nn GEN c TY rN1 IT " ARD. KSTABLISIIEJ) FOB THE DKXESmTlOJ OF DESOCIUTIC PRlNCirLES. AND TO 112.1 11 HONEST LIVING BT TDK SWEAT OP OUR BROW VOL 23 EUGENE, Oil., SATUKDAY, MA11CII 14, 1891. NO, 20 Ut Eugene City Guard. jPCULISHED EVERY SATURDAY. L L, CAMPBELL, Ius!lNtir ntl Proprietor. OFFICE On the Kul tide of WtllaaietU f'treet, between Deveuw uu ciguui mnm TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. I'r annum... SiiMontht... 1 hre monthi. $2 50 , 1.25 , .75 Manufacturing at m x .;r ar m "X mm mm km HSUOWAY at jt:m..s:Jt-at.a;:aLJr.a:xx: There is No Use Talking NEW YORK RACKET STORE! OCR OKL1 uaTKS o advertising. i j..lumnti inserted a followi: On quar, ten Una or lew one Insertion Rd; ...k ...UnnneDt insertion IL Cub. required CMVU fulvArtiMra will b chanred at tha ol- On, square three monthi MOO (, square six monthi One square one year " w Transient notices in kwei oolumn, 20 oenU uer line tor eon insertion. AdvertisinK bllli will be rendered quarterly. Ail )ob wora; moil oe raiu rvu uw,.. -BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 18 YEARS. - CEO. B. D0RR1S Attornev and Counsellor- at-Law. tlTlLI. PRACTICE IN THE CDURTS W of the Second Judicial District and in b Supreme Court of this State. ai.i .tt-ntinn riven to collection! and patter in probate L BILYEU, -Attorney and Counsellor at Law,- EUGENE CITY, OREGON. PRACTICES IN ALL THE COURTS OP thU State. Will giv epecial attention to oellectioni and probate matter. Owci-Over Hendrlck k Eakin'i bank. A. 0. WOODCOCK, Attorner-at-1 iUGKNB CITY, - - OFFICE Roomi 7 & 8 McClaren Building. Ul attention iriven to Colleotiune and Probata business, Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry & Musical Instruments. Bo Most Select U South of Portland ! Special attention given to Repairing and Engraving by two first-class workmen. All work warranted. Jeweler. HAS COME TO STAY, Andwhuthel'EXXIES. IUvIiii Itt fountain head at MO. ,U and MS Driiailway and 1JO, UL'aml r.'4 Mi'rrrrstrwt, New York city, the lara-ivl holt-sal Auction House In the United Htali. Wo set the dvutaK of 1'rtrr. In all line carried. Nvhru rvcvivlng and niarkliiK liouus we do not ask how much ran we Ri't lor the article, but ak whal ran we allord to sell the article lor, and we hare never vet markeu an article at a price that did not sell It quick. Wtlo not sell goods al a high prloo when they are In maun and at or near the clone of the k on make reduction and BI'K.t IAL. baritaln day. to close out .lock. Our Hood, are .wept away while they are yet Ik MWn. The price docs the nuiiineiw. Kemenir ntir goon, an) marked III ri.Aia muukkh iosmu rnr t ami. and we can- not have two prior., on fur cash and the other, well, we will nay fur eternity. It I ea.y to m-I1 local, when the right (Wore la on them. Well, wo have the good, and th right figure, on them. A lew oi the iiKurce: 8IIOE& Ladle' Dongola Biitlun,. ... ftOa E. R. Luckey DEALERS M DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, jramts, uns, Brushes, Etc., Etc. Prescription Department in Competent hands. II. V! worth t M J.i8 " a.iiu S.l " MO l.w " 1 .m " 2. ja OREGON University Bookstore GEORGE A. DORRIS, Attorney-at-Law, EUGENE CITY, - 0ic In RKiter Block. - OREGON J.J. WALTON, Jr., ATTORNKT-AT-LAW EUGENE CITY, OREGON. ..TIT. PRACTICE IN ALL THE VV I'ourtiof the SUte. Special attention given to real eitate. col kind; Tof-claim. aain-t the United SUtei Government Offio In Walton'i brich -roomi 7 and 8. Sevmour W. Condon, ATTORNEY-ATLAW. DUNN'S BUILDING, Euscne - - Orcpfon. Attorney-at-Law, PTTfiTTVK . - OREGON. Omen-Room in Conner' Block. CEO. M. MILLER ittorne; ani CounsellatrLaw, and Real Estate Aeni. EUGENE CITY, - OREGON. Of! ice-In Maionlo Temple. McOlarens Building, (Opponite F. M. WUkina'Dru? Store.) Ha an extensive Stock of STANDARD, MISCELLANEOUS. COLLEGE AND SCHOOL BOOKS, Mercantile, Fancy and School Station ery, Blank Books, cutlery, etc. tyOrders for Books and Subscription to Newspapem and Periodicals promptly at tended to. Bowel Troubles, and Cramp, Colio, or any Internal or External Pain. Ask your drnggiBt lor u S. LUCKEY. CALEB IN Clocks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc Repairing Promptly Ji-xecutod. tf-AIIWork Warranted.jtg J. 8. LUCKEY Hand aewed Flexible Mle lkininila Kid button . l.adle.' Ooat Men.' Fine Shoe ll.St!, 1.51, 1.H7. a.CK, ZrX, 1M Mem' KiiKll.h 'I lea. l.:H, 1 h, 1.IKI, 2.:U llox Tin ScIi,hI Shoe. II. IN. l.:t.'. l.:w. 1.(17.1 W Men.' l alf HHitm J.7i worth t.U0 liU.SlfcKV. FaHt lllaek Reamleu a K, 4' Fancy btrlped 11. 12. Id, '.M, '.11, at, .'o Men', 7, 0, 10, II. 1H, IV, U, M, J-i, X sin units. Oat Meal guap 7c Ink in Clock 870 11.07 2i ihceti Note Paper f IN ihceU Leva! Cau !s Xateheli 43, i 47, 611, 68, Til, 87c leiiuiuiUMiap ruimr i , ic " " Cull. .1 Window Shade, patent roller tec Thl li only a mnall Hut of what we carry. Come and Mf. We will be pleased to .how you our good, and matehlew price. Itcinemlicrour place of bu.liiCMi ii nut on Front treet; It 1. Ju.t amund the corner, on Ninth .tree!. We thank you for four Kenertm patnmaire In the past, and shall strive to merit a much larger liaru of your trade In the future. ery respecuuiiy, FRANK & FISK, Kiuth Street, Eiipene, Or. FISHER Ac WATKINS, PROPRIETORS. Will keep constantly on haud full supply of MUTTON, PCRK AND VEAL, WLich they will tell at the lowest market pri ces, A fair share of the publio patronage licited. TO THB FARMERS t We will pay the highest market price for Fat Cattle, tlog ana btieep. SHOP ON WILLAMETTE STREET. EUGENE CITY, OREGON. Meat delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Dr. Jennie S. Barnard Regular Physician, EUGENE, OREGON. Will sneoiallv treat all Disease of WO MEN AND CHILDREN. Room 2, Dunn's I! lock. R. B. Cochran & Son, Real Estate Agents. Eugene City, Oregon. Will attend to general Real Estate businet such as bnying, selling, leaning and renting farmland oily property, etc. Oflioe on somh side of Ninth troet. . nOFFMAN HOUSE Eugene, Oregon. DuBoIs Bros., Proprietors. at BOB E. L. WHITE, DENTIST, (Succeor to Dr. N. J. Taylor.) OFFICE. Over Matlock' Store. Schwarzscliild, Prop. (Successor to Geo. Collier) BOOKS, STATIONERY, MAPS, GLOBES, SPECTACLES, WALL PAPER SCHOOL BUri'Llt.3. Groceries ! Sportsman's Eporiura. HORN & PAINE, Order hr mail promptly attended to. dress Lock Box Hi. Ad- hi k Prices, A. E. GALLAGHER, AT CRESVELL. Attorney-at-Law. TTnovc rrrv - OREGON. B.. J attention riven to TroUto boaine. and Abstract of Title. Orrici-Over Lana County Bank. DRSrPAINE & M MURTRY, Physicians & Surgeons, Office 9th St, Oppoit Hoffman House. Frnmand after Feb. 1, 1891, my terms will be strictly casii Prices Put Down to Bed rock. I will wot oe Undersold. Highest market price Paid f.r Produce. If not all traded out will pay balance in Cash d. a. paine, R-a.no. j tt Whiteaker, and High Street., .fcuKn. ... I DR. W. T. McMlKini , iw--. St, between 9th and Wth, tugent CrCSWell, UT. . . DR. J. C. GEAY, ODENTIST. rtmrE UPSTAIRS IN YOUNG'S J block, oppoaiU Gcaid ffic. AU work "lhtai n adminWUred for paJiles kmctioaot toeth. MOORE & LINN UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS s. .i rlrela alwar M band. Pra- I paring and Embalming Bodie a Specialty, v:, k. u n. nmmntw attended. Reaideoct, second house sonlh ol Metho- diat Chnrch, WUlametu aueei. F. W. A. CRAIN, Having purchased the J? Matlock iV Grocery Store, we call the attention of the public to the fact that we will keep on hand a FIItST-tXASS stock of groceries,which will he sold to our pat rons at the lowest rates. FISHER BROS. Practical Gunsmiths Dealers in GUNS, RIFLEn, Flitting Tackle mil material, SewlDr IMarhlnM and ftffdlesjol Kinds For I Repairing don In the neatest style and war ran tea. Guns Loaned & Ammunition Furnished Store on Willamette itreet WOODBURN NURSERY WANTED. WOOL, II IDES AND FURS AT GOLDSMITH'S. E. E. BURLINCAME'S ASSAY OFFICE A.. CHEMICAL D LABORATORY r.namiimeu in tuiunuu, i. a-.,.,,.- - ...... expret will recede prompt and cnvtul atUuUoo. Gold & Silver Balllon HiW:VeKic"iX ait-MS, 17i(i ITU tim-ji St. tnm, Ctl. Watchmaker and Jeweler. Junction City, Oregon B. F. DORRIS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE ACENT. I HAVE 80ME VERY DES1RABLB Farms, Improved and Unimproved Iowa property for !, on easy terma. Property Rented and Rents Collected. Th Insurance Com pan it I repreaent ar iidoiii the Oldest aad mast Rtlisble, and la th I'aoitrr and rt iTists adjutment oi their OM bTAID hCOOKD to Nol. 4 share of roar patmnair i tolkited. Ofhoe-Ia City IlalL B. F. DO RE 15, Largest Stock in the Northwest. 110,900 tree: ! Al! th leading varietle of Fruit, Shade, Ornamental, ut and vergreen Xree, Vines and Shrubbery. Send for Catalogue and Pric List to J, H. SETTLEMIER, Woodbumi Or. F. M. WILKINS, Practical Druggist & Chemist, DRUGS, MEDICINES, Brsiabee, Patau, Olaaa, Oil, Leads, Toilet Articls, Etc. Physicians' Prescription Compounded. JAMES McOLAREN, CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS and CIGAR WUlametU Strati, bet 7th aod 8th. SESSION LAWS OF 18511. Condensed Eiiltoiun of Forty Pays of Lawmaking:. The folios, ius compilation of the laws of Oregon euaed'd by the last lcgiidatura was msde by the Oregonian. Tbe further publl oation in Ibo Gcahd will be continued next week: SUCTION HEUl'LUKD. The provMous of th Australian ballot law apply tu lbs uiallvat precinct in the state. Briefly, elections are to be bold hereafter under these rules: The oonnty court of each county shall es tablish election precincts, each of which ahall contain no more tbun 250 elootors Tbe appointment of indues aud clerks Is practical! as under the old law. Poll will ba open on election duy from 8 a. tu. to 0 p m. No more tban ten electors shall bo per milted to approach the poll within fifty fot-t at the same time. Judges of eleotion are in rested with the jurisdiution uud authority of juatloea of tbe peaoe. Nominations of can didates must be certified to by the conven tion making tbem, and tho nominee must also file bis acceptance. All ballots are to be furnished by the oonnty olerks. Tboy must be printed in black ink, npou a good qnality of white paper, and any other kind shall not be voted. The names of all candidate are printed npon tbe ballot, and those not voted for are to be stricken out, for which pnrpose tbe secretary of state will furnish tbe judges of election at ench precinot with a supply of 'ludulible" pencils for tbe use of elootors. It is the duty of the sheriff of each county to have erected al each polling place a private compartment, shelf or labia for every forty electors, at which ballots may be prepared with seoreoy, and every polliug place shall have at least three such compartments, shelves or tables. Any elector who declares that be oannot read or write, or that by any physical disability be is unable to rrepsre bis ballot, may receive tbe axsistauoe of two of the judges in its preparation. Tba secre tary of state will send out copies of tbe eleo tion ltws printed in psmpblot form for ths uses of judges of election, also everything else required by this act. Auy attempt to violate tbe secrecy of the ballot is punishable by a fine ranging from $ 50 to $500, and fraud on the part of any persou is punisha ble by InipriKoument from one to three years and by flue from J 500 to $2000, or both. Primary KUHiouK.ln oities of 2500 in habitants primary election of all political parties will hereafter be regulated by law. It is niado a misdemeanor for any one uut qualified voter to vote at a primary eleotion or for a quul.fled voter to vote more (ban one primary Toting place on the same day, or bis Tote having been rejeotedat one polliug place, to odor it at another, or to aid, abet or encourage another to violate this law. The punishment provided Is a fine of not less than f 50 nor mors than (200, or by imprisonment in (he county jtil not less than two nor more than six months, or by both In the discretion of the court. THS POSTAOB RAILWAY AT THS CASCADES, Contrary to what bis been generally sup posed, the act appropriating $60,000 for the oonstrnotiou of a portage railway does not say that the railway ahall be built at tba Cascades. Following are the provisions Tbe governor, aeoretary of state and state treasurer are empowered to build and oper ate a portage railway at the Cascades, and also on between The Dalles and Celilo, pro vided they shall have tbe right fo determine which railway sball be first bnilt. The work of building tb road deoided upon sball be begnn a soon as there are any available funds. Two years from now tbe state officers can timely ask for an appropriation to enable tbem to carry out tbe provisions of this act' Tbey already have tbe necessary authority to ba lid both roads. TO OOUPLITI THI CAPITOL, The governor, seoretary of state and stats treasurer art empowered to expend J80.000 for the pnrpose of building a dome, provid lug sufficient beating apparatus for tba en. tire capito! building, and making such alter ations in tba ball of representatives a may be neoessary to improv its acouitio proper tios. Contracts for this work shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder. TO DIVKUT MATDBAL WATEB COUBHUI. An act of great lmportinoe to Eastern and Southern Oregon is tbe following: Tbe nse of tbe wuters of tbe lake and running streams of the state for general rental, sale or distribution for, purposes of irrigation and supplying water for household and domestic consumption, and watering livestock, npon dry lands of the state is de clared a publio nse, and the right to collect rates tberefor a franboise. A corporation formed for the above purpose may appropri ate water from-its natural bed and condemn right of way for lis ditch, rights of riparian proprietors and Lindii for site of reservoirs: but right of way for tbe mam lino shall not exceed 100 feet iu width, and etch distribut ing ditcb thirty feet, and for a reservoir site twenty acres from one owner. If compensa tion cannot be agreed npon w ith the owner, suit must be brought In tbe circuit court, No riparian owner shall, without his con sent, be deprived of water for bonsebold or ilooiestio use, or for tbe pnrpose of watering Li dock, or of water necessary to irrigate hi cropi. All existing appropriations of water shall be respected to the amount of water actually appropriated. Water shall be furnished to owners of land along the line of the ditcb at reasonable rate. Ftir Municipal PurpQtt.kaj incorporat ed city is given tbe right to appropriate water courses for water works or other municipal sees, provided, that in cities of less than 15,- 000 inhabitants, a majority of the taxpsyers must antboriza aucb action at a special elec tion before it can be taken. AILBOAD LtOISLATIOX. Potter of tin Coinmhuiion.Tht Miller law ule of charges for transportation. These are to be revised by tbe commission, and if rate so fixed are not accepted by the corporation uit may be beuun by tbe commi.-tsion to have such rates adjmlgod just aud reasons ble. The oommUs ion shall Investigato all oomplaiuts sgainst tbe railroad coinpanie and may bring suit In circuit court in the name of the stale to hav its declarations en' (orced. Tbe commission must make semi annual cxamiuation of bridges, aud if any are reported by tbem to be unsafe and are not repaired within ten days the commission may atop trains from crossing such bridges To Eiwourmjt IiMroad Building. Any railrosd oompsny building a line over thirty Stale Agrimlltiral Collrge.Tke sum of $3,483.60 is appropriated to make np a Jo flcieucy now existing, and $25,000 more for other new buildings. Colltrlion of School rJ.r. When any dis trict tax is levied in accordance with the present school laws, and ths clerk ba made out tbe assessment roll, the directors of tbe district sball sit as a board of equalization, and may increase tbe assessment of any per sou whose property has been undervalued, upon giving him notice to show cause why It should not bo done. Delinquent taxes sball bo reported to the sheriff and he ia empowered to collect them in the same man ner si county taxes, and if the property ia miles In length within three year from dato( sold, to give a deed therefor. shall be entitled to contract with tbe state for the transportation of convicts, insane and militia, and shall be paid therefor for five years a sum equal to th amount of taxes which such company will puy annually for that time. Any company that may build within two years seventy milisof a Hue to oon use t the seacoast with Soulheastorn "Ore gon, which liue shall exoeed COO milo when complete I, sball Lave seven years In which to complete tbe road, and If fifty miles of said road is built each year, tbe above con. tract shall continue for five year after' the completion of the road, or practically twelve years' exemption from taxatiou Wight of Way Through SUitt Litnds.la order to encourage railroad building iu lbs coast counties and in southeastern Oregon, right of way is given to all railroads hereof. tor to be built through tb lauds of tho stute aud also ths right to take timber, stone aud water, and necessary grounds for stations, depots, sidetracks, turntables and other it' tions. fOH THI PROTECTION Or UUORERD. H'uom rrtftrrtd Claim, Senator Cogs' well's bill, the passage of which was urged by the Federated Trades Assembly of Port laud, received the approval of tbe governor, but, not having an emergency clause, will not become a law nntil the expiration of ninety day. When any persou, firm or corporation shall fail or its property be at tacbed, tbe olalma of employes, to the amount of $100 for each employe, are pro teoted debts and must be paid before the claims of other creditors. Debt of a Dead Aan-Heoliou 1183, Hill's Code, relating to the order in which claims against a decedent's estate are to ba paid, is amended so that immediately after lions npon tho estate existing prior to death, there must be paid the dobts due employes of decedent for wacet esrnod within the ninety days immediately preoedinghls death. Jrvmmrj' Xirn. I!y an amendment to section 8GC9, Hill's Code, the provision of the lien law are exleuded to team stem aud draymen. hxbortrt In JOgijing Camps, Every laborer In a logging camp, including the cook, sball have a preferred lien upon all logs, spsrs, pile and other timber which ha may have assisted in getting out, for a period of six months after the work Is performed, The new law give minute particulars how the logger shall set about to enforce his olsim. laborers' Lien on XanJ.Laborers em ployed olearlng or improving tany laud may have lien on such land for their wages, and such lien sball ba preferred to every other lien, mortgage or incumbrance of a subse qoent date, Similar protection 1 given to laborers on mining claim. DOCTORS AND DB0OX1I8T8, Medicin and Surgery. The act regulating tbe prsotlce of medicine and surgery, passed at tba session of 1889, ia amended a fol lows: There shall be issued three forms of car tiflcates, instead of two, tbe tblrd to be for those who bav registered their names and places of business with th clerk of the county In which they reside. For examina tion tbe board will hereafter reooive $10 from each candidate Instead of $3, as here tofore. Itinerant doctors, who ar required to pay tha Seoretary of State $100 a month license fee, will not be permitted topraotice In different places at the same time. PharmacUti Must U JfrgUfereti. Ninety days after February 21st tba following law will be ra effect: Every person conducting pharmacy, drug store, apothecary shop, or dispensing medicinea or poisons, must be a registered pharmacist; snd no person not a registered pharmacist may compound physicians' pre scription or dispense poisons. Within sixty daya th Governor ahall appoint five competent pharmacists a board, wblcb bill examine applicant and isau certifi cates, tbe fee to bt $5 In each one. Any person i entitled to be rogiatered who is either a graduate In pharmacy or engaged in the busines at the lime thia act takes effect. The latter class may, npon satisfactory proof, obtain certificates upon payment of a $2 fee. Clerks who hav been in service two years may obtain a certificate aa registered assis tant, upon payment of a II fee. Registered pharmacists are held responsible for tbe quality of their drugs and medicines; pois ons muKt be labeled and a record kept of the persons to whom they were sold. A fine of flOO may be imposed for violation of thi act, and the name of tbe pharmacist may be stricken from the register. PfcUTAIXIXO TO CHOoIJ. Jomni'i'A Ximml School. Th Governor i authorized to appoiut, by and with th advice and consent of tbe senate, nine per sons who shall, In connection with tbe State board of education, constitute "tb board of regent of tbe normal school of the State of Oregon." This board ia to have complete control of the educational and financial affairs of the school, and employ all teach ers needed. All graduates of this school ar authorized to teach la any publio school in tbe State. Tb regents shall not teceive any compensation for their services, but are allowed their expenses for attending meet ings ol th board. Voreri of ScAonJ flecfiofu.-In districts Election of School Cleric. In cities of 10,- 000 inhabitants (be school clerk shall be deemed an officer of the board of directors, who shall elect bim, fix hia compensation and prescribe his duties. Th Governor' approval has already put tbla act into effect. rreitaration of Teachers, All persona graduating from any college or university incorporated or chartered under th lawa of this State shall be entitled to receive State diplomat as teachers, and after six years of successful teaching in the State sball be en titled lo life diplomas. Ttaehtrs' Examinations. Tb. county board of examiners shall hold quarterly examina tions on the second Wednesday of Febru ary, May, August and November. School Fundi not Used. It any school district does not use the money received from tbe county and State during tbe satie year it shall be returned to the county school fund. State Hoard of Education. kll persona holding diplomas or certificate from tha State board sball have them registered by the county superintendent in the oonnty in which tbey are going to teach, and such holders of diplomas must attend institute and assist in institute work. Refusal to do this may be puuiebed by revocation of tbe diplomas. PROTECTION OF FUK, OAM I AND BOSOMED. To Protect Salmon. From March 1st to April 10th is the close season in (he Colum bis, and from August 10th to September 10th. No salmon shall be caught within one mile bulow any rack for proportion pur poses. In any waters of the State except the Columbia it shall be unluwful to fish for salmon between November 15th and April 1st. Nets, trups or weirs must not extend tuoro than one-third across any stream. Lime, gas, ooculus indicus, or any deleteri ous substance must not be thrown into any tream. It is unlawful to receive, have in possession, offer for sale or transport salmon dining the clone season. All dams aoross streams must be provided with a Qshway. Sawdust or shavings must not b thrown into a stream, or deposited where tbey can be reached by high water. Violations of any single provision of this act is punish able by a fine ranging from $50 to $250. Who Shall Fish. A. separate aot provides that It shall be unlawful for any person to fish for salmon or sturgeon alio is not a citi zen or has not declared hii intention of be coming a citizen of tha United States, one year prior thereto, and has not been resi dent of tbe State of Oregon for six months. Close- Season for Gome Swan and ducks are now protected from March 15th to Sep tember 1st. Grouse, pheasant, Mongolian pheasant, quail or partridge ara protected from November 15th to September 1st of (ha following year. East of ths Cascailes.H shall ba unlawful for a term of five years in that part of the State east of the Cascades mountains to ca'.ch, kill or have in possession, except for breeding purposes, any Mongolian pheas ant, quail, bob white, prairie chicken or pheasant. Th penalty is a fine of not less (ban $50 nor more than $100. Protection of Songbirds. U. la unlawful to catch, kill, injurs or rob th nest of the following birds: Nightingale, ikylark, black thrush, grsy tinging thrush, linnet, gold finoh, greenfinch, chaffinch, red-breasted European robin, black starliug, grosbeak or mocking bird. Seagulls. It ia a misdemeanor to catch, kill or injure a seagull, punishable by a tin of from $5 (o $25 for each offense. Charles Barclay, first mate of the ill fated ship Elizabeth, baa been presented with a purse of $1000, subscribed by tha business men of San Francisco a a testimonial of their appreciation of his beroio services at tbe time of (he wreck. Mr. Barclay ia an Oregon boy, born and raised in Oregon City, and his many friends rejoice not only over his escaping the frightful death of his ship mates, but tlso feel a genuine pride in tba honor shown him. Ha is expectod home in a few days. The Euffene Cigar Factory Keeps constantly on band the finest brands of home made, domestic, and Key West cigars. Charge tbe lowest price for chew ing and amoking tobacco. Sell at retail aud wholesale. to increase th powers of ths railroad com- mission require all railroad corporations with a population of 1,000 or more only tax within ninety day after tba pasaage of the payers may bereaftur vote at school meet- act to furnish the commission with a ached- ing. Give Them a Chancel That is to suy, your lungsi Also all your breathing machinery. Very wonderful machinery it is. Not only the larger air passages, but the thousands of little tubes aud cavities leading from tbem. When these are clogged and choked with mutter which ought uot to be there, your lungs can not do their work. And what tbey do, they cannot do weel. Coll it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of the family of throat and nose and bead and lung obstructions, all are bad. All ought to be got rid of. There is just one sure way to get rid of them. That is to take Boa chee's German Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Ev.n if everything else has failed yon, you may do dend npon this for certain. There is no datr of a cold resulting in pneumonia when Chamberlain' Cough Remedy is nsed as directed "for a severe cold." It effectually counteracts and arrwts any tendency of a cold to result in pneu monia. Thia fact was fully proven in thous and of case during the tpi'lt-inio of ii,:io euza last winter. For sale by F. M. Wilii ! DruggiBt. -1 it r". f ' t.i. 1 I