The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 21, 1890, Image 6

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t, I CAM FB ELI rraprlet)-,
The San Francisco Sugar Supply
Beported Short
Iht U. 3. District Judfe at Seattle
Sefuiei to Diiralia the Cue
Afalnat Beecher.
Helena. Mont., baa Incorporated a
mining exchange.
The citizene of Freeno believe firebugs
re tgain lit work In their city.
A uit teatlng the legslity of the
heep ordinance of Tuolumne county
) on trial at Bonora.
TV Hall of Rerorda and the lot on
which it iUmta at Santa Koaa have
been sold for :!5,000.
The author of the San Diego filibuster
itoty are diy filing protest against the
(f ni-ral public unbelief.
Frauds In 'be mutter of kImii llcenaea
have be. n unearth, d at up- kane Full,
and several aneai hsve followed.
The mwhoT In Wvomlng a a atatlon
celled Wemliver e on of their num
ber forty laaliee with a whip for stealng
Benevolent ladle of Lot Amrele hsve
MUl.lmhrd a home for neloya, and
t-eo-U will help por mother and
their children.
The BecMary of War he redm-ed
Corporal ! C lby of Company ,
First Infantry, now at Angel Island,
Cel., to the feuka.
Be. Samuel W. 8mll haa been
elecu-d to tlie Pwidncy of the Utah
University of the Meinmllal iplfcopal
Ourth atOrfden.
Mrvvllle hs 1.200 persona under
eventee" ' e4ia if ane. Sacramento s
n-ushow 6,8ol thil.lren In the city
niidr eveiiteen year of ae.
The Swede raptured at Reno, Net.,
nd who It ws thought was the man
who murdered Edward Goodman near
Sacramento over a week ago, turn out
to be the wrong man.
The PoetmMler Oenersl hs ordered
the establishment of a free delivery sy
tem at the following office, service
gnnlng July It Orfden, Utah; SaoU
irbara, Cat. i Santa Crut, Cal.
Mrs. Oecar Steinberg ,whowa charged
at Butte, Mont., with an atumpt to
blow her sleeping hnaband Into the
other world with (iiant powder, ha been
acquitted. Her accomplice, a man
named Hwltier, la still uuder arrest.
At Templeton conlracU have been
lined to burn a kiln of 45,000 brlca
nd erect a Swedish Lutheran Church,
with a seattnir capacity of MX) people.
The Bank of Templeton la about to enter
Into a oontraU to erect a larfce brick
M. A. Wbeatrn, aaked ,300,000 for
five acres of laud that were condemned
by the Tiuckee Irrigation Society, and
in a Jury trial a verdict for f'.)5 ws alven
$16 per a'T for the land ami for
the division of the laud. An appeal
will be taken.
The United States District Judge at
Seattle has refuted to dismiss the cane
gamst the son of Henry Ward Beecher.
notwithstanding the Department at
Justice at Washington has requested
through the District Attorney that it
should lie dismissed.
General I aonger Agnt T. H. Good
man of Die Kouthern I'-cino haa pie
pared a statement showing that the
Southern lVlllo had 18 03 J moraov.r
land paetuers In January, Fehruary.
March and April of last year than it had
during the flint four month of this year.
A sailor who had Imblhed too much
liquor at Haoramento borrowed a po ket
kuife and lminediatelv comm. need slash
ing bimeotl ith it with the purpose of
cutting hin self op n and taking out the
iioison which bad been admluUtered to
dim. He was prevented frem injuring
Judie Vsn Vleet ha sentenced to
death Charles Fieeman, who murdered
Mark Keeney by dmwninn him In a bar
ret, Man 1 1 0, near the town ol Antelope
Saoaiueuto county, Cal. The ol
bai giug is not anuounced, but will be
named in the warant to be delivered
by faer.ff McMullen with n a few days.
Edward B. and Louise Klnallahev
sued the Southern IVlne Company tur
t.nwal I hav avvra liaaaenmr nil a
train runniig Irom San FiaiicUco to
Yuma, which ran down a Bleep giade
without the engine, on April 17, five
a.M 1 h.. ulalntlfTa aiani in (hi
wreck aud Mr. Klusila wa severely In
The steamer City of Peking arrived
from Hong Kong aud Yokohama at Sau
W.......I.. ml.. nl. M Hflaau ilava
two hour and forty niimiU from the
ttatfaa twtsl he III if thai I until t lilt J V1
as v va jw w -
made by this steamer. She brought It S
Chineae passenger In the ceerage.
Count and Oouuieet Yamuda of Japan
were among uie passenger.
Huntington' surveyors are making a
permanent location of a line from Po t
land, Dr., to connect with hie road at
fcilverton, and construction work will be
begun in a few day. The work of
changing the East Side narrow gauge to
standard gauge Is already begun. The
contract for building the Union Pacific
branch to the bound bai been let.
The sugar supply of San Francisco la
short. At Uilt season inert ts always a
large demand, caused by the opening of, summer resorts, froit-preterv-Ing
factories and other establishment.
At prveent the supply does not begin to
equal Uie demand. Lately raw sugar re
ceipt have been comparatively light,
and to aggravate the ail nation only one
refinery It as reen busy, Uie American
having lxen closed don by order of the
conrt some time eg. Owing to the light
receipts of raw sugar, the California re
finery (Ppreciei a) naa oeen turning out
much less than usual. The scerc'tv ol
ufiria regarded by California renuerv
people as only temporary, as a number
of veeatJa are on the way from Hawaii
and Java with raw sugar cargoes.
The general assembly of the United
tSuaKvta.ian Dinn h. now ia aeasion al
Buffalo, N. Y., adopted the report of the
com ui I ilea on reiorra, vigwvuaiy ww
demning among other thin it all laws
rrepet-u. g divorce not In accord wiih
Iiibie teachings. Emphatic rea lutioas
a i : A. .i iu li..
were pasaca laTumin iu uwm u
ble In the common school. The report
lnc!ad4-s a rtqueet to the Preahleut to m
eorporaU in his Thnkjriving pwlama
tiuo a proper recorfnl.L n of Jreu Christ
as tii suprewa ruler af te aaiion.
Chlcatro Haa a Great Beal Ea-
tat Boom.
A New York Canine Knnmerator
Commit Suicide at the End of
His First Day'e Work,
A fierce war la Chicago-New York
passenger rate I said to be likely.
The Indian Appropriation Bill carrle
an appropriation of nearly 8,0J0,000.
Ca ler the new law New York city wll
be tut op Into t,U'6 election district.
.i... -.i,i,,t nf tha Louisiana
legislators are pledged against the lotr
pi.- ..n . - a..tama haa been re-
vived under th name of Uie North
American Salt Union.
rnked the i all for an eiira session of the
i n.i.'a illmnni haa been fixed.
She gets $tf a we. k, ber bouse aud life
p dhtes lor so.uw.
it t....lou nf hla Aratdav's work aa
cenu enumerator at New York, Frank
Magtie conmiitud suicide.
ntTicpr In Pltlaburs
sayithi ha hem the welt-' e aaon
Wea'ern PenusylvsnU has naa in maa
The Indian Comn laalonera ere mk-
I... wwMa with lha Kai1 anil F.lX
Indian, who arediil el oo thequeetion
of sale.
it i. i....l.t thai It will not ha wise
lo make another attempt during ihe
i.raaent resion of Congress to pas the
copyright bill.
Complalnte of Ineffl rlency and lack of
aocom mndat inn for immigrant at th-
New York barge oraue are growing in
force and fnqtiency.
TL. V.lMnl ffnimnmnl nf the
1 1 in iiab' ...r ----
rim-mA amla t Iikvm tha nae of the
B"ton r-chmilhoui' during the En
campment m Auguat.
The Butcremat'on at the Philadelphia
Munic pal C emuto y waa performed m
ii.. ,uu nl lllrai tnr Ht.ikli v and the
health authorities last w k.
rm.. .iun.nii.iii haa taken formal
pose-elon nf ihe dynamite cruler eau
vim. and that versel ha been p'aced in
commission as a man-of-war.
ft.. .-LI I M.l.t alalamant fne Jlina 1
.1.... . lnl.1 H),t nf tt 1.01 Sfl'ftO (fl
livvvav m svri-a w T " ' ' " " , ,
and a net dbt of l10n8,86,88 08. Th
la a decrease or io,ihii,b. i oi uu j
1 and of 197.787.72. 77 ince June 30
Tl.. t.i.l atnlratlnn ffYltTl Rlimna tO
the United Siatea during the tn monthe
end d April 8, 18IK), l 818 615 an i.l aa minnamil m 1th tke
cirrespondiug month of the previous
Attorney of the New Orleans lottory
are taking the ground before the togiela-
.... !.. 1 1.. fl.,ht aa nat I ha achame ll
directed from the North and des-rve
no consideration Irom tne p-opte oi iou-
Tl. . ur.l.l'. Vr at Phlramt arrwyta
A I IV iiuiiu n r
a. l. ..Mumliii na nf Plwinatra and
IV HP V kilo I'"" ,
the mummy of Barneses on exhibition.
U ts c'almeU mat. ia cwsar s camp, now
Alexandria, the Cleopatra aarcoph gin
waa recently found.
rrl.. IT.tll Bt.iaa Ranata lia ajlBaid.
unanimoualv, the bil for the payment ol
),( i to the anigti-es of John Koai h.
This Is Ihe sum which the CUveland
l.liiilnialratinn rnfiiatwl to nav him 00
the Puritan and Roanuke.
Xf. V.lM.iim onirtnaar nf tha Phltf-
.j..ia M.,l... xtitlauw at Oi'twii. hua
IWM Will ' " v ' " .
heen akml hv a New York syndicate to
furniah an estimate tor a marine ril
in, tiia thirty nillea i f the Panama
Canal that are uncompleted.
The Court of Claim ha dlam'ared the
claim l A. B. Multtt attalnst the
.United States for compen-atlon e arctil-tei-t
of te building now occupied by the
State, War and Navy D partiueuta,
amounting to about 160.000.
X PI.'. mmp aava that bv the
completion of three denl within the
pest few day the school hook puhlieh
ing trmt has leen completed, 00 per
1 . ... At & . 1 . I .
rtn. oi mai enure uui"iri m n
United Bute having beeu taken in.
trm axil rxaxrr irvnai (ItM fPPiai)ll-Lfmiir
Ins section ol New Yoik reinirt are fa-
tl.. I 1... XT ll
nr. ui-. in ine pusiii mwr fniiuy. it,. rVtnnmil ifrutw la an lapift.!v atlll
sat a'actorily grown, .rower ar much
eiatea over uie appearance oi weir
grape vlnvs.
I... y'a MMnA. ut A.l.lml.lia TilWIf
VUliajKV l'.lia V"'"'."".
la a pure hu-inesa enb-rp'lre, bared on
the experldiue nf the Kiff.l Towe- in
ran, lis proj rs aax no neipirom
anbxly, hutexpem to spend 2,f0.i'0 '
la the vonatrnctlon, and lo get twice
that amount ol mouey back again dur
ing Ui exhibition.
Certain New York capitalists have re
cently recelV'd valuahle concession
Irom the Uonrnmenl of Mexlit), includ
ing the rtvht to build a hotel w ith 1,000
moms, snd from 600 to 000 hou-e.
The syndicate I exempted, to a lar.e
extent, fmiu customs duties and laxoa
on it iurestmeuis.
Commlssinner Maon sav that the
collection of Internal revenue for the
month of May last were greater than the
cnllrctione for any on mon'b since WO.
The Commle-loner said the lame col lec
tion Indicated the general prosperity nf
the country, and that the poplewere
drinking more whisky and bwer and eat
ing more butter than Heretofore.
A treat real estate boom I reported
in Chicago, a part of which r stilts fnm
the prospect of a World's Fair in that
city. .Jackson Park will be the site of
that Exposition, and a tract of land, th
principal part of which ia under aer,hs
been sold for $7.0 0 an acre. Before the
Wor d'l Fair was contemplated land in
that locality wa a drug at $600 per acre
Th Canadian Meteorological Service
has discovered a frequent retrograde
northwtsterlv movement ol cyclones
from the Labrador Coast to th north
end of Hudson Bay when other similar
areas are advanciug southeasterly from
the southern shores of thee water
This fact will be neeful as eoon a tele
graphic facilities of a proper character
are provided.
The Unit d State gunboat Benning
ton waa launched on dv last week at
Roach's shipyard In the presence, of a
Urge eompaiiv. She Is the twin com
panioa of the Concord, wb ch was
launched a few month apo. Her di-
nsions are, ia lemdh, 230 fet ; ex
treme bteadth, SrJ fc-et; dieplvetnent
1,700 tons, Iwo triple expansion en
sine, developiog S.SuO bcr power,
with forced drauuht. Armament, kix
6 ioch lieeechloaiting riflee; -coodary
battery, eiaht rapid firing guns and re
raving cannon on rail and tripod
mounts: also eight U-pexio guat aad
a eecBplete eaUlt.
No More Absolution for Irish
The New Uw of Unlyeriaj SulTraje
AdopUd by the Cortei Not
Extended to Cuba.
Loral ootlon la rapidly gaining ground
In England.
A municipal ball baa been opened In
Tientsin, and is named after General
The Czar la to make strict inquiry Into
the Siberian and'.
Qtv tana, a aarA latidr arretted for beg
ging in the market at Bombay.
Ra.ltl ia Infeated with women barber.
They are pretty women, however.
1 arall.knnarn Dublin solicitor haa ab-
xnded aftsr ext-nslve drfalcationa.
AA..I.iia iflinM am attributed to ban
dits in tho Auracanlan territory in Chile.
An Enlieh avndlcate ha seemed the
eoniiaci for building the Cubn Central
A Paris correspondent aay Count
t!arl.rt Hia'iiarrk ia uolllDirilltf tO Ob
struct Emperor Wlllam' poli7.
Lima ha J tet experiencd a mot ae-
ttuv aarthntlukM. It Wa f. llowed br two
ihock of mors lb m usual violence.
The Governtnent of Germany, France,
D.i..ia ami Ha llaarland have sillued a
treaty for the suppreeelon of aoarcuy.
Emp ror William baa Informed Prince
Rlai,. an. Ir tli t if lia diiefl not SIOD hia
pre uttrr ng the result will be serious.
A liat.ati'h frnm Cairo save Emtlnnd.
Itaivand R is a have given noti of
their sdtieeion to the Egyptian conver
sion scheme.
Pnuii ia rannrtad Li he m akin i ready
to drp Fmn e and seek an alliance
a Hi Germany T war ol dividing np uie
Balkan lVnluiula.
Verr fmwrfe--t and Ineffective law,
known aa ih "Behouses At t," have
ahnt mi Sin 1m er houses In Liverpool
done and frO In Dublin.
i Rritiih Mnaaiim has received a
Chines'4 bmk no'e isiiaed from the Im
perial Treasury 3 )0 years before the use
of paper money in England.
Tha naat law nf linivflraal SuBViilie
adopted by the Spanish Cortes will not
oe ext-nhd to Cuba. Thia cause
roosidi-rahle dissatisfaction.
Iarla ta nat mi aararmlnir with Amer
ica II g. The principal hotels leom to
have almost as many .im-rn-an gueais
aa the Exposition attracted a year ago.
Tka tinaliiaaa nf thn TranacajiDlan rail
way hs reached a value of 1 .'0,000 rn
hloa (aliout 105,000 p r week) fmm cot
ton, which Is now largely cultivated In
Central Asia.
Tla anthnr nf tha Tindnn Times' arti
cle on "Parnellism and Crime," a Mr.
CI j nil saltan waa l.lurklmlled when he
souKtit a Imlnion to the Athenmum Club
in London recently.
TI. Q.. I. ..!. Iiaa Kaon alnntAll First
IIVII .... -' ' " ..w. -- ..I tlia An.nriran Trauhand A-
a iation, the olje.-t of which ia to deal
in Americen nriiies ni w represom
th Inltreat of holdeia of such securi
Except st Kuttvwar.ln Bombav, and
in central province, liie Indian lion is
almost extinct, lie haa mstpnearea do-
fi ire the railway. It t forb dden to kill
ilmee that remain, except occasionally
in the way of sport.
Catholic. Bishop O'Dwye of Limerick
haa iBHin d a past r l ! tier wimdrawing
I m i.rinala III Ilia dlla'B-e the DOPr til
grant al solution to perilous vuiltynf boy
cotting or advocating and the
plan ol campaign.
Tl,a AnalrulUn wins which Wa Said
to have audi ex ellent proapecti of be
ing exported to Europe in irreat quatiti
tics, must now wait until they ran net
annie wood in AuHtralia fit 1 1 inakecanks
All that they bave injure its flavor.
Rov. W. H. Murray, a missionary at
P.. I. m i haa ilnvia, d a avutem tor teach
ing the blind and ha reduced the Chi-n-ee
languaxe to 4 '8 ayllahha By this
system the blind hive been enab'ed to
learn to reai wiiu marveiuua ihk i ij.
E'li'le B ancla-d .Preidnt of F-am V
Acailcinv of Science, ennounifd that
h. ... . n'wlia al Ic .tr.ii, hi. fnim ill-' ma
te'lal of th" m lbcr y le.if, without ie-
aoitmit to ine a lawnrui. i' is in eruir
In r Chilean and a to the present etlk.
Biunl. haa amrvealtd to the commit
tee In clinraTH of the SUnlev Exh t lii in
that the money raS"d be di nated t the
equipment of a steamer to ply on the
Victoria Nranxa, In the servnv and for
the benefit of the tribe in that a.-ction.
The four Khan of Merv. hitherto re
tained In aut' o Itv over their reaptive
tribe, bave len diamisMed, in con-e-quence
al the investigation of a Siecial
ommllon, which now on the spot,
and Russian ofllcer are to take their
The French Minl'er rf the Interior
has (rarded to United State Miniaier
Reld an anohgy f r th lawyer from
U org'a snd his friends who were
roimiiiy hn tied in Pari by the police
nn tin nlxht of Mav 1. during the Libor-
day parade excitemeut.
the E-tahllahed Church oi England
isunqmiilonably in dangr. Speaking
at the annual meeting of the Church De
Kmse Institution, L-rd Sellmme con
lesaed that dieaUbl shra nt had come
"within th reach of practical poll
tha." A bombahell ha auddenly ex plod d
among ihe Clerical and Con'rvative of
Florence, bv the proposal made by the
Municipal Council to convert the Chur. h
of Santa Croce into a non tectarlan Pan
theon, aith a voting tablet in honor of
The British conrta bav awanled XI, 200
to the steamer Virginian for towir.g the
Fonar Into Boston, on March tfith, a dia
Unce of 110 mile, which required two
dava to tmvi rw, so sever waa the
weither. The Fonar bad been drifting
fur three days.
Wild rumor are current at Halifax
i oncoming the Newfoundland fisheries
and the movement of British reaeels.
a hlch is thought to po' d a d'srnp'.ion
m Uh France. The officers of Uie Bnt sh
equadmn are report In hv said that
the French were only doing what they
had a right to do.
.Heart diae likeanaieein, which
creep npoa yon In the da'k and strike
nn w n. n nnaa-ara. Therefore, do B t
overlook any onees-tiee ia the re. ion
th bran or disuurtan -e in iw eii,
Imt at once take Da. Furr' Rimxdy.
IV rprlv treatie with eae bowl; or
addree Mack Dru Co., N. Y.
From several Independent ooree It U
uow a atialned a at ihs cereal crop eaa
of the uiouuLaioa, mr-eclally lu the fertile
Palouae eouniry. WatdoK(pn. ,
abundant ihla year, and If only a fa , Ir pr c
la realUed br the farmer In U'S fall f'me
will tw llvsly. Wholesale merchant or
dec no falling off, and no that the
atnkeU over retail tores are doing me
atual amount of tualncsa.
Ilreaklnn Plow
broadcaat Seeder . 9 iU
HlndlnaWlr 11(.tL
Grain Drill. "JSfS ia
Gang Plow V1
Oaborns's Mowers if et dls 7
Kapar " .
" Combined Mowers and
Reapers... ret di
" Droppers ...
" 8te.'l-rram self binding
Harveatara,l!0r"ctdls 180
R'tlroad Barrows, iron wheels,
dozen "awo
Railroad Harrow, wood wheel,
rdoxen., arvail
Road Plow
riolld Steel Scraper
Bteel Dlak Harrowa.
Spring Wagons m
Sulky Plows
Walking I'lowa ,,J2
Wagona, all make U(Kfcl!0
Burlaps, 40 In
Burlai-, AS in
Burlape0ln U
Gunmea, irSxtO .I".
Potato Bags, net cash 8
Wool. 4 tbT "
Wool, 8 lb. "
Wheat Sack, pot, net cash .....
Wheat Sacks, extra, second hand
Guatemala, B
Java, rib
Mocha; B.B)
Nn.l?oata Rlea,rD
ui. atn. ti kt
balvadoriV'tt JU4ail
Pnaaataaal 111 tafUma
Arbuckle'a Arioea, ft. 4??l
Cloaaet ft D.' Columbia 1 pr.
Costa Rica
Guatemala. l
Koaated Java W
Roaited Mocha M 4W7
Oregon fancy creamery-
Choice dairy
Common J?!"
Pickled, California 1820
Eaxtern fancy creamery
California freah roU 1821
New California !Hm
Oregon skims and old la (01
Swtas Cbeeae. domestle U (fl"
Young America, Or. M
E" an
Oregon, f do u
uwiem, f tto
Bran,r ton.
Hav, ton, baled
Ground Barley, 4 ton....
MiH Chop, r ton
Oil Cake Meal, fton....
Short, r ton
17 otvais oo
ia 00420 so
M(KXa25 00
19 ooiijn 00
Portland patent roller, f
Salem patent roller
Dtjrton patent roller
Caacadla patent roller...
Country brand.
White Lily
Grail am
Rye flour
8 78
8 60
8 75
nasai racrra.
Bananaa, r hunch
5ir4 TO
001 5
764 0U
0 1-
1 60
50? 4 7i
5 V
5 CO
Clierriex, California.
Lemona, ualllornia. 001 ...
Iiemon, Sicily, w box, new...
Limea. ewt
Orangea, IUvernlde
Oramtea Seedleas
Oranges. Navels
Oranges. Malta blooj
Slrawbe riea, f Xb
Barley, who ctl 80 9 P0
Corn, 100 It I 50
it, good, r buahel 52 6t
Rve, f 1(10 the, nominal 1 80 01 H
Wheat, Valley, r I'O ft 1 8
Wheat Eastern Oregon 1 10 1 121
Rough. ...s
T. & U. aheathlng
No. t flooring
No. i celling
No. 8 rumle
Clear rough
Clear 1 4S.
No. 1 flooring
No. 1 ceiling
No. 1 ruatlo
.PerM, 110 00
13 00
18 00
18 00
88 AO
88 50
88 50
Chickens, large young, f doz 6 f 0
Chickens, broiler 4 50 6 00
1 h'ckene,old 6 008 i!5
l)ucka.rdos 0 Ui
Geeae, young, do 00i 00
Tur eya, young, " lb 17
Grouse and Pheasant. ....
Coaraa Fine
ktb bag, r ton 17 00
lou-lb ben. r hut 17 00
Ground Rock, 50-lb bag. toa 18 80
Or Seeds
Timothy Cifl
Orchard Graa 11 (018
Bed Top OV 8
BlueGraas. 12 14
Kngllah KyeGraaa. 7 8
lulian Rye Graaa. M'sUl
Auatrallan hys Graa. 7i 8
Meaqulta 7 (10
Millet . 106
Hungarian Millet I H I
Mixed Lawn Uraaa 1U5
Clover Seeda
Red Clover. lOKJUJ
White Clover 16 a 17
Alayk Clover 15 017
Alfalfa v 10 11
Flax 445
Hemp 8 H
Rape, California 8i4)
Aaparagus, Px 88
lleana. 10
cbhage,rn ifas
l aullllower, doa. 1 401 60
Carrota, a ak 1 00
Carrot, young, tf doa 15
Celery. 4 do 801 00
Cueumben, 4 doa 75
Green I'eaa 6
lettuce, r do .- ... SO
Onloua. r tb St
Poutoes. V 100 Iba. 8 85
Potato, sweeta, f B
Radiabea, doa 80
Rhubarb,.... 5
fplDacb. ....
Turnip, per k 1 75
Eastern Oreon
Accord lag to shrinkage lOrjII
Cpr ngrlln. H 89
I U . n
Cmpqua, lambs and fall.
........ aw.w
It Is related of Pop Clement XIV
that when he ascended the papal chat
the Ambaseadore of the several Su.tes
represented at his court waited oa him
with their congratulation. Whea they
were Introduced and bowed, be returaed
the compliment by bowing also, oa
which the matter of the ceremonies told
Ui Highness that h ahould aot hav
returaed their aaUta. "Oh, I beg your
pardon," said tb good pontiff; -I hav
aot baen Pop leaf eaoug h te torgwt good
On th. Daadlr r Bt.rW
n . .i.a wa heard the inort
i of
. . . 1 ..minit our boat wnen
i we
DlDpuuuLaiii .
moored for the night A. w lept, each
a in Ma blanket, lvlng athwart-
bin Ton bale and boxes, It was not
pleasant to be waked near midnight by
these unaccustomed sounds, and to hear
the wash of th water aiong- m
wale, caused by these monsters.
We were not a inue wi' -
.. H-..A tkamaaUaa tO aTUUtS OI
UBT ctbuii - - .
defiance and forbore any actual attack-
forbythls time we were au uii".u
from African lover, and a good night 1
sleep was very precious to us. uur uv..
was small and overcrowded, and we were
all good-sired fellows on ooaru; so, w
the fever was on us, It required consid
erable Ingenuity and much crossing and
rocroaslng of legs before space could be
found in which to lie down at all, In th
stern-sheets of our craft
Poor Milne, a strong, swuv-ouui, iu..,
who bad served twenty-one years In the
British navy, suffored more than any of
.... .-a t,. tha time we reached
us, am "J -
Manyanga the fever had taken so strong
a hold of him that ma case uecaiiic uj-
u'a AlA all wa rnuld for him but
leas. i" - "
our small knowledge waa of no avail.
W hoped that he wouiu rany wnen
got ashore again, hut five days aftor we
had landed be succumoea aiver a
hour of delirium. This was Indeed a
lthoiiLrh there was
Kica. uiw w "."i o
a great difference In our ages, Milno ana
I had been last menus on vim '"s
out He had been very good to me in
many ways, Instead of ridiculing my In
experience, and on several occasions bad
helped me out of difficulties Into which
I had been led through Ignorance. He
never lost an opportunity of giving me
such Information as he thought would
be of use to me when I should be away
in the Interior and alone. It was Milne
who first showed me how to handle a ri
fle, how to use a sail neodle, and, even
more important, how to cook the few
dishes that have for years figured with
such monotonous repetition In my sim
ple bills of fare.
In return, I would amuse him and the
others on the way by drawing rough
portrait which they sent home to their
f alan1 A AC niirhL I would simr a few
invuviO) wi -w --n 'v
comlo song to the sccompBinment of
my banjo. And here, at the commence
ment of our new caroer, the man who to
all appearances was the strongest 01 our
party was snatched away by death,
while I, a not particularly robust lad,
was left to wonder who would be the
.,. .Inilm tn thn dreadful fever that
lill.l . .l.v.u. vw -
was burning In every vein and racking
every bone.
I felt then that It was necessary for
me to "brace up," keep a sun upper up,
ni Airht avapv aitvanna nf the enemv
II. U U . V V J ' - w
To my surprise I found myself day by
oay growing stronger, wuuo mj m
panlons weakened and failed; at last,
one day I was able to announce myself
. . .1 1L. K V
as preparea to continue tuo iumiuu. u.
J. Glave, in St Nicholas.
Hll tlfa Nnt the Round of Tleasura Some
People Imagine.
In the busy every-day lifoof the news
paper reporter there are many things
which, to the uninitiated, appear invit
ing, and as many others which are re'
pulslve to the liner feelings of a man.
Constant contact with these instances
harden the man whose duty it is to wade
through snow and slush and chronicle
the events of the day. He goes about
his work In a methodical way, that often
leads those interested In the work the
reporter is inquiring about to think that
he Is both careless and Indifferent in
most cases this is not true. With a
keen scent which is creatod by experi
ence, he sees in some small thing just
what the publlo wants to know about
and the novice, who perhaps has, in the
ordinary course of conversation, given
the reporter "the tip," wonders, when
he sees the artlole In print wby in the
name of common sense he hasn't seen
the importance of that very thing long
before? To aome the reporter's life is
on continuous round of pleasure, lie
Is to be found at theaters, balls, con
eerts, parties and banquets. In the
oourt room and at the lecture be Is given
a prominent aeat where he can hear and
tea everything that Is going on. By
soma he Is envied; by his fellows he is
often pitied. The theater, the ball or
the concert has no attraction for him
when he has a sick wife or child at home,
His paper Is short-handed or perhaps
there Is no one else whom the city ed
itor can send to do the work, and no
matter what hi frame of mind, the pa
per must oome out on the morrow and
article from his pen must appear. In
th crowded ball-room he finds the heat
oppressive, and the' kind attentions of
the hostess, who Is over-anxious that
ber affair shall appear as a "brilliant so
cial" in the next issue of his paper, out
of place, and b long to escape the
elaborate banquet with its many kinds
of wines, to make his usual midnight
lunch on a cup ef coffee and a sandwich
at his favorite chop-house. In the court
room or at the lecture he must follow
very thing closely, sifting out the im.
portent from the unimportant and faith
fully report the proceedings in a way
that will Interest the readers of his pa.
per. He must work on an average of
from twelve to fourteen hours each day
the year round, and spend what remains
of the twenty-four in getting ready for
his next day's work. If, after h has
given the best yesrs of his life in serf.
Ing the public as a newsgatherer, he dies,
the newspapers will probably contain
th following notice: "John Jones died
y his residence on street
For msny years he was a reporter on the
, and was probably one of the most
conscientious newsgatherers in the
Northwest" St Paul Globe.
Out of the back of a resident of Jas
per, Oa., a rusty pistol bullet was cut
the other day. It a as a war rello twen
ty-six years old. The bullet first went
through Mr. Darnell's hand, then struck
him oa the cheek, cutting the f esb and
coursing its way to the back of th neck,
then tore dowa the backbone to a point
nearly even with the lower part of th
shoulder-blade, where it lodged and r
Sot long agu a aole4 vangellt
mad th following announcement at
a of hi meetings: "The service to
morrow w ill be for womea only. Pastor
f churches will be admitted, but no
mea." Thia remark ia la lin with th
id adagw that ther are tarea Miea,
taea. women aod eiarryme,
loan Bueband-Are th proceeding
lively at your cookinj-aohool. May?
Yottaf Wtf W had aalta a Ur to
Toang Husband Indeed!
Teuag Wlfa Ym. W had a stirabout
&a a woman loksr-Bostoa Courier.
the Eaparlenre ol Tho- Who Have Trl.4
llie iwiirai"
avmd for food? Till Wt
are .uie. B , ,
.. .i. ..hlh irratv out of a dl
(IIS UUKIUUU fiu.vw p
cusslon of St Patrick and un-snaked
Ireland. Mr. Blud, the miicner, u
posed to Jocosity, had called up Mr.
Finn, the fisherman, by telephone, and,
d sgulslng bis voloe, bad told him that
"that eol he had bought wa nothing
more norless than a blacksnake." Finn.
.......lU.nAiifrli reann ted this charirb,
and. Insisting on vindicating himself,
bad called a meeting 01 we irnnmi"
of Necessities. Greens, grocer; Blud
butcher, and Finn, fishmonger.
"You needn't be so sensitive, aaiu
Blud to the aggrieved Finn. "Snakos
are not such dreadful things as th
u i... nmrla ttiAm out Tbev are
ffUUU lint ... . . ,
lust as good to eat as eels are, and I
' . . . . 1 : A W A nalfie
should think an enterpnaiug
like you would keop them on sale.
Snakes used to be the favorite dish ol
tho Irish." . . . ,
"Why, the Irish hate snakes,- pu in
T i anaVaa ii n vour Dantaloons leg
or In your boots, yes; but daintily
- - . . 1'. Tl -! ..1. 'a 1 1 ... 0
cooked, no. weiore di. !".
snake dinner were all the go in the
Emerald Isle, and old Ireland has been
hungry ever since the good saint abol
ished snakes.
"Did you ever eat anakesr inquired
h R.h Hnalnr. thinking to Shut of
Blud with the argumentum adhomlnem.
"Many a time, iney are as uaimj ,u
a..n. aa tma h&ma and as nourishing as
beef tea. In my early days I went ovoi
the plains. Our party iob its wj, aim
aftor wandering over desert lands In
Western Nebraska found ourselves with
.... tA nniA araaararceexceDtorairlo
VUI iww
dogs and their associates, rattlesnakes.
We had a cho'.oe Between eaung
thaaa nr nurftolvea and wo all choso
snake and dog. The dog meat Is tame
and unsatisfactory, ana it a
.,mn mv auirirestlon that we finally
added the snake to the pot I bolieve I
discovered nature's reason for putting
these dissimilar creatures together in
the same domioiie. it was tnas way
worn ollc-rlms might take the hint and
mix them In their soup."
"How do you prepare snake xor mo
table particularly poisonous reptiles?
"The poison is not in the flesh. It Is
in a sack at the base of the fangs, and,
as you know, snakes that bave no fangs
are as harmless as dovos. In fact, there
m null a faw nniaonous snakes in this
ollmate, of which the copperhead and
rattlesnake are tne most conspicuous.
KnaVa la nmnnrnd in this wav: Behead
him, then skin him Inside and out; that
Is, take the outer bide off, then strip
the stomach or Inside coat from the
flesh; this leaves a thin layer of whitish
mnaf. Rnnnt over coals, saltinir well.
If you have bread or corn meal, make a
melange with It with pepper ana ai-anii-n
apasoninff: sriread a laver of It on
the meat; fold the thin meat over the
same and bake well.
"Some people will always prefer other
food (my porterhouse, for instance) to
nVf hut it's all a sentiment I assure
you. I know a gentleman who prefers
blacksnake to any oiner aiot, ami a
squeamish stomach would do well, per
haps, to work on garter or some other
harmless snake before trying the poison
ous varletlea But you will find more
flavor In the rattlesnake than In any
other just as you find the bass more
'gamey' than the sucker yet one can
eat suckers If tho necessity is great"
After hearing these plausible state
ments the meeting reso ved that it
would be only fair to give Mr. Blud a
monopoly of the snake market and an
exclusive franchise for fifty years was
made out to him. It is understood that
he will conduct a snakery near the
abattoir. Indianapolis News.
The Remarkabla Story Told By a Party ol
- Kxpliirers In New Mexico.
A party who have been exploring the
crater or lava beds about twenty miles
southwest of this olty, says an Albu
querque correspondent of the San Fran
cisco Chronlole, have returned and
vouch for the truthfulness of the story
related by J. A. Beatin and R. W.
These two gentlemen stated that on
tholr way to the Malpals they met a
Mexican who volunteered for a few dol
lars to go and show them what he knew
about the crater. As a general thing
the Mexicans are superstitious and shun
the vicinity of the lava beds, but this
man agreed to go. He piloted the Alhu
querqueans to a oave on the highest
point through cracks In the floor ot
which a warm vapor ascended. Viewing
the surroundings for a few seconds the
men were startled by a low, rumbling
sound, like distant thunder, and the
lava beneath their feet trembled.
The Mexican fled Immediately to the
open air, but before the gentlemen
could realize It a portion of the bottom
of the cave fell and they with It intc
Intense darkness. Neither was injured,
but the ground upon which they fell
seemed to sway to and fro. Fortunately
one ot the party had a candle and some
matches, and after Innumerable at
tempts to light It the candle was made
to burn.
When light waa obtained a lake ol
water, black as pitch, lay at their foet
while the opposite shore appeared to be
moving from right to left It seemed
that they bad landed on a floating island
or a huge mass of lava, which has proba
bly been eddying around In this strange
whirlpool for centuries. The Mexican
soon returned to the mouth of the cave,
and, lowering lariats, by the aid of tfieii
horses, pulled the Imprisoned explorers
out of their bondage and to the surface
once more.
now Ev.rj Bode Caa Help to A.rt Mask
Palo nnr) Tronhla.
Evil la wronxbt liy lark of Ihouicht
Aa wrll aa lack of heart,
which U another way of saying that
carelessness Is selfishness and may re
suit in as dire a mishap as if premedi
tated and prompted by malice.
Some one uses, leaves on the spot and
forgets where, the clothes-brmh.shovel
tongv hammer, rake, pitchfork, shcar
and scores of other articles used in com
mon by several persons. Who can meas
ure the bother, waste of time, and tier
haps lois of temper this form of care
lessness brings about?
What caused that long, lacerated
scratch on that woman'a hand? Socio
g rl or woman left a pin la the under
clothing which she sent to the wash
and that ngly-looklng scratch on the
laundreas' hand was the result To
use a pin ta clothing wher. a button or
string should be Indicates nntidy hab
it, but to leave th pia where it may
do other persons damage Indicates some
tninf worse.
rwitala reach of aehlld. may Uadto
fatal concriionco- ami a iife.on.
morso. A mothor was one day a i
carholio acid, and left th bom1
containing it on a chair for a few J
.ll.l...ll..llni,r.l "Bill.
lWIIIR(,ller J .
Two-year-old Teddy solwd upon It, .!'
with the inqulsltlveness of chlUlhooa
put It to his lip, and swallowed .nJj"
put It to his Hps, and swallowed
to cost tho little life.'
A tack pointed end up, or a rusty am
protruding from a board, is left wher
some ono steps on It Lockjaw bu Z
lultcd in such cases.
In the house whore a friend want,.
Ing, some one left a tin box of tacki 7
the stairs. In descending, she unwij
tlngly placed her foot on the treacher.
ous box, fell headlong and broke her
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" said the guilt,
ono, penitently. "I meant to take thus
tucks away."
An elderly woman In Boston caught
her foot In a Iooho strip of carpniinif it
the head of a flight of stairs, and feiiu,
the bottom. Fortunately no bones were
broken, but alio was sadly bruised and
"Oh, I meant to re-tack that piec 0j
sarpetl" Bald the contrite housekeeper
Stepping on a lady's dress is an in!
frequent accidont nowadays, but It doe,
wmetlines happen, and to be suddenly
checked In that way puts a person t
leavy and unexpected disadvantage. A
teacher In a seminary near Boston, da.
pendont upon her own exertions for sup
port, was stepping from the cars at tha
railway station; there was no crowd
ind no particular haste, but some blun
lerer put his foot on her drost skirt.
She lost her balunuo, tried to rocorer
herself, foil backward, and struck her
back upon tho car Rtops. Spinal eon
susslon resulted, and the unfortunate
teacher ha been confined to ber room
for two years
A little thought, a little care, snd
how much pain and trouble could b
averted! Youth's Companion.
Bow the ReaU'Mea of the HTntenU
ntil-y Were Kxecnteit
Evidently tho strong arm of a tree
wrved as the primitive gallows, and
luch was in use at a very early period
In man's history. In the book of Esther
we roud that Hainan was hanged on the
tree that hail beon prepared for Wor
local. In more recent times, in ancient
ballads and accounts of the gallowi,
references aro mado to the "fatal tree,"
the "gallows troo," the "triple tree,"
"Tyburn troo," eto. A tree was not,
howovor, always found conveniently
placed to convert it into a gallows, and
thus tho introduction of the Blmple con
Itruction, consisting of two upright
posts and a transverse beam, the prin
jlplo of which bus not been materially
Altered from its first introduction.
The gallows at times differed in
height which was increased In accord
nco with tho hcinousness of thecrima
of the culprit. Those elevated erections
were made use of at tho executions of
the regicides in tho seventeenth cent
ury, and tliuslt was that long ladder
were required in carrying out the lul
sxtremities of the law. When ladJcri
were used tho executioner mounted one,
and the culprit the other. The rope
having been adjusted to the cross-beam,
the executioner would descend and re
move his ladder, leaving the condemned
wrotch on the other, engaged in his last
appeals for morcy. Those prayers were
at times exceedingly prolonged, alter
finishing which the miserable wretch
was expected to throw himself ofl llm
ladder, and thus to some extent becoma
his own executioner.
Courage, however, would often fail 11
tho last moment and his prayers
would he continued for a long time.
When it was evident that the culprit
was praying against tirno, the eiiviu
tioner would stealthily reach tho ladder
an which ho stood and overthrow it, and
the body would, consequently, then be
swinging in tho throbs and agonies of
leatb. At ono period it was customary
to carry out the execution ot a criminal
as near as possible to the spot where the
jrime for which he suffered was com
mitted. All the Year Bound.
Her Mea of Marrtitre.
A servsnt-girl living with s lady In
fowa came 'to hor mistress ono day and
said: "I'm sorry, ma'am, but I'll hare to
eave you next month. Me and my
young man are going to git married
then." "Very woll, Mary," replied the
lady. "I hope, however, that you hara
riven tho matter careful consideration,
And counted the cost in case one makes
t mistake in marrying." "La, ma'am,
it ain't going to cost any thing!" was
the Immediate reply. "Ho has to off
the license his own self, you know."
Youth's Companion.
A Cientle I ilniler.
Bjlggs-It's a tru saying, Ejffl,
that "In union there is strength."
Bjaggs Yes; but what reminded yo
)f it just now?
Bjiggs Your breath; you've beer.ear
ing onions and garlic Detroit Frei
The good are said to he happf- l
It Is probably not because they PM
their time thinking how much ht
they are than the rest of humanitj-
Boston Transcript
There probably never was
bachelor who did not think that sow
woman somewhere in the world wj
missing a mighty good thing. -Atchu
Something should be done tokr.'
somesenne into tho smart young
who would resent the insinuation
they were drunk, but don't in the"
mind owning that they have a "r
on. Exchange.
-When you make a mistake io1
look back at it long. Take the rA"
of the thing into your own miml w
then look forward.' Mistakes are '
eons of wisdom. The past can not
changed. The future is yet in J
power. May Kiley Smith.
Some things we know by the
action of our senses; and yet the F '
mass of our knowledge must be th
faith. We elieve in vastly more""
than we can see. and more th
matters ot our own experience.
Independent .
(Jive not thy tongue too gre
erty, lest it take thee prisoner. A
unspoken U, like the sword lnl?r,
bard, thine. If vented, thy jr4 " j,
anothr a hand. If thou deiir
held wii, be so wise a W noi
tongue. Quarlea.
Almost all of us live mf ' Jj,
future than in the prescat I1
live mostly in the past are on th
road to worse, sorrow thaa they
To the heahby-minded the
always the treasure to which the F"
eat holds the keys. -One Vltt