The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 25, 1890, Image 7

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Yooiig Tommy, a float, Oom aa a
Pretty Grs
dear, benevolent old gontleman fv to
an enfant terrible a One gt This was a few
day ago. Tbe youngster wu na'urally da
lighted with blf pet. His gave vaguely
to blf friend and enemies tbnt lie trail
ing an animal which would be a terror to tbe
neighborhood. Doutitkta the goat would
have proved a very disturbing element in
society If it youtbfjul owner bad not trained
It a trifle too One.
It came about In tbli wlset
Tbe goat and of thl there to no doubt
itood badly In need of a washing. ' Tommy,
aa Its owner may be called for tbe occasion,
Is not generally overfond of wanhlng, but ai
regarding gout be wai an anient lover of
cleonlinuM. Bo be got a garden hoe and
attached it to a hydrant. Then be tied up
tbe goat iecurely and played upon It till tbe
anlmaTi hair wot as clean at the streets of
Pittsburg will be at tbe millennium.
Then Tommy fell to communing with him
self. "If," reaeoned be, "tbe goat waa so dirty
outside, he must be very far from clean In
id," Tbto teemed conclusive to Tommy' com
paniona, and they consented to bold tbe goat
while be effected the internal purification.
Tommy inserted tbe nozzle of the bote Into
tbe goat't mouth.
It to a painful subject.
But tbe goat hot a very pretty grave at
the end of tbe lawn between two laurel
bushes. Pittsburg Diipstcu.
Seasoning from Analogy.
A 4-year-old mint lately created a good deal
of consternation, not unmixed with amuse
ment, In a small tociul circle uptown. Bht
bad been on a visit to ber grandfather, and
while there was In tbo bubit of playing with
blm as be lay, half asleep, on tbe sofa. On
day, at ber chubby Angora glided caressingly
over tbe old gentleman's scant locks, be mur
mured drowsily, in reply to tome Infantile
remark : "Yes, I'm your pour old bald beaded
One evening not long afterwards, a young
old bachelor was making a call on the family,
towards a certain member of which, only It
nd decidedly pretty, be Inclined with very
tender feelings. Into the pleasant circle
where tbe bachelor tat flashing bright noth
ings of society talk, entered the 4-year-old.
Unseen by the gentleman tba sauntered,
round tbe room Inspecting him, and gazed
with esjieclal interest on bis polished scalp
which gleamed In tbe light of the chandelier.
Suddenly, with a bunt of Ingenuous socia
bility, the throw herself at bis kneea and ex
claimed; "Whose poorold bald beaded grand
father are your' Philadelphia Timet.
Tba Pocket la Ills Mght 8blrt
Tbe precocity of eight-year-old boys baa
often been the theme for newspaper com
ment, but I think I know of one who to en
titled to particular distinction for hit bright
ness. The other day be importuned bit
mamma for a night shirt "just Ilka papa's,"
with a pocket In it. Hit mother mode him
one, and tbe first night be wort It ba went to
bed lu high glee. In the morning, wbea hit
mother took the robe off, she found iu the
one pocket a couple of toed cake, three
matches, a toothpick, a small silver watch,
several pieces of cough candy and tbe boy's
pocket handkerchief. When the little fellow
was questioned as to the reason for the varied
assortment be replied: "Well, I thought If I
got hungry In tbo night time I would need
tba toed cakes, and of course I'd want the
toothpick afterward. If I wanted to tea
what time It was by my watch I would have
to have a match, and I was afraid of cough
ing, to I put tbe candy there." Hit excuses
were equal to his preparations at any rata.
Minneapolis Tribune,
flatter to Itecelve Thaa Olve.
In a St. Albans church on a recent Bnnday
little lad looked on with surprise at tba
contribution boxes wore passed around. II
bad an idea that tbe cash was being distri
buted gratis, and so, just as the box wot
leaving tbe pew In which he sat, ha put bit
chubby little hand in among the change and
brought out a fistful, and was quite disgusted
when bis mamma tuado hint disgorge. felt,
Albans Messenger.
'A Question About 1'hllllps Itrookt.
When rhlllli Brooks ruse lost Sunday to
give out bis text, "I was in prison, and ye
came unto mo," a little fellow, 8 or 0 years
old, looked up anxiously Into bis grandma's
face, at be exclaimed In a hoarse wtilsper,
plainly audible to those in the adjacent seats,
"Grandma, was Mr. 11 rooks tvor really la
prtoonr liostou Gazette.
This represents tbe prevailing amuse;
la village circles just at present Tbe yqing
gentleman lu the center is a recently gradu
ated cadet from Annapolis aud to being wel
comed borne. Judgo. -
The following notice was posted on the
Brunswick aud Western bulletin board Fri
day morning by the agent to keep from an
swering tbe thouxund aud out questions
about tbe train: "All trains delayed on ao
couutof Ore atTifum. Tift's planing mill
burned. This is all we know." A mischiev
ous chap wins along and read It, and forth
with begau to study up some way to catch
tba ageut, so puked bis bead lu at tbe door
and said: "Muter, wbea did this thing oo
CiuT Fortbwi'Ji another liue was added to
the bulletin: "Uappeusd last ulgbt." Bruns
wick (Ua.) Advertiser.
Too Muoh Learning.
' Out DeBmltb-Wbat did you do with that
Utter that was on my tablet
Colored Boy-1 tuck it tod poe'offls, can,
and put It into d bole.
Out De 8uu b- Did you not see thsrt waa
ao address on 'Jis eavlupt
Colored By-1 saw dr wu no wrltln on
4s Salope, lu I 'lowed yr did dat ar on
purpose, tu 1 ueuldut toll who yer wu
owritia' to I'm ao eddicaud nlggab, I la,
od I ('posed )cu luiontd bit-Texas Bift
. Xaaufb U Ills Aay Oaa C
"Stan to aurrow ua your vacation, sat
Vbertartyou going T
"Oh, just dtfwc to Bocky Beach."
. "Aha! tlo'doyougotogrttbrr
"Blamed If 1 know I I thought I did, but
I bars beeo studying a railroad guide to
sirs sure, aud I caul tall acyUung about
It" Lowell Ciuata.
Gladstone, writing in support of tbe
Liberal candidate at Krt-les, declares
that everv one voting lor the Conserva
tive candidate will lie rcmnsible for Uie
employment of bullets and baton
ainunct n'' peawful meetings in
Ireland, a course which would not be
dared or tolerated In Knglund.
A Fine Vein of Coal Discovered
Near Coquille City.
Incendiaries Destroy by Fire the Trestle
Bridge Over Putah Cretk, Near
Davlsvllle, Cal.
The Gentiles of Utah have nominated
r ( (imklwin of the Suit i-uke
Tribune or Delegate to Congress.
Tli A mi. rim N ill) Kl'.lillHe llUH irriVIHl
at Portland with 3l,W0 caw of tea for
the f.ast and tuna-ia ana ioo.uuu unci
Cieorgo C. Foster, Tax Collector of
. ...I ' ..M L 1... ...I.!....
Tucson, commilieu siiii-me uy wsihk
tmituin. lie was a hard drinker. and wits
abort in bin si-counts.
Die deciduous fruit shipments over
Die Southern l'ttciflc linen for the season
on to OtoU-r 7 amounted lo 2,400 cars
about 100,000 pounds of fruit.
Washington's State Hoard of Equali
sation has raised uua tvaua county
assessment fc'.OllO.OOU, and tan county's
taxpayers are oblige"! to Htand it.
Ernest H. Muflly. for several months
past the agent of the Chicago, St. 1'aul
ml k'niiuiiu Citv railroad at Tscoma. llRH
gone to Canada, lie 1h said to be rdiort
in Iiih accounts.
A in., in dm iii'w luinkH authorized to
commence business are the American
National bank of Salt Lake City, cajntui
$250,000, and the Merchant' National
bank of Great Falls, Mont., capital 1100,
000. Mimityira of tlm Tnivima flininlHT of
Coiiimerce liave organized the Turoma
Development Company, wiiu 8 capital
otoek of 11,000,0110, for the purree of
oiwmnru rin if tlm iMtaliliMhmentof inumi-
factorieH and wliolenule hoiiHea.
Tl.u nwwinl timiriM flrt-a in North Da
kota were the mont destructive ever
know n went of the Mimwuri river, ami
the loMHet will aggregate several hundred
tliiinuiiii.l ilnlliiru The kiverniile Uanch
Company IohI 300 hetul of Block.
A ilimldu uwliilnir took nlace at the
expoBilion in l'ortlund liiHt week in the
prewnee of over 19,000 HpectatorH. The
contracting parties were Miss Helena
Sturnv and Wilhelin lU-cker and MiHH
bin I. Shanahun und L. H. Wright, all
of l'ortlund.
1..1.M T f'nnii' ulwi rsrontlv reHlirncd
kis Kinition aa District Attorney for the
Northern District oi aiuormu, givea
tllllt I III. Il(lll1 is not Hlllli-
ciently nnniinurative, and that he has
(lilliculty In securing nacx pay uue nun
from the government.
At a viiiuiilliitliin nf tlie renreMonta-
tives of the coal supply and the coal
mining companies held in Tacoma it was
estimated that the supply this winter
will fall 25 or 110 per cent, below the de
mand. The eiicct oi me snoring win
U'trin to bu felt about the 1st of next
Tho Central street railway at Sacra
mento, Cal.. lias been purchased by J.
II. Henrvof San Jose. The road is aliout
four miles in leniith. Henry will at once
introduce an overhead electric motor
power. He will also extend and equip
tracks on other streets, for which fran
chises have been granted.
New Mexico has voted on the State
constitution. Tho American cities and
towns gave good majorities, but tlie Mex
ican jsipiilatioii voted almost solidly
against it, being opposed on account of
the provisions lor puoiie bciiooib. ii is
tlinnirlit that tho constitution has been
carried by a small majority.
Throe thousand men are employed on
tho branch of the Union 1'acitlo railroad
between Portland and Seattle, and 2,000
morn are wanted. Agents are now in
Kansas looking for men, hverv etlort
will bo made to iret tho road linished
across the low lands along the Columbia
before high water next spring.
A (lnnvnin i.f I'lllll llttU Iwi'tl llismVOml
nil tiu.'ll ylniiirli ni'iir fomiille Citv. and
blacksmiths who have tested it say it is
riuponor to inai i.i.Hnuu ior muir uw.
TUntmiit I st lunva mwt nnil pun tvnitttuilv
A IIU v) 1 1 1 in v viiv,
worked. There is talk of chartering a
schooner and loading it for San Fran
cisco in onler to interest capital in me
development oi the mine.
In donvimr a recount of Oregon's ihuui
lation Stvrotery Noble says the grounds
presented by Senators juiicnuu ami
lkilph and ' Representative Hermann
were not Sllllicieiu to wurnnu a ri-ouiu
the Oregon train, wlilch'hasa vei v noavy
travel. The burned bridge was over 800
feet long. Telegraphic communication
was tmdlv Interrupted, as both the wires
of tho Western Union and l'acillc l'ostal
Companies were all destroyed.
Lyman K. Kniipp, (iovernor of Alaska,
in his annual report to tbe Secretary of
the Interior states that during tlie year
about 100,000 fuH-siuHl scalvkins were
taken by the Alaska Commercial Com
pany under the contract with the gov
ernment, and that prolmbly half as many
more were captured at sea and stolen by
Miaching vessels. Tho value of the ex
ports hi!t year was nearly f 10,000,000.
Of this amount among other items was
11,000.000 representing the value of
whaleUiue, '.',(KIO,000 worth of seal fur
and i'J.OOO.OOO worth of gold bullion.
The probability of a scarcity of coal
on Tuget sound this winter is denied
authoriintively by many dealers. A man
interested in the ltosiyn mines states
that, w hile there has bem a scarcity of
car, the demand has been supplied
without trouble. He claimed that the
Koslvn mine alone could supply the
nted's of the State, or 3,00,1 tons a day if
called upon. The Franklyn mine had
been shut down recently because of the
large amount of coal on hand. While
tome of tbe mines are not getting out
much, new claims are being opemd and
the supply is almost inexhaustible.
Tbe ship Mcrom has just arrived at
San Francisco from Kodiak with 2,W5
case of salmon. Reports brought from
the canning district in Alaska indicate
that thus far in the season the pack has
been larger than last vear. The run of
fish at Kodiak, whivli was alarmingly
light at the commencement of the year,
improved aa time went on, and the re
turn of the Merom art considered high
ly sat inflatory. Itaring this eeanon
twentf-t'ire vessel have arrived from
1 I . I - . l.rlnipllltf In D ITTTT t
AIVII llliin- ... ...... -- -p.. -
344,074 case of salmon, from July 15 to
date. Inirtng the aamo lime last year
tbo pack waa 201,801.
Milwaukee's Public School Princi
pals About to Strike.
The Widow of Colonel Mulligan, the Hero
of the Dattle of Lexington, Re
eelves a Nomination.
Georgia has 300 life-time prisoners in
the penitentiary.
A Mormon colony is trying to buy land
from Mexico on the frontier.
The Mississippi Constitutional Con
vention still has a month'- work ahead
of it.
The Chinese gamblers in New York
are taxed 1,00J a week for police pro
tection. The report of the Pittsburg police de
partment shows a remarkable decreane
in crime.
Captain Pabst of Milwaukee is to put
upon the lakes a fleet of handsome pus
senger boats.
The factional war over the Territorial
seat of the Oklahoma government grows
in bitterness.
It Is said that the "docking" of our
new std cruisers will cost nearly 1
000,000 a year.
The cog-wheel railway to the summit
of Pike's Peak has been completed, ami
is now in oeration.
Milwaukee's public-school principals
have given notice that, if they do not
get increased saluries, they will strike.
A large shortage in the crank-rry crop
is unnounced by A. Kidcr, Secretary of
tho American Cranberry-Growers' Asso
It scums to be definitely settled that
the San Francisco will bo assigned to the
Asiatic station as Kear-Admiral liei
knap's Hug ship. .
The widow of Colonel Mulligan, the
hero of the battle of Lexington, Mo.,
has been nominated for Superintendent
of School at Chicago.
The Kansas Legislature will have to
rmss a new prohibitory enactment to
make tho Wilson originnl-packago law
elective in the State.
The pearl fisheries of the Miami river
still continue to bo protitab!e. lhe pearl
hunters have been busy all summer, and
some of them have been very successful.
Tlie President has appointed Charles
K. Dougherty of Pennsylvania as Secre
tary of Legation In Mexico and H. Uem
en Whitehouso as Secretary of Lega
tion In Ituly.
About 2.500 miners are on a strike at
Islineming. Mich., for increased wagea.
The agitation may extend toother pointH.
There are 36,000 miners employed iu tbe
Luke Superior region.
Almost all Western ronds have been
dealing with scalpers, and it is suid in
Chicago that almost any point in the
WeBt, competitive or not, couiu ue
reached by a cut rate of from 25 to 40
per cent.
In the opinion of real-estate men the
recent cyclone of South Lawrence, Miiks.,
has liaa tlie eitect oi improving me uih
trict nearly 10 per cent, in value by rea
son of building improvements which
According to the law of New York a
barrel of otatoe contains 172 and a
bushel of potatoes 00 wiinds respective
ly. An ellort is being made to have all
fruit and vegetables sold in that State
by weight.
The United States dynamite cruiser
Vesuvius has made two trial runs over a
measured mile course at full speed with
a furred dralt and all her boilers work
ing, and has made twenty knots an hour
under these conditions.
The New York Mail and Express bus
a Washington special saving: It is stated
on good nuthority that 'resident Harri
son will not call an extra session of Con
gress November 11 to consider and pans
the federal election hill.
Lieutenant-Colonel Henry C Coibin
has lieen relieved from dutv at head
quarters, Division of the Missouri, und
ordered to the Department of Arizona,
where, it is understood, he will act us
Assistant Adjutant-General.
Health Commissioner Wickersliam at
Chicago has given orders that no more
vaccinations on the leg will be permitted
in the public-health ollice. If girls per
sist in being vaccinated in that way,
they will huve to go to some privato phy
lUirliers on tho French steamers arriv
ing at New York are suid to have regular
patrons among their compatriots, who
visit the steamers uion their arrival,
bent upon having their benrds kept
trimmed in the ultra lasiuon ot tne noil
John Schmidt, the counterfeiter rw
eently arrested at Ixinisville, Ky., has
eont-'fsed to the police that he has coun
terfeited 2 certificates, having made
14.000 worth. HV claims to have been
assisted by Miles Ogle, known as "Tbe
King of Counterfeiters."
Miss Mury Franx of New York has
brought suit against a physician for
making an unfavorable reort on her
case to a benellclal society, of which she
was desirous of becoming a member
Several doctors have certified that her
health is good, and it is expected that
the suit will develop interesting legal
In regard to the construction of one of
tlie coast-line battle ships Irving M
Scott, President of the Union Iron Works
Company, who is now in ashiugton,
has intimated to the Navy lVpartment
that he will undertake the contract on
the terms prooaed by the department
Among the articles of incorporation
filed witli the Illinois Secretary of State
iast week were those of the Mount Cur-
mel Aemautic Navigation Company of
Mount Carmel lor the construction amt
operation of air vessels for the transpor
tation ol passengers ana ireigiu, Willi
capital stock of 420,000,000.
The Chicago Times say articles have
lieen signed there for a match between
Jack McAuhtre ami Hilly Meyer for 2.
500 a side and a purse of $.r,000 a side
ollered by the Metroiolitan Club ol New
Orleans.' F.ach man is to pay his own
expense. The light will be with live
ounce gloves, to take place in New Or
leans during the early part of February.
Tlie annual report of Pension Com
missioner Kauin show there were at the
end of the last fiscal year 6:17.1m pen
sioners npon the mils, classified as fol
lows: Army invalid pensioners, 302,
800; army widows, 104,fxl; navy Invalid
pensioners, 6,274; navy widows, minor
children and dependent relative, 8,4iO;
survivors of the war of 1812,413; wid
ows of soldier of the war of 1812, 8,010 ;
survivors of the Mexican war, 17,158;
widows of soldiers of the Mexican war,
The Italian Police Ordered to Raid
Catholic Nunneries.
A Rumor That Germany Contemplates Ex
tending the Pork Restrictions to
American Beef.
Railway accidents have been unusually
frequent in Germany of late.
There is no revolution in Hayti. The
country is retorted to be prosperous.
A number of Armenians have lieen
killed and crops destroyed at Alashgerd.
A new Russian frigate, named the
Twelve Apostles, has been launched at
The influenza is said to have again ap
iieared in Ireland at Ilelfast and in ISer
lin, Germany.
It is rumored that Germany contem
plates extending the pork restrictionB to
Amcrcan b.ef.
Pom Pedro is reported to be looking
unhappv and broken down. His mind
is thought to be weakening.
Severe sentences have been passed on
sixteen German soldiers stationed at
Oldenburg for mutinous conduct.
Grand Duke Nicholas, the uncle of the
Czar, is in a critical condition. A can
cerous all'ection has attacked his brain.
General distress, but no famine, is
looked for in the sections of Ireland
where a failure of the potato crop is re
The BPiKiintnient of General von Kat
tenlxirn Strachan as Minister of War,
succeeding General Verdy du Vernow, is
officially announced at lSerlin.
The breaking of 'cycling records con
tinues in England, mainly owing to the
increased ower got out of the machines
built with the pneumatic tire.
There are rumors that the GuateuiB'
bins and Salvadorians have had a fight
on the frontier, which act will precipi
tute war oetween me two countries.
The central telegraph office at Berlin
has discontinued the use of batteries.
and will in future obtain the power re
quired from an accumulator supplied by
the lSerlin electric-lignt works.
It la stated that arrests of Armenians
at Constantinople continue, and that
sixty of the prisoners have already en
dured torture for tho purpose of extort
ing evidence from them lavorabie to tne
Turkish cause.
McmlxTS of the police force at Naples
have been ordered to make raids on all
South Italian nunneries that are closed
to the public. This is owing to discov
eries iu an establishment known as tne
"Nunnery of the Uuned Alive."
Dispatches from Pondicherry, the eap-
itul of the trench settlement in India,
state that a serious election conflict took
place there between a mob and the PO'
lice. Several were wounded on both
sides. The military were ordered out,
Tho French Minister of War bos de
cided in case of war that the men em
ployed in tho coal mines shall be dis
pensed from military service for a iieriod
of forty davs in order that a sufiicieiit
stock of coal may be secured to insure
proper railway service during the whole
ot the campaign.
Madame Bonnet, in whose possession
was found plans of the defense of Nancy,
and who confessed that she was a Ger
man spy, was sentenced to five years
imprisonment and a line ol o,W0 trancs,
Upon tne expiration oi tne lerm oi nn
prisonment she will be exiled from
France for ten years.
The Iiomlou Times says: "There is
no reason to quarrel with the United
States over the McKinley bill, but the
less suid about friendliness find kinship
lietween the two countries the better."
The article urges Canada to adopt free
trade, as she will then be ablo to practi
cally exclude America from comctition.
Russia has recently adopted more lib
eral and vigorous policy than heretofore
in respect to encouraging the develo
ment of tho mineral resources of the
empire. Numerous 8ecinl grants and
bonuses to work coal mines are being is
sued to companies, most of which are
principally composed of foreign capital
ists. Tho movement for universal sulTrnge
is attaining tremendous strength in Bel
gium, and much ind4uiation lias been
aroused bv the aniiouiiswnient that the
Ministry did not intend to sulunit to the
Belgian Parliament a pnqioHition em
bodying that reform It was a result of
this' feeling that Minister of Public
Works De Itruvn was moblicd and nearly
killed nt Modines while taking official
part iu a civic ceremony.
It is reported that the Turkish Minis
ter, Hotisscin Pasha, has been informed
the Czar regards in tlie most gracious
spirit tho invitation to the Czarowitx to
visit Constantinople. The Czar, how
ever, fears that a visit to that city might
at the present time give rise to a delicate
and embarrassing situation, owing to the
unsettled condition of Greek patriarchal
iillnirs. It is suid that fears of cholera
most strongly 0ernte against the pro
posed visit. '
Horrible accounts come from the Red
Sea Coast of the condition of cholera
victims. Aralis and Btrangcrs in that
region are dying by scores. Persons are
seized with 'cholera and die within an
hour, with clenched teeth and their
bodies terribly drawn up. Birds and
dogs feed on the corpses, which people
are afraid to touch. From the interior
of Arabia the accounts are fully as heart
rending, and the victims are said to be
numbered among the thousands.
The newspaper Le Matin and I Jour,
the new paer which has just been es
tablished by M. Laurent, are out with
accusations against M. Kouvier, Minister
of Finance, whom they charge with
making use of his position in the gov
ernment to conduct successful specula
tions on the Bourse. M. Rouvier has
not yet replied to these accusations, but
the general impression among the pub
lic is that a repetition of the Wilson
scandals, which wrecked the Grevy re
gime through the operations of" the
President's son-in-law. is about to be
sprung npon the F'rencn people.
Brigands on the Lower Epims recent
ly carried off an Italian gentleman. A
ransom of $1, 000 was demanded for hit
release, and after cutting off a portion of
one of his ears he was set at libertv for
ine Italian lTenner s speecn is appar
ently regarded in most of the continental
Miiitiil an MiM-tinn maniffntn Tli
euipnasia witn wnicn Mgnor i nspi a
on the value to Itsly ot a dreibnnd
provoked the hostility of the Pari
Wubat The market continues dull
and weak. Snippers' present wants are
well supplied, and there is little demand
forexiwrt. Offerings are small. 0n
quotations are 1.17b for Walla Walla
and 1.22 for Valley.
Flour Quota: Standard, 3.904.00;
Walla Walla, 3.00fo!3.80 per barrel.
Oats Quote: 4448c per bushel.
MiiASTurrs Quote : Bran, $17.50(218;
Shorts, 23.5024; Ground Barley,
;i2.60 ; Chop Feed, 25 per ton.
Hay Quote : $1( 18 per ton. The market Is firm.
Quote: Cabbage, $1.60 1.76 percental;
Cauliflower, 1.25 per dozen; Oniuns,
2c per pound ; Cucumliers, 10c per dozen ;
Carrots,l per sack ; Beets, 1 .50 per sack ;
Turnips, $1.26 per sack; Tomatoes, 50c
per box; Potatoes, 80c$l per cental;
Sweet Potatoes, 2c per pound.
Fkuit Quote: Tahiti Oranges, $4.50
per ooi ; Sicily Lemons, t n. i v per m, ,
Pears, lj.c per pound; apples, 00iii6c
per box ; Grapes,75c$1.20 per box ; Pine
apples, $3.504.00 per dozen; Bananas,
$4 per bunch ; double, $0; Peaches, !0c
$1.26 per box; Watermelons, $l.o02
per dozen; Cantaloupes, $1.50w2 per
dozen; California Quinces, $1; Oregon,
$1.25 per box.
I!ur tlnntA! (Irptrnn. ll(912'uC;
California, ) 10c; Young America, 14
(g 16c per pounu.
Kiti-ruu Tlm mnrkot I firm. OtlOte '.
I irpimn fnncv crtamerv.37 Kc : lancy dairy
32!,c; good to fair, 27'4(3Je; common,
22(25c; choice caiiiornia, zo(aouu per
Knos Quote: Quote: Oregon, 25c
per dozen.
Poultky Quote : Old Chickens, $4.50 ;
young, ,2.5J'3.50; old Pucks, 00.50;
largo voting. 767.60; Geese, $0 per
dozen ;' Turkeys, 14(S15c per pound.
Nuts Quote: Walnuts, i.ic; reaiuus,
green, 12c; Almonds, 17c; Fillierts, 14
(15c ; Brazils, 1314c per pound ; Cocoa
nuts, $1 per dozen.
Honky Fancy White, 1-pound car
toons, 18c per pound.
Naim Base quotations: Iron, t.1.20;
Steel, $3.30; Wire, $3.90 per keg.
Hops The market is linn, with nomi
nal prices. Quote: 30( 33c per pound.
Hides The market is weak. Quota
tions: Pry Hides, selected prime, 84
Oc, Kc 1M for cu"8i lfreel1' Bt'lec,w1'
over 55 pounds, 4c; under 55 pounds, 3c;
Sheep Pelts, short wool. 30(o50c; me
dium, 00880c; long, D0ca$1.25; shear
lings, 10(g20c; Tallow, good to choice, 3
Wool Quote: Eastern Oregon, 10
ill..- v'nllv Hid? I Re per pound.
Cbamikrkies Quote: Wisconsin,
$0.50 ; Cape Cod, $12 per barrel.
The Merchandise Market.
Suoars Quote: Golden 0,68cj extra
C, 60-; dry granulated, 0'gc; cul
crushed and powdered, Oc per pound.
Phikd Fruits The market is firm.
Quote: Italian Prunes, 1214c; Pe-
lite ana uerman i runes, wc pci punuu.
Raisins, $2.75 per box: Plununer-dried
Pears, 11 12H..C; sun-dried and factory
MM lie: evannrated Peaches.
24c; Smyrna Figs, 14(10c; California
r igB, 9c per pouna.
ftiriNu Tlm market is Arm. Quote:
SihaII Whites. S'4ffl3.c: Pink. 33;c:
Bayos, 4c; Butter, 3,SiC; Liuias, 6,'2c
per pound.
Canned Goods Market is firm. Quote :
Tul.l friiila 12.2R. 2Us: Peaches. 2.50 :
Bartlott Pears, $2.25; Plums. $1.05;
Ktrnu'hprripfl. S2.50: Cherries. i2: Black
berries, $2; Raspberries, $2.55; Pineap
ples,; Apricots, ti.oo. i w iruu;
Aaanrtml. xM.75 rwr dozen: Peaches.
$1.40; Plums, $1.25; Black lierries, $1 .05
per dozen, egetaules: torn, si.i'k
(6U.40, according to quality; Tomatoes,
X1.2ixa3.fi0: Sinrar Peas. 1.40U.0O:
String Beans, $1 por dozen. Fish:
Salmon, $1.25; sardin8, 80c$1.40; lob
sters, $.'3 ; oysters, $2(o2.7d per dozen
Condensed milk: Kngle brand, $8.25;
Crown, 7 ; ltigtiianu,; cnnmpion,
ill imr phhr.
llii'L'i-r-OnntA fVislii Rica. 221.,'c!
Rio, 25 4c; Arbuckle'B, roasted, 2054c
per pounu.
Ta Quote: 20(945c per pound.
1'irifiKH Onntfl! 3h: SI. 25 fis
Salt Quote: Liverpool, $17, $18, 19;
1. .i,,,! i ii.....
SIOCK, fllu,li per wu in emiuuu ima.
Coal Oil Quote : $2.23 per case.
Kice Quote : 6?4C per pound.
The Meat Market.
The meat market is linn. Quote:
Beef Live, 23c; dressed, 0c.
Mutton Live, 'i⪼ dressed, 6c,
Hogs Live, 4Sjg5,lic; dressed, 0c.
Veal 68e per pound.
Spring Lambs $2.50 each.
The market is firm. Quotations: East
ern Hams, 13(ftl4c; Breakfast Ba
con, 1313tJc; Sides, 910c; Lard, 8,(3
10c per pound.
Some General Observations.
If I vhas to live my life oafer again I
pect I do no petter asb pefore. Nopody
knows now to live until be vnas about ready
to die.
In trying to get something for nothing
die world we chnM-rutlv Imv f.3 vnrth
cigars fer der man wbo glfs us a teecket to a
fifty cent show.
I ilnnn1 roa mmi lruafnra imrn mMn.t t
wonder dot nature vbas so foolish. She could
sbust asb well bar used oop dot material
stow ftmm rnils nml hltshtnr nneta
" o t "
If you find me some man who vhas satis-
ueu mil aer weamer una aer peoples und
der world, I show you somebody who vhas
ripe for either heaven or der idiot asylum.
Vhen I like to pound on my drum I forget
aoi i nar some neighbors who may like
(bleep. Vhen I like to shleep myself i
neighbor should be put in shall if he plays
der Diana
We like a man who shnmka W truth
ns, und yet sbust so soon ash he tells us some
thing unpleasant we vhas mad at him.
V hen I hear a boy whistle I foel safe. I
know dot so long as he whistles he doan' put
up some shop ta to teal my apples or carry od
my front gate.
If you take a man's bad luck uni trace it
back you vhill discover dot he vhas to blame
ten times There somepody else vhas once, und
yet he remembers oifly dot once.
We doan know some men until dey Thai
gone to der bad. Den it vhas we hear afery
pody say how shmart und talented dey Thai
all der time.
Sometimes it seems to me dot der world
Tba too wicked to stand much longer, and
dot it vhas bard to find one honest, upright
man. I take some liver medicine, und lol
der next day der world Thas good enough
und all men Thai all right.
I baf seen a funeral procession a mils long,
und two weeks later I haf asked who Thai
burled dot day, und nopody could remember.
Vhen a man gets through mit der world der
world Thas through mit him. Carl D under
la Detroit Free Press.
-How delightful tlut Lttl swell ia. Mr
Toung Brockehby fctwrlscwtly)-! aJ.
wan try to be entertainiot-. Krs. Pannier"
Were ever such beautiful triplets bom
Rosy and sweet and glad as the mora;
Never a hearthstone far and wide
Bo happy as where these three abide.
If the angrls sent but one to me.
Which would I choose of the lovely threef
O, of the trio, Lot Is best;
Love Immortal, Is loveliest.
-Mrs. Oeorge W. Bwlft In Woman.
nallroads of Indian Territory.
ti... oru on nun Cherokee. 8,000
rwiuuis r noo Chickasaw, and from
8,000 to 8.000 Seininoles in the territory.
The Creeks nuink-r 8,000 to lu.uuu soma,
hut it i. iiiimirlit nbout half of these are
negroes. Owing to prejudice among the
Cherokees ana unoctavts u-re m ic-a
negroes in those nations. The territory
has more railroads than any who have
not studied tlie f.ibject would believe,
n.a Atriiimn. Toneka and8untaFe route
runs a line from Arkansas City to
Oainesville straight througn tne miuuio
of the territory. Tlie Missouri, Kansas
and Texas, part of Gould's Missouri Pa
ciflo line, runs through the northeast cor
ner, through the Cherokee, Creek, Choc
taw, and part of the Chickasaw nations.
There is a fifty mile bit of road from
Fort Smith, Ark., to Moskogeo, in the
Creek nation, entirely traversing the
Cherokee country. The Atlantio and
Pacifioroad has got tne rigntoi way,
and Las made its survey straight across
the territory. A branch of the Rock
Island system crosses tlie territory, and
a branch of tho Southern Kansas route
runs across the northeast corner. Diag
onally across the state is projected the
nonnium nml Wnchita Vallev road, part
of tlie 'Frisco system. New York Sun.
The History of One.
'Five or Bix years ago that woman
was a great belle, "said my neighbor, as
tlie door closed on tho shocking example
of resurfacing.
"She came here for the first time the
morning after tho great balL She
looked tired, and I didn't wonder. My
brother, who was out late the night be
fore, told me that he heard a gentleman
call her by namo as ho handed her into a
carriage after a littlo supper nt the close
of an evening at tho theatre. It was
midnight and alio was juBt going home
to dress for the ball. You can guess the
pace sho was keeping. Slio bought noth
in j but a little violet powder to whiten
the great dark circles under her eyes.
Nest season she was a regular customer
for rose leaf wafers of one kind and an
other to rub a little bloom on her cheeks.
After that it was paint, and now look nt
her. Sometimes her face breaks out in
blotches and she has terrible work to
cure them." Eliza Putnam Heaton.
Hnlned by the Mask Hats.
Every old East Indian officer knows
that when a musk rat runs over the bot
tles in your cellar you might as well
throw the contents away. They will
nave the smell and the taste of-tlio musk,
and nothing that you can do will cure it.
I know it is a story that you won't be
lieve, because you haven't seen it your
self, but you can cork a bottle of alo,
say, as securely as yoa like, seal it and
put it away, and if tho rats get a chance
to play alwut it you will find it wholly
undriiikablo. I don't know how the
smell gets into the liquor, but thoro it is.
I Lave seen bottles washed and scrubbed
and rubbed with sand, then opened and
found to be ruined. There is no animal
that the old Bchool Indian will kill with
such a thorough consciousness of doing a
good work as the rat. Chicago News.
A lady dressed in deep mourning and hav
ing a look ot Bostonian refinement and re
serve, got on a Chicago train bound for Den
ver one day lost week. Away out in Kansas,
near Dead wood creek, there boarded the
train a native of the soil in the shape of a
woman in a green delaine dress, a blue and
red shawl and a yellow nubia. She dropped
easily aud gracefully into the seat hi frout
of the lady iu black, turned round, stared
bard for a moment aud then said:
"Widderf "I I did you speak tomei"
asked the lady in surprise.
"Yes'in-widderf" "Yes."
"Thought so. Quite recent, eh!" "Yes."
"tt'hatailed himC "Consumption."
"Linger a good whiloi" "I 1 yes."
"Much ag'uyf" "Yes, indeed."
"Coughed a sight, heyl" "Oh, yes; but
"I know what'd cure hlra in less'n a month.
Never knowed it to fail, an' I've seed It tried
In cases where they'd been give up by five
doctors. Yes'ru. But it ain't no use talk in'
'bout that now. Any children I"
"Yes, three."
"His folks got 'emr
"No; but really, I"
"Two boys an' a girl, or two girls an' a
"Two girls.1
"Ohl D'd you get your thirds out an'
"Really, madam, I"
"Or did he leave a will!"
"Excuse mo, but"
"The law gives a woman her thirds, but
tain't often she gits 'cm out V out I think
she'd ort to have half, don't youi"
"I I really, I don't know."
"Well, I do. Was you made gardeen of
the children f
"No-that is"
"Well, I bet Td be gardeen of my own
young uns if my man was to die. These gar
deens git the prop'ty half the time. Did he
have money in bankf"
"I beg your pardon, but"
"You ort to made him put it in your name.
It makes it lots easier when the man dies to
settle things up. Ilis kin try to break the
"Excuse me"
"A man cay n't die nowadays thout a pack
o bis folks try iu' to break the will, no matter
bow many wives and children be has. You
goin' to wear crape all the time or only a
"Pardon me, but"
"It's beoomiu' to you, but kinder expensive
for common wear. But dear me. you aint
more'n 30 or 37, are youl"
No reply.
"I don't know how you feel tout second
marriages, but I"
"Oh, madam, please"
"You'll marry agin, now Til bet you da
On, I know how you feel now. M7 sister
Cindy felt and talked jist so, an' she married
gin In six months, an' done well, too. I d
wait a year, if I was you. It looks better,
hows respect and all that; but if I was
young as you an' bad ouly three children
But the lady In black bad fled to the next
car, and ber consoler turned to the man on
her right and said:
"Talk 'bout her not marryin agin! I've
an idee she's goin' west a-purpose to see if
lhe kin do well there, and I dont blame her
Detroit Free Press.
The Baaor far ttnslnes.
The Cincinnati Enquirer compiles sta
tistic to prove that the razor is a surer
and better weapon for attack and defense
than the much vaunted bowie knife, and
it adds that the man wbo displays one is
generally mor feared than the one wbo
bandies six shooter.
A roll of butter was recently found in a
well on Long Ldand. Probably the landlady
wbo owned it forgot to lock it up the night
before it ran away.-New York Morning
roMlhllltle. of Irrigation In th. .
WMt-Opeuln the Auclet c?J?
Though it has long been kn
the tribes of alm-igines w10 once?
In the states and territories of i)Jr
west had a system of agricultUrr'!'tk
permitted them to suUi.i in L
considerable size, we have not 7'
until recently the extent of thT
sources and the ability they digJ!
engineers. The Henieiiway exDMi
bus examined ancient limn of caiui
southwestern Arizona in the rfn
the Gila and lu chief tribuK
feuiodu, rivers which Hjur their . .
flnuUy into-the Gulf of Califl''
their northerly neighbor. tne oPJf
Between tho Suludo und the GiCZ
thore is now only a growth at 7
plants as endure a torrid ri,Z
without rain for the greater nutv
the year, the ancient people hadtl
towns and cities. Some or the wtarCS
houses were severul hundred feet mi
and three or four stories high. One
was traced for three or four miles
contained between forty aui aft.;
these lurge structures, which were jL?
ularly pluced after tho fashion 0f foZ
towns. Each large house is itippoiJh.
Mr. dishing, the ethnologist of the iJ7
who biu Illftlln tlm P11..I.I.. 7"
. iiiumug 1 lif.
long Btudy, to have ht ld the luembeivJ
one chin. The walls wereaometimdU
adobe bricks, and Bometiuies they
Each town has a st iiarato Inn. Zl
surrounded by a strong wa M M
form a yard. Hero Mr. Gushing loc!
the abode of the chief ruler or priest, tb
stores of the town and the citadel inoZ
of an attuck. It is estimated that tin
two valleys of tho Gila and Sulado cm
ported at one period no less than 200 oca
This could only have been swom.
pliahed by irrigation. It appears thai
tlie water from tho Salado wu m
across the flut land between it and n,
Gila for a distance of from fifteen
twenty miles. The new settle har,
already begun to use the ditches .
trived by the extinct population. Tbs
canals were dug in terrace outline, filled
with brush and then burned out in order
to solidify the bottom and sides. "Mr,
Cusliing," says The American Natuni
ist, "is of tho opinion that tlieyaied
rafts made of reeds for navigating fa
canals, and this seems more probable
from tho heavy muteriuls that hare been
brought from a distanco. It seemi cer
tain that they floated the pine timber
used in their building operations down
the Salt and Gila rivers from the dUtani
mountains. "
These people burned their dead u 1
general rule, collecting the ushes into u
urn, which was commonly broken, in
sign of death; but the expeditiop found
so many skeletons buried within the
larger buildings mentioned, just beneath
the floor, that it appears to have been
the custom to bury chiefs and priests.
A food vessel and highly decorated water
jar were buried with tho corpse, and
sometimes arrow and sjiear heads. In
one grave a large stone knife and tur
quois ornaments were found. Tools and
weapons are generally of stone, and then
are a few copjier ornaments, shell earr
ings, inlaid with turquois, and other
decorations common to seuii-savajp
tribes. The pottery is of many colon
and carries a fine glaze. They bad
smelting furnaces in the mountains, and
appear to have stood upon much the
same plane of cultivation as those Zona
to whom Mr. Curbing is guide, philoso
pher and friend.
The opening up of these old canals a
the first step to cause the deserta now
covered with mesquite to support a fair
population. With modern appliances it
is not impossible that tlie Colorado, rush
ing along the bottom of an enormout
cleft in the earth, down which Maj.
Powell made his venturesome trip jean
ago, should spread its fertilizing waton
over portions of the Yuma and Moliate
deserts instead of losing them in the salt
waves of the Gulf. The climate ia ad
verse to irrigation in some respects, be
cause the more you separate the stream
and rills the more you expose the water
body to surface eraporntion. bi land
like Arizona and New Mexico the Persian
system of underground streams, broken
at intervals by wells, ought to b
tried. A system of covered canals
would be the best in a climate like
that of New Mexico, for the evapora
tion upward would be at a minimum.
Whether this country will ever be re
claimed to do tho work it can under a
thorough system of irrigation is a qu
tion. Perhaps it were best left to indi
vidual or municipal, to corporate or
state enterprise. National scliemei
the kind areoo prolific of jobbery and
corruption. It is u matter, however,
that will repay the study of those bavinj
large amounts to invest for slow but sure
returns, dependent for success on tin
financial prudence and sound engineer
ing which have caused Holland to he
come the richest country of its size in Us
world. Npw York Timeo
Military Itallooiis lis t'se.
The actual practice of military W
looning is now being carried on J
Italian forces in tho Soudan to a cons
erablo extent, and this question of
tabling tho gas for the balloons "
caused not a little trouble. Thohydn
gen required has been manufactured
Naples and taken to the seat of war
steel tubes, each of which is about
inches in diameter by 4 feet 7 1-2
long, tho walls being about 5 c''
thick. Tlie hydrogen is produced by lo
tion on iron turnings with dilute suipr
rio acid, and is pumped into these tuns
at a pressure of 1,910 pounds per "T
inch. Forty of the tuU aro netuW
Inflating a single balloon. -New Ori
Picayune. "
rofTHi: cure, or
inactive: liver.
n row salc sir -',, roe
1 tw- irvu -r Vwsjt--sr-. ssi-isr- mWifaT!