The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 18, 1890, Image 5

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CUIIIIMfKHiollt'lH' ('(llllt.
Afl-r we went to pre.s Ins. tl fo
lowing proceeuings were bad:
n.i l.l il. .. .
ine nnm ir i no uiuHiriiriimi of N new
pier on the east eml ol th,- Eugene bridge
wereopeued. They weie as follows; L.
S. 110117, v-i.uio; w t tainpliell, f 2,730
lioiiiiinn a ime, j,ouu. mg contrac
was lei 10 L,, in. itouey, the lowest bidder
Tbe bids for the construction ol a briiLi
.U. 1 1 II l I. . ..
iipriinn ud uiiniuini, niimuii vpru f.tii. ......
L. N. liimey. 7.10 : Julin Ediniiiktnn, fci
W. 1. lUiiipoen, r."l. 1 uh contract was
let lo L. N. Honey. The bridge is to be
bum on me site 01 me old oue.
Ueo H Miller and John ritraub
Krented the right to construct a six foot
MirlAwnlk from the east li,,. i ,i. m
. . . . 1 ' luB "in.
Smith duuulion chum along the north side
01 tue nmnij iu 11 convenient point
new the 8Ute University; also the privilege
01 aeui"K " uium irccs niong tue noiih
Hide of the county road (rom the east line
nf Mnifl Smith! donation lut,n ,i. .
... ... .- - - ........ , 1UB wesi
bonndary thereof; laid trees to be placed at
a uisiriico iiuui sum uorlu line of
county road:
Clerk ordered lo draw a warrant in favor
of o A hdwara tor tbe riiiu of $3,650.91)
for money borrowed, with interest payable
iinnually at the rate of 8 per cent AIko
J5.00II lo favor of J. H. McClnng for money
loi rowed, with the alxrte conditinns.
Bids for tbe oonstructiou of a county jail
ai per advertisement having been opened
and rl ill v nonaidered liv th. wmii j .1.-
,j 1 vui, uuu IUV
lowest bid received having exceeded the
amount neciueu ami advertised lo expend on
said structure, it is ordered that all bids be
Warrant drawn in favor nf T n v. .
for services as architect in drawing jaii
plans, fiii.ot.
The (iottficii Mall.
Pleasant IIill. Ob. Oct 15. 1890
Eoitob Gdabd: In the I nut issue of your
paper under tbe heading of "A Question of
Mail, wnicti la in regard to the rarrviug of
Ihe mail between Gosben and Dexter, via
this place, we mink that you (iihiuteutiou
ally, we are aure) do Mr. Jauies Parvin, the
postmaster at Dexter, and myself aa pout
master at tbii place, an injustice when you
nay, "we cannot comprehend why the Pleas,
ant Hill postmaster and Dexter should desire
their mail to be delayed." I will take tbe
liberty of speaking for Brother Parvin and
myself at the same time hy saying we always
welcome the mail, and tbe sooner it arrives
the better it suits not ourselves alone, but all
who are interested, and indeed who are not?
The schodulo time fur arrivals nnd depart
ures is: Leave Goshen daily at 7 a. in. Ar
rive at Dexter at 11 o'clock. Leave at 12
and arrive at Goshen at 4. The contractor
says that it would not suit him at all to leave
Goshen for Dexter after the arrival of the
local train from Roaebnrg, as you suggest.
ery respectfully,
We kuow that postmasters Ilandsnker
nnd Parvin desire their mail on Ihe quickest
time possible, therefore called their attention
lo the fact that if the overland trains do not
deliver mill at Goshen the mail csrried on
I hem for tbe Pleasant Hill aud Dexter post
olHces will bo behitid one diy. El
Florence Notes.
The West, October 10.
A fine two-story stone bnildiug will be
erected in r loreuoe next spring.
Cupt. John Bergman baa harvested the
third crop of hay from one of his fields this
Tuere is plenty of good land for settlers
in this country, and many people are daily
arriving and locating.
There are many settlers locating claims
on the North Fork, and soon that locality
will present a scene of busy activity.
The Lilliun brought dowu 1005 salmon
for Meyer & Kjl's cannery Thursday
morning. Who is it that published that
there is no salmon in the river this year?
E. W, Cobb and family from Columbia
county arrived here Thursday and will set
tie on land hereafter selected Mr. Cobb
informed us Ibat his goods will arrive on
the Mischief, from Ysquinn, and that he
has come to stay.
Mr. John Dame, a time-honored citizen
of tbe Siuslaw, residing opposite Acme, died
Wednesday mornino at 3 o'clock of dropsy.
He bad a stroke of paralysis last year. His
remains were laid to rest on Thursday.
A Sad Accident.
An accident by which tbe loss of a life was
involved took place near Belkusp's springs
.... ,U. If ..I.- ". - ,P1 I , t. .. . . I, 1
111a uicjteiizit) luurHtiny ui iai wrca. n
family by the name of Bull were on tbe road
coming to Eugene. A daughter about ten
years of age was riding a pony that was
thought to be perfectly geutle. She was
behind tha wagon when she was beard to
scream. The pony dashed by drsgqing the
little girl, her foot having caught in the
stirrup. The pony ran a couple of miles
along the mad, then turned and went back,
still dragging tbe unfortunate girl. When
stopped she was dead, being bruised in a
shocking manner. Hardly a shred of cloth
ing was left on her person. Tbe remains
were buried at the McKenzie Bridge.
Millinery aud Dressmaking-.
Misses Brutnley & Stafford wish to and
nounce to ibe ladies of Eugene and vicinity
that they have opened a full line of millinery
goods of ihe latest styles and at reasonable
Drioea. Wa an aUo meDared to do dress
niaking in the most satisfactory manner
Our cutter and fitter. Miss Ella Fay Fogle
late of Ohio, has had several years experi
ence in tbe leading cities of that state, and
comet highly recommended.
At Cost to Close Out.
S. Warshaaer is desirous of closing out
bis business here. He will make up his
lrge pantaloon Btock, at cost, for cash. Ue
member ibe place, up-stairs in lh Matlock
building. Give him a call aud examine
Mrs. E. Christian bs opened dressmak
ing parlors in rooms 1 ond 2 in Dunn's
block, where she will be pleaded to ee "''
and new customers. Dressmaking and cut
iig done in tbe latest sty lis.
Wood Sawing.
Mr. Wm. Horn is prepared to saw wood
with his machine. Leave orders st J. D.
Matlock's store, and Mr. Horn will com
mence work tbe Mondays of each week.
Demsvikino. Miss Learned and Mrs.
Fanny Whiteaker have taken rooms in Mat
lock's building, where tbey will do dress
making in all tbe latest styles. Cutting and
fitting a tpecialty.
Mkdfobd Flocb A. Gold-niith has re
wived another car load of tbe celebrated
Medford flour. He will kp Ibis f iccll- n
brand of flonr in slock si all times hereafter.
Fo Sai. -Two cottages and three lots
ithio three blocks of Ibe Geary school
bouse. Apply lo W. Schnmate al bellman's
WAsrriD. Sevepty-five boys
twelve an j eighteen years of agi
to buy
clotting of lJnson A non.
Imcxi MassVt.-Hip.. 3.V: whJat, MM
Bet; oats, 40fr4:'i; age. "; htur, ilfl.);
bacon -hams, l:a.U; .ides, K'J; shoiilikra, 10;
pntatow, 00.
Haedwabic. Builders' materi.1, tools of
all kinds at bottom prices.
F. L. Chahbiss..
No new j nil,
IlenderKun, dentist.
'Woii's single liariie.,.
Albany flour. It I. tl lt.
Csrpeuat Day & Hendtr-on's.
HariiM. and axle oil at IW.oa.
An endless amount of Whip, ,k pre.u,0V
Preston's Harne ii the be.t
..,..,, ,r0HlJ. Migh.H tll9 ne
Money to I,,,,,
r.niiiire of Judgi
pohtof thii
city has 110
Ask your grocwr for Junction flour,
It is
A beautiful decorated
tea pot for S5 at
r. igene tngme Co. had a drill last Wed-
u-.oiiy evening.
roresl.t Mi-Far and lire sbneilirf bnisu,.
" ioi i.j eacn c.isn.
I - .in- . .
Dy ,t Henderson sell furniture
Binds cheaper than ever.
of a
Mprrill-Abt-Abbnli ,il,ini;..n n..- v.:.
nay ami Maturday eveuings.
- '.n., mi. ail
Hot and cold baths sverr A in tk v
.1 1 it t 7 . ' v "
otijr norn a Darrier snop.
l ne foundation for L. N. Uoney's new
.rniiiruuu uis oeen completed
1 reston wants von in cnm. .n,i m.
sanuies and heavy team harness.
W. Ilollowny. tbe leadino lewnler
mnsio bonse south of Portland.
Bring your old scran cast iron tn ih F.n.
gene Iron Foundry where you can dispose
For fine suits made to order snd readv
maim doming, go to Hanson a Son.
Go snd see the most beantifnl Antnirian
1 .1 v !..... . n . . .... 1
ni nine Juki arrived ai uoiustniln a.
C. Marx. Barber Shnn and Ilftth Ttnnma
rirsi aoor nortu oj Dunn s new b ock.
Miss P nkie Sears was married In M. CI
D11 Uinsion, at Tacoma, last Wednesday.
Mr Geo F Craw hu thm aol KirAtipv fne kll
oraniu 01 me celebrated Tansil Junch Citfars
Before storins or sellins vonr oats see A
1 . rmers. uiean tbevalier barley wanted
E. C. Lake, marble out tor and dealer in
monuments, shop on Eighth street, Eugene,
Tbe Board of Equalization for Lane coun
ty will meet in Eugene, Monday, Nor, 10th
Ladies wishing full wraps would do well to
can and examine stock on exhibition at A
. Peters.'
Tbe Merrill-Abt-Abbolt combination
Rhinehart's theatre this Friday and Saturday
The GrABD job presses have been kept
onsy tins week turning out numerous first-
class jobs.
Sheriff Noland and deputies have been
very busy serving circuit court papers during
tne past week
Just arrived from Ihe East, the lovely
Queens Frosted Ware, tbe very latest de
igns st Goldsmith s.
1000 trees, already contracted for with
Seltlemier of Woodburn, will be planted in
rairmotint next ruoutn.
Thos, Vansban, of Coburc, passed
through Enpeuo this week, with load of
salmon obtained on the Siuslaw.
The pleasuntest siehlliest place for
homes iu Lane county is Fiiirmouul, only 3
blocks east of the I Diversity.
Wriiiht's Ited Cross Cmiiih Cure vtiarantet
to cive satisfaction. Will cure onv kind of
orniih or cold. Sold by all dniftrista.
Midulev & Parker have the Unrest stock of
loors and window in Eugene. Factory one
block east of the Eugene tli.iiriiijf nulls.
Enquire of your grocery dealers for En
gene flour, a home production; best' in the
market st Sl.oo per sack.
An effort will bo made in the next legisla
ture lo form a new county from the north
part of Crook and the south part of Wasco.
J. P. Ditchburu. of Portland, has 111st re
turned Irom a mouth's professional visit in
Chicago- He was formerly a resident of
Hon. E. P. Coleman aud John Diamond.
of Coburg, were elected vice-presidents of
the Seen ar Union that met at rortlana
The attendance from here to the Mechsn
ics Fair at Portland is not as large aa usual
The increased railroad fare charged is the
There will be a special school meeting in
Junction uext week to decide whether or
not a tax shall be voted for tbe purchase of
new seats.
As times are hard and money scarce Belt
man will sell all his Waters, Newmarkets
nd Jackets at actual cost, which means lao
tory prices in Chicago.
Junction Pilot: B. A. Washburn h packing
,,n hi. household effects, prenarstory to his re
moval to Springfield, where he will take charge
of his fathers flouring mill ai mat piace.
T)r. O. W. Piddle may be found at his
residence on Olive street, between t inn anil
Sixth streets one block west ol the Minne
sota Hotel. He is prepared to do all dent-
1 work in the best manuer.
.Tunptinn Pilot: Marriaee rumors are afloat.
Just when the catastrophe will rend the threads
nf gosnip we are not prepared to say, mil 11 in-illi-ati.ins
are true one rf our young men will
be called to Eugene on business soon,
Golden Age Boiling Disc Harrows, with or
iihnut seeder attachment, they are the best
made, and at a price that all can anoru one,
at hardware store opposite Baker's Hotel.
I . Li- IHlJIW.ra
ti,. idat olass has been placed in the
In .in,, mil tli Honr Inw-
Ironi 01 1. Dmim ---
ered to conform witu tne street grsiie. sir.
Baum now has one of the neatest display
fronts in the town.
a .,,,. Imi- nf the members of Ihe Irving
rViWir I O. O. F. lodges paid the Eu
gene lodge a fraternal visit Tuesday evening.
Alter Ihe wora 01 ' ,, .
supper was nai ni nuoiusuu a
The ladies of the Baptist tburcn will give
refreshments Thanksgiving evening.
think we can promise a gooo. social nine 10
II who come, t uriuer noucn win uo
JIBS. UUItnsu.s, nrc.
Bv mi-lake last week in the notice of the
ileatbotMrs. Elizabetu nsmpson 111 1
ix. Arizona we stated sne was uunmn
ofC. Burger, u inomu uo
ames Bai jer, one 01 tne oiueai uu -:
nnwn citizen ol i-sne couuiy.
Tbe ladies of tbe Woman a Relnf Corps
are making arrangement lor a csrniv iu.
held at Hhinebart's Theatre Tbsnksgiving
ev. ning. The ss men are asked to ad
vertise themselves by having a t-dy dressed
so as to call allenlion to their business.
The county c-.iirt gave Ibe Fa.rmonnt Co.
permission lo put six foot side,, k along
Ihe north side of the county ro.d. from the
University to the east line of F.irmount and
to plant irees 8 feet from lb.
the road Ibe company r.
about a mile ol siuewaia iui
other substantial imptovements.
Xelson Hadlv. sged I'J years, accineo.auy
hot himself .bile nt Homing near
Tbe vonnil roan nail am-nai . .
0 sua " i""i"i
" " .. 1 .1.. .Ink, no
barrel was illnsrge... iu. i . -
him under th DU "'"
ton of his head, desth resulting lustsnlly.
H von want a nome m
from nmlsriH and o-uer
pan water is m cur r - ,.
free State University, tben buy an
in Fairmonnt and you will never cause
lo regret it.
Preston's Whips are fine.
Job work at the Gdabd office.
A hard rain Wednesday night.
Circuit court convenes October 27.
Mi-rrill-Abt-Ahbotl combination louii;ht.
Marshal Stevens is rustling after ileinuent
my iaxes.
nI-a It. ii and Dusters lit all shades at
1 res ton s.
The front of Oaburn's drugstore has been
repaid Mil.
Selette Plush Jackets only 10 dollars at A.
1 . r Biers.
i anned ork corn, 10 cent tier can at
Goldsmith a.
Blank deeds and mortgages for sale at the
ui'ahu omce.
For correct time and the best work go to
"oway i.
Dav & Hendersou's fur Furniture, Carpets
and liedding.
Oil Cloth, Carpets and Shades at Day k
Subscribe for the Gi'aiid to r.'ad during the
winter nights.
Goldsmith pays the highest cash price foi
country produce.
Screen doors and windows for sale by
Midgly k Parker.
a be Eugene merchants are enjoying a
brisk Fall trade.
A set of decorated plates, pink or brown,
for25oat Goldsmith's.
See Preston's stddles. No trouble for Pres
ton to show his goods.
For t good honest watch that will keep
time go to Holloway'a.
Seal Plush Jackets reduced from 11 lo 10
dollars at Bettman's.
Forest City Dongola shoes only $1 GO a
pair at A. V. Petcn.'
A new line of handsome glass casters just
received at Goldsmith's.
All kinds of mill saws and flies for sale al
Richard Mount's saw sbop.
Remember the $1 50 Dongola shoe, good
value for f 2, at A. V. Peters'.
The Superior Stove still leads them all.
An immense line at Mitchell's.
Go to Forrest & McFarland and get your
horse shod new for 1.25 cash.
Call and see the splendid organs just re
ceived at Holloway'i jewelry store.
Remember that Hanson k Son have the
best selected stock of olothing in town.
Dry seasoned wood for sale at all times by
S. Meriau, corner of Sixtb and Oak streets.
A large assortment of wall paper lust re
ceived at the Eugene Book Store. Call and
see it.
The 8,1.00 W. L. Douelas shoe for sale by A.
Hunt. Unequalled for durability snd excel
lence. All wool 40 inch Henrietta cloth in ell new
shades at CSo a yard. Bettman's is the
Salem Sleam Lanudry i" less than a year
old. employs 22 people. See samples at II.
H Nones.
V TTollr aav Is hv common consent the
leading jeatlei and best watch maker south
of Port Ian A
You can buy goods cheaper at Goldsmith's
than any place in town. He pays no store
rent nor clerk hire.
See famples of the Salem 8team Laundry
work at II. H. Stone's. Work sent every
Tuesday returned for Saturday.
Come and examine Forrest A McFarland '
"stocks" for shoeing wild horses. Sbop 8th
street, west of Lane s paint sbop.
Services at the Preshyterisn church to
morrow, Sunday morning nnd evening oy
Kev. F. G. Strange, of Asbland, Oregon.
Best tine nf plush and light weight cloth
wraps from 10 to 35 dollars south ot Port
land, now on exhibition at A. . Peters.'
We have printed a large nnmber of war
rantee deeds for sale. They are printed on
extra heavy paper and ot approved form.
Sheriff Noland. F. M. Blair, Al Churchill
and two railroad surveyors captured three
deer on the Mohawk tbe first of tbe week
Tbe finest laundry work between Port
land and Kan Francisco done by the Salem
Sleam Laundry; sample at II. II. Stone's
Dvsincer nss received a consignment of
ten tons of assorted glass, and is ready to
fill all orders for glass and sasn wltu dis
When von want to make your friends
handsome present at reasonable prices get
some of that lovely Wedding Art Glassware
at Goldsmith s.
For nmsical goods of all kinds and the
best quality go to Holloway's. All the
musicians in the city recommend his as the
best place to buy.
Don't vnu want a nice lot In Martin a Ad
ilitinn near the new Public School, g'JOO to
M00, with fruit trees. Apply to Geo. M
Miller or G. W. Martin.
Farmineton, Wash., Newspsper: H. C.
Harlow has sold bis farm to J. H. Irvine for
$11000 casb, and bas purchased Iiaae Coop
er's Farmington residence.
Five one-scre-tillss were sold in Fair
monnt on Tuesday to Messrs. Ferree, Gay,
Rowland snd others, who expect to build
this fall or early In tbe spring.
Oliver's new steel and old reliable chilled
plows, sulky, gang and walking and at re
duced prices.
r . Ll. lHAXBIBS.
W. Holloway has just secured tbe agency
for this district for the celebrated music
house of Lvon k Healy, of Chicago, and
can offer the best bargains in organs on tbe
The Southern Pacifto railroad is short of
cars, flat cars being especially in demand
for tbe shipment ol lumber. Ihe local mill
men are complaining of the lack of shipping
A larse nnmber of University students
went to Portland to attend tbe Exposition
. . ! , I fl-l -
on the l-rtiisy mnrning overianu. iuo
Faculty gave them this one opportunity to
visit Portland.
After tbe drawing of tbe jury last week it
as discovered that Bryson Coney, one of
ihe number drawn, waa a non-resident.
James Campbell, of Camp Creek, waa drawn
to fill the vacancy.
Junction Pilot: One year auo Tnesday
was commenced tbe first brick bnilding ever
erected in Junction. To-dsy Ibe second
brick is receiving the finishing touch of the
painter's brush, and onr little city now has
wo brick business nouses iui womii spras
iublv of tbe enterprising cities having four
ime the population we have.
Stbatkd From Deeds, 2 mile west of
Eneene about Sept. 15. a roan pony, white
face and white bind legs, ten years old,
branded figure 3 on left bin aod shoulder
5 reward for information leading fo reciv
ery. Address Grant Bellinger, Lebsnon, Or.
Chapteb Mirmn.--A regular meeting of
Eugene Chapter No. 10. K. A. M , at Ma
sonic hall. Monday evening, October 20. at
p. m. All members are requested to be
present. L. . Koney, li. f
Vai.iss Focwp. Wid McGhee found
valise in tbe road near tbe Eugene bridge a
few days ago. Tbe loser can find tbe same
at tbe sheriff's office.
Mabiud Id Junction City, Oregon, Oct,
12, 1 '), l y Re. W. M. Houston, C. H.
arpole and Kizzie loplin, a.l ol Lane
Fim Waim, Geoioe Croner has been
iioointe-l by Mayor Ilovey Fire Warden,
vioe C. E. Roberts, resigned. A good ap-
SrmAL SALt-S. H. Friendly makes a
special sale for the ensuing week of Germaa
knitting rain at & cents. See his notice else
where. AkstaI. r-Aia.-The ladies nf the Christiaa
church will bold their annual fair Novwntsw
14. There will be several special attnrtioas.
Street Improvements.
At a special meeting of the Council Thurs
day evening It was resolved to bnui! illsm
ette street to the grade and dress it with line
gravel from Llcvenlb street lo the depot
Also tigmn street irom uak
tbe city limits ou the west. Seventh street
two blocks each side of Willamette. Sixth
street between Oak snd Pearl.
Fifth street having been cut into ruts the
street committee did some good work l
running a large scraper over it making
It level.
Ibe streets irom the railroad crossiug on
Tearl to the Eugene bridge are being im
proved iu a substantial uuuner. Tbey will
tie gravelled 30 feet wide, 12 inches
deep in the middle and 6 iuches st the sides,
The heavy travel on this road aud the na
lure of the soil require extra woik so that it
will not be liable for frequent repairs. The
streets of Eugene aie a credit to the town
Dikd Thomss Belshaw died at his home
four miles north of Eugene from an appop
leclic stroke Sunday afternoon. October 12,
at 3 o'clock. For a number of years his
health hail been poor, but shortly previous
to his death be was in excelleut spirits. The
latal stroke came about one o'clock Sunday
morniog and be reiuaiued uuconsciona until
death. Mr. Bt-Uhsw was born in England
in ISJ.i and cams with bis parents to Amer
ica while a lad, settling at La Porte. Iudiaoa.
He came to Kuwene iu 18-'i3 and for a number
of years worked at the carpenter trade, af
terwards engaging in the drug business. He
sold nut to go on a farm, hoping thereby to
restore nis lading beallti. Mr. llelsbaw bad
a genial quulily about him that made warm
irienda of acquaintances, and by bis tin
swerving integrity enjoyed Ihe confidence of
an. a wile and a sou aud lUugnler, and
numerous relatives, nionru his loss. The
funeral took place 10 tbe I. O. O. F. ceme
tery Tuesday afternoon.
Roney will probably lie rea ly with material to
commence work replacing the pier on the
norm end of the r.uirene bridge Monday, lit
will drive piling in the river and place on them
tnree oenu 01 ii'xij men timbers with whu
tn siipMirt the lriilre while t ha old pier is being
removed. The tons of the niles on which the
old pier Is built are now 3) feet above low
water. VY hen the bndire waa built in 1HT5 the
biles were sawed off below the water. The
bed of the rive; Mow has washed out since
that time. Ihe limine will have to lie closed
for travel for several days when the old pier is
taken out It is thought the river van be safe
ly fnriled a short distance above.
Dkownkii. Last Monday afternoon at the
Waim Springs Indian airencv in Crook county
Jay Kobbins Luckey, aged 2 yeara and four
months, the only son nf J. I . l.nckey, agent
at the reservation, was drowned in the mill
race, "he boy accompanied his father to the
boarding school buildings, and in returning
home by the millracc is supposed tn have fallen
in the water. The father atopiied to talk to
Indians and eniiilovessnd missed the bnv. Unlv
a few minutes after the lifeless body was found
in tne wster under the falls. All efforts at re
suscitation proved unavailing. The remains
wen taken to Prineville for interment.
Maihiikt). At the residence nf F. W. Os
burn, in Eugene, Thursday evening, Octo
ber Hi, Mr. Edwiu O. Potter to Miss Emily
lirislol, Kev. A. I), watters otliciating. No
cauls. 1 he contracting parlies are gradu
ates of ibe Slate University of Ihe class
of 1887, and have many fi lends whose
best wishes attend them, They
will occupy ihe cottage ou the comer of
Eleventh and Charuelton streets.
Won His Waubb.-F. L. Miller, of Port
land, made a wager that he could walk from
McKenzie Bridge to Eugene, a distance of
65 miles, in two dsvs. It is not much of a
walk but Mr. Milller weighed 2111 pound
until he went to Ihe McKenzie about two
months ago, since which time he bus re
dnced his flesh 40 pounds. He left the
bridge Friday morning of lust week, nrriv
lug here Saturday evening, winning by
nail an Hour
Dikd. Thomas Diamond died of luflama
tiou of the bowels at his home near Coburg,
Monday, Uclober 1J. Mr. Diamond was
about UO years of age and unmarried, He
lived alone and when found bad evidontly
been sick and in a bad couditiou for several
day. He relapsed iuto unconsciousness
from which he never rallied. Mr, Diamond
was of Irish descent and was a kindly, un
assuming gentleman.
Ait IuiiKsroMSiHr.i CoKBKspoNrKNT By
request we insert the following: Ibe Lu
gene correspondent of the Sunday Oregnnian
and Statesman of tbe 12tb inst. reported A.
G. Hovey aa appearing with others before
tbe county court, opposing tbe erection of a
new jail. Mr. Hovey waa not present at
any of tbe sittings of tbe court, took no part
in its consultations or action, with refer
ence to the question of jail, or any other
business transacted.
MoNxr Easily Made. Sidney Horn has
purchased property in Eugene and brought
bis family here. Horn lately bad extra
ordinary financial success. About eight
months ago be riled ou 100 acres of govern
ment laud at Knappton opposite Astoria.
As was mentioned in recent issue of the
Gdabd be sold ISO acres for 110,000. Now
he baa been offered $10,000 for tbe remain
ing ten acres.
A K. or P. Lodoi A meeting of about
twenty members belonging to the Knights
of Pythiss waa held Tuesday evening in
Eugene, and a petition was forwarded to tbe
Grand Lodge K. of P. which met at Tbe
Dallea Tuesduy, asking for a charter. A
temporary organization was effected by the
election of officers.
A Pbohpiotivi Opiba. Mrs. W. N. lis
ten of Salem la in Eugene and is making
preliminary arrangements towards produc
ing the opera, "Olivette"' with a cast of lo
cal amateurs. It is tbongbt that the opera
can be given about Thanksgiving. Mrs.
liazeu comes with good notices of the press.
ErjuKNB Railboao Tims. The latest
time card of tbe Southern l'acilio railroad
convevs tne information that tbe express
traiu bound south leaves Eugene 114)2 p.
m., north z.i a. m. 1 be lloseonrg local
north leaves Eugene a. ni., south, 2:05
p.m. Leaves Uoseburg 0:20 a. m. north,
arrives 5:40 p. m.
Dkricnvf Pir.Bs. Tbe river piers of the
bridge bow building across tbe Willamette at
Salem have settled until tbey are eeveial
inches out of Plumb. Work bas been stop
ped on the bridge snd it is likely tbat new
piers will be built. Tbe contractors have
been paid 115,000 on tbe work.
Mabbiaob Licmsks Issued during tbe
past week: J N Wray aud Minnie M Potter;
James U Mabon snd Mary C Cbesber; A J
Brumbaugh and Belle Lee; Geo Jirumfleld
and Pboebe Foster, E. O. Potter and Emily
Bristol, James U. t'orter ana nancy Ltbow,
B. A. Fox and F. 8. Pace.
Flax Show. -All alonir the line the press and
public pronoun the Modern Miracle (Jo. the
finest show ever seen in this country, entirely
new, wonderful, mural std humorous, an en
tertainment for tin old and young, with re
served seaU placed at the low price of jOoeut.
To night and to-morrow night.
Dob't Mis Ir.-The Merrill AU-Alilsitt
combination plays st Rhine hart a thaaUw this
rnday and natunuy evenings, ins enter
tainment come to oa with very favorable prese
notices from tbe towns along the line.
Lowimt Bin. Tbe lowest bid for tbe
construction of a jail outside of tbe sells
was that of L. N. Koney, 6,8i. For tbe.
cells a Chicago firm bid tJM'S.
Good Roam. The rains have laid the
dust, and smoothed snd hardened Ibe roads
so that tbey are in excellent condition.
Hon. Tbe IVM) bop crop bas uearly all
been sold to dealers. Hales daring tbe past
week Lave been at 35 cents per pound.
Circuit Court Dovket.
The following is the docket for the Circuit
lourt which meets m Eugene on Monday
Uclober V! 1 lb:
Tbe following tiarties are iu jail unde
oommlttiuents: Abe Zalki, larceny in dwell
iug; F J Peck, embezzlement; M It Van Al
aline, assault with dangerous weaiion; Geo
Dearth-Id, iudicted for larceny.
Tbe following parlies are uuder bonds to
appear oeiore tbe grand jury: James Moore
maliciously shootieg an animal; I M Fran
cis, trespass; Hugh Gray, assault with
dangerous weapon.
1. State of Oregon vs Aaron Lurch; ob
taming money under false pretenses.
2. State of Oregon vs Aaron Lurch; for
3. J W Mnjois vs R W Marple aud J M
Howard; settlement of partnership.
i. Jesse Sovern, adiu'r, vs Lane county
10 recover money.
5. Tilmon A Ford vs S N Howard and Ira
Allen; for possession of real property.
0. A L llarbiu vs Eugene Finn; to recover
7. Frank Whipple, adm'r, vs W W Short-
ridge loreclosnre.
8. W F Reed vs Jos Braunan; to recover
i). J D Mutlock vs W II Fenton; to recov
er monev.
10. Catharine Putnam vs 8 P Company
lor damages.
II. Oaoar Parsons vsllarrill & Striker; to
recover money.
12. Henry Schwartz vs Olto Ballmsn; to
recover money.
13. Eupheuia Edmund son, et al, vs Mar
ina Llemeus; partition.
U. James N Luper vs 8 P Co; to recover
15. Jno Conuor vs J W aud Polly Ma
bon; foreclosure.
It). W E Weaver vs J 8 Smith and J Gib
son; foreclosure of lieu,
17. F F Patterson vs J A Straight; to
recover money.
18. Oregon ian Railway Co vs A T and C
A iionneit; for right of way.
1 '.1. rsrau b 1'erkins vs Joseph Perkins
suit lor divorce. k
20. Loretta Taylor vs John Tavlor: suit
lor divorce.
21. J C Goodale va W A MuBee, et al ; to
recover money.
'ii. Marah t, Dunuing vs Itufns Punning
sun lor divorce.
23. II M Thatcher vs Daniel E Simpson
to recover money.
21. V 11 Varnev vs The Dormice Lum
bering ami Manufacturing (Jo; to recove
money. ,
v!o. A lYlluuuell vs Geo N Frszer: trans
cript from Douglas couuty; action for dam
20. McClung & Johnson vs J W Sim
mons; to recover money.
it. McUlung k Johnson vs Wm a Sim
mons; to recover money.
28. McClung k Johsou va J C Mulligan
to recover money.
r.. Mot'lunu Ic Johnson vs J II and M D
Wood ; to recover money.
ju. Aiuuuug & Johnson vs J A Simmons
to recover money.
JI. l'hilip Conkle vs Elizabeth Conk e
snit for divorce.
32. Mary Edith Money vs W Porter, et
ai; foreclosure.
33. Nellie Brown vs Win Blown: suit for
31 Slate of Oregon vs AheZalkiilarceny
35. Slate of Oregon vs Juo Wilier and F
.. - -
311. T D Linton vs W E Parsons, et al
37 A V I'etera vs W A Siler; lo recover
J8. t ll Dunn vs W A Siler; lo recover
J'J. l- 11 Dunn vs Elizabeth Siler; to re
cover money.
v. on rritutiiy vs j .m Tucker; to re
cover money.
41. 1.1) torreat va Susan Forrist: suit
lor divorce. .
42. Miller & Hopkins vs Geo II aud II
U Barrett; motion for leave to open default,
a a roster vs it v Howard; to re
oover money.
44. Amelia A Smith vs MG Smith: pe-
l!.I i , - ,,.
uuuii iiircare 01 minor cniui.
45. Sarah E Hauford vs W C Saiiford:
suit lor divorce.
4(1. Harriett E nulery va ) H Moshy
for damages.
47. L L Kussell vs T E Rnsse II: suit for
48 Leonia B Rinebart vs D M Rinehart
suit for divorce.
4!). T D Linton vs The 8. P. Co., to re'
oover property.
00. wm Ub man eta vs E C Smith et
al; injunction.
01. t L Chamber vs T C Stearns; to re
cover money.
bU. Stste of Urcgon vs M II Van A si ue:
assault wltb dangerous weapon.
03. J K Htevens vs Geo W YYh tbeck et
al; foreclosure.
54. ReiBner k Luther va W II Cochran:
to reoover money.
ou. w 11 Uaber va James Taylor et al:
to recover money.
50: Sarah M Meek vs Wm L Connett et
al; to correct need.
57. Nellie Hamersly va F J Hamerslv:
to reoover money.
59. Gibbons,. MoAllister k Co vs James
Clover; to recover money.
51). viola Hixon va Shermau.nixon: suit
for divorce,
CO. L Senders k Co vs II C Owen, Jr.;
to reoover money.
01. Volney Hemenway va I M Francis:
for possession of real property.
tl'J. I V Powers y It Muckay; to recover
i. J f Law va Wm b Jordan aud Mary
ane Jordan; foreclosure.
... -
(it Tbe Oregonian Railroad va Chanel
Gorrle; for right of wsy.
Oo. w 11 lialier va A A roster, el al:
60. G Beltman vs W G Purkeisou; to re
oover money.
lil. Almon Wheeler vs Edgar Lallison:
loreclosure of lien.
08. Upper Willamette Lumber and Man-
factoring Co vs W J J Scott, et al; fore
closure of lien.
69. 8 O Thompson vs M A Eastman et
al; to recover money.
70. Margaret A Bromley vs A M Oeburn:
for dower.
71- L A Collier vaJ A Strait; to recover
72. Nancy E White vs J E Noland; lo
recover property.
73. Bertha While va J E Noland; to re
cover property.
74. James Sanford v Wm II Walker et
al; foreclosure.
75. JMAbramavsH C Owen; to re
cover money.
76. W F Witb-r va Amos and James E
Richardson; lo recover money.
77. State of Oregou vs George Bearsfleld;
indictment for larceny.
78. W. 8. Cbrisman, admr., vs Charles
Calloway; lo recover money.
7'J. Geo. Wbitbeck vs Matlock k Co;
to recover money.
60. W 8 Cbrisman, admr , vs John
Simpson and Geo Landretb; to reoover
HI. Smith 4 Hall vs Paul Bailors'; to
recover money.
82. L D Forrest vs J 8 Baker and P II
Bristow; to recover money.
83. W 8 Hall vs Benedict and Rscbael
Miller; foreclosure.
81. Sam'l D Holt va H E Brownie; fore
closure. 83. II Hansen vs II C Perkins; to re
cover money.
80. W 8 Cbrisman, admr., vs L Simon
et al; foreclosure.
Mat Kxzr Up. County Clerk Walker is
exerting himself trying to Issue marriage li
censee fast enough to keep np with tbe di
vorce procession. There are lep divorce
eases on this docket of tbe circuit eourt.
Birr Cattlb. Eldon Brsttain and party
arrived from Lake county over Ibe Military
road, Thursday, with 400 head ol beef cat
tle for the Portland market. Tbe cattle are
at present pastured at 1'leaaanl Hill.
Real Estate Transfer.
J M Horn lo Sidney Horn, 100x1 l'J feet;
E. F. Milium lo Jacob 8 llardcaly, ", of
lot 11, murk J. bluddeu's addition; f:u).
G W Huudsuker to D A Paine, lots 2 and
.'!, block 1, and interest in lot I, block 2,
iu Ellsworth addition; JS.-,o.
D A Paine to O II Runfew, lot 3, block
1, Ellsworth's addition; tXM.
1 P Converse to J B C'hamliers, lots 0 aud
10, block 15, Packuid'a addition; $1 100.
Margaret A Brum ley to J F Atherton,
dower to ', acre, known as tbe Columbian
College grouud: t'i'i.
Sarah W Palmer lo Phoetie B Kinney,
lots 1, 2 and 3, block 7, Packard's addition;
Tbos F Palmer to Phoebe B Kinsey, J
lots 1, 2 and 3, block 7, Packard's addition;
Margaret A Brnmlcy to John Kelly, dower
iu 10 seres; $100.
J M Spores to Geo W Spores, 13.(17 acres;
Marcus Keller et al to Win A Kelley,
laud; $1.
L. H. Potter to W A Cox. 100 acres:
California k Oregon Land Co to John
Guiley, 80 acres; 2SU.
Mary A E Smith to N Martin et al. 153.75
acres; $2707.511.
Slate of Oregon to Wm Goodman. 80
acrea; $100.
Geo M Miller to First Preabvtorisn church
of Siuslaw, lot II, block 0, Miller's addition,
W A Cox to L II Potter. Iota 8 and 7.
block 58, iu Chicago addition, also lot 0,
block 12, aud lot 8, block 13; $200.
Goo II and II H Barrett lo C M Grint.
land; liM.
cottaub onnvK,
Myra C Cathearl to L F Lovelace, lots
and 0, block ti, McFarland's addition; $120,
ferry li Sherwood to John T Cardwe
00x25 feet; $100.
Geo E Lvne lo Sabria lined. lot
block 2; $75.
Springfield Investment and Power Co lo
Uregoninn Railroad Co, 50 acrea; $1.
bpringfleld Investment and Power Co to
Oregonian Railroad Co: 2 13 acres: (I.
rjpringtleld Investment and Power Co to
Uregomau Railroad Co, 3.31 acres; $1.
A drowning accldeut occurred on tbe Mc
Kenzio river near Ihe Deadmoud ferry Mon
day afternoon. A son of Jap Eddy, aged
about 17 years, attempted to ford the river at
that place, and by some mischance was
thrown from bis horse and drowned. No
one witnessed the aocideut, so the particulars
will remain unknown.
The horse wss fnuud next day several
hundred feet below the ford under a high
bank with tbe saddle on. Tbe bank was cut
down aud the horse taken out. Search was
at once made for the botlv, and It was founi
Wednesday morning at 111 o'clock. short
distance below the ford iu about four feet of
water. It was conveyed across Ibe river I
the borne of his bereaved p i rents. It i
thought Ibat be went too low down ou the
lord and waa curried into deep water.
Two tinys racing has been BiMtiged for lo
take place at Eugt-ue next Friday aud Satur
day, October 24 aud 25. The llr-t race will
be a dush for a $75 purse and probably
$150 added by Ibe entries betseeu Haves
Jo jo, cotton s lorn llenton aud Jones
Harry lllulT. The race for Ibe second day
bos uot yet been finally agreed uiiou. It is
probable Ibat several other match races will
be uiadu during Ibe two davs.
Tux Wbht Sins Extknbiok. Juuution
Pilot; W. W. llrotherton. au employe of
the Southern l'acilio company, was in the
ouy luesdsy for tbe purpose of scouring
irom air. ii. w. nasuuurn tne right of way
through Mr. Wasbburn'r land. This is tbe
last Piece of lend through which the right of
wsy uas nut been secured lor Ihe comp et on
of tbe West Side road from Corvallls to
Junction. All Ihe Information we can re-
oeive concerning this matter is tbat large
ores 01 men now at worn at cow Creek can
yon, will be removed to Junction City aa
soon as the work is completed there, and
they will commence constructing the road
irom uere.
Abhkstid and Discuabokd. On Tuesday.
J. Langworlby. a resident of tbe west
pert of tbe couuty, waa arrested, obarged
wun (ureaieninit to Kill nis wife. The trial
took place before Justice Henderson Thurs
day, and the evidence disclosed sad state
of depravity in Ihe Laugworthy family. It
appears that Ibe mother ot the family was
cruelly abused. Tbe evidence would not
warrant tbe holding of tbe defendant, but
the justice in discharging him gave him some
salutary advice as to the manner of regulat
ing uis isiuiiy snairs.
Dill). Mrs. Elizabeth M. Pltrer. wlf. f
N, G. Fitter, died at Pleasant Hill aftur but a
few noun illness, Fridsy morning, October 17.
Shs had bean In excellent spirits Thursday
morning, but wss found unconscious near the
well about S o'clock in tbe afternoon. She never
recovered consciousness. Mrs. Pltser wss horn
Jan. 8, 1832; was married in IRIII; came to Polk
county with her husband in 1851, and to Lens
in 1807, residing until within the past few
ysars near Irving. The funeral takes place
Too Mo'.'H Br.Lt. A nuisance wss created
'hursdsv evening hy the prolonged rincin of
ine nreneii lor tne meeting 01 tne Knglne com
pany. It was rung at least fivs minutes,
wnicn wss entirely uncalled lor. The bell can
lie heanl in every part of the town, and a few
nails are aulhcleuL The authorities should
make an example of the man that Is so anxious
to disturb the whole town.
A Land OrricR Bphinkhji. -Justice of tbe
Peace Geo. Kinsey waa one of the busiest
men in Eugene Monday. He solemnized a
marriage, attended to an auction and beard
civil aud a oriminal case in bis court.
Fob Bali. S20 acres of land, team, bar
ness and wagon, ten bead of cattle, farming
utensils aud household furniture for sale at
bargain. Inquire of A. S. McClure, Room
, Grange Building.
Obuah Sale. -I will sell Beatty organ at
tihllo auction on corner nf Willani.tta and
Eighth street Saturday, October 25, at 2
clock p. m.
UBu. w. tv.maKY, Auctioneer,
Bank SrATsmrsT The statement of the
First Nstiousl Hank, of Eugene, will be
found in another column. This institution
is in a highly prosperoua condition.
Appoacuino Nuptials Invitations are
out for the marriage of Mr. 8. 8 Spencer
and Miss Haltie I.uckey to be celebrated in
Eugene, Wednesday, Sept. 22d.
Mabbikd. In Eugene, Oregon, at tbe
Court House, Octolwr 17, PS'Ju. by E. P.
Henderson, J. P., Robt. A. Fox aud Miss
8 Pace, all of Laue county.
iMPBovian. A letter from Abe Goldsmith
slates that be is able to make his wsy about
his room and tbat be is constantly improv
ing. Mabbikd. In Eugene. Oregon, Oct. 14,
lH'JO, by Rev. O. A. Blair, J. N. Wray and
Minnie U. Potter, all of Lane county, Ore
gon. Diio.-In Eugene, Oct. 12, 18'JO, tbe
Infant daughter of Geo. Dickinson, aged
five weeks. The burial took place Monday.
Mabbied. By Justice Kinsey in Eugene,
Monday, October It, im. Mr. George
Brunineld lo Mite Pboebe Foster.
Frank Witter went to Ihe McKenzie Bridge
II. ('. Humphrey spent tbe first of Ibe week
at Portland.
Geo M Miller went to Florence Inst
Thursday morning.
The condition of Wesley Shannon lias
Kiuiuwbat improved.
Scott Cbrisman, of Cottage Grove, was in
Eugene tbe first of the week.
Mr. 8. C. Sladdon and wife arrived from
Sun Francisco Friday morning.
Attorney Poller returned from a profes
sional visit to Portland Monday.
Geo. Frissc 11, of the McKenzie Bridge,
was in town tbe first of the week.
Prosecuting Attorney Condon returned home
from Coos county last Thursday morning.
Amos Wilkina and wife, of Coburg, will
leave on a visit to Coburg, next week.
Mrs. Stephen Smeed is qnile sick at her
home at Walterville with typhoid fever.
Mrs. Rosa Pollack, nf S)kane Falls, is
visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gold
smith. N. Gilmore and W. L. Houston, of
Junction, have been on tbe sick list but are
Peter Runey, proprietor of the oelebrated
Foley Springs waa in Eugene several
days this week.
Miss Ola Babb left Thursday morning for
Albany, Portland and Fairhaven to visit rel
atives and friends.
Rev. W, M. Houston returned to his borne
In Junotion from a visit to San Bernardino,
Cel., Friday ol last week.
John Weaver, of Walterville, started on
visit to relatives In Wisconsin last week.
He will be gone about a month.
Hon. T. O. Hendricks went
to Portland Wednesday morning to
attend a meeting of the Board of Regents.
Sterling Hill, of Portland, apent last Sun
dsy in Eugene. He is still employed in an
nndertak lug establishment in the metropo
lis. Chester Oshnrn retnrned from Eastern
Oregon last Saturday. He aaya bis father
will remove bia cattle to tbia aide of the
mountains at once.
H. It. Harris, family, and his mother, re
turned to their home at Nana, (.'al., Monday,
after a couple nf weeks visit to his brother
John Harris in Eugene.
J. II. Pears, who waa emploped in Hollo
way'a jewelry store for several months past,
left Suuday with bis family for La Grande.
He intends to return to bia old borne in
Mr. Eliaha Barnes, one nf Ihe first settlers
at Prineville, arrived here Sunday by the
McKenzie road. He brought three grand
daughters with bim, also Miss Rosa Dodson,
who will remain in Eugene aud attend
school during the winter. Mr. Barnea left
for his home Tuesday morniog.
Clara Morris.
Women wiped tears from their eyes; men
moved uneasily In their seats, and Clara Mor
ris triumphed at the Academy nf Music last
evening. She apieared in D'Ennery's play,
"Renee De Moray," and played on the feelings
of one of the most synithetio and apprecia
tive audiences that this writer has ever seen in
any Buffalo Theatre. Miss Morris has been
seen here before in the piece, but her work last
night clouded the former effort; It was a rev
elation. Those little mannerisms of speech and
delivery that we have been compiled to
find fault with In times put were buried. She
hate to a height of emotionalism that called
forth spontaneous applause, pitying tears and
generous hearted sympathy. Her acting struck
a responsive chord in every heart and thrilled
us by Its natural forcefulneaa and Intensity.
Ons feels like apologising for describing such
an effort as acting; it might more appropriate
ly be terms I the natural work of a genius.
' Kenea De Moray Is one ol those plays that
this nueen of emotional actresses fairly
revels In. It gives her every opportunity for
ths display of tbat bistrlonio power that has
excited wondsr and admiration, and defied
even carping criticism ever since she appeared
on the stags. Its dialogue is clever, and its
situations are as emotionally dramatic, as even
Miss Morris warmest friends could ask. It
would require more space than ran lie afforded
to sieak In detail of Miss Morris' work in this
piece, as it deserves. To do her justice it
would he necessary to analyie and commend
every bit of by play In the tint act that be
trayed her jealous tear of losing ber husband's
lovs. and hsr hypocritical attempt to convince
htr mother that no such fear lurked in her
heart. It would be necessary to applaud al
most every gesture and every intonation of the
voice that acoorapanled the lines leading up to
ths strikingly-dramatic situations In the see
ond act, when Kenee blackens ber own charac
ter to save the hitherto-unsullied name of ber
proud family. It would be necessary to re
member the fourth scene from beginning' to
snd In onler to describe faithfully and justly
Kenee a pathetic scene with her father, the tu
multuous vet touching scene with her husband.
and the fearfully beautiful scene with her
daughter. The magnificence of Miss Morris'
work In these instances can not be dwelt on
thev deserve to be: this criticism of it must
end with sn acknowledgement of inability to
do it justice in the space allotted. Buffalo Ex
A certain number of guarantees for tickets
must be given to secure the engagement of
Miss Morns on Nov. 1st Our citizens should
call on Mr. Craw at the postortice at once and
leave their orders for seats so aa to secure this
great actress for a performance in Eugene.
Special Sale.
A. V. Peters intenda in the near future to
make change in bis storeroom, therefore
oilers a number of lines of goods at tbe
bolesale prices for cssh only. This otter
will be open to tbe publio for 60 days. In
cluded in this offer is a complete line c ,
clothing, 75 overcoats, 25 ladies' cloaks, CU
fieces dress goods, genta' liirnlsbing goods,
2 pieces carpets and 65 jackets. Observe his
I desire to express my thanks to friends
and neighbors who so kindly and generously
aided my biotber Thomas Diamond in bia
unexpected Illness during my absence, ami
for their sympathy and presence at bis burial.
Also for their honorable remembrance, at
ths grave, of bim who lived so many yeara
among you known ami respected by ail.
Tbe sorrow of bia sudden death is thus alle
viated by your humane and noble help,
which will be to rue a consolation and sup
port aa long a I live. Yours Gratefully,
Board of Equalization:.
Notice ia hereby given that tbe Board of
Equalisation will meet at the Court House
in Eugene on the 2nd Monday in Novem
ber fur the purpose of examining aud cor
recting the assessment roll ot Lane couuty
for tbe year 1M.K).
Dated October 15, lS'JO.
D. P. Bcbton, Aiaessor.