The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 28, 1890, Image 3

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Kin, Oacar of Sweden, who bag
hitherto confined bit pen chleflj to
teriw), bat written a war paper.
MlttJoan Infolow receivei to many
request for hur autograph that the ii
pbytlca'.'. unuble to respond to them alL
Tennyson dislikes the craze for lo
willing hit poem. He aald recently
that Lockiiluy Hall was no partloular
ball, and the Moated Grange no par
ticular Kranffo.
Joaquin Mlllor Is credited with the
worst ponmanHhtp of any educated man
In the Unltod Statct, and bli spelling li
far from boiun acoordinjf to Webbter or
Eugene Fiold ay of Rider Hag
gard: "Ho looks like a good-natured
boy, that It alL Ills head It small and
bis note Is largo) be bas blue eyea and
red cheeks; hit manner la that of a
loose-Join ted, companionable fellow."
A periodical for the betrothed it
now published in Vienna. It It pub
lished twice a month. Every announce
ment of a betrothal or marriage it In
torted gratuitously, provided the happy
couple will buy thoir trousseau of the
tradesmen advertising in the paper. '
Mark Twain is said to allow blmsell
too cigars a month. ' At the age of thirty-four
he stopped smoking for a year
and a half. When be started to write
"Roughing It" be was three weeks in
writing three chapters. Then he re
turned smoking and completed the book
in three months.
William Ulack, the novelist, Is de
scribed as a man of loss than medium
height, muscular and compact of build.
His hair is black, worn closely clipped,
and he has a sweeping mustache that t
cavalry man might envy. He lives ip
plain rooms In Buckingham street, Lon
don, overlooking the Thames.
The King's College School Old Boys'
Club wrote asking Mr. Gladstone to be
come an honorary member, and received
a postal curd written by him declining
the honor. The club promntly put the
card up at auction and got 8 shilling f
ponce for it
Tho newspapers are beginning tc
outbid the magazines. It is Bald that
New York paper pays larger prices for
the literary contributions to its Sunday
Issue than any msgazino pays. Yet not
a fow writers would prefer to deed theii
work to a magazine, even at a much
smaller prico.
It is a remarkable fact that the Eu
ropean country which possossos the
largest number of publlo libraries la
Austria. In Austria there are no fewer
than 677 publlo libraries, containing
5,475,000, without reckoning maps or
manuscripts a total which comes out
of twenty-slz volumes per 100 of the
It Is related that a few years age
the Prince of Wales declined to attend
a lunrheon following the opening of a
town ball at Halifax because the local
"big-wigs" bad determined that the
newspaper men should dine apart, in
another hotel; and onoo Disraeli, whon
touring in Buckinghamshire, shut him
jelf up in his room on learning of a simi
lar resolvo, and sent word to bis hosts
that he would remain thore until the
journalists were accorded a place at hii
A Country Where Uumea of Chance Uav
Alway Beau In Fnvor.
Gaming is a habit of very old date
along tho Kiviora; it might continue if
the casino nt Monte Carlo were razed to
the ground At San Remo games of
chance aro forbidden by law now, yet
tho lottery, which is the most demoral
izing of all forms of gambling, is per
mitted there, as in all Italian cities.
Upward of a oentury ago the game of
chance commonly played at San Romo
was biribi. This game is chiefly kept
In remembrance by references to it in
the writings of notod mon. For ex
ample, l'aul Louis Courier, in one of his
incomparable pamphlets, twits the Fi
nance Minister of his day with playing
biribi with the finances. This game
was far more unfavorable to the player
than the roulette which is played at
Monte Carlo in these days. A biribi
tublo contains seventy compartments,
each compartment being distinguished
by a figure and a number. Sixty-four
balls, with figures painted and numbers
marked on them, are placed in a bag.
The player puts his stake in ono of the
compartments, and if the ball drawn
out of tho bag should correspond to It
then he receives 04 times bis stake
There are K4 chances to 1 against t
player at biribi receiving any thing; at
roulette the chance of bis doing so on t
number is 30 to 1, and no person has yet
mado a fortune by playing on number!
at roulette. Thus tho modern game of
roulette ruins a player more slowly than
the older one of biribi.
The game of roulette, or, as it is des
ignated in the statute book, "roly poly,''
Is an ingenious device for inspiring t
player with tho prospect of gain, and
for Insuring that the player will con
tribute to maintain tho keepers of the
table. There is more excitement in
playing at roulette than at trente-efr
quaranto, though tho certainty of ulti
mate loss is the same at either. In
deed, the mail who systematically spec
ulates on the stock exchange, who bets
on the turf, or who games at Monte
Carlo helps to add to a stockbroker's in
come in tho first place, to increase t
bookmaker's profits in the second, and
to pay dividends to the shareholders in
the casino in the third. I assume that
in each of the three cases every thing
has been done fairly and In accordance
with the rules laid down.
'Ibis point of view is not sufficiently
Wne in mind. When the wickednesi
of gaming is denounced, too little heed
l paid to its unprofitableness, and
human beings are more reluetant to dc
-tbat which will not pay than that which
i called sinful. There is a wild delight
in sinning which is not folt in losing
money. Xineteonth Century.
The Hotel Clerk's Tale.
It It seldom that a guest quits a room
'lthout leaving something behind.
Women leave hairpins, invisible nets,
ihoe-buttoners 'and ono glove. And
otnetimes they will leave jewelry, but
ot of urn. Men leave collar, a nail
brush, a pair of q1 rubbers and busl
ass letters. As soon as a room is ta
sted the housemaid on the floor makes
examination, pick's up every thing
ttat has been left and hands it to the
housekeeper, who leports it to the
fflcs. A funny thing about these leaf
lnS is that they are most always sent
f. A pair of robbers were left in s
not long ago. Tbe next day ws
had a telegram from the owner at Oma-
to forward the rubbers by expreis to
ls address in Denver. His message
1 the express charges came to mora
Jan a pif j Mw tubbrs. Chicago
I riLuis.
Pro. H.fw WobU ,
Haagkt Rla a Leuon.
--"?uWM cerUIn lr ' Prld9
,Utour bottt hlm he cams
on the front stops of tbe Massaohn
!?! , .T "Motion, notwithstanding
be fact that bs had just been refused a
mall ban of onl flfteen
juost for which bad been conveyed by
the maid tor nt to tho mistress of tho
. I? hT76 been i-1081 insulted," bo
aid, addressing a young man with a
large folio note book who bad paused a
moment on the sidewalk for the pur
pose of investigating the eontents of an
- a oarrei in Hopes of rale
Ing therefrom a newt item of tome
"Who did it?" asked tho Star reporter,
for it was he,
The proud-looking strsngsr point
with bis thumb over his left shoulder
at the handsome residence behind him.
"I demanded a trifling pecuniary ac
commodation, ho explained hoarsely,"
and they sent me down an Insolent mes
sage of refusal"
The stranger pulled thoughtfully at a
wisp of long black balr that hung ovsr
one ear. Finally bo said:
"I have it!"
"A scheme of revenge?" asked ths
newspaper man interestedly for he,
too, detested aristocrats.
"What is It?" '
Vliutter?" '
"That's the idea. I propose to get
ven by buttering the steps."
"You mean to bring them dowa to
your level, eh?"
"To some extent"
"Rut butter costs money."
"It needn't bo tho best butter, jot
know." '
"Of course not; but enough oven of a
poor article to make a toboggan slide of
the steps would be a large expense."
( "You mistake my object," he said.
"I do not contemplate summoning the
law of gravity to my aid for tho purpose
of destroying tho family. Too much
risk would be involved. What I propose
doing is simply to put a little grease on
those costly stons steps during tho
night Five minutes Work with a small
quantity of second-hand butter will do
about W0O worth of damage. You know
tb,e grease sinks into the stone, and
nothing short of the ohlssl will sver get
it out again. I'll teach these haughty
rich people that it is cheaper to extend
a Bmall flnanolal assistance to the ex
tent, say, of flfteen cents to a gentle
man temporarily embarrassed than to
make him a deadly enemy, prepared at
the first favorable opportunity to spread
butter and desolation in their paths.
Ha, ha! I will vet bo revenged. Fare
well r-Washington Star.
Its laeredneaa Pictured In Eloquent
Words by Klliabeth Cadjr Stanton.
The first step toward making the
Ideal the real is to educate our sons and
daughters into the most exalted ideas of
tbe sacrednost of married life and tbe
responsibilities of parenthood. I would
have them give at least as much
thought to the creation of an immortal
being as tbe artist gives to his land
scape or statue. Watch him in his
hours of solitude, communing with
great nature for days and weeks in all
her ohanglng moods, and when at last
bis dream of beauty is realized and
takes a olearly defined form, behold
bow patiently be works through long
months and years on sky and lake, on
tree and flower, and, when oomplete, it
represents to him more love and life,
more hope and ambition than the living
ohlld at his side, to whose conception
and antenatal development not one
soulful thought was ever given. To this
Impressible period of human life few
parents give any thought; yet here we
must begin to cultivate tbe virtues that
can alone redeem the world.
How oblivious even our greatest phi
losophers seem to the well-known laws
of physiology. TbiAk of a man like
Darwin, so close an observer of every
form of life, so firm a believer in the
laws of heredity, venturing on marriage
and fatherhood while he was the victim
of an incurable hereditary disease. That
be thought of this while raising a large
family Is plain from his published let
ters, in wbich he deplores his condition,
and groans lest his physical afflictions
be visited on hit children. Alasl who
can measure the miseries of the race re
sulting from tbe impure and unholy
marriages into which even intelligent
men and women so recklessly enter.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, in Arena.
'A lady of Alpharetta, Go., hat a
1 J f n Y. ! nn Hi Q f ollR B1TI will Aftl
urocu Ui V. U 1. " " J -
only six months in tho year; they fast
. . .1 1 - J mm a f St t Via. An A
lOO OUier Bii, uu
of their fast as the wert before.
iiVoUas fhlaafnalr .ft twin
Itively bad. It must be three weeks
old. Waiter "An, paruon, ujuub.viu.
UMTQ - -
brought you se venison." Epicure
"Venison? un, jem j
, i. T..t. io Ah! to be sure.
leave u
it is venison; and very nice, too very
. 1 J .M
nice, inaeeui
m ..14 the eiHIir1! son. "what it
the meaning of the phrase, 'Amenltlet
of Journalism?" " "It is." promptly re
plied the parent, "calling a brother
editor an 'esteemed contemporary 'in one
column, and referring to him in another
as a lying whelp who hasn't intelli
gence to o'erk on a canal boat'" Ex-
li.i .Id Mr. Lushlv.
M lvJ '"-'
as he stood on the steps, "will you opes
the door?" "uia you uor . w.-.
was t question which came from ths
upper window. "Yeah, m' dear. II
ttruca mreo. "'h
out" and she slammed the shutters,
while Lushly sa.aownon vuouv..i--Washington
-Mrs. Brown-'These men think w
women can't keep a secret, but they'rs
lUnlnn." Mrs.
greatly misu.
Green-"Indeed.I can too. ow Mrs.
Parks was in bare yesterday and told
me in solemn confidence that Mrs. Smlti
Intended getting a divorce from bei
bnusb, '.and I haven't told. Uvingsod
about it and don't Intend to. Mrs
Brown "No; I woman i . -
-Light , .
., ..ii. n-nfUM "Ieavn tdoyo
Aiauiue viw - -
WMhln' no mo' arfter today.
kase I'M rwino ter be mahied. Mrs.
MTdly-"fndee4. Matilda, U r, J,
"ery glad of it on your account But
nope you b.v. fir- ths -tuwr csreful
ntideration. Matilda,
1 been mahied four times already, an I
Sze. ie bow car'fjJ. bast
be .bout dis marry!.' businss- -Do-
troit Free rrsas.
its think That Ranerost Species el lm
unity Are Preventable.
Dr. C B. Burr, superintendent of ths
Eastern Michigan Intane Atylum, re
cently read a paner at a sanitary con
vention, and brought out tome facta that,
while well appreciated by physicians,
are not geuerally known. Every one
must recognize the tact that thore must
be a prime cause for every thing; and In
sanity, being merely an expression of a
more or less profound perturbation ol
the brain, must bave an ultimate cause.
The careful study of the causos of in
sanity, and the much that has been
done in the way of dlspollng the mys
teries surrounding insanity, have
shown that mental disease "it In s
great measure preventable. In many
cases it is the direct or Indirect out
come of conditions affeotlngtbe general
nutrition. The general idea as to the
part played by emotion In the produc
tion of insanity is exaggerated. Amonn
the conditions that Impair tho gonera!
nu tuition and thus contribute to mental
disease are unsanitary surroundings,
exposure to the contagion of communica
ble diseases, labor in badly ventilated
rooms, Intemperance and other thlngi
that cause bodily illness. These are re
sponsible for large percentage of the
cases of insanity. It is estimated that
ten per cunt of tho cases of insanity
are caused by tuberculosis, and throe
per cent by contagious diseases;
the habitual and intemperate use
of alcohol, opium and other narcotics
causes about nine per ceut of all cases
The so-called emotional causes, such at
business porplexltlos, anxiety, religioui
excitement etc., are responsible foi
about twelve per, cent, ind of tbest
about one-third of the patients have
thoir mental troublos ascribed to such
things as loss of sleep, disorders of appe
tite and of digestion and to other purely
physical causes.
It Is no exaggeration to say that forty
per cent of the cases of insanity art
preventable; in fact, the percentage of
preventable cases is largor when
we consider tho number of cases
due to ill-advised marriages. Dis
regard of sanitary rules a very
broad term is what is filling our
asylums for the insane. Unrestricted
marriages among the criminal classes
and the criminally disposed, among
persons with what may be called an
overwhelmingly insane hereditary, tnd
of habitual drunkards, is one way in
which Insanity is produced by disregard
of sanitary laws. There aro son. peo
ple that should be prohibited, for tbe
good of society, from propagating tho
species. One way and the proper way
of preventing insanity is to reform
the children by reforming their parents
Chicago Herald.
An Kipurt Sure They Are Not u 8entl.
tlve ae Warin-ltlooilrd Animate.
I huvo read many articles on the sub
ject of whether fish, when caught on the
hook, feel any pain, or whether their
struggles were merely the result of find
ing thomselves fast I fish a great deal
in tho summer months for trout, bass
and pickerel, and bavo dono so for many
years. I havo studied tho matter very
carefully, and have made np my mind,
from various incidents that have come
under my observation, that fish are not
sensitive to pain as are warm-blooded
animals. I will cito two Instances that
show to mn plainly that I must be right
In my conclusions on tbis subject
Last October, whilo Ashing for pick
erel on Lake Cary, Wyoming County,
Pa., in company with a companion,
among other fish that we caught was a
pickerel that would weigh nearly, if not
quite, three pounds. My friend pulled
it up, and as it came on to the top I
saw about twelve foot of a very coarse
brown line hanging to it Upon in
specting it more closely I found that the
fish bad in its sido .a very strong and
coarse hook, to which the plot s of line
was attached. Tho wound must have
been mado a very short time previous
to our catching the fish, for it was
blooding quite freely and looked very
fresh, and if tho fish couldlfool, It would
certainly have deterred it from tak
ing our hook so soon after such an
Injury. There was only one other party
fishing on the lake that day, as It was
cold and windy, and that pickerel must
have received his injury from them and
have come nearly across the lake to us,
dragging that piece of heavy line with
The other instance occurred in this
way: I was fishing for plokerel with .
"skipping bait" most of your, readers
know what that is a piece of pork rind
or a pickerel belly, and had with me t
friend who. though he could handle a
brigade under a heavy flro, was not up
io the trick of catching fish that way. I
was having fairly good sport, but he got
impatient and finally, when he had s
ood strike, he jerked so bard as to
break bis line, and away went tbe fish,
and he at once proposed to go homo; but
1 told him in joke if he would wait Ave
or ten minutes I would catch that fish
and get back bis hook. So we tat down
and had . short smoke. I toon com
menced to cast my hook noar where b
lost his fish. I had a strike, and to our
mutual surprise out came the General's
fish, with his book well fastened in its
mouth. Now, I don't think the fish
would havb taken tho bait so soon again
had it been in any pain from the hook.
Forest and Stream.
Cutting a Hit rt Properly.
Skirts at present require groat tklll
in cutting, as they are fitted almost as
closoly and smoothly as a bodice. They
are arranged plainly in front and often
when not covered with drapery bave a
team down the front with mitred plaits
on each side to make them very wide
about tbe feet with considerable full
ness, gathered in at the neck, and must
be cut to touch the ground for outdoor
wear. Tbey are either plain or severe
ly draped and little trimmed, though
sometimes three or five encircling rows
of velvet are used about tbe bottom,
and oooaslonally they are arranged
with over-lappinj scams having ths
selvedge expoted and finished with
feather stitching. St Paul Globe.
A pelican killed in California lately
had seven grain bags rolled into . stiff
wad in its pouch.
Fi.rmerlv the education of girls ia
r'rance was entirely in the bands of tho
.n.cnt end wxm different In every re-
ipect from that of boys. Secular schools
girls have been lounaeo, especially
e 1870. and there are now fifty-one
soch high schools in Franco. One was
opened last year in Parts- wnose ouiio-
cost sbout 14OO.00O. Jl nas twenty
teachers, and takes girls from
re to seventeen years old. Sewing
bouM-keeplng are taught The reg
n.iir&a ii five vears. and a teacher's
iiploma is given for the studies of tho
tilth year.
March 8, 1890.
Manufuct urr$ of tht Ortat SUrra Kid
nry and Liver Curt,
Gentlemen: The gratitude I feel to
wards you I cannot sxpress In these few
words. I have been troubled In ths past
ten ytari with kldury disorder, I did not
know in that time what It was to enjoy .
full night's rest I started In to try your
great Slerr. K'dney.ud Liver Cure. I
have Klven it . fair trial; my rest has re
turned; I am much improved In every way.
Your remedy is Just as you represent It,
a deliiMul and tfftcllv one. Very truly
yours, C. H. MouTusf,
Carpenter and Builder, 616 California
street, San Francisco, Cal.
Half the men who t-uiuilalu ol tome one
Hamlin' in tneir roau evruiuanj situ Uiat Ihry
aiuu l oeve uy meu.
Thli bodv nl ourt bu bven I Ikened In a tene.
mrut. It often h a haunted airtinriit Uit
iioiiiarn. m-area oj uie enirien i, rms uyntH-p-ita,
dlKitliu 4 re and refuiee Io return. Vt net
ran bivak I lie upell, what can nlie the ban ild
utMin the nuhaimr orvaut? We auiwer uuheel-
UUiixIr. Hmtt'tter'a Hlomaub Hlllen, and we
ar- warranted In the reiponae by the recorded
lentlnmuy ol yrladt, covering period ol over
a tn iro ol a century, a c uree ol me timers,
begun In anv ilairr of the ilHU-llon and Demlii-
eully followed, will terminate lu cure poeltlve,
Uol i t Hal. The Hlttera reitnre tone to the eu-
lKatrto nerve, ivuewt aud urtnee the Juices
exuoiui trom tne cellular nwiie tnat ai l upon
ihe tood dlir (lively, einelt bile from Hie Horn-
arh and the blood, aud uroaiotes a regular baelt
1 1 body. Malaria, kidney comiilalnt, uervout
neet, rnenniatlitn aud neuralgia (tve way to
tun memcine.
Tbe fortune! of the po itlrlan and Ihe ram
bler are lu the handt ol their Irlendi.
Ste iVoiWs wil' bo sent by Crajrln
& Co., Philadelphia, Pi, to anyone in the
united b tales or I anada. pontage paid.
upon receipt of 25 Dobbins Kleclric Soap
wrappers. See list of novels on circulars
around sun bar. boap lor aaie Dy an
The price of rubber gnoda hat taken an in
ward bouua. inn li chararleniilo ol ru Der.
Phyiirlant recommend "Tantlll't Psuch."
" Ye." aald Kong, " ai a ucceiu I have always
neen a taiiure, ua at a laimre I navt uveu an
uuquauni-a uccei."
Ci'KK roR Coumi or Coi.n As soon as
there Is tbe alightett uneasiness of the
client, with dinicullv ol brrsllilng, or Indl
catlcn of roiish, take during the day a
few " Brown Bronchial Trochtt." 25
ceuts a box.
" What a donrtcoiit geulleman Colonel Bowler
It. Vi here did he learn inch atltble manneraT
" He once rau for an oftloe,"
Branprbtii s Pills are ths best medl
clue known.
First They are purely vegetable; in
fact, medicated food.
Sfcondtht same dose always produces
the same effect other purgatives require
Increased doses, and unally reane acting,
Third Thev mmfv the blood.
Fourth They Invigorate the digestion
and cleanse the stomach and bowels.
Fifth Thev stimulate the liver and
carry off vitiat d bile and other depraved
The first two or three doses tell the
story. The skin becomes clear, the eyea
bright, the mind active, digestion is re
stored, coativenesa cured, the animal vigor
Is recruited and all decay arrested.
Brandueth's Pilu aro sold In every
drug and medicine store, either plain tr
The Proof of a Ureal Mind. "I've a great
mlud tn write a poem " " II yoa rea ly bave a
great miua, mow it ny nourying. -
Modesto, Cal., May 24, 1800,
Dr. J. E"gene Jordan, Sealt'e, Wash.
Dear Sir: I hope you will not consider
me tedious if I tell . little experience,
such as may not have come under your
observation. About flfteen years ago .
br'ght red spot, about ths size of . pra,
came on one side of the end of my nose,
It was . source of great annoyance to mo
and great anxiety to my friends, who
feared the spot might be cancer. It
seemed strange such . thing would come
on pny face, for my health has alwaya been
good and I never had so much as pimple
on my akin. I did not know what to do
for the trouble. There was . throbb'ng
pain all the while, and last tall, when the
cold weather set in, the s,ot became film
ing red and hard, and remained so. It be
came very aore to the touch and hot The
rtin was throbbing, severe pain. Then
became truly alarmed, for the thing was
becoming worse, and some time in Febru
ary I remembeisd that you recommended
M water for tbe eyes when they were in.
flamed; so I applied this to my nose one
evenlnf and wss sure that with thia one
application the inflammation was lessened.
I kept up the treatment . week, and my
nose teemed well. I continued taking the
medicine for six weeks, and at the end of
that time tbe purple spot was entirely
gone, and there la no trace of the thing
left The redness has also entirely disap
peared. I could not bo thankful enough
that I had heard of your medicines and
knew what to use, Ilespectfully,
Mrs. J. Purvis
Dr. Jordan's office is at ths residence of
ex-Mayor Yesler, Third and James, Seat
tle. Consultation and prescription abso
lutely free. Send for free book explaining
the Hlstogenetic System,
Caution.-The Hlatogenetlc Medicines
are sold In but one agency In each town.
The label around the bottle bears the fol
lowing inscription: " Dr. J. Eugene Jor
dan's Histogenetlo Medicine," Every
other device is . fraud. .
TothiEditos: Pleats Inform yoar readers
that I bave a poiltlve remedy (or the above
named dlteaae. Hy ita timely ue thouianda of
hopeleaa eauet have been permanently cured. I
hall be glad to tend two bottle ol my remedy
free to any ol your readers who have connamp
tlen II they will tend me their express and poet
office address, Keapectfully.
T. A. bLOCCM, If. 0.,
1S1 Pearl ttreet, New York.
Planner's Oreiea Hl4 Parlfler It
the beet remedy lor that dread disease, dyipep
la. (or It regulatet the lymphatic tyilen and
bad secretion,
Beware of Imitation of the celebrated Seal ol
North Carolina Plug Cut Tobacco.
That Hood'! Karuparll a does poaaeat caraUve
power Perullartolttrll liconclaalvely shown by
be wonderful cure It bat effected, snavpaaaed
In ihe hlitory of medicine. Thl abtola merit
it peaee by reason of the fact that It ll pre
pared by a CoewblamtUa Prerrtlti and
Process Persilarto Hood' Saraaparlllanowu
To Itself
to no other medicine, and by which the rail
medicinal power ol all the Ingredient aattf la
retained. Hood'l Banaparil s la s highly con
centrated extract of Ha aaparills. Dandelion,
Mandr, ke, Dock, Juniper Berries and other well
known vegetable renedlec It baa won It way
to the leading place among medic neabyluown
nninile.andlipntrd merllnd ha now a larger
ale thin any other lmilar preparation In the
country II yoa have never leken Huod'aHaraap
aillla.a fair trial will eouvtnc roaol Itanwrlie.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by -11 drerrUt. II: all fr SA Prepared
only by t;. L uuuv tu., wnn, aiaaa.
IOO Dotes One Dollar
Including 15 rare novelties, shspes and
arumo unportea oieogrspnie and rhro
niatic card. This large and beautiful col.
lection Mht liv mail l.l en nn. mkn Kill
do tbl: Buy a box of Ihe genuine Dr. C.
aii-ino a iieoratea idver fills rroin any
druggist, pries ii cent, and mail us the
uuiaiua wrapper wim your address, plain-
lv Written and 1 nunla In lBn,lu. Th
genuine MrLane'a Mil are prepared only
vj firming iiros.. l-liuunrgn, I'a.and
nave ueen in ronatani use lor over alxty
veara. Thev ar annerlnr all nllM I..
purity and eflertiveuea. A certain cure
ur luuiKcaiion aim Men neadarne. Ad
dreas, Fleming Uroa., Pittsburgh, l'a.
The Mlow. that r o much bolter than their
pany win near waicmuf.
Tsv Oiaaii (or bieikfait.
J nl Infancy and childhood, whether tortnr
Ing.dUdgurlug, Itching, buruliw.M-aly.rrtiated.
rliuplv or blotchy, wltn lou ol balr, and every
inpurity ol the blood, whether linple, x'rofH
loni or bendttarv, Ii apeedlly, permanently aud
econmalia ly cured by theCuTiruaa Kumcmm,
ooiiiUlliig nl Ci'Tin A, the great tklll cure,
CtTii't'a or, an exqaiilte akin purifier and
heantiOer. aud (.'t'Tiii aa Kiwilvint, Ihe uew
blood nuri Iter and treat at ol humor reuiedlr,
wlii-u the beat phyiirlaiia and all other roinedle
fai. Fan iili, aave your rhildreu yearaol tueii.
tai aud phyaical Buffering.
Sold everywhere. Price, Ct'Tiri'sa.Mci SOAr,
xe: KatoiAiNT, II. Prepared by Putter Drug
aud t'henilial t'orio:atloii, Boalon.
Senal lor "How to Cure Skin Dlaoaae "
f SW Baby'a akin and acalp purified aud "Sl
itF beautified bvjUi'TU'VSA Coat.
JS Kidney palna, backache and miiacular
Beh'h- uma'lam relieved lu one minute by Itie
yciTia aA Anti-Pain 1'LAiTta.
preaenM and tall aa
Seta Big aa Ua ealy
apedSo fwthaeartalaean
ol IblaSlaeaae.
aaay jeer. aaV aaa
.aivea Ua ktat st aaae-
W fwTsIvsQ
I I riaaaykySJa
1 'JntsttakslSi
Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, Impaired
Digestion, Constipation, Disordered Liver, eto.,
ACTINO LIKE MAGIC on the vital organs, strenathenlna the
muscular system, and arousing
Whole Physical
Pillt, iaktn at dmcttd, mill quickly RESTORE
complete health.
Price, 25 cents per Box.
Frprd only hj TH0B, BEE0HAM, Bt Belaot, Lanoahlre, England.
n. r. ALLKft VtK, Hoi Atiml$ far Vllnl Htntrt, ,1tUl .1(17 Omni fit., JTrw
lorn, vmo ( ir r"r nrMtwiai ne itei aerii
reeelfir r jrire out lrttwl?-r imf.
Plump and rosy are tne babies
living upon
Physicians prescribe it.
Invalids use and relish it.
A picture ef ftv. charming bible, alio TaluaM.
pamphlet, eanl oa application.
WaLU, Kichabmom ft Co., Uurllngtoa, Vb
k Diamond i
It's easy to dye with
Diamond Dyes
Because so simple.
It's safe to dye with
Diamond Dyes
Beoause always reliable.
It's eoonomy to dye
with Diamond Dyes
Beoause the strongest.
fou ought to dye with
Diamond Dyes
Beoause they are best.
Our ae book. " Sucwaafiil Hoaa Pyrln," giving
kill direction for all aaaa ef Diamond Iya, arm free
eaapplicaiioa.. IMaawnd Dyea are aold every when,
or any color nailed oa receipt of price, 10 cent.
WaUJ, RiCHAamoa ft Co., Burlington, Vt.
A Boarding and Daj School for Boja.
The thirteenth year wider preaent
Principal begin Heptember -, !',,
(lralel courae ol ttady; Initraetlnu
thiinmgh; dlarlplloa atrlct. Military
inatrui-linn auder choree ol U.S. Arm.
officer detailed lor thai prpie. No
bad boy admitted. Over'MOpHplla laat
year. Karly application Deeeaaary, Fur
elrrnlar and lull Inhirmatlon a ldreaa
the Principal, j. W. IJ11.I., M I)..
V. O. Drawer 17. Fortleud, Or.
That w hare aeeared tha birr eat eonalrnment
ol Coraet. aver nfTered by any aiore on the L'oaat
'from one ol tbe large! fartorle In the w- r d,
and one ol the moat popular. To further Intro
dare itaelr merit everywhere tbey mate a apt
elal term a. We offer, by mall, poatage paid, a
mralar 114 Coraet lor II.OV, a 112 Cowt lor Kl
eanta; a good aervlorable Coraet M cenu; a reg-
lar 1. Ladle' Veet, 7t cent; above are aiaea
sent WaJrU, 11 to , iut 68 eenta. The reaaon for
thla it the ma era believe yoa will alwav m
tkla Coraet If yoa try on. In WurHt. Mniu)
or fhuviai Olmei lor men we lead all other.
Have cloaed oat an entire factor, at W eenta on
the dollar, and offer them from W eenta Bp.
Every kind and prlreiitell what work yoa ao,
Slv. aiae ana price, and w gaaraniee m mi.
ailed Ire. Addma Meallh'. Caah atora,
411 fa-oat treat, aaa fraaolaoo, Cat.
The Wiley B. Allen Masic Store.
The oldeat and laraeat In the North ai
Kuat), Klerk and Behr Hroa. Pianoa. EarliNS Omana. Publlaheraol Tht Mutital
hulimt. a ionrual ol miiairMS navea ritln
matter and IS page miialc), laaned monthly, 7ftc
ri jrnr; aamioecopy, ioc. tie II u lor caUIOKUet.
rMI.KT B. ALLEN, 'ill Pint eu, Portland, Or.
D ATTrJTC olilalne . Fret wd-
M I kail IO mite. Information
and advice rKKh. J. H. l.irrri.L, opp. Fatent
Uflioe, Wa.hliiKlon, D. C. (Jfrnfioa thu pnprr).
Fabers Golden Femalfl Pills.
For Female Irregular
Itlua: uolhlugllkethem
ou tha market. AVeer
all. Hureeaafully naed
oy prominent ladle
inonlhly. Uuaranteed
to relieve auppreaaed
Don't be humhnriel.
Have Time, Health,
Rent to anv aildn
aocnra hv mall nn
teeiiitot price, u.on,
Waatem Branch, Bdj 27, POUTLAN D, OR
Sold by WianoM list's Co., Portland, Or.
10,000 AGEIITS
To Mali lh aVWnnWlta
aSU'.orr of lh tuunlfF O
CiTtnf ft full ftml ciliiplt
iTtnf full ana ciiiplt Aoeonnt of ui oo&fpircT
th trial kitl rvnli.-l. Th? tMkMUltawtsf IM Ulwiri.
I.M. UI TnTH HOW VIA PT. Htltnt 111 Olir. n OPill
mitntntiima first twnrfsrl. ThiBlfliJiCrhgkMo!
(Mirllftviun.': Mf t.mmts1oni. AddrvM, UUUlAUJ
with the rosebud of health
of lite Human Frame.
mem; Mill mitii auritam't I'lffaen
SO, SO, S7, 88.
Men's Suits to Order, $25 to S40.
Fit Guaranteed.
Rend 4 eentt In ttampi (or aauiplea and rale
tor 'ii-meaaiireinvtii, toil ra-i aave tils money
by dualluf with me. Satlal-iQtlon siiarameed.
Clothier, Hatter and Tailor,
-oiama or
Second and Morrlaon Ita., Portland Or.
Mention thla paper.
Season Opens for Trout April Isi
$$ Mr ft Pertfaaul, Or,
PULaa ii
inns, ReTohcrs and Sportsmen's Goodi
Can be made eaty by
ralalug Cblcaenav A
la rg.aipagelllaat ra
ted Catalog de
an rihtng locabatort,
Broodara. Brooding
nouaat, Bow an
Whaf to Feed, How
long to keep them la
tha Brooder. Diiuklng
foantalu. t)l.aa
and their Cure, In laol
mora Information
than i given la many
IfHienl booka. Beat
to any add real on re
ceipt ol la. atamp.
wire rieiung, awn
Mlllt, Bona Meal and
all klndi ol foaitrj
PittlBBriBCBbatir Ca. PiUIbbi. til
Will Kare rto other Jobacco
Who once tries
Plug Cut.
jKis is tKe secret of its
Immense .sale.
Oregon Blond Purifier.
Ymnl .U I onis ym ucx nawV I
mUT i
0 XV 1
2 IS
Fourth of July
Grand Conglomeration
Our Beautiful River One
Fiery Blaze.
Summer Night's Concert.
Excursion Rates"
One Fare for the Round Trip
Tickets Good Prom July 2d Until
July 7th Ineluaive.
Bring roar ilatert, eoaalnt and yoar aunt,
and Portland will give ynu a right royal wel
come, a Ihe uelebratlen thla year will be on a
8 render ccala than aver a!i-:;ic3 before In
aak UrvctrtM tor Pimmnd ta
rrm, atMUnie) aWMa), Wiim Vtlfc aVllM
rttttaw. Trnkm m mth, tv All Bait Y
im pwttBgan, taIM, Bj)n vnppm. V
mmmrmmm ( rIMtaa. Hmn4 4a.
(ti ) tor pWIMttUr. ItMlaWttlslI Mai
'Nriwr IW LaalrCga." M ItMaMT, H
011.11111(11. a BltA H.fJablr, ho
atah Piano; Harriett Urnna band InaUiiii.eaM.
LargMit atock ot Mhent il ualc aud hKik Hnmla
"Milled at Kaatera rViora. MATTUJA3
OltAY CO. ) Poet Btret bu rraacu.
S. P. N. 17. No. S41-B, F. N. U. N. 418
g u