EAST AND SOUTH. Vli Southern Pacific Route Shnstn Line. Bipress Trains Leave Portland Dally. E007m Lt" Portland At i 11: 07m Lt Eugene L 4:) A TsV 7:45 a M Ar Han Francisco i.e I ' Above Inline atop only t following sta tion north of liowburg: Knit Portland, Ore oa City, Woodhuni, Helein, Albany, Jen gent, Shedd., Halsey, Harrisburg, Junction City, Irving, Eugene. BOSIIIL'RO MAIL, I1AILT. 8.00 a m Lv PortUnd 2.13 pmLr Eugene 0.00 pmAr Roaeburg Ar 4.00 p m Lv V.A'.i o in Lr.tj.-00 in AUAXT KXJAI, DAILY (Esvept Sunday). LEAVE: ARRIVE: Portland 5.00 P. m- I Ar '. . P- A,lbny 5.00 a. in. I Portland. 9.00 a. m. PULLH1B BUITET 8LEEPEB3. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accommodation of Second Class Passsen gen, attached to Espress Train. West Sid. Division. BLTWXEH P0BTLAHD AND C0RVALLI8. MAIL IBAIH HAILT (UCIrT BUHDAT.) 7:30 em 12:10 r m Lv Portland Corvallia Ar L 5:30 p m 12.5.r.pm Ar a. nun And .WvaJlia connect with train of Oregon Pacific tUilroail IirRfM THAI PAII.T (fXCKPT HIINDAT.) 4:40 p in Lv Portland 7:25 pm Ar McMlnnvill Ar I 6:30 a tu l. .1:45 a m THROUGH TICKETS to all Point South and East ' For ticket snd full Information regarding rates, map, etc., call on Company' agent at ETKOEHLER, E. P ROGERS, Manager, At O. F. and Pa Agt JAMES McCLAREN, CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS and CIGAR WlllametU Street, bet 7th and 8th. J. L. PAGE, DEALER IN- 1" HAVING A LARGE AND COMPLETE totk of Staple and Fancy Grocer iee, bought in tli beet market EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH, Can offer the public better price than any other house ' IN EUGENE. Produce of all kind taken at market price. WANTED. WOOL, HIDES AND FUHS AT GOLDSMITH'S. NOTICE TOBUILDERS. NOTICE IH IIKRKHY IIIVKN' THAT PLANS and spmlfUmllon tor a Jail lo be built In Kugene, Lane county, Oregon, will Iw ncelvel at (he County Clerk' oltlce In Kuitene, On-iion. until ThurlT, Hepteuiot-r 4, H'.l. Tllo entlinatol iHwt ol aalit not lo exceed U.1). The Jail will he hinlt M-narate from the Court llouatt. The Cominlwloner' ('unit reserve the right to reji-ct auy and all plans. kuu.nky w un, County Judge. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. " NOTICK 18 IIKUEIIY (1IVKN THAT THK I'N derslKnel M. A. Mount ha been duly ap polnled by the County Court of l.sne County, Oregon, Adtulnlalnitrli of the enisle ol l. ft. Mount, deceased, aud all persona having elslni BKSln.t ssld Mtste are hereby uotllled to in'eiit the same with the prowr vouchers to ssld ad ministratrix at the law ollice o( L llllyeil, lu Km- 5eii City, Uregon, within tlx month (mm the steol till notice. Hsu-d Ihl ln day of August, 1W0. M. A. Mot' NT, Adm'x of Estate ol 0. It. Mount, Dcv'd. I. HlLYKV, Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In the matter of the estate of John A. Wool- eriilvr, deeeaaed. 1T0TICE IS 11EREUY GIVEN THAT Xi the undersigned haa been appointed Ad ininUtrator of the Estate of John A. Winder blue, deeeaaed. by the County Court of Ine County, Oregon. All persons having claim avain.t aaid estate are rwpiired to present them, with prnier vouchers, within aix month from the date ol thi notice, to the umlrmgntu at in law ollioe of 8. W. Condon, In the City of Eugene, Lane county, Oregon, Room ft, Dunn' block. Dated at Kuitene, Oregou. July 20, 1H1H). J AX l A. I'UHKIKmiN. Administrator ol the estate of John A. Wooluridge, deceased, a W. Condon, Attorney for Estate. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United Bute Land Ollice, R weburg, Or. July !'., IS'.KX Notice 1 hereby iglven that In cuiilUnce with the provision ol the act of t ongrese of JuneS, 1H7H, entitled "An orf for the aal of timber lamls in the Statee of I aliforma, (Ire on, Nevada and Washington Territory," William. A. Allen of Euitene, County of Lane, Bute of Oregon, haa thi day tile. I in thi olhc hi sworn statement No for the purchase of the N. K. k l Section No. 12, In Towu.hip No. 17. Range No. 1 W.. and will oiler proof to show that land sought I nior valuable for it timber or stone than f agricultural puries, and to estahluh hi claim to aaid latid before the Register and ICermer of this ollioe at lioseburg, Oiegoo, oa Woe, Jay the Uth day of October, IM'.ia lie names aa witness: C. IL Iowry, R. 1L Mason, Harry Pearson, of Eugsue, Oregon, and N. J. Welch, of Portland, Oregon. A ny and all persona claiming adversely the above described lamia are requested t til their claim in thi ottio on or before sal 1 13th day of October, If "J. JoHg IL Suite, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United SUte Land Office, Rosebuiy. Or, 1 July 17, IMOa f Notice U hereby given that in compliance with the provuion of the act of eongree of June S, 1H7H, entitled "Aa aot ft the aal of timber lands in the State ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,'' Elijah 8 Pennkk, of Melbourne, axinty of Chehalis, State of Washington, baa thi lv bled in this office of tlx N W 1 4, of Sea. 12. Township 17 8, R 1 W, and will offer proof to show that the land aought I more valuable for ita timber or atone than for agricultural purpose, and to ee tabluh hia claim to aaid land before the Reg ister end receiver of tliia ntrlce at Riaehunr, Oreifoo, on Saturday, the Uth day of October. ltc.S). He name a witnesses, Frank Post, of Walterville, Oregon, Harry Pearson, of Eu gene. Oregon, N J Welch, H E Hulbtook, of Purtland, Oregon. Any and all ieraona claiming adversely the aUive deacriheil lands are rUested to hie their claim in thi orhr on or before aaid 11th day of October, lt'.0. J mm XL Sfii ri, IUgUter, TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United Stale l.ai.d Oflic. Ilowburj, Or ) June Vi, I"'1". 1 Notii-e U hereby given that in coiiipliaine with th provisions of the H of Congee of June 3, 1S7H. entitled an "Art for the sal of timber land in the Statesof California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory, W lirannali, of Eugene, County of Una. SUle of Oregon, ha thi. !y hied in IhU ollice hi. .worn etateiueut No : lr the purchas of the N K i, of Seiiioii No 20. In Township No 17 H, It No 1 Kt, nnd will otfer proof to show that the land soukU is more valusbl for iU timber and stone then for agricultural liur pne, aud to estAliliVb hU claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this otftce at Roeeburg, Oregon, on Saturday, the Uth day of September, lh'JO. llenaineaaewitnea.ee: L D Forrest. Mil ton Stowell, James K Noland. E J Met Una han, all of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. Any and all person claiming adversely the alwvedescribed lands are requested to file their minis in tliii otlii-e on or before said 13th day ofeteniber, lS'M ,.,. TIMUKK LANDNOTUX United State Und Ollice, P.nwhurg, Or., I July 3, lti'JO. ( Notice i hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the art of cungieee of June 3, 118, entitled, "An act for the sale of timber land In the States of California, Ore gon, Nevala and Washington Territory, Robert A Chaea, of Eugene, County of lne, Stale of Oregon, ha thi day tiled lu thi ollice hi worn atatenieut No... . for the purchase of the l-ota 3 ami 4 ami E 12 of 8 W I 4, of Section 30, Township 17 S, Ranxe 3 K, and will oiler proof to ehow that the land ought i more valuable for iU timber or atone thau for agricultural purMwii, aud to eUblih hi claim to uil Unit before the Reguter aud lleoeiver, of thi ollice at Ruaeuurg, Or., on Vedneday, the 21th day ol Septemlwr, 18!K).g Henmue a witneiwee: .1 L Thoiuon, Charle N Snow, Oeoig W Planter. Abellino II Peirton, of Eugene, Oregou. Any and all peraon claiming advene! y the liva ileeciilHHl lend are reiueatel to tile in thii olhce on or before aaid 24th day of September, 1HJ0. JOHN II. OHura, iiegMKr. i l.MllhU LAND AUi'iuK. United Sutee Land Office. Rosebunf. Or.. June 10. 180a Notice is hereby ulven thai Hi compliance with the proviii un f the act of congresa of June 3, 1S7.4. entitled "An art for the sale of timber lands in the Stiites of California, Or gon, Nevada, Mid Washington Territory, Milton Stowell, of Eugene, Counly of l,ane, Ktt nf Orasiin. has thi (lav filed in thi ollice hi aworn (tateinent No. for the purchase of the N W i of section iso 20, in Township No 17 8, R No 1 East, end will ' offer proof to ai,iw that the lane aought i more valuable for It timber or ton than for agricultural uurtxiae, and to establish hi claim to said land before the reuiiter and receiver of thi ollice at lioseburg, Oregon, on Saturday, the l.'tth day September. 18'.H). He name a witnesses: L D Forrest, Rer nard W llrannan. James K Nolaud. E J Mo Clanahan, all of Eugene Lane County.Oregnn. Any and all person claiming adversely the above-described hinds are reipiested to file their claim in this office nu or before (aid 13th day of Septemlier, 18!). Cbas. W. Johustom'. nifl- TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United Statu Land Ollice. lioseburg, Or., July3, I81X). Notice i hereby given that in compliance with the provision of the act of emigres of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the eale of timber land m the state of ( alilnruia, Oregon, Nevada, and Wellington Terri tory." Wiuthrnu Thomaon, of Leaburg, County of Lane, State of Oregon, bus thi day filed in thi ollice hi sworn statement No for the purchase of the N K 1-4 of Section No. 30, in Tnwuihiii No 17 S, Range 3 east, and will oiler proof to ahow that the laud aought i more valuable tor it timber or atone man for agricultural purpose, and to establish hia clsnn to ssid land before the register aud receiver of thi utlice at lioseburg, Or., on Wedueaday, the 24tli day of September, 18!H). He naimi a witnesses: J L Thompson, R A Chase, Charle N Snow, Abollino II Peir ou. all of Euitcno. Lane County, Oregon. Any and all person claiming adversely the above-doauribed laud are requested to I'll their claim in tin othce on or belore tan' 24th day of September, 18U0. John II. Smith, Register TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United State Unit Ollice, lioseburg, Or July 3, 1S90. Notice i hereby g;eu that ill compliance with the provision of the act of oongre ol JuneS, 1878, entitled "An act for the ale of timber lauds in the alalia of l aliform, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Tern torv."Jamc L Thompson, of Eugeiie.Counly of Latio,tute of Or., ha thi day tiled in tint ollice hi twiirn statement Nit lor the iiurcliaae of the lots 1 and S and K 12 of N W 14 of Sco 30. To 17 8,11 3 E, and will of. fer proof to how that the landaought is more valuable for ita timber or atone than lor ag riuultural purposes, and to establish hi claim to taid laud before the register ana re ceiver of thi ollice at lioseburg. Or, on Wednesday, the "4 day of September, I SIX). Ho name a wituuaHc' Charle N Snow, R A Chase, George W Cluster, Abellinj II I'cirson, all of Eugene, Oregon. Any aud all perioni claiming advoneh the abrve-dcacribed land are reiiueated to Hie their claim in thi ollice on or before aaid 24 day of Srptumbor, 1800. JnilN II. siil'l'K, Register. NOTICE FOR PUHLIOATION. Land Orrici at Koskbcrii, Oiikhonj AukukI ."th, iv.ti. I Notice Is hen'liv a veil I hut the followlni nsnieil settler has Hied nothv ol his Intention to umki, tlnikl nrool hi suomirt of his claim, ami Hist Mtlil imxil will he untile before the Juitxo or eiers oi ine county court oi i.soe i o., nn-Rou, at Kugeuc, On'gon, ou Tuesday, Xcl. 'il, vl: Chss II. Varnev, llomeitead Entry No, tSI, lor the N. W, '4 o'l H..e, Vi, l. P H., It. W. He liftmen the follou Iuk wttncnttes to prove hi eoutlliuoiis resilience Umli ami eultivittlon of. ulil land, vis: Jos. dales, Ufayetle Mitchell, ol Crow, Lane Co., On-iion, M I Busily, KU IVrkllis, oi uuig loin, ljineio., in'jion. John II. Surra, Register. KOTI0E F0U PUIILICATIOX. l.ANII Ol'KK'K AT l!lWKlH'K(l, Or., 1 June 111, lS'.KI. f VTOTK'KIS HEREBY tilVEN THAT Xl the following uaiuetl settler ha filed no tic of hia intention to meke final proof in aupsirt of his claim, sud that aaiil pmof will tie made before the CHi kof the County Court of ljue Co., Or., at Eugene, Or., on Thursday, August 7, IttK), vii: J () Steveuson, Pre euip tiou No. liJiWl for the W 1 2 of N W 14 and W 1 2 of 8 W 14, Sec 23, Tp, 18 S, K 12 West, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upn, and cultivation of, aaid land, via: (ieo Al Miller, (ieo W Martin, of Eugene, ltne Co, Or, (ieo Ander eon, Wm Salley, of Florence, ljine Co., Or. CHA. W. Johnston, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. -fiJOTICE IS HEKEY GIVEN THAT lN the undersigneil, esecuton of the last will and testament of Green B. Hayes, de erased, have tiled their final account in th matter of said estate in th county court for I,ane County, Oregon, and Monday, the 1st day of September, IK'.Kl. at the hour of 1 o'clock, p, m. of said day ha been fised bv aaid court for th hearing of objection to said account and fur th Leal settlement ofVaid es tate. Dated July 18, 18W. T. G. IflXliRK'Kl, R. It H At git, Eiecutor ol Estate of Green B. Hayea, dei-eased. f, Hiivm, Attnmer. mm v fir- w MIX. Bowel Troubles, and Cramp, Colic, or any Internal or External Pain. Ask your diuggtat tor it Fabcr's Golden Femalo Pills.. For Female Irrcn.lar llles: noililuellkelheia nu the market, t'ntr .n. Nueeesslullv used by prominent laille mouth I v. Uusrauteeil to relieve (uppruseil tucnitruation. SURE1 SAFE CERTAIN! Don't be humbninred. riave Time. Health, a ud mone)' ;tio ao oth er. Bent to any aildresa, (cure by mall nu re ceipt of prlce.4100. Addres. THE 1PHRQ RIED1CINE COMPANY. Western Branch, Box 27, s'OKTLAND, OR For Hsle by E. It Ll TKEY 4 CO., Eugene. T. G. Ht:tmrK, 8. B. Eakin, Jr., fresnlent. Cashier. First National Bank of Eugene. Paid up Cash Capital 50,000 Surplus anil Profits, $25,000 Eugene City - - Oregon. A general bankinu business done on reason able terms. Sight drafts on NEW YORK, CHICAGO. SAN FRANCISCO and PORT LAND, OREGON. Hill of exchange sold on foreign countries. Deposit received lubject to check or certifi cate of deposit All collections entruaed to u will receive prompt attention. A. G. HOVEY, H. (! HUMPHREY Fresiileut. Cashier. LANE COUNTY BANK, HOVEY. HUMPHREY A CO KUQKNK CITY. - Oft. Genera bunkinir transacted. Deposit received on current aocouut Mid on penal certincate Uratu drawn on PORTLAND, KAN FRANCISCO AND Rill of Exchange aold on the Cities oi Europe. Lean made. Colleclion on all accessible polute aspecialty CUAH. LAL'KB, FBKHT. W. T. PKKT, CAHUIK1 THE EuffCnc National Bank EUGENE CITY, OREGON. PAID UP CAPITAL, 50,000 SURPLUS FUND 10,000 TrHiiHacta a geucrul bunking buuineiw. Boahd or Dibkotom: F B Dunn, F W Osbnrn, J C Church, B M Yomn, J M Hudson, Cbas Lauer, It Scott TIMUER LAND NOTICE. United Stnte Land Office, Rosebiirg, Or., I July 14. lH'JO. f Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provision of the act of Cougresa of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the eale of timber land in the Mate ol California, Ore von. Nevada, and Washington Territory,' Stenhen R Jones, of Euirene. County of Lane. State of Oregon, haa this day filed in thir otfica hi sworn statement, No. ., for the purchrse of the N W 14 of Sec 20, Tp 17 S. R 3 E.andwill offer proof to show that th land sought i more valuable for it timber er atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to aaid land belore the Kegleter ami Receiver of thi cilice at Roaeburg, Oregon, on Friday, the 10th day of October, 18'.sj. He name a witnesses: NJ Welch, II E Holbrook, nf Portland, Oregon, Albert Larrall Andrew J Nickel, of Euuene, Oreiton. Any and all peraon claiming adversely the above-deacrilieil lands are requested to file their claim In tin oltlce on or before said luth day of October, 1HII0. John H. Shupk, Re-ister. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United State Land Office, Roaeburg Or. July ID, 18iK. Notice is hereby nlven that in compliance with the provision of the act of Cnngreaa of June 3, 1878, entitled "Aa act for the sale of timber land in the State of California, Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," Charle H. Lowry, of Eugene, County of l.sne, State nf Oregon, haa thi day filed In this ollice hii Hworn statement No, for the purchane ol the S. W. L ol section No. 12, in Township No. 17 S, Range No. 1 W., ami will oiler pi oof to show that the land sought is more valuable for it timber or stone than for agiicultural purposes, and to establish hi claim to said laud before the Register and Keceiverot this othce at Uosehing, Oregon, on Monday, the loth day of October, 18'.H). He names aa witnease: William A. Allen. R. II. Mason, Harry Pearson, of Euuene, Orevon, and N. ,1. Welch, of Portland, Or. Any aud all person claiming adversely the alHivt-ilesoribetl land are requested to Me their claims tu this ollice on or before said 13th day of Octolier, 18!H). John JL Shupi Register, TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United Stats Laud (Mir. Roaeburg, Or., July I), 1890. Notice la hereby given that In compliant with ths nroviaiwiiB nf tha fc ,,f Pfln..M.. n.' Jnne 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sal ol timber land in the SUte of California, Ore ton. Nrada and Washington Territory." August F Rose, of Matahfield, County of Coos, Slate of Oregon, ha thi day tiled in thi ollice hi (worn statement No.,,., for the purchase of the N W of Seo 34, in Tp No 17 South, R 3 East, and will otfer proof to show that the laud sought is more valuabit fur it timber or itou than for agricultural purpose, and to establish hi claim to said land before the Ragitr and Receiver of thi ollice at Riswburg, Or, on Wednesday, tils 8th day ot Octolier, 18!H). He names aa witnesses: Jess M Grogiw, N J Welch. It E Holbrook, of Portland. Onlfni John I SbH-k, of San Diego, Cal. Any and all fierson claiming adversely the above-descrilted lands are requested to til their claim in this ollice on or before aaid 8th day of Octolier, 181HX John H. Shi pi, Register. TtMUKK LAND NOTICE. United SUte Laud Office, Rosehunr. Or . July IHh, IS1.. Notice is hereby given tlist in coinii.iiu with the provision of th act of congre of dun 3, 1873, Aiititled "An a.t for th sal of tiiulr land in th SUte of California, Ore--"U, Nevada and Washington Territory," Henry E HoUirook, nf Portland, County of Multnomah, State of Oregon, hastliiaday tile. I in thi office hi aworn statement. No...... for the purchase of th S E 1 of Se-tion 34, Township 17 South, Rang 3 East and will offer proof to show that the laud sought is lie valuable for IU timber or atone than for agricultural purpose, and to aeUbliah his claim to aaid land before th Register aad Receiver ef thi olhi at lbsieburg. Or, on Wsdneeday, th 8lh day nf October, lS'.Ht, He namee aa wit nesses; Jesse M Onyn, N J Welch, of Portland, Oregon, A F Rie, C H Roe, of Maishtield, Oregon, Any and all person claiming adversely t above-described Unds are re quested to tile their claims in this, office en or before aaid 8th tUy of October, 1&0. Johh H. SHiTt. Rsvialer. Notice of Final Settlemeut. Notice i hereby given that lb under signed administratrix of the eslaU of Jackson Swart, ritceaied, haa filed her final account, and Monday, the first dsy of September, 1KH, 10 o'clock a. m. at the Conrt House in Eugene, Lane conuly. Oirgon, haa been fixed aa th time and place for hearing th same. Dated ILU 12th day of July. 1830. Locima A. Smart, AJml. THE EUGENE CITY JUARD. KA'll'KDAY AUUCKT I. IH9U. (tiisuilliftoll. This fell disease ba followed the Eiiulish speaking race wherever it ban gone. Absent for a century after the first seltlement of thia country, says the Philadelphia Press, it appeared here as it ha iu every other coloDy of the English race, aud ita ravage only cease when it has weeded out those open to it assault. In ten years, ending in 1HSS, 21, IsO persons died of it iu Philadelphia, and its yearly death in the country reach 125,00(1. The larger proportion of these are men the solitary advalitsge civilized woman nbuius from the corset, priuuiiig from the necessity it lay on her breathing wiui me tips ol her lung and keeping these iimIs of the disease well aerated. Hospitals slready xist in Germany and England for the cure of consumption. One is needed here. A Vt. Jlurt, lu iUicHgu, cibiuis io un discovered a cure for consumption, lt is that excessive, eating and the excessive use of water will give life to the system ud tissues demanded in consumption. He pronounces l be bacteria syBtem to be pure nonseusr. His treatment consists of the free use of water every hour in the day, nine hours' siiep regulsrly, and, if possible, thii sea or monntsiu air. Above all, the patient uitist look ou the driuking of water a nis lire. Hxrxilitv was the pn-ut danuer. and Dr. Burt advocates the passing by congress of a law forbidding the inirringe oi cousumpiie. With this in foice, one hundred years fioiu now consumplioii would not exist iu the Cuited States. - Silver Iliillioii. WahUiKUTON, July tJ. Silverware dealers here ami in the south have been notified by the manufacturers that prices have been in creased 15 per cent., owing to the lise in silver bullion, occasioned by the adoption of the silver bill; also that a still greater increase in prices is anticipated, and have been ad vised to give no orders for future delivery. It is staled at the treusury department that the price of silver bullion is expected to go to $1.15 per ounce within a few weeks. Th Dtiritv for silver bullion is also 129 2'J, mid it was stated during the discussion of the silver bill that if there should be absolute free coinage, bullion would reach that purity within ninety days. After the measure be came a law, purchasers of silverware are all caving lu per cent more Iban they were psying thirty days since. . B A Little Too Late lo doctor wbcu Bright's Disease has done its work. Take Wright's Kiduey and Liver Ctiro for inflammation of kidneys aud liver, pniu in buck and other warnings of kiuuey trouble. Sold by all druggists. Tbe Road to Mill Cannot be uccwasfully traveled with out good health. To reach wealth or any coveted position In lift require th lull poiieulon end operation of til IK far ultitt kind nature hat tndowed ill with. The condition cannot till) unlet ths Bhytlcal btlng It In perfect working order, tnd this It Impossible when th liver tnd ipletn ire torpid, thui obstruct ing th tecrttlont, causing indigestion tnd dyspepsia, with ill ol their tccom psnylng horror. OR. HENLEY'S English Dandelion Tonic exert t ipscifle Influenc oer th liver, excites It to healthy action, rtioWe lit chronic tngorgemtntt, tnd promote th secretion; cures Indigestion and consti pation, tharpent tht appetite, tone up the tntlrt tylttm, tnd siikei lilt worth living. J. DAVIS, Merchant Tailor. HAS REMOVED TO THE OLD LANE County Bank Buildimt ou Willamette st He ia prepared to do all kinds of work offered In his line. A large stock nf Fine Cloth on hand for customers to select from. Repairing and cleaning dune promptly, St faction itttarantee.1. SDHETHIKJI III EUGENE, FEED. SALE AI "COMMISSION STABLE. ALSO FOR SALE. WOOD. GRAIN and all kind of PRO DUCE sold on Commission. Horses Mules & Stock of all kind BOUGHT and SOLD. Ollice and Stables, comer of Willamette ud Tenth Streets, Eugene City, Or. TIIOS. CHAPPEL. COMEGYS & (ill AY (Successors to J. W. Blaud) -DKALEBS IN- Ever) tiling kept in a First - ClaisBrocery. ftfThe Highest Price paid for Country Produce. Comegys & Gray. Sportsman's Eporium. HORN & PAINE, Practical Gunsmiths 5 Dealer in GUNS, RlFLETs Putting Tackle and latrriiti, grata C frhtnn at ad .. All Hit.sU rr ! t Reurin don ia tbe neatest style and ar ranted. Guns Loaned & Ammunition Furnished Store oi Willamette street. k Mi ill Groceries HOME TREATMENT A Specific OT riLir.iTS HVnRASTIN RESTfl'MTsVESIimulslee nutrition. I'uiincs ll.o DR HILKR'S ANTI-BIUOUS f.TnMACH A!TIVrTni). cur, bilij- ETMlheTiio 1,1 T)1'"uU cu"l,mt" DR KILLER'S PA1 ARRH ""H". Cure Acute fitarrh, Chronic Catarrh, nJ CsUrrlul VZZZTTZZZZvi to cureV; :-r-UAses when direction, ar. Mewed, or money relunded. DR. HILLER'S CnURMCt'Rrr Cures Cold, Hoarwnew. Cooglu, BronchltU, PUmrUy and 1'u.unwuu., aud rui.Jssiou.auiiTt.oii. ConUin. nuOplites. Cures Croup hi 13 minute. Trj' It- DR. HILLER'S DIPHTHERIA AND SQRE THRO ATCURt l-revents tnd cure. ITpnUmria. WiU nu.iuv.ly cur. aii7suTTJ'u. Iruui a to U hurs. Cure. Juln.y in 8 daya DR. HILLFR'S FEVEH CinE. Indiipensublj In all acute dlietses attemled with fever. VrJvem. ieJcuTS JLriT?irlAtlna, and il.iulca, iloth.re .houlJ karthls In mind. DFI. HILLER'S NIRVnUS D".rl'-!7Y CUE. Cure Nerwm tVeaknew, anil Loee ;t liw?rr"eWlTbeiu"uriTiv HU" Co., Sin FraiuUoo, -U DR. HILLER'S RHFUMAT;CMDKFrUA'.r,nC""". Cure Uheunutl. Nwrainia, UoiU, LmitHOToXxi lTi.iir..u.i i.u:ii uu,i which cause them. DR. HfHER'S TEETHjNC!JU?E. AUa the sroivtlt and dcvelspment ot children ffittilTiccihl iTlsnW, ciuuna nl'lT's eeMn mid 'ciin 1 teeth, and prerenU and ciire BpaliuVukket. Uniu lYouble aud llowul Cuu,,.Unl.. A blusli U. Lotb moUwr and child. DR. HILLER'S WHOOPIN COUGH CUilE. rrovents snd Cures Wheoplni Coujh. Knt.-Wlth the ecep'lon ot Pr. Hil'or's ttv'ra.tino llcstontlie, I'r. Hillor's llhenrnstio and Neuralalc Cure, snd Dr. ilillcr'ei'oie.-liCiire. Iliuali o rcineideesiv m". u.nii I sblvt lunu, and, 11 m-i ? ol.tainal.le Iroui jo.ir drutijUt, s ill I., sent tree l.y nwil, u rewipt ol price. S1.C0 pur Package. Six Packages for S5.C0. The.ernn.iHis aro lh rejult r,f twenly.dve years ol practical nrelesslimal experience, snd .rl.-n.rn L incur, when cure is p-l.le. 1-r. Miller's W .sjce e.sk ol direetieii. f. nilnie UMtiuieut, coiitalniuf valuable Insiructiuiis as to hygiene and diut, u t rsss ou spplicaUon HILLER DRUG COMPANY, Sold at E. lt. tiMm&S i'eM- f- V3 WH0LI8AH Harilware, Iron, Steel anil Farm mm. SOLE AGENTS FOR WASHINGTON AND NORTHERN IDAHO FOR THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. '". Ilichlnet are too well known to need comment. Thousands of farmers have U3si them and speak of them with praise. They are the only Harvesting Machines that will give ENTIRE SATISFACTION to the purchaser. FILER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER, AULTMAN'S STAR TRACTION ENG." The most Effective and Successful Combination for Threshing and Clean: Grain ever constructed. BUCKEYE STiEURAME r?TlM Feature that dl.tlnsul.hes this Twine-Binder Is the Ll(htneee of Dralt, conlbined s ltii iti I'Atrjon'm.iry Streimth and buratiilitv. The Binder I. ol ths Annlehv nsttern. the only really sticui '.il no .lit known. We have two etlee, th Elevator Binder and the I'latlorm Binder both excellei.t-tuuoiiiiuciidL-d by hundred at patron. SDHUTTLER Ml WAGONS BUCK-BOARDS, FOUR-SPRINQ MOUNTAIN WAGONS, BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS, CORBIN DISC HARROWS, HODGES-HAINES HEADERS, HAISH BARB WIRE. 'SEND FOR CIRCULARS." I B. .Luckey .DEALERS DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, eWBBsaSa am t ass sssajask. tl at Toilet Articles, .Faints, Uils, Brushes, Etc., Etc. Prescription Department in Competent hands. Kuykcndall & Pajlou, Physicians and Surgeons, Rooms Over City Drug Store. GEO. F. CIUW, POSTOFFICE Cigar storo, Eugene City, Oregon. J S. LUCKEY. CA1.ER IN Clocks. Watches, CliaTs, Jewelry, Etc Reoa'riug Vromptly Executed. failWrk Warranteel.sj J. S. LU'.'UKY J. B. RHINEHART, HOUSE, SIGN & CARRIAGE PAINTER Work rnarsnteeil first class. SUn-k sold at lower rates than by anyone iu Euuen. HOFFMAN HOUSE Eugene, Oregor.. Ton nsrnd tl Harrison. Prom. -. 1 DR. HILLER'S Special Prescriptions. SELF CURE Remedy for Each Disease. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, U. S. A. LUCKEY & CO.'S Front, First anil Vine Streets, PORTLAND. - OREGON. DCALEHS IN TWINE-BINDER Deere Plows. Deere Sulky Plov,", l Carriages, Phaetons, Top buseicj, DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, c AN BE FOUND AT KIS OFFICE or re idence when not professionally engaged, Kesiilence nn Eighth atreet, opposite Preeby C innn viiurcn. Boot & Shoe Store A. HUNT. Prop. Will hereafter keep a complete atock of Ladiftj' Misses' and Children's SHOES BUTTON BOOTS, Slippers, Whita and Black Sandals FINE KID SHOES, MENS' AND BOYS' BOOTS & SHOES And in fact everything in the Boot snd Shoe line, to which I intend to devote my especial attention. -MY GOODS ABE FIRST CLASS, And iruarantet aa represented, and will be aold for th lowest price that a imid articl can be afforded. A. HUNT A Porfoct Face Powder. FREEMAN'S w!57 ITACE POWDER. - ISM. iMa'l Mkisra OSRCRV ro W EIDER k HOLLEXBECK, Eagene, Or. m LATEST PFRF1IMF kxouisitk FREEMAN'S HIAWATHA Cell a nlt-Tnat tired Unguid feeling means that yonr system is in a slate to in- u .sr.se, uo nriKnts Loroponnd Ex ttart of Sarsapanlla ia what ton need at I ?r.i ',pe' im.p.n.ri,i'? :' ,k d and -1 viiu ju up. ooia dt ail amggtsu. sF 1 VML ' " v ' ' I 2t 1t il J anti tiPTi.estwmjfcLg.aay: If ISSl -fav SsTCVJSA OSBURfi & go, DRUCCISTS & APOTHECARIES WILLAMETTE STREET M ai. Eugene City, dcler, ,, ' "flH DRUGS. CHEMICALS, OILm, GLASS. VARNISHES. CRUTCHES, Of most every kind, etc. '4"ri" i! Brandies. Wines anH i:.... of tho very best quality forniidlrintl,. WE have always kept abreast of ,u?" In our line, and without boasting we are safe in claiuiinii that , k S1,1 BEST assortment of DRUGS intWH Particular attention i. called tolm, PERFUMERY, TOILET SETS, anil For the year 1890, We shall 1 able to sell PAINTS lili o BRUSHES, (of which we now h'avs . iW VtlV. VII UMIlUf CHEAPEjj Than any house In this city, and our IrW Ca,n7"t"l,.Ur?d tl,4t Dy,1"R bought nVi will Iia nrMt-clusa. As vi I,.... . r1 goods East and have facilities that few in business have, we think we are prepared UZ ..v.- - 4UUU7 j, , than anyone in our line in Lane comity We call esecial attention to PKlAfTini TIONS, which will be carefully filled sti MIIhibtv uw j wa aaafs,Bjt THE YAQUINA HOIITE OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD OREGON DEVELOPMENT CDS STEAMSHIP LINE, 225 miliw suomitn, 20 uocss itm tui 1 han by other route, t irst-claaa throtut Passenger and Freight line from Port, land and all points in the WILLAMETTE VALLEY To and from San Francisco, Cal, For information apply to C. C. Hoori, Act Gcn'l Frt Pamri Oreifnn Pacific lt K Ca SAILING DATES. From Ysquiua. Willamette Valley, Julj Jtn Willamette Vailey, Augusttiia Willamette Valley, ' m Willamette Valley, From San Francisco. Willamette Valley Autiut ts Willamette Valley AuKiiitllU Willamette Valley ' s Willamette Valley " s This Company reserves the ruhttodiufi sailing dates without notice Passengers from Portland snd other WJ lamette valley points can make clow mut tions with the trains of the Yaquitia routes Albany and Corvallis, and if destined to ri Francisco, should arrange to arrive atYiqoia the evening before date of sailiLg. Passenger and Freight rates the lowest C II II aswkix, J R, Cnrrsllu, Un Cien Frt & Pass Ag't, Oregon Development Cn, 304 Montgomery St, San Fraucisco. REMEMBER the Orrgon Pacific Popular Summer Excursions. GEO. F. CRAW, AGENT, EUGENE EUGENE CITY PATTERSON, EDIUS 4 CO. Manofacture Best Grades y Family Eonr, Rtoie Grain on the most favnraM l" Wheat receipts nf nny wnrehonse north l Rene, )rowrly nsfijieil, taken in enliaaw Flour or Keetl. 1ST Highest Csnh Pi ice Piiid for Wheit HAVING RECENTLY REFITTED Ik Old Grange Store are offering SPECIAL BARGAINS Dress Goods, Lal and Gents Under wear, Boots, frboj and all classes In DRYGO0m F. M. WILKINS, Practical Druggist & U DRUGS, MEDICINES, Brushes, Palntst !, 0) Toilet Articls, Etc. Physicisns' IVscripUonsJW C. H0DES, Keeps on band Fine Blacksmithing 0. H. PAINE, -yy'ILL 1)0 A GENERAL BLACKSMITHI SG BCSISESS, REPAIB&woi. a o. ir'TOrtV and SCt n. npeciaiiv as jui.i.'.' v C( -i, Black.mith Shop, on Eihth fT block west from WUUmette. SlaBW"" of the , Boss Cultivator CyAIl Work WARRANTED. the BEST Material used. McNeal, one of the best W"" reejy for all kinds of work hJV ' Paine'f blacksmith shop on Hi"" Mil T W I Ml A.ecpi uo ii an u iiiv t T) i LIQUORS, WINES, CIGARS Aj" POOL AND RILLIARD TABLt Willamstte street. lelvrn YMMjJ