EUGENE CITY GUARD. L U CAMPBELL, . . froprletar. EUGENE CITY, OREGON. Wltaa lu si, a la im tan torn. The (fw0 wr flying nutjiwurd. And tlvi cluirta wore hanging loir, TU imk'.-d Imi wr ihivurlna; As ttiejr cliatternd of the mow j And the front In our face When we aald good-or that toon. But you pronitneU ymi would wed an When the ilk wim on the oora. Destb the leaden aklns we part4 In the autumn cold and frray, But old wlnur'i mlo la over And ao la the pleasant Mart And I know you're aljrljr watching Each evenlu and nub morn. When the U-ndnr husk la bunting, And Uie allk la on the corn. Bow the tree tope flaunt their glory, And the clover'a blooming ml, While the rlnifilora coua hla 14017 To hla neat mat overhead. And the atara tliey hnard you proml 1 And aome aiinnjr auranier morn I ahall claim my own, my treasure. When tlie allk la on the corn. -Yankee Blade. Inhmarlne Naval Maneuvers. fhe first of a sori-:i of experiments with the much talko J of (Jotibot torpedo boat ha taken placo in Cherbourg har bor. There were two seamen upon the boat, which was niudo to Hhik ut the ex act spot fixed upon. Aftor some pre liminary maneuvers t'10 boat stopped be fore five ordinary torpedo boats placed Mde by aide in the Commercial dock. It then panned under thoia and rose to tlie surface, Tho first submersion lasted fast throe-quarters of an hour. The eeo- end series of experiments took place in the preeence of a largo nnd enthusiastic crowd.' Five buoys wore floating in dif ferent part" of the Commercial dock. A Corrigan screw was then flung out from the end of a raft, when the Goubot sank, cutting the cable of the drift buoy and engaging tlie screw. Then, changing its direction, the Goubet made for the other buoys and nccomfully cut tho linos of each one. After catting the second cable the two mon composing the crew sent out from tlie boat an empty egg containing a die patch. Some of the cables were cut while the Uoubet boat was making full speed. Before rising to tho surface tho crew placed a floating buoy weighing two English hundredweight under the raft Tho experiment concluded with tho rising of tlie screw, which had boon fixed in position by a bar of iron parallel to its axis. The second experiment lasted two hours. Public Opinion. A Lawault Over 90. Charles Eddy is a dairyman, with a farm which lie's partly in Swansea and partly in Ruhuhoth. . In Swansea Mr. Eddy has his residence and in Rohobotb he built a barn. The latter structure was erected in 18H8, and since thon Ito bobotb has been trying to tax him for his cows. Said cows are stabled in Ro hobotb, but they roam over into Bwauseu to grate and drink, Swan 40a also taxes the cows, and Swansea gets the money. Up to date Mr. Eddy has held that the law provided that he must pay tuxes on CBrsonal property in the town where he res, without reference to tho home of Us animals. The amount which Swan sea gotaou the Eddy cows, and which Rehoboth iihmm to got if sho has luck, b exactly 0. tin d t'uo Litter village has Brought i-i'.'t to recover that sum. Mr. IdJy propuAM to il:;!it, and the case will probably go to tiw supreme court Prov idence Journal. A llonater Skelnton Eihnmed. A part of the face, with teeth, of an antediluviun monster was observed pro jecting from the side of a bluff on the Smoky 1 ill river, where considerable oil has recently been washed away by the high water, and a party of citizens proceeded to follow nr) the indication with kuives and picks. The pulvto bones and part of the hind limb of a liodon dyspelor were laid barn, and afterward tlie entire skeleton. The massive tail stretched away into the bluff, and has not as yet been fully excavated. Judg ing from the displacement of the parts of the skeleton, the carcass has been dragged hither and thither by sharks and other rupacious animals while lying In the bottom of tho cretaceous sea which once extended over this region. The skeleton has been donated to the Bute museum at Topeka. Sheridan, Kan., Cor. Philadelphia Times. " Mouklali Kk'iurea, The monks and cures of France have done as much for their country in the preparation of savory delicacies as tho most renowned chefs. It has been sug gested that during the long session of Lent these holy men have been in the habit of relieving tlieirpriviitionsby em ploying their ingenuity in tho iuvention of pleasant foods mid drinks in readiness for the return of the days of feasting. Whether there is any foundation for this Infereuce is not positively known, but tho fact remains that the clergy, from whatever cause, are capital inventors of all sorts of comestibles. One of the largest oyster parks in the country was started by Able Bonuetard, the cure of La Teste, whose system of artificial cultivation is so successful that of the number of oysters distributed throughout France every year perhaps a quarter are produced by the ablie. Canon Agen was the discoverer of the terriuos of Nerac. The rillotte of Tours are the work of a monk of Marmoutiers. Tlie renowned liipieurs Chartreuse, Trappistine, Bene dictine and others, betray their monastio origin in their names, and the strangwt part of their production is that they should be the work of tho most severe and ascetio of religious bodies. The elixir of Qarus is the iuvention of tlie Abbe Garus. The Besiere sausages were first preared under the direction of the Prior Lamoureux. The popular Bergon rnonx sauce was first mingled by tlie Ablie Bergougnoux. The delicate Floguard cakes are the invention of the Abbe Floguard. Even the immortal glory of the discovery of champagne is attributed to a monk. To these may tie added the innumerable delicacies in bonlxma, confectionery and the like, which owe their origin entirely to nuns In the French convents scattered through out tlie land. Paris Cor. Chicago Inter Ocean. ' rail of a UotMb Kenan unaccustomed to riding can Imagine wliat a very slight carroui will throw a home when at full speed. It knocks the animul out of his stride. He may be leading with his right leg and the jostle will cause him to change to the MU Nothing is more likely to Cause a fall than UiU. Brooklvn EacU THE PACIFIC COAST. A Conglomeration of Occidental Happenings. An Effort Being Made to Suppress the Alaska Liquor Traffic Seamen Out of Employment. Tho word crop of New Mexico this season is lO.OUU.UW pounds. Arizona has 701 miles of Irrigating canals that furnieh water to ItuO.OiO acres. A company of Iowa capitalists intend to start a barrel factory at Halt Lake City that will turn out 600 a uay. Andrew Marro and Jules Rodgers have been placed under lock ami key at 1 nn- land forsecunngmoneyon lorgeu chocks, It is reported that the Denver and Rio Wranue is making arrangements to tend its New Mexico division to Alba querque during the coming season. Governor I'ennover has renplKiinted Dr. V. T. Williamson, formerly of Wes lon, as first assistant physicitin at the Insane Asylum at Salem for the term of lour years. liradstreet's mercantile agency reports fourteen failures in Pacific Const States and Territories for the past week, ns compared with fourteen for the previous week ami five for the corresponding week of 18. The new electric motor line between Tacoma and Steilacoom is being built very rapidly, and it will be in running order soon after the new yenr opens. This work appears to have had a very benelciel effect on the Asylum city. Wellington Stewart, who was sen tenced to fourteen years in the peniten tiary for a criminal assault on young girls in Sun Diego, has been released on his own recognizance. Tlie Supreme Court had granted a new trial in the case. A valuable vein of iron ore is reported to have been found about fifteen miles southwest of Tacomn, near the mouth of tho Nesqually river. In sinking a well a few days ago a rancher struck a vein of black-iron sand twenty-eight feet in depth. . An Eastern compnny, with a large amount of capital, is negotiating for the purchase of the military roud liindB now iKilonging to the Oregon and California I. hikI (Jomimnv and lvintr olonir tho line of the road east of Eugene City, Or., and settlers will be brought from the East. William Zockendorf. Commissioner of the World's Fair for Arizona, has brought suit against United States Marshal Paul at Tucson for $:'5,000 for refusing to per mit him to ko to the polls on election day after ho had voted. The Marshal says he simply carried out the election requirements. Fifty thousand dollars have been de iiositod with Oregon's Secretary of Stute bv the Fireman's Fund Insurance C0111- nanvof San Francisco in order to permit of their transacting tho business of fire insurance in the State, as provided lor by an act to license and regulate insur ance business in Oregon, The cases airainst the Chinese at San Rafael, Cal., for catchiug small fish with bug nets have been poHtoned until next March, owiiik to the exhaustion 01 me venire in obtaining a jury. The defend ants are conducting an enormous shrimp- lishliiK business at roint Nin 1 euro in Marin county, and should tho case be decided oifiiinst thoin it will throw about 8(H) Chinwe out of employment at that place. At Tacoma the iurv in tho esse of voting Karasck for the' murder of the lad Moore returned a verdict of not guilty after deliberating thirty minutes. The Isiy stood cross-examination ty tno at torney for tho State of over an hour anil a half without flinching or shaking his honest, straightforward story in any wuy. Tho verdict was greeted with ap plause. Tim enntrni't for tlm construction of a coast-line battle ship entered into be tween the government ana toe union iron wonts ot Nin r rancisco mis uecn tinned bv the com nan v and forwarded to Washington. Work on the war ship will lie commenced within a few months. Tufn l,i., i.vli nil.tra nf tliu Millllorev's engino have been completed, and tlie Monterey will lie ready lor lier trial trip within a few months. In tho United States district Court nt San Francisco Charles F. Aiumerinan, arrested some weeks ago for opening a letter addressed to a party in that city while actinir as a box clerk in tlie isjst- ollleo, pleaded guilty to tho second count of the indictment, which charged with dchivitur the deliverv of a letter. J udge Ilollinnu senienceu toe jiiimjnri w 'n ., ... 1 .i. - ........ line of foOO and serve one year's linpris oninent iu the Alameda county jail. C. 11. Grant, Secretary of Seattle Lixlgo No. 4. I. O. O. V., is resirted to have tied the town, taking funds of the lodge with him and leaving his wife behind 111 destitute circumstances. He was form erly in the real-estate business, nnd was for a time Deputy City Clerk, lie was dissolute in habits, and lett the town once liefore under suiiilaroireuiiistuiiees. Ollicers of the lodge say they do not know the amount of money taken by Urunt. In view of the fact that the Honor t rattle is assuming gigantic proportions in Alaska Captain knowles, President, and mamurerof the Pacitic Steam Whal ing Company, has issued peremptory in structions to all the company's I aptnins not to call at Honolulu. Once leave port whalers are to proceed direct on the whaling cruise, and are to stop at no point where a stock of Honor could lie laid in. The steam whaling company ha always been opKscd to the liquor trntlie, and the management is deter mined to do everything iu its oer to stop it. Several hundred railors ho have Im-cii serving lately in the Arctic whaling fleet are now out of employment at San Fran cisco, and find it extremely dithcnlt to get good berths. The I'nited Hates naval rendetvous of that city has re ceived a large number of applicants to enlist from this class of men since the whalers legan to return to jxirt a month ago. Although they are skillful seamen, the recruiting officer was ob:igd to re ject almost all of the applicants on ac count of the men not coming up to the physical standard prescribed by the Navy lH-partment. In many cases the applicants, although vming men fr the most part, seemed debilitated. The na val surgeon on duty at the rendetvous gives as a reason for this the meager ra tions of the men during the whaling season. Owing U the riid physical ex amination an applicant for a place as seaman iu the navy must undergo, lit few men have been accepted in that city. EASTERN ITEMS. Monument to be Erected in Memory of Jefferson Davis. The Speakership of the Next House of Representatives Said to be Between Crisp, Mills and Springer. Foreigners have Iwnght sixty of the ityiOO breweries in the United States. finite a large in crease in population from Kentucky. Senator Qnav will resign from the Na tional Committee and answer his ac cusers. lioston is to have on institute where consumptive patients can be cured by Dr. Koch's treatment. It is said that the Russian mission va f Onirics Kmorv Smith is to be oll'ered to Major MeKiiiley. There is a report that tho Louisiana Tuttitrv fViliililinv is alsiiit to wind up its olhiirs and retire from business, A ittnti tl till' nt ti .feflerson Davis is to he erected at I'ensacola by the Ladies' Confederate Monument Association. Governor Steele of Oklahoma has ve toed tlie bill locating the capital at Kingfisher. This leaves it at (iuthrie. Tl... ..nut.,rn iinrl Itl k' nil MIS IS StlflCr- .,.ntlv f.r uniit. of ruin, and the new Alliance Legislature will not meet until January. i;.,;.. Pulmiir iMr iilm left her hus band because he attacked her with a carviiw Mine anil cut her slightly in sev eral places. ri.lixinn lu liru'ttiiimtr nnpiisv over the story that five of hrr largest packing house firms will remove their plants to Hammond, Did. T?..luff Put HiiniiHin'n u-ilt irii'ps bis adopted daughter, Iteatrii e Ray, an an-miiii-iif tl ''(Hi. The ill does not men tion Kva Hamilton's mime. recommends in liis forthcoming report tko funiling of the bonded indebtedness of the government at U.'g jier cent. An iron steamship was launched at lufct u'n..b u'liii'li il iu ln imiwl is fire-prisif and unsinkabje and will make a speed of thirty-five miles an hour. 1 ..n... twtvi.1 Iviiuf Tina Inaf tu.nn coiisiimmated by the Standard Oil Com pany, which includes all the bulk 011 ciirrying craft plying between Philadel phia ana r, 11 rope. t f' .aiinhiiu aiu...inl i.. Ilia Tlnn.'nr . 1 Pj.l....! I.J ...V. .... . Vi.t.'u a...u. rPI... n.,..t..a 11 rl .1 fi t i( Vurl ... a ro.n, uw ...... ............. . ... v lliiuunll Ima ri...ivn.l inli.ra Li Im vp aiivf.n companies of infantry ready to move at a moment's notice. The Methodist Missionary Conference has adopted a resolution culling on the liiirch to i!ive the committee iSj l.OiX) ns the least sum w itli which it can meet the lenittiids of the year 18IU. . . A new method of storiiiff train is be ing introduced. Steel tanks are tilled with grain, and by a suction pump the u!r iu iifirtlv pvlinimlpd mid n oniintitv of carbonic acid gas admitted. Tlin imiiriiiilxA fund of 400.(100 francs required to secure the right and author ity to excavate and explore the ruins of Delphi has been secured by the Arclneo loL'icnl Institute of America. Tn.t fVuLtsn'u ndlnfi, linu luuin B.iltli'il satisfactorily to bis creditors, who have held on to their securities since his fuil- 11 ra in K7:t for it I 1 Kill (I K), nnd its ii mil (lividend wus declared hist week. Tliirtv.fonr rot ton-iiiiiinifnrtiirinir cor- (Kiratioiis at Fall River, Mass., with 0 npillli 01 1.1,11 in.inio, unruly me piini ear have paid to stockholders $1,IIS7, 70, or an average of about 7 per cent. Charles II. Kaston, for five years post 1 trusted eniplovo of the wealthy tobacco uiuseof John ll. T. Mayo. New York, is 1 fugitive from justice. He has left vio lins iu New York to whom he owed f 10,- 000. Priiuiilmit ftiilipr of thn C'biiMiiro ltonril of Trade and a memlier of the 1ical Hoard of Directors of tlie World s hair biivs be believes the .National commis sion has hindered rather than helped the ora. The contest for the Speakership of the next House will lie between Crisp, Mills and Springer. Crisp will represent the Southeastern section, Mills the South west and Springer the Northern Central group of States. The Secretary of State has lieen in formed that MoUhsa Itey, whose reported outrages 011 American missionaries in Turkey are a matter of note, has at length been summarily banished to the interior of Arabia. Referring to a statement in the New York Herald that there would lie a de ticiencv at the end of the current, fiscal year of ;l 1,000,000, Secretary Windotn said there will certainly bo a surplus; but, of course, he cannot say how much. The National Society of Adventists lias retained ex-l'ostmaster-tieiiertil Dickinson as counsel to test the right of Adventista to work or amuse themselves on the Christian Sabbath as they choose. This is a case inTennesee where an Ad vent ist was convicted of plowing on Sunday. Josef de Navarro, tho ex-millionaire builder of the Navarro Flats and the father-in-law of Mary Anderson, was taxed recently Uhiii $10,iM) personal pros'rty. This was remitted by the court at New York on his statement tint' he is not worth a dollar and had $.'i0,iHH) in judgments against him. The Fewfoiiitdlandersare much excited over the damage suit of James liaird, whose lobster factory on St. (ieorgo's ly was seined by a liritish naval ollicer for an infrimrement of French rights. So far the minus are against the New foundlander, and the peop'e threaten to place l.ord Salisbury on record against himself. IWessor Henry W. Klliott, special agent of the Treasury lVpartment to visit and report Usm the condition of the seals there, has rvtnrned to Wash ington. He' confirms the statements heretofore made by other parties, and says thut not more than :.V,000 animals were captured during the past scanin. He believes they are on the verge of ex termination. The suit at Chicago of Mary M. Ryan against tho Iiitor-tVean promises to Is' sensational. The paper l charged w ith cl.arrti'tcniting her es a b'ai k mailer and adventuress and stating tl at she pur sued with the relent lessnes of a tigir some of tht wealthiest and tiuv-t promi nent of Chicago's citixens, blemiing them of large sums of ianey. Over s xty it ncsse have Ikvo siimiiKinel by the InteKVean, among them some of the most prominent supposed sufferers. FOREIGN NEWS. Emjieror William Bent on Railway Reform. The Statute Providing for the Admission of of Women to Medical Degrees at Oxford Carried. rtalvndor and Guatemala have signed the treaty of pence. A tiprseciitinii of Itomaii Cat ho ics is said to Is' going on in Russia. ffi.refifter huildimru in fjillilun llllINt not exceed a height of ninety feet. Thu ulutpiiipiit. dint wholesale arrests had taken place of Russian Socialists is officially denied. (ilasL'nw bus the biwest soviliL'S bank in Scotland, with four and a half mill ions of deKsit8. Tl.o T'.imb nt I lii lul 111 rv Rimuin. has lieen roiilH-d of moiiev and valuables to the amount of 130,001) rubles. The fjird Provost of KdinburL'h nets an honorarium of 5;K), and it is pro posed to increase the amount. The Roumanian irovcrnmcnt is allot ting a vast quantity of tate lands in free farms to peasant families. The concentration of Russian troops on the Armenian frontier is causing much uneasiness at Frzeroiim. Diifimr M..lilutr f u ptile.tlirpn vphmi'Ih uerii liinni'lipil from Scotch shio-buildini! - 1 - 1 . yards, representing 27,080 tons. Tim tmiipra nf Iluiln-lVutli arn imkinL' aid for Kossuth, who has lost his entire fortune in railway speculations. The Russian Minister of Finance is now in Paris arranging to float a new loan for Russia with the Rothchilds. The question of establishing in Turkey narrow-gauge railroads is receiving the attention of 4he Turkish government. A fire, which has defied oil efforts to extinguish it, has broken out in the coal workings at llreux, Northern Ikihemia. A plot to steal the British army exam ination pttwrs before the time for the examination has been discovered. The Secretary of War has olTered a reward. Emperor William is now bent on rail' way reform, lie wants to introduce the xoiie tarill' throughout (lerinany. as the system has been so successful in 11 n n g'ary. The agitation continues in favor of a two-year term of service in tho Herman army despite the dismissal of its most prominent advocate, General Yerdy du V ernois. The Ixindon correspondent of the Free man's Journal declares that Parnell has not.fhe iligbte-t intention of resigning eitlier the leadership of his party or his duties 111 Parliament. The statute providing for the admis' sum of women to the medical degrees came before the congregation nt Oxford the other day, when it was carried by the narrow majority of one. Cremation is more extensively prac ticed iu Italy than in any other country. The first crematory was established in Milan in 1S70, and there are now fifty in operation in Italian territory. Reports from Vienna state that Dr. Ciesar de Pape, the founder of Socialism in Belgium, is dying with consumption at Cannes, his health having lice 11 broken down under his arduous laliors. There is a rumor that it is in contem plation to make the Governorship of Si erra Leone, hko that of .Malta and Gi braltar, a military post in 1 lie future on account of the growing importance of the place as a coaling station. According to the Ixuidon correspond ent of tlu Freeman's Journal, a not too friendly authontv, the Irish light-rail ways scheme will give work to a large number of laborers in excess of those resident in the districts to be traversed The decisions of the Russian Tarilf Committee have so increased the re strictions on commerce as to threaten to isolate the Russian trade from U'e rest of the world. F.ven farming machinery is subject to a high tarill'. It is officially announced that arrange ments for continuing tlie business of the Barings is concluded. A limited coin pan v lias been formed, with asubscri-ed capital exceeding .tl.iVKi.iXH). Thomas Baring, M. P., becomes chairman of the company, and devotes tho whole of his fortune to the linn s credit. The Italian government is digging for treasure 111 the citadel of Anemia. An ex-employe of the Pontifical government has stated that in IStiO during the siege General Lanioriciere buried the treasure of his arinv, consisting of ten barrels of gold coin, in the citadel before he sur rendered the place to Cialdini. A functionary in the Russian army, who has come into considerable promi nence lately, is a Jew named Baronok, whose dutv it is to snv mum corrunt of- tieers and ferret out their stealings. 1 le is know n as a very intelligent, honorable and impartial man. ijitclv he convicted General Tomanowsky, a favorite of the Czar. The roval fumilv of Austria is well represenl' d in tlie collections taken up recently for the relief of the sull'crcrs from the late Hoods in that country. The Kmperor'e subscriptions to the different funds amounted to f"00,(H0, and his brothers, tlie Archdukes, havo given over 4;X),000. The experiment of co-operative labor t Aliiert Iks'ks, as suggested by tilt President of the IWkcrs' I'nion, is con sidered satisfactory, and efforts are being made to iiidu -e the other dock conia- tiies to adopt it. IVn'kerson the co-or erative plan are earning f)l4 pence (1!) cents) an hour, and work nine hours. Three survivors of tlie Serpent have arrived at Plymouth. Knglnnd. Burton, one of the men, said he believed the sen 1 quenched the vessel's tires, as volumes of dust an 1 ashes were thrown up, cov ering the crew The officers of her Mai esty's shipTyne are convinced, however, from statement's made by the men dur ing the voyage and from the mutilated condition of a number of that the Scrix-nt s b llcrs hurst. Frank P. Slavin announces that W. A Uradv of New York has offered him per wnk t act in "After Ihuk" at American t' eaters, opening in New York at the Fourteenth-street theater. Briulv also offer to get Slavin hacking froni1.0'tof.T,(W to t ght Sullivan. Slavin wishes to ay in replv that he will not accept the ter.i s offered. He would require $1,IM per week, w ith sultantial guarantee. S far as Suliiwtn is con cerned, Slavin says he can get the fig ures named in Loudon, either in dollars or pounds, whenever Sullivan wants to fight. Wiixat The market continue! drill and easv, with no improvement to be made hi the d. maud. Offerings from the Valle are light, and quotations iron tl 9tra l. 'I'M. Walla Walla continues to 1 oll'ered freely, and bid! remain at tl.l-.'. Flouh Tho market is steady. Quote: .Standard, 3.1KK;t4.(Ki Walla Walla, 3.U0 (nCl.H0 per barrel. ' . Oats The market is very firm, and prices have an upward tendency. Offer ings are light, and find ready sale at full in ices. Choice lots find 'ipdysale at ijOc per bushel, ijuote: White, 68 ;0c; grav, .ric per bushel. Miixsiir-Fs The market is steady. Quote: liran, l-'lWj Shorts, 24i25i Ground Barley, 3J.50 ; Chop Feed, 25 per ton, , Hay The market is steady. Quote: liifil8 per ton. Vkoktahlks The market ii steady. uote: Cabbage, 1.25( 1. 05 per ct'lltali Cauliflower, 1 per do.enj Celery, 50c per dozen ; Onions, 2' (dc per tnnd ; Carrots. 1 per sack; Beets, tl.60 wr suck ; Turnipi), 1 per sack ; Tomatoes, Oc per Isix; Potatoes, flrtit.10 per i-ental; Sweet Potatoes, 2'jC per pound, iquiisli, 'l per cental. Fkuith The market is steady. Quote: Tahiti Oranges, Wper box; Sicily Lem ons, 8irf per case; Pears, l,'ae per Hjund ; Apples, 00 .iSoe per box ; Grajies, ")( I perlsix; Pineapples, fil.oOyl.Ou per dozen; liamtuas, 2.5iHo.'50 s-r iMinch; doubla, ti.UO; Quinces, $1.5 er 1kx. Ciikksh The market is steady. Quote: Iregon, 13l-h'; California, D'a'lOu; Young Amor ci, U'irlSe per Hund. IIiiitkk The market is firm, with iteady Misiness and prices. Choice . reainery ami dairy produce are scarce, tvhile 1 lie market is well supplied with com 111011 grades. Quote: Oregon fancy creamery, 40i'M-'ue; 'aiiey dairy, 37 '-...c; A to lair. i7'aiu3 c; coiumon, Zii& J5c; choice California, 37,' per pound. Koos Tiie market is firm. Choice Oregon are scarce, and are not packed us they should lie to bring good prices. It is to bo hoped that the farmers wil' ta' e more care in tlie selecting and pack ing of their shipments. Quote: Oregon, SO : hastern, Z(,'(C per dozen, Poi'ltby The market is linn and do- '.and good. Turkeys are plentiful, and ivill probably be moVe so as Thanksgiv ine approaches. Prices aro a litth) ngher, but will probamy come uown in a lew uavs. uuoie: wm hickciis, ilia a few days. Quote: uid uncaens, t3 i.50; young. L'.5() rt4.00; old Pucks, iti .(B.50; voting, 7; Geese, f.10 Pr dozen; live 'lurkeys, 15l'c; dressed, 20c per pound. .wrs yuote: California Walnuts, I7(ac; other varieties, l..c;r.'aiiiiw,ijc Almonds, lie: mierM, liouoc; new;" -v . " . .1 Brazils, 2Uc ; Cocoanuts, fl per , Wrongly in. propor ion as tho type dozen 1 is further removed from the African ele- Hoiis The market is Bteadv, with'ment. It is the drib blood, blended nominal prices. Advices from the Fast i with blood of Europeans and of blacks, and Kurope are encouraging for dealers whioh in spite of all sulisequent cross who keep bids on an export basis. There bigs, and in spite of the fact that it has are few sellers, but the prices asked not been renewed for more than two are not allowable, liecause they would ' hunched vears, still conserves, ns re- net a heavy loss to the buyer Quote: 3t)c per pound. HiDKs The market is weak. Quote: Dry Hides, selected prime, 81$ 8'.jc, s less for culls; green. selected, over 65 pounds, 4c; under pounds, 3c; Sheep" Pelts, short wool. 00 30 AtSUr: medium. UUtAWc; long. i(0c " US); shearlings, 10(20c; Tallow, good to choice, Sii-ic. Wool Quote: Eastern Oregon, 10 10c; Vallev, lfiiaSOe per pound. Naii.8 Base quotations : Iron, fi.M', Steel, $3.30; Wire, 13.90 per keg. buot Quote: 1.8o per sack. The Merohandlaa Mnrkat. lhe markets continue firm, and busi ness is very good. Sugars have fallen. Coal Oil Has advanced, and Cape Cod Cranberries have fallen, SuoAss The market is firm. Quote: Golden C,6?g; ex ira C, 5?jjc; dry gran ulated, O.'c; cube crushed and pow dered, tl'.jc per pound. Dkikd Faurrs The market is linn. (In, .In- Iliihnii Pumas I 1,. 1 i.' IV. tit- and German Prunes, 10c per pound; Kai8ins,-2.75 per box: Plummer-dried Pears, 11 (it 12'se; sun-dried and factory Plums, 11 lit 12c; evaporated Peaches, 2kv, Smyrna Figs, 14(J16c; California Figs, 0c per pound. Bkanb The market is firm. . Quote : Small Whites, 8'64c; Pink, 3Lc; Bavos, 43.c; Butter, 3ttc; Limas, 6'uC. 4C per pound. : 1 Cann nn Goons Market is firm. Quote: Table fruits. 2.2B, 2'..s; Peaches, 2.5,l; n..r.i.,ii o.,., ).;. iM,,,a ti . unilHi, A col o, , iintif, t.""',' ' Straw U'rries, 2.5u; Oherries, l'(.l0 ;""."'""" ....., H.a.'k U-rries, 2 ; RaspU-rries, 4 2.55 ; wishing to shape a lino Mercury m bronze. Pineapples, 2.7o ; Apricots, $1.85. Pie wolllJ be tatisfleil to take a cast of such fruit : Assorted,3.75 per dozen ; I'eaehes. i a body, without thinking of making one f 1.42' j ; Plums, tl.25; BlackU'rries.l.ii.'i : modification from m-ck to heel. Lafaca- per dozen, igetahles: Lorn, l,'.'U (if 1.50. according to quality; Tomatoes, l.l."i(S3.50; Sugar Pens, l.Kiil.i0; String Beans, tl per dozen. Fish: Salmon, fl.25oCl.50; sardines. SOcwfl.fjO; lob sters, . 3; ovsters, f.'iiiz.i,) per dozen. Condensed milk Eagle brand. $8.25 : Crown, $7 ; Highland, $0.7i ; Champion, $0 per case. 1'icki.ks Quote: $1.15c 3s; $1.25 5s. Salt Quote: Liverpool, H7, tl; stix'k, $1UU2 per ton in carload lots. CoALOiL-Quote : $2.35 pel ; . ase. jK.TJ?crtmT,L .ru'"n,"n, Rio, 25ec; Arbuckle's, roastoil, 20V! per pound. ' . . . . . . . hick iuote: per sack or PJ0 pounds. Til Meat Market. The meat market is firm. Quote: Beef Live, UVSc; dressed, tic. Mutton Live, 3'4'c; dressed, be. Hogs Live, 4'(5lgc; dressed, Se. Veal 6iitHe per )ouiid. Lambs $2.50 each. aMOKKO MEATS AND LARD. Tlie market is firm. Quotations: East ern Hams, 13(irl4c; Breakfast Ba con, ilijt IISiC; Sides, 10c; Lard, SJgdJ lOc jier pound. Itrldal Outllta In Gotham. A matrimonial discovery on the east side is that of a store kept by a woman who, as a feature of her business in ladies' underwear, rents out the linen portions of bridal outfits. She enables a girl of niodcrato resources to go on a tour, or to Sicnd the honeymoon in town, happy in tho wearing of those por tions of a trousseau as elegant ns might content a Fifth avenue Ivlle, Fine text ures, elaborate embroidery, afid all the whimsical frills known to lingerie, are at her command on rental At an outlay of fivo or six dollars sho can buy a month's use of these beautiful nnd soul satisfying garments. The proprietor said that the was doing very well in tliat line. She had in etook adiccn outfits as cheap as (i to as dear as fio )nr month, and most of the time they were hired out. She altered tliom to tit her cu.-tomors, and freshened them up by new embellish ments as fast as they ahowed wear. New York Sun. Austria how has S9J mt-teoroiopicai stations, no le tlian nine being in Vienna alono. A gentleman in Liverpool has suc ceeded in cultivating the edelweiss. NATIVES CF fjARTINIOUE. a Pwullar Typo t Thlcnl Iteauty A lllrnillut nf Hurra, Tlien you Ix'gin to look nlxiut you at the black, brown and yellow faces that are studving jou curiously from beneath the yellow siriH Madras turbans, or from under the shallow of mushroom shaped straw hatt large os umbrellas. Watching the bure backs, luuo shoulders, bare legs ami arms and feet, you find that the colors of flesh ore more varied and surprising than the 'colors of fruits. And it is only with fruit colors that nianvof these skin lints can U' compared at all the onlv terms of comparison used by the colored people themselves being terms of this kind. 6iichaspeau-8aM.tille, "sopoU skin." The snota or sapoi no is a juicy brown fruit, with a rind antinv ike a 11111111111 cuiicie, and just the color, when flnn mulatto skill fresh and Hut among tlie brighter half breeds I think the colors are much more fruit like; there aro gourd tints, banana tints, orange col ors, with occasionaljlhishos of pink show log through, like tlie first pink of the mango. Agreeable to the eye the darker tints certainly ore. and often very re markable, all tones of bronze lieing repre sented; but the brighter hues ore abso lutely beautiful in certain half breed tyis'S, coolie and quadroon. Standing perfectly miked at doorways, or playing naked in the sun, astonishing children may bo seen banana colored and mango colored babies. But there isone peculiar type, totally unlike all tlie rest; the skin is an exquisite metallic y ellow, a perfect gold tone; the eyes are long and black; the intensely dark and lustrous hair falls over the neck in o heavy mass of thick, rich, glossy curls that show blue lights in the sun. 1 cannot speak of this comely and ex traordinary tve without translating a passage from Dr. J. J. J. Cornilliac, nn eminent Martinique physician, who re cently published a most valuable series upon the ethnology, climatology and his tory of the Antilles. In these he writes: "Yhen, among the populations of the Antilles, we first notice those remark able metis whose olive skins, elegant and slender figures, fine straight profiles, and regular features remind us of the mhab tunts of Madras or Pomlicherry, we usk ourselves in wonder while looking at their lonz eves, full of a strange and 1 rrentle melancholy (especially among me . Woinen) .and at tlie uiacK, ncn, snay .women), and at the I 1 gleaming hair curling i , ti18 UH,le8 and falling , nwkto what hu; 111 abundance over iu profusion over the neck to what human race can lie- long this singular variety, in which there is a dominant characteristic that seems - . . markedly ns at the time of the first inter blending, the race characteristic thut in variably reveals its presence in the blood of every being through whoso veins it flows." All this population is vigorous, grace- ! , 1 ... - :n 1 ui, neauny ; an yww v,k j ' weu moue; mere are no mcki.v laces, 1,0 scrawny Imile. If by some rare chance ! you encounter a person who has lost an !arm or a leg, you can bo almost certain you are looking at a victim or me icr ue lance theseriient whose venom putrefies living tissue. Without fear of exagger ating facts, I can venture to say that the muscular development of the working men here is something which must lie seen in order to lie believed; to study fine displays of it, one should watch the blacks and half-breeds working naked to the waist on tlie landings, in the gas houses and slaughter houses, or on the nearest plantations. They are not 'argo men, ierhaps not extraordi narily powerful; but they have tlie 'aspect of sculptural or even of ana- toiuicai niouuis; tiny seem uoaoiuteiy ; devoid of adipose tissue; their muscles ' stand out with a saliency that astonishes ' the eye. It is tnnrvcloiis. At n tunning yard, while I was watching a dozen blacks at work, a voting mulatto, with i.e mischieyous face of n faun: walked lir upnriii(T untliinir In tt n elont nlioiil "i o " ' a ... : his loms; and never, not even in bronze, I , T I y a aemo see so beautiful a plav of muscles. monstrator of anatomy could have I, r I i, ,. lloA.1 In... fjiy n nl.ioa nt.ul.. , n m,n i. n. dio Ilearn in Harper's Magazine. Th Climate of fit. rrtenthurg. If it is May or June do not come to Russia without the heaviest winter cloth- ing and tho heaviest of winter wraps, even though you may have left England all ablaze with hnwthorne blossoms, Hob land carjieted with tulips and Porlin at summerheat. Remember that the Russian calendar is twelve davs later than ours. ' Remember that St. Petersbug is on tlie Bhorc9 of the Caltic Remember also 1AlMd?1I have 60fn,tno tar(1 6U0W stornis' nn(l 0lir teeth have twin nn.M,iil!Hi.l.l,.ii...!n.. . 1.. viiuwumiuai umiu-i mihu ik:iuu; i hero. In the country (May 28) the m-as- uuio um jusv jiion uig unu sowing lor their summer crops, and in the city heavy overcoats and furs seem quite ut home. There is one thing, however, that strikes an American very asTeeably as well as strangely, and that is the suddenly Increased length of the days. Even now the sun does not set until about 0 o'clock , and rises no ono knows how early; and soon mo longest days will have reached here when the sun is only nominally be low the horizon from one-quarter past 10 till one-quarter before 2. but reallv the twilight is so bright that ono can' read with ease all night Ko doubt this has much to do in maturing the harvest so rapidly in the few montlis of summer. Cor. Detroit Free Press. Tea and Co.Toe. Tea and coffee aro not foods. If tliU pair of mouia-ato siimukuts were lost from oS the face of tlie earth today tuiu forever they would not take ow'av au ounce of physical prosperity. They do no i good nro limply cumberors of the tamo that aJJ to nothing save expanse. Iowa Deruocrat None of l'l, rtiiKtnrw. "John,'' taiJ kit wife. -a out md'ntcm Umee boys fixmi tortunug that caL Tut. crut of the Hor thins drive ine prezy." "Just ilmttlie imlow.-jhe Kii.l, ",ljoiil knkm3 u;i from Ins r.jier. -'It our cat r New Vork Kveniag bun. Economy. Fiint Dame-tVbiit uall wedo today! Lft'i goUitbem:iti:,eel Pe.'oiid Ia::;e-Caiit; mo bavent a;iy nuRK'.v. It tai.c rmwy to go to the taoatso First Dunu-Su it due. 1 did uot think if that. eu, let's go , Bo;.ptu.-. -Pbildli,Uia Kecord. ' Fast Tray, I in ( ihtum It gives a conllnm-d landsman , a,u chill when lie reaiU Hint the Etrurbft, through fogs ut n nile almost equain. , express tr;iin Is this kind of tl,ina Thut U tbt tpieMioi. The o,,!,,,,, those who oiilu it fciu,w are imiinhiif iiikIv in fni'ni .il foir just as niiicLHv as cosxil,!,. nn.i . seems to lie no question I. m tle dri-in through a fo? tit a high mtc of lnW( J IU n .1.. .....I .. ....... v.. .... i.iiue, Ule cifCU stances. The only vessels lost during raw years liavt been lost while itler stand ing still or going slowly If ,je 0 ' had boon K""R faster she woulj Z have iK'eii Ktrui k Still the wtue m be said if she had lieen (joiiig very mikh Blower. Tlie ( 'ity of Brussels was 8fWd ing still in a foe when she was run down In many respeith a fust steamer Im great advaiitai-s over a slow one. Sha cun keep in the nr-it ion she wants to in a Btonn, and in many cases she can avoid o storm altogetliei or outrun it or got 0n the outer edges ol it. A steamer Kain nt a high rate or speed will answer he helm much better limn a slower boat. When aete.'imei slows down the roar of escaping stemu renders it inqiossiMo to hear anything except the roar. Vl. she is going at full speed everything quiet as it is possible to he, and the whistle of an appr niching steamer cao be heard and to n certain extent located. If a steamei takes two days instead of three days to get through a fog hank it is evident that the iercentago of danger is lessened just that much. So in spite of what the papers havs been saying of the recklessness of run ning a big ship through a fog at good speed, it seems to be the safest thing to do. Detroit Free Pros. Went Point Cailet' "Skill Hoard " Up in his office the ninjoi of infantry wjio commands the battalion of cadets is busy with the arduous duties of his pn&i. tion. Hanging in the lower hallway that lends to liis. oilier is a huge f mine filled with closely written sheets ol paper. This is the delinquency list, or in cadet slang, the "skin board." Approaching it we read ; "Anderson Wearing cap in quarters at police inspection. "Armstrong-Odor of tobacco imofce In quarters ut insiectioi) by ollicer! of tin duy. "Billing'igato Using profane expres sion 0:15 u. ni. "Same Absent from room at a. m. inspection. 'Brooks Slow extinguishing light at taps," and so on throughout the long list. On Friday punishments fitting their respective otfeuses will be awarded tin delinquents. Academic regulations are very strict, being the combined result of the experi ences of a long line of suiierintcndents, and any cadet who could and would go through his whole four years' course with out breaking any of them should, at its close, be graduated straight through the pearly gates and receive a golden harp instead of a diploma, He, during his four years' course, would have carefully refrained from tho use of stimulants, bad language and tobacco in any form; would have attended divine service at least once a week? would have lived with his comrades in a spirit of brotherly love: would have kept hie shoes bright, his collar siotlcss, and would have been promptly on haniljfor every one of hit manifold duties. Such is the ideal cadet, and the regulations are intended to make the real ones approach as near to him as possible. I Jut, alas I they are all sons of Adam, and the "skin list Is the unfor tunate result. Lieut. E. W. Lewis in Inter Ocean. Toslng Jn Wanhlnston's Clothts. An interesting incident occurred at the Smithsonian Institute recently. This was the photographing of the costume worn by Gen. Washington when lie re signed his commission in the nrmy to tlie Continental congress at Philadelphia. Mr. John Noah, the son of a well known newspaper correspondent of this city, who is clerk of the Institution, was se lected as the subject by whom tlieclothee should be worn. Mr. Noah is a young man, more than six feet in height and of splendid physique. Gen. Washington's uniform fitted him perfectly. A paint ing of Washington, now in possession of the Institute, shows him to have been not uplike Mr. Noah in appearance at the Ufter's ago. The photograph, after Mr. Noah had undergone a certain preliminary fixing is 6aid to be nn excellent representation of Washington at the age of 24. Wheo this oxration had lieeu successfully con cluded Mr. Noah was dressed in tlie uni form iir which Gen. Jackson appeared at the battle of New Orleans, nnd an equally good representation wa3 secured. The object of photographing the uuiforms to preserve their appearance to future generations after the mutcrial shall ha4 faded and rotted away. Washington Cor. Boston Post. MTe Have All Met Tnem. The season is now at hand when yen are apt to run ugainst thoso two persist ent faddists, the horsey man and the yachting man. If you escape one or them for a day you are certain to fU victim to the' other. The horsey man tells you about his experience. Perna? he will go ao far aa to give you a "sure tip" for today. The yachting man, if w owns a boat, describes her rigging for W season and prattles about jibs, cenOT boards, legs, stays, beats to windwara and other topics of equal interest Mi land lubber. They are rather barmle in their way, these talkative enthusiasts, but they never seem to realize that they may become just a trifle . wearisome times. New York World. , A VEGETABLE PANACEA PRERAHED FROM ROOTS ffc HERBS, fORTHC CURE or r-s all AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISINO FROM A u DISORD EREDSTATEottheSIDMACH OR AN inactive: liver. ran sua. t roC CRUCSISTS & CENTRAL DEALER iiiilii