The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 21, 1890, Image 5

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..H'XE 21.
Hoard of RpupiiIs.
Tim ltiril of ItfRi-nl mi t in ifutisr i.n.
Unal meeting, Thursday exeuiiig," je
ID, 181. There were present: Matlh.-w
pDeady. President; Johii .1. Wnllon, See.
retary: llpnfu. Henrv Fulling, 0 C Bi-a.
iuuu, L L McArlburrS Hamilton, It 8 Hem,
' Rodney Scott and T O Hendricks. Th
regular routine of reading reports of the olll.
cers sud referring thru wa gun through
Tb degree of Bachelor of Art was con
ferred ou the IS'.KI graduate in tl litrrnry
dt-psrtroeut, and Baehe lot of Lawn on the
U graduates.
The degree of Doctor ol Medicine
conferred on following:
V li Eblen, J II Kinne. Geo II Iloiiek,
Q H I Hparliug, J M Wells, Wm L White,
f M liiooki.
The degree ' Bachelor of Science wag
ronterred on the (raduate. of the normal
lxasj of '83.
Anuie Busbnell, Sarah Chtismun, Catting
ft Calef, Netti" II Deuny, Alvin J Hackett,
Hamilton H. Heudricks. Oliver P. McFall,
A Ike Parriah, Lincoln Taylor.
Darwin Bristow, Nellie D. Brown Swift,
Alva 0. Condit, Susie W. Moore, Fanuia A.
McDanicl, Lillie E Porter.
Clam M. Adams, Marion F. Duvia, lkn ie
.Day, Charlea 11 Fentnn, Ida B. Hendricks,
Albert 8 Mulligan, Kate 8. Powell, A. 0ie
Miss Lura Murcb wus elected tutor of the
'University at a salary of $1,000 per annum
The Executive Committee waa authorized
to light the buiUlingb and campus with elec
tric light.
The University is in my flouribbing
8. . McClure wus appointed to t,-ke
charge of the U. 8. Signal Sirvice lit the
The First Census,
"Speaking of tho census," said Jason
Wheeler to one of the ceusns enumerators
tho other da "carries me back to the dnya
of '49. I took the It i t census of Liun
county; it waa in 18 IS. The couuly was
all the territory from the Santiaui river to
lbe California line and it took me just a lit
tle over a month to do the work. Thero
were at tbat time iu tbe couuty 0C3 people.
') of whom were legal voters. Iu the
Rogue river valley I found but one man, a
Mr. Welch, with a wife mid two children;
tbe next family this aide of there lived iu the
forks of the Willamette river nud tbe next
waa Mr. Spores at Spores ferry, where I
think he or his family still reside. "--Albany
Mr.W heelers recollection must be ut
fault when be places only one settler be
tween Spores and Rogue river in
the fall of 1847. Eugene Skinner,
Isaso Rriggs, Eliua Brings,
Prior Blair, Charles Martin, Cornelius Hills,
IVnj. Diivin, A. and Louis Coryell, II. No
ble and possibly several others settled ia
Lane county south of Spores, while during
the tpriug and summer of 1H 18 a considera
ble, immigration settled in tbe county.
Railway News.
Colonel Fred Crocker, first vice-president
of the Southern Pacifio railroad, arrived in
Portland Monday accompanied by General
Superintendent Fillmore.
Col. Crocker says tbat be was enabled to
grsnt himself a long promised lour of in
spection of the Oregou lines of system in
connection with tbe annual meetings of the
terminal company aud P. and W. V. direc
tors. "What we saw on the East side road
coming up," said he, "was very satisfacto
ry and tbe country is very proinisiug both
in farmiiig and busiuess direction.
About the first o( July we shall put on
uotber local train out of Portland, running
as far south as Roseburg. The other loon Is
may then gn only as far us Albany, but that
has uot beeu settled yet. Two locals will
thus relieve our through train of its present
heavy atraiu, as we will carry no local pas
senger on it. Tbe t ravel lx tweeu here and
Sin Francisco is rapidly on au inorease and
it is our purpose to improve service and
shorten time."
The Increased Vote.
Lane county may be excused for congratu
lating herself upon the increused vole cast
at the recent eleol ion. It is an evidence of
her rapidly increasing prosperity. 751 more
votes were cast in 1800 than in 1888 We
Cive a list showing the vote of the county ou
the state ticket for five past elections:
1882 ' . 2 223
184 .2:411)
W) 2.748
1818 2,942
1K 3.BDJ
Lane couuty retuins ber place as fourth in
the list i
t of tbe counties of Oregon. We give
. . ... . r
rew oi me others for comparison, the vote
being on governor: Multnomah, 12,802;
Marion, 4.G37; Linn, 4,000; Union, 3,G7'J.
vuinuiu, o;hi; Douglas, a ).iS; I'lacKamas,
35; JHcksoD, 2Sa5; Vamhill, 2,4711; Clat
aop 2,65)0; Washington, 2,475.
. 1E''--N"r Japer, Oregon, Jims litis,
two, Mr. C. R. Sylvester, 70 years. He
burn in 1H21 iu the state of New York,
bere he int the early part of his life, thence
wviuu to Wisconsin where he remained until
jM, when be moved to Oregon. Since living
s Oregon he and his son, B. K., were engaged
L j ,ui" uulineM t that p'ace. They
m. "Mured a nice trade and were doing well,
JW as "Uncle Charley" was the "main stay,"
J, ('y blow on the family. He leaves
"inn chihlren and a loving wife to mourn hit
I "jt Piioi'KCTlox.-J. Adler, a brother of
nw 8. II Friendly, has just complied a fine
Wni) pint of music entitled, "Lillies of the
wsniette Valley March." It has just been
li l " "Heated to the composer
"wa, , the Misses Carrie, Theresa and Rosalia
ni.ily of this city. Handsome lithographic
n of the three young lalies apwar on
ntle pae, giving the HmeaTiu aper
A view of the Willamette Falls also
TU the page. The bet of musical
fesi" "v pronounced it an excellent produc-
i?!!J0uCT,OM AoomD. At tbe last meet
01 University Faculty tbe follow
")l;Ul0'was adopted: fcsfocej, That
'hanks of the Faculty are hereby ex
to the ladies and gentlemen who so
"Ky furnished music for the Baccalaureate
wrcues, la tbe assembly room of Villon!
'.onJnnelo, lstfo.
8. E. McCluee.
ovi,i wiisoo died in this city, June
. at the w, of 77 years, 10 months and 23
ttrk i,,' Mr- nd ilrK Wnu
lu " m h li,,ed ,'Dce the "l10
Ban Th. k Zmt two mo,"bs ago. Since that
(uU. Vr.1 no o'esir to live, gradually
fcirf ""f.'1 tn came to his relief. He waa
alL tl'V0 "unty, Ohio. He has children
ia LUho Mrt Kansas. The fuueral to k
Mouroe, Benton o.unty. Kev. Alley
lrl7 In E,u'-'n. OrtKoo, June J8, 18U0.
u. VUti i!"' infnt "I Mr. and Mrs. J.
wt, ,' ifiv motitha. Tbe remains
4V r?T,ki V1 l"! HUI cemetery Fri-
frWada?1 h tb JrnPth of their
Vito! SoT,c--Tbe st-e tor Foley
V i3Te the holel ' Kogene. Mod
CUrk i "T"n o'clock. Apply -at
Johuwn'a livery atablr.
for LSL,.-vluble residence property
iieZ"c ,n,'1ni of Rivhaid Mo.iLt at
Saw V0rl,.
ortIrIlD A girl to do general buV
Miift""'- E- K. Kkipworth
ii., i ... ,
Ilenderson. dentist. .
p"'ton,siinll. harne.
Allny Hour. ItlsthebU
tarpon atDsy A'a.
carts f 20 at Chambers & Sou'i.
An endless amount of WKl n-.
Urdeu City Plow. at Chamber. Son'..
Sony M ne',
n. . . .
Mwiin. canDS0'ut liuie.of8.
'aUonn,,tol''Mon,'mM' E-lir.of Judge
Asiyour grocer for Junction flour.
It is
tiiitter, 10 to 20 cents per lb; ev l"i et
Ir d .ren: w.h.I. 10 i-.e llT ' cU
Ooldsm,"!!'.!1 te3
T... .
i.uuew grain cleaner, at the
" Mill.
F. M. Nolan baa lv !.... .
tor at The Dalles. 'u,ea pos,mM'
JrVJM Wf. b.m and
...nuiiru a Don .. ,
- (...a ir.o, iunn ..
Pn. l L... ,, . .
n.r.r: i'.zm .lou east or west of the
" uu ur. oueilOD.
eo,.a ualhLf Mery y in
at Jerry Horn', barber .hop.
..iiT. iVnlt J0010 come and we hi.
'" im ueavy team Harness.
W. Ilolloway, the leading jewrder and
music house south of Portland.
A stray t.ime raspberry vine la the rear of
,M "uauu omee nas ripe berries.
For fine an its made to order and ready,
made clothing, go to Hanson A Son.
Go and see the most beantifnl Aquarian
Art Ware iuh! arrived at 1
. " uvniawim
C. Marx, Barber Shop and Bath Room.
uoor norm oi uunn . new block.
Save time and labor by buying an improv
cd W esteru washer at Jacob Mitchell'..
I he Pratt building is nearly completed,
the painter, being at work on the tame.
rat Farrell is working In a marble factory
at Albany. He is a first-class workman.
Tho grading on Fifth street is sbont com
pleteci . I he gravel w ill lie put on at onoe .
Mr Geo F Craw hss the sole agency for all
brands of the celebrated Tansil Punch Cigar.
The masons have nearly enmnlotml ih
second story ol the Johnson-Wilkins block.
Before Btoring or selling yooroat. see A
v . i ears, wean Lnevalier barley wanted.
E. C. Lake, marble cutter and dealer in
monuments, shop on Eighth street, Eugene.
Hums was selected on June 2d, as the
county seat of Harney county, by 33 major'
It A. Bensell, well known here baa been
appointed collector of custom, at Yaquina
Ilrv. P. 8. Knight will preach at the Con
gregational Hull next Sunday morniug and
The county authorities have antborized the
placing of an arc light in front of the court
Garland, Peninsula and Acorn oook stove.
ami ranges at Mitchell store in lb. I. O. O.
F. building.
Bring your crain to the Eueene Mills.
They have recently added two excellent
grain cleaners.
i lie total vote oi tne state ol Oregon I.
about 71,000, a gain of nearly 10,000 over
tbat of 1883.
Tbe Gcino job office turned out the pro
gri.mmes nsed at the University commence,
mcnt exercises.
Just arrived from the' East, the' lovely
Queens Frosted Ware, tbe very latest de
signs at Goldsmith s.
Tbe ladies of St. Mtry's Guild will mee.'
with Mrs. Kinsey on Wednesday after'
noon. June 25th.
Goldsmith is selling crockery and class
ware lor cost so that be can fix up tbe store
anil make room lor new goods.
MiiLdey & Parker have the largest stock of
doors and (window in Eugene. Factory one
hl.x k east ot the bugene nouring mills,
Enquire of your grocery dealers for Eu
gene flour, a home production; best in th.
market at 'Jo cts. per sack.
J. Mitchell keeps a full line of tin and
gmnite and bouse furnishing goods. Plumb
ing and roofing a specialty.
The Guard for one year and a copy of
Webster's Un ibridged Dictionary bound in
leather or half Russia for $5 60.
Wright's Red Crws Cough Cure guarantee
to Rive satisfaction. Will cure anv kind of
c iiirIi or cold. Sold by all druggists.
A number of Juuction people were in at
tendance on circuit court Monday a. wit
nesses in th. Pulmnn damage suit.
Gov. Pcnnoyer is in demand as a Fourth
of July orator. He ha. declined invita
tions from Pendleton, Lebanon and Link
villa. We acknowledge tbe receipt of an invita
tion to be present at the opening of tbe new
10 story Chronicle building ia San Fran
cisco. Watts keep everything you need in th.
way of watches, clocks, iewelry, silverware,
and musical goods, and price, guaranteed
Cord wood is rot ooming to town at a
verv lively rate. A considerable amonnt of
that already hauled waa in tho flood and i.
incrusted with ssnd.
Take warning all you farmers thst have
summer fallow to work go and get one of
Paine's Boss Cultivator., and atop your
fooliug. The Boss doe. the biz and don't
yon forget it.
Dr. G. W. Biddle may be found at hi.
residence on Olive street, between Fifth and
Sixth streets one block west of tbe Minne
gota Hotel. He is prepared to do all dent
al work in the best manner.
Katie WauJ died at Seattle, Wash , last
Monday, from a sell administered dose of
,V,in anerl 19 vearS. COB ll'OU iu cu
gene with her parents several year, .go
was prouanir a case 01
Prof D. T. Stanley, of Monmouth, ha.
sold ont and gone to Chicago, where lis
family will follow biro in a few day.. His
many friends gave him a farewell b;nqn"
Thursday eveuing. This is probably the
end of the Slate normal school scandal.
When tbe aro light sytem i. in operation.
Eueene will be one of th. best lighted
towns in Oregon. First-class schools good
streets, water works, aro and incandescent
liiibts, but a lack of manufacturing nter There is plenty of local capital bnt
its bolder, wish per cent, upon it.
If yon wsut to buy anything in th. way of
musical goods, from a violin string to
pisVo. you should buy of . dealer capable
of selecting and knowing good .tnng. and
. a ... fttm TmriefiM in toeir
Wstts is tbe only practical maiician w lb.
CIlV WOO I ar 1 1" mtvm - ...
Why. tim. i. money, and D7Joa.
v. by buying your clothing. .birU. bU.
boots end shoe or anything
gentlemen's liM of E. Baum. f '!
n.v. such Urgain. been offered to thj pub
, : ... twk ni mnaiGKi kvivu.
lic, ss time. sr. Bsru J- -h.l I
Call aud
I ...1 nnee DT gouaa.
r ' Drffl1.
It. dum.
TAimr advantage of oor homestead Uw.
men hav8. Uk lit -i'b "f'
au brawn and muscle, bav. .opported
Eeir iamTies. squired . title to their land.
snd umuUte.1 a tolerabl.
What ha. been don. can be don. again, and
if too can measure up 10 iu.
old p!oreer..ourwordforityoa witt
oeed. Try it.
Prntni's Whlpi are Rue.
Cuuiiurureuictit wek ovor.
Job work at the Uoaao ofUoe.
Harnna and ail oil at PrMton'a.
Wm. Treaton's Harness Is th. best.
N will buy a good cigar at 81a.ldn t Son's.
Hood river Ice for sale by R. M. Robinson
oiailtien jjn keen onlv Co cL-ars: lr
. - n --rf
pay. highest cash price for
Up Kohea and Pinters (n all shades at
t? hB 'w wi" g0 iu, nt on August
Canned York coru, 10 ceut per can at
T ... ...
r or correct time and the best work go to
Goshen Creamery butter cau now be had
at Rbinebart.
Boots, ahoea. aliinion )li 1.1 nl ...
- 'vbviuau a.
Strawberries freah vru nmr, ,i ui.,.i.
den 4 Son'..
Dr. McKinney'. office, room. 3 and 4 in
Goldsmith pay. the highest cash Drice foi
country produce.
Eugene and Junction fl
Screen door, and
window, for sale by
Uidgly A Parker.
A lovelv set of decorated
for 35o at Goldsmith'..
Fresh fruit snd vegotablo. every rooming
at Sladdeo & Son'.. -
A full line of tbe celebrated Superior
moves ai AiucueU ..
A set of deeoruted blates. nink nr limwn
iursoo ai uoidsmitn s.
See Preston's saddles. No trunliU for Pia-
ton to show bis goods.
For a good honest watch that will keen
tim. go to Uolloway'..
Forest A McFarlaud are shoeinn horses
new for $125 each &uh.
Be dressv: vou ran biiv a neat mmmw
imn : .: n....":.:c
Lawn mowers repaired and abamenAit al
the saw .hop, Niuth Street.
Large shipment Sladden t Son have hist
received 40,000 pounds of sugar.
Go to Forrest & McFarlaud and ael vnnr
none snoa new lor fl.lio casb.
Call aud see the SDlendid organs inst r.
cviireu ai nonoway s jewelry store
Ladle, attentiou See the e'eusnt herrv
seu just received at Ciliukleu ft Son 8.
For Kile cheap, a set of light double car
riage Harness; new. Vt. T. W. Shelton.
The Oregon Pioneer Association met in
Portland this week. Tbe attendance was
There is no shoddy about that Unabridged
neosier . Dictionary Ibat I. ottered as
premium with th. Guard.
Do TOO want a stv ish bncav? A fine
buggy for little money? Call at
Cham mens Son s.
Come and examine Forrest & MuFarland's
"stocks" for shoeing wild horse.. Shop 8lb
sireei.wesi oi iaue s paint snop,
Two new grain cleaners at th. Eocene
flouring Mills, ltiev will clean vour grain
masing it a mercnantanie commodity.
A large assortment of wall paper inst re.
ceived at tb. Eugene Book Store. C,
see It.
all and
The 13.00 W. L. Douclas shoe for sale bv A.
Hunt. Uuenualled for durability and eieol
W. Hollowav is bv common consent ihs
leading jeweler and best watch maker south
of Portland.
You can buy goods cheaper at Goldsmith's
.t. i - ' . .
iuuu buy piace in town, lie pays no store
rent uor clerk hire.
J. Mitchell has inst received a nice Hue of
the popular Garland Stove, and Ranges. A
nice souvenir given with each one.
When you want to make your friends a
handsome present at reasonable prices get
some of thst lovely Wedding Art Glassware
at Goldsmith'..
Rember that Hanson & Son have the best
selected stock of clothing in town.
Beckwith keeps fresh groceries. lie makes
a specialty of vegetables which will be kept
fresh and of tbe best qnaliiy.
Go to Pratt's for horseshoeing. 9150 for
new shoes; wagon tire set, f 2 50. Shop on
Ninth street two door, east of Rbinebart'..
I will elsdly assist anyone In tbe study of
niueio (free of charge) who buy their instru
ment, at my Jewelry and Musio .tore.
I. U. warn.
Buy th. French Band Corsets in gray.
white and gold. Regular price one dollar; for
this month only 50 cents and warranted fit; at
Melson. Bond & Scott have removed (lis
old scales from iu front of their livery stable.
They will nse the one adjoining tbe black
smith shop on Olive street.
All planing mill .cconuts due me and un
settled after July 1. 1890, will be placed in
tbe hauds of an attorney for collection.
w. t. Uampiikll.
For musical goods of all kinds and the
best quality go to Ilolloway's. All th.
musician, in the city recommend hi. as th.
best place to buy.
Don't you want a nice lot in Martin's Ad
dition near the new Public School, $200 to
tm, with fruit trees. Apply to (lea M,
Miller or ii. W. Martin.
Tbe students of the State University gave
a pleasant farewell dance at Rhiuebort'.
Parlors last Thursday evening. An enjoya
ble time was bsd by all present.
A fine rain Monday nk'ht and Taesday.
It will be worth thousands of dollars to the
growing crops of tbe Willamette valley.
Soma bay was injured by the rain.
W. Ilolloway has just secured tbe agency
for this district for tbe celebrated music
house of Lvon 4 Hesly, of Chicago, and
can offer the best bargains in organs on tbe
Scrofulous eruptioni, such . Pimples,
Discolorations of the Skin, esproially on
face, are caused by impure blood and will
disappear rapidly by using Plunder'. Ore
gon Blood Purifier.
Mrs. Geo. 8. Washbnrne entertained th.
law graduates at tbe residence of Mr. Lock
wood', last Wednesday evening. A luncb,
musio and social converse constituted tb.
pleasures of tbe evening.
J. A. Varney. of Tbe Dalle., a member
of th. State Board ol Horticulture, will be
in Eugene in a day or two. He say. tb.
codlin moth is still plentiful, and be bas
found indications in several place, of tb.
phis, fnngns and San Jose scale.
Messrs Smith A Bunch are actively en
gaged in tbe real estate bnioeas at their
new quarters in the I. O. O. F. building.
Tbey bsve alarge amount of desirsble propei-
ty in Ibeir bands for ssie, ana win use espec
ial Daina to sbow it to intending purchasers.
See their notice in another column.
I will .tart east about tbe Ctb ol July ami
would be pleased to have my customers who
cannot bring their work before I start, bold
it for my return. I will be .way .ooni wnr
weeks. Mr store will be open during my
absence and all work left will be taken tb.
best car of. .
i. U. Vt ATI.
A body with a nervous temperament will
make known its wauts through it natural
medium the nervous system. If it fail to
receive proper nourishment tb. nerve "will
be tbe firet to ery on t Dr. Hiller' Hydra,
tin. Eetoraliv ensures perfect nutrition to
those who take it, snd . perfectly nourished
body cannot be nervous. For sal. at E. R.
Lnckey to a. ...
Prinwvili. News: Mr. J. L. Lnckey, oor
fellow townsmsn, baa sold bis First street
residence to Georg Jones. Mr. Luekey
ei'tttempUte moving away on aecount of
bis wife's ill health. At tb prent tim
b thinks of going to Selem. W shall re
gret to Ux Mi. and Mrs. Lackey and their
r . . ... i t . ..).
brlgni cniiureai irv w'n
Whero are you goiug to speud the Foutth?
For Additional Locals Kditorlal
Hop are now being conti act.d for st 13J
rents per pnurni.
. u. .n, oi torvallis, was among
i nose attending commencement.
Bandy uids motion lur a new trial was
argued before tbe Supreme court last Wed
James F. Roblusun, of Eugene, hss been
elected grand lusster of the A. F. 4 A. M. of
The degree ot Doctor of Diviulty has been
conferred on Rev. 1. 1). Driver by Willaui
eiie u niversity.
Rcirular Inspection of "C" Co., Thursday
evenius, Juc. 20th. The couqiany now ha
sixty members.
(illmore's new opera houw, at Junction, was
iiedioated f rl.lay evening by the Junction City
cornel Hand.
Whitconih ft Alirama are burtdug their fimt
kiln ol wl.tsjo brick. I her are busy molding
lor a second kirn.
Many teams ars crossing the mountains via
the McKensi rout. About 2) feet of snow is
reported on in sum mm
At tbe Portland eity election, lust Monday
the Republican, were victorious, as usual
About a one-tbird vote was oast.
A large number of prople from different
paria ol lb. state attended tbe commence
ment exercises in bugene tbi. week.
Dr. McMahon, of Ln( Torn precinct, on
nik'ht this week, accidentally stepped off a
tiitjh sidewslk In Eugen aud dislocated oue of
hia shoulders.
We acknowledge th receipt of an invitation
to attend th comnenoement eiervise of th
State Atfricultural College, at Corvallis, to b
held from Jura 22nd to tin 25th..
Muhers of the ttOt T. V. r- earnestly
requested to meet at their hall on next
W etlnesilay afternoon. June 25. at 2:30 0 clock.
to consider business ol iinsirtanc.
Conductor Guthrie, of tbe Eugene local
train, was sick several day. tbi. week and
unable to run his train. His plaoe was ably
uneu oy nits nun, oaggage master.
There are sixteen bov. in the penitentiary
under 20 years of age, who should be trans
ferred to the reform school. Lane county
added an 13-year old boy to tbe list this
J. L. 1'siikin. an old and hhihlv respected
citizen of Eugene, died at his home In Eugene
on Filth street Friday morning at 5:25 o'clock.
His death waa caused by the enlargement of
the prostrate gland, lie was at Sodaville
when nis onmiition liecame serious and he was
bmiiK'ht back to his home Saturday, but every
ntveuiiou mien w give uun reuei.
The deceased waa born in Harriaon oountv.
Indiana. Nov. 22. 1819. and at the tim of hia
death was In his 7 lit year. He came to Oregon
in IN'.', and reauied In l'ortland, and V ancou
ver, Yaah., for a number of years. He came
to Eugene in 1874, and here with his family
resided until the time of his death. A wife
and three children survive him, Mr. t. A,
Rankin and Miss Carrie Raukln, of Eugene,
and Mrs. Matiger, of Dayton, Wash. Mr.
Rankin was upright in bis dealinm with hia
lol low mea and had a IiIl'Ii sense of honor.
While Btronuly grounded in his conv utions. h
treated the opinion! of others with due consid
eration. 1 he old gentleman will be missed
Irom our midst bv msnv.
The funeral will tak plaoe to th. I. O
O. . oemetery Monday afternoon at three
o clock under charge of Eugene Lodge, I. O,
O. F., he haviug been a member of tbat or
der over forty year. Th. funeral I. placed
uv uun uuie iu ortier to anow nis daughter
rout uay ion, vtasu., to De present.
$ 4.700 Damahm. Th. oase of th. admini.
trator of Robt. Putnam, th brakemao who
was killed in the Junction accident on th.
Southern Pacifio railroad, waa given to th.
jury in me L,ane county cirouit court lues.
day eveniug at seven o'olock. Tb. jury wa.
out all night and at nine o'olock Wedueadsy
morning cam. iuto court with a verdiot for
pluintitf in the sum of $4,700. It i. under
stood that at first threo of tb. jury were for
tbe defendant. It is likely the oase will be
appealed' nis mother bass damage suit
lor f J.0O0 for tbe same cause In court. It
was continued until th. next term,
A Ntw Postmaster. A telegram was re
ceived from Washington Wednesday convey
iug the information that Mrs. Miuna Wash
bume had been appointed postmas
ter for tbe Eugene olDoe. Tb. present
postmaster, F. W. Osburn, reslgued several
mouths ago, and baa been anxiou. to be re
lieved, but no aotion wa. taken until tb.
preseut time. Mrs. Wsshburn. will fill the
position oreditably. Th. other applicants
were F. Reisner, W, H. Abrams, Henry Fry,
a n. 1 flam 17 f'rasi
ji. V JI a Y a via l .
Pustland Taxpayer.. W. 8. Lad J this
year will pay taxes on $746,880, and is worth
about l,000.0('0; H. W.Corbetton $102,250,
and is worth $2,000,000; Henry Failing on
3i'!,220, and is woith about $2,000,000; V.
P. Thompson, worth about $1,125,000. la
assessed at $137,000; Frank Dekum ia as
sessed at $81,200, but i. worth $1,000,000.
So says a Portland exchange.
Job Stock. Th. Goard bas received from
tbe eastern manufacturer, a large stock of
job printer's letter and bill head., state
ments, cards, eard board, envelope, aud other
printing material, and are prepared to turu
out all classes of work at the lowest figure.
We cau print you neat letter and bill beads
for but little more than th. blank stock will
A Runaway. Seal's cab team took a run
from the depot Monday caused by n news
paper getting under tbe horse.' feet. The
cab waa left near th. depot but tbe horses
with tbe tongue attached took a .pin about
town snd ran up Willamctie street towards
the depot, when tbey collided with tb. tele
phone pole at Day- ft Henderson', corner.
The damsge wa. slight.
Dauaoks Awabpkd. Two suits for dam
age, resulting from Ih. railroad accident at
tbe Lebanon switch near Albany last Fall,
whereby Engineer Miller and Fueuian Guth
rie lost their live., were tried at Salem Fri
day aud Saturday of last week. Mr. Miller
got a verdiot for $3,000 damage, and Mrs.
Outbri. a verdict for $3,000.
To Ths FNiTmv.-Jody Bean sen
tenced lb. tramp burglar of Eastland ft
Wilson's stor. to tb penitentiary Monday.
Henry Heil, tb. one thst plead guilty, got
three years. Horse Bainbridge, En associ
ate, who was convicted on tb tnird trial, got
two years. Sheriff Sloau took them to Salem
Wednesday morning.
Have Yoo Bke Endmebated. Citizen,
of Albany should see to It tbat .very man,
woman and child is enumerated. Ask all vou
meet If tbey bav been (numerated. It It
possible for enumerators to mis some. Get
In snd help. Albany Democrat. Citiuu.
of Engeu shook! also follow th. above ad
vice. StnPTnia Ban. The brick now being
nsed on th Johosoa-Wilkin ' buildings ar
hipped from Albany. It make it costly
work boilding. but tbat is th only ebsnc
until oar local brick ysrds can get brick
burnt. Building is greatly retarded by lack
of brick.
Resigned. Frank J. Miller ha resigned
tb position of superintendent of bridge on
tb Oregon Pacifio Railroad. II will aasnm.
th management of tb Albany branch of tb.
Grant Fa Door k Lnmber Co.
Heavi FsEiorr. An immens amonnt
of freight is received al Eogu. Uo. day
last week Bin carload wert received by
on. train.
SrsrsKDiD. Th daily Triboo of Pn
dletoa ha npoded poblieauon on account
of lack of softcitiit patronage.
Maskiso. At tb law offic of L. Bilya,
Jan IJ. IfM. by iUv. O. A. Blair, Arnold
Mindo and Satwno I'tx.
Kial Kstaic 'lniiufi'i.
arc (.a.
W h I'mso to I. K Warner. 4 and ,
oi,k- b, i a.-k.aru s a.hlttlou;
J J to A A Crawford, lot l,l k 8,
osinnsrs ordinal plat; I00,
PUt of College mil Perk. 2l0iots. filed by J
F snd L V Atherton; all streets and ateuues
aarusd ar no feet wide, except Ku.-sne avenue
which la 21 feet wills, and sains are dILtei
to th public; lu falxiUU fort Name of
street! I'ark, Beacon and Cherry. Avenues:
rwugsuo, Atherton, Stewart, Haiti, n, Wood
ward, Michigan, Huntington and Oregon.
I'atharin Christian mr aitm'r 1 lllia A
Burlian. lota 5 aud 8, block U, ( hrUtlau 2nd
svliittion. HM.
Foslaw Mulkey to Mm 1) A Todd, 10 lots
iu boon . addition; SM,
Geo O Andeison to (1 Bettman, on tenth of
an aero; i.
John Daun to John I.awaon. 7 ncrm:
S W Wood to David Mushy, 1110 acre.; Kiiiio.
I'.M lKulty to J N l liurchill, !'J.M acres
(ieo it Dorr is to Heleu M Baker, 80 acres
Martha E Brownie to 11 F Newman, SATO
acres: l.VHi.
O E (irejory per Adair to Geo B Dorris, 80
acres; !('.
U 8 to Cilmore Shirley, litt acres; fl.VX
California ft Orei,nn Land Co to Chas M
Dority. W.31 acre; rl77.!':t.
Mlenor Wood to lvi,l Mushy, 100 a.-re;
Oregciii tn Riilway Co. Limited by Geo.
H. Durham, Master in Cbanci ry to the The
Oregon Railroad R-tilwsy Co , 1 in.l roadbed,
etc; fl,(x;3,81l.
Geo II and II II Barrett to J W Strong lot
1, block IS;
Circuit I'otii t liockcf.
21. Catherine Tutmau vs S P Co; dama
ges. Coiiliuurd.
iJ. Oeorge Pope v a P Co; damage..
Tried by jury; verdict for plaintiff for $1700
witn costs and disbursements.
. 31. Eastland k Wilsuu vi B F Russell; to
recover money. Default, erdiotfor plaiu
tiff for $101.01, disbursement and costs,
aud iuterest at 8 per rent.
3J. A A roster vs K V Howard; to recov
er money. Tried by jury; vordiot for de
fendant. Slato of Oregon vs Henry licit, burglary,
ilea of guilty; Seutonoed to peliltculiary
or three years- ,
State of Oregon vs Howard Baiuliridi-e.
burglary; found guilty by jury on third trial
and sentenced to two years in penitentiary.
All iu. case, prouht i.y me uregouian
Railway Co. for rigbi ol way between !
burg and Springfield hivo been continued
for service.
National Surgical Institute.
319 Bush St., S. F. Ou. or more sur
geons repiesentiug this iustitut will bo at
the lloliiuan House. Lugeue City. July 12.
Tbi. Institute is specially devoted to tbe
treatment of curvature of the spine, diseases
of the bip and knee joint, crooked limbs,
club feet and all bodily deformities. Their
success In treatlug these troubles a well as
all cbrouio diseases bas mado for the Insti
tute a national reputation, All persons who
are suffering from any of these o juipliiints
should uot fail to take advautage of tbi op
portunity for relief. Reference may be bad
to the following residents: G. Zumwalt,
Irving; Norris Humphrey, Eugene City; .
T Fisk, Chesher; E. 11. Condit. Albany;
L. Mcl'arlsnd, Albauy.
SmtNnriKi.D to Tint Ska. A meeting was
boltl at Silverton Mouduy at which Messrs.
rengra ami Hcott representing the nottlbern
Pacifio railroad weto present. Tbey save
the people sssnrsnoo that the company was
about to widen the narrow gauge track to a
staudard gnage, but to do this and give Sil
verton proper switch facilities, Ibey ask a
bouus of $o,000 and 20 acres (or depot pur
poses. They also stated tbat it was th. in
tention of the company to make a oonneo-
tiou with the main line of lb Pa
oifio at Springfield, Lane county, and build
mence to toe ocean.
In a Nkw BusiNKsa. The Baker City pa
per, say the new hotel of Juk. aud Harry
warsbaiier bat been completed at cost of
$r5.000. It is COx 100 feet, three stories iu
beightb and built of brick. It will be
thrown open August 1st. and the hotol will
be under th. supervision of tb. young mou
themselves. Hurry Wurshauor lias gone
East to buy the furnishings which will cost
about $15,000, It has teen named "Th.
Warshauer. ' The boy. will be remembered
as the former proprietor, of tho I, X. L,
Store in Eugeue.
A Heavy Transaction. In our real estate
transaction, it will be fouud that the Ore-
goniau RuiUay Co,, Limited, bus been .old
to tbe Orcgonian Railway Uo., Inclailiru Us
tracks, lauds, etc., for the modest sum of
$1,003,811.11. This ia the system known as
uajfow gusge road. Tho deed of convey
ance oovers twenty pages in the deed book.
it bas now been recorded in 1ine, Marlon,
Yamhill aud Polk counties.
Wants Bonuses. The Soutborn Psclfto Is
now asking subsidies all along the Hue of
tbe narrow gauge. They ask for bonus.
saying thst tbey are 'about to commence the
work of widening th gauge, building Dew
depot, snd extendiug the liue on to Spring-
Held ana tueucs to tbe ooast. At WooUiuirn
they asked seven acres for terminal facilities
and t.'OOO iu cash and at Silverton they
naked $7000 aud twenty acres.
No Com.! Mora. The veterau fruit man
S. A. Clark eutioiiuoes tbat he bus investiga
ted tbe orchards iu tbe northern part of Lane
county snd fltid no sign of the codlin moth.
le suggests tbat the rainy winter destroyed
them. Wo hope it Is true so thst the Will
aruette valley may again have large aud lus
cious apples aud pears.
A CutNoE in Time. A new lime table of
the Southern Pacillo went iuto effect Sunday
at noon affecting ouly th overland train.
Tb evening train now arrives in Engeu. at
m o clock, a gain of 18 minutes over tb
old acbedule; tb. morning train at 1:28,
being it) minute biter.
Abo Lkiiitb. The wires tor the new aro
light bav. been strung sud everything is in
readiness to bang th. lamps, which can be
done in a few hours. Th. only delay now i.
tb. putting in of a new water wheel, which
will tsk a week or ten days, after which tbe
street lighting of Eugnn will be perfect.
Tent Meettno.. Eider W. W. Shsrp, of
th. Seventh Day Adventists, assisted by R.
Benhsm, have erected a tent on th corner
of Seventh and Osk street, and
will commence holding religioas services
Hjnday evening, at 8 o'clock and continue
until further notice. All are invited.
Alcmxi Di.hneb Tbe Alumni Asaolation
gv tbeir auuual dinner at Robinson k
Cogswell's restaurant last Thursday eveniug
at 8 o'clock. A large number of the alum
ni, tb Board of Regent aud Profess
ors wer prent. An enjoyable lime ws
paed, a number of toasts being delivered.
IIomewabd Boi'Nu. Tb most of th. stu
dent, from abroad left for Ibeir respective
borne. Friday, snd tbe balance of them will
leav to-day. W wish them on aud all a
pleasant vacation.
Cibcott CodbT, When w went to pres.
Friday noon the easa of Fannie Lock wood v
J. W. Smith, to recover money, wa. being
tried txfor a jury. Th court ailt adjourn
to-day, Ssturdsy.
A Gseat Cask. FrWndly has a -rt card
for to day aa I neat waek. Read hia annuiiiw-e-uuat.
Also tak a luk at tb ihibitioa ia
hi show window.
WaNTEIH A (irl to do grlttr! housework.
Iouir al reaidcam 4 R, S. l(-aa.
Comnioncomont Wook.
Tb 1 lib annual Couilueiiceuieiit of the
Luiversity ol Oregon hss U-eu Culebrattd,
aud another clasa graduated. Iu numbers,
culture aud scholarship th. class, is one of
the largest and best the liniv.rsity list ever
sent forth. It numbers 1 j members.
The attendance of the publio was large
and their interest unlUggiug from first to
tast, while Ihe exercises were entertaining
and instinctive.
(I'NPAI, jcns 13, 181)0.
Yillard Hall, Suuday was filled to over
tlowiug with the peoplo to hoar Rev. Dr.
Gordou, of Porllauil, iu th bicoalaurele
sermon. The sermon was founded on th
text iu Luke II, 32d verse. Tho address
commanded th slteulion of all, and waa
worthy of i, for it. fin. thought, form and
and delivery. The speaker was assisted by
Rev. Trivia of the Baptist Church and Rev.
Alley, ol tb Christian church. The musio
furnished for th occasion was under th.
leadership of Mr. L. G, Adair, assisted by
Mrs. Laura Kiucaid, at the piauo, and Mis.
M. E. McCornack at th organ, and th
1'iiiversiiy orchestra, aud was excellent.
Every part of the exercise, was a success.
At 8 P. M. Ihe Musio Department gave a
public recital, hich was largely attended.
The following programme was rendered:
Pait I Overture, uuiveraity orchestra;
Kong of the Sea,, mixed chorus; In
Old Madrid, Teolero, Mae Dorria; Wall!,
Kiiuliel, fc.nlio llanin, Theresa Friuudly.
uaruara iitiier; rrisciies lyeoeti, hpludlur,
Herbert Thompson; Merry Hong Bird, Howe,
children's chorus; The ' Watcher. Geibel.
Morns Holt; May Bulls and the Flowers,
Moudclssyhn, Miste. Uovey, Curry and
iJorris. .
Part II-Who knows what the Bells Say,
l amer, Misses ntratiu and norris, Slcssrs.
McClure and Mulligan; Supposing, lllsch
hoir, Stella Dorris; Westward! Ho! Wilson,
Arthur McKiulay and Herbert Thompson;
Grand Old Ocean, Millaid, Edwin Test; Ls
(i.tilo, Ma 11 ii IT, sir, a quurletle by Dud
ley Hues; bveuiug iiymii, tunoono, ladic
All the pupils acquitted tbemsvlve with
niucu credit.
At 2 P. M. tim address before the Lau
leuu aud Eutatiaii Litorary Societies was
delivered by the Rl. Rev. Archbishop Gross
ol furtlaud. Ills addruss was character
ized throughout by strength aud fore, of
thought aud wa. delivered m a very abli
manner. Th. sooiety made au excellent
ohoice when the Rev. R-ntlemun was chosen
as tbeir orator. II is certainly the equal
of any publio speaker iu tbe State of Oregou,
III Bunjccl wus, "linpoitauce of Society,
At 8 o'clock In the eveuing the annual
MUuion of the library societies wa held in
tb auditorium. A large number ol mem
bers were preacut beside a goodly number
ol invited guest. Tbe exorcise, consisted
of uu overture by the orchestra; aunual ad
dres by Miss Veins Adair; solo by Miss May
Dorris; reading by Mis Grace Muttbews;
duet by Minxes Dora Scott and Mable
Straight; reoilatiou by Miss Eva Harrison;
chorus, "lboso Evening Rolls, by Eubixl-
aus; introductory address, Mr. Horace Mo
dure; declamation, Mr. J. R. Greenfield;
declamation, Mr. A. E. Realties; declama
tion, Mr. O. C. Wilson; chorus, "Laugh and
Rejoice, lianrouus; proinuudt concert, or
chestr. The addresses ami declamations
were all good aud showed literary merit.
lbe vocal and instrumental musio was excel
lent. A pleasaut time was hud after tb.
rendering ol exercises.
Tbo graduating exercises took place at 10
m. Tbe following wa. th. programme
reudereil: musio by lbe orcbestra; prayer,
Rev U A Blair; musio, orchestra; oration.
"The Msgun Chart nud Its Rosu Its." Earl
0 Bronaugb, Jr, A 11, L L B, ot Portland;
musio, orchestra; oration, "Limits ol th.
Province of Government," E O Potter, A B,
L L II, of Eugene; conferring of degree, L L
11, by I'rcsiduul W Johusou on Ihe gradu
ting class, consisting of the following mem
bers: E 0 llronaugh, A B, E E MilUr, J 0
Ruleuio, Charles N Wail, of Porllaud; Ed
win O Potter, A 11, Eugoue; Frank L Moore,
A 11, Malheur City; John U Smith, 1) S, La-
layette; Lawrence A MoMary, Baluru; Sidney
Fox, Helena, Montana; musio, orchestra;
benediction, Rov (j A Blair.
The graduating addresses by Messrs. Pot
ter and Uronaugli showed that tbey wore
good students and had faithfully and thor
oughly fitted themselves for their chosen
profession, the law.
Prof. Thorns Condon delivered' th. ad
dress to the class, and it ccrtaluly consisted
of much good advice, which if truly followed
will be of groat benefit to Ibem, 1 hut ended
the graduating exoroise. of the fifth class ot
tb. iaw Department.
At 2 p. m. the glass tree ws planted by the
graduating nlaas. 1 lie tree I a Abies Mnrten-
una, or using It common name, a Vslley
Hemlock. Edward 11. McAliater made the
address upon the occasion, It was well deliv
ered and splendidly written, and we are forty
that want of iiiace makes it lniMHmiliU for lit
to print it entire. Mis Ague M. Green de
livered the class Iree poem. It showed much
poetic merit anil It was well received.
Directly after tb. plunting of th. olss
tree the literary exercises of the Alumni As
sociation were held in Villard Hall. After
an overture by the orohestra, prayer wa.
offered by Rev. U. A. Blair. 8. W. Con
don, II. S., oluss of '82, Prosideut, mad bis
auuual address welcotuiug th alumni back
to their alma mater. The orutiou was de
livered by W. 1.. Boise, U. 8,, class of '80,
Mr. Boise lakiug a his subject, "The Past
aud the Present," treated th .udienoe to
au excellent address. A male quuitotto, con
sisting of Messrs. WoodwortU, MoAllister,
W. A. and II. McClure, rendered "Auld
Lang Syne." Tbe annual essay wa. read
by tb. essayist, Miss Ida Patterson, A. B..
class ot 'W. It is a production of which tbe
member, of the association ar justly proud.
The poem wss delivered by J. N. Oollra, A.
B. class of '81. By request w. will give it
tire next week.
Tb. exercise, clostd with musio by th.
ALCMNl orrit'EKs.
After th literary exercises Ih. members ol
the Association Diet in tbe Society Hall and
elected the following officer, lor Ihe ensuing
Presidont-8. E. McClure, class of '83.
Vic PresidenU-J. D. Fentou, classof '81,
Msry E, McCornack. class of '84.
Secretary and Treasurer Alio. Dun is,
class of 'Mi.
PBoobamii ion IM'.M.
Oral lou-J. R. Whnuey. classof '81.
Essay Emma Dorris. i-luss of '80; alter
nate, Emily Bristol, class of 'o7.
Pueiu Agne Oreenu cl ist of '00; alter
nate, R C Johnson, class of '87.
The ottlce of biatonan was created aud
F. A. Hurler of lb class of 'Mi wa ' elected
to tbat otlice.
At it o'clock p in Hou Geo II Williams, of
Portlaud.dullvert'd tb annual adJreaa before
Ihe University. A irg sudiuc filled Ih
ball. Mr. WiHiuius look fur hi subject,
"luvisibl Force." H proved himself to
b ou. of tbe uiiwuir uiiud of the
Pacific Coait. Hia reasoning wa oonvino
iug and close, and showed Hist be was en
tirely faiuihar with tbe tubject, Hi niauuer
and mean of impartiug his thought ar
reiuarkabl. Nothing but hi addrsa in full
would do him Jti slice, hence will not
attempt to any synopsis. We under
stand Ibat lbs addreni will b published
complete in pamphlet torut. It will b a
literary treat io read it.
VUt'BSPAT, nm I'JlU.
Th auditorium of th L'niverafiy of Ore
gon prrot-uUd charm lug appearand on
Iburaduy, lbe last day of lb csreuiouie set
apart excluattely fur the grsdualing clas of
tb Literary Department. Graceful featoon
of vrgretos druped tb csiling aud lb tn
Irauoea. kiaguiuceul vbm ol Dower were
pUcd on tb Ituul of lb stsge, and to
crowu all. an intelligent, appreciating aud
synipsihuir.g andicuce filled tbe .spacious
hall lo repletion, it being estimated that
over 1,1100 person, wor. present. Aftor a
selection by tb orchimtru, at ".'IO a in, l'rss
blent J W Johnson Introduced Rev t G Tra
vis, who delivered short, impressive prayer.
Tbtn a chorus, "I Would That My liv,"
by ladies' voice.
After this th gra1 nates, fifteen in number,
were introduced iu the following order, who
delivered their orations. Gonerally we have
made a synopsis of each oration, but as it
that it doe. not do tho individual mem
ber, of tb. clawt justice, this year,
to merely givs the name, and the
subjects of tbeir orations:
James R Greenfield, "Future of America."
Lennah F Bain, "I. Ther. Anything Prac
tical in the Beautiful?"
A O Hovey, Jr, "Tha Evolution of the
Modern Newspaper."
Fletcher Linn, "Sable Cloud. With Silver
Clara L Condon, "A Plea for Culture."
U Haskell Marsh, "Tb. Joint Ownership
of the Stat. In Individual Culture."
Edward II McAliater, "Future of Amer
ica." Fannie C Condon. "Service the True Title
Of Nobility."
Horace McClure, "Milton an Advocate ot
'J P. at.
Walter A McClure. "Growth of American
Sue Dorris. "Servlc. tb. Tru. Till of
Arthur I., "Modern Trust,"
Joseph M Widiuer. "Strike aud Their
Agnes M Greene, "Tbe Joint OwnershlD
of the Suite in Individual Cullnre."
l-oyal F Wood worth," A Plea tor Culture."
Arthur L esue, V aledictory.
The oration, wore of high order, and
showed th osreful framing of tho olass
by tbe professors of Ibat grand Institution
of learning, while it is no less a proof that
be members have improved their golden op
portunity. Tb. Regent, should tnak. arrangements
for haviug all oration, by the graduating
close priuted in full in pamphlet form. It
is but just to th. gradustee and also to th.
Ou the platform were tbe Board of Re
gents, the Protestors and tbe graduating
Presidont Joliuson at the close ot their
oratiou. conferred th degree ot Bsohelor of
Art on each member ol tbe class, in a few
neat, compliinoutury remark Interspersed
with a few words ol advice.
Tb. inusld for the occasion consisted of
several piece, by th. orchestra; chorus,
ladies' voices; and solo by Miss Kate Dor
ris, which was exceedingly well rendered.
Miss Msry McCornack presided at tb. piano.
In 188!) Hon. Henry II. Failing, of Port
land made a gilt lo the University ot the
sum ot 12500, and Hon. R. B. Beekman, of
Jacksonville, tb. sum of $1000. Tb. dona
tion, wertuicoepted by tb. Board of Re
gents and Ihe Failing aud Beekman Prize
I'liud ol tb Uuiversity ol Oregou, estab
lished. The Board mad. the following
rule. Tb prize. shall bo known aa tb
Failing Prize and shall not exceed $100 and
tho Beekman Prize not over $100. The
Failing Prize shall be awarded to that mem
ber of lb classical, scientific, or literary
course, who shall prouounca the best origi
nal oration and the Beekman 1'rie) o the
second best. Th. judge., iu deciding' what
member ha. pronounced th. best and sec
ond best oration, shall take iuto considera
tion (he originality ot tb. subject matter,
style of treatment, rhetorical excellence, and
manner of dolivory. This, being the first
year the prize, wer. awarded an unusual
Interest wa. .wakened. Th. judge, chosen
for th. occasion to make th. award, were:
Hou. Geo. H. Williams, and Hon. L. L,
MuArthtir, ot Portland, and Hon. 8. Hamil
ton, of Iloseburg. After carefully consider
ing th. merits of the different oration., tb.
judgo. awarded the first or Failiug Prize ot
1150 to Edward II. McAllister, of Portland,
snd tbe second or Beekman Prize of $100
to Ague. M. Greene, ot Seattle; Wash.
Tb. benediotion wa. then pronounced by
Rov. J, O. Tfavi. aud th. commencement
exorcise, for 1800 wor. ended.
C. F. ltlllwl. ut Baker Citv. is vl.Itimr at
Junotion. '
MIhs Ada Sharpie, visited friend, in
Salem tbl. week.
Mr.. M. J. Train and daughter Arlen. !.
ited Eugen. Thursday.
Miss Anna Crain, of Junction, attended th.
commencement .zeroise.
F. M. Chrianian. of Lake county, oav ns
pleasant oall Ibis week.
Robt Cathay, of Cottage Grove, ha been
visiting In Eugen all week.
Mis. D. Humphrey, of East Portland, is
visiting rotative, and friend. In Eugene.
II. Tape and wife, of th. Corvalli. Lead-
or, spent several day in town this week.
II. C. Humphrey and Maior Format
relumed from th Foley Spring Saturday.
II. E. Hspperselt, bridge superintendent
ot the O. ft 0. U. It., spent last Wednesday
In Eugtne.
Dr. J. D. Fenton, of Portland, ha. been
her. nearly all week. II. ha. a Urge and
increasing practice.
E. M. Brattain. B. B. Beekrsau. John
MuQuino, of Portland, attended th. com
mencement exercise..
Wm. Laird, of Garfield. Wash., au old
Lane county boy, I. visiting friend, here.
lie will return bom. about Jun. 1st.
Dr. John Goltra. a grhduat of tb. Uni
versity has been spending the week here.
lie is practicing hi prolesnion at BufTulo,
N. Y.
Jacob Nickleson, a former resident of Lau.
county, sold bis farm in th. Pslousa coun
try and has returned to niak. this bis futur
Robt. Johnson, of Portland, spent s couple
of day here this week. Ha i now day re
porter for tb. Associated Pres. in the me
Conductor Charley Wilson of the South
ern l'scitlo railroad, wa in Eugen Monday
a a witness in th. suit of Mr. Putman
for damage.
Judge Bean goes to Rose burg to hold cir
cuit court Sunday night. After tbi term
of court be will resign and qualify as Su
preme juoge.
Henry McClure, a rising young attorney of
Seattle, Wash., has been in Eugeno this
week visiting bis folks and attending tb.
Commencement exercise..
J. R. Whitney, of tbe Albany Herald. anJ
L J Davis, of tb Union Republican, attendej
commencement exercise, her t ti its week.
Both are graduate of th. Stat. Uuiversity.
Hon. R. A. Miller, of Jacksonville. Lite
Democratic candidal for Congress, wa in
Lugena Ibursday and Iriduy. visiting
friend. He it th am Bob as ever. De
feat seem to bav no terror for him.
, Sheriff Job a McLean, of Whitman county.
Wash., arrived here Monday on a visit to bin
relative, who liv on Camp creek. Hi.
mother, who had been on B visit in that
state, and hi. wile acoompanied blui. II
will remain several day.
M. Wilkin is earnestly engaged in the
preliminary steps towards securing a worthy
selection ot the grains, grasses and other ag
ricultural products, timbers and manufac
ture for th world's (air st Chicago. Tbi
fair will be th greatest mean, obtainable for
properly presenting th. yaried resource, ot
Oregon to the public.
CosiutsmoN Absivsd. Bakr City IUm.!.
Jun. 12tb: Happy is Doo Cleaver to-, lay.
till commission, register of the La tiruu.le
land ottiee, reached hi m by last night's nmil
from tb East. Th delay he bus nut wr.u
in assuming tbe dutie of bis off: to !,: h
be was appointed last wir.ter. yrew u . r
clerical eirors that Ihe depart ro-uf fi t:n i uj
the bon l, which wa returned to bun m , r
Ihree times for correction. Lut ;
is o. k. now, sn l be will h-we at c r
La Grande.