r GENE- CI if A Rill. Hy 1 ALiL MTmiXDEn KOB Til DimillATIO OFBHOCIiTIC PtttNlrlPlES. 1XD TO Ul M BOSCtT L1Y1X8 BT TMEWKAT OF OCR BROW VOL 22 EUGENE, Oil., SATURDAY, JUNE 7. 1890. NO, . V17 JLr 9 Hit (Sitgcnrffity Guard. ' (PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. I. L CAMPBELL, lublUbr nd Proprietor. m-l-'fCE-On the East lde ut Willamette tXtttt, IXtWMn DtVMUIl Klgmu . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 75 inr """ OUB ONLY KvrKa OF ADVBHTBINO. Adv.rttom.nU Inserted" , Mb. 'Tm.WiSv.rtU.r. will be charged at tba ol- l-U-ont.-. WOO On.squ.re..nonths , TrSJtCt&lni'lumn, 20 cent. nSS&fflEfifc r.nd.rl quarterly. AU jobwork mustberaiP roB o dilivibt. CEO. B. DORRIS, Attorney Counsellor- at-Law. tlTlLI. PRACTICE IN a JV 1 1 IV lljI'.i.'u.l Judicial DUtrict and in k. Juureine Court of this State. b 8pidal attentioB giv.D to collection, and jiatUr IU truu. " 1 BILYEU, -fttomey and Counsellor at Law,- EUGENE CITY, OREGON. ORACTICES IN ALLTHE COURTS OF V this SUte. Will give .peoial attention to nllectioni and probate matters. 0rrIC- -Qy.r Hendrick k Eakiu's bank. A. C. WOODCOCK, Attorney-at-Law, KUOESE CITY, - - - OREGON OFFICK-Roome 78 MoClaren Building. wSpecial attention given to Collection. and Probate business. GEORGE A. DORRIS, Attorncy-at-La w , EUGENE CITY, - - OREGON Omcl-In Regi'ter Block. J. J. WALTON, Jr., attornky-at-law EUGENE CITY, OREGON. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Special attention given to real estate, col- tlfgrol daim. against the United 8tates Government Office in Walton's brick rooms T and a. Seymour W. Condon, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. DUNN'S BUILDING, Eugene, Oregon. GEO. M. MILLER, attorney and Ccunsellor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. KUGENE CITY, - OREGON. Ofllce-Lane Co. Bank Building. E. R, SKIP WORTH, Attorney-at-Law, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. Ornci-Up-stalrs in Register Block, 6 ret door to the left Will do a general Uw practice In all the Court of the State. All buiness promptly at attended to. A. E. GALLAGHER, Attorney-at-Law. EUGENE CITY OREGON. SmcUI attention irfv.n to rrobate business and Abstract of Title. Omen Over Lane County Bank. T.W. HARRIS, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. Kttidenc on Fifth street, where Dr Shelton oraerty resided, DR. PAINE, Physician & Surgeon, EUGENE OREGON. Special attention paid to Surgery and Chronic disease. Dr.W.T.McMiirtry, Physician, Surgeon and Gynecologist. (36 Tear Experience.) Omca-Ovor Brownsville Store, Willam ette atreet EUGENE, - - - OREGON. DR. J. 0. GRAY, Q DENTIST. OFFICE OVE GRANGE STORE. ALL work warranted. Laobinf gas adminwtand fur painless at traction o teeth. lil'SINEss ESTABLISHED 18 YEARS. Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry & Musical Instruments. IbsUU U H of Fofllani Special attention given . to Repairing and Engraving by two first-class workmen. All work warranted. Clothing Store. J. W. CHERRY is still carrying a full line of these celebrated goods, also a full line of HATS, CAPS AND GENTS FUR NISHING GOODS. Sold at the Lowest Prices. Re member the stand, You don't buy a Dollar's worth of DRY GOODS until you have seen J. D. MAT LOCK'S stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS DRESS GOODS, PARASOLS, SILKS, VELNETS, NOTIONS, RIBBONS, LINENS, HANDKERCHIEFS, LACES, HOSIERY, WHITE GOODS, GLOVES, WOOLENS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, GINGHAMS, SATEENS, POINTS, DOMESTIC, COTTONS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, ETC. J. DR.. X3KAXttXT UNDERTAKER. A bran new First-Class Hearse One of the Finest in the State. A Fine Lin or Collins, Caskets, Robes, AND ILL HUM OF Undertaking Goods Constantly on band Store corner Willamette and 7th Streets A. GOLDSMITH, Ik U Known Drocer in Eugene! Has a LAUGER stock of Fine Groceries, China, Glass, Crock ery, Wooden ami Willow Ware tban ever before. Pays Highest CAli price for Country Produce, Furs, Skins, Hides, Wool, Tallow, kc. Orders filled promptly, with the greatest care. I DON'T BOAST PRICES. All Goods sold as Cheap as anyone in Eugene. Call and be corteously treated. A. GOLDSMITH. Day & Hendersoq THE LEADING- FURNITURE & UHDERTAKIIG House in Eugene. Corner 7th and Wil. Sts Mamifacturing IlllXfttltSIS I. P SI ItttttSttXC Jeweler. Walton's Block. Also Dialii in Furniture, Mat tresses, Bed ding, Which are offered at the Lowest Rates. 5 BROWNSVILLE SURE N 1 RESTQiTlYE PERFECT 5 EALTHt Theoulx remedy known which will Stimulate tbi Kutrltln Processes of the Huoo System. Br thlsnsturelantlslmpl. meant It quickly snd pTmaorut:jrf UIIE9 AU t'onus of DjnpriMla, Canal liwtiun, Mrnlal and Vervaa Kxhamtlon, (i.neral l.bllllr, llrmln I"r. or an xhau.lnii or weak nvd condition of the sy.tem, (roin what, over (UM, Rain Brnptlon., ItolL, Kun nlnf Bores, Hcrofala, and all Disease of the Wood, Stomach, Liver and Kidney. 81.00. SIX BOTTLES FOR $5.00. Pr. IIIll.r'sM pairebook. dwrlpllreof nr. dnullii. KviUinittv and hi oilier Ui'tuedat, eul Trv. by uuii. KILLER DRUB CMu Francisco, Cat, TOB aVALK Ha E. B. LUCKEY k CO. HOFFMAN HOUSE Eugene, Oregon. Townsend & Harrison, Props. MILLER BROS,, HM1.HU IK Field, Vegetable and Flower Seeds, AriARY AND POULTRY BITPLIES, Garden Fertilizera, Trees, Etc, a09 8eeond St., bet. 6a! tact & Tsjlor PortUnd. r78en( for Catalogae. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, CAN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res idenos when u pnifesslonally engaged. Kesldence an EUfhth street, opposite Pnsby. ttrian Churoh. GEO. F. CRAW, POSTOFFICK Cigar store, F.ogi'oe City, Ori-goo. University Bookstore McClarens Building, (Opposite V. M. Wilkin' I)ru Htore.) Has an extensive Stuck of BTANDAflD, MISCELLANEOUS, COLLECE AND SCHOOL BOOKS, Mercantile, Fancy and School Station ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc. ft" Order (of ft:H and Subscriptions to Newspapers and Periodical promptly at tended to. R. D. Cochran & Son, Real Estate Agents. Eugene City, Oregon. Will attend to freueral Real Estate briifnet inch as bnying, selling, leaning and renting (armsand city property, etc. Office on south id of Ninth street. B.F. DORRIS. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE ACENT. I HAVE SOME VERY DES1KAI1LE Farms, Improved and Unimproved Town property fur sal., on easy term. Property Rented and Rents Collected. Tin Insurance Companies I represent are among the OMnrt and most Kdl.ble, and in the Psompt andEguiTsi!.a adjustment of their osm. Htahh Kseoxu to Nona, A share of your patmnag is solicited. Otlioe up stairs, Kritr Block. & F. DOURI3. F. W. A. GRAIN, Watchmaker and Jeweler. Junction City, Oregon f RnMHal tt.otl'ia given to Rrpairioi WATCH VA, CLOCK d ad JKWELltY. W! ' About Flntrer Nallit. A bit mark on the nail brspeuk misfur tun. Pal or lend colored mtils indicate uiolun choir people. l'.ros.l usiU indirsti) a go u I lt tiiuid and liAHbful nature. Lovers ol kuowlrdge aud liU-ral aciitiinrut bat round uaiU. People with narrow nails are ambition tnd quarrelsome. Small uitil indicate littleness of mind, obstinacy aud couceit. Choleric, martial men, delighting iu war, have red and spotted nails. NsitigrowiuH into the flesh at the point or side indicate luxurious taste. People with very pale nsils ere subject to much Intlrmity ol the flesh and persoculiou by neighbor aud friend Medical Classic. And uo route a man bo, bring duly deposed, doth say that he ha slept with a dog iu his bed for the lust twenty years; that be has the dog sleep with him to cure hi (the man's) rheumatism; that be ha used up thrre dogs Iu that period, who be came prostrated with chronio rheumatism. The yam sound a little unlikely, but he ays it is true. Most people would prefer the rheumatism, to the dogs, but thrre is no accouutiug for taste. Rring your old scrap cant iron to lb Eu gene Iron Foundry where you can dispose of it. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Miw. ViN8i.ow ' Southing Stki'P, fur chil clroo teething, is the prescription of one of the best female nun, snd physiclsns in the United State., and has been used for forty years with never-failing sucoeaa by millions of mothers fur their clilldnn. luring the pro cess of teething its value is Incalculable It relieves the child from in, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, griping In the bowels, and wind colic, l!y givi'ilf health to the child it rest the mother. Price 2.V a buttle. Tax Notice. Notice is hereby giveu that the school tax for 181MJ Is now due snd payable. 1 will be at my office in the Post Ollice Building, Eu gene, Oregon, from 8 o'clock a. in, uutil 7 o'clock, p.m. daily until July mh, 1800, to receive the some. All tuxes not paid In CO duys fioiu this date will be declared de linquent. May Bih, 1300. C.ko. F. Craw, Clerk. What It It? That produce that beautifully toft com plexion and leave no trace of it applica tion or injurious effects? The answer, Wis dom'i Robcrtine accomplisho all this, and is pronounced by Indies of taste and refine ment to be the most delightful toilet artiole ever produced. Warranted harailes and matcbloss. F. M. Wilkin, agent, Eugene City. Change i one of the irreistable law of nature, aud fortunately the change is almost invariably for the better. A an instance of tbi, tit. rtrick Pills are fust taking the place ol (he old harsU and violent oatnar tics, because they ire milder and produoe a pleasantor effect, beside they are much more beneficial in removing morbid matter from the system and preventing ague and other milaiiou dhoitHe. At a cathartio and liver rill they are almost perfect, For tale by Usbnrn & Co, Ou a recent vinit to Iowa. Mr. K. Dalton, of Pursy, Russell county, Kansas, called at the laboratory of Chamberlain A Co., Dee Moines, to show them hi stl year old boy, whole life bad been saved by Chamlierlain't Cough Remedy, it having cured Lira of a evere attack of croup. Mr. Dalton i cer tain that it saved his boy'a life aud i eotuu aiastlo Iu hi praise of tba Remedy. II says it has in excellent reputation in ui vicinity; that farmer come fifteen mile. to Lis itore for it. tor sate uy usutirn a. vo Kimball, South Dakota, Graphic: While the column of the U i iphlo are open lo any and all nuobjectionab e advertisements, yet it it quite impossible torn toipeak know ingly of the merits of the various article of merchandise advertised. Particularly i tbi true of patent medicines. Hut thore are ex ception occasionally and a note-worthy ex ception i the celebrated Chamberlain' Cough Remedy. Tbit now universally known mediciue, has been advertised in the Ornphio four or five years, but not until re cently bad we any personal knowledge of it wonderful efficacy, which has com. about through the prevailing influenza and the stubborn cough thsl bis so often attended it. In the writer' family tbi medicine ba on several occasion Ibi winter cured a oough that billled any and all other reme dies, and the number of families in Kimball and vicinity In which this remedy ha been nscd with like effect attest to it vlu a a specifio for coughs and oold of every nature. For tale by Onburn Ic Co. The highest cash price will be paid for wheat by F. B. Dunn, Combine the juice of the Blue Fig of California, to laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human ivttem, forming the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly 00 the KIDNEYS, LITER AND BOIELS . anD To CleansetbeSystem Effectually, -Mtaar PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every on I Biinj; it and all are delighted with it. Ak your drucEt SVkUP OK F1CS. Man faclured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. (a f aaacuco, Cau LMKTU.U, K r. Uiw Yot. N . V Talniaffe'g Great Org-an. The new organ for Tslmage't tabernacle is rapidly approaching completion. The first organ for the tabemecl wat built in 1873, and at the time wis one of the Lrgeit and most complete in the couutry. It was de stroyed with the tabernacle in ISS'.r. The new orgsn is much larger aud more complete in all iti detail and one of the most powerful In the world, a veritable "king of instruments." It will coutain four manuals of five octaves each, a pedal of two and a half octaves, the largest of which will be the deep C, C, C, C, SJ-foot cathedral tone, the same as in the large organ at West minster Abbey. It conbiins more large stops than any other orgsn in the country, it not in the world, there being eleven (top of ten feet aud thirty two of eight feet. The entire number of atop it 110, of which sixty-six ait pipe slop running through the eulire acale. The rest are coupler, paeuniatio combine tiout, tremulant and pedal movement. The total number of pipe is 4,418, and the cost over 130,000. The osae is the open style showing facade of forty feet long aud fifty feet high of richly oiuatuentvd pipes The couole will be brought out teu foet in front of the orgsn, aud the wind supplied by three Immense bellows, driven by a powerful electric motor on the Edison circuit. Among the novelties of tbi organ will be a "Chinese gong," a chime of bell, and three drum effects, a follow: Loug roll, bM drum and drum check. Many ot the top are entirely new in thia country, and tome are original with the builders. A new feature It the enclosing of the choir organ tnd a separate swell box, which with the swell organ will enable the organist to give very powerful and effective swell acoompa nlmetita. It Is to be completed by Septem ber 1, whun the tabernacle is to be ready for Its reception. Amazing' Frank new. A good ttory it told of the late Cougrete mtu Taulbee, of Kentucky, which it the more humorous because told by himself: Uncle Epb, an old colored man, had lived in the Taulboe family many years, and wat considered an honest and faithful tervtnt. After the eleotion for congressman, Taulbee having been a candidate, he wat tauuted by so uie of bia oppouentt with the statement that Uncle Eih had voted against bim. Loth to believe it, be aakod Eph: "It it true (but yon voted against me at the eleotion? ' "Yea, Mansa Willlum," replied Eph, "I voted the 'Publieuu ticket." "Well," enid Taulbee, "I like frsnknest, tnd here' a dollar for your candor.". The old colored man ttood scratching bit betd when Tuutbet ttked : "Well. Epb, what It it?" "Well. Mats Taulbee," laid Epb, "If you it buying oaodor you owet me fo' dollars mo', ktae I voted tgiu ye five time. Quincy, Ky., Herald, A Shearing- Machine. Prineville Review: For the post two or three montba W. B. Uren bat been working on a niacbiue intended to be need in shear ing iheep, and hat at lost lucoecded in mak ing one that ttandi the test of pnotioul oper slion remove the wool from the sheep a well aa an experienced thetrer will by btnd. Mr. Uren recently had one of hit maohinet msde In Portland, and last Sunday made a pnotical tost of it which wot quite satisfac tory. Hand power wat applied and tbe sheep waa tborn In 30 minutes quite aa well at oould have been dona by band. The ma chine it timply a pair of thoin, attached to a gearing, tbe power carried from the driver to tbe abeara through a flexible coll similar to that attached to a dent lift engine. It It oltimed that one hone power will drive ten of these machines, tnd that each of the m a chine, operated by one man, will ihetr 200 sheep In a day. A Problem in Wool. National Democrat: Spain it one of tht most thoroughly protected couutriet in tbe world. It even protect! domestic wool. Our minister in Madrid tayt: "Ou of tht worst featurei of Bptln't preieut economy 1 the lack of borne production. Almost every thing i imported. Tbe contequt noet art that wagea art low and tht cost of living high." Mr. Filmtraddi that there it "no reason for tbi state of affairs, inasmuch at tbt country possesses moat varied natural resources " Oil olotb, Linoleum and matting at Day k Henderson's. mmm Absolutely Pure. Tlila nowiler caver vsrie. A marvel of purity, etrentttb tnd wholesomefie. More economical than the ordinary kind and can not be sold In competition wun in. niuui tnda of low test, short weight, alusa or phos phate podrs. Bold only in can. Rotai. linma rowniB u im wan di. n. i. fii hup A Dlngnsted Agrlcuitnrlut. An Oregon editor who bat tried farming Is difgusted. Hoar him: "The basest fraud on the earth i agriculture. The dead' liest igult fatuui tbtt ever glittered to be guile and duzzled to betray is tgricultnre. Wt speak with feeling on thi lubject, and we've been glittered aud beguiled and da tied and deceived by the same arch de ceiver. She bad promised us beet tnd tbey flew away after putting a head on ns; prom, ised ut etrly potatoes tnd tbe drouth bat withered tbem. She bat promised cherries, tht rlrculio bit ttung them; they conttin living thingt uncomely to the eye and un savory to the taste; the hot promised ui strawberries tnd the young cbickent hive devoured them. We were in tbe sheep bus iness tnd a bard winter closed down on u and the lamb died in the shell. No wonder that Cain killed hi brother. He wt tiller of the ground. Tbe wonder it be did not kill hi father and then weep because be did uot have a grandfather to kill. Decay of Anacortes. C. F. Smith arrived from Anacortes Mon day tnd givet a gloomy picture ot tbit one time booming town. Anacortes wat Chris tened after Mrs. Amot Dowtnan, the wife of the origiual townsite proprietor, whose mi Men name wit Ann Curtis. Bowmau told 1200,000 worth of property, and two mouth ago could btve closed out worth a million. Ho kept reinvesting hi money, however, in the same place,nd i now much embarratsed. During the latter part of Feb. rutry a population ot 4,000 was claimed for Anicorte, but now it would be difficult to scare np a tenth of that number. Yakima Herald. Folly Explained. Firtt Citizen There goei a luocciaful man. He' a oredit to the community. Tbey tell me that fifteen yoart tgo he cttne to tbit town without a dollar and that now bt't worth $75,000. Second Citiien Yes; I remember it well. Ut wot my bookkeeper a wbilt snd afterward mypntluer. You tee, I ttruck tbit town twenty yesrs tgo with 75,000, aud now I haven't got a ceut. Merely a coincidence, just a coincidence. Tbe U. S, Supreme Couit lost week douied the application for a writ of erior In tht case of Kemmler nnder the sentence of death by electricity. Tbe opinion wat by Chief Jut tioe Fuller. The court held tbit tbe change in the form of death, wot in the legitimate spheie of the Legislative power of the State Legislature of New York. It determined that it did not Inflict oruel and unusual pun. isbment, and its courts have sustained that determination. This court cannot ice that Uia prisoner bat been deprived of due pro cess of law. The case will next oome np before United States Circuit Judge Wallace, who made the order to operate a stay until tbe Supreme Court could past upon ques tion Involved. The order wat issued with tht understanding that oounoil would imme diately apply to the Supreme Court for a writ of babeat corpus and it i supposed that Judge Wallace, when the order becomet returnable in tht month of June next, will vtcate it, that being practically the under standing upon which the order wat made. The Ticomt mill company cut a stick of limber of tomewhit extraordinary length for the keel of a schoouor now being built at (be St. Paul and Ticoma mill, and It one of tbt finest keelt ever put in a vessel. It boa been found to be 131 feet long, 21 incbet wide and 10 inchot thick, and wat practical ly clear. Two feet were cut from tbt stick, aa it wai too long, and it wit tben 133 feet long, and contained 4,700 feet, board meas ure. Thit waa charged at $100 a thousand, to tbit lb ttlck coat the schooner buildori $175. According to the Olympia Tribune, tba biggest edible oysters in the world ire found it Port Lincoln, in South Australia, and tht tmalleel on the thorei of the itate of Washington. Tbt Australian oysters are oft' timet more thin a foot torost tht shell. ind tbe oyster fits tbe shell to well he doet not leave much margin. One of these big oyilert and a big twelve pound Puget sound dim tide by tide at tha next world's fair would make tbe mouth of a bivalve eater fairly water. The talk of salmon being scarce it popy- . cock. Read tbit from Tbe Dalles Timet Mountaineer of Ihe 20lb: The run ot salmon it almost unprecedented in tba history ot tbe city. Yesterday we understand Beufert Bros., in their wheels, canght fifty one tons. Th cannery i running lo it full capacity, and cannot oau tbe flih caught. For Ibi reason msny of the wheels have been hauled out of the water. Few people know bow the great Chancel lor Bismarck aud hi ancestors got their name. Bismarck it tbt name of one o those ancient castles a short distance from Steudal. Tbe castle bad this name because it defended the "Marca," or the line where the river Biese formed a boundary in former timet, or mark of deli nee against intruders. Senator Mitchell hsa made application to Ihe postmaster-g.neral to have the paxtoffice tt Astoria made a free-delivery office. The postmaster ot that city baa reported that its wipM for tbe twelve months ending Marcb Slit but wr $10, 602. Senator Mitchell bs assurances that tbe office will be placed on the free-delivery list at an early date. Tbe stenographic report cost th United State government $50,000 t year. This it only a drop in the bucket compared lo tbe expense of Congress. The question fie quently arista, do tbe people get value re ceived for what Ihey txpend on Congress? When vou want to make your friend a handsome present tt reasonable price ;;. I some of that lovely WedUng Art lilav.m tt Goldsmith's.