FBI 0 17! 1 Jnl- th "IT KSTABLISIIED FOB TUB DimmiTM 07 DEMOCRATIC rRINMPLKS, AD TO EAP.N H HONEST LI VINT BY TIIB SWEAT OP OCR BROW VOL 22 EUGENE, Oil., SATUliDAY, JULY 3, 1690. NO, 51. I '" .1 ' Jfl -mk "w- WW aM I t rn y V- JJL JtL Ji. jp FT A O Ifl jjtf tfuijmf tfity Pliant. , pii:r.IS1IKI every s.vti'uiay: 1. L. CAMPhKLl, I'ublixln'r uixl l'riri)lr. OFFICE -Ou tli Kant side of Willamette Street, between Seventh mid Eighth .Strict. TERMS OF sL'USCRIPITON. l'r annum... Six Mnthi.. . Three months. & fiO , 1.25 , .75 OUR ONLY KATES OP ADVEHTISINQ. Advertisements Inserted as follows: ,,, square, ten liues or less one Insertion M; acl. tuliequent insertion fl. Cash require 1 ftlTadvertisera will be charged at th. o'- Itre. month. 00 Trannient notice! In local oohmm, 20 cents line lor each insertion. 'Advertising bills will be rendered quarterly. All job work must be PAID rou ON delivkhy. CEO. B. D03R1S, Attorney aiui Counsellor-at-Law, tlMLl. PRACTICE IS THE .COURTS V of the Seemid .1 mliuiul District ami m , ' J .,,,, Court of thin State. Kt ! It attm.tion given to collection, and matters in probate T BILYEU, -Attorney and Counsellor at Law, -kugene city, oregon. VtACTICES IX ALLTUE COURTS OF I this SUte. Will give special attention iu collections and probate matters. 0Kric Over Hondrick & Eakiu's bank. A. C. WOODCOCK, Attoriicy-at-Law .,f ,uIJ MTV. - - - UKWiUrt iiV'FLCE-Roomi 74 8 McClaren Ruilding. o. S..I ott..ntiim iriven to Collection! F w n(rctit nd Probate busmen. GEORGE A. DORMS AUoriicy-at-liiiw, M.tvri'iTV. - OREGON OKKicK-In Rector BIot;k. J. J. WALTON, Jr., ATTORNET-AT-LAW EUGENE CITY, OREGON. TILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE CourU of the State. Special attention given to real estate, wl ectintf, and probate matters. , t'ollectinj all-kinds of claim, against the United States Government Ottice in Walton'i brick-roonn 7 anil Seymour W. Condon, ATTORN EY-ATLAW, -DUNN'S BUILDING, Ihigcnc, OlH'gOII. GEO. M. MILLER, ittomey and Counsallor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. KUGEXE CITV, - OREGON. Giltee-Lane Co. Bank RtiildinK E. R. SKIP WORTH, Attomey-at-Law, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. OmcB-lTp-stairi in Register Block, first dW to the left Will do a general law practice in all the Courta of the State, All busiuese promptly at attended to. A. E. GALLAGHER, AUomey-at-Latv. EUGENE CITY OREGON. Special attention given to I'robate business ud Abstract! of Title. Omc Over Lane County Bank. T.W. HARRIS, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. Residence on Fifth street, where Dr Shelton ormerly resided. DR. PAINE, Physician & Surgeon, EUGENE, OREGON. Special attentioa paid to Surgery and L'hronic diaeaaes. Dr.W.T.McMurtry, Phydcian, SBrgeoa and Gynecologist. (26 Yean Experience.) Omci-OTrr Bro itrt. nrrilte Store, Willam- EUGEXE, ... OREGON. DR. J. C. GRAY, DENTIST- (VHOEOVE GRANGE STORE. ALL Y warranted. 'Ahiiij Eu administered for pain leu ei t teeth. t? i. it I mm UUMIXESS ESTABLISHED 18 YEAKS. ' Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry & Musical Instruments. b U Uhlii :: Portland Special attention given to Repairing and Lngraving by two first work warranted. Clothing Store. J. W. CHERRY is still carrying a full line of these also a full line of HATS, CAPS AND GENTS FUR NISHING GOODS. Sold at the Lowest Prices. Re member the stand, Walton's Block. BE SURE N Yon don't buy a Dollar's worth of 1)R Y GOODS until you have seen J. D. MAT LOCK'S stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS DRESS GOODS, PARASOLS, SILKS, VELNETS, NOTIONS, RIDIIONS, LINENS, HANDKERCHIEFS, LACES. KOSIKKY, WHITE GOODS, GLOVES, WOOLENS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, GINGHAMS, SATEENS, POINTS, DOMESTIC, COTTONS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, ETC. UNDERTAKER. A bian new First-Class Hearse One of the Finest in the State. A Fink Link or Collins, Caskets, Robes, AND ALL KINDS OF Undertaking Goods Constantly on hand. Store corner A. GOLDSMITH, Ilis hi Known Qrocer in Eugene! Has a LARGER stock of Fine Groceries, China, (Hush, Crock- fry, Hooneii aiiu mu Pays Highest CAbll price for Country Produce, lur, kn, Hides, Wool, Tallow, Ac. Orders filled promptly, with the greatest care. I DON'T BOAST PRICES. All Goods sold as Cheap as anyone in Eugene. Call and be corteously treated. A. GOLDSMITH. Day & Henderson, rur 1 F.ADIVO FURNITURE UNDERTAKING House in Eugene. Corner 7th and Wil. Sts Manufacturing it .i m x it 1 1 i t i n 1 a.. i. a. .i a x: m .m a. it x a: Jeweler. - class workmen. All celebrated goods, Also Dkalkh in furniture, Mat tresses, Bed ding, Which are offered at the Lowest Rates. HI BROWNSVILLE Willamette and 7th Streets RESTQMTJYE PERFECtjj&&g Tho only remedy known which will Stimulate the Nutrltlre Processes of ttii Human System. tty thli natural and simple means It quickly and permanently CI RKJJ All Fornu of Dyspepdu. Coa.tlpatWn, Mental and h'rnroaa Kxhaoatlon, General Ueblllly, Ilrala Fag;, or any exhausted or wak ened condition of the lysteui, from what ever cause, Skin Krupllons, llolla, ltun. nlng Sores, Rcrofiila, and all IMseawe of the Wood, Stomach, IJrer and Kidneys. $1.00. SIX BOTTLES FOR $5.00. Dr. niller'sW pairebook, descriptive of tly. flrnntliie Heslorstlve and his other Kemedics, sent free by mall. MILLER DRUG CMan Francisco, Cat. rOU BALK I1V E. B. LUCKEi & CO. HOFFMAN HOUSE Eugene, Oregon. ToMiisoiid & Harrison, Props. MILLER BROS. -IlKAl.HUt IN- Field, Vegetable and Flower Seeds, Al'IARY AXD I'OUL'IRV SUPPLIES, Gurden Tools, Fertilizers, Troon, Etc. iO'JHecond St.. bet. Salmcii A Tailor Porllsnd. ( iTSeuil for Catulugne. DR. JOSEl'Jl P. GILL, C1AX RE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or roa idencu when not iirofessionidly engaged. Residence on Kkhth street, oiiixmite Presliv- GEO. F. CRAW, 1USTOFFICE Cigar store, Engene City, Oregon, McClarens Building, (Opixmite F. M. Wilkins'DrUK Store.) Has ao extensive Stock of STANDARD, MISCELLANEOUS, COLLEGE AND SCHOOL. BOOKS, Mercantile, fancy and School Station ery, Blank Booki, Cutlery, Etc. nr"" Orders for Book a and Subscriptions to Newspapers and Periodicals promptly at- . ij ... leuueu iu. R. II. Cochran & Son, Heal Estate Agents. Kujjene City, Oregon. Will attend to general Real Estate businei such as buying, veiling, leasing and rooting (arms ami city property, eto. OOlue on toutli Mile of Ninth street. . B. F. DORRIS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE ACENT. I HAVE SOME VERY DES1RAHLE Finns, Improved and Unimproved Town property fair sale, on eaay terms. Property Rented and Renta Collected, The Insurance fVunnaiiles I r'limcnt are anioni the Oldwt aud nimt Reliable, and in the I'koicpt andKuuiTARl.t adjnatment of their awes Stand hBOOND to AORa. K ihare of your iwtrK h solicited. OIKce up lUira, Itexi'ter I'lork, U. V. DORR 13. F. W. A. ORAIN, Watchmaker and Jeweler. Junction City, Oregon K,cil attention (jiven to Rwiring WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY. University Bookstore Shot Her Father. l-'iili: k J.irvis Wiia hhut S.iluidav at llie dun limin' in Tonl'iud ly bis .l.uu'lit, r itoedilni' liuis. Tu'e I'll 1 K t htruck liim in the left shoulder mid uilliclcd only u l!eli wniiiid. The c.tuso that led ( the shooting is siilistiiiitinlly ni fallows: Not lou iiioo Jatvis was accused o( incest, hix tlnuflili r Joscihino lciii Iho iroscciiliii, wiliiesa. the case wns curiiid to tho tujiriiiin court, which oi ill 1 1 J t lie verdict sl usido (or want i f cornd'oraling evidence. The decree was rut, red Ihot morning. The iliinyl.ti r, Kctiug her f.itljrr walking fio:u tho court house a free hum, ,:h,i at him with the abuvo result. She whs priced under arrest. Uistii.'t Atloruey McGiun snid in mov to diMiiisi the indiclineiit agiiust Jarvis he did so with great reluctance, but ho whs nun Ido to furuihh the coiroborativo testimony required ly the smnnio court. Judge Slums, iu disiuissiiii) the defendant from custody Mtid: "I sham the deep regret of the district attorney in dismissing this case, hut there it not nn alternative tor us. When seen in j ul ly a n iiorler nfler the shooting, Sirs. Ross said: "I shot him Iw cause ho frequenlly Ihreati ned to kill me should I ever rcvial our lioriiblo slmnic Knowing him us I do, I Hi inly believed I would carry his (Incuts into execution, am afraid of liiiu oven now, mid I I ol i. vo he will kill mo the (list chance lie has." liiiniel lioss, uusUalnl ol Mrs. lioss, was arrested on a charge of being accessory to Ibe ofleuso of dying to kill Jarvis GhoThci:. a Chance! Ilial is to Bay, vot;i luuiisi Also nil vour breatluug machinery. cry womlurlul uiacbinery it is. hul only tlio larger nir passages, but the thousands of littlo tulxa and cavities lending from thein. When these aro cloggnd and choked with matter which ought uot to bo there, your lungs can not do their work. And what Ibey do. tliev cannot do wcel. Lull it cola, couch, croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of tne family ol tnroat am! uoso ami urno: anil lung obstructions, all aro bad. All ought to ne got ml ot. lucre is lust one sure way to get rid of thorn. That is to tako Bos- ohie's (ierman Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 10 cents n iKittlc. tveu If evcrvthing else has failed you, you may de peinl n)ou tin. for certain. A Littlo Too Late to doctor when Uriclit's Disease has done its work. Tako Wright' Kidney and Liver Cure for iullumiuation of kidneys and liver, pniu in back and other warnings ol kitliuy trouble, hol.l uy all druggists. What Is It? That I roduces that beuutifiilly soft com plexion and leaves no truces of its npplini tion or injurious ell'ieU? Thonnswi r, Wis dom's Robert inn accompliKhcH all this, and 1b pronounced by ladies of tahto mid rcline- tnciit to be tho niost Uullglitful toilet article ever produced. Warranted harmless and uiiitclilcHH. F. HI, Wilkins, ngcut, Kiigene City. w .... Change is 0110 of tho irrusistablo laws of nature, and fortunately the change is almost nvariablv for tht better. As an instance of this, St. Patrick Pills aro fust taking tho place of Ihe old harsh aud violent cathar tics, because they aro milder mid produce plensnnter (Meet, Ueslilm tliey are niucb more bouellcial iu removing morbid mutter from the system and preventing ague and other malarious diseases. As a cathartic and liver pill they are almost perfect. For sale by Osbum & Co, Ou a recent visit to Iowa, Mr. K. Dalton, of Duray, Russell county, Kaunas, called at the laboratory of Chamberlain k Co., Dea Moines, to allow them his six jenr old boy, whose lift) had been saved by Chamberluiu'ii Cough Remedy, it having cured him of a severe attack of croup. Mr. Dnlton 1h cur tain that it suvrd his boy's life rind is enthu siastic in his praise of the Remedy, lie says it liitf- an excellent reputation in his vicinity; that farmera couiu fifteen miles to his store for it. For sale by Ohburn & Co. Kimball, South Dakota, Graphic: While the columns of the 0 1 uphio mo open to any and all uuobjectionab advertisements, yet it is nuite impossible fur ns to apeak know ingly of tho merits of the various articles of merchandise advertised. Particularly is this true of patent medicines. Rut there lire ex ceptions occasionally and a note-worthy ex ception is the celebrated Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This now universally known medicine, has been advertised in Ihe Graphic four or five years, but not until re cently had we any persoual knowledge of its woudcrfiil tdllcacy, which has come about through the prevailing influenza aud the tiiblMirn cough that has an often attended it. Iu the writer's family Ibis medicine has on several occasions this winter cured a cough that ballli il any and nil oilier reme dies, aud the number of families iu Kimball and vicinity iu w hich Ibis remedy baa been used with like effects Attests to its value as a speciflo for coughs aud colds of every nature lor sale by Osburn & Co. - mm Combines the juice cf the Elae Tigs of Caliromi, in laxative and nutritioui, with the medicinal virtues ( plantt known to be most benelirial to the human ivilem, forming the ON LY PER FECT REMEDY tii act cently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOIELS AND TO Cleanse tbe System Effectually, W THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP. HEALTH and STRENGTH Katurally follow. Every one is ing il and all are delighted with it. Axk your druggist for SVKU? OK FIGS. M-.UU facture ! only ty the . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., Sam i'iAauu.0, Cal. lociivius, Kr. tA Yo, N. X HF.X ItFTlF.KWOKTII VlOTFI). KxtiacU From the Ohio Stati'sniun's Rt'i'cnt Speech in ConirriwH on the Turill. "Wu must cut K'ose fioui mere partisan politics an 1 local selfishness iu dealing wilh ipiestions of Ibis character and appeal to broad stub Hinauship which solves problem! of state, not merely for Ihe approaching fall election, but for tho ceutury and for the paramount and lasting good of the whole people. 1 I insist as a n publican and a protection ist that if Ihe narrow-gauge policy suggested by some distinguished gcntl?uien is adhered to, the protective wall all arouud the United States will be thrown down except for pur poses of reveuue and wo will bo brought to realizing seuso that the prob-etivo system to imparl Iho quality of fairness and humur ify to competition, nml not to destroy it i tho interest of combined and aggregate wealth, rufortunalely as tho world goes, cojgress is not likely to take an afllrmativ action on nny given proposition until th wild cliunor from the people in its favor fairly lifts members from their feet, au then tb" sound must be absolutely cerlui and clear before they will consent to act. "Gentlemen will discover before our party is many yuirs older that we are fust runnin upon the rocks by coiitiuuiug to abuse policy wise iu itself but which may be ao prosecuted ns to be condemned by three foittllii of tho peoplo who thoroughly untie stand it. I insist, and shall continue to in sist, (hat the policy which ha sole reference to certain conditions which impart to the competition, whero those condition! exist the leaven of injustice, inequality and iiihu inanity, shall not be applied where those oondilions are not found. Nor am I, for one, content to rcmuiu deaf and silent In the midst of this conflict, awaiting for favorable winds to blow mo to a harbor of political test, selling my sail after Ihe current of the trade winds has become obvious aud their com so and forco manifest." Western DeninerRts In Advance. The Democrats of Chicago have taken the bull by the horns and proposo to light the gubernatorial cumpaigu out on a straigbl tariff issue. Their numimo for United Stales Senator is Ihn (moons war veteran, General Palmer, mid ho has been placed upon a plalfoim far in advance of tho No. tioual Democralio platform of 1888. The couvculiou which nomiuatcd adopted reso lutions winch advocated lurilt for revenue only from internal teveiiiio taxation aud tuxes on luxuries. This, says tho New York Mercury, would relievo the woikingmau, (arumr, and men of limited income, and leave the raw materia! of labor free, and the Democrats of Illinois are supported iu this movement by the Chicago Tribune and other Republican free trade journals. It is a bold gland, hut it ii likely to capture the farmers, and if it results in a victory for the Democrats of Illinois (who iu their ad. vanced sentiments only voice the voters) it will compel Iho Democratic Presidential uomiuco of WJl to tako his stand on the same platform. Tho Popular Vote. In tho tariff debate Smyth, tho Repiibli can speaker continually repeaU the asser tion that the people of declared iu fa vor of protection. Tho vupid charucter of this kind of talk has boon well exposed by tho Democrats, who have culled attention to the fact that 100,000 more volos were polled by Democrat! than Repnblicaus, without tuking into accounts the votes cast by the third and fourth parties, which were largely those of tariff reformers. Then there is the further consideration, that of Ihe negro voles polled by the Kepublicans very few repre sent uny conviction on the tariff question, while ihe interests of nearly all Ihe colored voters demand tariff reform. Portland Welcome: Ou last Sunday a meeting was held at the Jewish Synagogue to discuss Ihe question of we.iring or dis carding hats during religious services. There, was a good attendance of tho congre gation uud Ihe utmost Interest prevailed throughout the discussion. Speeches were made, pro and con, the rabbi, Dr. Rloch, being a strong advocate of the no bat ques tion. The interesting contest was finally settled by the tuking of a ballot, resulting in Iho friends of the old custom of heads cov ered gaining their polut by one vote. The result shows tkut even iu the delusiveness of Jewish religious exercises, ortbodoxical methods are taking a back seat, giving way to advanced ideas and the piogreasive spirit of Ihe sge. Absolutely Pure This powder teter varies. A marvel of pniity, strength and wbolesonieness. More coiiomiotl than the orriinary kinds and can not be to'.d iu competition with tbe multi tude of low list, short weight, alum or phos phate powders. Hold oulv in cans. Rotal lSAi.ixti l'owiisa Co.. lot! Wall St., N. Y. f ROYAL KSVil J iff THE HOG LAW. An Art to Prevent Swine, fnnii nine at Large. Rnn- The people of Lane county having voted by a largo majority against twine runuiug at large, wo publish below for the benefit of the public generally, the law that is to be enforced. Probably but few of the voters really understood at the time ot the election. Ho it cuacted by the Legislative Assem bly of tho State of Oregon: Skction 1. That on the petition of one hundred or more legal voters of any county in tho it lu to being filed with the county clerk beforo Iho the time of giving notice of the general election in any year the county clerk shall cause notice to be given that at such clcctiou a vote will be taken iu such county for and against swine run ning at largo. Skc. 2. In voliug for and against swiu runuing at largo, it shull be priuted or write ten on the same ballot wilh candidates for county officers, and shall read, "For run ning at large Yes," or "For running at largo No," aud the vote thus cast shall be cauvassed Ihe same as those cast for any county officor. Ssc. C. If a majority of all the votes cast shall be sgainst swiue running at large, the county elerk shall give notice of publication iu some newspaper in bis county tor three consecutive weeks that iu sixty days from (he date of said notice it will be unlawful for swine to run at largo, under penalty of five dollars for the first offense and ten dol lars for each aud every subsequent offense, to be reoovered from the owner ol the swiue by civil sotion in the name of the State of Oregon, before a justice of the peace of the precinct iu which such ownor or keeper, or either of them may reside, and such penalty shall be for the benefit of, aud when col lected paid into the common school fund of tho county in which such action is brought, wilhin sixty days after such ani mal is proved to be at large. Hio. 4. No prosecution shall be com menced to recover the penalties named iu section 3 uutil at least one day's notice has beeu givcu to tho owner or person having charge of such swine, if snch ownor or keep er be known; and it shall be a sufficient do- fuuse lo snch prosecution to show that such animal or animals wero at large without the knowledge of such ownor or keeper and without his fault. Skc. 5. A person fiudiug auy swine run uing at largo coutrury to the provisions ot this act, and any conBtublo of any precinct, or marshal of any city, ot his comity where such swine may be found, on view or infor mation shall take up aud coullue the same forthwith, giving notice thereof to the owuer if known, and if not known, by posting no tices describing such animals therein in at leant three public places within the product, aud if the owner does not appear itud claim his properly, aud pay all charges for taking up, advertising and keeping the same, wilh in ten days from the date of this notice the sale ot the animals may be proceeded with under the law relating to estrays. Approved February 20, 1885. Killed by a Lion. The Yroka Journal of June 25 gives the details of a horrible affair that occurred near there recently. It says: The littlo son of Jot Dangle, residing at Mugglusville iu this county, near the dump ing ground of the Campbell hydraulio uiino in Quarts Valley, was attacked, killed, and partly eaten up by two mountain lions ou last Saturday afternoon. About two o'clock the child asked his mother for the privilege of going up to play with his sister's children who resided nearly half a mile distant, and on being answered "not to-day," wandered up the gulch about two hundred yards in front of the house, where he was evidoutly gathering ouk balls nnder a tree and string ing them, when pounced upon by the lions. The savage beasts, an old ihe one and a yearling, undoubtedly killed the child at ouoe, ami dragged him some two or three rods iuto a small gulch, where be was found about six p. in, by his father, who bad been out hunting him. When discovered by Ihe horror-stricken father, the lion waa still de vouring the body, and had eaten the flesh from the child'a face and neck, beside tearing out bis vitals and tucking sll the blood from the body, an arm picked clean of flesh being lso found some distance away, as though natcbed by the younger animal from the clutches of the older one. Mr. Dangle se cured his guu and alarmed the neighbors, when the lions disappeared, and the distract ed father secured the romaius of bis dead boy, Ihe fearful experience being terrible miction to the distressed family, who were iu a stato of frenzy over Ihe uuexpected and terrible calamity (bat befell their little boy. A Rare Jewel. Ou the grassy banks of (be isging Rig Nestucca is lo be fmiud a rare jewel in tho form of a young ludy. Five years ago thin nioulli Miss Mntlie Jones, daughter of J. D. Jones, filed on a homestead of ltit) acres of the choicest land iu the Rig Nestucca valley, and hat made that her home since that time. She Las a good framo borne and baru, ten acres cleared, sixty apple treea set out aud growing, three bead of calves and number of agricultural implements. Ou (he 17th iust. she weut before the ooiinty clerk of Tillamook county aud uiado final proif( Messrs. J, C. Norris aud Louis T. Johnson acting as witnesses. She baa now acquired title to a pieco of laud that would be ready sale si f 11(0 or $12lS0. Mis Jones has in this instance placed an example before some of our Tonng men who are squandering the better part of their lives in idleness. It ia such young ladies as Miss Mutlie who umkn model wives, but we opiue that she will be slow to trade a thousand dollar ranch tor a fifty cent husband. Sheridan Courier. ' G. W. MoCreary, Secretary of War nudt r President Hayes, died at his home iu St. Joseph, Mo., on June 2X1.