mi irn GEI r jlijdj U 1 sLAL MT1BL1SIIED ni THIS OIMJMT.OJl OP BI10CUTIC PRINCIPLES, AM TO 1121 41 HOSEBT L1VISB BT TDK SWEAT OF OCR BROW WL22 EUGENE, OR., SATURDAY, AUGUST 1). 1890. NO, 50. 1171 m 1 G A 10 H II II 1 (PUBLISHED EVE11Y SATURDAY. 1. L CAMPBELL, ..i.iuher nd Proprietor. ivVFTCE-Od the East tide of Willamette U,.i SL.v,.fh .ml Kluhth Strati Street, ue'"OTU " 7 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. jer annum... jjx Months... lire monthi. $2 60 . L2S . .75 kathjs o advertising. . . 1 Advertlsemente wserwu iuuuw.; n. .ouare. ten line or less one insertion 3 vr..TZLt Insertion 8L Cash reaulri , require ''advertiser will be charged at the ol- lowing ntei: Oso.ue three months 0, square lix month!. rS tloln locU 20 8 00 8 00 12 00 oenti mt line tor eon insertion. AdvertUinn bill! will be rendered quarterly. All job WOnt BUB V9 FJUU IUBUR UUMTUl! CEO. B. D ORRIS Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. itriLL PRACTICE IN THE COURTS tv, SWonii Judicial District and In h. Supreme Court oltnuDiaie. Sptcial attention given to collection! natters in probate 1 f ui . . :. . , , , , and L, BILYEU, -Attorney and Counsellor at Law,- EUGENE CITY, OREGON. PRACTICES IN ALL THE COURTS OF thU SUte. Will give special attention to oellectioni anu prouaw iukvvoik Orrici-Over Hendrick k Eakln'i bank. A. C. WOODCOCK Attorney-at-Law, tTiiKMK CITY. - . - - OREGON OFFICE-Rooma 78 McClaren Building. erSpeclal attention given to Collection! ud rrobate buiiness. GEORGE A. DORRIS, Attorncy-at-Law, EUGENE CITY, -Orrics-In Regi'ter Block. OREGON J.J. WALTON, Jr., ATTORNKY-AT-LAW EUGENE CITY, OREGON. 1ITILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE 1 V Court! of the State. Special attention given to real estate, col ecting, and probate matter. Collecting all kindi of claim! against the United State! Government Office In Walton'e briok room! 7 and 8. Seymour W. Condon, ATTORN Y -AT-LAW. DUNN'S BUILDING Eugene, - - Oregon. E. O. POTTER, Attorney-at-Law, EUGENE, - - OREGON. Omca- Room No. 4, Dunn' Block. GEO. M. MILLER, ittomey and Counsellor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. HJGENE CITY, - OREGON. Office In Masonic Temple. E. R. SKIPWORTH, Attorney-at-Law, HKJENECITY, OREGON. Ornci-Up itaira in Register Block, 6rt w to the left .Will do a general law practice in all the Cowti of the State. All btutineu promptly at Wended to. A. E. GALLAGHER, Attorney-at-Law. "UGENB CITY OREGON. 8pecial attention given to TrobaU buaineu fcUbstrarte of Title. Oinct Over Lane County Bank. - T.W. HARRIS, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. lUdenoa on Fifth street, where Dr Sheltoa '"wly resided. Dr.W.T.McMurtry, ftydciaa, Surgeon and Gynecologist. (26 Yean Experience.) 0mci-.ln Dr. Paine'! old office, on SttUi itreet ttGEXE, OREGON. DR. J. O. GRAY, DENTIST. AFFICE OVER GRANGE STORE. ALL Y?k warranted. JV"f tas administered for painleas -"ot teeth. ' BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 18 YEARS. Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry & Musical Instruments. Ik hi lk hi South i Portland Special attention given to Repairing and Engraving by two first work warranted. The Pacific Tea Co. Has Changed Hands Mr. J. 0. Having purchased it. BEDROCK PRICES! Full Line of Groceries, Glassware and Crockery. Handsome Presents and Coffees. BE SURE ! You don't buy a Dollar's worth of DRY GOODS until you have seen J. D. MAT LOCK'S stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS DRESS GOODS, PARASOLS, SILKS, RIBBONS, LINENS. HANDKERCHIEFS; 1AOES, HOSIERY, WHITE GOODS, GLOVES, WOOLENS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, GINGHAMS, SATEENS, POINTS, DOMESTIC, COTTONS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND, SHOES, JSTU. A. GOLDSMITH, E::1, Known TToa n T.A RttER stock of Fine ery, Wooden and Willow Ware Pava Highest CAbH price for Hides, Wool, Tallow, &e. j Orders filled promptly, with the greatest care. I DON'T BOAST PRICES. All Goods sold as Cheap as anyone in Eugene. Call and be corteously treated. A. GOLDSMITH. Day & Henderson THE LEADING- FUBN1TUBB& House in Eugene. Corner 7th and Wil. Sts F. W. A. CHAIN, Watchmaker and Jeweler. Junction City, Oregon a- Soecial attentii I1'. ' WATCHES, CLOCK and SC 9 -wi Manufacturing x m:m: s mmm-m m m. m m DLL! P Jeweler. - class workmen. All He will sell goods at given away with Teas VELNETS, NOTIONS, I Groceries, China, Glass, Crock than ever before. Country Produce, Furs, Skins, B. F. DORRIS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. T HAVE SOME VERY DESIRABLE I ruiM. Imnrond and Unimproved Town property fur sale, on eay terms. Prcperty Bested and Eenti Collected. rk. Tnn.MnM nnmnuiiM T fM'eS.Dt are smont; to OlaVrt and mort Kelisbte, and in th. Faorr and wrrsBi.1 sfljasiment 01 hot sms Stajtd skxmo to ioa. 4 .bar of toot patronage it solicited. 0o-L6uri.U. B. F. DORRIS. RhmeharL Brocer mm i8flt RKTMTJYE PERFECT lUTnmom HfALTMl Tt.oolf mnrtr known whlrk .lit Stimulate the Mutrltlre Processes of the Human Sjstenu Br thii natural and ilmple meant h quickly ymd permanently CUBES All Fonui of Dy.pep.U, Con.tlpatloa, Mental and 'errou Kxhau.tlon, Ovneral Debility, Drain fag, or any xhaa.tad or weak, ened condition of the eyatom, from wkaU ever cau.e, Skin Eruption., Bolli, Bun nlng Soret, ScrofuU, and all DImbmi of the Ulood, Stomach, Liver and Kidneys. 91.00. SIX BOTTUS FOR 85.00. Dr. Hlller"! 4 page book, deiorlptlvo of fly dnutlne RutoniUv.aud hit olner Kcmedlot, out free by mau. KILLER DRUB CMan Francisco, Ci!. . FOB BALK D7 E. R. LUCKEV 4 CO. J S. LUCKEY, IAUB IN Clocks, Watches, Chains, Jewelry, Etc Repairing Promptly Exeouted. xaTAIIWork Warrauted.jM J. 8. LUCKEY J. B. RHINEHART, HOUSE, SIGX & CARRIAGE PAINTER Work Buaranteed flrat-olaaa. Stock auld at lower ratei than by anyone in Eugene. HOFFMAN HOUSE Eugene, Oregon. Tom nsend & Harrison, Props. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, CAN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res idence when not profeaeionaUy engaged. Residence on Ekhth itreet. oupolte Presby terian Church. GEO. F. CRAW, POSTOFFICE Cigar store, Engena City, Oregon, McClaren s Building, (Opposite F. M. Wilklna'Druc Store.) Has an extensive Stock of STANDARD, MISCELLANEOUS, COLLEGE AND SCHOOL BOOKS, Mercantile, rncy and School Station ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc. fyOrders for Books and Subscription to Newspaper! and Periodicals promptly at tended to, R. B. Cochran &Son, Real Estate Agents. Eugene City, Oregon. Will attend to general Real Estate busines inch ai buying, selling, leasing and renting farmland city property, eto. Office on south side ol Mntn street. Boot & Shoe Store A. HUNT. Prop. Will hereafter keep a complete stock of Ladles' XIum' and Children'! SHOES. BUTTON BOOTS, Slippers, White and Black Sandals, FINE KID SHOES, MENS' AND BOYS' BOOTS & SHOES And in fact everything: In the Boot and Shoe line, to which I intend to devote my espedal attention. MT GOODS ARE FIRST CLASS. And ruarantei a. represented, and wOl be sold fur the loweat prices that a rood article can be arloroX. A. HUNT J. DAVIS, Merchant Tailor. HAS REMOVED TO THE OLD LANE County Bank BniMinir on Willamette st lit k prepared to do all kinds of work offered la hi. lint, A larire stock of Fine Cloths on hand for eortumen to select from. Kepsirisi and cWaiof done promptly. 8at bfaction guaranteed. University Bookstore The Latent Hold Up. The two men who had beeu silting tOjoth er in the teat near ths door of the car became engaged in an animated controversy, and their loud voices attracted the atteutiou of all the passcngeri, says the Chicago Tri bune. Suddenly oue of them rose np and said: "Ladle and gentlemen, I appeal to yon to deoide a deputed point. My friend here insist! that not more than three persons out of five beli.ve they have souls. I take more cheering view of humanity. Will all of you who believe you have souls raise your hsmlh?" Every riiiht hand in the car went uj. "Thank you," he said with a smile "Keen luetu nu. Now will all of von who believe in a hereafter please raise your left Hand also Every left hand In the car went up. "Thauk yon airnin," he said. "Now while all of yon have your bauds raised," be continued, drawing a pair of revolvers and leveliug tuem, "mr mend here will pane down the aisle and relieve yoa of whatever valuable! you may happen to nave. Lively now, Jim." Grant County News: Census Supeiinten dent Strange approximate! the population of Canyon City at 315. To be fashionable we should claim at least 9,000 and make big kiok to have the city recounted. Don't Believe It When told that F. M. Wilkin, ths draggR is not lolling "Wisdom't liobertiue" for the complexion, tne most elegant and only roaliy harmless preparation of its kiud in the world, and giving a beautiful picture card witn every oottio. Give The::: a Cbancel That U to soy, yum lungsi Also all your breathing niacuinury, Very wondorlul machinery It is. Not only the larger air passages, but the thousand! of little tubes and cavities lending from them. When these are clogged aud choked with matter which ought not to be there, your lungs oan not do their work. And what they do, they cannot do weel. (Jail It cold, cougb. croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of the family of throat and nose and head and lung obstructions, all are bad. All ought to be got nd of. There Is just one sure way to get rid of them. That is to take Bo ohee'l German Syrnp, which any druggist will aell yoa at 75 cents a bottle. Eveu if everything else has failed yon, yea may de pend upon mis lor oertain. A Little Too Late to doctor when Bright'! Disease has done its work. Take Wright's Kidney and Liver Cure for inllammation of kidneyi and liver, pain in back and other warnings of kidney trouble, Sold by all druggists. . What It It? That produces that beautifully loft com' plexion and leaves no traces of its applica tion or injurious effects? The answer, Wis dom'i Robertine accomplishes all this, and is pronounced by ladies of taste and refine ment to be the most delightful toilet article ever produced. Warranted harmless and matchless. F. M. Wilkin, agont, Eugene City. Change is oue of the irrosistable laws of nature, and fortunately tne cnange is almost invariably for the better. As an instance of this, St. Patrick Pills are fast taking the place of the old harsh and violent cathar tics, because they are milder and produce a pleasanter effect, beside! they are much more beneficial iu removing morbid matter from the system and preventing ague and other malarioui diseases. Ai a cotbartio and liver pill they are almost perfect. For Bale by Osburn & Co. On a recent visit to Iowa, Mr. K. Dalton of Duray, RubsoII couuty, Kansas, called at the laboratory of Chamberlain A Co., Dei Moinei, to ibow them his six year old boy, whose life bad been saved by Chamberlslu'i Cough Remedy, it having cured him of a severe attack of oroup. Mr. Dalton la cer tain that it saved his boy 'i life and is entbu liastlo in bis praise of the Remedy. He says it has an excellent reputation in his vicinity; that farmers eome fifteen miles to his itore for it. For sale by Osburn & Co. Kimball, South Dakota, Graphio: While the columns of the G i apblo are open to any and all nnobjectionab e advertisements, yet it ii quite impossible for ui to speak know. Ingly of the merit! of the various articles of merchandise advertised. Particularly la lull true of patent medioinei. But (bore are ex ception! occasionally and a' note-worthy ex ception il the celebrated Chamberlain'! Cough Remedy. Thii now universally known medicine, has been advertised in the Graphio four or five years, but not until re cently bad we any personal knowledge ol Its wonderful efficacy, which hai come about through the prevailing influenza and the stubborn cough that nai so often attended I v.. . 1 . . I - I M .1.1 11.1 I ii. in me wnier s lainny iui. weuiuioe an on several occasions ibis winter cured a cough that baffled any and all other reme dies, and the number of families in Kimball and vicinity in which this remedy has been used with like effect! attest! to its value ai a specifio for coughs and oolds of every nature. For sale by Osburn A Co. I i . - ,a J Combine the Juice of the Blue Fig of California, so laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human syitem, forming the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on th KIDNEYS, LITER AND BOWELS (WO T Cleansetti. System Effectually, fcO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING BLEEP, HEALTH and 8TREN0TH Naturally follow. Every one is nting it and all are delighted with it. Ask your druggist for SYKUP OF FIGS. Manu factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Sam f aajtciko, Cau (oonmit, Kr. )sw Yosa. W. V Overland Lumber Export. Portland Welcome: The lumber traffic eastward from the Pacific Northwest via railroad ha reached a magnitude that mr passes public Impiession outside of the trado, aud is it ill on the advance. Thii ex poit arrises in volume from two sources the supply from Portland and the Columbia milli about Ilood river, Uiidul Veil, etc., to the extent of about seventy-five car load daily and about a hundred or more per day from Pugot Souud vi the Cascade! through I.aiiteru Washington, the two line! of him ber traffic converging at the Pasco railway tation on the upper Columbia, where they joiuuy uepart eastward, dillUHitig tue car loads at all the principal luland cities where lumber-yards are regularly eitublished for the sale of this Paciflo Coast product. Car loads coutain much more weight of mer chandise than was understood by the term in tbe early duyi of railroading, when ten tons was the imperative limit. Now, twenty and even tuirty tons are not nucommon oar-loads, which at three pouud to the square foot of board measure will make oar-load count into the thousands. The Iuter-Stato Commerce law has tended to stimulate this eastward lumber trade, as west bound trsins are more or leu un loaded on the route, and the "empties," to use a railroad term, are hauled there to load with lumber for back freight. There is somewhst an interchange of lumber traffio, as hard wood la In demand on the Faciflo Coast for various purposes, the same as Or egon fir is required at the east for oar con struction and other special nses. Appraising- Their Land. George II. Andrews, secretary aud agent of the Oregon California Railway Compa ny, furnithed some information concerning the much sought-after lauds of the company The reporter asked him If the company bad done as it agreed last winter, about starting out parlies to survey aud appraise lands for settlers, He replied that they had and said that they have four parties in the field now, Mr. Van Meter is at work with a party In township! 1, 3 and 3 south, rangei S, 6 and 7 west. N. E. Britt ii working in townships , 6, 0 and 7 south, and 4, 6 and 6 eaet. Charles J. Howard has G parlies in 30, 31, 32 and 33 south, 6, ft, 7, 8, 0 and 10 west. Mr. LaFlesch ii iu 25, 20 and 27 south, 2, 3 and 4 west. These four parlies of men are examining and appraising the hind of the Oregon & California company. The past two yean there has been, as is well kuown, a large im migration tulo the state. Railroad lands ire always In demand by settlers who have al reauy exnausted their bomestead rights; so that lost fall and thli ipring there was a per fect deluge of correspondence pouring into the land office of the company here, anklng for prices on their lands. It became neces sary therefore to start out examining parties. The four now at work are expeoted to exam ine and price this summer between 250,000 and 280,000. aores of land. Their retiring this fall dependi considerably on this sea son; but the appraiser! are generally driven in by tbe rain about tbe Brat or second week in October. Lakevlew Examiner: While Klamith couuty is toasting of her beautiful grain raised at an altitude of 4,000 feet above the sea, Goose Lake farmers will soon harvest a orop, that forquality, cannot be surpassed in tbe world, and grown from land over 5,000 foet above th sea. When it come to altitude and magnificent dislanoes, Lake county lakes tbe oake and her hay, grain, vegetable and fruit orop, will all compare favorably with the best and most favored section! of the oountry. Honry Vlllard has made a prophecy. It Ii that in five yean every kind of machin ery will be propelled by eleotrlcity, and there wi!Iuot be a itenm locomotive engine on any railroad in the Union. He declare! it ai if be knew it for a faot that marvellous improvements in electricity a a motive power an on the point of being Introduoed. Th enumerators give ui a population of 35,681, which Is 14,319 short of th fact. Thiseiror ha caused a depressing effect. Wildcat real estate ha taken a tumble, and several dealer have tumbled out of bail- ness. "It's an ill wind that blow! nobody good."-A. O. U. W. Reporter. Ai tbe Argentine Republio I something over (336,000,000 in debt the new revolu tionary Minister of Finauce will find his oblef difficulty in having no finanoei to ad minister on. P'rr.7,7Qf?i LWliiilSka. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of parity, strength and wholesomenesa. More economical than tbe ordinary kinds and can not be told in competition with the multi tude of low teat, short weight, alum or phoa pbate powders. Hold only in cans. Koial Baiwo Pownsa Co.. 106 Wall St., N. Y. pi Milieu and Mining;. Albany Herald, August 2. Several members of the Albany Mining and Milling Co. are now at their mine in th Quartzvillo district. The recent rich discoveries up there, together with the fact that the necessary machinery to work the ore has already been purchased by the com pany, has excited no littlo Interest la these mines, and tbe development of tbe compauy will be watched with Interest. The Calapooia and Blue River Mill and Mining Co. have had men at work on one of their most promising leads for two months. The lateit reports are that the miners have reached by tuunel a depth of 25 feet, and that tbe mortar and pan reveal gold at every trial. When a depth of CO or 100 feet has been attained the lead will be oroni-cut and teited, and if the prospects warrant (and everybody think they will) the company will put In a mill. Stock la being taken righ t along in this company. Tbe Trinity Mining and Milling Co., which has recently incorporated in Brownsville with a capital stock of $75,000, have sent one of the company to the mine with a view to ascertaining the amount of quartz in sight, and if the report be favorable the com pany will put in a mill in a few weeks. One of the company has just returned from the Calapooia district, bringing with him quarti from the Trinity company's mines that show both gold and native silver. Quarts from these miues resemble more olosely the Comstock ore than anything yet discovered. Dr. i. II. Taylor, of the Tsylor, Oglesby, Hamell A Company's mine in the Bohemia district, is in the olty. He has just received new from his company that a rich free gold discovery haa beeu made in their ledge there, which yields $3 per pound. Thcue mine are situated on the Lane aud Douglas oounty line, and are ten milei from the minei own ed by J. W. Cunck A Co., of thin city. A number ol new claims have been taken and miner an Booking into that district. This company Is arranging to put in machinery to work th ore. The ledge I lix feet wide, and can be traced nearly halt a mile. The discovery ha created much excitement there. Free Trade and Home Market. Seoretary of State Blaine' reciprocity letter ha brought quite a number of hereto fore Republican protectionists to the con. elusion that th United States must trade with her neighbor and th world if she wishes to 'oontinue prosperous. The crea' "home market" ory of 1888, that combined with "fat," elected Harrison has proved to be a fallacy. The Dalles Mountaineer. whion has been one of th most bigoted and unreasonable protectionist organs, trie to get on tariff jreform grounds. It lay: Re ciprocity i under discussion at Washington City, with argument for and against. This may be a part of the "jingo" policy of Secre tary Blaine; but If tbe United State can se- oure th market of South America for her surplu productions there will be an incieas ed profit In farming. There is bo use deny ing the fact any longer w produce too muoh, and th more market we can secure the better for our producer! and manufac turers. Thli li not free trade; it i protec tion to our industries and wage for our la borer and operatives. It also ha an idea that if we could (ell to other, they would buy of ns. The cam. paign of education still progresses. With caution reservation the Mountaineer pro ceeds: Reciprocity, a advocated by Mr. Blaine, i a step in the right direction. The continent, with the exception of tbe Domin ion, Is republican, and there ibould be a mutuality In business as well a in politic. If Central and South America desire to pur abase our fabric it will increase our trade to soil to them, and th same can be said of our breadstuff. Mr. Blaine is sufficiently sagacious not to approve any treaty which would cripple our industries, and for thii reason he will be cautions In framing it provltiooi. Tbe United State ia undoubt edly th greatest producer on the western continent, and our trade should be extended in every direction; but not to tbe Injury of our own Industrie. Grant Pas Courier: Tuesday morning a th south bound passenger train pulled out, more tramps were aboard than the good graoe of Conductor Kearney could stand, so the train made a stop near Stinson'a factory and ejected hi objeotlonable freight in such manner a to arrouse their ire. The tramp then ran ahead of tbe train and waited for it to pas them when tbey hurled everal rock at Engineer MuCarty who waa In th cab. Mao could not let this insult paos nnnolioed, and h immediately applied tbe air brake, bringiug the train to a stand still, and bounded out after tbe offender, in company with the conductor and brakemen, who chased the tramp into the bruah; but aided aa they were from an occasional shot from revolven and a shot gun, tbe tramps soon distanced .their pursuers and made good their escape. TAKE IT BEFORE BREAKFAST. The ureal appetizer, tonic and liver rKuUtr. la una lor m-ire than 50 years In England. Pumtive siMcirio for liver enmtiUint- KaiI tn.t Id tbe mouth on ari.imr in th. morning, dull pain, in th. head and back of tlia ve. tir.,1 fnlinir, diutne., langor symptom, of liver complaint Remedy Dr Henley's EnglUh Dandelion Tonic. Relieves coDntipatinn, ahar pens the apiwtlte ard tones up the entire v tern, (iet the gvntiin from your drugUt for 91, and tek. according to db-eutians. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mas. WmsLow'a Sooth ma Rrarr. for lrn teethinit, is the prescription of one of the ti rental. aurMS and physician in the United States, and has been nwil fur fortv years with nevr-fiiiiig .ucccm by millions of mother, for their chililrtn. During th. prn oms of teething it value is LncalculAble. It relieves th. child from pain, cure, dysentery and diarrhoea, (rHping In th bowels, ml wind ootic. By giving health to th. child it resit ths mother. Pries 2oc a bottle. Hop Th kxth. The Guarij job olHc print hop tickets at reasonable rate. will