A. GOLDSMITH, Its hi tan tar in ftp! Hart a LARGER stock of Fine ery, Wooden and Willow Ware than ever Deiore. Tays Highest CAbll price for Country Produce, Furs, Skins, Hides, Wool, Tallow, &c. Orders filled promptly, with the greatest care. I DON'T BOAST PRICES. All Goods sold as Cheap as anyone in Eugene. Call and be corteously treated. A. GOLDSMITH. Fix this in MATLOCK'S NEW CHOICE HEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Aronsw offered at PRICES which mako them beyond ques tion the Lowest in town, quality considered. Nothing can outdo that wonderful house, known as jr x xwca,xiXj.oo3ex:,s - Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents Furni&hing Goods, Hoots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Ac. EUGENE, OR. EUGENE CITY MILL CO. PATTERSON, EDMS k CO. Msnufsoture Best Grades Family Flour, fitnr Grain on the moat forlil. terms. Wheat mmIiiU of any wtralmut north of Ku ink, properly assigned, taken In siuhang fur Flour or 1'oed. tr-Highet Caub Trio. Paid fur Wheat-Cr J. L. PAGE, DEALER IN- i08i HAVING A LAIIGE AND COMPLETE stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, bought In the best market EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH. Cm o(Tr tin puolio better price. than any other nouee IN EUGENE. Produce of all klmli taken at market price. Boot & Shoe Store A. HUNT. Prop. Will hereafter keep a complete itook of Ladles' Mlsscn' and Children. SHOES. BUTTON BOOTS, Slippors, White and Black Sandals FINE KID BHOEB, MENS' AND BOYS' BOOTS & SHOES And In fact verytlilnar In tin Hoot and Shoe Uua. to whioh. I intend to d.vot my esiwcial attention. MY GOODS ABE FIRST CLASS. And guaranteed a. represent!, and will b .old for th. loweat prices tliat a good arUol. can b afford..!. A. II U NT GEO. F. CRAW, rOSTOFFICX Cigar store, Eugene City, Oregon. YAQUINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD AND OREGON DEVELOPMENT STEAMSHIP LINE. GO'S. (T. E. HOGG. Rewlw.) 225 mils shostib, 20 mocbs im timi Than by other rout. Viral clue through Paatengr aad Freight lin. Imiu Port land and all point, la Ih. WILLAMETTE VALLEY To and from San Francisco, Cal, For Informattoa apply to C. ('. Iluot't, Act Oen'l Frt I'm. Aft Oregon Pacine K H Co. 8AILINO lJATESk From Yaquina, WIIlm.tU Veils, January l'Jth WilUoxlU Vll.y, " 27th From Saa Frincioa WllUmtU Valley, January Eld Willametts Valley, 31tt Tkt. Company ( th. right to .hasp ailing date, without notice. 'a ers 1mm Portland and otli.r Wil lamette alley point can snake clot, oonaec tinn. with Ui. train, of th. Y equina rouuat Albany and Corral I U, aod U deeUued to Haa Francisco, .hnnl.1 arraug. to arrive at Yaquiu th. .reuiiig bafur. data of sailiLg. Passenger and Freight rates the lowest W. H. WiiarTig, Carvsilia, Ore. Uen Frt ft Paea Ag Oregoa Il.elopiuent C( "4 Motitiroroery rt, San i rancWort. CLO. F. tiUW, AO K.N T, UUK.NE. Groceries, Chi (J lass, Crock Your A, 0. HOVEY, M. fl HUMPHREY President, Cashier. LANE COUNTY BANK HOVEY. HUMPHREY 4 00 BUQENK CITY, OB. General banking transacted. DeweiU received on current account und on pedal osrtlboata Mil drawn on PORTLAND, RAN FRANCISCO AND NEW YOKK. BHU of Exchange auld on tli. Cltlei ol Strop. Loan, made. Collet loneoii all accessible point, a specialty T. O.HMnHici", President. 8. B. Eakiw, Jr., Culiler. of Eugene. Paid up Cash Capital $50,000 Surplus anil fronts, $27,000 Eugene City - - Oregon. A general banking buslnoas don. nn ressou. hi. term.. Hlglit draft on NEW YOKK. CHII!Alif. HAN FRANCISCO and FORT LAND, OREGON. Uilli of sxohangs odd on foreign countries. DrpoelU reonlyediuhjeot to check or certitl osle of desalt, All collections utrused to ui will receive prompt attention, niua. laukb, rntn. W. T. FKCT, CABUIKI THE Eugene National Bank EUGENE CITY, OREGON. PAID UP CAPITAL,.. SURPLUS FUND toO.OOO . 10,000 Transact a general banking bundles. Ilcunnor Dinr.cmiis: F B Dunn, F W OHburn, J O Church. 8 M Yornn, J M llodaon, C Lauer, J E Davia, WOODBURN NURSERY! Largest Stock in the Northwest. II JOB ! Al! th lalinir varietie. of Fruit, Shada, Ornament il, Nut and Evergreen Traw, Vines and Shrubbery. Send for Catalogu. and Priu I.Ut to J. H. SETTLEMIER, Woodburn, Or. Sportsman's Eporinm. HORN & PAINE, Practical Gunsmiths Dealer, in CUXS, RlFLEa, Flibinf, Turkic Mil UaKriili, Nrwlos Marlilu aiil e-dlfnol All HiuUa For Male I Repalrinf don la tb. ne.iteet ityl and war ranted. Guns Loaned & Ammunition Furnished Rum oa WllUnietU itreet. JAMES McCLAREN, CHOICE WINKS, LIQUORS and CIGAR WilUmetU Strwt, bet 7th aad 8th. F. M. AVILKINS, Praclical Druggist & Chemist. DRUGS, MEDICINES, Bra.kM, I'alata, Ulaaa, oils, L.aa., Toilet Articls, Etc. rhyaidana' rnacrlptioM Coapuua.Ud. in Firsi una University Bookstore McClarens Building, (Opponlt. F. M. WUklua" Drug Stow.) Ha. an ciUntlv 8 tuck of STANDARD, MISCELLANEOUS, COLLEGE AND SCHOOL BOOKS, Mercantile, Fancy and School Station try, Blank Oooki, Cutlery, Etc. t"t-Ordrr for Book and BiibacriptloM loNwKppotand Perlodlali promptly at- U-Dilt Ui. Bowel Trouble., and Cramp, Colic, or any Internal or External Fain. Ak your druktii.it for it The Road to Wk Ciniiot k auocaatfully trirld alth out good htilth. To raach .altk or any I ow poaltlon In III ro,ulr th full Ian . oatratipa of all th ra lll.l kind natur hi ih)om4 with. In.M condition eannt tilit nnliii th ahyalcal b.lnf I I a.rlMt worklnf rdtr, ind this It Impoiiltl ah the llnr and iplH tr torpid, thntobltruct Inf th Mention, euln Indlf.itlta and djipepila, with all el thalr eoeoa- inylng horror. DR. HENLEY'S English Dandelion Tonic irt ipocllle Inllu.nc en.r thlhr, iclt.t II I healthy action, rMolru It chronic tngorstm.nt, and promot.l Ih Mcrttltn ; curt Indlg.ttlta aad conttl i patlon, ihirptn Ih appetite, ton. th ntlr ;(., and aiak III worth living. Faber's Golden Female Pills.. rnrFemla Irregnlar tllwi: uoihln.llkethem on the uiarkot. tkver nil. HurreMluIly uied by prominent l.'llee iimnllily. Uiiarauteed to rollers .upimued menttruatlon. SURE! IAFEI CERTAIN! Don't be humbumred. Have Time, Health, uUmouey;take uo oth er. font to any addreaa, aorura by mall ou re ceipt of price, fiOO. Aildnsn, THE APHRO BIEDICINE COMPINY, Weitern Branch, lioi27, 1'OKTLANU. OR' For Bale by E. It. I.l'CK E Y 4 CO., Eugene. F. L. Posson & Son, SEEDS General Agts. for D. M. Ferry & Co'i EEDS Garden Seed. EEDS GraM, Clover and all kiuda of SEEDS Trees, Bulbs, Fertilizer, etc SEEDS Bee Keepers' Supplies. Vv'e want you for a customer. Give ua a trial order. F. L. Posson & Son, 2C9 2d St., Portland, Op. Sutvtwor to M lllei Droa. Catalogue Free. niDf C Co.jh. Cold., Inlluinia, Brenehltl. bUriLO Hoart.n.u, Whooping Cougk, Croup, Sore throat, Althma, and .very aAeciioa of th. Throat, Lung and Ch.it, including Contumptloa. bptwlyaadiMraaocut, Oeouiu. uad " L llttt. Oco e Kuykcndall & Fayton, ThisIcUns and Surgeons, Rooms Over Citjf Drug Store. I'VC'lAj S C3 S3 . so CD it: i -I w rj O 5 I A Eugene City tiuard. BAITJHDAT FEBUUAttf 81, Ml- A Emarkable MoHstnwUy. Th. Ri Paul Glube the following account of a human mounlroaity that a born aome w.ka ao to lb wife of a auoe maker named Miller in McLeod oounty, UinneaoU: Tbi. cbild-or, a many potootM beliow, tble devil wa born with hair all oer ill body about two lncbe long. The face and band, even are not exempt, tbey are Imi larly coated. Tb feature are absolutely fiendiah In expreaaion, and Ibe eye ablue like two little bead, from beneath a pair of abaggy browa. It h tail rigbteen iucbe long. Tbi eufaul terrible wea prolded from birth with a full act of teeth. Two hort. aharp horua protruded from the nkull, and tho rlaw like hand are furnUhed wiiu cluwa like nn engle. Tb f'ft are exnclly like tbe boofa of a goal, and ibe hair oov.r. ing tbe body fa aa coarie an goaf bair, and tiruilnr in appearance. Tb" creature could crawl from it. birth, anu rxfuing tbenalunl uateuauce of a normal child of like e left lU mother' aide, sliding on it bud nud knee all ovnr the houw, devouring any acrap lo bo found. Tbia child devil ixoow fir wetka old, nnd baa already ehown itaolf to be a feroeiona U-ant. It map aavagely at tbe realrainiug hand, and Ih fncinl Upre ion produced by un effort to curb the ten- deut-it of tbty trexturo i looipresaibly frightful. Statttuian: Halrtn now ha a cbain-gxtig, for lb fin.! lime in her history, perbnps. Tbe bobo are worked under Ibe direction of Ibe etreet conuniiHioiitr, and watching them strike their alow and meaiured blow ou tbe bard rocka furulobed them to be pulverized d.dly afforda p ietiiue for the curioua of Si.' leui'a vitizn.. To lbm a cbniu gai.g is a novelty, but it em a succoa. Tbe priao' nen are cbaiued together, In aquad. of two, tbe cbaiu ruuniug from the leg of one to tbe leg of tbe oibtr, making do iuipiditni ut to Ibe work. There were eight of Ibeoi at work yaterday, and Ihey have elrvndy poundtd up a large quantity of rock, which will be lined lu tbe improvement of tbe atreeta. A abed haa been oonatrnoted near tbe city j 1 aod uuder it geuial roof duiing tbe day of rain aud atorm Ibe city will eutertaiutboe giteata who inflict their preat-nce upon ui. Theae fellow go at their wotk couaidcrubly after tbe fashion of a dishoueat man who il working by the day. If tbty average one good stroke iu three minute they are doing wonder. But it ia, work, and the remit of it will be aeeu in tbe improved condition of tbe streets. Roieburg Plulndealer, Feb. 13: Monday forenoon, while Mr. Sol. Abraham wai cu giiged in gathering up some wood in hi wood shed, in Ibe rear of bis store, a block of atore wood aeigbing !out ten pounds fell from tbe top of a pile about ten feet above his bead an I struck him over the led eye. cutting gnsh about three inches long and knocking bim down, where he Iny nu- onuacioua for some time. Mica Ida Simpkiua fell from a bridge while crossing Long Creek, uenr Grant's pans, tbe nlgbt of Feb. 13, nnd was drowned. Mist Simpkine wns returning from a party and it being very dark ahe walked off the bridge, which bad no railing. Her encort jtinfprd iuto Iho stream after her but tbe water being swift he could render no assixtance. Tbe young lady was 18 years of age nnd was highly respeoted. Colfax Commoner, Feb. 13: The glorious now that has fallen during tbe pst week baa made every oue feel happy. It has of fered tbe young folks tbe first good sleigh ing of the season, and those who are loo old for that winter pastime rejoice became they ay Ibe mow is worth at least $250,000 to Whitman county and almost inanrea us an other phenomenal crop. EXCITEMENT Runs hlah In this ulty over System Builder, as everybody la using It tor Catarrh of the Htumach, ly.Hi4ia. t onsupaiiun, impure nioou ana 10 hiilUt up their system. Try It and tell your friends about It, as It must possess woudertul merit when all sia-ak well of It. Don't Believe It When told that F. M. Wilkina, the drucKist, ia not selliug "Wiedom's Robertine" fur the complexion, the moat elegant and only really harmless preparation ol ita Kind tn ttie world, and Riving a binutiful picture card with every bottle. What It II? That crodncea that beautifully soft com plexion and leaves no traces of ita applica tion or injurious effects? Tbe answer, Wis dom'a Robertiue accomplishes all this, and is pronounced by ladies of taate and refine ment to be th most delightful toilet article ever produced. Wamtuted harmless and matchless. F. M. Wilkius, agent, Eugene City. Vnm Fr.nnNnK. .Th F.nceriA.Ii'lnri.ne Mail anil ettaoa Lina leave. KuoenM iMnn. days and Thursdays, 7 a. m; leaves Florence alternate days. Vmck trips and good treat ment. Be us ana save money. t IMaLDAMie X riDKBSON. How to Break up a Severe Cold. From th Virginia City, Mont., Madiaon ian: When we find a medicine we know lu Doaatsa genuine merit, we eonaider it a duty. and we take pleasure in lelliuu tbe public what it wss. such a medicine we found Chamberlain's Coutih Remedy. Vj the use of this syrup we have relieved, iu a few nouns aevei colds, and lu tbe counts of two or three duya. eutirely broken them ud aa haa aeveral of our friend lo whom w have recomni.uded it It i all il ia repre sented to be by tbe manufacturers. If you have a congb and want to atop It, Chamber laina Cough Remedy will do the work. For aale by F. M. Wilkiua, Druggwt. I have a cousin who la a printer, ssvs Ex Mayor J. C. Lougbran of North Dea Moiuea, Ia. Some years ago h. was employed in I hi city where Ibey were priuting circular for Chamberlain. II had a deep seated cold and terrible conch, and whil. setting up copy b. mad up his miud to buy a Lot lie. It cured him and thai was tb first I ever knew of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I have betn strongly in ita favor ever ainre. My own experience and that of my latuily oonviucra me that thia remedy is the best in Ibe world. That may be strong language but thai ia what I think. For sale by F. il. Wilkius, Druggtat. Call a Halt Tbst tired languid feeling mean, that your ayateni ia in a state to in vite disease, and Wright Compound Ex tract of KeraaparUla is what you need at one to expel Imparities of tbe bluod and build you op. Bold bv all druggists. Wright i R I'roas Cnoch Cur gnarante to giv. aatisfactioa. Will ear aav kiad ol south v ould. Sold by all dnigit. Insure Against -Mre . .i t i:.w Prmrnnios. With one ol tne A-uaniug v,w.r For Insurance in any of the following .tanda.d Companies: , , , New Zealand, Capital btotk, rnoenix of jnauu, 3,00U,uuu Ilamburt Bremen, of Germany, v ... v t PR ASTER. Arrent. Eugene, Oregon. foi Real Saras in jjane uouuiy oju. w igAyl Bui Eugene -AND VEa,cliiiie Sliops. C. N. FRAZER, Proprietor. -MAKES ALL Castings, v Store v Fronts '.' and v Engines. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS Olva me a trial. I Kuarautee my work Elahth street and mill race. If TRY A and get MORE POWER and use LESS WATER Write for oar New Illustrated Catalogue of IttOL. THE LEFFEL WATER WHEELS, ENGINE CO. SPRINGFIELD, 0., U.S.A. Day & Henderson, THE LEADING FIBMITlllI k USDEBTAKIHG House in Eucrcne. Corner 7th and Wil. St NEW GOODS. aSBBsaaBSSBBaaarasaraaaBBs t A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS From the Cheapest to the Best at prices according to quality. A LARGE STOCK OF mm mi From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties can I :a I -il x r! "N I . ue suiieu eitner as Our assortment is Complete, y i inui; iittv oictvt ij yUUi IUV Wo U VLltU OUR STOCK IS !?Frcc IVcw and Stylish. Look ug over; if we do not nave you atll to you low, . A FULL LINE STARR cV ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. VOTH'K IS HEREBY tilVES THAT THE uiHtrainnnt. Alex Matthews has been t.y the County iurt o( Lane Couutv. orpirnn, ap- Cim.t a.trainitrmlor o( th. eetate ol Thua. atthrwa, il.r.l. All penains having elaims arain.t eaid mate are Dotifi.'J to prex-nt them uh th vouchrr. at th. oltioe ol U Hiiyni, in Fun. ne I uj, environ, within sil mimth. (rum the date tf this n.uW. ltt Jan. i Ikji. ALlx. j viTHF.WS, U BlLTir. AUmiuistratur. AUurary. $5,UUU,uuu 5 00o,000 Farm and Of f(CPc,1LCal1 on ivi hix ti he luuiiau. BUT CUBES HOTHINQ ELSE. Foundry KINDS OF- OF MACHINERY A SPECIALTY. to ftlra satisfaction. Bhopa, w c! U. . XUAABM. I) WHEEL iu rnce or yuaiiiy, from the lowest Price up to money, we will make some one else , " OF GROCERIES F. B. DUNN GRIFFIN Sells the Celebrated NON-ltUSTING Tinware, GENERAL DEALERS IX HARDWARE, STOVES ETC EUGENE, - OREGON Delinqumt Tax Notir. Notice is hereby given that Ibe city 1st of lsyo of Eugene is now delinquent snd baa been placed in my bands for collection. Those who are delinquent are notified that nnle prompt payauent ia made cost will b made. Sept. i, 1830. I. E. Stivbis, UarahaL EAST AND SOUTH- Southern Pacific Koute Mliasta Line. Express Trslns Uvs Portland Dlj, South I i v;ITr -rj, --7. . ti . i . W r a ui i oruaou Ar tit Portland 02pm i Lv Euinn i.. aT. 15 A M Ar Sso Francisco L IZ " r Abov trains stop only at followu? tiona north of KoMburgs Kaet Portland 11 goa City, Woorthnru, Hal.m. Albsn, ?.nt.8hlds HaW, HmUurg, Jua City, Irving, Eug.n. " """ kOSIBUaO MAIL, DAILY. 8.00 a ui 2.05 p m 6.40 p m Lv Lv Ar Portland Kugen ltoseburg L6aj.; ALBAMT LOCAL, DAILT (Eicept SuadavL LEAVE: Ai:itivp. Portland 6.O0p. m. I Albany. Don ' fc Albany 6.00 s. in. I Portland.V,U0a 2 P0LLHAI BuITCT 8LEEPEE4 TOUEIST 8LEKPIXU vaK$ For aooomuinustlnn nl second Claw 1', gar, attached to Esprva Train. West 8il OivUlon. BET WEEK POKTLiHD ASD CORTAlLn MAIL TSAIN DAILT ((XCKPT UMUAT.) am I Lv Portland Arl-9n 12:10 pm Ar (Wve)li L J2.5&" At Albany anU vJorvalii oonuwt with tr.7u of Oregon 1 acitio lUilroad HfBIHB TRAIHDAII.T (MCICPT SUSIlAt.l 4:40 p UI 7:25 pm Lv Ar Portland Arl Lv Sasj 5:45 m MuMinnvUle THROUGH TICKETS to all P0i East and South Fnr tickets and full Information rau.r.u . rates, maps, te., call on Company' atrent at AUirvneu K KOKHLKK, K. V KtHJERS, Manager, Asst. O. K. and Pas. Atf. Northern Pacific Railroad, POPULAR ROUTK FHOITI fOHT. LARD TO TUB UAST, TWO TRAINS daily AUD No Cliange of Cars of Any Cltm No other line runs Palace Dining Cars iMiU'een Portland and the East, THE FINEST EMIGRANT SLEEPING CARS In th world ar run on all through trains, di and night, without ehang and fret of charK. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING OARS, Th Finest, Best and Safest tn Use Any where. SEE THAT YOUR TICKETSBEAD via tin Northern Pacific R R Portland Ticket Office No 2 Washington St Depot Ticket oflice cor 1st and O, Portland, A. D. CHAKLTON, Ass't Gen'l Pass Aj't. Northern Pacific Kailroad, 221 First St, Cor. Washington, Portland, Cr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orrui at Rosxbuso, Oa.,1 January 1-', lh'.il. Notice la hereby given that the lollowlns nsm- ed aettler has died notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his clalm.and thst said proof will be made before the Judge orClerk of the County Court of Lane County, Oregou, si Euaeiie, OrvKcin, on Monday, Feb. a, lnil, vis: James L. Hmllh, homestead entry No. (Ml, lor tit N W'4 ol 8ee M, Tp IN 8. K 1 Kast, W M. He names the following: w llm'sses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, vis: Charles MrKarland, J. W. Nett, James Howard and Kecs Holbrook, all of Lowell, l.ane county, Oregon. JOHN H. PIItTK, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICK. V. 8, Land Office, Kosibiho, Okisor, Jan. 9, lhyl. NtiTICF. le herehv fflven that In enmrinine I with the provision, of the act of Congress ol Juue 3, 1K7H, entitled "An act for the sal. of tim ber land in the Htates of California, OresoB, Nevada, and Washington Territory, Hubert M. Howe, of El ma, Chehalls county, Stale of Washington, has this day filed lu this oflc. his sworn statement No for the purchase ol me n i y( ra sec. i, in lownsnip if o. R 1 E, and will offer proof to show that the Isnl sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stons thau for agrlc ultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, oa Thursday, the M day of April, lWll. lie names as witnesses: L D Forrest, B W Branuan, Milton Htowell, James I Nolsnd, of Eugene, Lane Co., Or. Any snd sll persons clslmtng adversely the above-described lands are reu nested to die their claims in this office on or before said 2d day ol April, js'.ii. JOHN If. BHl'PE, Register. Sheriflf's Sale. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtus of an execution issued out of th Circuit Court of Lsne county, State of Or egnn, upon a judgment rendered in the Jiistic Court for South Eugene, County of Lane, State of Oregon, on the 15th day of December, 18'JO, in a suit wherein E. V. Smith waa plain tiff and Mattie Carter waa defendant, com manding me tn aell the following described real property, to wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of lot No. one, In block No. 8, in Skinner'a donation to Lane county, now a part of Eugene City, Lane county, Oregon, thence south 80 feet, thenoe west 30 feet, thence north 80 feet, thenoe eaat SO feet to the place of beginning, being the east 30 feet of Lot No. oue, in block No. 8, in Skinner'a donation tn Lane county. Also all the interest of the aaid defendant in the stable and bnggy house built nn the pnblio grounds south of aaid lot, to satisfy the sntn of $42.31 with interest thereon at the rsU of 8 per rent per annum from and since the 16th day of December, 1890, and the further sum of S9.S5, ooeta of suit, and for accruing coats. Now therefore In the name of the State of Oregon in compliance with aaid writ I will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder at the Court House door in Eugene, Lane County, State of Oregon, on Tuesdsy, he 24th day of . February, 1891, the aforesaid described real property between the hour of 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m. of said dsy, to-wit: at one o clock p, m. of said day. Terms of .ale. cash in hand. Dated at Eugene this lilth day of January, 1801. JAMES E. NOLAND, Sheriff of Lane Co., Or. Summons. In tbe Circuit Court of tb Stat of Ore- son for the County of Lane, W. Hall, Plaintiff, ) Charles Hall, Defendant. ) T Pharloa Hall mniA TWenrlanl : IN THE NAME OF . 1 HE STATE OF Oregon you ar. hereby required to appear in Ibe aaid court and answer tbe complaint of plaintiff now on file on Monday, tbe 2nd day of Marsh, 1891, which shll be six week after first day of the publication of Ibis sum mons, and if yon fail to appear and enswe' judgment will be taken for waut lberof, and the plaintiff will apply to tbe court for tb relief demanded in ibe complaint, namely, s dissolution of tbe bonds of matrimony no existing between plaiuliff and defendant, and for coat and diabnrar ment of tbia suit. This summons is pnblished by order of Hob. M. L. Pipes, Jud-e of the 2nd Judicisl District, made Jan. 13, 1891. Joshua J. Waxtoh. Att'y for PI't'tT A r.REAT MISTAKE Is often made In not tftng the California Posi tive and Negative Kiev trie Cough Core n emigha, eolde, croup, consumption, asit ts in. only cough cure is the L'nited rjtai. that la rree troai opiate. Fine lor children. Try it ana