EUGENE CITY GUARD. l u uiiriKU. rreprleter. EUGENE CITY. OREGON. ' "Ilold II U Suee." An English medical man who iu tent out to Bulgaria to look after the health of English workmen ou a rail way bad oocasion to takoa few stitches la tho eyelid of hishorso. To secure quiet on the part of his dumb patient he proposed to administer chloroform, and called upon one of the engineers to assist him. The result of the eiperl ment is told by the assistant: "It vu icttled that wo should take the home Into a died thickly strewn with hny, and that I should administer the chloroform. Tlu was quickly done, or rather commenced. The chloroform waa poured on a thick cloth, and I held It to the horse's nose. At first he oli JecUxl and tossed hi head, but present ly a contented look came over bis face and he stood stock (till. "At thin I said, 'Its all right, doo tor; get ready, ho will soon I off.' To which tho doctor replied, 'I am rather astonished tliat ho baa not gone through the excited stage.' "J lint aa ho told this tho horse gave a iudden plunge which knocked me over on my baek hi the hay, and then he omaictioed the moot eccentric unhorse like proceeding. He tut up on hit tall and tried to reach the roof with hit toot Failing hi this ho Jumped up and rushed into the corner, whew ho did h beat again and agiu'n to run up tho wall, tumbling ovorou hi back at each attempt. Then ho tried to put hii bead through between both his front and hi hind h'g, and so went head over heels forward. "I bolted, but will It bo believed that the unfeeling doctor held tho door against mo, and only answered to my entreaties to bo let out, 'Hold it to hi DomI hold It to Iiia nose I Look sharp and hold it to his none!" and when at last I succeeded hi bunting the door open and making my escape I was grouted with contemptuous looks and words! "A Rarey might have liked the skua tion. I am not a Rarey, and was very cautious how I went up to the beast, cren after ho had got over his flurry and stood stock still, looking very much astonished, as well he might." Youth's Companion. The Original lluffltlo mil. There Is prolwbly no better known name throughout tho entire length and breadth of this country than that of Buffalo Hill, and there are but few who do not know thnt William F. Cody Is the bearer of tho title, Mr. Cody, however, Is not the original Ttuf falo Hill. There Is nothing under handed nor ilh4tlmate in his bearing It Ho Is fully o.titlod to it, hut, for all that, ho conn by it second handed. The original HtilTalo Bill is now living, an aged, wealthy, promiueutaud highly roHpocted citizen and the president of a saving)! hank at Wichita, Kan. Hii name is William Matthuwson. Ho U high up in tiio order of Oddfellows. Years ago Mr. Mitthewson wan a bold frontiersman on tiio plains, engaged in bunting and trapping for a living. He supplied tho forts in Kaunas and Ne braska with bulTalo, and his suneesa In this work was so great that lie was flvon tho titlo of Duffalo Hill. During tills time he engaged a boy to work for him, and tho lad was so diligent and faithful that lie remained In Matthew ton's employ until the latter quit the business to settlo down to a more quiet life As a reward tho employer turned over the hunting contracts to tho em ploye, who then followed In his late masters fooMeps. That he was sue oetwful, that heoarnod honor, famo and wealth for himself cannot bo denied when It Is told that Ills name Is William F. Cody. With the business rights lit was given the title his former employer had borne. The world knows ho has kept It bright and that neither stain nor tarnish has touched It Chicago Herald. Tht Wlmli af tlia Mrdllarranran. The winds of this sea, though gener ally regular and xriodical, have locid eliaracterlstles which give rise to varl ous uames: "Tho Hirazones of the aoutlieast ciuutot Spain; tho Vent de Bixo, or Mist ml, of thesouthern l'lrnoli const; the Hallleho of Corsica and other mountainous Islands; the (iregale of Sardinia and Malta; tho SalTnnto and Bora of the Adriatic ; the Tramouhuia, generally over the Levant, and the I anters and Sirocco of the whole Medi terranean." In strong coutriuit to tlie frequent blasts of the well known Si rooro are the culms of this dtyp sea, the bonawiaof the Italian mariner, which In the days before tho advent of steam compelled a loitering and weary Toy ago. -J. N. Hallock lu Christian at Work. A Hard 14 Sal. Jinks Of all mean, grasping men 1 think Minks is the worst. I dou't be- Love he ever gets his thoughts off of dollars and cents. Blinks What has he been doing! Jinks He'-s bee ii asking tue fur a paltry $10 I borrowed of hiin sums years ago. New York Weekly. fcltlrl fur aa k-utlga. When Sultan Saladindied he com manded that no ceremony should 1 used but this: A priest was to carry his shirt on a lance and say, "Sabuliii. the conqueror of the east, carries nothing with him cf all his wealth and great rtaa save a shirt for his shroud and en sign. "-Dry Goods Chronicle. Trank Crltlrlua. Fuzzle-1 ar, olJ fellow, how do yer like me suit! bought it at Bangs' iuiflt parlors. Great sliape, isn't itl Muzzle- lts tli most successful case of luLilH I ever saw. Clothier and Fumijilier. A writor m au tngliU magniinr gives tlw particuliiri of forty-two royui inarriu's, and shows that lu oath and every tuo poli .-y and not lovs brougld aUut the nuitcli. Ji0 prinoe or priih cess ha any right to fall in love. They have enou.-h good things without it. THE PACIFIC COAST. A Petrified Body Discovert in California. The City Recorder of Salt Lake Forced to Reslim Dakota Indians Trying to Excite the Mutes. Work lias been suspended on the Union l'scilic branch from l'ortlana to Soiittlo. The estimated value of Southern Call- forniu'a orange crop this season is OOtf.OOO. The Luke f.ahish accident cost the railroad JW,0U0 in settlement of dam- sge suits. Tho fdiiho Legislature lias elected Plioup, McConnell and Dubois United Mutes bcnalors. The postoflleeB at l'inckney, BhasU countv, ana I'eiihio, Nswyou county, Cal., have len discontinue.!. The defeated cam date for Mperln- temlcnt ol ritrects at Js Angeles nos -. - . begun a contest lor the omce. City Recorder Hyam of Halt Uke City hns lieen forced to resign. There is a shortage ol l,7ol in his accounis. Tim fW. aHa Inn of the tiranil IXxlt'e of Montana of the Ancient Order ol United Workmen is in session at neiens. Indian einissHries from the tribes ol the llakotas have readied uwens vancy, ami have been trying to exciietiieimies t fn.. u. Hnmlsildt county, Cal., claims to have the longest truss-span brldgo on the Coast. It crosses the fcei river at Aner rolnt. II IS ouu leet in lengiu. The nro.wMM'd niiin canal bwwn Tort Townwjmi nay, ruri nouna, aim uhk . . i i.t. r J?,"!l, I W S Vy ' " " !' " " The (ierman sclnsiner Ailelo bus re turned to Victoria with a catch of aliout 4H0 skins. SchIs were taken at niKht on the southern mast of Ht. Paul's Island. Cover nor Waterman of California has granted a pardon t John Jones, sen- leiiced iroin l umre couniy in oe,iieui uer. lHSKI, to two years' imprisonment for burglary. Jones is but 14 years old Articles of incorxiration have lieen (lied by the Union Oil Company of Call- fornia. with a canital stock of tf.OU0.O00. Hanta l'anla. Ventura county, is the principal place of the company's bus! ness. The work of reclaiming marsh lands near Houoma, Cal., has lieen progressing (or seven months, in that time seven lor seven moiiiiis. in mm iiinn ktom miles of levee lietween thirty and forty feet wide and eight feet high have been constructed. Kvlo McClumt of Winlield, Kan through the courts at Albuquerque, N M., hus obtained ixissesHion of three children accomiianying his divorced wife to Mexico, where she was to Join a free-love society. Requests for Chinese pheasants to stock parks In tho Last have reached Portland, and it is believed tho catching Ihirlng the last year 3,500 lives were and selling of birds for that purpose will nved and property valued at nearly .', lie made quite prolitablo to parties who fxKI.OOO was rescued from destruction by may eimnge in the business, A lietrllled body is said to have been uncovered in Cantna canyon, Fresno county. Cal. It is pronounced by pliy sicians to bo a human body beyond doubt, rem lied trees are common in the section in which the Ixxly was (omul. Tho Columbia river Is very low. and Salmon are lcing caught with a nook and line. It is also stated Indians have ........ I... i, ., i i.u sIk.hIh. nreventiiiB the llsh from ruiinimi wni III IIIU iiivi niiu h inin v.ionD i up the streams to thespawiiiiiggrouiids. The tlovernor of California has coin- muted the sentence ol r. II. Courtrlirht. sent from Sonoma in 1H80 for ten vears. to seven years; that of II. Joslln, sent iroin nan rrancisco in inhj lor lorty lorty ot J. veiirs. in twelve vears: ami tmit Uiley, sent from S'an Francisco in 1HKJ for fifty years, to liftcen years, Tho Tacouia Coal Company has just nnlshed a dnlt througli 160 lect ol uran ite. and It is said a vein of nine feet of almost pure coal hns been struck. The vein has been traced lor iu.ow leet, and the company estimates that it contains over 3,000,000 tons, and that it all can 1h mined without trouble from water. Tho Terminus Mill Company has lt the contract to Staver A Walker of Port- land lor new machinery for Its mill in lirav's Harbor. The machinery which liiis Ihh'ii lu use durimr the past year lias been found to 1 too light, and the new maciimery win nave a capacity ol ,ooo ie'i per uay. A romnanv Is tielmr orirmiiieil In Marshlield to put an clectrk-liirht plant on Coos Pay wlilch will meet the wants of tho people. It is to be a combination make, and will furnish both the arc and ucandcsccnt lights. It Is promised to locate it at the Porter mill and run wires up and down the hay. Captain Sam. chief of the Piute In- linns, has just arrived at Carson from Miisjii valley, where tho liannaek In dians have gathered in a irhost dunce. He says a stranger is in their midst, proclaiming the coming of the Messiah. Sam has untitled Johnson Sides to vo Riming all the Nevada Indians and explain the advantages of co-opera tion with the whites in case of war. A stnndard-gnugv road has been laid from the r lurvnee coal mine to connect with the Northern I'acillc. Union Pacitlc and all other r ds entering Centrnlia, o coal can I iliiped direct therefrom , .lir ni-rkel in lh fnil.l Slut... Ith. ,,.). ..( ..'.... 'i ... ..I ... . i ,, u .n taia ui rAira iiaiioung. Tlie road is doing quite a side business transporting logs from the various log- - - . .1. -ii- i . , . .- iiiuh c'iuiw vi in iiinn in v emraiiu, na n in used is quite an important in dustrr. Sulsk-riN-rs to the Union Pacitlc $100, Oj terminal fund at Tacomii, says the SeutMe Press, arc conltH-tiiring as to tlie sigmticance of the following telegram received by . J. Ttionin of the ter- nimal roinmitti'e from Chief Engineer liogue: "I advised the closing up of the siilncriptioiis as soon as possible, as this is a critical time." The meaning of this can be interpreted as desired. Thus lar the committee has secured nearly $73,000. ' ' The Aitec Indi.ns of Mexico are af flictetl with a Messiah erase very similar to that which is disturbing the Indians in the Northwest. The Alt ee nmilu is that the Messiah will cuase the vol- "n. charged with smuggling opium, canouf IVpocatapctl to erupt and over- on w'"'t of habeas corpus on the ground whelm tne country with lava.which will t'"', ,lie 'HotHtnt against him was in destroy all but the Aitws. valid in not having Iwn found by the . '.. grn Jury from 'he entire district of ii .i . . f A,,,',"' t lver. X, Washington. At Seattle Wan under .. the relehrated preparing collie for the same charge n.sde the same point, Harvard has selected I enry Minton. a b it Judge llanforvl held that, while the colored student from Philadelphia, tot district of Washington i. dividwl into rh,s orator the highest class This was four divisions, e, h division is to 1 done in Imitation ol Harvard last year, treated practically as one district so far Over half 0 the scho srs have notified ss the selection of Jurors is concerned. he faculty that 'JT w.l! not participate in Uie exercises if Minton is not recalled. I EASTERN ITEMS. New Hampshire Academy Selects a Colored Orator. Aa American Syndicate Purchases a Who Mining District In the State of San Luis PotosI, Mei. HpeaHer iieco na a-signen ik, - man Ucary to wruu)iuiw i t,.fr.T.K,n Davis linn received 4.'), 000 subscriptions lor the life of her bus- band A bill it before Congress to Incorporate t' e I'an-Auiei lean Tram-puruuon uom- pany, Fevcn of the Mayors chosen at tho re- ci.nt ei.-riKin in aiassacuiiaciia wcic wi lege graduates An otTort will lie made at this session 0f Congress to pass the bill lor the relic 0I the hupreme uouri. v.i.inn on the river Hudson closed It h is vesr on December 6, an earner uuie -----, . ,UJ.. ttian In any oilier year since iw, Harvard's ohscrvatorv expedition to Peru is to lie tho most compreiiensiv scientific ettwdition ever set forth. . .. (atMjc Mt.,i,.8l fl(- n lv ailvoi lit, s the Use ol rlilorojorm 1 killing prisoners sentenced to Ueath ,.., ,.,umi millions of money hive been added to the eircuiB' I JIIUIV . ......... - tion during Ilio last nineteen muimia. , . . in n,Bsiiiii. I mui "I snnsn'w I TrMsnrv of Arkiinsus sdciili-! by Uov ernor Eimie and the Treasurer's bonds men. , . nul. I. Iinnkr.n.t .-. ,., ,. i7!i mil fr last venr and an uHtimated duik'iuiH'y ol f 1 I Willi B 'Ulivivm I T.,p-'--- ' . UOU lor mxi year. Hon. John F. Swift ures the Califor- Inia A., nui on to trv and secure an at nropriatioti 01 ;iu,uw lor unueo runes egation buildings at Tukio. Tho City Council of Chicago has the nasxed an ordinanco authorizing Usue of city bonds to the amount of 5, qoq.OiiO for the World's fair. . . . .. , ... shntied under the hands of the commit tee ol the rrencn unainuers.ouiuoes ine McKinley bill in protectionism .. .,,,,. The Ilrooklvn street-car drivers threaten to strike if not allowed to sit do-' n (luring isiriions 01 ineirinus. iuu trouble is one ot long standing Kumos minim; district In State of Sun Luis Polos!, one ot the richest in Mexico, has been sol'l o an American syndicate, , L-i.i,i..,i ., j;i,ni,i,,,,, llt'tt(ll'd Mr- Kirklniid of Milwaukee, The chemical division of the Agncult ural DeiMirtinent believes that the solu tion of the dilliculties attending the umniifiK tnre of sorghum sugar is not far oir. Tho Secretary of thoTreasury has pro mired a bill authorizing the organization uf a lloanl of Control to enforce rules for the regulation of commerce and nav- igat ion, the life-savinis service at a cost of less than 1,(KX),000. Representative Vundevcr has intro- luced in the House a resolution making (leoriro J. Itunebrake of 1b Angeles President of the .National Home, vice Murkhum, resigned. James S. Duncan, who was cashier of the broken Lank of America at l'liila- de ulna, was ouim at Newcastle. i'ci. ' . . . . , i i. " brought oaea, ami in uemuii oi f-t'.OOO waa locked up, Filty-seTen sulferors from tuwrculmis diseases liavs been lilocniaieu wan Koch's lvmnh in New York, and physi ciuna find that the results correspond exactly wun iuoso in ihtiiii Sheriff tlilhert of Chicago has adopted two admirable rules for the government of his otlice force: "No drinking dur um business hours. No tips or per quisites for good service," New York State owns 80,000 acres in the l atskill region, and a movement lias lieen started at Kingston to enlarge this tract very materiiillv and form a State park like that which has bven begun in the Adirondack. Accurdimr to the report ol Superin' tendent (iorse the convicts employed on the Terns State farm have eamed'an an- miul netprolitof $l'83 per capita. Swamp hinds have been made to yield as high as jH.r WM net, It has been intensely cold at Queliec. An ice brldgo furmcd across tho St. Law rence river on the 8th of December. This is tho earliest pfrUl for an ice bridgo to form on tho river within the memory of the oldest river man. Harvard will not be represented In the Intercollegiate games next spring, the Aimeiic l oiiiiiiuice Having so ucciucii. Neither will th Harvard Cricket Club be allowed to play its annual game with the University ol Pennsylvania. Orders have Istn issued that the United States steamsliis Alert and Marion, now fitting nut at Mare Island navv vard. be assigned to duty on the Asiatic squad ron, and the swatara. repairing at the same vard, to the Pacitlc station. Tho House Committee on Iriigation lias agreed in the iiinin on bill to an tliorize the survey of arid lands into ir rigation districts, to be ceded to the Slates an.l 'r..rrit.ri, In which Kiev am situated for the h'clamation and iettlo- I ... .1... ..i .. .. l i. inent. Governor Puckner of Kentuckv and (nivernor Fram isof Missouri have )oined in a call upon the Governor of California for Wilson Howan', a Kentuckv despe rado, serving a term in California for ex press robls-ry and wanted in Kentuckv and Missouri for murder. The sewion at Indianapolis of the Commisxion of thr Revision of the.Meth- odist Constitution hus ended. It expects at the next meeting to complete a rough draft of the constitution, and at a final meeting just before the conference in 1S02 that the finishing touches will be given to the work. Last week United States Judge Hoff- n,n t tan rmnoiseo released (Jeorge .nd the indictjnent kmnd by the grsn. jury of any one of the divisions Is good d good. FOREIGN NEWS. Emperor William Favors the Recal of the Jesuits. England Calls In All Cold Coin Nut of the Present Reign Ccrmany Has No Treasury Surplus. Emln Pasha has fought hi way ba to Victoria, whence he was rescued re cued." There is a scarcity of Lieutenants 1 the llritish navy, and every ollicer on the list li in active employment. There Is great joy in Germany over the fact of the impress Augusta it toria giving birth to another son. There Is renewed talk of tho issue of notes of small denominations by the Hank of Kngiand hawed on silver. A bill has been introduced into the French Chamber of Deputies for the lit ter organization of coast defenses. Dekbriivere. who assisted Padlcwsky the assai-sin of iJcnend Seliverskotr at Paris, to escape, is to lie prosecuted. In tho (ierman Empire tho average number of deaths every year trom in berculosisof the lungs" is 100,000 peo ple- . ,. A comnanv is beimr formed In Paris to devu on the rich petroleum bens ami mineral resources of the Northern Can casus. Liveriiool is afilieted with sn increase of egars; many of the kind that ubuse those who do not resKjnd to their a- peals. Tho Natal government has issued bonus scheme for coloniiil industries comprising altogether an outlay of some f:!3,000. Emoeror William favors the pronosi tion for the recall of the Jesui s, and is prepared to make other concessions to the Catholic party. Tim report of the London lioard of Trade shows that during November iin ports increased f.'O.OOO.OOO and exports decreased f u.oou.uuo. Two flno steamships have lust been launched for the National linn, which have appropriately been named the America and Eurce. The harlsir of Ilatoum, originally tended to hold twenty steamers, is to l deepened and made siifliciently large to contain thirtv-three vessels. Kemp, the onrsman, who was defeated at Sydney by Meb'iin, will not come to America, and will forfeit his deposit to secure a match with U Uonnor. Tho erection of the monument to rinco Bismarck in lierlin is now an sitred tact. 1 lie collection for the pur pose is already Kin, .Co murks. Ex-Empress Eugenie is rcimrted to Is? a heavy loser by the recent depreciation in font n American securities, us sou hub Invested very largely In them. The latest estimate of the liabilities of the liarings is $110,000,000, and tho as sets are estimated at $120,010,000, of which $75,000,000 are available. The Cotton Association reports that the picking of tho hgyptmn cotton crop is finished, that the crop is of good qual ity and- the j'ickl 3,7.0 000 cantars. There Is talk of converting the ton of tho Killed tower into an astrouomical ob servatory. Something has to lie done to make the mighty structure " pay." Tho new underground electric railway n lnndon is held to be a departure that marks an Important development In to. trio traction and a distinct advance Tho Ministry of I perial Property of Kussia has announced a prize to Ik' given to the inventor ol a stove in which straw an be used as fuel safely and economic- iiv. There is a great deal of discontent among the soldiers of the tierimin army, whoso lot is " not a happy one." It is'a isconteut to which the press is afraid to refer. There is no surplus and no deficit i i tho imperial treasury of (ieriniinv. The receipts and expenditures of the fiscal ear balance at 1,14,401,04:', or about sa.oi' The only grain e'evators in South merica, according to Consul I'.aker of Huenos Ayres, are located in the city of luienos Avres and Kosurio, in the prov iuce of Santa Fe. In the first dav's trial at Paris of Mi chel Eyraud ami tiabrielle llompard for the murder of Untitle nothing new was develoiK'd. Eiich of the prisoners de- ied the story told by tho other. There Is no truth in the sensnt'onal stories alnint a quarrel K'twien Prince Bismarck and EmiH'ror William respect ing the memoirs which ex-Chancellor Bismarck proposes to publish. A roval proclamation was published in Englan I a week go, calling in bv the iSth of rebruarv. 1S01. all gold coins not of the present reign. After that date II such coins will not be legal tender. Whitelnw Reid and his wife were pre- nted to the Sultan at Constantinople last week, and Mrs. Reid was honored itli the order of Sheikat. the highest order thnt a woman can receive in Tur- ey. The press of Rio Janeiro assert that the recent wrecking of the olliecs of the Trihuna was the result of a scheme to furnish a pretext for the proclamation of l'resident da Fonseca as the life dic tator of Pnuil. The Chinese on the Rusxian frontier arc restoring the fortifications of the town of Kuldja. An enormous fortress is nenrly finished, with mud and clav walls twenty-three feet high, twentv-tiv'e tect thick and S15 feet in length, with a moat sevtn feet deep and fifteen feet broad. A mania for be ng tattooed prevails among the society men of London, and to some extent among the The leading artist Is a Scotchman, who savs the snake and tuer are the most popular designs, and the chest the locality where most of his patrons desire to have the ornamentation (T) placed. According t. the new statutes of the Russian imperial family, the I Hie hens of Edinburgh must, to enjoy her full i . come, pa? at least three months evrv year in Russia. She therefore proposes' to winter in m. rciersourg. F-nglish workingnien are determined that the 4.000,(00 to VtMVW Russian Jews who are leaving Kussia shall not be un oaded on their shores. and leading Hebrews in Km-lsiut in enlt-.,rin., ,' placate the complainants by the state-1 ment that the refiw will lie forwarded I as they arrive to New York and other I American ports. PORTLAND MARKET. Whsat There Is no change to report in the local market. Quote: Valley, $l.l'0ijl.S!i.'1; Walla Walla, $1.10J 1 Fwi a-iuote: Standard, $3.90(34.00; Walla Walla, $3.00 iff 3.K0 per liarrol. Oats The market is linn. Quote: White, f8e ; grav, 60c per bushel. MiLunwrs The market is firm. Quote: Uran, $21 ; Shorts, $24; Ground Uarhty, $:!2.60; Chop Feed, $ir) jier ton. Hat The markt is steady. Quote: $l'l'18 per ton. VsorrABi-HS The market is firm. Quote: Cabbage, $1.25' l0 per cental; Cauliflower, $1 per doien; Celery, 6"c per dozen; Onions, i: per pound; Carrots, $1 per sack; lVts, $1.60 per siu k; Turnips, $1 per sack ; Tomatoes, i0c per box; PoUtoes, $1.00 per cental ; Sweet Potatoes, 2o per pound ; squash, $2 per cental. Fhuits The market is steady. Quote: Tahiti Oranges, $3 per box; Sicily Lem ons, $7.60( 8 per case; Pears, l'-ic per pound ; Apples, 00.s5c per bo ; Graes, $1.26 per box; Pineapples, $3.&tl(.K4.00 erdoren; liananas, $3(34 per bunch; Quinces, $1.25 per box. Nuts Quote: California Walnuts, 17c; other varieties, l;-c ; Pen nuts, 12c; Almonds, 17c; Filberts, 14(il5c; new Brazils, 20c per pound ; Cocoanuts, $1 per dozen. Cheksb Tlie market Is steady. Quote : Oregon, 13i14o; California, OJilOc; Young America. 1416c per pound. Blttkb Quote: Oregon fancy cream ery, 40(42',;c; lancy dairy, 37WJc; fair tO gOOU, ZiJjilttiOC; COIIHIIOII, choice California, 37jc por pound. I'oultby Quote: Old Ohlckens, $4.00; young, $3.003.50; old iucks, t67; Geese, $10(911 per dozen; Tur- kevs, 10c per pouna. f-'fios The market is flrm. Quote: Oregon, 30c ; Eastern, 28c per dozen. Tba Merchandise Market. Rice Quote: $0.60 per cental. PicKLis-Quote: $1.25 6s ; $1.15e Si, Kiir Onote: Liverpool. $17. $18, $19; stock, $11(812 per ton in carload lots. i nn. I m. unfile per cno. CaaHBSBBiita Quote : Cape Cod, $11 nr harrel. Coma Quote: Costa Rica, 23c; Rio. 26e; Arbuckle'a. roasted, 2Se per pouna. CLUAK Tho market is firm. Quote: GoldenC, 6Jtc; exira C, Gc dry gran ulated. 7'uc: culie crusiiod ana pow dered. 7?i'c Der pound. Diukd Fbuits Ttie marKoi is nrm. Quote: Italian Prunes. 12'i;14c; I'e tite and German Prunes, lUc per pound'; Raisin?, $2. 10 per box: Pl-immer-dried Pears, U(dH2cl4 ; sun- tried and factory Plums. Ilil2c; evaporate! readies, 24 ? ; Smyrna Figs, 20o ; California igs, 0c per round. r.bnt:.ii.m n,,ntn Table fruits. $2.25, 2'i,s; Peaches, 2.7j; llartlett l'ears, $2.2o; 1'luins. I.t; Strawberries, $2.50; Cherries, $2G'2.50; Hlackliernes, $2; Kaspberries. 2.6o; Pineapples. $2.75: Apricots, $2.25. Pie fruit : Assorted, $4. 50 per dozen ; Peaches, $1.50; Plums, $1.25; Blackberries, $1.0-5 ner dozen. Vegetables: Lorn, si. 2a (irl.50. airording to quality; Tomntoes, $; Sugar Pens, $1. l( 1.00; String Beans, $I.I0perdor.en. Fish: Sal mon, $1.2o(if l.ou; sardines, MkMKfi.bU; lobsters, $-'(3; ovsters, $l."i0'( 3.2.1 per djen Condensed milk: Eagle brand, s.'.'S; Crown, $7; Highland, $6.7a; Champion, W per case. Naiis Base quotations: Iron. Steel, $3.3H; Wire. $3.tlJ per keg. Shot Quote: $l.s. per sack. Brans The market is firm. Quote: Small White. H'.-rtlc; 'Pink, 3c; Bayos, 4.'.c; Butter, a'Bc; Liinas, Dc per pound. Docs l tie mantel isieauv,wiui nom ual prices. Quote: 2l)(i 30c )ur pound. Woob The market is steady. Quote : Valley, lti(20c; Eastern Oregon and Walla Walla, liiutliic per pound. IIidks Quote: Dry Hides, selected prime. 8S8'oC, Wc less for culls; green. selected, over 55 pounds, 4c; under 5ft pounds, 3c: Mieop t ells, short wool. 5(K-: medium. OOtiHOc; long, 90c(3 $1.25, shearlings, 10(j20c; Tallow, good to choice, Higc. The Meat Market. The market ts firm. Quote: Beef Live, 2'-4i'3c; dressed, 0c. Mutton Live, S'e; dressed, tt1 f?7c. Hogs Live, 4'ii5,lc; dresseit, 6,'' Veal 6i.8c per pound. Lambs s2.60 each. SMOKED MEATS AND LARD. The market is firm. Quotations: East ern Hams, I2.'$(ici&-; Krcaktaxt ita con, 10Hllc; Sides, Oig 10c; Lard, 8.l$(tf 10;4C per pound. Height of Luminous Clouds. A series of experiments have been con ducted in Germany during the past year with thoobject of determining tho height of luminous clouds, und a large number of photographic impressions have been secured. From those a valuable fund of information on cloud phenomena has been gained. Tho result of comparing the various results obtained at dilTcrcut observatories goes to show that these cloud have the extraordinary altitude of fifty-one and ono-half miles alove the sea level. Xew York Telegram. The Honeymoon at Sea. A little conversation overheard one evening seems to indicate that a sea voy age is not always the happiest way of ijiending ono s honeymoon : "Darling, nre you better?" says first turtle dove. "No. dearast, worse! What is the use of hav ing a doctor on lioard who cannot cure seasickness, darling?" A significant pause. "It is alsurd," says the first tur tle dove again. "But how foolish of yon not to spend our honeymoon on shore. earest! I am sure we shall never enjoy it here." London Hospital. A yiiror I'Ure to Mwarm. Dees sometimes select queer aliodes, but one of the queerest yet is the home of a newly swarmed colony in Augusta. They have taken iossesion of a ventil ator Hue of the chimney leading from the clerk of court s oflice at the court house and as many as fifty are at times buzzing arouud Clerk of Courts Choate's deals. Aa yet they have stung no one. but the occupants of the room do not feel quite at ease. Lewis ton Journal. And a Difference In 111 SpeuBer. "There is a good deal of di:Ierence be tween an after dinner and a before din ner speech." "Think so?" "Certainly. The after speech begins, 'Uaaccumstomed as I am to public speaking, etc., and the before I dinner speech lieginvMadani, may 1 ask for a little bite? etc." Boston Courier. He Wanted to Try. "Uh..Mr. Dulixy.-said Fre.ldT."won,t yon pi stand r.glit here a minute on off a very peculiar, st-ong odor, some the rug. , wi;a rvmiudini ns r.f Un.linmn n.l "Certaiulv, F re.ldy," replied Dolbcy much ihidm'J "lint t-W ,l,i r,m ' me to stand there'" "Oh. KlStlT AniVaV'ii.? l-.-in niM n,.lv eaomrh to ston a clock an.l iw.ntA see yon do it" Drakes Magazine. WHY HE TOOK THE INSULT. Alloivlii. II l rare to Be Mapped ncaue a lletolrer Wan Pointed at II Im. "There are times," said Col. Mercalf the other day. "when men will stand anv treatment, however outrageous. man who has seen whut it means to aLiiid nn before a revolver acquires great ro-jst-t for that weapon when it is in another man's hands and he has the drop' on you. There was nothing in tho old day in the seventies which de-mand.-d reparation so quickly and so definitely as an insult. For a man to accept an insult without demanding or taking redress waa to bring upon uhu self the scorn of the entire community, And yet I accepted the worst kind of an insult once and even to this day I blush when 1 think of the circumstances. "I was in Hugo at the time and was playing billiards when a man came in and began to make a disturlianco. lie was a well known desperado and no one was anxious to get into trouble with him. Ho became so obnoxious without being checked that finally ho picked up ono of tho billiard balls and sent it ny ing through a window. Ho was just reaching for nnother when I reversed my cue and placing tho butt end of it in the pit of hw toinacli. pushed hiiu baca against the wall. Tiio next moment I was looking down tho barrel of a Colt's revolver. 1'iie sensation in such a cao is simply overpowering. I was perfectly helpless, for I had no revolver myself, and if I had been wearing one he could have killed mo before my hand could reach it, I thought ho was going to shoot mo then and there, but he chose not to do this from somo whim. " 'I'm going to slap your face, Met- calf,' ho said, 'so that you can tell people about it. Turn your check around here. "I looked 'way down the barrel of that six shooter so far that it seemed to me that. I could see a bullet in its chamber. I set my teeth against the insult 1 knew that I was deadly pale. " 'Turn it.' ho said. 'One, two' and I turned my cheek. I did not feel the blow, but the flame which scorched it afterward waa liko a furnace fire. " 'Now, he said with a langa, 'give me the other one. Again he counted 'one, two' and I presented my other check for a second slap. "If ever 1 wanted to kill a man it was that fellow, but I had no show at all. 1 remember tho sickening feeling which ran over me at the thought that he might insist uiion breaking my nose, Revolver or no revolver I do not believe I could have stood that. But I took the insults, not from him, but from a six shooter. A man can't argue against revolver. But for months and months I longed to meet that man on even terms. I never saw him again." New York Tribune. Modern Literary Chances. The aspirant for literary honors with pecuniary remuneration should remem ber that the most famous names in the literary guild earned their money for the most part in other than literary ways, Bryant was an editor and publisher, Longfellow and nolme9 and Lowell were Harvard professors. Emerson und Bay ard Taylor. were lecturers, and Taylor was also a Tribune editor. Curtis and Stoddard depend upon editorial salaries; Stedmau is a broker, und Halleck was John Jacob Astor's private secretary. And one might go further with this list, Whittier began as an editor, and only in middle life Attempted to lean on litera ture ulono for u support which his early savings and simple hubits made possible. It was always Longfellow's advice to young men who wished to bo literary to hovo first, and mainly, a vocation inde pendent of tho finer muse. If a young writer thinks ho possesses genius he may of course experiment with it. but it will serve his purse and peace of mind bettor to secure some source of labor and in como that is nioro philistinound worldly and rido his Pegasus only at inspired in tervals. For it is a fact, -iu spitoof the occasional big figures that ure given us the result of literary work, puro und simple, that tho men who prosper or have prospered by that alone aro only, at any ono time, a fow dozen in number among onr sixty-five millions of people. Ladies' Homo Journal. MiifsarliuKctts Women In Iliialiieu. A special from Boston says; "Part VTJ of tho annual report of the bureau of the statistics of labor, relates to women in industry ns partners, stockholders and employers. Of the 28,205 partners in eighty-three industries, 1,700 aro wo men; of the 42,731 stockholders, 11,752 are women, and women are found in twenty industries, as follows: Artists, authors, boarding house keepen, clair voyants, clerks, domestics, dressmakers, hat and capmakers, milliners, operatives (mill and factory), printers, operatives (sewing machine), physicians, scam stresses, shoemakers, storekeepers, straw and palm leaf workers, tailoresses, teachers, teachers (music). The figures given and'eomparisons mado show con clusively that ths presence of women in industry has not decreased the number of births or marriages, nor increased the number of deaths." A Orllcloui Drink. George Parsons Lathrop tells of a de licious summer drink which may seem new to many people, but is really more of a revival of something m vogue sever al years ago. It is tho sauterne cup, and is as satisfying to the thirst as milk and water or oatmeal water, and withal, more epicurian. You take equal parts of Sauterne and Apollinaris water, and put them in a clear crystal pitcher, swecteuing with three lumps of susrar to a quart, and adding a slice or two of j pineapple and a long paring of cucum-1 her rind. Let this filled pitcher stand i for a few minutes in a vessel of ice, or ' wrap around the pitcher a towel of ! cricked ice aud salt. Under no circnui- j 6'uiuces pnt ice in the drink, for that would injure tho fiue flavor. Just be fore the enp is served throw some bits of ' mint npon the top. Odor from IniecU. It is well known that moths .and but terflies giva off odors either from the wings or the hinder end of the body. Certain moth, as the parent of the com mon red and bhu-k bear" caterpillar. and of the s.ilt marsh caterpillar, have a retractile on-nn. which, when thrust out. tlirows off a strong odor, somewhat like laudanum. The other evening we caught a white female miller (Spilosoma Virgin ia), which, after rouh handling, threw which remained on the fim-era for ae. eral hours. The moth did not dart out the repugnatorial appendages found in the other arctians. New York Independent. TO A GLOVE. do, rlrgio kid, with lambent kka gitutj a rirln band: Oa eent 'ltia tliinir. and reap bit Thou riutt nut uadi-ruaad: 0-, for In Ihef, Inrthlrika, I And f Tliouzb 'IU n half to bh.'bt) An emlil -in ot h'-r b-autoun mind bj nut ure clad In while. tWnrrly lliuu i:iuj t touch the fair, Wboin fw n-curely can. Hay'at touch her breast, htr Up, beil lair, Or wanton wllh her fan; Uay'H couch 11 with bar, to and fro, rum nutojurrade to plays. Abt coul bit tbnu bilber come end go To tell me what nhe naysl Oo, thou, when the morning cold bhall nip her Uly arm. Do thou (oh, nil,-lit I be so bold 0 With kit make It warm. But when thy ptowy beauty's o'er, Wbcti ull tliy t'hsrnu are gone, lb-turn to me I'll lore thee mors Than e'er 1 yet bare done. ilaberduber. Tricks of the Ulrda. "I was much amused one afternoon," lays an observant frieud, "by a little family scene on a twig of an elm tree, where a fly catcher had her tiny brood of five, just out of tho nest, all perched in a row. Sho was feeding them, and the little dots took their rations with great content as often as tho mother caught an insect and flew back with the morsel to each oion beak in turn. Tho rcguhirity with which she kept account, feeding one after another, in exact order, from top to bottom of tho row, was very interest ing. Presently oue small chap grew im patient, and whilo the mother was away fluttered over and crowded himself into tho place next to tho bird lost fed ex actly as if he had planned to get the next fly. Ho sat thero, looking very sober and innocent when tho mother returned, bnt she saw tho trick at once, and gave the fly to tho right bird, whisking tho inter loper (us I fancied) with her wing as she pjissed him, by way of cuffing his ears. Probably ho was the rogue of the family, aud she knew him too well." " A VERY OLD NEWSPAPER. Dow Lloyd's List Was Started Two Bun dred Yean Ago. The oldest paper published In the En glish language, except The London Ga zette, is Lloyd's List, which made its first appearance in a dingy little London coffee house in 1002. There is no news paper" more generally read by shippers and murine merchants than Lloyd's, and yet few of its readers know, its very re markable history, or thut of the great commercial business that has grown np with it. About 1673 there was a coffee house in Tower street, London, kept by one Ed ward Lloyd, where a knot of merchants gathered at noon to discuss business and gossip over the threatening Romanism of James II. From this small beginning has grown up one of the greatest and most powerful commercial organizations in the world, not the least important feature of which is an intelligence de partment, which for widoness of range and efficient working has no parallel in the history of private enterprise. As early as 1683 The London Gazette contained a flattering notice of Lloyd's shop, and four years later the proprietor, who seems to have been a rousing good business man, moved his establishment to Lombard street, then the center of London's wealthy and influential mer chant populace. The astute coffee house proprietor at this time began the publi cation of his News, a weekly paper filled with commcrciid and shipping informa tion, and it became very popular with those Seventeenth century men of trade. It subsequently changed its name to Lloyd's List, and ever since that time has enjoyed an uninterrupted publica tion. Throughout the greater part of the Eighteenth century Lloyd's was the most popular place known to London mer chants and underwriters. Lloyd himself probably died in the early part of the century, but his name and his paper had ineffaceably marked the business of that time, as it marks that of the present day. London's great business of marine in surance owes its existence to the printed form of policy issued by the Lloyd As sociation of Underwriters, an association that has never been known by any other name than that of tho poor but popular coffee house proprietor and editor. The whole superstructure of marine insur ance rests upon The List, which for 200 years has embraced the collection, pub lication and diffusion of every form of intelligence with respect to shipping.- Warm Weather Enjoyment. "TThere do you dlue now. Brown, that your family is awayl" "At borne; the cook is there." "Dont you find it rather unpleasant with out Mrs. Brown f "Not a bit; I dins in my shirt sleeves." The Epoch. Fountain Pen Rack. Get a block of hard wood 4 br 14 bv H inches in size, and bore in it four J inch holes. Screw this block on tout desk, where it will bo handy to slip your fountain pons into. They will always be right end np. Writer. Mr. David AV. Bruce, for many years tho head of the well known foundry of George Bruce'sson, recently transferred the entire business and plant, valued at upward of half a bullion dollars, to three of the old employes of the con cern. 1 lie transfer was virtually a gift, as there was only a nominal considera tion, said to be one cent from each VEGETABLE PANACEA PREPARED FROM ROOTS & HERDS. rostTHc cure or AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISING FROM A DISORDERED STATE ottheSIDMACH OR AN inactive: liver. rost SALE MYALL - DRUGGISTS ft CZNERAL DEALERS