The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 27, 1890, Image 7

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Whn Thole. op o' th aeven w'ae n"n.
bout tli- jfar SUU B. C. ob-rvil tliai
whn amber bad been rubbed it at quired
he prnpeity ol aitractii'fl; Unlit txxllc;
when in lb year 17-Vj tlial A iiericatiHUltn.
man and plillomuher, B njiiilii Kiankiln,
nud-) vlubl dirovt-r ea reiturdlng e're
ririlT bv lUt-itrtN i t a kite and a kej ; when
in 1SUU Sir Humphrey Davy dint-overt-ii
thai an elrt'lric currrnt niiuhl Iw tin In.
taiiifd iK'iweuii two allcka of rarhiti when
t.y were eparulal br a abort are
wh' n even Mre ami Kiltaon bewail aptly.
i(,." tililly topracik-al line', little it )
anew or Iiiihic ueil the f'lundatiwu they
were layii'B ',,r licuver:eaanil Invi-iilioiiH
thai would prove nf llf rratt value to
the tlvili'ed w rid Dm. lU.rin
have dlifovi-red how lo appiv elm-tririi)
tnriire the UN ot hiiIV-tIiik hitinniiil) in
bt-ion I any doubt by the well li.foininl
'J lie tliouwMid of cure- ix'foruiod by tlinu
anim'K our very bent rlticu if i'ortland
and thnud lOI,i Sla'ra Ik c m
viu H'K l,r0"' ' ln" ""Priotity o( eler
tricil) ov"r nied'clue in curing ili-ea-e
A a proof of I lie above mate i.eut we pre
tent I lie following I, hi of limine-,:
Peafne'i Cured In Kliflii Mlnutea.
Edl or Oregon! in : I came from m)
ho:ii in llutibird, M irlon county Or., p.
coti-iiil l)r. U'liri.i and IiIh new mode ( I
eurii'K desfueM by elirtrlclty. I a ha f
akept'Cal a' a ten minute cure." but
niv irn-al ilc-lr to lie i-und overcame my
akcp bd'til 1 look ibe tiealm IH aail naid
niy uioiii'V, and ai cured in eight imn
uies. ao I can hear perfectly.
Ui comber 11 J. A. Miller,
Cure Made In 8an Frunclaen Four Year.
0. A. Vorce, Antiix-li, Cil. Deafnt-ns
twenty-two year-, culd scarcely hear any
th ni I "in I in ten mlnnl'M.
M h. M. Il iniy. 30 Oak Grove avenue
Spinal troubleand general d'aabilltjiCitiYd
twelve vearx ag Lad noreluro of It iijce.
Mrs. C H. 1,'iny re-ldi-nce 1212 Viliou
hri-et, San Francisco A-oliuia, defueK
am tiei luche twelve year; cured to
yeim .n.
H te Norton, South San FranHtco
C iiiumw, p li.i In Htomich two yean;
eur-d and i.niHina permanent,
M. 11 V. auiev, Henicia, Cal.-Tntal
drafiimH in one Hr twelve yearn, ratined
b. catarrh il troiibl.a; cured lait May a' d
remain permanent.
Mr-.. K Daw.irie. fpano. Cal. Cured
of female wtaknexH, falllnjj, of the womb
and change ol life; aUo liver and kidney
Ctfnip aint.
The Dm Dirrln ve cnwdedwiih pa
tient from 10 a. m low p, m. Xbev have
a large (OJiilry practice, and Hen I their
electric reined ten to'i..nlie dehlringhoine
treatment lor any curnuH chronic, acute
or private dlaeanea, which xre kept btrtotlv
nilii-B Till U'nulilrwlnn atranl Pm-tLnA
CoiiHiiliation and etfttniiiatlon' free. All
clases treated free from 10 to 11 A M.
daily. Charges moderate, being only $ 0
a nioiiin tor e-icn aieaHe. or in that pro
portion, at canes may require. Send for
I circular, free.
i Tlie Lord Intended wimen to be good. The
aevu if couiuui u tney are preny.
A J.BO IMI'EK FOR 81.75.
TnK Youth's Companion given ao much
for the aniall amount t but It costs It la no
wonder it ia taken already in nearly Half
a Million Families. With its One rap r
anil ueuuuiui illustrations, tig weekly II
lustra ten1 Supplements, and Its Double
llo'id .y Numbers, it seems as if the pub
lishers could not do euough to please. Dy
aending $1 75 now you may obtain It free
to Jamurv, and for a foil year from that
date to .Iiinnary, ixdi. Ad'resi, Tub
IOITT1I 8 companion, lioston, Mass,
The Lord Ha Time. An a ru'e. jirlvatc prayera
uukui iu uu loiiht auu purMc i.nea snort.
Washing powders are strong alkalies,
and ruin vlftlits. The purest i-oan cb aln-
en i lie tiest and cheapest. Jj.tibins
tlM.iirii-K.imlinalui.iii i.m iA tta. (t
21 yeam i m tUu pwtst of ull. Try it
ralit away.
Tlie rieh need Christian eharitv. but the rxwir
uevd tlie utlier nnrt.
For coughs, col ls and throat disorders
'Tlrowi x Uronchial Troch's" have nroved
their i fllerv bv A tHt of nianv vears.
Sold only in bojes.
Thoie who are xood wlieu they are younK are
Ir mot when they are old.
1 1
'of confidence in it the manu
facturers of Dr. Sage's Ca
jtarrh Remedy. It's a faith
jthat means business, too it's
iacked up by money. This
s what they offer: $500 re
gard for a case of Catarrh
tvhich they cannot cure. They
nean it. They're willing to
ake the risk they know their
nedicine. By its mild, sooth
g, cleansing and healing
properties, it prdduces per
tct and permanent cures of
he worst cases of chronic Ca
tarrh in the Head. It's doing
it every day, where everything
else has failed. No matter
how bad your case, or of how
jpng standing, you can be
pred. You're sure of that
r of $500. You can't have
both, but you'll have one or
the other.
The Cod
That Helps to Cure
The Cold.
The disagreeable
taste of the
is dissipated in
r Pure CmI Lhrr Oil Midi
of .ajntd soda.
T'.i patient suferiii; from
ri!M-:ii r;, :m.;i, roi.n. on
- rii. I5:M.I. ninjr iae Ui
r iri'-iy w"u n nnn-h mtlafactlon at lia
' -u l .ik" milk. I'hrrlcUiii are piwrllv
3 IteTrrn'irre. it it a prfrrta
1 1 niwlrrfui Una arodwrr. lake n Mkr
V 11 ' SJifft
rC t S l nil
BotUmllk Good fo, Dy.p.p.u aaa Eea.
niw l.ood for Weak Ponoot.
In ettftem countriea aonr niillt trliUK
hMnndeivone a species oftertnent
tlon is a Kgnlu article of diet. Tho
Arabs are very fond of it, and consuuie
daily a preparation of sour milk ctdlcd
koumlsi. The virtne of koumUs have
come to bo recognized In our own
country by the medical faculty, and it
is oruereu by them in eases of low fever
and frequently with very successful re
sults. Koumiss is very eusy of diges
tion, and is exceedingly useful in cases
of dyspepsia without acidity; it is also
useiui where there is a torpor of the
functions of the liver, and many
patients who can dicest hardly any
tort of food assimilate It with ease.
Buttermilk is recognized as a reme
dial adjunct in the relief of stomach
and liver troubles, and many physicians
attest iU virtues in typhoid fevers. A
buttermilk diet, it is claimed, will do
wonders toward tlie relief of gastritis,
but when undertaken the patient must
not add other articles to his dietary,
but confine himself strictly to tho but
termilk, never eating during its course
anything solid, unless it uiny be a bit
of dry bread at least twenty-four hours
old. The buttermilk diet must be he
roically persisted in for a month to six
weeks, according to the uiyency or ob
stinacy of the case. A learned divine
In New York, who suffered from gas
tric troublo, resolutely kept himself on
this diet (buttermilk only) for over a
month, and cured himself completely ;
nor did this regimen interfere with his
labors at the desk. To avoid tempta
tion he stuyed away from tho fcible,
and when he felt tlie need of nourish
ment sipped buttermilk, taking from
two to four quarts per day. Says a
writer on the subject: The philosophy
Is simple Whilo buttermilk is inferior
to skimmed milk in nutritive properties,
it Is still a valuable article of food. It
is already soured and in a partially di
gested condition, so that the stomach
has little to do hi taking care of it. Be
sides tliis it furnishes its own "Juices"
In a large measure, so that the digestive
apparatus is excused from much of the
trouble. In a word, the lactic acid
eusto meet a want. As a food and
medicine it is simple and within the
wtch ol all.
Koumiss is more agreeable to mnny
persons than buttermilk, but one could
hardly Imbibe two or three quarts of it
daily, as it would be too stimulating.
Ti. 1 . ....
it uiigm, nowevcr, De taKen to varv
the routine of a simple buttermilk diet,
and would be found very reirealiing if
it had previously been kept in a cool
place. The writer knows the virtues
of koumiss from experience, and can
attest its property of being easy of
digestion, and its mildly exhilarating
lntluence, which is not at all like that
of any other drink, combining with
stimulation, as it does, a tonic effect
which makes it so desirable. Koumiss
may be made at borne by adding a
little sugar and yeast to milk and cork
big it up tightly in bottles. The mix
ture must be shaken tip several timo
dailf for three or four days f
poraty the solid and liquid l)rtj,,ls
tumttighiy. me corKs snould be wired
dow,y quantities of gas are evolved,
and fryi would otherwise fly out.
Keep the bottles on the floor of a cool
cellar. Kotimi.s may be drank by very
weak persons, and generally is found
very refreshing and strengthening.
Ladies' World.
Good l'oliit of the Indiana,
I do not want to bo misunderstood as
saying that thero is notliing artificial
or conventional in the social system of
our typical barbarian. This would not
be strictly true, Nevertheless it is re
freshing to dwell among a compara
tively simple, people a people whoso
etiquette is easily learned and based
upon an instinctive sense of propriety;
who know no prearranged division into
classes; whose every day hospitality Is
not determined by the desire for or the
ability to afford display, but solely by
the actual neod of the chance guest.
It is delightful to hear people come
straight to the point, tell iiome truths,
talk frankly and ask frank questions,
call a spade a spado and bo as uncon
scious as a child of any possible motive
for doing otherwise.
A naive curiosity, a strong sense of
humor, a childlike abandon to the sim
ple pleasures of the hour, & responsive
and receptive quality of mind, and real
courtesy of manner, are all characteris
tic of our barbarian in his hours of so
cial relaxation. He has his faults, but
these are always en evidence; what we
have determined for once frankly to
consider is, not what tlie poor Indian
lacks, but in what he actually surpasses
us. Eiaino Goodalo in Popular Science. -
Too Many for ao Irlth Landlord.
An Irish landlord relates that one of
his tenants came to him before his de
parture and asked to have his cottage
"Sure," he said, ''it do be too small
already, an' me family does be needin'
more room."
"But, Francis," replied the landlord,
you've not been married very long.
How old Is your oldest f"
"Faith, they're 8 years."
"Yis. Two av them. Twin,"
"Ah! And what's the age of the
"They're six, yer honor."
"Yis. Twins."
"Good Lord I Have yon any moref
"Yis. The nixt do be three year."
"Boy or girl V
"Both, sor. Twins."
"Francis, this won't do."
"So I thought, sor, but there was
only wan in the last lot He's a year
on Id."
"Well," sighed the landlord, "I m
afraid I shall have to enlarge your oot
tagp'Xew York Sun-
The Spirit of the Law.
TJncle Rastus (to hit employer, a w7
Dcy's er man waitin' ouuide de do , a&h, let
Lawyer-But, Postal, I expectod you to
l2 , nattus-rea, aah; but yo- tee,' Itstah ' equal to the emergency :
Blank, I was only hi ed to do de oQce wuk, 'She ought- to have the tooth pull
an' I was'fraiddat of I cahrid In de coal gj" ne answered. You tb'i Compan
twoulda't be kal, ik-Hrper's Kumx. I
Taking a Omm of tho Mendicant of
rarlt Peculiar ( hrarierttlat ol lh
Degjart' tierUI Quarter - In Brgon
Timet- Uear; I'rnalclrt.
To take a census of U-irirnrs an opera
tlon which, nniro probably fur the fiftieth
thun for the liri time. Inn Just been per
lonm-u dv the r.ins prefecture or police
Blunt lu niiuiv n-six-ets lie reu-arded as a
task alxHit as thankless, if not as useless,
ss that nf weaving a rope of sand To
ascertain tlio airereirute of professional
mendicancy In a gnsit metropolis like
Paris Is by no means a trustworthy crite
rlonof the amount of poverty existing
As In ln:idmi. tlio vast majority of tho
oeirgars lu l.utetla aro the professional
ones t lint Is to suv. rank Impostors and
their numbers will probably show a ten
denry to Inrrensii rather than to diminish j
"tm mu ini!i'tt!iiifui in iniuv KhU I HO I
augment at Ion of allluetu'e smonir the
classes who are begged from but do Dot
Our Paris correspondent tolls ns. In
deed, that the "puouc."or habitual bci
gars, aro at present In an exceptionally
lunvtng cotiilitlon. and are making money
more easily . in consequence of tho more
largely developed liberality of tho alms
giving publio It is even stated that
these professional paupers have twodi
rectories of their own, In which the names
and addresses of Oood Samaritans with
plenty of uionev aro duly entered, to
gfither with a description of the strata
goms which experience has shown to be
most etQcaotous In extracting cash from
the unwary The first directory is called
the "Ouido of tho (irand Jen," or "l!ig
Oame," and costs no less thun six 'rnncs
There is a smaller "Uulde of the Petit
Jctt." which onlv costs half tho monev,
and gives the addresses of more middle
class philanthropists Tlieo rod boks for
rogues contain full Instructions to the
"gucux" as to what shall be their de
meanor In tho presence of people who aro
likely to unloose their purse strings when
a pitiful tulo is told.
whatever may I tho statistical worth
of the census of vagrancy just compiled,
there can I little doubt tlmt the returns
obtained by tho patient enumerators of
the prefecture of police have considerable
social value, inasmuch as they denote
changes in national manners and prove
that, although tho Parisian beirimrsare
numerically still a formidable folk, they
have almost censed to be picturesque
The "four des Miracles." which Victor
Hugo has Immortalized In "Notre Pame
de Paris," still nominally exists In a
peaceable passage near the Rue Montor
gueil; but It is a vastly different placo
from tho filthy area, surrounded by tum
ble' down tenements, which throughout
the Middlo Ages was at once tho St. (iiles
end the Alsutia of the French capital.
The beggars' special quarter eujoyed the
privilege of sanctuary, and was ruled
ovor by an elective king, who was as
sisted by a council Including sundry
"dukes of Kgypt"and nobles of the em
pire of Galileo all Ix-ggars.
One of the 'culiar characteristics of
the place was its utter silence and aban
donment in tho day tinio. not even the
lame, the halt or the blind lingered In Its
precincts. Thev were all abroad cadging.
The paralytics, beds and all, hod been re
moved aud laid down at the street cor
ners, there to excite the pity of th
passers by The dogs, of cnurr-e, were
engaged on bushjarj" lading ths blind
men about 'uie street; the rory babies
had !? taken out begging. But at
uiglit this mute and cser.ed Cour dc
Miracles beenme a (iehiina. a carnival of
noise, drunkenness and profligacy; and It
tar -m-iddtax. that the carousals of the
francsmitous, Xr ggars. and tho
"rcfodes," or trampsVuiuiuuted without
bloodshed. s
The becuars of bve-one times lnFrnnca
may not have had their directories. wf!fli.
even had they isissessed them, woultf
have been questionably beneficial, Inas
much as too built or tlie vagabond com
munity were unublo to read or write.
Nevertheless, It is worthy of remark that,
so long ago as 15(11, when a kind of pauper
census was taken, by order or Henry II,
the impostors therein unmasked answered
almost exactly to the character of the
professional mendicants who lu modern
times have Infested, and who contiuue tc
Infest society, not only In Paris but In
London. Shivering beggars and cpilcptio
beggars so fur as epilepsy ran be simu
lated by chewing soap vurlets who pre
tended to be dropsical or who exhibited
sores, bogus cripples and spurious hunch
backs in fact, nearly all the unworthy
recipients of alms whoso malpractices are
exposed iu tho periodical reports of our
Mendicity society may bo found in the
roll of rapscallion drawn up iu Paris more
than three hundred years ago.
It may bo said that ever since the de
struction of the Cour des Miracles there
has been one protracted and almost iu
cessant militant effort of successive gov
rnments in Franco to redress, If not to
punish, professional mendicity Over
and over again tho blind, the cripples and
tho BufTcrcrs from incurable ailments,
have been forbidden, under heavy penal
ties, to beg In the public thoroughfares,
and the police have ofton mode raids upou
the beggars en masso, aud, without sub
jecting them to any form of trial, have
consigned them to criminal prisons or da
pots. London Telegraph.
Advice to "Cam pen Out"
A writer In "Prophylactic, a Practical
Ileal th Magazine,'' gives some seasonable
aud sound advice to those attempting
camp life during thoir vacations That
concerning the Importance of pure water
Is applicable not merely to those who are
to dwell hi tents In a wilderness, but to
those who will sojourn at tbe usual sum
mer resort and watering place It Is too
often the case that tho purity of the
water supply at such places Is taken for
granted, with the uiost serious results
I'nboiled water is hardly ever safe to
driuk now from either well, spring or
stream, unless iu a locality In the oioun
tains or far from Inhabited places It
should be an Invariable rule never to use
for drinking purposes unknown, untested
water which has its source In or flows
through an Inhabited country until It has
been thiughly boiled Then It Is abso
lutely safe Thorough boiling for a few
minutes removes all danwr A general
observance of this precaution would pre-
reut the frequeut outbreaKS or typuoia
fever at summer resorts Chicago New.
Another Baaeo.
The teacher told her scholars that
tlie chewing of tobacco was a vile and
reprehensible habit. One of the boys,
with an air of importance, replied that
he had seen a fellow chew because hi.
tooth ached ; be didn't think it could
be railed wrong to chew for such a
Tliis answer pleased the rest of the
scholars, and for a moment the teach
er was at a loss bow to meet it Then
she said :
"Horace, if a girl should have the
toothache and wish to chew tobacco,
what ought she to dol"
Ilorae vrnt?hed his head, but was
"Tr other day a nuin was walking slowly
Bp Miami avenue and encountered a man
walking hurriedly down. Tbvy ran Into aacli
other, both drew ol! aud apologued, and the
one In a hurry adJtvl:
"I've K-n to mad all the morning I
Couldn't tee ttrulhL"
"Nothing eehou, I hope,"
"Well, my wife had eoine photos taken and
the artitt made a botch job, I'm now ou uiy
way to punch his head."
"Cau 1 tee thelllf
They were exhibited, and after a careful
Ui5ivtiou the gentleman said:
My friend, you are way off. Tbe work is
well done, and you oubt to be proud of your
wife't look."
"Do you mean ItT
"Certainly. There are not tea as hand
Some wouii'U lu Detroit."
"Shoo I"
"It's a fact, and thA work li that of a
rral artist. You should be mora titan nUi
"Well, I doclarel I gucs Tve been too
hasty, and I'll drop the mutter right hero.
Glad I didn't punch tbo photographer's
"Yiw, so am I," said the other to biuuelt as
be went bis wuy.
It was the urtist himself. Detroit Free
Ta.te, Tint NeceltT.
Philanthropist (in the office of an old
friend, a building contractor! John, if I had
to live ou Mood money as you do Id retire
and start a peanut stand.
Successful Uudder Blood money! What
do you iiuvmf
"Look at those bouse plana you're studying
over now, miM-rable hovels, Jwentyin a row,
packed so close together that not ven a fly
could get W'tween them, horrible little dens
with rooms not big enough to stretch out iu,
noclmnce for air, cleanliness or anything
else. U it any wonder people crowded to
gether that way got steeped in vice and
degradation, any wonder tho unfortunate
poor "
'ToorF Urent uvsnr, man, tbe plans are
for rich men's cottages at summer resorts."
"0u! Omnha World.
The Point or It.
Jones bad married tho prettiest woman to
town and ilrown had married the homeliest
and thought tho was beautiful One evening
they wore talking about their respective bet
ter halves, aud II. remarked:
"I any, Jones, I think you and I married
tbo two pret lest women iu town,"
Jones looked at him in surprise a moment,
but ho saw lie was serious.
Well," lie replied, cautiously, and with
pride, "I guiws you are about half right, old
Brown dxltit see the point until be told his
wifo. Waihuigton Critic. '
Divfiietn a rientnr.
"I am told, s, that you are quite hard of
"Your Information was correct, bat what
about It f
"I can cure diafness In a month, and If I
can't cure you twill charge nothing."
"Why, I wouSu't be cured for a thousand
"You wouldn't Why not P
"My daughter lays the piano." Nebraska
State Journal.
At OldVnlnt Comfort.
Toting Lady (iuliotel office, uneasily wait
ing for uniform an buttons to come over
from tbe fort) W lit doesn't that man cornel
I don't want to sit Wind here all tuoruing
holding my bunds.
CAarbiftJsiifng, but bold) Vm or I beg
your mrdou, Miss, but if it would be any ac
commodation I could bold your hands for
you. Washington Critic.
Another fioperatltlon.
Ancient Dame No, indeed, we'll not oele
brnto eur diamond wedding, not with my
coiwnt. It's unlucky,
lluslmnd Never lienrd of that bofore.
"It's so. 1 remember half a dozen couples
who celebrated diamond weddings and they
didn't any of 'em live ten yuan, " Oumha
Who Tliey Were Foh
"WTiy, these are not the shoes I ordered,"
exclaimed the ludyof the house, with ex
tremo vexation ; "t his is a pair of 110 French
kills. I can't afford such shoes as these, "
"Beg pardoii, madam," said tbe niewenger,
respectfully; "but you've oiKincd tbe wrong
packaga This $5 pair is yours. The other
mu ordered by the hired glrL Chicago
Language Odditis.
ah a recent lecture a professor of lan
guages, in com men ting on the difficul
ties foreigners had to overcome before
they could master our language, made
mention of the following philological
oddities: The letter c change lover
into clover; d makes a crow a crowd; k
makes eyed keyed; g changes son into
song; 1 transforms a pear into a pearl;
changes a hoe into a shoo; t makes
bough bought; and w makes omen
women. St. Louis Republic.
A Study Id Philology.
Bumway It is strange bow one word
brings up another in the mind.
Mrs. Sura way So it is.
Bumway Now the word "sardines"
always suggest to me the word "com
part" Mrs. Sura wayI wonder why.
Sum way Because they compact
come packed very compactly too. West
A Matter of Tutt,
Daochfr Vammm, wouldn't it be just
lovely it we only bad per Its like that I
Ham ma-Why, my child What advan
tage would it be to tut
Daughter We coo Id tatta oar lo esesuB
so much longer. Tid Bit
The world renowned tucc -ii of Hmti-ttar't !
(tomfe'D bltlm. tud their continued popu-1
lariti (ori vtr tldM ul euntury 10 miiicute,
li teareely mom wnuderlul llnu li e welt-vine
that icrveit t?'tantiuiil,ivttratii-euf Hotfiier' I
Almtute. llilt lata le tm-dtral tu-tll'e ill
puhhihrd tor lha 11,-tirtter t'euiii', Pitt i
durvli. fa,, nndi-r llieir on I.iumi .iui.- -M-er- i
viilou, eiiiiln k lit U lu mm ilisrtini:t.
llu-y are iiiuuliiK bout 11 monilin III Hie enr
ell ttlia wulk, Mnl the i-tlle ol -sun- lor w I I
W morv tlitu 'til mllliiuit, printed in the Kint
llih, livruitii. Krem It. wi-lf-h, NoruesUn,
Smslitti, llelltiiil, lUiiii'inlau and S)nlli ltti
iit". Ki-I- r I" a eei ol It (or hIiikM.- an 1
liilen itlna resiliun emu eiiiluit Inalili, nd
uiimeroii leti.uonlsl ai to tne eitirtev ot Hot
leiler't elonmrti lli'ter. tint'iN-i' rut, NMed ill
lertiwttiou, tsireuoinii au rilrii'tlli'tik and rliro
iioIokii ai iU-llili, ,Ve , Hhirll i ail he ept Ild-,1 a
tor corret'liwftt. Tlie AIiiimkmi- (or Is 1 ctn if
Ot'lallH-d fM'of enl ('out ilmiiM slid icellt-ial
cuilutry dull r lu til ptrtt e( tlie coiintiy.
There are more men lu the world who have
nitdiiew iu 'licir nietnedt limn lln-ru ai Mho
have " method in i heir mtdiu-Mi."
A man who tiax praetleed nudleine for fortv
vein, ouhl lo kuow tail lioiu iiitur; read what
he tart:
Toi mo, O., Jtuuarv in. tss".
ilnnrt. F. J. C'rnti .( Oi - Uknii.hiks : I have
been lu the Ki-nettl prm-iitc of nuHtii-iiie ti.r
nioitt forty yetr. and uenld nay thut in all iu
praetiee and em-erlem-,- hte never ho-n a n i'
a niton I hut I ivind prci'ilu- with a mm li i on
Stieiit-e o( kiu-ei'Bt, an I van llall'ii ( MtHrili i tire,
iiiHinitHt-tiire I by yen lime rt-M-ilhed it m
ureal niHiiy timet, tint hi. elt'ei-t In uomierlul;
mid woulit MV in i-enehikiou thtt I have yet lo
tindaeaeol i tlarrh that It would net cure, tl
ihcv Mould take It ai-eotdliH' to illnx tlnim.
Yours truly, I.. 1.. tinKiffH. M. 1.
Oitiee, JlSSuiniult -tnvt.
We will live inii for Kiiy i hi of laurrli tliit
-an not he i urvd viith llall't l aiarrh l ure
l'Hkvu lulernillv
f. J. 1 11KSEY Si CO., l'Mprh'tort,
loli-.lo, 0.
gtT- Sold by drusslntt. TV.
A feferred creditor tine who never nrvaout
hit kilt.
ril.EMt 111 I SI I'll. KM I
Pr. Wllllamt' Indian 1'lle Ointment will cure
tllliid. HleediHK aud Itelilun t'ile when all oilier
ointment! have tailed. II atuorlM Hie tumors
allaitlhe lli'hlnir at once, ac tt a poiiitnv.
iiiven lliilanl lellef. I'r lllia'nt' Imlian 1'ile
Oiutmeut it pri p red ouly lor I'll, t and lieliiun
o( the private arm and nothltiK elm-. Kii-rv
box l warrtuteil. Hold by ilria-Kialt, or eulh)
wait uu rve.-ipt of line . .VM- ami II per tiox.
rroprie'ora, t levelaud, 0.
When a pennti Rett Into hot utter ym mar 1 e
lire that he ha luriiUlied hit hm ot the fuel
iu beat the num.
Kl'l'TlKK ANU 1'II.EH tl'KKIl.
We nrwltlvely cure miiturv and all reetal tilt
i-anet witliout palu or ileleiillon from butlnew.
No cure, no pav; aud uo pay until eureil. Ad
ilivat for pamphlet I ir. I'ortertleld 4 lwy ri'i
Market ttreet, Maii KraiielM-o.
Pewtreol Imltatlontol the culebrated Seal ol
North Carolina I'luii t ut Tohaceo.
- oxr: wivjoyv
Both the method ainl r, ,when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
mid refreshing to tho tasto, and acta
fently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
iivcr and Dowels, clonuses tho sys
tem efl'cctually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers mid cures hnhitu.l
t'onstipation permanently. For aalu
in oOcand (1 botllcj by all druggists.
54 fRAKISCO, Cil.
Sue at Wind and Pain in tht Stomach, Fullnttt anil Swtllmp after Dealt,
Diitintlt, tni Drow$int$t, ColdChillt.Fluthingt of Heat, Lou of Appetitt,
Shortnuy of Breath, Coitivenest, Scurry, Blotchet on tht Skin, Ditturbed
Sleep, rightful Dreamt, and all Hemul and Trembling Sentationt, Ac.
For Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, Impaired
Digestion, Constipation, Disordered Liver, etc.,
they ACT LIKE UAOIC.Btriitvtliintna tht mum-ultr SnUm, rettorlng lomt lont Com
pttxln. lirlnaliiK bm-k Hi Am tiqt oapotKtt, anil anmalnf with the ROSEBUD Uf
HEALlHMmtifphiitlnltMtgiiul the tinman tram. Onset tlie In-ni K'irniitr
I'rrpurcd only he 'I'lllin. H 1:1 I II A l . Ml. Ilrlrna. I nnre.Ktn-. Fnalnnit.
Htild bn ,,( B. F. ALLEN CO., 3dB and 387 Ctnal St.. Hum York,
Hnl Avnt ('ir llm lnlti-it HditA. kAo (l( lor dniiriiitt cloen nit kli llirinl Wll.l, M A II,
nr,i-.i;iiAiii n i-n.i,n on nr.i;i.ii- o
-Who wins the eyes, wins eJI.
If yo u regard A M n &
wWh in house -
'fl soa.p TryjHn house-cleaning
bf your houne junt at much as ly your drrt. Ketp it neat and
clean and your reputation will thine. Xeglect it and your good
name will tufftr. Do not think tluit house-cleaning is too trouble
tome f it it worth all it eottt, cnicclaV 1 if you reduce tht outlay oj
time and ttrenath hit utino HAI'OI.Uh
New Store. Cymnaslum and
Guns, Rifles, Revolvers, Sporting Goods and Fishing Tackle,
HepeallBf Hlllea , :i - - y-.
oeranbeni of both aee, attnotite their iticcest to course at me romana oubr
Oreeon. Both are under the management of A. P. Annstrotifr, have aatne course of
mamr rati-a of tuition. Ilunincit. Shorthand.TYVewriting, Penmanship and Enff-
Lib Department!. Write to either for joint
n pk
I core
I I In tht
i Kail.
eat to Die, Cheapeat. Relief it immediate. A
core if certain. For Cold in
i an Ointment, of whic
th nortril. Price Vie.
Addm; fc. T.
A Tumor of Twenlr l wn Teart' Standtn
Cured In a'lve Alluultt.
Mr. Joseph llervieu, employed in tho
Tort hind Cracker factory, whs brought
to lr. Tool's ollice a short time iiim bv
Mr. Ku-liet, the grocer on Third mid
Wu-liirton strei-t-i. He hud hud sini c
his birth a bright red-colnreil tiliunr the
size of a walnut la'tween bin left eye and
liin iiiihc, Hliich pn'Vcntcd him Irnin cee
iug stiiiitiht. Vi hen l'r. Toel tuld him
lie could remove it by i licti icitv itlmiil
the I'ii-h of a ninlo iliup of IiIikhI, lie
would luirdly ln-lieve it; but, w hen in
the niimitotiiiie I'r. Tool had diss Kid
the tunmr, he ilecluivil his full 1 1 in elec
tricity. J r. Tool hits tililied (our ein
lit tint I'niversiticrt Slid Inre I1uhiIiiIi
uf (icriiiiiny, S iizi i luinl ntid l-jiliiml.
slid is the nit 1 v s nye-pii in the .Sortliucst
h ho operates by electricity without lus
of IiIihhI.
Makes a specialty of PisesHcs uf tin
Nose, Throat and Neck, Skin, I'l iimi v
Organs, IViiinle llisenses mi l nil Sur-rical
llpcriitinns, in for Fistula, Tiles, Strict-
me, t micer, lolvpns ami ull other lti
niors mid I'lci'ts. 0KraliiuiH p rfurmeil
bv means of electricity with lit loss of
blood O'lice No. "i)' Wnsliiiif ton
stnet, ci.incr Fmiitii, Portland, Or.
See this paper of the last two weeks.
Thv Okhmk for brnakfiuit.
4 oi IiiIkmi'v mnl t, wlH'tticr tnriur
ut, (.unfurl lit:, llcliliiK. hurnlrn.'. m hI , mii-itM
ptlllplv r ItlolcllV, U ilrt lllM Of llHlr, Ml)(l i'VlT
luiii or lu'riMlltHry, U piMtsHly, tHTiitmu'iiily mnl
(M'onotnimnv t urtMi uy int' in i'itt ii it m ?. in
eoiiMctlntt ot tH'Tici'M. (ho trri'Ht klu niris ( i
IU I N rnut , mi ii mi it- sa i n puiiiiti aim I't-rtu
ttllor, ml ('('th I'ua KKnni.VKNT.ihp mw MihmI
HUH UK ill (MiriiMT nun Kirnii si ii imiiium r inr
dltw, hIh'ii tht ! t JiVNiciniiM himI hII nthi'i
ri'iiu'oira mil. i nrriii. nr iimi ruii'in-ii jmr
of iiu'iiittl mnl itliHiml MiihTiiiii. MvkImiihm.
l).'ln trv tUntroruu. Curci tnili' lu I'ttlKllitxHl
Sold t'viry whero. I'rlco, ri'TH TK . NV; SMr,
'JfH-; Kk-olvknt, tl. I'n'inrrtl by I'ortiT Init
mnl i IhmiiIchI rorHmtlon, IVwttiu, Mhmh.
hiil (or " How to l ure hklti mnl 1'UhhI DIh
1 ltHlv' hk Ui atul m rtlp imrllinl mul "iLft
iM'HUltltotl ti ( t'Tli I'KAKiUI',
Kldnev vnliii, Imcltmho mill iimcii!m
hi'iiiiiritUin ri'ltrvrd lu m mtinito ly tin
tfk'hrmmlCi'Tii tkaAnti Tain I'l.AhTKH.J.'H
Send to Knilth'a (or your winter outfit. Thei
have tlie lilKite't ttiK-k o! iinden lntlil iit. Hnn
have the lnwt liooln and timet. They nave Hit
i'lii'x'l liiiklery fur everybody. Tliey have tin
rcntiwt variety ol iIia- koiwIi. Ihey hvr
ttmlly griMvrlea ol all ktinlt. Tlioy have dried
trull ol Hie new crop. They have rauued iood
at wliiileiale prleet. They bav warm nitiu-nt
aud clout. They have hlaukett Irom II 'f pai
up. Tin y have emiitortt Irom VO eenli eaeh tot.,.
Tney have overalls ol every tint. Ihey pay ipe
elnll atleiitlon lo all ordert. Adiln-w tor (nil
tiartlriilara aud ronv ol Home Cirrlr l(nif)
hmiih'a I'nali Niorc, 4 IS t rout Mrerl,
STEIN WAY, Gabler and Pease Piano;
MtwulDf the HrxT Pi no Mil, uul tl fvohU
ot.titr I'liiH; nil Muni ml limtnuiirnta; IUikU Hui
1'IUhI; Iiv ftKik of Hhwi Mtwto. Htmnway Hali.
ihtinliil 'A I'iniI HUtwt; Uatiiiiah UHAV Jo, C'nJl
uitl ww our iifw romiig anil ow ttuck.
Tr.Tlriir LOtii orraiuinu adiiooiii
'lrn'MrtlaadMLaVOUS DtlTltlTKl
WnnkaHof Body and M tin), Eifeatl
of Krrorior Exctiiei In Old or Vaunt)
NybMal. hi.ii l HUIMM fltllf IU aUr tk4
SlmllMV4H,IMrtt le)trKI)(lll.nAI'AHrrim IMIUV.
AhMlttlvIr iifalllnf 1 KK4 1 lkT-Hlli llliif.
llMtlFy Im AumuimriiA (Tlimirie. rllltttn.
a Handtomt 12.60 Btromttir and Thertnonieter
(',!) liii hi t) tellinv tliu ecu n t teiiiiiera
tunitiid v, lieu Hie Hetllit r will lw tnr.eimnuf
atttr, htxrtl ilnrm. nidi er ffenr, tent Inany mlilre-a
lortOe lu htaint; la kc, thowy and irnetiia;
no turn VHlue ev r oiirriil; live aio'ntt wanton,
Conaa it t.iHiKt, 529 t.'lay tl.,Knn KrtuelMii.l al
i'i(it;K,ii. a iua. i
r SS?yo-uwiil
clcanind - SePolio
Athletic Coods. NewCooda.
liruiinf tan,
Parker Hroa.,
II in I lb,
roiiTLANn, oh.
1 11A1' CAN Ml. LihHfcVI-.RVlAV
is the kind that pays. Score of
vuune busineas mm. and bun
fin-daof bookkctrxini and sten
Catalogue and specimen of pcuiuanahip.
the Head it ha no equal.
h aimall partii
rtii.le it applied I
tn 'itit or tent by I
t, Warren, P.
Bold by drupitisU
Dlt. Al'GlST blEMO'l
Hamburg Breast Tea
(; -roa-
iV-'i) At I'niirirli,ta en1 Dcalrnt, or
'n ut l.jr in 11 on receipt irfiit-ta.
'i cl. r m-a J 1 1 i in !ini.
At rinicirlm tnil Doalei.or
sent lv mail im rttvl J1 i'f els.
,-.)....... 1.1 un inT.i.kiMiii. Sum.
f o T'ltrrcocn nivlptnix-oi utiunip.
we rtHRlES . V0i.El.tH CO., Biltlmor. MdL
l;iri lithe aritnnwleiieeit
Irmliiie ti ni' ily tor ell in
mimiliiriil ili.i-hHruifl and
iriv:ite ihi .Hi-. i,f n.i-n. A
ciTliuui'iir- lnr tlit iti-llll
li-llii vt-ukbl.-b-l CCUUuf
. imn.
r. .. ,,,
"iti.mia vs.
u. ui.i.. I .... I Altnnil feel lata
TntfcilICHVi''liri III Ifi-i'lni lUlllg tt t
. r i iimii.O KWOI " "iiferi'nfc
BJUl-1 V llrnUKlnlH.
.-,1 ui.uu.
I wy -'in I donoi mmn nicrrly lo iUm irwtii
ftrrMittif iuil t"'n li"1 tUfin ii'turii arfiln. 1 tttnii
Mthcul rum. 1 lit' ntit'lf i1i-Mt il UTS, il'lU
.1'V or 1'AI.I.IMH SH'!.1f. I
'rritnl my rrmwly lo t'tirw tli wurnt c-wtk, IUm-itim
p'fnliittUiiexl in no n-mx'ti tT nut nr r'nnnii
fiim. H n1 tnif f-tr h'iiwml n Fm K til
ol ii'y lnl'.Hil'lp rmr.., (iit I . nirttK utl .'iMtt Off -
u.t..uuora .ic..uarciuia(. is v
Fabcr's Golden Fcmala Pills..
Fnr Female Irn-imlar
IttiiN- imiiitiiirlikutliem
o li tho market. AVerr
nit Huici'Milnllv iihiI
liy 1i-iiuiluel,t ullea
inuntlily. lliieranievit
In relieve a irvieil
rion't be humlinmteit.
Have Time, Health,
a n J inouey ; take uo ota
er. Pent tn anr a14reea,
ii-i urii hr mall on ra?
Waitera Branch, liui'Z?, l'UUTLANU, OB
Bold by WiBDon I)o Co., rortlan J. Or.
Local or Traveling,
To ell nnr nell-Vnown Nnreerr atiM-k. Wowant
fiKHl, lively worker, ami will y well i-nm-iiilwlnil
or nalary. lll ralrri iicen reitiln-il.
A Vl'ly Iiili'k. L. I.. MAY Si HO., (iiirwryiiieit
M Vm( Minn
Apt'ly to Mil O H. HIKVKNH A CO.. Attnnieya,
HID f mri-i-t. Wai-lilnKtiin, I). C, llrancli ulliiea
4'IiiIhii'I. Ti,trtll. riili-airn.
FAvm iati;it
Elanillo-Leatkr Roofing.
The rheaiet thlna In the market fnr hninii,
hMriin, lii-lioiiMin ami outliuililingii. Wille fur
( ulniiin- h inl H!nili'.
PACIFIC ROLL PAPEH CO., r"l(le fiiat Aireiit,
lUanil W l-lt-t mreut, eau Krmlru, L'aL
ron ONK DOLLAR Kent u by nmll. w will rf.
I liver, irw .f ail rhMiiffM, U miv )frin fn Mi ft
l'nHrt hihU. nil IIh fnUimliig art l'.f tun-fully
pxi'kid iu a iit Ht h:
Oiip I wo in i m e Itdilhuif Puni Vmu)1ltie...10 rta.
One Iwoduni'i h- t'ltf Vnwliiti i'iuiftli',..IA "
(Hifjurof VuhuIIiu' Cohl ('renin '5"
Oiip cuke of VH-el'ne ( mnphur le t lu
(MiO' Hkeof VafirltiiA HiHt iiiti'nttttl . ... 10 "
Ouornke uf ViM1lm Snp, urt'iitwt 'J5
One two oiiutv iHittle of VS lille Viwllue :& 11
41 10
Or for tu)iM Mif hIukIc u11cli Ml ttir jiriow nmnnl.
If yirii hitta nciiin hi u VmI1h tu iti) furm h
curfiul tti ufi. itiily v nuliiti no d n up try iu in
oitKliml Mtfm(ij, A rt-n( Mt.tiiv dniwii iti tiyltijt lo
u.rt...l.-l"i.iBto U--VAHU.INK ' uu lylht-m,
N'ctttr tlclil ti Micl. n ri)Mlii, M the lUfl ! an linUav
tin wliliimt tniuai mi, I will not t vm yitu ihe nult you
vnA A tut 1 1 ttf Kluo 8tl Vwi-iliit li ulU Ly all
IrttnK rU at It) o n'.
Chi'sebrougu UTg Co,, H State St., New York.
LlBbigWoiId Dispensary,
400 Gear? Stree', XJ'Sm Francluo, CaU
Of ill,
;Ji Hon.
LtcbTg S'jrnjcal Inst'tute,
kuti'M, Art-ii' aa) r tUnMMniaa. Thip
BMllMllllt-a. iMMT'l.tal'tJ H.IUwlialtirfletTe'-'-:l tnnU
mlt Kit J t'M'atlf III KniiUlliltlMvtaluaU
or Ti tim ni.
FtHi'i Uf IIH AMI WiiMI l.
Oil lU-llAbbt MmIu mI woUlrt MUlo
ar..ik, inu. riif, nun m, -nis wi tw
Ul .Uto. m lulu la. I, farur,,, Un. u
170 and 173 I'lr.t St., Portlanil, Or.,
Pictures and Frames.
Betnl fr rata'iNrne.
Few etiiokem fully realize tho
danger of smoking new or improp
erly cured Tobaeco. The medical
staff of the German army discov
ered thin was a fruitful source of
throat disease.
The subhititence department of
tlie U. 8. Army have adopted Seal
of North Carolina Plug Cut as the
Standard Smoking Tobacco for the
Beware of Imitations. The gen
uine "Seal of North Carolina"-
costs you no more than poisonous
N. P. N. U. Ko. 8078. F. . U. Ko. 441
v.--. Vi f