ME EUGENE CITY GUARD. 6A1UUDAY .MAY . 18'K). DEMOCRATIC NT AT it TICK Kit Kit Kit ND CoiiisrrMmtti HOliCRT A. MUX Ol J lick mi II, Gomnor SYLVESTER l'f.XSOV 01 Multnomah. Herniary of Slat....WM. XI. TOWNSE ui iMUe. Statu Treanurer O. W.WEUB Ol I mnlill. Kui.r.uicJu.1,;. H.F.IIOSIIAM Of Marlon. KUL Kiiiii.rliilKliili'lit ut I'ulilla Iuntriiolion Ki. A.LE ItOY Of Liua Klal Printer CAI'T. JOHN 0 DRIES Of Lone. lino Alliirni- 2n I Jnilirilil UUIrict.T !.. OWESH Of Coon. DEMOCRATIC COl'NTY TICKET Fur Slit Benator For Iteir(onUlive .... It. M. VF.ATCII .1.. lilLYEU ....V.. I'. COLEMAN ...U. DOTY. 0. 1'. HOUSTON JAMES V.. NOLANI) ... JAMK8 PA UK Kit J. MrPHKIJHON JOIINU. DAY ForOrk Kur Sbtriff Fur t'onuuinaiomr. Far Annenaor For Hohool Saol...lB. A. W. I'ATTEItHO VnrHnmmr L. F. WHOLE For Coroner Da. W. T. McML'ltTItY ! . . . I To Voter. Tb tlri'tiun of nlalu ami conMjr oflUfrn will Uk tilacfl week from ucxl Vurulay Ery rotor ahoulil (jo lo Ik iolln ami cant bl vole, aaoulybya full and true njiftw ion of tin pnpU cu our f'irm of govern tnent b maintained. In bebtlf of tlie Demo;rllo ticket w cn m Hint I be nominee willioul ioi ex- t'iiiuu fully qualified for lb Kiniiiu for wbicb Ibey bov beu lioluluuliJ. Ibey . repreteut no rlngi or cliiin, witb nomi nated witboul liavlug toeftuctcomliiuatioii, nil full; repreiteut lb people who met In Ibe priinarie Wor lusconvvutiuu. A vol for tb Pemocrnlia ticket will be in the iu terrnt of olotu Icginlulluu and ntrefiil and economical administration of nlulu and coun ty sSsln, A sbolo no totter county ticket eer offered in llm conniderution of tb toter of Lnu couniy. Tb nomi ne btv gained ilaudlng m men of worth and inlrgrity tbat cauuot b (iicalioiied. Tliellck inlfy 'isill. Tbe MuKinb-y bill to prnveut Ibe farmer of lb Culled Bute from fiporliiig fCUO 000,(100 worth of their pruduoe, but punned tb limine. Another true till for tb bill would be, "An m l to ii;rt manufacture in New EngUud." Tbe etilion of nearly tbouwnil of lb lM(lin manufacturing lalilinbmentl of New Euglalid wa treated with otter contempt. It mine all tb buooouil auiicltural ln tiu. Wheat timet now pay a duly of twenty fir centi. Tui country luipurta yearly nearly two tuouauud bunhela of need wheal, and eiporl on an averse l(H),(HX,U00 limb ela. In Liverpool wheal aelU for a dollar a buitbel; in Lau county liaa imkiiKS and warehoua charge for fifty veuta, Th bill, according to a llepublinan repreaonlative from Minueaota, aide tbe farmer, by giving tbe binding twin trut 700 per cent, protec tion. The duly ia ruined ou hop. From Bep timber 1, m'J, to April !, 181)0, lU'J bale of bop wert imported Into the United Btalu, nearly lU.iRH) la, lb produce of probably U acrea; lu tbe nam tliun we ex port, d 27,6;iJ bale of hop, 0,000,000 It. Teu tluiea more hope were portd from Eugeue to Loudon direct limn were Import d Into Ibe whole Cuitrd Utaiua. Th aura renult of the McKluley bill will be lo abut our bona out of foreign niarketn. The duty on lumber ia rut one balf. In atead of importing lumber lliia count exporta lumber to Europe, Aala, Africa and Auntrnlik, Duty or no duty th iuduntry will Income a leudiug on ou tlili count. In uo oouutry lu lb world ia agricultural produc cheaper than iu lb I'uiltd rilatea, and in century it price ia now tlia IowchI It baa been, New Englum!' farm are deaerted, and moilgacea lo the extent of :),(KlU,lHK),o(K) are bauglng over tbo faiui of Ilia Cuiled Hlalea. Tbey have bad pro tection of tbe ltepubllcHU kiud for thirty yeata, ami now th blUnt ltepubllcan au thor ilien ailui it th agricultural depreaniou and mak golden prouiiaet fur Hie future. Portland Examiner: Kpeaking of the rotnlug elecllou, it may be atated tbut ther r bill few lteiiflblicaii but who acknowl edge that i mk ia to be Uneil olecliun day to Imy vote. Tbey ar lo buy their men lu. Tbey ctunot elect Ibe ticket boncatly, an tbey ar to nuccved by uienua of fraud and bribery. They alio admit that by thia nienna they have aucceedvd for year. Truly thia ia diegraceful alalv of altaira. Au ao kuowledgeuieiit that tb Democracy would nil were e U'Cllona bets botienlly carried on. We would have, In other wordn, good gov. erumcut by boneat people, Clin. Nlckell wa uotuiuatcd for Slat Kenalor by Ibe Jackaou couuly Deinofnicy. lie in an active, energetic man of bimiuena with practical ideaa. Nothing would b left undone by bim that would advanra th ma terial iutereata ol Jackaon county. From pereou'd aciualnlauce with Mr. Nickcll we caudidly any that be abould not only receive but party vote, but th aulTiage ol ninny who ar oppuaed to bia political view. Live, Herpetic nieu are needed in th Icglalatur and Mr. Nickell fllln the bill. A gentleman of Eugene who wa formerly Republican, but changed of 11 yeaia, give hi reanou fur th chang. le nay th two partie hv rvvarned potitione lu tb lent tweuty-flv yearn, Theu lb Demo riata wanted tb negroe lo da lb work. Now tbe Republican wib lo mak negroe of th people lo do tb work for tar i ft pro tected mouopoliea and Inula. Then it wa black aUvra; now Ixitb wbit and black ar nought to be mad alav alike. We do not deem it urceaaary to make fill noma, fluttering mention ol tbecandidnlia on lb Democratic county ticket. Their aland log la well known, and lb people, w be lieve, ar capable ol correctly judgiug their luerita and qualiflcatioua. The oandidalea plnoed brfor the people by th Democratic county conventual are rry wy filled for tbedutieaof Ibeir rpecliv poeilloua. Few leaeon can b urged why D. P Thorn oo abould be tleeied governor o' Oregon. Th Baleut Buteniuau however bu evolved a bnlliaul thouijhl. It claiui IhalU riveted Thouipaon would move to Kaleui and would build a flue reaidence. Tb KUImtutau will Bud that th people of Ore foa will aare Tbonipeon any truubl about building in balem An Irving fiieud ad vine nn of th beu.flt be baa bad of th Orrgon railroad oouimin- mon law. A package Inim haunaa (.ay, Ma to baiTniuenlo, Cel., eimt bim '5 deutn, from th Utter plec lo Eogen f J. 50. A few morn railroad roniuiiuiourr tnikbt mak it impoaeibl to afaip freight. Republican politic in Lan eouuty unut be in a Unngt jumble when their legulatit ramlidute on th Bluiup will sol aay that they intend to vole for Tbonipton, their cau didate for governor. John O. Carli.le ban been elected l. 8. P.tmtorlo aiicceed rnalor Itwk ol lb jienluiky bgilalur. Ctiii-vintfiiry. Th IVjMer ut Wtdoenlay pnblinben then puragrnphii: "Tb democratic pier can not rak up anything iiiK( llou. D. I. Tbomon except Hint lie in bunker. Tbey call III in a millionaire, but be never bad a million dol lar worth of propi ity, aud what b bn be iionenlty. lie doe not wura ui iuru leu bonra a day eillii-r, lie In junt Hi right man for Hie bead ol the ntele government " "Of oourno Hun. D. P. Thornpnon volcd fur tbe Hull Run wler till, lie wa men eel i re wnlinu Multnomah counlv and not th nlnle. Tbe bill Wh ealroUled to benefit Portluud, and It wa Ih duty of any J orl- bind reprenutivu lo atipporl It. I'oriiaim in not looking out for th iumr.U of Luue couuly." Veiilch wan "looking out fur tho lutereiln of Lull ifauntr." H oed againnt lb bill and auntitiiied (lovrriiur I'muoer'n veto. Il In peculiar Ibut Mr. Yuran nbould com to Ih d feune of Thutupiun iu hi pnr, after dccluring on lii cnnvan Ibut be wa io favor of the Australian b.illot eynlem aud that it wa Ibe busiliee of nohody who he vuted fo.r (or goveruor. Mr. Tbuuipaon voted, without n luleriniion, for the I'orlUnd water bill, that would If pnMw J, laddlcd aeverul million of dullurn of nun tumble bond on tb lale. The Rtgintcr ) "II i juxt lb ribl ttiuu fur II bead of th "tule government." Mr. Yoran will bute a cbnnce, Monday, at Spen Oir precinct to iufuriu the voter regnrdiug Lin atipport of Mr. Thumpnou. Party Liiii'ti not DraHii. Porllnud Eintniner, May 10. On Butiird.iy evening laxt Ooveruor Pen- ....... ... I II W W, l,lran,il llm pitl- ena of WaHbiiiglou county at the court liOIIH til Jllllnuoro. 1 0 uunuing wan iuii in ,wAtllr,M,l,,f, Avi.e lu-n hlifwlreil Iniled lu gain admittauc. The Ooveruor brought lorlb mauy new idea not touched upon iu hi other apeechea, and by bin frank and manly maimer, won many Itepuhlioana lo bin caune, who openly proclaimed their prefer ence for bim aa the mail of their choice. Colonel Corneliun, who waa defeated by i'ennoyer iel election, ia reported to have aid, "That both IVunoyer and Thompaon .l.,,.l lilui Iwut Mli.i.inn. nnil rinw nn Imi tween tb two, lie favored th niau who fought bim opeuly, am wai hit pjiponeui ... t.vltiniolu tin wniilil HiuritfiirM uivn bia ullrngii to Pennoyor." One of the r p- reneniaiiven iroiu mat couiiij niun in nu n.u ,, ...v In,, Mr llm ,imiiim Our ill- formant alalcd that there in no politic in tne guixitnatoriui wee iu nanuiiiKiuu coun ty; thut the only dill'orenc in which putty will give lb inont vole to Pennuyer. The I't'nplu'g Man. Th Cottnu-e Orov Leader, an indepen dent paper publinbed at tbe bom of Mr. Veatcli baa thin lo any concerning mm: R M. Vealcb, our hlhbly renpected and worthy candidal fur the olllce ol Htate Ben. ftlnr on lb DnuiocrHlio ticket, of Lime coun ty, ia one of Ibe bent men in lliia comity for that olllce. MrVeatcbbna already aerved eight nucceuiive yenra, being tao teimn, four Venn In tb neiiale atnl lour lu me uoune. lie ba lived in thin couuly a good many year and everybody kuuwn and enteema Llm. He hue made a living by bard work, and worked blmni lf up uutil be la now .one of Ibe inont niilulai'lml aud popular men of the couuly. No more capable aud Irunt worthy man can be found lu eithurpaity than Mr. Watch to till tho olllue he ia a caudidule for. Mr. Vealcb will do whatever be Ihinki lo th bent iutdo4 of lb lieonlc, if elected, Thia ia aomclhing the people abould con idcrvery cnrelully. Cant your vote for th muu aud not for the party. F.m'ixi'tic mul litis liruliiH. Th l'loreiica Went comiiliuienta Mr. E. P. Coleman a fullowa: W believe it th duly of every newnpiiper lo liifotm Ihe people aa to Ibe clininulcr ol Ib'ma who are analog lor lolillcal prefurmctit, if aucb Informiitlou can ulveu from rernoiml knowledge, and uot leave thi ne men' cbnractei to th lender nierclc of political romance on Ihe ntump. On who cotnen under Ibe ubove bead il E. P. Coleman. Democratic nominee for th ieglnluture (or Luna county. We know him to be a man of uuliletiiinhed character. He etanda (ar out iiiuiii the road of progriwa, aud Ihe apirit of the preaent age Ihe ener getic, onward, upward age tludn lu ita fore monl rank the tall form of llou. E. P. Cole limn. Hut be in endowed with another qualification; that of having bralun. He I a man with llriu, aulinliiulial opiuioun, which are alwava formed after deliberation ml careful oonnideration. If Mr. Coleman la elected be will form au admirable adjunct lo the helper ol Ihla purl ol Lan couniy. i The Orcuouian in auie to find fault with IVnuoyer no niuller what be doea. Whin lie lioiioriitily willntrcw nm nni io auppiy lumber for lb innaue anyluiu addillou, and by ao doing unide th competitor of th I'lirtlmiil l.umtiering Co. retluc Itn ptic I'ilHJ, which wan money nnvd to the lte, inanely trie to uink a point agaiunt bim "for acaliug rival' prollt down." Burely rlcoit inn I be a "clone tillicum" of tb old wolf iu th fuble Hint charged Ih baby lamb with murdering It father yeaia previously nd wilb muddying tbe ntream where it win driukiiiu. tiotwitlintaiiiliuit th exnlaiiatlou of Ih tender multou that lb brooklet wa running from Mr, Lnpua to Mi Agnun. Sunday V'vlcome. At t time when D P Tlioniiwai'n ncnlii en- tnlued fewer iirny hnlrn, a friend met Llm in Milwaukie. "llelio, Iav, what are you iliilou hereT'' "Oh, liu living here." aid Dave pleanantlv. "Wlier U your family! " "They are boartllng." wan the reply. The fact of the matter waa that Mr l'himi(nn waa tempor arily rrnlilinir in Milwaiikl in eeoaie anarn meiit in OreioMi City. II waa (lieu ilmlwlnx hin Uvea aa b U doduiug them tow, - Oregon lily Couiier. Portland Exnmiuer, May 17: John M.y- em, who bna junt n turued from Washington aud Yamhill couutiea, eayl it luoka in I hone coiiniicaaa if IVunoyer wa ruuuiugou both tickell. Th eliH llou reltiru from Lan county ill nbow tb uuie br. Th ntientlon of !diticn hw alunwt dried out of tlie race for irvemei it in bow tijit anpareully, aa I" which the old vartiee will give th Urwt vote for IVunoyer. Aa Ih ilnv for electioa draw nnr the I'ennoyer men are!,- rapt lly ami II Hi rvorulw to I'm never Irom lliouiiwun oontiuu at th prM,eni rat ther will lie very lew men left in the TrHimimou rank by election day.- Ex, McMinnville licglater: Robert Miller, Ih Democratic raudl lat. i making ifoo.1 enu vnnn and will nn dool't carry th IVmocratlu Vole of Ihe atate, lie le a wan ol eueruy ml puab, aud bia election lo congreaa would U one ol tbe greatest beuetll powible lo Oregou. ii n. - The Alheu Pre. Republicau, upXrl two Demociatn on th Mat ticket. It eaya: No on doubm the Incl (bat Orrgon haa bad an huet admiiiiMrwlion noder Oovernor Penmyr aud I'nvle tie. W. Webb, Then .why abould tbey uot b r elected, aud hou- "vnly propel ly rr gnid. Tacuma, that U village comiuiied with Porlland, ia asarwd at f'M.OuO.OtiO while thin uvlropolia dmjjrace itnelf and txpoee it rich men' by levying a tat on lr tbn (.'),lK'iO, where th ua lolal hould be at leaal f JiW.OJU.IWO. W. com. Wxriu HO cordn ol wood in xcbn lot bia. knuithing, by Forrral Jt McEnrlaud. hhop tub alnet, went of Lan' palll nhop. CAi-n,-New t.-k at Iy lUaiUr NO MONEY FOR KIVKKHA.1I HAK liOKS. A Dt'Hrit Instead of Surpliu. When Prwi.Unl Cleveland went out ol office but a little over year ago the great qneatiou waa how lo prevent th accumula tion ol aurplu. On year of Republl cauprenident ud rungreea baaaolved tb (lurniiou. There will now be deficit. Our rivet and hnrbore mint wait anoiber year. Uue counlv will b amH ted by thi alat ol aftairn an Ih coutemplated improvement ol IhsKiiinlaw liver and bar niunt wait lor another congrena. A Wa.bmglon dinpatch to h Oregonl n May UUt, aayn: Speaker Recti ban refnl to recognize any pernon tomorrow lor Ih purpon of calling up the river and baibor Lill. It ba been generally underntood that the bill wm to follow th tar I If bill, but it in expec id that it will now go over. Tb reanou fur lb pakor' aollun in given ou tbe ground that lb President will veto the bill if il cumi n lo bim in Ha preaent lorui The bill, accoiding to bin ideaa, in liuual, giving to ar me neelioiia mot lhau Ihey ile .rv. while denying lo othern a hat they nbould iu jimlico receive. Tb men who were dl.aalinfied with the appropriation mad in Ihe river ami burlier bill hav been bard at work iu lb ncnai and at tb wbit houe, and if report b true, with good effect The opponitiou of tbe president i Uo baaed upou the fact that ieuiou and governmental appropriation bve been ao increased that Iber will be defiuit iunlead of a iiiroliin at the end of tb next IIk-uI year. The proposal for Ih Tela deep water baibor hill, tb Sou bill, and th boat railway of Ih Columbia may b held up fur the name general reaaon. 1'lfunaut IIUI Itenm. May '11. Mr. J. K. McKeuzie U naviug hin houae painted, Th nw atuam nawtulll of Kelly k Co. in now ruuuing. Mrn.N.O. Ilyhiud ban been vlnitiug at her father', Mr. A. J, Ciuzau. We are all wishing pleanant day on Bat. the Ulnt ao that alt will enjoy the picnic. Mia. Henry Hanna, of Attoria, ia viailiug ber parent, Mr. aud Mr. Dexlor. WMra. Alex Matthewa, of Eugcn. wa viait ing her daughter, Mr. J. K. McKeniie, re cently. Mr. Jubn Went and wife expect to itnrt from Canada lo their home in Oregon to morrow, Mr. S. HaudnakerandMr. Emma llaxter relumed Irom Creeawcll ou Mouduy wbute they had Ueu vinitiug old time Irieud. Fill lb vahn with glnduesa, King aud about fur juy, For Milton J . Coruoltue it daddy 01 a bouueiug boy, L'uclu blcve Rigdeu ntartn lo-inorrow for (he Pine Opcuiug where for tbe p. it 20 year be aud bin good wife have eutertaiued lb weary traveler when going lo or return ing to ihe land ol biinub gran during lb aumiM r montbn. ' Mr. John Wist Jr. had a merry crew ol bov and uirla to lb number of V.U in bia employ hint Saturday, tugnged in nulling weeita out oi uia gram, ii an uie inruiera would do lliia It would be better for tb country. Wbeu th candidate wor apeuking at Treut on Thursday th team attached to J nil Noltud'a buggy look a ipin on tbeir own account, and when captured tbey and lb vehicle were mor or lee Uemoralixed. To ilium Irom building nine feet in height and barefooted too, aud tJ alight iu erpendicular ponitlun, kuJ lo uolj ou to ticket of paint without any loaa or injury to all concciucd, in junt what happened to L. L. Alterbeny wbeu engaged iu painting bonne the oilier day. Having no eupport be bad to Bum Patch it to nave hiiunelf. 0. K. Political Speaking. Tho Dcmocralio and Republican oeiitrul committeea hav trrnnged th following ap. poinluieuln for their candidate to meet tb voter of the county and diacua th politi cal qucllou ol Ihe day. The meeting will lake place at 1 o'clock p. tn,, aud lull at tendance It riuc!ed: hpencer, Mouilay, "iMn. Cbenher, Tuesday, 27lh. . Richardnou, Wednesday, 2Hth. Long Turn, Thurntlay, ttuth. Junction, Friday, IllMh, Eugene, Bnlurduy, Slat. Joint WuiTtillR, Chairmau Democratic Committee, W. II. AHHAua.' Chairmau Republican Committee. Letter Lint. Lettcrn for the following pernoun romuiued uncalled for at lb pontotlio in Eugcn City, Oregon, May 33, 18iH): Atkins, Frank Ileiiill, FJ Davidson, Miubie Howard, ChaaT (Hlhntii, W L Hull, Mr Nancy Hanson, Mia Marlha Malry, Mine Mary Hall, Mine Joliliy Roee, Frank Hurl, (ill Teudick, Chaa Waganer, E. F, WOsnoan. P. M. A Cmv Room. At Boulh Rend, on Shoal water Ray, ther are about 3(H) peo ple; there ar tweuty-flv real enlale cfHcr. om of them nicely tilled up; all that ia talked of there ia buying and bouding and nnlen," mid ft niau lo an Aatorian reporter. "Laud anywhere around th mouth ol Ih Willapa river, wher it emptie into Bhoal water l ay. in held at ft labuloua price. Char ley Bale, who nnrd to run on one ol Flavel'a luga, bad 31K) acrea over ou Ih north aide ol Ibe river; b aold it a tew week ago lor f (iO.(H"l. I he deed war made out to ion ol T, F. Oakea, the Northern Faoitto man. That ia an judication of th price that land ia held at in that viciuity. A few month fo a mill band working iu th mill at South Reud lunud that ther wa an 81) acr tract kdjniniag tb mill holding. It waa Jtgk'fd cliff, covered with brino and trrea, and apparently valueleca; uo on had evr thought enonh of it to 111 on il. He proved op on it th other day and old it for,- For Sale or Trili. Two good fanui of liiO acre each, both deedid land; on ia a hay ranch, can cut 1JU li'M of wild hay on it. Th other in farming laud, ruoaity in cultivation, ha gocst bona aud ham and young orchard on il. Ther i t ntream oi good running w.iler ou both place, and good outside renin lor anv kind ol atock. A goo.1 chool bona three-quartern of mil (rum on pine and two mile Irom the other. I will trade both place (or good (arm in Lao couuly, a irnminnlil dmlanc ol tugeue. Any out wi.hing lo trade will ddreaa K. J. tUta-ft, Riby, Harney County, Oregon. When you want to mak your fiiend handnom nroeeut it reaxouabl prioaw e4 om ol that lovely Wedding Art Uhuewai at tloiilsnnth . him Book Store, E. Schwarzschild, Prop Sim( W Cieo. Collier) BOOKS, STATIONERY, MAPS, tiLOHES. SPECTACLES, WALL PAPER 8CUOOL 8UPPL1E3. Orm by atail iw.ai4ly attea.b.1 Wv A J dm lock Roa 171 NOI ICK FOR r.'lJLlC.VMON Laxo Orw r. at Iliwrw "p.. I Mny 17th. I"!, t NOTICE IS HEREBY (JIVMN THAT th f.illowin nanwd aettler ban nleil no lim .if hin iiiteiition Ui make final pr.sil in nue inut of bin claim, and tliat nald pr.-.f will lie maile before the clerk of tbe county court ol Lan ominty, Oregon, at F.hkj. Or., on Ihuiwlay. July 3. DW. vlrJ J H Wentcritt. Pre inption, I) H, N 0737, for the 8 K M f 8 E I 4, Ho 2.1, 8 1 1 of H W M. and H W M of .H K 14, Hee 27, Tp 10 3. IH K, W AL II namea the following witnennee t prov bin onntinone renideno un and cultivation of nnid land, viz: A H Power., A It Cmuer, O Jl Renfrew, Wm Powell, all of McKenzl liridg, l fiiiintjr, OrKn. . , CHAH, W. Joll.1To!f. Register. NOTICE KOK rUULlUATlON. I.axii Orm it at R'wr.iniKd, Oh., I May llth. lh'.iO. ( NOTICE IS HXKKRY tilVEN THAT the following iiiiiel nettler haa filed me tice of hin Intention to make tinnl proof In nup lawt of bin claim and that ni. pnnif will be rnale lefore the Clerk of the County Court of Lane County, Oreenn, at Eugene, Or., on Monday, June HO, lH'.ni, vix: C M Uignlow. Pr-uiition, I H, No Wr7, for th Lot 8 and 4. ami E i of 8 W i. 8ec 30, Tp 17 8, R 2 east, W M. He name the following wltnenne to prov hin continuous resilience upon arid cultivation of nald land, viz: Otto J Emier, Guy Riga low. 0 HNatwick, David Hiroe, all of Lea burg, Lan County, Oregon. Cha. W. JohkktoX. Rei(ltr. Groceries Having purchased the Matlock Grocery Store, we call the attention of the public to the fact that we will keep on hand a fikst-;las.n stock of grocerieswhich will be sold to our pat rons at the lowest rates. . FISHER BROS. Couceded. That northern grown garden need aold by Chamber k Son are ihe bent adapted for oar cold epring. THE NEW YORK RACKET ST ORE The Almighty Dollar Tho Many to the Few and Few to the Many. n W have Ihe pleuaiir to nnnonnce s new departure, the location fcf an gonoy in New York City fur ibe purchase and aeleclion of our eloek to enable an to quote lower prices ban those who buy ou long time and tnk big price iu (bene day ol Panic, and I laid Time. We Design to Lead in Low Prices and De clare War Against the Rotten Credit System by inungiiraling tba real net-npot canh-on-dolivery over-tlie coiinter-Bjatem, no 1, 3, 6, 10, or 30 day in thi. Big price will not do in the bard times, when even tbe wealthy can not affurd to waste their money. The Poor Require Double Duty of Every Dollar and of Every Penny. Our price will change Irom time to time, but it will be our aim lo name yon price that will compel you in aelf-defenxe to bay ol a. Our system will not be "How much cun we gel for thin article," but 'How low can we sell it lo make a living profit." Amung our weekly arrivala we will place before the people of Lnue and adjoining comities some land slides that are beyond the whisper of all competition, comparison or monopoly price that will leach you in Ihe silent logic of troth Ihe difference betweeu dealing with lire and dead tni n; between the right and the wrong way; the cah and tbe credit system. We ahull olfer nueh unanswerable nrgnmeuU that no other house can match. Lenders md npecialtie that no other house can otter. Stern and stubborn facta that will level your head to tbe gen iu of genuine hargiins. We wish to right Ih wroug, and believe the god of buttle ia ever with the right. The-Pay-as-you-go-System U the true philosophy of an economical, low-price system and upon which Ihe net spot cash system in founded. We Practice no Deception. Each and every on can judge aa tn quality aud price of goods. All good guaranteed as represeuttd or money refunded. We invile an early wild icpeated inspection. Our atock will be replenished every few day. Ueiuetubcr tho New YorK lUckel ia ou Ninth street, Eugene, Oregou. Here are a few of the Many Hard-Hitters. Adamantine pins, lo a bunch; hair pins, So a bunch; dres button, 3, 4, S, G aud 7 eta per dor.; silk twist. 3o tpool; need lea, 'io a buueb; cornet, 2tio each; ladies flue hose, 7 to 'Jlo; ladiea line halbriggau vests, pit to 3'Jc; gents balbriggan shirts tud drawers, lo' lo 4!o; gents flue half hose, S to 2oV; agate buttons, 12 dozen, lor Co; Newport nhawl scarfs, 3! to (Klc; ladiea line luce cnlara, II to 22c; napkiua, '20 to 1 03 per dozen; towels, 5 to 25c; bandkerehiefs, 3 lo (iOc; a fine line of suspenders at S to Silo per pair; a big line of ribbons and lace, at less than usual oonl; stationery; mens and women underwear; boots; shoes; and many articles too numerous to mention. Our price will all be marked on goods iu pluiu figures. Will b ready (or businta Raspeotfully submitted to tb Spot Cash Trade Only, Frank & Pisk, Representative of tb celebrated C, B. ROUSS, M9-501-&03 llroadway, New York City. l S. liumeinWr the place, first door cast of Miller Si Long's Palace Hani ware Store, south side of 9th street, EUGEKTE, - - OREGOlff, VCQ PflMC To the place where you can get I CO . UUlIlL valnH received; where there is a firm that will treat you white and you will gt't all you pay for. Uo "you not know that when n man comes to your house with a team and a sewing machine and puts it in your house to sell it to you that lie has to make ft bigger profit on itthau a dealer who does not have to pay a mau and a team, aud feed the team. These follow wear diamonds with tlio money tlicy virtually Meal from t lit farmer, i caution all persons Hgninst ilieao everlasting swiudli-in mid liars, which I aaai'it tlion- ia no means too low fur tlitiin to resort ti lo malm a.ilo of their much i no, and then win it you have bought that machine you will find out to your sorrow that you ant not dealing with hint but with aoiiic company, and thjr wilt pnryoo ttrth wrall or take, llm inacliiim litck ami you will lor all you have paid on it. No hy do you not buy i f a firm that buy and m II machinit tho Mine aa other goodit This tho Darker Gun Work doc. We carry in stock at all time th DOMESTIC and DAVIS, th bent machine IN' THE I tin iiavis im m.r PLAIN AND FANCY FRENCH GOLD MEDALS- Than any ether ninsdiiti at th Paris Kintwitioa in IhaSl Th DOMESTIC ad no mm. an UtioR, a it in an old reliable company and baa alwav nivea aatinfactiuo. Do not buy until yim hav o.mnolVe.1 ai and hwked at my Bia-binea. I will tar yon mey and that ia worth your tint U wu and t. Prim th Davis and DniMtie ar Iron 4U.1 up, IVuh ad 110 nor va tim ol nmathly payawwt. Oond atr at rank price with interant taJten, Vim tad M th t PUliin Tarkl. Trout lie lied oa Central Draw: ht Sproat Hotik At 40 Cents Per Dozen.!y Th ar a ha (!y and caaaot bn bought lMwhr iur Um thaas 7.1 ct per disna. ImU Ubm, IVtlws sad iil at wj lw lKma. t'enn and buy whr your axmey will to th lurthnat I aim hat a very ale lin nf Crwiuet at all prVws. " Plan hoy , iron ', buhd huS, at L10j , rr befort offend lo 1 tt.7i Small wratroa at 50 eta. Our line of Baby Carriages is the largest ami Cheapest. Come and see them. 1 Baby Carrt lor :.; $J M; Better. 3 On " Caaop Top. I Xic Trickle, larjt " - aedium.. " small 1 U jaaj double breoh loader, aw, at npecui prr. Remember the Barker Gun 7orks, H fiu 6 73 7 50 6 l 4 00 1.00 4& SAT EEIS, rl L Cts. Per yard Sold Elsewhere at 20 & 25c per yd S. H. Friendly, Eugene. General Merchandise. Rhinekri The Vacific Tea Co. Has Changed Hands Mr. J. 0. Having purchased it. Ho will sell goods at BEDROCK PRICES! Pull Line of Groceries, Glassware anil Crockery. Handsome Presents given away with Tea: and offees. NEW GOODS. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL DRESS CO00S From the Cheapest to the Best a prices according to quality. A LARGE STOCK OF mmm mi mm From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties ca be suited either as to Price or yuality, Our assortment is Complete, from the loivest.Piiceitf tlie Finest; can suit you, if you give us a call OUR STOCK IS CFrcc New and Mj Look us over; if w do not savo you ruonpy, we will makn aonie, our A hi il to you low. A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES E.B.DUNN STARRGRIFFB Sells the Celebrated NON-RUSTING Tiinvan GENERAL DEALEKS IX HARDWARE, ST ETC EUGENE, - OIIEGOU Wi "jr ' ' ' J 1' " J Oil! Eugene Foundry Machine G. N. FKAZEK, Shops ! MAKES ALL KIN'DS OF CASTINGS, STORE FRONTS AND ENGlt REPAIEIXG OF ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY A SPECIALTT. GimaaktrU I , . . -U: aJ U nc, 10 r mtimliiinm. Sboca POff "ij H It it n tie ofi T "A il Mr .lis "ItJ , U .wt ft I ill 41 att 3.1 Mi the 13, 7 UQC pnoi 4':. tii: in J.1 can -ber ;o i gi t w i fill h c OOI