EUGENE CITY GUARD. 1, Ii. CAMPBELL, froprletar, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. THE PACIFIC COAST. Letters at Tacoma Addressed Our War Secretary. to Prominent Portland Business Man Taken for a Deer and Shot and Killed by His Companion. Tlie population of Utah is rejiortcd at Woo You. a Chinese domestic at Bun Francisco, wan shot while on his way to work by a highbinder. ' Wellington strikers are ordered to ap war in court at ictoriu to answer charges of intimidating miners. Key. T. 11. Cherrinirton. formerly of the University of California, has la-en chosen ITcHidviit of I'uget Sound Univer sity at Tuconia. Money to build tlie Pun Luis Hey flume hns been rained in Chicago, ami work will noon legin. ThiH will irrigute 100,000 acres of fian Diego land. The situation at Wellington is un changed. The striking miners are still idle. There is much indignation among them over the fact tliut militia has been sent there. Jack McGuirk, a resident of Mariposa county, was shot four miles north of Ma dera by llowurd Wills, a veterinary sur geon. Tlie shooting was the result of a feud of long standing. Tho Shasta Courier says a survey is being made bv Chief Engineer Hood of the Southern Pacific Company for a big tunnel through the (Siskiyou mountains. 1 It will be live miles long. Near Foley Hnrinirs, Ijine county, Or., W. H. Walker of Stavcr & Walker, Port land, while out hunting was arcidenlully shot and killed lv a companion, who mistook Walker for a deer. W. N. Gregory, the Southern Califor nia agent at Oceanside, was found in the depot with a bullethole in his forehead and another in his neck, lying in a sil of blood dead. A revolver was by his side. John Lcmbrick of San !iego while on his way to Attica, Ind., killed himself near ADmqiieniue. He lost much money in the San Diego land Iiooiii, and that was the primul cause lending to his sui cide. Tlie body of a Mexican was found on the Hussiivaiiipu desert in Arizona a few days ago. The man had dug quite a hole with his hands where he was found in search of water. lie had died from thirst. A jam of logs on the Dungencss river, Wacli., hus backed up a Issly of water eight miles long by two miles wide. The iieople living miles below the Ixxuu are in great danger of being swept away und their property ruined. Bradslreet's mercantile agency roiorts twelve failures in the racilicCoiiHt States and Territories for tlie week ending Au gust 10, as compared with sixteen for the previous week and eleven for the corresponding week oi itmi, Ui Angeles Native Sons say the South em l'licillt' gives them (20 rates to San Francisco, while delegates to kith State political conventions are allowed a $15 rate, and an etlort is being made to se cure better rates from the steamship company, lA'tters have lieen received at the nost otlice. Taeoina, addressed to " Hon. lied- lie Id rroctor. Secretary ol n ar, laconia, Wash." It is believed there that the Secretary is on a very iiiiKirtunt mission that of examining Into the condition of the Northwest coast defenses, owing to the llchring sea complications. An engine and four freight cars went through a washout on tho Southern l a cillc railroad near l'antano, A. T. The engine fell forty feet. KngiiiccrKdwnnl H. AIlis was buried under the locomo tive, which is nearly covered with water and sand. His watch and part of his hand were found on tho engine. The body has not vet been recovered. The deceased was from Kansas City. The City of lVking, twelve days ami nine hours from Yokohama, read hi I Victoria August 12. Among the passen gers for San Francisco was Kcv. Dr. Newman, liishop of tlie M. K. Church of the United States, who had lieen at tending a session of the conference in Japan. During the discussion at the meeting of the coast county delegates at San Jose Colonel Crocker said that tlie Southern Pacific Company coe'd not agree to close the gun between ta Margiiritu and lllwood in less tl four years, but might be able to do it in less time if nothing happened to prevent it. A com mittee to inquire into details of the agreement will hold a conference with Colonel Crocker soon in Sun Francisco, It is definitely stated (hat the 1'acitic Mail Company has abandoned Victoria as a new stopping place, and will here after lend its steamers direct to Yoko hama and Hongkong from San Fran cisco. It is understood that satisfactory arrangements have lccn madu with the Canadian Pacific Company, hich threat ened to send its steamers to San Fran cisco. Harmony again prevails lietwccn the two companies, and each will keep within its own boundary. A company to purchase coal lands and prospect and develop them in the States of Washington und Oregon has lieen in corporated under the name of the Wash ington Coal and LuiiiIht Company, with the principal place of business in Oak land, Cul. The capital stock is ll.noo, 000 in 10,000 shares of f 100 each. The first Director are Charles Klliott, John K. Mursh, William T. Hallldav, John I. Davis of Oakland, Wesley F'.lliott f Ohio and Oswell II. Herschberger uf Linkville, Or. An enormous flow of natural gas has been struck at Suuimerland, a suburb of Santa Ilarbara, Cal. Alwut three months ago a two-inch well was put douu for ulphur water, and struck a strong flow of gas, w hich has since been used for lighting and domestic purioses in Sum merlund. About three weeks ago a syn dicate of Santa HarUru and San I.'uis Obisio capitalists leased the property, and commenced to put down a ten-inch pipe. Gas in considerable quantities wasstrucaat twenty-eight ami thirty four feet, and on the' Hth instant at 'a depth of forty-nine feet they struck a regular gusher. The pressure is so great that it can be heard for blocks and so heavy it cannot be capped. Experts es timate that the daily flow is at least 3,000,000 feet. EASTERN ITEMS. The Louisiana Farmers' Alliance Denounces the Lottery. The Governor of New Mexico Wants United States Troops to Sup press White Caps. The Pennsylvania crops will be fur be low tlie average. The drought will almost dcjsjpulate certain portions of Kaunas. It is said that the lottery crowd is cer tainly on top in North Dakota again. John W. Mack a v has been elected a Director in the Canadian Pucilc railway The net debt of Pennsylvania in WHO was lO.tUO.-lHh. and in 1800 it is $1,7HH, 02(1. Kansas City. Kan., has a lMtnulution of 38,170, an increase in ten years ol 2H, 822. The Governor of New Mexico wants t'nited States troops to suppress tlie White Caps. Careful estimates of tho growing or ange crop in Florida place it at 2,000,000 boxes, or about the same as last year. Tlie wheat crop of the Dukotns and Minnesotu is estimated at 100,Oti,o:Ki bushels, one, of the largest ever har vested. Pinkeyo hus appeared among cattle in the vicinity of Kirkwood, ill., caused by the unusually dry pastures and scarcity of water. A war of ice dealers is threatened in lliiltimore by the announcement that the Saloonkeepers Association will sell ce nt 6T cents per 100 isninds. Tlid IOiiiniunii Fanners' Alliance de nounces the lottery, and is negotiating with members of Congress uud candi dates to supjiort its principles. Cattle In largo numbers are dying in the vicinity of Shullsburg, Wis." It is thought they are oisonc1 by drinking water drained from lead mines. The two new battle ships designed in the Navy Department agree closely with the 10,000-ton buttle ships which France has determined to build for Its lieuviest line. Missouri is now the only State or Ter ritory in the United States where gov ernment lands may be taken mi nt nn vate entry or purchased outright at 1.2') m acre. The total estimated cost of the United Stales Postal Service at present is 700,000. The net revenue is .ril,000,000 leaving the cost of the service ll,750,000 more than the income. Philadelphia's population is reported to lie 1,044,80-, an increase of alwiit Jf.'I'' percent since inisi. in i no (iccuuu be fore that the growth of the city was ut the rute ol 'Ht ier cent. The Florida Central and Peninsula railroad now awards a premium of till toeuchof its engineers running sched ule trains who get through the month without killing any cuttle. The National liar Association, at its meeting at Indianapolis last week, deci- led to recommend to the State l,euislu- hires the adoption of a uniform law on wills in the dili'erent States. itluir, in bchulf of a majority of the memlH'rs of tlie Woman's SuHYage Com mittee, has rejiorted favorably a pro posed constitutional amendment to give women the right of sull'ruge, Cvrus W. Field has sold to Charles II.,....., it. ,il... riw ...,., i.: in i.iuiiit imiiii-i nt:ii-nm ion 1111111111- Peoiit Ardsley Park at IKibbs' Ferry, N. T. ihe consideration is said to be in the neighborhood of l,(HHl,(HH. Hereafter in Canada cigar lioxes must be destroyed us soon us emptied, the same as in the United States. Dealers are kicking, but it is the order of the Commissioners of Internal Revenue und will no doubt lie olieyed. There is some talk in Washington to the f licet that President Harrison con templates sending a special message to the Senate, in which lie will oiiit out the importance of passing tlie Federal Election bill this session. General Sir Frederick Middlcton leaves Ottawa for Fnglnnd this week, Regard ing his forced resignation from the com mand of the Canadian militia, he stutes that he hud been sacrificed by tlie irnv- ernmeiit to save tho French vote. There tire three elevated railroads in ItllHiklvn. anil thev hnvii inmliiul tit Judge iiartlett of the Supreme Court for writs of certiorari to review tho action f tho Hoard of Assessors in tiximr the taxable value of their property. The visible supply of irrain. as coin- piled nt the New York Produce Ex change is: Wheat 18,400,402 bushels, which is an Incrcrso of 1,172,813 bushels : corn 1, 121,0:12,270 bushels; a decrease of 6,712,582 bushels; outs 2,2511,71:1 ! bushels, a decrease of 271,104 bushels; Imrloy 1172,555 bushels, a decrease of !!7,4!t7 bushels. The struggle thut bus existed nt Ur- hnnu. ().. for the oust vear urnl n Imir over the issuing of bonds for natural gas iurKises is ended, me nty Council ills missed an ordinance to Utiiiii . WW lor ttnit purpose. The work of pii ing in mi Meiivr county has been let at a cost of 1221,000, to lie completed bv Novcmlier 15. There is general satisfac tion expressed by the jioople. Superintendent Porter exnects the work of counting the population of the country to lie completed before the end of the present month, and Congress, if a m tie Hire, ran proceed to pass an ar xiiiioii!iiem oiu nun pu ueieruune How many members shall coiiHtitute the next louse. 1 he iHipulation of the country isesliinntcd ut tH.lKki.OOO. The Semite Committee on Aimnmriii- tions bus completed consideration of tlie general deficiency appropriation bill and reported it to the Senate with a mimlier of amendments, which, with one excen tion. do not largely increase the total of the bill as it ciime'fnim the House. This exception is the provision for the pay meni iir rrcnen sihiiiiiiioii cluiins aggre gating 11,2:),088. All the amendment to the river and harUir bill affecting the Noithuest have liccn agreed to bv the Senate. Among them were numerous surveys of naviga- tile streams in ttie new Mutes, particu larly South Dakota and Washington. A change was made in the extent to which work is to be earned on on the Missouri and in Montana bv substituting Fort lU'iilon for Great Falls, which was made the npier end ol oiienilions according to the first draft of the amendment. Since the bill passed the Mouse a good deal of argument has Urn made to individual men on the nerd of these Northwestern improvements, and the members inter ested believe that some iuirtunt works which were refused by the House Com mittee will be si lowed to stand when the bill cornea back from the House. FOREIGN NEWS. Great Discontent Reported to Pre vail in Finland. The Excessive Heat Causes an Alarming ' Amount . of Sickness In the Austrian Empire. The King of Holland is In a feeble con lition. Professor Alphonso Favre, Swiss geol ogist, Is deail. The estimated fortifying of Heligolan will cost $7,500,000. I'ersianI, the Russian Minister to Ser viu, hus become insane. A slnve trade In Punjunb women has been discovered in Scinde. Workmen on Parnell's Arklowquar ries at Ixmdon have struck. P,uron Leon of Vienna has ls en killed by falling over a precipice in the Alps, I'rince Wuldemar's name is withdrawn as a candidate for tho liulguriiin throne A diamond has been found In the Kimbcrlv mines of South Africa weigh ing l.'U carats. Kmperor William captivated every one he met in Hrnssels by his gracious und cordiul bearing. Kniflund has nut in a claim of 110,000, 000 indemnity for tlie recent row in the Argentine Kuptibuc. One-half of the town of Monetier France hus been destroyed by fire and many persons injured. Leighham Court. Streathain, near Ixindoii. comprising sixty-six acres, has just been sold for IK),(KH.I. Ilerr von Gerson. the Austrian engi neer recently captured by brigands in Circassin, bus been releawd. Mnlor Wissmnnn's lieutenant says that the former will, so far as known, resume his duties in Africa. The Mnhariijuh Dhuleep Singh hus written a letter to the (Jueen Is'gging forgiveness for his past acts. The Government contemplates a fur ther important reduction of the British army of occupation in Egypt. One hundred und twenty-four head of cattle ore to Ik- slaughtered in l orkshire on account of pleiiro-pneumonia. The Chin exedition rejsirts that some of the trils'S it lias encountered U'long to tlie most degraded stage of barbarism. Cameron, tlie English African explo rer, favors the iiitnslnction of Chinese and Indian planters into Africa, particu larly the former. Joseph Arch, tho apostle of the Eng lish farm lulwrers, hus been adopted us the l.ilx'rul candidate for Northwest Nor folk ut the next election. The London Times hus ut length com pleted the payments on its expense ac- ount for the nirncll C ommission, me total being understood to amount to iUW.OOO. In Australia the lalxir organizations uive secured tlieHdiour day with a half- holiday on Saturday, and now they are agitating for a 7-hour day with no work on Saturday. The Russian Government has espec ially invited General Itoisdell'rie, the Adjutant-General of the French Army, to attend the Russian Army maneuvers at Krasnoe Seio. The Congo Free.Stnto litis: annexed the kingdom of Momittiyamyo, which com prises a vast extent of territory south of the present frontier of the Congo State and extends in the direction of tlie Zumls'si river. The Australians are beginning to doubt tho wisdom of imtiorting so many stouts, ferrets and weasels to exterminate the rabbits. Tlieso creatures multiply most rapidlv, and have begun attacking chil dren and lambs. The difficulty regarding lulxir at Zan zibar has reached an acute stage. No isjrtets are available, owing to tlie drain from the Congo und the German sphere ol inliueiice. the question is vital, both to Zanzibar and to tlie British company. The migration of settlers and laborers from the interior of Russia to tlie Cau casian and Siberian districts is still in creasing. The cities on the various roads lire literally overflowing with emigrants, among whom great distress prevails. The greatest discontent prevails (says a Daily News correspondent) throughout milium iu inu proiiiuigailon the imperial ukuse which abolishes the IHTII ll IV rinmsh Post und Telegniphic Adminis- (ration and amalgamates it with that of Russia. The King of Italy contemplates copy ing Queen Victoriu by lidding u coloniiil title to his Royal dignities. He would call himself "Emperor of Erythrea und and Eastern Africa." in view of his tiro- toctoruteof Abyssinia and colonies on the Red Sea coast." Tlie Siocle says that French agents in the Upper Senegal country have made treaties wnn tniets .taenia, Yutengii, Aribuiida, GotiruiH and Moussi, bv whicli they secure a protectorate over that territory and greatly extend French in fluence on the Niger. A California salmon bus recently lieen caught in the Mediterrnnuean,' near Bunvnls. Probably it found its way thither from the River A tide, into which many young fish of this species have lieen introduced, in the hoie that they may be acclimatized in France. mine of pumice-stone, it is stated, exists on the Tenc ridee Peak, of which the working was only started in 1888. The stone is found in that part of the peak called the " Camillas ,p at alout 2,000 feet above the sea level. While Chili favors the scheme for an international railway, and will build her own system to the northern line, and, if necessary, assist Peru to perfect her nir tion of the system, she will opsise the projected system of arbitration, ns will also the entire iiress and nconle ut Chili. BLK9S1NO Or ftLKCP. Ih. Fust's R mien v. for the man nr woman who finds himself or herself un able to sleep nights, is an invaluable medicine, which will not onlv procure the blessing of sleep, but will' prevent a general breaking down of the svstem. Inscriptive treatise with each bottle, or address Mack lug Co., New York. ! PORTLAND MARKET Wheat There it a rather belter feel Ing in the local market in sympathy w ith foreign advices, hich continue of an encouraging character, but trading is verviuiet. Quote: Nominally, Valley, 1.'J5; Wulla Walla, 1.17'v. Fmm'm futile: Standard, $3.75 ; out side brands, :1.50 per Urrel. Oats Quote: 50w64c per bushel. Mii.i.sti fcs The market Is Ann. Quote: llran, flftftf; Shorts, $22(tf2:i; Ground Ilurlev, :i2.50; Chop teed, $25; Middlings, $22.60c 25 ier ton. Hay The market is firm. Quote: $10iu 17 per ton. koktaiii.ks ine mursev w mm. Quote: Cablsige, 1.75u2 per cental; Peas, 3c H-r jiound; union ana wtiuce, 15 per dozen hunches; California unions, z 4 Id .K ; urrgon, t , ... t . . . .. . . i cperisjuiiu htrll 10c String lieans, 3c per pound ; Cucuiuls'rs, ner dozen; LnrroM, iwaioK per bunch ; Asparagus, 10c per isnind ; iseets, $1.60 tier sack; Turnips, $1.25 per nick: Com, 10c per dozen; ( alifornia Tomatoes, $l(nl.25 per ho; Potatoes, 75cir$l per rentul; Sweet PotatiH-s, Ut 6c per pound. riililTs (finite : Tahiti Oranges, $4.25 per bo; California Lemons, 5 sr Iwx ; fancy Kicilv, $0c" 10 M?r case ; Pencil nnd llruilshnw Plums, 75(80c per Isix ; Mad eline Pcurs, )HH'(fl ; uregon niiriieiis, $1.25(fi 1.60 per box; Pineapples, $:j.60ftc 4 per dozen ; liunanas, $:l.75 st hunch ; double, $0; Oregon Astrachnn Apples, 75c(l: Graveiistein. $1m1.15 per isix; (,'ruwfoid Peuches, $125(1.40; other va rieties, $I.I5i 1.25 s-r Isix; Nectarines, $1.50ft.76 imt box; lllack-ls-rries, H'.jC lerpound, $I.H0f2 K-r 24-)iind crate; 'alifornia Wuterinelons, 2.60('(.'I ikt lozen ; CantaloiiiH's, $1,5062 per4lozen ; Crubuppies, $1 per box. Receipts the ast week were 2,010 boxes and 8 car loads. . Ciikksk Quote: Oregon, ll(12,..'c; California, tt.Vrl0c; Voting A mericu, 14 Wlac m'r tMiund. litiriKii 1 lie market is linn. Quote: )regon lancv dairy, 25c; fancy creamery, !7'-c; gissl to fair, 20(22'c; common, 15('i 17'..e; choice California, 25c per pound. I'ori.TUV 1 lie market is linn. Quote )ld Chickens, $5C(i; large Spring, $:l '); small hpring, $2iu2.60; old Ducks, $4..'si(&; voung, f)(i(i; old (iceso, $r oung. ISkiII tier dozen; Turkeys, 18(S zlK1 per pound. I.oos ihe market is linn. Quote: 22'..c per dozen for Oregon. M'ts Quote: Walnuts, l.ic; I'eanuts, green, lie; Almonds, 1c; rills-its, 1.1 (14c; Brazils, l:lia l4cS'r snind; Cih-oiv nuts, $1 per dozen. JIo.nkv runcy While, 1-pound cur urns, i:ic. Nails Base (imitations: Iron. $:l.20: Meet, $.i.:ij; vt ire, fi.uu er keg. The Mircliamll Morknt. Bi'iAH.s Tlie market is firm. Quote: ioldeiiC,4Ti,c; extraC'sc; dry granu lated, tlc ; cul w crushed und sjwdered, c per Miund. Bkans The inurket is firm. Quote: Small Whites, $:i.25; Pink, $4; llayos, l.fHl; lintter,$3; Minus, $;.(Opcreeiitul. DniKi Fiii its The market is steady. Quote: I'lummer dried Pears, 10( lie; ndried and factory Plums, 5 'f 'caches, sun-dried, " lll'ie; evaporated 'eacheij, WwYIq. Smyrna Figs, 14S c; I iihforniu rigs, 0c per pound. Cannkd Goons Market is linn. Quote: able fruits. $2.25. 2's: Peaches. $2.5,1: Burtlett Pcurs, $2.25; Plums, $1.(15; Straw berries, $2.25; Cherries, $2; llluck- s'rnes, $1.8,r)(al.ll,r); Rasiils-rne. 2.25i(i 60. i'ie fruit: Assorted, $,'(.50 pi-r ozen; reaches, $1.25( 1.30; Plums, $1.25; Itlackls'rries, $1,115; Tomatoes, 10(:i.50; Sugar Peas. $1.40(l.(i0: String Beans, $1, IIiiiks Ihe market is weak. Quotu- ions: Dry Hides, selected prune. 8ii Kf less for culls; green, selected. over 65 oounds, 4c; under 56 pounds, 3c; Sheep Pelts, short wool, 'M(u 50c; ine- iiliu, bO(8(H'; long, (KX'((i$1.25; sheur- ngs, 10(v20c; lullow, gissi to choice, 3 Il'.jC Receipts tlie past week were ,275 pounds. Wool The market is dull. Quota tions: Eastern Oregon, KKu'ltie; Vullev, lliof I Ho per pound. Receipts the past eek were 110,74 )Hinnds. rii Ki.Ks Quote : 8.H' 3s ; OOe 5s. Salt Quote: Liverissil. 117.50. $18.50, $10.50; stin k, $ll(,i 12 per ton in artoad lots. Coal Oil tiuote : $2.20 per case. Kick Quote : ti.'sc per pound. The Meat Market. The meat market is linn. Quote: Beef Live, :l(i :t'4c ; dressed, 7c. Mutton Live, :t((i3'4c; dressed, 7c. Hogs Live, 6(6'4'c; dressed, 7c. Veal 6i8o per pound. Spring Lambs $2 each. SMOKKII M K ATS AND l.AHD. Ihe market islirm. Quotations: East ern Hams, l.'hii l ie; Breakfast Ba con, 13il4e; Sides, KRu 1 1 '.ji-; Lard, 10(ii 1 le per pound. ri'l!i;llti nf Literature First Sweet Gii l-Tlmtis Just a perfectly lovely book you loaned me, no full of doligbb. ful mystery, I'm just cuclumted with it. Second Sweet Girl I n't it sweotl How far have you cot I 'To tho place whore Eleanor Is bidding good-by to Uor relatives ou her death bed." "Oh, sho don't die." "She dontr' "No. She gets w ell and marries the vonntr doctor." ' " "How clmrmlngl But she was engaged to her cousinf" "Ho marries Blanche." "Dear mo! Then what becomes of Arthur!" "Ho marries Adelle." "Isn't it lovelyl But Addle is engaged to Gynnedei" "Ho dies; falls from his horse. The horse was purposely seared by a vengeful valet who afterward commits a rvirular munlnr. and" ' "Vos, I know; gets hung. That's in the last chapter. I looked over that, but I couldut imagine what Interest there was in a valet Somo nut horn nowadays make the last chapter miserably unlnterestiug." "Yes, isn't it moAut Let's go over to Annie Blank's a moment She's going to let me havo ono of her books and she said if I'd run over this afternoon sbe'd be through with it and could tull nie all about it" Omaha World. Cannot Eipect Too Much. one (aner the ttwatro I that straw berries are on the biU of fare, Goorge. Ho fnerTunly)Y: but tlr an Tr sour at this season ol tho vwir. Sho-Of curse; lat I think I will Uk a few, oven if they are our. Quo cannot ex psrt trawbw riM to bo at thatr bast in ilarch. ymt know. Lito. a tel. THE USE OF CAVALRY. Variloiu at tli ramniu DMth Klil" at Kamntllla. The recent death of the Pruttlan Oen ral. Bredow, ba given rise to some ex aggeratlon in several journal respout- Inir his famous charge, known at the "Death Hide," at RezonvllleoD the 10th of August, 1870. The real facts In the case derived from both Frunob and (lerman aouroe are loturesting, principally la the illustra tion wnlcb they give of tb part that eavalrr mar still be able to play l modern warfare, notwithstanding all the modern improvements In the art of shooting. This "Doato Rldo" ana other cavalry engagements during that battle showed clearly enough that, in spite or the cbassepot and the needle gun mounted men In 1870 could still aocom pliib wonders with comparatively Kttle lots. It Is quite true that ureuowi brigade out through the French line of infantry, reached the artillery, labored the gunners, and passed on toward the French cavalry, but it is not true that it struck that cavalry, which was massed in front of it. On the contrary, seeing that such an attack would be sheer mad noss. Ilredow wheeled about, and once more passed through tbe lines which ha bad broken, and reformed at about the lame place from which be started. Thla charge has sometimes boon se verely criticised, but it is all blown to tbe winds by both French and Gorman evidence of its niarvolous result. "At about half past twelve o'clock," says French writer, "our socond corps was weakening, and Marshal Itazalne sent out two squadrons of lancers and culr anslors of tbe guard to cover the retreat These troops came in contact with the Sixth division of Prussian cavalry, which was sent out in pursuit. In the shock our culrasslorslost 2'J officers, 209 men, and 243 horses. But reinforce ments came to us and the position of tbe enemy became oritlcuL Their third corps in particular suffered severely and became separated from the rest of the army and from its reserves. It was then thut General Alvensleben sent ou llredow's brigade, which saved the Third Prussian army corps and paralyzed for tbe rest of the day our Sixth corps, wblob up to that moment was on the advanco, but afterwards nover moved On tbe German side Prince Uohonlohe says that tho effect of the cavalry cbargos of the day, and especially late in tho evening, was to demoralize tbe Fronch, who retired "abandoning the fluid of battle that bad been disputed all day. while on tbe other band Marshal llrzalne could not understand such daring movement except on the theory that bis adversaries hod received oon slderable reinforcements, and that is why be retreated at night and trans formed this undecided battle into a Uor many victory. If, instead of allowing nlmseir to bo Intimidated and discour aged liazalne bad attacked us with all bis reservrs, he would have won beyond a doubt a brilliant victory over the Prussian army, inferior In numbers and exhausted as it was by tbe fight of the previous day." When it is. remembered that liazaine in this struggle was endeavoring to reach MacMuhon, the importance of the cavalry action which really turnod the tide of battle, can be easily appreciated. It remains to be seen what cavalry ean Qo in tbe ruturo, with the increased difficulties In store for it. In the shape ot smokeless powder and magazine iruns. . i. tun. THE WILES OF BEGGARS. One of the Profeiluiil Kereult gomo of fill Trade Secrets. There was early mass at St James' Church, on Wabash avenue, this morn' ing, and the usual number of beggars wore present Among the wanderers who sought fruit in the Lord's vinoyard was J Ira lilootl, hardly recognizable. but nevertheless showing unmistakable trademarks. James was begging, and when oorraled bad secured several dollars from people whose hearts are longer than their purses. He was taked before Justice Wallace, told a penitent story, and that soft-hearted magistrate turned James Hlood loose. Ho is now preparing for nis Sunday skirmish, as be calls it "There's more money in beggin'," said Blood, "than any scheme that man's mortal eyes have ever tackled. Now I know it an' when a man nose a thing he nose it, doan' he? Well, I should. This la the first time I've been trapped; I've been doln' the professional bog act in Iloston, Pittsburgh, St Louis V Detroit 'n'd ought to know something about it, but I hates to be takln' in. I believe the town's 'bout worked out but whorover there's a church Blood'll git blood or money 'n' doan' ye forgit it" "Is it customary for the Chicago churches to be workod for money?" "Is it? Thore are 400 professional beg gars In Chicago to-day an' on Sunday every one of 'em 's good for $. Now, Easter ."ajnday I made $13.50 at the Holy Name 'n' I dld'n" half try. The other follows made from $4 to 83. So you see it's pretty good business." "Are there any schemes resorted to?" "Is there? I should say so. I work the blind act tho paralyzed act, the crutch act an' the ol' soger aot; but the best Is the blind aot I bad a sign made in St Louis, 'n it's kept the gang from starvln' a dozen times. Any man that wears the sign an' a sogorooatoan make enough money any Sunday to keep him the rest of the week. I've worked 'em all over V ought to know." "Any disguises?" "I bad a whisker mado in a mattress factory in Detroit that you couldn't eoinb with a rake. When I pu that on ill the detectives In the world couldn't diagnozo' me, but I didn't have the whisker this morning so I got caught Now, when I do the 'ole soger' act I baveorutches; but the town's worked. If I can't do 815 next Sunday I'll iro West" "What wtll the remainder do?" "O, ths police '11 gather 'em In. Some of 'em are good, and some aren't, but the good "uns '11 do as I do, go West But hoggin's a business, carried on diplomatically. Is bettor V labor, but you got to be a diplomat to do It" Chi cago Evening Journal. roopie wno suner irom chapped hands should be careful to dry them thoroughly after they are washed. This frevents chapping. If the bands are al ready chapped, however, there is nothing better than camphor Ice. This prepar stion contains noglyocrine. acorn ponent part of many other ointments naed for thla purpose, and consequently of no as to the large number of persons to. whose skin glycerine is lrritat ng. Delicate colors In embroidered band kerchiefs can be set by soaking for tea minutes previous to washing in a pall of pld water, in which a dessertspoonful af turcentina has bean wall stirred. A RAIN OF DOLLARS. Scene In tho Oreat Cork Pit at Manila Where Rooetari t'U.h Spur. The olive-skinned mestlzas, balf-caste descendants of emigrated Spaniard and native Indlun, are the natives of Manila, Philippine Islands. They step daintily along on bare feet encased in oblnelas, embroidered heelless slippers, with gay fluttering garments of jusi. a woven mixture of silk and pine fiber, their loose, jet-black hair reaching sometimes almost to the ground ona woman was pointed out to me whose bair was said to be eighty Inches long and their deep, dark eyes passing over you in Ian guld surprise. Tbe native men are a community which has forgotten to tuck Its shirt into Its trousers. Their costume con sists of a pair of white trousers, elaborately plaited and starched shirt with tbe tails flying about Every one if smoking a cheroot, and every other one isas a game oock under bis arm, .a constant companion and chief treasure, and sometimes ohiof source of incomo, too, until the deadly spur on the heel of a stronger or pluck ler rival turns all Its pride and hrilllanoe into a shapeless heap ot blood and feathers In the dust while a thousand voices exocrate its memory. The great cock pit of Manila at the 'Fiesta del Puoblo" is one of the most remarkable of spoctacles. Imagine huge circus with an arona raised to the height of the facos of those standing be hind them tier upon tier gradually rls Ing; above the arena, whloh Is enclosed with fine wire netting, the red-draped box ot the farmer, the leading China' man of Manila, named Palanca, and packed audience of four thousand people. Squatting on the earthon floor ot tbe ring, Inside the wire netting, are the habitues, half Chinese and half MeS' tlzos, while the officials walk about the "juox de justlca," or referee; the "sontenciador," or umpire; the "casa dor," go-between or betting-master, and several others. Then two men enter the ring, each carrying a bird wboso spur is shielded for tbe moment in leather scabbard. One wears his hat he is the owner of the challenging bird, called "llamado" the other, hatless, Is the outsider, or 'doiado," who takes up the challenge. An official calls out the sum for which the "llamado's" owner backs it and bow much is still lacking to make up the sum. Then comes the most extraordinary none of all. The moment the words are out of his mouth it rains dollars In the ring. From those inside, from those wbo are within throwing distance, apparently from everywhere, dollars pour In, without method, without owner ship, without a bargain, so far as one ean judge amid the deafening clamor. When the sums on the birds are equal tbe betting master shouts "Cassudal matched, " literally "married," the farmer from his box on high yells "Larga!" "loose them," and the fight begins. Sometimes It lasts ten minutes. sometimes only a second, tho first shock leaving one bird a mangled oorpse. No use to describe it every one knows beer a game cock fights and that It is the very games t and pluckiest thing that lives. The fight over, the betting master goes around handing money baok reck' lossly, so It seems, to anybody who holds out a hand. Each one asks for or takes the sum which belongs to him. But if anybody should put out his band tor another s monoyy That is never done, and if anybody were deteoted do ing so be would probably have a dozen knives in bis body on the spot . In the course of the afternoon I wit nessed 105 oock fights. The authorities make a large revenue from the cock pit For this and one other Sonor Palanca pays 08,000 a year, and there are five other farmers. As I said, it Is tho chief Interest of the people, and their frantio excitement tells how doop the interest la. Henry JVorman, In Washlnirton Star. An Indian Boy'i Componltlon. Here Is a composition written bv Fred Rli Horse, a smart 13-year-old Sioux boy, who uas oeen a year or two at tlie Indian sehm at Carlisle, Pa. Fred is evidently cut out for a newspaper humorist The title of tho com position is "Monkeys," and this is what be writes about them: "There are manv klrU of animals. Monkeys and monkeys, etc. Tho moniteys are very much like a monkey, too. The monke)-s can climb a tree like a monkey. iney nave long Angers like a monkev. Tho monkeys have long tails and long bodies like amonsey. i ney often play a merrv ram and sing a merry song like a monkey. Once upon a tune my friend and I were voiini men that time we took a trip we started off irom uakota and away we wept and then we went to South America. There ws saw the monkeys and monkeys everywhere on the trees screaming and chattering everywhere on tbe trees. They were very cheerful like mouxeys. vve saw all kinds of monkeys in South America; wo caught a ship load of them and brought them back to the United States and sold them for SO mileh mnnAV Then wo took the money to buy a big balloon uu uiew away, i nen we toad no monkeys, no money and no balloon." New York Bun. Two Quarto of Chow. An Ashland avenue man so often annnrfoH in bis wife's ears praises of the clam chowder which he bought at downtown restaurants that the ambitious woman determined to learn ttie secret of clam cbowder making and provide her husband with his favorite deli cacy ou bis own table. So sho aslced him one day for some information concerning uio vuuiiuuiiuii!g oi a cnowaer. "rirst," said he, "you'll want some clams." "Yes; but how many, dearl" 'Well, our family is small and I think qnart of clams would do." "And how about the chowdcrP "Oh, yes," explained tho wioL-nH Wfc,t hiding his smiles behind bis coffee crip; "of course you'll need somo chows. I think about two quarts of chows would be right" And so the innocent little woman went to bcr grocer and called for ono ouart of imo and two quarts of chows; and now clam chowder is a tabooed subject in that house hold. Chicago Herald. It Wurked. A boy sufferinz from an amrranitArf of hiccoughs entered a Fultoa stivet market this morning. "What's tho matterl" said tha marketman. "I hie got hio the hlo hie hiccoughs." "You bava, ehl Where's that t) bill that WAS fin th .1.! when yon went out this morning r angrily Inquired the butcher, fop the boy had been in tho market earlier. "I didnt see no $3 bill," answered the boy, who began to turn pale. "Ut mo see your pockets." The boy emptied his pocket, but there was no bill there. "I guen I must have been mistaken about the bill," said tbe marketman, with a smile. "How'j your biccoughaP "They're gone," replied tlio boy. The cure bad workod to a chana. Albany Journal. Bat Ifi IUU Eooath Now. I lost a very tittle word Only tho other day; A rery naughty Uttle word I had not meant to say, says Alice Wellington Rollins In Wide Awake. If it were not for this wo should oavjr bava known that Aire Rollins fell down. fiomervilla Journal " """" WUK BOOK, Lots of lien,,,, Wr((u. Material Is now being gathere.1 . News cook book, which it t.Y r" shall be the most complete w. l "J, kind, nnd will be a iL-at ! k housewives of Berkshire. Tl. ,. id. nave oeen carefully pr"P"r.'4 . oiuce and are entir,.u entirely (,,! , limited number of advertl J' be rocelved, for which early .Jo " should be mad?.. We , IT ?" the oreserlntlons! Clear Sou p-Tuke two plnUof. wash them thoroughly on hots pour into a dish of somethi,,- :,7 around the kitchen until tired. Plum Pie (let some dou-fh h out a front und back breadth h dish with silesla. put In an..'.. . ' dough, fill the dish w.tta cou 7 put on the top crusts, fettt1Pr! around the eJ,;os and hake In a th.J furnace. "Utt'i Pound Cake-Mix up some fl0u, . , things, put them into a dish, baker while, then screw in the hsndl. . 5 commence to pound. Stomach Cake-Line a small boTi,v green apples and cucumbers. Thi, be prepured nMiort notice. c" Calves' Foot. Telly-(),,t trusted t Chicago cnlf-they have the hL' feet-cut off tho calf, which can be T. H for making hash or chicken salad' . i the foet having first removed all -.In blains, thicken with glue, add , t molasses, strain through a cane-Deaw cbalr, pour it into a blue bowl with j pictures on It set in the shade tow tough. Then send It to a sick friend Ice Cream-Dry a piece of lee n L sun, stir In some cold cream or vaselia. fan it until it freezes, grilsh . Christmas greens. This should be serred with the sou p. Hash-Chop up every thing, add somi ready mixed paint, then throw it a war Soft Boiled Eggs-Put a setting of eggs into a kettle of hot water at5; let them boll until the dock sirikei Serve on half shell. To Remove Stains To remove fruit stains from a table cloth, saturate th, cloth in benzine, kerosene and.eoal oil, sprinkle with gunpowder, apply lighted match. ' One-two-three Cake One ejj, tw flour, three bounce. An Inexpensive Dish Buy a flve-ceat plate. To Drop Eggs Let go of them. Lemon Pie Line a pie plate w th puff paste (see page 55), put in your lemons, build a lattice work over th top and bake three weeka.-Borktb.ln News. THE KHOJAK TUNNEL. A Wonderful Engineering; Feat oa as A.lntiu Kailroail. An article In tho Allahabad Pioneer gives some Interesting particulars con cerning the tunnel tbat has just bees completed through the Khojak, on tbe railroad from Quutta to Canduhar. Tbe Khojak Pass is 7,500 feet above the sea, and about 2,000 foet above the level of the surrounding country. The tunnel pierces the range at right angles, and its course is therefore due east and west, and it entors the hill about l.Ouo foet bolow tho crest of tho pass. Tbe tunnel Is l'J,f500 feet or two and a half miles approximately, and it will carry a double line of rails. For tbe first half the floor ascends about 1 in lnoo, anil for the socond half of the jouraej it descends at an inolino of 1 In -W. There are two main shafts, one 319 feel and the other 300 foet deep, which were sunk in order to facilitate the construc tion of the tunnel. Tbe chief obstacle to progress arose from the flooding of the tun nol at more than one point A large spring was cut and the water flooded the shaft on the Candahar side to the depth of 180 feet It took ten weeks to pump out the water, and in the western heading as much as 500 gallons a minute were con stantly rushing out of the west mouth. In order to ovnroorae this difficulty s side outting had to be made. Tbe mag nitude ot the work is testified to by tbe banks of shale and rock at the mouth of the tunnel and at the pitheads, which are said to be quite altering the land scape In places. One ourlous discovery mado during the progress of the work, as the result of an investigation into the cause of certain mystorious explo sions, was that it was proved that "com bustion had arisen inside a case ol blastinggolatine." .. Down on Agriculture. The basest fraud on earth Is erri- oulture. The deadliest Ignis futuus that ever glittered to beguile and dazzle to betray is agriculture. We speak with feslinir on this subject, and we've been glittered and beguiled and dazzled and deceived by the same arch deceiver. She had promised us bees and they flew away after putting a head on us; prom ised us early potatoes, and the drought has withered them. She has promised cherries: the nurenlio husstune them; they contain living things uncomely to the eye and unsavory to the taste. She has promised us strawberries and th young chickens have devoured them. We wore In the sIiood business and a hard winter closed down on us, nnd tlie lambs died in the shell No wonder that Cain killed his brother. He was a tiller of tlie ground. The wonder is h did not kill his father and then weep because he did not have a grandfather to kill. Walla Walla (Ore.) Journal. VEGETABLE PANACEA PREPARED FROM ROOTS& HERBS; FOR THE CURE Or AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISINO FROM A DISORDERED STATE ornc STOMACH OR AN N ACTIVE LIVER. Ddrtj row SALT WV ALL' DRUGCISTS ft GENERAL DEALER mmm