HIT H71 r jUARE m i ii in t ii i vi ii JL KSTABLlHUEf) FOB TOE Dl E 51 '.TI01 OF DEMOCRATIC rRIJIl'IPLES, AND TO 12.1 H IQKITLl.M. BT TUB SWEAT OF Oil BBOW v'OL 23 EUGENE, OK., SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 8, 1890. NO, 2. jiie (gugrn (City (Guard. ,PCHLISIIED EVERY SATURDAYS I. I CAMPBELL, iiblittlier and Proprit'lor. OFFICE Od the Eaas ide of Willamette Mrrtt, between Seventh and Eighth Street. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. I'r annum... Sit Months... Ibree month.. $2 60 1.25 75 ODS ONLY KATK9 OF ADVKK'riSINO. . i ii Advertisements insorwu as iouow: (iua square, ten lines or iiws one insertion .1; etch subsequent insertion $L Cub require! :.. -Itmo.. Tiins advertiser will be charged at tli lie ol I)D, yiuare three months ih,. mutretix month 00 . 8 00 Onesquare one year........... Transient notice! in local column, 20 12 00 conti r line for each insertion. AdvertisinK billi will be rendered quarterly. a II tK work must b PAID FOB ON DKLIVIHT. I"" - CEO. B. DORRIS Attorney and Counsellor at-Law. iiriLL PRACTICE IN THE COURTS V o( the Second Judicial District and in h Supreme Court of turn stale. Social attention given to collection and natters in prooaw L. BILYEU, -Attorney and Counsellor at Law,- EUGENE CITY, OREGON. I PRACTICES IN ALLTHE COURTS OF I' .i ua.. 17JII ...aflial ttAi.fiiin till OUl. mo owvi. to colwcti.m aqu prouaie nwiwn. OrncK Over Ilendrkk k EakinVbank. A. O. WOODCOCK, Attoriiey-at-LsiWt MiKSB CiT, - - - OREGON OFFICK-Ronme 78 MuClaran Building WSpecial attention given to Collection! and Probate business. GEORGE A. DORRIS, Attorney-at-Law, EUGENE CITY, -Orricl In Register Block. OREGON J.J. WALTON, Jr., ATTOHNKY-AT-LAW EUGENE CITY, OREGON. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE I'ourtaof the State. Special attention given to real estate, col ectine. and probata matters. m Collecting all kind, of claim, against the United States Government Office in Walton'i bricl- -roomi 7 and a. Seymour W. Condon, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. DUNN'S BUILDING, Eugene, - - Oregon. E. O. POTTER, Attorney-at-Law, EUGENE, - - OREGON. Office-Room No. 4, Dunn's Block. CEO. M. MILLER attorney and Ccunssllor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. EUGENE CITY, OREGON. Ofllce-ln Masonic Temple. L. WHITE, m DENTIST, (Successor to Dr. N. J. Taylor.) OFFICE, - Over Matlock's Store. A. E. GALLAGHER, Attorney-at-Law. KUGENBCITY OREGON. Special attention given to Trobate business and AbttracU of Title. Orrica-Over Lane County Bank. T.W. HARRIS, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. lUidence on Fifth .treet, where Dr Shelton ormerly raided. DRS. PAINE & M MURTRY, Physicians & Surgeons, Office 0th St., Opposite H"'111"1 House. DR. IX A. PAINE, Residence corn 10th and High Streets, Eocene. DR, V. T. McMURTRY, Re..denc Ohve St., between 9th and 10th, Eutfent. DE. J. C. GRAY, ODENTIST. OFFICE OVER GRANGE STORE. ALL work warranted. , Laohin gas admiawtered f' painless ex tractiotol teeth. BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 18 YEARS. Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry & Musical Instruments. Ike Most Select M Soi l! Portland Special attention given to Repairing and Engraving by two first-class workmen. All work warranted. The "Pacific Tea Co. Has Changed Hands Mr. J. 0. Having purchased it. BEDROCK PRICES ! . Full Line of Groceries, Glassware and Crockery. Handsome Presents and Coffees. Harness HAVING OPENED A NEW SADDLE AND HARNESS SIIOF 0 !Kh STREET opposite Star Bakery, I am now prepared to furnish everything In that line at the LOWEST BATES. The Most Competent Are employed, and I will endeavor to me with a call. A. GOLDSMITH, Ii: M tanker in Eugene! Has a LARGER stock of Fine ery, vvoouenuu'i uiu hiv m.u w. Pays Highest CAbH price for Country Produce, Furs, Skins, Hides, Wool, Tallow, &c. Orders filled promptly, with the greatest care. I DON'T BOAST PRICES. All Goods sold as Cheap as anyone in Eugene. Call and he corteously treated. A. GOLDSMITH. FURNITURE I FURNITURE I Just Received by MOORE & LINN, Successors to J. R. REAM. LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES ! p,(.l Room rn-t in Antique, Oak awl Ash. ICtli Century Finish. " with conihinfil Bureaus and Wash .Stand. rzt-u l.roken and made up in any shape or style. Vnls, LOUN K. UEliDIX, WINDOW SHADKS. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Manufacturing :.k x k m sr ji m vk twr. I or . K V M-X K. Jill M Jeweler. He will sell goods at given away with Teas Shop Workmen give satisfaction to all h ma favor . r-. . il. j. U I II III I.. Groceries, China, Glass, Crock- RhineharL A 6ure Cure for. Colds, Coughs, Croup, Acuta Catarrh, Aathma, Dif ficult Brearhlng, Whooping Cough, Hoartenest, Pneumonia, Pleurity, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, and all Af fections of the Throat and Lung. Is free from Opium, Morphine and all deleterious drugs. VnCmifh Riinetr has ever befhre met with Hu h uulvt-rtal and hearty I'liclorwniHil. hjii tt UKUeitint.ius tw a. many iIokw. a. anjr ottier cough mtxttin., anil one domi will do twice a. mui U cooil, IK) not nrjiii t a "tliiiht rolil," as all sorlmis dtwaw ol (ho lhnwltnilluiitihHvoa.in.il Ix-iIiiiiiiiii. A dime .ftr exiMiNiin, will rveiil a tiolil. I'rrvoiillnn 1 Ix lli r ami rhin r than run-. I'rii'e Aitr.t lrvf.ii I.iiu-vimiUIu. Uireu times the quantity or the tuc. slw. SIX LARQC BOTTLES FOR $S. Dr. HllkT'sCl o book sent free by mall. KILLER DRUB CMao Francisco, Cat. FOIl MALE BY E. It. LUCKEl ft CO. Central Drug Slere ! DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, A KI LL LINK OP PEIIKUMKS AND SOAPS, IMPORTED and Donatio CIGARS. OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT la wi'll ki'l'l. ami all 1'hynii'lana l'rvm'rlptlniKHiiil F.inllv KiellK'. will tw ulvi'ii tin- uromiit anil Pitri'lul Hlli'iitlou of l'iiinn'lcllt ami cxnTii'lH'iil I'haruiarinl. East Ninth Street, Eugene, Oregon, ALSO OFFICE OF II. INGALLS, Veterinary Surgeon, e Who will at ten J all CbIIh in tin's city and Rurrouniling country. SatiBfao- tion UuntantfPd. B. F. DORRIS, NSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE ACENT. I HAVE SOME VERY DESIRABLE Farm., Improved and Unimproved Town property for aale, on easy term.. Property Ranted and Rents Collected, The In.tintnoe Companies I represent are among the Oldest and most Reliable, and In the I'rohpt and KyuiUHLl adjustment of their oases Htand Higond to None. A share of your patronise is solicited. OtHoe-In City 1 1 all. B. F. DORRIS. BARGAINS I PATTERSON &' Two doors South of tho Odd Fellows Hall. We will sell our entire stock of ROOKS AND .STATIONERY at im-atly re duced prices. 5 lb Note Paper, reduced from 1 50 to Box of 6 XXX Envelope, reduced from Hoi of Illuminated Itox Taper, reduced filKI I.innn Fabric fitter Head reduced fp-We have in !ock over 50 dozen Tablet imall margin. 500 Taper Novels by the latest and most Popular Authors, which we will sell helow cost. Tleaso call and examine our stock. PATTERSON & CHRISTIAN. Fix this in MATLOCK'S NEW CHOICE NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Are nsw oiTered at PRICES which make them iM-yond ques tion the lowest in town, quality considered. Nothing can outdo that wonderful house, known as Dry fioods, Clothing, Gents Furniidiing Goods, Roots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Trunks. &c. EUGENE, OR. Insure Jlgainst Fire With one of the Leading Companies. Fur Insurance in any of the following standard Companies: Xew Zealand, Capital Stock $5,000,000 Ihoenix of 'London, o, 000,000 Hamburg Lrenicn, of Germany, 3,000,000 Apply to E. J-. FRASIER. Agent, Eugene, Oregon. For Real Estate Bargains in Farm and City Property Call on Lane County Land & Loan Co. A Little Too LaU to dootor when llriijlit'. Pinrnse baa dime it work. Take Wright'. Kiduey and Liver Cure (or lullaiuniation o( kiduey. aud liver, paiu In back and other warniiiK ' kiilucy trouble. Sold by all ilruw'.- IUlsit, Or., Sag I, lS'.K). An old eoldier'a itory: In the lute war I was a soldier in the First Maryland Volun teer, Company (I. During my turiu of aorvire I rontrarttsl ctirouio iliarruira, sinre then I bave used a Rre.il anion lit of uiedi cine, but when I found any that would give me reliel tbey would injurx my itomacb, nutil Chamlwrlaiu'i ('olio, Cboleraand Diar rbit't remedy wat brought lo my notico. I use it and will aay it la the only remedy that Ke me permaneut relief and uo bad result follow. I take pleasure in rrromnirndiug tbii preparation to all my old comrade, wbo, while giving tbeir erviree to their country, contracted tbla dreadfufylisea.a aa I did, from eating nnwboleaoma aud nnoook ed food. Your, truly, A K Uending, Halsey, Or. For ! by F. M. Wilkin.. French Tunny Wafers. These wafer, are a sure and safe specific fur all kinds ol female trouble and will remove all obstructions to the monthly perlisls, no matter what the cause. They are just what every woman needs, and can lie uaedl safely. For aale by the Llvinpitone Medical Co., man ufacturers, I'urtland, Oregon, also by our sole axenU, Osburn It Co., lrugiiiU, Eugene, Oregon. TAKE IT MEFOKE HREAKFAST, The great apiwtUer, tonic and liver rijulator. In use fur iti-ire than M year in KnulamL l'oaitive siecitio for liver complalnti ld taste In the mouth on arising in the niurnlnif, dull pains In the head and hack of the eyes, tired feeling, diuities, Ungor symptniin of liver complaint. Remedy-lr Henley's English Daudelinn Tonic. Relieve, constipation, shar ren. the apiietite and tone, up the entire v tern, tiet tli genuine from your druggist lor $1, and tuke according to directions. Wood Sawing:. Mr. Wm. Horn 1 prepared to w wood with hi" maohine. Leave order at J. D. Matlock' store, and Mr. Horn will com mence work the Monday of each week. Ji Combines the juice of the Blue Fig of California, so laxative and nutritious, wilh the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS AND TO Cleanse thB System Effectually, SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING. 6LEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one 1 using it and alt art delighted with It. Ask your druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., Sam Fsamcisco, Cal. tocisviLis, Kr. Nw Yo, N. Y BARGAINS I CHRISTIAN I II 10. 8Uo to 55c, from 2.ric to 15o (o 15c. from tl 50 to f I 10. of all kind, which we will ell at a very Your X3 'Jfiffl.A .IV! Mikl Myrtle Creek Mint's. The Roscburti Review interviewed It. 0 Ward, the engineer of the Myrtle Creek Miuing Company, in which Eugene people hold consi lerabln .lock, and fclvc the for lowing: Mr. Ward gave, many iuterealing fuels cou ceruiug the niiue and the work being done there. The company, ol which Dr. L. . lirowu of Eugeue I president, I organized with a capital of 25,000 share at f 25 a share, par valuo.iiuil a large aniouut having already been takeu. The share are aold at $5, aud an absolutely non-assessable certifi cate i. given each purchaser, o that a big perceut. of profit will be mad ihould the niiue prove a rich as the proapect Indi cate, The company now bave a force of about aeventy or eighty men employed on the ditch, aud seven mile of it have been completed. It 1 expected to have three mile more done within forty day, which I all that will be made tbii fall. Tbi length of ditch will furnish water for a four or five month run, taken from the head of Myrtle creek, and next fall It will be length ened to twenty-seven mile, extending to the East lTmpiiua. Tho lumber for the sluice bote and bulk head, will be on the ground iu a few days; 2000 feet of pipe and two hy draulic giauta bave been ordered, and it I. expected to begin mining by Christmas. Louis Catching, uii old miner in that section, ba the contract for the work on the ditch, aud hi claim, from which (.in a very primi tive tuauner) f J00 wa cleared up iu a nine week' run, ha been purchased by the company. The compauy now control 20S0 acres, most of ahiuh will do to niiue, aud cannot be worked out lor year to oouie. If the digging are anywhere near a rich a the prospect indicate or the grouud already worked has beu, it will be a bonanza to the fortunate owners. Statesman, Nov. 3: That man Peck, who wa put in the penitentiary Friday for a term of oue year, coming from Lane oouu ty, is serving his third term in Oregon' stats prison. Hi case Is quite an argument in favor ot the unlimited aentenoe idea re cently Introduced in an Enatern state. Ily it provisions a frisouer is always sen tenced to an unlimited term. lie I re leased on good behavior given bis freedom on probation, as it were. He must report every month to some officer whose duty it is to keep a record of all men on probation, at It were. By thi means an bonest man can redeem blmseld but a scoundrel la soon taken in charge again, thns saviug tn the atute very many dollars for arrest, incarceration, proseco. tion, etc, Editorial correspondence Portland Reform Journal: Gov. Fennoyer wa at bl poit of duty Monday at the time .we called. We found him a plain man, with no disposition, in word or action to show hi official stand ing. Any Oregon farmer or working man can talk wilh him. His administration i marked by tbe absence of fashionable levees, receptions, ot cetera, where the extravagant, tbe austere and arrogant meet and Imbibe in high-wines, after-dinner speeches, and other torn-foolery indulged in by tbe cheap aris tocracy, but all la quiet, teaching economy and simplicity. His example to his fellow la aimh aa la oreatlv needed in official life all over the land these days. There would De leas corruption to Beep op wuu the procession In high-life. Tbe Norwegian ship Thor, which i com- pitting ber load of lumber in Tacoma for London, will carry away a cargo that in some respects ia on of tbe most remarkable ever sent from tbe Bound. It Include a great number of long, heavy, sawed tim bers, loaded by means of a donkey engine, two feet square and from 107 to 110 feet each long. There 1 yet about 450,000 feet ot lumber to be placed on board. It is supposed it will take sev eral month to unload her, and it ba al ready taken sixty day to get the timber on board. Ashland Tidings, Oct. 31 : John Cantrell, of Uniontown, who wa reported aerioualy 111 In last week's items, died Thursday, aged 64 year. Mr. Cantrell waa a pioneer of Southern Oregon, having com bere in 1853. He wa an bonest, upri.ht man, and a good citizen. He leave a wife and several chil dren to mourn bis irreparable loss. Tbe new tariff bear bard upon tbe work ing man, but it i pi for the monopolist. Like tb two follows wbo bad only one blan ket between tbem, and that bad a bole in it. The monopolist appropriated the blanket and the other bad the bole. Give Them C'bauce! That is to ay, your lungs. Also all yonr breathing machinery. Very wonderful machinery it l. Not only the larger air namuce. but tb thousand of little tube aud cavities leading from them. When these are clogged and choked with matter which ought not to b there, your lung oan not do their work. And what tbey do, they cannot do weel. Call it oold, ooogh, croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of tbe family of throat and now and bead and lung obstructions, all are bad. All ought to ha not rid of. There Is iust one anre way to get rid of them. That i lo take Bos cbee'i German Syrup, which ny druggist ill si ll von at 75 cents a bottle. Even if everything else baa failed yon, yon may de pend npon this for certain. SATISFACTORY RESULTS. About four year, ago my attention wa all..1 tn Dr. Ililler'a Cotiiih Cure, since which time I have owd it with old and young; with the snoat satlafactnry result la fa-t I keep it always oa hand. It. J. TRUMBULL, of Trumbull k DmI, iWmeu and .Vurasij men. San KrancMcn, Cat Fur 1 at K. E. Luckey k Co . A anr. enr for tbe wbiaky babit: Dr. Livinoston's Antidote for drankennea will cur ny cae of tbe liquor babit in from ten to thirty days, from lb moderate drinker to tbe drunkard. Tb antidote can be given n a cup of coffee without tbe knowledge oi be person taking it. The Antidote will not niure tha health in anr way. Manufac tured by tbe Livingston Chemical Co., Port land, Oregon, or from Osburn ft Co., Eu gene. A Race fur Life. An Astoria dlipatch of Nov. 1 says: Tbe steamer Michigan arrived this morning after a wild race for life, lusting seven hours. When about fifteen mile off Gray' harbor at 4 o'clock thll morning fire wa discovered Iu ber fore-bold. All precautions possible were Immediately taken. Tbe hatches were battened down and every air hole that could be found wa (topped, and with every ponnd of iteam that could be carried, and every titcb of canvas to tho breeze, she flew down the coast. In response to her distress (ignal when he crossed the bar, the observer at Fort Cauby telegraphed to this city and tbe tug Wallowa started to her assistance, bnt fortu. nately she succeeded in getting safely ia, Tbe fire was extinguished by the Astoria fire department, and it was fonnd that tbe steamer wa but slightly damaged. Her cargo of wlmon and lime wa almost entirely ruined, a few barrels of salmon alone escap ing injury. Wallace, Idaho, Aroused. Tbe following is taken from a special to the Spokane Falls Review, dated October 2flthi This has been an eventful Sunday in Wallace. The Indignation of the people ba at last reached tbe olimax, and it would not be a great surprise if some fine morning a "stiff" will be banging to a telegraph pole, or the limb of a tiee, with a placard attached giving the cause of his elevation and a warn ing to all other character of bis kind. Forbearance has oeased to be a virtue and the people ol Wallace have begun a war of extermination, on the crooks, thieve and footpad which infest the town. Tbi morning the marshal quietly notified many citizen that be was going to make a raid, and requested tbem to assemble at the corner of Bixth aud Cedar, and aid bim in driving them out of town. The citizens met at the appointed time and the marshal started on hia rounds. Twelve lough character were rounded up and marched out ol town. Oregon City Courior: A tbe next legisla ture must make the appropriation for Ore gon's display at the Chicago World's Fair in 1S93.U i of vital Importance to the state that in tha time remaining before the session thi subject be thoroughly cauvassed. The sum ot $250,000, deemed to be necessary by the state board of trade, aeema extravagant. A large pavilion of wood, creditable to the state, could be erected for 180,000. The sum of 'J5,000 onght to secure the daily service of a fine band and of the necessary attendant, beside paying the cost of an abundance of leaflets and pamphlets descrip tive of Oregon.and the freight of the exhibit both way, Tbe total of tbeae two amounts, $175,000, aeema a liberal allowance, and perbap a smaller sum will be sufficient, if there I no Jobbery or stealing and no exor bitant salaries are paid. Tbe tax payers have to foot the bill, Ibe majority of whom hav but limited means, and extravagance would therefore be criminal. The Oregon pavilion will bave to be liberal and occas ionally hospitable, but $500 wine anppen, such aa Senator Dolpb glvea sometime in Washington, will not be necessary. . Marshfleld Coast Mail: On Saturday morning, just before the Cornel left Empire City, a fine, fat bnck deer started from tha sand hill beaded straight for town pursued by dogs, probably Intending to visit the county seat and e about the enforcement of tbe game law. The steamer Emily wa anchored about tba middle of tbe channel and torn of tb craw manned a boat, took after the deer and coming up alongside seized bis born and pulled back to tbe vessel, but when lifted into tha boat be fought manfully and gained a complete victory. He then took to water again, but they overtook and lassoed bim, when he was landed on deck. Tbe Emily blew tb vlctorlon whistle, all tha ateamers then joined in and cheered nnlil on would bave thought that a new vessel had been launobed. Jacksonville Times: Work is progressing nloely on tbe construction of tbe Jackson-ville-Medford railroad. A Urge ncmbcr of tiea have already been scattered along tbe route, the right of way has been cleared and some grading done. The depot has not been located: but from present appearancea the road will run up C street, past the Times office, and all buildinga will be put np on the block now owned by W. J. Plymale. A large majority of our people favor thi site, aa it will be convenient for the mails, mreaa and nartiea receiving goods, to say nothing of those who wish to embark for other pointa. Tbe road will be in operation by the first of tbe year at latest. The weather is favorable for this work. William Baeaberd and Btillman Nottage, of Bcottsburg, came very near losing their Uvea while at work among the log and timber. A Urge tree, which had become loosened br tbe recent rain and winds, suddenly fell over, pinning Btillman to the ornnnd bv the neck and bead, ana ne waa only released from his dangerous position by tbe chopping off of a UmD oi me tree sou raiaina it with a lack screw. He waa fear- fully bruised. He was taken in a small boat to Gardiner immediately, ana upon examination it waa found no bonee were broken. Farmer Jonea, ot notoriety, of Marion county, who was buncoed out of 3,000, and afterward married a widow with aeveral children, It 1 now hinted, waa possibly buncoed again. A man going aa tbe wom an' brother, it i laid ia addressed occas ionally by the children aa pa. That look bad, bnt it contains Its own snggestioo. It most have been trying to the Sierra, (Cal.) Fair managers, lo wake up Thursday morning and find four and a bait inches of snow on the race track, when they had spent the dsy before hauling water to sprin kle the said track. ! j : I 1? ' i