The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 18, 1890, Image 3

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    flflAT tHE DRlOOlSTS lATi
M.rth 24, IB
Manufacturer of the Ortat Sttrra Kit
try awl Liver Curt,
GENTLEMEN! It plt-a U Utte that
Id our Judgment California production
,rt coming to the front very rapidly. In
the ra of your remedy aa In proportion
, ue of any other kidney and liver cure
ot medicine for the cure of kidney and
Her disorder, The Ortat Sierra KUinty
and Lhr Curt is tht best aellli g article
onourehelvea, and (a rapidly on the In
eree dally. Kespectful'y youm,
Twentieth and Mission streets Kan Fran
cisco, Cal.
Tfllfe Harry, I want M today. Husband (po
tlollv) I wo ""! with lutrle thoiiKht and
Jea year married. 80 do I, dear.
I, malarial disease, the human machinery rau
not h" rlorm Itsofflce HlKi-stlon, secretion,
vsciiatl'"1 are disordered, the blood hemmes
wntcrv, the nerve feeble, the countenance
ihasriy. ieep disturbed md appctliecaprlciou-.
Trrriliie la this disease, tell It consequences.
There l. however, a known antidote to the mi
m,(lc poison and a eertalu safeguard aitaitint
a ii mllarlons rcKliiiu of our Mouth end West,
In South America, liuatemela and on the Isthmus
of Panama, as well aa III transmarine countries
where the seoi rite exists, thin Inimitable pre
Vfiitlve and remedy, llotetter's Stomach Hitters,
nindurliiK the lat thirty-five years lieen con
stantly wldenlnu the sres of Its usefulness and
demoustratliiff Its aoverclmi value. I.licr com
nlslut, dyspepsia, constipation, kldnev trouble,
rheumatism and debility are all remedied by II.
A Plain Cook. I.sdy (to applicant for place)
Are you a plain cook? Applicant-Well, i s'pose
I cua be purtler.
Ed Venney, Brockvllle, Ontario, Can
aria, aaye:
"I have used Bkanikkth'8 Tills for
the past fifteen years, and think them the
best cathartic and anti-bilious remedi
known. For noma five years I suffered
with an eruption of the skin that Bve me
grat pain and annoyance I tried ri Hit-rent
blood remedies, hut although itaininp
airengih the I tolling wa unrelieved. I
flns'ly concluded to take a thorough course
of Brandreth's Pill. I took six each
night for four nights, then five, four,
three, two, lessening each time by one.
and then fur one month took rne even
night, with the happv result that now m
skin I" perfectly clear and has been so eve
ilnce." At the Science Enamlnatlon. Q. Which li the
bestkuown Insulator! A. Poverty.
The very bent way to know whether or
not Dobbins' Klectrlc eoap is a good as It
Is said to I'e Is Vo try it yourself. It. can't
deceive you. Be sure to get no imitation
There are lots of them. Ask your grocer
for just one bar.
In mortgages there Is prosperity for the other
For throat dl-ease and coughs use
"Brown' Bronchial Troches." Trice, 2S
cents. Sold only in bores.
"Why don't you go to work?" "I do; but It
Isn't there."
Including IS rare novelties, shapes and
artistic imported olengrephlc and chro
matic cards. This large and lieautiful col
lection sent by mall to any one who will
do this: But a box of the genuine Dr. 0.
McLane'a Celebrated Liver Pills from any
druggist, price 25 cents, and mail us the
outside wrapper with your address, plain
lv written, and 4 cents in stamps. The
genuine McLsne'a Pills are prepared only
by Fleming Bros., Pittsburgh, Pa., and
have been In constant use for over sixty
years. They are superior to all others In
purity and effectiveness. A certain cure
for lndigestluu and sick headache. Ad
dress, Fleming Bros.. Pittsburgh, Pa.
You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you
can buy a new dog.
We positively cure rupture and all rectal dis
eases without pain or detention from business.
No cure, no pav: and no pay until cured. Ad
dress for pamphlet lira. Pnrtorfleld A l.K-y,
Market street, Kau Francisco.
Don't read I Don't think 1
Don't believe 1 Now. are you
You women who think that
patent medicines are a hum
bug, and Dr. Pierce's Favor
ite Prescription the biggest
humbug of the whole (because
it's best known of all) does
your lackt-of-faith cure come?
It's very easy to " don't " in
this world. Suspicion always
comes more easily than con
fidence. But doubt little
faith never made a sick
woman well and the "Fa
vorite Prescription " has cured
thousands of delicate, weak
women, which makes us think
that our "Prescription" is
better than your don't believe.
We're both honest. Let us
come together. You try Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
If it doesn't do as represented,
you get your money again.
Where proof's so easy, can
you afford to doubt?
Little but active are Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
Best Liver Pills made ; gen
tle, yet thorough. They regu
late and invigorate the liver,
stomach and bowels.
Soldiers, Wldowa, Parents,
tlir'atlmB anI (nrm.llnn
uftti :n
'under NEW Law
Soldier, Wldowa, Parenta, send for blank an-
feailoa Antnt. Wuhinrton. D. C.
"to abkist
t-MUILU II H nihil ness. r
can be don. rn homes, whether In CUT
ss. ork
or country, address, with stamp, MI'S. htAL
BONQVaS-. Oaklasd, CaL-
TU OUnt MrJieimt in Ikt Wcrld lZi'7
ThSFASSTlfty pfeTiAI"
MpUoB, and has been In coo-tanl ne for a-arij a
e-nturr. Tom are few duwasea to which """"""J
i iubjF aaore dMreeslns Una sore 'J",
"".P rtups rorwhk-h more remedt-a ktn bee"
W d without snop-as. ForaUeitenial lrifUminsU'
liMeyee It la aa Inrallli). rwnedjr. ihjj "ree
l'lt fwatt-Bt'on of I hr-lclins o l ,fr
;,l;,7ii"iniri-tfc v1" '
tTlytolfim II. 8TEVESS CO.. Atlorueri.
Hl f street, W ahlnrtnn. D. C. Branch oince
Cleveland, Detroit Chicago.
A F..tlT. DrummTTJlTkM Hlm.alf gl4
SI III llomaatla l-l ....
The worst case of lusnlclnn .n.t .y
ouy In the Northwest ha. t,,.. CT.
cured the P,ent Mn, th. wlV, 71
r r.ra ir"ung man- d
noticed that her hmband never brought
hi gr p borne wltb him. but always left
t at the .tore when he came in from a
trip, and In ber Jealousy ,l,e Imagined
It to be filled with love letters an
polntmentsof meeting with fair ones,
etc A few days alnce, while her bus
band was on a trip through Dakota, she
went down to the store, ,nd approach-
iicr, sata;
"John, you like to make a dollar boo
stly when you can, don't vou?"
"Oh, yos'm."
"You know where my husband keeps
nls (Trip, don't you?"
"Ves'tn; he throws It down In a cor
ner of the office and leaves it there."
"Well, look hero, John. He will bo
in on the Northern l'aclflo train, to
morrow mornlnjr. and if, at the first op.
portunlty, you slip bis grip out of the
house and bring it to me. I'll gUe you a
dollar. You can bring it back again in
half an hour."
The porter consented, and two days
later presented himself at the drum
mer's residence with the grip In his
band. He explained that he had not
before had an opportunity to carry it
away, and giving him a seat in the par
lor the woman carrlod the prize to the
bed-room, and with set teeth and pale
face opened it The first thing she en-counu-red
was a well-worn pocket Iliblo,
thumbed and showing the marks of
much handling. Then she dug out a
soiled shirt, some unchase socks, comb,
hair-brush, and then she found a lottor
folded within an envelope. This she
opened eagerly and read as follows:
Tkuao, V. T., Sept. 1, Msa
Mfr. William .
DtAa Siu: Tour monthly assessment of
fllty cents for the support of the Young
Men's Christian Association (Bible fund) Is
now due.and the earnest Interest you h:ive al
ways Inken In the work assures me you will
promptly remit the amount You will be
pleased to learn that t Is a good cause pro.
greases rapidly, as you predicted It would
In your sddress delivered here a few weeks
since. Yours, A. W. Edwards.
This drove much of the hard, stony
look from her face, but she continuod
her search. She fished out tbreo or four
tracts, a bottle of pop a Francis Murphy
temperance badge, a bottle of Dr. Sure
pop's corn-destroyer, and beneath it all,
In the bottom of the grip, a letter,
sealed, stamped and ready for the mail,
addressed to "Miss Qeorgie Gray, St
Paul, Minn."
The superscription was in her hus
band's well-known handwriting, and
again the stony look came into her eyes.
"Oh, the wretch!" she cried in her
anguish. "My suspicions are too well
foundodl Oeorgle Orayl Oh, this is too
much, too much!" and she gave vay to ;
a flood 01 tears.
When she bad calmed herself she tore
the letter open and read as follows:
ST. Taul, Minn., Sept 19.
Bins 0 RAT Tour note asking me to meet
you In U 08 Park Saturday evening was
handed me by a district messenger boy tills
morning. In reply, permit me to say that '
you have mistaken the man. You may not be
aware that I am a married man, and am
Messed with the love and confidence of the !
greatest little wife In America. Bather than I
beiray that confldenoe or dishonor that love .
I would suffer 10,(100 deaths. In my eyes there i
Is but one woman in the world, and she it Is (
who greets me with a pleasant smile and a .
wifely kiss every time I conn from a trip, ,
William -.
Then she laid down on the bed and
sobbed for awhile, and then olosed the I
grip, took it to the porter, and asked '
blm to return it to the store and say '
nothing of what had occurred. As he
entered the store the drummer stoppoA
from behind a pile of goods and asked:
"Did she go through it John?"
"Guess so. She took it into ancthor
room, an' was gone half an hour before
she brought it back." ' I
"How did she act?" I
"Woll. she was smllln' awfully, but
looked toary all around the eyes. SI.e
gimme anothor dollar, an' said this
would be a happy world if all men
were like her husband." St Paul
Herald. j
The Center of Population.
In 1790 the center of population was
22 miles west of Baltimore; since that
time it has moved westward at an av
erage rate of about 51 miles in each j
decade, never deviating a degree north
or south of the thirty-ninth parallel.
The greatest progress was between 1850
and 1800, whon it traveled 81 miles,
fro.n a point in Virginia to a point 20
miles south of Chillicothe, O. This, of
course, was caused by the gold excite
ment and consequent settlement of the
Paciflo coast In 1870 the center of I
population was 48 miles northeast of
Cincinnati. The census of 18S0 showed
that it had advanced S8 miles in the ,
decade, and had deflected to the south,
being near Taylorsville, Ky. It is an
ticipated that the present census will
find it somewhere in Jennings County. I
Ind. If this westward movement con- ,
tinues at the present rate it will cross
the Mississippi near St Lotrl in the
year 1950. St Louis Republic j
On more than one occasion chemists 1
nrl nhirsiclans have shown that the ,
present fashion of having bodies rough
ly embalmed shorUy after death throws
serious difficulties in the way of chem
ical analysis In cases of suspeMed poi
soning. In a recent number of the ltos
ton Medical and Surgical Journal, a
physician relates a case In which a
young married woman died with symp
toms resembling those of arsenical
poisoning. Before a post-mortem ex
imination could be made the under
taker, as a matter of routine, intro
duced into the body a large quantity of
preserving fluid containing arsenic
so that the chemist's examination was
irultless and his report valueless. -Chi-rago
Th-y re Marrle l Now. j
Snooks-How are you getting on since
your marriage?
6croggins-Not as well a s I "J?
When she gave m. h. - band . Utt e
over a year ago, I was filled with de
light; but the way she gives me her
band now only makes my ears ring.-
Texaa Sifti - . .
-Actress-tiood beavensl I am
mined. Bur, Wbrok. into By d
ing room and sto'.e every bit of try
The thieves have been caught and the
10 '! -wlne.rlr 120 worth of
end someone round to the mwWi
dTnTtbe elet given me b, the
Ciar. " Amer ca.
-The gravedigger doesn't have tc
Work That Makes Young Men Old Be for
j Th lr Tim.
I At two o'clock the men of the) after
noon shift call for their lamps, six hun
dred of which, lifhied, locked, and
numbered, stand ready round the lamp
house wall. As they troop up to the
window, shouting their numbers, some
Idea may be formed of the main ele.
ment In the community. The. first
thing which strikes a stranger is that
colliers have .no youth. There are
young boys wUh round, merry faces,
but there are no youths. They seem
to become men suddenly, with deep
lines about the brow and mouth which
suggest the idea of nervous overstrain.
Tbelr voices, too, are harsh and irrita
ble. No doubt the strained
look may bo duo in part to
the lung hours of work in a
dim, imperfect light; but the same
appearance may be noted on the faces
of most of the worksite in northern In
dustrial communities where payment is
by piece work, and not by a weekly
wage. If the collier loses his youth, he
is not compensated by length of years.
Very few old men aro to be soon among
them. Thoy break up when still ap
parently vigorous. Perhaps this is fort
unate among a class which does not
save, and gives the weekly contribu
tions which might provide an annuity
in the old age to swell the union funds.
Hut though voice and features show that
bis work is tolling upon him, the collier
is fur from admitting this to himself.
Except in Btrlko times, when it is nec
essary to appeal to public sympathy,
ho wants no commiseration for his lot
For tho agricultural laborers round him
he has a boundless contempt As a
member of an organized body, be has
a good many pleasures to which
they are strangers. Work over, after
an excelent meal, he strolls to his
club, there to play bagatelle or bill
iards, bet on horse races, or hear the
news. On Sunday ho can go to the hand
some church built by the colliery
owner, or, If ho prefers It spend an
agreeable morning in dog racing or rab
bit coursing. Those last are very popu
lar amusements, as they afford plenty
of scope for bettinif and gambling, the
curse of tho North Country industrial
villages. Moreover, there is a good
crlckot ground, which Is much patron
ixed on Sunday evenings. Occasionally
a huge excursion Is organized to aome
distant watering place, where the men
and their wives sit on the parade or en
joy tho novel pleasure of a sail. Hut
mental improvement is difficult in a
community where ail the members arc
of one class. Spectator.
Home of the Mirielous Work Produced
. bv Them.
It is very curious to an outsldor to
watch the operations of a braiding ma
chine. In one factory there are some
ten different kinds of machines kept in
operation. The most curious of all is a
machine whose special domain is the
so-called "applique" work. It per
forms three tasks at one and the same
timo. Whon properly adjusted a tiny
knifo cuts out according to the pretty
design intended, the figures from the
nppur layer of cloth, while simultane
ously the machine sows these figures on
to tho layor of cloth undorneatb the
upper layer being generally of medium
thickness, while tho lower one is cloth
of tho thickest warmest and most ex
pensive kind, such as is suitable for a
lady's cloak.
The effect thus obtained artlstlo ara
besques, beautifully curving lines, form
ing an intricate yet pleasing pattern,
lying on the cloth underneath, la very
pretty indeed. Generally two cloths of
shades differing so much as to form a
fine contrast are chosen. The delloate
mechanism of this machine Is especial
ly noticeable In the cutting out of the
upper layer of cloth. For while the whole
process of cutting It and on
tight at the samo time is done so quick
ly under the bandsof a skillful operator
that a yard of this "applique" work is
made within five minutes, the knife
must be bo nicely adjusted that it will
cut exactly through the thickness of
the upper cloth and not the hundredth
part of an inch doeper. Another ma
chine, which is likewise tho produot of
a very ingotilous brain, is the so-called
'threo-spool' machine. Two threads of
worsted and one thread of silk cording are
manipulated by this machine in such a
manner as to lay down the worsted on
the cloth and to spin tho silk right over
and all around It The effect thus pro
duced is that of vory thick silk braid,
the whole being more durable than silk
throughout yet much less expensive.
The beading machine, by means of
which those most elegant ornaments on
a woman's dress, those glistening ara
besques of trading, are put on, is an
other triumph of mechanical genius.
The same may be said of the feather
edge machine, which does the so-called
"sunbeam" and "rainbow" work, em
broidering the shados, which are gradu
ally toned down; or the cornelly ma
chine, which does the cording, and still
more so of the soutache machine, which
docs the simp'.est and yet one of the
most effective styles of embroidery.
Ladies' Wear Review.
Why the Trains Walt.
It has probably puzzled mat;y a trav
eler, who, flitting impatiently in a train,
has waited for the draw of a bridge to
close which had been opened to allow
some snail-like boat to creep up the
current why the rapidly moving train
was not given the precedence, as it
could swiftly hurry away. Itlsnotdue
to the excuse that the boat can not hold
itself against the stream, for It can and
does this frequently. It is simply the
application of the old common-law prin
ciple of easement The boats bad the
... Ar n.iiral.l atrpams Ion? before
wiv vL .. (,
railroads were Invented, and when the
latter bridged rivers they did so subject
to the former's Interest therein, and for
this reason railroad trains are to-day
obliged to stand back while the boats
push ahead. All modern conditions
would indicate that the locomotive
should have precedence of the steamer,
and the fact hat it does not shows the
tenacious gr of custom.'
"All the fools are not dead yet"
aid a cantankerous Richmond man to
his spouse. "Of course tbey are not,
John." repl d the wife, "for If they
were I'd be a widow." Richmond Re
First Actor "When yon received
your salary ?at did you buy flrstr
kotnr "A nalr of thick-soled
shoe. We shall probably disband in
week or two." Yankee lilade.
A man never becomes so wise that
be can tell which is worst in this world,
love without money or money without
isve. Atchison Glebe.
In Russia a man .may appear a a
witness in a lawsuit against his wife It
be baa the nerve to do It Ram's Horn.
To the ordinary mortal, a wilted
collar tells a truer tale of the state of
the weather than the Signal-Service
thermometer does. Puck.
Sportsman "Why do you suppose
the stork is all neck, lugs and winira?"
Naturalist "Probably that he may be
utilised for boarding-house chicken frio
esse." Harper's Bazar.
Lady of the House (to her Servant)
"You tell me that you are going to
quit my service, and you know that I
have done almost all your work?" Serv
ant "Yes; but you don't do it to suit
we!" Judy.
Wick wire "Now you have gradu
ated, I suppose you feel ready to earn
your own living?" Young l'otts "F.arn
my living? If I can't get a living with
out earning It I might just as woll have
staid out of college." Terre Haute Ex
press. Mrs. Younghusband (putting the
fashionable strlngless cap on her head)
"Why, really, I don't see what will
keep this bonnet on!" Mr. tounghus
; band (shopping with her, glancing at
the ticket) "The price, I think, dar
ling." Harper's Ilazar.
Traveler (at the ticket offtee)-"!
want a half-ticket too, for my boy."
Agent (suspiciously) "Do you mean to
say that boy isn't over twelve?" "No
on ly eleven." 'Oh, well, all above ten
have to pay full rates." (lolden Days.
"Ah! love, I should like to listen
to you all night" said Clarence, as he
rose toga Six months after thoy wore
married he chanced to stop out flftoon
minutes after his hour, and he bad his
desire gratified.
Husband (angrily) "This beef Is all
burned up. Why In thundor did you
cook it so much?" Wife "Well, I
can not think of every thing. I was
busy writing an article for the Ladles,
Cooking Journal, and forgot the meat
was in the oven. "Ronton Horald.
You needn't talk about keeping
one's word," said a husband to bis wife
during a slight misunderstanding;
"when I first asked you to marry me
you declared you would't marry the best
man fn the world." "Well, I didn't!"
snapped the wife.
Mr. Wlggs (admiringly) "Mrs.
nansom looks as pretty as a picture
this afternoon." Mrs. Wiggs "That
costume is very becoming. She has a
husband who likes to see a woman de
cently dressed, and isn't to mean to
pay for it"-N. Y. Weekly.
'TIs true that smokeless powder may
Much benefit beget;
But what Is needed most to-day
Is the smokeless cigarette.
Washington Post
O-Billlkin-'Wbafs the matter, Willi
kin?" Wllllkln "Matter enough. You
know, some time ago I assigned all my
property to my wife, to to keep it out
of the bands of of people I owe, you
know." "Yes." "Woll, she's taken the
money and gone off says she won't
with me because I swindled my credit-ors."-N.
Y. Weokly.
She ordered a fowl for a grand din
ner and made the cook bring bis pur
chase for her inspection. She exam
ined it tossed her head discontentedly,
and said: "It is a poor-looking thing."
"Oh, mum," said the cook, "when it
is fixed up with truffles It will look en
tirely dlfforent Just like when you
puton your diamonds. mum!" San Fran
slsco Wasp.
Th President or the United States and
Kuropoan Court Ktlquette.
The President of the United States
would perhaps be a competent ponton to
answer as to the relative ranks of chiof
magistrates, as he takes his plaoe among
the rulers of the earth as an eqttaL The
usual precedency is alphabetical. In
the last century there was no republlo
In America before the United Status,
and many in Europe, as the Seven
United Provinces in Holland, the Swiss
Cantons, the seventy free cities of the
German empire, the republlo of theklng
dom of Poland, that of the Knights of
St John at Malta, the republlo of Ven
ice, that of Genoa, that of Ragusa, etc.
The Doge of Venice used the crown of
the kingdom of Cyprus, he of Genoa
that of the kingdom of Corsica. Em
peror, as in the case of Russia, gives no
precedence over older States. The re
publics of Europe were swept away by
the results of the ephemeral French re
publlo one and indivisible, an historical
fact to which little attention has been
given. King Henry VIII. and Queen
Elizabeth constantly referred to the
commonwealths and Republics. The
lord protector, Oliver Cromwell, did not
yield to any Prince In Europe. The
supposed antagonism between monarch
Ism and republicanism now being
put forward has been largely
worked up in tbe present day. An in
cident of tbe question of monarchy Is
the religious capacity of the Lord's an
ointed; but many Kings are not so
anointed. In the respect of the science
of politics, this is subsidiary, and has
no direct connection with the functions
of chief magistrate. In framing the
constitution of tbe United States the
founders did not provide a King, be
cause it was not possible; but the Presi
dent and executive have a stronger pre
rogative than is possessed by Queen Vic
toria. When tbe rules of court etiquette
were drawn up there weie no republics
to speak of. or, if there were any, they
were quite Ignored by themlghty poten
tates of the day; and so I think no place
was assigned to thecblefsof such States
by those who Indited these rules. Hut
since tbe days of the Ktuartaln England
and those of Louis XIV. In France tbe
state of things in this respect has been
considerably altered, and it would seem
strange to see tbe President of the
United States of America, the President
of th Swiss confederation and the Pres
ident of tbe French republlo sitting at
any royal table "below the salt" and
the King of Portugal, the King of Bel
gium and the Prlnoe of Monaco, who Is
a sovereign Prince, seated in state on
tbe dala. Notes and Queries.
Frank Hopkins, of California, wb
baa been visiting tbe Ottoman empire,
declares that the sal of women there
baa not been stopped only carried on a
little more privately. He quote Cir
cassian beauties at 2,000 each and Nu
bian maidens at about $100 apiece.
The World Ipissl Hlas.
"You look sad and dejected. Is any
thing the matter?
"Yes: tbe discouragements of my
.1 . Al f
urofesslom are sometime mora vun .
n bear, ioo at uataiga
' pickpockeUP "
"But what has that to do wltb your
"Weil, I n a plkpockt."-Ji4g.
Announorin.nt 1 hat Will Interest Mnar
-One or the Or. len III Just Kt timed
From c.urut.
Th Die. Darrln bav been prevailed
upon by many throughout the Willamette
Valley to pay a viu to their vicinity, as
they could not all'oid by their time and
business to come to Portland. One of the
Doctor ha al last couenled to vl.ll lb re
lentral point or town in the valley to
accoiiniii.dit't. tbe atllicied In their vicin
ity. He will vlii Albany, Itoaelmrif and
Aahlauil, ami w ill -nake alay of only one
week in each place. Their head ollloe in
I'orllaud will he run a usual, where they
are permanently located.
The following cure show proof of their
remarkable nklli in treatment of all acute
chronic and private r 1hc.
Robert Hardy, Etna, Wh. Weak eyes;
Lucy B. Wood, Blockburg, Cal.- Female
troun ei: cured.
William Parrott, Middleton, Or.-Deaf-neas
many yenni; cured.
K Anderaoti, balem, Or. Catarrh seven
)ears; cured,
I). V. Kniinett, Salem, Pr.-Deafnesa
ten year; restored.
Mr M f. Pay Port Madison, Wash.
Throat dilllculty. ruivd.
Henry t-lounh, Macleay, Or. Deafnesa
fifteen yeaia: restoird
William Hunter, Kugene City, Or. Ca
tarrh twenty years: restored.
Volua Weimter, Weston, Umatilla coun
ty. Or. Catarrh; curtii.
li It Hlce lU U street, Portland -Heart
disease; cured three months since,
A. Jackson, Si-aille, Wash. Pain in his
back for lour jeira; cured.
C. S lowdeti stirl, alcm, Or. DUch
Ins ear nine vetrs; cued.
licv. M. M. Ilanhor, Brooks, Or. Nasal
aud tin oat catarrh; cured.
Samuel Jackai n, HiKhland, Or. Deaf
lie twenty yea ; cured in teu mlnuies.
lieoigf M. Frank, Middletrn, Or Dia
charirii'g ear twemy-live yean; cured.
ta. F. Stout, Iii(lpii.lcnce, Wakh.
DckfiieNH, catarrh and lung trouble; cured.
Mil. Mary Walter, Ml Twellth treei,
Portland Both rye ironsed; cured.
Urn. Darrln make a specially of dim-ase
of the eye, ear, uoxe and throat and all
nervous, chronic and private disease
uch as Ins of manhood, blood talnls,
syphilis Kleet, K'Uiorrhiea, stricture, sper
inatorrlio a, nrininal weakne or loss of
dei-Ire of sexual power in man or woman
All peculiar female troub'es. Irregular
menstruation, lucorrhica, tilplacemeiilH,
etc., are confidentially and uccefully
treated, and will under no circumstance
take a case that they cannot cure or bent-tit.
Consultations free. Charges reasonable.
('urea of private HUeaae guaranteed,
and never publlhed in the papers. Most
ctsescan receive home treatment after a
visit to the Doctors' office. Inquiries an
Mwered, and circular sent free.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, diBpcls colds, head
iches and fevers and cures hnhituvl
constipation permanently. For sale
in oOoand $1 bottles by all druggists.
8 AH mUMCISCO. cm,
louismu. Kt. mw ton, .r.
Cure BILIOUS and
Nervous ILLS.
25ctS. a Dox.
In Its First Stages.
B assr yon grt tht 0nmIm.
ft tare llto k. Slok Mask. Coartlatra
Malaria, Urn OMplalnt, uk tk aafe
a4 wruta nsm, latlTtl S
Cm ta small sirs ( mu ituiicustai
pl. Tar f us smm etsfMIHt! salt au afa
l issti uar au, as MM I
KISSING teto-mnrt,
ItlOOIIIli paawlatoef lass smhuo Urn 4
j r surra co..
ktt of "til BMaa, ' ' St Loaai. kt.
abers Golden Femal Pills.
rorFsnale Imcnlar
Itlacaotulnf lUtthm
en tb market. Asw
ail SineswaluUvusW
bj tromlDDt lsltss
moathlf. Juaraat4
to rail upon'
Don't b kaatmnoS
Bar Ttaaa, H1U
and aaoooTitaas aoota
rat to aar cddraai
car bf Ball f
01 pi of prto,tlta.
tmf i?HRfl RnnaiE coiriiY.
Urn Branca. luV.rOBTLAXD. OB
.,M lit Wutf Uaeo Co.. rortlaad. Or
and adTl IKKM. 1. K. 1
ohlslD . F'SSl
mu. Ioformatlon
Lrrraix. ff. furtit
Onto. Waahliurton, D. C. IJtmtum
Mu wkti
N. P. N. C. Ho. 8&7-8. g . N. U. o. Hi
I 2J
rNH MI-TIOV Ml It ill. V I Kill,
Tu t iliiToa: fl-asr liifufOi fuur naslx
that 1 bat a po.itl.e rriniili Inr tb av
bainrtl dlsiasr. Kjr lis tlicrli uw tliuuumls ul
... -I-.-..-.. . mw m urn. . urru urrmauruii rifrrii,
stiall br flail tu trlnl I wo bolllr. i. uij rrluMy
rntf tu any ul vour tvauVrs who ns cuusump
tlnn II tlici will s-ul Mrtln-lrviprt'ssanil post
odlc aJJrrss. Huipeeihilly,
l A IM.IA IH, M.
181 IV I strvet, New Yurk.
I' HE (IKK tOK fll.Kkl.
Namcuv for blind, blw.1, ii and Itrhlua: files.
Oue bni bas caml tli worst i ax nl ten years'
ttamlluf. Nnnnv ue1 stitrVi U-u mliiule after
asKif Klrk't (iermau I'll Ointment. It absorb
tumors, allays I ho Iteliliif. ai-ta as a tHllli e.
aivea relief. Dr. Kirk's lleruiau File Ointment
la prepared ouljr for PUS'S ml lli liln of tbt
private part, aud uothlug else, Kvery boi Is
warranted. .
Mold br Drnnlsta aud sent bt mall on mwlnt
of prim, ll.iw per lxx. j. J. Mack A Co., Whole
sale Aurula, Hau Francisco.
All persons rapidly and safely rtduiel by Hu
Hols Autl obesity Tea. A. lOuillh AI'o.. aueuls.
(Irani avenue and Ui ary street.
Itenarrnf Imitation, of thk eelelirslml n(
North Carolina I'luii t ut Tul aeeo.
THT Akkuka for breakfast.
Usi'd in Millions of Homes
If you want a first-clatis mnchitie, do not purclmxe until you have
looked up tho record of the "Advance," as it is the only machine in tho
market that will give absolute siitiBfuction. Send for uescriptive cata
logue to
Z. T. Wright, General Agent,
.Foot of Morrison Street, Portland. Oregon,
Also dealer in General Machinery and Supplies.
sM sfirsfim
sfffsfyrfsfsfsisffMsT rs
otrrnphcra of both scies, attrimtte their bucccks to a course at the Portlana! BusU
1 n . . . 1 , il. r....ti.l n I -ll l' . I
neSa CeOliege. reruaim, urvgou, or ino vapuai Duainoas 001100, puiwm,
Orcpou. lioth are un:ler the niniinKciiient of A. V. Artnstroii";, have aame course of
atmly, annte rutcs of tuition. Jlasinest, Short hnnt1,T)-pen-ritinfr, Penmanship and Eng
lish Vtiutrtmcuts. Write to either for joiut CatuloKiic and siecliucna of penmanship.
v7 .1
X OughhsVaandsfornoHiinfi.
The house oudhh Xo be cleoJied-
wibh Saooo.Trv&co.keinyour
nexl- house-clenin
no excuse for a dirty house or greasy kitchen. Better
clean them in the old way than not at all ; but the modern
and sensible way is to use SAPOLIO on paint, on floors, on
windows, on pots and pans, and even on statuary. To ba
ignorant of the uses of SAPOLIO is to ba behind the age.
Th Autln ntlf " I. iiai.rniKi'il,'' cnmprlslnft th
Iwili' of l, "7 iul 'M, puiijrrialilnl prciH rty
of the iiniliT.lkii''ii, Is H"W 1 iKirnuajlily K-vIm-I
ami Kiilar(pil, ami iM'an Ihn i.amr il
Webiter'i Iuternalioual Dictionary.
Fllt'irlal sriirk u - n this revision liaa l"'. n In
pro ftircivi'r IS li-ara.
Not It'.a limn (inn lliimlnd nalil mlltnrial
laUirrrn liao In'on f nrn ci iinn It.
(tri-r :imi,ii(m) ,i.iilr in it prpparatinn
iief'iri. tlisilrsl ripy wa. prluti-il.
Critical oomparisnn with any other IUftliinary
U ii)Tiu-tl. liKT TIIK lll'-.HT.
tl. C. MKIiRIAM t ()., I'ultllshrra,
HpriiiKflfld, Jla.. V. a. A.
Sold liy all IkHikxIlfrs. Illustrate! paniphli lfrk.
U New Pension Law.
a 4vl'4ia irniuii; do vMtw t lurtil-b; uu
II H pi.'id Attfnry I'JJ t art' eiiNrrtenorl.
('apt J II. HHKI'AKlt ti.a MaJ. W K
N'lKHIH, 319 Put H rwt Kom 47. 4j -Inlng
i. H fnioa Aino. Han KrJtcl., Cf
HrfprfUM, A. J HurhlM, OiQiniunlrr it. A.
I I of t'avllfuriilai. aud oltitir lUiMTtniMtl
STEIN WAY, Gabler and Peas Pianos
Mwili'i th. BMT flian Mtu. and th. fsTont.
c'Wl Piattii.; all M-islual luslrunirnU; Hsmls Htltt
pilrd; lr stk i MIh Must. Mrriawtr lUi l.
siid wt Vm Huiwl; Hat-thus uaatr Co. tall
aod ss. our nmw ruonis slid iww siiios.
Frxsiox ani KouKir
hlauk and Infnrniatlim In-. In
any address. Flallsiss llh kf.irti, Washlug
tou, l. C, late of to. H., Mh N. II. lulaiitry.
i J A. I m.1 Ik a. 1 .
W offrr to fin out stork of l.JU) boit llorrm
v.ll. mm follows: e. as. vs. lot si II rents Bound
toth trade of to horsesh.wrs; and 7s (few.
boie only), l.'t rents. They r th Judsou
make. tb beat lu the world, nd no mora will tw ,
mstiufa.-tiirrd. rler Imm ?nir J4lit-r or (nun :
Mills' t ah klwrr. 4IM aireel,
taa Iraarl.e, la I. send rub or best
rtty rtlerenro, pvbl on ractlpt of rs
Vam tot pir.
I TaT-Tll
lielber Iti'hliiK. biirului), blemllua". scaly,
Tiisfml, pimply, blotehy oreopl-r eolored, with
lis of hair, either simple, scrofulous, hrn-lllary
or eoiitauliius, are siieedllv, iH-rmaneuliv, -uomli
ally aud infallibly cured by Hi Ci tii rat
Kkm ki.i sti. niu.i.tliiK of ( CTIi t'as, the great
kin in re. Ct'T'K'N tinAf, an riUilte skin pu
rlin ran. I lieantltler, ami rt'iirtk Ka-oLviNT,
Hie new IiIihhI and skin purifier ami areatest of
humor reuiiHlli's, when the let phyilelaua and
all other remedies fall. t't'Tin N Kr.nsoiissr
tl lily liifailllile IiIishI and skin purifiers, and
ditllv ellei t morv Kieat cures of blood and skiu
illx ax-a than all other retnedlea coinbluetl.
Hold everywhere. lrlre. ITTli t at. Sue: Hoi.
iV; ItKsm.vitNT, II. I'reirel by Potter liruaT
ml I hem leal Corporation, Huston, Mass.
kvnd for " How toi ure UIimhI aud Hkln Dis
-" I'lmpli-s, hlai 'klMwlsTrhappwTanii oily "a
14T skill prevenle.1 bl'l Tli i a Snap, i
Hai kailie, kidney plus. vekiie and rellevil In nnn minute by the
Tlrhrati'iH'i Tiers Anti rim l'LAirraa.'Jfio
40 Years the Standard.
THE Oifljl
Engines, Horse Powes, Self-Feeders
and Strawstackers.
is the kind that pays, Scores of
vntinir litisiiicM men. and bun
tlrcda of book-keepers and aten
uhbbobc done? SSf
&nd be convinced
Will hav'e ro otKer Jobacco
Who otce tries
Plug Cit.
Jhia is the secret of its.
Immense sale.
fly dnlol Amnfrmfnl with
ZINK, Uic Oratttt of all Uacaiinta.
wa ar itonblrd to malm wry ooa oi
our lady rtwlfr a aottm prtMDt.
Out out turn allpaiid lnciot it with
a twoetat ttantp for rvtnra tKMiajrt,
and ynur narat and addrm) tit w.
Jmiilnn Irtmortat, 16 Kaat Hlh Ht
lSa Vurk, and thi will rOTlva by
ntura nail a nafl-tlM paitrni, Uiua
tntrd and full arterltm!, of inli
Jackal (worth Me). Il raa tw .)
a a pitrffcllf plain Jickat, or aa kiiurtr
InatsJ. I'ntM mil wllh nrirll thai alta
dralrrd. Burt, H M, HM. or Iimam. WbtU If norcrt'a
i Dot a FmIiIoo Milnt. ruaof luppoaa It to U btrauta
It Ktnon Urinvrttunit, Ilka all Hi othor IptutmtnU
la to iMTfrt-t, Vou rt-iliy vtl a dowa MaffaBta oa
tvary tuuotb, Cor K par ytai.
Uwiusnsst awoyaaaaia, Mittta
if SrrorsorBsMSMStn 01OTYttsw
iIhmi, !'! 4IM1 rstlT Snun4 H U vslars Sn4
trwwth.WSK.l,IIKTKUIrkUOKU4YSarsaiKO ODf
4hMiiiff Mrsiiisf Hoaa tmsiassT await i. s
IMIilT ttm SO SIMM 84 ImsiMiIh. Tfril 11.
titrls4l.s a.M, ribiusiu. asasrasrs naiw imsM) fr
aKia anauiuAa, vws, vurri.u,M. i.
Men's Suits to Order
820 to 840.
Hen's Pants to Ortfsr,
80 to 8 1 0.
Pit f iiarauteed. Send 4 rent In
itamiw for samplea aud rulea fur
L'll measure uitiuL
coasaa or
.od and Morrison Bt.,
Diamond Drill Work.
TUB Pacific Prospecting Co.,1
wltb Diamond Core Drill for oil. mineral or wa
ter. Hole bored for vertllailon or dralnaira,
IMiti for Diamond Drill Machinery and sup
pllra. rorraspondene ailli'lted. tit Vara.
tlrwct, Has Fraaolaoo.