Sportsman's Eporium. HORN & PAINE, Practical Gunsmiths Denier in GUNS, RIFLEfl, Piihmi Tackle ami Mnttrlali, NcitlDR Marhlned ml H-di.l All For Nulel Repairing done In tlx neutet tyle and war ranted. Guns Loaned & Ammunition Furnished Store on Willamette atreet. F. W. A. CRAIN, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Junction City, Oregon i-Biwcim attention given WATCH KS. HUJCKS end JEWELRY. t ri FISHER At WATKINS, PROPRIETORS. Will keep cowtantly on hand ft full aupply of MUTTON, PCJIK AND VEAL, Which they will tell at the loweet market pri oea, A fair ahare of the publio patronage en- licited. TO THB FARMEIIS t We will pay the hMieat market price for Ft Cattle, Hon ana Hbeep. SHOP ON WILLAMETTE STIIEET. EUGENE CITY, OREGON. Meate'delivered to any part of the city free of chaiye. nutick run ithi.ii.'ation. I,ND Om AT ItOHKBimn, o., HKptt'tiiin-ru, ln. I Notice li Imreliy liven that Ihu fnllowluir-nein-cl aettler hu llled notice nf hi liiU'iillnii to maliu II hu 1 pmof In iiiorl of hie elalm.awl 1 1ml Mid iriMI will be mailc la-lore the JudKe urt'lerk of the roiint Court of Uue I'minty, On-iton, at Kinieiie, lnon, on Hatunlay, o't..'i'i, l, vl: Jatue I,. Atklnaon, llomeau-ed Kntry fur the Wi, of hW';, HK'i of 8W,' end HVYJ, of K' ft 12, TlOhH, Rh VY, W M. lli name the fullowliiR wltiie- to prove hie pontlnuiMii rcultleiire iiimii mill cultivation of. aid lend, vl: A K Whltakir, Kred I'elera, W K l.youa, of Walton, UneCu., dr., and K U Kow hr, uf I'lvKHaiit it ill. l.aue.i'o., Dr. JOHN II.HIH'I'K, Reltwr. NoTICK r'tiR 1THUCATION. Land omi at Uohkhurii, b., . HeptemherV, l'J. I Nolle la hereby Riven Unit the fiilliiwlnn nain ed M'llU r haa II led notice nf III intention to make, dual proof In eupport of hi eliilm, and that aald priKif will la' made before the JiiiIku or Clerk of tne County Court of Uue enunty, Or., at Eiim-ne, Or., on Hatur-lay, tet. i, 1"'., via: Kred 1'elera, HoinratiwIKiitryHiihMnMhtt HK' of NK' and K of Ki , of Heo It, Tp IH M, It 7 W, W M. Re name the followliiK wltneawi to provo hU Coiilinuoii n-ldenuu upon and cultivation of. aid land,vl: J li Atklnaon, A K Whltaker, W II Uckcv. of W all. in. I jne ( ii., Or., and Uvurge Hale, uf Hale, Lane county, tircitmi. Jlill.N II. bIHTK, Regleler. Summons. In the ('Ircnrt Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County, Nellie Brown, i'lalnlllT, e. Win. Ilmwn, Defendant. ) To Win, llrown, defendant: IN TIIK NAMK dK THE STATK OK OKKOON you are herehy reiulrel to appear and atiwer the complaint llled eaaluat you In the above en titled m It by I lie II rut day of the term of the alaive entitled Court following the expiration of the time prem-rlla-d In the order for the publica tion of tlili mini mom, lit-wit: on the J7th day of October, A. 11. IS'.iu, end if you fall to appear and nawer the aald complaint the iilaliilltf w 111 ap ply to the aald Court (or the relief demanded in her complaint, lo-wlt: That the bond of matri mony now exlullug between plalntlirand defend ant In aald milt, be forever dleaulved. That plain till' have and recover coma and diaburaenienta of cult and for audi other and further relief a to the Court may eecm equitable and Juki, Thin Hiiinmona la publihcl In the Ki'ukn City (t'AHii by onler of lion. M. 1 l'i(', Judge of aald Court, uiadn in rhamlwra on thli Die 10th day of Hcpteuilier, IMio, llatcd lit lu, IKMi. E. O. I'OTTKU, Att'y lorrialntllT. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE Irt IIKKF.I1V (1IVEN THAT R. B. Hwneer, Executor, and Kllta U Hwii(vr, Kx ccutrii of the enlale uf f. II. Hnueer, dcciaacl, have Hied their rlnal account therein and an or der haa lieen mtered of record, dtrectlnir tit la tiotice and nanitii the Mh day of Noveiulicr. , lHtal, (or the hearliiR of oliJeiioua to aald final account aud aetllemeut tbrn-of. H. a HI'KNCKU and ELIZA L. Hl'l Nt -KB. Kxeeutora of the Eitate of 8. W. CON DON, H. II. pK'HCvr, lieoeaacd, Att'y forEntale. Dated at KiiKene, Oregon, Oct, 3, lH'.HX DISSOLUTION "NOTICE. BtMCTI AL ttiNKKNT THK COI'ARTNEIt litu hervtofore exietlna U-lwecn U K. Kd- wantaaudJ. M. cti'.ln'ii. of Huiitblield, lAiie Co., Orvaon, ba Ihm-ii dlwtolveil. I. K. Edward will ridlrct and ay all bllla. Partiie knowiiiK thcuim-lvee to U In delit to the above firm will plea call aud ecttlc. I. K. KnWAKiia, i, M. Hiai Hasa. 8,-pt. BO, 1VO, EXECUTOrTS NOTICE- TtfOTlCK I" IIKRKHY tilVEN TO WHOM IT XI may concern that the uuleriiitcd haa been appointed by the county court of line County, lireiton, rxeeutor ol the calale of O. A. I.ilbgow, leceaa..L All ieoin. hevltig clatina aKaltii. aald wiate are noillii'd to pn-M-nt them with the firnKr vouchers, to the utnicrMKiHHt. at hi ofhee ii Kn. hr. Or, roll, within t uioiilhe from the dateof tola tiolien baled is pt. i7, K. J. McCLAANAHAS. Exwutor af the eftair of O. A. i.lthuw, deceaecd. A. ( . HOOIKtHK, Atty. notice. pinire nen'07 E-irrn iui 111. uimmiiiini lia Ihu day according- to the mineral law of the mieu malee, uourou (.come nayaouer auu wile, mj iiartiiin iu the Tnur uilue one fourth Intert-at hr year dcltiiueiit aaaeeimeiit on the part of tirorue to antoner for wi.rk doue and performed ou the aald claim. The claim ie ailuali-d at Tn aaure, or tiold Hill, t mllca above tlir mouth of blue river, In lane county. orcir-m. J. W AHKKN IMJWNEK. Bowel Trouble, and Cramp, Colic, or ny Internal or Eiternal Pain. Aak your druggist for it JAUES McCLAREN, CHOICE WINE3, LIQUORS and CIGAR WilUmette Street, bet Tth td th. HAIL UNIT Groceries ! COMEGYS & GHAY (Sueceaaon to I. W. Bland) -DkAUW in- Everything kept in a F:::',-C:::: BrocDry. fP-Tbe Iligheat Price paid for Country Produce. Comegys & Gray. YAQUINA KOUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD AND- OREGON DEVELOPMENT COS. STEAMSHIP LINt, 225 auxn iHoiiriB, 20 hodm turn timk Uan by other route. Firet-claae thniugh PaaaanKer anil Kreilit Hue from PorV land and all point io.the . WILLAMETTE VALLEY To and from San Francisco, Cal, For Information apply to C. C. Hooui, Act (ien'l Frt Paae Agt Oregon Pacific K K Co. SATUNfl DATES. From Yauina, Willamette Vailey, Otdr 4th Willamette Valley, " Jjjlh Willamette Vallev, " WHi From Man Kranclacu WlllamatU Vallev October 13th Willamette Valley " 22nd Willamette Valley " 31it TM. C.mi.anv raaervea the riuht to change ealling datee without notk-e Paaaengera from Portland and other Yi U l.m.ita waIIav iMilnta nan make chiM connee tloni with the traina of the Y equina route at Albany and Uorvaiiu, ami u oeeuuen wi nau Francieco, ehould arrange to arrive at Yaquina the eveninK before date of eaillt-g. Passenger and Freight rates the lowest U 11 llAHWgl.L, JK, t.orvama, nr. (Jen Frt k PaM Ag't, Oregon Development Co, 804 Monteomery St. Han Jranrlaco. GEO. F. CKAW, AGENT. EUGENE. TIMDKK LAND NOTICE. U. 8. Lanu Okch x, Rowbure, (r., AiiKiiHt 7, Imdi. I Koilco la hnrebr ilven that ill cotnullaiice with the pnivlalona of the act of Coligrcaa of June , Ih7s, entitled "AH act for the aaleof timber land In the MtaUe of California, Oregon, Nevada and WnMhlimtim Turrilorv." KdllllllldH. Iloatctter, uf Oregon Cltv, County of Clackaiiiea. Wale of Ore gon, ha th'la day lllid In llil" olllce hie aworn atntement No. . , lor the piirrhaav of the 8 E ol wr .11, To 111 H, 1(1 K, and will otter proof to how that the laud nought I more valuable for Ita limber or atone than for agricultural pur- poaet, and to ealahllah hla claim to earn lanu la-fore the Itegliiter and Receiver of thin olllce at Koaeburg, Oregon, on Krlclay, the 7th day of No- vemlwr, Ihim. He namee aa wltneaae: William I'atteraon, Jamee (I. Median, John II. Hhcpard and Curtli Halnl, all of Oregon City V. O., Clackaiua coun ty, Oregon, Any aud all pcranna claiming edvereely the ebove-dcaerlbed landaaro niiucati'd to II le their claim iu thl olllco on or before, laid 7th day of November, 1MW. ,, , jium li. rut rn, neRiaier. OSBURN & GO., DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES. WILLAMETTE STREET NEAR 8TH Eugene City, deulera in ' DRUGS, CHEMICALS, OIlJS, GLASS. VARNISHES, CRUTCHES, PATKNT MEDICINE Of nrwt every kind, eto. Brandies. Wines and Llquois of the very beat quality for medicinal purpoe WE have alway kept alireaat of the timea In our line, and without boaating. we think we are aafe in claluiiiifr that we have THK MOST aaeortment of DRUGS in Eugene. Particular attention ii called to our etxk e PERFUMERY, TOILET SETS, and CELI.Ul.OID CASES For the year 1890, We ehall be able to eell PAINTS. OILS and URUSHES. of which we now have Urge itock on baud) Than any houae in thia city, and our frlenda can reet aaaured that anything bought from ue will be Mrat-claaa. Aa we buy niany of our Cooda Eaat and have facilitiee that few in our uiineaa have, we think we are preiiared to un dersell and fiirulah a better quality of goode than anyone in our line in Ijuie county. We call eepeolal attention to PRESCRIP TIONS, which will be carefully tilled at all hour, of the day or night EAST AND SOUTH. VIA Southern Pacific Route Shasta Lino. F.xpreaa Train Leave Portland Daily. South North (S-Oi) t M L " Portland Ar U:X" A at U : 02r- M i l.v Eugene l,v 4 :'JS A M Ar San Francieco Lv I KW r M Above traina itp oulv at following at tlon. north of Kiaeliurg: Portland, Ore gon City, Wmvlhurti, Salem, Albanv, Tan gent, Shedile, Halary, llarri.burg, Junction City, Irving, Eugene. BOMIHI'RU IIAtL, DAIIT. 8,00 am I. v Portland Ar 4.00pm KMpmLe Eugene Lv9.Mam MOpmAr Rowburg Lv.6 20am albaxt local, daiit (Eioept Sunday), LEAVE: AKRIVE: Portland 5.H0p. nu I Alliany, .8.00 p, m. Albany 6.00 a. in. I Port land. . 00 m. FULLM1I BCrrET BLLXPER8. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, Fur ftceommoilatloB of Second Claat raaeeea gerek attached to EipreaaTraine.i Wet Sl.l. TJivlelon. BETWEEI PORTLAND AND 00KV1LU8- MAIL TBAJI DAIIT (Hl'tlT Sl gnAI.) 7 W a m Lv Portland Ar 6:30 p m IMP f n Ar tWyaiiis Le llil-pm At Allauiy and OorvaTTi. aobttaol wiin traina of Oregon Pad tie RailnMai txrarm Tang tun y irxrm ei'XDAT.) 4 40 p m Lv Portliwd Ar Oo a ta Tpm Ar McMinnville Le Mini THROUGH TICKETS to til Point East and South Far tickete end full luformatioai regvdinii ratee, wiapa, eta, aii aa jCotnpeny'e arent at KKOEULF.R, E. P ROGERS, M-ftag-r. Aaai, U. F. wd Peee At. Fabers Golden Female Pills.. for Female Irre ,ler Inc.: noililiiehkeilieni n u the market. rr I ml au'-reulullTUHid li y p'omiueiit ledlee monthly. OuarauK-ed lu relieve adpimaaed menitruailon. tUREI 8AFEI CERTAIN! Don't he humbuwed. Have Time, Health, aud mouey ;take uo oth er. Bent tn any addreaa, eeciire by mall nu re ceipt of price, i00. Adilntia. tuc ipunfi nrniriNF rnHPAMY. Weatern flramh, Bo V, rOBTLAMI. OB Kor Hale by E. K. Li t KEY ACQ., Eugene. T. O.lllWDKK'KH, af). Eakin. J., Caahier. i'reaident. Fir:: National Bank of Eugene. Pali. 11 n i"ffAh l anllal 50.000 Surplus anil Profits, $25,000 Eugene City - - Oregon. . l l...t,l.... t.,...l,,M J,,,, nn reaaoij. ahleterma. HiKlit drafU on NEW YOlfK, I'll 1 AliO. BAli rBAACiawaBii i win LAND, OltEGON. ... ,, urn. ..i .dl n fnranm oountnea. DMIl wi .viiii(i, - ; 7 .a DepoaitJ received euhject to check or certiH cate of il'iaait All collevtlona entruaed to ue will receive prompt attention. A. O. HOVEY, H. ! HUM PHKKY Tl I I...1 I Ull DP. LANE COUNTY BANK. HOVEY. HUMPHREY & CO KTJOKJMK CITY, OB. Genera banking traneacted. fhomeita received on current aovnunt und on ijiecud oortibuate Drafte drawn on PORTIAND, TiAN FRANCISCO AND mcvr iwivrv. Bllla of Exchange told on the Citiea of Evope. J.eani matle. Collect loua on all aoceaaihle point aepecialty CBAH. UUKB, PBMT. W T. PaKT, CAKUIH THE Eugene National Hank EUGENE CITY, OKEUON. PAID UP CAPITAL,. SURPLUS FUND .. . 30,000 Tronaacta a general bankiDg boflinesi. Board of Dibkotom: F B Dunn. F W Oahnrn, J C Church, 8 M Yorun, J M Hodaon. O Lauer, i imie. ADM INIHTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE 18 HEREHY GIVEN THAT E. J. Mc Claiiahan haa la-en by the county court of Lane County, Oregon, duly appointed adinlnla iri,,r of tbcealate of Itiila-ii to'(ckhani.deecaMd, and all a-raon having clalma agaluat aald eatalc am hereby notllled to prcaeut the name with pma-r voucher to the uiidcnlgued, admlula trator, at hi olllce over the Kind National Hank biiilillug In Eugene, Oregon, within aix mouth (nun the date hereof- Dated thl 111" day ol Oct., mn. E. J. Mit'LANAIIAX, L, lln.Y Kt'. Attorney. Ailiuiiilatrator. Groceries ! Having purchased the Matlock Grocery Store, we call the attention of the public to the fact that we will keep hand a riKST-CLASS on stock of groceries.which will be sold to our pat rons at the lowest rates. FISHER BROS. J. L. PAGE, -DEALER IN- ! HAVING A LARGE AND COMPLETE etock ot Staple and Fancy Uroceriea, bought In the beet niarketa EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH, Can offer the publio better prioea than any other houae IN EUGENE. Produce of all klnde taken at market price. LUMBER YARD. South Side of Hth St., near Railroad -ALL KINDS OF- LUMBER, Dressed and Hough. fWVY III aell on Conimiwlon. Onlen Prompt ly t iiiea. WHITVORK, HARXHBAROER A CO, Anguat I, a, two. auml HOFFMAN HOUSE Eugene, Oregon. t Tovsscnd & Htrrlson.rrops. m EUGENI Cm GUARD. SATURDAY OCTOBER 18, 1890. MarriHpg that are Void. A number of unpen tbronghout Ibe glelo have rcceuily aid that in their reapeitive .t i ..I inrriaire oereuioulea CUUOIIt" iiHiiiwi vi o- " thai bad been aoltiuuized were Told, tm ac- couul ol tbe failure of tne pereona periur.u- log aucb ceieiuony to nie iue re.ju..- -Acate with tbe county clerk, such, howev er, ia not tbe caae A marriage iu tbie atale wileinuiijed before any amborized olnocr i.r ........... .., mnl" U-rauM tbe certificate waa not filed wilb the conmy clerk witbio Ibe tune preaonoeu. vj or witbin any other lime lh Pn- ally lalla upon tue or auiei"u....5 fiter, but tbe mrriaf i good and binding, aud the married pirliii need fetl DO alarm about lli mailer, wu y inarriaKea are void wblcb ftre prouiuneu oy law. became of con-auguiuily between the pertien, or on ftccoitDl of euner Having a former wife or buabntid then liviug, r on accoiiiit of either of thetn being of oue-f.mrlb or more of negro blood, II aoieuiiiwrn wu...- thia ttate El. i p;.., Praa New York aperinl aayH The anniml reporl of th Norlhern Pncitto, to be preaenled tn anni m-iiK "i " atnckholdera on Octolr Jl, l m to mage apleiidid elmwing. The roinpniiy hi in ill treaiir f 3.0 Kj.OlM. the eartiinga aoenm nlateddininRtbepiiat five yeara, and moal of Ibia amount will nliinnttely be paid to prefeirnl atockboliKra The proxy commit 1 ... .... ..I f'I.B.Iul T fVtltlW IT tee Ihla yi-Bronnlioa m i omir. . j, . n Wri.-lit and Thoruaa F. Oukea. Tbe T- enrua Land Company bee arrnp;nl to give enlmnee into that city f. 'l milronda con verging at that point, and President WriRht baa approver) of Ihe aale of thirty-five acre ot bind for termiuula of Tacomu to tbe Uuion Pncifio. v. iu..iu all rnllwata anil tnleorftrtha 111 n.nwiii - - r are owned and operated by tbe stntc, nol with ft view lo Hinging money, uui 10 rruner , ,i.n aiwl nine! efficient aervioe to the people; one cent per mile being the coat Of pBaaenger travel; nil me aireri ran ,1 era nwnml ami worked bv runniciDal Kovernmenta for tbe earue puiDoae; all land titlea are legiateren aim xuarniiieeti uy iue mn iKu ilia nwnnr nf a honae and lot could aell or mortgage it in five minutea by flaying a tee ot nve or ten oenia in neu in real expenaea, thereby diapenaitig with many lawyer. in. liannlilican! There ae em to lie a general lelief that when Mr. Hoag retuma from New York new and favorable develop, menu in the railroad eitnatinn will tnke place. The linpreaiinn prevail! that the Oregon Pa- nlu. I'l.nni.nv baa inaitA errano.ltiant for all tho money it will reouire to puh the eaatwanl evtemion ni tue mao. Tn Cnll, ,,,) Tli Plnmmnr'a aeven aorei of unpe. turned out 10.000 pounua; tue eiK"i acrea ol John Grovea yielded Pl.OOO poomb, and from eleven acre Joda Morrison took 20,000 ponoda. EXCITEMENT Rum high In till, city over Hyatem Builder, ai evervlaaly l ulng It for Catarrh of th Mtomach ............1 ....,u,lull,.,'i hnnniH HIimmI and tl build up 'their ayatem. Try It and tell your irieilll aiaHll II, a I, mim, merit when ail a-ak well ol It. CAVED From a terrible death, la what ao many aay after . k 1 tl... I'ulir,ir,ile ra'llllt cureo oi rmnini ii, i,ie - - , i.l.... ...1 V lluu L'l.irl l.lnlmioit. I I inilivv eou - never talla to cure Khctimatlam, Neuralgia, Ume llacK. Mire lliniai. lieauavm-, iw-Liimitv, v Try it. - - - - Don't Believe It V.ti.n ilml- F. T Wi lit inn. tha drutT-fist Umd a..niiiLT "Wituloni'ti llutwrtiue11 for the couiiilnxiou, the most elegant and only really Dfirnuc'HH prepnruiiuu ui nn muu m uo Wlirill. H III I 1 1 v I II k! m ifrauiiiui iv a ui w viu WUu orj uuuw. .!. I. ..! The Road to Mil I Cannot be aaccetilully Iravelet with out good health. To reach wealth or any coveted position la Hie require tho tall poiMitlon and operation of all the fao ultlei kind nature ha ondowed ui with. That condition cannot txlit vnlei the phyilcal being I In perfect working order, tnd thl I Impoiilbl when tho liver and tpleemr torpid, thuiobitrud Ing tho secretion, cauilng Indlgettloa and drtpeptla, with all ol their accent. panylng horror. DR. HENLEY'S English Dandelion Tonic exert t (peclflo Influence ovr the liver, excite It to healthy action, retolvet It chronic engorgement, and promote tho tecretlom; cure Indlgeitlon and consti pation, tharpen the tppitlte, tones ip tho entire syitem, and makes III worth living. Eugene hi Store E. Schwarzschild, Prop.' (Succeaaor to Geo. Collier) BOOKS, STATIONERY, MAPS, GLOBES, SPECTACLES, WALL PAPER & SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Order by mail promptly attended to. Ad- drew Lock Uox li t. WANTED. WOOL, HIDES AND FURS AT GOLDSMITH'S. Northern Pacific Railroad HOITK FROH PORT. LAMITO THK KAST. TWO tras daily AND No Cliangfl of Car of Any Clas No olhcr line runa fulace Dining Cars liotwwn Portland nd the East, THE FINEST EMIGRANT SLEEPINQ CARS In the world are run on all through train, da and night, without change and tree of charge. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPINQ CAIiS, The Fineet, Ceat and Saieat ia Uae Any where. SEE THAT YOUR TICKETS READ via the Northern Pacific 11 11 Portland Ticket Office No 1 Waehingtoa St. Depot Ticket nffie r let and G, Portland. A. D. CHARLTON. A- Paae ASX North era Pacific Kailnwd, 21 Fint Si, Cur. Waahinctua, PortWi, Or Mr tttiI Special HOME TREATMENT A Specific PR HULEti'S HYflRASTIWE RESTORATIVE. gti-nleU. nutriUoo. Purine the BUaaftuiM UyiacvpuiouaniiUiiuirullxbility. A perfect tonic and strength builder. DR. HILLER'S ANT-l-BIUOUS STOMACH AND LIVER CURE., cure Biiloue- ZZTZTtfCInrtVlui-t and i'ever, AUlarial ieveia, andairTjplid ooodiUona. DR. HILLER'S CATARRH CURE. Cuiea Acute Catarrh. Chronic Catarrh, and Catarrhal lMalueea. (juaoulMd to uure Um wor.S caaee when dlnctluoa are fallowed, or money refunded. DR. HILLER'S COUGH CURE. Cure. Cold, IIoe-neei,Coufhe,BronchltU,PleurUyand I'ueuuiouia, and raluvM Couauuiptioo. Contain! no Oplatee. Cur Croup lu 10 mlnutee. Try It, DR. HILLER'S DIPHTHERIA AND SORE THROAT CURE. Prevent, and cure. lipiiUwria. w ill cure any eore tnruat in Iroin S to li Oouie. Cure. Quln' In t day. DR. HILLER'S FEVER CURE. Indltpenaable In all acute dleeaee attended with fever. 1'rav.uu awl curt. boarUi t.vtr, acarlatlna, and Ue-de. Mother ahould bear thl in mind. DR. HILLER'S NERVOUS DEBItlTYJCUnE. Cure. Nervou Weakoeie, and Loee of Tiwir. Never Uue, lirioM'tiviurt.irTularto UUler Drug Co., San Franclaoo, CaL DR. HILLER'S B H E U M A T ! CA N DN E URAL G I CC U R E cure. Eheumtln, Keuralgus Uout, lAUno" tMd'idMi, byneutraiizing the Uuod acid which oaui them. DR. HILLER'S TEETHING CUREAld the growth asd development ol children durine Uie teething arixl, en'uTre. paluicH tcethlnc and eonnd teeth, and prevenU and enree fipauue, Kiokete, Brain Trouble aud Bowel CouipUiuU. A bleolug lo both mother and child. DR. HILLER'S WHOOPING C0U6HCURE. rreventa and Cure. Whooping Cough, Nori-Wlth the exception el Dr. Hlllert Hvdraatlne Reetoratlve, Dr. Hlllert PJieumaUe and NeuralKio Cure, and Dr. HillertCouKh Cure, the above remedleaare put up In Table form, aud, 11 no obtainable from your druKgurt, will be eent free by mall, on receipt ol prioa. $1.00 per Package. Six Packages for $5.00. Tbeeeremedlce are the reeull ol twenty-five year, of practical profeeilonal experience, and areiwrardied lo cure when a cure I. pn-ible. Dr. Hlllore tM pore book ol direction. lor bonUlToootaliung vuable Uulruxtlou a. to hygiene and diet, tout raea ou application l HILLER DRUG COMPANY, Sold at E. R. NEW GOODS. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS From the Cheapest to the Best at prices according to quality. A LARGE STOCK OF MOT 3 mi From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties can De suited euner as Our assortment is Complete, from the lowest Price up to the Finest; can suit you if you give us a call. OUR STOCK IS grFrcc icw and Stjlisli.j3 Look us over; if we do not save you money,, we will make some one elne sell to you low. A FULL LINE J. N. BUNCH. Central Oregon. Land & Loan Co, SMITH & BUNCH, Managers. Odd Fellows Temple. Immigrants and Home Seekers provided with Full Informa tion aliout Oregon f.nd Shown Property Free of Charge. S(jua re Dealin g is our Motto. REFERENCES: First National Batik. Eugene, Oregon . Laue County Bauk, Eugene, Oregon. Eugene National Bank, Eugene, Oregon. STARRS R. B. Cochran & Son, Real Estate Agents. Eugf oe City, Orr gon. Will attend to general Real Eatate bniinea each aa baying, eelling, baaing and renting farm and aty propeny, ete. Offiee on touth aid of Ntntb (tree. - -eei r -in -l nj- J Itfll r atAA! 1 DR. HILLER'S Prescriptions. SELF CURE Remedy for Each Disease, SAN FRANCISCO. CAL, U. S. A. LBCKEY & CO.'S CUBES ANY HEADACHE "While You Wait," BUT CURES , NOTHING ELSE. to rnce or quality, OF GROCERIES F. B. DUNN J. E. SMITH. - SttGBS THE- Eugene, Oregon. Call and See Us. RautaFe Exchange Bank, Marceline, Mo Citizen Bank, Nevada, Mo. GRIFFIN Sells the Celebrated NON.RUSTING Tinware, GENERAL DEALERS IN HARDWARE, STOVES ETO EUGENE, - OREGON 6E0.F.CRAW, POSTOFFICK Cigar store, Engeiie City, Oregon J. DAVIS, Merchant Tailor, HAS REMOVED TO THE Ol.n t lv County Rank m, Will!?. 1 lie ia prepared to do all f work In hi. line. " "N Alargeetock of Flu Cloth, mu, ouatonier to aelect from, " Repairing and eleauing done pronmtl. u UfacUon guaranteed, H ' Blacksmith Shop, Wflpnn flTir1'f!flwi.. Work, Horse Shoein. and repairing of ail ttiiiuaiiuuipuy aiieilQ. ed to. All Work Guaranteed SHOP, southwest cor ner of Eighth and Olive, streets. HoM & McMurry, JOEL WAReT N OTARY PUBLIC OFFICE In Odd Fellow Building, iv gene, Oiegon. Deeds- Mortgages Bonds- Etc . Drawn. tySpeciul attention given to prjcoiiti Title lo Publio LhuiIh uuder the llotnothj and Pre-emplion Lawa. Also Bcbool uti Railroad Lumla. For Sale! WHEAT SACKS, HOP BURLAP, Brimstone, Everything Pertaining to Hops FOB SAL I BY S. H. FHIENDLY. EUGENE CITY PATfERSON, EDIUS i CO. Mannfaclure Best - "Grades Family Flour, Stnre Grain on the innet fuvnrahle trrmi. Wheat receipt nf any warehnuae north of Eo Irene, projierly aanined, taken in eicha lor Flour or Feed. ' tFHighet Cash Price Paid for Whett.fl HAVING RECENTLY REFITTED tin Old Grange Stnre are offering SPECIAL BARGAINS In Dress Goods, Lidi' and Gents Under wear, Boots, ("hoes and all classes of DRY GOODS. F. M. WILKINS, Practical Druggist 4 DRUGS, MEDICINES, Bruehee, Palnte, r.laea, OIL, It Toilet Articls, Etc. ' Pbyaician' Preecriptiun. Compj; 0. HODES, Keep, on hand Fine . LIQUORS, WINES. CIGARS AND POOL AND BILLIARD TABLE. Willamette .treet, between Einhth and Si Boot & Shoe Store A. HUNT. Prop. Will hereafter keep a complete itock of Ladies' Misses' and Children's SHOES BUTTON BOOTS, Slippers, White and Black Sat FINE KID SHOES, MENS' AND BOYS' BOOTS &SH0ES And in fact everything in the Boot Shoe line, to which I intend to d"" my eapecial attention. & -MY GOODS ARE FIRST cU"' And jraarenteol a repreaent!, and be eold for the Iowet price, that a f", article can be afforded. A. L Dli. JOSEPH P. OIL" CAN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE idenoe when not profeeeionally ,n.' Reaidence on EL'hth rtreet, opyit PrrrfT MIT I M tariaa Church.