jfYAN I) COUNTY ZnKK OCTOBER '21, 1890 Hi1"" . ttVuin;,""1 displ''h ' 0ul- G'vwt ns returns lor Oregon. A handsome i shown in most instauu.. ft .it: . .. ... .1.... n i..i.. 1 ii.. r t. ...cui'iis Bureau cumicm iue i ti iu o( returns l'r tie first ciUlrict of ' , This ciuil-to8 Ibo work on the '"Cioo of lUnt state. The population, i JJW ' ... olainisit. U 311.410. Iu lSMJ it ' i-i THS showing s gain during tbe ceu,is i'1.11 i.r7i: .r 78 H Her e-rlit. Toe l .i-fii.Q of counties announced Unlay ih: )r' 1W0. 1IHTCII e. , V,l '1 . ft.lf.l S.Mlii . lads . 11,7ii . -I.MI . 1.'i.irtl . 111. IN . J,":, , '2.NHK , 11.H71 lU.lKIS 7.i.tia7 , 'ii,-!! !,;. :i,ir.i 4 ill.' Mil J.I'.'.' :i..ii 'J, ivi ."Ml ;l. 'lit l.ir, .,,i'.i ;,:i,i.,i 7,7s aai,Vi! lui.iin ThiiimHi ibpihw i iur di ,i ri't Tbe bureau announces the Jl.tion and gain of cities follow.: u .. I ,.. 'Oil llil A it. Vl'1'11 ' ... V. . .7. . . .. . ..S,'.t K 'JH 47, ".M M 717 S::::::.:::'.:::::::::iS;ia ?5 Vii'in "V - ..... a ... ,i. Ibe following a e " "A " ddJ dUliict. hh fomikbed by Superiulen- jrul Btrauge, wuicu aio "i""" y' Lrt of comparison. Corrected Inures and ncres-ie biivo uot been received froin tbe . I........ I, sii.1 I Crook ...ll.KM M,illieiir ... I'1'"" . . !l,.l I . i;,n) KlHimitli..'. J IJJ ..i, mm .1..W) , .. nin-i limn . . 1 -ti I 11 .lUV Uillouii -Tf : 7,,a , I null i.-n.u lI'MII-m jvru ,u. imv . - isiuoiit iutmces ia round numoHrB, and U fr'tires aroppeu umi wiucu win jukt) iii I"8 Hiparfnt differeuce in tbe totnl po,uluii.in of tbe Btato. The liigr Steel Bi iilgc. i.a1 liriilirA nninqii tliA rotnniliiu IUv ;,ir,i n" rinrat Vuimouvi-r will bo a tnuiunioib con rttu, miVH lb" Colunibiiin. It will be CHOI) . . I ... tUa WiialllllL'Iflll to til A ()rf"'lll IPrl II"'U "..-.---r. - - --n ,horp; it be doubl-trackl, with a rond w iy on top fur ti-HUia, nnd will be erected no pin imi itio piera. Tbe pivotal pier, or iijw piir, will auppoit a draw wbieb will ...,i i,, a nl '21)0 fe Himi'B nil eilbpr give u i...-....'6 , I . ,i!e or vi'ssult to pan, wid tbu sputi liunie ilnlcly miiilb of tbe draw Fpau will lis U75 Irtl. 'Whole Klruclure to be of aleel, built Itn !,et iibove tbe bih water of 1W0, and lotiv it-t t above low water. On account of ibo kiimly formation it wili be neoessory to ... .i....... uihti, ft.t hiilnw low watr tu uet a WlWUf(,u'J " . J 1 Srm laudation. Tbt-re it renta on a founda tion of coarse gravel Himiiar to mat upon l:.i. iI.u -q, liri.lirPM ufrt3 the MikRntiri WUILU lUf h'1"" (-" - - rivr aie built. Tbia giRiintic structure will tost over 51,000,01)0, uud employ hundreds ol men in its election It will be Janniry 1, 1W2, before tba c.ira can pnm over It. 1 be ....a inuliitio tlmir hriib-e aiiiI alno thsir road as fust as uien mid uinney and ikoi.n.nt i.uifBi'lH.l tiluua will nermit. IUC11 j.l n. u, ...- They buve now between Pcirtlaud ami KiUma over 'iOOO men aim louu teams at woik. Millinery and Dressmaking. ;.... Rrmiil iv .tr Slnff.ir.l wish to and nounee lo tbe ludie- o! EtlReue aud vicinity that tbey have opened a fulllineof uiillineiy jomlsof ibe latent styles and nt reiisonnble prices. We an alo ptepured to do dress nukiiiR in tbe moat satisfactory wanner Our cutter and fitter. Miss Ella Kay Fogle i.i. nr nl.:.. kaalm anvArnl veftrs exoeri- HIDVI WUIUI u" '. .. v.-.. - j , euce in tbe leading cities of tbat state, aud come! uigbly recommenacu. At Cost to Close Out. 8. Warsbauer is desirous of closing out hit brines here. He will make up his Un. ...InUn tnnr ul milt friecflsb. Kf- member tbe place, up-stairs in Ih Matlock DUiming. uive uiui a can aim ci" lock. Dressmaking. Mrs. E. Cbristiun has opened dieR-uuk-iug parlors iu rooms 1 aud 'A iu Duun a block, where she will be pleaded to see old mi new customers. Dressmaking and cut ting doue in tbe lutest etjlia. Wood Sawlnff. Mr. Win. nom is prepan d to snw wood with his machine. Leave orders at J. I). Matlock's store, and Mr. lloru will com mence work the Mondays of each week. n..u.,,, T.iiirnnll and Mr'i. ii.i.n.iiiniiiii. .11 ma . . ..i 1'aonv Wbiteuker bavo taken rooms iu qg lock's buildiuR, where tbey will do cmi nuking in nil the latest styles. CutUug aud titling a specially. Un.,.v......i nnlil.miih has te- .mi -c will & i.if i n - f. - eeived auotber car load of Ibe eelebraled Meilfoid flour. He will keep this excelli ut lirimd of Hour in stock at all times htieatter. tt-.v. L., .fio ti.iv between "..II BIS. UVICUIJ'II'V .?' Ielveiin.i eighteen years of age to buy clothing of Iiunsou & Hon. I.ucal Ma.' ; f. -Hop-, 3 5c; l' i net; o:iU, 40V4"i; va. '" ,: ,,: ;'; lucon -liiinm, IJfaJj 1; ,ile-, 1 , a!'Oi."il , l"i litatiM , i.O. ' . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. XOTU K i-Iie,v'iy niveTilli-.it the iiul-rleii(l nns ;h Hj.iMiiiuiil by the enmity court ol f e , it.. Hili.iioinrKii r f tin- et.ne f 1 "'jnioml. il,,H:i.vd . All toii. Iiiiviiir''laii.i mining sui1 eniHle lire lieruliv uotilie"! lo 1'" them iviili the iroer -..mi-lieis ,, m"iiths from the date of tli!' M'tiee t" h- ' 1 "" ' mini hi hi- farm l.i L ine cmin. uremiii. er to . t'W.Kl.',M'kathtson'C.)iii Kutreiie, lr.'- Iiaiit i let. L'l'h, I Sim. , E. 1'. CUl.EMAN, Ailinniitiat'T. A. C. Wihiix oi k, Atuiiiiey. NOTICE. t'. S. Land Office. Rosehm-r. Or ho i. ( Oei. Jl, 1'. . Comi.Uint having lieen enteriH: l thi- """ -'."J A I). Holland aitninut ('.' WH, lor h'vmk' ' '," ni hi.mi"!trau entr-, No. W7.J. daf-i Ma" " - '"'"V iipou the Houthwent oiierie' "1 ' Ton.l,i it, rt, Ranp 1 E. in Une "."'" Vi . oii. iiU a view to the c.iiice!luoii of try: Hie said partlen are hi-rei.y siimnionHl w ni f' ai the ottiee. of Joel War,', notary t'bli " 'Teiion.at Kuirene, line conniy, origin, on ' 'th day of Heceinher, 10, at l' oeU .. l" n-nma Blld fniih ifitiinony eoie;" id alieii,-d aln.lonment. Hearln will he '' i'ii Mid temiinoiiT so taLen at tin- "" Tau.nday, lieceiuherlf.lK'i. ,, : ' JOHN II. HHVTK. Kj-bs-1 -r. A. M. CBAWHiUUKeielli-r. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. V. S. Land OrriTiT Rivehunr. '"'!""' (, tohrr 1". Iv '' ' . Noih-o In herehv dlTen thM in .i.miliil' " u hi- mivf-iom ol'the act of eniisre. "', J"" r' ' ".eiilitied "An Act for the -ale f lna in the HttH of California. in-eon, ' 'ii in the Hiate of California, "n-n",. ; id WuhiiiKum Terriiory." benjiimin " , of Kuuene. onii.y ,.1 Une. Stale "n.l.ihid., fled lii lhi oliee hi" " ' ' I fnifiit .i for the nr.roi-- u, .how tiiel.ud MHintit i "";?, "i !'ie for it. n,nl,r r ii,e thsn f-r Kr-' , f"'r;sr-. and tnniahli'h hi claim to ' "ir.s, ,nrt toe.ialili'h hm riaim " , ior. tne Kegi.tcr aud Kn-eiver f V'-' "e , Km lMirv. ovou, ou Tuesday, th,- "'" ! II- name. wltne: W illiam Hstter-.. ; (iuuock, i-T urejfon I 11. , mi .-.... "-ou. A Irrwl I'UIt, W.liiam J. "" Lain- einjiiiT. On-'oti. . .i,. Any and ail b.-r.u c-limlti Lir th"'e d-cril,ri.nd- are re.jur.i-d t " eiin. ui thia on or lirlore " l-"D " ' January.,,.,. J))IIN. fc,llE, R,..er. , ji-ksul-H , LaW . ' i iiia . i ,lu-- ,..'' nfl i 'hiiijW :k ' ' ;,.pliiiie ,u Mill A , .illSiS'S's 1, Villus!"11 IIUW" . ..jlMKiIllrt" Ulrica Krevlttt'tt. JIOMOWAV.-W,"" a''"f.ll.tAM,Ml.,..i-. C..KK, Uwti.i HendersoD. dentist. ore Oe.ton'in4hrneM. ' Albany flar. u , ,hl) CuipetaatBuy i Ueu.Kr-uu'a. Harnewand ails oil at I'r.Om s. An ea,H,M 11U0UIlt of whii( 1Vjt m. I'rcton'i Harnnui It the best Cull on Caswell for Biiiewalk lumber. lliaChi'l n. ut llhi.iehart'. hoi .11 I liest Iui1k It is Valto,7 U '"n "" Kn''"ir "f Ask you, yrCl.r fot jlUh.tjon fl m excellent. Abea.ililul rlecorale.1 teapot for Hoc at uoldrnitib i. "Tl-e f'hiliana" nuc the he. '. specbUy fhow P.,nt mis tha best shows of the i-un. Oiven by "The I'hiliaim." Forest ,fc McFarland are shaeing horses newfor$I.Jj e.ich c.wh. Day A- Henderson mil furniture of all kinds cheaper tbau ever. Work is prnress,n3 rapidly on ilia Con gregatiouul church buildiuR.' An excellent line of Pivll. Perfume at the ciiy Ilriiu Store. Try them. Hot and cold bnths every day in tbe week at Jerry Horn's barber shop. Treston wants you to come and see his saddles and heavy team harness. W. nolloway. the Ij-adinp jeweler and muaic honse south of Portland. Bring yonr old scrap cast iron to the Eu gene Iron Foundry where you can dispo-e of it. Fur fine suits made to oide ud ready made clothing, go lo Hanson & Son, I lie l lull ns only chiirM ID anl "0 cent1, wi h 11) cenN CM,- fur ir.-erved se-ti. Go and see the most beautiful Aquarian Art Ware just arrived at Goldsmith's. C. Marx, Burlier Shop and Bath Rooms. First door north of Dunn's new block. Mr Geo F Craw has the sole aireucy for all brand of the celebrated Taniiil Punch Cigars Before storing or selling yonr oats see A V. Peters. Clean Chevalier barley wanted. E. C. Lake, marble cutter and dealer in monuments, shop on Eighth street, Eugene. Ladies n jibing full wraps would do well to call aud euuiiue stock on exhibition at A. V. Peters.' Jus i" lived feonj Ibe East, the lovely Qoeeus Frosted Wire, the very latest de signs nt Goldsmith's. The Eighth street butcher shop has moved into the building reccutly vacated by Klemm'c hurnees sin p. Wi Ya.'i T-l C 'nKa Cat 6 '.'"3nte to; -les. . o. W I file 'iv L ed of en h c'l'o'il. So'd by ''. diuiMiHt. M'djdev & Pi" (er I see tl bret tirade of dud i ami wiudnw in Knjeue. FucUiry one b'l'.'k est of the. E,ine Hon inj irr! , ..r .i.i ... r.. iuij'iou ui ui.i xilaoi iiuai.'in lur iu gene tlour, a home prcduciiou; best iu.tbe market at 1 1.00 per seek. The Portland Imposition closes this even ing. It has has not been attended by peo ple from this vicinity as heretofore. It is reKrted that Warren le!am', recently in i'ie druu' business at Yaoiiina City, will pur cha e rn interei-t in Unburn s dius store. Wednesday was a proline dav for nuirri.mes ..t t i f .1.. oi ijirue CiUlltV ivi'iur, d,a v"i,ni-a in i.iiciii jn'ning their hearts and hands on that day. The Merrill-Abt-Abbott combination gave a fair performance to small houses at Ilhine hart's theatre Friday and Suturday evenings of last week. The plato glass windows of Frazier k. Hylnnd's real eslalo office have been taste fully lettered. Attorney Gallagher and Leo Gerhard also lettered their respective win dows Ibis week. Dr. G. W. Fiddle may be found at his residence on Olive street, between Fifth and Sixth si reels one block west of the Minne- soi.illolel. He is prepared to do all dent al v.o k in tbe best manner. Gulden Af.e Tol ".ng Disc Ha: vows, with or witliont teei'ler attachment, they sis the best ....I at . ntlnA tlmt nil ('.111 afford OUC. Ulnii,, nm, 11 . i'...v .-. - - - . at h. uwjie s'.ore oppotite Baker's Hotel. 1 r 1 r.i...iiiL-,ia i , J, 1.BJ1.UUI.1HI. As several ajipl1- i-t'uns for less than an acre huve been made, 'he Fainnonnt Co. has di vided up several blocks into Ks Wi 4 jxliiO. 'I hwo lots all face an t0 ft. avenue and have 'iO ft. 'alleys. N other additma offers such bro..d streets and wide alleys. Tbe Baptists of Oregon have held a meet , ..j.i..ijji t7.-inmi for the ,ng anu uri-iui-n " - - founding of a Baptist college at Portland. , . I. .!. Vlinna, Ralllist Fllllcatjonal anil IU ana iui- n-i. society to give them fio.OUO more, comli- .1 ... .L.i....:..;nn ,Iia RnI amount. tionaliy on ineir im'i'H Tne Willmiet e i't Salem regi eighteen mcli's tboie low water murk, asyi the States nif ii. end a few more rjius will brirj the wa'er i a: .. lNit flitft rial (wa p to u e. y oo-ni.x sx". orlioee ilwllnw pl.o es boats could be running j When the eon opens re:;u- llv it will be a lively one. here ere tons ., ton- of frei-.ht "f a!l kinds . ;n? the river wsitin M U moved. snl when 'he fioMs start wi It thi ir .ow frei ,!it wta there wi'l be a rush. . Junction PiL.I: The f.r.y across the Willamette between here and Cobrtrg has been din-on tinned for some time on account of Ibe feniAge not being (Ullkient to sup port the ferryms... Thi-is to be resetted is people on both sides of the river have bu ll a feirv at their own expense ami now l ev derive no ben. fit from ,t. At one of he 'last sessions of the legislature a bill as passed ordering the coramiss.onem to make appropriations for maintain.np ernes when Ib7y are not self-supporting Why not see to it thst this ferry is kept m ope.nt.on. I lookii.u .or a home v-ur li. t consider, -. I U "liea1lhloh-.es of hr l.en. Yo'iiW i.. ,?t district where iin lina- br-d- .n-d. na nd other e i r.i-1 l.e.e vour doc'o, Ml- will e.t ' '-I 1. ..,n in s If vnn wint a healthy eld a town, wh-.tr. the .it,.r-l slop- f ,'he' uli iK-mii's no ..i-ndi-tr water, wl.er ,n have a hue v'ew of Hi. town and mir- f , i, , e villa in Fairm .unt. It will in-t , v , anv u're then n fi-liusry M n. o.Vnrti.Ua.,! .I- f"1" that will F'ipp.'1-t "" , , I rcs.b-..-i;l'!-""l ':": On-of '-.r Iocs' i I in.Ri-n lb it one reads alnnt "r bil Cw 'r. U him. and he ;:;:moi,,,ere.,diu.a,ch,,ifh-.:c,n- Hther forvot to nst li of a-hanedtod. " ' nrlil akd'eJ an angler. At - r sportem.ncaUcht o - sr,smsn. h.i.eve Miln.on. Mi o oLl, ,ule. It-fVu''tSnArrow The Albany Herald re - ' Plea'ent Home, near Sandv. on hat-w-:' ! n h in-t while arranging -on" , ";".-.ff' . .... hi- -ell. SO. b' .,l i. ii llh i or M feet oi : i'l .C.rne...0.ne...er " Z diver, do. came np to lb- .ortare lb" T", l -. t E-gle creek, happened I M. oi'l-b'; ':V.v balf an b.ir N. , , ' J' ei, rope ahakii.g violent; ,,. ,nd -";'; .;' U trepidation lb ,d appr. ached , , ,,. Moore. x of lb.. rf8' Opoo . WB. L,-,k.-. .. , On.urt.lbo,i,b o( ,3e rurhmgiHAt Mr. r1 car. to .... Mr. Moor. M.v. be ' K tuUr, thoth Fi I. Weather. I Circuit Court Monday. Prestou's Whips art fijie. Job work at thi Gctao oiUco. The Priu. of th Val'ey-Fairmnunt. The I'hilcn- d. i.i.;l.t t.v to mo-row nldiU l!ferved e: for The C'nC'ent aie sold at the hall. Lap Bailies and Duste.s iu all shades at PleSton'i. Seletle Plush Jackets only 10 dollars at A. V. P.teis.' Canned Yoik ct. j, 0 t-cut per can at Goldsmith's. Blank deeds aud inoit.es for sale at tbe Glabd oftice. For correct time aud the bt wo k go to Holloway's, Dav A- Henderson'! (or Furniture, Carpets and Bedding. Oil Cloth, Carpets and Shades at Day & Henderson's. Subscribe for the Gi'Alil) to Mad diu'ng ibe winter night. Goldsmith pays the highest cash price foi country produce. Screen doors and windows for sale by Midgly & Parker. A et of decorated plates, piuk or brown, for'iooat Goldsmith's. See Preston's addles. No trouble for Pies ton to show his goods. For a good houest watch that will keep lime go to Holloway's. Seal rius-h Jackets reduced from H to 10 dollars at Be.tmau's. Forest Citv Dongola shoes only $1 00 a pair at A. V. Feters.' Polu.. Townend has accepted a clerkship in SI. dden'a Tnx-ery ..lore. A new line of handsome glass casters just received at Goldsmith's. All kinds of mill saws and files for sale al Richard Mount's saw shop. Romeuibcr the $1 .VI Donco'a shoe, good value for $2, at A. V. Peters'. Go to Forrest McFarland and -t your horse shod new for f 1.23 cash. Call and see the splendid organs ji'st re ceived at Holloway's jewelry bin a. Its a f.,0, 1 You can save money, if you only will, by trail'ng at the City Drug Store. Remember that Hanson & 3on li've the best selected stock of clothing u lowii. Dry seasoned wood for sale et all times by S. Meriau, corner of Siith and Oak streets. A large assortment of wall paper P'st re ceived at the Eugene Book Sioie. Cad and see it. The?3.00 W. T IV.5t . i-e-'r bv A. Hunt. Unequalled lor i' '"bHi aud e.u-e'-lence. Read 0. E. Krans :e's ad. in another cdur.n. He is making a reduction le in boot and shoes. All wool 40 inch Hen iella cl-dh in all nw shades at C3c a yard. Bettui.in'a is tbe place . E. V. Coleman 1 as been app .iafed admin's tratorof the estate of Thomas Diamond, de ceased. Salem Steam Lanudry is less tbau a year old, employs 22 people." See samples at II. H, Stone's. W. Ilolknnv is by common consent the leading jeweler and best watch maker south of Portland- If yon want to save money you must buy yonr'dru-s at the City Drug Store, opp-siite the Guard ollice. Yon can buy goods ohesner at Goldsmith's thun sny place in town. He pays no store rent nor clerk hire. Races to-day on the truck In Stewart's field. T ke the sidewalk west on Ei;,'h'.ll stieet to re-ch the race track. The agreement between the ra-rchanta 'd close at 8 o'clock, aflo: wards 7, hsa been b rogaled and they will now run oa their on time. It mat'e's not who wilt?' your precr!ptlis fo. you, they can le accurately and promptlv tilled et the City Drug S'nre, and you will have Mime money left. The job department of the Ghabd office turned out a large amouut of mercantile and othei printing this week. See siimolep of the Salem Steam Laundry work at II. H. Stone's. Work sont every Tuesday returned for Saturday. Com and examine Forrest & McFa-lnnd's "stocks" for shoeing wild horses. Shop 8'h street.west of Lane's paint shop. Rev. C. F Clnpp will presch Bt the Con gregational Hall next Sunday mmnirj and evening. All are cordially invited. T.est liue of plush And hbt wei;;ht cloth wrapi from 10 lo 33 dollRfs snnlh of Port land, now on ehibitiou at A. V. Pelf s.' Tbe finest laundry work between Port land and San Francisco done by Ibe 8sbm Steam Laundry; samples at II. H. 6loue's. Dysinger nas received a consignment of ten tons of assorted glass, and is ready to fill all orders for glass and gash with dis patch The scaffolding in frout of the Conser and Horn buildings was removed Wednesday, and Willamette street is again clear of ob stiuctions. When yon waut to make your fliends a handsome present at reasonable prices get some nf that lovely Wedding Art Glassw.i'e at Goldsmith'. For musical goods of e'l lends end the best qualitv ro to Holloway's. AH the tunsiciaus in the city recommeud lila us the best place lo buy. The bio k of brick bnildhiis from Eighth St. nor'h to ibe alley alsmt completed are of ,..1 tidid d--i;:n end, or tiieir i; e, would be a c ilit '.o any ciiy. Don't yon want a nice lot in M- i's Ad rl 'ion near the new Public S hi.o'. f 00 yi Jt-'iH), with fruit tiees. App f t M, M- 'erorG. W. Mart:n. Oliver's new steel and old rel.able chilled plows, sulky, fcing end walking sod ut ,e duce.l p-ices. F. L. CBtvcttn. V. Hollownv has just seco'ed the agency for Ciis distiict fur the celebr led musie house of 1-von & H-aty. f Chicago, and can offer the best bargains in organs on the coast. Remember Hint we will send tbe Gcabd lr one year with a W-bst.-r's Dictionary in (-O...I binding f -r 3 50. A gr.at many have already taken advantage of this offer. Call and etaniine ihe dictionary. Rev. H. K. Hines, D. D-, of Hie Wi'llum ett I'nivcr-iiy, formerly editor of tin Pasific Christisn AdviKaite soil one of the firsti astors of the Me- .i.slUt church of this citv. will occu ,y the pulpit of th. M. E. Church next Suu ile y. Octoiwr 2i. Vhe l.oiliiul M-.Iet Iraves of 'h. viu. rople. the dark sre-n .if the firs snd p'rw, th. yellow of the oak and aldec" and ;h. moss cr Kied hill ido dotted with the varieiate.1 leaves ol the wild .trawberry aud other trail ing plan' m 'ke Feirmount a picture that an h.ver of -, he beuliinl will fail to see. AdmU ii. m free. C. P. Huni.ii ; u, th. reit r.ilw.y mtg nat., id ilut fcuriie "d SpnniUeld would e,ei.tullv be one town. th. 8.ri.meritii of Ore o. In thst .3 -e, what, a valcable plsc. h.irini.uiit. ju t "t of :he Unlvenity and In-tweei the two, will !! Th. cboilboy who iu r i.ly to Ih. te- cher's qnestii. "What is .he .riDciurl plaoa in (rifoiir anawsred Frinnouut," w not far frm Hght That W will malt, his mark, nnle-a b. leans to tit. . Oresonian, ct 22: Tbe 123 box ears Dd fit"ui ponbaaesl lor Ibe Oregonian B. B. iu aoiicipaiiou of th.cbaugeof track from narrow to standard gaoge, are now arriving from lb. East. As tbe tra k of tbe Oregon inn road b not vet Wo changed th. cri aatbyairive mill be nrnt over to lb. fwutbern Pscific, and will b ad by that e.m..au nil lb. Oregonian ia ready fot thrui this will I? good thing for lb. boo I hem Paiirtr, u lbv. Ilk. all other MMil.. era at lbi aeaaoo. abort of cars, and tbey "id be bk'ly to have tb v of tbes cars for a monlb. M it will U abont that lotg befot th. (juag i changed on the Ortv goniaa road. Th. C.'lurK aahsiu has autiMuded. Senator John 11. Mitchell baa arrived In Portland. The late rsiua have r! -d the riwr about fi inches at En;,eue. ll.ijia are now worth In Ku;eue fiaiu to 371 cents per pound. Junction t'iiv will hold her city eltction Monday, November 3. The days are warm and pleaaiut and the grass is mowing ,apiiily. A new b'icksiui ll .Moo has l.eeu i.;iencd ua theio nerof IV. rl.ud N.u-'i e s Hunt.' resrt Kame exreptinnilly acarce, except the far f.nue.1 Japanese pheasenta. Th. Emrene aa mill now conituem-ea work at OA) o'chvk in the morning and ipiitsat Sasl in th. .veniug. A ieil.'r c- e wi'h a glass front has been bung ou the oiith wall of the pos'nrtii-, in which all misdirected le'l.rs and Hum h.'d for postage are displayed. Rer. V. D. Humphrey, fnnui rlv pastor of the Chiisti.in cbnrcli iu Eugeue, lost nearly all his possessions by a fire at B cntwood, I'll., lust mouth. Accordiui! lo the census returns 73 cities, each of which contain over 73,(hx) niliiihi ttiuta, have 10! J per cent, of the entire pop ulation of the I lilted States. Elder F. K. Joiie.t ami N. B. Alley, of En-g.-iie, will conimeiiis) a aeries of meetings at the Junction C. P. Church Saturday evening, Oct Friends of the cause and aP others fe cordilly invited .o at ten I. 1 he ladies of Ibe C P. Chnr-h ill give a supper Fiiil -y evenin;r, Oct. 21, luim 0 t' I'. p. i'i., 1,1 lli Cuiulierlsnd lvesbyte ieu Cbnn b, . .'ii-i Mb sud Pe.nl al reels, Sii. pel aeir d ia.- -. i cenls. Eieiyb-aly iovl e.l. Salem Statesman: Paul Olwrheliii is quite j li ..' Ins home in thia city. At hmt tt was tl.cn -ht his alTection was paralysis, but later developments would indicate it to I rheuma tism or I he .ettlinif of a severe cold in It's left side. He was improving ye-'enlay. Real Kstattr '1 i-otisfei n. r.roFNft. J W Piirccll to T W Harris, b.ts 7 and 8, block 0. Modioli's addition: l,"itKI. I'ii.s'ir 11. Kiiiscy to E. O. Pn-ter, lo. 8, 'o'o . li, MiiMicau's sod- ion: d.'OOd. J Wand Mt Di-vis to Joint LGaiiiner, lot (! ond fiactioval lot 7, block 3, Cheaher's addition; t0u. jPNi'nnn. Eli.a an I X Gibuore lo S P Giluioio, lot; 3W). I' M Nii:v. State of Oregou to Thoiiins Yijtoa, 3J0 acres; $1011. M II RicbaidKou Iu L L Petkius, I'-hl of wav for wat.-r; Vi. Sarah M Meek to O P Hoff, I!, acres; f.W3. I, W Brown to Peter Runey, 100 acres! i3:;u0. D J Cover to Wm Goodman, KO acres; $1,00, Geo M Miller lo Daniel Summers, 18.30 seres; $1300. Calvin Jones to Wm Wiles, 20 acres; JC30. C J Hills lo 0 J Ovaiiiil, laud; 13. W J Powell to David F Powell, 120 acres; !800. United Stutej to Marion Scott, 322.27 a' ies; patent. (It.KNAliA. Geo II and II II Biiiictt to Geo T Houghton, lots 1, 5 uud (i, block 11; 91300. Florence Soles. The West, Oct. 17. Twenty-one families airived recently. A new river boat is to be built by llurd & Phillips. Over twelve thousand salmon received at tbu cmin-ry this week. Trie , Mill 't Olenada is preparing a i.iia of U:uii.ci Icr the San Fianuiico mar kt. 'I l.i X!is.'h:if arrived at Florenoe Suturday last and I it on Monday, taking forty barrels of sr-.lt s'.buon from Jacobsmi & Berkraui'e warehouse, uud DuiKhed bur load with cases fnm the cutmi.ry of Moyer & Kyle. The engineer of the Mischief informed us tln.t when crossing ibe bar at Ihe mouth of the Siuslaw, tbe waves were running quite high, lie also stated that tbe depth of water is fully six feet deeper thuu ut any lime list year. A Substantial Increase. The ceusiis icturns of the uouutios and towns of Western Oregon show that Eugene and Lane c.onutv have taken a front rank in growth dining the lust decade. Lugeno liy the returns is given a popula tion ol 3,938. In 1H80 tbe population was 1 1 17, so tbe increase has been 2,811. The percentage ol increase of Ihe town is us follows: East Portland, 257; Eugene, 234; Portland, l(i'.; Astoria, 132; the Bulem precincts. 117. Among the counties Laue stands fourth in regard lo gains, showing an increase of 5,082. It will be oliservod that just one hull nf I ho rain of tbe couulr in HoDullltioo must be credited to Eugene. Where to Eny. In buying your ijoods for ibe fall and win ter you should no where a lull stock ia car ried in order that a choice be made, also to secure the best terms. The tore room of 8. II. Friendly is tilled with goods that he is offering to the public, at liberal pines. Ludies, who wish dress goods or household supbliee should examine Ihe stock, while the geutleuieu can bud everything needed in the way of clothing and furnishing goods. As you pass his store, notice the beautiful goods draped and displayed in the show windows. Adililioinil Cusei in Circuit Court. 87. E. SU wart vs Oily o( Eugene; appeal. 88 James Huddlesou va City of Eugene; appeal. ' A Runaway. A learn driven by a ruau by named Carpenter became Lightened at a wood siiwinij machine on Hinb slroet Fiiday afternoon of last week . Tbey dumped Car penter out al the lailroad crossing, then struck down the railiond track towards the d-p'it, switching olT through Andrew's Inmber yard near wheie Ibey were stopped. Carpenti r was badly shook up and for a liuie it waa thought was seriously iujured.but final ly was able lo go borne. For a wonder no domtige was done to Ihe wagon or team. Lao AMi'DitTKi). Samuel Holland, a lad of 14 years of rjn, hid bis right leg amputat ed near tbe body Monday, Dn. Paine snd McMurlry performing ibe operation. The boue of tbe lg was diseased to such nu ex tent I bat amputation whs deemed advisable. The doctois several week sgo performed an operation on Ibe limb, scraping and clean ing tbe diseased bone. The boy stood the coding very well sud il is thought will rap Idly recover. A RenotA!. asu Nf-w Bchmkhs. Geo. M. Miller will move his real estate office in to on. of the front room over Wilkin's drug store. The room vacated in the Monxi Temple will be occupied by A. W. Haskell as a feed store. Mr. Hisk'll will also use the buildit g first occupied by I. M Sloan as a stable. RrncclD Prica-SiPa'terson k Christian bar. a larg. stock of stationery, books, etc.. which tbey are offering at greatly reduced prices. Also SuO novels below tost. Their prm list of soma of ihe articles, on another page, will eoovioce yon. Call and sea them two doors south of OdJ Fellows Temple. L'otr Parson. The prisoners in th county jail have been ia an ogly mood for a couple of weeks, and from several incideuU, Sheriff Noland ia apprehensive of u at tempt to .ca. He now takes tltra pr eautiooa wbiW about Ibe jail, and locks tLem ap in lb. oells before dark. Must IVy Their Taes. Sum. time lines tbe California k Oregon Laud Co., owniug the Military load laud gnui, ind i tied Ih aulboiiura of 1-auo c.niiiy that ib.-y would pay no uioie in .i s ur less the aeaamul was' nropetly made. As.i-su.r B.iitou applieu to them lor a list of ihu lauds, but the company fai ed oi leldsed to give ihe saue. Deputy Couily Cieik Burr then weut to woik aud fiom the maps in ti e office made a complete list of the lands which lie alou the Middle t'o.k of the Wil lauK'ite i Mm Eiigcnti u i the stream si (,r as survey have been nnulo From this a com plete assessment will be made. Heretofore the company has paid about fioO ta-.es au uually, the land beiux assess. d at 33 ceula per acre. Al this comH.ny holds the laud I roll! ti to $10 Hr acre it will be assessed al (1.23 per acre. The clerk fl-'ds that the compauy owns 42,330 acres in Laue county. Itwasslso discovered that Ihe lands of the company had nut been assessed iu lb'J, aud Sbeiitf Nolend will make tbu assessmcut so that there will uot bo anv doubt aa lo the collection of the taxes. The deu-ripiious of the lands will fill alxmt forty page of the tax roll. The taxes of the company will now lie about f 1000 yearly. A I,urjre Translcr. On Tu unity there was lilnl for t ord In ihe county cleik'a orrlie in Eugene, a deed fi-om K J. Pen -ia snd l.e to The SpiiujtieM ' iveslment aod Power Co. Thproertv in the d.-cl incbid'a l.t lot iu the town of Springfield. A -not of land coii'.ilning 13.3 acres known r Hi. Wilniot I..' ,u A tract of laud oiuh of th. tawinill. A paitu.'tlie Reulien Harper douation land c' im, conteiuiug 11 acres. A psit of Jhe P ter Una' pr- einptloii, containinf 8 "8 rc.rs, and a small irre;:ular tract of land in S.-r'-i'leld. AUi the Siirinitfielil water siwer ' -.lal water ri-.-hts, and siwers snd MrivHeif ' p. t' ini' g thereto, snd nil dlvh.j, dams, 2. ! -a. cnils, ri;;ht of way, etc. The c 'usid-(- .tiop iam d In ti e deed ia tf'.'KI,, 30. I'arm fur S.i'e. A nnmle ou farm for tale. It nil it l ti. S 'JiliCC. An IuI'Iioveuknt Stoitxu. The road from the railioad to the Eugeue bridge has always been a bud one. The city reeeutly undertook to make it au exelleut road although part of it beluugs to the coun ty and had let a contract lo gravel It 3J feet wide, 12 inches deep in middlo and C inches ut Iho si'Vs. This would hav.t u.adn it fit lo stuud any nm iiint of travel and would have doi.n away with iiiudhcilea uud rough road. The gravel w -a being secured from the bar on the cast side of tho river ncur the bridge. Some purlieu who live ou the othor side of liie river ue-cume uecdie-ssiy iiigni eued iibcut the removal of the travel coiiiii ilig the bridge would be endangered ihereby, and threatened au iujuuciiou s iit. Tho city then quit wink uud will not proceed f u i tiler with the gruveling, as Ijj exlia oost of gravel irncurd tilaewuvre would amouut to a large sum on such a aubstuutiul imprnvemeutr Iti-tule hoped that the parlies who object will ullow the woik to proceed. It is for their iuleiest to have a good road. The rcmovi.'. of n loose sund bar will huve no effect on the uuricnt of the Willamette at that poiut. IOC Lots Sold tu Fibst Dav. The first day Ibo Frasier A Hylaud addition to Eu gene waa placed on the market tbey sold one hundred aud six lots. The leading busiuess men of the towu are investing quite ex tensively here and next spring there will be some lovely homes built on this beautiful slope overlooking the city and valley. Don't miss the opportunity to get oue of those beuutiful lots at $23, in the Friwdir Si Hy land addition before the ten days expire when tho price will be increased 20 per cent. M miosaiit Co.Ne'li: -. Th lludesvor Sooi e .,( (he liapii.t church hits prepsr d t! . fol lowing pi iiki amine, which wi'l U rendered uxt jJumliiy eveniitu, SepU 'Jiithi Aulheiu, ch.ii ; kc.iptiire reo.ll.ig ami iirayer. Prof, liai ev; nuisic; missionary tun!ilona, Y. P. M. O. E.j music: addfeu, "An Opn Disir," Cyrenius Marsh; solo, The Palms, Kate Dor-i-i. ; )!e. I re Jiu;', Emma Dorris; recitation, "Dctth of Gsndenlia," Mamie Marsh; music; c suv, "Ait Mission a Fai'ure," J. K. Bro iJUcii; duet, Kate aud Alice Dorris; ol'ectinn; doxolo'jy. a bi a - A Good Piiofit. Wm. Miller, of living precinct, disposed of his bops Tuesday, ob taining a little over 33 cents per pound for them. From 14 acres of ground he obtained about 20,000 pounds, which sold for over $9,000. G30 from an acre for a crop is not bad. Maruiauk Lickkmcs. Tbe following mar. riugti licenses bav been issued this week: A. H. Mathers and Mollis Gray; 0, A.Camp bell and Millie Coinegys; Geo. A. Lamlwer leu and A. M. Koaterinan; S. S. Spencer and llutlie B. Luckey; K. E. Cleaver aud Hullie B. Ferrel; J. V. Ohum and Nettio Busby. A.O. U. W. BKNtriciARiKs." Chss. Lau er, representing the A, O. U. W ba paid over to the beneficiaries of J. 0, Yates, do ceased, $2000. The snm was divided equal ly between his wife, bis ion, W. B. Yates, and his daughters, Mrs. Hnnig and Mrs. Conrad, The Workmen are prompt iu mak ing their payments. Euumie School Ukpoiic Pi incipul Will isms of tbe Eugene public schools reports an ii vers ue daily attendance for the month ending Out. 17, of 09;!; niiiiila-r belonging, oS; lucrcase dtliing the moiilh, liil; limn-b,-:-of pupils neither absent nor tuidy, 78, Ni.t Fiiim.- The stoi room fo: mer'v u )i! d ) Willi is' drug stole has been leased to iiicc A Howe, of lirowiisville, who will oien a ulo'.hinv and geut a fiirnihinH' irooil" store wi h t'. ) ii;;e a. y of the Salem wis. Itn mills, 'l!:o nsiiii ii now being puihle.l and reli 'cd. Si BAri o From Deeds, V mile west of Ei'seue about Sept. I ), a niaU pony, while lace and white hind ).-:;s. ten years old, branded figure 3 ou let t hip and shoulder. fc5 rewaid for tutor mat ion leading lo recov ery. Address Grant Belliuyer, laiuanon, Oi. Si,t;si.aw Ji'-rr. We it informe.1 hit 'h. i r. li. ilugiup'.'i . Polhemii and Kyle have Ihtii Pt Fl'S-enc., wher. ihsv le.tfwd naiws sntl oi. da r.,i-.!0K"meni 'or tiinlwr and stone for li e je'-y- Cur inionnaiit lat.-s '.bat ac ive t or!, will uot b-'g it ti'l uexl spriuir Maul.ltn. -Al oe C Miolic tlitlre. n Mil : .., at U a. ui. Tivd. . Oculasr 21 , Mi. I'-o. A. Laud'-eri. u 'Al Mi. A. M. .Mi e in.. a. We si li.iawlcie reieint of . i, . t,i i,e wedding cake, nd cou0ruiulrlii tie happy pa... Tuosi i25 LoTs.Eugeue residents are taking adtanlage of the ten day's time given to get a beautiful resident lot in tbe Frasier k Hylaud addition (or $25, bull cash, but anes April 13, '91, without tuteieat. Fo RA'.t. ..0 "ue of laud, team, bar ne sind wsgou, ten bead of cnule, farming n't-csils snd household furniture for sale at a bargain. Inquire of A. M. McClore, Room 7, Grange Building. Lilccai. LB.Ttit- J. K. Itiuislmrj, a pop tiler liberal lecturer, with pood reoorcm.uda 'ioaa from th. prtrs, will deliver a lecture in Eugene at til. Court Houa Tuesday evening Oct. 28, at 7 o'clock. Sxoond Vici PaismtuT At lbs aetsion of tbe State Funeral Director Association at Portland, Tuesday. B. U. Day, of Eugene, was elected ttoond vice presideut. Marbiko. At the rethlenc of th bride' motbor in Eugene, Mr. Cha. Humphrey, of CreiwelL to Miu Addle Hyinao. Makbiui.- Elmer li'.y.l, . Kuena, was married In Mm Mary E.'llnlri,la- ,k at Elk ton, in Dougla oatDty, Wednesday. IUtiiWAar Builders' Biaterial, tool of all kind at bottom price. F. L. Cham Bias. tint ml Juries on the dune Comity Jail, For the benefit of th. members of th Commissioner' Court ws lepiodncs th opimuus of aeveial grnud juries about th I.sjc county jail. They should have some weight with luo Couit: Juue l.iui, lhOO: "We bav euiuiued Ih public jail aud piououuce it a disraoe lo Iatne county The aame ia au uutit place in which to confine prisoners, and is wholly insecuio." March term, lS'K): "The publio jail ii stu b only in name. A a place la which to l.eep pri.ouers it is wholly unfit aud unsafe. It is a ct distant source ol annoy nine tod ex pense." October 'i- ni, l!-''': "The puhlio jail we have eiAuiiut'd. The sains is insutllcieut aud iuaecuio. Tho couuty should build a new otio." April term, l.l: "We have examined the public jail. We report that Ih same is insecure and is nli igi'thcr unlit f t : i pur pose's for which it is used." Novemlier term, IMS; "We hsve exam ined the county ju.il and find it unfit fr priaotu-rs and iiisecute. We recommend that a new ono be built." April term, lSS; "Ws hvo exaniintd the public jail. It is an unfit pluru to keep prisoners sud is insecure. W regard it as economy to build a new jail." November term, 1S.S7: "We havo examined the county jail au.i report the same as an i.ulit placn iu which to confine a human being, and that Ibe same is insecure for the safe keeping of the prisoners therein." But eiiou jh of ibis. Th grand juries for years past condemn the old jail, aud reeoin mend that a new jail be built. It ahould have been done long ago, but as it has beeu neglected, it ia the duty of the prcseut court to reconsider their decision at the last meet ing of the court, and provide a suitable piisou, . It is ur,;cd that the juil and court house should I built together. With the present indebtedness banging over Ihe county, uew comt bouse, onn that would rellect credit on tbe county, is scvi-iul years iu tbe future. The jail is au actual uocissity au.f should be built at once. letter List. Letters for th following po-soi'S remained nucalled fur at the posioftlcs ui Eugene, Oregon, Oct. 21, 1890: Allen, Miss Nunc) llronii, Mrs Kllala'th Curl. V It Chillers. Surah Cov, l)H ' Cm, Kslella Ciail, C K. Hai, Mis rnnule ro.i.'f, v K I CiNMlinit.i. r It Hurtle, liar-, I' lleud.ii'ks, Maiy II ll in.luc. .1. int'.. Il.itllv, it M lliile. Jolui K lliiiudtoo, llarl till. Mi's ,":c II. .11), Frank IlltiV, Mrs led Jones, 1. I. l.i vci Iv, T I old, llerale '. Mil'er,' Aii iii'i '.' Mlmim. Mrs C A Norloii, Allen I'Klni. M.s M K l ow el., I r.iuk riesiei, .mc I'oivell, I'ruik l'liitly. ll I, It, ..utiles, J Lbii'sii. I'hia'la' llleiiunlsoii Ktisi'll, John Siiirnu, Murlha Hiauartl, r' C On.l... u eslev Han. ni. s A Taylor, huillli I hiiiniiiii, MrsMiiinieK 1 ri in. .1 C V.nller, II II Wad.', Alice Wallace Harden Williams, il A . Illiaui", h U U hli...il. Kl i.il. ih W hile. Frank Wilson, r A WiImiii, Kn-d K Vales Kll'als lh Yoiiua, II C 4 A ehar:'e of one cunt w he made on well lciter kIvcii nut. I'crsons eu1! i-J ior lcl.e s will plea e wy when adveilistsl. MiNtiiit Wasuudbnk, P. M. Bridge to ho Closed. Tin Eugene bridge will be closed lo liuvel next week, commencing Mouday morning, tu allow the conl-actor to replace the old pier with a ccw one. It is expected that travel can be resumed across the brides by next Saturday. Thei e ' i a ;;ood ford a short dit. no above he Wi.l'.e '.list will be iimhI dunii.' ne time he bridge is ciiuetl. Hupervisnr OriIbo In-V- .s us that tns road on east s-de onleis the i i i r just ls)'ow the o'd break water and at that pi.'ce ' c pni aaitiall si:n bainl tlicciiug lb ..svel to "Drive s.f.lulit for the Hug'' on th .' ert'ds of Ihe river, wceit tho bank has 'a ii f-r. deii down. 11 assures us that th '.ii-i i" jieriectly safe. The travel afier cross HU the t'iver oan com nut either by the road i e. .- Ila'ne..' taniiei-y or th Mad by Mldg'ey & Purler's machine shop, l)i't;0ili'i)C ThsGDtrDO.ItJrfceivrd a tsn rnrnt ol I'..' Wob.ier's Dictiouurles lor.t ee c t ofloring a premium. Tho a whoh .ve htibscriofii orolheis who wish to sub.cvllie t an now got Ih book by ral'ing at this ollie. Tuose who bav lol.eu it HI well plened wi'h th quality and ohespnen of the book. Remeuiber, th diclionrif end GoAiin for on year coal bntfS.ut). '1 Ley a s needed in eve, y family, the ous i a work of constant re'eienc aud tbe oiljrt ;j;(ivelhe louiplole local new of Kerens rod Laue couuty. You cannot afford lo i'o without either. . Est ray Notice. Taken np by the undersigned in Eugene, Out. 23, 1890, the following doscribed es trsys: One black horse aliout C years old, no murks or brands; ous sorrel mare with bald face and white feet, about 7 years old, has been worked. When tukeu up had a leather strap about neck. J. T. Wrma, Nightwutch. To-Ni-inr, tii llrsr Snow. "The Chil-fl Inns" opened at Rbinebart's Tbeetra last Monday night to a large and enthuriastic audience. Every feature of this show ia a novelty. The singing i Rood, th furces are ftiuny and the company is an exception ally good one. The costume of the novelty artist Ace Levey am simply gorgeous. Le Cotupt's fire act is beyond description, and Ibe grotesque musical artists, l'riedlander Bros., are way up in thrir business. Satur day niht The Chilian Minstrels will occu py the liouso fm the first part of the eveu lug. Without any flattery, thia is ihs best specialty company ihut has visited Eugene foryeats. Allhongb the show is so good, tbe prices sre low, 10 and 29 ceuts, with reserved seals- at itO cnts. Dr. Butcher knows his business. Ho tells you how you feel without asking a question. Call at tbe office between 9 aud 5 each day this or next week. Coui-nlUtiou and advice ia fres aud medicines sold on dial. WinrB Whkki.h Wavusu. About a year ago an ordinance was passed requiring all trucks run in Eugene to provide wheels four Inches in width. Tims was given them in which to make ths change, which ba not, with one exceptiou, been doue. Ths street ootumistiouer baa notified ihe trackmen that they must comply with the ordinaoce. MaI':iH. - At ih resi.leiin of th hrida's pvrvn'.s on Willamette .tract, Eugene, We.lii.Ly evetiinu, l t. C. bjr Rev. K. P. Heuthr.a.ii,.Mr. K. E.CIe. vert" Miss Hatti.B. iarree. The newly married coiipl hive many (rieiois who wUh them a fullquoUof matrimo nial happiueas. Marbieii At the residence of K. R. Lock ey in Ei'irene, Wednesday .veriinx, Oct 'J3, Mr. ti. H. Spencer t" Ml. Hatri. Luck.y, Kev. O. A. Blair orhciatin-. Mr. Swrncer and bis fair brida bav. tb best wishes of many friends. They will make tb.ir future bom. in Portland. Tbcck 8ou. T. J Forkner ba sold bia trucks and th good will of bis btuines to Anderson Bro. Waimn. Fifty buhel of good clean orchard gnu seed, at Goldsmith's grocery store. Personal. Harry Huff Is convalescing. Wn'ey Shannon l gr anally growing worse, Shemian Heller is id w:'b the typhoid fever. J. Klein, of Albany, was Iu town Thurs day. Frank Harrington spent last Sunday in Eugene, J. M. Hendricks rpent several day in Portlaud thi week. Dr. Charles, of Philomath, was In Eugen and Cottage Grove this week. '.'lit. J. A. Kladen. of Portland, was In Eu- (.ern) several d. ys I'm week. F. W. A. Crain, of Junction, has beeu quite sick with heait tioublu. Geo. Cruw tuft Friday uioruiug for a week's clay at Foley Springs. Mrs. D. Howard, of Salem, smut several days visiting in Eugene this week. Lee Teuli ch waa sick several days the fir t of the w.'ek, but la now ennvalt scent. 6. P. Sladden and wife left for Florida Sunday. They will spend the wiuler in tbe south. Wm. Mtsiie I", tea for Poilland th first of . is week, whe.t he inteuda permaneutly l - c. 'In;. R. II. Henderson and Fletcher Linn at tended the undertaken' convention iu Port land Monduy. alp. Wm. Osliurn has gone to Grant's Pa n slop during the winter with her daughter, Mr.. McDonald. I Ion. J. V.sirhetM, one of the largest fanners of Marion county, visited friends in Eugene 'he lint of the week. I'd i master Wanliliurne spent several days 'n Portland thia week. During her absence Ed. Oshuru has olficiated In lb orlic. Tbe many friend of Jus Hnddleston will be sony to learn that hi health ooutinuesto become worse. But little hops is entertain ed of bi recovery. Mi-. Hyland, nf the Lane County Laud A Io n Co., leaves this Saturday moruiug for a 'rip tail n cities nt Washington and Eastern Oregon on linn business, S. 8, Spencer, who baa been employed iu tho Eugene National bank for some time, lias accepted a position in the Commercial National bank of Portland. He will make the chaugu November 1st. B. F. Dorris relumed Monday from a trip lo lbs Blue river mine. He report a num ber of men engaged running tunnel to pros H)ct ledot'S. lie says thoru are over 1300 iuuda of giunt powder ou the mountain. Several men will work them through the win. or. Uw.-'r'e 8wi(t. of Gervsis, was in Eugene seveiul days this week. Ild is engaged buying live stock for the Portlsnd markets, sud was looking after th llrattiiu band of 400 emtio whicu he will ship tu PortUud, ' part from Uurrisburg ind Ihe othois (roui Gurvai. FaeillcToiwt Census. The status and territories which form the Pacitlo gtup, ns snnorinned by the census bureau, now stands as follows: California, 1,201.002; Washington. 319, 61(1; Oregon, 312,419; Arizona, 69,G9I; Ne vada, 14,327. This would place the population of tho Puoilio Coast ut l,9o9,935. Wkstkbn Obbikw Hoim. Oregonian: "W do not make any blow about out hop fields, for ws ars hardly in the hop business in Oregon," (aid a hop buyer yesterday, "but the Willamette valley will turn out 20,000 bales thi year, against 30,000 raised in Washington, aud when th people of tbe Willamette do go into tho hop business they will astonish the natives. There ars fifty-six men in the violuity of Aurora and Butteville who belong to tho hopgrowers association. Abont 2000 bale ars raised around Silvorton, 2000 about Browuaville, SOOO abont Eugene, 3000 about Salem and 2000 around Indepen dence, and 0000 around Aurora and Butte ville. The Aurora boos are raised ohietly on npland and are considered tho beat in the country, being loaded with lupuline. I know a man who set out eight aores of hop year before last. His first crop this season was 14,283 pound for which he baa been offered thirty-seven cents, at which rate tbe crop amount to $3,284 29. He has leased the patch and got one-third, so hi share tbia year will pay for bit bophonse and leavs hi in nics profit beside." A very pointed object lesson is furnished by lbs town of Lebanon on the subject of t boms manufacturing. During th present summer there have been Bhipped from that plaos 110 ton of cbittim bark, for which $t per ton was realized, making the snug cum of $8,230. This bark was gathered in tbe neighboring woods, and of course oost noth ing but the tints consumed In gathering it. Ths bark i sent saat to manufaoluiing chemists, wher lbs product is placed on the market in ths shape of medicines which are estimated to be worth $723 for each ton of bark used, or total of about $30,000. The difference between the amount paid out fur raw material, and ths amount realized from the manufactured produot represents a loss to Oregon of fully ninety per cent. Iu other words, ws ars paid f8,000 for materials which the eastern manufacturer sells for 180,000. I it possible there is sny one so dense as to clsim that manufacturing in Or egon will not pay? This is but one of hun dreds of instauoet wherein Oregon loses the larger proportion of the profit on her produc tions, aud all for ths lack of ths requisite enterprise in manufacturing Ihe abundant material at her command. K'irl, Ki'kli. XVI, 1:,. i. nli aV Ahrama. ei.,1 u c-O'S aud Ui'ldeia, have plenty of ths best qua! ty of li-.ek st their yard i;; miles et o' iowq, sud w. I supply the ceuisnd st rmsoniilds prim. 1 hey slso soul, set Pf H I "ids of line woiK and gti.-A .'!.'' a. Will delist l-.ie-lt 3 oio'fr ! ' f of osu. . ii . s . i. ' For S.ile. 69i:e..Mo. i" L: .vrriin! u-l for '. Ii' i.if In eli . . I slid B 'io.u.ill? t al of i, me chuiactcr produced la.t jr. f 0 lor limo.uy nay per acre. Two sprtc urr-j. i-ri on itn ..i.nii&A n awniiinv 1. ii.l. C-OOil on. iMi,e. For t'.'ii snd in.'o. a1 I'oa, eooiv at this office. Cio. W. K'.i'i'.v, Aiieii'.f-er. When you wfv. t vo.ir yoodi. l 'J- i .'hold a- ..'iiiia or land sold st uncvoj, call of Geo. W. Kinsey, tiiop:oneer and most Suc re awl anctioneer ia Lane Coouty. He will S iecd tJ all ! on reasonable oom- u. ka.on. A CI! EAT 1 ISVAKE Is of en made In uotndiij lieCu'.ii'o'ir a Poniive and Negative Kleclne Counu CUiO lor ooti,iis. riiltls, croup, eoiisiiniptlou. as II I" ilieo.iiycuiesu ism. lii ilia I H. free noiil Oiuaies. tiae n.r ecdi're'U-lry Itsad ssj. , t...,.i mnniha a in Mr. Henrv Plummer. of Clements. Cal who is subject lo cramps, wis taken with a severe attack. Us had oeen accustomeel lo get relief by dosing witn morphine, but the disagreeable effect that ii i A l.i m.t. him miserable for luiiwwosi .."is bout after th cramp bad been relieved. 1 t-paded him to try unsmoeriaio a y.om; Cuole.a snd Diarrhu Remedy. He was lunch pleased with it, a itatffect was almost iiiaiaiilsoeous, and no disagreeable after ftol "om'nied its use. Cbss. Eam estl. .answer Farmers' Trade Tuion, Cle-tun- , Cal. For sale by F. M. Wi'lia. V. M. Wilkin, th drusgisl, wishes to remind hi wtrou thst it l dangerous pobcv to writ until taken sick before buying a bottle of ClM.nl i lain s Colic, Cholera and DisnbieA Remedy. Every family should b p ovioed wi b soma reliable remedy for .rowel com plain ta, isavly for immediaie nse, whenever required, during ths summer month, and this remedy is nnqoestionably far soperior to any other. It can always U depended upon, and is pleasant and aafa to twk. It is put np in 2. aud 30 cent bottle.