The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 31, 1890, Image 5

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    crrvAgi COUNTY.
.MAY 31, f:H
i vV. Fionk is q''" t',,i" fwl l' ""- in N '" iu Kiig"ii vi-iting
l,jUgi,0fk returned from Coo liny
rruUT morning.
gTf C. M. Hill, of Portland, islted Eu.
tiiii week.
w,n 0-tnrn, of Biowusville. visited
Tver.l day. Ibis week.
Mia Bw D wliirnwUlw Brnt of lb
from '"" 10 ,r"',",H lu Porll"nJ'
Ada Nuktin, r.f Portland. 1 veiling
Jfarwt. Mr. and Mr.. J. I,. Page; iu
T t i. Dick returned from a visit of
It !' duration, iu Pennsylvania,
Tflrtt of the week.
On of P''' Hawthorne's children has
Jb anite ill tbi rM,k with diphtheria, but
.somewhat better.
fiaae Gratton, the well known sporting
-iLTwlfe end daughter, of Portlaud, left
Eone Friday morning for Foley Spring.
Harry Barter, of Oakland, visited hit
JanU at Mohawk and friendi in Eugene,
ju mHk. U returned borne Inst Thursday
Vfa MeCsbe, a aon of Janie MoCab x
kmff of Lane county, now residing near
"annington. Wash., it viailing friend and
ulttive. in Eugene.
Frank Harrington came np from Portland
toodey evening. He ia attending the bed
Si of bla aged mother, who lie. very ill at
b, reaidence of her daughter; Mrs. Chaa.
Ed Osburn returned from Gilliam county
Uurtday evening. He diapoaed of hia itock
Interest in that aeotion. In the range
which he visited but one man in (svor o(
jl,onipon for governor was found, Dr.
John Nicklin. I
E 0. Potter baa returned to Eugene, after
iDiibing the law oourae in the State Univer.
lit; law school at Portland. In a few days
U will go to Pendleton to pas an examina-
th ftunreniA Court on annlica.
I0D uluiv I rr
lios to be admitted to the bar, after wbicb
U ill return to fingene ana open an omce
(or the practioe of bia profession.
Goshen Items.
May 28, ".tO.
0, for rain!
Mr. Hutcbiuaou'a house ia fast oeariug
Erery one contemplate a good time at the
picnic at Pleasant Hill Saturday.
gome men from Seattle were in here last
imi and bought a carload of cattle of Mr.
Sttiart and other.
"Blind Johnny" Keeney in visiting rela
tirei here at present. He ia to be one of
toe musician! at Mr. Hutchinaon's dance.
Mr. Hutchinson, realding on the Geo.
Kramrev dace, will give a dance in his
m bouse on tbe evening of May 31, al
tar the picnio at Pleasant Hill; he ha room
sufficient to run aix Mlta at once. He will
lira an oyster aupper in connection with
It. uood mnaio aoa a general goon nine
in to be the result.
In accordance with invitations about 30
awn gathered at Mr. J. 0. Reed 'a yesterday
ud proceeded to raise bis new barn for
him. Everything went off nicely, and at
toon "all band" were citlled to dinner,
inch a dinner aa only excellent cooks, aa are
Mrs. Reed and daughters, can prepare and
is doubt not that every man present would
be anite willing to attend a barn raising ev-
try week if 'twould be aa pleasant as was
tan one.
New Bot.
Jasper Items.
May 20. '90.
Mr. John Matheny is visiting with hi
sinter, Mr. B. F, Sylvester.
Jasner. no doubt, will be well represented
it the picnio at Pleasant Hill next Saturday,
for many are talking of going.
The machinery for the mill has at last ar
rived, and ia speedily being conveyed to tbe
location. Tbey bad the misfortune of
capsizing the boiler but no serious damage
in done.
Quite a number attended church at
Thurston Sunday; if we were rightly in
formed there were eighteen baptized there
Sunday. We extend our congratulations to
loose wbo have turned from the path oi am,
sod aim to lead a more useful life.
Two. which mieht have proved fatal, acci
dent occurred near here last week, Mr.
Howard Baucbman, while trying to cross
tha river near here was thrown from bis
horse and came near being drowned bef jre
be eould reach shore. Also Pomeroy Laird
vu thrown in a eiinilur manner, and was
compelled to swim asbore. People Bhould
ha more careful in regard to fording strange
stream. For tbe Middle Fork is known to
be a dangerous atream.
Early Closing:.
We. tbe underpinned merchants and busi
es men of Eugene, hereby agree to with
ssch other and each for bimself to close our
respective plaoes of bnsiness at tbe following
boors, to-wit: From tbe first day of March
It the first day of October, at 8 o'clock p.
a. and from October first to March first at
? o'clock, p. m., provided this agreement
Joe not apply to Saturdays. This agree
Mot to take effect June 1. 1890.
0. Bettman, A. Hunt,
0. E. Krauase J. V. Ehwegen,
a- V. Patera, MoClung k Johnson,
E Scbwarzchild, Eastland k Wilsou,
JobnEbner, Edward Baum,
1. W. Cherry, Frank k Fisk,
I. D. Matlock, F. B. Dunn,
8. a. friendly, W. Sanders.
fwy Democrat: An Albany man waa recent
ly in Eugtna for a day or two. On retiring lur
Uu.l.Li L I , l il turn.
- uikiu, cnairi Deing scarce in wie room
fished him he looked about for a place to lay
b clothe forth night A stovepipe cam
P through the floor and turned into the chira
Being cold, and apparently unuaed, he
Placed a paper on it and hia clothe on the
Per. On awakening in the morning he smelt
w wool, and on dressing niscoverea m
at ia a ruined condition. A tire had been
wilt early in the morning in the atove below,
""''ting in not only the paper being burned
eat the back of the ooat a well A new ct
M 1 an aggravated man waa the way it terniin
fed. Wood Sawing;..
Ur. Wm TTr... U .-.A in mum wood
Ita hi machine. Leave ordera et J. D.
Matlock's etore, and Mr. Horn will com-
enc mark Ik. UnnJ... f oa.h mark.
. """-J-
Lumber. .
Our iiftw mill . n ;n ru. ration.
can promptly fill orders for rough or
ueu inmoer.
B. V. Howabo k Co.
Foa Bkt. A mttaoa aitnated on 12th
" between PmvI and Hich for rent. In-
oi airs. e. Christian, over ilaiioca
Glr V. t . 1 :.i t pood
tea and steady employment at general
aoae wnrk k. iT.X W (Under'a
or.. " ' m3
Fob S! a ai. ni. nA mm new,
iU be aold rfp, Addrea or OiU ' L 0r
- Eaten.
"T1DA ,;,! m An Denerai bona
rk. InooiraR H Prun.llv.
ti ...
Electiou Monday.
Ileudersou, dentint.
Hi ad our iwppli.n.eut.
PreatM , siat0 harnew.
t'e AlUiy It is the lxt.
t'arpeuat oayA u,,i,r onV
Koad eurto 20 at Chamber & Sou'a.
An endlM amount of Whips at PresUm a,
Garden City How at Chambor ft Son's,
j ,n"ksndU,lder Corueu Monday tven-
8on'sKJ 'r,me b"'09 l Chamber' t
Dry wo.., . a., ba h.,d at all times of S.
Walto'ny l"n f'nn''' Kn'lulr "' J,"'Ke
Ask your giocvr fur Junction flour. It is
Butter, 10 to 20 ret p,r lh; eW., -k cu.
per djten; w.k)I, 10 r IbV J
Oliver Plows, chilled and steel, at Cham
bers 4 Son's.
A beautiful d.coraled teapot for 35c at
TwonewRruiu cleauera at the Eustne
Flouring Mill.
Oil cloth, Linoleum and matting at Day
4 Henderson's.
Campers go to Sladdeu & Son for smoked
tonguea and dried beef.
Bologna sausage, dried beef, ham and
bacon at Sladden & Son's.
A fine line of silk nlnahna In ll .k.,1m
and grades at F. B. Dunn's.
For cheap building lot east or west of the
Butte cal' on Dr. Slielton.
Hot and cold baths Avoir H In th -.L
at Jerry Horn's barber shop.
Preston wants von to coma and mm him
saddles and heavy team harness.
W. Hollownv. the leadinv lnWnlir anil
music house south of Portlaud.
For fine suits made to ordr and
made clothiug, go to Hanson 4 Son.
GOvRUdseelhe UlOst llHalltiflll Annirian
Art Ware just arrived at Goldsmith's.
C. Marx, Barber Shon and Rath R
First door north of Dunn's new block.
Mr Geo F Craw haa tha uila unnn , ll
brands of the celebrated Tansil Punch Cigar
Before storina or sellinc vonr oata aoa A
V. Peters. Clean Chevalier barley wanted.
E. C. Lake, marble cutter and dealer in
monuments, shop on Eighth street, Eugene.
Ladies Kiel and Peb. Goat Shoes from t'2
a pair upwards, at tbe store of O. E. Krauase.
Tony Klein's new shoe store, at Salem.
was singed tbe other eveniug; damage,
f 700.
You can buy mens French kiD boots, band
made, at $5 pair, of O E Kraussc; war
ranted. Garland, Peninsula and Acorn cook stoves
and ranges at Mitchell's More in the I. 0. O.
F. buildiug.
Bring your grain to the 'Eugene Mills.
They have recently added two excellent
grain cleaners.
Just arrived from the East, the lovely
Queens Frosted Ware, the very latest de
signs at Goldsmith's.
Beineuiber while the clearance sale lasts
O. E. Krauase is gelling shoes from 50 cts to
f 1 a pair reduction.
Goldsmith is selling crockery and glass
ware for cost so that be can fix up the store
and make room for new goods.
Midnlev & l'aiker have the lanrest stock of
doors uud (window in Eugene. Factory one
block east of the Eugene flouring mills.
Enquire of your grocery dealers for Eu
gene flour, a home production; best in tbe
market at Uj cts. per sack.
J. Mitchell keens a full line of tin and
granite and house furnishing goods. Plumb
ing and roofing a specialty.
Tbe censns enumernlnis commence their
woik Tuesday. Treat them kindly and give
the required information promptly.
Quarterly meeting at the M. E. Church
this, Saturday evening. Elder Wilson, pre
siding elder, will also preach in the Church
Sunday morning aud evening at the usual
Watts keep everything you need in tbe
wav of watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware,
and musical goods, and prices guaranteed
In all disease of tbe Stomach, Liver
and Kidneys, use, to tbe exclusion of all
other medicines, .-sutures own rcmeuy,
Pfuuder' Oregon Blood riher.
The Ladies Aid Society of the Christian
Church will give a lawn aocial on Dr. Gill'
lawn, Saturday Eve., June 7th. Refresh
ments, strawberries, ice cream and cake.
fin to PoBtoftlce and eet your CO ot. re
served seats to hear Flora Bataon of New
York, "the colored Jeuny Lind" and the
University Orcbes'ra, tuts, Bamruay even
ing at Ihculre.
Tta wnrniiiD all vou farmers that have
snmmer fallow to work go and get one of
Paina'a ltoss Cu tivators, ana stop yoor
fooling. Tbe Boss does the biz and don't
yon forget it.
Dr W. D limit) uinv io iuuuu p m
. V i: l,A.on Piflh n1
reKHit'Dce on uu wciM
block west of tbe Minne
sota Hotel. He is prepared to do all dent
al work in the best manner.
-rv, nnr nnnaa was well filled Saturday
evening to bear D. P. Thompson and Phil
Metcham, ltepuuncan cauinuaira iu, .n-
' rru .muaNiil In a varv
or ana irensurer. iwj - ... ,
scattering ardience at opringnem iu .u
School repoit, Dist. No. 7. for May, Kitlie
an,.ik. Tmu-her: at enoance, iiy,, euruiiou,
21. Neither absent nor tardy: William
and Myrtle KirkpaincK, amm
i....ini,ina flavton Hawkins. Arra John
son, Frauk Bailey, Nellie Smith.
Asloru.n. May : Judge Jewett last
Thursday received from Eugene a handsome
pair of Mongolian pniasaui.. "y
i,oSt prolific birds, ra.smg three broods each
aeason. tbe brood raised m the early
spring often raising a brood in the fall.
If you want to buy anything in the way of
musical goods, from a violin string to a
pi!no. you should buy of a dealer capable
S electing and knowing good .trvng and
instrument trom eipeneu
Watts is the only practical mns.c tn in the
city who carries a stock oi
1 anM trill
Why. time is money, ana ) ; - -
by buyin- your clothing, shirts, bats,
to.U ud sboTs. or anything yoo
X,'s line of E. Baum. Never before
olv such bargain, been offered to the pub-Ktime-are
hard and U
Cal. and price my JM
f, TT,. at the theatre this. Saturday
fh" tb "atre Tnd doefnot VUj on commuv
S Corvalli .TJJ-J of May JTth.
.iogthronwb our city U 7 ,
driving a horj. W J . J,dCT, ba,
offir. ."--" -.nmot and nJ
Crt. Th.U.i"r iai(ic Wi
spring threat., bo, J-ES
have been beU-r uw " '
Bim towuelty to animal.
rreatou'e Whip are fine.
Job motk at the Oca an office.
Haniaaa and axla oil at Preston'.
Wui. I'mlou' Haruea U the beat
:c will buy a good cigar at Sladden A Son'a.
Hood river ice for aal by B. M. Robluaon.
KladJen A Son keep only So cigars; try
Tbe agony is about over. Fourth of July
luxt. ,
Uoldsmith paya highest cash pries (or
Lap Kobe
and Duster lu all ahadea at
Cauned York corn,
10 cent per can st
For correct time and the beat work go to
Ooaben Creamery butter cau now be had
at Kbiuebarta.
IVmta, shoes, alippera. tha best of toot wear
at Bettiuan'a,
Strawberriea fresh every moruiug at Slad
den & Son'.
Dr. McKinney's office, rooms 3 and 4 in
Hovey' block.
Goldsmith pay the highest cash price (oi
oountry produce.
Eugene and Junction flour 95c per sack at
Sladden A Son's.
Screen doors and
Midgly ft Parker.
window for sals by
A lovely set of decorated cups and saucers
for 356 at Goldsmith'..
Fresh fruit and vegetables every morning
at Sladden & Son's.
A lull line of the celebrated Superior
stoves at Mitchell's.
Insure against accidents in tbe Fidelity
& Casualty company.
A et of decorated platea, pink or brown,
for 25o at Goldsmith 'a.
See Preston's stddle. No trouble for Free
ton to ahow hia goods.
For a good honest watch that will keep
time go to Holloway'.
Forest & McFarland are shoeing horses
new for $1.25 each cub.
Be dressy; yon can buy a neat eummrr coat
for 35 cenia at Bettman .
Lawn mowers repaired and sharpened at
tbe aaw shop, Ninth Street.
Circuit court one week from Monday.
Tbe docket will be quite light.
Last Sunday's Examiner had a writ np
of Eugene and Lane county.
Tbe county candidates apeak at tha Court
House this Saturday afternoon.
Large shipment Sladden & Son have just
received 40,000 ponnda of sugar.
Go to Forrest & McFarland and get your
borne shod new for f 1.23 cash.
Call and see tbe splendid organa just re
ceived at Holloway' jewelry store.
Ladies attention See the elegant berry
seta just received at Sladden k Son's.
Tbe greatest colored ainger in tha world
at the theatre thia Saturday evening.
A number of our oitizen attended tbe
speaking at Junction Friday afternoon.
For sale cheap, a set of light double car
riage harness; new. Dr. T. W. Sbelton.
The county candidates speak at tbe Court
House to day, Satuiday, at 1 p m. Go and
bear them.
There is no shoddy about that Unabridged
Webster's Dictionary that ia offered as a
premium with tbe Guakd.
Do ion wauta stylish buggy? A flue
buggy for little money? Call at
CuAMBina ft Son's. '
Come and examine Forrest ft McFarland 's
"stocks" for shoeing wild horses. Shop Htb
street, west of Lane' paint ahop.
Two new grain cleanera at the Eugene
Flouring Mills. They will cleau your grain
making it a merchantable commodity.
A large assortment of wall paper just re
ceived at the Eugene Book Store. Call and
see it.
The 3.00 W. L. Douglas ahoe for aale by A.
Hunt, Unequalled for durability and excel
lence. W. Holloway is by common content the
leading jeweler and best watch maker south
of Portlaud.
You can buy good cheaper at Goldsmith's
than any place in town. He paya no atore
rent nor clerk hire.
Rember that Hanson ft Son have ths best
selected stock of olothing in town.
Beokwitb keeps fresh groceries. He makea
a specialty of vegetables wbicb will be kept
fresh and of the best quality.
Democrats, lookout (or bogus tickets.
Compare tbe ou yon vote with that at the
bead of our editorial column.
The ladlea of St' Mary's church are re
quested to meet at the Parish rooms Monday
afternoon, June 2nd, at S o'clock.
The GrjARD (or one year and a copy of
Webster's Unibridged Dictionary bound iu
leather or half Bussia for $5.50.
The Examiner special train with tbe car
containing premiums, also a lot of premium
stock, stopped in Eugene over Sunday.
Go to Pratt's (or horseshoeing, $1 60 for
new shoes; wagon tire set, $'J 50. Shop on
Ninth street two doors east of Bbioebart's.
Tbe Seavy boys brought 600 trout to town
Thuraday and sold them readily. They
oaught them in tbe celebrated McKenzie
I will gladly assist anyone in tbe study of
music (free of charge) who buy tbeir instru
ments at my Jewelry and Mnsio store.
J. O. Watts.
Buy the French Band Corset in gray,
white and goli Regular price on dollar; for
thia month only 50 cent and warranted tit; at
Bettman 'a,
J M Kitchen, of Irving, we appointed
District Deputy Grand Master, I. 0. O. F.
(or thia district by tbe recent Grand Lodge
at Portland.
AH planing mill accounta dne me and un
settled after July 1, 18'J0, will be placed in
tbe hand of an attorney for collection.
W. T. Campbell.
Tbe ladie of tbe Baptist cbnrcb will give
a slrawbeiry and ice cream festival on Tuea
day, Juu 3d, at Rbiuebart'a parlor's. A
good programme will be presented.
Tbe ladie o( th First Presbyterian church
will gives aocial and supper at tbe church
next Wednesday evening, June 4, commenc
ing at 7 o'clock. Supper, including atraw
berries and cream, 2o cent.
For musical good of all kind and tbe
best quality go to Holloway'a. All tbe
musicians in tbe city recommend hi a tbe
best plae to buy. '
W. Holloway ba just secured tbe agency
for thia district for tbe celebrated ni.iio
boose of Lyon ft Healy, of Chicago, and
can offer tbe let Urgain in organa on the
""George BeUbaw, government agricultural
reporter, informs os that bis report on tb
growing crops, made this month, is tb
lowest for year. Too much dry weatber ia
tbe can.
Six of tb member of Frank Kirk ( fami
ly, who r living over on Long Tom, are
down with the meaalea. At last reports all
were conaidered out of danger. Junction
City Pilot. . . , . .
Harney Herald: J. F. Amis, of Mitchell,
who, with bis son. is running sheep in tb
vicinity of Burns, was in town Monday,
looking sprightly, and tb very pictnr of
bealtb. He report bi band of abeep look
ing weU. Any on wiabing to know tbe
pedigree o( D. P. Thompson ask Mr. Anna.
(k....n in tha Slate let ula tare together.
Hie opinion o( Mr. Thompson MI0.
bat flattering.
BaerCity Democrat: G. O. Holman.
formerly of Eugeo, bat now a raaident of
Portland and a member of tb law Arm Of
Gilbert. Holman ft Newberry, to visiting
Baker City. VV nodentand that be i n
gotiAting for tb aal. of tb abstract of
Bakrr county to a company to be formed
oodev tb title of tb Abstract and Quaan.
tee Company. ThM abstract ere vary val
able property and should be rsUinad In
tbi eity-
A Hunt returned from a week's visit to
Ashland and viciuitv last Thuraday.
At tb publio examination tin. week
twenty ou. teacher applied for certificates.
New plate glass bas been secured to replace
th bioken one iu lh Eugene national
Vote sellers and bnyers will be promptly
arrested Monday. A wind to the wise should
be sufficient.
The new Masonic Temple, iu Albany, will
be dedicated on Juue iHtb. Several promi
nent Eugene Maaoua will be preseut.
Several thonsand dollars are offered in
Eugene to wager that Sylvester Pcunoycr
will be re-elected Governor next Monday.
Frieuds in the different Lane county pre
cinct, will please aend ua tbe election return
a soon as possible, after the count is made.
Brick layers are at work on the second
atoriea of the Klenim and Pratt buildinga.
Ou tbe Jobuson-Wilkina block the founda
tion haa been completed and the brick layers
nave begun on the first story.
W. R. Ellis addressed a small andiouce at
the Court lloiue Thursday, from the Repub
lican side. Hia speech was full of misstate
ment aud stupid blunders. He argued that
an extra duty of ten oente per bushel ou
barley would raise the price ol that product.
Prineville News: Percy Davis baa taken
an active hand in the local campaign. At
last account be was working ou Frank
Coleman's sympathy near Black Butte.
Frank tried to coax Percy to wait a minut
while he lighted bis pipe, but failed to niak
the "match" ago. Mr. Colemau can be seen
on bia ranch close by Squaw creek.
TheGuartl Premium.
A number of subscribers bave already
availed themselves of the opportunity to se
cure a complete Webster's Dictionary for a
moderate price. ' "
Tb want of tbe op!e of the great
mass ot th people at least do uot require
for their aatisfactiun an investment of $10
iu a dictionary. Iu moat cases thst smount
can be belter expended iu the purchase of
articles more urgently needed. Tbe reprint
edition of Webster's Dictionary offeied by the
Guahd at $5.50, with the paper oue year,
serves as a reliable guide for spelling and
pronunciation. It coutains, beaides, more
than 100,000 word, a complete vocabulary of
mercantile aud 1 gal terrne, Scriptural aud
historical proper names, Greek and Latin
proper names, an appendix of more than
10,000 uncommon words, 1,500 cuts and
other useful and instructive matter in great
quantity. It is in abort an indispensable
book for every student and family, and costs
so little that every family can afford to bave
it. Tbe paper and biudiug are both good
and the book will beat examination. Call
at thia office, see sample copy and be convinced.
Special Notice.
I will stand at my farm, 0 miles sontheaat
of Eiigeiie.the Cleveland bay stallion Priuoe,
formerly kept by A. 0. Brown in Eugene, on
tbe following terms, viz: Single leap, $0,
to be paid when service is rendered; season,
f8, to be paid at be end of the season; to in
sure living colt, $10, due when colt stand
up and sucks. If tbe colt dies before 1 year
old I will refund tbe $10. For the best onlt
aired by my horse I will give a premium of
$25, the exhibition to be held at Eugene on
tbe second Saturday in September after colts
are foalded. Further: I wilt put in purse $50,
with auy Mable horsemen, aud tbe man who
producea 5 of the best cults aired by bis
horse takes the money. A. J. Kkknkv.
Goshen, Oregon.
Floreuco Notes.
Minerva ia the name of the new postofllce
recently established at the residence of
Mr. James Bay on the North Fork. As
soon aa the Government makea arrange
ments for carrying tti "mail to thia office,
it will be formally opened.
Mrs. Zua Belle Saffley, nee Pitman, died
at her borne in Florence, May 21, 1H90, at
5 o'clock, p. m. Mr. Satlley was born in
Corvalli, Oregon, ou September 111, 1871,
and was 4 moutba and C diya under 10 year
old. She was united in marriage to William
F. Satlley in July, m.
For Sale.
700 acie of splendid stock range within 3
mile, of railroad station and mile from
tbe track, for sale on easy terms. A oreek
runs Ibrongb tbe land, and there is enough
timlier on tbe tract auitable for railroad wood
to pay (or It. All fenced, two good barns
aud a dwelling boose, Will be sold cheap.
For further particulars inquire at or address
the Gdahd oulce.
Kntray Notice.
Taken up by the nndeisigned in Eugene,
Tuesday, May 28, 1800, two 3 or 1 year
old bones, black, no brand and unbroke.
I. E. Stevens, Marshal.
A Nkw Fibs Obdinaho. The City Conn
cil held a special meeting Monday evening,
and passed an ordinanoe nrohiblting the
building of a partition or party walla of
wood ou tbe Drat story within nre limit.
Tbe walla must be ol brick at least 8 inches
iu thickness. Messrs. Johnson aud Wilkius
had commenced to build a wooden partition
between their new buildings, but changed
tbe plans and will build brick in conformity
with the ordinance.
Paaara ran Hopes. Tbe harbor and river
appropriation bill passed th Hons of Rep
resentative laat Wednesday. This bill ap
propriates the aom of $50,000 for tbe Im
provement of tb bar at the mouth of the
Siuslaw river. Now tbe bill must pass lb
Senate, which i tbe critical point. How
ever, we hope tbe Siuslaw will get tb ap
Omens Elected. Spencer Butte Lodge
No. 9, 1. O. O. F, at tbe regular meeting
Toesday evening elected officer aa follows:
Geo. N. Fiazer, N. G.; W. S. Duckncil,
V. G I. W. Holloway, R. H , A. 0. Hovey,
Treua, Tb installation take place July 1.
Ceremonies of dedicating the new hill of tb
order will be beld July 21st, the twenty-fifth
anniversary of the Eugene lodge. r
ParnTTBa Polw-The Electric Light Co.
ba beeu given a valuable franchise to deco
rate tbe street of Eugene with poles, and
receive S'tod Dsv (or doing th same. Tbey
are now prepariug to erect the bar poles on
treet and alley crossings. Tbey should at
least bavs enougn consideration lor tli pub
lic to paint tbe unsightly poles that convey
tb wire.
The Burrow Cass. Tbe case of tbe state
vs. Benjamin ltlanton, on Hi appeal lor a
new trial waa argued before the supreme
conrt on Tuesday, the 20ib and taken nnder
advisement. The decision of tbn higher
conrt is looked (or daily. Colfax Com
moner. Aac Lkibts. Th Electric Light Co. have
received tbeir dyoamo, wire and lamp neo
aaaaivforlicbtmctbecityby tb are ays-
tem and are now busy placing tbe pole. It
will probably be nearly a month yet before
our atreala ara nguiea who iue new ysHu
Fiawt Katiowal Bask. Tbe First National
Rank atatement Dubliabed in another col
umn ahowa it to b in a highly proaperon
condition It total buainea ainonnt to
$271,524)39; loan and diacoauts, $154,
0U3.G4; drpoaita, $17.3 fed.
BosbKO. Tbe Chichester farm; oonaial
ing of VM acres, I) iust of tb Stale
University ba Uu bonded to Prof. John
Strauband otbr. It us motored that tb
pric is 60,000.
Circuit Court Docket.
The (olios yog i tb docket ot tbe Circuit
Court which convenes in Eugcuo, Mouday
J una 'J, Iti'JO:
1. Slate of Oregou v. Aaron Lurch; ob
taining money nnder false pretense.
2. Mate of Urrgou vs Aaron l.nrcii;
3. J w 11 a tors vs li U Marine and n
Howard; settlement of partnership.
. rump lieiuer vs u Li miner; iu re
cover money.
6. JeHse bovern, edtnr, va Lane couuty;
to recover money.
0. Tiluiau a Howard v 8 N Howard aud
Ira Allen; for possession ol real property.
i. li iiaroiu v biigene nun; iu re
cover mouey.
b. I rank Whipple, a tmr, v w w snort-
ridge; foreclosure.
0. HI KetUve Joa Braunan; to recover
It). Delia A llucban v U 11 imuiiian
et al; for order to make deed.
11. Fleiscbner, Mayer 4 Co v A H
Powers; to recover money.
1'J. Heckenstine A Mayer vs w w boon;
to recover mouey.
13. i r rssior vs fcd itartiin si at; to
reoover money.
11. JUUonig vs Ibas Mayuewetux;
15. Cslvin Keuuel vs lokum Lldall;
It). W 11 Lackey va Martha vLackey; suit
(or divorce.
17. J D Matlock v W A McBee; to re-
cover mouey.
18. J V Matlock va 8 ti ale liee et ai; 10
recover money.
111. liertba 11 Lanuerkiug vs ueorge t,au-
derkiug; auil (or divorce.
m. J D Matlock ve w ti teuton; 10 re
cover money.
'21. V M Osborne to va L J loner; 10
recover mouev.
21. Catherine Putman v S P Co; dama
sk. . .
W. l.corge Top v. S 1' l o; damage.
l. Oscar Parton v Harrill k Strikei;
to recover money.
25. L L Baker el al va D D William.; to
reoover money.
16. Henry Schwattx va Otto Bolluou; lo
recover mouey.
27. Henry WelxsetelJer vs i t; uoouai;
to recover money.
28. Susan Witherenton va 8 B Witheren
ton; lo recover money.
20. MM Lane va Mattie Carter; to it
cover money.
M. i li Doughty v itotit jouuson; 10
recover money.
31. Eastland Wilson vs U I liusaen; to
recover money.
32. Euphemia Auvii et al va Martha
Clemen.; partition.
33. A A l uster vs li V Howard; to recov
er money.
31. M L Knickerbocker v Sarah J Vau
Alsttue el al; foreclosure.
35. John Conner vs J W and Polly
Mabon; foreclosure.
30. Jamea N Luper va Southern. Pacifio
Co; to recover money.,
37. W E Weaver vs J S Smith and J Gib
ton; foreclosure lieu.
38. Fannie Lock wood v. J W Smith; to
recoicr money.
r:f!A W Wheeler v. L 11 Wheeler; lo
roudify decree.
Central Oteiron Land St Umi Co.
Thi. is the liam cd a new real estate aud
l.,a.. Arm ,.r... 1 7.l in K.llVBhH llli Wck.
The proprietors r Mr. J. E. Smith, the
...r 1 . .. i I. ..III. I M
well kuown real estate uenier, auu on. .
Buuch, recently of Marceliue, Missouri.
The company has leased one of the hand
some (rout rooms iu tbe second story of the
new Odil fellows roinpie, wuere uieir uii
mi., millliA ttprniAiii.ntlv located. A tb
name of the company indicate, Ihey will
deal iu real estate nud tbe loan business.
Give them a call when desiring business in
tbeir line.
W clip the following very complimentary
notice from the Marceliue, Mo., Mirrur, con.
u,,in,.M Idmnh. wiiieh eiolsina itself:
It is with regret that we announce tbt early
. . . , B v VI II .. -I.
departure of ur. aim aire. i. . imuuu iui
th Ua,.ilit alnna Atuillt a VOr BUO Mr".
Bunch started into tbe grooery business al
mis point, ano ironi uie very sum uioa iu
lead in that line, forcing success by an enor
mous amount n( "rustling," backed up by
a big stock of goods. His success was, iu
(act, pbenomlnal, aud proved him to be a
man of more than average busines. ability,
liable to get ahead in any enterprise, and il
is almost useless to wish him good luok in
f,,i,... , lla v ill maVa hia own luck.
and not of bad variety, either. Success does
not need to tollow- lie carries it wnn mm a.
a bosom friend. Furthermore, be has tb
offer of an unusually comfortable berth
nothing less thau tbe general agency ol on
of the leading insurance companies, which
of itself will in a few years give him a com
petoucy. Compuhkntabv. The Newberry, Mich.,
Republican New haa th following concern
ing Mr. 11. Iugall. who recently looated in
Eugene: In the removal of II. Ingall and
family, who left on Wednesday for Eugene,
Oregon, Newberry losea old residents aud
good citiaem. Tbey cam to tbi villags
when trees and stump were in predomi
nance, tbe population numbering leas than
200 ueoule. Tbey have aoen tbe town grow
to be Ibe liveliest aa well a. on of th mod
Important villasn on the peninsula, and
wer bound her by (trong social tie, but
tbe rugged climate being too .ever. lor ur.
Ingall health be waa compelled to teek
another location, bene b (pent several
weeks last wiuter in looking over th west
ern country aud in Eugene be (eel confident
that be baa found a plact wbert lit will re
gain hi. health and also add to bia worldly
possessions. Mr. Ingalla secured a building
and will engage in tbe drug business, be will
also practice his profession that of veteri
nary anrseon. In the latter he baa no equal
in thia section of tb country, and in bia
twenty rear practice, which haa Been large,
be ba gaiued an enviable reputation for tbe
success be bas attaiued. We do not hesitate
to recommend tbe doctor to tb people ol
Eugene aud vicinity aa a veterinary aurgeon
of rare ability and ou who tbey will do well
to consult when they need tbe lervioa of a
veter narv. Tb new. loin tne citizen oi
Newberry in wishing Mr. and Mr. Ingall
wealth and conteuimtnt in meir new uowe,
lirlck. Brick.
Wbitcouib k Abrams, contractor and
builder., after June 15th will bav plenty
bestquslity brick (t their yard miles
Af ,,n uml lintia Ia aimtilv lha demand
at reasonable pi ice. We alao contract for
all kind OI Urica wors ana guarantee naiw
(action. Will deliver brick on order lo any
part of town;
ti..i uri.arn irardeq seed sold by
Chambers k Son are tbe beat sdspted for our
cold spring.
L'mow Pasty Bpeakiwo. Major James
Brue. Union l'srly candidal lor ogrese,
and Mr. Rork, apeak at tb Court House
Ibis, Friday, evening. Major Bruc 1
spoken of aa being an abl and honest rep
tentative of the party who cause be
A liar."" -
Cbarlea Maybew, of Eugene, waa In tbt city
yesterday who ii,
ti, i il ...... ,1. ,J ll.U oil anil W. J dnr.
of Lebanon, raised $5U0 and bet that smonnt
with bim in tbt evening, tvagas win proo
ably carry off aom of Albany' money.
A Fisi CasI . -S. II . Friendly woelved
.1.;- ub (mm X York, a hand-
UIwrT,,iii.,v.. - -
lome ribbon case. It ia on of tb moat
ootuplet tnioge ol tb Kind we nave
ever tn. It i of oak and gtaae and it
mad in ection. ntep id iu ior ana .
am in il.
Hots Advaxcwo Tb pric o( bop ba
aJvancMl aliibtlv thia wk. 13 cent art
now offered lo grower (or their nw crop,
The Spring-field Briilge.
Tb Commissioner couit of Lau county
held an adjourned term laat Monday, when
plaua weru presvuted (or tho proposed
Springfield bridge and bid on the same.
The following bid ware made.
Hotfmau, Bates 4 Co., of Portland:
No 1, masonry pier tiO,R70
No 2, iron tubular pier 20,000
No 3, using old crib filled with con
crete '27,300
Abov bid for combination wood and iron
bridge on span, $10,000 lobe added extra
if all steel.
l'aciflo Bridge Co of Ban Francisco:
No 1, 400 ft span combination iron,
cylinder piers .121,511
No 2, 400 ft combination iron, crib
piers 23,870
No 3, 400 ft combination iron, ma
sonry piers 27,072
No 4, 400 ft steel, iron cyliuder piers., 32,387
No 5, 400 ft steel, crib piers 31,413
No fl, 400 ft steel, maaoury piers ... 35,815
No 7, two 200 ft steel spaus, maaoury
piers 33,815
California Bridge Co of San Faucisco:
No I, combination wood and iron, 1
apan, cylinder piers 125,300
No 2, do, crib aud concrete piers . . . 28,000
No 3, steel or iron, crib and coucrete
piers 40,000
No 4, do, cylinder piers 37,300
Tbt coutrsct was-let to tb Pacifio Bridge
company on Uieir bid No 6, provided tbey
could secure atone adjacent for piers; if not
cyliuder piers to b used ou pric of bid
number 4,
The court made the following order:
In the matter of the contract (or buildiug
Springfield bridge:
"At thia time tbe bids (or tbe construction
of the Springfield bridge having been opened
aud duly conaidered by the court, together
with tbe plana and aneoificationa accompany
ing th same, and tb court being fully ad
vised in tha Dremieea. it ia ordered that lha
contract for building aaid bridge be and ia
hereby awarded to tbe Paoiflo Bridg Com-
Kny of San Frauciaco, lb coutract price lo
$35,815, that being tbe lowest bid offered,
aid bridge to be 400 ft long, to be built one
apan with atone piers, and it ia to be a ateel
bridge with CO or 80 ft approach on the eaat
aide, and approach ou weat aide to ba put in
good repair; bridg lo have a roadway of 20
ft. Bridge lo be completed by November
81. 1800 R
Tbe bottom of the bridge will be 32 (eet
above low water and 10 (eet above high
water. Th county will pay 25 per cent of
cost when pier art completed, and will
issue oouuty warrant (or lb balance on tb
completion of the bridge.
A Bia Chanoi. There ia to be a bin
change in the running of train on th
Southern Pacific, probably beginniug about
Juu 6. It it not yet official, but
nough it known to indicate that aomelhing
will strike that will completely obange tbe
order of thinga. The local will ruu to Rose-
burg, that ia aettled, piobably on about the
preseut lime. Aa to the other trains it la a
matter of speculation partly, but it ia
thought the overland ttaiua will bt run to
connect with the Northern Pacific. The
uortb bound going through Albany aometime
botweeu 11 aud 2 o'clock at night, to connect
with the moruing east-bound tram over the
N. r. and the soutn-bound leaving Port
land 7 o'clock iu the eveuius. ahorllv after
tbe arrival of the N. P. at 0:15. Another
tram will probably b put on, peihap th
Lebanon train going from that city to Port
laud in the morning and returuiuu in th
veuiug about tbe preseut tirno of the over-
I I ,'1 !,, L , III .
anu. i u mailer win o mane puono iu a
few day. Albany Democrat.
Stati Gbnoe.-Tu State Grange ba
been in session at Salem Ibis week. A
large uumber of delegates wer In attend
ance. Laue county wa represeuted by th
following memlasrs: Mr aud Mrs A C Jen
nings, Mr and Mrs J II Veatch, Mr aud Mrs
F M Nigbswauder, The following grand
officers were elected (or the ensuing year:
Master, U E Hayes of Clackamas; Overseer,
J Vorbees ol Marion; Lecturer, Wm Holder
of Sherman;Steward, J D Cbitwood ot Polk;
I..I Ul..l VV A ll.mnl. ol tT..lll..
...-""ilt .- n h'tMllllv v, VWlBWIia,
Chaplain, David Eby of iauo; Treasurer, J
u mump oi Marlon; Hocrotary, w it nil
leary of Marion; Oat Keeper, 8 A Dawson
of Liuu; Pomona, Mr M J Train of Linn;
Flora, Mrs O Gibson of Umatilla; Ceres,
Mrs Hstti Heinenberg of Marion; L A
Stewart, Mrs l.ydia B Leabo o( Marion; Ex
ecutive committee, H E Hayes, J G Powell
and R P Bola.
Found and Bdrikd. Tb body of th
missing man Hatch waa found aeverul day
ainca by J. W. Wycoff, on tb top of the
mountain and near tbt trail. Tht melting
.now exjiosed the remains to sight; one arm
waa missing and the former report of finding
a tbigb bone was Incorrect, It was a bout of
the arm. A pile of twigs, brush and an
empty match box showed that be bad en
deavored to build a fire, Tbt remaina wert
buried on (bt mountain near those of Dr,
Renfrew, wbo died there in 1870,
Decoration Day. -Friday, May 30th, waa
Decoration Day. J W (leary Poat, U A R,
and other oomradee and friend marched to th
lOOK cemetery where th grave of dead
oldier were aultably decorated. Th regular
memorial eervice war held at th grave of
II H Selfridge. A mound In honor of th Un
known I 'ead wa decorated by th ladle of
thtWRO. Th oration4 wa delivered by
Rev D K Loveridg. Th Memorial atrmoa
u preached at th M E Church Sunday by
A MisTAis The Register stated that last
yesr tbt price of wool st tbt opening of Ibe
sesson waa 10 oents, and some choice lots
later in tbe season, sold at 20 cts. This is
a mistake. Last year at tbe start wool
brongbt 18 oents, all it is now worth. Later
nn ll aotil aa hiuh aa 2J eenta. It ia aafa In
aay that Ibt highest price paid for wool tbi
year will not exceed w eeut.
Thi New Buck Yabd. On a visit to
Whitcomb 4 Abram't Dw brick yard Wed
nesday w found them tuming out about
20,0x0 machine mad brick per day. Tbey
bav built abed, nnder wbicb to dry brick,
tod il is probable that hereafter no more
trouble will ba experienced by builders ID
scouring brick.
Sold. Tb commissioner, conrl on Mon
day told th wrecked span of tbe Springfield
bridge, wbicb lies on the river bar on and
one-half mile below Eugene, to T. W, Sbel
ton for $13. Tbe bridge coat $15,000 when
Died. Mr. Wjnu, a promising young
mao of Cottage drove, died there Mouday ot
inllammstion of the bowels, aged 21 years
He wa to bave been married to a Mia
Medley about tbe middle of uexl month.
Reskined. W. T. Campbell ba resigned
bi. seal in th Eugeu Common Council, on
account of buin's. Her is a cbauc for
tome on lo gel s lucratlve(?) offlct.
Fam roa Bali A farm of 30 acre for
sale, I, mil from Eugene, 10 ecree in fruit,
all Irnit and vegetable laud, well fenced,
bouse and (table on same. Apply al thi
LiREaAl. LaiTL'ti Samuel P. Pntman,
tbt liberal lecturer, will apeak In Cobnrg
on Thursday and Friday eveuiogs, Juns5tb
and 6th. All are invited.
Wanted A girl to do general house
work. Inquire at Mr. E R. Skipwortb'a,
on Fifth Street.
Foa Sale. Valuabl residenot property
(or aal. Inqnir of Richard Mount at
Eugen Sew Work.
BaTTnao. Several wagers bav been mad
in Eugen on Ibt result between Pennoyer
and f bom peon. Tb money wa placed
Wanted. 100 cord o( wood In (ichang
(or blackamithing, by Forrest k McFarlaud.
Shop 8th street, west of Lant't paint (bop.
Column of the Eutailau Society
Melusa Hill - - Editor
nitrii Dunninu - - Aast. Editor
The olas iu Optics are reviewing,
No Society to-day a it is a legal holiday.
Moat of Ibe cbisscs aro propariug for cx
Tbe first German class bav finished the
little story of Rudolf.
What will tbe coming boy and girl bo like
ask tbe Zoology class.
Exchanging pictures and writing in auto
graph album is th order of the day.
Tbe olas iu Geology ar writing a icrics
of essay reviewing tbe year's work.
If anyone U alarmed about mysterious
sounds, let bim remember that the Seniors
are drilling.
A young lady becoming excited in Ibe
debate last Friday made the atatement that
Africa wa. feverish!
What wa Cap thinking about when be
broke tbe pointer, while working out an
equation in Analytics.
Tbe Endeavor of tbe Presbyterian Cbnrcb
was entertained at Ibe residence of Mrs.
Chase on Monday evening.
A class not far hence wbon asked what
book tbe author of their text wrote, required
five days to look it np. Moral: Head tbe title
page of your book.
Essay wrilinu. selections aud public rhe
torical are over for this vear. Many of the
students value the drill in tbis department
very bigbly.
Anvone desiriuii lo know tbe name of tbe
Senior class tree will do well to ask aomo
member ol the class concerning tbia all im
portant matter.
W ar lufornidd that tb Scuior young
ladies were eutertaiued on laat Friday even
ing by Mis Green. All seemed to have
pent a very pleasant evening.
If it i true (hat showers are sometime
eaiiaed by severe concussions ot air we are
afraid that we shall have only showery weath
er from now nutil commencement.
The Freshmen had a class group taken
last Saturday. There were twenty-one iu
all, but many cannot be with us next year,
much lo th regret of tho remaining.
Tbe University Orchestra wa disbanded
laat week and a new oue organized. Three
of the present members are ladie. We ar
glad we have not been left "orchestra-less"
For what would Ibe "walk around" lie with
out ur
Manv of tbe atudeuta attended the lawn
sociable laat Saturday night. We overheard
a scuior announce last week that the class
wa to bold a meeting in Ihe campus nuder
ma tree. Wt wonder if lit could bave
meant tbeir class tree, for we can uot see
what other tret bt referred to.
About twenty young ladies of tbe Univer
sity met in Prof Bsiley't room on Friday
afternoon and re-organize J tht Youu;; Worn
ens College Christian Association. Tbe fol
lowing officers were elected: rroaidem,
Etta Levis; Vice President, Ella Alloy; Sec
retary, Nettie Whitney; Corresponding Sec
retary, Hattit Dunning, Treasurer, liable
Straight. Tb aooicty intend to lRiu ao
tlv work next term, and bop that all of
th young ladies ot tht Univorsity will joiu.
Tbe question: Resolved.That Stanley istho
greatost benefactor of (be l'Jtb century, was
ditouased with much interest last Friday.
Tbe affirmative was snstulned by Misses
Porter. Greene end Holt. The ladies spoke
of Ihe geographical value of Stuuley'a dis
coveries, of bis work as a missionary, and
bow be bad aided lu breaking up tbe slave
trsde. Livingston was quoted as saying
that Stauley'a discoveries were superior to
hi own. The negative, auttainod by Misses
Straluht and Roberts, contended that the
olimate and tbe great deserts rendered Africa
bardlywortb the work given to it. inai
Liviugston did tbe first work aud therefore
waa a greater man tuan eiauiey. juai
Stauloy bad more to aid him thau Edison
and others wbo bad made greater discover
ies. A no particular niau was selected by
the neentive and no work of tho l'Jth century
shown to ba of more value than Stanley's,
tbe decision was rendered in (uvor ol the
Prof. Straub was iu Portland Monday.
Genie Johnson will bt with us in June.
Miss Carson's father visited bcr (his week . -Mist
May Dorris cast her lot with (he
Freshman class laat week.
Mist Bain waa absent from tecitution on
Friday on account of illness.
Miss Sue Dorris has been absent from rec
itations this week on account of illuess.
Mr. Youna waa called away tbis week by
buaineaa. lie expect to return (or com
mencement. Mrs. C. M. HilLnnd Frank 8 lunar d ar
among tbt expected visitors during com
Mr. Mile Cautral i expected to spend
Commencement in Eugene, much Ij the
pleasure ol bis (riends. ,
A young man asked (he price of shell so
per ounce replied abstractedly, "Really, I
don't know bow much she lacks,"
A Senior lady finds herself mysteriously
in possession of a manual ou boxing. The
owner may bave tbt same "fret gratis for
nothing" on application.
President Seeley, of Amherst, ia quoted
as ssying that every msn wbo writes for bis
college paper lowers bis scholarship. Thia
atatement fiom such a man a President
Seely can but make one pause a moment iu
bl work. Tb question Las often ariaen in
our minds, "does our society column pay ."'
There I a pric act on everything we obtain
In this world, and aom things ar not worth
lb time and strength given to them W
hold that lb Eutsxian column ia not worth
ita pric. In tb first plac there is no mem
ber of tb lociety that should give ber atten
tion to tbi work. Other thing's require all
tbe time. Ourex-editorawillat leaat agree
with na ber. I (car if th record were ex
amined ber that it would prove tbe state
ment of President Seely sfl too true. There
is aa much work in tbe regular courses as
auy on should do. One may , slide along
aud even bt abla lo niaka recitation with
comparatively little labor, but to reach any
depth ol a subject, to become iu any degreu
master o( il means careful, earnest toll. If
a student has surplus lime he should us it
for recreation. Every on knows the result
of confinement and over work. Then to be
frankafter tbe lime spent ou the column
of what value ia it? Doe it iucreas tbe
knowledge of any one? or doe it even in
terest auy one? I vouchsafe if the citizens
of Eugene wer asked to give their opiuiou
of tbe Eutaxian column many would say
tbey prefer to read tb advertisements. But
be tbat as is may, every one concedes that
a little well done ia of more value than a
great deal attempted, and the lime used iu
wilting for the column would far better be
nsed on tb regular lesson. W repeat our
atatement lb column is not worth the price.
Suiter Eutaxiana consider tbia question, and
consider it carefully. Will it not b butter
to abolish thi department? Tbe question
doublle will be igitated at our next elec
tion. Ar yon ready to decide the question
lo tb beat interests ot all concerned?
At Mitchell's.
Tb bot weatber ia here and J. Mitchell
baa in dock a variety ol refrigerators, ice
cream freezera and water coolers.
U also baa a (ull liue of tb latest im
proved Superior Stoves and Ranges. Sior
in tbe I. O. O.F. building.
Bala Vg;oris. .
W will bav another car load of w i;ons
in a lew days, and lo make room for ti.m,
w will ull tb few w now bave iu tn k at
a greatly reduced price. CuAiinisa Jfc box.