The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 24, 1890, Image 3

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tu j-alrlea's Work Cndon ay a
Tp,y AM'I" Miewaian.
from Ireland comei the newa tht
kei btve appeared In that country.
Jt seems that about Ave yean ago a
'una named Wilson cam trom
America with a show of llTing- wild anl-
It Da landed his thow at Queens
Mwn and fare exhibitions op through
Irtla'nd with more or les success. But
ana nl(fbt at the little town of Amraugh,
in Tipp"1-' Mr" WilHon "ot erJ
drunk and attempted to clean out his
ibow. The constabulary force
uht to Interfere, and (whether as a
means of self-dofonse or In a spirit of
humor, I know not) Mr. Wilson turned
. m t,e wild animals loose. Of course
tbisoreatcd a torrlble uproar, and for a
week the neighborhood Was In a state of
wild excitement The wild boasts were
inly either capturod or killed, but for
three years no traoe of the den of snakes
let looxe on that momorable night could
be found. Meanwhile Mr. Wilson went
w prison for two years.
Two years ajo the people 1a the neigh
borhood of Amraugh began to miss
poultry and pigs. Several vagabonds
fell nndor suspicion, wore apprehended,
,nd were looked up. But the depreda
tions continued, and finally a farmer's
Id testified that upon returning late
one night from a merry-making he had
ieen the evil one In the guise of a ser
pent making way willi a pig across a
neld. The village priest took the lad
In band and questioned blm closely,
but nothing could shake the fellow's
testimony. About this time other peo
ple dotectod similar fiends In the act of
like depredations, and at onoe arose a
hue and cry that the spot was a damned
one, and bad been given over to the
devil for bis diabolical practices. Spe
cial prayers were said and the devil was
publicly donounccd, but the depreda
tions continued, and presently from
Castelralne, a town twolve miles dis
tant, oame word that his satanlo majesty
had begun operations in that locality,
his victims in this lnstanoe and In this
place being sheep, not poultry and pigs.
In this dismal emergency the Bishop
was most properly appoaled to, for the
parish priests were at tholr wits' end
and tholr parishioners were well-nigh
crazed through fear. The Bishop prom
ised to investigate the affair, but in
stead of resorting to conventional eccle
siastical methods, that holy and saga
clous man enlisted the servloes of two
shrewd detectives from Dublin, the in
tellectual center of Erin. The Bishop
fancied that the devil was doing his un
holy work by proxy not in the guise of
dragons and serpents, but in the person
of certain lawless characters too lazy to
work and just knavish enough to steal.
The detectives, laboring under this
heresy, made tholr investigations quiet
ly, and in the course of a fortnight re
ported to their employer that the dep
redations at Castelralne and Amraugh
had Indeed boon committed by serpents,
the detectives themselves having seen
and watched tho same upon three dis
tinct occasion sulzo, kill and carry off
thslr prey. The serpents were de
scribed as dark of color and fully fifteen
feet In length. Thoy klllod tholr vic
tims by coiling about their bodies.
The story was discredited by the
clergy and laity until, as good luok
would have it, a correspondent of the
Freemoi's Journal (at Dublin) recalled
the significant, not to say portentous,
circumstance that the numerous and
divers species of snakes which had es
caped from tho Wilson show about three
years previous had never boon captured.
Then of a sudden the mystery was
cleared up and bands for the extermlna-
of the monsters was speedily organized
among the vengeful peasantry. Three
of the snakes were shortly thereafter
seen, purs cd and killed In the bog east
of Amraugh; the largest of the snakes
measured four foet; in the maw of each
was found a pullet. About a month
thereafter a fourth snake was killed
near Castelralne; this snake upon being
out open was found to contain vory
many llttlo snakes which immediately
glidod into the grass and escaped before
the a-tonished rustics could apprehend
them. Subsequently, stimulated by
the advertised reward of half a crown
and a special dispensation for every
snako, alive or dead, the country peo
plo caught eleven of the smaller snakes
none measuring more than sevea
inches in length. Then the snakes
seemed to disappear, and, no further
depredations being noted, the excite
ment gradually diod out
But It Is now reported, after a lapse of
two tranquil years, that snakes have
suddenly appeared at and around Bal
llnjal, an agricultural region thirty
miles north of Castelralne, the country
seat of the Earl of Densloe. These
snakes are of a strange BpeoJes; though
none havo boon captured, they are said
to bo of enormous length, broad th, thick
ess, voracity and ferocity, and to make
a noise when moving like the clatter of
dice in a box; they kill by biting, aid
they have created great havoc among
the flocks of his Grace the Duke, as well
ss In the coops and sties of the peasantry.
Simultaneously serpents similar to the
Amraugh and Castelralne varmints have
appeared still further to the eastward,
and have caused such a panic that the
oocntry folks are afraid to venture out
ef doors after nightfall.
The theory lg that in five years tbs
wp'iles let loose by the wretched Wilson
during his ribald drunken frenzy have
mn'.tiplied so numorously that a mili
tant union of Church and State will be
nectssary to restore the island to the
virgin condition in which the good St
Patrick left it London Cor. Chicago
Senator Hoar, ot Massachusetts, nevei
submits to an interview. I remember
y first experience with him. I was
POfPf H Taftlln fair b. 'liffllaiiil
"yvuuT ii y 1,11 lUo Vlv t Vltll
snd I told him that I had been sent by
its editor to auk him certain anestloas.
He was sitting in his dressing gown and
Uppers in his library when I made this
remark, and he straightened himself as i
like a shot and shut his nioth like a
lm as he chopped out the words:
"Well, young man, you may put youl I
uestions, but I warn yon that I will SMt
soswer one word." I then told him
that I did not expect to interview kiss
by force, and that if he bad nothing tc
say there was no nse in my asking ques
tions, lie then told me that be had mads
resolut on to publish eyery thing that
went from him into the papers over hi!
wns'gnature and begged my pardos
for his aeoming gruffness. He wanted
e to stay and look over the cartoon!
in Puck with him, bnt I thanked hint
and left-F. G. Carpenter, in Philadel
phia Press.
A short t me before young Abraham
Lincoln was taken sick with the maladj
from which be never recovered, he wroM
friend in Chicago: 'There is no placs
like America for me. I long for a garni
f bese-Ull with the bora."
wl?I,,,t, .h"? 'PHnklel
m.. "I1"" lur T. even n sun
Her, if keDt im m .1.- m
-ror mint sauce wash snd chop small
bunch f mmt; put ln 60 J
Z"'1 "negar; fiuVtn
mil" 1 ,we,,Wn "Hh sugar;
mix; serve In i,. '
rlrT . ' Mlno Impurities from
floors, etc. an ni.n. u .... .
. --fij m ooiung not
tb . long
--. i.u . ,n Dru,n "d "nsed off
- ciear water and dried with a
teem ctuin.
m"1,?:.8 ' itoJ beef
: """" J" esana simmered slowlv
lor two and on-hif ),.,.. i . .
. uvu ,h inn quarts
of water, Kemove every bit of fat
. ....vuga ciotn, season with salt
no peppof.
-Forcemeat Fritters: Two cups stale
r i.ked ont11 on onion
chopped fine, salt pepper and a little
i!fo to season, one tablespoonful drip
ping. Form into cakes and brown on
ireasfd pUMtai srTe h()t T)e nome
-Milk Soup: Four potatoes, two on
ions, two ounces of butter, one-quarter
ounce of salt pepper to tao, one pint
of milk, three iablespoonfuls tapioca.
Boll slowly all the vegetables with two
quarts of water. Strain through the
blander. Add milk, sweet-basil, and
tapioca. Boil slowly and stir constantly
for twenty mlnutos.
Yoastlluns: One and ono-halfcups
it warm milk, one cup of sugar, one cup
ofveast. thicken to aWt. i. u .i
aver night or until it is light then add
uuruup 01 sugar, one egg, one-hilfcup
of melted buttor. a little salt and nut..
!tieg, two cups chopped raisins or cur-
rams as you prefer, add flour as for
bread, put in a baking tin in small
alios, let them risn a In . it...
As drons of oil
jf doors and on machinery silence com
plaint of too much friction, so kind
words, pleasant deedx.
etc., lubricate tho whole domestlo econ
omy, v, bat a difference is thus occa
iloned ln the running of frm
holds, and every sort of business! Even
nan or screw can be diiven home
much more easily and porfectly by ap
plication of a llttlo oil.
-To Broil Spring Chicken: Split a
half-grown spring chicken down the
back, twist the tips of the wings over
the second Joint wipe dry, spread out
and broak the breast-bone with the
rolllnj-pln. Put on a greased gridiron
jver a cloar flro, rub with olarlfled but
ter. Turn often to prevent scorching.
When half done sprinkle with salt and
popper. When thoroughly done put on
1 hot dish with melted butter and a lit
tle mushroom catsup. Garnish with
ujuares of toasted broad.
Knitted Portiere: It is the easiest
thing Imaginable to do If you can collect
nougb silk pieces. An old black silk,
no matter how forlorn, is the very thing
you want. Cut It in strips about a half
in inch wldo, and sew togethor. Mix
with it any strips of colored silk. The
ihlldren's old faded sasnes or hair rib
oons are made useful by dying them
rango, red, or any other color. After
von hnvn wmind vnnputrlna intn halla
like carpet rags, get a pair of bone knit
ting noodles about three Quarters of a
fard long, knit the plain stitch until
vou have a very handsome portiere. N.
Y. Observer.
Three 8antloni Mails by Ouethe, the
ureal roet-rnuonopner,
Goethe's advice to a friend, to whom.
le was writing, Is well worth remember-
ng and accepting, viz: "Make sure each
lay to see some beautiful object to read
tome great truth, to perform some good
Incd." The first suinrestlon. "Make
mre each day to see some beautiful ob-
ect is to the most of us neglected.
To be sure there are many so situated
A ho could not If they would, comply with
-.his advice, but how many, on the other
land, pass along through life scarcely
noticing the beautiful skies, the fleecy
loating clouds, the starry firmament,
he glorious sunsot the glistening
mows, the flowers and green-swards,
ind all the varied beauties of naturo,
n-hlch are free to all. Then, too, the
beauties of architecture, which so de
light the eye of one trained to apprecl
ite them, or one having a natural taste
tor symmetry, might be enjoyod far
uore than they are. And the develop
ing of talont and sentiment in that
liroctlon would do much toward the
larger cultivation of that art
it is a fact that very few Florentines
eave thoir beautiful olty, so filled with
reins of architectural beauty, and with
works of genius, to make new homes for
;hemselves elsewhere, even when they
lould bettor themselves financially by
10 doing. The question bolng asked of
tn Italian lady as to the cause, the tn
itant reply was: "Ah, a Florentine
mist see something beautiful every day!
Florentines would not be happy withuut
i sight of their dear Duomo and Campl
illo, and tho towers and the churches.
They love tholr old city, "La Bella
Firenza." .
And the second suggestion, "Read
lomo groat truth," might be adopted by
aearly all. A great truth read and pon
lered every day would no doubt be help
.'ul, stimulating to higher thought to
Droador conceptions of life and Its oppor
tunities, and preventing us from too
uuch Introspection, and keeping many
ho now devote too much of their time
to gossip and small talk to get rid of
that unfortunate habit
Tho third Injunction of the old Ger
man phllosophor, "Make sure each day
to perform some good deed," would be
io easy for every one to follow, but alas!
Uas! in this selfish world how few, how, nnmhpr of those who have
luch a purpose before them at the dawn-
VI'l & . ..not anil
Ing of each new aay. vua ."--lovely
world this would be were that
in npon
. X A .nH AfMfl ftOU DO WUIU U
bright flowers bloomed but which soon
re ponded to the heavenly blessing and
ence of gooa aoeus um k. - --
society, leaving beauty and fragrance
'S'Tremember is this
.Iveulon" ago, "Make sure each day to
wmc teutiful object to read some
freat truth, to perform some good deed.
-The annual report of the Peabod)
Trusi for tho maintenance of good
homes for tho working clas Is. Lon
don shows the birth rate in the house
above she rent of London, and the death
rZm-arly. per below the aver
IT .bile the lf ul,t
onW. little over half the average. Tb.
St b spent over l.0.000 In pro
Wding h -jildinrsi forH0,874 persons. Tbf
Ilewe earning, of each family ar.
Kvr,p , week and the av.rag,
weekly rent about $LM. The raU pe
nl W cent ps weefc
Aa Importer of CWna ( ootrmu Ui ThlaeM
nd the JnpaneM.
One of the largest silk importers la
China olalms that the Chinese are a
much superior race to the Japanese.
"I've lived In China for twenty years, "
said he, "and have had plenty of time
to study tho land and peopla The
stories you hear about the Oriental
countries are written by people who re
main a short time and never take the
trouble to substantiate any weird story
or rumor, and It Is to be expected that
tholr writings should be unreliable. It
la true that Japan has railroads and
many European and American Indus
trie can not be found in China, but the
latter country does not want nor need
these latter-day improvements.
"The development in Japan Is not due
to the Japanese, These improvement
were forced unon ti
ans and Americans, Railroads, mining
and irrigating schemes, manufacturing
industries, and impracticable enter-
are apringing up like mushrooms
in the land of tho Mikado. Half of these
venture are not needod, and JuBt as
SOOn ai th I la iUvrnmnJ f. Tn
1 J bUV wwp-
anese there will be a big collapse. They
are jumping into civilization by the
rapid-transit line, and often that route
I- A
io uitiiKi'rous.
"On the other hand, the Chinese are
slowly coming to the front They are a
Conservative nonntn anil 11 bo I Knit ttilnV.
lng faculties more ln an hour than de
. V. - , . .... .
iuo Japanese an aay. l ne Chinese well
know that foreigners are imposing upon
the JananPHfl. and t)mw iraltlni, th.
result For years Englishmen havo been
trying to construct a railroad at Shang
hai It wou'd be of no value. The sur
rounding country is so lined with canals
or natural
to bring In silks and teas than It would
be If a railway was built The Chtnose
argue that as they were olvillzed before
Englishmen were on earth, they can got
along now with the old methods of llfo,
ami looy want no nation toiurnisn tnem
with bright Ideas." Chicago Tribune.
Past Thli la Your ft-rap-Book For Futon
A steel rail lasts, with average wear.
about eighteen years.
I he cost of railroads ln the United
States.has been E9,OC0Ou,O0&
There are sixty miles of snow sheds
on the Central Pacific railroad.
The average daily oai nines of an
American locomotive is about J 100.
The cost of a palace sleeping-car is
$15,000, or if "vcstibuled," $17,000.
One million persons are employed bv
the railroads of the United States.
There 208,740 railroad bridge in the
Unltod States, spanning 3,913 miles.
Ibe consolidation locomotive weighs
fifty tons, and is able to draw on a level
ever 2,400 tons.
The average cost of constructing a
mile of railroad ln the United States at
the present time is about $30,000.
The line of railroads extending farth
est east and west Is the Canadian Pacific
ruailng from Quebeo to the Paciflo
The longest rsllroad-brldgo span ln
the United States is the cantilever span
ln the Poughkoepsle bridgo ovor the
Hudson river 648 foet
The highest railroad ln the United
States Is the Denver St, South Park, a
branch of the Union Paolflo, at Alpine
tunnel 11,590 feet above sea leveL
The longest American railroad tunnel
Is the Hoosao tunnel on the Fitchburg
railroad four and threo-quarter miles.
(The St Gothard tunnel In Europe is
over nine miles In length.) N. Y. Com
mercial Advertiser. ,
Mn, Grant's Quiet Ufa.
A well-equipped brougham daBhed
through Central park the other after
noon. The driver was in deep mourn
ing, and the sole occupant ot the back
seat was conspicuous for ber pale face
and widow's weeds. It was Julia Dent
Grant widow of General Grant Sh
was out for ber afternoon airing through
the park. There was a stream of car
riages and horseback riders, but not on
person of that fashionable cavalcade
knew the distinguished woman. Mrs.
Grant looked what she really Is far
from well. She has been ailing for a
long time, and Is very seldom seen in
society. Iler eyesight Is very poor. She
attends church regularly when bet
health permits, drives out because hor
doctor Insists on it and lives a quiet
peaceful life among her own circle of
friends. One of her most froqnont call
ers Is General Sherman. lie of ten dines
at Mrs. Grant's house, and is on the
most intimate tonns ot friendship with
her coterie of friends. Whon (lenoral
Grant was alive all the big and little
men of the country paid their respect
to blm, but they have forgotten bis
widow, and now she Is seldom troubled
except perhaps when some old soldloi
whom her husband befriended comes to
inquire after ber health, or some of th
dead Goneral's most Intimate friends
pay what may be called "duty calls. "
N. T. Letter
A Fad That I Tkln Strong; Hold oa
People of Meant.
Of late the fad of collecting odd sllvet
apoons has taken a strong hold on
people who have plenty of money to
spend. Lots of people who have re
cently returned from Europe are show
ing admiring friends the collections
they made while abroad. No two spoons
should ever come from the ame town,
and each should have as much of a
atory as possible connected with the
place where It was bought and the man
ner of getting it It should be marked
with the name ot the plaoe and the
date. It is ra'.hor a pretty idea and tb
spoons make pleasant mementoes ol
one's travels and experiences. Wash
ington jewelers have noticed th de
mand and are not 10 do oeuinu m au
tvretng the call- Ono ot them Lai-
aomethlng quite original in wis line.
In answer to the question: "Ilaven'l
you aomethlng novel ln spooas, ome-
thlng cbaractonstio oi mm on.;, u j
know?" the would-be-purchaser is shown j
a lot of Washington spoons. These ar !
rather large and heavy and hav a
medallion bea 1 of the first President set 1
into the bowL The head U a good on ,
and is a much prettier setting for a!
poon than one would at first suppose j
Then there are others that are exact
similes of teaspoons that belonged U ;
. . fl .1J mwA
Mrs. Washington, inewt
decidedly popular. Others still bavc
genuine coin of a century ago set ln
(he bowl and a set of a doien punch
spoons have a set of small gold colni
from as many difforrnt countries. All
these different kill of spoons bavt
Washington and the date of purcbast
engraved on tae back. Theie Wash
ington spoons are especially populai
with foreigner and almost every one
stopping fr any length of time in thl
eity Uke something of the sort boms
w to bin-. Wasbinguin Sir-
Sah Francisco, January , 1800
Sirrra Vhtmintl iV.
Ukntllukn: I have lrn a tulfrrer
from kii'ney complaint for several year,
and have med ail kind of niedirlu with
out any apparent rwultt or relief until my
friend alviwcl in and told meet the won
derful cure Th Grtnt Sierra A'iiWy and
I.iixr Curt was a conipll lilng. I a In
duced to buy 01. e bottle but without niut-h
fait b, and to my aurpilne after uiIiik that
boltle I noticed aurh a great Improvement
that I k' pt on until I have now u-ed three
bottle aud can tafuly say that I am en
tirely cured and never felt bet'er In my
life. I wih to rvc mimeml IhW remedy to
all sulferer from kldmyand liver disor
der, (or it will positively do I In work.
Very truly your, 1 H. Colix,
Atlantic and Pacific Pub. Co., Itoom 52,
St. Auue' building, San Francisco,
Mr. tVilan Prohibition ud he a trrrlnle thing,
film thlnkln'. kir. Ilol uhan Kallli II ad be
e.iou(h to drolve a niau to drluk.
don't co orr befoke voc ABE
Particularly on a loin Journey. He fully pre
pared. Yn cannot be. pi-rinll at to y, unlru
yon are accompanied llh the traveler's ami
toiirUl a fnit mrcam, lloateller't Momach Hit
tcra, nxt (filial of aprntlien, aci'liuiatlii-rt
aud promoter ot illxtniliiii. Avalnit tea tick-im-m,
maltrla, cramp aud collet iMtmtlen ol
builly cooked or unwliolcaume I00.I tn.l brai-kUll
water, ncrvnukiifmi, IncrcaM-d by travel, elironle
bllloumu a ail roiitllpattnii. Hie lllllcr It a
tnvrrelitii prvvenllve. II lull atta a rellth lur
(ihmI not altoiicilicr to your tantc, and prer lilt
li from diMKreclut: arllfi yon. Never aat tliere
tui'h aeapnal Hi In (or ill unfortunate dvt
pepllc alio tiaiiilt In dread ol the btit enoked
111. 1. Hiomaclilc trouble rallied by lll prepared
vlamli alHiard tlilp, on iteainboalt. and ratlont
ha.lllv bolted at railway re-tatiratili, It aoon
rcmeilleil by the tlllteni, vtlib h kI"" a qiiletut
No tn rkeumallitn, kidney troubles aud la
omnia. Thetnpand bottoin ol auytbliw are eonld
ered extreme, but llirre Inn t n o h dllTcreuce
between Ihcm lu a urawherry box.
For catarrhal and throat disorders
"ViVotrn'i llronchiat Trvrhti" are re
nowned and niarwlously tllVctlve, (riving
immediate relief.
An "nrU-lnal paikaie" now In Kama will
mean m tli'iig from a bairel ol whky to a
hall lul llai-k. '
There are people iininc D btilnn' Electric
Soap today who coiiinienced It Use in
lrt!5. W oul I this be I lie c ik were it not
th purext and moaf nvnomical aosp
niadvl Akk your vrr cer li r It lxwk out
for Imitations. lkMint'.
Every man hat a d el ttrraki It It only a
matter of giving blm opportunity t thow It
The t'nl'ed Htatet Onvernmrnl makri regular
purebateiol "Tauilll't I'yuch" for the army.
New York Girl Have yn rpld trantlt In
Phlludel, hla? PhllflelpniaOlrl-llorrora! Not
Modbmto, Cal., March 30, 1800.
Dr. J. Eufftne Jordan, battle W'tuK.
Dkah Sir: Your letter with proscrip
tion came some dn.vt ago. The medicines
MI Hull was taking were A.,!., M., 00.,
L blic has been taking your prescription,
anils taking It still, although she says
he consider herself thorouKhly cured.
She commence 1 taking the medicine when
she was first taken sick, rnd was Immedi
ately benefited, tide was persuaded I y her
folks to go back to her old physician. She
grew wor e under his treatment, and
dually to k her cawe In her own bands and
bjtight the five bottles of lllatogenetlc
medicines referred t and pronounces her
self well. She Is the happiest person I
think I ever saw. I wouldn't attempt to
tell you the many ways In which this
youifR lady was afflicted eluht yeara an
Invalid; cured cf everything "Just
thluk," she remarked, " I can eat anything
and everything I want to. and a'l I want
to, and even have red checks."
Mis Ha I s sinter, a married lady of
about 30, is as much of an enlhulaat as
myself over the IlistoRenetlc medicine,
and serioualy think of app'ylng to you to
be re-elved as a medical student. Yours
truly, Mns. Purvis,
Dr. Jordan's ofll " is at the residence ot
ex-Mayor Yealer, Third and James, Seat
tle. Consultation and prescription abu
lutely fKK. Send for free book explaining
the Hlstogenetic system.
CADTiorf.-The Hlstogenetic Medicine
are sold In but one agency ln each town.
The label around the b it lie bear the fol
lowing Inscription: " Dr. J. Eugene Jor
dan's UUtogenetlc Medicine." Every other
device Is a fraud. '
One Reason
Why nearly everybody should take s food m dl
clue In the spring It because at Ml season th
tyitem It eip ritlly tuteeptlble to the benefit
to be derived fioin a re lahle preparation like
Hood's tnaparllla. In the winter varloaa Im
purities accumulate ln the blood, lb eftVct ol
which It most felt when spring: comet on ln gen
eral weaknett ad languor. The tyttem 0'tres
au sianr to maintain the health lone and eipel
Imptirltlet, which Hood's Barstptrilla readily
gives. Try It.
"I have mffered for some ycartwllh eruption!
on my face ud tm-k. After ailng Bve bottle of
HoiMl'irtariaparlila every blemlth dltapiiCHred,
and now my general health It excel ent. I be
llv It t be the net medicine In the world."
K r. Walhi, Oialla, Oregon.
Bold by all; tlx for IS. Prepared
only by C. L HUUU A CO., Lowell, Mat.
IOO Doses One Dollar
Te etir Blllouineu Sick Headaeh CorutlpaUoa,
Malaria. Liver Cooiplalnu. Hike Ihe tai
aod eartalo reuedr. bMITH'H
rtetbRMAU.SIZEi40 little beam to the bot
tle I. The? ar the mat eonverilrrt: o!t all as.
i'rko( tliliei ilia, 'ii oenu per txiUI.
lICCIMOtT 17. 70 i Pbotn-rnrara.
MOOII1U panel U of this plctur foe 4
Oantt (euppert or aumpai.
i r SMITH k CO .
Maker of "Bile Beana. St. Lou I Mo.
C?R 22tnt?(in f AMOMTHeubiud.
lUtJU. workiaa fr m Paranaa
pn-farnd whseaa farakdl a bona aod lhair hola
iima Kili.a haaaa. Hpara aflm.l mar ba pridiablr
miJriywl alan. A frv vlMnetra la l"na an clttae.
B. f. JullS aunt '0 lew aUia St. toaial, V.
Nsw BscTioMAL Mara or
Kevlted M October, 1SN.
1 Ceate Each. Tag-ether, fSl.t.
Mailed anywhere. Addrees
J. K. GILL A CO., Fabllabera,
Portland, Oregon.
aay flao'a Cvrm for flna
a urxT
lL rju
Ami How He Was Tared br the Now Mode
of Trealmeol br Klartrlrltr-Uther
Wonderful Care.
Etlitor Ortgonian: For nine year I
hav been eerioualy afllicled with a pain
lu tiiy stoii'at'h. Nolitlitg 1 ever tried for
It did me any good. Dr. Darilu cured me
with borne treatment iu Ave weeka by hla
new mod of treatiiicnt by electricity and
nieillclnca. ran le en at Mo lalla,
Clackamas county, Oreeon.
Mr. William Kohr a Woaderful Care.
Mr. Eitilor: This I to certify that Dr.
Dai rin hat cured me of chroulc natal and
thrtlat ralairk l, ailM,lrl.llf n.l ,
irealinenu I reaide at Ibe New York
noiei, r runt ana is atreet, l'ortland.
William ltoiin.
Altlleted W ith Catarrh Dli Veara.
Editor Ortgoniatw I wlah to leallfy In
behalf of Dra. Darrtu and tell of the won
tieiful cure they performed oil me for
catarrh of alg yeara' tandiiiK. 1 am
happy to aay I am pe fectly cured, and can
lie referred to fur mile oul of Oreg in
City, Or. Postolllce adrfro- a. Dregon t'Tty.
Dra. Darrin can b consulted dally at
the Wa-iluiiKtnn btilldliiK, c truer Fourth
and Wellington atreeta, Portland, and
rtarlow Catllu bull. ling. Tacoma, Waah.
Hour 10 to ft; evrnlntia, 7toH; Sunday,
it) to Is. AH chronic dlaraoea, blood
talnta, loea of vital power and early Itnlia-
crelioua periuanenlly cured, though no
references are ever made In the prone con
cerning auch caaea, owing to the d llracy
ot the patients, examinations free lo all,
and circular will be sent free to any ad
der. Charir a tor treatment according
to patient's ability to pay. The poortrealed
free of charge from lu to 11 daily. All
private diaeaaea conrldenllally treated and
cure Kiiaranteed. Pallentvat a dlataiire
can be cured by home treatment -Medicine
and letter sent without the doctors'
name appearing.
Charles A. Stile. 1K0 Carroll st, Uuffalo,
N. Y., write:
"1 have been a clerk in the Continental
Hotel, corner Exchange and Michigan
s reeta, for some year, and first ued
Allcock Porous Plartbhs three year
ago for a sord shoulder. I fell do n stain
and got a terrible wrench and bruise. For
several week I sulTored acute pain in the
shoulder joint, and getting no relief, or
nn y temporary, from numerous liniment,
I put on an Allcock' Pohoits Plantrr;
kept It on for two or three week and my
shoulder was well. They alao cured me In
aix week of a most obitlnate formot dys
pepsia," If afflicted with Dor Uvea, u Dr. Itaao
Thompsou'i Eye Water, imntgltt tell it IIAo.
Beware of Imllallnnt of th celebrated Seal ol
North Carolina Plug Cut Tobcoeo.
Planter's Orea-aa HUod Purifier 11
the beat remely lor that d ead dlteaa. dytpep
ala, lor II regulates the lymphatlo tyitem and
bad secrelloua.
THT QRRMKa for break faU
2 f;DY lWV
iv comparable to the Cvvit'va Haiim lu
their niaivelont nmpertleaol e earning, purify
ing aud la tutlfvlm the iklu aud lu urine lor-
turliiK, dliOKitrlug, llehiug, acaly and pimply
iliaeawt ol tin Kill, sea p aud blood, with lot
ol l air.
Ctivn-l'Rl, lh great skin cure, and Crrircaa
Soap, an extuMle-kln leaiilfler, prepand from
It. externa h.aud Cl'Ttci ai KaoLVNT,lh- new
b 00.1 urln,T, Internally, euro every form of
11 In and blool diteaae Imm plmplaoeMfula.
Hold ererywber. I'rlce, ('Cticvr, Wcj Kr
t"i.VRNT, II; 8or, 2to. Pn paretl br the Poma
liRt'o ANuCHimcALCOuroHATioN.Bottnnaaa.
Beud for " How lo Cure Hkln lllaeaae "
is- Pimples, bla khcarti.rliaprM d tnd ofly "ik
tr tkln t reTentM byj'cTjrtiaA Hoap. -
Oiluli a- b t.palu-tu 1 wi akmaaea iimlant
Iv Iit d bv Ibe CUTiruHA Anti-Pi ih
a, llLAfrria,lhon!y pa'n-kllllngpla-ti'r. Vn.
kr aall a aataaifa. t R K llirVSAS, M. rial, Rlia.
Drs. Merrill & Merrill
Hpeelalltta In I'hraa.
le, Neriaua, akin
and llloaa in.
eaea, Nyphllla.
atrlrlurr, Varlra.
eele, Pklraailt,
Mem la a I 10 rale
alalia, the remit of
ynnililul Indlirrellnna,
all dralnt n' Ine tyt
tem; all deformities ol
sexual ontaut In either
tn or any !mpedtmnt to marriage. Ail the
above disease qalcklr and permauently enred.
One Tlilt detlrable when poailhie. Thomandt
tiealed by eorreapondenne, Htatr ran fslly.
rend i cent to Inture prompt reply. Treatment
without hindrance to biln'a. Correapondenr
and treatment ttrlctly confidential. lrt,Nr
III! At Rlerrlll, AUInt block, Healtle. Waah.
We have only on thing to atk this week, and
that Is easily granted. Please send postal card
with your address and atk for copy of
It will be redy My 1, and sample eople an
offered free lo all who aak for It Weknowyoa
will be Interested In It. Wnet many thonaand
article! et loweat price to eonmmeri, and give
Information how to order, bow to buy. how to
thlp, how to live well and cheaply In any part
of fte world. Addret Smllk't Caeb asare,
41 I'raal St., Nasi iraaelaea, Cal.
Will haVe no other Jobftcco
Who once tries
Plug CuL
Jh!$ is the secret of its
Immervse sale.
B. P. S. U. Ka. m-6. 1. V. U. Ho. 411
1T joilE8
BmBoTanBsni Vi, N. Y. A
m Aixauaa A x
Includlna 15 rare nnvelilna, shapes and
artlatlo Imported olographic and cliro
niatlc ciril. Til la larue and beautiful col
lection sent by mail to any one who a ill
no this: Uuy a box f 'lie Kmnlne l)r. (.'.
Mcljiiie't lelebrnted l.lver 111 la from any
drtiKKlat, price ti cent, and mail ui the
oiltaulo wrapper with your sdilreaa, plain
Iv written, and 4 rem lu alanum. Tin
genuine Mi Lane's 1 1 1 1 -a are prepared only
by Pleming llro., ) lll-.litirli, Pa., ami
have been in ronatttiit ne I t over sixty
jean. They aie itietlor to all other in
I'tirlty and rllertlveucaa. A rertnlu cure
for IniHireallon and aiclc head t he. Ad
dreaa, PleniinR Hroa., l'lltliHrKh( Pa.
Ila mrerloe iicelleni-a iieerfn tn aitllitnuof huaiei f
mm Una a quarter of a awiliirr II la iwnl tai
I'nlted HtaUa ikivemiuaiil KniWmed br tlie h-la a1
tha Untal I'nlvrMIlM aa Uw HtnHiml. Puraat and
aiat llMltMul W I'ma iOrram Hakim IWilor Aim
auttuulaln Ainmiinla,Llniei Alum. H.4 1 null teoena
aiw voaa. eHicaoo. aa rRAamaeo.
(it la Romeo and JutitL)
A prominent physician calls the kins "an
elegant diaaeininntor of dlawas." He say,
" fover Is stiread by It, so are lung; diHeaaus."
lie maintains that If the kbwlnir ruatora were
driven out of the lauil "it would save one
tenth of one par cent of human Uvea " which
are now sacrilloed. Out upon the guru lod
and snplnas vagabond I Evidently kiaaos are
not for such as he, and the old tot says the
grapes are sour. Let hltn devote bliiwelf to
making our women healthy and blooming
that kiasea may be kUnca. This can surely
be done by the use ot Dr. Pierre's Favor
ite Prescription which Is simply mnirlcal
tn curing diaeaaas peculiar to feiiiulca.
After taking it for a reasonable length of
time there will be no more H-reKuuirity,
bacluu-lie, boaring-ilown senaatlons, nervous
prostration, general di'liillty and kindred
ailments. "Favorite ProwTltition " is an
Invigorating, reatoratlve tonlo and aa a
reguUtor and promoter of ftinctionnl ac
tion at Hint crltlcAl miind ot cbniiire
from girlhood to womanhood, it is a
... . Ill III 't
SaVLl -TMNO - Puralw Venal. hla anrl Parfanllu Harmlaaa
In Take, one liny, ntigarwonica relies a iioe. fun aiea Sleadacbe
Bllioaa Headache, C'oiiMlpHiloii, Indlgeailoiu Hilloua Allacka, and
derangeuurnu of the stomach and bowela. S5 oenla, by drnirif mta.
For a Stock of Candy
Alisky Candy Manufacturing Co.,
Jobbers ln Bhow Cases, Fcales, Paper Pairs In fact, anything you need tn a Con
fectioner's stora. Kalcsmom Trnr of Front and 0k atrwt.
a j ...
looked up the record of the "Advance," an it is the onlj machine in tha
market that will give absolute satisfaction. Bend for descriptive cata
logue to
Z. T. Wright, General Agent,
Foot of Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon.
Also dealer in General Machinery and Suppliea.
A lb Idea I'riaUa It IHttily.
I' Vlmia M.,ean Krum l-io,lnl..klH) !, !f7.
N.1110 fine e.i, wlillo a liieiulair of the
Olympic Athletic Club, 1 apmlu my knee
severely and auili n U i.uony, but Mat iin-edlly
andcuui kuly iiirvil I y i-i Jnc ln oil,
Juinpeil from Fnglne.
rVflS 1711 ei.,Oiiiaiint S1I1, he.t. K. 1W8.
I I11mp.1l from an i-mkuhi lu collision, and
Uralui'd my ankle very badly. I tmd cam
fjr Mixka. tu Jacob Oil Ci.inpletcljr 01 rid
nw. 0, JioKDKIt.
AT Tun.iM t nii lirAtrR.
Whs 1 M rnfSJ I do M HMgUI mm-9 t IJtiD IhfMH
f iw 1 tni tviiaj Itisan luma .twin rvHurn arin. 1 ovxtn
M.M.'iU'ursj, I bvi mjvU thAi1aMMI UTR, tl'LLr
I l V or KAf.l.lNtl hirkNK.-.lill-.naj.ii.tlr. 1
fj smtni my rnvfMii4itturs tu ir4 o, bsnrAUM
OttritlH b (sltll H tl fwSlfaitn It if I"W IWMlVlniT
ritni. rVnil vt vnem ! ft iiMllMinii m Fr H 'ttki
ftrn7lnislli.ltivnk)ilr, 41iv- Kii.n-MsWWt Ptrttts
li. is AiUUXi U.Cli iC4tfl atei. W l M
Fabcr's Golden Femalo Pills.
Fnr Female Irregular
lllei: mn llur like t Item
on the market. JWeer
tail Suceeaaltilly tiaed
ly pnuulnent lalli-a
monthly. Uu.rauieed
to relieve a ippniawl
Don't ba humhiigrel.
Have Time. Health,
atnlmoueyitake uooth
tr. Rent tn any addreaa,
secure by mall nu re
ceipt of price, UOO.
VI wtem Branch, Suit 27, i'OUTLAND, OR
rkild by WiafMiM fiaro Co., Portland, Or.
SILiniltlt BK.'rl.hler. Ho.
"lah Piano; Runlriti irvana Hand Iuatruinenta.
tarycet tlock of Hheot iliialeand Hooka. Hands
,ii. plica at r.tern rnc. ai ah ill Aa
UltAY CO. 9M INml Hi real Han Kranmai-o.
perfectly ante remedial afrent and can
produce only gocxl result. It Is carefully
conioim(lcd, by an exiwrlenced and tkilUul
physician and adapted to woman's delicate
orgnnbtatioa It lis purely vogutable ln it
comiNwition and perfoctly hiu tnUwa in any
condition of the ByaUini. It linparta atrentu
to the wbnlo syntm. For overworked,
" worn-out,'' " run-down." debilitated boch
ers, milliners, dnwimakers, srainstremea,
" thop-KirU," houaekeeiM'n, mining mothers,
am', -eeole wonwn generally, Dr. Pierre's
Favorite 1'rescripUon Is tin greatvat eartlily
boon, being uneqiiaicd aa an aiiwtizlng cor
dial and restorative tonic. It Is the only
medicine for women, sold by dniKgiat,
under m poaltlve gunrnntve trom the
mouufacturors, that it will give satisfaction
In every cose, or money will be refunded.
This guarantee haa boen faithfully carried
out for many yeAi-a.
A Book of lots page, on "Woman and
Her Diteaaos," ami their Belt -cure, sent,
post-paid, to any aiMrua, lerurtly $tiltd In
a plain envolo, on receipt of ten couta,
In stamp. Adilrma, Woiii.d's Dispennart
MxniCAL Association, 003 Main Htreet,
Buffalo, N. V.
Vegetable and Perfectly Harmless.
at a l.lver PIIL ftmallcat. Thiwarwaf- TTnaleaS
or Anything for a Bakery
Men's Suits Made to Order,
829 to 840.
Men's Pasts Mado to Order, $6 to $11.
Send 4 ernts In itamyt for tamples and rules for
self meaaiin-meut. Va etn lave bl mouey by
dealluf with m. BaUafactloa isaranleed.
ARTHUR KOHlf, Clothier, Hatter and Tailor,
Cor. Sd and Morrlaoa Bit., Fortland, Or.
f lleae mention thlt paner.l
Engines, Horse Powers, Sell-Feeders and
you want a first-claBs machine,
do not purchase until you havo