The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 20, 1890, Image 9

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    "" 1 "" i .- M. . , . -n mm - -- iii i iii ,i ii i -- " ' 1 "" "T
,. rooeonil" lrw Nuvelila aud to
" riviy Mtallnnery.
6,rrt Wire are the raga In Paris,
, 1 1 I . .... ha ..-.. ... 1 . t- .1
.foil uotniT "win miu utiem
.i of ""I disappearing under blu
Tulle coviti'u ana ovming-ureases are
lereu Willi mmrrj ur luavuera.
foWIIM'" M wfw wie .rimming
fjnjt-J to cover the crown sufficiently
(onceal the top of the head.
A plain gown la made effocttva by a
,tb dress, mude with a corsolet bor
'rti with looi ' brown braid, needi
othpr tr.mnung.
:iMvntf aro too elaborate, and women
th (ne round shouldors are tired of
imir tin' in unUor a pull no large that of the uppor part or the arm
Dil and the probabllltes are that
?cbnife w smpitir sioeveiwlU be
,of the nrot important changes in
.u lu inn-
oiiave ana niraro jackets are Tory
ul,r, ana tney ure made so as to be
- itb different uroasos, velvet ones.
A with colored s Iks, fram ng the
but not moetlnjf either front or
k. bwnff most stylish.
er sixteen years of age boys don
Cf coats, and from twelve to sixteen
wear long or knee trousers, and
' . - . .1 I. X . ,, .
b -DreaM'u mm uriioriom jackets.
ile for wot weather thore are leather
oi to wear with knoe breeches.
. i. ... ... i .
It a asiuiiiauing w sua now popular
i, cutaway coat and shirt front have
ame, about every fourth woman you
,t wearing the suit, A dark greon
hcoat, with a double-breasted vest
reeii silk, opens over a shirt of the
errst mull, and often one Is forced
nit the mens counter for some of
(mssculino accessories.
The litest style of visit ng1 cards are
34t square, and should be about Sta
nches, ihe engraving should be
the plainest script, without any
Mes, and upon the best white
wl buarl. The card Mr. and Mrs.
ie Urgent, boing about 2x4 inches.
card of Mrs. is often engraved with
Dime of the daughter below it
a young lady's first season hor
it ii put on her mother's card, and
;. r this alio has a separate one. Cards
TonniriT daughters have the Chris-
;oame, while the eldest has simply
Children's names are printed on
r small ritrils in small script A pop-
dinner card is a plain gilt-edged
with tne monogram or crest
pod In bronze. A collection of the
ling styles of letter paper, with
jus stampings, la most interesting.
grain rilibon, fringed at eaoh end,
4 fire inches long and two wide, run
igh s celluloid card, band painted.
i use. n hen a motto is used it is
n printed an satin. Individual taste
.In the width of black borders used
.siting' cards. In England it is a
itn to send out memorial cards.
first page contains the words "In
or am, the Becona contains the
".culars of death and burial, while
Jiird and sometimes the fourth is
ted to a prayer or eulogy. These
ynt out a week or ten day after the
quies. Invitations to wedding an
garies are written or printed on
sheets, while the dates are some
i dist.litfuished from the rest by
flrures or silver. Cards of wood or
ir no longer in good taste. N. Y.
That a
An. trill
TV....... BPUU"' tol.lhk
Plorer Dr ,rr:,'eeo' "lt.
-j jr. me dream of
-d when-M,'V
& n Jer,
", manager of the
- q Slat OIL nn il..
-"Oh, mamma, won't you please give
i piece of that cake? "ISO, my
I:; it will make you slck." "I don't
to eat it; I only want to make
sinkers for my flsh-liuo." Golden
pongs "I wonder why Mrs. Jaggs
tl let her husband employ a female
I writer operator?" Foiies "Don t
I know? She was his former type-
"f operator herself." Munsey's
llVictor "What is vour husband's
!int ma'am? Is it chronic?"
r-"Yes, sir. I have never known
ho be satisfied with a meal for the
thirty-live years." Iiurlineton
l Press.
r' Dear. I do wish I could think of
ay to make the congregation
f their eyes on me during the sor-
Littlo Tommy "l'a, you want
l the clock rlcht behind the pul-
-The Epoch.
Debutante "Were you at the
-i reci'Dtion, yesterday, Mr. Iljon-
Mr. lijonson "Yes. I stenncd in
f'w minutes, but thore was such I
uninteresting girls there I soon
Were you there?"
IVoUnir llnolw.n uWUtl V.n an.
J-Bto years old to-day? Why yov.
net year ago, just before the wed-
mat you were on v twenty.
ft Wife (wearily) "I have aged
t i since i married."
!rlt(in ready-made clothing-store)
you please give me an hour off
'tt'rnoon, sir?" I'roorietor-
Jt do you want to (rot off for ?"
want to go and buy a suit of
- -noswn courier.
i'ullo, Sticirins! I hardlv knew
i "hen I last saw you you weredy-
f sleeplessness, and here you
F1' tnd hariDV. What has cured
"lleen appointed on the police
!'!iiladolphia Times.
'It .Maria "Your hnslmnd gnems
H'r amiable and pleasant now.
i-inei (recently married)
J'. You see. I have sWdpM
1 10 cookiiiff school, and we now
icok."iiarper.. Bazar.
pt Citizen "I hear the Govern-
IS rek'cto,! nno nt ia notv npulu-
'Vhat Was milbir with It?1
' Citizen "I presume it hadn't
1 speed to get away from a for-'"le-ship."
X. y. Weekly.
wliell (to happy father) "Con-
J oid man, on the new ar-
"horn does he look like?"
(fmembering the visitors' com-"-"He.
looks like all his relatives
" ides of the family." Ex-
Mother "I have called John
a timet to come in and go on
'"d. but he won't come. He is
; Playing with one of the neiuh
5lUren." Caller (meaninirly)
'''"t come?" Fond Mother
lne neighbor children ought
' ""ore respect for my feelings
'Don playing with him after he
-""leu. and I nh.ll mn1 them
troua Hi, hi. n tn9Um
Tliere was in Cliiimuiwn today a scene
unique and li. at1,.iisl, d which loulj
only have take,, pUre s,,,, Francisco,
hich in (i-lf Uu iliMiiu-ilon or a dis
grace, as it may I- reardi-d. h was the
funeral rites over the Uy of Gy All
Wy, who was allot it, Chinatown. It
proved beyond question the remarkable
Influence exertim-d by the notorious
"Lutle Pete." The funeral was the
Kreutest tliut lias taken place In China
town for iiutiiy years. No one could be
found who had seen a more ceremonious
YetGy Ah Wy was a most common-
rjlaca inilipi.ltiul um.i .1... ....t .
Ktlll t.. i f "u ""'J "wimciion
"till, Jun (iun was ..i . hn p,,nl,l .. ;
nrh i -"ijr, nu as i - " inuiui wiiiK a menu
hlhl Jrf nTS,H to.Meluoorne and ex- I " iupirUT of the highbinders' agent
-Th. A . , at6Mr' C"rr' ull"'f of 1 ani diplomat. "Little IVte." A great
ffort u 1 , "n Race'" ln wMeh tuanil,lrill. mn Consul B., could not
thVA. .tra.e the f'n,,'iry of ! P'iUy tanwttiel such a fanfaronade
ri.u.wa ,,Bhor,l'"' Wk to the ! on hisexilas did this bumble follower of
bouth African black, bad declared that i Pe.
h Au SflD V ", been k?Wn a",m"f Tl'e fun"ral lK,k ,Iace fro,u Stutkt
me Australian native, and Jun ,:.. 1 strnpt v,.ui,i..,.,.. i
appearance w.. th. .r "T"." , " ",D
t - -v iiuiul un or t nut i u tii in Eiin ntmttitora
- irom a tr be of blac ks.
d traveled far to attend
rn l a J:iV'n'Wlth """o' the tribes
n the Interior, be set out on a two i..
him- Ihe white man turned out to be
JnG..n..n Albino aboriginal, andnot
:8rdW".,0J,y "uped. a relio of Lei
ardts lost expedition.
U H I?"1" A"h0U,fh hta mpleil"n mat or many a aun
burned bushman. his features are un
questionably those of the better-look-Ing
type of aboriginal Ills breast and
head are covered with the sears of bat
tlo,andJun Gun bas clearly hel.l bl
own as one of the warriors of his tribe.
He hat long, wavy hair of a iroldon yel
low, and a full tandy beard. Uis e'yet
A llllL'A
piuuonu was built in the Btreet (without
a permit). It was covered with a canopy
of white cloth of flue texture. The plat
form was loaded will, all the delicacies
to be found in Chinatown. Qy Ah Wy
will probably have a post mortem attack
of dysn psia on his arrivul in the other
world should he sample the dainties that
were spread out for him on the platform.
There were whole carcasses of roast
P'K and gouts. There were chickens and
8am Kkan lm o, January 3, mi.i,
Sirrra Ckrmieul Co.
(isNTl.tMKN: I have been a surtt-rrr from
kidney comulalnu for aeveral yean, an
have ud all kinds of medicine w ithout
any apparent multa or relief until my
friend advised me and told me of the w on
deiful cims Ihidrrul Sirrra A'i'iiWy ami
l.ivtr Cur wa aecniplUhliiK I In
(lured to buy one bottle, but without iihic
f ilih, and to my nurpiias after u n ihat
bottle I noticed aurh a great Iniproveiuent
that I kept on until I have now used three
bolt'es, and ran safely say that I am en
tlrely cured and never felt Int er In my
life. I with to recommend this remedy to
all HiifTerrra from kidney and liver diaor
ders, for It will positively do the work
ery Iruly y'UirH, L. H. Coiim,
Atlnntir & I'aritlr Tub Co., room ,V! Si
Anne's bulldii g San Francisco, Cal
Fir., Cltliou-Do yon think Coiii(r.iimii Hilly
.,iu,ii iMsiiiiif a i inini itiau-sM-iiaior:
oud HaI. he worth a inlllliniT
If rnu rind yon are unwuliHI In IkiIih nl
health. Kslllnir .Iri'iiKlli, lmnlrvtl illKenllnii
ami awlinllatlmi arc I hi- marki ol IiyIIiii'
I hiN k llineaiiitothrrludli'allKii. ol vrvumliirv
Um ay with Ihi (rami vllalin'r ana re.lrnliilu
Ionic, llnati-lli-r'a mmnai h Ultlera. Hi'ulnnl
a, (he (ouiilaln hvail, Ihe .loniai'h, the lllllria
rtnnlle. II. Incmi'lviirv. corrtsi. Ila ernua ai
m?I It vigorously at work. Theiliire.tlvt orv-a
I. Ihn. rualiliil lo Uinrimnhlv M'narale Irom thr
naHi ii. iiutriMvr ,iriiii'iic, wnirn ine oumhi
awlnillatliix. I riirichitl. 'Ihu. la Ihe
lioiirUhrU, ami IriuK imiirlnliril, alrviiKthened.
ami ahiHirinal tc of li tUaui'. utayeil. iw
lllo llw iMiwtr In r,'t well. a n-xular hliltar,'lo
and hia wlml. vJi- i pig ana gouts, there were chickens and iheinmertn r..t well.areKiilar r.-aW
-1.1. V, . ' " COT,,red with I ducks' run and blrdu' nt, .mull n i, r.tsl.ll.h.-.l. ami ihyyaiioii. im.vt
white hair nearly half an Inch lon ' 7 , . msu. amall liu (Tmi,w i ,h,.ir immral ami health (nl khm.v...
If the dlseovnr. f V j anJ larKe Ash, llsll brought from Cbilia The Blttera. m..ns.ver, la .iHs-llle Inr pre
.othlnt -, u 2 .JU? (":n Ar "J smuggltHl from Sacramento. ."1 "!!!! tbrwn
uoming more, it cromisna tn iim,,i...
effort to discover some trace of the In-
irepia ana long-lost Lelchardt Atdif
ferent times it hac been atat th. ,..
Iron cart tires of the wairona of th l,.-.
explorers had been seen or reminis
cences of the party discovered In hiero
glyphics upon tree trunks. Mr Mcl'liee
in bis search for Jun Gun. betrd ru
mors which have furthor excited nul.lln
curiosity and ,the end will probably be
a search expedition fitted out under the
auspices of the Geographical Society.
No one but an Australian can under
stand the revorence ln which we hold
the memory of these old-time explorers.
They are heroes of the Victoria Cross. -London
Graph la
Countnrfcltar Who Coplr Unci
Nam's Notaa with I en.
The most remarkable counterfeiter at
present living, so a Washington Star
reporter was informed, has been keep
ing the United States Secret Service in
such a condition of exasperation for a
long time past that no trouble or ex
pense would be considered excessive for
the accomplishment of his capture.
And this, although be produces on an
average not more than two bogus notes
ln a year. The remarkable thing about
these imitations are that they are
executed entirely with a pen. Once In
six months, almost as regularly as clock
work, one of them turns up at the treas
ury here, to tho disgust of the Govern
ment detectives, whose utmost efforts
can not discover so much ai a clew to
follow. The strangest point about the
matter is that the work of producing
the bills in this fashion, merely con
sidered asa question of labor, remunera
tive or otherwise, can not possibly pay
They are always either fifties or twen
ties, and to make one must require
pretty constant toil for quite half a
year. Ihe last one, which was received
a few days ago, was a double X.
Funny enough they come each time
from a different city, and the supposi
tion is that the forger leaves town for
another locality immediately upon
passing one. He gets rid of the note he
has just completed, which may remain
In circulation for some time before
reaching a bank, and departs long be
fore the police agonts have a chanco to
arrive upon the scene. The most
plausible theory seems to be that he is a
monomaniac of means, who gratifies a
morbid taste In this astonishing way.
Ills imitation bills aresoperfeotly done
that no one short of a professional ex
pert would hesitate to take them for
good money. From the vignettes to
the signatures the work is performed
with an accuracy that bears
scrutiny with a powerful magnify
ing glass. In all likelihood the
reason why the notes are not made of
larger denominations Is that they would
be proportionately more difficult to pass.
One can imagine that this eccentric
counterfeiter indulges In the employ
ment simply for the gratification of bit
vanity. It is not Improbable that he
himself has been shown the frame at
the treasury building In which two
specimens of his handiwork are shown
by polite attendants to visitors as the
most extraordinary samples of forgeries
in the government collection. Anyway
be goes on turning out the bills at regu
lar intervals of six months, thus occa-
ionine periodical spasms of exaspera
tion ln the Secret-hervice oureau.
Romathlng About Shamrock.
We hear more about the shamrock
than we know ahout It. James u. u.
Duffv. in American Notes and Queries,
says that In Ireland only one shamrock
is known. It is an Indigenous species
of clover, which trails along the ground
among the grass ln meadows. The
trefoil leaves are not more than one
fourth the size of the smallest clover I
have seen In America, and are pure
green In color, without any of the brown
shading of white and pink clovers. The
creeping stem is hard and fibrous ihi is
difficult to dislodge from the earth. St.
1'atrick's Day the true shamrock has to
be searched out from among the grass,
for, though comparatively plentiful at
that season, it grows close to the
ground. Later it bears a tiny "whitey
brown" blossom. The information that
ahamrakh Is the Arabic word for trefoil
it new to me, and may be of service to
those interested ln the origin of the
Irish race. The word could have been
Introduced by the Milesians, or it may
f jrnisb an argument in support of the
contention that one of the lost ten tribes
of Israel settled In Ireland, which has
been revived by the publication of a re-
tent book.
t here were pies and puddings and a mag
niflcent opium layout for Mr. Wy to
smoke or for the appeasing deity to en
joy. There were plenty of victuals and
opium for both.
The coflin in which were the remains
of the lute lamented slave dealer and
blackmailer lay in front. It was deco
rated with gold and silver and cost a
fabulous sum, contributed by the high
binders. On a matting near at hand lay hit
widow, who howled at the beginning,
out who gradually reduced her lamenta
tions to a feeble squeak, uttered at long
intervals of exhaustion, lly her side lay
the child and the dead man's brother.
At a short distance away, but without
matting, lay the dead man's three slaves,
who also sent up hideous cries of grief.
A high priest, dressed in raiment like
unto Solomon's and glittering with jew
els, tort ured a musical instrument like the
bagpipes, and the second high priest beat
cytuhals furiously, A crowd of young
Chinese women, dressed in white silk.
poured out tea over the platform and on
the heads of the mourners, while another
crowd of women from the houses of ill
fame beat time with their hands and
tried to weep,
A large gung of men wandered about
for blocks around costing forth the ta
pers through the holes of which the Chi
nese Mephistopheles lias to leap before
ne can caicu the spirit or the dead man,
Before his satanic majesty could get
through all the holes it was confidently
believed that the dead man would have
been safe in heaven. The ceremonies
lasted two hours.
At 1 o'clock the funeral started.
There were eighty carriages, containing
the leading highbinders, and an immense
number of Chinese followed on foot.
Saji. Fraqciseo Report.
A Huuted Negro I'refera Suicide t Death
Hr the Kope.
It was down on the Groat Jaoksoa
Route. A freight train had met with
an accident, and so our train going south
was off-time and bad to run In on tid
ing and wait for the lightning express
coming up from New Orleans, Many of
nt were strolling about, picking black
berries or gathering flowers, when some
one suddenly shouted:
Every body keep quiet and llstenl
It was the deep, far-away bay of a
bound, and after half a minute we real
ized that it was coming nearer.
"The dogs are running a deer!" shout
ed one of the men, "and If we string out
we may get a shot!"
Fifteen or twenty men, each with a
revolver, strung out along the track,
and just then we heard the Iron rails
began to s gnal that the express was
coming. Two minutes later we beard
her whistlo. There were three or four
dogs in the ohase, and at they drew
nearer it was evident that the game
would cross the track below the bridge.
We ran down to it, though no one cared
to risk the crossing. We were hardly
there when a coal black negro, bare
beaded and in rags, leaped out of the
brush on the track and stood facing
ns. The dogs had somehow lost him,
and were baying in the thicket forty
rods away.
What his crime was we could not say.
Be was a powerful big fellow, and as he
stood thore. arms folded across his heav
ing breast, hit face bad a terrible look,
lie was only pistol-shot away, but no
one raised a weapon. On the contrary,
one of the crowd shouted to him:
"Off the trjck or you'll be kllledr
lie turned and saw the express thun
dering down the level stretch and then
faced us again. The enginoer blew an
alarm, but be stood there like rock.
The train was running over that stretch
as a pigeon fl es. sparks of Are flashing
from the rails and a great cloud of dust
whirling behind it, and the speed eould
not even be checked. The black man
looked neither to the right nor to the
left. The dogs were coming nearer, but
they were too late. Those who did not
turn their faces aside saw the pilot fling
him fifty feot high, and as the body tell
it splashed Into the creek at our feet
and there, only balf bidden by the thai
low waters bruised, broken, dead. It
bad scarcely struck the water when Ave
or six dogs bioke from the thicket and
crossed the tracks and close upon them
were three or four men. Itut they bad
arrived too late. The hunted man bad
taken bis choice of bow he would die.
Detroit Free Press. ami kluuey troublra.
Aerainm.Hlalliif. "I hntwynu rtnn't oWeel I
my .iniikliiK " ' S t lu Ihe leant. Ihat la II
you dun t olijeel to my bring alek
Hon. E A. Moore, member of Assembly
Richland county, N. Y., wrltea:
"I have two allllrtlons which sometimes
make life a burden. One Is dyapepnla;
the other Is rheumatism. I heard that
Hraniikkth's Pii lm, taken one or two a
night on an empty stoninrh, would cure
rheumatic pains. I gave them a tho onuli
trial for three wreka, Inking one r two
every niicht. To my delight not only was
i cured ol rheumatism, bin dyHix-tmla
rontivt-iiBHs and biliousness. They did not
Interfere with my diet or nuHiueaa. and
really think them an Incomparable blood
ptirinerand csmarur.
An Intercepted Telegram "Newport, Atigunt
a, isw-i'leaw look up Ihe taiidlng nl A. il
Itlche in llrailntreet'i. lie iniHiaed la.l night.'
TllK TllKoaT. " Uroim't Bronchial
Troclifs" act directly on ihe organs of trie
voice. I liry have an extraordinary effect
In all dl-orilers of the threat. SiAris
ano fingers nun tne rrornea useiui.
I.Ike lithera. Mrs. Iliinllng What does your
nH.uaiin ininani iiiewarin weather ir.
kln Ile often aillea a hutted term to it.
More dlneases are produced by tiHlujr
Drown and soaps than ov amy
tiling else. Why run uch terrible il-ks
when yu know Dobbins' Electric Soup la
pure and pel fecu iJobblns prevent Hand
irom chapping.
AlH.nt the flmt thing that utrlkea the Hoodie
Alderman who runs away la the narelty of
piaeei to run to.
Beware of Imitation! of the celebrated Seal of
North Carolina Flag Cut Tobacco.
Out of the Fire
Only those who have luftvrcd from tall rheum
iu the wnmt form ran know the agoulen rauscd
by thin dreadful dliease. Ilnod'a Saraaparllla haa
had remarkable ueeew lu curing .alt rheum, aa
well aa all artectioin of the blood
" I owe the Mine gratitude to Hood'a ParaMpa"
rllla that one would lo hla rcaeuer from a burn
Ing building. I waa tormented with tall rheum
aud had to leave off work altogether. My face,
about the e yea, would be swollen and erahbed,
my haiida aud a part of my body would be raw
aores for a weeks at a time, my would
aeera to lotted that I could roll pieces from be
tween my flngcni an large at a pea. One pliyalelan
called It type polaoti, aud gave me medicine ac
rordlnxly: but .all rheum cannot be cured In that
way. Finally I bought abotlleof llood'aftmuiiia
rllla. It heliKMl mv so much that I took a aeeoud
and third Ixitile. and waa entirely rami. 1 Imve
not been troubled with .alt rheum .luce. A. II.
Kohhins, l'.anar trect, Jamaica I'lalli, Maaa.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all drngglata. l; alx lor i. Prepared
oniy uy i;. i. iiuuii at lu., iiweu, Ma.i.
100 Doses One Dollar
instant" N. Y. Weekly.
Ij'f'een City Natural Gas and Fuel
( (T has offered the city of Cincin
i "'J and 2 per cent, upon the
7"" receipts of the company, or
j 'e city imiiiiin'', in con-
All ordinary china or earthenware
la nnrous. and the fine pores will fill up
with grease or fatty substances, which '
in rimiL becoming rancid, will give an !
offensive odor and taste to any food put tte landlord-it's just the tame, AJua-
into tuch vessels. Boap should not oe Weekly.
ruj fnr wasninr oruinari vu.n
A ub.titut.
Mr. IToffman Howes How dweadfnll
I bear that the waiters are going to
His Friend Gracious! We won't bavt
aiybody to tip. will weT
Mr. Hoffman Howes u, we can up
earthen vessels (the solution of soda it
better), and all vessels should be after
wards well rinsed with clean, hot water,
free of any frtty lubstance. Soda
fnrm with inv grease on the vessels a
goapy compound, but, acting stronger j
than soap, it will remove the grease j
More thoroughly.
EitravagaM Draae.
How came your paper to fail?"
My wife waa a partnerr
How si'ould that affect its interest
She insiited on IU having new
press too of eo.'-Cbicago Globe.
' you hare a
acute or leading to
of run: oi i.n on.
za tunn oxjma for rr.
Tbla preparation eonUlna the atlmula
ling prortlee of the Hypnphinphlir
ami line Aorirefjlnrt Vod l.ivrr Oil. Ueed
by all the World over. It la a
;xiloe aa milk. Three llraea aa eflbm
clou, aa plain Cod Llrer Oil. A perfect
Emulsion, belter Uian all others made. For
all furma of Watting iUmuea, BrvnthlHB,
Scrofula, d a Flesh Producer
there la nothing like tCOTT'l EMULSION.
It la aold by all Drugglau. IM no one by
pifuae explanation or Impudent entreaty
Induce you to accept a aubailtute.
For a Disordered Liver
25cts. a Box.
Send Stamp for Our Pamphlets.
We have aomethlnc new whirl) will aave
you trouble.
Cor. Market A June! flta., 4Ui tow, maa IM
aa rimcisro.
Price. Vk lady Agenta Wanted.
TV? t aaaaa. St laadaeh CeaeUaaiae
aUUrta. Liver OraalaJaai. uae tae mU
A aaw.ia) mmi. IMJTU
i bill !-
Vm de iMAix nza (at mo
rrtaeefeuaaeetae, ga eawa. aav a
ev-fci, aw. aa. Lo,
When Hi. Many Teallfy la the Itriuark
able Curea KArrtrd br tra, Harrln,
WaahliiKlon lliillilhif, rorllanil, Or.T Holland, I'ortland-Granulated
and liilUim-il etea; perfectly rtirvd.
Mrs. K. I leek, Aurora, Or, - Severe pain
in 'lie bark ami head; rraUired to hralth.
aim. .1. J. iouiiu, iKl Third street, I'orl
laiiit'-Dtnufuaia. ronatluallnn. liver com
plaint and aevete pain In the stomach;
Homer TrnUlimer. Mollal'a, Or.-I'aln
In hla atnmarh nine years; cured In five
William Hohr, New York hotel, Port
land -,aa I and throat catarrh: reaiored
lister M. Inland, Oretrou t'lly, Or.
Catarrh alx yearn; cured.
OMInt hour.: U to ft dally, and 0 to 8
cvciiiik. i nromr niaeaaea or all klnda
Kiii'CrHMfullv treated. Cure In private
diaeaaea of whatever nature gtiarateed,
l'or treated free from 0 to 10 a. m. daily.
It I. remarkable how dUKii.tlliK a peraou at
brvaWal can he with a .Inxle peach.
artlatlr Imported oleoin-evhio and enro
ls rare novelties, shape and
nmtlc ranis. This lam aud beautiful col
lection aent by mall to any one who will
do this: liny a box of the senulne Or. 0.
McLans's Celebrated Liver l'llla from anv
IniKKiat, price Xb rents, and mall us the
outside wrapper with your address, plain
Iv written, and 4 cent lu stamps. The
Sennlne Me La tie's l'llla are prepared only
y Fleming Uros., lMtUtliuivh, Pa., and
have been in constant uae (or over sixty
yearn. They arc aiirior to all others In
"urlty and effecllveneaa. A certain cure
(or Indication and alck headache. Ad.
drena, KlentiiiK Bros., I'lttsbarKh, Pa.
"She la not urcttv. Yon uld ihe waa aa nrettv
a a picture." "tih. well. 1 meant au amateur
Tothi KniToa: Plcaae Inform voar reailera
that I have a po.ltlve remedy for the above-
nameo aieaae. njr iu tunvijf km tnoaaanna oi
hoiM-leva caM-a have bee '4 permaneullv eure.1. I
.hall be Rlad lo Mnd two bnttleaof mjr renitdy
free to any of vour rcadera who bave eoniumr
tleu If they will lend me their expreaa and poeb
offli adiltvw. Ktumvlfiill)',
T. A. HI.OOVM, M. f .,
1st Pearl atreet, New York.
Try Okrmia for braakfaat.
whether Itchlnu. burulna. bleedinu. u-aiv.
rruated, pimply, blotchy or copiH-r cnlored, wtih
Iiw. ol nan, either .Ininle. M'roluloita. hered barv
or n.utHitloua, are .i.cedlly, nermaiienllv, vew-
nuiiiii any aim iniaiiiiiiy curea nytnet: Tii ra
Kkmkiukk, ron.i.iinit of t'tiTictiaa, the treat
akin cure, ri'Tiii'KA Soar, an eiqul.lte .klu ku-
rineraiKi ncautiiier. ami i t'Tlcima hkmii.vsst.
the new blood and .kin nurlfler and arealeri ef
hiiinor remclle., when tne la-at pliynli lHii. ami
all other reiueilie. (ail. I'l'Tiri'Si haMKiiiaaarr
thennlv Infallible IiI.hhI and .kin purltlcr. and
dally enVct umreKri'al cure, of lilrnul and .kin
dlM'aMt than all other tvmcdice eomblnel.
Hold everywhere. Price. t i'THtnia. : Soar.
i'r: luwolvfiit. II Pretuiri'd by IN.tter Unix and
Chemical Corporation, lioaton, Ma...
Menu lor " llow to cure lllood and Skill III.-
A-f" l'linnli'.. blackbradf, cliiiipeo aniTolly
akin prevented by Cutii va r.
Haekai'he. kliluev naltia. wiwkuma and relieved in one mlinilo by the
elehraledCl'TUi'KA ANT1 PAJN I'LAHTiea.'J.V'
tier's Golden Fmal Fills..
Por female. IrreaiiUr
on the soa -yt. Htwr
tail BacoMMnillyaaed
ny nroaUmot ladlet
monthly, tiuanuieed
lo relieve tippiaailJ
Don't be lmbngwet
Hare Timet Health,
and moo ay ;aka ae tiU-
Bent to avr addrata,
aecure by anal) oa re
Waatarn Branck, Bufl, J" OUTLAW D, oat
i.i lv Wib'-h I met !' . 'op land. Or
INM-Ultr. I in
meime .lock nl all li-aulf liar vwrletlea at the very
lowcit market rale. Send lor price Mat, aud :
will pleaiw you. Addreaa Ii K. JONW, CiWKir
.Vnrwry, Ft. IlKauo, Mciidia'lno county, California.
Vt'e orTer to rloae out atirk of 1,'JOO boxea Home
Nail, aa follow.: ha, Ha, i. Itla at II centa pound
to the trade or to Imraealioera; (a and 7(fvw
They are the Judwiu
Id, and no more will be
manufactured. Order from vour Jobber or (nun
Kmlih'a Hb atinre, 4IS front Street,
Nan r ranclec. la I. Hend ih or beat
It v ri'lereiicv. navab e on receipt, of xiaida.
Name till. pHa-r.
Ihixc. only), IJU centa.
make, I lie bent In the world, and no more 1
Will hae no other Jobacco
WKo orcc tries
Plug Cut.
Jhis is the secret of its
Immense sale.
under new Law
Holillera. WliUiwa. I'aretita. tend for blank ai
liiailotia aud Information. Patrick O'Karrefl.
to. Ion Agent, Waahlnxtou. II. U.
8TEINWAY, Gabler and Pma Pianos
Mulag tb Bkht I'unm Ma ok, wh! lb f.vofil
it,ir r4Uta. mJ Muicm itistruaifnu; iwimii nui
M; ItUVti 9tmrk of Htetvt M iMie. Htriwv Mali.
tftWItl ' H.t HUtWt. MATTHIAi IJHAV Co. Cftii
pplr to MIUI H HTKPHKNM A CO., Attorney.
Hie r .in-et, Wa.hiua-tii, It. C. Branch oflire.
levelaud, Uetrolt, tbl'ao.
Puget Sound Business College
A for vounr men aud woman. Irrnat
and n-.t In the elate. Fall term eotiunenceaAn
im la. Por particular, aiblrew for mlalnrne,
erattle, Wa.h., KcatUe Kl'K.k, Koom 470, P.O.
nox 123.
New Pension Law.
cut all ?d.n anl dlaaMad a.ktbea aad
. MlPira a i. iwian; ao vlofM M furnwa; m
V OlMavgc pMCivfa rilra.l; aa.M Ire; aoaa
' . i priM o tw, A rtvi.,4 ra aur 4
I' H rm All-Mr 13. m'ualml.
.rr J H Ml K.I, Hll umI MJ W t
NllhRlH. Jl Plaam. Hno , IMui1ii(
l; M CmM htrnn, thk. Kr MCWai, Cal
. Mmm. A. J HmkW, I'Miwtar II A.
t H I Ha of Uklllunrta. aud etbaa eVeaftovat
rrnu fnf rmatlon
da It inn. i. K. Uttu.oip. PaleolOf
ire. Waah u n. I. C. iMetUum tku paptr).
. P. 5. U. No. 3CJ-. 7. . II. Ko, 4J0
rm t i kk rott rn.itm.
Mare esre ft blind, bleeding and Itcblnn PI lea.
One box haa cared the worat aa of leu year'
.lauding. No nue ueed aunVi leu mlnatea after
aahit Kirk'i Herman Pile Oliilmeul. II abaorb
tumora, allays Uie ttcblux, acta aa a txwltloe,
xlvearellel. Dr. Kirk . Her mau Pile Ointment
la prepared only for Plkea and Itehlti of th
private parts, aud notkluf la. Kvery box ti
sold by Dntxfl.u and sect by mall oo receipt
of price, 11.00 par box. J. J. Mack A Co., Wbolo
sal Afeuta, Hau Frauolico.
Kl'TTI'ltl AND l'II.K4 Cl'ltKK.
We piwlllvely cure rupture and all rectal ilia
cace witlioiil palm or detention from hii.lnen.
Nitcure. no pay; and no pay until cured. Ail
dre.a lor pamphlet lira. Purtertleld A I'Si'y, Hiia
Market iltect, tian Ktauclaco.
Both tlia method and rrsulU nhen
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
aud refreshing to the taste, and lets
Rentljr yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
.tehes and fevers and cures hahitu.'.l
constipation permanently. For sale
in 60c and $1 bottles by all druggists.
rt OUnl Mtttieint in I At UWUli trtMty
Till MTlfc'IV III IWrviUIlT 1
r lulijfsjt knn OUirvwltig (haa Mr ), aud
arrlpitiuieanil Iim lu cuotlsuit umi for iiHirly a
MMilurv. llifn ara few iUnai to whloh maukluil
nun, p.-iiiat, firwt.k'h nior invvllwi hava lxrn
(rl il Mlliuiul leMtm. Korallailitriial aiiflammatata
orthiyMUwan lnrelllhla nmtHl-. If the dlrn-
tka)ar followrtl It will never f ill. Waiwriloularlr
mvit tua aunt'tm w lmypiam rn ur Bier it, rnr
h hy all uniiTKiMt J"in mu.'itT-u., vuab
K, J W'T. I . iP"ianpi ( ,
a. irrtratran.
Hurts and Bruises.
A Itoelor gaw ii.
Uwrenee, KanMa. Ana. . IMW.
Oeorre raitenuo fell from aM-Mory window,
f!.r. 'V f''.1"'' 1 r"u"'' hlnl u.lintHt.JeooH
Oil rrevly all over hla hurta. I aaw him next
morning at work s all the blue in. bad gone,
leaving iiellber pain, acar nor. welllnz.
'. K. ffKl'MA.NX, M. D.
IHI CHARltt VOOEIER CO., SaNlsisr, Hi,
N Til But Typewriter.
Send for CataJof a.
J OeaeraJ Atjeau,
Sll lal St.,Portlaad.Oe.
Ts Suits to Order
820 to 840.
Men's Pants to Order,
80 to 810.
Fit guaranteed. Keml 4 centa In
tauiia for umple aud rile for
sell meaauremeiik
rosNxa or
Seeond aad Morrlaon Hla..
roKTLAND, on.
rot tosTerrsiuno bjahhuodi
O.aaral aad NEEVOUS SkALITd
IWtakanaaf Body aad atlae, Ilfwta
ril.llirnilnf Irraraor laMH. la Old at Ynag.
IrtMl, fttl BlftlUNin r.ui aMl.r.4. llw i. ..i.m ..A
SirtiW.aiu,i iimupiBHiuariatu soot.
.Nt.iir wmiIm Hoaa TiiiaiT-ai.
Mllfi IM V SUM I Malrtob WriwtkMb
DrMHI.. m, rl4.tlka mm mnmt m4 frntodlfraa.
imi wiauiVAfe, wi avrraav, . a.
ii u, .n
La raVXTTX, I NO. Box IS.
eured. Trial fn. (?onAib,a.
I tl.lly addrena IN1IIANA
Leather Manufacturers
4U4 Hallerv Ml..
Hlgheat market price paid for lllilea, I'elti
I. and Dealers.
4U4 Hallerv Ml., Man t ranclac.
and Tallow.
Diamond Drill Work.
'tfor nroiiHietina
with Diamond ('ore Drill for oil, mineral or wa
ter. Holea bored for ventilation or drainage,
Agenta for Diamond Drill Machliiery and Muu
pile, (torreapondence anllclled. VI.I Han.
nireel, Man rrauciaco,
ftBt4il tlJa rllltr. Ijadlftta
tAI WrUlwlH Blf fajsHMMel aTTsfatel, IM
rrA, avullln baft, st-tUt iik biutj
rtbhiiN. Tmk rm th All Bills 1
Id (taali-biainl bnwm, plus wr)r. t
laiaVrMia) tssMsalewrMiAv. Ho4 4e.
IslBiin.s) fur ItdU-tkOM.-fS, ItMllMCMllfttl W4
!(. lit Kr lilt,M t kit, raaara
MM II. JNafMr.
aw. KM m. rwia wn
The Best Family Soap
in thejorfd.
nobhlnt" Kledrte Soap la rAeojicr Sir jroO
to uae. If yon hW illrrrliont, than any
oilier eoapa would be Ififivn to you, for by
Ila ua clntAra ure eucril. t.'lothea coat more
than anap.
Don't you mini to tine Money, clothe,
lime, lalnr, fuel, and hcalihf All thine rail
be navel If you will f Dobbin Electric
Soap. We nay ' lm," knowing If you try II
once, you will always ua II," Have youi
grocer onler It.
Ta Pn. II.
Wonderful ftiwer
' and NiiiK'rbirlly,
A SI llotlle
will be tli to or
Hent Vrea
en ai,IUat Ion, pcr
aiinallyor by Irlier.
E::::d Ii:;;;:!::
T.verf one knowa tlial
Brown-!4tiiiiinl'a VvrlluMa
tllxlrof LUewMafailunL
and Ihat hr. Lld.ln'i lorljf
ornlur la Ilia oriutnul aud
ouljr gauuiua Vital tllilr.
Chrvul., Crlvstt, apsN-ltil (t.mltita, Xrrnni IVWlltj, ts
Itmni Val, Um 1 ttY-jmr- t4 Ulm4, Llw, Luhff,
plasMer, KldtMj; strt4 HtuiwK'h Tmuhk, ImptiriiM ef ibsi
Bkawl, P1w4s, ftitva au4 thtr Ulf , a rlkf is
Mwl-rMipavtft) tn-atmrnl.
n ruMTf aawwtiiMua ki rmaisuwrrhuxj. Jim.
MW rnMUUrfhfaffa, frtt of luvtiraUur. $i WsN af !
ftajlllr. lit): kail alae) kUlL kaUf SaiLtV ta.! la sua rW
DR. LltXHIO A nil, tW atrlv a ,nvttr fa vnimrj
bmiIsi a fMviRiij r piawtw or M ib IiIst, am i
md, tpswitllj, tWrMMhlt i air4 1 nt A in J lVja
ijrrrsti hlliruiK tmtswlt ettirffM sMMWri
f'taaauiisiiifa frrdi, 4tii w t1rta, a iirf atfaai Saa
JrMtMe. UL ttitum mm, tJ6 Ms auvwl.
I aviifsM of puttwmm
how Hiaar am m HtirwU
mhtm antt uiiflbHirMl sm Ikei rarsi bbv
rnifMiKa. ;iai-ailrnf sun f $, r ufartnf an rviNti.ti,
lKk4Mtl-t UK. l.l-.ttlUlWVIUIKATOlt.
Slirnor Mlmratl s Military Hand of Fifty Belecter! Musicians will rurnlsb the mualo.
Hli and one-half acres of floor siiaca filled to ova, flowing with the wondera of this
wonderful sue. A world nf Mechanic In Miniature. Nat to vlalt this Ureal Kxpoal
Hon and view Its wonders in every department of art and science will be to miss aa
opportunity such as bos never been presented to the people tf this Coast before.
Will open September 25 and cloae October i .1,600 Is offered In cash nremlums In
this department Stock Department open to visitors from 9 A. at. until 6 P. M. Kipo
dtlon from 1 v. u. until lu p. M. One admission ticket tdmlu to b lh. Price, adult,
SOceiiU; thlldre", 24 centa. I ted need rates on all transportation lines leading to
IUIU.UU, ur iiiioi ,iibiuu wunM a, u. Ai.UCil.OUpi.auu DCOJ.
""trsxrimr "1 nrifur , - ,, ,
Engines, Horse Powes, Self-Feeders
and Strawstackers.
If you want a first-claHB machine, do not purchase until you have
looked up the record of the "Advance," aa it is the only machine in the
market that will give absolute satisfaction. Send for descriptive cata
logue to -
Z. T. Wright, General Agent,
Foot of Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon,
Also dealer in General Machinery and Supplies.
is the kind that pays, bcoresor
ouiir business men, and nun.
IreiU of book -keepers anil sten
ographers of both sexes, attriirute their success to course at the Portland BusU
ness College, rortiand, Oregon, or the Capital Business College, Salem,
Oreron. Both are under the management of A. P. Amiatrang, have same courses of
atutly, same rates of tuition, Uutine, Shorihitnd.Txptwriting, Penmannhip and Eriff
Uah ik-purtmenlt. Write to either for joint Catalogue aud specimens of penmanship.
I m mrm. la in V-l & V aa f ea . j a
.... m.ewf.
IH3 o. solid cahc of scourind'sow
Try I M n you r nexUhouse-dc&ning j
Even the little pig In the picture is a more
agreeable companion than a man with a dirty
collar or a woman who presides over a tawdry
house. But nobody wants the reputation of being
a pig under any circumstances.
- " me iranciuse. I