TH ill Ci TV UAR Hi mmiSIIED HIB THE DIXSPjmTIO OFDEIOCBATIC NIMirLES, iD TO UU N HOSCST LIVIN8 BT TOE SWEAT OP 11 R BROW VOL 22 EUGENE, OR., SATURDAY. OCTOBER 25, 1890. NO, 52. JTlif (CujfBf (City (Guard. (PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. 1. L CAMPBELL, ublitirr aud Proprietor. OFFICE On the Kant side of Willamette r treat, between Seventh and Eighth Street. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. per annum Si i Moii llit I hree muntlia 12 SO . L23 . .75 OUR ONLY IUTHW OV ADVKHTIS1NQ Advertisement Inserted at follows: due square, too line or Iww one insertion S3; each subsequent insertion SL ltb require! In advance. Time advertisers will be charged kt the or liiwinir rates: One square three months SG 00 One square six month. 8 00 One square oue year 12 UU Transient notice in local column, 20 rente iter line tor etch Insertion. Advertising billi will be rendered quarterly. All lob work must ue paid ruE os dilivihy, CEO. B. DORRIS Attorney ami Counsellor-at-Law, UniX PRACTICE IN THE COURTS yf ol trie aecouu .luiiiciai I'l.tnufc auu iu he Supreme Court of this State. Sptuial attention given to collections and mattere '" Pruoaie L. BILYEU, -Attorney and Counsellor at Law,- EUUEXE CITY, OREGON. I PRACTICES IN ALLTHE COURTS OF tli is State. Will give special attention to collection) and probate matter. Omi'E--Over Ilendrick k Eakin'i bank. A. C. WOODCOCK, AUoriiey-at-L.iw, KUiSENE CITY, - - - OREGON OFFICE Rooms 7 & 8 McClaren Building. M"Secial attentiou given to Collections and Probate business. GEORGE A. DORRIS, Attorncy-at-Law, EUGENE CITY, - - OREGON Omcs-In Register Block. J.J. WALTON, Jr., ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW EUGENE CITY, OREGON. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of the State. Siecial attention given to real estate, col ecting, and probate matters. . . Collecting all kinds of claims against the United States Government Office In Waltou's bricl- -rooms 7 and 8. Seymouj- W. Condon, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. DUNN'S BUILDING, Uiiscnc, - Oregon. E. O. POTTER, Attorney-at-Law, EUGENE, - - OREGON. Omcx- Room No. 4, Dunn's Block. CEO. M. MILLER attorney and Ccunsollor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. EUGENE CITY, - OREGON. Oriiee-In Masonic Temple. L. WHITE, m DENTIST, (Successor to Dr. N. J. Taylor.) OFFICE, - Over Matlock's Store. A. E. GALLAGHER, Attorney-at-Lau'. tUGENE CITY OREGON. Special attention riven to TrobaW business and Abstract of Title. Orricx Over Lane County Bank. T.W.HA11RIS,M.I). Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Wilkin's . Drug Store. Residence on Fifth street, where Dr ShelUm ormerly resided. DRS. PAINE & M MURTRY, Physicians & Surgeons, Office 9th St., Opposite Hoffman House. IR D. A. PAINE, Residence corner 10th an.l High 8treeU, Eoirene. DR. W. T. McMl KTRY. Residence Olive St, between th and 10th, Etwent DR. J. 0. GRAY, DENT 1ST. OFFICE OVER GRANGE STORE. ALL work warranted. Lanfhins; fas administered for painless "ctiooot Uetit. v.:-:l-5aa Wfl -LUSINEss ESTABLISHED 18 YEARS.- Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry & Musical Instruments. Ik lost Select U U si Hm Special attention given to Repairing and Engraving by two first-class workmen. All work warranted. The 'Pacific Tea Co. Has Changed Hands Mr. J. 0. Having purchased it. BEDROCK PRICES! Full Lino of Groceries, Glassware and Crockery. Handsome Presents and Coffees. Harness HAVING OPENED A NEW SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP 0 9th STREET opposite Star Bakery, I am now prepared to furnish everything in that line at the LOWESTATES. The Most Competent Are employed, and I will vndeavor to me with a call. A. GOLDSMITH, tU fU hum Rmiw In hnmi iilQ Um HUM Mi Mi.. VI I" ungvuvi TToa o T.ARdFR stock of Fine Groceries, China, Glass, Crock ery, Wooden and Willow Ware Pays Highest CAbll price for Country Produce, Furs, Skins, Hides, Wool, Tallow, &c. Orders filled promptly, with the greatest care. I DON'T BOAST PRICES. All Goods sold as Cheap as anyone in Eugene. Call and be corteously treated. A. GOLDSMITH. Day & Henderson, tup 1.FADTVR FURNITURE UNDERTAKING House in Eugene. Corner 7th and Wil. Sts EZLuckey DE.4LERSM DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Etc., Etc. Prescription. Department in Competent hands. Manufacturing B x ;e x. m M M m. X K k :v Jeweler. He will sell goods at given away with Teas Shop Workmen give satinfaction to all wlo ma favcr . . A. A. LUKIII.K. than ever before. 6V HOLLO V; A Y RhineharL MO couffijCM til A Suro Cure for Colds, Coughs. Croup, Acute Catarrh, Asthma, Dif ficult Breathing, Whooping Cough, Hoarseness, Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, and all Af fections of the Throat and Lungs. Is free from Opium, Morphine and all deleterious drugs. Ko Cough Remedy li everhe(bro met wllh im'huufvi'nwlNiHl fiCHrtyrmlorM'tnciit. hm-li boUltHiintitinitlHli'r as many tlota nflanjr oilier cuiigh nimun', end one ill ilii twlc as inurli s:oul. lo not nenlect a "slight colli," as all serious dtM'w of (ho throat ami lime. Imvea bihbII lx-i;iiiiiiiiK A ihme alter exiKMtiro will preveitt St rilit. I'revenlion Is Ik'Hit and rlimxT than cure. I'rlee AOr.i laruesio )I.OO-coiitulus tUruo limes the quantity of the 6uc. slu). SIX LARQE BOTTLES FOR $S. Ir. Hlllcr's M-pago book sent freo by mall. KILLER DRUB CO.. San Francisco, Cal. OK ttALK BY E. R. LUCKEV A CO. J S. LUCKEY, CALERIN Clocks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc Keuairing Promptly Hxeouted. aatf-AIIWork Warranled.m J. S. LUCKKY Un hi Storo ! DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, A FI LL LINE OP PERFUMES AND SOAPS, IMPORTED and Doineatio CIGARS. OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT Is well Iteiit. and nil Physicians rnwrlntlons Slid Kamllv KcriH' will lc given the prompt ami rnrefnl attention ol aconiK'U'iitaml experienced riiamiHclHt. East Ninth Street, Eugene, Oregon. ALSO OFFICE OK II. INGALLS, Veterinary Surgeon, Wlio will attend all calln in this city ami Hurrounding country. Satiafuo tion Cuaiantord. Fix this in MATLOCK'S NEW FALL AND Aronsw offered at PRICES which make them heyond ques tion the Lowest in town, quality considered. Nothing can outdo that wonderful house, known as JT DO Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods, Roots ami Shoes, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Ac. EUGENE, OR. . .i . ... - . , , . ' . . . . .. -j Insure Against Fire With' one of the Leading Companies. For Insurance in any of the following standard Companies: New Zealand, Capital Stock Phoenix of London, Hamburg Bremen, of Germany, 3,000,000 Apply to li J. FRASIER. Agent, Eugene, Oregon. For Real Fstate Bargains in Farm and Cil; Property Call on Lane County Land & Loan Co. Eupe Machine Shops ! G. N. FKAZEH, - - Proprietor. MAKES ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS, STORE FRONTS AND ENGINES. KEfAIUIN'O OF ALL KINDS OF lUCHIXEIlY A SPECIALTY. Oive me atrial. I rnrot say work to fi" a! A Little Too Lute to doctor wlirn ltrilit'i Disease has done its work. Take Wright's Ktilucy and Liver Cure for inlliuimiatiun ol kidneys and liver, paiu in buck and other warnings of kidney trouble. Sold by all druggists. Hamkt. Or.. Aui-1. lS'.H), Au olil soldier's story : In the late wnr I was a soldier in the First Miirylaml Voluu teers, Company (.' During my term of service I contracted chrnuio diarrliira, since tbeii 1 have lined a treat aiuouul of med ome, but wlieu I found any that would give me rebel they would injure uiy stomach, until l uauilierlum Colic, Lboleruand IMsr rhii remedy was brought to my notice. I use it aud will sav it is the only remedy Unit gave tux permanent relief and no tad reunite lollow. I take pleasure in reeomunuding tills preparation to all mi old comrades, who, while giving their services to their country, contracted tun ureadluuliKriiKe as I did, from eating unwholesome and uueook ed food. Yours truly, A E bending, Ilalsey Or. For sale by F. M. Wilkins. French Tunsy Wafers. These wafers are a sure and safe specific for all kinds ot female troubles and will remove all iitietnictions to the monthly K'rl.l, no matter what the cause. They are juat what every woman needs, and can tie uxeil safely. ror sale bv the Livingstone Medical I n, man ufacturers, Portland, Oregon, also by our sole sgents, Osburn A Co., Druggists, Eugene, Oregon. TAKE IT UEFOUE IlKEAKFAST. The great, tonic and liver regulator, la use for nnre than .VI veara in Kngland, I'ositive secitic for liver complaint; had taste in the mouth on arising In the morning, dull pains in the head and liack nt the eyes, tired feeling, diuines, langor symptoms of liver complaint. Kemedv Vr Henley a r.ngli.h Dandelion Ionic Relieves constliatliin, .liar pens the apiietite and tones up the entire sys U'ui. Uet the genuine fmm your druggist for SI, and take according to directions. Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of California, to laiative snd nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plant known to be most beneficial to the human ivstem, forming theUNLY PER FECT REMEDY to set gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LITER AND BOWELS AMD TO Cleanse the System Effectually, 0 THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one it using it and all are delighted with it. Ask your druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., . San FaaNcisco, Cal. tooi.viLLf, Kv. Nsw Yosk, N. Y Your Mind NEW CHOICE WINTER GOODS, ,1,000,000 6, 000, 000 Foundry! satisfactlusw Shots) corner of Eighth street I O. N. rKAZEK . 1 It It Wore Tills Way. It a bill wero submitted to tbe farmers of Oregou to-morrow to reduce their taxes paid to the Mtiile, it would be carried. If they were told that their state treasury was full and there was no need (or the mon ey at Salem, the majority would be still larger. If they were told that they wire being taxed to protect other men, uot farmers, in their occupation and save them competition, the majority would be still larger. If ih-'y were told not only was this the rase, but that they wore taxed to set up other uieu iu business, you could hardly get the polls open early enough. And if they were told that they were being taxed iu order that the men thus set up iu bumuess and protected, might charge them lull pnoe lor su article aud sell It abroad lor half price their ludignaliou would be so great that no farmer would stay at home ou election day. Tut tbe National Government in place of tbe mate Uoverument, aud for (be Mate lax say Federal tax, aud you have it exactly. Leader. l)ltd a Tauper. Last week we stated that Mrs. Miriam I'ayue was taken to l'ortland, where her son, who hvl disposed of her property to his advantage, would take ohsrga of ber. I'pon her arrival there her sou would not recognize ber, aud would have nothing to do with ber. She wai taken lo St. Vincent's hospital where she died Saturday. The body was brought to this city and interred In the Masonic cemetery. What kind ol a low down dirty dog is this son called Dr. Payne? After going through his mother's properly, (ill) seres of choice laud, be leave her to die iu her old age couuty charge. A good dose of lar aud feather la about what he wants. If be should come here, there is no doubt but what he would get it. Telephone Itegistor. The Dallea Times-Mountaineer: The burning of Mr. E. L. lioynton't barn at Kingsley Sunday night is a great loss to him. There was very little wsrning of tbe conflagration, and he did everything be could to Have his building and animals. One stallion was taken out, but Orieut, the Per cberon horse, was so furious that it waa dan gerous to approach him. It will be recol lected that this stallion was the oue which seriously injured Mr. Uoynton'i boy some weeks since. Tbe lire originated Id the up per part ol tbe barn, and the oauae of it is a mystery. Mr. ltoyntou, In trying to save the l'erchoron horse, received wounds on bis head from tbe fire. lie attempted to crawl Into the manger to save Orieut, but the tire wag so tierce that be could not enter. Mr. ltoynlon sayt that he would give con siderable, to have a picture of the stallion aa he looked when tbe tluiuos encircled him. Ue was the personification of demoniac fury, and he expressed it iu every look aud move ment. Wbilo Mr. Doyuton regrets the loss of such a valuable horse and the ornel death, ho feels that it is a great relief to be rid of sucb a vicious brute. Mr. aud Mrs. MuMurray kept hotel at Harrisburg uutil the last term of circuit court, says tbe Albany Herald, when Airs M. obtaiued divorce because she had found ber liege lotd tlugrunte del.icto with pretty missiouary who was slopping at tbe hotel wbile collecting luuda lor tbe neatuen Alter Mrs. M. secured her divorce and shin ped her faithless busbund, she bethought berot a former busliand named Hall from whvm she was divorced back east before she married McMurray, and the youthful love rekludleu. Uull bad moved west to lialltor uia, but she traced him, letters passed breathing tender feelings aud now Mr. and Mrs. Hall are proprietors ot tbe Harrisburg hotel as happy as doves until another mis- sluuury come along at least, Tbe Sesttle, Wash., Press lays: It is es timated that (hero are tlUOO acre planted la primes, 1UUU ol wblcb are in (Jlarke county Tl. . ...- 1 I , . ... 1 1. - 1 - 1 uo avrrngo uillliuor Ul wwws MJ IU. auio in 1UU. The average number of pounds dried fruit for tree of two years growth is 2500 to the acre. Tbe average price per pouud during tbe last live years baa been, Ilaliau prunes, lu oeuls; r rencn, v cents; Uermsn, tt cents. Italian prune, grade, per buudred fresh from tbe tree, 30 to UU ceuts; (Joriuau, (HJ oenls to VI. It Is esti mated that there are 000,000 acres of land in the state that can be profitably devoted to tbe cultivation of tbe prune, thus showing tbat It is destined to be one ol tbe great lu duslries of tbe slate, I'laindealer: Tbe Kealster and Receiver of the Kosebnra land office nave been au tborized to move tbe olllce from liars, s building lo Abraham's building on tbe corner of Oak and Jackson Street. The new quar ters are more commodious, being larger end better arranged for tbe accommodation of both tbe publio and the convenience of the officers. Mr. Geo. W. Kimball, the map maker, will also bave rooms on tbe same floor convenient to tbe register's ofiloe. Tbe public will take note of this obange. ibe entrance will be on Jackson street, south side of tbe store, by a stairway leading to tbe ollloe, Yannlna Heniililirn In the earlv davs Ueo. Meggiuson took as a wite an Indian woman ol the Sixes tribe. He lived with ber until bis death, which happened about three years ago. and always called and ac knowledged ber as bis wife. He bad by her three children, two of wbom are now living He left large amount of property in this county and be was also heir to considerable to bis falber estate in Illinois, ins wile snd children sre justly entitled to this prop eity, and we bone tbey will get it without delay aud trouble. Speaking of the recent sad death, by bis own baud, ol William Hprague, jr., a fen dleton reiideut says he was pieseut in Vsb ington when the advent of tbe young beir was celebrated by a splendid reception at tbe residence of his ersndfatbor, Hon. S. P. Chase which cost in tbe neighborhood of 1 10.000. No one then imagined that tbe child of fortune, who was bora Into the world under such auspicious circumstances would meet witb such a tragic end. According lo the Seattle Tdegraph there is a big imursnue war imminent In that city. The preseut rates still range from 6 to 10 per cent, having been screwed up Im mediately after the big fire. Now tbat sub stantial improvements have been made In buildings tbronghoul the place, tbe property owners are clamoring to get rid l of tbe in terest rates imposed. A quarter section of timber nesr Buckley, 'sahinoton. rerentlv sold for 116.000. it was a very heavily covered eedar tract and mmm hnnulil h (ha Whifa Rir Khinola Company at Buckley. Tbis Is the highest price known to have been paid (or a timber i in woicn iisa no oiner tbiuv e&uvpi ua j ber. Tbe state bstcbery at Simon gave birth to 11X1,000,000 trout tbis season, up to tbe pres ent. Tbe eggs are brought (rom Shovel, Trout aud other creeks tributary to Klamath river, and Ibe young trout are placed in tbe stream of California. A Scrap of History. McMinnvillo Reporter. Speaking of tbe recent death of a Tilla mook Indian snd tbe generally peaceful and friendly record of tbe tribe, AI. Uussey was prompted to remark that tbey owed their good uinunera to early training and discipline. It was many year ago, so many tbat be would not nudertnke to fix tbe dale, but Win, Chriauiau tbinks it was in '47. A settler and bis family living on the I'ppcr Yamhill in the vicinity of Oram! Uoude, was murdered and tbe bouse bo med to tbe ground. There was no cluo to the' perpetration of the deed. All that remained was tbe ashes of tbe dwelling and tbe charred bones of the occupants, and for some time Ibe matter remained shrouded iu mystery, Some time later a settlement had been formed iu Tillamook and one of the settlers was engaged in posting notices (or a school elecliou, and his proceedings were observed by a Tillamook Indian, who finally inquired i( tbe notice had any reference to the murder aud was assured it had. Tbis furnished a clew to the fact that the mur der bad been perpetrated by a Tillamook Indian or Indians, that Ibe secret was in tbe keeping of tbe tribe. When this intelli gence reached the settlement along the Yam hill, a party of tiO or 70 was organized Mr. llussey tbiuks tbey were from both Yam bill and Polk conuties and started out with rittes to hive an interview with the red who were encamped on Tillamook bay. When they reached there it was fouud that the In dians were on tbe opposite side. Some eight or ten of the settler went serosa in boats, the otheis going around by land. Tbe party who eroased tbe bay arrived first, and were met with hostile demonstrations, tbe Indians supposiug themselves largely in the majority. Tbey got oat their guns aud showed fight, but by parleying with them the whites managed to dolay operations un til the land forces arrived on the scene. This was great surprise to them, and tbey yielded gracefully, l'hey were given an op portunity to produce tbe murderers of the Grand ltonde settlers, which tbey did. The settlers were simply desirous of meting out justice to the actual offenders and of teaching their associates a wholesome les son, Oue Iudian was bung and another who had been tuined over against whom tbe evidence was not conclusive, was allowed to go free while, one of the squaws who was in some way connected with tbe ailuir, was shorn of ber raven tresses and returned to her tribe. The Tillamook Indiaus have always been friendly toward tbe whites. Want a Day of Rest. Astoriun. . A scheme is on foot to make tbe luxury of a Sunday shave a thing of tbe past. It orig inated with L, JS. Uillet and 1. A. Lucas, local lonsorial artists, and tbe state legisla ture will be asked to aasist in bringing about tbe desired end by passing a law, mak ing it an onense rot barber shops to open , for business on Sundays. The gentlemen have had printed a petition to tbe legisla ture with the idea ot having a law enacted, and will circulate the same in this city, Portland, East Portland and Albiua, Mr. Uillet leaving on Sunday night for that pur pose. The petition, which it is expected all the barbers in the oitie named will sign, reads as follows: To the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Oregon: We, the undersigned, being engaged in the business ot barbering in the state of Or egon and wishing to have one day of rest each week, most respectfully poiition your honorable body to enact a law making it un lawful tc keep open any barber shop or to carry on or conduct the business of barber ing on Sunday, and as in duty bound, we, your petitioners, will ever pray, Resumed Work. Y'aquina Republican. After a suspension of operations for nearly ten months, on Tuesday, the government resumed work on the Yequiua Bay jetties, with Mr. J. 8. Polbemus as engineer in charge. On Tuesday morning a large force of men were set at work clearing tbe cover ings to Ibe oars and machinery, aud putting derricks, machinery and other portions of the plant ia working order. 1 be scows will be put on ways and recautked and as soon as tbey are ready, tbey will begin lo bring rock from the ouarrr no the river. Work olearing the dirt from the top of the ledge at tbe quarries haa commenced under Joe Daughterly. About forty men will be em ployed at the quarries. The first rock will be put In tbe north jolty. Mr. Polbemus tbiuks it probable tbat the north jetty will be extended some tbis fall. All tbe men will be employed tbat can be worked to advantage. If tbe winter is open and favorable the woik will be pushed without cessation all Ibe season. This means more prosperous times on Ya quina Bay. Capt. Symonds cannot decide fully on what class or amount ot work he will do tbis winter until full instructions are received from headquarters. Y'aquina Republican: Captain Symoos, U, 8. engineer under wboae charge the har bor improvement ia being carried on, called for bids for tbe towing on Ysouina Bay. Tbe following boats sent In bids: Wslluskl f 150 per month, Favorite 500, T M Rich ardson 9525, Lillian 533, Chinook f 5D0. The Walluskl's bid being tbe lowest was awarded the work. If tbe government suc ceeds in getting all branches ol the work done as cheap as the towing the appropria tion will be very economically expeuded. Give Them a Cbaiicel That is to say, your lungsi Also all your breathing machinery. Very wonderful machinery it is. Not only the larger air passages, but tbe thousand of little tubes and cavities leading from them. When these are clogged and choked with matter which ought uot to be there, your lungn can not do their work. And what they do, they cannot do weel. Call it oold, congh, croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of the family of throat and nose and head and lung obstructions, all are bad. All ought to be got rid of. There is just one snre way to net rid of them. That is to take Bos- chee's German Byrup, which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even it everything else haa failed you, yon may de pend upon this for certain. SATISFACTORY RESULTS. About four years ago my attention was called to Dr. Miller's Cough Cure, sinoe which tima I hava nd It with old and vonnir with the most satisfactory result. In fact I keep it always on hand. K. J. TRUMBULL, of Trumbull k Beebe, Seedsmen and .Vurwry mn, San Francisco, Cab For sale at E. U. Luckey k Co s. A sure cure for the whisky habit: Dr Livingston's Antidote for drunkenness wil cure any ease ot the liquor habit in from ten to thirty days, (mm me moderate onuker ro the drunkard. Tbe antidote can be giveu in a cup of coffee without tbe knowledge of ine person rasing it. iu. auuuuib wo, lui injure tbe health in any way. Manufac tured by the Livingston Chemical Co., Fort land, Oregon, or from Osburn Co., Lu-gene. n