. . MOORE Furniture UHSEBfAEERS A. 'GOLDSMITH, lb M Known Grocor is Eugene! Has a LARGER stock of Fine Groceries. Chi .a, Glass, Crock ery, Wooden and Willow Ware than ever before. Pays Highest CAbH price for Country Produce, Furs, Skins, Hides, Wool, Tallow, fcc. Orders filled promptly, with the greatest care. I DON'T BOAST PRICES. All Goods sold as Cheap as anyone in Eugene. Call and be corteously treated. , A. GOLDSMITH. Harness AV1NO OPENED A NEW 8ADDLI AND HABNESS I SHOP OX 19th BTRIET opposite Star Bakery, I km now prepared to furnish everytklng ia thl llu at tb H LQ-WHST BATES. The Moat Competent Workmen Am employed, and I will enaVavor to giva utufaction: to ill wbJ ma favcr roewith'oa11 A. A. C UIIII II' Fix this in MATLOCK'S HEW FALL AtlD WHITER COODS, Arnnqw nffnri! at PRICES which make them beyond ques tion tho Lowest in town, quality considered. Nothing can outdo that wonderful houso, known as tT X HATLOCKS Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents Shoes, Hats, (Japs, Trunics, xc. T. G.lLwnaicg, President. S.B. Eaii. J., CashLr. II I 11 ll i mm of Eugene. Paid up Cash Capital 150,000 Surplus and Profits, $27,000 Eugene City - - Oregon. A kdimI banking buatn don. on reaon abl.terma. Bight draft on NKW YORK, CUK'AWO, BAN FKANCISCO and POKT LAND, OKKUON. DiU. ol .xchau told on foreign oountrlea. Eepo.lt. rootlrwl subject to cheek or owtitt oat. ol drpa.it All oolisetloM antrussd to w IU rlv prompt nitration. CBU. UUH, riDT, W. t. MIT, OMIIH THE Eugeno National Bank EUGENE CITY, OEEQON. PAID UP CAPITAL,... M,000 BUUTLUS FUND 10,000 Tnnwoti n general Unking business. Bono or Dimotom: F B Dnnn, F W Osburu, i 0 Church, 8 U Yorau. i U Hodson. O Lur, i E Davl. OSBURIliD'LAHO DRUCCISTS & APOTHECARIES. WILLAMETTE STREET KKAS 8TH Kum.Citr,dMj.n ia DKUGH. CHEMICALS, OIL, ULARS, VAEXISnES, CRUTCHES, PATFNT Xlr.l'IClNE Of mist .very kind, .to, Brandies. Wines and Liquors of th. .ry bwt quality for medicinal purpose WE have always k.pt abreast of th. tim In our linn, nnd without boaallug. v. think wvareeaJ. in claiming that w. hat. THE BLST MKrtmnt ut Dill' US ia Eugen, Partlcubv attention is called to our stick PERFUMERY, TOILET SETS, nnd CELLULOID CASES Fur tli. year 1891, W. .hall be able te cell PAINTS, OILS nnd liKUriUL8,oI wliichw now bar a large atocc on Hand) Than any honat b this city, and our friend can ret amired that anything bought from ua will I firat-claai. A. w buy many ol our rood. Evt and bar. faoililiM tW fw In our DiuinrM bar., w. think w. at prepared to an dsnwll and funiiak n bo'.Ur quality oi good, th.n aoron. in our lira in Lan. ormntr. W call OiiwcUl atr.cnti.jB to I'l(r'CRIP TIUN.i, whih wiU b. oanfully nllwl at all twin of ih day or nht. r .If ;& LINN, Dealers! & EMMLMERS. Shop Your Mi NEW CHOICE Furnishing Goods, l?oots and . , auumiia, viv. A. O. HOVEY, H. n HUMPHREY ITwIilTOt. Caahier. LANE COUNTY BANK HOVEY, HUMPHREY A CO KUOKITHJ CITY, OR. ktnltntf ftMtiuntaA. Deposits received on ourrnt noonunt nnd oa racial ortinoat Until drawn on PORTLAND, RAN FRANCISCO AND NEW YORK. Bill of Exchange nold on the Cltte of Esropt. i .... i- Collections ontll aoceaslbl poInU aipeclaltj WOODBURN NURSERY! Largest Stock in the Northwest. l,I,iB ! All th leading varieties of Fruit, "bada, Ornamental, Nut nnd Ev.rgraen Tress, Vines and Shrubbery. 8end for Catelogu nnd Frio. LUt to J. H. SETTUMIER, Woodburn, Or. Summons. In tb. Circuit Conrt of the But. of Ore gon for th. County of Lane, W. 1111, riaiutlff, CbirlM IU1I, Defendant To Charles IUII. nnid DoffoJ.nl TN TUB NAME OF 1HE STATE OF M. Oregon jrna nr. b.rehy required tu eeer in in. Hid ouarl and n.w.r lb complaint of plain lift now on lie on Monday, the Snd day of March, 1M1, which hali b ix k alter tint day ol lb. pabbonlio of this I Bona, and if yo fall to ppoar and nnwf Judgment will b. taken for want tbr.of, nnd lb. plaintiff will apply to tb oourt for the rlief demanded la lb. eompUiot, kam.ly, a dwolotlon of tb bond of matrimony bow LXUS.ug botwwn plaintiff and defendant, and for eoeta tnd diaburarmtnt of this mlt. Tbi uoimoot i. pnbli.h! by order of non. M. L. Pipe, Ju.lcw of the 2nd Judicial Uiatriot, made Jan. 13, 1WI. Juauoa J. WaLTnw, Att'y for Pl l ff. Call a n.llTh IIm.1 Unonl.l ftl. mean, that yur .rt.m 1 in a Ut to in- Tit aitraa. and w right t V-oo pound ti tract of 8areurilla ia what roe Deed at ARM In am! imnnritta tf lt. .4 build you np. Sold by all drogguti. . YTCI t DR. ABORN 18 NOW AT POiTTUNO, 0RK40H. FOB THOSE WHO CAHTfOT PORRIBLT Cilt PEE. IrOMALLT, HOK TBKiTHKJTT PLACED "ITB. a THK BEACH Of A Lb THAT WILL (UTS lKSTlXTASEOl'S BKtlKf A5D A rKBIAXEST CUBE. -The most epeedy, positive and perma nent cure for Catarrh of the Head, Asthma, and all Throat, Bronchial, Lnnfr, Heart, Stomach, Liver and Kidney Affection, Nervou Debility, etc. Consumption, ia It various stages, permanently cured. Da. Aborn's OwciNAt Modk of Tbbat MKirT and bis Medicated Iwhautions irlves insUnUneoua relief, builds np aud revitalue the whole constitution and system, thereby prolonging life. Weak, nervous, debilitated and broken-down constitutions, old and young, invariably train from ten to thirty pounds In from tflirty to ninety daye. Dr. Aborn's phenomenal skill and b elous curea have created the greatest astonishment on the Pacific Coast and turot" lout the American continent, dur ing the past twenty-five years. Asthma, Catarrh of the Head, and all Throat, Prou cfaial and Lung trouble Instantly relieved, alro Ear Diseases and Deafness often cured permanently at first consultation. Da. Aborn'S essay on the "Curability of Coo sumption," and a treatise oa "Catarrh of the Head," with evidences of some e. traordinary curea, mailed free. Call or ddrtl DR. ABORN, Fearta Borrlaoa lt Portlaad. Orttea. v u.a imiimmi rnfclv naclced. teal by Bxprtw 10 all Pr of Ch. Pacific Coa.1, lor Umm who loiy cau ID pmnvu. AfllHVlTFJ) TO CALL FOR FREE COHSULTATIOJL Cough, Ccldi, Influ.nt, Brtnehltls, Hn.run.ll. WhSODln C.Uflh.Cr.. ,a.I. .thina. and averv affecttoa ol tb. fhratt, Luna and Ch.it, includlnc Cniunptl.t. SoMur and ywnan.nl. Uuuio. aigiwd " L litis. Fiber's Golden Femals Pills.. ForPcmal Irrcirolar HIm: uollilnnlikethen o u lb market, fitter fail HuraeMfullr uied ty prominent ladle, monthly. Uiiaraiiteed to roller auppreued mtnitruation. tUREl SAFEI CERTAIN! Pon't be humbuned. Have Time, Health, nud money ;take no oth er. Bent to any address, (aire by mall oil re oelptof price, (100. Addreu. the iPHRD nrniniNE camni. Wwteru Branch, Box 27, rOBTLAMO. OBa For Hal by X. B. Ll'CKEY A CO., Xugona. F. L. Posson &, Son, SEEDS General Agta. for D. M. Terry & Co'a SEEDS Garden Seed. SEEDS Grass, Clover and all kinds of SEEDS Trees, Bulbs, Fertilizer, etc. SEEDS Bee Keepers' Supplies. We want you for a customer. Give ua a trial order, F. L. Posson & Son, 209 2d St, Portland, Or. Succnaor. lo Miller Broa. Calalogu. Pre Kuykcndall & Fayton, Physicians tnd Surgeons, Rooms Over City Drug Store. O 00 Eugene City Guard. 8A1TJBDAY i AMJAUV Zt. 1WL Frnlt Shipments. Jacksonville Times. Froil shipments from th Itogu river val ley towns prior to tb holiday, in carload lois, amounted in round number to: Anh land, 24fl,500 pounds; Medford, 310,670 pounds; Talent, 172,400 pounds; Grsnfa Pass, 738,140 pound. Shipments In small lots snd by eipiess doubtln amounted to half a mucb more, or a total of about 2.400, 000 pound of green frnit, or over 120 car load. When it is considered thai onr or ebards are Just coming fairly into bearing, and that tbe business of shipping Is yet in it infancy, tbis is a most fororsble showing. Eon. J. D. Whitman, ia presenting these facts before the 1st meeting of tbe State Board of Horticulture, and commenting on tbe fact that tb board forbade the shipment of fruit infested with tbe Bsn Jose acsle, stated that tbey conveyed bnt a faint idea of tbe fruits already grown In this section. "Th fruit interest of Southern Oregon," aid be, "is undeveloped and in it Infancy. Of onr choicest fruit land not S per cent, are yet occupied with fruit tree. Tb sop. ply of choice frnit land is almost inexhaust ible, and we will cordially welcome all who desire to engage in horticulture . to our val ley." "H. who kills" bird, . iu my judgment," Mr. Whitman added, "kills a friend-a fact that ought to b recoguized by every farmer and fruit-grower." The citizen of Linn and Marion counties hv been loudly demanding a publie sur rey of tbe land (long th Bantiam river. In respotse to inquiries Surveyor General Bvsrs, of Portland says that be bas already let a contract (or tbe survey of one towc. ship on tbe Cslspoola river above Browns villa, and Ave township on tbe North Ban tiam, along the liue of tbe Oregon Paoifie railroad. Be says all tbe appropriation ol $20,000 by congress will be speedily expend ed for this purpose in various portions of Oregon. Senator Weatherford of Lion county In troduced a bill such as is in existence in many other states, to exempt homesteads from attachments and execution sales. The homestead may consist of 20 to 160 acres or of one house aud lot in any oity, bnt mnst be held by tbe bead of a family and may pas to bl wife on bis deoease, eto. It mnst not, however, exceed tho value of 11,000. Tbe government engineers in California have given np trying to make wooden piling in tbe bay of San Frsooisoo teredo proof. Tbe inseot, which is tbe bane of all wharf builder In San Francisco, manages to get fat and thrive on oreosote and other ehi ml eal combinations that have been prepared to resist tbe destroyer, snd a new government wbarf, just eompleted at the Bay eity, is built on cast iron piling. Lnke MoKern butchered a bog a few day aso that weiuhed 675 ponnds net. It is sel Horn that a bog is butchered iu tbis country that has to be cut in three pieces to be weighed on scales that draw 360 pounds. This bog was of the Jersey Bed stock aud 1 three Tears old. Mr. McKern challenges I .1 l. 1 I V V. i 1 1 .A 1 . Vtu.i IU. WUU1V Ui IBIUUIU VI UVIU UlUi. Graph io. A OREAT MISTAKE It often made In notuntiiKtlieC'allfornlaPoaltlve and Negative Eleotrlo Cough l ure for cougHa, eolda, croup, consumption, as It la the only oouxh cure In tho l. 8. free from opiates. Vine for oniuircn iry it ana see. A sure eure for tbe wbisky habit: Dr. Livingston' Antidote for drunkenness will oure any case of the liquor habit in from ten to thirty days, from tbe moderate drinker to tbe drunkard. The autidote can be given in a eup of coffee without tbe knowledge of tbe person taking it. Tbe Antidote will not inlure tbe health in any way. Manufac tured bv tbe Livingston Chemical Co.. Port land, Oregon, or from Osburn & DeLano, Eugene. Seversl month ago Mr. Henry Plummer, of Clements, Cel., who is subject to cramps, iu taken with a aevere attack. He bad been aooustomed to get relief by dosing with morphine, but tb dissgreeabl effeot tbat followed would make him misersble for hour after the cramp bad been relieved. persuaded blm to try Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea llemedy. He was much pleased with it, as its effect was almost instantaneous, and no dissgreesble after .fleets accompanied its use. Lbs, iianv bert, Manager Farmers' Trad Union, Cle menta, Cel. For sale by F. M. Wilkin. A Little Too Late to doctor when Bright' Disease hss done IU work. Take Wright s Kidney and Liver Cure for Inflammation of kidneys and liver, pain In back and other warning of kidney trouble. Bold by all druggists. F. M. Wilklos, tbe druggist, wishes to remind his patron tbat it is a dangerous policy to wait until taken sick before buying a bottle of Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoa Bemedy. Every family should be provided with om reliable remedy for bowel complaints, ready for immediate use, whenever required, during the summer months, and this remedy is unquestionably far superior to any other. It can always be depended upon, ana is pleasant ana tare to take. It Is put up in no ana ou eeni comes, lie Ini (i HI I Caaeet be saocMsfslly trsrslad with t f aed aaalth. Tt rck wealth r any centes (ssltl la lit rwqnlra th (all nessasal d pertla ef ( U. ho altl.s kIM astir has eseewad s wit. Tats ceadltleM oaaaet tiltt nslsss the thrll Hls I la Mrlact W.rklR r, e thlt It Istaatsl! wh.a the Urn tad a,le r tarsM, th(hstret. Is the terttiM, easslsf IMl.stla and Htla, with all el tku aooss aarlsf h.rrara. DR. HCNLCY'S English Dandelion Tonlo ewrU laKlt ace avar the IKr, aicltss It t hssrthr actio, rttsbw It threal. nfrMi.l, sad SMiotM tt swrstl..; c.rM ladlgastl. and eesstl all, thara.it th (pastlta, ta I, thtlr trttia, sad lit warth llrlaf. t En mmm E. Schwarzscliild, Prop. (Soceaasot to Qo. Colllar) BOOKS, STATIONERY, MAPS, GLOBES, SPECTACLES, WALL PAPER k 8CHOOL SUPPLIES. Order by audi promptly attended to. Ad- drwa Lock Boa K PATTEBSOK I CHEISMl Tn doors South of tho Oil Fellows Hall. W. will sell our entire Btockof KOOKS AND STATIONERY at greatly re duced prices. lb Note Parr. reduoedlfrom f 1 ou to r i iu. Box of 8 XXX Envelope., reduced from WJc to 6oo. Box o Illuminated Box Papjr. reduced 'r"n' 60tcfS 10 small margin. yir alT 1 500 Paper Novels by the latest and most Popular Authors The Vacific Tea Co. Has Changed Hands Mr. J. 0. Having purchased it. BEDROCK PRICES ! Full Line of Groceries, Glassware and Crockery. Handsome Presents and Coffees. w. v:.. sXvJxW. -M nOTHINQ ELSE. Day & Henderson THE LEADING - F11IITU11 &' I1BI1T1IIIQ House in Eusrene. Corner 7th and Wil. St NEW GOODS. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS From the Cheapest to the Best at prices according to quality. A LARGE From the Cheapest to a1, a be suited either as Our assortment is Complete, mmm mi warn the Finest; can suit you if you give us a calu OUR STOCK IS C5f Free New nnd Styligli.Jgl Look ua over; if we do not save you ell to you low. A FULL LINE TTTTT A rn About tb biggest return aver mad ou a small investment r j A I is tbat reported by Job n Alexander, of Mariposa, California. He writes: The l8t investment I ever made iu my life wan one of 11.25. It I'rought me health, wealth and happines The investment I made was tlio purchase of one bottle of Moore a Kevealed Kr-mcdy. lliouxands of other people have had equally as eood returns from the purchase of this sovereinn remedy. It cured Richard Williams, of Newcastle, of Asthma, ia a werk. It did tbe imn thing for John Hewitt, of this city. R. C. Oats and Captain Al Taylor, of Seattle, over theia own signa- f i r r turea say that it cured ihKir rheumatism in a marvellously s W. P.Johnson, of Seattle, at- X and heart IrouMee, lhounamlH of repntahie eitizena lioro one end of the Pa ... n .1 .1 T . 111 ..l it .. . ciho uoast to me ouit write hh praise, oan you make than the purchase BemvdyT If you feel id every morning rheumatiNm, ll you nave any oi me nig or nmnKimi, invrsi ci.zj in Moore's Riealed Remedy, and ae if it will not give you relief. J5t?For Sale bv all' DrueemlH, STARR 6f . a YnhTCl f KM He will sell goods at given away with Teas CUBES ANY HEADACHE iin.M. w... tu-t WhiiaYouWaitJ BUT CURES STOCK OF nehart the Best. All parties can a ". 4 ."a to price or yuaiuy. from the lowest Price up to money, we will make some one else OF GROCERIES F. B. DUNN y1! Mort time. J. M. Join ftn(J LJJ test its efficacy in curinjr wt.t it you are in, wnar neiter mveatnmnt of a lottle of Moore Rttvealed on arising, if you are tortured Hv DID GRIFFIN Sells the Celebrated NON-RUSTING Tinware, GENERAL DEALERS IN HARDWARE, STOVES ETO EUGENE, - OREGON Sheriffs Sale. NOTICE 13 HKIlEU UlVt.?. THAT by virtu, of an execution iaausd out of to. Circuit Court of Lena County, Htata of a InHffment nudariMl In mlA oourt on tli. 19th day if. April, li. In a uit wb.r.iu V. U. Uaurr wa. uiamua and B H Lyons was delenaani, oouimanuins; rn to sell th. followiuKddMcribed, rsalprnrjrty, to-wlt: . ... . The i of BE1, t r"'t k"u BK ol 8vS of rite 16. M A of t vJiNi of NE1 of 8W1 and lot S and I of Bee 21, T 17 a iT.iu kiinnlnir at N W cor ..I SCI o8Wi'olSeelC,T17 8. UI W. Uieae west 7.00 chains, souin w muiveoiie j .1 u riiht bans of ul.l near, "e : . ft. , to a oint du. outh of olac of beginning, and tbenc north to place of beginning, all in Lao oounty, Oregon, to aaij -" aswt. w with intarwt at th. rate of U per cent per fm .n.l ainra ill. 19th UST of Al.rJ 18H6, and th. furthtr uu of HU5, un.u of suit, and for accruing coal, flow meretor in tb. nam of tbe Stat, ot Oreoa in oomplianc with said writ I will offer for sal at public suction to th. bigbest bidder at th. Court Hoot, door in Euiren, Lan. Oounty, Oreon, on Tuewiay, tb. 10th day of F.b., A. D. 1891, th. aforesaid describad real property, between th. houn of 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock D. m. nf said day, to wit: at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day. Terms ol sale, cash in nana. Dated at Eugene this 7tn uayoi January, a, D. 1891. JAMES E. NOLA.ND, BhsrUI ot ln. bounty, Uregon TIMBER LAND NOTICK. U. B. Lakd Ornca, Rosisoao, OssoonJ Jan. , mi. NOTICE Is hereby given that In compliance with the prorislous of tb set of Congrea. ol June 1, 1178, entitled "An act for tbe sal. of tim ber land In tbe State, of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory, Robert M. Howe, of Elma, Cbehalts county, But. of Waahtngton, hai thla day filed In this office hi. iworn iwtem.nl No for the puroha. of the N E jk of Beo. 26, in Town.hlp 17 8. K 1 1, and will offer proof to ihow that th land ought is more raluable for it. timber or .ton. than for agricultural purpose., and to eitabllih bl. claim to said land before the Refftiter and Reoelrer of thli office at Rowburgt Oregon, on Thuday,lhe2ddayof April, IWL He name. a. witnesses: b D Forrett, B W Brannan, Milton Btoweil, Jams 1 Noland, of Eugene, Lane Co., Or. Any and all penon. claiming adversely th boT.-deKiibed land, are requested to (11. th.tr olaims In this office on or before said 2d day of April, 18U1. Jons H. SHUPR, RHstr. NOTICE FOR FUBUCATION. Umd Ornca at Rossbubo, Oa.,r January 8, 1H91. J Notice I. hereby given that Florian Ott, fath. er aud only heir-at-law of tbe following-named settler, Ambrose Ott, deeeajed, has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in rapport of hi. claim, and that said proof will be made be lore tbe Judge or Clerk of th. County Court of Lane county, Or., at Eugene, Or., on Saturday, Feb. 14, 18K1, vis: Pre-emption D B No 6743, of AmbroM Ott, deceased, for theN WofBeC. 10, Tpl6 8,RlE,YY II. He names the following witnesws to prove his continuous residence upon snd cultivation of, aid laud, vli: William Workman, Reuben Hmlth, A Smith, William Adams, of Mabel, Lane Co.. Or. JOHN H. BnUPE. Register. Tax Notice. TAX PAYERS WILL TAKE NOTICE that I wilt be at th uiual voting places nf the respective precincts in Lane County trorn 10 o'olock a. m. until 3 o'clock p. m. of each day for the purpose nf collection ot taxes for th year 1890, as follows, to-wlt: North Eugene, Thursday, Jao. 22, 1891. South " Friday, " 23. ' Junction City, Saturday, " 24, " Irving, Monday. Cottage Grove, Tuesday, Creswcll, Wednesday, Uoahen, Tburmlay, Willamette. Friday, 27, 28, 29, SO, 31. Springfield, Saturday, Mabel, Monday, February 2, Mohawk, Tuesday, Camp Creek, Wednesday," Gate Creek, Thursday, " Davis, McKenzie, Friday, " Jasper, " . " Fall Creek, Saturday, " Middle Fork, Monday, Hazle Dell, " " Iist Valley, Tuesday, " Pleasant Hill, Wednesday, " Hiuilaw, Friday, " CoyoU, Saturday, " Spencer, Monday, " Cheshire. Tue.day, " Olen Tens, Wednesday, " Mapleton, Thursday, " Florence, Friday and 8at day. F.b. 20 and 2L Hermann, Monday, " Lake Creek, Tuesdsy. " Lane, Wednesday, " Ijong Tom, Thursday, " Richardson. Friday. " S. 4. 5, 5, 6, . 7, 9. 9, 10. 11. 13, 14. 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25. 26, .27. Tax payer, will take rntice of the following law, page 1301, section 2795, Laws of Oregon: "If any person residing in such precinct shall fail to attend at auch time and place and pay hi or her tsxes, such delinquent may pay the same at th cmnty seat to th sheriff, and if be fails to within thirty dsys, as aforesaid, and the Sheriff visits his residence, tb. ah.riff may collect of such person for his own use tea cents per mile, going and returning." Dated at Eugene, Jan. 7, 1891. J. E. NOLAND, Sheriff and Tax Collector for Lane Co., Or-eeon. Sheriffs Sale. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue nf an execution issued out of tbe Circuit Court of Multnomah county, Stat of Oregon, on the 22nd day of December, 18U0, in a suit wherein James Harbin waa plaintiff and Q. T. Fanning waa defendant, command ing me to sell the following described real property, to wit: Tb west half of lot No. t and the east half of lot No. 4, block No. 13, Packard's addition to Eugene City, Lane county, stste of Oregon, to satisfy the snas of 1003.00 with interest at ths rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 19th day of Dec., 1890, and tb further snm of $19.95, costs; and accru ing costs. Now, therefore, in the name of the State of Oregon in compliance with said writ, I will offer for sal. at publie auction to the highest bidder at the Court Housa door in Eugene, Lane County, Stat of Oregon, on Tuesdsy. tb. 3d day of February, 1891, the aforesaid desoribed real property between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m. of said day, to wit: at 1 o'clock p, m. of said day. Term of sale, oath in hand. Dated at Eugene this 27th day of December, 1890. JAMES E. NOLAND. Sheriff of Lan. County, Oregon. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned, Alex Matthews has been by the County Court of Lane County, Oregon, ap pointed administrator of th. estate of Tbo.. Matthews, deceased, All person, having claim, against said estate are notified to present them with the proper vouchers at the office of L. Bilyeu, In Eugene City, Oregon, within six month, from the date of thl. notice. Dated Jan. 1 Alii. MATTHEWS, L. Biltsc, Administrator. Attorney. EXECUTRIX NOTICE. Notice li hereby given that Almlra Taylor hat been bv tbe eountv court of Ine countv. Oregon, duly appointed executrix of the laat will and te tament of John H. Taylor, deceased, and of bis eitate, and all permu. haviug claims againet eald '.'.ate are hereby notified to present tbe same to said executrix at the office of L, Btlyeu in Eu gene City, Oregon, with proper vouchers, within six monthi from the date hereof. Dated Jan. 10, 1SUL ALM1RA TAYLOR, L. Biltiu, Atty. Executrix. In ti. ov -l "iUi Ttnwel Tmnhlea. anil Cranio. Colic or any Internal or External Pain. Aak yoar riraeiriat for it J S. LUCKEY., UtUD Clocks. vVatcries, Chains. Jewelry, Etc Jveoanno: t rompiiy jixecaiea. ks-AIIWwrk Warraal4.rg J. S. LUCKEY