The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 21, 1890, Image 11

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    jiVITKDAV 'VNK 7, vi
' 1 lie- (Viwiw.
Tbe work of tukiny the rj-nf ln l: s
ir wm usa iK'K"- " -iiiiiniii k mi
- imaginable topic, and wu i. wl L,n()
L hsiids tatt keeping track
li Will'" . - .
........ Tbev ask lor in iiui f
,rson residing in tbe Lulled Si. m, ,le
oral day of ,uue' "h ,b;'r e "sge, and
wbetber bne. blsck, iinilutto.l.(lr0o(t
.Hjturooo. or Chinese, Jiwdm Ilt.Iin.o.
loqairr will be mads hw ' ev,,rson oh
to whether they are slngle.uiarrievij,,,
or divorced, n-l if tuHrrie.l. wli.r,lmr.
ried during tbe oensus year. lh(. 0
birtb of each persou, and the )'liu , bitUl
o( be father boi. mother ol each ji. J wj
also be wiled for, as well as a italt .
to lb profession, trade oroccHitiomow.
h mid Ibe number of months uiiePJ.(ll
juling the census year. Forallpef-t ,H
years of age or over return must l,,),,
, the enumerator as lo the number, ,
red nd write, and sU tbe nuuibt-r w,,
peak English. For those who cannot,,
English the particular hmgnnge or Vt
spoken by them will be BKcerhiined.',,,
children of school age, also. Ibe nuuilo(
mouths tbey attended school will be recHj
by tbe enumerator. In tbe cane of mo,
u iuquiry will be made ui to the nnuib.,j
children they bate bad, aud the nuiul)(
tbee children living at the iireiit ti,
Thin inquiry is to be made of all women
ire or bave been married, including all v
are widows or bave been divorced. Forci,
born male of adult age, that in, 21 yearn
a or orer, will be anted as to the the tin
tier of yoara tbey bare been iu the UniU
Malea. ana wnemer uiey ure naiuraiizeU .
BHVeiaaeo ou nna iu i mpora. L
the bead of each family visited
Will (H) An IU (lit) UUUIIHT 01 pOfHUUH
i.. fu,nilv anil aa in heller hia I,,.,,,.
owned or hired; also, if owued, whether lbr)odlllt!8 ancl ,eHm barneaa.
home ia free from mortaRe incumbrance. W- Hollowny, the leading jewoler aud
If the brad of the family ia a farmer, niniitnra,H'c bouse tooth of Portlaud.
inquiriea will be made ooiioerniug the ownl rr flnc suits mde to ordor aud ready-
ersbip of the farm. In addition to these iu:wje clothing, go to llauaon 4 Son.
ktion schedule, tbe law under which he
census ta taken makes provisiou for special
inquiries concerning audi of tbe populatiou
as may be mentally or physic I ly dolective
in any reaped, mm is, lusiiue, leeDiiMiniii.
ed, deaf, blind or crippled, or who may be
temporarily diaiMed Dy sickness, (i-,ese or
accident at (lie lime oi ibe euuuenitor a
visit. Certain special iuquiriea will ao be
made concerning Inmates of pniom and
reformatories and of charitable insStu.ions.
liesidea this, a atHteineut will be cill-d fur
concerning all. persons who buve dicditirino;
tue ceui-us year, giving uieir uaiue, ip lex
occupation and cause of death.
In ileiiioriain.
In loving memory of Emma Kose
who died May 20, WW.
Her eves are closed in silent sleep,
5 irihie
Her bands are folded on her brent;
No sound was beard save those wboyeep,
As ber remains were laid to rest.
A few short weeks and Nature's smik
Will strew tbe earth with living grin;
Tbe world moves on. and time beiv
The aching voice that a felt aud s
No one will bear ber joyous song,
That may wish music in the air;
Assin she'll never trip along
With those who seek the "Hols 0(
Ssd is tbe loss and sad the day
That fills our minds aud hearts willUin,
And know that till we jiiugment Uuy
We'll never bear bur voice agaiu.
Composed by a sincere friend,
- Emily Vast Do
Enormous Debt uf France.
The public debt of France is estimate! ut
$fi,200,UOO,000 thus making it the beaUt
of any country iu Europe. To add I
uurdtin, tue expenses ol ine current r
are set down at $700,000,000, and the
enue at only $600,000,000, aud the gov
ment has been forced to fund the accuja.
lated deficits in a lie w loan for 200. 000, t).
More than one-balf of tbe taxation in Fnt e
goes to tbe support of the army aud im-,
and the poorest peasant baa always liu
willing to pay it; but an annual decreuseL
in revenue, inoreased taxatiou and new loL
will nnqneationably tend to injure the I
dustries of tbe country, and ultimate
prove dangerous to the existence oi the I
The great appetizer, tonic and liver rHuulati
In use for mire than 50 years in Kngland'
foaitive specino for liver coiniilaint; bad toxti
in the mouth on arising in the niornin, dul
pains in the head and back ot tbe eyes, tire.
foelini?, dizzines, lananr avmutoms of liver
complaint Remedy Dr Henley's Knglish
Dandelion Tonic Relieves constipation, shar
pens the appetite and tones up the entire sys
tem. Get the genuine from your drutrvUt for
i, and take according to directions.
Special Notice.
I will stand at mv farm. 6 miles sonlhiust
oi .ugene,the Cleveland bay stallion f nnce,
lormeny kept by A. V. lirowu in Lugene, on
tbe following terms, viz: Single leap, $(l,
to be paid when service ib rendered; season,
s, to be paid at he end of tbe season; to in
lure living colt, 110, due when colt stauds
up and sucks. If tbe colt dies before 1 year
old I will refund the $10. For Ibe best colt
aired by my horse I will give a premium of
io, me exhibition to be held at hucne on
the seoond Saturday in September after colts
,are foalded. Further: I will put iu purse $'j0,
with any stable horsemen, und the man who
produces 5 of tbe best colts aired by bis
none takes tbe money. A. J. Kkknkt.
Goshen, Oregon.
Brick. Brick.
Whitconib 4 A brains, contractors and
builders, after June 15th will bave pleuty
best quality brick at their yard lj; miles
fast of town, aud hope to supply the demand
at reasonable price. We also contract for'
all kinds of brick work and guarantee satis
faction. Will deliver brick on order to any
Part of towjrjk
At Mitchell's.
The hot weather is here aud J. Mitchell
bas in stock a variety of refrigerators, ice
cream freezers and watei coolers.
He also bas a full line of tbe '.utest im
proved Superior Stoves aud Uangei. Slore
in the I. O. O. F. building.
Bain Wagons.
6 Will tlAVA .nnlliAi mi 1.,al rt
in a few days, and to make room for tbim,
we will sl the few we now bave in stock at
a greatly reduced price. Chambers 4 Sort.
Fob Rmt. cottage situated on l'2tb
treel between Pearl and High for rent. In
quire of Mrs. E. Christisn, over Matlock's
0t WiHTID.-A good girl can get good
wJea and steady employment at general
wuse work by applying at W. Sander's
rra.-A girl to do
r. Inquire at Mr. E.
00 Fifth Sireet.
general bouse
R. Skipworlb's,
Foa Sili. Valuable residence property
'"raale. Inquire of Richard Mouul at
t-ugene Saw Works.
San -A firat-class piano, co-id . new,
ZZ, cllP- Adiiren or cll "0 L Gtr-
"TD A girl to da general
Inquire ol 8. H. Friendly.
IImii,,,u .,.,, .Uvufcr
Sl'UTACLK.1 AM, Mi Sll'.
Henderson, di t t.
s;" Preston's hrno.
Albany flour. It U the lt.
Carpets at Day 4 Hend.rou's.
lioad carta $20 at Chambers 4 Sou1.
An endless amount of Whip, ,t Preston's.
Oar.hi, City Plows al CharuWs 4 Son's.
I lie roof h heiiig put oil Prutl'a uew build-
fiauie harrows at Chamber's 4
Dry wo can be bad ot
all time! of 8.
Money to loan on f irm.
W altnii.
Enquire of Judge
Auk your grocer for Juuetiou flour.
It ia
l'.utUr, 10tL0 centa per lb; ew. l'.'J cU
pr d ,zn; wool, J Wr lb.
Oliver I'lown, chilled nnd ateel, at Cham
ben 4 Son'.
A beiitiiidil decorated tea pot for 33o at
(luMnmiih 'h.
Two new onin rUviner at the Eugene
Campers ijo t.i Sadden 4 Ron for amoked
loURiiea and dried beef.
Item) iidniiiiistratnr'a sule au l final proof
notice in another column.
ltoloRiin Himnngo, dried beef, ham and
bncon at Sladdeii 4 Son'a.
A flue line of ail k plushea in all shadet
and grades at F. B. Dunn'a.
For cheap lmilding IoU eant or west of tbe
Bulto cull on Dr. bht-llon.
Uiirmg May the bnBnieH at the 8 P. Co 'a
depot ainouiited to over S9 (J(iu
,,, ... . .,. am , . .
I reaton wuuta von to come and see hii
(.".,.,"m' !"' lLo. m?st. b"tif"1. hmtim
rt Ware just arrived at Uoldsmitb'a
C. Marx, U.irber Shop and Bath Koouia.
rt door north of Dunn's now block.
Mr Geo F Craw has the sole agency for all
iud of the celebrated Tauail Punch Cigars
W. W. Haines intends moving bis tannery
Will City, Liuu county, east uf Albany.
Before storing or selliug your oats see A
I'etera. Clean Chevalier barley wanted.
C. C. Lnk, marble cut tor aud dealer in
nnnments, shop on Eighth street, Engene.
Jarpeuters are shiuiilini' the now achoo'
live. Ab iut 11 b imU are workiug ou the
larluud, Peninsula aud Acorn cook stoves
ail rallies at .Mitchell's store in Ibe I O. U.
F. building.
lie machinery ii b-ini; placed iu posi
tio. in Crawford 4 Fuller's new sawmill
lie the river.
hina your uruiu to the Euuene Mills.
Tbty have recently added two excellent
gr.ia cleaners.
Jift nrrivrd from the East, the lovely
Qutfns Frosted Ware, the very latest do-
sigis at Goldsmith's.
Goldsmith is selliug crockery and glass-
wni; tor cost so that be can fix up the store
aud make room for new goods.
Midi-ley 4 Parker have the larvest stock of
do aud wiwlow in Eugene. Factory one
hloi li eant of the Eugene flouring mills.
Eiuiuire of vour grocery dealers for Eu
gene llour, a home production; best iu tbe
market at 'Jo cts. per sack.
J. Mitchell keeps a full line of tin aud
grauite aud bouse furnishing goods. Plumb-
lug aud rooting a specialty.
The GwriD for one year and a copy of
Webster's Uu'ibridged Dictionary bound in
leather or half Russia for $5 50.
Watts keep cverytltintf you need in the
wav'of wafches, ffocKiT jewelry,, silverware,
and musical goods, and prices guaranteed
The new county officers will take their
respective official positions on July 'Jth,
Ilowevor the assessor will not commenoe
his work until next year.
Oue niilo from Tbe Dalles, May 28, the
Union Pacific mail traiu was wrecked by
running iuto three feet of sand which bad
blown upon the track.
Take warninc all you farmers that have
summer fallow to work go and got one of
Paine's Boss Cultivators, and stop your
fooling. The Boss does the biz and don't
you forget it.
A 4"-lb salmon was taken at Astoria Sat
urday that bad a hook iu his jaw with about
10 feet of line attache I. It was of Indian
construction aud the fish had evidently cime
from tbo north coast. .
Dr. G. W. Biddle may be found at bis
resilience on Olive street, between Fifth and
Wixtb streets one block west of the Minne-
ota Hotel. He is prepared to do ail aeni
I work in the best manner.
fVWn Review. May 31st: The frost on
Wednesday night of last week was so severe
,liat it killed conl(leraoie grniu. nwnun
ost occurred on Tuesday nigui oi mis wees
illv ns severe as the one lasi weea, sun uiu
; h damnge to grain snd gardens.
Albanv's population looms up wnen
wed in the li"ht of the vote casi womiay.
, i. :n I.a (nlran tliia mnnllt
o census wnicu win " "
II l,,.w not ess Mat l)UUU popuiauou 111
ii . ;,,. illmiiv Herald. In your mind.
Fteiifi will have more population than Al-
. still wo do not claim over 3,300,
f he regular monthly meeting of Laue Co.
lical Society will t-e ueni ai me oihcb ui
Kuykeiidal'l, iu Lugene, Saturday, June
7-aOp. iu. Dr. 1'rentico wi i reuu
r on "The Now Remedies." The regu-
luiVrofesssion generally are coiomiiy
Vitil toUtteuJ. W. hCVKKNWtL,
e Wall Walla Statesman says that a
mail in Spokaue f ans uropiwu
otbe dav wune on ins ay ,o u,.. - .
to lit wife, telling ber that he was well; all
of wLh indicates that it is not always safe
to tefouo's wire every thiug. Times-JIouu-tainir.
'llie d. ath of X. W. Randall, of Oregon
Citv. wliich occurred on last Fridsy removes
one of tbe leading educators of the state
aud a genial souled gent eman, who
numlr.dmanvwar,uf.iend all over the
stale. He was for many years secretary of
(he Orepn Slate Grange.
If you .u,t to buy anything in the way of
musical .toods, from a violiu , string o .
piano, you Hioiiiu y
of selecting and knowing good strings and
instrnmeats from experience in their n,e.
. .... i.niu t.ruciira miifician in the
HUH IB IU. . ,
citv who carries a stock oi mnsicsi i...
Why, time is money, and money you will
save by bnying your clothing, shirts, bats
Lis and shoes, or you need in
Tu emen's line of E. Baum. S before
5. '..,eh brBins been offered to the pub-
be as times are bsrd and money is acarce
Call and price my 6.--- '
y- e. bipm
Prineville Review: Parties who have re
cl "r, turned from The Dalle, aay crop.
In Wasco county are suffet;ng from drouth
Eve. (all sown grain on dry lands n that
country U lginning to burn and t urn ye.
If there is not a riu
crops in that country
ill oeasue.1
a tbev were nwi jei. , -
An fdjoiirned meeting of the Board of
D.rectorsofbc., D.S..N0 4 Un. Ca.
. i Fn board pre.
ent. J
J. M. Wmi.u-s was '''"CJ
. ii.. i.n.iiinj vi-ar.
1. raTard elect teachers lor the ensuing J
fi id . ..h tbe clerk befor. that F. M.
Wilalns ind J. H McCl? -ere .u .borued
topur, -fcw -.S cT
Cooimtmceiuent nest.
Business improving.
Pr.uloii',, 'l,lu linu,
Job work at tbe Udabo office,
tlarnpsa so l xr oil at rrnston'a,
Wm. Preston's Harneaa U the best.
Tbo census man bas a tough job.
Couucil meeting Monday evening.
Tbe agony is over for at least two yenis.
V will buy a good rigar at Sladden A Son'a.
Hood river ice for aale by II. M, Robinson.
SUd.lcn ,t Son keep only Bo cigars; try
Goldsmith pay. highest cash price for
Lap Robes aud Dusters in all shades at
1 ii'itons.
' Canned York corn, 10 ceut per can at
uoiusmitu a.
For correct time and the best work go to
Circuit Court Monday. The docket is
nmte lijjbt.
Oosheu Creamery butter can uow be bad
at luuueuarts.
Boots, shoes, (lipiera. the best of Joot wear
at iM-tuuaii a.
Strawberries fresh everv niornina at Slad
den & Son's.
Dr. McKinney's office, rooms 3 and 4 in
novey s block.
Goldsmith pays the highest cash price foi
couutry produce.
Eugene and Junotion flour 95c per sack at
madden & Son s.
Screen doors and windows for sale by
uuigiy .v. rarker.
A lovely set of decorated cups and saucers
lor Joo at Goldsmith s.
Fresh fruit and vegetables every morning
at madden son s.
A full line of tbo celebrated Superior
stoves at Mitchell s.
A set of decorated plates, pink o.' brown,
for 25c at Goldsmith's.
See Preston's siddlea. No trouble for Pres
ton to show his goods.
For a good honest watch that will keep
time go to Hollo way .
Forest & McFarland are shoeing borses
new for f 1 2o,each c.isu.
Be dressy; you cau buy a neat summer onat
for 3.") cents at Rettman s.
Lawn mowers repaired and sharpened al
the saw shop, Ninth Street.
Large shipment Sladden St Son bave just
received 40,000 pounds ot sugar.
Go to Forrest & McFarland and get your
horse sbod uew (or $1.2o cash.
Call and see the splendid organs just re
ceived at Holloway's jewelry store.
In 1SS6 tbe vote for Governor was:
Pennoyer. 27.9U1; Cornelius, 24,1'J'J.
Ladies attention See the elegant berry
sets jiwt received at Sladden & Son's.
A snlendid lot of apparatus for the Univer
sity gymnasium was received this week.
J. O. Watts will make a visit to bis old
home in Iowa after the Fourth of July.
For sale cheap, a set of light double car
riage harness; new. Dr. T. W. Sbelton.
Turner Oliver wss elected clerk, and John
McAllister, representative in Union couuty.
There is uo shoddy about that Unabridged
Webster's Dictionary that is offered as a
premium with tbe Gdikd.
Do you want a stylish buggy? A flue
buggy for little money? Call at
Chamdiiui & Son's.
Come and examine Forrest k McFarland 'i
"stocks" for shoeing wild horses. Shop 8th
street, west of Lane's paint shop.
Mrs. Kinoaid will give two weeks vaoa
cation, beginning Monday, June 'Jth, and
resume teaching, Monday, June 23.
Two new grain cleaners at the Eugene
Flonring Mills. Tbey will clean your grain
making it a merchantable commodity.
A large assortment of wall paper just re
ceived at tbe Eugene Book Store. Call aud
sea it.
Tire e9.09 W. Tj. Douglas shoe for sale by A.
Hunt. Unequalled for durability aud excel
lence. W. Holloway is by common consent the
leading jeweler and best watch maker south
of Portlaud.
You can buy goods cheaper at Goldsmith's
than auy place in town. 'He pays no store
rent nor clerk hire.
Rember that Hanson & Son have tbe best
selected stock of clothing in town.
,1. R. Ream caught a Chinese pheasant
chick Friday in the street adjoining his furni
ture establishment.
County Clerk Ware informs ui that the total
allowances made by the county court for the
last year are $36,822.
Beckwitb keeps fresh groceries. He makes
a specialty of vegetables which will be kept
f rush and of the best quality.
E. P. Dorris, formerly of Eugene, bas
been elected s councilman of Fsrmington,
Wash. He will make a good one.
Go to Pratt's for horseshoeing, $1 50 for
new shoes; wsgon tire set, $2 50. Shop on
Ninth street two doors eaat of Rbinebart's.
I will gladly assist anyone in the study of
mnsio (free of charge) who buy their inslru.
meuts at my Jewelry and Music store.
J. O. Wans.
Buy the French Rand Corsets In gray,
white and gol I. Regular price one dollar: for
this month only 50 cents and warranted tit; at
Several thousand dollars were bet here on
the result of tbe election of Governor.
However Pennoyer money seemed to pre
ponderate). All planing mill accounts due uie and un
settled after July 1. 1890, will be placed in
tbe hands of an attorney for collection.
W. T. CauruKix
For musical goods of all kindsnd the
best quality go to Holloway's. All the
musicians in tbe city recommend bis as tbe
best place to buy.
A general fight took place la Ilodes' saloon
Friday afternoon of last week. Several
parties were arrested and a couple of fines ot
$10 imposed on the offenders.
Don't you want a nice lot In Martin's Ad
dition near the new Public School, $200 to
$.H, with fruit trees. Apply to Geo. M.
Miller or G. W. Martin.
W. F. Matlock, a former resident of Lane
county, and a brother of J. D. Matlock,
was elected Senator in Umatilla county,
last Monday, by 350 majority. Shake.
W. Holloway baa jnst secured tbe agency
for this district for tbe celebrated music
bouse of Lyon A Healy, of Chicago, and
can offer tbe lst bargains in organs on tbe
Scrofulous eruptions, such as Pimples,
Discoloration, of the Skin, especially on
face, are caused by impure blood and will
disappear rapidly by using Plunder's Ore
gon Blood Purifier.
The suction st tbe pumping ststion of the
water works broke Thursday morning and
tbe water was abut off nntil 6 o'clock in tbe
evening. Steam wss kept np so that in case
of a fire a direct pressure could be secured.
Tbe ladiea of St. Mary's Episoopal church
will give a atrawberry festival in tbe Parish
room on Fr dsy evening. June 13tb. Straw
berries, cream and cake, together with a
select programme of musio and recitations,
25 cents.
Roseburg Plaindesler. May i Hon. .
W Hamilton don't care whether Pennoyer is
sleeted or .not. He's paps again, aod it's a
prospective governor. Jsmes ts hsppy now,
even under a republican adininutratioji,
which account, for it. James will do doobt
vote (or the next republican president.
A body with a nervons temperament will
make known its wsnts throogh its Mlnral
medium tbe nervons system. If it fslls to
receive proper Bourishmont the aerves wilt
be lb. first to cry oat. Dr. HUler's Ilydrsa
tine Istirative ensures perfect DOtrmon to
.i. kn t.kA it and a oeneciiy noariAiiwj
mim - ' -
body cannot be nervosa, ror sie
Lackey k Co s.
Election over.
Uni.'n ratain. tha comity test ol Union
canity by 'J0 m-ijoiity. -
S. W. Coudoii is uI.h lei Pro Ki-utiug At
torney of this district by .Unit lik'O major
ity. Ex Seualor H. F. Hanliug and W. 8.
Chrisman, of Cottage Grove, were in Eugene
The ladies of St. Mary's nl,l will meet
with Mra. Joseph Gray on Wednesday aftei
noon, June llth at 2 oVU k.
The Pilot says an iilttrinjit was made to
rob tbe Junction P. O. lat week, and that
three arrests will aoou i..ii .
Last year the revenue from distilled
spirits and fermented liquors amounted to
a little more Ibau the sum pti l for peusions
to veterans. The taxes of liS.I on ditsilled
spirits of sll soils wcie TI..M2 8S7, and
on fermonted liquors $i:),72J,M:)5.
The following n:im.d pupils In Dit. No.
57 bave not been absent fiom school during
the month of May; Janus llrooka. Earnest
Post, Etta Slormaut, Mamie Dotson, Ada
Pringle, Emma Dotson and AU and Ina
The wink on tbe uew uinj, of Iho insano
asylum is about completed, it cannot lie
occupied atouce as it has uot been fur
nished. The asylum now furnishes treat
ment lor 020 patients, which is tbo largest
number ever oonfied tin-re. The wards are
now all crowded and the immediate (uruish
ing of the new wing is a nects-ity that will
no doubt be met by tbe buard of of asylum
commissioners at au early day.
The Cottaee Grove I.ea.ler says there will lie
a Fourth of July celebration and Basket l'io
lie held at Cottage Grove, on July 4th. 1S".D,
under the management of Order Post No. 13,
Department of Oregon, (. A. R. The public
la cordially invited to attnnL Onmiittee on
arrangements: liiedler) Lincoln, Barret, Mc-Ri-ynoM
and Hicks, Ity a unanimous vote nf
the G A R post liarwin 'Hristow and Scott
Chrisman wrro added to Lli aliove commit
tees, also three Sons ' of Veterans, F W
t'hauiwe, I' S llolderiuan and ,elson June-.
Precinct OIliceiN.
The following is the result of tbe election
of preoiuct officers Monday.
North Eugene-E P Hendorsou, J T
South Eugene Geo W Kinsey; W W
Cottage. Grove Jno M Medley; tied be
tween P Sherwood and Jas Heiuenway.
Junction C M Starr; J W Major.
Springfield P J Boweruian; K C Martin.
Creswell B U Scott; U Trouklin.
Richardson-0 W Rrown; C K Heff.
Long Tom Craig Haves; J 11 . Furguson.
Pleasant Hill W H Ranchman; J M Cor
nelius. ,
Siuslaw R RoWrtson; II J Crow.
Willauietio-Will; A D Miller.
Mohawk No returns ou preen t oUicers.
Spencer T J Nveley; J T Richardsou.
Camp Creek E Fiuu; A Leonard.
Irving B F Andrews; 11 C Buckuicr.
Lost Valley-W A Kemp; IV It Parker.
Fall Creek T 0 Rander; Chas Kissinger.
Middle Fork S P Lorimer; R li Kelssy
McKeuzie John Isbani; Juo Simus.
Haiel Dell No returns on precinct
Florence H H Fisk; J 8 Furnass.
Cayote Tom McCullocb; S Shrimp.
Cbesher T A Founlaiu; L F Powers.
Lake Creek 0 A Potterf; Stenilioiir.
Gleuteua Wm Soutberlaud; L P Taliuuu.
Mabel J L Stewurt; A T Kanty.
Jasper C Sylvester; J A Hill.
Davia B F Riusel; A Gray.
Laue R P Clevenger; G Graham.
Goshen A L Ronoy; B F Keeney.
Mapleton K 0 Knowles; M J Hadsell.
Gate Creek S M Harrier; A Moore.
Hi ruiau I Y M Bristow; Austin Maun.
Report of School District No. 00.
The followiug is an abstract taken from the
school register for the mouth of May: No.
of pupils enrolled, 22; number of boys, 11;
number of girls, 11; average daily attend
ant. 1H: days taught, 20. The following
named pupils were neither absent uortnrdy:
Girls, Liddie Yaugban, Nellie Gray, Malile
aud Etbl Couley, Muggin and Bessie Bil
lings. Hoys, Dexter and Felix Sparks, Har
vie and Johnnie Conley, Culo Billings and
Thomas Yaughiin. Miss Mm'D Dhl'iiT,
For Sale or Trade.
Two good farms of IliO acres each, both
deeded laud; one ia a bay ranch, cau cut
120 tons of wild hay on it. The other is
farming land, mostly in cultivation, has a
good house and barn and a young orchard
on it. There is a stream of good running
water on both places, and good outside
range for any kind uf stock. A good school
house three-quarters of a mile from one
place and two m ilea Irom the oluer. i win
trade both places for a good farm in Lane
couuty, a reasonable distance of Eugene.
Any one wislung to trade will address
R. J. Bakeb,
" Riley, Harney County, Oregon.
Letter List.
Letters for the following persons remained
uncalled for at tbe postolllue in Eugene City,
Oregon, June u, laoo
A ii raid. Cbas
Borr, Lewis
Bedford, E
Bollmaii Celia E
lirowu, Wm
Caldwell, J
Ooulwar, A C
Henderson, T H
Marsh, Ezeklel
Moore, Chas
RoUrts. I'has E 3
Wilson, Elvin
Baum, Frank P
Blevens. Louis
Boyd, II F
Carter, J A
Cbanslor, C K
Dexter. J H
I.ockwood, Mrs M J
Masters. LOB
Miirrv. William
Roberts, Laura F . 2
York, James
v F. W OsDowt, P. M.
Kw-iiNO. Rev. C. C. Stratlon, recently
president ol Mills Seminary, baa been asked
to accept the chancellorship ol Wilinmotte
university. Aa it is alleged Rev. Stratlon
left Mills on account of kissing the teachers
too frequently bis removal to Salem will lie a
very interesting one to Salem girls. Here
is the matter iu deluil: "Four of tbe teach
ers iu tbe college, it appears, made com
plaint that Dr. htratton was given to kissing
them. The doolor explains lhal as to oue of
them abe was 'largely on the footing of a
daughter and that she protlerod the first
kias in bia wife's presence, and he took
it. In one ol the other cases, be further
expluins, tbe laij also proffered tbe kiss. Aa
to tbe other Iwo-iases, it is somewhat vague
ly explained that hey 'were not dissimilar
in tbe cirrnuistanu'S which led up to them.
The fourth lady, btwever, contradicts this
very emphatically. -Sbe says that the good
doctor 'embiaced hei In a way lo no longer
leave any dount in nermind as Iu bis Inten
tions.' And so tbe kixes came to light and
the doctor Lad to go." Lr. Stralton, tbongb,
has plenty of defenders, mj it is possible
it is a caae of jealousy. Viere is eeuerfisW
some smoke in such inattea.
Thi Niw PoaTMASTKO. U tli.n beinir
over the appointment ol a P"taa.ler to suc
ceed V. W . U'biirn, win, resigned a couple of
months, may be expected an) day. Mr.
Osburn has urged the dtpsrtmen to relieve
him of the office, but it was probsby thought
that an appointment jost before tbj election
would create trouble among the Ijnthren.
There are a number of applicants and sll but
one are bound to get left,
Last Coisrv's Vote. Lane county hut
Monday cast 3'ij4 Votes; two years ago f.tu
showine a gain in that interval of ter
700 votes, sml a prolable increase in populabn
of The county, eir.intins' 5 U the vot.
a vary reliable estimate f'Sr this section, now
bas a population of l,?7lf, an increase of over
100 per cent, since llv0.
SL'tptapKU. Tbe publication of Ibe Salem
Slate Democrat has been silspen led. .Mr.
Rogers, who was tbe printer on tb paper,
bas tbe accounts, aod it is possible that tbe
paper may again come our, but not certain
The (iuard rreiuinni.
A number i( liubaciiWia have all truly
mailed IIioih.mIvcs ol Ihu opportunity Iu tt'
cur a complete Webster's Dictionary tor a
moderate pric.
The wauta of Ibe people of Iho great
mats ol the people al least do uot require
for their satisfaction an investment of flO
iu a dictionary. In moat cases that amount
can be better expended in the purchase of
aiticles morn urgently needed. The reprint
edition of Webster's Dictionary offered by the
Guiiin at $5.50, with the paper oue year,
serves as a reliable guide for spelling and
pronunciation. It contains, besides, more
than 100,000 words, a complete vocable
lary of mercantile and legal terms. Scrip
tural aud historical proper names, Greek
and Latin proper uumes, an appendix of
moro than 10,000 uncommon words, 1,500
cuts aud other useful and instructive matter
iu great quantity. It is in short au indis.
pansuble book for every student aud familyi
and costs so little that every family cau af
ford to have it. Tbe paper and binding arc.
both good and the book will bear examina'
lion. Call at this oflice, see Kample copy
and be convinced.
Seuton Items.
Juue 3, 1800.
Who is elected.
E. C. Knowla aud Mr. J. Hadsell elected
justice aud constable for Mapleton.
Our old friend Mr. Gray had an addition
lo his family iu the shape of a burro just
arrived direct Irom Florence, and in eon'
Reoiienco be ia the happiest man on Siuslaw,
Fears nre entertained as lo his recovery as
wo are afraid that so much joy may bave a
fatal effect, but be says "Never mind that as
I will always bo ablu deliver strawberries at
Mrs. Beau's lo all who want them for the
small sum of 8 cents a pound, spot cash on
delivery, aud uou t you lorget it.
The steamer "Lillian" gave an excursion
Irom rlorence to Sirs, llean s, at rtealon f,
O., last Snuday and although it was a disa
greeable day, about 200 persona wero on
board. She arrived at Seuton at 11 o'clock,
a. ui., aud nil adjourned to (he hotel where
tbey partook ol strawberries and cream,
pies, cakes and other dainties prepared in a
maimer sucn ss airs. it. ami uaugnier oniy
cau, after which they again went on board
and returned to Florence, loud in their
praise of their dinner, ibeir ride, and uot in
tbo least dampened m spirits by the bad
weather. Among the. number I noticed
Col. It. F. Alley of the "West," Mr. and
Mrs. O. W. Hurd, Mr. and Mrs. Kyle and
family, Captain Bergman, Engineer Sallly,
ol rlorence and Messrs, lusbman, wall,
Boring, Saubert aud their families, from
Acme, and others too uumerouslo mention
Captain Bergman informed me that ho bad
two more trips to niako to Yaquina then ho
was coming on the river aud make regular
trips hero. The "Lillian" leaves lor
Yaouiua lo-dav, having on board Messrs,
MeClauabau, Thurston aud Huddleston of
Lugene. X. 1. O
Real Estate Transfer,
ten en a.
Julia S Davis to Jacob S Hurdesty and
I: l Ostium, lot 11 block 2, Sladden ad
diliou: $175.
N S Robinson to J N Bunch, lot fi, block
13, Packard's addition; 417(H).
1. H Potter to E O Poller, lot 1, block
0, in Shaw's addition; :J00.
J E Hide In B E Busby, lot 2, block 10,
Scott s addition; $;ioo.
II F Harding lo to Darwin Drbdow, 2.30
acres; JAM)
L U ami E O Potter to L C Potter, I)
T R llnnua lo C (1 ''Shipley, 233 acres;
G W Rliini hurt lo P C Nolaiid, 30 acres;
f 1000.
C k O Land Co. (o James Sanlord, 80
acres; l.illO.
VV L Mitchell lo Be i tha M Burg, 1 acre;
Dan McClain to Richard Mann, 11.90
acies; t I0J.
P 0 Nolaud to John W Walker, CS8 67
acres; f '2800.
('oiiiinisHloiiei''n Court.
The Laue county Uxnmissinner'a Court
held tbe regular June term at the Court
House this week commencing Wednesday.
Road district No CH in T 111 S It, 7 W was
established and Joseph Var trees appointed
Petition of J S Bonuett end others for a
county road from south end of Coburtf bridge
across the McKenzie river was filed and T W
Brattain, A D Burton and Clus "uorrie ap
pointed viewers to view said road.
11 F Lilly (lied a petition for a new road in
Mohawk precinct Jos Huddleston, K Howe
ami Geo Whitlieck were apiminted viewers.
In the matter nl the change of the Dillard
road the oourt ordered the change made.
In the matter of the Clear Lake Church
road. Geo H Armilage, Montgomery Mc
pherson and Marion iiounett were appointed
viewers to assess the damages sustained by A J
Zmuwalt by reason ol location of the road.
Tha Foley Spring, road was ordered estab
lished. Total allowances for term 2,644.24.
Jasper Items.
We are lejoiciug over (he late showers of
Messrs. Homer and John Keeney were vis
iting relatives here Ibis week.
People will learn bye and-bve that the
wise man tukts au umbrella when the sun
Few from this part stteudod the dance at
Goshen on the 31st and report an Interesting
John Melbeney baa left this place for Cal
ifornia, where he will probably remain all
There were about Ibirty persons erossed
Ibe river bore Saturday, going to tbe picnio,
It was a rouijh day on summer hats.
" Jack."
Puraniil Salon.
That stock of parasols that fl 11 Friendly
ia now offering to the notice of the ladies is the
largest snd best selected ever biouglit to Eu
gene. The prices are marked down to the
lowest possible notch consistent with conduct
inir a successful business. For one week he
offers bargains in that line to the public.
Pure bred fowls, Wyandotte, Plymouth
Rocks, Rose and Hiuule Comb Leghorns aud
Silver Spangled Haiuburgs, Egg', per set
tins', $1.50. Address
Nakbow Gcaox. Tbe Brownsville Times,
of Juue 1st, says: When at the depot
Wednesday evening we formed the acquaint
ance of Mr. R. Martin, general roadmaster
ol the Oregonian Railway company, who
was passing up the road, taking an invoice
of the wood on band. From him we learssd
that tbe company baa a large number of men
at work on tbe Weet Side division, repairing
aud fixing the road np generally. Tbe com
pany hat ordered 200 Cbiuameu, who are
expected to be at Wood burn by next Mon
day, aud active operation will commenoe.
Tbia road will be immediately converted into
broad gauge line and extended to Spring
field. Mr. Peugra, of Springfield, went to
Portland Wednesday to make arrangements
to commence work on tbe bridge at tbe
or mar place. It is expected tual trains win
j running through by tbe middle of July.
"'ewi Votes. At Ibe election Monday
tbeHalem precincts cast l'JOO votes, Eugene
10C' Tbe Dalles ?JO, Albany U73, Corvallis
35, hland
Pleasant Hill Items.
Juue 5lb, 1630.
IdccliuU is a Ibiug ol the pai.l.
Mrs. Miller, an old German lady, is qnite
sick. .
Mr. and Mrs. Titus nro visiting their son
Mr II T Brislow and family aru visiting
(tieuds here.
Mr. William Miller and wife, of Mobawk,
were visiting here recently.
Audy Titus cut ono of bis hands quito
badly aud is temporarily crippled.
Mrs. J. A. lirincjo, of Walterville, is vis
iting ber many friends around bore.
Mr. Phillip Mulkey is home from Polk
county wbcro for the lust 8 months be ha.
been attending school.
Dr. Lamb, a former resident of this place,
died of heart disease at Boise City some
weeks ago.
Messrs. Hendricks & Franklin, of Clovor
dale, sud Mr. Wilson of this placo are top
plying tbo pceple with beef.
A team attached lo a back belonging lo
John Stoops ran a distanco of three ruilos
the other day: but litllo damage was done.
An application bas been made by a com
mittee of citizens of Cottage Grove lo bave
tbo band boys visit that burg on the ap
proaching 4tb, It is probable that they will
attend unless wo have a celebration bore,
and what's to biuder? Years agone it was
common to bave them, but for somo years
this has been neglected. With one ot tbe
nicest groves in the country, and all the
surroundings being favorable, there's noth
ing to preveut ns having a good old time.
Several hundred persons from different
portions of the county were in attendance
at our picnic on Saturday last. A breeze
from Ibe west made it rather too cool (or
rest comfort, and a nice refreshing shower
in Ibe evening, of which the crops need
many more, caused the people lo hasten to
their respective homes. We did not bear a
murmur of complaint, the boys composing
Iho Pleasant Hill Brass Band discoursed
nice musio as Ihey always do; vocal music,
short speeches, readings, dialogue aud sport
generally was (he order of the day.
O. K.
Fourth of July Excursion.
Arrangements bave beeu completed for a
special excursion train from Corvallis and
Albany lo tbe eastern extension of the Oro
gnn l'acirlo railroad company's track on tbo
Fourth of July next, leaving Albany about
7 a. M., and starling back about 4:30, mak
ing an enjoyable day's outing for all who
participate. The (are will be less than one
third the regular rate so that everybody
may take advantage of this opportunity to
make a trip to this, the prettiest spot in the
valley. Excellent trout fishing oau be bad
by those piscatorislly inclined. Tbe people
of Eugene, Junction, Hsrrisbmg, Ualsey,
Sbedd, Tangent aud Lebanon will be given
a chauce to participate, tbe time card having
been so arranged that connection will be
nude with Southern Pacifio trains morning
aud evening. As the number of tickets sold
will be limited it would be well to purchase
tbo same as soon ts they are placed ou sale,
ol which notice will be given luter.
Murder in Kenton County.
Albany Herald, Juue 3: Morg. Lillard
went lo tbe house of sou-iu law, Lew
Feagle, ou Big Elk, uear Elk City, Benton
county, lust Friday, and ordered him to
oonie out. Feagle came to tbe door,
revolver in band, when Morg. fired to shots
at him, neither taking effect. Lew then
opened fire on Morg,, tiring five shots, four
striking Morg. Irom the effects of which
be died Sunday. Two weeks before the
parties bad quarreled over a line-feooe aud
Morg. chased Lew with a gun. Lew wout
to Corvallis aud tried to bave Moig. ar
rested, but tbe authorities refused to bsve
anything to do with tbe matter, advising
Lew lo defend himself. Lew then pro
cured a revolver and weut borne. Morg.
had the reputation of being a quarrelsome
man and was a terror In Lis neighborhood,
as ws learn Irom patties from that neigh
borhood yesterday.
Touchers Examination.
The following Is the result of the last
teachers examination for Lane county,
held last week: . - -
First Grade Eliza L. Spencer, Annie
Whiteaker, Angie llavden, Mrs. Adda E
Rogers, J V Holland, Mrs Huttie II Davis.
Seoond Grade Carer F Martin, A J
Shipley, Geo L Brown, u L liar wood, Mar
tha Kavburn, Jincy Dixon, Clara L Tillon,
Irene Brewer, Rubt M. Porter, Edna M
Third Grade-Maud Alley, Arthur Mo
Kiulay, Fanny McCollum, Roslyn McKin-
Drcssmakiiiif. -Mrs.
E. Christian bas opened drossmukiua
parlors in Matlock's building, second floor.
sud first room at the bead of the stairs.
Dressmaking in the latest styles. Partica
ar attention paid to cutting and fitting.
Residence on Pearl and Twelfth streets.
Geo. W. Klnsoy, Ancloneer.
When you want your goods, household
furniture or land sold at auction, call of
Geo. W. Kinsey, the pioneer and most suc
cessful auctioneer in Lane County. He will
attend to all sales on a reasonable com
mission. RkpoBT or Euoxm School, The
report for the month ending May 30, show
sn average daily attendenoe of 427, 102 tardy
marks and zuu neither absent nor lardy.
The number in school at lbs close wss 413.
Tbe yearly report shows a total enrollment
of 702, an average enrollment of 071), and an
average daily attendance of 47'J. The av
erago daily attendance ia 100 greater than
last year. Tbe examluatlona at the close of
the year showed good progress, notwith
standing tbe crowed condition of the school.
About twenty pupils of the first grade ex
pert to enter Ibe University next yesr. Tbe
following pupils wore neither absent nor
Isrdy during Ibe entire school year: First
grade, May. Larimer, Visa Gilson, Isaao
Larimer, Earl Church, Fred Fisk; third
grade, Maud Reisner, Rebecca Forkner;
fourth grade, Robert Eastland; fifth grade,
Clara Eveuaou; seventh grade, Delia Gross,
Grasie Campbell.
A IIoux Emtkhfsisi. A visit to the Eu
gene iron works impresses tbe observer with
the fact that we bave the facilities in Engene
to manufacture all kinds of ironwork. They
are busy turning out store fronts snd fix
tures, saw mill machinery of si I descriptions,
snd special orders. Mr. Frazer baa built up
Ibis important industry Irom small begin
nings, until il now employs a number ot
killed operatives, aud Las become aa im
portant adjunct to our (own.
Will not Cxi.kBHATr.- It bas been set
tled that Eugene will bave uo Fourth of
July celebration. Tbe militia company
and will pnujaoly participate in tue
Salem celebration and will en
deavor lo secure Ibe attendance of all tbe
companies oi the 2d regiment at a celebra
tion iu Eugene next year.
Wii t. PakitWa An informed 4jv J. F.
Robinson of the Electrio Light Co., that as
n as tueir poles are up and wired and
plaut in operation, the poles will be
psiuted. It will sdd greatly to Ibe appear
snoeof the streets.
STioi NoTK'k. Tbe atage for Foley
Springs lesves the hotels of Lugene, Mou
dsy mornings at seven o'clock. Apply at
Clark k Johnson's livery stable for further
particulars and rates of fare.
Jl'ctio Mabshal J A Cssteel baa re
signed lh office of city marshal. W L Hous
ton was appointed to succeed bim snd a salary
nf I'.'.'i a month was vote. I for the office.
IVluniu of tho Eutaxl.ui Society
Mkllisa Hill - F.nrron
IlATna DcKNi.Nii - - ArniT. Editor
Julia Hamilton is eipoctcd to be hero
Commencement week.
How dear to the hearts of tho student.
are the thoughts of vacatiou.
Arthur McKiulay took s teachers' exami
nation on Thursday aod Friday.
Holy was absent from recitation last
Thursday on account of illness.
Miss Anua Roberta' place in class was
filled by her absence last Monday,
The Senior class are rejoicing to have
Miss Sue Dorris with thorn again.
Wanted "Another name for (he member
of tbe Senior class whose pet name is Sue."
There is a great deal of eccentricity in Iho
demonstrations given by tbe Analytics class.
Misses. Tonguo, Levis, Messrs. Buiko,
Tongue, and John Carson spout Iho vaca
tion at their homrs.
The class in Literature have learned that
a skylark is a meadow lark that roosts up
in the sky at night.
Miss Anna Crain, who bag been visiting
relatives and friends in Eugeue relumed to
her homo Inst Thnrsday.
We aro informed that some of the. Seniors
have been tempted and tried templed by
tbe "morry go-round" and tried it.
The figures of the class in Optica have
proven to be quito as Interesting ss the
maps of tbe History class. Many of them
are necessarily labeled.
Life at Oxford and Cambridge far sui pass
es iu luxury aud comfort that at most of our
German Universities. Tbe luxurious hab
its of Oxford undergraduates are uuknown
in Lcipsic, and Jena, or even in Berlin.
Tbe general characteristics of German stu
dents sre, "plain living and bright think
ing." Many youths are even known to cul
tivate the muse ou a little out meal. The
followiug tact may illustrate the comparative
poverty endured by the man who labors for
an education in Germany: Mr. A. and Mr.
It. were chums. So poor were Ihey that
they could only afford to wear one suit of
clothes between them. Their lectures camo
at different hours of tho day aud henco it
was possible for both to gather the fruits ot
the lecture room with the same pair of trous
ers. The one chum staid in bed while the
other was acquiring Ibe lore of the lecture
room. But Ibis was not the worst. Mr. A ,
who wat about seven iuches shorter than
Mr. B., was obliged to cut off a fresh fringe
every week. Iu this way you will easily see
that their communistic trowsors kept grow
ing shorter and shorter nntil it. grew
ashamed to wear them. They hit upon an
ingenious plan, however. They obtaiued
ou credit a pair of high-topped boots of
their average fit aud henceforth wore the
trousors tucked up in the fusbiou of fron
tiersmen. In this way tbey worried through
tbe winter. Now multiplication instead of
division is the law of their wardrobes. In
deed; genteel poverty is the traditional vir
tue of Germau University life. Some stu
dents (now great men) have been
known to beg. when work could not bo se
cured, rather than abandon their life cholco
of seeking an education. The corps stu
deuta, who regard themselves as the elite of
the nnivorsities may have an occasional
wine supper at their room. Being a stu
dent in a smaller Germau university town
ia almost equivalent to being poor.
A tost for one's pronunciation is fouud iu
tbe following extraot. How many can pro
nounoe correctly eighty per cent, of the
words. "A saoreligious son of Belial, who
suffered bronchitis, having exhausted his
finances, in order to mske good tbe deficit,
resolved lo ally himself toa comely, lenient
and dooile yonng lady of the Malay or Cau
casian race. Ho accordingly purchased a
calliope and coral necklace ot a chameleon
hue, and securing a suite oi rooms at a prin
cipal hotel, be engaged a head waiter as a
coadjutor. He then dispatched a loiter of
the most unexceptional caligraphy extant,
inviting tbe young lady lo a matiuee. She
revolted at the ' Idea, refused to consider
herself sacrificable to his desire, and sent
a polite note of refusal; on receiving which
be procured a carbine snd bowie knife, said
that be wonld not now forge letters hymen
eal with the queen, weut loan isolated spot,
severed his jugular vein, and discharged the
conteuts of the carbine into his abdomen.
Tbe debris was removed by the ooroner.
Mrs. Shumate ia visiting in Albany,
E. E. Oo(T is bcre patting in Iho new arc
light plant.
Frank Stewart came up from Aitoria Tues
day evening.
W. W. Moore went to Portlaud last Tues
day morning.
F. F. Patterson, of Roseburg, was iu Eu
geue Tuesday,
- Dr. Paine bss returned from a visit lo
Eastern Oregon,
B, B. Beekman of Portland spent last
Sunday in Ewgcue.
Commissioners Hyland and Smith attend
ed Court here this week,
.T, E. Houston, of 8an Bernardino, I'al., is
viaiting friends In Junctinu.
Miss Jessie Tark bas roturned from a visit
to Fern Ridge much improved in health.
Clay Humphrey and Major Forrest weut
lo the Foley Springs Thursday morning.
Rev. P. S. Knight will preach at the Con
gregational Hall next Sunday morning and
Commissioner-elect Parkor visited Eu
gene last Wednesday, looking after election
Mrs. Ella Alley loft on the Monday morn
ing stage to join ber husband, the editor
ot tbe West at Florence.
Mr. Pipe, editor of tbe Corvallis Leader,
visited Eugene Tuesday, He waa enthusi
astic over the re-elvction of Gov. Pennoyer.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Chapman, of Cedar
Flat, went lo Portlaud Tuesday morning.
Mr. Chapman has tbe plooaaut prospect be
fore bim of a term of service as a juror iu
the U. S, district court.
Geo. M.Miller and family returned from
a visit to California lost Tuesday morning
via Yaquina Bay. He says Ibe Siuslaw Bar
is tbe best natural entrance, and there is uo
comparison between the harbors.
Florence Xoteu.
The West, May 30.
The new drug store building is to be com
pleted st once.
Tbe wharf of Meyer k Kyle is nearing
Fourth of July celebration at Glonada.
Fire-works in the eveniug. Prof. C. E.
Harwood, orator of tbe day. ,
The eleotrio acboouer, Moonlight,- loaded
100,000 feet of lumber from C. C. Cnahniau
k Co'a. mill, 43,000 feet of which are
stowed in ber bold. The acboouer ouly
awaits tbe batteries, from Sau Francisco,
then she will take to tbe deep.
Notice to Creditors.
All persons holding claims agaiust the
estate of M. D. Ritchey, deceased, are re
quested to present the same to as st onr res
idence on Camp Creek, Lane county, Or.
J. D. RrrcuET,
Geo. F. Ritcbkv.
Dated May 8, 18'JO.
Fabm fob Sale. A farm of 30 acres for
aale, )', mile from Eugene, 10 acres in fruit,
all fruit aod vegetable land, well fenced,
bouse and stable on same. Apply at tbia