The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 31, 1890, Image 4

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MAY HI, llt'JU.
Cuiigrfaanian JWBEUT A. MILLKU
Of Jackeon.
01 Mulliioiuiib.
Hccrnlarr of Btale. . . . WM. M. TO WNBESD
0( Lak.
Stutu Treaiuror 0. W. WEIJII
Of Itoatilla.
Supreme Judg B.F. HOXIIAM
Of Morion.
6U(e Superintendent of l'ulilio
Inatruciioo Kef. A. LE HOY
Of Liun.
811. FriuUr CAl'T. JOHN O WHEN
Of La iim.
TroiMtculIng Attorm 2iit Jmlii-ial
DWricl.T T.O. 0WES8
Of Coo:
ForBlaU Benriuir It. M. VEATCII
For lUpreaenuttlve J .... K. I'. COLEMAN
' I....U.DOTY.
For Clerk C.I'. HOUSTON
For Coiumiuiouer JAMKH PAKKEK
For A Memo r P.J. M PHEIISON
ForTrurr JOHN (i. DAY
For Bcbool Sapl...La. A. W. PATTEItSON
For Burreyor. . L. P. WOOLKY
For Coroner Da. W. T. MuMl'KillY
". 1
DoNorTlAI't-nmnnri liave 1wn ireu
UUJ thli week, principally by HeimMkan.
that thli or trial canJulat on lb Pemooratlo
ticket wouM In traded off fr Hie benefit of
other, We bar invalli;atJ the rtiinr ami
And then la no foundation for tliern. The !
moeracr art unitwl, and the camliilate and
their friend art contented to fall or etand
together. Trebling vote ehould U aeveraly
litonuned. The trailer generally get the
wont of It a no one ran b aurreil that the
gnodi art detivared.
A Warrior Hold Wait Hp.
D. P. Tbompaon matched with I lie J. W,
Geary jioal, O. A. H. to lb M. E. Cbnrch,
at Eugene, Sunday 'evening Inal lo attend
Ik memorial aermon. Tba Buniliijr Wei
com Ibui txpoie bia war record preUn
aioua: Tba war record of D. P. Tbompaon, wblcb
Ma boomer Harvey trie to paint in orimion,
ia not nnlika tbat of Artemaa Ward, and
many otbere, the least aald about Ibe bet
tor. Ha euliated for a few day; wont to Walla
Walla; never diwharged a mm; waa di
charged himaolf, and now turn onl witb
tbt real veleraua on all oocaaion, vearius a
U. A. K. medal "aa big a life, and twice
If b were aurb fieri! foe nf rebel and
of ao oangniuary nature aa lo pin for
Confederal (fore, whv did be not go Et and
offer bia aervicea In lb country for wblfh
hcott would now bav u believe be waa
ready lo die?
There are no aln about Dave Tbninpaon,
neilber upon blm are Iber auy fliea, but
wben bia ''ooacb" Harvey bring bliu upon
tbe atiu; aa a war worn warrior be nuiko
David look a ruucb on I of place and ridicu
lou aa if be wer to aend bin around town
grinding a band organ.
Enforce the Law,
Tbe election lawi of Oregon nmka it obli
gatory on electiou official in Incorporated
town lo keep alriknra and runner out of
reacb of Ibe poll, tba limit being 100 (cel.
Il would lie gronilv to th comfoit of the
judge if Ibia law waa enforced. If tbe Con
audited autboritie will uol enforce lb law
Ibe Judaea bave Ibe rlpbt lo appoint olHcvre.
Keep lb poll clear; obey Ibe law, and e
Ibal lb dmgraceful ecrnmblee nt lb poll
mat ao oi leu occur are avouiea.
A number of eichange nolo lb oirouiu
atano that D. P. Tbompaou ami bia col
league, Pbil Median lack for auditor when
Ibe apeak, Iu Engeti Mr. Tbompaou
look Iim by tb forelock and apoke in lb
veuing. Tbe day waa Hitturday, and a be
cam in lb morning lie bad tbe opportunity
nf kddreaaing Ibe repreaeulativ farmer of
l.aue couuty. Ha chone lo apeak in lb
evening anil lb leaull wa Unit lb ainall
ndlenoe room of 111 Court Howie, wa
Oiled wilb lownapeople, a larga number be
ing ladiea, children and atmleut.
Peunoyer waa not afraid to luce tba men
whom bv repreaeuled. He apok In Ibo af
ternoon loau overflowing bout compoaeil
principally of farmer and laboring men,
gathered from lliuoat every precinct in I Jinn
county Ijtne county will remember Bylvc.
ter Peunoyer June aecond.
Tb editor of the Urowuavill Tiuii a ba
been traveling in Ibe aoulhern part of Linn
couuly and tbi ia bal b ayai There waa
out very aiunillctanl fad Ibal wa noticed on
our trio. We IhIIimI witb a lurg iiumher of
Ueiiublicaim and lt liiwrala, aud did Uol
And a nmo v. bo favored D P. Tbompanu fur
(loveruor. All witb two riueptioua wer for
1'eiuicijer. lueae two were, uulea Thouip
aou could prove Ibal be U unallerablv ou
poned to non-taxable bond. Our trip waa t
decidedly aiicivaaftil one, and we liiiJ tbe
lime i laM growing Into favor aud pop
larily a lb "people''' liiend. -
Portland World: A poll of lb voter wa
mail laal Humlay on tb It. It. Thompaon,
of tb 'Longaboremen wbo wetil ou Ibe ex-
curalon lo Aalorla, and !1n7 wer found Ibal
favored I'euuover, aud 13 for Tbomoaon.
Tbi I 1ml a unipl of bow tb laboring
men will vol. Ou of 387 waa John Hit.
br, wbo in a abort tpeecb on board aaid:
"I am on of Ih men whoaa i. Hon. I).
P. Tbompaon reduced wben receiver of Ibe
Wehller m 1. ami at tha ii,.,.
KHX) t mouth for hn own alarv. . No
iirnii D m n K nnil 1 1 aiittnk ai a l
g ouvuiM 1M'VI I4I A UViliy
rT VOtttr WW it iuUrftaU.l I
general welfare of tb country, an conomi.
rml ailiniiilalralliin .In.. ...1 4.,.li..,.l fc...
baudiog of tb irreducibl achool fuud, I
alrict enforcement vl lb law, and reveren
tial obedience to th lawa nl llr.u,n
without reuard to party, eet or creed,
ooum vol lor t'euuoyer nd wtb,
Tb McKinley "farmera' " tariff laiae the
duly on jule aack. Of coura tbe higher
pno farmer bave to Pay for ack-od
uraviuiuie unuvr a lony ercent. tx II i
been loo ridiculoualv low ilu ln.r
Ibey will be. They will have lowotk
man nara won ia eomiuciv lo virtu, llur-
rao lor ID lucraaarU lax oa grain-bag.
A tb day of flectina draw near tbe wiadotn
of the nomination of Jaiuea Noland for atienS
by tbe Democratic ennventioa nf nmnty
Iwoutnea apriit il baa mad many new
friend during tbe cania-a. Hie itiaiirjealiuue
for ouaduiHiue; th buiua of tb luip-iruiit
!lio jf abwiriarolleBt, II i featured of
heavy vou
Voter tbould not bellev any report
started tb laal few daya of lb campaigu.
AU kind of tela rumor ar likely to be
circulated. Il ia a aura thing that ucb rw
porU ai alway lb very wont kind of
11 lVniocrmtie cuunty ticket! wurthr nf
tb united eupport ol Die party. Tb candi
date are ail Weil knowa aiea a ad are cooipe
teoL They aecured their Buiuuti,.iu iihoul
tb aid of rioe, combination or clique.
The Republican alway mak a great
bowl about tbeir lov for tba poor ldir.
For pioof, hxk at tbe pie-nut lUjxibiican
UIm Li couuly ticket.
8 8 ' 8 8 8
Ihe JVopIe Should Trwi-nt IU I'ne I
W bave il upon reliable iuforumliou Ibal
tU'iney La beeu aent lo Florence, Junction,
Coltnge Grove end lticbardton precinct
by lb It p'iblicm manager lo
Corrupt voter. It ia alao probable and
very likely Ibal money bi beeu aenl into
other precinct for lik purtoc. Of coura'
tba two Eug- ne preciucla aill vino b plen
tifully aupplied ud lb ' flualern" be taken
in if il ia poihle. Thin money i g.-mrnlly
tbougbt to be pul up by Tbompiou, aa b
bu madu Ibe rluleiuent lo at lea.t twelve
men in Oregon tbat be would peud tUHl,-
000 lo bo elected. Tbe riuealiou ia, will Ibe
people of tU ih couuly aud Bute, allow Ibe
ruaull of Ibia electiou In be bongbl. W
think not.
Tbe Democratic parly of tbi couuly aud
alata will not puiebaae a vole on any at"
count, and w aak the piople, irretpecliv
of parly, to oa all tb vigilance poanible
to that Ibe eleeliun la not carried by cor
rupt uotbud. . A i rent nny man, offering lo
buy or aell vote, and aend biiu lo lb pen
itentiary, wbet be rightfully biloiiga,
Warrant of arreat bave been aeut to the
varloua preoiucta, end Inalruoliou given lo
enforce Ibe law lit all hazard. Tb boneal
elector of each precinct ahonli. bund (belli
aelve together aud demand aud enforce tbe
electiou law. Tbe downfall of lb republic
I aurely chwe at baud, if iiuacrupulon
men are permitted to buy up men lo carry
election. W believe Ibe ptopl bav tb
patriotimn In preveul il.
When Ibiftora Dlsotrrec.
Henry McGinn, well known in Eugeu
aa a Uuiveraily aludent, but now Proaeeut
Ing attorney of Multuoiuab county, an ofllee
which be b held for four yearn, bad a t)
ticiiff wilb Tom Jordun, IjOlan'a flrnt lieu
tenant few daya ago, Mr. Mcdinn had
peraonal knowledge of lb conduct nf the
o called Republican priiuariea of Portland
where lb vol cant exceeded Ibe combined
Irengtb of both purtiea ul lb previou elec
tion, and concluded In aiipiwrt Peunoyer,
bence the wnger, Ibeii tbe flgbt. Th Port
lund ExHininer any anenl lb (rouble:
Til little "net lo," between Proaecnling
Attorney McGinn and T. A. Jordan, chair
man of ill Republican County Coluniiltee,
ba oocaaiolied much lnlk. They are loth
Itepubllnau and we bav no Interent la
either on narticiilurly, but il pienni to
u Ihnt Mr. Jordan brougbl about the
trouble and that be got the worat of il, be.
aide wo think he will lime bia money. Mr.
McOinn, Ilk IbouHaiida of other good Re
publican, i supporting Mr. Pennnyer for
Governor, a be ia, In their opinion, lb
better man, and Mr. Jordau' auiiuu waa,
no duui't, canned by hi knowledge Ibal be
bud foolinbly thrown awny junt tWO by bet
ting ou Tbompaon. Mr. Jordan charged
McGinn with beinp "ibe niennent man in
Oregon," while McGinn retorted by telling
Jordan "be ought In Ire iu (he penitentiary."
In (hi, too, Ibe public generally ooiucide
with MoOinn.
VlrliiiniK I'ortluiitl.
A Portland journal beliuvc that vote buy
ing will not tucceed In that city tbi year. It
Uivea tbe following warning:
Th politicul striker who Intend buying
vote for th Republican maujir (hi com
ing electiou, ibould bear lu mind that lb
Hoard of Police Coiiiinl-aionera aud Chief of
Police B. 11. Pairiab bav authorized Ibil
paper In atale llmt ou election day every
effort will be made lo enforce tbe law aud
Older all offender aguluat it moat promptly
.created. If vote bujing 1 attempted Iboa
engaged in it will hind in tbe penitentiary
where (bey properly belong. Take wanting
iu Iim.
Notice to the Public.
Kluli niciitH and comiuunlrntiou of a po
lilical and peraoiml nature appear from tiny
to day In tbe Oregouian, directed gaiual
Ibe nominee of lb democratic party. Many
il not nit ol hucD (iHtenienl and eonimuuica
liou could be aiiccemlully coutradlcled, but
tbe column of th Oregouian are denied lo
n for audi a purpoae. Tbe reporter! of
that paper have nUo cean.d to gather infor
mation from our headquarter.
11. (li)t.liaUITH,
Cbairmnu Deiu. Hite Central Coin.
PortUud, May 'J8, lhlM).
Tbe Regiater aeek lo prejudice tb pen
the people agaluat Ih Democralio couutv
central committee for reftikiug In accede lo a
requet ol tbe Eugene G. A. R. poat Ibat
in iiM'ttxmg al junction Ih foiegou ou
Decoration day. Tba appoiutineul were
made ny mt cualrmeu ot both parlie aeveral
week aince, no decoration exeroiac were
held at J unci bm, bene there would ba no
valid reaanti for annulling the appointment.
We nntict that Mt. Thompaou aud other
Republioau aKNtker cauvaaaed OU Ibat day,
i ii
Oov. Pennnyer baa given Ibe people of
Oregou an boueat admiiiialralioo lor the
paat four year. Hi integrity and ability
art nut iuealioued by hi opponent. There
are no crooked explauationa in bia career a
Ibe atale executive, and why nhould lb peo.
pie not re elect him? Them ia no need of a
change, rapeolully when thai change I
cloinjed with doubl aud coupled with politi
cal trickery, bribery aud corruption. Th
Ileal Interenta of (ircgou deuiaud niau of
uovcuor t . uiiojct'a atamp al Ih head of
iu executive department.
Th Oregouian no doubt aeea Ibe defeat of
Mr. I hompaou in advance, andlaeo augry
I lb fact, that It haa luat il leiuner and
aaaailt Governor Petiuover lik a mad bull
at a red ahlit, with all Ih bitternen) of III
coiul'ined loroe, lb governor, aecur in
Ih knowleiL' that be will b victorious
enjoy their wild rantiug. and lantalitea
them jual enough lo keep up their ridiculou
ami prciHiaierou aaaerlion ao a lo diagutt
lb public, nol ouly witb thai paper, but lb
bole ticket II aupporl.
" ' a ii.
A Republican from Portland, but a Repub who love hi couutry. bia atale, the a
pie, ave, even hia rty, betur than a "leen
and hmia-vy moeiy taiia,'wbo never did a
noble or geuerou a. t, conei.lerinf hi wealth,
In hit life, aid veatenlay: "If tb ihU ot
tbia itat oould bav ea the aSaineleM way
ia ahi. h la 1 houiuaea, by th ne uf thou
audi of dollar, carried the Portland prima
Mea, he would b beaten by 2A.0O0 aiaj-.rity.-K
Tb record of Tbompaon I nd I'ennoyer
bav been placed Iwlor lb peopl. W be
lieve in lb mlelligeur and coiuinoa aue
ot lb ople. They will nol encourage a
candidacy Ibat ia lul.
upon moury coimideraliou bum primarie
iw miia.
C. P. Houston ha mad many friend in
bit eanvaa for tb otUc of couuly clerk.
II la a young man of excellent character,
good buMuea babila, and thoroughly quali.
Bed to fill Ibe petition. Kpectally al hia
bom in Junction where be i bt known,
h will repair th upport of both paitiea.
P. J. Mil'br..n mad an i(vi)licml,l
giMxi aanuaor. 11 bould be auain elected
lo lb ikmu lion wblcb be I o well quabtird
to hll. ,
From the "Junction Pilot." IimIi'm'IhI-
flit Kepiiniiran.
lion-Inn aill uiakV a gno.l clerk.
E P Coleman la an imliiatriou t urner, a
kind neighbor aud a good citizen.
Let every ticket Out enter tb la.Hct box
next Monday bav on it the name of the Ulr
r' frieud-Hylveetar Pennnyer.
A man' popularity can beat be told by bia
home vote. Th elwtinn next Monday will
prove tint Veath, llilyeii. llouaton and
Noland are tbe uioet npular men in the
"Jauie E. Noland, tb Dewocratio caudl
data for aherilT," ay on of our prominent
Kepublicane, "ia ao well and favorably km wn
In lliia part of th oounty that he will receive
on half nf th Republican vote her."
Rome Dcruncrata are eanuln eiiouub to be
that averv candidate nn their ticket will
lie electe'l. Till may r may not ! true, hut
when w Hml th name ( eu. ll men aa It. M,
Veatcb, It. Doty, L. Ullyeu ami K. P. Cole- followed bv ('. P. Huuaton. A. W. I 'at
teraon and .lame Parker, it i a "dea l aura"
thing that nio.t of the in ar Knirnr to be
elected, I Ida muat neceaaarlty I llie realm
when aucli men are nominated.
What i wanted iu tbil couutv ii friendly
h-gMiilion and relief from burdeuaom aud
unnei:eary luxation. Bo it ia in tb whole
elate, lb lice tb linportanc of electing
uien lo tbe legialatur wbo ar uol lu ayrn
patby witb the dominaul party. Tbey bav
bad lb machine iu tbi Mat long enough
to right any wrong and Ibey bav failed iu
any Dirlicular to do it, but permitted and
aided the burden of lb peopl lo increaa
under Ih continued prouiiee retrenchment
and reform, lb people noulil aenoualy
couaider their ailuatiou and the fact ot it
befor Ibey vote.
Preaidetit Harriaon baa been In ofQce
nearly a year and a half and wool I not ao
high ai il wa when Mr. Cleveland wa in
power. Tbi ia a aiunner lu our ltepulill
cau friend, wbo aiil that lb Democratic
party waa reeponaibl for Ibe prevailing low
price of wool. Every aenaible person ought
lo know Ibat, if lb tariff waa to eioeiaiv
that it proved prohibitory, it oould nol
cuing the Inevitable law of demand and
upply. .
Jacksonville Time: D. P. Tbompaon it
entirely loo thrilty a man to ult tb people,
II own eighteen bank now, and would
probably bave lb greater portion of lb
date in hi bank annnta after fonr year
term a governor. Dave ia a (cbemer1 of
III grnnleal miigiiitadu and ba no naa 'for
tb oluce lie aeeica, eicrpttng In upporin
nit lea lo enlarge bit account, tbal be ex
pect In obtain.
9. P. Tbompaon would only give 10 lo
tbe aufTerer nf Seattle, but ay he will
pend 1100,000 to rooelve Ibe honor of Mug
(loveruor uf Oregon. Let lb voter com
pare tba note and then draw a line.
Tbe duped patron of the Slat Inauranc
company ahmild remember McElroy, lb
acbiKil I ( ring a canilidale, at in poll in
June. Vol (or ttie velerau Lettoy lor (tale
D. P. Thompaon wa ucoeaful in finding
(he bark door of a Eugene laloon and for a
time net them up lively.
Itea! Kntatr? Transfer.
J M Hothrnn to Kmma A Crrtw, 50x100 feet
corner Olive and riuth itreeta; IWO.
J 13 llarri to Ju P Cbeaber, land In Pack'
ard'a and Uarria' addition; $1.
J 11 Hnrri to Jua P Cbeaber, lot in Pack
ard a and Hum addition; Vl
Ju P Clieaher to T L Keea, lota in Paik
ard'a and llama' additioo; tl.
Geo W Weider lo W V Rarger, lot 9 in
bloik 'i, llcea' addition; fiii.
VHMcCluretoV B IWI, 201.00 aom;
J amr and M E Riley to Ola Lenen, 8
Jobualhau Kee to, Marlou Nelaon, 75
acre; el INS.
R Koebler to Oregoniau Railroad Co.,
right, title aud Interest in aud to tb rail
road, railwaye and property ot tb Oregon
Ian Railway Co: tl.
Lucy A Ogle lo A Bond & Son, 133 acre
Geo andll II Ilarrett
J I'M Libt. The following Ii tb Hat of
juror drawn for Hie June terra ot lb cir
cuit court, lo meet June U: Henry Melton,
( reawell; . T link, Cbeaber; J II Stnrnea,
Ricbardaoii; Jamea Craw lord, Juuotiou; P F
Davia, ttiunlaw; C F Cleaver, Mabol; G W
Turubnw, Long Tom; Edward Bailey, Junu
lion; J Q Yaugbun, Willamette; E L
Howe, Creawcll; W U Lackey, Cheaher; A
1. llonuelln, npringtleld; Jo McLean
Camp Creek; J B Conger, Eugene, W T
Unburn, Eugene; L 11 Poller, Eugene; B
II Tboiuaa, Willamette; W M Pitney, June
lion; D W Maiding, Collage Grove; A K
Storiimtit, Camp Creek; Geo H ulley, Coy
ole; J A Wallace, Jaaper; T J Waugb, Mo-
bawk; Monro mil. Monawk; Ueo. u
Day, Crwll; J. R. Hill. Ricbardaon
J A McMabiin, BpriugAeld; 0 Iliger, Crea
wen; ci inmau, Piuaiaw; 4 c tuoeri,
BpriugReld; Cbaa Oorrie, Springfield,
For Sale or Trade.
Two good farm of IliO acre each, both
deeded land; on U a bay ranch, can cut
l'.'fl lont of wild hay on it. Th olber I
(arming luud, luoally in cultivation, ha a
good bona and baru aud a young orchard
on it. There ia a atreaui ot good running
water on both place, and good outiid
rang for auy kind uf alock. A good achool
houae three-quarter ol a mil from on
place and two mile from Ih other. I will
trade both place tor a good farm In Lau
county, a leaaonabls iliatiinc ot Eugene,
Any ou wiabiug to trad will add re
It. J. llAKt-a.
Riley, Iluroey Couuty, Oregou.
Larnl for Sale.
Eighty acre of fine upland, 6 mile went
,. . ,(f VT t L! ! , t ... t.t .
of Junction. Price 3 per acre. Rox bona
iiiju witn "i," inn, log tarn, wen 01
pur water and 35 acre in pasture. Thia
la a flue bargain at th abov price.
Addrea 11. F. Miner!, Monroe, Rrnlon
county, Oregon.
Central Drug Store !
For all kind of
4?" riiysiciaua Prr-riplion and
Family H.-ci canfully Compound
Telejlioni', No. 73.
Veterinary Surgeon,
Who will atU-nJ 4" frill in lliia citjr
aud aurrounJui t"s:rt . Satiafao
lion Guaiaiitt-e-d.
The IlofirQiientloii.
BmiuiM!, Oa, May i. !
ku. Guku.-.The voter of Lane ouuly
will aoon bav an oi-Dorluuily of "i'K on
Ibe qnealion of aaliia ruiiunig al lurg.
llol ot Ilia countie ol Hie n m " -
ley bave already (killed lb ipo-""" to tbe
Rliafaction ot lb farmer by enai ling aucb
a law requiiing every hog oaucr to lake
rare of hi. own bog. Thei i prolmbly a
mile 01 lence uunr iu mi roawj
Una owned, and (our. fifth ol Ibe coat of Ih
tltra leueing l eeeanary lo mak a feuce
"bog tight" la a ueeleaa expenc to me own
er of tbe fence. Even Ibe owner of hogi
can Oe'ller lenc In hi b'g than to fern
hi crop ginat hoga. . Tbe character and
quality ot bog allowed to run at large, ren
iler it alinonl inipiMaibbi for farmer lo pro
lect Ibelr crop won any oidmary feuce.
Tb extra fi uciiig neoeaiwry lo realam lb
bog in Ihi county ia of greater Value 10-iiay
than all Ibe boga in Ibe county, aud coal
ten time aa much aa Ibe worth of Ibe food
which hog can "pick up" iu IU highway.
No boa owner would be willuig to pay lb
11 m of on dollar an ncre for ibe privileg
of paaturing uoh bigliwaya. T nen it I rer-
laiuiy an injunilce 10 loiii-niiu" me peu
Die ot Ibia couutv lo be compelled to expend
ten lime a much for fencing a lb bog
will deriv from lb ouUide oualurage. Tb
day of tb "raror back" baa panned. Tbey
ar nol prolllable, are a aourc of trouble
and Injury lo every land owuer, and there ia
no jusuce iu requiring wan iu mow vu,
hi neighbor hug. My neighbor and my
keif have concluded tbat wa oau buy all tb
bog within reach of ua, aud feed tbeiu
for tba aeu.on cheaper than we cau build
hog tight fenoe. I nine boga, but I take
car ot them myaelf, rather than lo lurn
them out to forage ou my neighbor' graiu
held and garden. , Bo ougtit w all lu uo.
Letter LUt.
Letlar for the following peraou remaiued
nncalled for at ibe poatottlc In Lugen (Jiiy,
Oregon, May 30, 1HV0:
Raker, Jame Keiin Brown, C E .
Corneliu, Cbai Eale, Mia Dainy
Hanna, Lucinda , Locbner, Minnie 3
Paiue, F E Raudloa, Joarpb '
Bubmidl, Mr 2 Bturline, Mr D
Taylor, Mr Loi Woolry, Oeorge -D
F. W OaBOBM, P. M.
Publio ichiail cloacd F riday for tb auuimer
Having purchased the
Grocery Store,
we call the attention of
the public to the fact
that we will keep on
hand a
stock of groceries, which
will be sold to our pat
rons at the lowest rates.
Hm oomll ttory nf fltwilry'i rrconl IhriMliif
kvlwitttr knit th dlaclfwura uf hU lniMirUii
tiiawowirt will Dpr fur Ui flnt Ut in th
work writtfn by bioiclf, tulidrxl "lu Davrkea
Afri" Ihi m b drxwifwi j any of lh mx
oftltml "8tnler bookt" tw bcinf otTrrl m "m
.tin.' ait d "Kitthmtia To no ou of ihuM ha
8Ut)t7 OtMtteibuienl llH4,
llimf nuiut4imkiKut this lUlftural belnt
Oitrreo 1 1 n twry nrUouIavr. U e ruirkiiiM 1 1, mud
will flfft p.rtlcuun on lllcktimt.
PAHTinM In onlur u4 to ho ml led. ce
vAUHUn UmI IU book txro Uto Im
print of
And th. tho eonTMilnf Mont ouTtct oertificalo
uf tftivcjr from ui.
Uuiieral Artents for the Paclflo Coast
John W. Ellawortb, Agent.
VCQ PR MP To the place where you can get
I LU UUlllL valun rcceivod; where there is a firm that
will treat you white ami you will get all you pay for. Do you
not know that when a man comes to your house with a team
and a sewins; machine ami puts it iu your house to sell it to you
.1 .V l "-. I I? 1 1 1 f
utai tie tins to make a oisrer
not have to nay a man and a
Thrxe fellow wear diamonds with
furnirni. I caution all persons ngumst
which I assrit there ia no means too low
i heir machine, and then when you have
to your sorrow that you am not lolun; with him but with some company, and
they will put tou to the wall or takn the machine htck and you will lose all vou
have paid on it. ' Now why do you not
the aaineaa other goods! This the Darker Gun Works does.
W carry In tck at all timea th IHlMESTIC and DAVIS, tb beat machine IN THE
iVUKUi. lbaUavulookmor
Than any other nucbln at tb Parte Eipoeitina ia 1X8 Th DOMESTIC need no mm
man lalioa. a it i an old reliable ooroiany and
until yn bav ouatilwd om and hwkeii at my
worth your tini to com anil tr. I rice nt
and 110 more a time of monthly payment.
(We and are tb Jin Fiahin- Tack I. Trout flie tied oa Central Drau ht Sprnat Huok
jAt 40 Cents
Thea ar a fin fly aad cannot b bought lwhr bar W thaa 75 eta per dona. TaJere,
Line, Pole and Reel at very low price. Com aad buy where your moaey will jo the
I anai have a vrr nice line of Croouet at all
)ia boy wr, iroa atle, busked ha, at
watroa at JO cU.
Our line of Baby Carriages is the Largest and Cheavest.
Come and see them.
1 Baby Carrief tor ii SO; Batter, tl Or)
" " ParawlTop H so
" . CanopTop... g75
1 Xic Trickle, Urg T SO
" " medium (uo
" " email 4 00
I 11 uoubk breecb-loaJer, aew. at apcctal pric . g no
fiememl)er the Barker Gun Works,
-or tux-
First National Hank,
a. I-.!..... I l,a Stat- of Own. at
tb im of biiaineaa, May 1",
. 1 ii. 1. 15t.fKO.IS
liana .ii-.
Overdraft, aecured and unaecured. .
U S Honda to aeenre circulation... . 1-',jW UV
8wH.ka, eecuntiee, judliienta,
claiina, tc
r... f.. .,...nJ urn airentl. . iftJoV 00
On from other Ntlonl Hank. . . . 10,!a ia
Ou from But liauk. ami luker. o-v 1
u .1 ...o,. .ml Kiture. v.'Kt) M
Current eipenae. and Uxe paid... ff
Premium oa V B bund I."
Chrcka and other cah Item
Mill, nf other Rank ...... -J w
Fractional ier currency, nickel
U,iul tender note. n"3)
Redemption fund with I', n. I re-
urer (.,; ol circulation)
Total ,W.!H 89
Capital .link paid ill Stl.tKOt'O
.. 1 . . . 1 11; mill oft
Surpliia Ii.ucl , Y.
Undivided pnilil 7,7:5 14
National Hunk noteaoutntiiuilina 11,20000
Individual depoalU aubject to
cneen i,i -
Dna In elate bank and Uuker. 175.31)
Demand cerlitleale of depoait. . 39,82 64
Total 27r,528 39
State or Okhkw, Coi'.mt or La.nis, kh:
I, S. U. Eakln, Jr., l aaliier nl tn anov
named bnk, do nolrrunly awear that the abov
atatement la tru to th beat uf my knowledge
aud belief. ,
8. R. EaKIi Jr., Caahier.
Bill crilil and tworn to before me tbi 27
day of May, WHO. iita. U. Dokri.
Correct, atteat. Notary Public.
I). It. Chhihman,
Land Orrtc at Kokeburu, Or. I
Mav ith. WW. f
jLi the following named tettler ha filed
notice nf hi intention to make final proof in
iinooit nf hi claim, and that aaid proof will
be made before th JudKe or in hi abaence
before the Clerk ot th County Court of Lane
County, Oregon at biiifene. Oregon, on Satur
day, July 6, WHO, vii: W 8 Ionnl, pre
enmtlon L) B. No 0770. for the aU 4 and Ii,
Sec 29. Tp 17 S, R 1 Weat, W M. He name
the lollowing wilneeae to prove nia cnntinu
011a reaidence uunn and cultivation of aaid
land, vii: Daid Stevena, Wm Wet, Jame
Allen, O iMvg, all ol Walterviue, une to,
('has. W. JoHMHTO.f, Regiater.
Land OrricE at Roheui'ru, Or., I
- May 14th. 1890. I
XI the follnwing-nameil ettler haa hied no
tic of hi intention to make final proof irr iiip
purt of hi claim and that aid pi oof will b
maile before the Clerk of the County Court nf
Lane County, Oreenn, at Eugene, Or., on
Monday, June .10, 1890, vi.- O M Blgalow.
Pre emption, D S, No 0)107, for the Lot 3 and
4, and E J ot 8 W L Sec 30, Tp 17 S, R 2 eaat,
W M.
He name th following witneeae to prov
hia onntinuoue reaideoc upon aud cultivation
of aaid land, viz: Otto J Knger, Uuy ISIga
low, C II Natwick, David Sime, all of Lea
burg, 1 Jine County, t)regnn.
Char. W. Johnston, Regiater.
LANiiOmcgATRoagBURo, Or., I
Mar 17th, WHO. f
the fiillowinK-uamed aettler ha filed no
tice of hi intention to make final proof in iu
poit nf hi claim, and that aaid proof will lie
made before the clerk of the couuty court of
Lane county, Oregon, at Eugene, Ur., on
Thuradav, July 3, 1800, viz: J H Weatcott.
Pre emption, 1) S, No 6737, for the S E 14 ot
8 E 14, Sec 23, S 12 of 8 W 14, and .4 W 14
of 8 14, S.c 27, Tp 16 8, It 4 E, W M.
tie name the (nllnwinir witnerne to pnive
hia cnutinoue reidenc upon and cultivation
nf aaid land, viz: A S Power, AR t'ouirer,
O H Renfrew, Wm Powell, all nf McKenzie
isnitt;, Une county, Ureiton.
Cius. W. Johnston, Regialr,
Notice to Creditors.
All peraoni holding claima agiiinsl tbe
estate of M. D. Ritcbey, deceased, are re
quested to prevent tbe same to n at our re-
. . i u. . v.. vnwji Vina, oni'c vuuuij, V 1 .
Dated May 8, 18.10.
Eugene Book Sk
E. Schwarzs child, Prop
(Succeesnr to Ueo. Collier)
Order by mail promptly attended to. Ad:
drea iinrk 1
: Itox ua.
proni ou tiiuau a aeaier who does
team, aud feed the team.
the money tlicy virtually ateitl from tli
tliesn everlasling awindli-nt and liurs,
fur them to resort to to makn a sain of
toutUt that machine you will find out
buy of a linn that buy ami aell machines
ha alwan aina Htiafactioa. Do not line
machine. I will av yon mey and that ia
tn ifetia ani iioaieatlc an mro 3a np, Caah,
Umat a tr at cash price with interest taken.
Per Dozenv
orb. .
IL 10; never beror offered fisr lea IL75. Small
Sold Elsewhere at 20 & 25c per yd
S. H. Friendly,
Eugene. General Merchandise.
The Vacific Tea Co.
Has Changed Hands
Mr. J. 0. Rliineliari,
Having purchased it. He will sell goods at
Full Line of Groceries, Glassware and
Handsome Presents given away with Tea
and offees. 8
From the Cheapest to the Best at
prices according to quality.
$mwm mi mm
From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties can
be suited either as to Price or Quality,
Our assortment is Complete, from the lowest Piice up to
- the Finest; can suit you if you give us a call.
tTFrce New anil Stylish. J
Look us over; if we do not save you money, we will makn hoih one
Hell to you low.
IU. - ' l " M
a iix
Eugene s Foundry !
-aUrrV'81- 1 " to 'fir, itWaaio.. Shof. eoraerol Einti rtx-
Per yard
Sells the Celebrated
fiPW 1 T HP IT rrta tt
M a a at. - . a