The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 20, 1890, Image 6

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A Startling Case.
A Mii-ular eae i reported to t h La
Umnde (iizelie of union county in u woo
H(i.ikf hi firai word on Wedueaday of laat
week, after hmcuoo of aeveuteen year,
The p"'iim of the iuuD who bits undergone
turn .icealile chije let Junei Smith, hroth
er at a well. to do farmer living nour Island
Oily, in (but lounty. In 17J Mr. Smiib
waa jrutr,ili(l iih a severe attack of fefer,
mid during liiH aickiieMi loat nil power of
i-p-M O. He recovered m tucultm id every
other way, and haa ainoe been pljynit ally at
htroiijj ai Ibe average man. Hit but laki u a
cluiiu bi.J imiuu to llm land ollioe Wednesday
to see iibuiit it. Iu aoiue trHUKnvtion with
the ofticiuR whieb he pmbiiLily did not read
ily iinderitiiiiid, be Coueeived (ho idea that be
us b-iiij defrauded, and Wu seized wiib n
lit of piiKHinii aliuohl Imrderiiig noou nxau
h v, unit iniuieoiiiteiy roiiimenceu to lull a
' blue Ktreak," Hia couveisation wan dia
eonueeled, but every wiird whk artieulated a
(ilninly ax if h bud never been deprived of
the power ot i-peicb. lie uaa Rime been
ahle 10 talk readily, and Meenm to be making
Up f'i lost lime
A awcnhir feulure of Ibe afliiir in lint hia
cmiversrtiion i principally upon topic that
rr priuiiineiiilt belore tbe people at (be
lime be la it Ilia Kpe'ch.
1 be theory id Ibe pbyairinn who ia nttfud
inx ibe uiau hi La GiKiide it ibnt pint of t lie
hniiu roniiolliiit! i lie vocal irgiua had be
et. me I during bm long aivkueaa and
HKnin tkcnuio ittuuuliited to action by
V;. i h pHNKIIIII.
IJimmj CoMMANnity ---Tbe fourlb annual
ein.clMVe of Hie Unind Colum undry, KniiibtH
Teliiplur, aid hi- b"ld :ll tile aSllIII nf 'Vni
p' Coimn 'indrv. No 3. at Albany, Minilai,
K't. i'K'h, riiiiitueiifiiiK at II o'clock a. m.
U I'. Ki.h.,rt, of I'onloid. is the grand
(mi in-aim, r, mid F J. Kiheock, of Sdeiu,
lirand Pinrder Thn third animal conclave
m.m held it Eugene, and wna a ideuHiiut on
iMKioii. At Huh time Salem bin no com.
iiiuiidiy, but ib Knight Templur of tins
city hope to be hIiIh to aee one eHtnblUln-d
here belt yeiir Two year ago nu iffort waa
iiuiile to urgmiiiiK on-, but the Portland com.
m-iiidrv would not recoiimiend it. A no
V' of tbi order can b oiyniiizl without
be re i mend 1 1 ion of ihe niuimtndry near-
t-i i'--hi:I Portland refined tn n port favor
ably upon ibe project the (ff rl of ibe Sa
I tn Knichia waa miavailiii. Albany then
ii ied, and. being recommend-d by her near
em neihlior, Eugene, ihe lodge waa iuntilu
lid. The in xl time Salem makes applica
nt ahe will receive her lavora at the ImlidH
of Ihe coiumandry at Albuiiy. Statesmau.
Tbc 1'iiiMing 1 1 Ibe new IIoM Denny, Se"
little, Wash., h:ia d-vised n unnpio method
of reaching the boua. Hit hotel i ou a
sleep hill, while Ibe buaiueaa portion of the
city und aueet railway are lit a lower level.
Ko a tnnmd will be dug into the hill to a
point imder the hotel, eighty feet below the
inniii floor. A bnuch of Ihe eleotiio railway
will mil to th in point and be conuei'tid wilb
the hotel by a abaft and elevator one lead
ing to thu olUce and the other to the aixtb
nlory of the structure.
Oervaii (Wife: Thii week i. II. Settle
luiei shipped 40,0(10 Freucb prune lre to
roiiiouii county, California. Uu also lii
peda mixed lot of it.Mf) to S,n Di.go
Lust week be shipped 2(1,000 Fiench piiinea
lo roujomi county mi l hiia for ihe l ist two
wceka received au averse, of two telegrama
a day for treea. The orders i-oium from Wy.
ouiing, Colorado, Moutana, Ctab, Idnbo,
Washington and California.
Wootlbnrn Indeieiideiit: We understand
that Dr. Hurry Laue ia to m retained as n
perintuDdeut of the Htate Hsylum. Mr. Mo
Uride h. o we bave been informed, ex
preaaett hinwelf aa satisfied with the doctor'
management and in favor of retaining him.
For Fttley Sprinifs.
Tba itage with paaaeogera and mail leaven
the hotela in Eugene for the Foley Hpiingx
Moudaya, WedueMluja and Fridays at 5
o'clock in the morning, returning on alter
nate daya. The through trip ia made iu
one day. For paaaage apply to Eli Bang at
the Hoffman llouae alablea.
Farm for Sale.
A number one farm for tale. Inouire at
Need of a Ite-Cuunt.
Ilenton Leader.
The entire elnle of Oregon ought to be re
counted, has well been dimoustrated by
the re enumeration in Marion and Multno
mah conntiei Undoubtedly the work of
taking the ci nans waa hurriedly and badly
done, but a re-count f half Ihe slate milt
only make mutter wore. Denton county
baa ibe antue good rea.ou for a re-count that
Portland and Salem bad, sud nnleaa we get
it out representation, in the legislature will
be based ou the butch job while theirs will
be from actual population. Tbia would be
unjust diauriminaiion wilb a vengeance- and
we ought not to aland ii. lientou county ia
not retrograding, although it b-gins to b ok
a trifle tout way. Five years ago we had a
aeni.tot and a half to r-pr.fletit ns in Salem,
bin since then we bave been content wiili
one. The new app iriiomuent will give ua
only half a senator and iu five year more
we wont Is? in it.
The Gi'ARD offlce received a ronslgnmcn
of the Welajtet'a Dictionaries tba
we are offering its premiuma. Those
who have subscribed or others who wish to
aubscribe can now get ibe book by calling at
this Those who have taken it are
well pleased with the quality and etn apneas
of the book, ltcmt'iuhei', Ihe dictionary
slid UdaIIO for one year costs bin $..0.
They me needed iu every family, the one as
a work of constant reference and Ihe othei
to give Ihe complete local newa of F.ngeiie
and Laue comity. Y.m cunuot afford to do
without either.
Dissolution of Partiici'sliiji.
Ni tice is neieliv L'i veil tbt tie partner
ship heretofore existing betwenC. F. Lil-
lletielil a Hit J. U Hivskell, iiuder the hnu
name nf Li'tli Htdd & Haskell, is dissolved.
.1 1). Haskell will collect all accounts due
the tirni and settle all outstanding indebted
ness. He will continue the bu-iuess ut the
old stand.
Dated at Eugene, Sept. 8, 18! it).
C. F. Littlbuki.h,
J. Ii. Uaskkm..
llflinqui'iit Tax Not ice
Notice is beieby given that the city lux of
lH'JO of Kuiictie ia uow deliuipient and baa
beeu placid in my hands for collection.
Those who are deliuipient are notified that
nuless prompt payment is made cost will be
S- pt. la, IWD. I. E. Sif.vKxs,
II irslnd.
Delinquent fox Notica.
Notice Is here.iv givi-n to all owinsi taxea,
now dclitnpieiit, tbut ibe Count Couil at its
late session ordered me t.i colbvt tbo Baiiie
forthwith. This ia therefore to notify nil
concerned that if thoy wish to aavo 'costs
they must come forward at once and pay
the aame or I will be obliged to proceed
against them legally.
J. E. NOLAND, Sheriff.
What lilts
That pr..dticoa thHt beautifully soft com
plexion mid leaves no truces of ita applica
liou or illiniums etl'wts? The answer, Wis
doiu'a Hobeitine accomplishes all this, and
is pronounced by ladies of taste and refine
uient to be the most delightful toilet article
ever produced. WarTauted harmless and
uialcbleas. F. SI. Wilkius, agnt, Eugene
Ueu. W. KiitHt-y, Aiirtimieer.
When yon waut your goods, hm.a diold
furniture or land Mild at auction, call of
Geo. W Kinsey, the pioneer and most ant
oeasfnl auctioneer in Lime Connty. He will
atteud to tU sales on a reaaonsble com-'illusion.
MllS. WlNSLOW'a Soothino Svrup, fur
riren teething, ii the preacription of one of the
beat fetiiale mow. and physician, la the
l luted states, and haa been ul fur forty
years with Bever-failii.g succm by million! of
motliera for Uieir chil.lrn. Lhirlnr the pro
cessof ttl,ing iu value ii incalculable. It
relieve th cli i .l fr.,.n .in .i.. .....
. ,. . iivsvniery
an,) diarrhoea, irripitig in the buwela, and wind
the mother. Price 2c a bottle.
All kinds of commercial printing, posters
catds, programme. to., printed ueaur and
promptly at the Guard office. We our
chase our paper direct from the manutac
wrers and can give the beet of term.
Barker Gun forte
"l ai aiiiair2&Jf
I Fine 10 Gange Gun, Cost ?iin. wcond haud, as fine a Gun aa anybody netds.
Our piice is rein.irk.dily low, it is only J25 OU
1 Fine V inchester, Culilue, as gixid as'new ... ... .. tm
1 Fine 12-lsire Jamiuaie I'. i., K. Ii. H. A. 8 N. Shot Gun, two barrels,...'. 16 00
1 tine la rarker. Is-m used a little gu on
I Fine III Parker, beeu tisd a little, '.'.'.".'.".'.1'.!!!'.'.'.'.'..'.'. 20 CW
I Tap Snap, 12 1 laminated single barrels, li. 15. T e! X. T. R... .... 18 Oil
I 12 bore, iu(.le ( hauipiou Hace Gnu, second baud .' 8 01)
i io-iioie, seme as me aiioye.Tut is new hikI full uickel 9 Oil
1 sumo n above but la P. G. li B. aud rubber cap, lull nickel 10 W
All kimls of Winclioster Killcs, also Colt's KiHes, Marliii
and Flobit Ixllles of all kinds, sliapos and sizes for sale, tratlt;
or hire; also 100 iShot (Juns of all kinds, too numerous to
ijieiitioii. Our Fall iStock has arrived and is some, of the
finest roods in the city.
Cheap (trade 10 or 12 (Jauge $28 50
Fine " " " ' 4Q (jo
These jruns are worth more money than this, but the
Company want to push sales, and to do this they have made
these prices, which ;ivo more than value received. The
40.00 (Jrade will compare with $100.00 tirades of other
tve my line lino of Razors. They will shave anybody who
has pot anything to shave. Remember 9th Street, the
Benefactor of Mankind, Rarker Gun Works. Come and wr
our Animal Traps, all sizes, good to catch any kind of wild
animal. Ammunition for all kind.-? of dins and Cannon?,
also Blasting Powder, Caps, Fuse, Giant Powder and Dyna
mite. Gunsmithing in all its branches and all kinds of
hjrht machines Repaired. Call at the Barker Gun Works
tor Pocket Knives, all prices, all Styles. 9 St. 9 St.
Barker Gun Works.
Than by other mute. Fiit-claa throuuh
I'aasenirer aud Freight line from Port-
liin .n.l .11 :.... . I
... p,,tu. iu me
' To And frnni . , .
San Francisco, Cal,
For ibformation apply to C. 0. Hooiit,
Act (ienl Frt A Pan Aut
Fnra Yaqnina.
Wlllainette Valley, July WUl
MMlhiniett VhiIpt, . A"rua'
Willamette Vary, v i. JOtll
Witlahittta alley. , " Wh
Fhiin San Franciaeu.
w illamette Valley Aupit lt
Willaniette Valley Aimm lltli
Willamette Vall.y ,., . " 21t
Willamette Valley ' "
Thia Company rewrvei the right to charge
wiliii date without untie
PaiimKera froni Portland and other VS'u
lamette valley points can malechne eonnec
than with the traitm of the Vaojiina r0"1 ,l
Alhany and Corvallia, and if deitiiied to Swi
Frunciaco, ahould aimnge to arri at Yaqiiiua
the eveninii bffure date of aailitg
Passenger and Freight rate the lowest
U H U.vswii.i,, Jb . (trvaliii, Cr.
3en Frt ft Pan Ag't, f
Oreson Develnmenl Cm
304 Mnnteoinenr St. Sin ftaaciawi.
REMEUDEU the Oregon Fci6c roynUt
Sum mer Exm ision s.