TUc EUCEHt CITY GUARD, SA'IURDAY. .JUNE 11, Wj Luku coimly I'liclit Itm n'ii'iil ilivo n lti pnbliciiD, lliu rent ol tliu cuii uly lu Li t DuuotTullc. Jncknon tlci'U Ki pulilirnn wnuitor uu l I wo ri'iiroRniliilivcn, huiI one lionioiTutio fcir!iH)iitntive. TL nut of the county ticket U itbuiit emmliT UivuIhI. In Wullowu tbe Iti'pul. Ileum tlict Hid utira roitiit ticket, ru'iipiing Kiiunti ml one ootuDiiiniouiT, Uowuti, li., nml llatuen, I)ro., (or rqirnwutiitiv, liuve tiu vote, mi J new tlicliuii U mcvumiry to (U'Oiilo. Mittion elrcti tLo eullio t'iiiMii'iiu ticket eirent one reiin w liliilive. Muliliomali ilulK lliv eiilii H 'iilli("U ticket. Yamhill tli'otn (lit r.cpublii'iio ticket ex ceiitins Ilia iuilc. In l'olk Ilia L)cinociiiln cany nliuont 111 (nil ticket. A county coiiiiiiisioiii r oi)ocl to (be building ol new court lioiue it Dillui ni elucti-J. Tliin i niMnlnl n victory lor Indeieuili ne. Morrow elect tlio 1i liiocrntic ticket tin -J t Nchool miierinleinli lit. I'mutillii rlt'flH tlie eiitiru Keniocr.itio ticket. Ttiii In I lie Ihiiidit )i niocnitio comi ty, giving l'ennoyer oyer '.WO iiiiijnrily, I'uion connly olrrU one r ri -rttive ol ecli )rty fttiil most ol ticket DciuocrHliu, Til county (cut ijiivHtiuli U tlliiilly xetlled iu favor ol Union by uiujority of 4"0. lleuton county wm K publuau ticiil hberitr, ftHHtHhOr mill licHHiuer. CWckauian, Wnxliiutun HUil Columbia elect lb-publican tickeln. Iu Lloiiulm tbo llublk-Mti ticket inflected except nberitr. (,'oot aud Curry comiticH elect I)i inocrutiu oflicem priucii'ully. Tlie I'rartlcui rrojmi.il ion. To lie tilemciit of tlm Ori)iiiun Unit "Oovurnor I'onuoyer wn elected on tlio roioHiliou tint boinlit of iniihii'ipiililiea kliail nut bo exeuililed from luxation," lliu Huli-iu Join mil intlr ri'Iilii lollowa: That ia ft cotrect atnleuient of ft 'polilicul fuel. Hut it aboilld be Hinted iimt it litllu ilifl'ureiitly. 'ill luui-liiiil inufiii"ii in regard lo uoli-taxabla buuda ia not to el mipl tli tniliili ipulity iaauiiiK tlio buliilit, but to eicuipt tba iueu wbo invent iu 11km bouila from paying linen on their iiivmlnient ou tliiil kind of ro)erty. 'i'liu practical propiwitiun involved in Hnking Hit" alutu t limiie iion-tnsablo bond ia lo ulluw tbo lu vored iudividuula who becou.ft ll.e owuen of tLme bonda to liuld (or a linn of your ft dual of valuable aeeuriliea, Iu lliu hlmpo ol peraoual roicrly, uud rut-up pi)iii la It ibireou. Iu rt el itiiijj Uovernor I'vliuoyer ou Ibia iraiiv, lliu Jiiiipln reject tba bole uon-luxublu bond clieiuu, and lilt-ruby reject ft proposition to OVi llipl mull liiuiili inl iiuinU (ruin laxittioii, J ho Vote for limi'Mmr. 'Mm nOi- ul I'lMint f r tba viiwrnor ! lb' iluto of Uncoil will i.ut ba luwli-until ltnlt b'Klxutura canvaaua tin vola tin n-W'D'l ni"lo day ill Jainutrv, IWdi Tbrra ia no (t'libt th. uiilwrnatorbil conteat. 'Ilia niajoritlea m (ar aa tln-y eao bo ubUilicUaro oa (ulluHa: UAJOKITIM (oil rt.HNOlllL linker m IfentoD iiti Crook IU" Uoiiulaa. (iilliuiu II- Jackaon rt" Klnuialp ., 1 17 i-uko l-'i l.jliu, . I.inii Mnlbeur... l'olk Morrow...., Union ... . I'liiiilillii . . 'I'lliiimook.. Total., am .. as n,4M roll TIIOMI'aoN. Clackamna , 17 (IhHoi) 170 Columbia. i'M (Irani It loHepliinO Multnomah .Marion Wai-hiiiulou ' " ' " Yambill Total I'enuoyer'a liiajuiilv. itb NVaaci nr. Curry and hlm-lium cuiiitiua to bear t rout, and wliicb remrla lay lie lina carried, n 17 i'J cs Harney, lU'Ull tlie IIl'llll'IIH. Tbo editor ol I be CuttuKo Lund, r rerbiinly Ltd nut aecu tbo ruluriii liuiu l.ueuii biu be an id tbut limjeliB "Went aiiilnrn back Oil the ruau Irmu C'utl ie (iruvn, Mr. Vcati li, for fttato aeualor. Jin waa ouly bealuii by 8H votea iu tbo two Kiicim) ireciniitH, w liila the Kepublioau cuudidittea lor aiurutary ol atuto uud iiieriulei)'lunt of publio luntiuc lion, about tbo only ollicera on wbicb a alrict party vote could be ealiuniled, received reapeciivuly 151 and 1 li vulta uiajuiity Tbo Leader aboilld not allow a petty jeulouay to tniareprcacut the laela, Tlm ulllcnil votu waa pubhabed Iu ibe til'AMU ol Juno 7, ami aubtlaiiliutia wbul we any. lICHPrVClt ClllllplllllCllt. Tbo rorlluud World bealowa npoli Harney (ioldniiiilli, cbairuiau of the di'inocruiio atnta central comuiittiO! tbo lollowing deaurved com I lim i-ti t : "Tbo lUiuooriiry of Oregon owe a debt of grutlludo to lion. ll. (ioldainltb (or tbo luilb till, rurueat and nble luiintiir be niaiiaKed Ibe late campaign. He baa few vipmli aa an necnlive aud no auptriora. 11ml bo been auataiucd by (lie iieceaKary uieaua for Ibe party and a longer lime to iierfect ormiu tioo, (bo roault would Imvo linen more (uvor able lo tbe democracy." Hon, Stephen M. While, of Io Auki'Iiv Caliloiuia, a leading detuocrut ol tbnt alnt anouucea hiiuaell ua a caudidate for ' th I'uited blatea Seiiulo lo auccci d Hi until r Ktunford. lie will canviina Ibe atato ilurliiK tbo peudinii campaitfu uinkiiiH Ibe (iiehtio' of auieuduiK the oouatitutinu of lb I'niti1 Hlntea ao that I'uited htntea Heuntora abal1 lie elected by the people hia main iaauo. Ho will lavor tlie auieudiueiit. Tbo cninpaiu in Californiu promise to be aumewbiit tropical. Tbo rapid growth of tlm country ia illua. Iratrd by Ibe increased di'iiiniiila (or postal faoililiee, with correapondiiiK iiicrenae ol eiptuditurti for ita aupport. Tlie house coin mil tea have completed I bo post olhVe appropriation bill (or the Uscul year ending Iu IN'Jl. Tbo eatiumted iiii'tennu ul cipclnii. lure over Ibe current tlscal yi nr, which will be ntethearv, and covered by the bill ia fr-'v !il'i,li;l8. Tbo lapid aetllelui lit of the wett calls lor uew poal roiitea and butler facillllet from all points. Ilermnuu clnlms that las electiun was a victory for binb prolectiou pi luciplea. 1'i u uoyor can inako the cluim Unit his elci lloii waa victory for low (aiilT. Ou eveiy aliinip ho deuouuevd tbe pMteclive tnritl as the lather of truota and uiouopoliea, aud aa a robbery of th American farmers mid la boring claaavs, Uvnuauu was elected by but little over hia party majority. lVuuoycr rati ahead of a strict party vole ill b ast 13, WW. Corvallia Times: In an interview with an Orcuuiiluu reporter jeUnla-, 1). 1', Thompson attributed his iKImt pirtly to treachery, and then goes uu to any, "The currcut waa chiini;iiig in our favor. IVi; Doyer bwt heavily iu tbe Ut three weeks ol the cwnpaiu." 1'eibaps lliouipsnn is rihl, but il lie is, bow d d unpopular ho Must have been with tbe iople tliue weeks ago. ll is to U reunited that M'. Webb was not re-elected stale treaaun r. The lu ijurity of the ttale Uaid will In lU-publicuu alter tbo Urt of Jauuary. and Iho tnlluenev and controlling baud of tbo (ioveruor will If hampered. The recoid of ft clean state ad luitiialraliou that elected 'tUUo)er aboilld Lave carried Webb iu. The Chicago Tcibiiu. the leading Itepub lioan pops' of Ibe weal, alalea the actual re-, anil of the McKiuley Inn r! bill correctly aud oou.MkCt!y aa follow: Credit, Keductiou by free augar aud tobacco. $;u,ltNi.lUl, Dibit, by bibber price on other ailulca, i.i7.lHM.Olli; Net o to Ibe Auielicao fto pic, f IU7,lSK).tkaJ. The corrupt u of niouey to achieve rjullals not coolliied to pohli. nl aud legal contest s. "I can lake uioiier," ft pMiniueul sporting nisn i npiesciiiitl as remarking, ' arreugo any prize fiht, horse race, aword conteal. awimuiii match or other sporting event to come off In America lo leriuuuto iu cerum way. The cloaeat above any candidate had for office in lb late election was that of 1. A. Conde, liemiciatic candidal for bentf of linker couuty. He wa i lciofiou over his llcpublican rouiwlilor, J. 1. tunlb, by! jul on vole. . The aYxrage Inii K-ralic tuijonty iu Linn county on tb l giliiv ti. kit H Ou lie aeiiBturUl ticket His aol. On the st.ua hiket tbe avrraKu uisjonty ia 3 J I. Oi lb couuty laket Ibe ateiat I 4iU. "It would bo a gfKnl tbmi! i( the pr- nt congnaa lisd lut to di a a ttmr Car Jilr. St. I'aul I'l' ii'cr I'rm ( lU-p). riorcitce Xolcit. The Weal, Junu C. Mrs. I'. If. IJogora will cominenoe leaeliing kcliool in l'loiuuce ou Mvuduy, June 'Jib, Jun Morris bus riuicbiised Ibe lrnao of Did Mori in hotel from Mr. I''. A. Unit, aud will look after tbo ullnirs of Hint hostelry in tbo future. Mrs Bnlley has no.iin remiiieil'contiol ol the l loreiico hotel, Joliu Wln-umii having vacated it lo cultivate the soil ol hia farm ou Luke eri-ek. The Moonlight wns loaded will) lumber until aim drewttj li-ct of water, I Inn, on Tllea-lliy Inil puat, the I.lllinl) towed bur over tbu bur willimit uuy dullciilty, and i-La act aail for Hnu 1-raia-o.co. There is ceiluinly noiuctbiiig lo bo (uiid in favor of our precinct now that I lie election bus jnuK-d, I'rlor to this event, uud mice our Iiint election, J-'luieU'-e precinct waa uu liecoHiuily divided and tin iianin Mnpb Ion given tbe other half. In I ion lice poll ed one hundrtd n ml aitly-n'.ue votea. At Hull eliellou no ill'ort was innilo lo Induce people fioiu Ibe auiilli aide of the river In go to (lariliuer lo vote, nml Ibis precinct enjoy ed ull the advantage I bat Iheao votea gavo. This year, however, (lardinerlook about llfiy voters (but live in closii proximity to this pVo mid Mnpleton bad Ibirty.tiine, but, wiilial, one hundred and aixty-niuA were counted iu this precinct Ibis year. ' A -Mistake. It is a mistake for (miners lo be led into it nolion Hint the bnaincai men iu town are their oueinies, ur that I hey are reaping great prollta. As a mutter of (act thu average mer chant finds ll pretty hard siiiKziin to get along, pay bis bills mid pity hia help. Yet tunny n customer tins lieen helped over a light placu by being furnished goods on time till crops come iu. And when a aubsuripliou is started to build riMils or ruiinburae the tin lorliinato man who baa been turned out it soon lluda ita way lo town. Now suppose you could clime up every itore iu town but one, how much would it iuorenso (ho value of your (arm, Would it beuetlt dinners if all competition were ilono away with? The fact is the interests of the farmers and buai. neaa men ure identical, aud he who attempts lu prejudice Olio against Ilia other ia din luitar ol conlldeiice that should bo in lit mil between all honest nien.-l'riueville News. Scut nil ItClliH, JtiUrt lllh, 'l0. News is M-i.ico, K. C. Kuowlua and sou, Ono. O., wont to Florence ou busiuuss lust Friday, returning Huliirday, Mr. II. II, Kuinislon led for Ktigsne to day, Horns any tliern ia an iitlrnclion in Lugenu for him. H, P, Lowell, cciihiis enumerator for Her mann, Mnpellon and Florence precincts, Visited us Inst Saturday and found out who wo were and what wo were doing. Mr, Howiird, of Minnesota, nn old friend of K, C. Kiiowlm ia veiling with the latter at his place on the F.akt aide of tbo river, and seems to be enjoying himself fiuely. Mr. Anthony's wns the accun of a very pleninut dunce laat Saturday night. Pnno lug commenced about rip, in. nml coulin utd until Ilia "wee sum" hours, without in lenuissiou excepting when all were busily engaged in tasting tlm tempting viauda pre pared for the occasion hy Mrs. Anthony and others. N. F. U. II. tbo UU- liepoit of the piimnry department of the Cobiug school for the month ending June It, 1HW: Number of dnva taucbt IS. number of days absence 2:1, uiimber of pupils ourolloj avi-rsge Uniiy Klteiiilatlce Vi. the follow ing have been neither lardy lior abaeut during the month: Anna liogart, Willie Hkmiiet, Walter Clmtlleld, ltoy and Virgle Clover, Williani F.lliot, Nellie Williams, (irace and Jauiea Hayder, Vera Wilson, Oiy Vaiighati, Ira, Ola and Or, llarkius, F.IU'it Smith, Wulter I'liillppl, Walter and Melvin Spores, Lulu and Mamie Mi'liill, 1-Utrl, Ciuy and Slvia Siiumons, Kdwiu l)elTenlaoker and llnuy Coleman. I have Kpent live very plea-isut months in this school, and aa our school cloaca to-day 1 wn.li to Ibnuk Ibe school Ward, pin-uta aud fdeiida who have ull shown aiub deep liiteru-t lu the school since 1 have been hero, Word cannot etpresaj my ;utitivlo (or this kindutw. Aud now, dear pupils, we, as ft achool, dis band aud atep dow u Iroui tbe shade of that room iu which, as pupils ami leacln-r, we have enjoy ul an inuiiy h.ippy duve aud so luilch sweet fitlowahip. MiHV Lkkkt, I'rimary tstu lm. For Sale) or Trade. Two good f irms of !'H) acre ensli, both ileeibd laud; oue is a hsy rwnch, csu cut ions oi wiiii nay on It. lb olbrr Is faiuiing bind, mostly lo cullivatiou, baa good bou-u) and twru and ft young orchard ou it. There is ft dream ol good luniiiug w iter on both places, and gcx.d outside rani; f r any kind of stock. A good school hou-ie thrre-quaiti rs u a nul from on plai- and two unlet from tb other. 1 will tiade both plftcr for a goo.1 faint in Ijiii couuty, ft irasituabl iluUuc uf Fugeii. Any oue wishing to trade will addiea It. J. lttkia, Kill t, Hoiuey Couuty, Orgou. lrrs!iuaLlnir. Mrs. F. ChrUliaa baa opened dresaiuakiug pai toil m MatkH k'a building, arcond lliMr, and first room at tb head of lb atair. lrwmakiug in the lttl atyho. I'trticn ar attruliou paid to rutting aud fitting. Lom.U no on I tail and Twellili atrrets. j tiiHi. V. Klutzy, AucUufr. yur good, ho..s- bold ; (,'nuin il I'riMcediiin. C'ol'acit. I iu iiimi, June I1)-'-Council mt in rigulnr si"U. I'r-stiil Mayor li )ey, ( oiin. Iluo ll (jntllu, I'restoli, U.hurn and ilorris. Th.i rrxii'loilloll of Coiineilmaii W. T. Cuiuihull was read aud accepti-d. Mr. F, Luckev was elected lo rvu iluriii; expired term of Mr. Campbell. 1 he uiiuutes of May I:', Fl, 21 uud 'Pi were nsd and approved. Mr. Lucki-y, being preaeul, wassworuatid look hia seat as coiinclluiuu. The mayor appointed Mr. Luckey to fill tbe poalllons nil Ibe several coluluillees, made vacant by tti nsiguation of Mr. Campbell. Tbe liniiucu committee, to whom were rid i red the ri porta ol Iho treasurer, record er aud marithal for lh fiscal year ending Ajiril I l,11'."J, reporled lliulliig discrepant us in the lieusurer's books, aud recommended Hint a competent accountant bo employed to give thu accounts a thorough auditing. Al.o recommend tbut Ibe recorder l furnished with wuriunla - Willi Ihu numbers printed then on. '1 bu libaiice comiuilli-c Wero aulburid lo employ uu (Xpert to examine reports relerrtd to thc-ui. In the miiltei of niinling city lawn Mr. I'n-iton, (nun Ibe committee on printing, reponed piogri-KH. Mr. Ilnlliu Iioiii tbe committee on utrtet reported that the stagnant pond nt the inter section of High street and the railioad had b, en lllhd. Ou Iho proposition of Mr. Hovein lo ex change it III illy (ool alrip of laud from Olive street lo tbe railroad h r IUix'jI del of Olive street uonh of oili sln-i-t. Cotniuillee re ported adversely, nml recommended further action iu lim lo alter be indefinitely post, polled. Adopted. till tlie extension ol Ji iiusjii ami Jiauisou from -llli to Lob sir i ti. The committee reporled favorably. On tbe extension of !Hli, inth nml II Hi sliceis thi coiiirritne reported udverKcly on If tb n ml llllb, but (avorubly ou lllh street and recommended the city surveyor be instructed lo mrviy mid pint haul stieet ti ! (eet wide (mm Ibe alley went o( Clnirueltou street con tinuing west lu the city limits. lU-eouiiui n- Jaiioll adopted. It'-pi'iiej the grade if loih ttnvt from Willumello street lo tli" city liiiuis estd lir.li) U. lb-poil iiilopled, Sir. ('. L. lim k ol Hie 11 riii of lloll'umn, lliyiie Ic Co., of Albany, Or., exhibited samples of cement stwer pip" uuiiiulacliired by lln-tii, wbicb liny would miiuillnclurH iu F.ngi lie if Ih'-y got Ibe i-outiact lo furuisli the pipe. the in liter ol raising the lire lull referred lo a special coiiimittee, Was re-rcferrcd to the cominilt.'u uu lire and water to net iu their discretion. A rn-ioliilioii ii -i oll'ered by Mr. Orilllu to provide n houxe (or hose cuts in the east and wot purls of town. Kefuried to Ibe Coiiiinillin on lire and wator with instructiolia to r port id the next meeting ol the council, hired coiuiiiitteo wus iii-liiietc.l to order Ihu it iiiovnl ol ataiiway and other obstruc tions, now ou lliu alley bitwcen 1). M. Hil ton a and 1,. Howe a pi'opeily ou Uib atreet. Ordinances No. H;i, Inland 121, relating lo tbe improvement of Hilyurd atreet were passed, liecorder ordered lo post proposals lor bids lo giudo and gravel Illlyald alreet. Mreel committee nulliorled to oblalll tlie liilbl ul way over Mill, Ferry, I'attersou ulid Hilyurd alruuts for the purposo of extending said streets soul h lo loth stieet. liecorder reported aaaeanuu-nt roll cotu- tiletiu. Ou motion n tax ol uve mills was evied for municipal purposes for the current year. llccoider wns ordered to draw n warrant iu favor ol Win, Cummins for :) 2 j for dues paid ou properly of Wiu. M. Cummins, nUoa warrant iu luvor of Win. Fisher for il for error in his street assessmeiil. Hills referred to the finance cvniinilUe to tbe amount of J IJJ.CS. Council uiljoiiriiiil. l'ipfr Lonif Tom lli'iiis. June 7, Why doesu'a it ruin? The election is over uud things ma very quiet iigniu. , W have had a few pretty hot days with in thu last week. Mr. J. M. Ooldsou is soou lo have a planing machine in bis sawmill, that will coat Jf.'ibil, Mr. A. W, Norton and Kd Evutia stalled to Culiloruia yestcidny lo work during har vest there. Dr. J. M. F.vuna has beeu ipiite nick, but is now convalescent. Ha has beeu sick ubillt (our Weeks. Mr. , T. I nk, nml Mr. Lackey, huthj of this piti inct are jiiioih, and will start to F.uguoe Suiidny, Mr. J. II. Armstrong went lo Juucliou to dny lo meet hia wife, who hue been visit ing I'cliitivca iu Albauy. Two of our worthy cilucna, who wire working ugaiual the hog law, volt d for it, aud did uot kuuw it. Mr. L. 1. Gibson mid wife, of Fern Ridge, were in thia vicinity this week visit. ilig .Mr. II iho nud family. Mr. John tlanaway made a dip through this pait Ibis week, and vinited with several ol the old piouticis ol his acquaintance, Mr. Jun Cook killtd n hear Inst Sunday which caused quite, uu excilciut lit, Jim tried his speed Us a luot liicir, but ho got the beat, ull the same, ' X. V. z. Don't Believe It When told tbut F. M. Wilkin, tb:t drugoisl, ia not selling "Wisdom's liols-itinu" (or Ibe Complexion, Ibe most elegant and only really harmless preparation of its kind ill the world, and giving a beautiful picture curd with every inittle. Special Not Ire. I will stand nt my (arm, C miles soiitbiast of Kiigelie.the Cleveland twy stallion Friiice, formerly kept by A. C. Ilrowu in F.ugeue, on the lullowiu4 terms, vu: Siuglti leap, $ti, to be p il I when novice ia rendered: seasou, iS, to I'd paid at be end of tb ecatou; to in sure living colt, ln duo wheii colt slalldl lip aud sucks, ll thu colt die before 1 year old 1 will reTuud tbe fit). For th beat colt aired by my hor I will give premium of the extiibitiou to be held at F.ugene on the second Saiiudny in S ptriulH-r alter colts are foaldcd Further: I will put in puise 1'iH, with any stable horsemen, and ilia man who 1rolilva 3 of Ibe best colts si ml by his lorse lake the uioury. A. J. Kkknkt. Uosbon, Or you. TAKE IT iu:fv)i:k HKKAKFAST, . Th great pa tiier, bade and li rr mmlalor, 1 a uu f isT ut-ra than .'"I years in Knclamt, I', mitu j apfcitic for liisr cou.plaint; l-a,t t tH ia th ruonth on hinir iu tti morniu;, dull uiu in the head and bat-k ot tli eye, tired fi-elia-, tliiine, lauor - symptoms o( livr eompUiul. Ceni.ilv - lr Henley' Kiuluh llan telion Tonic. Krlievea conliti-ai, lir ii li spi-elit an I tunes up tlx entii v-tf-tu. Iiel tb w'eaatii fioin nir druggist lor SI, and Uk aovianluif U) dtrev li n. NOTIOF. FOIt ri'IU.ICATIOX. Ljimv trru it Koarai aj, Oa I May Vt;ih, K N'OTICKIS HKlII-JtY iilVKX 1 II AT lh following eaind rttl.-r h.a Mr. I BKi ( his inlenii, lo maW final n'f in support 4 Ida i-Uini, and Ibat isu.t 44 will Im mah Wnr tli JieU c m hi aharne Iwdsrs tli Clerk o( th t ounlv C-surt of lu County, Hrk-oe t Fun-en, tirrva, on Satur day. i-ilv l--i, W N l-i.ol, pes lupti a 1' S. N" -'"il. f ar h I.. U 4 aad ,', s -i r.. i- s Hi vi vv VI ll...,u Wh. n you waul your goods, kdve.-MJ ! Ik. -Li. -,... funul'iie or laud aold at auction, call of i .. ..i.b,, ,,i ru,Mi, ,i usi tin. W. I'inacy, th inouef and nicM u- ,. i(.i Su-res M m Wrl, Jtmm ce.-(ul auctiouvr in Lan County. He will Allen. C lg, all nf Waltrrvil'.e, Iji ( s atuud lu aiJ tlr o rvsaeunalile com- j tir-aa. miBMon. Cmas, W. JoHXK-roa, FiUirv. Groceries ! Having purchased the Matlock Grocery Store, wo call tho attention of the public to the fact that we will keep on hand a FIirST-t'LilNsS stock of groc6ries,whic Ji will he sold to our pat rons at the lowest rates. FISHER BROS. Wool Sawliifr, Mr. Win. Hum is prepand lo saw wood with his machine. I.iave older at . D. Matlix k'a -store, nod Mr. Horn will com mence work the Mondays of each week. HENRY M. STANLEi lilt Xi D1RXEST AFRICA "i i ii M zbxi at 8 Uii I jr'c recent ttirillinj .-tt't 4 it'll tin iliKiiMi iru f till ifiiirUi.l i .in. r fur llif nr4 thiio In tl k ilMt ly In ii If, ttiiiiil'U "In lUiluxl . " Im ii 'l it o-ivi I ly any f tli 4 ' H' i-il'-y ifki." U"W b- in S olltjn il ni "(f'-iv ' a ;1 ''eVI li n - ic ' To Du viiu o( ttlUM llM ! v f ni.iWl. l allti' . -' in tit y hirtlrnl.tr, XVi' (fiuuainlw it, miii i 'it m in u,ili "titioii. i I CMALKS SCR1BNEFVS SONS ' ..M't .: i u.vliu twit cm-rii KoertltlcaW 'U!'BJ?1CR0FT&C0. ' f'J3T STREET, ' r.'ftS'isco. .. Lrt Pacific Ccr t John W. Kllsworth, Ajjent. CALL AT THE Ural hi fa! For all kinds of CIIK.MICALS, . I'ATKNT MEDICINKS, TOILKT AKTICLKS, AND DUl'CSGISTS SUNMUES. H?" riiysiciuim IVi Ki iiidioiiH and Family Itccipca curefull)' Cuiupouiitl eil DAY Oil NIGHT. Telei lioiif, No. "'). II. INGAI-LS, Pitop. ALSO OK KICK OH II. INGALLS, yoterinary Surgeon, Wlio will niu u l nil calls in ttiiscity aud Nur(ouii(lin couutiy. .Satiafttc tiou (iuaiiintei-d. NOTICE FOIl l'UIILICATION. I.ANI) tlFHK'K AT HimCHI'llll, Oil., I May 1 ltd. WK). I VJOTK'h 13 llKHKUV lilVKN THAT 1.1 the following named settler has died no tice of his intention to make linal pral in sup port of his claim and that said pi oof will he mule hefuro the I'lerk of the I'ounty Court of I.ane t.'oiinty, (Irecon, at Kiiiiene, dr., on Monday, June W, lst, viz: V M liljralow. I're emntion, I) S, No iiiiil7, for the Iita 3 and I. and K 4 of 8 V i. Sec M, 'l'p , S, K 2 east, W M. lie liainea the followinir witnewei to piove his coiitiuu'itM rfhiili-nu) u;sm ami cultivation of said land, viz: OttnJ Kiiht, (iuy Hik' low. t! II Xatwick, 1 lav id ."time, all of Ia Imii,', ljine t'ouuty, Oret-oii. t'll.VH. W. JollHIToN. liegiater. hm hi Store, E. Schwarzsciiild, Prop. (Huccesaor to Geo. Collier) BOOKS, STATIONERY, MAPS, ;I.01!K3, Sl'KCTAOI.KS, WALL I'Al'KK. A SCHOOL Stri'I'LIES. Order I iy mail promptly attended to. - Ad dress Lock Ihix 173. S2r fTTatra VPQ PfliUIC To the place where you can get I LO UUlllL valim romvod; wliero tliero is n firm that will treat you white imil you will gvt all you pay for. Do you not know that when a man comes to your house with a team uud n sewing machine ami puts it in ymir house to sell it to you that ho has to make a liier prolit on if than a denier who does not have t6 pay a man and a team, 'ami feed tlie team.. TIii-hc follows wear diittuniuiH with tlm iiinncy tln-y virtually hIpiiI finui tlm farmer. I cnutinii all pi'isoim ugniiiKl them v eilmtting awiinjlcra Dttd liars, which I assert there is tin menus loo low for tlicin to resort to to nmkn ft snlo of llicir inathiiii', nml I In n when you Imvo hottohl that machine, you will liiul out lo your sorrow tint you urn not dcalinij with li i tit but with soino unmpany, and they will put you to the wall or take, the machine- kik and you will losoall you have paid on it. Now why do you not l.uy of n linn that huy and nil machine tho saiiious other jmila This tho Darker Gnu Worki does. We csrry In st.sk at all timea tlie DOMESTIC and DAVIS, the best machines IX THE WOULD. The lti took mora aOLI) MEDALS Than any other machine at the l'aris KiKition in lSStH. The DOMHSTIO m-rds no com men lation, as it is an old rulhdile conimny anil has always niven aatiifaetion. Do not buy until you have uoimulted mo and haiked at my machines.' 1 will tave you money and that ia worth your time to coma and see. Prices of the Davis ami Domestic are from tXi up, I'aidi and JlOjiiore ou lim of monthly uiyruenta. (iood not.-l at cah prices with interest taken. ' Come and eo the Une Fiahiiiir Tackle. Trout Hies tied on Central Dnui lit Sprout H.uiks At 40 Cents Per Dozen.jjv These are a liiie Hy and cannot b bought elaewhere lor lesa than T5 its ir doien. Leader, Lines, I'oles and Keels at very low pricea. Coin and buy wheie your money will eo the furthest. I also hav a very nice line of Croquet at all prii-es. Fin Isiys wiik"d, Imb axle, bullied ImS, at tl.lu; never M ire offered for less l.T.'i. Small wagons at A) cts. Our lino of Baby Carriages is the Largest and Cheapest. Com c a ml see th cm . I llaby CiuriiiKe for . $ " I'srusolTop " " Caiicp Top 1 NioeTrieicle, lure !.!.'!!.!!!!!!! " " medium ii ii . ii small 1 00 1 12 jmi!e double lint'ch-louder, Uew, nt special price .'. K 00 Kemember the Barker Gun Works, liettt-r, ti H) $1 SO 0 75 7 50 6 00 STARR GRIFFIN Sells the Celebrated NOX-UUSTING TimVare, CKXEliAI. DKAI.EliS IX O f HARDWARE, STOVES .Af KUGEN12, - OliKGON Harness Shop nAYlXll OrEXKD A NKW SADD1.R AND IlAl;XrS SHOP 0 !th STREET iaute Star lUkery, I am now rered to furnuh vrythin is that line at the LOWEST RATES. Tho Most Competent Work in en An pmploynl, and I will -ndeevor lo give tatitjacticn tc h n.a fatrr me with ft call t A. A, VI 'llHlli s. i. wssm -THE LEADING a Genl Merchandise Store of Eugene -WILL OFFER A GRAND -SPECIAL - SALE! LADIES PARASOLS Commencing Sat., June 7; Ending June 0 1 lino Ln'die'a Parasols, 22 inch, 50c; sold elsewhere, 9'o. J line Ladies' Parasols, 22 inch, 90c; ftold elsewhere, $1 23, 1 lino Ladita' Parasols, Bilvir Handlea, $1 23; sold elscwhcro al f2. I line Ladita' Parasols, Gold Uaudles, )l 23; sold elsewhere at $2. 1 line Ladiea' Purnsols, Black nud Colored Satin, all the latest f hudcs, for 1 20; eisewnere at ti. tr..: . T ...... Ci,...If nl Pint QDT.ti ll,y n u-i a'ikVi in part v -a Iii.ua i . the nuhlio Ibis SPECIAL SALE, and will promise upon ciHininiitiuu, the greatest bucm. i ir i l.. it.;,, V...A b ever ociore onrrvu in cuuue iu ium mm. LADIES ! We will continue our SATEEN SALE all this week, mid will give the siime RhId Prices Unit we mlverliseil lust wecK. S. H. Friendly, Eugene. General Merchandise. The Vacific Tea Co, Has Changed Hands Mr. . 0. Rhinehari Having purchased it. He will sell goods at BEDROCK PRICES! Full Line of Groceries, Glassware and Crockery. Handsome Presents given away with Teas and Coffees. NEW GOODS. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS From the Cheapest to the Best at prices according to quality. A LARGE STOCK OF B00XS and From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties can be suited either as to Price or Quality. Oar assortment is Complete, from the lowest Price upl the Finest; can suit jou if you give us a call OUR STOCK is CS-Frce New and Stjlisli.1 Look as over; if we do not nave you money, we will make Rome! one 'I at 11 to you low. . -A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES F. B. DUNN Eugene Foundry! Machine Shops ! G. X. FKAZER - . Proprietor. x MAKES ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS, STORE FRONTS AND ENGINES- REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY A SPECIALTY. I BUI y "-firtiUVti,m. Sh.ewnof Ehl li. N. FKAE"-