A. GOLDSMITH, flu Best Known Grocer in Sip! Has a LARGER Block of Fine Wooden and Willow ware . . ' . ery. Pay. Highest UAMI price ior voumijr -., . ..... , Hides, Wool, Tallow, fcc. Orders filled promptly, with the greatest cure. I DON'T BOAST PRICES. All Goods sold as Cheap as anyone in Eugene. Call and be corteously treated. A. GOLDSMITH. EUGENE CITY PATTERSON, EDMS 4 CO. Manufaotare Best Grades Family Flour, neat wi . , i . i. gene, prop.rly M.ifnl. ken Id Mohan.-, for Flour or reed. CyHighett Cash Frio raid for Wheat XT J. L. PAGE, H A VINO A LARGE AND COMPLETE took of Staple and Fancy Groceries, bought in th beat market. EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH, Cn offer th. public better price thai any othtr bouM IN EUGENE. Product of all kinds Ukan at market price. Boot & Shoe Store A. HUNT. Prop. Will hereafter keep a ootulet stock uf LauWMIsmV and Children' SHOES. BUTTON 1100T8, Sllppora, WHta and Hack Candaln FINE KID BIIOE.H, MENS' AND BOYS' BOOTS & SHOES And in fact vervthlntr In th. RiKitand Kho Una. to which 1 iuteud to devote uijr HlMclal attention. -MY GOOD8 ARE FIRST CLASH. And guaranteed aa rereaentd, and will 1 ...Hl d.r tlia InwMt nriuM that a rood article can b afforded. A.HUNT GEO. F. CRAW, l'OSTOFFICK Cigar store, Eugen. City, Or f on. YAQUINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD AND OREGON DEVELOPMENT STEAMSHIP LINE. (T. E. HO(itI, Ravalvar.) 325 uu.u aiionna, 20 muum um tiui llian by other route. Flrat-claM tlimunb Pauenxer and Freight line from Port laud and all poliiU ' the WILLAMETTE VALLEY To and from San Francisco, Oal, For Ibfunnatlon apply to C. C. lloori, Act (ien'l Frt A Pao Art Orwnn Pacifio It U Co, 8AII.INII DATES. From Yaulna. Wlllametta Vallar, Mrvh 8th WillametW Valley, " llith WUlvnetU Vally, " '.'Mh From Saa FrAUuleoo. Willamette Valley, March 12th WillametU Vallor, " '.'let WlllametU Valley. Smh Thia CompanT reeerve. tli. right to change aallliix date, without notice. Pamnnera from Portland and other Wil UmetU valley nomu can aiaka clot, connee tione with the traine of th. Yao,tilna Mute at Albany and Cortallle, and If divllned to Kaa Fraaoiam. ahotild arranye to arrive at Yupiiua tn. ereuiun before OaU o( aaillm. Passenger and Freight rates the lowest W. 11. wibmtki, Uorrallla, Ore. tien Frt It PaM Ag't, Ureoa Deeloiment Co, So4 Mntirnry St. Hn FranHam. CKO. F. CHAW. AUENT. El'UKNE. NDTIt'K. I'. 8. Land (imii, P.wiMr. tihuou.) 'nmplalrt harlnt twn rulcnl al Ihla i(Im 6T liroryr It, aril aualn.l rtslrlck Uliarl fx abaiKtouhif hit llnuicaicait Kmr, No. V'l,lati( April , XhM, un U Nt , ol II, T lei a, li 1 1, In Une whiiiit, nrritoii, with a ! l ihi reunrllatniii ol uut i,trv: the wul irtl. an hervliy .uinm..ii u air al lli oltliv n( III. rounlr clera ul Imtyt tomiitr, (rri,n, al Kutviie, rr,ni, un ine u m nay ul Ainl, at i iV!,.ii a. m., tnnaaiiiil ami furnUh tr.llintini rotirernlua aalit all.K-,1 aliautloMi,lrn. Urariiii U Itr Uvi al thia ultui nn the iminionir hi taken oiltllnuUr, Hie iy April, U u clinka. in. Jna II t.iuri, K.-vlet.-r. , . ,, M aroti. Kcrivcr. (tufflrlent erldcnm havmc Uwn nU-4 In thli omit nr in., roiunuril thai r.n.l -rvlre cannnl lie mailt U.,u cinl.lr, ll la hervb, or- "" w nitvi. it lll)llraltuu ac oinlint lo law, J,,a rim n. kmiurr A. M. I nert.ai). Kn-elw. WriKht'a Red Croe ( 'onh Car. rarantra I to five aatiafM-tioa. Will cure ui kind of ouufh or aula. Sold by all druiaU. ' CO 1J- llEAI.KK IN- Groceries Chi . ... Glana, Crock- man r Ti.,,liw.u VnfK. Skins. A. O. HOVEY, II. f! HUMPHREY President. Cashier. LANE 'COUNTY BANK. IIOVEV. HUMPHREY 4 CO KUQKNK CITY, - wit- General banking transacted. liejxi.ita received on current account and id tpwHal cortiheat liraiu urawo on nnicriivn BAN FRANCISCO AND Hill, nf Eichaiur sold on th Cltlat of Europe. J.oan. made. .... i ,, Collect I'Hia onall acoessIM Iint aapeclalty T. O.HtMrmic'KM, President. H.n, Kakik. Ji., Cashier. Firs hi of Eugene. Paid un Cash Capital $50,000 Surplus ami Profits, ,'$30,000 Eugene City Oregon. A ....1 l,nlrini lillaillMl don on reason able term". High, drafts on MSW timit. CHH!A).HAN Kit ANCISCO and I'OKl' LAND, OKKUOK. Hills of eschange sold nn foreign twuntries. Dewwlu received subject to check or oertifl- nata ni i1.wuia.it All Pli Unctions eutrueed to ui will receive prompt attention. flHA. LAMB. MEST. W. t. PKBT, CAHUIK1 THE Eugene National Bank EUGENE CITY, OREGON. PAID UP CANTAL, M.000 SURPLUS FUND U'.WO Trausacts a general batiking business, li.nnn n DiKKOTolm: P n Dunn. F W Osbum. J C Church, B M Yorau, J M llodsou, C Lauer, J E Davis. Eugene Guard, Ntw.iiitcr, - Hook and Job ufllu, WiU-uuetU St, Eugene City, Or. ar- i-ttalliltallll canaot b luccaitfulli trival.4 with out jood h.alth. To reach wealth or la, ooeied Boiltlon la lll.rtqulrti tholull poneiiloa tni optratloa of all tho fao Mltlti kind Mture hit tnioaH Ul with. Inaio condition, cannot oilit unljii tho hytlcit being It la p.rf.ct working order, tad thli ll Impoiilblo whaa tho llrer and oplt.n ire torpid, thuiobitruct Ing tho Itcretlonl, ctuiln, IndlgwatloM and dyipipili, with ill ol thilr acoom panylng horrori. DR. HENLEY'S English Dandelion Tonic oiarti i opaclflo Influence over tho liver, oncltel It to healthy action, ratolvoi III chronic enjorjeeiente, and pr.mot.ltho 0Mretl.ni ; caret Indlg.itloa ind conith patloa, iharp.nl tho appetite, toneo ap tho entire lyitem, and nakei III. worth living. 1 Fabcrs Golden hmk Pills. For Female Irren.lar ttlca; luHhlnirlikcilu'ra on the market. Vive Mil huvealilWiied oy prnuilueut la' I Ine niiiutlily. uiiarantPiH to relieve a'.ipraaed uienairuauoo. SURE) lAFtl CERTAIN! Pon't be humbninreil. Save Time. Health audmouey itako uootU' r. Pent tn any adJr eecure y mail ou re cciinoi rliM,liOu. AilUrvaa, THE APHRO REDICINE COIHPANY. Weateru Brauch, Hot Z7, fOUTLAMU, OB' rflDfC th.. Com. inReean. IraaehNIl, frwiikw nrwaa, eineepiag louea.treae, era Ikroat, Ailhaia, and amy mtnm at the Ikreet, lnti.d Cheat, imlnjiti, Ceateeietlea, Kuykciulall & Payton. riuslclansand Surgeons, Rooms Over City Drug Store, Nationa iff I Eugene City Guard. SATURDAY . . MARCH 7, Ml. NEW YORK'3 WATER TOWER. A Hepurtiuent tniai r.mpiem. Apparatoe I. woraea. In principle the towem are very riui- pie. Thero U an iron tune bo jutoi orer one end of a truck that iU top may be raiHed to a height of lixty feet abow the strwrt j:avemnt. The tipper end terminate in a nozzle. Connected with the bottom of the pipe iiaverylargi hose. From two to four engine may be coupled to this hm, and their united stream forced up through the pipe and out of the nozzla. The nozzle U con .,111 hv a man on the truck, so that iolid 2J inch atream may be directed throngh the top window oi a aix twij building with eaw and certainty. Th newwit tower in the department differ! from the older one in aeveral important .eUila. .... i The old tower had to be rained by hand power, and it wa a alow ana tiresome job. Moreover, the old tower wa made in section and had to be screwed to gether by the men. The new tower ha a twenty-eight foot pipe suspended in side of a slender steel derrick that ii twenty-two feet high. The derrick if pivoted over the forward wheel of the) truck and when not In use it, with the pile iniiido, lie prone upon the truca. At a fire the derrick ia erected by mean of what may be called engine power the piston rods or two cylinders, wmco a pa vnrv liWp ateum neine cylinder, connoct with the bottom of the derrick. Instead of steam, however, carbonioacia gas, which is generated in a retort sus pended near the rear aile of the truck, is used. Thia retort is rjartly filled with aooa and water, and when the time come for rnisinir the tower a small quantity of vitriol is spilled into this mixture. The TUB m.nirftted in sufficient quantity to create a pressure In the cylinders of nliovfl 100 nounus to the square lncn, ana it is this power, exerted through the cylinders, that raiae the derrick, ine pipe ia elevated above me uemca oy means of a stout metal ropo working over imlloys and a band winch. The streum from the tower can De bwuiik immnd in anv direction and thrown np or down through a wide arc. Jonn n Spear in Scribner. Viidercnuluate) Perverelty. rt owed Its existence to a passage in 'Charles O'Maller" in which Mr. Frank VVhIiIi tlisL'tiiried himself aa an itinerent organist and went about the street of Dublin playing on a nuray-guray buu mlWtinir coiroers. The government ought to have dealt very generously with our novelists, for few men have sunt so niuny into the army aa Charles Lnver or so manv into the navy as upi. Murrvnt. I have known more casoa than one of nniversity men who have imitated Lever's whimsical notion of a practical joke; several university mon have gone about the street with blackened face as Christy minstrels. A little Kftinin of the streets was, now ever, too sharp for the undergraduate, although he was got up in the most ap- nmved hurdv-irurdv Btyle and worxea AWJLV liintllv at the organ handle. The short street boy followed him for some time with great admiration, but witn a se rious doubt in his mind. Then he walked nn to the itinerant musician and said: "Ynirra nut a hunlv-Kurdv man. Ijook at vonr boots. Look at your hands. Til bo and tell the proctor." The diaconv fited undergraduate skedaddled to hi rooms, and sent his very moderate earn, ings to a hospital. Temple Bar. Tha Fanltleaa Work of Oraat Poete. It is usually said, in hasty generaliza tion, that the poetry of the present age is unique in the extreme refinement of its exterior mechanism. Those who say this are not aware that the great poet whose virile simplicity and robust care lessness of detail they applaud have ai most without exception been scrupu louslv attentive to form. No modern writer has been so learned in rhythm as Milton, so faultless in rhyme arrange ment asSpeuser. But what is trueia that a care for form and ft considerable skill in the technical art of verse have been acouired bv writers of a lower or der, and that this sort of perfection is no longer the hall mark of a great mas ter. We may expect it, therefore, to at tract less attention in the future, and although assuredly the jargon of Walt Whitman will not be accepted, technic al perfection will more and more be taken as a matter of course, as a portion of tho poet's training which shall be as indispensable and as little worthy of notice as that a musician should read his note correctly. Edmund Crosse in Forum. The Odd People of Shetland. The stranger will still find many cu rious and interesting relic of olden day and ways iu Shetland. The ancient vil lage or "toun" of Sound, two miles from Lerwick, is a veritable nest of odd old folks and things. The inhabitants pique themselves on possessing the exact spot of ground on which their ancestor dwelt for more than a thousand year. They show fino Bcorn for "oopstart Lerwick" in the oft quoted couplet: Bound waa Sound wbea Unrkk was nana; bound U be Hound wbea Lerwtck is dune I and the "Sound wives" still visit Ler wick ou Saturdays with their "kashie' on their barks, their knitting in full swing, aud their nose high in lofty con tempt, waiting on one another until all are done with their errands or shopping, and then returning to Sound, the em' bodiuient of haughty toleration. Cor. Bostou Transcript. Vial tore la th lick Roona. One of the most difficult thing to manage is, not unfrequently, the matter of visitors. Comparatively few person ran visit the sick without doing mora harm than good. Bedridden people and persons confined to their chambers or their home by chronio ailments may often be greatly helped by friendly calls, by various little tangible expresbions of sympathy, and in general by snushine brought from the outside world, al though even in such cases wisdom is re quired. Youth's Companion. For Sale. 80 acres of fin beam dam land for Easy to clear. Land adjoining and of sal. character produced laal year 6 ton timothy hay per acre. Two spring branches on th premieet. No swampy land. Good out rang. For terms anil information, apply at thi. office. The Hew Oregon Fish Li. Salmon shall not b7ukn la th Giluwbis or its tributaries between tw nrei u. March and th 10th day of April, or between the 101b day of August and ths 10tb day of September, or between 6 0 clock Saturday tud 8 o'clock Sunday during th cIokb -son; salmon shall not b caught within one mil. below an rack eroded for tbo purpose of obtaining fltb by propagation; salmon shall not be taken in any water of this Hat except the Colombia sod its tributaries from Noeomber 15 to April 1; neti, traps nu Irs shall not extend mors than one-third saroas any stream, channel or alongh; lim gas, coceulus, lodicua, or soy lubatance del- teriou to flab, must no be thrown iuto any atrcam. From March 1st to April iuto it ball be a misdemeanor to tare In poaaes- ioo, offer for sals or traotport soy chinook aitlmon, silver salmon, steelbeadi or blue backe. No dam nor other obstruction shall be built across soy stream without a suitable Udder or flahwsy be prorlded. Sswdost mnst not be thrown into any itream nr plac ed where high water will carry it away. Th term aalmon is construed to include chinook, aleelbrad, bluebaok, silTaraide, snd all other pedes of salmon. All fines colleoted shall be paid into a fund for the nae of the Bah commission Nets, trnpi aud weirs muit be taken out nt tbo rivers, or oloaed dnring the close season. Pound net and traps must bo numWed, and at night time a bright white light uiu-t be hoo. Veto of Agricultural Bill. Th following is tbo full text of Gov. Pen- noyer's veto meaauga on tnis bill: To tbe Houornble, the 8enat of the State of Oregon: I herewith return Senate Bill No. 134 with my disapproval. Thia bill creates two new BErioullural societies snd spproprUtes to ono tbe nuui of 11 MO and to tbe other tue sum of $3000 Buniwlly. This io an appropriation of mouey rained by general tax for a local purpoa aud for a purpose entirely foreign lo that for which the taxiug power waa con ferred upon tbo government by the people I veto tbe bill. Sylvebtib Pxmnotkb, Governor. A Good Example. A few days .go Hon. F. B Lnbbock, who for twelve vein baa been state treasurer of Texas, turned over to his successor iu,UB7, 830 iu fond aud aecarities. In these twelve years Treasurer Lubbock ha bundled over $90,000,000 of the ttute money and proper ly, and not a dollar of it has stuck to bis fingers or found its way into the fingers of any of his friends. Tbe statement also is made authoritatively lhnt aiuco theorg iuiza lion of tbe govrrnmeut of Texiis in 1836 there has never been a dollar of shortage or defalcation in its treasury. Tbe Jackson county barbae r conimended the appointment if Hon. P. P. Prim olJaol sonvilleaa the additional judge for tbo first district. Judge Prim ocouuied the bar in this district fur twenty years continuously, snd waa also one of tbe members of tbo in preiue court when it waa re-organized in 1878. He would no doubt fill the position efficiently aud satisfactorily, Tbe appointee must reside In either Klamath or Lakeooun ties, and alio bold court iu other dbtrkti when o died upon to do so. Asblaud Rec ord. v How to Break up Severe Cold. From ths Virginia City, Mout., Madison Ian: When w find a medicine we know to nnaaeaa eenuiue merit, we consider it a duty, and we take pleasure iu lellinK the publio what it was. Such a medicine we found Chamberlain's Cough Urmedy. by tbe use of Ibis syrup we huvs relieved, in a few hours, sever colds, and in tbe course of two or three days, entirely broken tnem up ai has several of our friends to whom wo have recommended it, It is all it is repre sented to be bv tbo manufacturers If you have a oonub and want to stop it, Chimbei laius Conch Itemedy will do tbe work, lor sal by F. M. Wilkins, Druggmt. I have a oonsin who is a printer, says Ex Mavor J. 0, Louahran of North Des Moines Ia. Some years ago ho was employed in thia city where they were printing circular, (or Chamberlain, lie had a deep seated cold and terrible cough, and while setting nn oodv be made no bis tuiud to bny a bot tie. it cured mm ana tout was toe nrst i over knew of Chamberlain's Congh Remedy I bar been strongly In ita lavor over .nice. Mv own experience aud tbat of my family convinces me that thi remedy is the best in tbo world. Tbat mny be strong Isnxuago tint tbat to what I tbiuk. For sale by t , U Wilkins, Druggist. MinroRO Ftoua. A. Goldsmith has re ceived another car load of the celebrated Medford flour. Ho will keep this eioelltn brand of flour in stock at all times hereafter SAVED From a terrible death, la what to many say after twlna conn ot ratarrn Dy uanif the uaiuti I'lwltlve and NeKHlive Kln-trlo Mutnient, It never fall, to cure Kheumattain, Neuralgia, Lame Hack, bore inroal, uvauacne, looinavne, ae. Try It. KXC1TKUKNT Bun. high In thia city over Syitem Builder, a. everybody U uiiiif It (or Catarrh ot the Stomach, ltfapepata, Couatipatkm, Impure Blood and to build up their .yateui. Try It and tell your friend, about it, aa It muat poasvas wonderful merit wnen an eai wen oi u. Don't Believ It When told that F. M. Wilkins, ths drnggist, is not selling "Wisdom's ltobertine" for the coniDlexion. the most oleeaut ana amy reeuy harmless preparation of ita kind in th world, and giving a beautiful picture card with every bottle. What It It? That produce, that beautifully soft com plexion and leaves no traces of its applica tion or injurious effectiT Tbo answer, Wis rlnm'a Kobertin accomplishes all this, and is pronounced by ladies ot taste and refine ment to be the most delightful toilet articl ever produced. Warranted narmieaa and matchleM. F. M. Wilkins, agent, Engen City. Call a Halt Tbat tired languid feeling means tbat your ayntem ia in a alat to in- vii diaeas. and Wriuht's Compound Ex tract of Sarmparilla ia what yon need at one to expel impnritie of th blood and build job np. Sold bv all druggists. A ORE AT MISTAKE: lanftn mail iii not tulni the rll(orntaPo.l live aud Ni-aattv Kleeirie Cough Cur (or eoiifha, roldn, eroup, eonaumpilivn, aalt I. th only auush aura tn the I'nttrd State, that i. free tn.m opuiea. Kin. lur cbtUlren. Try It aud nuiTcn cTiTcc rnnmprc UilllLU 01 HI 10 10111111111011 Will b eulled to any addraaa for s limited period upoa th rvceipl oi IU With th oam, w will and FKEE, a copy of oar Uut pub Irratkw, "A 0npilainB ol th V. &. Rav Bn Iaws and New Tariff Kate. Addrw. tall?! Nlt Unstrrfi UatM( naaa. Insure Against Fire With one of the Leading Companies. v t ; nv of the following standard Companies: oriusuiauvo New Zealand, Capital Stock Phoenix of London, ' 3,000,000 Hamburg Bremen, of Germany, Apply to R J. FKASIER. Agent, Eugene, Oregon. Foi Real Eslate Saps in Farm and CU) Property Call on Lane County Land & Loan rie as b i b r r r r p TRYA L3I and get RIORE i POWER ee wfl ana u&c i-tvu - . . .r ii....v.j r,akklnivnal of lHOl Writ for our nw iiiuiums" ti C JI THE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL& ENGINE CO. SPRINGFIELD, 0., U.S.A. Eugene AND Deadline Sliops. C. N. FRAZER, Proprietor. -MAKES ALL Castings, v Store v Fronts v and 7 REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS Give me a trial. I aruarantee my work Rlrrhth atrmt and mill race. Day & Henderson, -THE FU111TTOI & UIB11T1IIIQ House in Eugene. Corner 7th and Wil. St NEW GOODS. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS From the Cheapest to the Best at prices according to quality. A LARGE STOCK OF BOOIS mil ilili From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties can be suited eitner as Our assortment is Complete, me Finest; can suit you if you give us a calu OUR STOCK IS tSTFree New and Stj lisli.1 Look u over: if we do not save you sell to you low. A FULL LINE STARR NON Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that J. R. Purkerwn, administrator of the estate of John A Woolrrtdae, deceaard, baa Sled his final arrounl therein and ail order naa been fiUere-i of record dlrectmc thia noliu., and naming the Mh day ol April. lPVl, for th bearing of objrrtloui to aaid final account, and also the settlement thereof Deled at Eugeat. OrrgKii, Febtnarv 20. 1S9L J. R. Fl KkEkSON. Adailn(alrtnrnfthe Eslate of Juo. A. p ooler eiige, deceased. at. w. Cos uos, Atty fur Estate. - - $5 000 000 r!nnri.000 CUBES ANY HEADACHE "WhileYouWait," V BUT CUKE-a . NOTHING ELSE, ji'A'wiiivii;1.'11' i a aa all l' FFEl'M Foundry KINDS OF OF MACHINERY A SPECIALTY. to rIto satisfaction. Bbc-p. wrnei corner of "''rll LEADING - to rnce or yuaiuy, from the lowest Price up to money, wo will make some one else OF GROCERIES F. B. DUNN GMFFN Engines Sells the Celebrated - RUSTING Tinware, GENERAL DEALERS IN HARDWARE, STOVES ETC EUGENE, - OREGON Delinquent Tax Notice. Notice is hereby given tbat th city tax of lS'.sJ of Eugene is now delinquent and has been placed in my bands for collection, Those who ar delinquent ar notified that unless prompt payment is mad coats will b mad. Sept. li, 1&90. I. E. B-nrius, Marshal. souf'R v tn Southern Pacific Kot la v 'fotnln. Shasta Line. amrjL Expreia Train. Lav Portland Daily. - S'rS .i South INortii v Portland ArlilJtlT Lv Knifene Lv i u . J 10:15 M I Ar Ban Kranuiaco Lv 9:00 Z Above train, step only at fulWjn 7 tlnna north nl Itoaeburv: laet Port an,l r.. City, Wocxlburo, Salem, Albany, 'fM. gent, nneuua, jiawoy, lu.iruri, j nnctiii City, Irving, Eugene. EOSKBUBO UAII., DAILY. 8.00 am J. 06 p m 6.40 pm Lv Lv Ar Portland Kuifen Roaeburii AH.OOpa, L,.S5ki Lv ,:!, ALBANY LOCAL, DAILY (Except Sunday), LEAVE AKlilW.. Portland 6.00 p. m. I Albany. .9.00 p. , Albany 6.00 a. m. I Portland. V.0U a. bi! TOURIST SLEEPING CAHS, V... u-commodatlon of Second Claea Pi gars, aiiacuea w ma nuui, . . i j . . '(':.. . West Side JJivlMnn. BETWEEH P0ETLAND AMD COEVALUg. MAIL TBAIH DAILY (EXCKrT SUNDAY.) 7:30 am Lv Portland Ar 8:20p m 12:10 a m I Ar Corvallls l.v 1 12.funm At Albany and vjorvalli. connect with train of Oregon Pacirlo Itailroad. IXPBESS THA1H DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) 4:40pm I Lv fortiami Ar ft:3o m 7:25 pen I Ar Mcilinnville Lv5:45am THROUGH TICKETS to all Point, East and South For ticket, aud full information reuvditiK rate., maps, etc, call on Company agent at LW".. K KOEULK.lt, 1!.. f liUUl!.K, Manager., Aut. U. X. and i aaa Agt. Northern Pacific Railroad. POPULAR KOITK FRUITI Poilf. unu i v a he. k.isi, two tras daily AND of Cars No Cliau") of Any Class No otht-r linn iuiik Piilace Dining Cars liHtwi't-n Portland nnd thn East. THE FINEST . EMIGRANT SLEEPING ,CARS In tha world are run on all tliMuli traina, il and uife'lit, without change wiut tree of charge. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS, The Fineet, Best and Safest in Use Any where. SEE THAT YOUR TICKETSKE.AD via the Northern Pacific 11 R Portland Ticket Office No 2 Washington St Depot Ticket office cor lt and O, Portland. A. D. CHARLTON. Aas't (Jen'l Pas Ag't. Northern Pacific Railroad. 221 First St., Cor. Washington, Portland, Or F. L. Posson & Son, Gcueral Agts. for D. M. Terry & Co's SEEDS Garden Seed. SEEDS Grass, Clover aud all kinds of Trees, Bulbs, Fertilizers, etc. SEEDS Bee Keepers' Supplies. We want you for a customer. Give us a trial order. F. L. Posson & Son, 209 2d St., Portland, Or. Successors to Miller Broa. catalogue i-rn For Sale by E. R. 1.1'CKEY & CO., Eugene. NOTICE. t'KIIKD States Land OfficR, Kosehurfi. Or.l Feb. H.1MH f nnn.nlal.. k.,.tna tuuin .mti.roH at til ia nttipe DT GeorireD. Ward suslnst Arthur A. Cushnmn lor abandonlnu his lloincsU'Kd Entry, Nn. KM, date Slarrh 'Jil, ls'.Hi, uion tne sr.'i oi we n, i u i "i R, 1 E, in Lane county, Orosun, with a view to the cancellation of aaid entry: the said rsrtiM are hereby summoned to appear at the otlice ol the countv clerk of Lane county, Oreeon, at r.u- gene, Oregon, on the 17th day of April, lstil, at iu o'clock a. m to repond and furuinh testimony concernlnir said alleged abandonment. Hearing to be had at this oltiee on the testimony so taken on Tuesday, the 21 day of A prll, lx'.H, at 10 o'clock EAST AND SEEDS SEEDS t, m. JOHN ii. BlllirK, IM'Hi.-n A. M. Cbawford. Receiver. Sufficient evidence having been filed in thia office by the contestant that personal servile cannot be made on the contestee, it is hereby ordered that service be made by publication ac cording to lew. John H. Sih-i-k, Register. A. A, tKA.riiKU, nrvvi.v.. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. U. 8. Land Ornci, Roseburo, Obeoon.) . Jan. , Will. I NOTICE Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the aet of Congrena ui June 8, 187H, entitled "An act for the aale ol um ber lands in the States of California, Nevada, and Washington Territory, Row" M. Howe, ol Elma, rnenaits couniy, : Waahington. has this day filed in this onu. his sworn itatemem No for the purchase oi the N E K of Sec. '.ti, in Townamp n "i K 1 E, and will otter proof to show that the lana sought is more valuable for its timber or iioij. than lor agricultural purposes, anu io n-i.,""-hia claim to said land before the RegHter ana Receiver of this office at Koseburg, Oregon, on Thursday, the 'Jd day of April, lM'l. ... He names as witnesses: L I Forrest, d Rrannan. Milton Stowell, James E Nolsna, tugene, Ine Co., Or. , Any and all persons claiming aaverft-ij - above-described lands are requested to tile tne" claim. In this office on or before laid 2d day ' April, 1H91. , , . 11, Bill I ttl Ifai'J"lL, DR. JOSEPH P. Gill, c AN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or rr ideno. whe not profeasioually engaged. Eeaidence oa Eighth street. pposite T J t r an Church. NOTICE FOR ITBLlCATlON. Labd Ornrs at R(-.EBrRf..i"- February 2-1, Wl. I x.-.i t. i. i i .I... .i,a r,,i.tM-iii2-nani- .oin-r IB IICHTl'J l.iril win. .... :- -- - k ed aettler has Bled notice of hi intention to ma" final proof in support of hia claim, anu ni , proof will be made before the Judne or the county court ol l.ane eountv. regn. at t gene, On-gon, on, Satunlay. April 11. l'i. 'I Charles W. I.vnna. Home.iead Entry ' the E' of SW 'i snd loU Nos. 6 aud ., of Sec N 1 r IS S, K 7 W, M. , He names the following witnesses to prove eontinuoua residence1 upon and roltivsii"" aaid land, via- L. J. orneliua. Fred V-ti-ro. Whltaker and J. L. Atkinaon, of Wallon, Un county, Oregon. J0s . fiHrPEf RfgiiU-r.