The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 18, 1890, Image 4

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Iiulld the Jail.
At (he meetlnR o( Ihe Comraiaaioner'
Coait Saturday the qiiMtion o( the building
of lb new jail wa eoii8idred aud the court
ordered that ell bids be tinted. Some op
pomlion hi developed to the building of tbe
mil and In one Instant- an Injunction wa
threatened abould work lie commenced. Tbe
argument wa made that th large indc bt
edueaaof tbecouutv t preaent abould be
oonaidered, alo that the when built
should be In connection with court bouae.
It in to be hoped that tbe county oonrt will
reeonaider it action in ibia matter. Tb
old jail it unsafe, a menace to tbe health ol
the priaoner confined therein, aud a atand
ing diagrace to th fair name of Laue county.
The county indubteduea ii not Urge com
pared with that of many other countie in
the elate. Hor reaonrcea are large and rap
idly incrcaxing. The warranta for payment
would readily be taken, ao that the county
would not be crumped more than nt preaent.
The time ia almost out ol remembrance when
grand jutiea bavo not condomutd tbe old
rolton atructute now naed aa a fail, and
aaked that a new on be built. It fa almoat
tbe nnanimona aentiment of tbe people tbat
a new jail abould be built and that apeedily.
If the work la deferred till a new court bonne
can be built that will be aeveral yean in the
future, beaidca it ie the eiperieuce of many
officer tbat a jail aeparate from tbe court
bouae ie far tb better plan.
The county baa spent hundreds of tboua.
anda ol dollars on btidgea and roads. At
tbe term of court when the bida for the jail
were rejected it ordered bridge imptotemeuls
to tbe i item of nearly KH0. Now make
other Improvements. Heed tbe voice of
many grand juriea. Have some connidera
lion for tbe humanity that may b confined
in the pen tbat ia worse than tb stable in
which your boraes are aheltered. Build a
decent jail and tbe people of Lane county
will sustain your action.
The "Ita8ines8" CoiiirreHH.
The tariff act, just signed by the presi
dent, was as indecent in the haute of ila con
cluticn as in tbat ol its diacusainu. Iu th
interval between its paa-isge through con
gress and reoeiviug tbe president signa
ture several errors were discovered and cor
rected by resolution. Hut it was not nntil after
it bad become law thai a whole section (No.
30) was found to have boon omitted from
the signed bill. When we remember that
the conference report conluined so many
alteratioDa trom both senate and bouse bills
as to practically amount to a new meaanre
that It was made nu September 2(1, paaaed
tbe house September 27, tbe st-uate Sep
tember :)U, oud was signed by tbe president
Oct. 1, it must lie admitted Itant "busty" is
mild term by which to characterize
the proceedings iu connection witb this bill.
Tbe consequences already discovered are
humiliating enough to those who take a
a pride iu lb new baaiueas methods of lb
dominant party; but time will much mors
abundantly show bow utterly pernicious
and contusing is tbe legislation to which
snch methods are certain to lesd. New
York Commercial Bulletin.
"Two Sides of the Tariff."
The New York World, of October 8th, ha
nu illustration representing "Unci Sain
behind bis -bargain' counter." Ou bi right
stands tbe rich man, the diamonds tpaiklliig
on bis bicasl, Tbe prices ol tb goods are
lubeled: Fine caasimeres advanced 25 per
cent., broadcloth 20 per cent., silk laces 20
per cent., silk linings no advance, silk vel
vets no advance, sealnkin sacque reduced
33 per cent., black silk, no advance.
On tbe other side stands Ihe workingman
with a taxed tin bucket in bis baud. To
liini Uncle Sam offers "bargains" like
these: Iniitution seal skin saciiuus advouoed
120 per cunt., cotton corduroy advanced IU
per ceut., woolen advanced 40 per oent.,
cotton laoei advanced CO per ceut,, cotton
velvet advanced 100 per cent., linings ad
vanced 28o per cent., cotton velvot advanoed
100 per cent, black ulpuca advanced 06 per
Tbe flgutes ate instructive. They will
help along lb campaign ol education begun
by O rover Cleveland.
Protection Exemplified.
Tbecanuerymen of tbe Columbia rivet have
awakened lo the fact tbat lb tariff is a tax.
Since Hi passage of tbe McKiulvy tariff bill
tin for canting purposes commands JO. 10
per hundred weight agaiuat $1.(40 at the cor
responding season last year. Tb increase
iu tbe tariff is $1.20 per hundred, so it is
easy to figure out what cause the advanced
pi ice.
In this connection we may stale builder
of substantial Improvement will have to go
deep into their pockets to pay for the pleas
antries of Republican protection. Tin,
paints, commou and plate glass, cement and
hardware, have all increased in puce. Who
receive lb benefit? Nu ou baa beard of
u iucreas iu wagi. The manufacturers
will be euabled to contribute mora "lat" at
tbe next presidential election.
The point which seems to have been made
agaiuat Mr. Kennedy iu th house of repre
sentatives is not tbat Quay is not a scoun
drel, but that Kennedy had no right lo say
o in an open meeting.
Fiotection does not make bigb wages tor
the worklugiuau. As a ruU laborer in
protected iudualries receive the lowest
Justine Miller, of the U. 8. Supreme
court died of paralysis Monday.
- '
Ex-Secretary ol War Cieueral Helknap died
I'teasHiit Hill Items.
The roads are in flue oondilion.
W. L. llristow aud Mia Ilauuab DuvU of
Eugen are viaiting friends here.
A protracted meeting is iu progrvaa, in
charge of Rev. Mr. Skaga, several haviug
joiued tb cnurcu.
Considerable lumber aud shingle ar li
ing bauled from her for building purpose
near Lreawell.
Usee Sam aud Auut Emily Baughman
recently received from their sous In tali
lurnia a eaa each of win aud canued fruit
We are pleased to nile that Uncle Janie
Mitchell is in better nesltn tnan usual.
At a special meeting held last Saturday
Mr. 8. Rigden and Mr. J. K. McKenzi wei
lecied school directors to nil th vacancy
occasioned by tbe resiguimun ot Messrs.
W ilson sud Hemphill.
Mr. It. U. Cailiaon will removs Li family
this week to Cottage Grov where he i en.
gagetd in teaching, lie baa rented ni I arm
to air. u. C. lonwen, wnoa family is x
peeled her soon from Arksuaas.
To Delinquent.
7b urgent needs of tb county for money
t preaent, makes it my duty to again wsrn
llde'iiuiueut tax-payer lo coma forward
and immediately Kettle.
Ou Oct. I0lb. lK'JO, I will oommenc lo
rid (or lairs, and delinquent tax payer will
be required to pay coals according to' law.
Eugene, Sept. WHb. lrj'A).
Jua E. Nousd,
Sheriff aud Tax Collector of Lan Co., Or.
Foa Flomuci. Th Eugeos-FLoreoc
Mail and Stax Lin leave Eugene Moo
day, WeduNalaya, Friday 7 a. m; leave
Florence alternate days; fsre, including meals
nd lodging, ft. OO; freight, J1.50 per hun
dred pound. Quirk trip and good treat
aucul. 8e us and sav money.
li.yr.Liin jt rcoaaao.
Col-noil Chamueb, Oot. 13, 1WJ0.
Council met in regular awwion preaent
Mnyor Ilovpy, eouiieilmen, OHbtirn,
Oriltin, Uorris, Honey, Lnckey and Pre,
Tbe Minute of Bept. . W 23 antt
Oot. let were rend corrected and ap
proved. Mr. OrilTln from the committee on fire
and water, in the matter of a flood gnte
in tbe mill raoe, reported the Mill Co. op
posed, unless the city give a bond for
diimngea in cane of high wntr. The mat
ter wna referred to the oity att'y.
The Mayor presented the resignation
of CIS. HolierU as lire warden wbieb
was accepted.
Ordinance No. UW-Making- the aalary
of Are warden 812.60 per nioutb, wh
pnaaed and ordered enrolled.
The Mayor appointed Ooo. F. Croner
fire warden for the unexpired terra of
C. E. Hoberte. The appointment of Mr.
Croner wua confirmed.
The Borai-ariuual roporta of Treae.,
Muraliul and ltocorder were read and or
deredonflle. Tlie Treaeurer granted
further time to make bin report iu detuil,
showing amt. internet paid.
Tlie recorder was instructed to prepare
a liat of all dolitiquent taxes and street
asHesHiuents for publication iu one of
the oity papers on the 25tb iuat
Resolutions approving the report of
the viewers on the exteusion of Madison
and Jefferson streets and authorizing
the payment of $100, damages awarded
to W. II. Hobgood, were adopted.
A petition for a six fxt sidewalk on
the west side of JefferHon street from 8th
north to the city limits.
A petition for an aro light at the inter
section of Ninth and Oak streets was
road. The motion to grant the prayer
of the petitioners was lost
Ordinance No. i;i7-Reqniring all
shade and ornamental trees tobetnm
r.ieil not lees than IS ft in height wus
plumed and ordered enrolled.
liills read and referred to the finance
Rules siiepcnded and the
bills ordered paid.
I. K Stevens, fllM.H'i; Jacob Heltemes.
8.'M.37; Calvin llanna, 810.
Council Adjourned.
From April 14, 1S'.H), to Oct 10, 1890.
Unpaid warrants II, H. Co.. 82W9.00
Other Warrants unpaid Wi.55
Wnrrnnts itumed in April ll.'M.Hl
May mi.wi
June 0IK!.H.r)
July v.m.m
August 27WI.57
Kepteiulier.. .K!fl.24
Hilyardst.imp 81.i37
Total 113314.51
Amt in acots of offloers 81(10.011
Delinquent taxes 1194.23
Street aaamts for '88 and 8!. . KftUl
Stiieet Ahs'mts fob 18!K).
Imp. Lawrence street 0O8.7i
...... . 10 .if
Mill izaoi
Ferry 822.82
Hilyard 742.02
Thirteenth 1004.(14
Tenth WM.70
High 527.18
Fifth 118H.34
Eighth 328.17
Tax roll for 1H) 0002.1X1
License ironed 2041.50
Dog taxes 15.00
Finances collet-ted 143.00
Total 815382.1!)
Resources in excess liabilities 82067.08
Liquor license income 1(150.00
Errors discovered uet t tax list liJ.ou
Estimated income 83740.08
Estm'ted expenditures 81135.00
Delloit 888.32
Total 84135.00
Respectfully Hubraittod,
11. F. DoRitia, Recordor.
letter LiHt.
Letters for tb following persou remained
uncalled for at the postoffloe in Eugene,
Uregon, Uct. IV, 1WU
Aili'Kate, II It
lisn-lny, K M
llaker, Mrs f G
Komiett. Mrs Harah
lloylea, Frank
llranstetter, Win
t'mwiU-r, 1) I.
Knircihart, (leo
Klklus, J W
Fickle. Harry K
(lllmore, A
(iray, Cynthia
llaydon, H
Kerr, Klla
KtttmlKc, MrsMJ
Uylon. J I.
UllleiitmrK, Otto 8
lrhn.lortl, ll A
Meeks, JnhllH
MeCulililns, Jane
Miller, Victor J
Hesrave, "
XamisMin, 8 H
Slieren A Judson
Tiailv.HW 8
Nichols. I'errv (esm K I'lxma)
A ehsrue of mm ovnl will bu maiie on each
letter Kivcii out. 1'enuMia calllni for letters will
please say when advertised.
Nothing Succeeds Like Siiccesu.
Ilavins completed my Brat year in bus!
ness here sine buying out Mr. II. N. Crain,
I take this opportunity of thanking the resi-
.1, ins ol Eucene and Lan county for tbe
very flatteiing patronage I have received ot
them during tbat time, and I wish to an
nounce lo them tbat I shall continue lo
carry the largest aud nioBt select stock of
watobea, oloena, jewelry, aiso musical goons,
ever in Ijine county. I buy directly in New
York aud Ihe factories for cash, thereby a
ouriug th latest design and enabling nie to
tell at Eastern prices. I have had twenty
year experience in England, Europe and
America in watchmaking, aud am lb only
real watchmaker in tbe county, knowing the
theory a well as Ihe practice ol horology,
my itumenie run of work keeping myaelf
aud assistant busy all the time.
All watch work I superintend myself. I
do not cut prices, but every watcb la csretul
ly examined liefor being done, and if it is
not wortn repairing win noi oeeonipieiea,
a all work don will be fully warranted for
one year.
I am sole agent for lb famous Rockford
Watches, which ar now ordered carried on
the great railroads East, and which took tbe
first premium over all other in tb U. 8.
Oovcrutntut lest of Januaiy Uth, 1WK). No
guns or pistols repaired.
W. Hollow at.
involution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the co-partner'
shin heretofore existing between A. W. Has
kell aud M. Kvarverud under the firm name
of Haskell A bvarverud i this day dissolved
by mutual consent.
Tb business will b continued by U.
8varverud, who will pay all firm bills and
collect all account Ju in arm.
A. W. Hasiiix,
October I, 18'JO.
Delinquent Tax Notice.
Kotio is hereby given that Ihc'eity la of
1810 ol Lugeo I now delinquent and Las
been placed la my bands for collection
Those who ar delinquent ar notified that
unless prompt payment is mad coat will b
Sept. li, 181K). I. E. Stivks.
SrstTtD oa Stou. Strayed or stoles
from Joel Ware's fana ilt mile north of
Irving, bept , 18'.K), a dark brown, V year
old home, star in forehead, thin abort
man, tolerably long tail Weight about
ldoO. lln to work and ritl. Liberal r
want will h paid (.1 return or lo(ia-mti
leading to bu reouvery.
Mas. W. K. Siuut, Iryin.
One of the lra. Darrln of Portland 10
Have uilleeit mere im i. mm i-
jj.'.tli. and Will 't
ViHlt Eueene.
ti.. ii n...i !. been orevaiM npoB
by many throughout lb Willamette valley to
pi, a to their vicinity. Ibey could
not afford by their lime and business lo com
to Portland. On of tb Doctois baa al lasi
consented to vlait three central point or
towns in th valley lo accommodate tb
afflicted. II will visit Albany. Iloaebnrg
..j i.l.l. n.l ml will make a atav of only
one week iu each place. Tbeir datea will b
as follows:
Albany, Oct. 12th to Win.
Hoaebiirg, Oct l!lh lo Ktb.
A-hland. Oct. 2itb to Nov. 1st.
Oftlce hours from 10 a. m to 8 p. in. dailf.
Thle head office In Portland will b
running a usual, whre they ar permanent
ly located. , ,
- .... i r l. - u.nn.lil.
i;onauitatlons ire tumnn ,rM-....
1r nrrln mke a snecialtv of all diaeaaea
of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and all
uervous, chronio and private diaeaaea. such
ss Loss of Manhood, Wood Taints.Kyphilli.
Gleet, Gonorrhoea. Stricture, Spermator
rhoea, Seminal Weakness, or Loss of Desire
of Sexual Power in man or woman.
All peculiar Female Troubles, irregular
Mnsirnaiii.n. I.ncorrhoea. Displacement".
etc. ar confidentially and uccssfiilly
treated, and will under no circumstance
take a case they cannot enre or benefit.
Cures of private diseases guaranteed and
never mililislied in the patier. Most cases
cau receive bom treatment after a visit to
tbe Doctors' office. Inquiries auwreil anil
circulsr sent free. .
Tbo followlnu cures show pioof of their
remarkable skill in treatment ot all acute,
cbroulo and private diaesss. '
Robert Ilandy, Etna, Wash.-Weak eyes;
Lucy B. wood, Rlockbnrg, Cal.-temal
troubles; cured.
Wm. Parrott, Middlelon, Or. Ueaiuess
many years; cured.
fc. Andersoe, halem, Dr. taiarrn seven
years; cured.
D. W. Emmett, Salem, Or.-Desfnes ten
years; restored.
Mr. M. E. Day. Port Madison, Wash.
Throat difficulty; cored.
Henry Slough, Macleay, Or Deafness
fifteen years; restored.
Wm. Hunter, Eugene City, Or. Catarrh
twenty years; reatored.
Volna Webster, Weston, Umatilla connty,
Or. Catarrh; cured.
H. H. Rice, 32 0 street, Portland Heart
disease; cured.
A. Jackson, Seattle, Wash. fain in Lis
back for four years; cured.
C. Snowden's girl, Salem, Or. Discharg
ing ears nine years; cured.
llev. M. M. Piashor, Urooks, Or. Nasal
and throat catarrh; reatored.
Samuel Jackson, Highland, Or. Deafness
twenty years; cured in ten minutes.
Geo. M. Erauk. Middleton, Or. Dia-
charging ear twenty-five years; cured.
li. r . Stout, Independence, YVaan. Deal
ne, catarrh and lung trouble; cured.
Mis Mary Walter, 30 1 Twelfth street,
Portland both eye crossed; cured.
Geo. Scbmith, Astoria, Or. Deafness;
Rev. J. E. Coenour, Portland, Or.- Sinn
disease; cured,
Mis Synbocst, La Gruude, Or Cross
eyed; cured.
Issue Ibompson, l-suenier, w, i. neat
ness; cured in five miuutea.
W. T. Binkley, Centralis, W. T. Sciatic
rheumatism; reatored.
J. T. George, Oleueden, W. T. Chronic
rheumatism live years; oured.
Mrs. Mary A. Johnson, McMinnville, Or.
Deafness many years; restored.
U. r. Mayew, 183 U street, i-oruanu-Rbeumatiam
in its worst; cured.
Heury Von Uulms, Saudy, Or. Cauoer of
the nose and catarrh; cured.
Mrs. C. SamlHtoie, cor. Water and Curry
streets, South Portland Deafness; oured.
Mrs. J. Ellis, 325 Clay street, Portland -Deafness
and diseases peculiar to her sex;
Miss Minnie Kelley, The Dalles, Or.
Spinal oomplaint and nervous debility; re
D. S. Welle, four mile north of Album,
ou Vancouver toad, deafness live jears;
ou red.
Wm. F, nosenlieg, cor. Twelfth and
Washington its. Cross eye; cured in ten
Chas. Magnusaou, Salem, Or. Asthma so
he could scarcely walk or sleep; reatored to
Ed. Hyues, Albiua Catarrhal deafness;
restoied. -. ; "(
P. 0. McFarlane, Vancouver Sciatica
rheumatism; enred. -
Geo. 0. Scotten, Albina, Or.-Itir.giug
noises in th ear and aeafnesi; cored.
J. R. Cunningham, VVapinitia, Wasco
county, Or. Total deafness two years in on
ear aud partially so In tb otbar; oured.
Henson McCoy, Dufor, Wasco couutyi
Or. Deafness aud terrible pain in th ear
and head for six month until he was nearly
crazy, restlessness and insomnia. Restored
to health by electricity after all other treat
ments had failed.
Many thousands of other case could here
be published, did not the want ot space
Wantko. Fifty bushels of good clean
orchard grass seed, at Goldsmith's grocery
University Bookstore
McClarens Building,
(Oppmlts F. M. Wilkin' Drue: Store.)
-Has so extensive 8tuck of
Mercantile, Fancy and School Station
ery. Blank Booki, Cutlery, Etc.
tVOrders for Books and Subscriptions
to Newspspets and Periodical promptly at
tended to.
II. II. Stone, Agent.
Shirts 12
Flannel Shirts W
Collars f
Cuffs 50
Under Drawers 8 to in c
UoderShirls 8to 10e
Niybt Shirts ...-llc
Socki 50
Handkerchiefs 2o
Silk Handkerchiefs of list in proportion. Call and
see asniplea.
Which has become so popular among the lady
shoppers of Eugene and vicinity, is one of a sys
tem of 3,lM similar stores operated by C. B.
Itouss, of New York City. Their supply Is ob
isiued from msnufscturers, Jobbers, Importers,
bankrupt sales and small crowded out manufac
turers, to whom Mr. Rouss advances a low per
centaxe above the net cost of ihclrgoods and fur
..i.i,,.. th-m money to continue their business
during the scsson. This stock consists of
Ladies & Gents Furnishing Goods
Tinware. Boots and Shoes,
Carpets Linens,
Kjsekeeping Novelties, Notions
While the stock Is not large, a consignment of
new goods reaches us weekly. We are not after
big price. We make low prices and hold them
there. We are alter a large trade, and are using
every business method to secure It, We ssk no
better endorsement than the hundreds of custo
mers who have done business with us during the
past few weeks. Our prices cannot be dupli
cated in Une County.
Respectfully Submitted to the Spot Cash Trade,
Ninth Street, Enirene, Or.
or THE
First National Bank
At Eugene, In the State of Oregon, at
the close ot business, Uct. 3, 1WU.
Lnsns and discount I101.IV.13.35
Overdrafts, secured snd unsecured . . 1,HM 81
U S Hun. Is to secure circulation .... V.'.raH) 00
Stocks, securities, claims, eto H.IHi-.'
Dii from approved reserve cent. , 13,7X7 r7
I im from oilier National lianks... 3,07!) '.Hi
lUnkimr house, furniture, and fu
tures n.'.VI 50
Current expense and taxes paid. . . l,Mt! 30
I'remiuuis oa U S bonds I.N00 00
Checks and other cash items'.M 4:
Hills of other ltauk 40 00
Fractional paiier currency, nickels
and cents 11 79
Specie 23.071 00
lMal tender note 120 00
Iteileniptmn fund with V. S. 1 reaa-
urer (5.. of circulation) 50:1 50
Total 2tO.S07 08
Capital stock paid in i 50,000 00
Surplus fund 20,(H)0 00
Undivided profits 7,3iO 8U
National llnuk notes outstanding 11,250 00
Individual deposit subject to
check 121,374 50
Demand certificates of deposit. . 35,31)7 08
Due to stste banks and bankers. 624 55
Total 1246,907 02
Stats or Okimo.v, Coi st! or Lam, aa:
1, S. B. Eakin, Jr., fashisr ol the ahuv.
named bank, do solemnly swear that the abnv
slatemenl is tru to th best of my knowledge
and belief.
S. n. Eakin. J a.. Cashier.
Sul scrilshl and sworn to belor m this 13
500 LBS.
Best Imported German Knitting
Black, White & all Colors at
85c Per Pound.
his in Your 1
Arensw oilered at PRICES which make them beyond ques
tion tlie Lowest in town, quality considered. Nothing can
outdo that, wonderful house, known as
Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods, Roots and
Shoes, Hats, Caps, Trunks. &o. .. hUUUNJfc,, UK.
dsy i4 Out, Is.sJ.
lornct, attest.
U HlLlsT
N'oUry I'uUiu.
T. O. HutiRlrKs,
li. K. ( hsissax,
W. It. IdcCoasAi.
Lat of Boston, Mas.
Teacher of ART,
Resident al F. i. Crouch's, on Ninth
Slnvi, Eiif-n. tv-n.
lsraaa oa appllnsttoa.
Barter 61111 Worts,
1 Fine 10 Gance Qun. Coat SCO. second band, a flue a Gun aa anybody needs.
Our price ia remarkably low, it is only f 25 00
1 Fine W inchester, 38 -Calibre, aa pood as new 11 00
1 Fine 12-hnre laminate P. G 11. fi. B. A. 8. N. Shot Guu, two barrels 16 00
1 Fine I'i Parker, been used a little 20 00
1 Fiue 10 Parker, been used a little 20 00
1 Tan Snap, 12 li, laminated single barrels, K, B. T., E. X. T. It 18 00
1 1'2 bora, thi(le Champion Racw Guu, second band 8 00
1 10-bore, ssnie aa tbe above, but is new and full nickel 9 00
1 same as above but l'i P. G. It. B. and rubber cap, full nickel 10 00
All kinds of inchester Kitles, also Colt s lufles, Marhn
and Flohit Rifles of all kinds, shapes and sizes for sale, trade
or hire; also 100 Shot Guns of all kinds, too numerous to
mention. Our Fall Stock has arrived and is some of the
finest goods in tho city.
Cheap Grade 10 or 12 Gauge $28 50
Fine " " " " 40 00
These guns aro worth more money than this, but the
Company want to mish sales, and to do this they have made
these prices, which give more than value received. The
$40.00 (J ratio will compare with $100.00 Grades of other
See my line lino of Razors. They will shave anybody who
has got anything to shave. Remember 9th Street, the
Renefaotor of Mankind, Parker Gun Works. Come and see
our Animal Traps, all sizes, good to catch any kind of wild
animal. Ammunition for all kinds of Guns and Cannons,
also Blasting Powder, Caps, Fuse, Giant Powder and Dyna
mite. Gunsmithing in all its branches and all kinds of
light machines Repaired. Call at the Parker Gun Works
for Pocket Knives, all prices, all Styles. 9 St. 9 St.
Barker Gun Works.
Insure Against Fire
With one of the tending Companies.
For Insurance in any of tlia following standard Companies:
Xew Zealand, Capital Stock, $o, 000,000
Phoenix of London, 5,000,000
Hamburg Bremen, of Germany, .... - 3,000,000
Apply to E. J. FRASIER. Agent, Eugene, Oregon.
Foi Real Eslale Bargains in Farm and City Property Call on
Lane County Land & Loan Co.
During the next 60 days. I tJ
or. iT 1 J '
oner an my large ana comu
line of Clothing, 75 Overcoats, Gent;
Go JacKets, ou pieces oi Dress
Goods, a lot of Fancy Silks. 12 dm
of All Wool 3-ply Ingrain and Tan.
istry Carpets. If you wish to mate
vour Cash bring you all it can
come and price these Goods, insteadl
.am I V4 a
of paying your lare to Portland.
I am NOT going out of Business, but ii
1 i 1 1 .
order to maKe reaay ior cimnge in mv
store room, it becomes necessary for me i
reduce my Stock of Merchandise, faster tlia
X At. .....1! 4. 1.. 1
l can in me orumary run ui iratie, ana so,
have adopted this plan, of offering you all
these Goods at Wholesale Trices, and even
in some instances beloAV the actual Cost.
A. I
Just Received by
Successors to J. R. REAM.
lied Room Sets in Antique, Oak and Ash.
" 16th Centurv Finish.
" with combined Pmreaus and Wash Stand.
fi?fSets broken and made ud in anv shano or style.
Why of course you do! Well go and trade where yir
money goes the lurthest.
. Sanders
The Farmers and Workingmens Friend, can supply J'0'
with Dry lioods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats aim
L.impsnnd (ipnts h lirmeliinir l.rwwlj l nn(iv nni lit MlT COW"
, ,V,V,V.-, ...J l I
Cheaper than any Store in town.
Cloaks and Wraw, just rrcivel a large
stuck; (2 and upward
Mens auita, nobby tyle from 87 upward.
i.iotnine at prsatiy reduced pricea.
Ladiea Shiws at $1 25 per pair.
Cabot W, 13 yardf..rL
rv. i: tu i r ci
vaucu, iu yams mr ci. , ... uilfci
Overalld. t 60 ct a pair-lit nI ine 11
OenU Fin Shoea, a aolid alio, 81 85 a pair. Ulanlteta, from $1 M) a pair up-
What, What, What
SJ: till
5 ftk vim . 'S S 1
v (S
Is it? Is it? Is It?