The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 27, 1890, Image 4

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i Unr till" date " obituary notices, resolutions
"" ,-K.t and card ol manna win ueciiarKefl for
be. rate of five cents per line for Insertion in
Eugene Manufacturers.
We take tbe following manufacturing sta
tistics of Eugene from tba great manufactur
ing tuition of the Oregouian:
vnmber of bands employed 60
unroployed k Med labor" n
jC.nJn, glrlsemploycd, "un.klll-
, tiLl'mvested'. "'.I " .1117,0110 uu
poiiut of outside capital Invested In
35 in MM (estimated) W
linual expenditures abroad for raw
material .!?. v M.onooo
iVue ol product annually aold at home 12I.HO 00
M ue of product annually aold abroad. M ,.rii0 (1)
iinouiit annually paid put In waxes .. 2voo oo
irue daily waxen paid "killed Tabor,
daily wage paid uiihIcUIihI
' Ulsir
jly industries the output la aa follow
1 no
Vumber of hands employed f,
i; employed, "skilled labor" . . 8
j;T,,woinen,glrlsemployed, "unsklll-
1 'labor" .
raoltal Invested 60,0110 00
amount of outalde capital invested In
Outwit in 1W '." DO
tin out In WW (estimated) 50,000 00
Annual expenditures at home for raw
material 30,000 00
Annual expenditures abroad for raw
material w
Valued product annually aold at home 4o,ouo 00
v.iiip of product annually aold abroad. 6,li 00
Wouiit annually paid out In wage;. .
AwraKC daily wages paid akilled labor.
Average dally wages paid unskilled
5,000 00
3 j0
1 50
mitwnuv ANn MArnittK Munp.
Kumber of hands em nloved
Men enipioyeu, -skiucu uur
Bovs. women, glrla employed, "uu-
-l.ll.wl Lhnr"
5,000 00
Capital invested $
Amount of outaide capital Invested In
business ,
output In lHUO(estlmsted)
Annual expenditurea at home for raw
14,000 00
14,000 uo
Annual expenditure) abroad fur raw
2,8110 00
5,000 00
4.0110 00
5,000 IX)
Value of product annually aold at home
Value of product annually aold abroad
Amount aunually paid out In wages. . .
Avenuie daily wages paid akiUed labor.
ir.ri. dull waicea Dald unskilled
Number of hands employed 38
lieu employed, "akilled labor" 18
Bov, women, girls employed, "un
skilled labor' 20
Capital Invested I 39,000 t)0
Amount of outaido capital Invested In
Output in lw Sfi.OiOOO
Output in lMW (estimated) 0,OU0 00
Anuual expeudltures at home for raw
material 31,000 00
Anuual exiiendlturcs abroad for raw
material 13,300 00
Value of product annually sold at home 00
Value of pnHluot annually aold abroad 1 1 x) 00
Amount annually paid out In wages... 12,400 00
Averaxe daily wages paid skilled labor 'J 75
Avithki! dally wages paid unskilled
,v. ' n An
tinni no.
SumWr of hands employed 8
Men employed, "akilled labor" 6
Hovs, women, gtria empioyeu, -nil-tillnl
lRimr" 2
Capital Invested f 18,000 00
Amount of outside capital Invested in
Output in 1KK9 20.000 00
Output in 18;J (estimated) st.uou uu
Annual expenditures at home for raw
material w
Annual expenditure abroad for raw
material 3,000 00
Valueof produetannuallysold at home '2,000 00
Value of product annually sold abroad 20,(100 00
Imi.iml ,,UM In uauos JUKI 110
Avenge dally wages paid skilled labor 2 50
Average uauy wagea paiu uiisauieu
labor 1 'i
A Romantic Marriage.
Oo Monday our justice of the peace, Mr.
Abe Axtell waa askod by a hnrryiup messen
ger to cross over the river on urgent busi
ness. Tbe squire hastened noresa the river
tipocting tn find some old grizzled comrade
in trouble about bis pension! but to bis sur
prise he found, not an old scarred veteran,
but a fine looking young man and a beautiful
young lady in camp, surrounded by a good
traveling outfit, Jersey cows and other aur
rtrandings indicative of thrift and culture.
The young gentleman introduced himself as
George Applegate, and it proved to be Mr.
George Applegate, sod of Ueu. E L. Apple
gate, on his way to bis farm on Slate creek.
He produced a license and said he wished to
be married to tbe yonng lady there present,
whom be introduced aa Mia Annie Barn
bardt. And there with a gentleman and lady
fbo seemed to be traveling companions as
witnesses, in tbe grove on the bank of Bogus
river, a short distance from tbe south end of
the bridge, Mr. George Applegate waa mar
ried lo Miss Annie liarnbardt, Mid as ninu
nil wife they started lor their future borne
on tbe banks of tbe ever flowing Slate creek.
-Grant's Pass Courier. The young gentle
man was born aud raised in Lane county,
nil is knowu by many of its citizens.
Estray Notice.
Strayed from my premises miles south
-of Smithfield about Aug. 1st, a light bay 4
jearoid Ulley. sur In loreueaa ana vuo
bite hind foot, clean limbed and weight
about 800 pounds. Halter broke, but not to
work or ride. A liberal reward will be paid
(or her return or information leading to re
covery. Address, W. M. Grimsby, Frank
lin, Lane Co., Or.
Music Lessons.
I will begin teaching Monday, Sept, 22;
Thie who have studied the past year and in
tend taking a thorough course, should begin at
ct. I wish to announce that my classes
are not full and any one wishing to study pi
no, organ, or voice culture, will be gratefully
received at residence on Willamette St., Eu
Pne,Or. Lauba A. Kincaid.
Wood Sawing;.
Mr. Wm. Horn is prepared to saw wood
ith his machine. Leave orders at J. D.
Matlock's store, and Mr. Horn will com
mence work the Mondays of each week.
Choice Laud for Sale.
A tract of 130 acres choice land within a
Bile of the court house for sale as a whole or
tracts to suit purchasers. Further infor
mation by application to B B. Cochran on
fck St.. Eue ene, or to J. G. Day. Cor. Olive
W4 7th
For Sale.
A Rood span of mares with harness. A
a iTTVrv f,-o. T.m1 and Mrs.
fanny Whiteaker have Uken rooms in Mat
lock's building, where they will do dress.
king in all tbe latest atvles. Cutting and
"'ting a specialty. ,
Fo Sali. -Two cottages and thrt kill
"bin three blocks of lha Geary ten0
"Ww. Apply to W. Bchumate at Bettmaa s
t. M Wllkin lui itrnoolal. wisbM to
refhln V. : . . . k . . I. m AmnmmrtlOi
Wj to wait until taken sick before baying
! wile of ChamberUin'a Colic, Cholera ano
u"arrhoja Bemedy. Every family should ba
proti.M -oh riihla nmedf for
"el eomnUinta. nwdv for immediate t
nver required, during tba summer
ptb, and this remedy is unquestionably
" wperior to any other. It can alwaya be
Pnded upon, and is pleasant and eaf to
It ia put op in 25 and 60 cent bottles.
Wahtto. Fifty bushels of good clean
-uva grass seed, at Uoldamitn s
Hendorsou, dontist.
See Preston's single liaruws.
Vt AlUny flour. It la the best
Carpets at Day 4 Hendersons.
Harness and axle oil at 1'ret tou's.
An .mil,. mount of W1)i1 t IV4lin.t
Win. I'reaton'a Harness ii tlio Imt
Fletcher Linn is leader of the new b ind.
WaHaCn DMVi" hM b"'n Mi"uei nt Wl4ll
turn' G' WrtlliuB "fiouiily ill with a
WaHnnn7 10 lon n frro' ''"l"1 of Ju,I
A Democratic jmper will footi Hurted
at nalrin.
Ask your grocer fur Juuctiou flour,
It is
Ozia Steele, of Eugene, hn beeu grauted
a pension.
Idaho holds h. r first s'ate election next
n ednesdny,
A beautiful decorated tea pot for 35c at
Corvsllis will cease to be a "cow town"
after the 1st.
St. Mary's Guild will meet to sew in Tar
lah room, Oct. 1st.
Tbe highest cash price will lie paid for
wheat by F. B. Dnnn.
Wm. Preston his had a new tin ronf put
on his brick building.
Forest ft McFarUnd are shoeiuR horses
new for $1.23 each ctsh.
Day ft Ilenderaon sell furniture of all
kinds cheaper than ever.
A dnnijbter wa born tn Mrs. F.. G. Clark,
at Portland, on Sept. 15th.
A flue line of silk plushes in all shadet
and grades at F. B. Dunn's.
Hot and cold baths every day in the week
at Jerry Horn's barber shop.
J. N. Bunch has been appointed a notary
publio by Governor Pennoyer.
Preston wants you to come and see his
saddles and heavy team harness.
W. Hollowav, the leading jeweler and
mnsio house south of Portland.
Mitchell just got in another car load of
stoves. He is making them fly.
Bring your old scrap cast iron to the Eu
gene Iron Foundry where you can dispose
of it.
For fine suits made to order snd ready
made clothing, go to Hanson ft Son.
Go and see the most beautiful Aquarian
Art Ware just arrived at Goldsmith's.
C. Marx, Barber Shop and Dath Booms.
First door north of Dunn's new block.
Tbe encampment of tbe Oregon National
Guard has been indefinitely postponed.
Eugene and K.l Bond will soon open a
general merchandise store at Cnrvallis.
Mr Geo F Craw has the sole auenoy for all
brands of the celebrated Tamil Punch CUrart
Watts, the watchmaker and jeweler will
give yon bargains on anything iu his line.
Before storing or selling your oats see A
V. Peters. Clean Chevalier barley wanted.
We understand that Mrs Fitch will soon
open a first-class boarding honso iu this city.
E. C. Lake, marble cutter and denier iu
monuments, shop on Eighth street, Eugene.
An eleclrio road makes noise, but noise or
no noise, tbe road is goiug to bo built into
In tbe Parson's bop item Inst week the
names of Linton and Hubbard should hove
been reversed,
Two new houses hove been erected in
Fairmount and quite a number of applica
tions for lots have been made.
Just arrived from the East, the lovely
Queens Frosted Wore, tho very latest de
signs at Goldsmith's.
The Mechanic's Fair at Portland beftnu
Thursday. The railroad tickets are good for
ten days, and the fare is 7.U5.
Wrist's Red Cross Cough Cure guarantee
to give aatiafaction. Will cure anv kind nf
cough or cold. Sold by all druwi'ta.
Miilgley & Parker have the largest stock of
doors aud window in Eugene. Factory one
block east of the Eugene flouring milla.
Enquire of your grocery dealers for Eu
gene flour, a home prodnotiou; best in Jhe
market at tl.00 per sack.
Wednesday was tbe Jewish holiday Yom
Kippnr, snd tho stores of our Jewiah mer
chants were closed on that day.
John Simpson showed us some alfalfa this
week Ibst was over five feet in height, and
tbe Bime bad not been irrigated either.
For the largest assortment of cook stoves,
ranges and heaters and the lowest prices go
to Milch. Il's Mammoth Stove Emporium.
F M. Elf-worth, at one lim a resident of
Eugene, has been uominnltd for Prosecnting
Attorney for Whitman county, Wah.,by ihe
Tbe lawyers and tho sheriff are still k' pt
l - uk hnn ttiu-hments aud suits. A
nosy ..u . ;, .
a fine
good crop oi iuih prunui-i in
ihinif for our professional men.
To make room for a large stock of clocks
.nH silverware. 1 win llu". B""'.
banjos, acconteons ana suiyjj. w'
u' .,r,Al,lue tbe receipt of a enmpli
. ii..v. tn tliei Northwestern Indus.
trial Exposition, to be held at Spokane Falls.
Wash., from Oct. 1st to Nov. 1st.
r-u. i ano lust Sunday, was turown
from a horse at Springfield, and suffered a
fracture of one of the bones oi uis ieB ju.
.i.. ih. left ankle. Tbe fracture was re-
aa hv Drs. Paine aud McMurlry,
Dr. G. W. Biddle may u loumi . u.-
residence on O ive street,
Sixth Greets one block west of he Minno-
soU Hotel He preprnu
al work In tbe best manner.
..:., .mtv'a assessment is finished
Total table property, 7.B51,aM; increase,
ir r... v.. tjiij 1 37 : increase. t.
increase but win noi ue Cu.u,..
ak mintll Vftt.
Mr W A Cox, the one mason,
arngemenb, to move to Oakb.nd, C.I.. to
3 being induced to do ao in order to
obtain the surgical treatment for his ch, d
desired.-Democrat. Mr. Cox was forn.erly
. .uA,.ni nf Enceue.
tir.-ii'j vr eomniisiiiners have
. 1 i...ii. from each stale and terri.
teirre-pec.ive statesatth.
w.M'a Pair Two of them are aiienmi.
H.S"P .Sluaden of Eugene ha, the
wo, of being one of tbe ladies,.
Why. time is money, and money you wil'
J, bi buying your clothing, .a. bats
K.t. such bargains been onereo v i
S!" 1 e bard and money is scarce
fell and price my B&-
I mean what I
E. Bach
i. funs' ml rvitrl tl "u'b .. , .
Henton. U
W. Wright.
ol Clements. no k bld
was taken wiiu wl,h
morphine, l dk' im mi.rr,.bie for
followed wM M ' .j,.,,,,. ,
h09nrV?' Try CbambrrW..'. Colic,
pwuaded h m to .try " . Ua
Cholera ana w. - j ff , M almoat
BOcb pleased "" 'J;MLW1bl, after
tnauntaneous, anu - Um,
effects accorapaniea cit
i... ii np Farmers Aram-
;Chivi.ri.N;- -pennsylvan
a: O- " " y k s j
Haii. v.y. n-7D'-. !;ud o
IV'ston's Whiis are fine,
J.ili wotk at the UCABD I'flice.
Vn.liu (.Iriiia, 20 cts per set at Walls'.
1..1H UhImm au.l liiutMra in all shade at
Cnuued Yotk rii. It) rent pi r can at
For correct lime and the beat work eo to
ruvds. shoea. sliiuiera. the best of loot wir
at lMtiiwui'a,
Oil Cloth. Carnets and Shades at
Day ft
Hondo rami's.
Bead Moore ft Linn's new advertisement
in this issue.
The Lane oouutv circuit court convenes
October 27!h.
Goldsmith pays the highest cash price foi
country produce.
Joel Ware baa a type writing machine in
use in bta office.
Screen doors and wludows for aale by
Midgly ft barker.
The Western Washer is the beat. Mitchell
sells them at only (H.
A set of decorated plates. Dink or brown,
for 25c at Goldsmith's.
See Preston's stddles. No trouble for Pres
ton to ahow his good.
For a good honest watch that will keep
time go to Uolloway'a.
A new line of handsome glass casters juat
received at UoldtunitU s.
Woodsawins by Wm. Moore. Leave or
ders with Craw at postofflce.
All kinds of mill saws and flies for aale at
Bichurd Mount'a saw shop.
Geo. A. Dorns has been appointed a no
tary publio by the Govetnor.
Tbe Superior Stove still leads tbetn all.
An immense line at Mitchell's.
Go to FurroNt ft McFarUnd and get your
horse shod new for fl.lo cash.
Call and see the splendid organs just re
ceived at Uolloway'a jewelry store.
J. D. Matlock, in another column, makes
his Fall and Winter announcement.
A new real estate office is being built in
Fairmonnt. This looks like business
Remetnlicr that Hanson ft Son have the
best selected stock of clothing in town
Mitchell's $7.50 "Darling" cook stove
sells like hot cakes. It pleases evorybody
Come and examine Forrest ft McFarland's
"stocks" for shoeing wild horses. Shop 8th
street, west of Lane a paint shop.
A laree assortment of wall paper just re
ceived at the Eugene Book Store. Call and
see it.
The M.00 W. L. Douglas shoe for sale by A.
Hunt. Unequalled for durability snd excel
E.J. McClanabao has been appointed
adminiilrutor of the estate of O. A. Litb'
Judge Pipes aud E. F. Pernot, of Corval
lis, buve patented a copy holder for typo
W. Hollowav is bv common consent the
leading jeweler and bust watch maker south
of Portland.
A number of Encene people will attend
the fair at Cottage Grove Monday, Tuesday
and eduesdiy.
The GtJAnn iob olflc turned ont a large
quantity of job printiug for different par
ties this week.
Cortwright postofflce has been disonutin-
tied. All man lor inai omce suouiu ue w
. . ... ... n. , ,1 I..
drowsed to Lorane.
You can buy goods cheaper at Goldsmith's
than any place in town. He pays no store
rent nor clerk hire.
A Mr. Marshall, formerly owuer of the
hotel at Creswell. has started a furniture
store iu that place.
It is about decided that Oregon will not
get a recount. However, Portland and ba.
lem may get another one.
The Gazette says the Corvallii rovetment
is a failure, and that the people themselves
there are considerably to blame.
Walker Uinton and family, well known
on tbe west side of Lane county, are now
residents of Long Creek, Grant county
Drsineer has received a consignment of
ten tons of assorted glass, and is ready to
fill all orders for glass and sasb with dis
patch A nnnilier of subscribers, who have prom,
ised th Guard wood on acount are request
ed to deliver the same at an early a dato as
When voti want to make your friends a
handsome present at reasonable prices get
some of that lovely Wedding Art Glassware
at Goldsmith a.
For musical goods of all kinds and the
best nualitv bo to Uolloway'a. All the
musicians in the city recommend bis as the
best place to liny.
Public school in the Central building
ktnrled last Monday, with a good attend
ance. School will commence in me ueary
building Monday.
D.m't vnu want a nice lot in Martin s Ad
dition near the new Publio School, .UU to
M00. with fruit trees. Apply to ten. M,
Miller or U. W. Alartin.
Veil Sunday. Seot. 28th. will be oonse
eiationdavof the Y. P. 8. C. E. of tbe
Christian chnrch at 5 o'clock p. m. A cor
dial invitation is extended to all.
Oliver's new steel and old reliable chilled
plows, sulky, gang and walking and at re
duced prices.
r . Al. VHAMUaiW.
W. Holloway has just secured the agency
for this district for tbe celebrated music
of Lvon ft Healy. of Chicago, and
can offer tbe best bargains in organs on tba
Saturday morning last Mr. Busby, the ex
pressman, was run over by his horses at tbe
lUnot and severely bruised, lie nas Been
laid np during the week, but is now improv
In connection with tbe usual service, next
Sabbath evening, hept. at the rresuy
terian church there will be a service of song
led by Mr. L. G. Adair, beginning promptly
nt 7 o'clock. All are cordially Invited.
rvnatahl Cochran last Saturday ar-
one Moore, on a warrant from Rose-
i,rr, charrinc him with stealing a horse
He was taken there by Deputy Sheriff
Dillard of Douglas county Sunday morning.
K alight change of time has been made
by the passenger trains on their departure
from Eugene: The overland south bound
arrives at 1105 p. m.; north bound at 453
. m Itnsebure local, north bound, 055 a
ni., south, 25 p. m.
ino force on the Oregonian Bail
wnv is making good progreaa. They have
now col to a point this side of the McKen
nnnoaite the James Stevens' place
Thev have been enjoined from changing tbe
erade tnrougu iue nrmj or i"-
The order will be beard October 7tD.
tVnaltinntnfl Democrat: Tbe amount
lrnnkenneaa seen in Forest Grove during
i.. tn weeks seems rather strange
,.,oV,i0r. who have considered this a probi
i.i,,,.n town. It is an open question wheth
. An not lead Ililliboro. with its three
open saloons, paying 12O0 per year of tbe
town s taxes.
a KtirA cure for tba whitky libit: Dr
T lijir.rh.tnn Antidote for draBkenDeu aiiV rsUtA of the liouor habit in from ten
to thirty days, from tbe moderate drinker to
the drunkard. The antidote can be given
iu a cup of coffee without the knowledge of
.i.. n..Lm takinir iL Tbe Antidote will not
;..;' ii,. health in any way.. Manofao-
tured bv tbe Livingston Chemical Co., Port
land, Oregon, or from Oiburn ft Co.,
Rev. Mr. Snead. who bad been engaged to
k . it.a CoBcTFfretioual Cbnrcb in
th, remainder of this Tear, received
i-,i. nf il,a serious illoeM of bis
'.l,l,, and left On last night
WHO I" ' , . . to bo to btr. He gave np bis cborcb
tnnt here. There were many re
grets expressed at bis leaving.-Albany Dem.
Tbe real estate market is improving.
Day ft llendcrsou' lor Furniture, Carpets
aud Ht'ddiut;.
Go lo Watts and gut your uni-ical luatru-
menta at cost.
A woman runs an edging tnw in tbn Mil-
geue shingle mill.
Joe Ooldstoue is uow olcrkiiib' In ren
der's store at Drain.
Oslmrn ft Co. have revived a fine 1120
Katiouul Cash Register.
Wood sawiua machinea are busily en
gaged cutting oordwood.
The local south bound tram was forty
minutes lato last Thursday.
Wm. Moore will saw your wood promptly.
Leave ordeis with Craw at Ihe poslofllce.
Whitoouib ft Abrnina ore molding daily,
with their new machine, over 3O.U0O buck.
The hop warehouses at tbe depot are
uearlv filled. Still the hop" ' pouring Iu.
Ou September IStb Pacific coast bops
were quote.! in New York at 41 vm- cents
per pound.
Mr Thomas, the contractor, u buililiug a
beautiful 51,500 Queen Anne house lor him
self iu Fairiuoimt.
Lumber is beiniz wived for the new Con-
gregalioual church ou the lot iu the rear of
the Episcopal church.
Misses Lizzio llauchiuan, Myra Calhcart
aud Ethel Taylor, o( Cottage Grove, aie at
tending the academy at Draiu.
Tbe eleclrio are liiiht iu front of the Couit
House is being changed to tlio intersection
of Eighth and Oak streets. A good idea.
8. A. Hnlin. formerly of Engine, and an
other gentleman intend alartiug a prescrip
tion drug store in Albany 111 auont a moutu.
I desire to sew in families by tbe day.
Residence on Eiubt Mroct, across the mill
race. Lai'ba Walkkb,
Mr. Frank HodiiMna. formerly Assistant
Secretary of State, it is said, has been select.
ed by State Treasurer Mrtsrhan as his as
S H. Friendlv has already shipped a
number of car loads of hops Some of them
he shipped by the wav of New Orleans lo
New York.
Tha (JrtAsii iob of.loo has printed this week
12,(100 deposit checks aud circnUr hitters for
the Lane County Raul;, besides numerous
other small jobs.
R. 8. Osburn, formerly of Engeue, bas
been nominated by the Demooralio State
Convention of Nevada for regent of the State
University. Ho should be elected by a large
R. Pnahman. of Acme, is In Eugene. He
says that his new machinery will soon arrive
via Yaquina May. nmn u in pu in mo
mill he will be able to saw 50,000 feet in
twelve hours.
Just revived bv F. B. Dunn, direct from
the factory iu New York, the finest line of
seal plush aaqnes and stockinett jackets this
side 01 rorllaod. new siyiea ami uuoj
Call early and get your choice.
A mixitlnr. of the W. ( T. U. will bo hold
at Congregational Hall on next Weduesday
afternoon, Uct. 1, si z:ou p. ni., nr iuo pup
noaa of electing ofUcers for tho ensuiug year,
Members are earueatly requested to be pres-
Golden Ace Rolline Diso Harrows, with
or without seeder attachment, they are the
best made, and at a price that all cau afford
one. at Hardware store, opposite Rakor'i
Mr. F.imies. of Silver Lake, was iu Eu
gene this week. Ho has 2,000 bead of Hue
million sheep nt tho Pino Opening on tbe
Miliiarv ro&il. which he drove across tbe
mountains for a market. The price not be
Ino BHtisfactorv he will return tbeui to bis
Silver Luke range.
Alei Mover, a Portland capitalist, has con
eluded not to improve bis property ocoupied
by Markns' cigar store nud the express
office, but be let his conscience take its ut
most limit and raised the rout 10 oo
mouth-twioe what tbe room is ically worth
However, tho occupants stood tbe raise.
At Cost to Close Out.
S. Warsbaner is desirous of closing out
his business here. He will make up bis
lame pautidoon slock, at cost, for cash. Re
member the place, up-stairs in Ihe Matlock
buildinu. Give him a cull aud examine
Mra. E. Christian has opened dressmak
ing parlors in rooms 1 and 2 in Uuun a
hlorli. where sue will oe pieatea io aes vm
and new customers. Dressmaking and out
ing done in the latest styles.
Ngw Pieb Afro BuiDoa. Iu another col
nmn will be found a notice to contractors
from tho rommissiouerf court asv
Inn for bids, plans, etc. for i
hriilon across tba Buslincl! slough,
cast of the Eugene bridge, aud also tor tbe
erection of a new pier nndcr the east ena
of the Eugene bridge. These ere certainly
needed improvements.
Dmn RriDrrNLt. Gordon Cooper, who
waa tried at Walla Walla for the murder of
Tiu uivaral months aao. and admitted,
died quite suddenly at Echo, in Umatilla
county, last Friday. He was smoking a
nine, which cansea a UI ni uemorriiaiis ui
tbe lui'gs, from which be died. His wife is
left iu destitute circumstuueos. Cooper was
a resident of Eugene for a yoar or two.
Social Whist and Dancino Pabtt.
There will be a social party Saturday even
ing at the Terpsicborean Parlors in Day's
blocs; Wltn a view oi periuaueuuy uifc"-
ingfortbe winter. Those holding mvtla
lions to the Eutre Nous pariy and the F.U'
gene Social Dancing Club are cordially in
vtled, by order oi ine coinmume.
Stskkt Railwav, A gentleman was here
from ihe East several davs tbla week loo
ina kuf the tnwn. with the view of eatab'
l ah no a street runway, ue was wn
a - ' .. ,
nt-a,! with the town and its busiuess. Af
ter oouferring with bis associates in the
Eual. he will apply for a franchise from Ihe
council for a burse oar line.
rirara ARtm rr.. The detka for tho Geary
school building bsve arrived and will be
set np in the buildiug ready for school next
Monday. Tue patrons of the school will
please remember Ihe boundary of tbe dis-
rift ami nave ineir cuuureu ivyvi muiu
iugly, F. M. Wilkins, Chairman.
Takh Up. A small Indian pony, 7 or 8
yeara old, light strawbeiry roan, bald face
.n,1 whit hiud less to the knee, saddle
tn.iV. branded fiuure "3" on right b in m Dlaoe September 7lh. Owuer
wi II please csll at once und pay charges.
A. A. Kiao.
Plams Aaitivan. The pluus and specifica
tions for tbe new jail have airived, and eon
tractors now can have nae of the Mine to
figure on. The date for letting tbe contract
bas been changed to Saturday, October 11
MM, at 10 a. in.
FnusHXD. The Lake creek eom.ty
biidge waa finished and turned over to Lorn
miaaionara Parker and tiyland by L. N
ftnnv aonfiactor. last Monday. It ia said
to be a substantial structure and above tbe
reach of floods.
Baptist AasociATiow. Tbe Corvallis Rap
list Aasociat ion met here last Wednesday
A onnd attendance is present. Rev. O'Don
aid is Moderator and 8. Marsh clerk. Tbe
association will hold over Sunday.
T.ayi Tram. J. P. Mulkey had two
-r nf m.u ii. Ihe Mobawk valley, that
aided 180 bushels. This is tbe heaviest
yield we have beard of this season. -
Miaauoc Llcissia. Tbe following mar
rimnm liwnaM wr uuned thil WSck: T. P.
Purkerson and Catherine K. Phillips; James
T Rretdicg and Najcy fc tiootpatii;e.
Heal KnUtc Transfers.
Carrie IVimiuuton to Geo II Paik, lot 4,
lock 10, old Iowu;l50.
A J He, man lo Margaret Hays, lot t,
lock 3, Hlieltou'sadditiou;$rioO.
J F Atberton to J II lleaTeuue, lot 3, bluiK
3. College Hill Park; 5100.
J ! Atberton to Kdward Helms, lot i,
l.K-k 4. College Hill Psrk;5100.
John Davies to Annie Davies, 't lot 2,
block 14, Mulligan's donation; 51-
i i Atberton to James lliccma. lots a aim
ti, block 2, Collage Hill Park; 5200.
J i . Atberton to A J 1 lectiiuu, lot i, blocl
!, College Hill Park; 100.
J F Albertou to Mrs W 11 Ruber and
daughter, 6 lots in College Hill Park; 5000.
J r Atbertou to Joel Ware, 3 lots in Col
lege Hill Park; 5300.
J t Alliertou to U U I'hrismuii, a lots in
College Hill Park; :U0.
J t Atberton to Ida llendilcks, S loll iu
College Hill Park; $200.
J F Atbertou to James Iluffmau, 2 lots
iu College Hill Park; 5200.
J r Atberton to Henry Uullinau, i lots
u College Hill Park; 500.
J r Atherton to Lizzie l.uckey, i low in
College Hili Park ; 5.HK).
4 r Atuertou nieanew anuiuoo io wun.
Hill Park, of 144 lots.
to D J
F A Raukin
McGoven, luud;
U S to It II Hazleton and wile, Jr-i.w
.... . w.,
A 1. liaz eion IO ueo inompaou, tauu ci
J A Straight to S A Cochran, 3 lots in
Gleuwood Park; f 240
Joseph Rrudlord lo J W Benlley, 20 acres;
f 1I.IKI.
John Rlew to 8 C t'uisou, D7 acres; flow
M M Crow lo J E Hiukle, 10 acres; (200
made to correct former deed.
E D Judkius to T C Stearns, 5.79 acres;
5114 75.
I) F Powell to w j l'owell, 1W) acres;
U. 8. to A. J. Crockett. 1WJ acres; limber
luud claim; f 150.
U 8 to Wm D Crockett, 160 acres; tim
Iter land claim: 5450.
A J Crockett to Wm D Crockett, 100
acres; j.
Geo M Millar to Jacob Dale, lot 43, block
C, Miller's addition; 5125.
Geo. M. Miller to Jacob AlKcDoli, lot
and 2, block 10; 5150.
G W Lous and Henry Landoss to Direc
tors School Dint 45, blocks 11 aud 15, Long
ft Landess addition; i-SUO.
MrsSEWyunto Mrs L M lbompson,
lot 3, block 3, Wynn a additiou; I'M
W A Schooling to Martha R Schooling,
one-quarter acre; 5-40 DO.
Geo II and II 11 Barrett to Clement S
Frauk, lot 1, block 2il; 5100.
Same lo M 8 Frank, lot 0. block 30 liou
Geo H Barrett to Perry Frank, lot 0,
block 3; 5100.
The Oreifoiilan Hullroatl.
We clip the following
Wednesday's Ureuouiau:
Au nndeitak ua ot tbe greatest importance
to our state is the Oreooniau tlliiullngton)
railway. It is to traverse tbe state from
northwest to southeast, starting ironi ron
land it will take a southeasterly direction
through Mulluomah county, then turniug
south will pass twelve or fifteeu miles east
of Oreiron City and ou to Hiiveiton, urowus
ville and Spnngtleld. f rom ttprtugneltl It
will follow np the Willamette aud pass over
iuto Easlorn Oregou. Ibo direct line will
continue to a connection with the Central
Pacitlo in Nevada. A lateral line will pass
through Middle Oregon into Idabo, and
another line will be extended through the
Klamath oountrv iuto California, and on to
San Francisco. It will be seen that this is
an nndertnkiuB of the first msgnilude and
importance. As yet it nas uot maue tue
nrooresa that was oxpected. thoticth woik is
going on at various place throughout tbe
Willamette valley. Fourteen milts of tbe
roail are undi r construction in Lsne oounty,
extending from Coburg throughSpriiigtleld
and on to Jasper. At various places tbe
narrow gauge ia being connected Into
standard itauue road, It was the expectation
early iu the summer that ths section from
Portland out to 1'oweti s vsuoy in aiuuno
mah count v would be completed this year,
but there ba been so much dolay iu guttiug
a route and rluht of way that oonstruotton
will probably go over till next summer, lb
Huntington road will be one of tbe greatest
and most Important members ot tue uregon
svstem. It will be at once an Oregon road,
an interstate road and a transcontinental
road, and will dovelop a large portion of our
state as yet without railway advantages.
Estray Notice.
Slraved ftom th Hill pasture, 4 miles
northwest of Euueno ubout March, a black
four year old borne, weigh about 800
fionnds, branded with a connected A. It, on
eft shoulder. A suitable reward will be
nsid for return or information leading to
recovery, to Wheeler Feed Stable, Eugene.
Address Ueo. Lytle, fcugeue.
Ths Latkbt Swindle. A sleek swindler
has been doing the farmer In the neighbor
Ids counties, lie oalia at tn farmer nonse
snd salute the lady about iu this way
Good morninii. madam. I have just met
your husband and purchased a calf from
bim. us conid not cnange mis u um anu
told me to call at the house and get $15
chance." Tbe Rood woman, supposing It to
be all nglil, gives min me requisite cuaiigs
and be departs, saying be win can in a aay
or two for ihe calf. When tbe huaband
cornea In and la told of the tranaaotion,
ha concludes there is some mistako; but as
be has the 520 bill concludes that be I not
out much. But when he undertakes to psss
the bill be discovers it to be t rank counter
feit, then he knows it is not right,
Chobck Mketmos. A aeries of evenjng
mnalinir will be held at the Christian
church. beainninB on Sunday, September 28
Elder J. B. Johnson, late of Oniabe, now of
Salem, will aid the pastor in oonduoting the
services. Tbe minister and cbnrcb desire
lha attendance of those who are not cburcb
going people. Hear them before you decide
or defer this qnestloo,
a RiaioL's Cas. A letter from Abe Gold
smith, since bis arrival in San Francisco,
brings tbe information that tbe doctor had
oM and cave bis eve a preliminary exam
ination and stated that it was a very eriou
case. However, be could not say ror some
time whether the eye could bs.saved. 'Mr,
Goldsmith stood the trip down well.
BruucKD Btm Agent Adair ba tickets
nn aala over Ihe Southern factno from r-u
oana ia Portland to the exposition at reduc
ed rate. The tickets, good for round trip
and one admission to tbe lair, ten days
time, ar sold for C7.C5. Th fair commenc
ed Thursday, September 23
8oiirrnr"n WoanaartJL. tveryuooy is
awaiting with interest for the date of the
Mernll-Abt-Abbott company io Eugene. It
Is a wonderful company. Eddie Abbott ia
tbe wonder of the world. Prof. E. AM has
tbe great Grecian mystery. It is coming in
the Lear future.
CAK:ru.iD. T. G. BedflelJ, tbe optician,
on account of tbe illness of his wife, ha
been compelled lo cancel bi appointment
in Eugene.
Br at the Lamar. At th last drawing of
the Louisiana lottery Wm. Hulloway drew
5100. It was his first ticket.
UaapwAaa. Roildera' material, toola of
all kinds at bottom prices.
F.L. Cmamjkb .
Boas In Eugene, Oregon, Sept. 20, 181K),
to tbe wife of Jasper Stevens, a sun.
Timber Land Fraud..
It upiivars that the crop of stickora is al
waya equal to Ihe demand. We thought
ths sharks had worked fraudulent timber
laud schemes in this vicinity so often that
It would be Impossible, to find any one wno
would take stock in any scheme, that waa
uot, on its face, legitimate. However, we
have found that we were mistaken as the
following will show: It apara that W. A.
Caborn ai d partners came here about
three mouths ago and commenced business.
Tbey located about forty people on claims
up Ihe McKeniie river, making many ellur-
ing promises, xuey receiveu irom eaiu oi
tho panics about f '22 to pay expenses of fil
ing, etc., besides charging each one tbe con
veyance to tbe land and board while so en
gaged. Of this sum they paid out 58 and
pocketed tho other 514, thus making 50.
ess expenses. In addition, these same par-
ties, so we are Informed, located 100 people
from other portions of Oregon and Washing
ton, receiviug probably fjO from each on
an average, thus cleauing np about $o000
ou this transaction.
The first proofs were advertised to be
mado nt Rosehurn on last Wednesday, and
about Alteon of those who bad "contributed"
were on band to make the proof required
by the Tinted States, but Cabron aud Welch
failed lo put in en appearance, so tbe ptoofs
were not made. Thoie who filed, are out
quito an amount each; but are considerably
Cabrou is the same man that some time
ego filed on tbe old Owens' donation, now
the property of Mr. Wood.
i s
To Delinquents.
The urueiit needs of the county for money
at preseut, makea it my duty to again warn
all delinquent tax-payers to come forward
and Immediately settle.
On Oct. Ktb. lM'.ni. i will oommenoe to
ride for taxes, and delinquent tax-payers will
be required to pav costs according lo law.
Eugene, Kept. Klitb. ltmo.
James E, Nolahd,
Sheriff and Tax Collector of Lane Co., Or.
Sliliiflu Mill llurned.
J. C. Goodale's shingle mill waa bnrned at
Cobum last Saturday nisht. So tire had
been used about tbe premises after noon of
that day, and Mr. Goodale found everything
all right at night. About 75,000 sbinglea
were carried to a place of safely and saved.
i he mill will be rebuilt at once.
Public Auction.
Mr. N. J. Fitch will sell her entire stock
ot millluory goods and ladies' good ft pub
lio auction, on Saturday, Sept. 27, lH'JO, at 1
p. m., at ber (tore on nlllatnelt street.
bargains will be offered.
Bound Oveb. The irrepressible Van Al-
sline is sgaiu in trouble. He waa cleaning
out theraucb where he live on South Wit
lamella street Fridsy afternoon when Deputy
Marshal Gambol was sent for aud made his
appesrauce. Van Allatioe set up a claim
that hia domicile waa outside the olty limits
and the marshal had no jurisdiction, sup
porting his claim with a ohopping axe,
uambel retired aud a couple of depnty sher
iff's arrested the belligerent Van Allstine
and took him before Justice Henderson,
bo held him in 5300 bonds to await
the action of the grand jury. Not having
the necessary friends to go security, be Ian
guishes in the hotol de Koland,
Dud. O. A. l.ilhoow died ot consump
tion in Eugene, Friday, Sept. 10, 1800, aged
3U year. He came to Eugene several
months sgo front Chehalis, Wash., in hope
of restoring hia declining health by a change
ol oliiuulo. A widow and nve obiidren sur
vlve bim. The funeral took place to the
Masoulo cemetery Sunday afternoon under
the auspices ot the Kniguts oi fytbias, i
number ot tbe numbers ol that order com
iug from Albany and Corvsllis, aiding tbe
resident momben. Mr. I.ilhgow also held
membership in the A. O. U. W., Jurisdiction
ot Pennsylvania.
Than In Euirene. Oreiron. Wednesday,
September 18, 1HD0, In. T. T. Driskill,
seed 82 years, Her remain were buried In
the Oak Hill cemetery last Tbursdsy, Eld
Stephen Jenkins conducting the service
Mrs, Driskill was one of the pioneers ot Or
egon, hsvtne come to uregon wltn ber nui
band aud settled in Speuoer preoinot in 1853.
She loaves sevoral ton and daughter, b
sides nnmeron other relative. Her hut-
band, Win. Driskill, Sr., was accidentally
Bhot and killed in IbuO.
PoaTomci Impbovcmint. Mr. Wash
bums and her deputlea have been busily en
gaged this week making tbe change from the
old boxes to tbe new. The boxes were plac
ed in position during Saturday night and
Sunday, aud on Monday the poatolUoe waa
besieued by patron anxious to secure desir
able boxes. Tbe new outfit i a bandsome
oue, and give general satisfaction. Ther
are 300 lock and 300 oall boxes. The em
ployes now have plenty of room in which lo
accomplish their won.
Fined. Tue two cyprlan, who occupy
bouse in the wast part of town, were arrest
ed Friday of last week and fined 525 each
and costs for keeping a disorderly house,
being admonished by Recorder Dorri that
in tbe future prohibitory law would be
strictly enforced. The resident of that
quarter, however, complain that the Re
corder' prohibition, like that of Main
and Iowa, doe not prohibit.
Stallion Pdbciiahed. F. A. Rankin baa
purchased two fine stallions from D. J,
Govern, of Iowa. One ia a black Boulogne
Percheron named Black Prince whose pur
chase price was 52.000; the other is
Clydesdale and cost 5H00. These stallions
are reaistered stock and will prove Quite an
addition to the breeding of horses lu Lane
county. Tbe black Peroberon i the first
ver brought here. They will make tbe next
season In the county.
Comuittei MEirato. The legislation
committee of the Oregon l'reaa Association
met Friday evening at Salem and decided to
prepare two bills to go before the legislature
with, une will be to aecure a general puo
lication of all new lawa in the state press.
and the other will be a bill to provide for
more detailed publication ot county expen
Lamp Bold. At tbe administrator' isle
of the estate of M. P. Martin, deceased,
Wedueaday, consisting of 881.35 acre near
Cottage Grove, and one lot in Latham, the
property waa bid in by W. C. Martin for
Leased. Moor & Liun nave made ar
rangements to take the lease of tbe grange
storeroom now occupied by UoOlung J
Johnson. Tbe lease of the latter parti ex-
piras January 1, 1801, whan lb new losses
will take possession.
Ixoobpobateo. The Eugene Lumber
Company bas filed article of incorporation
wltb . i. urawtord, 4. . r utur ana 4. is.
Hopkins, incorporator. The capital stock
I 55,000, snd the principal place of busi
ness, Eugeue.
Retubked. Tbe Meunouitee, who
chased tbe Wasbburne place aom
lime since, have relumed and taken charge of
their purchase. Tbey say a Urge number of
others of their failb will arrive next week
with the intention of purchasing large bodies
of land.
Contbalt Let. The contract for the
building of tbe Congregational!! cbnrcb, on
Seveutb street, baa been let to Ueo. tl. rant,
tbe contract price being S2.185. The new
structure will be a handsome edifice.
Local Makeit.-Hop, 32ci wheat, 02ft 64
net; oaU, 4(X4.'i; eiira, 25; butter. 28(?aOj
bacon-hams, 12(u,14; sides, 1'.',; shouldars, 10;
potato, bu.
L. N. Roust and wife bare returned to
this oily.
J. R. Campbell weut to Portland last
J. C. Ooodale and family have removed
to Eugene.
Dsnutv Clork Burr paid Junction a visit
last Thursday.
F. A. Rankin attended tbe Cculrnl Point
Fair this week.
Wick Huff slopped off the local train over
Tbursdsy nlgbt.
W. n. Balier. of Junction, was In Eugene
hut Weduesday.
Rev. G. A. Blair ia confined to bi room
with sickness.
R. M. Molholland. of Junction, was in
Eugene Wednesday.
R. Scott, an Oregonian agent, was here
severs! day this week.
J. M. Sloan bas gone to Gilliam county to
remain a month or two.
P. F. Caatleman, of Portlaud, waa in Eu
gene several days thi week.
B. S. Pague. of the Oregon State Weather
Bureau, waa iu Eugene, Friday.
Bev. C. M. Hill, of Portland, Is here in
attendanoe upon tbe Baptist Association.
Geo. Blnehart, of Condon. Gilliam coun
ty, ia visiting relatives and friends in Lane
Hon. U. B. Miller and family, of Grant
Pass, were visiting here a couple of days
thi week.
Dr. Gill roturned from Albany Tuesdsy.
He reports Joe Whitney as (till being ser
iously ill.
John Davis, tbe tailor, made Bosebnig a
visit tbla week. He reports railroad ru
mor plentiful in that town.
n. H. Hani and family, of Napa, Cal.,
will arrive here the first of the week. The
gentleman i brother of John B. Harris.
Ed Houston has returned to his home in
California. He was accompanied by his
brother, Rev. Wm. Houston, of Junction
Wm. Million), of Crook county, is In this
county visiting old friends, tnd purchasing
supplies. He came over the McKenzie road.
Monday's Albany Democrat: Mrs. Etta
B. Yassallo look last evening's (rain for Eu
gene, where she goes to visit her cousins,
the Misses Estella and Eleotru Stiles.
W. nolloway and Mel Warner returned
from Coo Bay Sunday. Tbey brought ont
with them dozen fine aalt water crabs,
whloh they distributed among appreciative
Commissioner Parker and nyland have
returned from their trip to tbe Lower Bins-
law. Tbey report having bad a pleasant
time, and are now thoroughly posted on the
roads In that section.
Florence Items.
Four new house will be built soon
No finer olimate than we are enjoying.
O. W. Hurd's new house is nearing com
The salmon caught for the cannery are
larger and better than ever before.
A lady living near t lorenoe has a sun
flower 10 feet high and atill growing.
H. E. Haubort will sbip about lOO.uoo
feet of lumber on the W. U. Harrison.
The lot I cleared and ready for the now
church which will be built thi fall.
Rev. A. Robinson will attend tbe Presby
tery at Oregon City on the Cth and tbe Syn
od at Portland on the 0th October.
The new orvan for the chnrch arrived last
week on the Mischief. Capt. Winant baa
the thanks of) the pastor and congrega
tion for bringing it from Yaquina free from
O. U. Jacobson, bu aalted over lbo bar
rels of. salmon up to the present time, and ft Kyle have canned about a boat'
Geo. M. Miller ia a delegate to the Free- -
bytery which convene at Oregon City next
month. Mr, fc. i . otlles u also expected
to attend.
Our well-known County Clork. W. H.
Walker, sojourned In our midst a number of
days the past week. Tbe aame geniality
and affability that heretofore has marked
hia career, are atill aa ptominent aa bia
variona other good qualitiea. In faot tbe
only improvement in "Billy" we conld pos
sibly luggest Is a wife.
Letter List.
Letters for the following person remained
uncalled for at the postofflce In Eugene,
Oregon, Sept. 25, 1890:
Allen, Andrew Billiard, Gus
Bollard. Mrs It Clark, Airs F M
Conrad, A Craig, Win N
Day, Decamp Dunlap, Lee
Goodman E Jones, Johnny, Jr
Jones, Wesley Johnson. Eddie B
Kemp, Mrs o U McDonald, Mrs J 17 a
Maor, Lemuel Marvin, L
Mathsssoa, Charlie Norton, F F,
Robinson. I N Robinson, Eugene 2
Sauoden, Mr 8 W Smith, G G
Hilar, Mrs W A Steele, Mrs Lena R
Winston, Mra U Welley, Mrs Invrey C
West, Mrs Willey, Mrs Mary
wegner, Henry
A charsre of oue cent will lai made on each
letter slven out. Persons calling for letters will
please say wnn anvertiaeii.
State Fair Premiums.
The following Lane oounty people took .
premium at the State Fair last week:
G.W.Gill, Eugene, golding for pacing,
Rocket, 1st premium.
T. J. Cram, Eugene, mare 4 year ana
over, roadster, 2d premium.
Bertha Bhelton, Eugene, crochet shawl,
3d premium.
Mis Maud I itch, Eugene, point lace, 2d
Mrs. Adan Bbeiton, Eugene, piano cover,
1st premium: toilet ousbiou. applique, 1st
Sremium; sofa ousbion, 1st premium; night
res, 1st preminm; hand-sewed pillow
shams, 2d premium.
Adctiob. I wilt sell at publio 'auction at
my place one-half mile east of tbe High
banks on tbe McKenzie 8 miles from Eugene
on Friday, Oot. 10, 1800, at 10 o'clock a. ra
the following described property! 3 cows, 1
Steers, x nsiiere, t caivea, a mare o yeara
old, 1 bora 4 year old, 1 Booking colt, 1
nor, 3 wagons, plow, barrow, hay rack, aet
ot harness, and household furniture. Tonus
Cash. Chables Kcmby.
Patino) Up. Th Oregon Psciflo a few
day ago paid ita employee for June, and it
is now liquidating tor July and August,
which will oe iufull, ae under tbe custom,
pay is not due until tbe 15th to tbe 20th of
each month, for the preceding month. The
pnblie can draw their own conclusions aa lo
what tbi commendable eonduot means, the
Albany Democrat add.
Valci or Labch. The larch lumber cut
by the eaw mill at Bridal Veil sells readily
at $22 60 thousand, and th individual that
hss a quarter section of larob timber in the
foothill of Lane oounty need not work any
more, when it beoomee accessible to market.
Fob Bali. 320 acre of land, team, har
ness and wagon, ten bead of cattle, farming
utensila and household furniture for aale at
a bargain. Inquire of A. 8. MoClure, Room
7, Grange Building.
Cows for Sale.
I have for aale on my ranch at Clorerdale,
three mile east from Creswell, thirty-five
head of oows, several of them with caivea
and giving milk and others soon to come in.
18 last year'a heifers, also a full blood young
Jersey bull. Tbia stock will be sold al
publio auction on Saturday, Oct. 4th. In
quire at farm or addreea A. Vatuoue, Cres
well, Oregon.
WABTBn.- A girl to do housework. Inquire
at Marble Works, first door north of Moor 4
Linn's furniture store.