nn r KST1BL1SDEI) FOB THE DIMEUIATIO OFDEIOCRATIC PRINCIPLES, OD TO fill H H03IC8T L1TIXS BT TDK SWEAT OP OUR BROW v'()L23 EUGENE, OR., SATURDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1890. NO, 7. nn GENE G ARB, n Zu (Sugcuf (City Guard. (PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAYS 1. L CAMPBELL, IublUlif r and Proprietor, OFFICE On the Eut aide of Willamette Street, between Bevenin ana cignin street TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. I'nr nnum 12 60 Six Monthi 1.25 Three montli 75 OTJR ONLV KATK3 OB AD V KHTIS1NG Av.rtiemenU inserted u fuUowi: miara. ten lines or leu one insertion 13: ech subsequent insertion L Cash required '"'rime advertisers will be charged at the oV l..urinff riiteil! One square three months $fl 00 iw, uiuare six monthi 8 00 Oue square one year. .... 12 00 Trantieut notice! in local column, 20 oenti per line tr eacn insertion. Advertisinit billf will be rendered quarterly. All job work must oe raw roa os dilivihi. CEO. B. DORRIS Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. IITILL PRACTICE IN THE COURTS y f of the Second Judicial uistrm auu in he Supreme Court of thii State. Special attention given to collection! and matter in probate L. BILYEU, -Attorney and Counsellor at Law,- EUGENE CITY, OREGON. PRACTICES IN ALLTIiE COURTS OF L thii State. Will give ipecial attention to collection! and probate matter. Omct Over Hendriclt & Eakin'e bank. A. O. WOODCOCK, AUoriiey-at-Law, riUUKNE CITY, - - OREGON OFFICE-Roomi 7 4 8 McClaren Building. W3iecial attention given to CollectlciDl and Probate busiuesa. GEORGE A. DORRIS, Attorney-at-Law, EUGENE CITY, - - OREGON Orriut-In Register Block. J.J. WALTON, Jr., ATTOHNKT-AT-LAW EUGENE CITY, OREGON. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE t'owte of the State. Special attention given to real estate, col ecting, and probate matter. , Collecting all kind! of claim! against the United State! Government Office in Walton'! brie)- -room! 7 and 8. Seymour W. Condon, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW DUNN'S BUILDINO,- Eiigcne, - - Oregon. E. O. POTTER, Attorney-at-Law, EUGENE, - - OREGON. Omci- Room No. 4, Dunn's Block. GEO. M. MILLER attorney and CcunseUor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. EUGENE CITY, - OREGON. Oflloe-ln Maionio Temple. L. WHITE, DENTIST, (Successor to Dr. N. J. Taylor.) OFFICE, - Over Matlock Store. A. E. GALLAGHEK, Attorney-at-Law. KUGENBCITY - OREGON. Special attention given to Probate business and AbetracU of Title. Omct Over Lane County Bank. T.W. HARRIS, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. Evidence on Fifth .treet, wher Dr Shelton ormerly raided. DRS. PAINE & M'MURTRY. Physicians & Surgeons, Office 9th St, Opposite Hoffman House. DR. D. A. PAINE, Reaideno corner 10th and High Street., Eoeene. DR. W. T. McMCRTRY, Residence Oliv St, between 9th and 10th, Euent DR. J. C. GRAY, DENT 1ST. OFnCEOVER GRANGE STORE. ALL work warranted. . . Laughing ( sdminartered for painless tnetioaot tMth. -BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 18 YEARS.- Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry & Musical Instruments. lb lid Select U South of Portland Special attention given to Repairing and .bngraving by two first work warranted. The Yaciflc Tea Co. Has Changed Hands Mr. J. 0. Having purchased it. BEDROCK PRICES ! Full Line of Groceries, Glassware and Crockery. Handsome Presents given away with Teas and Coffees. Harness H AVINO OPENED A NEW SADDLE oppoeite Star Bakery, I am now prepared LOW cm T The Competent Workmen Are employed, and I will endeavor to give satisfaction to all win ma favor me with a call. A. GOLDSMITH, lie Best. Known Brocer in Hip! Has a LARGER stock of Fine Groceries, Ch' . Glass, Crock ery, Wooden and Willow Ware Pays Highest CAbll price for Hides, Wool, Tallow, &c. Orders filled promptly, with the greatest care. I DON'T BOAST PRICES. All Goods sold as Cheap as anyone in Eugene. Call and he corteously treated. A. GOLDSMITH. FURNITURE I Just Received by MOORE & LINN, Successors to J. R. REAM. LATEST STYLES P,ed Room Sets in Antique, Oak and Ash. ICtli Century Finish. " with combined Rureaus and Wash Stand. Tt-JPSet broken and made up in any shape or style. chair's, loun es, reddin, window shades. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Manufacturing 'M M M. Ml W M M.M: MMMMtm tXll MM lKCtKX Jowabr - class workmen. All He will sell goods at Shop AND HARNESS SHOP 0 9th STREET to furnish everything in that line at the RATES. Most A. A. UUUHIIJ. than ever before. Country Produce, Furs, Skins, FURNITURE I AND hum EUGENE CITY MILL COMPANY PATTERSON, EDRIS & CO. MANUFACTURE BEST GRADES or- Family '." Flour. ffHtara OmlD on the mort hmrml l. term.. Whm i clptt of any vsrvhoua. north i( Ktigfa.. properly tituvi, ukra In Mctuum lor Klour or VmL Ulfhe.t Ca.h Price Paid for Wheat F. M. WILKINS, -PRACTICAL- Druggist and Chemist. DRUGS, MEDICINES, Itru.hei, Paint., (ila... Oil.. Leads. Toi let Articles, Kto. rhyildau inscription, compounded. C- Hodes -KEEPS ON HAND FINE Liquors, ',' Wines, 7 Cigars, -AND A Pool and Billiard Table. WlUamttt. itrart, betVMD F.lilith and Ninth. T AND SHOE STORE. . HUNT, Proprietor, Will honatUr keep a complete ttock ol LiAiDiHEtS' Misses' and Children's Shoes, BUTTON BOOTS, Slippers, White and Black Sandals, Fine Kid Shoes, Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes, An. la fact ererrllilnf In th. Boot .ml Ron. llitt, to which 1 lutcod to tkrot. m tupecUl sttvjgJuu. MT GOODS ARK FIRST-CLASS And futrantod u rprrMrnte1. and will be nd for th. lownt prlo ihst a good wtlol. cmi be .ffonled. a. iiL'nr. F.W.A.CRAIN, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Junction Cltr, Or. doeHsl attmllm rl.ni is rrlrla WATCHFA CUHJkS aad JKWKUir. BARGAINS I PATTBBSOK" & Two doors South of tho Odd Fellows Hall. e will Bell our entire stock of BOOKS AND STATIONERY at greatly ro duced prices. S lb Note Paper, reduced from $1 CO to $1 10. Box of 6 XXX Envelopes, reduced from 8()c to 55o. Box of Illuminated Box Paper, reduced from 2!o to 15a to 15c. 60(1 Linea Fabrie Letter Heads reduced from tl 00 to S 1 10. ryWe have iu stock over 50 dozen Tablets of all kinds, which we will sell at a very small margin. 500 Taper Novels by the latest and most Popular Authors, which we will sell below cost. stock. PATTERSON & CHRISTIAN. Fix this in MATLOCK'S NEW FALL AND Arensw offered at PRICES which make them beyond ques tion the Lowest in town, quality considered. Nothing can outdo that wonderful house, known as Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents Shoes, Hats, Caps. Trunks, &c. Insure Against Fire With one of the Leading Companies. For Insurance in any of the following standard Companies: Mew Zealand, Capital Stock Phoenix of London, o,uuu,uuu namburS Bremen, of Germany, 3,000,000 Apply to E J. FRASIER. For Real Eslate Bargains in Lane County Land & Loan Co. Farm for Stile. A number oue farm (or iule. Iuijuiro at tuia ollloe. Wood Sawiuff. Mr. Win. Horn ia prt'part'J to aw wood with his uiacliiue. Leuve order! at J. V. Matlock'i itore, anil Mr. Horn will cow tueuce work the Moudays ol each week. What It It? That produce! tbut beautifully soft coin- plvxiori and leave! no trace of its applica tiou or injurioUH effects? The anawer, Wii doiu i liouertine accouiiUHiie all tnia, auu i prouounced by Indiea ol tHHte aud refluo uieut to be the most delightful toilet article ever piXHluml. WarrauUul haruileas aud matchleaa. F. M. Wilkiti!, ageut, Eugene City. IIalmky, Or., Aug 1, 1S'.0. An old aoldier'a itory: In the late war I waataoldier in the First Maryland Voluu- teen, Compauy C). Purine uiy term of service I contracted chronic iliarrhiea, since then I nave used a treat aniouut of nietli oine, but when I found any tuut would give me renet tnev would injure ray itoniacn, nntil Chamberlain'! Colic, Cholera and Diar rhea remedy was brought to my notice. I nse it and will say it is the only remedy that gave me permaneut relief and uo bad result! lollow. 1 take pleasure in recommending thi preparation to all my old comrades, who, while giving their services to their oouutry, contracted this drtadluladisease as I did, from eating unwholesome aud uncook ed food. Yours truly, A E lteudiug, Uulsey, Or. For sale by F. M. Wilkin. French Tansy Wafers:. These wafers are a sure and safe .iiecltin for all kimla ot female trouble! and will remove all obstructions to the monthly periods, no matter what the cause. They are just what ever; woman needs, and can be used safely. For sale by the Livingstone Medical Co., man ufacturers, Portland, Oregon, also by our sole ageuts, Unburn ft DeLauo Druggists, Eugene, Uregon. A O UK AT MIXTA KR Is often made In nut using Ihul'Kltforiilat'oslttve aim riciintlve fcleelrio ( oimh lire lor eouiins, coll, croup, consumption, a It Is the only couitli rum 111 UIU l . n. ireo iomii itpmien. riuu iik ciiiiuri'ii-iry u ami see. Combines the juice of the Blue Figiof California, so laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming the ON LY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LITER AND BOWELS AND TO- Cleanse tbe System Effectually, 0 THAT- PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING. SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Ever one li using it and all are delighted with it. Ask your druggiit for SYKUP OF FIGS. Manu factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., Sam FaAKCiico, Cau looisviLte, Kv. N.wYosa.N.Y BARGAINS 1 CHRISTIAN I Please call and examine our Your Mi NEW CHOICE WINTER GOODS, Furnishing Goods, Roots and EUGENE, OK. .,$5,000,000 Agent, Eugene, Oregon. Farm and Mj Properly Call on nd What Mary Meant When Slio Said "Kami ' KANSAS, NOVIUIltU 4, lH'JO, (The women did it John bhcrman.) From Kansaa City Star. I was oue of them "fool farmors;" yes, I'll own it like a man; There was plouty of ua fashioned on the sumo peculiar plan; Aud I've lived nut here in Kansas more (ban five and twenty years, A growin' poor and poorer as It certainly appears, I seldom read the newspapers; I worked too hard for that. And never kuew why 1 got Kan while other men got fat; I didn't fool with politics; I had too much to do. But I always voted as I shot and as they told me to. The day More election, jest Imagine my distiess When I kutched my wife a-reidin' now whatever would you guoas? A free-trade publication, aud, to make it worse, rbe said She'd read it regular each night before she went to bed. And, do you know, that wife of mine jest faced me up and down That (armors slave to make a few monopo lists iu tuwul1 I always try to get around these wimu do mestic spats, But wheu I praised protection and she laughed sad. answered "rata." I bristled np; it kindled all the sentiments of strife To thiuk this free trade stuff should be cor rupter of my wife; I quit her then snd there before her argu ment was thtougb, As every good protection iat makes it a rule to du, That night we had a ramp fire aud our con gressman was there. We gave him "John Brown's Body" whuu be went to take the chair; I wore my old blue uniform to spite the Democrats, But all the time I wondered what my Mary meant by "ltats." Our Congressman was eloquent, he made a stirrin' speech; I could almost see the battle's smoke and hear the bullets scrvooh. And when he bade its vote as we bad shot at Malvern Hill, We rose with one accord aud cried with ono acclaim, "we will." We sang the good old war songs and we ate a mess o'besns, Aud we passed the evuuiu'.pleasautly, recall- In lilooily scenes; Aud we took the straightout tickets aud we pinned 'em on our hats, But all the time I wondered what my Mary meuut by "Huts." When I reached home I noticed that my Maiy wore a stuilo, Wbioh soemed to me as indicating storms ahead or bilo; To head her off I said: 'You'll call me early, mother dear, "For to-morrer'l be the liveliest day free trade will have this year." Next mornin' jest at Bun-up, as I woke and rubbed niv eyes. A-wonderin' what she meant by "Ruts" I saw to my surprise My clothes and boots and bats all ranged in order on the floor. And boariug each a card I'd swear I never saw before, My flannel shirt displayed this sign: "Taxed vt per cent,; My trousers "Taxed 100" so this was what "KhIb" meant; My vest said "Taxed 100" aud my shoes "taxed an;" My coat aud hat "200" with "Protuotion makes us thrive." I went to fill the basin aud I noticed as 1 came Taxed 45 per oont." Oreat Scott; the towel said the samel Tbe soap was marked at "20:" as I dropped it on tbe floor, I ebanoed to see a scuttle full of ooals chalked "24." I paused into tbe kitchen and it gives me pain to state That my wife bad on woollen drese stamped "only 58;" And in shooing out a guinea she made a lit tie dive Which showed a pair of stockings with a card marked "35." Tbe baby in bis little bed was lyia' fast asleep; I always held the little obap aa most un common cheap; But when I saw them cards on blanket, pil low, crib and sheet, I felt a lump rise in my throat; I knew that I was beat, No matter where I went I struck them pes kv little liuns. The itove, the piatoi, the knives, the forks, the window sasn and blinds, The scissors, needles, thread, all bore that terrible per oont.; Bigosb, I didu t care to see what card was on tbe rent. That was tbe soberest meal I ever ate in all my life; And as I left the table, in remarking to my wife That I was goin' to the polls, she helped me wlln my coat, And said, "I reckon, John, I needn't tell yon bow to vote." I walked down to my votin' place; It looked like every yard Was full of farmin' implements which bore . a little card. And seemed to say from plough to spade from tlirestier down to axe, Good morning, John, and don't forget tbe tariff is a tax. I voted straight O, yes, no doubt of that; I voted strtlgut, But not exaotly in the way expected of my state; And I showed the boys the little cards pro vided by my wife; That night our Congressman took leave of public lite. I was one of tb.m "fool farmers" durin' five and twenty years; But I've learned a little common senso, aa doubtless now appears. Yon can run and tell McKinley, and say don't lorget to state. That we've voted out in Kansas, aud we've voted darned near straight. A Little Too Late to doctor when Bright'a DiaMse bas done its work. Take Wright's Kidney and Liver Cure for inflammation of kidneys and liver, pain in back and other warning of kidney trouble, bold by an druggists. A sure care for tbe wbisky habit: Dr. Livingston's Antidote for drunkenness will core any case of tbe liquor habit in from ten to thirty days, from the moderate drinker to tbe drunkard. Tbe antidote can be Riven in a cup of eofiee without tbe knowledge ol ibe person taking it. The Antidote will not injure tbe health in any way. Manufac tured by the Livingston ClitfuitalCv., Port land, Oregon, or from Osborn ft DeLano, Lugeoe. Two Wicked Women. Albany Ilorald. A pair of modestly attired women with an unlimited ainouut of "convoisational pow ers," have been stopping In this city for a few days, plying thoir vocation as timber locators. They solicited business from women chiefly, snd promised to locate their victims on flue timber claims for modest fee of f5, holding out brilliant in duoements to make them rich in a short period of time, in a manner thafwould have excited the jealousy of Captain Btone or any other of the timber laud swindler who bave worked this racket threadbare. The two women seem, however, possessed of a faculty of gleaning successfully in the field gone over, and by reducing the price from 150 to $75 they bave found a few victims in Albany, who will probably a little later discover that thoy have paid a couple of female "locators" a fat fee for the privi lege of buying as timber land some burned mountain quarter section of land upon which after having seen it they would be unwilling to pay taxes. The most dishonest part of the work of these timber swindlers is tbat they usually show tbe investor some desirable piece of timlier land, but when they make the loca tion the unsophisticated buyer finds tbat th laud they hare secured is perhsps in another section and contains no timber save buge lot ol bnrnod logs and a few dead snags. There is pleuty of good timber land in Oregon, but it is not often obtained by pay ing fees to timber locators, whether they be nn n or women. Iu fact those functionaries, who have swindled unwary people out of thousands of dollars in this state during tbe past year or two, are to be shunned as up right people would shun the devil. What a Fall Is There! John I. Iugslls, U. 8. Senator from Kan sas aud Vice President of the body of which he is s member, bas long been one of the most conspicuous figure in Washington, lie has thro times been seut to tbe senate but always with a suspicion that be got there by mouey paid by corporations that had nse for his tougue, aud a very foul tongue It was. On the eve ol tbe Chicago convention he telegraphed a trusted delegate to "put np a Western Grand Army man and a New York money bag and they would bv elected do matter who they were." It proved that there was more truth than poetry In his message. In an address to Irish delegate not long ago be denounced the Irish govern ment aa ouly Iugalls can denounce anything, aud he said tbe people of the United State "had lived to regret Waterloo." Since then be has published a magazine article in which be says that: "Pure politic is an irridosceut dream. Government is fore. Politio is a battle for supremacy. Tartie are tbe armies. Tbe Decalogue and the Golden Ku!e bave no place in a political campaign, The object is success. To expel the party in power the aim. In war it I lawful to deceive the enemy, to hire Hes sians, to purchase moroenaiios, to mutilate, to kill, to destroy. The commander who lost a battle through the activity of bis moral nature would be the derision and the jest ot history. The modern cant about the oorrup. tion in politics is fatiguing In the extreme. It proceeds from tbs tea-custard and syllabub dilletanteism, tbe frivolous and desultory sentimentalism ot Epioenes." When that was written a few months ago Kansas was the Republican Banner State, but it bas now vomited Ingalls ont of it mouth and there is not much syllabub dilletanteism (whatever that may be supposed to be) nor many friv olous Epicene there either. 8. F. Newt-Letter. Sunday Welcome: Wa. Guthrie, a spor-tively-incliued barber wbo works on this side of the Willamette river, and heretofore slept in East Portland when business engage ments at the card table didn't keep him over night in Portland on Thanksgiving Day left his faithful wife and five children, and cau tioned the storekeepers not to trust her in future on his accouut. When Guthrie mar ried bis wife she bad about a thousand dol lars. It is unnecessary to say tbat she has not got it now, or ber husbands desertion would bave been deferred. From all ac counts ibe mother and children are to be congratulated on the scparture of Mr. Wm. Guthrie, and although perhaps not believed by them in their loneliness, there was never the lea more cause for them to offer thank oo the 27th of last month when be (ought new bed and board, than fell to tbe lot ol any other family in Eait Portland-at least so say ber relatives. The Yaqulna Republican say that the Oregon Pacifio company is taking out the machinery of the old tug Favorite, which will be overhauled and converted into a com pounded engine, and then placed In tbe new schooner to be built by tbe company. It bat not yet been decided where the schooner wll be built, but it is probable it will be don at mill 4 or some other point on tbe bay. The dimensions are, ICO feet keel, U feet beam, 14 feet depth of hold, with a capacity of seven or eight hundred tons harden. Albany Democrat: Mr. J. P. Bobertaon, of 8alem, informs ns that steps are being taken taken to organize a State Farmer Al liance in this state. There is great restless ness among farmers of tbe northwest at the vicioui policy ot high taxation to persUU eutly promoted by the Republican party. This policy seems destined to prove to be the rock upon which the party will yet founder. It is claimed tbat Russell Jr. Co., manu facturers in Masillon, Ohio, have reduced the wsgea of twenty-three democratio em ploye because they voted for Warwick in stead of McKinley. This caused deinocratto farmers to institute a boycott agalust Russell engines and thresher. Messrs. RusseU i Co. must begin to realize tbat there are two parties in tht United States.