The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 09, 1890, Image 6

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Real Kntute Traiwfrr.
T 0 Bilker to Sarah C Gibba, lot 0, blot
, Ncoll s suiimoii; miiu.
W H Andrew io fclizabeth Andrews, loin
6, 7 and 1U, and west half of 8 mid cunt bull
Gottfried Hiikethier to Theresa Koch
al. lot 3, block 4, Skinner' donation: l.
P E Snodgrais to J Bond, V, lot 5, block
7, Milliner uuiuuu, fiuou.
Edgar W Collins to M L Wilmot, 3 InU iu
Kelly 'iauumouifu.
L N Armstrong to T O Maxwell, lot
block 2G; bond (or deed; $150.
Thos Brown to David B Parruenter, 106;
acres; jiuw.
. w " 1 . , T 1 m
i 6umwau loiioiepa i rone I, 'i acres
Reeves G Edward to Mary P Griffin, 40
acres; iwu.
J F Kirk to J Dennis, 78.44 acres: 1800
John McClure to C U Zumwalt, 75 acres
John Fesswan to Louli Bundy, 253.86
acres: WoOO.
The C k 0 Lund Co to Daniel Streeter,
23 50 acres; f 117 00.
G W Riuebart to Martha. Binebait
land; $1.
WB Cbrisman to W. W. Cbrisman, 158
acres: SI.
Otto J. Euger to Giluiore Sbirley, 100
acres nwu.
Isaao S. Taylor to M. E. Saubert, ICO
acres; $1,000.
U 8 to Gilmore Bblrley, 1C0 acres; $450.
U H to Lewis f legal, 40 acres: 1100.
State of Oregon to I. 8. Taylor, 100 acres
U. S. to Otto J. Enger, ICO acres; $450.
Pleasant Hill Items.
August 7th, 1800.
The threshers are at work.
Mr. 1!. F. Mulkey and family have returned
to roiK county.
Mr. Wade Martin Is suffering with paralysis
in nis leu arm.
Mrs. a. Handsaker and Mr. J. J. are visit
ing in Eugene to-day.
One of the boys: "Pom, how's your dce(a)r?'
mm: wmcn one:
Miss Etta Handsaker is visiting her slater,
Airs. J. ni. neeney, at Jasper.
Rev. Mr. Kelms returned from Kansas on
Monday, and was accompanied by his sister.
Mrs. Hose Ritchey, of Camp Creek, is visit
ing her parents, Air. and Airs. John Johnson.
Hop buyers are offering tn engage at 20 cts
per pound, which makes the hop grower feel
good all over.
A house occupied by Mr. K. G. Fowler
caught fire on Saturday from the sparks, and
but for timely luaittauce the same would have
been destroyed.
Mrs. W. L. Bristow received this week some
beautiful wedding presents from her i-ousine,
M emirs, James and George Bates, who reside at
epnnit, Illinois.
Mr. John B. Sellers and family have moved
to Monmouth, and while we regret to lose such
good neighbors, it is a satisfaction to know
that our loss will be others gain.
The builders of the Coast Fork bridge have a
number of hands employed, and no doubt ere
long the people will nave a good substantial
structure across that stream. So mot it be.
Meadow Items.
August 5, 1830.
No rain yet.
Sinslaw folks are not so slow, I tell yon.
Mr. Willie Neeley visited his nude at the
bead of tide Saturday and Sunday.
Fred MadiBon started (or bis home in Em
pire Sunday morning; we wish him success.
Work is progressing favorably on the Like
Creek bridge, and reports say it will be tin
isbed in five weeks.
Jessie Bounds killed deer on his way to
camp Saturday, but how be could see a deer
is more than we can say.
Misses Sarah and Polly Neeley returned
home from s three weeks visit to r lorence,
where they had fine time.
Go to a dance and get left! Well, that is
too bad, sure, but he will do better next
time for I beard bim say so.
The danoe at Mr. Neeley s was a great
success and every one bad a good time, and
the supper was fine. Most of the boys ou
the road came to the bop, and report says
they all enjoyed themselves ImuieuBely.
Crook County Items.
(Prineville News, Augnst 2 )
Prmeville has 530 population by the
Steve Black and family and Mrs. Pengra
visited the Be knuD hot springs this week.
J. L. Lackey and family will probably
leave for the Willamette valley next Monday.
Flour in this town is worth $7 per barrel;
bacon, 16 cts. per pound; new potatoes,
1.2!) per bushel; eggs, 2a cis. per aozen,
and butter 20 cts. Der Douud.
II. A. Dillard and family will leave to day
or to-morrow for Burns, where Horace will
again engage in the newspaper business.
lie will take charge of the Items, the same
publication he established there some years
At Mitchell's.
The bot weather is bere and J. Mitchell
has in stock a variety ot refrigerators, ice
cream freezers and water coolers,
lie also has a full line of the latest im
proved Superior Sloven and Ranges. Store
in tbe I. O. O. F. building.
-. . . -- -
Notice to Creditors.
Intending soon to remove to Portland, I
hereby notify those indebted to me to call
and settle at onue, and thereby save costs.
. Dentist.
For Foley Springs.
The stage with passengers and mail leaves
the boelB in Eugene for the Fol ey Springs
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6
o'clock in Ibe morning, reluming on alter
nate days. Tbe through trip i made in
one day. For passage apply to Eli Bangs at
the Hoffman House stables.
Brick. Brick.
Whitcomb k Abrams. contractors and
builders, have pleuty of the best quality of
brick at their yard miles east of town,
and will supply tbe demand at reasonable
prices. They also contract for all kinds of
brick work and guarantee satisfaction. Will
deliver brick on order to any part of town.
There will be a meeting of the members
of the Lane county agricultural society next
Monday, August Uth, at oue o'clock p. m.
at Eugene to setile up account of the last
county fair and trsusact any other business
that may come before tbe said board.
Georoi Belshaw, President.
For Sale.
House and two lota in good locality 2
block from P. O. Inquire N. W. corner of
Oak and 11th St.
Farm for Sale.
A number one (arm for sale,
this office. .
Ioqnire at
Foa Burr.- A dwelling on Pearl and 12th
street. Apply to L. Buyen.
Wanted at J. Mitchell's, 100 boahels charcoal.
ii....- ... """
".r-".ifrHM. JIWH.KT aicsic,
rienderson, dentist.
See Preston's single harness.
Roasting-ears in the market.
Use Albany flour. It is the bent
Carpets at Day & Hendt r.on's.
Harness and axle oil at Preston's.
Drive down tbe nails in tbe sidewalks.
An endless amount of Whlo. at P,.lm',
Garden City flows at Chambers ft Sop's,
Win. Preston's Harness is the best
Common Council meets Monday evening
uoou river Ice for sale by R. M Robinson
Dry wood ran be had at all times of 8
Mouey to loan on farms.
Enquire of Judg
Ask your grocer for Junction floor,
It ia
Buildings are being erected in every por
tion of town.
A beautiful decorated teapot for 35o at
uuiusuum a.
Wm. Witbrow
bard's saloon.
Two new grain
Flouring Mill.
is now working in Gcr
cleaners at tbe Eugene
uwn social to night at Dr. Patterson',
given uy ine X's,
ine highest cash price will be paid for
hut K C Tl v
-"nil c di ajuuu. ,
A car load of California watermelons
nved bere this week.
miicneii is putting the tin roof on tbe
vonser and Horn bnildings.
a one line of silk plashes in all shades
ana grades at r . rJ. Dunn's,
O. H. Renfrew, of McKeniie bridge, baa
been appointed a notary public
not and cold baths even rlav in lh wuV
t lam lrn.. ll !-
rreston wants yon to come and see his
saauies and heavy team harness
W. Holloway. the leading iawnl ar and
uiusio oouse south oi rorlland.
A. K. Mulligan and Mellie A. IWino
wwo uinrriea at oaiem wuiy auth.
Bring yonr old scran cast iron to th Vn
gene Iron Foundry where you can dispose
For fine snitl made to order and readv
uiaus uiumiug, go io uanson a son.
. 1. . .
Go and see the most beantifnl Anuarian
art nare just arrived at uoiusmith s.
i -1 w . . . . ....
C. Marx. Barber Rhon and Bath Rooma
First door north of Dunn's new block.
Save time and labor by bavins an imDrov,
eu nesiern wasner ar jacoo Mitchell s
Mr Geo F Craw has tha sole aiTAnnv for all
Dranua oi me celebrated lansil f unch Uigart
Before storing or sellins vonr oata see A
v.retera. Ulean Chevalier barley wanted.
E. C. Lake, marble cutter and dealer in
monuments, shop on Eighth street, Eugene.
Mrs. A. Wheeler, of Springfield, baa
nearly recovered from last week's runaway
Garland, Peninsula and Acorn cook stoves
and ranges at Mitchell's store in the I, 0. O.
F. building.
An acre-villa at Fairmovkt costs leas than a
linirle lot in other additions, and will suouort
a small family.
Bring your grain to the Eugene Mills.
They have recently added two excellent
grain cleaners.
Just arrived from Ibe East, the lovely
Queens Frosted Ware, tbe very latest de
signs at Goldsmith's.
The Oregon Press Association meets at
Portland next Thursday and continues the
remainder of the week.
Barrett's milk wagon ran away Tuesday
evening. The loss oi some milk and a brok
en wagon was tbe total result.
Goldsmith is selling crockery and class,
ware (or cost so' that be can fix up the store
and' make room tor new goods.
Midelev k Parker have the largest stock of
doors and window In Migene. factory one
block east of the Eugene nounng mills.
Enonire of your grocery dealers for En-
gene flour, a home production; best in tbe
market at $1.00 per sack.
J. Mitchell keeps a fnll line of tin and
granite and bouse furnishing goods. Plumb
ing and roofing a specialty.
Beokwith keeps fresh groceries. He makes
a specialty of vegetables which will be kept
fresh and of the best quality.
Patterson i. Christian have in stock some of
the prettiest novelties in papeteries and tab
lets that have ever been nrougni to tne city.
Tonv Noltner. the veteran journalist, has
purchased the Portland World, and has
again entered the newspaper world.
C. B. Carlisle, at one time editor of the
Id Portland Standard is now pastor of a
Congregational church in California.
Watts keep everything you need in the
way of watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware.
and musical goods, and prices guaranteed
Be sure and come to Ibe lawn social to
night at Dr. Patterson's if yon wish to have
good time, uooa music ana reiresumems
ill be served.
We understand that some parties were
here this week looking for a room suitable
for a general merchandise store, but being
unable to procure such a room left for some
other, point.
Dr. G. W. Biddle may be found at his
residence on Olive street, between Fifth and
Sixth streets one block west of the Minne
sota Hotel. He is prepared to do all dent
al work in tbe best maimer.
We know of no cases o( la grippe in town,
hni w do know of 150.000 ten-penny nails
that We lost their crin on the sidewalk and
'are standing np like the qaills on an enraged
... m, il. a . l. I n i
porcupine. W no will imu iue ursi uiuw i
It ia a requirement of tbe postomce de
partment that the stamp shall be placed on
ih nnner rieht hand corner o( the envelope.
This is (or convenience in canceling. If a
letter is not stamped in this way, the post
master has a right to sena it io me aeaa
letter office.
ThA Y. W. C. T. U. will give a lawn sc-
ial at Dr. Patterson's on Eleventh Slreet,
Friday evening, August 8th. Musio will be
furnished on tbe grounds. Admission, free.
Ice cresm and cake cts., lemonade o cts..
and candy and nuts will be furnished to
those desiring them on the grounds. Every-
body is cordially invited.
If you waut to buy anything in me way oi
musical goods, from a violin string to a
piano, you should buy of a dealer capable
of selecting ana Knowing bwu
instruments from experience in their nre.
w.ita u tha nnlv Dractical musician in tbe
city who carries a stock of musical goods.
We were made to say by me type
last week that Jadge Bean's business in tbe
future would require most of bis time at
Ponl.nd. It shou'd have been Salem, ine
compositor got in his work in fine shape
and the mistake was not noticed in the
Whv. time is money, and money you will
save by buying your clothing, shirts, bats,
boots and shoes, or anything you need in
gentlemen's line of E. Baum. Never before
lave such bargains been offered to the pub-
as times are earn ana money
Call and price my goods. I mean wnai i
jiespecuun j,
E. BiCM.
Statesman. Aug. x: iesieruj
,-Leod arrived in the valley from Pnoe-
He, Crook county, in charge of a drove of
500 sheep be bal been paniunug
Ibe moon lame, lhey were -
.v. i Th same tbe McKenie
lamette at fcogene ana oom.u,, "-
aide. At Salem tney recwru --
ferry and were driven lass D.K. -
keny place, seven miles eouw . --
' . . :ti i.AM tkm. Bfter
here Air. iifwai "i
hi,h thv will be sold. Tbe sheep of th
l'reatou's ore fine.
Go and look at Faihuoi'KT.
J"b work i.t the Gcaao office.
Three or four bop buyers iu Eug-ue daily
Goldsmith pays highest Msb price (or
A large travel ia reported on the, Simla
Lap Robe and DusUrs
in all shades at
Asx-aor Burton is now workiug in Irviu
tanned iork corn, 10 cent per can at
tor correct time and the best work go to
nunoway s.
Roots, shoes. slipwrs. the beat of toot wear
at iMiunau a.
Eggs, 18 cts; butter, 20 to 25 cts; wool
in to 20 cts.
U lbs fine granulated sugar (or $1.00 at
ninouen a bou s.
Dr. McKiuney's office, rooma 3 and 4 in
llovey's block.
Sportsmen report young grouse and Japs
iv uo pirmiiui.
Goldsmith pays the highest cash price fot
country produce.
Screen doors and windows for sale by
aiiugiy x rarier.
A lovely set of decorated cups and saucers
tur ooo mi uoiasmuu s.
A full line ot tbe celebrated Superior
stoves at Mitchell s.
A set of decorated plates, pink or brown
lorzjo at uoldsimtu s.
See Preston's saddles. No trouble for Pre
ton to show his goods.
For a good honest watch that will keep
lime go to Uolloway s.
P. J. McPhersou has charge of the Far
mere' Warehouse again.
Forest & McFarland are shoeing horses
new lor i.Xj each cub.
Be dressy: you can buv a neat summer onat
lor cent at Itettman.
All kinds of mill saws ami files (or sale at
Richard Mount's saw shop.
Wm. Wlthrow is building: a cottons on Oak
street, between sixth and seventh.
Go to Forrest & MnFarland and cot your
none shod new lor f Via cash.
Call and see the splendid organs just re
ceived at Holloway s jewelry store.
Ed Banm's residence on Eleventh street i
nearly completed. It is a fine residence
Eugene people won't have small lots and
narrow streets, lhey prefer acre-villas at
S. H. Friendly has bad his shelving wid
ened one-half, and olherimproveinents made
in nis store.
There is no shoddy alwut that
Webster's Dictionary that is offered as
premium with the Ocabd.
Tbe fire cisterns have all been cleaned
out, and are now ready .for active use shou id
me Ore nend visit our city.
Come and examine Forrest k McFarland's
"stocks" for shoeing wild horses. Shop 8th
street, west oi Lne s paint shop.
Two new grain cleaners at the Eugene
Flouring Mills. They will clean yonr grain
making it a merchantable commodity.
A large assortment of wall paper just re
ceived at the Eugene Book Store. Call aud
see it.
The $3.00 W. L. Poinds shoe for sale by A.
Hunt. Uuequalled for durability and excel
Studies will be resumed at the State Uui
versity on September 15th five weeks from
W. Holloway Is bv common consent the
leading jeweler aud best watch maker south
oi Portland.
Pnre Manilla binder twine at a lower
price than can be bought anywhere in state
at Chambers k Son.
Yon can buy goods cheaper at Goldsmith's
than any place in town. He pays no store
rent nor clerk hire.
Take a look at tbe negro-turtle advertise
ment on tbe editorial page, and watch out
for future developments.
J. Mitchell has just received a nice line of
the popular Garland Stoves and Ranges. A
nice souvenir given with each one.
Farmers are now busy harvesting. From
those who bave threshed we learn the yield
is much better than was expected.
J. W. Masterson, formerly of Cottage
Grove, now runs the Gold Hill bote! in a
manner most satisfactory to the traveling
Dysinger bas received a consignment of
ten tons of assorted gloss, and is ready to
fill all orders for glass and sash with dis
A . J. Barlow is now section foreman at
Klarney, Cal. His wife is in charge of the
Western Union telegraph office at tbe same
When yon want to make your friends a
handsome present at reasonable prices get
some of that lovely Wedding Art Glassware
t Goldsmith s.
Rember that Hanson k Son bave the best
selected stock of clothing in town.
For musical goods of all kinds and the
best quality go to nolloway's. All the
musicians in tbe city recommend bis as tbe
best place to buy.
W. W, Moore has gone into the country
to run an engine (or a thresher during bar
vest. He will start up bis steam wood saw
when be returns.
Don't you want a nice lot in Martin' Ad-
itlon near the new Public School, 200 to
RWO, with fruit trees. Apply to Geo. M.
Miller or U. W. Martin.
Pure water, good elevation, broad avenues
and boulevards, acre lota, proximity to the
University, reasonable prices that means
Fairsiount every time.
Several gentlemen representing laree
Eastern timber interests, went np the Mo-
Kentie river Thursday, to look at the mag
nificent forests along that stream.
Lakeview Examiner, July 31: Andrew
Foster will start to Eugene in a few days
ith his race bores, Joe Hooker, be I ipse and
two saddle horses for the fall raoing.
J. Mitchell has several lines of first class
stoves, such as the Garlands, Acorns. Pe
ninsulars and Early Breakfast that be wishes
to close out at cost. Call and see them.
It behooves campers in tbe mountains to
beed tha warnings of the government offi
cials and look well to keeping their camp
fires nnder control when out this summer.
Forest fires must be prevented.
W. Holloway bas jnt secured tbe agency
for this district (or the celebrated masio
boase of Lyon k Healy, of Chicago, and
can offer tbe best bargains in organs on tbe
The foundation for the Livermore real
dene ou Eleventh street is finished, and the
carpenters. Thomas 1 Sons, ar now at work
on the carpenter work. It will cost about
$2,700, and will be a handsome two-atory
Corvallis Times, August 6tb: M. Nengass
and Nick Bauson ftnraed to-day from a
two week' visit to Belknap springs, in Lane
county. Tbey report a pleasant trip and are
highly pleased with Belknap a a summer
resort. Tbe bot springs are something won
derful and tbe temperature of the water ia
1X0 degrees Fahrenheit aa it boils trom tbe
Klamath correspondence: .Gen. Apple
gate baa recovered bia health once more and
ia attending to bis usnal duties at tbe reser
vation. In commenting on the fortunate
recovery tbe "Star" expresses tb belief
that to tbe Applegates and not to Fremont
belongs tbe credit of being called lbs great
American pathfinder.
Florence West: Several Indian graves
bave lately been opened, and the exhumed
skeWtoni form a ghastly eight for tbe youth
of oar town. All tbi piece of foolisbneas
is because some on tol.1 a story about $5J0
being buried in one of these graves. Tbs
credulity of some people would shams aj
The new hog law goes into effect nttt Tuea
J. B. Khaefer has been appointed Marshal
of Junction.
Joel Wars ha received a fin new olticedvsl
from Cincinnati.
There are thirty boarders at Foley Spring'
tx sides many campers.
Workmen are at work putting in inside
blinds in th I. U. O. F. building.
For th latest and bet novels rail on Patter
sun ft Christian, in i oung s building.
A State Liberal Convention will be held ii
Portland Octotxr 11th, l'.'th and Uth.
Lillian Smith, tbe California lady shoot
lt, ha opened a shooting gallery in th
Titus block.
Tbe Electrio Light Co. Monday received
a 100 borae power boiler, also a CO horse
power engine.
Work is to be resumed on th Johnson
block Monday. We understand all the
moms are taken.
Elections went held In Alabama and Ken
turky but Monday. Sweeping 1 leinovratlc
victories were the result
Th rite of circumcision wa performed
Monday on th infant son of Mr. Jacob
Mitchell, by lUbbi Both, of Portland.
China Jim. tbe old Hoffman House cook,
who It waa supposed went to China about one
year ago, returned here this week with a China
For the past week the town has ben at
most deserted by the legal fraternity. They
are rusticating in tbe mountains anil at tbe
W. II. Byara has taken charge of the Sur
veyor General 'a office, at Portland. George
Stowell, well known io Eugene, is retained as
chief deputy,
L. N. Honey says the Lake Creek bridge
will not be completed before the middle of
September, on account of tbe inability to
procure materials.
Tbe desks far the Geary school building
bave been ordered from a Minneapolis lirm
There are 381 single, desks, and they cost
Ibe sum ot $1,420.80.
Patterson ft Christian hare opened a large
and complete line of books and stationery of
all kinds in their new store in the Young
buililiug, near the Unarm ottic.
Tbe Eugene Fire Department bad a drill
Wednesday evening. Several of the cisterns
were tested and found to contain an unlim
ited supply of water. Tbe offloers were also
practicing on a signal service.
The Roseburg express train did not arrive
in Eugene Friday until 2 p. m. A freight
train was badly wrecked near Oakland, and
tbe other train could not pass until tbs
track was cleared.
A Dairy for Sale or Rent.
A milk dairy of twenty-five to thirty cows
with a well paying business hrtnly establish-
ed in Eugene will be sold or reuted to a re
sponsible party on reasonable terms. Apply
to or address the Guard office, Eugene, Oi
Removal Notice.
Patterson ft Christian have removed their
book and stationery store from the postoflire
building to the south room in the C. W,
Young brick, opposite the Guard office. Give
thoiu a call
Plkasant Boat-Ripino. Salem Journal,
August 5th: Mr, Clyde Patterson, accompa
nied by a party of yoang friends, arrived
bore yesterdsy afternoon Irom nis noma in
Eugene, baviug sailed down the river in
boat of his own building, which be calls
Pat." The party found tbe Willamette
somewhat rough sailing in its present stage,
between Harrisburg aud Albany, but they
made the trip all right. Mr. P. will visit
here a few days with bis cousin, C. M.
Busier, and theu tbe party will proceed
down tbe Willamette and Columbia to
Ilwaoo, Wash., expecting to have a graud
sail between bere and Astoria, exoept at tbe
Oregon City (alls, phich tbey will be com
pelled to go around. Tbe Astoria bar is
liable to try tbe powers of their little oraft,
but Mr. Patterson is a good boat builder and
has full confidence In bis bark.
Fauna. Owing to a failure of tbs apple
orops iu tie xork and other proroiueot
fruit states, tbe price of dried apples this
(all promises to be higher than usual, and
good figures ate sure to prevail, says a good
authority at this city on the subject. Farm
ers should be careful about selliug to travel-
lug speculators; but wait until tbe market
settles itself, when local dealers will givs
tbo best figures to be secured.
Gbowino Worse. News received from the
ssylum at Salem is to tbe effect that Frank
Kissinger, mention of whose confinement
in the asylum (roni tbe effects of a dog bile
was made in last week's issue, is growing
weaker all tbs time snd little hope is enter
tained of bis recovery. Jchn Kiasengerand
wile ot tall treek, Vis parents,
iiro in attendance opon bim.
Tus Nkw School Hodsr. The plastering
nd blackboards in tbe new Geary school
buildinr have been finished. Tbe carpen
ters will again commence work Monday to
do tbe iuside work, which will take about
ten days, aud then the painters will have a
few days work. Tbe building will D turned
over to ibe direolors on or before September
Hodhs Bormko. Dr. 8. Heme n w a y 's
bouse burned at Bonanza, Klamath Co.,
last Tuesday morning about 5 30; loss about
Viw, insurance unknown. Three cull-
ren are badly burned. Tbe cause of the
fire was a dofeotive flue. Dr. Uemenway
s well known in Eugene and Lane couuty.
Elliott's Votaorbs. The performance
given at Rbinebart's theatre Tuesday even
lug by Elliott's Voyagers and Japs was at
tended by a large audience. It was one of
tbe best and most entertaining companies
that bas ever visited our city. It will have a
ill larger andienoe should tbe combination
ever return.
Behind thr Tikis. The Salem Journal has
an account of the recent Marion county court
grantiog a (re acholarship to Myrtle Knight
in the State University. That county court ia
a long way behind th times. Ah state
University has been (re to all students haviug
the necessary qualifications since the first of
Mabrird. At tbs residence of tbe bride's
mother, in Eugene, Oregon, August 6, lH'JO,
by Ry. X. 11. Alley, Mr. P. E. Snodgrass
and Miaa Mary V. Cleaver. Tbs couple
have gone to tbe mountains to spend
couple of weeks. Tbs Guard force offer
their congratulations, mo cards.
Hops. Th price of bops is advancing.
Buyers here bave offrd to engage bops
this week, as bigb as 201, cts. per pound.
Very few contracts sre being made even at
this price. Three or four buyers are io
town daily.
Chdb a Noma. No services will be held
by th Cumberland Presbyterian church to
morrow on account of tbe absence of tbe
pastor. Tbe first service will be held in the
new edifice tbe Sunday thereafter, August
IhcobpoRatrd. Articles incorporating
asis lodge. No 41, 1. O. O. F. at Junction
ity were filed with the secretary of slate,
Monday, J. W. Starr, N. L Le and Wm.
Cunningham, trustees; capital atock, $1000.
Mabrird In Engen, Oregon, August 4,
1890, by E. P. H-nderson, J. P., W. J.
Duval and Rose A. Lewi.
Mabrird. In Eugene, Oregon, August 4,
1890. by Kv. O. A. Blair, Cbarles Butler
and Annie Wrsy.
New Ukifobms. Our police officers are
now uniformed in new handsome suns.
Tbey look quit metropolitan.
Boris. In Eogn. August 4th, to lb
wife of Stephen Moore, a daughter.
Invent iifutliKr County A flu Irs.
On the retirement of x sheriff Sloan
from oluc vousiderable trouble wss bad by
the county lu cBi-ctiug Mttleuieut ol bis of
ficial accoiin's It wa supposod to hav
bn all detluitely settled at the July term
of coart, when Mr. Sloan paid tbe couuty
c3JO to correct errors made iu the addition
of tht delinquent list turued over to his
successor. Kiuce that (nrlhsr errors were
(ouud, aud upon Mr Sloan being called upon
to explain, be asked that the c-mrt appoint
ac-otintaiiU to Investigate and report upon
the tlnaiicial coudiilou ol Ibe otUces of shei
lu, clerk aud treasurer during bis liicum
bency as sheriff. The court granted tha re
quest aud appointed Meitars Sherwood Utlrr,
W. Osburu. W. T. Pert, and added L
Hilyeu as attorney to represent the counlv
These geutleuien commenced the work Fri
day morning and will continue from day
day uutil the work is fluished, sitting from
8 . in. to 12 iu. each day.
Tbe difficulty iu tbe settlement with Mr.
Sloan is occasioned by sheriff's assessments
and the taxes collected thereon, n bile
might be considered proper to await lb
report of tbe oommittov, there bas been so
much rumor about the matter thst we give
tbe figures ss they show on th face of the
books. In tbe year 13ml ex-Sheriff Sloan
assessed taxes to the amount of $'.179, am1
was charged with but $119.50. In 18S7
amount assessed, $1,372, charged wilb
r(J.3,. In 1888, assessed $l'JO0, charged
wilh $1,2(17.05. In 18K9 assessed Sl.o'.'O,
with no charge agaiust hiin. Total amonut
assessed, $VJU. amount charged
I'J.aTXSO: balance unreported, f
It is stated that Mr. Sloau should have
credit for about $2200 (or taxes sworn oft
and corrections made on the roll with which
he has not beou credited.
Th committee will undoubtedly straighten
out the affairs of the otlic and give th public
an explicit statement 1 he least that can Im
said about th conduct of th otKce is that it
has been sadly incouqietent.
A New Jail.
The Lane county commissioners court is
to be complimented for making a move
towards the buildiug of a new jail to take
tbe place of tbe one now In use. it is pro
posed to build the new structure on the site
of the present one, and ao that it will not be
conueoled with any court bouse to bo built
in the future. The cells and quarters for
for the prisoners will be on tbe first floor
and a residence lor tbe jailer in tue second
As will be seen by a notice in ibis week s
issue of the Gfaiid, plans aud specifications
for the new jail are invited, the estimated
cost not to exoeed $10.1100. Plans must be
submitted by Sept. 4t l .
Florence Items.
Tha Weal. Aurnat 1st.
The oannery of Meyer ft Kyle is being
made ready (or salmon catobiug.
The Rose Hill cannory is undergoing
preparations (or the salmon season.
O. B. Jacobson has a lurge new building
nearly completed (or salting salmon. The
salmon biuks are now being placed and
fish wharf built.
The waters of the bay at Florence were
alive wilb leopard seals on last wediiesday
bight. This is the proof tbe salmon are
coming into the river.
L. N. Roney. M. O. Warner and 0. D,
Thomas caught over 200 flue trout iu Ten
Mile lake oue day lust week, and they were
well pleased with the sport of angling.
Messrs. Hurd ft Davenport expect a mau
here about tbe tirst of August, to direct
the buildiug of their new river steamboat,
It will be a craft of which we need uot be
Captain Bergman brought us a large bun
dle of timothy, grass gathered from tbe (aim
of Mr. Andrews at Beaton, that was plant
iu the spring last past, aud it meuaurue over
W. (eet in length. Who can report a bet
ter growth !
Census Approximates.
Hon. John Kellv (urniahes us th following
census approximation ui uie cuuuuc ut ,1 cm,
rn Oresoni
. I . ..t .1 .1..- i
Hellion ".'"'
'lactams i.'iiu
'lalson u.wsj
Columbia '.
coos a,wi
Curry M
I lunulas 11,7110
Jackson 1M
Multnomah. .
WanlilnKlon .
Estray Notice.
A flue large whits cow come to the premis
es of John Holland, two miles south o'
Irving, Sunday, July 27, calved the same
day. Six years old. Has takuu care of
the same. The owner can got the cow ana
calf by paying charges.
SiUHlaw Staire.
Stage witb passengers snd freight leaves
Eugene (or Head of Tide on tbe Siuslaw
every Monday noon. Returning leaves ths
Uoad of Tide Thursday noon. Fare $3.00.
t. 11. ANDKBWN.
Wheat bags at Eugene mills, Store wilb
them and save your money for bags. Good
and speedy cleauera. Always pay Ibe high
est cash price (or your wheat.
A . X IO.
Reward. x
Lost, between ths Eugene bridge and
Irving last Wednesday, a short black afgban
cloak. The finder will be suitably rewarded
by leaving the same at tbs Gdabd office.
Lost and Fopkd. Homer Brown, a ten
year old son of Frank Brown, was tbe cause
of considerable trouble Wednesday night
and tbe next morning. He was away from
borne during the day and failed to return at
igbt. Ills grand parents, wuu whom ue
lives, became anxiona and search was niado
for bim during Wednesday night and until
Thursday noon, when be was (ouud under
the residence of his grandparents. He was
afraid of being puuisbed (or his absonce
Wednesday morning and went nnder
the building at noou and remaiued there
until next day noon without (ood. Search
ers were out in all directions bunting (or
tbs missing lad.
Insaxb. Mrs. Ollie Atkinson, a mar
ried lady, who lives near Waliarville. was
brought ber-Wednesday on th charge o(
binii inrane and examined before Judge
Scott, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Potter
and Drs. McMurtry aud McCornack, who
pronounced ber insane Her form ol insan
ity la mild, thinning some person i attempt
ing to kill ber. Her husband took her to
the asylum Thursday morning.
Ckkamkrt Bmnitii. Th Goshen creamery
waa destroyed by tir Thursday alul noon. It
is supposed that the fire caught from th bilr
room, a th creamery wu running that day.
It wa owned by Mr. J. C. Wilson. The l.s
Is about H'MMJO, witb an insurance of ltflO.
Tbr was quit a stock of butter destroyed by
til fir. It i not known if th creamery will
Thr 1890 C'rhsds. The approximate pop
ulation of Lane county given by Supervisor
Kelley, shows a substantial increase during
th last decade. In lt80 th census re
turned a population of 9,411. Tbe gain is
about 60 per cent. The slat census taken
ia 1885 showed a population ol 10.000. Th
precent census gives 15.0U0.
Balast Ihcrrasr. The Commissioners
court bas inciMMtd tbo salary ol the school
superintendent to 'W a year, an increase
of $100.
Mrs. Lauia Kiucsid bas gone to Seattle on
a visit.
Tim Wandell and family have niovsd to
Rev. Mr. Lund, of Roseburg, was In Eugen
L. G. Aduir aud family are at Victoria, B
i;., ou a trip.
Dr. Paine left on a visit to San Francisco
1 htirsday night.
Miss Dell Walton left on a viait to Sun
Fr-mcisco Saturday
Mis. St. Orr, of Draius, visited In Eugene
Ihe tirst ol the week.
Mrs. L. R. Rubull, of Southern Oregon, i
visiting in Eugeno.
Bob Pattersou bas relumed to Kugi n
from Foley Springs.
Geo. Alexander, of the Lebanon Express,
was uere laai eaiiirday,
Mrs. L. Hilyeu and son are spending
scaiou at Yacpuua Bay.
Mrs. J. W. Schuinate ha beeu visiting her
smier at Aioany tins weeK,
J. A. Gabel has gone to tako a term at tbe
ortlsnd business college.
E. F. Stiles, of Point Terrace, was here
several days this week.
Walter McCortiack bas returnod from I
visit to the Lower Siualaw.
8. II. Friendly visited bis family at Yaqui
na Bay several days this week.
It. 0. Humphrey went to Sodaville Wed
nesday to speud s low days.
Judge Walton and wife have gone up the
uiL-neiiKiB uu a suort vacation.
J. M. Sloan and family intends moving to
r.asicru uregou lu a lew weeks.
C. F. Rupul, formerly ot Junction, has
gone to Seattle to practice law.
County Commissioners Parker and Ifyland
were here tuis week uohling court,
Mrs. G. liettmnn has returned from a three
week's visit to relatives in Portland
I). Linn, a prominent citizen oi Jackson
ville, was bore several days this woek
Mrs. Julius Goldsmith, ol MeiKord. is
visiting Mr. A. Uoldsmitb snd family.
Mrs. O, R. Bean, of Manleton. was here
this week visiting her ron, Judge Bean.
McKiuley Mitchell, the Gervais merchant.
visited bis brother. J. Mitcholl, bere this
Mrs. W. T. Osburn and Grandna Chrlatian.
( Eugene, are viaitiug at the Snowden
Frank J. Miller, of Albany, was shaking
hands with aid acquaintances, bere, one day
this week.
Gov. Chad wick, of Salem, roturned Tues
day (rom the Foley Spriugs, much improved
iu neann
K, Baldwin, who clerked (or Sladden ft Son
(or some time, baa returned with his family to
i iiuaueipnia.
Attorney Woodcock has been spendiug
the week at Portland and Yaquiua. He re
turned Thursday,
Couduotor Rhannou and family were in
town two or three days this week visitiug
Mr. S's. parents.
Leo Gerhard went to San Frnnoisco last
Saturday night. He will spend two or three
week in that city.
J, W. Cherry and Frank Witter left on
Friday moruiug'e stage fur a week's trip to
MoKunzio Bridge.
Guy Hovey has returned from a trip to
California. He will bike a positiou in the
Lane Couuty Bank.
Rey. G. A. Illair, pastor of the Eugene
Cumberland Presbyterian cbnrcb, and fami
ly are rusticating at Yaqulua Buy.
C. P. and Miss Minnie Houston, of Juno-
mu, started lor Denver, Col., Wednesday
They will be nbseut about three weeks.
B. F. Watkins, a Portland butcher, who
is been spending two months here, left for
Denver, Colorado, last Wednesday evening.
A party, collating ol 0. K. Wilkinson.
Walter Grillln, Mannie Lauer, O. W. Youug
aud L. T. Harris went to Yaqaina bay Mod
Daniel Htroetcr, a large land owner of
Biggs, Cal., has beeu iu Eugene this week.
Ho is iu Lane couuty lookiug after bis
lauded inlereats bere.
Mr. A. Townsend and family, of Iowa.
have been visiting at tbe Hoffman house this
week. Mr. lowusend is a' brother of the
senior partner of that hostelry.
Dr. Harry Lane, Superintendent of tbe
Oregou Insane Arylum at Salem, accompa
nied by his family and some friends, arrived
here Thursday and left for tbs Belknap
Spring Friday morning, They take with
tbetn a full oumping outfit.
A party consisting of VV. T. Campbell,
Clarence Winter, Lonnie Patterson and
several others leave (or Ihe Upper MoKeo
zie tbe first of the week. During their ab
enoe they will make an ascent of one of
the Three Sister snow peaks.
Letter Lint.
Letters for tbe following persons remained
uncalled for at tbe poBtotfioe in Eugene,
Oregon, Aug. o, 1890
Butcher, Aimer
Johnson, Wm
Conger, A R
Cough, Mr
Grove, Elmira W
Greeuiet, C 1
Martin, A U
Martin, Hattle
Hclmlr., C H
Wallace, Hardin
Weber, Philopp
L. Wasuiiurnk, P. M.
Hanson, Ulle
From the McPan lei's ranch, one-half mile
from Creswell, one iron gray rilly, S years old,
star in forehead. Any Information loading to
th recovery of th sam will b liberally re
warded. Address AlolJantel s, at Ureawsll, or
E. Bond, Eugene, Oregon.
Committers Appointiid. Cottage Grove
Leader: At tbe last meeting ol tbe general
committee on arrangements of the couuty
lair, tbe following committees were ap
pointed: Committee on wool Oeo. Bel
sbaw, Jno Tait, M. Wilkius; committee on
vegetables O. W. Mclteyoolds; committee
dogs, liiny Lurnn; committee on
grounds, well, stock peDs, etc., YYm. Lan
dess, A. H. Spare, Dr. Oglesby; committee
on pavilion, Mrs. Laura McFsrlnnd, Mrs.
lloldrlck, Miss rkaiia uanson, miss Auuie
Ouleabv. Mrs. James Hemenwav. J. V.
Thornton, John Medley, Perry Sherwood;
committee on slock, J. 11. Powell Coaxt
Fork: P. F. Davis. Siuslaw; N. A. W.
Howe, Creswell; committee on racing, J,
R. Sellars, Pleasant Hill; Scott Cbrisman,
Cottage Grove.
Riou r or Wat Subscriptions. We nn-
slerataLd that suliscription papers are being
ircululed in npriugheld aud vicinity lor the
raising oi money to pay for toe right ol
way for tbe railtoud from Coburg to Jasper,
and that liberal sums are being subscribed.
One year's time is given Iboae who desire,
at 6 per cent , on th amoiiute subscribed.
The lion net t right of way bus been secured
and tbe money paid for tbe same.
Qt'ARTEBMr Micitmo. -Quarterly meeting
t Ihe Method i-l Epiacopul church next Sab
bath, Augnt 1, with services as follows:
Lovefeaat at 9:15 a. ni., preaching at 11 a.
m. and 7:30 p m. The sermou in the morn
ing will bs followed by tbe sacrament ot the
Lord's supper. All are cordially inviled.
1). A. Watts as, rastor.
New Ll'MBRR Yaan. A new lumber yard
a been trtd by Wliitmnr. Harshbarger
'a. on sou lb sid f Kuhth street. nar rail
roaiL lraod aud rough lumber kept. Orders
promptly tilled. He advertisement in auother
column. -
Staoi Noticr. The stag for Foley
Springs leave the hotels of Eugene, Moo-
ay mornings at seven o clock. Apply at
Clark ft Johnson's livery stable.
Foa Saxi. A fine Jersey cow giving milk,
or sale. Apply to Horace Cram.
County Commissioner's Court,
Met at at the Court House in Eugene,
Oregon, Weiln-dy, August 0, Im30.
' Preaent Judge Scott, Commissioners Park
er snd Hyland, Sheriff Nolaud snd Clurk
The followiug proceedings wore had :
Application of J. M. Sloan for investigat
ing committee made at follows:
Ecokhk, Or.. Aug 5, lh'JU.
To tlie ononi''e, tht Cunuly !ouvt of Ijim
Cuunly, Oreijun:
Grnixkmkic-Ai the eloo cf my olfl'" -I
term as aherdf of Lauu eouu'v, (Jr- i"ii I
aettlid Willi anid coniny IU i,nl in II" n iii.T
tb'it former sh, rilf-i h ,v r--ill,d n,i ni .i
wards ou what pi-a"-'l he triors in
lor uir i-euli-uionts, I p,d t e) '-. ty ap
parent lisciepiucy.ainil now HL.,ie, -t-il mat
there are claim ol liirih- r err-irs or irreu
larities in my account-, ss a ml sheriff, aud I
request that lh couuty o irt of said Lane
couury appoint a cooif-lent cuuimiNaiou of
occouutauU to thoroughly investigate the
affair of the sheriffs ollice during my in
cumbency, and also ol all the other couuty
officers during said time.
Very respectfully,
J. M. HloaX.
The court appointed L. Bdyen, F. W.
Osburn, Sherwood Burr and W. T. Peet ss
such commission, investing Hum with full
authority to thoroughly iuvestigate any and
all books and papers connected with tbe
clerk's, sheritf's aud treasurer's office for the
four years past ending July 9, 1890, and
report their tiudings to th court at tbe regu
lar term thereof in SeptemU-r, 1890.
Welch creek road; John Bailey, John
Ingham and Jame-f Gearbsrt appointed
viewers aud C. M. Collier surveyor.
R. N. Park's road; Wm. Neeley, R. N.
Parks and W. A. Wells appointed viewers
and 0. M. Collier surveyor.
. O. W. Sutton appointed superviasr of road
district No. 91.
Dexter road: ordered nnened as established
and surveyed'. .
Roberta road: continued until the September
term of court
Geo Dnirv annolnted Justie of tha Peso
for Mohawk precinct.
New county Jail; clerk ordered to advertise
In the GllAHl) and Register for thro weeks for
plans and siecitications for a jail for this coun
ty, the oost of which not to exceed 810,0011.
Hans and specifications to he submitted to the
county court on Thursday, Sept 4, 1H90.
Th court increased th salary of A W Pat
terson, school superintendent, from five to six
hundred dollars.
Eben Stewart road: continued uutil next
Warrant drawn In favor of Frank Rainier
for the sum ot ll.'iO against the Indigent Sol
dier's Fund, Adjourned.
Jeplha 0 Yates died at bis home in Irvine.
Lane couuty, Tuesday, August Stb, of pneu
monia, after an illness of thirteen days, aged
09 years, 10 mouths and 28 days. Mr.
Yates was born in Jackson county. Mo..
Sept. 7, 1831. Ho came to Oregon in 1S01,
aud settled in Lane couuty on the (arm
where ho died in 1S.",5. A wifn, a son. W.
B, Yates, snd throe daughters, Mrs. S. Bow
ers, Mrs. A. J. Conrad sud Mrs. J. Honig
survive hiru,
J. u, lutes by his many acts of kindness
and sympathy to tbe distressed and those
In need bad made a host of friend, who
keenly feel his sudden death, stricken ss he
wss while in apparently vigorous health.
and with the prospect of many years before
The fuueral took place to the Luper cem
etery, Wednesday, under the auapiues ol the
Eugene A. O. U. W. lodge, ol which he was
a member. Ths cortege following bis re
mains to the grave was the largest ever iu
that vicinity, forty-one vehicles Mug in line.
About twenty Workmen from Eugene at
tended the funeral.
Resolution) of Coniloli'iiee.
The following resolutions were adopted
by Eugene Lodge, No. 15. A O. U. W., at
their meeting Thursday night,
Wbkqras, Broiber . C Yates has depart
ed from among us her below, and
Wukbeah, lu his death the L dge baa lo-d
a good member, bis com tnmity a uanliil cit
izen, snd his fuunly au alftulioniilo husband
aud father!
llrsolvttl. That the mcmlwrH of Ibis
Lodge offer their heartfelt sympathy to the
fumily of our deceased brother, and iu this
lime ot deepeat allliction and distress, our
only consolation is iu the Supreme Master
of the Universe.
G. Brttmak, Committee.
J.D. Mtkbs, )
' ' Notice to tlie Public.
The public are hereby notified that I have
disposed of my furniture and undertaking bus
iness to Messrs. Moor ft Linn, formerly of
Jacksonville. I take this method of thanking
my patrons and the public generally for their
generous patronage in the paat, and trust it
will In th futur b extended to my success
ors, who ar courteous, enterprising irentlemen.
August 7, 1890. J. lLHtAM.
Referring to tli abov w wiah to inform
th public tiiat w have purchased Mr. Ream's
stock and business, ami wiU keep a complete
atock of furniture on hand. Order for undertaking-will
be promptly attended to, day or
night. We solicit a fair share of the patnuua
of the public. Moons Link.
Attached. The Dorrance Lumber Co. of
Hudson, Douglas county, has beun attached
and operations at the mill suspended. Ou
Monday morning Sheriff Ncland was in
structed to attach what lumber waa in Ihe
yard here belonging to tbe company in fa
vor of C. H. Varney for SI I f and I. R. Daw
son for $3, 501. 18. When he went to uiuke
an attachment he found that Mr. W. B. An
drews had purchased the lumber a day or
two before.
Abiirstrd. Sheriff Nolaud arrestod John
Bocb, Tuesday, on a complaint charging
bim witb maliciously killing hogs, tbe
property of James Hayes, iu Coyote pre
cinct. Ho was arraigned before Justice
Kiusey Wednesday. On the motion of
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Potter, the de
fondant was discharged on paying the costs,
which amounted to $."(. The defendant
was represented by Attorney Geo. A. Dorris.
Wood fob Sat.r. 300 cord) of It! Inch red
fir wood, 60 cords of 1 foot oak wood, aud
50 cords ol 4 toot fir. Will tell in Eugene
or at my place y, miles below, in quanti
ties to suit purchasers. Will sell the whole
lot st a bargain. All thoroughly seasoned.
Apply to S. Meriau.
Ornca Closed Notice is hereby given
to my patrons that my dental oftW will be
closed lor about two weeks on account ol
my absence In the mountains.
J.C. Goat.
August 9, 1890.
Pleasant Him Bkipok.-Work was com
menced on th t'leanunt Hill hridic across tlie
Coast Fork last Wednesday, by the contrac
tors, Hotfmsn ft Batea. It will take about
on month to cvmplete it.
Bl'binms Chinos'. -The new firm of
Mooreft Linn took charge of lb,- R'-am fur
niture store and un.lcrluk ng himiin .n
Thursday. Mr Ream will rot on his oor-t
for a season.
Cortract Let. Mr. O. II B.ik.-r.of Cui(
Creek, let a contract for a ono atory colina
lor $12C0. W. H. Feoton secured Ibe con
tract. Mr. Baker, w understand, is froiu
Road Oprs. The Siuslaw road is now
open for travel. From all accouuts th roaJ
ts In far better condition than before tu
Born. To the wife of II. J. Day, Sunday,
August 3d, a daughter.
Boa.y. Id Mohawk precinct to the wife- i
W. C. Scarry, a son.
large herd were all wethers.