m ,1 GEN ill i. AL1L MTaBLIMBII Ul Til 0IMEII1JTI0J OF DIJOCUTIC PKt.HClPLKS. MD TP III) 11 H0UITMYU6 IT TS1IWE1T OF QCK BROW VOL 22 EUGENE, OR., SATURDAY. MAY 31, 1890. NO, 44. CI Y AMD. i ii 11 was g git tfuflnw City Guard. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. L L CAMPBELL, pnblUber and Proprietor. vl7ICE-OntheEa.t lle of Willamette Sev.Jith and Eihth 8tw"ta- TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. $2 50 ,. wnum 125 .Six Months. . 75 (hrtt months 00 B OML. KVrK8 OF ADVKKTI8INQ. tottalStUait will be charged at the o Shreemonth. WOO ISKtMita oulumn- 20 oento iu. for each insertion. .rtUiW W1U wiU be render! quarterly. All lob work muit be ram roB oh mu.lv.BT. CEO. B. DORRIS, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, .,ttlL PRACTICE IN THE COURTS of the Secoud Judicial District- and in k.Juoreme Court of this State- aj2S attention given to collection, and patters in probate lTbilyeu, -Attorney and Counsellor' at Law,- EUGENE CITY, OREGON. PRACTICES IN ALLTHE COURTS OF thU Stole. WU1 give epeciia atteuUon to cellecUoM and probate matters. 0rric- -Over Hendriclt & Eakin's bank. A. C. WOODCOCK, Attorney-at-Lawi KUciENE CITY, - - - OREGON OFFICE-Roome 78 McClaren Building. Special attention given to Collections and Probate buiinew. GEORGE A. DORRIS, Attorncy-at-l-.au , KUGENE CITY, - - OREGON Orri-In Register Block. J.J. WALTON, Jr., A.TTO UN Ky-A.T-X.AW EUGENE CITY, OREGON. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE t'curUnf the State. . , . . .i ..i ...... n raal nutate, col- Special aweniiuu k $1SSTlm against the United Statee Government Office in Walton'i bnck-roome 7 and 8. Seymour W. Condon, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. DUNN'S BUILDING, Eugene, - - Oregon. GEO. M. MILLER, attorney and Ccunsellar-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. KUUENE CITY, - OREGON. Oil lee-Lane Co. Bank Building. ER. SiaP WORTH, Attorney-at'Law, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. Orrici-Up-stalrs In Register Block, 6rst door to the left Will do a general law practice In all the CourU of the State. All business promptly at attended to. A. E. GALLAGHER, Attorney-at-Law. HUGKVB CITY OREGON. Special attention given to TrobaU business and Abetracti of Title. Omci Over Lane County Bank. t . T.W. HARRIS, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. Residence on Fifth street,, where 1 Shelton ormerly redded. DR. PAINE, Physician & Surgeon, EUGENE, OREGON. Special attention paid to Surgery and t'hronio diseases. . Dr.W.T.McMurtry, Physician, Surgeon and Gynecologist. (2G Yean Experience.) Omci-Ofer BrowMTille Store, Willam ette street. EUGENE, - - OREGON. DR. J. 0. GRAY, QDENTIST. OFFICE OVE GRANGE STORE. ALL work warranted. , , laughing Ce admwMered for PjbUi " traction of UeU. -BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 18 YEARS.- Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry & Musical Instruments. Ik M Select Stock kill tl Portland Special attention given to Repairing and Engraving by two first-class workmen. All work warranted. Clothing- Store. J. W. CHERRY is still carrying a full line of these celebrated goods, also a full line of HATS, CAPS AND GENTS FUR NISHING GOODS. Sold at the Lowest Prices. Re member the stand, Walton's Block. BE SUEE N Yon don't buy a Dollars worth of DRY GOODS until you have seen J. D. MAT LOCK'S stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS DRESS GOODS, PARASOLS, SILKS, VELNETS, NOTIONS, RIBltONS, LINENS, HANDKERCHIEFS, LACES. HOSIERY, WHITE GOODS, GLOVES, WOOLENS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, GINGHAMS, SATEENS, POINTS, DOMESTIC, COTTONS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, ETC. J. 3F1. JELttAJSOL, UNDERTAKER. A bran new First-Class Hearse One of the Finest in the State. A Fini Link or Coffins, Caskets, AND ALL KINDS Of Undertaking Goods . Constantly on hand. Store corner Willamette and 7th Streets A. GOLDSMITH, hi Known Grocer in mm Has a LARGER stock of Fine Groceries, China, Glass, Crock ery, Wooden aixl Willow Ware than ever before. Tays Highest CAMI price for Country Produce, Fnm, Skins, Hides Wool, Tallow, &c. Orders filled promptly, with the greatest care. I DON'T BOAST PRICES. All Goods sold as Cheap as anyone in Eugene. Call and be corteously treated. A. GOLDSMITH , Pay & Henderson, FURNITURE UNDERTAKING House in Eugene. Comer 7th and Wil. SU Manufacturing MMMMmm mm mmmmm. Dili? Itlttlt II 1ECX Jeweler. Also Dkalib in VllWttilllPA Hot. ding, Which art offered at the Lowest Rates. BROWNSVILLE III RESTOffivflYE PERFECT m&rti The onljr remrslr knowo which will Stlmulata the Kutritlie Processes of tit Haman System. ' fly Oil. Mluml'nnil ilmlc mraiuh quk'kljr .nil ponneneiit'jr I KK All rriu ot yiprp.lu, ron.fljMttloii, Mrntnl mid Jsrrrou. KxhauallMi, (l.neral Drhllily, Ilr.ln Fee, or tny hii.lid or weak ened condition of the ly.teni, from whU r oa, 8kln Kniptlona, llolls, llun nlng Bores, Rrrorula, and all lMwe of the Wood, Stomach, Liver and Kidney. 91.00. SIX BOTTLES FOR $5.00. Ir. nilWiM pane book, diwrrltitlre of riT dn.tlnv iuilnrniiveaud hit ultar IUuivUim, tut free by uuiU, HILLIR DRUG CO., San Francisco, Cal. ruil HAX.K 1IY ' E. It. LVJCKEY A CO. HOFFMAN HOUSE Eugene, Oregon. Townsend & Harrison, Props. MILLER BROS., -IlKALtM IN- Field, Vegetable and Flower Seeds, APIARY AND POULTRY SUPPLIES, Garden Tool, Fertilizer, Treee, Etc. 209 Second SI., bel. Salmrn Taylor PurtluDd. f7Sewl for Cutalogue. DR. JOSEPH V. GILL, CAN BE FOtJND AT IIISOFrICE or re. iilenoe wh.D not profewionally euged. Realilence oo EMith itreet, opiKMlte I'reeby. t irin Church. GEO. F. CRAW, POSTOKFICE Cigar store, .' Eogcne City, Oregon. University Bookstore McOlarens Building, (Oppoeite V. M..WIlkIua'l)ni Store.) Hoe an exteu.lve Stuck of STANDARD, MISCELLANEOUS, COLLECE AND SCHOOL BOOKS, Mercantile, Fancy and School Station ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc. rfOrdon (or Booka and Subscription! to Newspapei and Periodical! promptly at tended to. B. IS. Cochran & Son, Ileal Estate Agents. Kugene City, Oregon. Will attend to general Real Eatate bneinet tucb u buying, .oiling, leaning and renting farmland city property, etc uince on town ide of mtb street. B. F. DORRIS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE ACENT. I HAVE SOME VERY DESIRABLE r'.ntn. Improved and Unimproved Town property for aale, on ewy term.. Property Eonted and Rente Collected, Tl In.urano. (mpauir. I rrpment are among the Oldmt and mt lUIUble, and in the Prompt anl Kgi'lTABf.i adjiutment of their Ma OTANH HECOXD to A OKI. A .hare of your patmnag U f ilicited. Office op.Uir., Wl-Ur Block. a F. DORRIS. F. W. A. ORAIN, Watchmaker anil Jeweler. Junction City, Oregon Bpmal attntii ira to Rfirlo WATCIIES, CLOC'fcUJ aad JEWELRY, ("apt. John O'ltrlen. roitland World. There ia no doubt but what Capt. John 0 Brim will receive the undivided support of tbe luUiring roUn ot Oregon. Irrrnpfo tive of party. He 1 a man wbo ataud well with tbe orgitniuitioui of labor, a thorough priuter, and an honr.t woikuian. The office of alate prinlf r i oue which abould not be btlil loo long by oue pcraoo, aud the pnatnt iucuuibeblbai had a very "fat tuke' of it, aud from what wecau learn, b ln pioted the golden opportunity. There bai been uiuck talk In tbe pail about tbe oo.t of atale printing, but if any oue deairre to make a correct e lamination ot Ibe mailer, it will be found (bat tbe col to tbe ilnte in tbladt'paituirnt but been fur grrater the pail four yean than auy other, and tbal ii indepcudtut of light, rent, furl tud paper, which ba. been furnished by Ibe alalo. The beat inlereftle of Ibe atate demand a change iu thin di'parlmiut, aud no mau Uller ipiall fled and mora dearrring a a aoldivrand laboriug man, could be found than Capt. John O'BrleU. The Oregouinn now ruua a "Thoiupaon iaua" drpartiucul In connection with Ita ' Orrgouiaua" and "Waitbingtouiana" col uiuiii. The price ot the paper, however, rt maiui Ibe aauie. B- Bring your old acrap cait iron to lb En gene Iron Foundry where you ran di.poae of it. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mas. Wihiilow'h Shthinu Svaur, for chil dreo teetliinic, b the pr.Kription of one of the imt female nurw. and phytlcian. In the United SUtea, and ha. been umhI for forty yean with neverfailiiiK lUcoeM by niilllom of mother, for their children. During the pro em, of twthinir ita value U Incalculable. It relirvee th. child from in, cure, (lywntery and diarrtuiea, gripinir in the boweb, and wind oolio. By giving hralthto the child it rwtl tin mother. PrioeJ!.' a bottle. Tax Notice. Notice ia hereby given that tbe ichool tax for lH'JO ii now due and payable. I will be at my office in the l'oat Otllco Building, En gene, Oregon, from 8 o'clock a. in. until 7 o'clock, p. in. daily unlil July 8tb, lH'.H), to receive Ibe lame. All taxej not paid in 60 dayi from tub date will be declared de linquent. May tlth, ls'.K). Oco. F. Cew, Clerk. What la It? That rroduoei that beautifully aoftoom- filiiiion and livea no traoea of ita applica ion or iniuriouieflvcur The answer, Wis dom's Rotwrtine arcouipliHhea all this, and is pronounced by ladies of taata and refine ment to be tbe moat dolightfnl toilet article ever produced. Warranted hamileas and matchless. F. M. Wilklua, agent, Eugene City. Change la one ot the irrefutable laws of nature, aud forluunlt ly tbe change is almost invariably for I lit. better. As an instance of Ibis, St. Patrick Pilla are fast taking tbe place ot tbe old harsh aud violent cathar tic, because they are milder and produoe pleaaanter tricot, besides they are much more buuefloiul iu removing morbid matter from the system and preventing ague and other malaiious diseases. As a cathartic and liver pill they are almost per foot. For sale by Osbtirn & Co. C at Miwin! t Ml in low. Mr. K. Dulton. of Dumy, Rusnell oounty, Ksusas, railed at tbe laboratory oi mamneriain a vo., un Moines, to show Ibem his six jear old boy, hnu lira toil lin aaved bv Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, it having cured him of a severe attack oi oroup. air. vaiiou is cer tain (bat it saved bis boy's life and is entliu ntlit in lil. nnilu nf Ilia Remedy. He ays It has an exoellont reputation in his vlciulty; that larmora come nueen miie. iu bis store for it. For sale by Osburn Ik Co. Kimball, South Dakota, Orapbio: While It, iwlnnni. nf til. ft I BIiIiIa .r. Olien lo any and all nuobjectionab t advertlnementa, yet it is quite imposnible forns tospesk know ingly 01 tue merits oi ine variuu. aruiic. ui merchandise atlvertised. Particularly is this lint Ihera ars ex ceptions occasionally aud a note-worthy ex ception is tue ceienroiea iuuiuucri.m . Congh Remedy. This now universally bnnwn fna.lif.ili tin. tlAAIt .dv.rtl.ed in lb. Orapbio four or Ave years, but not until re cently bad we any personal anuwitxiif. wonderful eflicacy, which bss oouie about fi.mnnli ilia nr.illtia infliienji aud the atublMtrn congb that bss so often attended it. In tbe writer's family this medicine baa on several occasions this winter eured a iii ii,at liatitad .n and all other reme dies, aud tbe number of families in Kimball and vicinity in wbicb this remedy bss Deen used with like effects attests lo its value as a ancciflo for coughs and oolds of every nature. For sale by O.burn k Co. The hlghost cash prioe will be paid (or wheat by F. B. Dunn. Combine tli juice of tbe Blue Figi of California, so laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtue of plants known to be mott beneficial to the human svtem, forming the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LITER AND BOWELS K T CleansetbeSystetn Effectually, M THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP. HEALTH and 8TBENOTH Naturally follow. Every one Is ing it and all are delighted with it. Aik your druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Msna factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Sa FaaactKO, Cau twnrtui, Kv. swVoe,M.Y Mir. "Tratle $" P Thumps-oil. Jacksonville Times. Appropos ot D. P. Thompson's charaoler istio of "starting in men with a little capital and good busineas advioe'1 may be men tioned his thrifty habit, hen he owned tbe Sterling mine iu this vicinity, ot bnying np trade dollar in Porllund at 10 per cent dis count and using thorn lo pay off his men and lo settle bis hardware and grocery bills iu Southern Oregon. There was a whole world ot "good business advice" in the transaction, and he all unwittingly "started a great many men in" to bring about his defeat at the polls on the 3nd proximo. There was not a man who was the victim of tbis busiuess trickery wbo did not resent at the time the swindle perpetrated upou him, end it may be safely assumed that not one (orgds the baud that took advantage ot a quirk in our currency syHtetu to defruud him of one day'a work out of every ten. The question uatrirally aiisee, "would r.nnoyer have done lb like under similar circum stances?" A promiueut hardware dealer Iu this community, a gentleman wbo baa been a lifelong Republican from principle tbiuks nut. He tbiuks, further more, that il U his duly under the circumstance., to rebuke tbe wanton outrage of business principles ud lb iusull to bis own intelligence In volved iu Thoiupsou't settlement with him, in trade dollar worth 90 eents, of a bill which tue Sterling Miniug Co. had run at his hardware store (or several year prior to the sale of the digginga In short, he will cast bis vote and use his Influence to defeat Thompson, because be know to a certalutv that a man who will practice auch tactic in private business wllluotdo to trust in publio affairs. An Independent View. The Corvallis Times, a strictly indepen dent pspei politically, aay although th masse are apt to forget favor and their friends and aro too often iwayed by tbe in fluence of the politician and the money power, Oov. Peunoyer ahould be re elected. "We believe Sylvester Pennoyer t the peo ple' friend. lie has governed in theit in terest during tbe past four year and w be lieve 1 entitled to their consideration now." Jim Lotan estimate and claim the State by 5,000 majority, and give reason which everybody know to be false, and that he knowingly tell them or that b doe not know what he ia talking about When Jim Lolan, or any other man, ayt "the number of Democrat who will Tot (or Mr. Thompson, will be fully a Urge as the number of Republicans, wbo will vote (or Qovernor Pennoyet" he wilfully or lg norantly misstate facta that are patent to any ordinary observer. Republicans from all parts of tbe Stale voluntarily and ot their own accord proclaim their uncompromising inteuliou to vote (or Penuoyer, and Dem oorala nowhero, save it be a few in Portland, and those few are aotuated from personal motive. Lolan may talk loud with bis mouth, but that won't make a Oovernor. Il take vote. Woodburu Independent : Oovernor Pen noyer will easily carry Marion eounty. One old Republican war-borse remarked that when Penuoyer was elected h expected to see th (tale go to pieces, "but," aay he, "I have found that he baa given u the best (dmiuistration w bav had (or yean, and I am going to help eleot hltn again. The only show (or Thompson to be elected la by tbe purchasable vole of tbe towns, lie ha made hla boast that be would be elected, even though it cost him f 100,000. He may bay the floating vote, but he can't buy the gran ger vote. Rev. I. D. Driver la in tbe oity, visiting bia aon-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mr, R. M. Thompson. Rev. Driver was urgently solicited lo stump th S tate for f P. Thomp son 4 Co., but b declined (or reasons beat known to blmselt. W iufvr that he thought it would be coming down and atepping too far to oue side fur a man of hi calibre and profession. Tbe revereud doctor ia looking fine and feeling splendid. Salem Demo crat. Thompson voted for tbe Portland water bill six times, aud doe not deny any time. Th candidate oo tbe Republican legisla tive ticket will all to a man support Thomp son (or Oovernor with that (set known and undented. Query Ceo a nun who oppose Thompson because of bia vote oo that ques tion consistently support auy of the eandi dates wbo will vote for Thompson? Ex. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pniity, strength and wholesomeoeea. More oonomioal than Ibe ordinary kinds and ean uot be sold in competition with Ibe multi tude of low test, short weight, alum or phoa- hate powder. Sold only in can. HoTaI tina Powoxt Co.. 106 all St., N. I. pi The School Fund. Tba wonderful increaae in tbe common school fund I a matter for the congratula tion of the people. The late effort of tbo Oregonian to ascribe tbis, a a matter of course, to the large sale of school lsuds, is not th whole truth and does not do justice to tbe present management. 1 Tbe first impetus given to tbe fund after the advent ol the present administration, was the lrannfer of (be bslnnce unused in tbe state land fund, which was $123,000, to the common ichool fund. Tbis should have been done yeara before. It wa recom' mended by a former Democratic governor in 1872, bat legislation to that effect wa de feated. It conld have been done even prior to that without legislation. Tbe constitu tion makes th unused balance of the granta from Ibe United Slate a part of th com mon chool fund, bnt tba tressury offiuinls lnsUtod that il would tak a special act ot the legislature to. make It legal. At the same lime all Ibe legislature tending in that direction was opposed and defeated. Tbe am thing wa recommended in 1887, and it was (lightly bin ted that tbe thing would be killed if Ibe new treasurer desired it. No desire to oppose it wss manifested, and consequently it waa done, and the fund waa licherby $123,000. It waa soou discovered that pieces of pro perty bought in on judgments long years ago, were scattered all over the alate, yield ing no revenue tor the support of schools, tbe improvements rolled down, and the value depreciating. No list of each pur chases had been kept, and many a dilapi dated (arm baa been discovered, having be longed to Ibe (und aix, eight and sometime a many a ten years, which the board did not know it really owned. All auch piece of unprofitable property have boon sold. In oue county as many a flv (arm of this description were (ound, which bad been bought in and then forgotten. The receipts from (hi class of idle property have been large and rendered the fund more efficient. There are other point of economical management in th board' favor. It i trn the ale of land have been large, and it is also true that tbe (und baa been treated (airly and well handled.-Porllnnd World. Purchased Like Swine. Portland Mercury. It ia not pretended the veriest black guard In Oregon will not aay that Jim Lotan carried the primariea in this city ex- oept by (raud exoept by the wholesale purchase of vote except by the expendi ture of money unparalleled in the history of western politioa. Vote were purchased a boldly and open ly a i wine are purobaacd by the pork paok- er of Chicago, and exoept by that purchase by that despicable proceeding Jiin Lotuu would not have secured the delegate to the tate convention. And had he not purchased the vote Ibat gav blin the delegate David P. Thompson would never bav been nomi nated (or governor of Oregon. Th Mercury is creditably informed that Thompson contributed $15,000 Of the $35,- 000 expended in the purchase of these bal lots. The office ol governor of Oregon, to au honest man like Pennoyer, I worth $1,500 per year. What n siler of tbe Murcary will say that D. P. Thompson purchased $15,000 worth of vote to foist him into a $(t,000 office limply (or bi love (or tbe stale of Oregou. Thompson is not that kind of a man. He never invests a dollar until he is as sured that it will return to him with a com panion of iqoal value. He ia penurious lo a (ault. He haa a heart (or Thompson only. Where la tbe honest man who can support such a being T Who I it that will asy he would conduct an honest administration when it cost bim the price it will i( he la elected? There Is not the man in Oregou who be lieves it in bia heart. Portland Corruption. Examiner: The Oregonian alaled the Re. publican primary election, which brought about tb nomination of Thompson and the present Republican ticket, wss a most dis graceful affair. Vote were bought opeuly; It said, tb barl's wer wide open. All tbe pimps, gambler aud ex-convict would be there. If tbis it not tuffkletit reason (or the defeat ol thi Republican ticket, w khould lik to bear o( one. Oregon'a leading news paper proclaimed these (acts. Tbe tiick thus born In infamy should be burled in oblivion election day. It is positively amusing (or posted people, those who know what is what, to read tbe editorials Iu Ibe Oregonian as to what kiud of a msn Thompson is aud Pennoyer ditto and about tariff and to forth, when it ia common street talk Ibat the Republican msnsgers spent $20,000 at (he lost primary election to bring about the present nomina tions and will spend no telling what snmt lo buy vole and ri water, commit peniten tiary offensea in other words, to elect their ticket. That mouey was uned at tb laat primary election a free a air, there ia no question, aud Iber ia uot a posted business man In Portland bnt what knows it. Governor Pennoyer does not claim to be perfect. He is only a man with honest and good iotentioua. His mUtakes, it any, are not wilfully committed in tbe iu teres! of himself or a clique. II is official set art exe cuted with the best inteuliou tor tbe went of the whole people and they know it, aud Thompson J: Co. can't make them see it otherwise. The more you hammer Pen noyer and Webb the more voles they' will get. Mercury: Tbe Oregonian' bitter denun ciation of tbe Lotan Thompson primaries outrage is only equalled ly its brazen ef frontery In now supporting that villainous clique. The Oregoniau's change of heart cost Dave Thompson a round flo.OOO. 1