The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 18, 1890, Image 6

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L 1 CAMPBELL. freprletar.
A Terrible Dluui Vanquished br Mean
of Clever Counplracjr. I
Abel Ryder wa the queerest of all
the queer character we bad In our
town. Not tbat his eccentrlcltln were
plain to every body, like tome of the
old tettlors, for one had to be protty
well acquainted with Jhe old man, and
enter Into conversation with blm, to
discover what waa o strange about him.
A lull's bobby was poetry, He never
wrote any, so far as I know, but be
could talk it Yes, and he talked noth
ing else.
lie kept a atore a regular tillage
tore, where the boys used to congre
gate, and it was there, on winter's even
ings, where we used to draw old Abel
out, and enjoy bis peculiarities, For
Instance, I would enter and say: "Good
evening, Aboil" "Hot the tablo," Abel
would reply. (IIo did not care whotber
bis replies contained any onno, so long
as they rbyniod; that was all he looked
out for.)
Some one else would come In with
'Well, Abol. how goes it?" "O. my
manner shows It," answered Abel, never
topping as If at a lost for a word, but
answering as naturally as could be.
It was very seldom tbat we ever
"stuck" Abel ho could always find
something to rhyme with the last word
of our sentence; but I want to tell you
bow we conspired to bring him down to
plain English, for we tlrod of bis cease
less poetical chattor, and bow the con
spiracy worked.
We all got together one day, and be
gan to form a number of sentences end
ing in words with which it was difficult
to find any thing to rhyme. When we
bad made a Hat sufficient, we thought,
to satisfy our needs, we proceeded In a
body to Abel's store. He was bohlud
the counter, and, as we entored, said:
Good morning, boys, a lovely day I
How an you follows, any wayr
Then we begun.
"Abel," said Tom Ferris, "what's the
day of the month?"
"I think 1 I told you" Abel
scratched his head. "I think I told you
once. No, no -Don't be such a dunce
dunth." lie paused and looked at us
victoriously. Hut we were not to be
beaten so easily.
"Say, Abel," said Dill Bower, "did
you ever see a locomotive?"
"No; but I think 1 would know't if
(I saw one)," be addod in parenthesis.
This was only a partial victory for Abol,
and we followed blm up
"Abel," said a tutrd,."could you run ft
dynamo?" ..
Abel thought ft moment and then re
plied, quickly: "Your remarks, now,
please con line 'em, 01"
A ahlver of anxiety ran through our
ranks, for "locomotive" and "dynamo"
were two of our strongest words. Hut
Peter Flynn came to our rescue.
"Mr. Byder," said he, drawing his
sentence out, "Mr. Ryder, have you got
stool spiral T" Ho put great empha
sis on the word "spiral," and looked
hard at the old mun.
Abel opened his mouth to reply. lie
moved bis lips as If trying to form ft
word, clutched at his hair, oast an agon
ising look , about him, and thon Vic
tory I Defiantly, and yet with the tone
of man who know that he was beaten,
be said "No!"
We bad him.
. From tbat day Abel Rydor was a dif
ferent man, and I do not believe that
the people in that town have been
troubled with blm since. At loast I
know that we never were. Paul C
West, In Light.
The Beautiful Ki-Kaiprms Now a Pal,
White-Haired Woman.
I may mention here two rather pict
uresque interviews with the Empress
Eugenie. The first one at Venice In
1809, when she was on ber way to the
(sues canal to open it for M. de Lesseps,
ber cousin.
8be arrived there in her own yacht,
the Algle, and we saw hor from the
window of Damlelll's Hotel, pacing up
and down the dock, queenly flguro.
Indeed, the Empress Eugenie, who was
not royalty, looked more like one
than any I have seen born In the pur
ple. She was physically to handsome
nd what we call "arlstooratio-looklng"
tbat abe seemed every Inch a Queon.
In tbe evening all Venice was illumi
nated atd the Grand canal bad the ap
pearance of a long Jowelod serpent
Victor Emanuel came thither with a
brilliant troop of cavaliers to do hor
honor. He took ber In bla
own gondola up the tortuous,
dark passages of the lesser ca
nal into the Urand canal, past
( the blstorlo house of Luoretta Borgia,
which was blood-red in the limelight!
past the vtolet-tlntod church of Maria
del Salutes past the glorious old Ducal
palace; past the two columns which
bold tbe Lion of St Mark and the Saint
on the Alligator; through all the dreamy
charm of a night in Vonloo, with the
gleaming boats beside them, one a
model of the Bucentoro. Muilo waa
playing softly all the air from "Otol
lo," "I Due KoncartV and other Vene
tian things; and so the Empress, whose
pale, handsome face and red balr I aaw
plainly from my gondola, spent ber
evening la Venice.
Lord Houghton was with ber, and be
afterward told me that the ordered in
Venloe t dtest made after the portrait
of Catarlna Cornaro, Queen of Cyprua,
la the Accadnmta. which she wore at
the ball riven by M. de Letaept at Hue.
Poor woman! This was tbe lait of ber
glorlea. Tbe next year came Sedan,
with downfall and ruin, lota of husband,
lot of son. She is our Lady of Vicissi
tude. During the most brilliant day of tbe
Queen' jubilee in London ia 18ST I it
tbe Empress once more, ft tall, pale,
wblte-balred woman la deep mourning,
attended by on gentleman and on
lady. She cam down the ttept of tho
Buckingham Palace Hotel a I did. Our
arrlage were detained, and I noted
again that Baa, aristocratic outline, tbat
beautiful droop of tbe eyelid. 8b 1
till vary band torn, and look lik ft
sartyr. bat bow obeaged it all ill Mr.
Suwwood, U Philadelphia Tim,
Tresi'lent Harrison has promised the
Labor Committee that when Congrei
adjourned he would give consideration
to the eight-hoar law and would insist
nn it strict enforcement in govern
ment buildings.
Work to be Resumed on the Astoria
and South Coa3t Railway.
The Oakland Saloonkeepers Contemplate
Starting an Ojiiosltlon Brewery
to the Syndicate.
Werk on the jetties at Ysqiiina lay
has been resumed.
Ground is broken at Kacrameuto for
the new Federal building.
Tho cry for more cars to move Iuinler
at rortlund is still heard, and Union l'a
eillc olliciuls promise early relief.
People in Southern New Meiiwj
threaten to organize and kill Indiuns if
tho renegades do not ceusc their raids.
Olympic mountain explorers report an
unlimited quantity of the fluent of tim
ber, indications of coal and auriferous
minerals and swarms of fish in the
James Dunn and George Martin, who
were collector and liookkccper in the
agency of the Santa Fe Company at Los
Angeles, are missing, and soalso isabout
(A,(njU in their accounts.
Citizens of Modrc county, Cal. J Lake
county, Or., and Washoe county, Ney.,
have titioiicd Congress against the
promised abawioniiiclitof Fort liidwell as
a military reservation.
It is estimated that wheat and hops
will bring into the State of Washington
this season about tf,0OJ,0OO. lumber
and coal about $15,00 and tbat rail
way construction will bring in IM,00U,
000 more within eighteen months.
A site has Wn given Whatcom coun
ty, Wash., for the erection of a county
hospital or infirmary, and the Commis
sioners have ordered a voto to be taken
at the general election in November on
the nroisjsitlon to expend llM.UUO in
erecting an adequate building.
The gross earnings of the Southern
Pacillc system for August were H.4H3,
7iii; and the gross earnings for the year
up to date were 3i),i:W,000, against 2I),-
41(7,600 last year. The total operating
expense to date for 18IK) were 20,313,
CKKI, against 120,117,000 last year.
Thomas Nolan, second mate of the
ship Yorktown. lias been acquitted at
San Francisco bv Commissioner Sawyer
of the charge of cutting adrift a boat
containing boatswain James Weston
during a recent voyage. Ihe testimony
went to show that ulan risaea iub me
to save Weston.
Work is to be resinned at once on the
construction of the Astoria and South
Const railway, and the contract has
been let to Chinese from Portland for
grading seven miles out from llilhtboro,
and at Astoria to another Chinese firm
for grading several miles up the Lewis
ami Clarke rivers.
One day Inst week ten masked men
took hind lawyer, James llerrington.
from the juil at Hakerslleld, Cal.. gagged
him, conveyed him to a lonely siwt,
stripped him and applied a coat of tar
and feathers to him. He had been ar
rested on complaint of a settler, whom,
it is charged, lie had engaged in a con
test of perjury.
Sturgeon aro retorted as very scarce
in tho Columbia alwve Astoria. The
reason assigned for their scureity is the
myriads of sardines that are at present
U'inir rainrht at the mouth of the river.
this ii the spawning season with the
sardines, and the sturgeon, living prin
cipally on small fish, will not ascend up
the river until me suruine uiaapiwar.
A scheme is on foot among saloon'
k.....,i.r nf Oakland to start a new brew
ery in opKsitlon to the English syndi
cate, which owns all the breweries in
that city except one small one. Some of
the former employes of the Oakland
brewery are in the movement, and aliout
one-third of the money needed has al
ready been subscrilied, largely by sa
loonfceeper. The bill for the exploration of the in
terior of Alaska, to which the House
Committee on Military Affair has do
voted considerable time, has been re
ported to the House with a recommend
ation favorable to its passage. There
port was made by Mr. Koekwell of
Massachusetts, who briefly reviews the
object aimed at by the bill. He says
that while the coast of Alaska has been
followed and mapped almost nothing is
known of the interior.
In the Superior Court the Jury in the
case of Mrs. W. L. Coenene against the
I.o Angeles Cable ltailway Company
found a verdict for the plaintiff and
awarded her ilo.OiK) damages. In No
veinher, 1SSH, the plaintiff and her hus
IwikI were rldimi in a wagon in East
Los Angeies. A double horse car of the
cable eomnanv collided with the wagon,
and Mrs. Coenene was thrown lo ihe
ground. As a result she sustained ser
ious injuries and is now bedridden.
The Southern Paeitle passenger de
partment will abort ly send some of its
employes lo mane saeu-nes or pnoui-
irrnn is ol Hie eeuuoia rsuiionni tars
imct of land, about forty-live miles east
of Fresno, Cal., containing the forest of
biit trees which Congress recently re
served for park purposes. Photographers
are also to be sent to Crater hike, titty or
sixty miles northeast of Ashland, Or.
Hut little Is known o( this lake, which is
descrilwd as being a large sheet of water
in the crater ot an extinct volcano. A
person standing on the edge of the crater
is said to look down upon a hike 2,000
feet below him.
The annual report of the Northern Pa'
citic. to he presented at the annual meet'
ingot the stockholders on Octolter 31, is
said to make a splendid showing. The
companv has in its treasury 13,000,000,
the earnings accumulated during the
past five years, and most of this amount
will ultiinatelv be raid to preferred
stockholders, the proxy committee this
vear consists of Charles L. Colbv. C. H.
Wright and Thomas F. Oakes. the Ta
coma I-and Company has arranged to
give entrance into mat ruy to an rail
road converging at that point, and
President Wright has approved of the
sale of thirtv-tive acres of land for ter
minals at Tacoma to the Union lVitlc.
House Committee on Public Build
ings and Ground ha ordered a favora
ble report on the Senate bill for public
building at Oakland, Cal. The bill is re
ported with an amendment reducing the
appropriation from :!00,OOJ to J-0,tM0.
The report accompanying the bill rec
ommending it passage y that Oak
land it a very proterui and growing
city and needs a proiwrly located, coiir
nMnlious and suitable building for pos
tal purpose. The businessof the office,
it hv, I rapuliy increasing witn ine
..i.l inrr. of nomihition. The ero
receipt, of the oth'oe for the year ending
June 30, 1M, were 170,243. and the rev-
tuue above all expense, f 31,426.
An Iowa Prophet Augurs a Long,
Cold, Snowy Winter.
An Appeal for Aid Made by the American
Committee for the Relief of
Famine In Ireland.
Over 12,000,000 bananas are distribut
ed In Chicago every week.
Saratoga is to have new bathing es
tablishment to cost 1100,000.
An opjweitioii water works Company
has been organized at Toeka, Kan.
A colored evangelist of Ilrockwayville,
Pa., is said to bo a second Sam Jones.
There is talk of spanning the Missis
sippi at Ilurlington with a pontoon
The census bureau has announced the
nomihition of the Territory of Oklahoma
as 111,701.
There are fifty-ono different postmas
ters within the corporate limits of the
city of Chicago.
It is rejiorted that one of the largest
hanks in Great liritain is to establish a
branch at Chicago.
The ship yards of the lakes will this
vear turn out 12,000 tons of excellent
cargo-carrying vessels.
Jones, the Iowa weather prophet, pre
dicts a long. cold, snowy winter, starting
n early ami continuing lute,
itnffiiln Rill's ill treatment of bis In
dians is to bo investigated by the Indian
Department at Washington.
All the little towns in Oklahoma are
presenting their claims to the Legisla
ture for the Territorial capital site.
Is to be erected at Lex
ington, Mo., in memory of the dead sol
diers of the Union and Confederate ar
mies. The. President has approved the river
id harbor bill and the joint resolution
r the purchase of nickel ore for the
A just retribution has overtaken the
iiivwitiir of the niirs-in-clover puzzle,
.. . . . . 1 1- &!,
lie lias been sent w an asyium m m,
Wasbinirton authorities deny that or
ders bnve been sent to the revenue cut
ter Wolcott to proceed to lsclirmg sea
and make seizures.
Tim nostofflce authorities have seized
the entire weekly edition of the Cincin
nati Volksfreuml because it coniaineu
iottery advertisements.
Jersey City has a law under which
fines of 100 each are to be imposed upon
persons detected drinking malt or alco
holic liquors in her new parks.
The report of the Statistician of Kan
sas shows that mortgages in that State
are being lifted at the rate of 34 per
cent, and f 10,000,001) for the year.
Representative Vandever' bill con
verting the Yosemite Valley region into
a grand national park has been signed
by the Preaident and is now a law.
Tbe work of classifying the sections in
the World's Fair will lie completed by
November. The whole exhibition will
occupy nine buildings.
House Committee on Public Build
ings and Grounds bus cut down the ap
priations for buildings at Reno, Nev.,
and Oakland, Cal., to $40,000 and $225,
000 respectively.
Secretary Noble lias christened the Big
Tree reservation "The Sequoia National
Park" and promulgated rules and regu
lations similar to those now governing
Yellowstone Park.
Tbe Constitutional Convention of Mis
sissippi has adopted a section which for
bids the legislature auiiiorwing any lot
tery, nor shall tbe sale of any lottery
tickets be allowed in tho State.
In the suit, for a limited divorce
brought by the wifo of McKee Kankin
at New York the latter pleads compara
tivn imiuviinicisitv. lie owes much
money to Joseph Jefferson, Stuart Hob-
son and others.
As a result, it is alleged, of inordinate
Breed on the Dart of the gas trust, till
cago' City Council by unanimous vote
has declared in lavor oi municipal own
ership and operation of all the gas and
electric light plants oi tne town
The Manhattan Club of New York
fit v has at last taken possession of the
end A. T. Stewart mnnsion, which is to
be its future home. Nearly all the lur-
niture and carpeting owned by Mr,
Stewart was bought by the club.
The Chinamen of New York have
ffiven to their Joss at 111 Mott street a
new umbrella. WHICH mey nati urougm
... . i ,i . i . i i .
over from I num. u is covervu wmi
lraimns and other monsters with glitter
ing eyes, and is saui to nave cost, -wu,
An anneal to the people of America
fnnii the American committee for the
relief of famine in Ireland is publish tl
in New York. It says the point oi ac
tual Buffering from hunger Is not yet
reached, but the days oi starvation, tin
iess help comes, are' not far off.
The Board of Bureau Chiefs have gone
over the figures of the Ifan Francisco's
tritil and decline to designate the speed
definitely. It is understood that the
nrnil ileeis on will lie that the San rran
cisco has stood a test of 10.72 knots,
which will mean that the contractors
ill rmtrive less than tltkl.OOO in pre
miums. They will proWbly apin-al to
Congress for reliel,
The rush of foreign goods to the United
States to escape the increased duties oi
the Mckinlcv bill lias turned tno il
ance of trade ainiinst the country. The
government statement of foreign coin
ineree shows the export from this couii'
trv for August to have beeu f5tl,(M),0U0
and imports tiil.'.MO.NXi,
In the Mississippi Constitutional Con
vention the committee to which the
suhiect of securing conciliatory race
legislation was referred has reported
number of resolutions which claim
the incawcity of the negro to govern,
and recommend that Congress bo ap
pealed to to resubmit the Fifteenth
Amendment to the States.
It is reported in Chicago that the Great
Northern road would have it lVitlc
Coast line in operation within year,
It will cross the Union Pacifeand North
ern Pacific road in Washington and tap
all it l'fti illc Coast connections. Its Pa
cific Coast terminal will bf south of Port
land, with branches to that citv and
Intelligence ha reached Ottawa from
British Columbia that the government
of Great Britain and the I nitcd States
have agree.! 10 che iwnnng sea uunng
Wl. by which time it UfW'W uat
the questions at issue will be .tiled by
1 either mutual agreement or arbitration.
Russia Making New Laws Against
the Hebrews.
The Pope Reported to be Adrerse to Crema
tlon.and Prohibits Catholics to
Attend Them.
English opinion indorses the Burchell
Naiwleon lll.'fl library ia soon to 1
sold at auction.
Michael Davitt savs Parnell position
is stronger than ever.
The recruits for the November entries
to the Germany army number 215,000.
The last performance of the "Passion
Play" at Obcrammergau occcurred Sep
tember 28.
The Socialists of Germany are greatly
rejoicing over the expiration of the anti
Socialist law.
Einin Pasha has not yet received the
5,000 arrears due to him from the Egyp
tian government.
The Pope d8 not believe in crema
tion, and has forbidden Catholics to go
to the llcry furnace.
Cyprus is suffering from a carcitv of
silver coin. The government prohibits
the importation of silver.
It it reported at Bueno Ayre that
Dr. Celman, the late President, has $10,
000,000 invested in London.
Russia has ordered six torpedo vessels
and 2)0,000 rifles of the latest pattern
from French manufacturers.
The new Austrian torpedo ram, which
has Just been launched at Polai, is con
sidered a match for any ironclad.
Every night 23.0J0 houseless and
homeless people sleep by the Thame in
what they call the Port of Imdon.
England has formally notified King
Georgo of the Tongo Islands that his
country is under British protection.
It is rcKrted from Ceylon than an at
tempt is to be made to introduce Cey
lonese cigars to the American market.
It has lieen arranged to convert the
Cuban debt at the end of the year
through the French and Spanish banks.
It is reDorted that the French forces
have subdued the natives of the Society
islands and established protectorates
over them.
Prominent French Socialists declare
that Boulanger promised to cast his lot
with the revolutionaries in the first civic
A London dispatch from Algiers say
that a cyclone ha swept over a large
portion of Algeria, doing an immense
amount of damage.
Scarlet fever is epidemic in many
nlaces in Silesia. It has been found ad
visable to close schools. Numerous
deaths have occurred.
Tt in a matter of nublic congratulation.
hut no more than was to be expected,
that the popular elections in Brazil have
fully sustained tne jKopuoiic.
The Enirlish Admiralty is engaged in
constructing an armored battle ship, the
Balfour, intended to be more poweriui
than any of Us class yet constructed
Emigrants are returning to Enroge in
large numbers from the Argentine Re
public, finding the country at present in
too chaetic a condition to settle in it.
According to the recent census of
Switzerland the Republic contains 1,700,
000 Protestants, l,2J0,000Cathol;cs, 8,300
Jews and 10.00J non-religious persons,
The Emperor of Austria has decided
that the electric light Bhall be intro
duced into his palace at Vienna. Eight
thousand incandescent lights will be re
President Reich of the Icheralbach
Ornhan Asvluni at Nurenibtirg. Bavaria,
has been arrested on a charge of selling
orohan eirls to a life of shame. The
government win close tne institution.
New Zealand has agreed to be repre-
sentea in me Australian rrutnuiou
Convention, although the feeling is
strongly against a union with the Aus
tralian colonies.
A convention of 600 midwivea is now
in session in Berlin. They represent all
sections of Germany and Austria, and
are engaged in listening to lectures by
eminent peciuiits.
Prince Bismarck and his Secretary,
Herr lUircher. are engaged at Varzin in
compiling the memoirs of the evente in
which the rrince ngtireu wnue in tne al
bum of State.
The proposal to raise funds for the
construction of a steamer for Lake lc
toria Nyanza, which took shape at the
l . ,..!.. . II...
uanquoi to major von w ipnmnu nt uniu
liiinr Ih iiriii'ticiillv nccoinnlished. a sum
of 75,000 having been subscribed.
It is said that the Russian Czarowitz
who i- about to start on a tour to India
China and Japan, terminating at San
Francisco, will return to r.urope tiirougii
the United States. It is expected .that
the Russian squadron will meet him at
New lork.
A Russian law is being prepared to an
thorite deportation to Silieria, without
trial, of all foreigner who have been ex
pclled from their own countries and
w hose governments refuse to recognize
them. This law is directed against Kou
maninn Jews who come to Russia.
The Executive Board of the Spanish
parlv in Cuba at a recent meeting de
cided to send a telegram to Spain, point
ins out the heavv damages which man
ufacturers will suffer from the new tariff
bill adopted by the United States, am!
askini; as an immediate remedy reform
of the Snish tariff and negotiations of
a treaty witn tne I nued states.
A dispatch from Erieronm say the
situation in Armenia Is serious, ihe
Russian government ha massed 7,200
troop on the frontier. The Turk are
expecting attack, and are rapidlv up
plvinn Kurd with arms and ammuui
lion and making other preparations to
resist the Russian forces. Russia is also
increasing her frontier guards on the
hotindarv of Austria, Turkey and Persia
to provide for more effective suppression
ol smuggling.
A rich find ot silver is reported to
have ieen made in laihotin county
Ala., in what appears to be a mine form
erlv worked by Indians. The ore
said to assay 60 per cent, of pure silver
General Ely S. Iarker, a civil engineer
of New tork, who served on treneral
Grant's statf during the war, is a full
blooded Seneca Indian, and ia said to
have suggested the main feature of ft
design that has been adopted for a mon
ument to Red Jacket, the great Seneca
Whiat Foreign market are iteady,
but the demand for cargoe slow. Lo
lly there is no change. Shipper til
quote 1 25 for Valley and l.i7)1.20
for Wall Walla. .
Floub Quote: Standard, 3.904.00;
Walla Walla, I3.o03.80 per barrel.
Oat Quotes 4448c per bushel.
MiixaTuirs Quote: Bran, $t7.60rl8;
Shorts, $23.50(424; Ground Barley,
f32.50; Chop Feed, 25 per ton.
Hav Quote: lii(sSl8perton. The market i firm.
Quote: Cabbage, 11.60(41.75 per cental;
Caulillower, $1.25 per dozen; Onions.
2c er pound ; Cucumliers, 10c per dozen ;
Carrot, 1 per sack ; Beet, 1 .60 per sack ;
Turnip, 1.25 per sack; Tomatoes, 5Uc
per box; Potatoes, 80cl per cental;
Sweet Potatoes, 2c per pound.
Cimxsg Quote : Oregon, ll12c;
California, (310c; Young America, 14
(a; 16c per pound.
BuTTKH The market ia firm. Quote :
Oregon fancy creamery, 36c ; lancy dairy,
32J4C; good to fair, 274s30c; common,
i24(a26cj choice California, 2830c per
Koos Quote: Quote: Oregon, 26c;
Eastern, 26c per dozen.
I'oiiLTMv Ouote: Old Chickens, 15;
young, g 34;old Ducks, ( 6.60: large
vounir. 7ffi7.60: Geese. II) per dozen;
Turkevs. 1 IO 15c Der round.
Fkuit Quote: Tahiti Orange, 14.60
rter box: Sicilv Lemon". I0M10 per case;
Pears, 1,'c per pound ; apples, 00(86c
ler box ; Graes, 75c(sl per box ; Pine
apple, 3.60(o(4.00 per dozen; Bananas,
4 ner uuncli : uouiue. o: reacnes, www
$1.25 per box; Watermelons, 1.602
er dozen; Cantaloupes, 1.60(ct2 per
dozen; California Quinces, 11; uregon,
1.50 per box.
i u 1 s Ouote : Walnuts. 13c; Peanuts,
green, lZo; Almoniis, wc; r iioeris, 11
15c; Brazils, 1314cperpounu; uocoa
nuts, 1 per dozen.
llosxY Fancy White, i-pounu car
toons. 18c ner txmnd.
Kaiw base Quotation: iron,
Bteei, 3.30; Wire, 3.90 per keg.
Hops Quote: 30c per pound; nomi
nal prices.
Hides The mantel 1 weaa. uum-
tlona- Drv Hides, selected prime, (
lc, Yit less for culls; green, selected,
over 65 pounds, 4c; under 66 pounds, 3c;
Sheep Pelts, Bhort wool, HO(aouc; me
dium, 60080c; long, 90c1.25j shear
lings, 10(S20e; lauow, goou wcnoite, o
Wool Quote : Eastern Oregon, 10
16c; Vallev, lfl18c per pound.
Chaxbehries tiuote: Wisconsin,
9.60; Cape Cod, 12 per barrel.
The Merchandise Market.
fliroARH Ouote: Golden C.6c: extis
C, 5'ic; dry granulated, 6c; cub
crushed and powdered, tic per pound.
Dried Fruits The marKet is nrm.
Qimte: Italian IVunes, 1214c; Pe-
tits and German Prunes, 10c per poiina:
Raisins, 2.75 per box: Pluiiimer-dried
Pears, ll(t 12'ac; Bun-dried and factory
Plums. lOwllc: evaporated Peaches,
24c; Smyrna Figs, I4is!l6c; California
Figs, 9c per pound.
Beans The marKet is nrm. uuoie:
Small Whites, 3.25; Pink, 13.75 ; Bayos,
4.50; Butter, 3.50; Limas, 5.60 per
Canned Goons Market is firm. Quote:
Table fruits, 2.25, 28 ; Peaches, 2.5J;
Bartlett Pears. ti:ZD Plums, fi.oo;
Strawberries, 2.6J; Cherries, 2; Black
berries. 12; Raspberries,; 1'ineap-
ples, 2.75; Apricots, 11.86. Pie fruit:
Assorted, 3.75 per dozen; Peaches,
11.40; Plums, 1.25; Blackberries, tlM
per dozen, v ecetauies : torn, l.lZ'i
rl.40, according to quality; Tomatoes.
1.203.50; Sugar Peas, 1.401.60;
String Beans, $1 per dozen. Fish:
Salmon, l.'&; sardinf, Hiic(gi.w; iod
sters, :(rf3; oysters, 2(tf2.75 per dozen
Condensed milkt Eagle brand, 8.25;
Crown, 7; Highland, 6.75; Champion,
lit per case.
Cokkeb Ouote: Costa k:cs, zzsc;
Rio, 26,'sc; Arbuckle's, roasted, 2b4c
per pound.
Ta tjuoie: aj(ff4nc per pound.
Pickles tiuote: 1.15c 3s; tl.2b 5s.
Salt Quote : Liverpool, 117, 18, 119;
stock, 111(912 per ton in carload lot.
Coal Oil Quote : 12.20 per case.
Rick Quote : 640 per pound.
The Meat Market.
The meat market is firm. Quote :
Beef Live, 2l4'3c; dressed, 6c.
Mutton Live, SStc: dressed, 6c.
Hogs Live, 56c; dressed, 7c.
Veal K48c per pound.
Spring Lambs 2.60 each.
The market is firm. Quotations : East
ern Hams, 13(if He; tireaklast ba
con, 13 13,S,c ; Sides, 0 10c ; Lard, 8 (u
IOc per pound.
A Tounr Man Who It Either a Fool or
Very WIm Individual,
During several seasons young Parks
bad been a constant visitor at the house
ot Abemlelch Morrison. Sunday after
Sunday the young fellow would come,
and after sitting nearly all day, stealing
glances at Sookey, old Abemlelch'
laughter, he would go home. He waa
so bashful that when the time came for
hi departure, he would glide out the
door, jump over the fence and run like a
lack-rabbit Last Sunday be took his
place a usual
"Sam," said old Abemlelch, "whut's
your daddy dolnT' '
"Makln' uv a steer yoke, ub, huh,
"Whuf Llge dolnT
"Ain't doin' notbln. Dun gone to
tnectin' with ft gal, uh, huh, huh!"
"Whuf your mother doin'?"
"Got sorter behind on her quilt an' la
ft-cardin of her bat to-day."
"Made your plant bed ylt?"
"e ve made one uv tnem, but we
ain't made the big one whut we 'lowed
to make."
"Yaa, ar."
"Whuf the nsen acttn' itch a blame
fool? You love Sook?"
"No, I don't, uh, huh, huhf"
"Yes, you da"
"I don't, nuther."
"Yes, you do, an' you wanter marry
"I don't, now, no such uv a thing, uh,
huh, huhl"
"Yes, you do.
"Would you give her to me ef I wm
ter wanter marry her?"
"Yea, you may have her. Come here,
Sook." calling the girL
"Whut do you want, dadf'she Mid, en
tering the room.
"Hold on, Sam. Come back, you blame
Sam had Jumped over the fence and
wa running like ft jack-rabbit. Old
Abemlelch aay that the marriage may
laae piace a soon aa Sam ' ken be hem'
med up an' fotch to the house." Arkan-
aaw Traveler.
Terrible Beveage.
To get rid of a bore: aUmma Xorsa, If
Ur. Bore I still her in a quarter of aa hour
ering In baby Texas gifting.
A Bint for Baelaeaa Mea
Honor and than Own bo condition rtae
ftat nil rour pen, ekica nut 10 edirdn,
Ao4 While She Was In she Told a FleaMnt
Little story.
A busv Chicago housewife had just
duted tbe furniture and wa about to
wain the window, when there came
violent ring at the door belL A faded
looking woman, carrying a green para
col and ft bag that puckered like ft to
bacco tack, walked in wben tne a our
was opened, and, refusing to give her
name, entered tbe parlor.
Would you object to giving me your
name?" ald the housewife, when tne
trange woman bad seated herself.
. "Never mind my name.
"Will you please state your busi
ness?" "Never mind my business."
"Well, but why am I honored with
this visit?"
"You'll find out oon enough."
"I hould like to find out now, if It
will not be putting you to any unnoco
aary lnoonven.ence."
"All right My business 1 not very
important, to be sure, but perhaps you
might take some little interest in it
Your name 1 Mr. Natterson, I be
lieve." "Yes."
"An. hah. How long have you known
your alleged husband?"
"My alleged husband?"
"I have been married three year."
"Tbat ia, you think you have been
married tbat long."
"I eurely do not understand you."
"Oh, if a matter of no consequence,
but as I happened to be in this town and
more especially a I chanced to be pass
ing, I thought that I would drop In and
tell you that this man Natterson mar
ried me in Massachusetts Borne five or
six years ago, I forget which. But it
amounts to nothing, you know."
"Merciful heaven, madam, you hor
rify met"
"Oh. not necessarily, I assure you."
"Is it possible that I have been de
"Well, it look rather that way."
"And have you come here to olalm
my husband?"
Oh, not at all. I just Happened to
be passing and thought I'd toll you.
Please don't think for a moment tbat I
want him. It is true that men are
rather scarce in the East, but even if
tbey were ten times scaroer than they
are, 1 snouidn t want mat 101 10 w. 1
have had quite enough of him, 1 assure
you. Just happened to De passing anu
thought I d drop in and tell you. nope
I havon't put you to any Inconvenience.
Good day." Arkansaw Traveler.
BeKd for If la Life and Fotind
SjmpBthlilrif Awllrnre.
A touching story comes from Paris. In
a certain famous school of mediolno the
professor was about to illustrate the ef
fects ot a particular mineral poison. He
placed a little whlto poodle upon the
table, and then, fondling it caressingly,
he explained to his audience in a few
simple words the exact nature of tha
operations, and tho symptoms of the in
itructlve agony they were to witness.
Then, fastening the dog down into
the torture trough, with the fine firm
touch ot the practiced vivisector, he
ckillfully laid open one of the veins of
the neck. Witb a cry of pain the ani
mal writhed for a moment helplessly
under the calm hand of the professor,
when suddenl by gome misfortune one
of the fastenings gave way, and then
with ft bound tbe poodle was free, and
stood bleeding on the other end of thft
operating table.
The vivlsector put down the phial con
taining tbe poison he was about to in
ject into the wound, and was stepping
round to catch the poodle when the lit
tle animal stretched itself out flat upon
the table, and began to crawl slowly to
wards him.
The whole attitude was expressive of
penitence and submission, as though the
creature were begging not to be pun
ished any more. In another moment the
dog would have been captured and put
back properly into the torture trough,
wben it stood erect and turned head over
ine vivlsector had before blm a per
forming poodle, and the animal was say
ing as plainly as though It were in
words, "See, you mustn't punish me
any more, I will perform well." The
antics over, the poodle resumed its atti
tude of submission, and crawling up to
the professor began to lick his hands.
To blm the incident was nothing
only a little delay in an interesting ex
periment, but before itcould be resumed
the students were on their foet, angrily
telling the vivlsector to put up his
knife, declaring the poodle bad earned
Its life.
The professor shrugged his shoulder
at such a primitive display ot emotion.
but th students had tbeir way. Chris
tian at Work-.
Too Liberal.
Tourist What are your terms, Mr.
Landlord Browne Twenty dollars a week.
Tourist And what am I expected to dof
Landlord Do? Why, you surelv don't in
tend payiug me 20a week just for staying
here, do you I It's too high. Kiftesn dollar
would be enough. Harper's Bazar.
Knew Him.
Dinguss Shadbolt, can you spare 5f
6 had bolt Certainly, Dinguss. Here it is.
Dinguss Thank. I'll Just give you my
note for tbe amount
Bbadbolt (who knows him) No use wast
fog paper, Dinguss. I told you I could spar
we o vnicago iriDune.
A lrlor KlfhU
"Be' here. Brown, vou took that nmhrell
from my office, and ( want it" '
"I know 1 did, but this umbrella beloas
to Bmlth." ,
-What it it does! I stole It Brsf-Xew !
York Sun. j
Admitting the ton fjopr-aehaent.
Barber (to customer whose face look aa I
tdough It bad undergone several surgical op- ;
rations) Tbe man who shaved you last must
hare been a fool.
Customer-He tit I shaved myielt
8w York Bun.
The tbry of life, to one who has
reached advanced age, eem to him
like dream. He can not discredit the
tory which bis own memory tells, yet
he wonders and muses over the long
line of event in the past Happy is
tbe man who, when be thus dreams.
Cods no occasion to regret the un forgot
ton conduct of tbe past Tbe way to
lay tbe basis for pleasant memory la te
live right in each present moment X.
Y. Independent
Willie -What are phosphate used
ter?" Cncle Bob "They are used for
fertiliser to make tbinir grow." Willie
-"Well, then. Uncle Bob, why don't
yon pnt phosphate In your hat to uak
tour hair grow 7"
usinu inuui FOR Kn.
-"i 1,
It Was the Only Thin the ......
Wuiiled, and Mirny Hut iu "
There are severs! mall lk. ..
head water of the Monlstlqu ri
Michigan, where there are tnon
pickerel and muskallonge, Hrookhw
are abundant In the stream ruiuv""
Into them. Fishermen have alw. 1
mentod the failure of all their erfo,
capture muskallonge m the. 1 7,
with any of the known live h.i..
lures, but a party of angler who
bait flHhlnj near one of the la,ei
season discovered that the nmklin.
would not awnpt any of the nrrtu.C
bait simply because they were hihl
eplcutoan in their taste. Oneol ih
party of fishermen referred to. aft
!...) . lt k,. -Mil l ""wr,I-
iiumoiwii trying to cdu
ure a muskallonire, wont to the rJZ
of one of the streams that emote i.
iv ..a . 1 ' '"to
hid lino aim mauu iiiw til HIS of trout
lie booked a small one and was reelln
It in when thore came a sudden iwooa
and splash in the water and down we!
the trout and the fisherman' leader
the wh.rlpool that marked the inm
where tho trout had been.
Tbe an?lor know that a muskslln.-
had swept the trout and leader w.
and he kept alive the next x-lnchtroi't
uecnugim uraiou it 10 nis muHkalW.
book and tossed it into the lake when
he thought muskallonge would b
apt to lib. The trout had scarcely iubi,
beneath the surface when It was raven
ously seized, and the fisherman had the
atisfaction of landing a flftoen-pounj
muskallonge. I!y using small trout for
bait In that way twelve large musktl
longe were killed In a short time by tbe
party, ni uiu eume time every other
kind of bult was used at the same ipot
without one muskallonge noticlnr k
At any time during tbe party' tut
there muska'longe could be caught with
trout as bait but at no time with hi
thing else. Tbe big fish were connou
seura. The stream furnished them wiit,
the most delicate of food, and their
fused eny morsel less choice. Trading
off trout for muskallonge seemed likt
decidedly unsportsmanlike thin lo
do, but the knowledge obtained wu
worth the sacrifice.
Another lake In that vioinlty his no
where more than a four-foot depth ot
water, and It has a bottom so soft tbat
pole twenty feet long will not fathom
Its depth. This lake is literally full of
big pickerel. Tbey bite at almost any
thing, but the moment they are hooked
they dive into tbe soft bottom and w
down so deep that sometimes tbey hits
to be pried out with poles. It is no un
common thing to mine them out from
depth of four feet. The lake bottom it
not mud or mire, but a pulpy mass re
sembling tap.ixa pudding. N. Y. Sua,
History Rhnw Tluit They Have Bhi Is
I'se for Many Centuries.
Spoons have been in use for man;
centuries; in early times it wu the
fashion for all ladies and gentlemen to
have thoir own spoons and spoon-caset,
which they carried with them wheroTSf
they went Two hundred years ago
find f roquont montion in the newspapers
of "a lost caso containing a knife, fork
and silver spoon." The spoon was usu
ally described as bearing the crest of
the owner upon its handle, or a picture
of tho Blessed Virgin. The "apostls
spoons" were a dozen of these allver
Implements, each containing an Image
of one of the apostles In relief upon its
handle; sometimes with and sometimes
without his name. If the name wu
omitted, thore was usually some em
blem of the worthy supposed to h
represented on the spoon. In case
emblems were usod in place of 1
name, St. James would be attired ssi
pilgrim; St. Jude was usually pic
tured with a club, the emblem of
his martyrdom,' or with a boat to shot
his occupation; St Simon with ,
because he was sawn asundor, and gen
erally with an added oar to show hii
earlier tastes. Tho use of these spooni
as gifts from god-parents to god-chlldrei
date back nearly five hundred jeitt
When the giver was too poor to present
the whole twelve, he gave one spool
with the image o the patron saint alter
whom tkeohild was namod, or to whoa
he was dodicatod, or who was the patrol
saint of the donor, not always iniucl
cases an apostlo. The image of tte
four Evangelists were often thus used,
the spoons being called " apostl
spoons," although all were not spot1
In the usual meaning of the wow
Shakespeare, in "Henry VIII.,"
Cranraer declares himself unworthy
bolng sponsor to the young Prince
makes the King reply: "Come, coma
my lord, you'd spare your spoons, U
plain allusisn to the gift expected o
such occasion. The earliest notice t
find in orint of this form of spoon U U
entry on the book of the Stationer
Company, made in the year 1500.
this entry; "A spoyne of tbe
Master Klginold Wolfe, all gjite. w
the pycture of St John," showing t&
"apostle spoons" wore well know"
that early day." St Louis RepuM"-
College Didn't Hart H"" ,
Fanner Peters Howdy, Joe, ww
Farmer Jones Howdy, Jim!'
Farmer I'eters-Wbat d'ye heariro
Jack down to New York? .
Farmer Jones-He writ me last
he was goin' onto th' stage. ,
Farmer Petcrs-Ve don't tell "'
Well! Weill I'm powerful glad t
It I wu afeard his college eddies
nd spile him. I driv stage te J"1
myself in Californy. West Sbor
rtm sale rv u -j