The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 31, 1890, Image 2

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1. bCAHrKKLU . freprleter,
laatiulU and Ualblta the Hotl !
traetlv AenU Vet luvented.
There h good deal of noise la tba
oavy yard tbe other afternoon, the re
sult of series of experimental U'sU
with the new explosive (eniincnslta)
end smokeless powder (irolbiUi), both
the Invention of Dr. Gtopbon 1L Em
mens. The touts were given by the
company handling the patents under
the personal supervision of Dr. Em
mens, and showod that the new mete
rials are quite as powerful as dynamite
and perfecrjy safe In handling. Jbere
were a number of prominent officials
scattered through the large crowd, in
eluding Soorotary Tract, Senators Man'
derson, ColqulL Hale. Chandler and
Ulackburn, Ilopresontatlvo Cutcbeon,
Carlisle and Whoelor, and Commodore
Folger. Admiral Jouett and Captal
Meade. Dr. Emraens first manufactured
some of bis explosives In the loft of th
boat-houfte to show there was no danger
in mixing the Ingredients, which are
couple of unusual acids. The fumes of
the mixture bave colored the dootor'i
beard and balr a bright orange yellow,
which Is the prevailing hirsute tinge,
be says, around the factory.
Then a can containing sixty pounds of
emmenslte was placed under a small
raft made up of about fifty heavy tlm
bers lasted togother. A steam launch
towed the raft out about five hundred
foet from shore and anchored It, and
then proceeded some distance furthor,
paying out behind It a couple of eloo
trlo wires. Suddenly the word "Are"
was beard across the wstor, and there
came a rumbling crash, followed by the
upheaval of tons of wster, In the midst
of which fragments of broken timbers
flow skyward. After they had gone up
a couple of hundred feet they came
down again, all torn and twlstod out of
thapo. Hundreds of flub lay dead oa the
turlaoe ox the water.
The next experiment consisted of
testing the, rending power of tbo env
monsito above water, and throe Iron
plates, a foot square and balf an Inch
thick, were consecutively broken In
pieces each by a cartridge of the ter
rible stuff. The explosives were ar
ranged In throe different ways, so as
to show the force of th shook was
equal In all directions. In order to con
vince the spectators that the material
was harmless In handling the In von tor
bad bis son fire a bullot through a cart
ridge of It, the effect being a mere
breaking of the package as though It
were no more than chalk. The broke
cartridgo was then exploded with tre
mendous effect. A cartridge of dyna
mite was trusted In the ssme wsy and
disappeared with a groat ox plosion as
aoun as the bullet touched It Four
emmnnslto cartridges were placed In
ean of gunpowder, which was exploded,
blowing tho cartridges high In the air
and suiting flro to them. Thoy burned
briskly, but without exploding. A
small yacht cannon was obargod with
gunpowder and loaded with a can of em
niensite as a projectile. This was fired
at an Iron pinto and smashed to pleoo
wuiiout explosion, tbe same eminen
site afterward being scrsped together
and exploded. This was to show that
It can bo used as a charge for shell in
powder guns without danger of prema
ture explosion.
Uolhlto, which Is a brown paper sat
urated with cmiuenalto, was than fired
from a rlflo as a cartridge load. The
abot made almost no noise and practi
cally no smoke. Tbore was a momenta
ry light mist, wblob was Instantly dls
peled. 1 ho penetration aeumod to be
the same as that obtained by gunpawdet
cartridges, which made a loud report
and a great smoko.
' It Is not only harmless to bandlo, but
It Is ssid to bo a radical oure for malaria
and catarrh when taken In regulated
doses or snuffed in the nostrils. Dr,
Emmons wants guns and intends asking
the Navy department fur permission to
conduct a series of tests with some ol
the abandoned cannon belonging to the
Government. Washington Star,
Mow Look Oat for the rail are of a Horse.
I t ar CiMUuy.
A tklek-sot, surly-foocd man who
boarded a Madison avenue car down
town lite other day was followed by
wild-eyed cur dog, which clipped past
the conductor and hid behind bt
master's legs. All wa peace for about
four squares. Then a very dignified,
middle-aged lsdy balled the car aud
took a seat In the the center of it on
the right-hand side, followed by a
poodle, which the conductor may ot
may not have seen. The oar had scarcely
started w hen the poodle began a tour of
investigation under the seat. II
found the wild-eyed our without much
bunting, and only about ten seconds was
wasted In "sass." He for the pas
sengers could realise what wa going
on the two dogs rolled out into the
aisle, with the cur evident' having
things all his own way.
"My drllng-my llenny-he'll be
killed!" shouted the owner of the
poodle, as she sprang up and souoiod
about to faint.
"Call oft your curt" ahouted a man
who rose up from the rear of the ear.
'Homebody part 'emr'aoreamod three
or four women, as tbo jlltubed upon the
"The pood hain't got the sand ot a
hen!" muttered a telegraph boy whs
wascioseiy watching the proceedings.
The doira foUL'ht ll th-r. unA nt tt,-
ear. followed hvihnl.r.nn.i... I
and tuere, as
ahake the bind
the eur wa trvln t
le, off th poodle, th
led both of tbeToft th
conductor tumbled
platform Into the mud. They epratd
at once snj scurried In different dt
tlons. Tbe frigid lady bad now recov
ered her presence of . mind, and she
turned to the conductor with:
"Couduetab, stop this cab! I wish to
alight It is the last time I shall evab
take a cab on this line!"
As she got off tbe owner ot tbe wild
eyed dog reached the platform and said:
"Conduclah. hold this nah-ah until I !
can deas-en 1.
Tbe next Urn I desire to t
go up town I shall cbartah a cab all by
..If . 1 H
And a be rot off oa
tb left and
moved for the aidewalk tbe passenger
ia tney wouldn t nav missed th
show If the tickets had been placed at
a balf a dollar each. "-N. Y. Sua.
Henry Ta'e. auirar refiner of Indon
and Liverpool, whose benefaction lisv
been niot niunifirnl, baa annoumd bl
iotention of giving 5,flU) to Loudon tnd
a similar uin to Liverpool toward pro
motion in tbo citie of how ourting
of i k poor.
Over and ovsr, tbs birds srs lnjrlnf
Ttis stuns sweat strains of tb loa SfO
Over sad ovsr, eaah year srs ann-gin'
Flowers where fadelk the wluter aow
fiver and over, ths still fo mIMdc
Leagues ne Uterus eorost lbs
Ovsr and over, no tb dav Is paling;
Highs tut bra la lb (ureal ire.
Ovsr sad ovsr, V Joy sad sorrow
Hllenllj walk by us reryw-ers
Ovnr and ovsr, will each to-morrow
Urliif Its blealnts or bring lu ear
Ovsr and ovsr, Uts mother blssuss
After eeeb prayer s (oldea bead;
Ovsr snd ovsr, bar sweat earnest
Into each heart luvs's sunllgbt shed,
Ovsr snd ovnr, we all srs teaching
Dally our lessons of (ood or III i
Ovnr sod ovsr, are pastors preseblng
Words which speak ot tb stealer's wUl
Ovsr snd ovsr, tbs sunset glorlra
Oluw snd vsnlab o ar land snd sua;
Ovsr and ovsr, to Orsndms'i alorlee
W llstsa, sluing bealoe bar km.
-J. ft M. Vv right, la Good Uoueekoepla.
How tb Oosslpa unwittingly
Brought About a Wedding-.
When the farmer' wive in the neigh
borhood of Dal to a and the realdent of
the little country tillage beard the
clang of the cracked, old band-boll and,
afterward, tbe shrill, quavering notes
of a cracked old voice singing some suck
Cheerful ditty as,
" 1 bad a old few,
and my cow loved m
! wiUkrd my cow
Under a green bay tree,"
they im Hod and aald: "Uncle Toter'
coming, " Tb note of hi songs grew
shriller and more strident a Unci
I'etardrew nesr In bis rickety old fish cart
with It on vas covering on the side of
which was printed: "Mr. Peter 1,
I'lllsberry, dealer In fish, oysters, clams
sad other notions. No trust" Al
though the "no trust" part of tbe sign
bad been made omphatlo by being un
derscored, Unole I'eter did trust any
body and every body in such a perfectly
reckless and guilelessly confiding man-
aer that It was a wonder bl bank so
sount wis balf o larg a It actually
Ills bank account and other possessions
were so great that there was really no
necessity of Uncle Peter pursuing bl
occupstlon of peddling fish, clam "and
other notion," a be did, exposing him
fit to tbe beat of aummer and th
winter storms while making bla dally
"Ye think I hadn't ought to do o no
more, do ye?" be often laid to friendly
patron who, with tbe freedom of life
long acquaintance, asked him why he
lid not give up hi occupation and "take
thing easy." "Ye rookon now that I'd
let 'round doln' nothln'7" he would
ink. "Naw, slrj that ain't the I'llls-
borry stylo. I'd be puffeotly mlzzable
lot tin' 'round doln' nolhln', and peddlln'
lult me. I like to git 'round an' aee
th folk. I allua wa great for socia
bility, an' peddlin'a etch a coshable bla
sens. by, bless ye, I know ev'ry man,
woman an child In this county like a
book, an' they all know mo. How on
ilrth would ye all git along if old Unole
I'uter left off peddlln'?"
"We would mis you undo," bis pa
trons always (aid, heartily; "and we're
always glad to see you.
The old man would (mile like a pleased
ibiid and say:
"I reckon y would nils me. Whore'd
fou git your haddock an' maok'rol an'
bally but an' big fat olanis an' l'rovldenae
Ulors It Unci 1'etor'd (top peddlln'?
ou'd have to go olean to SmlthQold,
nine mile away, for 'em, that' what
you'd have to do. Hut 1 ain't oallatln
on glvln' up poddlln' though Illndy an'
lleoky an' the the rest of 'em want me
to quit it an' go to keopln' a llttlo store,"
'That would be easier for you,
wouldn't It?"
"Nary time It wouldn't," the old maa
would reply, shaking bis head vigorous-
"More-keeping; neverd suit mo.
it'd jlst nateholly w'ar mo out to be
puddltn' round a little sto' all tho time.
Hut Klmly an' lleoky an' tbo rest ot 'em
think it'd be more gonteoler'n peddlln'
flsbi that's the idoe with them. It'
kinder gallln' to Hooky In pertlcklor to
bare her old dad peddlln' fish, an'
imollln' of 'era when alio bus company,
though I alius try to get out'n the way
then; fish do smell, I'll allow."
Undo I'eter's wife had been dead sov-
ral year. Ill daughter Dorlnda. a
ipmster of thirty-three, and Hooky, a
much younger daughter, kept house for
blin in the old borne. Hooky had had
the advantage, or disadvantage, of at
tending a would-bo fashionable board
ing-school forayear, wheroahehad early
learned that thosoctnty to which she as
pired could never tolerate the daughter
ot a flah peddling father, notwithstand
ing the fact that that father was one of
tho kindest and best and most honora
ble ot men, and Hooky bad come homo
determined to bring Uncle 1'otor' fish,
peddling career to a close.
Ho had aluiply laughed at her first at
tempt, biding the pain be felt behind
sn ever smiling and kindly face, lie
felt that lleoky had come home ashamed
of him and his occupation, but be did
not say so to her, for he was a peaceable
minded man wno despised "jaw" ot any
Dorlnda bod an idea that i tor might
prove more profitable than a fish and
notion wagon, and ahe waa too thrifty
to allow any opportunity to pas for In
creasing her father' account, which sh
expected to divide with hor brother
and sisters some day.
Uncle I'eter had seversl married son
and daughters living near htm, and all
of them, being thrtfu like their sister.
kept their eye fixed on their father'
possessions, which aggregated several
ihnn...i .,n.. t..,. v.. i
-..... u.u wven ang
th-prprl. of -.
1'? pruT,T n,'n tU,m. ,0 hU J-
Miiw .im itu my, in return more
for, to "laive care of Mm" the mm.U.I...
of bis life.
Hut Uncle Teter wa a wiser and firm
er man than be seemed. He bad a
Strong, doeged will, notwithstanding
bis childish manner and his smooth,
round, effeminate and ever smiling face,
lie met this suggestion with a smile,
and dismissed It with a joke, but there
was a look in bl ladea old blue eyes
r;um,nc ' ulJ.
11 cam borne from bt round on day
. .
in the merriest mood. II bad "cleaned
out" nit ntir clock la trad and bl
cracked old vole sang "Ann! Laurl
la a perfectly excruciating manner a
b drov cheerily up tb long lane lead
ing to hi house.
At th gst be met Mr. Harriet Gib
bons, a woman from tbe village near
by, whose highest earthly jy wa felt
when It her privilege to b first la
retailing a new bit of gxwalp of unusual
Internal. Shews on of the tew peo
ple oa th face of tb earth whom good
old I'ncU Petar did met Ilk; bat k bad
never riven utters nee to this dislike.
and now be bobbed bis head to and fro
and greeted her with a cordial "Howdy
do, Mis' (libbons! Folks all well to
boii.e? Tboy be? That's right. Csn't
yestsytota? It must be 'bout ready."
Hut .Mrs. Gibbons declined tbe Invita
tion somewhat stiffly and went on ber
When Uncle Peter went into tbe
bouse be noted sn unusually aevere
look on Ulndy' always grim face, while
Hooky looked reproachfully toward
him. Ill son William, who lived la
tb village, happened to come in a mo
ment later aud wa toon followed by hi
married daughter, Mr. Uibson Down
ing. Unci Peter brd them whispering
together as he stepped Into bl own lit
tle room for a scrap of paper to "figger
tome on." He had noticed peculiar
ooldness toward him on the part of all
of them, and now he stepped to tbe
door end laid:
"What's goln' on ber that all ef ye
act so? Your eld pa hurt your fooling
some way?"
Mis Dorlnda, after waiting a mo
ment for torn ef tb other to tpesk,
aid coldly:
"Yes, you bsv done, or ar going to
do, something we can't belp disliking,
if all report are true."
"Ye don't say?" aald Unole Peter, the
mile still oa bl face. "Well, what la
it? Out with it an' tee If your pa can't
clear hi skirt of any thing so very
Miss Dorlnda came out with it flatly:
"It's the talk of the village and the
whole country that you're going to mar
ry the Wlddor NewtoaP
Uncle Peter dropped Into bl old
splint-bottomed rocking chair, bl arms
banging limply by bl tide and an ex
pression of wide-eyed snd open-mouthed
amazement on bl round, rod face. Ill
wholo mannor proved bl entire inno
cence of ever having even thought of
such a matrimonial consummation.
'MoT" be gasped, staring blan! 'y first
at one and then the other of his four ac
cusers as they stood before him. "Me
marry the Wlddor Newton? Me, Pe
ter P. PilUberry, a-goln' to marry
Callsty Newton?"
It's In every body' mouth, tald
Mrs. Clbson Downing. "Tbey ssy you
top at ber homo balf an hour at a tlm
every dav," said Dcrlnda.
"O, pal" cried Miss Uecky. Tb ton
(aid nothing, but looked volumes.
Uncle Peter stared at a 11 ot them for a
moment and then tald:
"You're hollerln' 'tor you're hurt,
children; that' what you're a-doln'j Ml
Newton ain't no more idoe o' marryln'
me than the has o' marryln' tbe man in
the moon. J ain't never mentioned mar
riage talk to hor nor to no other woman
on top o' the earth, but you're dead an'
gone ma, an' the aln t oa top o the
earth now."
Tbe foar of the oblldron wore at
once allayed, for thoy knew tholr fa
ther to be an absolutely -truthful man.
Their fuoos brightened as he rose and
turned to leave the room, and they
didn't mind it much when be stoppod at
tbe door and said, sternly
"Hut don't you try to dlotato to me,
children; don't ou ever try that agin."
The injured look loft hi faoe soon
after he reached the stable and began
rubbing old Hally down. He chuckled
a be rubbed and potted the old horse.
"Me marry CalUty," bo said to him
self. "Well, I'd like to know who in
oroatlon started that pack o' Ho to
goiu'. Old list Gibbons, I'll bo bound!
I'allsty wouldn't have mo It I asked
ber. 1 bet she wouldn't Tho Idoe ot it!"
The Widow Newton wss at that tuo-
mentgreatly perplexed and discouraged.
8he was a neat, comely woman of fifty,
and she lived alone in a ooiy llttlo old
brown house with a few acres of ground
around it Hor four married son and
daughter lived In borne ot their own
near by. Each of them had In turn in
vited and urged tholr mothor to come
and live with them, but aho bad persist
ently refused, although she was a gentle,
mlld-faood woman ot a somewhat yield
ing spirit
"I want a home of my own," she
would say; "I've been mlstros ot a
homo, such as 'tis, for more'n thirty
years and I'd never bo aatlsflod to have a
home somebody else was mistress of.
Here I can do as I ploaao and thore's no
body to aay mo nay. It I want batter
cakes for breakfast or rls blsoult for
tea, I has them, an' may be I wouldn't in
somebody else's house. Its lonesome
sometimes, I'll allow, but thoro's worse
feelings than lonosomoness. Anyhow,
I'vo got plenty to live comfortable on,
and that' a good deal to be thankful
When her husband had diod three
year before the time our story beglpa,
be had in his will left his wife bl en
tire possessions with the exception of
small bequest to each ot his children,
who had folt themselves greatly ag
grieved thereby, although they were all
in very comfortable ctrcunistnnoo.
Mrs. Newton was sitting by ber fa
vorite window in her favorite rooking
chair sewing carpet rags when her
daughter, Mrs, Luelnda Bvans, cam in
omewhat hurriedly followed by an
other daughter, Mrs. Hetty Hlggins.
"Let girls," said their mother, in a
surprised tone; "I'd ne idee of seeing
either of you on Tuesday snd it your
regular Ironing day. Bet down."
"I ain't got time," replied Hetty,
coldly, "1 just run over to find out it
thi story about you and old rete
Plllsberry is true."
"That just what I come for," aald
Lueinda Evans. "I come by brother
Henry' home, and alator Hetty was
there and they're waiting for me to
eomo bark and tell then what you say.
Is it true, ma, that you and old I'eter
are going to be married?"
Mrs. Newton ray a thrill llttl
cream and threw up both hands whll
her ball ot rags fell to the floor and
rolled ac root the room leaving a line of
green and -vd and blue behind it
"Cindy Evsns." gasped Mrs. Newton,
"what ar you and your sister Hetty
talking about? Are you craiy? Am I
going to marry Uncle Poter Plllsberry?
The land ot the living!"
She threw her green and white ging
ham apron over ber bead and began to
rock to and fro, half crying, bait laugh
ing. With her bead still covered she
finally said, sharply:
"GohoxiM, firia, jo homo, and top
and toll Hetty ana Henry and every
body else you meet thst I ain't going to
marry nobody till I'v been asked, and
I ain't been asked yet
She fell to laughing hysterically, and
Betty aald, sharply:
l.,. L -.Kt. . "J" 7, " J
" ell, 1 think it d be a burning sham
wss asked.
. ' '
"Ye, and old Peter Plllsberry ot all
Mrs. Newton took ber aproa from hr
burning face and aald, firmly:
"You. hissa rUrbt aboat Caol
Peter, flndy Evans; bf a good and
boneit an old man a vr lived. Your
father thought tb world ot blm. But
you csn just tot your mind at rest
about blm, h ain't no more idee of
marrying than I bar. Tb Idee of it!"
Tbe girls wont horn in greater peace
of mind than they bad known when
coming to tee tbolr mother, since tbey
now felt confident that their sbar of
tb throe thousand dollar their mothor
bad in tbe bank wa not to b lessened
by tbe possible claims of a itep-fsther.
The smile oa Unole I'eter's faoe deep
ened the next day as be drow near the
Widow No wton' house while msking
hi dally round. He stopped lnglng:
"Her wa sra but straying pilgrims,"
and began on a lively ditty about
"A lady fair.
With aut brown balr,
Ob, lummy yl yum,
' Ob. tummy yl yum,
Yl yum dl de do."
Tbe Widow Newton hesrd blm com
ing and blusbe came to her plump
"I shan't lot on that I've boerd any
thing of the acand'lous mes of stuff
'bout me snd blm," the said, a tb
ound of the rattling cart wheel cam
nearer and nearer; "I'll just go out and
ask him bow the folk are at borne and
got mu a pound of haddock and com
right into the house so't the tongue ol
the gossips won't have nothing to wag
Thar hA ! .t ths cat. Weill
what's he bitching his horse for? He's
coming in, too. Well if that ain't quoerl
Dear me"
Good morning, Callsty," Unci
Peter tald, stopping briskly Into th
widow' kitchen and standing, bis old
hat in bit hand, near tbe open door. Ui
bad known ber all her llfo. He had
carrlod her to school often on bl band
sled when they were children, and hi
bad always called bor CalUty, but
somehow, she blushed when he called
her Callsty to-day. lie went on calmly
and directly.
"Callsty, you board tbe yarn that's
goln' round 'bout us?" he asked.
"1-1 yes. rotor."
She turnod ber burning face from him,
fingering her apron corners In a con
fusod wsy.
"Did It make you mad wben ou beerd
"1-I-dldn't like It, Poter."
"I 'poe not not at first nohow. I
was mad as a wet hen whon I nrst
boord 'em, but Callsty, I wa glad in
the end; yes, sir, I jlst was. Air you
mad now as you wa at first?"
"I I hardly know. They wa'n't
true, nohow, Poter."
"No, they wa'n't, Callsty, that's so;
there wa'n't a word of truth In 'em."
He came nearer and oaught one ot her
bands in bis own as he tald:
"Let' make 'em truo, Callsty.
boln' mod at first I've come to wish In'
and hopln' they might be true, that me
and you was goln' to be married, that''
tbe end ot it all was that Unole Petot
wont away singing about the "lady
fair" in loudor and shriller but joyfully
triumphant notes, while the "lady fair''
wont about hor work bumming an old
love tune forgotten for years until now.
A woek later they drove quietly to
neighboring town and camo home man
and wife, Uncle i'eter joyfully and
boldly proclaiming the tact to all whom
thoy chanced to moot
Thoy came book to the brldo's cozy
little brown house and aottled down to
a quiet tnd happy life, beodlosa of th
flouts and moor ot tholr children, who,
as a matter ot oourso, soon oame to ac
cept the situation with some degree of
good grace snd to make gladly-accepted
overtures of peace.
"We owe 'oni a good deal, anyhow,
Callsty," Undo Peter aald, "for if they
hadn't raised uoh a tuts 'bout what
wasn't so what li so wouldn't ot come to
pass, and we wouldn't ot thought ol
marryln' each otbor and being the hap
piest old bride and bridegroom on top
of the earth, now, would wo?" Zenai
Duno, In Household.
The Ron of Victor Hugo.
The money which parents accumulate
by hard ' work and self-denlul Is fre
quently squandered by tholr children,
but few mortgsgo a future inheritance
so recklessly as has a son of Victor
Hugo, Tbe great French man ot let
ters, etartlng in life wjth a capital of
800 franca, which he had earned for him-
solf, besides gaining an immortal place
In literature, amassed a fortune of
several million franca, which he loft to
his children. His son George has recent
ly beoomo of ago, and before ho had
taken possession of his fortune his
notes were presented against the estate
for ttS.000, upon which he had bor
rowed only $10,000. Hut there Is a law
In Franco against usury, and the greedy
usurers have been arrested and the full
penalty ot the law will be meted out to
thorn for attempting to rob a minor oi
his heritage. If young Hugo's fortune
Is not kept under the control of a guard
Ian It Is more than probable that In
few years he will be a penniless vaga
bond in the city that will forever honot
tho name and memory ot hut great fa
ther. Pari Letter.
Ruperstlilon of the Red Moase.
According to Grimm it Is the devil's
brides out of whose mouths tbe soul
runs in the shape of a red mouse. Thus
we are told that In Thurlngla a servant
girl tell asleep while ber companions
were shelling mi Us, when they observed
a little rod mouse creep out of her part
ed lips and run ou of tbe wtndow. One
of those present (hook the deeper, but
not succeeding In awakening her, moved
her to another room. Presently the
mouse returned to where the girl had
been sitting, but not finding hr,
vsnlshed. The girl died instantly. A
miller cutting firewood ia the Hlack
Forest tell asleep over his work. His
companion saw a mouse creep out ot
hi mouth snd run away. Other were
ailed and a thorough earch made for
th niouaei but 1 reuld not be founi.
The miller never awoke. In Hohemi
It ws formerly considered dsngerou to
leep while thirsty, as the soul was surt
to leave the body In March of water.
8t Loul Republl. '
Mng and exaggereuuu are the ban
f our speech and literature. We snatch
at by-saylngs and phrase ot douM
meaning rather than sift our idea and
make careful selection ot language for
the conveyance ot thought Plain
words lose their meaning, becom too
weak to go alone, and bave to be bol
stered up by kdjectlvea Marlon Uar
land. How llttl I know a of wbt I in
th losom of those around u. W
might explain many a coldness could w
look into tho heart concealed from ue.
W ahould oftea tdtv where w bate.
love where we curl th Hp with oor
and indignation. To Judge without re- j
serv of ny humsn action is a culpable
temerity, of all our aln the moot ua
tewling and frqua
There are some things ud face which,
wben felt or seen for tbs first time, project
themselves upon tbemluds Ilk a sun imags
onasensltiv plats and then remain unal
terably fixed. To tak tb ess or a faoe
ws may never are it gnln, or it may becom
tb coniulon of our lif. but there th plcfr
nr Is Just sj ws first knew it tb same smils,
tb same loolt, unaltering and unalterable,
reminding us in tb midst of change or th
absolutely Indestructible nature of every ex
perience, set nd aspect of our U fa For thst
which has been Is. sine th past knows no
cbang and no corruption, but live eternally
in It frozen and ouinpletwi self.
These ar tomewhat large words to b born
of a small matter, but tbey row up sponta
neously In the mind of soldierly looking
man wbo wss leaning, on tb particular
evening wben this blitory opens, over a gst
In an eastern country lone, staring vacantly
at a ripe field cf corn.
He was peculiar and rather battered look
ing Individual, aprently over 40 years of
age, and yet bearing upon him that unmis
takabl stamp of dignity and self respect
which, ir It doss not exclusively belong to, Is
yet on of ths distinguishing sttribute of
tb English gentleman.
In face he whs ugly;
1 no other word can express It Heiwwerenot
tb long mustaches, th almond eye, th
aristornttlo air of th colonel or fiction for
our dreamer was a colonel These were
alas! that tbe truth should bs so plain repre
sented by somewhat scrubby, sandy colored
whiskers, small but kindly blue ayes, a low,
broad forehead, with a deep line running
cross it from aide to side, something like
that to be seen un ths bust or Julius Cauar,
and a long, thin nose. On good feature,
however, be did possess, a mouth of sucb
sweetuess sud beauty that, set as it wss above
a very square snd manly looking chin, it bad
ths air of being ludicrously out of place.
"Uniph," said bis old auut, Mrs. Mnsiey (wbo
had Just died and loft blm wbat sh bad), ou
the occasion of ber first Introduction to him
five-end thirty years liefora, "umphl Nature
mint to make a pretty girl of you, and
changed ber mind after she bad finished the
moutb. Well, never mind, better b plain
man than a pretty woman. There, go along,
boy, I like your ugly face."
Nor was the old lady peculiar In this re
stect, for plain as the countenance or Co I.
Harold Quaritcb undoubtedly was, people
found something very taking about it wben
once they got used to Its rugged air and
stern, regulated expression. Wbat that some
thing was it would b bard to define, but
perhaps ths nearest approach to tb truth
would be to describe it as a light of purity
which, notwithstanding tbe popular Idea to
the contrary, is to be found quite as often
upon the faces of men as upon those of wo
men. Any person of discernment in looking
! at CoL Quaritcb must bave felt that be was
I in tbe presvue or good man, not prig or
I milksop, but man wbo bod attained to vir-
.... . ..... ... ...
iud u iuouut aim abiujiw tuai uau icm
their mark uon bis face, a man whom it
would not be well to tamper with, and on to
be respected by all, and feared of evil doers.
Men felt this, and be was popular among
those who knew bun in bis service, though
not in any hud-fellow-well-met kind or way.
Hut among women be was uot popular. As
a rule, they both reared and disliked him.
His presence jarred Uou tb frivolity or th
lighter members or their sex, who dimly
realized thst bis nature wa antagonistic,
aud the more solid oues could not understand
him. Perhaps this was tbe reason why CoL
Quaritcb had never married, had never even
had love affair since he was flve-and twenty.
Aud yet it was or a woman's tac that b
was thinking as be leaned over the gate and
looked at the field of yellowing com, undu
lating bke a golden sea beneath the pressure
of the wind.
CoL Quaritcb had twice In his life been at
Honbam before the present time, wben be
had come to abide there tor good and all,
once ten and once four year ago. His old
aunt Mrs. Mossey, had a place In the village
a very small place called Hon ham cot
tage, or Molehill, snd he bod on these two
occasions been down to stay with ber. Now
Mrs. Mossey was dead aud buried, and bad
loft blm the property, aud be bod given up
his profession, In which he had no further
prospects, and come to lire at Uonham. This
was his first evening In the place, for be bad
arrived by tbe last train on th previous
night All day he bad been busy trying to
get th bouse a little straight and now,
thoroughly tired of the task, be was refresh
ing himseir by leaning over agate. It is,
though great many peopl will not believe
It one of th most delightful refreshment in
the world.
And then it wis, as he leaned over th
gate, that the image ot a woman's face rose
before his mind as it had been coutinually
rising for tb last five year. It was five
year since ho had seen it, and those fivs
years he bad speut in India and Egypt It
seemed but the other day that ha bad been
leaning over this very gate, and had turned
to see a young girl dressed in black, with a
pray of boueysuckl stuck In her girdle, end
a stick in ber bsnd, walking leisurely down
the lane. There wa something about th
girl's air that had struck him while she was
yet a long way off-a dignity and a grace.
and a set of th shoulders, and then a sh
cams nearer be saw the soft dark eves and
th waving brown hair that contrasted so
strangely and effectively with the pal aud
striking face. It was not a beautiful face.
for th mouth wa too Urge, and th no
was not as straight as it might have been,
but there was s power about th broad brew.
and a fore and solid nobility (tamped upon
tb features which bad impressed him
strangely. Just as sh arrived opposite to
wnere a wss sianaing a gust or wind, for
there was a stiff brwse, had blown th lady's
bat off, taking It right over the hedge, and
he, as In duty bound, bad scrambled into the
Ovid and retched it for her, and she had
thanked him with a quick smile and a light
ing up of th brown eyes, and then passed
on wuo a oow.
Yes, with a little bow sh bad passed on,
and he bad watched ber departing down tb
long level drift till die melted into tb
stormy sunset light and was gon. Wben
he returned to th cottae be bad described
ber to bis old aunt and aked wbo sh might
d, to warn mat oer nam wa Ida Ue Is
atone, wuico sounueq use nam out of a
novel, tb only daughter of tb old squirt
wbo lived at Houham cast. And then
next day be bad left for India, and saw Mia
de la Moils no mors.
Aud now be wondered wbat had become ol
her. Probably ah was married; so striking
person would oe slmiwt sure to attract tlx
doIkwoT men. Aud after ail, wbat could it
matter to blml lie was not marrying man,
and women as a class bad little attraction tot
him. Indeed b disliked them. It has bees
aid tba l b bod over married, and never
even bad lore aifair aiuce be was flTe-il.
tweoty, and this was true enough. Bui
though b was not married, be, one before
be wa flve-snd tweuty, had very nearly
taken that step. It wa twenty year age
now, and nobody quite knew tb history, for
Ji tsrenty years a ,-y thinp ar fortunately
rorgoctea. ttus taer was a history, and a
toandai, and tb marriag ws broken off
almost oa th very day before it was to hav
takes place. And afw that It leaked oat in
lb neighborhood-It was la &aex that tb
young lady, wbo by lb way wa a larg
batrea, bad goo off ber bead, presumably
with grief, and bea confined In aa asylum.
wbre she was believed iU to remain.
P-rhapa it was lb thought ot thi
9 - " " bad ooc
-kln J "
uet against U stormy sky, tbal M him to
think of tb otber tacw. th face, hiddeo ia
Jm mad souse. At any rate, with a ax b, or
ratkar a aroaa, be swung bioM-lf rowad trewa
b gate, and began walking bomward at a
SnTblm-ir clear ot bis sad thought,
Harold Quaritcb turned round at bis own
front door to contemplate the seen Tb
long.slngl storied bou stood, a has besn
.aid. at th top or tb. rising land, and to tb
louth and west and east commanded as beau
tiful a viw as is to be eu In that country
There, mil or so wy to tb south, situa
ted iu th midst of gra7 grazing ground,
flanked on .itber side by still perfect towers,
frowned th. gateway of th old
Sorman oartl. Them to tb west almost at
ib foot of th Molehill, tb grouud brok
assy in deep bank clothed with timber,
which led the ey down by slow descent Into
lb beautiful valley of th E1L Here le
silver river wound It gentl wy through
lusb and poplar bordered marshes, where tb
cattle stand knee deep in flower, pastqualLt
wooden mill, through Boisingbam Old
Common, windy looking vn now, and
brightened here nd there witb a dash of
golden gorse, till It was ltt In tb picturesque
cluster of red tiled roofs that marked the
ancient town. Look "birh way be would.
tbe view was lovely, and equal to any to oe
counties, where tbe
xn-v Is On noui:b In It own way, wbat
vr neoole. wbos Imagination are so weak
that they require mountain nd torrent
to xcit them Into ctivity, may cnuosw w
aav to tb contrary.
Behind the bouse to the north tber was no
view, anil for a good reason, for ber, In tb
very middleof the back garden, rose mound
i of large size nd curious suopo, wuk u cum
I nl.tlv shut th landscape out What this
j mound, which may perbap bv covered
: half an acre of ground, was nobody had any
' Mes. Some learned folk sold that It was a
Km mn tumulus, a DrosumiPtlon to which It
! aucient uame, "Head Man Mount" seemed
1 to eiv color. Other folk, bowver, yet
I more learned, declaimed that it was an ancient
I British dwelling, and pointed triumphantly
to a hollow at the top, wherein th ancient
! Britisher were supposed to bsv moved,
lived aud bad tbeir being, which most, urged
I the opposing party, bave been a very damp
I nns Thereon, tb late Mrs. Mossey, who
, was s British dwelilngite, proceeded to show
i wjth much triumph bow tbey had lived In
' the bole by building a huge mushroom shaped
' roof over it and thereby turning it into
; summer house, which, owing to th unex
pected dilliciilties in the construction or the
' roof, coat a creat deal of money. But as tb
! roof wa slated, and as it was found necessary
I m n.u iii hols with tiles and cut surface
drains in it, tbe result did not clearly prove
its use as dwelling place before tb Roman
counuest Nor did it make a very good sum
mer bouse. Indeed, it now served as a store
place for the gardeners' tools aud for rubbish
Suddenly, as CoL Quuritch was ronton
plating these various vieivs and reflecting
that on the whole he had done well to come
and live at Houham cottage, be was startled
by a loud voice saluting him from about
twenty yards distance with such a peculiar
vigor tbut be fairly Jumped.
"Col. Qiiariten, I believe," said, or rather
shouted, th voice from somewhere down tb
"Yes," snswored the colonel mildly, "ber
"Ah, I thought It was you. Always tell a
military man, you know. Excuse me, but 1
am resting for miutite, this lost pull Is sn
uncommonly stiff one I always used to tell
my dear old friend, Mrs, Mossey, that she
ought to have th hill cut away a bit just
here. Well, here goes for It, and after a
few heavy steps the visitor emerged from th
shallow of tbe tree Into tbs sunset light
which was playing on tbe terrace before tb
CoL Quaritcb glanced up curiously to
wbo the owner of the great voice might be,
and bis eyes lighted Unn as fine a specimen
i f humanity as he bad seen for long while.
The man was old, as bis white bnir showed,
TO perhapt, but that was the ouly sign of de-
Thi colonel mttti th soutn.
cny about him. Ho was a splendid man,
Droau ami thick ami strong, with a keen,
quick eye, and a face sharply cbiseled and
clean shaved, of the stamp which in novel
is generally known as aristocratic, a face
that in tact showed both birth and breed
Ing. Indeed, as clothed in loose tweed tar
menu and a gigantic pair of top boots, his
visitor stood there, leaning on his long stick
and reeling himself after breaatin. tbe hill.
Harold Quaritcb thought to bimseif that be
bad never seen more perfect specimen of
tbe typical r.nglisb country gentleman as
the English country gentlemen used to be.
"How do you do, sir, bow do you dol My
nam I De la Molls. My man George, who
snows ever) iKxiy s business except bis own,
told me that you bad arrived here, so I
thought that I would walk round, and do
myself th honor of making your acquaint
I very kind of you," said tb
"Not at alL If you only knew how uneora
monly dull it is down ber you would not
say that Th plac brol wbat It and to b
when I was a boy. There are plenty of rich
penpleabout but they are not tbe earns stamp
of people. It l.n t what it used to be in more
wsys than one," and th old (quire gave
something Ilk sigh, and thoughtfully re-
Hiuie.i nn wrrne nat, out of which dinner
napkin and two pocket handkerchiefs fell to
joe grouna. in a rashmn that reminded CoL
Quaritcb of th climax of a conjuring trick,
"You bare dropped some mie linen, " Im
said, suxyiug down to pick tb mysterious
article up.
"Ob. yea. thank ynu,- answered his visitor,
I Hod tbe sun a little hot at this tlm of th
year. There is nothing like a few handker
chiefs or a towel to keep it off, and be rolled
the maa of napery into a balL and cram
ming It back Into th crown, replaced tin hat
eo ha head in such s r-whion that about eight
incbetof whiu napkin hang down behind.
"oo must bsv. Ml it In Egypt," be went
on-"the sun, 1 ntean. It's a bad climate,
U-t Egypt, bar. good reasoo to know,"
nd b, poitd again to hi wbite bat which,
s Harold Quaritcb now observed tor tbs
Bm tiros, wa encircled by a broad black
"Yea. r, a nr y beavy lean."
nf0d-t'b be-ni that
Jri ,. ,' -d than on child, la
dl. Moil, lb young Udy wkm tauj
rwroain-d so ronr.j 6, ta auarT
alt-ogb b bad M-rosly ., tTTii
Unit ou occaalou fl v Wig fear sgo Cull
It b pnssild that sh bai died in Egy,
Th Idea aaiit tremor or fear through IBV
though of course there was no real raoa
why It should. Deaths are to comm in.
"Not not Miss dr la Mollef be said, aerv
ously, adding, "I bail tb pleasure of sseh,.
ber once, a good many year ago, hq
was stopping here for few day, with B '
aunt" '
"Ob, no, not Ma, she Is allvs and well
thank Ood. Her brother James, u, W(m
II through that wretched war, which wa
owe to Mr Gladstone, as I say, though
dont know what your politic re, snd iin
caught a rver, or, as I think, got touched by
th sun, and died on his way bom. rW
tsiyl II wa fin fellow, Cot Quaritch
aud my only on, but very recklew. Only (
month or so lfore be died I wrote to him to
bt careful always to put a towel In bis hci
met, and be answered, in that fllpnt Krt
or way that be bad, that he was nut going to
turn himseir in a dirty clothes bag, sud that
be rather liked the beat than otlierwlss.
Well, be'i gone, poor fellow, In the service f
bis country, like many or his sncesuin be
fore blm, and there's an and of him."
And again tb old msn sighed, heavily
thi time,
"Ami now, Col Qusritoh," b went on,
shaking off bis oppression with s curium
rapidity that was characteristic of bun
"what do you say to coming op to the rattle
for your dinner! You must be In nine
here, snd I expect that old Mrs, JoImod,
whom my man George tells me you have got
to look after you, will lw glad enough to be
rid of you for lo-nlght What do you sayl
Take the pluoe as you find it you know, .
know that there is a leg of mutton for dinner
if there is nothing else, because, Instead of
minding bis owu business, I saw George go
Ing off to Boisinghnm to fetch It this morn
ing At least, that Is wbat be said that Ue
was going for; Just an excuse to gossip and
Idle, I fancy."
"Well, really." said the colonel, "you are
very kind; but I don't thiuk that my drew
clothes are unpacked yet"
"Dress rlotbesl Oh, never mind your dress
c'othe. Ida will exrus you, I dare say.
Besides, you bare no time to dress, By
Jovef it' nearly 7 o'clock; we must b off if
you are coming."
The coloiiol hesitated. He had Intended to
dine at borne, and ling a methodical minded
man did not like altering bis plana Also he
was, like most old military men, very punc
tilious about bis dress and personal appear
ance, and objected to going out to dinner in
shooting coat But all this notwithstand
ing, a feeling that he did not quite under
stand, and that it would hav puzzled even
u American novelist to analyze something
between restlessness and curiosity, witb a
dash of magnetic attraction thrown in gut
the better of bis scruples, and be went
"Well, thank you," be said, "if you are
sure thnt Miss da hi Moll will not mind, 1
will coma Just allow m to tell Mr Job
son." "That's right" hallooed th squire after
him. "I'll meet you at th back of the
bou. W bad belter go through the
Th colonel, having Informed bis bnuse
keegwr that b should nut want any dinner,
snd hastily brushed bis not too luxuriant
locks, rejoined Mr. de lu Molle.
Tbey strolled along, stopping now and
again to ail mi re some particular oak or view,
chatting all tbe while In discursive manner,
which, though It was somewhat aimless, was
by no means without its ebaiin. Tbe squire
was a capital comaniou for a silent man like
Harold Quaritcb, wbo liked to bear other
people talk. -
in this way they got down tbe slope, and
passing through a couple of wheat Ileitis
came to a succession of broad meadows,
somewhat sparsely timbered, through which
the footpath ran right up to the grim gate
way of the ancient castle, which now loomed
before tbem, outlined in red line of fire
sgiiintt tli ruddy background of tb sunset
In another throe minutes they bad crossed
t narrow byroad and were passing up tbe
indent drive that led to the castle gates.
Right before them was the gateway of the
castle, flanked by two great lowers, and that
with the exception of some rums, was, as a
matter of fuot, all that remained or the an-,
cieut building, whicb had lieen effectually
demolished ill the time or CromwelL The
space within, where tho keep bad once stood,
was now laid out as a flower garden, while
the bouse, which was or an unpretentious
nature, and built in the Jacobean stylo, oo
cupicil the south side or tbe square, and was
pluced nth the bock to the moat
"You seel' have practically rebuilt those
two toners," said the squire, pausing under
neath tbe Norman an bway. "if 1 bad not
done It," he added, aiiologetically, "they
would have been in ruins by now, but it cost
a pretty penny, I can tell you. Nobody
knows what stuff that old fliut masonry is to
deal with, till be trie It Weil, it will stand
now for many a long day. And ber w
are'' and he pushed open a porch door aud
then passed through a passage into kind of
oak paneled vestibule, which wa bung with
taKwtry originally taken, no doubt from tbe
old castle, and decorated witb coats of armor,
ipear beads and ancient swords,
Aud here It was that Harold Quaritcb once
more iwheld the face that bad haunted bis
memory for so many months.
"Is that you, father f said a voice, very
sweet voice, but one of which tb tone b
trayed the Irritation natural to a healthy
woman who has lieen kept waiting for ber
dinner. The voire en me from th re. -esses of
the duky room In which tbe evening gloom
bad gathered deeply, and looking in itsdl
m-tion Harold Quaritcb could eeetueout-
ine of tall rorm ilttlr.t tu n old oak
hair with it bands cross,).
Is that you, rather) Reallv It Is too bad
ob o late for dinner, eswially fter you
iew up mat wretched Emma last night be
vuae shews five minutes after time t hav
een waiting to Ion. that I bave almost been
I m very sorry, mv dear, ver " sld th
ld gentleman. ""!ncetlcltv. -biit hsllool
I've knea-ked my bead, here, Mary bring me
"Here Is a light" said the vole, and at the
am moment there was a sound of a match
ing struck.
in another moment the candle was all'ht
ind th owner of the voice bad turned round
ub It, holding it in aucb a rashlon that its
tijs surroumled ber like an aureole, snowing
Harold Quaritch that face or which tb
memory bail never left bun. There was tb
ame powerful, broad brow, th earn
ty of look, tbe same brown eve and soft
waving hair. Rut the girlhood had .one out
f it, the fare was now the f of a wnnun
bo knew what life was and had not found
t loo easy It had lost sum of It dreami
wss, he tbou-bt though it had gained In In
eliectual force, as for th H.-nrw it was .
uuob more admirable than tin far, wbn-b
vas, strictly peaking, not a beautiful one.
the Itgure, however, waa nnd,il,t,ll tn..
tiful. Iihleed. it la (is Ml fit fill if M.M
wild show a Alter Ida da U u,.iu ... .
large, strong woman, snd there was about
her a swing and a lissom grace wbirb it
very rare, aud aa attri -. t. .
Sb was oow nearly tu and twenty year of
tg, nd, not having begun to wither in ao
oonlanee with the fat, which overtake
nearly all unmarried women after 80, was at
her very best. Harold Quaritcb, glancing as
ber well polled brad. , f? Z,
arms (for sbe was In veiling dreaat. and bar
irraoou. fonn, though, to tlnuKlt
bad USTer aces a nobler looking woman. '