Y' Why do the gaa lights burn all ft
In thin tiiu-nV"
"Pecause dose gash lights vassosy
dot dey vas afniid to gooutvent
dnrk." Tr-Tna Wft
Borosocn rpo M
rem thc curb: or
hflWI taw enaa a w - -
rosi salc sttaU. .ff